Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 04, 1858, Image 3

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    j®- Ira Stont aud Sarah Little*, ha?e both
been indicted for the murder of Charles W.
Littles, on the 10th day of December last, at
Woodward Guards, of Williams
port refused to attend the Inauguration of
(ten. Packer, who they conceived had slighted
them. So saitli a correspondent of the Muncy
la Standing Stone, on the 27th ult., by Eld. W Latbrop,
' a ii of Standing Stone. j
I.ERAS 9 LODGE, No. 416,1. O. of O. F.. hav
#ing engaged Hon. E. 8. SWEET, of Owego, to
deliver a public lecture to the order, in LeR AYS
VILLE, on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22d, at one
o'clock, P. M.
Permission having been granted, the Order will appear
in Regalia. Onr sister Lodges are cordially invited to
attend, without further notice.
By order of the Lodge.
I.eßaysville, Jan. 30,1858. Com. of Arrangements.
V"OTICE. —The Commissioners of Bradford
.Li County have fixed upon the following days and
dates respectively for holding appeals, viz :
Ulster. Athens boro,' Athens twp., South Creek, Ridg
}*-rv and Wells, upon Monday February 22.
Springfield, Smithfield, North Towauda, Columbia,Syl
vania Iwro,' and Towauda boro,' upon Tuesday Feb. 23d.
Armenia. Troy twp., Troy boro', Burlington boro'.Bur
lington twp., Burlington West and Granville upon Wed
nesday February 24th.
Canton. I.eßoy. Franklin, Monroe boro', Monroe twp..
Overton. Albany and Towanda twp. upon Thursday Feb*
ruary 25th.
Wilmot, Asylum. Durell. Tusearora, Wyaluaing, Litch
field, Warren and Windham upon Friday Febrnarv 26th.
Standing Stone, Herrick, Orwell, P'ike, Sheshequin,
Rmie and Wysox upon Saturday February 27th.
ar The Assessors will be punctual iu delivering the
Nutices to the taxahles and in making their returns in
person en the day designated in their Warrants, at which
time and place the Board of Revision will attend and hear
all such as think themselves aggrieved by said Assess
ment, and make such alterations and deductions as mat
to them seem just.
Feb. 2, lx.-„ 8. E. B. COOLBAUGH, Clerk.
ii is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tuteof Howard Spalding, deceased, late of Troy twp.
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
persons having claims against said estate will please pre
sent them duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 2,1858. Administrator.
(LWTION. —All persous are hereby ean-
J tinned against purchasirg a note given by me to Da
vid A. Prince or bearer, dated Rome, January 25 or 26,
Ixsß, for 4250 feet of hemlock lumber, to be "paid on or !
before the first day of June uext. Said note was given j
on settlement, by mistake, and I shall not pay the same j
unless compelled by law, as I have not received any eon- !
!• (deration for the same. DAN UUSSEI.L.
Rome, Feb. 2, 1858.
( GUARDIAN'S SALE.— By~virtue~jf an I
" T order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford County, I
will lie exjosed to public sale, on the premises, on TUKS- I
DAY'. March 2.1x58, at 1 o'clock. P. M.. the following j
described lot of land, late the property of Elliot and Al- i
mira Marsh, dee'd., situate in Pike township, and boun
ded north by land of Austin Herrick and Joseph H Marsh, '
on the east by land of Seth P. Rockwell, on the south by j
•and of Joshua S. Roberts and Asa Strickland, on the j
west by land of said Joseph H. Marsh. Containing alsuit |
lb", acres, be the same more or less, about sixty ai res im- !
proved, with a dwelling house, shop aud barn and some \
fruit trees thereon.
Said as the property of the minor children of Elliot '
and Almira Marsh, late of Pike twp., dee'd. Terms made j
known on the day of sale by
Pike.2,lxsß. ISAAC MARSH, Guardian.
BRIDGE LETTING.—SeaIed proposals '
will lx> received at the Commissioner's Office, in the
tsirnigh of Towanda, until 3 o'clock, P. M. of WEDNES
DAY, the 3d day of FEBRUARY next, for the building
of a BRIDGE across Sujpr Creek, near A. M. Swain's, in
West Burlington. Specifications for the same may l>e
seen at said office for ten days previous to the day of let
By order of the Commissioners,
Commissioner's Office. Jan. 25.1858.
D ASSOCIATION.—The next quarterly meettng of
Uradford County Teachers Association, will be held in I
the Presbyterian Church in Merryall, ivn FRIDAY", the
12th of FEBRUARY next, at 11 o'clock, A. M.
An address will be delivered before the Association by \
Mr.0.11. P. Kinsky ; essays will be read by Misses Ma- !
ky Lewis and Ki.i.en Coi.t.
The subject of Phonetic Teaching and other important j
subjects connected with education will lie taken up and |
I discusaed at this meeting. JAS. McWII.I.I AM,
Jan. 26, lßsx. Secretary.
Sent Free to any Address.
0. EVAN'S, Bookseller, Publisher, and originator
" T. of the GIFT HOOK ENTKKPKIRK, has just issued a
•'irw and complete Catalogue of his Books, comprising
a large ami varied assortment of all kinds of literature,
f .00 worth of Gifts will lie given with every f 1000
rth of hooks sold. A gift worth from 2. ots. to SIOO
aid lie delivered with each book at the time of sale
, Orders from the country promptly 111 led and the (foods
■"twarded by express or mail on the same dav the order
, A c o " lf ,;,Uo eatalogtie sent free. Address (}. G.Evaxs,
J Che<tnut street, Philadelphia.
Jan. '.'o. 1 S~,H.
No Mistake for"D. C. Half
Ilk ha* now on hand & large stnek and a great variety
■ll "f Parlor and Plate, and 40 different patterns of
Stoves of hiving Flue and Elevated Ovens for
" and U ood—that rather than to summer them over,
" . at eost 'or cash or grain at the following pri-
J '"'at. f 1 25; Rye, 62| ots.; Corn, t>24 cts; oats
uoa- tS .' '?'"''" ,r heat, 43J eents and Butter the highest
i m ~r' e s ' ve " - " i" ou don't believe it, call and try
' ,*• Th'> s e w ho have accounts or notes with nim that
? Me, had better make arrangements to pay imme
■"dti) if they wish to save cost.
Jowanda. Jan. 14. 1
;t, , AT VEIt Y I. 0 W PRIC BS.
Kin st,"'" r 'anther, French aud American Calf Skins,
].!?.' a ' ar ' re Miortment of Morocco, Linings, Fin fi
ned other goods suitable for the season.
m.l. "four own mannfacttire, constantly on hand,
|i and maile to order, all of which we offrr at rc
din ed prices. HI'MPH KEY WICKHAM.
- January 5,1^8.
v ' fir Hale at
[ '"H cnU'r offers at private sale his
Ro,if,,. K:,rra - k 'tuatcd in Overton ttvp.
i9 j:! younty, containing 120 acres. The
n,,., " <*Hlent quality, well situated ; the Vjfoc
*o are H '''B house and log barn,
Ihes He J** I* *nd com crib. Tlicte is from
W a, TV <>X( " e " ,?,lJ state of cultivation, and 10
'-'il i r. a "° w hurncd : the land is free of stones, the
1 - " 4 f fr, t deep, there is a new orchard of
art 0i,. 'dftpple trees in hearing condition. The
7 4 ls ' a 'd out in 8 fields, on 7of which there is
•vt. J r - a !'da goal substantial rail fence to each
m at house is within 80 feet of house and
' aa> afl 'Spring house j a few feet below the spring.
>!*,. :l, d with smoyth stones, the water running
N a 1 ! ' w "i'"h keeps milk and butter nice and
,{eloiv the spring house is a large wa-
TheSt cattle.
*"* frrm, ii road r " n<i on ,flc west line, the only level
bics. tk Inr . v to Monroeton, a distance of about 45
nil. "V 1 "!' ro, d from Dusbore to the coal beds runs
A S vL\ ?! thc north
vea, u/! , i,art '. - year old C'olt, a rearling Colt,and
y will i 1 Sheep, Hay, Grain, and Farming
A n H! J* °M. with or without farm.
I'd Parm i c tit,c wi " hc Riven to the purchaser of
'" V ier j i!"™"* easy. and price reasonable.
> jnM.lß.tj. .JOHN FLYXN.
dAXD GKNERAL assortment
tf TUun!' IC ;n .L- nd , Cloths and Cassimeres, and
> " l i" K 'inr, for sale by
' 5 " 1 _ _ W. A. ROCKWELL
J yS RY - GiASS WARE, Groceries,
tmn§ - faking Glasses, Wooden Ware,
Sent £ want may be found at the new store
l i*'l Y a ' ar g e Cork of
'* Price- offered for sal# at ,
* 1 ?' 8 quality of Goods can he bought
c * .do of the f ity of New Yik.
Of the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, front Jan.
_ Dec. 31st, 1857, inclusive.
fill) 50
Bridge Contractu,..,.,, ...
Bridge and Road Views '!!!!!!!!!! 35 oo
Bradford Uouhtv Society....... I<H) OO
( oei and >\ ood house. *... t 43$ 4-
Crier at Court ...11.!"!."...... yq on
Constables making return* and attending court 607 99
< otiusel to Commissioners. [->0 oo
Cost in Commonwealth suits 1'57 24
Costs in civil suits (J0
Election expenses...-. 13
Erection of Fire Proof !T!!!!!!!;!!11 6068 86
tuel and Lights.'. m o7
urana Jurore, 585 04
Traverse Jurors 11111 "111..11 2368 9ti
Incidental expenses S2 12
and comparing Deed Books! 11111!. l(Ki 64
Office Books and Stationery 210 30
Account with the sectral Collectors of County Taxes for the County of Bradford.
Totmihipt* Bor o* Collector* .Tome*. Yer Charged. Received. Exonerated Per centugri Due.
CB Kitchen 1863 $ 26 22 $lO5 $22 17
A V,I, * ot E Shepard 60 32 26 34 7 78 8 91 $7 29
DnrelJ John Stevens 1854 II 89 11 89
Herrick KHillis 18 ,99 9 17 9 82
RidgUurv Charles French 62 66 30 77 4 47 17 62
Ulster HI) Rogers 67 40 67 40 .. . 11
Wyalusing ;. E Whitney 14 05 705 730
Albany S Chapman 1855 32 30 32 30
Franklin FF Fairchild 25 22 18 10 77 j 6 35
Granville CD Ross 63 57 39 13 228 ' 12 16
Herrick R Hillis 98 40 90 73 | I 7 67
Rome 8C Mann 69 01 59 01 i
Tusearora DAckley...: 60 21 48 08 12 13
Towauda North W W Eastubrooka 19 48 10 00 . 9 48
Wyalusing Hiram fefftntt 24 90 3 03 3 71 18 16
Athens Boro Charles Clapp 185 C 143 02 86 76 34 16 23 10
Athens twp X Gdminster 705 59 Gil 66 23 63 70 10
Albany OH 165 47 135 00 12 64 11 86 6 97
Asylum G II Morrow. 4466 22 35 8 07 14 44
I Burlington West Plynn Phelps 196 46 136 50 470 17 63 37 63
Burlington.... J Travsjr...... 217 14 168 45 29 47 19 31
Columbia Peleg Peckhuin .... 167 96 123 79 11 28 32 89
Durell I) LStates 110 91 66 14 7 73 16 99
Eranklin J P Burnham 211 16 166 29 35 53 9 34
Granville C D Ross 319 64 .. 5 22 21 49 292 93
Herrick Wm Hillis.... 169 46 155 13 1 41 12 92
Lcßoy AD Foss. 89 54 74 54 2 07 12 93
Litchfield R Merrill 120 91 97 12 4 43 19 36
OrweU V G Mathews 37 00 9 69 4 05 23 26
I Ovirton D Heverly jr... ..I 66 27 ! 50 00 16 27
Pike ... Chandler Brink 471 60 425 45 807 ( 38 10
Koine OF Young 293 83 267 31 3 94 22 68
liidgbury Jesse Hammond 156 so 127 63 5 48 23 15
Sheshequin Wm P Horton 136 02 96 61 5 61 33 80
Smithfield TO Wheeler 107 30 65 72 6 41 35 17
Springfield S D Ilarkness 166 54 1.0 00 5 71 28 79 12 04
South Creek Ira Crane .' j 61 11 41 66 j 491 ! 14 54
Standing Stone Jonathan Wood 103 03 82 50 ; 505 j 15 49
Tusearora A W Gray 178 17 157 74 502 j 15 41
Towauda Boro A J Noble 402 47 310 28 | 16 99 | 75 20
Towanda North S A Mills 221 20 •• I 221 20
■ Towanda twp James Sautee 136 26 116 35 2 84 17 07
Troy Borough A B Moore 17 60 .. | 590 II 70
I Ulster R Mc Kinney 158 39 130 62 7 89 19 38
Wysox J B Hinds * 2te 71 174 21 4 10 30 40
I Wyalusing j James Lewis IK) 95 81 87 4 48 24 60
1 Welts Daniel Strong 59 05 33 93 3 97 21 15
i Warren () FiWheatou I 52 49 16 82 6 33 30 33
j Windham O\V Warner 16 1 75 132 29 4 61 24 85
i Wilmot IDS Miller 26 OH 12 94 6 90 7 24
J Atliens Boro [Win Parry 1857 436 67 3x9 08 27 02 20 57
! Athens twp jW 11 Sible 1504 40 910 38 .. .. 694 02
i Alliany ('lark Sweet 242 25 217 41 13 39 11 45
• Armenia... j Robert Mason 68 43 64 00 1 07 3 36
| Asylum j Hiram Horton 307 00 109 00 5 25 15 11 117 64
J Burlington Boro.. F Whitehead 69 10 64 09 164 337
1 Burlington West.. IG W Godard 348 29 Ix7 00 12 81 16 7s I 131 70
I Burlington twp .... 0 Travis jr 392 71 237 00 j 155 71
| Canton H T Beardsley 725 55 521 00 .. 207 55
1 Columbia Charles Keyes Oxl 05 502 00 5 84 33 79 j 140 02
I Durell DI. States 347 87 197 17 11 23 I 16 83 i 122 64
j Franklin J P Burnham 197 70 1 140 00 .. .. 57 70
I Granville Üburt Barnes 437 85 188 00 j 447 21 67 223 71
j Herrick Isaac Marsh 255 23 j 189 10 538 12 50 48 25
I Leßoy I.erov Holoomb. .. .... 250 45 i 118 00 426 12 31 116 88
j Litchfield ... lioyveu Merrill 402 17 104 00 .. .. 298 17
j Monroe Boro H C Tracy 64 12 57 63 3 44 3 05
I Monroe twp MM Coolbaugh 1.... 399 89 255 00 14 95 22 27 107 64
Orwell DC Ellsworth |.... 502 14 471 36 5 96 24 s2
I Overton.. James Heverly .....65 71 76 48 j 5 IS 4 94
I Pike G W Brink 1 762 00 j 557 00 ' 701 37 71; KIO 23
Rome II W Browning .... 415 91 j 2.(2 46 294 22 15 128 36
Ridgbury feme Hammond .... 456 93 j 230 77 .. .. 166 16
Standing Stone.... 1 Jonathan W00d....... 1.... 294 14 j 275 08 456 14 , r >o i
| Sheshequin ohn Brink 66s 49 : 241 21 307 33 2s 3*7 93
Smithfield TO Wheeler 706 46 6.'(x 00 | 7 15 34 97 26 34
Springfield C C Hooker 588 97 j 304 00 728 29 08 248 61
Sylvania Boro Harry Smith 74 47 I 09 27 1 47 3 73
South Creek Ira ("ran 293 42 274 60 .. . 18 "82
Tusearora I) I) Black 3us 06 210 00 4 51 15 29 78 26
Towanda Boro A J Noble : 1026 84 671 84 73 09 47 "5 234 16
Towanda North fames Elliott 263 29 200 04 .. 63 25
Towanda twp lames Santee 335 58 96 13 239 45
Troy Boro fames Adams 251 31 113 50 ] 86 12 17 123 48
Troy twp 11 Spalding jr 6x3 64 506 00 11 30 • 33 62 132 72
Ulster SU Uovey 395 17 373 36 212 j 19 69
Wyalusing 'James Lewis 495 62 367 27 8 26 21 59 95 50
Wysox ER Blauvelt 561 74 1 310 00 2-30 2s 03 1 221 41
Windham J W Warner 539 31 340 45 13 01 26 30 158 95
Warren i F Wheaton 62s 69 I sxl 06 17 04 30 56
Wells 'S H lugersoll 1 425 92 j 292 40 16 o*9 20 49 96 94
Wilmot , ...jX T Horton j 169 18 | 126 95 968 544 15 01
$24,688 23 ! $16,843 82 ! $787 97 $1,575 44 j $57.40 57
Dr. l'fzra C. Kellogg, Treasurer, in account with the County of Bradford, Cr.
To ani't of dnplicats for 3"ears previous to 1857, $6,599 91 ! By aiu't returned uncollected prior to 1857 $ 614 31
1857 18,088 32 I " " for 1857 4,926 26
" Re-assessmenut for 1856 45 23 | " •' upon unseated lands.... 10 88
" " 1857 14 34 j " Exonerations allowed Collectors 787 97
" Transcripts of unseated lands 155 85 " Percentage " 1,575 44
" Abatement upon State tax 310 93 " Exonerations upon unseated lauds.... 20 80
" Miscellaneous reeeivals 439 84 ! " " sales of seated and unseated do. 64 84
" In Treasury, Jan. 1,1857 7,593 32 " Orders redeemed in 1857 19,607 48
" 2 per cent, commission on same 392 15
" 1 " " $16,967 99.. 169 68
" In Treasury. Jau. 1, 1858 5,077 93
$33,247 74 $33,247 74
Dr. K. C. Ktlhgg, Treasurer, in acc't with the Covitk of Pennsylvania, Cr.
To am't of duplicates due previous to 1857.... $5,585 66 |By aiu't uncollected for 1857, and previous yts $4,733 13
" " for 1857 13,702 55 j " " upon unseated lands ... 950
" Transcripts of unseated lands 139 97 j " per centagc allowed collectors 1,1x3 07
" *' seated lands 7 31' " exonerations " 623 90
Re assessment for 1857 11 69 " " on unseated lands 17 91
" Miscellaneous reeeivals 875 *' 1 per cent, commission on $12,888 42.. 128 88
" State Treas. receipts, July 3, A 13, '57, 10,526 31
" Overpaid iu 1856. as per Aud. Gen. rep. 1 99
" due Commonwealth, Jan. 1,1858 2,231 25
$19,455 93 $19,455 93
J)r. County Orders in account with the County of Bradford, for 1857. Cr.
To am't of orders issued in 1857 $19,59$ 03 ! By am'tof orders redeemed iu 1x57 $19,607 48
" outstanding Jan. 1, 1857 194 19) " outstanding Jau. 1,1858... 176 74
$19,784 22 1 $19,784 22
■. BRADFORD COUNTY, SS.~ We. the undersigned Commissioners of Bradford County, do hereby certify
1.. s. (hat the above is true and correct statement of the Reeeivals and Expenditures of said County li-om the
—-. —■ Ist day of January to the 31*t day of December, inclusive, A. 1). 1x57.
"Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this 20th day of January, Ixsß.
P. H. BUCK, )
D. I.II.LEY, Commissioners,
Aticst K. B. Coot.nACtiW, Clerk. 1). DECK El'. 1
I IST OF JURORS, drawn for February
J Term ami Sessions, I*s*.
Armenia—rt D Fields. ISraithfield—lra (' Bullock.
Asylum—Geo S (Jamhie. [South ("rk—A II Thompson.
Athens twp.—lt I' Snyder,! Troy b>ro"—Win Hurler.
John (inflln. . Fowaiida h—JDGoodcuough
Athens horo'—L H Sherman Tow.inda N'—Geo Hills.
('has Comstock. Ulster—John Conklin, Edw
Diircll—Ulysses Moody. Walker.
Monroe tp—Lyman Mafcv, Warren—Evan Howell, Frs.
David Ridgway. Allyn.
Pike—John Baldwin. Wvalusing—Stephen Lyon.
Rjdgberrv—Mills Uarr. Wells—Decker E Ayies.
Springfield —X W Potter. Wysox—John B Htncs.
Armenia— R Montgomery. Orwell— I suae Lyon.
Asylum—J H Stalrord, Wm Sbesltcquin—ES KingsLerr
f'assmore. Ralph (lore, John Randall
Athens tp—John T Brink, ('has Cbaflee.
Curtis Thurston. South Creek—Ad Turner.
Athens bo—Charles Brooks. Sraithtield— Xewton Wood.
F. X. Page. (1 B Perkins. Sylvauia bo—P Peck jr.
Burlington—U W Bennett. Towaiula bo—J Collins, M
Burlington W—John Blooin. C Mereur.
I>urc!l—Richard Gill>ert. Troy tp—page Morgan.
Franklin—Benj Langdon, E Ti acarora—llarry Ackley.
Blake. Warren—l'hilip Davis, J P
(Iranville— Robert Bailey, 1. Rogers.
1) Taylor. Wells— Orr Smith.
Merrick—Kelson Kreler. Wilnwt—Hiram Stone.
Lei toy—Edmuud Kelly. Wysox—John B Smith, J M
Litchtieltf—llus M'Kinney. | Reed.
Albany— John Matthews, J Pike—O J Warner,% Kceler-
Wilcox. Rome—L Vougbt, John W
Asylum —Geo H Morrow. Woodburn.
Athens tp— iwuu; Gregory. Springfield—Altnoa Berry.
Daniel McDuffie 2d. Standing Stone— P Worth.
A thorn b®~H C Baird. Sylvania bo— XH McCoUum
Burlington bo—Job Morley. South Creek—H Thompson.
do W —Horace Brown. Towanda bo— H S Mereur.
Canton—D H Duart. Towanda tp—Murray Watte,
Columbia—C J Bradford. H L Scott.
Earell—Simeon Decker. la- Tuscarora—C W Browning.
reel Smith. Troy tp—Abner Clafiin.
Granville—D B Ross Warren—E C Buffington, J
Herriek—L M Steven*. C Manning, Tree Young
Lcßoy— C Cbaapel, Jamer Wvalnsing—Clinton Lewis.
RaglcT. Windhajn— F Kuykecdail.
it'.hCeld Afcm Campbell. —Alton Lanew.
Insurance on Public buildings 202 00
Prisoner's support in Comity jail 621 42
do Eastern .State Penitentiary 396 58
Conveying prisoners to do. 300 00
Public printing 322 01
Protlionotary and Clerk of Quarter Sessious.. 316 91
Repairs upon Public Buildings 213 74
State Lunatic Asylum 119 00
Sheriff for summoning Jurors 127 00
Township line Views 82 87
Wild cat certificates 8 26
G. H. Bull, late Commissioner 318 00
P. H. Buck, Commissioner 306 00
D. I.i Hey, do 282 00
D. Decker, do 78 00
E. B. Coolbaugh, Clerk to Commissioners 500 00
$19,590 03
1 GENTS, ATTENTION !—Ooyon wish
to tind good employment, and ntakc money with
little or no investment, and without interfering with
your regular business ? If you do, read this advertise
C. E. TODD A Co., of 332 Broome Street, Xcw York,
are manufacturing nud selling massive gold Pencils for
$5 each, (which are cheap at that price ) and they throw
in a gift or prize with each Pencil, worth from f2 up to
$5, 10, sls, S2O, $25, lib, SSO. *75, SIOO, S2OO and SSOO.
Don't cry out " Humbug Lottery It's no such thing.
The Pencils are sold at their cash value, and all the pro
fits over the first cost are thrown into the gilts, which
actually cost the purchaser nothing. The prizes are dis
tributed on a simple plan 6f drawing, which would take
too much room to explain, but which has never failed to
give complete satisfaction. We have drawn and sent to
purchasers Ix 3 gold watches of various prices, 74 purses
of gold dollars, 233 gold lockets, gold chains, and a
corresponding number of other prizes, within two months.
THERE ARE NO BLANKS, but every purchaser
draws a prize wortli $2 certain, and it stands thousands
of chances to lie n higher figure.
We want a good agent in every neighborhood through
out the country, to solicit purchasers, and any agent, to
he smcccssfn), must have a Pencil and prize to exhibit.
We pay agents $1 cash for each purchaser he obtains,
and the first person in any neighborhood who applies for
a Pencil and gitt, will receive the agency for that locali
ty. Should an agent obtain a valuable prize to exhibit
with his Pencil, lie would have little difficulty in obtain
ing scores of pure barer*, and making it a paying business.
We ask nobody to seud their money till they know
what prize they draw. Any person wishing to try their
lnck, can first send ns their name and address, and we
will make their drawing and inform them by return mail
what prize they draw, when they can send on aud take
the Pencil and prize, or.not, whichever they choose. We
give this privilege only once to a purchaser. After the
lint drawing, every purchaser will be required to seud
in advance, through the authorized agent. We will send
with each drawing the number tuken out, with full des
cription of the plan of drawing. Address
* C. E- TODD & CO.
Jap. 30. 185fl. 392 Broome Street, New York.
WHITE BTONE LIME. —50 bbls. White
v V Stone Lime juet received, and for salefor Cash or
PROCLAMATION*.—' Whereuf, the Hon,
DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of UIP l'.'fh Ju
dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford and
Susquehanna. and Ifonorubles JOHN PASSMORK, and
JOHN K. LONU, Associate Judges, in and for aid county
of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
27th day of Dec. A. f>. )fts7, to me directed, for holding a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, Common Plea* and Orphan's Court, at Towaa
da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the
lstduj' of FEBRUARY next, to continue two weeks.
Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ol
Bradford, that they IK- then and there in their proper per
son, at U) o clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those
things which to their office appertains to be done ; and
those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro
secute against the prisoners who are or mav be in the jail
of said County, or who shall lie bound to "appear at the
said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against
them as shall l>e just. Jurors are requested to be punctual
in their attendance, agreeably to their notice.
Dated at Towanda, the 4tli of Jan.. in the venr of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and
of the Independence of the United States.'the eighty
first. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff.
SHERIFF'S SALES.— Hy virtue of sundry
writs of Vend. Exponas, issued out of the Court of
| Common Pleas of Bradford county, and to me directed.
! will be exposed to public sale at the Court i ouse. in the
j boro" of Towanda, on FRIDAY. February 5, 185 ft. at 1
I o'clock, P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel of land
I situate iu Pike twp., Bradford county, bounded an the
| north by lands of . Snyder, east by lands of the estate
of John Ford, dee'd., south by lands of Lyman Buck and
I the public highway and west" by lands of Simeon Taylor,
i Containing about thirty acres, be the same more or "less,
| about twenty-live acres improved and an orchard of fruit
i trees.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George C.
Atwood vs. Alpheus C. Ford.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Litchfield twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
norlh by lands of Joseph Kershaw and William Uostwick
east by lands of Joseph Kershaw and John Warner, south
by lands of John Warner and on the west by lands of Win.
BosOvick and Audrcw C. Braiuard. Containing about
fifty-live acres, more or less, about scvc-n acres improved,
one log house and one log shed or stable thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W.S. Tan
nery to the use of Nathan Edminstcr vs. John Hubbcll.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situ
ate iu Ridgluiry twp., Bradford County, bounded on the
north by lands of Daniel Dewey, east by lauds ot William
Easton, south by lands of Sarah Brigham ami Parvin Co
rell and west by lands of Manser Chamberlin. Contain- '
ing fifty-one acres, be the same more or less, all improv
ed with a framed house, a log house, a framed barn, a
; saw mill and a few fruit trees thereon. <
Seized and taken in execution at thr suit of Charity
Graves, administratrix of Abuer Graves vs. Charles Pot
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Granville twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the
north by land of L. I). Swain, east by land of Geo. John
son, south by land of A. J. Itobison and west by the high
way. Containing about fifty acres, more or less, about
twenty-live acres improved, one framed house, log barn
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Meeker. 1
Herbert A Perkins vs. N. X. Finney, garnishee of H. S. 1
A liSO-Tbe following lot, piece or pared of land situ
ate in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lands of James Wilcox, east by the south or
Fowler branch of the Towanda Creek, south by lands of
Joseph White and west by lands of Priestly or
the Coal Company lands. Containing about one hun
dred and forty acres, about seventy-five acres improved,
one framed house, one framed barn, one framed horse
shed and an orchard of fruit t -ees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
Menardi, administrator of the estate of Minor Wilcox vs.
11. Seymour Phinpey.
ALSO -The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Albany two., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lands of Myron Kellogg, cast by lands of Myron
Kello. g ami Daniel F.nglish, south by 1 mds of the heirs
of Jacob Miller, dee'd., and west bv the Barclay Coal
lands. Containing one hundred acres and allowances,
more or less, about thirty-five acres improved, with a log
house and log barn thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp., Bradford cour ty,bounded north by lands
of David Miller and James MuMariane, east by lands of
Amasa Hancock, south and w.>st by Xadoc Corson. Con
taining one hundred and seventy acres more or less, about
one hundred ac res improved, n framed house, a trained
burn, a log blacksmith shop, three apple orchards and
other fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp.. Bradford county, bounded north by lands
of Sheffield Wilcox, east by Milton Hakes, Joseph Menar
di and Simeon Chapman, "south by lands of Wells Wil
cox ami S. C. ami Wm. Means and west by lands of John
Hanson. John Holmes and James and Beiijamiu Wilcox.
Containing one hundred and sixty acres, more or less,
one hundred acres improved, two framed houses, one log
house, two framed barns, one blacksmith shop, and an
apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded north by land
of Sheffield Wilcox and Milton Hakes, south by Joseph
Menardi and west by lands of Z. Gillctt. Containing 20
acres, more or less, about eighteen acres improved.
ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded on the norlh.
west and south by Warrantee lines of a tract in the war
rantee name of Henry Stark and on the east by lands in j
possession i f William B. Reifsiivdcr, being part ot the
said trart in the warrantee name of Henry Stark. Con
taining about one hundred acres with a log house Jn the
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. H. Mace
I vs. Rollin Wilcox and Sheffield Wilcox.
ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ
: ate in Athens twp., Bradford county, bounded on the
north by lands ol bates A Co.. west by lands of Edward
Wilii.uns and Smith Griffin, on the south by lands of
; Smith Griffin and land belonging to the heirs "of Horace
Wiilistou, dee'd. and the public highway, on the cast In
lands ot the heirs of H. Williston. dee'd.. Geo. Wolcott
and Abrain Hunsikcr. Containing about two hundred
and titty-six acres, more or less, about one hundred acres
improved, one framed house, one log house, three framed
barns, one framed shed and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Athens Boro. Bradford county, bounded on the north
! by lands of Charles F. Welles, jr.. on the east by Main
i street, on the south hy —— Ellsworth and on the west
by the Chemung River. Containing about one-fourth of
| an acre, more or less, all improved, one trained house,
">ne framed barn and fruit trees thereon,
j ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
• in Athens Born., Bradford county, bounded on the north
! by lands of Abram Snell, west by Main street, south In
lands of Dr. Thomas Huston and" east by the Susquehan
na river. Containing about one acre, more or less , all
j improved, one trained house, one framed bam and fruit
I trees thereon.
ALSO -One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate
in Athens lairn., Bradford county, bounded on the north
| by lands of Chester Park. 011 the east bv Main street, on
I the south by lands of E. Brooks and on the west by the
| Chemung River. Containing about -three-fourths of an
acre, more or less, all improved, one trained house, fram
! Ed barn and fruit trees thereon.
j ALSO- Defendant's interest in one other lot, piece or
parcel of land situate in Athens tw p., Bradford county,
bounded 011 the north by land of John Watkins. jr. aiid
the public highway, on the east, south and west by lands
l of John Watkins. jr. Containing about three-fourths of
an acre, more or less, all improved and a saw mill thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of the Bank
j of Port Jarvis vs. Cornelius Hunsikcr.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situated in Warren township, bounded and described
as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of J. Autbdale,
; east by the highway, south by J. Brant, and on the we.-t
'by lands of (1. 11. Brant. Containing about A an acre.
more or lee-, ail improved, one framed wagon'siiop, and
, one trained blacksmith shop (hereon.
ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate
in Warren twp.. bounded and described as follows : on
[ the north and east by lands belonging to the estate of W.
Roger's dee'd., south by the highway, and west by land
of 11. 11. Brant. Containing about it> rods of land, more
or less, all improved, with one framed blacksmith shop
Seized and taken in execution at the sait of X. C.Bowen,
J. A. Bowcn aud Win. W. Baker vs. Luke S. Brant.
T. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff,
Sheriff's Office, Jail, a, IMS,
a*, is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Benj. K. Watkins. late of Sbesbequin twp., dee'd.
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
persons having claims against said estate, must present
them duly authenticated, to the subscriber.
Jail. 11, 1858. MOSES WATKIXS, Administrator.
I* hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of (Jeorge McClelland, late of Canton, deceased,
are Itcrehv requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Canton, Jan. 14. 1858. Administrators.
" CATTLE wanted by the '• Mauch Chunk Beef
M ~JI Association." The regular market price will
be paid, Cash. By order of the Board of Directors.
E- H. R A ceil, Sec'y. G. W. SMITH, President.
Mauch Chunk. Deo. 8, 1857.
OATS, Com, Rye, Wheat, Potatoes, and a small quan
tity of Rye straw will he taken at the BARCLAY
MINES in exchange for COAL.
Dec, 8,1857. Gen. Sap. Rorclay R. R. & Qoal Co.
A"_/v J Ito> k Salt for racking salt, bipt received by
pec. Iff, 185' L BAILEY A NTVTNS.
_ t: gal.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— Tn the natter of
the EtUite of JJtborah C. O-regury tUceiited. In
the Orphans Court of Bradford county.
The undersigned Auditor appointed to di-tribute funds
in the hands of the A dm'r of said estate will attend to
the duties of his appointment at the office of Win. Klwell
Esq., in the the bdßo' of Towanda on Thursday the Sftth
day of Junuarv A. D.l ftss, wlven and where "all persons
having claims upon said fund are requested to present
the same or else be forever debarred therefrom.
G. D. MOXTANYE, Auditor.
December 24, 1857.
E~~ XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—-Notice is licre
bv given that all persons indebted to the estate of
FREDERICK FISHER, dee'd of South Towanda, must
make immediate payment, and all JKTSOIIS having tie
mauds against said estate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Joseph homet,
August, 15, 1857. Executors.
FXKCrTOirS NOTICE.—AII jtersons i
-IJ dchtcd to the estate of SILAS TITUS, deceased,
late of Herrick township, are hereby notified that pay
ment must be made without delay, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Septemlier 2(5,1857. Executor.
al is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of BUI US WHITE, deceased, late of Franklin
twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay,
and all persons having demands against said estate are
requested to present them duly authenticated fur settle
December 21. lft.">7. Administratrix.
ECU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere
-J by given that letters testamentary open the estate
of Elijah Lucky, late of Slieshequin, dee'd, have been
granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested for settlement.
Sept. 15. 18.57. Executors.
NOTICE. —Notice is here- j
A'J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
JuHN CHAFFEE, deceased, late of WaiWn town- '
ship, are requested to make payment without delay; I
thosehnviiigdemandsagain-tsaid estate will present the m |
duly authenticated for settlement.
Dee, ft, 1*57. FANNY CHAFFEE. Exeentiix. |
i t is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es- j
tateol Hiram Gilbert, deceased late of Dure!) two., are re- ;
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons J
having claims against said estate, must present them duly j
authenticated for settlement, to the -sibserilters.
Nov. 3, 1557. B. LA PORTE, Administrator.
is hereby given, tlint all persons indebted to the es
tate of CALEB EDGARTOX, late of Athens Borough
deceased, are requested to make payment without de
lay ; and nil persons having claims against said estate will j
please present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
November 12,1557. Administratrix.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to tlie es !
tate of Elias Thompson, dee'd, late of Sheshequiit town- j
ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de- ;
lay: and all persons having claims against said estate will j
please present them duly authenticated for settlement. 1
Dec. 1, 1857. Administrators. i
REGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here-j
by given that there have been filed and settled in ]
the office of the Register of Wills iti and for the county of ;
Bradford,accounts of administration upon the following '
estates, viz :
Partial account of Aitgcline Lvon, administratrix of [
Caleb Lyon, late of Pike, deceased.
Partial account of Robert Richards, guardian of J. and
C. M. Vuught, minor children of Xeheuii.ih Yought, late !
of Rome, deceased.
Final account of William Boardmnn, administrator of ,
Ephriam Boat Oman, late of Orwell, deceased.
Final account of Peleg Peck and Wm. G. Bradford, ad- j
ministrators ol Gritliu Bailey, late of Columbia, dee'd. j
Final account of Harriet E. Wliitmnre. administratrix :
of James 11. Horning, late of South Creek, deceased. i
Final account of P. Forties, H. Hicks and Irene John- ;
son. administrators of Peter Johnson, late of Itoiue.dec'd. !
Final account of Cornelius Quick, administrator of Sa- ■
mtiel C. Quick, late of Asylum, deceased.
Final account of Anna Sible, one of the executors of
Henry Sible. late of Rome, deceased.
Final account of Itollin Wilcox, administrator of liar- !
rietC. Miller, late of deceased.
Final account of John Brasted, administrator of James !
Brasted. late of Wells, deceased.
And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court '
of Bradford county, on Monday, the Ist day of February '
next, for confirmation and allowance.
JAMES H. WEBB, Register.
Register's Office, January 1. ls.ift.
Ticga Point
Agricultural & Junction Iron Works,
WELLES, BLOOD 6l CO., Proprietors.
IMI E subscriber would respectfully inform bis friends
and customers, and the public generally, that lie has
formed a co-partnership with Mr. JOIIN P. BLOOD, of Al
bany. X. Y.. (who lias for several years been Superinten
dent ol Messrs. Krnery Brothers' Agricultural Works,)
and with Mr. SAMCKL X. BLOOD. of Worcester, Mass..
(Machinist and Tool Builder, and late Superintendent of
the Hoop Machine Company of Fitchburg,
Mass.. under the firm name of WELLES, Bi.OOi) A Co;
and that we have leased for a term of years the extensive
and well known Iron Works, of Messrs. Shiptnun A
Welles, at this place, and united the Tioga Point Agri
cultural Works with the same, for the maim fact ure of
Agricultural Machines, Implements, Ac., among which
will he Emery's Endless Chain Railroad Horse Powers,
Threshers and Cleaners. Threshers and Separators, Por
table Circular and Crosscut Saw Mills, Cider Mills. Dog
Powers. Clover Hullers. Feed Cutters, Fanning Stills,
Plows, Harrows, Cultivators. Shingle Machines. Kirby's
Mowers and Reapers. Ac., of the most improved patterns
and construction. We are prepared to do all kinds of
Machinery Casting and Repairing, and bare (or sale a
large stock of first class Steam Engines, Machinery and
Castings, manufactured by aud belonging to Messrs.
Shipman A Welles,
Both of the Messrs. Blood are skillful and experienced
practical mechanics. Our Machinery will nearly all be
new and with the latest improvements, and with the en
couragement afforded by the patronage of a discerning
public, we expect to have the reputation of doing first
class work and making the best Agricultural Machines
in use. R. M. WELLES.
Athens, January. IS.">B.
Our pa-t individual experience in the manufacture,
sale and use of Agricultural M idlines and Implements,
and also in general Machine and .Steam Work, with our
excellent facilities, afforded by Machinery, principally of
our own construction, with tile very latest and (test im
provements, aud also for procuring' the very best mate
rials and stock of all kinds at cheap rites, will enable us
to manufacture better machinery, at same prices, than
that of other manufactories, and also coin) do with the
world in prices and quality and material and workman
ship of all kinds of Agricultural lmplimcnts, and in ail
kinds of Casting and Job Work.
We shall pay especial attention to the manufacture of
the very liest of Plows and Plow ('a-tings. We intend to
make castings fir all the leading plows in use in our vi
cinity, and shall take great care to use "only the best ma
terial. Our plow woodrr is from the best and most cele
brated eastern manufactory. We invite all interested in
" home manufactures '' to "call and sec our woik-.
J. I*. Bi.oon,
no A m > i x o.
~ m JOHN KENDALL wonhl rcspoct
cflhnA fully inform the public that having leased the
jjJjfjjL large anil cum modi mis house formerly occnpi
i hj- him, in the lower part of the Imrmigh,
(EES whb h has lieen enlarged and thoroughly re
paired, he is ready to offer to hoarders superior aecotno
He would partlrnlarfv inform Jurymen, and other* at
tending Court, that lie will la; prepared to accommodate
them upon the most reasonable term*.
He solicits a share of public patronage, confident that
satisfaction will lie rendered in every respect.
Tnwanda, January 20. I*6*.
i UDITOKS' NOTICE —Tn the matter of
-■* *- the e*Vtle of Ira Orimcold, dec'd. In the Orphan's
Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
distribute the funds in the hands of the administrators of
said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at the
office of Wm. Elwell, in Towanda. on Friday, the 29th
of January. A. I>. hs.SH, t one o'clock in the afternoon,
when and where all persons having claims are requested
to present thera, or be forever debarred therefrom.
Jan. 1. r,. D. MOXT A N YE, Auditor.
DISSOLUTION. —Notice is hereby tfiven,
that the part nership heretofore existing between the
subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Zao
cbeus Annable agreeing to settle and pay aW the debts of
the late firm, and he is also authorized to ieceive all ac
counts and debts owing to the said firm.
GTanr.ll*, Tntr 54. IRoT ZACCftET'S ASVABLE
| ftUrcljonbicr, &'r.
Foundry Property for Sale.
THK subscriber having become the owner
of the wc-J! k!iovti and valuable Foundry, Machine
■ uqd TiaSltou formerly ownl bj I. L. A if. L. Lain
i oreux, and Mlanted near (U Barclay Railroad, aud not
| being acquainted with the business in prepared to sell it*
same at a huge discount below it* actual value, the e
tublishmeut it now In complete condition for doing a
large lustmss For pa:t ejlara inquire of Col. J. F.
Means, or the snlmcrit* r. JUS. KIXGSBERY.
'fowunda, Dec. 22.1967.
THE subscriber desii iou? of settling op his
Boob uccouiiU, request* all persons indebted to him
to call aud settle the same by note or payment, by ;L
16th of January ll5, and tJve co*t.
Towanda I>ec. 72, 1167.
The aitiiuttl meeting of the stock
A v holders of the " Barclay Railroad* C'al Company"
will be held at their ofiiee X. W.Corner of 4th A Walnut
street Philadelphia on Monday January 11th, 1151. at 11
o'clock A. M. at which time and place"an election will be
lit Id for a President aud twelve dimtnr>, to serve for the
ensuing year. Be order.
Phil*- He. 21. J 157. 111 .\W, Secretary.
4 HE now otiering their stock of WINTER CLOTHING
-fa. AT CITY COST, FOR CASH, aud will show up to
their customers it is so. and no humbug about it. The
reason of our doing so is. we are in want of mom v aed
are bound to sell at some price ; the stock consists of
Overcoats. Gents business Coats, black cloth <] .. Sati
net do. Bars bo*>ne* and Over-coats, Pants ur- J Vests . f
all kinds and quality, white and fancy shirts. w. u . oudci
shirts and Rmwers. Collars, Cravats, Suspend. Gents
white and colored Hose. Hats and Caps, CI tL.-> and C". •
si meres of all kinds. We are still making up i i .i? r
and an who w :sh to get particular fits will d well t" /i > ;
us a call. We have cnine down on prices in if ■ ' . c*
business, and warreutevery garment to fit or no s
Cutting done at this Establishment as ti. ■ id.
those who owe us by hook account or note will do >- ~ .
1 ome up and settle and save costs.
| Nov. 2ti. 1x57. COLLINS A POWELL.
SI 5.000
Would respectfully call the attention of the public to vh*
fact that he is now offering
To those wishing to buy GOODS FOR CASH.
Prices Reduced 25 to 50 pr ct.
Those wishing to know w hat
Are, are invited to call.
I Towanda. November 30, 1167.
tfgfe All!. CIIAKI.ES QUICK In. taken
OTMfiip liead-qiiiiiters in the village of TOWANDA,
where he Is prepared to furnish MUSIC for public
or piivate parties. Iroiu or.e to live musicians. Mr. Quick
will tea'-h all the fashionable dances of the day.
All Communications addressed CHARLES QUICK, To
wanda. Bradford Co. Pa., w ill le promptly attended to.
49* PIANOS tuned and repaired on short notice.
Towanda. November 25, Ho 7.
r |" , ilE Finest Assortment of WINTER GOODS in town
-L will be found at the store of Win, A. Rockwell, on*
•l.Mir north of Bridge street,
.Many thanks lor the libera! share of public patronage
which has been extended us: and we shall endeavor t
continue to give satisfaction both as to the quality and
prices of .mr Goods. Call and see.
Towanda, Nov. lit. 1157.
ED PRICES. Their stock consists of j
Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware,
Fish, Ifails, Glass, Dyes, Ac.
rr Persona wishing to huv Goods f,, r CASH, can tare
25 jer cent, by purchasing <>f us. The goods will tie sold
to make it an object to cash buyers. Yon will find us on
the west side, corner of Main mid Bridge street*.
Towanda, November 12. 1*57.
M O N' T .A 7ST Y I A S
Art now receiving their Fall Stock of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
'Uoots ?!jnrs ; fljnr .findings &IT rntjirr,
11 Inch i rill IK soil nt (J rent In Jlr<luceil Pricet.
Cr. Public Square and Main st.
E. P. JIUNTANYK. ) Sfpti'lllhcr S,
BBT!! U . J AR K ' * TOS H •
11ST, will be found at his old quarters in
Patton's Block, until Decemticr next.
Tow and i, Nov. 2, 1557. JOHN M ACKINTOSH.
LISII and Freneli Merinos, DeUajfes,
J Delatittes, Alapaccas, Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's
Plaids (a new and fashi inabie article) Prints, Ginghams,
and in fact all kinds < f Drv G toils mav lie hoi cheap *t
Sept. 13. 1157. ' MM. .\! ROCKWELL'S.
VIT ANTED. fOO Dushtls of Wheat at
* v the market price.
Towanda. int. ".v.. 1v,7. BAILEY A XF.VIXS.
The Xiatest City Styles and Prices.
TT T on.D respectfully inform the citizens of Toward*
♦ > arid adjoin in tr vicinity, that she has taken the Mil
linery Shop formerly occupied by Mrs. E.II. Mason, where
lie is prepared to furnish the Ladies with the LATEST
STYLES of Bonnets, Caps, Head Dresses. Ac., Ac., and
at as low prices as can lie I tough t in any Millinery estab
lishment this side of New York.
BLEACHING \.VD TRIMMING done at the shortest
notice. T.ho Ladies will please call and e.vamino our
stock of BONNETS before purchasing elsewhere.
October H. 15,,7. S. DARLING.
OK IKI> BERRIES.—A quantity of Dried
Berries for sale by
Towanda, Nov. 1.1557. \V. A. ROCKWELL.
AIOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists for thu
? I hair, at
.Sept. 1 ~ 1537. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S.
timber Wapn for Salo,
st for Cnuntrv Pr '(luce ; enquire of the subscriber*.
_ To wan la. Nov. 2. 15.',7. BAILEY A NKVINS.
Boarders ran find accommodation* through Daeera
her Court—enquire of the subci il>er.
Towanda. Nov. 2, H57. SIDNEY S. BAILEY.
O ALT.—IOO B'YIS. Salt for sale, at No.
tZr Patton's Block" by
Tow.mda. Nnv.4.1157. W. A. ROCKWEI t.
iU* r\J and a *cf -if Oflad Stone Hangfngs st
V JJit A WELL'S, •