Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 04, 1858, Image 2

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    ty. Cynthia had always called him " Prank"
before, but consciousness made her now reject
the old familiarity.
•' Oh ! that is somebody very wonderful.—
Everybody is afraid to speak to her. She has
written a book. Frank seems to be right down
flirting with her, doesn't he ? I declare, now
he always wanted somebody out of the way.
Nobody here was good enough for Frank.
Have you heard he has been offered a profes
sorship and is going away ? He is going to
live in the same place she does. I shouldn't
wonder at his courting her—should you ?"
" I don't carc," said Cynthia in her heart,
" 1 don't care. Oh ! yes I do. I care that
he should have weighed me in the balauces so
calmly this afternoon, nnd found nie so un
worthy that he takes back the love he has of
fered me. Has he judged mo very cruelly t
or am I quite unworthy of his attachment ?
Oh ! think that this morning I had it in my
power to be happy all my life, w hen I refused
him ! Oh 1 how can any one compare any oth
er man with him ! And he loved me only to
day—and now, to-night, his reason says I atn
not good enough to be his wife ; and he is
afraid of being unhappy with me. Indeed, I
am not good enough—bnt I would try to bt>."
" If you would snip it.''
It was Frank Hntidy's voice, J-he caught
the word, and looked up eagerly. Fr ink saw
her, and stopped embarrassed. He wa? hold
ing up a toru fold iu the dress of his partner
iu blue.
"If I knew where to find n needle and
thread," said the authoress, with a half look
at the bridesmaid.
"I know. Let me sew it up for you,"
said Cynthia.
Her pride had left her. She felt humbled
to the dust. It would be a relief to do some
thing for this woman— better than herself—
whom Frank preferred to her.
" Let me do it," said she earnestly.
" Mr. Handy, I shall depend upon your
Frank nandy bowed, and the girls went to
gether into a bed-room.
Escort?—was it his escort to the city ?
He hail told her 1 he should go there. Cyn
thia sewed up the hole in the blue dress, very
sadly and quietly.
The animation faded from the young author
ess's face, as she looked down on Cynthia's
quivering lip, and saw a big tear fall upon her
sewing. She had heard some one say she had
been the victim of false hopes raised by Seth
Taggart, and had in her heart despised her
for it; but she felt as if the sad, heart-bro
ken love bestowed on him endorsed him as far
better than he looked. It was a woe, however,
to which she could not openlv allude. But, as
Cynthiu set the last stitch in her dress, she
stooped down and kissed her. Every sorrow
has its lesson," she said, •' as every weed has a
drop of liouey in its cop. Blessed are they
that suck that drop, and store it for good
She had gone, and Cynthia was left alone.
Yes, she had much to learn. This night's ex
perience had taught her that her reign was
over, and her career of bellchood run. She,
who was not good enough to keep a good
man's heart when she had won it, would set
herself to her new task of self improvement.—•
She would have her dear old father's love, and
live at home, and little children too, should
learu to love her. Ai.d then, perhaps, some
day, when they both grew old, Frank Handy
might, perhaps, see that he had judged her
hastily, and not be glad as he was now, that
she had rejected him. At least, every im
provement in her would be due to his influence,
though unseen ; and so, even in her lonely life,
he would not be altogether dissociated from
her. She sat in the dark, with her hands
clasped tightly over her bnrning forehead.
She heard voices in the passage. The par
ty was breaking up. People were beginning
to go. Oh S why had she staid alone so long !
Perhaps during that hour Frank might have
changed bis mind. She had deprived herself
of the opportunity.
She started up and hurried out amongst the
the Company. They were all getting their
cloaks and shawls on. Frank, in his great
coat, was standing impatiently at the house
" Please to tell her that my buggv has
come up first," he said to some one, as Cynthia
presented herself in the passage.
" I am ready," said the lady in blue, pre
senting herself.
Frank raised his hat to the company, and
took her on his arm.
"Shut up that door," said someliody, "and
don't let the night air into the house.""
So the door closed with ajar that went to
Cyuthia's very heart. She turned aside and
tried to help some of the girls find their shawls
and hoods, " Every lassie had her laddie,"
Cynthia had no one to take her home. She
asked Tommy Chase to walk home with her,
and he said lie would as soon as he had had
some more cake and some more supper.
Cynthia went back into the empty parlour,
and sat down by an open window looking on
the yard. She hid her face in her hands. All
sorts of thought went singing through her
brain ; but the one that presented itself oftenest
was an humble resolution that she would try
to be such a woman as Frank Handy wisely
might have loved.
There was a stir among the vines that drap
ped the window frame. She did not look up.
It was the wind. She hoard it sigh. She felt
its warm breath near her cheek—warmer, sure
ly, than the night wiud. She lifted her head
'* Snip !" said Frank's voice at her side. It
trembled ; anil he trembled as he stood with
a great hope and n great fear contending in his
breast. llis self-possession was all gone.—
The struggle had unnerved him.
" Oh ! Snap !" cried Cynthia suddenly.—
And then, droopii.g her head, crowned with
the hop bells, lower and lower—more and
more humbly, till it rested on the window sill
—she said, in a broken voice, " I know I am
not worthy, Frank ; but you must teach me."
A FrncnoxATE I\iiAXd.—A delegation of
the Chiefs from the Pawnee Italians held an
interview with the Secretary of the Interior at
\V ashington.a few days since. Upon leaving,
two of the chiefs,after shaking hands embraced
and kissed both the Secretary and Commis
sioner of Indian Affairs, ami a portion of their
war paint besmeared the face of the latter, giv
ing it a grotesque effect.
tST Ellis Hummel, of Mifflin eounty, for
merly near New Berlin, met with a serious if
not fatal accident, by the fall of a tree upon
him in the wooJs where he was cutting.
The gang of counterfeiters caught in
>Villiams|K)rt, it is stated were engaged to try
to rob a rich old farmer named Lusk, at Lin
den, on the night they were arrested.
WASHINGTON, Wednesday, Jan. 27, 1358.
SENATE. —In the Senate, Wednesday, Mr.
WILSON introduced a resolution, which refer
red to the Committee TI Military Affairs, au
thorizing a Commission to inquire into the con
dition of affairs in Utah before force is resort
ed to. The joint resolutions of the Legis'a
ture of Ohio, relative to Kansas affairs, were
presented by Mr. PUGH, and after some debate
were tabled and ordered to be printed. A
substitute for the Pacific Railroad bill was
presented from the minority of the Select
Committee on the subject. The Army bill
was then considered, and a substitute provid
ing for five new regiments, according to the
recommendation of the Secretary of War, was
rejected, 38 to 8. The debate on the bill took
a somewhat wide range, and was not conclud
HOUSE. —In the House a resolution was
adopte I, calling on the President for informa
tion relative to the origin of the Utah expedi
tion. After a rambling debate in Committee
of the Whole on the Printing Deficiency bill,
a partial report was made by the Committee
on Elections iu reference to the Ohio contest
ed-election case, declaring it inexpedient to al
low Mr. CAMPBELL more time to take testimo
ny. By resolution of the House, Mr. YAL
LKNDIGHAM is admitted to the floor and allow
ed the privilege of speuking during the pen
dency of his claim.
THCRSDAY. Jan. 28, 1848.
• SENATE. —In the Senate, Thursday, Mr.
FOOT, of \ crinont, introduced a proposition as
an amendment, or rather addition, to Mr. DA
VIS' Pacific Railroad bill, providing for two
routes, northern and southern. A bill was re
ported from the Select Committee on the Bank
ing System of the District of Columbia, pro
hibiting the issue of notes of a less denomina
tion than SSO iu the District by corporations
located without its limits. The Committee
deem it inexpediei t to authorize the establish
ment of banks of issue in the District. The
Committee on Commerce were instructed to
inquire into the expediency of abolishing the
Lighthouse Board. The bill providing for an
increase of the Army was taken up and debat
ed, with slight intermission, until the adjourn
ment. The special order of the day was the
resolution providing for the presentation of a
medal to Commodore PAULDING, but after a
brief consideration the matter was postponed
until the 9th of February. No question was
taken on the Army bill.
HOUSE. —The House immediately on assem
bling went into Committee of the Whole on
the Printing Deficiency bill, but after an un
successful effort to enforce the rule confining
members to the subject under consideration,
the Kansas question became paramouut, aud
was debated until the adjournment.
News from Kansas.
ST. LOUS, Thursday, Jan. 28,1858.
The Kansas correspondent of the Democrat
says that the Territorial Legislature have de
cided not to give way for the Topeka Govern
ment, but to proceed to the enactment of an
entire code of laws to supersede all laws pass-1
ed prior to the special session of the Lcgisla- j
A protest to Congress against the Coustitu
tion lias Ieen published.
COLIN CI.ARK.SOX, with the Lecompton Con
stitution, left here this morning for Washing
ton. CALHOUN, LECOMPTE and PATE will prob
ably reach here to-morrow.
[From the St. Lonia Democrat, Jan. 21 ]
From several gentlemen who reached the
Planters' house last night, direct from Kan
sas, having left Leavenworth City on the 20th
we have later news from the Territory.
Our informant traveled from West port to
Booneville, in company with a messenger bear
ing dispatches from General CAI.HOLN to the
Cabinet at Washington. The dispatches were
telegraphed from Pooneville. The tenor of
these, as derived from the messenger, is that
General CALHOUN has thrown out the votes re
turned to Governor DEWES, alleging, as a
reason for so doing, that such returns were
not made in accordance with the Lecompton
schedule, and should have been delivered to
him. and therefore are illegal and void. This
high-handed measure gives the Pro-Slavery
party a majority of one in the Council, and a
majority of two in the Lower House ; besides,
elects the Pro-Slavery State ticket throughout.
The Free-State men in all the Territory are
much excited about the matter, and say ifC'AL
HOUN persists in rejecting snch returns, and if
Congress admits Kansas under the Lecompton
Constitution, they will resist to the bitter end.
We learn also from the gentlemen mentioned
above, that the notorious JACK HENDERSON is
still in custody at Lawrence, more scured than
We also learn from Mr. If. C. HEMINGWAY,
who left Lawrence on the 2()th, that every
thing was (juiet in that section. One man,
the father if SHOULER, who shot the Shawnee
Indian, had been arrested. Tite election of
the free State ticket had been couccdcd—
Legislature and all
Mi. STOVER, one of the Pro-Slavery mem
bers elect of the Legislature, had been shot in
the stage while on his way from Wyandott to
Leavenworth. The affair is thus related
STOVER was in the stage, when a horseman
rode up and called his name ; on his answer
ing, the person fired at him, the shot taking
effect in his face, and, as is supposed, mortally
wounding him. The affair created much ex
citement, while the party firing made his es
ST. LOUIS, Monday, Feb. 1.
and several others, arrived here yesterday from
Kansas, en route for Washington. These gen
tlemen state that the Democratic State Ticket
is elected, and that the Democrats have a ma
jority of one on a joint ballot in the Legisla
ture. °
The Lebanon Valley Railway is now
complete, and takes much of the travel between
llarrisburg and Philadelphia, via Reading. It
opens out Lebanon Borough to the and
wc shall soon have a Telegraph there.
I®* On the 14th inst, evening, the barn of
Mr. M Pherson, five miles below Sunburv, was
consumed by fire, with seven horses, a buggy,
meats, See., making it a heavy loss. The hor
ses belonged to Mr Dougherty. Supposed to
have beeu an incindiary's work.
Anderson and Richardson, the murder
ers ot Mrs. Ream and Mrs. Garber, in Luucas
ter county, have been tried, convicted, and
.'Cnlenectf to be hung.
®l)arssflD filorninn, irbinarji 4, 1858
TKRMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in ailcanee.—
Four weeks previous to llie expiration oj a subscription,
notice will be given bu a printed wrapper, and if not rt
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lowing extremely lino rates :
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Blanks, Iland-biUs, Ball tickets, 4•<*•
MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an
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for its safe delivery.
In the IJjuuse of Representatives at Harris
burg, on Thursday, Mr. MILLER, offered the
following preamble and resolution.
WHEREAS, it is the imperative and indispen
sable duty of the government of the United
States to secure every inhabitant of Kansas
the freeaiul independent expression of his opin
ion by his vote ; t > leave the people of the
Territory free from all foreign interference, to
decide their own destiny for themselves ; and
to protect them in the exercise of their right
of voting for and against their constitution
without the fair expression of the popular will
heiug interrupted by frauds or violence—and
whereas the organic act under which the Ter
ritory of Kansas is now governed, expressly
declares its true intent and meaning to be :
" to let the people thereof perfectly free to
form and regulate their domestic institutions
in their own way, subject only to the Consti
tution of the United States'' : thereof.
J Resolved by the Senate ami House of Rrpre
j sentives in General Assembly met, Tliat our Sen
; a tors in Congress he and they are hereby in
structed, and our Representatives requested
| to resist the admission of Kansas into the
j Union as a State until a constitution is rep
resented that has been fairly represented to the
people, and received the unqualified sanction
of a majority of the bona fiue citizens of the
The preamble offered bv Mr. MILLER is in
the precise language of Mr. Buchanan's in
! structions to Gov. WALKER, upon his assuming
the executive office of Kansas.
These resolutions were referred to a se
lect Committee of three, where they will re
main, and not be reported upon. Various
motions were offered instructing the Commit
tee to report within a stated period, but they
were all voted, down, by a strict party vote—
the Administration men voting against, and the
Republicans for an early report.
There is, unquestionably, a majority in the
House,sympathizing with DOUGLAS, but they are
not the kind of men to take a position of an
tagonism towards an Administration which
has such great power to reward frieuds and
punish enemies. To expect an outspoken,
honest, expression of principle from the bogus
Democracy of Pennsylvania, is preposterous.
They may, privately, express their personal
feelings, as becomes honest and independent
men, but when the party whip cracks, the
leaders wheel into line without the least re
gard to principle or consistency.
We prophesy that the Democratic State
Convention to be held on the 4th of March will
unqualifiedly endorse President BUCHANAN and
the Lecompton swindle, though we have as
little question that three-fourths of the peo
ple of the Commonwealth sympathize with
FORNEY and DOUGI.AS, in their endeavor to
carry out the principles of popular sovereign
ty. Tho'leaders are too servile and too pow
erful for the masses at the State Convention.
The Administration will be endorsed and ap
plauded, and the delegates will adjourn cn
masse to Washington, and clamor for their re
ward from the President.
term of Court in Susquehanna county, WAL
KER GEORGE ARCHER was tried for the murder
of his brother WILLIAM ARCHER, on the 20th
of November last, by shooting him with a gun.
He was found guilty of murder in the second
degree, and sentenced by .Judge WII.MOT to
3 years imprisonment iu the Penitentiary.
The evidence in this case revealed a most
lamentable and shocking state of unbridled
passions on the part of the deceased. His
father testifies that on the occasion of the
shooting, " William (the deceased) began to
cuss aud swear," and when lie reproved him,
rushed upon liini, and knocked him down, and
afterwards W'lliara took down his gun, and
said lie would stop his father's career. In a
short time he also knocked his mother down,
and finally the disgraceful affair ended by his
being shot in the back by the diseliurgc of a
gun in the hands of his brother George. The
manner in which lie was shot was not clearly
shown. The defence alleged that the gnn was
accidentally discharged, but the probability is
that it was intentionally done—a fitting finale
to the brutal scene, where a sou knocks down
Loth his mother and father.
SPECIAI. COURT.— The Special Court held bj
Judge WHITE, terminated 011 Thursday last,
after a session of ten days. But a single cause
was tried, that of SMITH VS KEM.UM, an action
of ejectment to recover certain property in
Durell township. The cause was conducted
with great ability on both sides, and the jury
rendered a verdict for plaintiff for 30 acres of
land and mill property. The case goes up to
the Supreme Court.
O. BARRETT, of Ilarrisburg, has been
appointed by Gov. PACKER, Superintendent of
Printing, and unanimously confirmed by the
mail-steamer, which left Liverpool on the 10th
iust., arrived at Halifax, on Monday moruing.
She reports the safety of the Vanderldlt steam
ship Ariel, which left Southampton for New-
York on the last day of 1801. When a few
days at sea, she broke her main shaft, and had
to go back to Cork 011 the loth. Some ap
prehensions for the safety of the Ariel had been
entertained for several days. Apropos of
steamship, the Leviathan has been pushed, by
hydraulic pressure, almost to the end of her
launching-wavs, and was to be left there until
the strong spring tides of last month would
enable her quietly to float.
The Hank of England had still further re
duced its rates of interest, from six to five per
cent. Money was easier. The cotton and
breudstuffs markets continue to show declining
prices. Consols were still rising. Neverthe
less, some further commercial failures are re
The Kinperor of the French had been shot
at. He was unhurt, but his hat was perforat
ed. Assassination is the worst argument that
can be employed against a public man.
Later news from India had been received,
but the postal comniuncation between Horn
bay and Calcutta being interrupted, there is
no further intelligence from Cawtipore.
was indicted in conjunction with Mrs. Ccx-
NINUHAM, for the murder of HARVEY BIRDELL,
has been discharged. His counsel stated that
all the circumstances attendant on that trial i
had tended to brigh ten the innocence of Mr. j
ECKEL. He hoped that the order of this r
Court would restore Mr. ECKEL to the eonfi
dence of the community, or place him in the
same condition—as far as possible—as he stood
before the murder had been committed. The
order was then entered for a nol. pros, and
for the discharge of the recognizances.
PITTSBURG IM.FCTION\. —The election for As
semblyman to fill the vacancy occasioned by
the death of Mr. BACKHOUSE, came off on
Tuesday, and is represented a very tame af
fair. There was no euthusiatn or excitement,
and but little interest taken in the result.—
The vote out will, consequently, be very light,
probably but little over half what it was at
the Presidential election. In twenty-one dis
tricts heard from, Scorr, Republican, leads
SALISBURY, Democrat, 214 votes, Mr. ScoTr is
probably elected by ">OO majority.
XKW YORK LEGISLATURE. —This body has at
length succeeded in effecting an organization,
after four weeks unsuccessful ballotings.—
The plurality rule was adopted, and under it
Mr. THOMAS AI.VORD (Democrat,) was elected
Speaker, and Mr. DAVID L. WILSON (Ameri
can,) Clerk. The minor officers were also
elected. The Republicans, it is said, might
have had the Speaker if they would have voted
for an American Clerk.
Advices to the 14th of December have
been received from the Utah Expedition. At
that time the troops were engaged in making
their quarters as comfortable as possible for
the Winter, and their health was good. The
great want was salt. Captain MARCY, who
had been dispatched to Xew Mexico for a sup
ply, had not been heard from, but a quantity
sent from Fort Laramie was on the wav.
fiiC" Mr. Thomas Alibone, late President of
the Bank of Pennsylvania, has published a
lengthy letter in the Philadelphia pa|>ers, de
fending himself from the charge brought
against him ; denying that he was ever en
gaged in speculations during the term of his
bauk Presidency ; stating that lie went abroad
solely on account of the state of his health.—
The fact that he was the largest stockholder
in the Bank is almost sufficient to lead one to
believe that he acted iu good faith and for the
best interests of the institution.
fteyThe Seventh Lecture of the Course was
delivered on Monday evening last by Hon.
DAVID WILMOT, on " Ancient and Modern Phil
osophy? It is hardly necessary to say that
this attractive and interesting subject was
handled with great ability, and the lecturer
showed a great familiarity with his subject.
The resignation of Mr. MARKET has
been sent to the House, and a resolution adopt
ed calling upon the Canal Commissioners, for
his rcjiort. A bill has passed the House, re
storing the management of the work to the
Canal Commissioners, and appropriating $50,-
000 for rebuilding the Horse Race dam.
T. O. of O. F. CELEBRATION. —The Odd
Follows of the Eastern part of the County,
hold a celebration at Lcllaysville, on the 22d
inst. Hon. E. S. SWEET, will deliver a lecture.
Permission has been granted to appear in re
4®°-The Grand Jury of Northumberland
county recommended a county loan of SIOO to
the overseers of the poor of Mt. Carrael.
(For the Reporter.)
MR. GOODRICH : —ln addition to those al
ready mentioned in your paper of the 21st as
being in Forty Fort at the massacre of 1778,
there is EUNICE SATTERI.EE, of Smithficld, now
81 years old, whose father, John Peircc, was
killed in that battle. The day after the bat
tle her mother saw an Indian dressed in her
husband's clothes. She like many others
travelled on foot, carrying Eunice in her arms,
to the Delaware river, where Geueral, then
Captain Simon Spalding, famished a Conti
nental wagon to take them to Connecticut.
j®"The Kansas question iu Congress is ap
proaching its cuhninatiou. CI.ARKSON, the
special messenger from Gen. CALHOUN, having
[ the Lecomptou Constitution iu his care, to
gether with the official canvass of the votes
cast on the 2lst of December, when that in
strument was first submitted to the people o r
the Territory, has arrived iu Washington, and
delivered his charge to the President, who it
is thought, wonld send it in Monday, accom
panied by the Message, which has been some
time prepared. This will undoubtedly lead to
the most exciting debate of the session, and
the proceedings of Cougress will be looked for
with intense iutercst.
Mr. STANTON, late Secretary of Kansas Ter
ritory has issued an address to the people of
the United States iu vindication of his conduct
while occupying that position and that of Act
ing-Governor. He sets forth at length the
condition of affairs at the time and justifies
his course in assembling the Legislature, for
which act he was removed, on the score of im
perative necessity.
hose carriage purchased in Phila
delphia by Lin ta Hose Co., arrived this week,
and was on Tuesday " shown up" to our citi
zens. fit is universally pronounced to be a very
beautiful affair. The prevailing color is blue,
releived by gold, and it is embellished with
several flue paintings.
The Concert of the Towanda Brass Band,
given to aid in paying for the carriage, was in
every way successful, both as to attendance
and enjoyment of the rich musical treat given.
ftajT The fire at Mouroctou, which we brief
ly announced, did not prove as disastrus as
was feared. It was confined to DOCGHF.KTY'S
Hotel, from which most of the furniture was
saved. An insurance of $2200 will nearly co
ver the loss. How the fire originated is uot
certainly known, but it is supposed from a
light which was kept burning all night in a
sick room.
teaf An adjourned meeting of the Towanda
Lyceum will be held on Saturday evening of
this week. An essay will be delivered by B.
S. IlrssEi.r., Esq., ; Subject, " Currency and
Commerce"—after which the following resolu
tion will be discussed :
Resolved, That women should be educated
in all the sciences that men are.
flgr We are requested by the Towanda
Brass Band to return their thanks for the libe
ral patronage bestowed upon them at their
Concert at Troy ; and also for the many cour
tesies and attentions they received at the hands
of the citizens of the place.
LIAR Hos. WM. A. PORTER has been ap
pointed Judge of the Supreme Court, to fill
the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of
[From the Washington Union.]
Official Appeal " to Every True Demo
crat, North and South—ln and out of
Congress—ln the United States."
The Government is now in the bands of the
Democrats. Its President, its Cabinet, its
Congress are Democratic, and have been made
so by the voice and vote of the individual
Democrats throughout the nation. A common
responsibility, therefore, rests on all Democrats,
as well in office as out of office, to quell these
rebellions , and to restore law and order to both
Kansas and I tah. There is no escape from
this responsibility on the part of the Democrats
whether they are in public or private life.
The President placed in power by the Demo
cratic party says to Congress, quell the rebell
ion in Utah by sending there a powerful aud
efficient army to subdue BRIGHAM YOUNG and
his leading coadjutors, and bring them to a
just and legal punishment. As to Kansas he
says that after having gone through many
tribulations and trials while in the midst, of re
bellion, and all the impediments which LANE
and ROBINSON, the secret aid societies, and the
Black Republicans everywhere, have created,
she at last stands at the door of Congress with
a Constitution admitted on oil hands to be
eminently " Republican"—formed by legal con
vention ; admitted by Walker, and Stan
ton, aud Douglas, ami almost everybody else,
(but Jim Lane,) to have been a legal Conven
tion—a Constitution voted for, as it relates to
the only disputed subject embraced in it, by
every bona fide inhabitant who had a mind or
wish to vote—a Constitution which' can be
moulded and shaped after admission into the
Union just as the people from time to time
may determine. Kansas, standing at the 'door
of Congress with such a Constitution as this :
the President advises, should be admitted into
Union on terms of equality irith the other Stales l
of the Union.
MR. BI CHAN AV is a Democrat ; BE was pi t
at tlie head of the nation and the party byDein
ocruts. As President of the United States, he
lias been bra veil in Utah and Kansas by James
Lane and Brigham Young, lie has met their
treason with great forbearance and kindness ;
but the time has come now when, in the dis
charge of his imperative duty, he is obliged to
to appeal against them to Congress and the coun
try. What Democrat that represented, or
was present at Cincinatti when ho was nomi
nated ; what Democrat in all this broad land
that voted for him in his election, can now
draw off from him and go over and stand by
the side of Lane ? Yet, to vote against Mr.
Buchanan's recommendation to let Kansas in
to the Union—is it not to join and vote with
Lane and his associates, whose perpetual cry
is " Vote against her P' "Keep her out " Keep
her out
There is no unsoundness in this argument.
The Democrats are right on this issue, or the
Republicans arc right ; James Buchanan is
right, or James Lane is right. And no good
Democrat will catch at nice and unnecessary
distinctions in order to eurol himself, in or out
of Congress, on the side of Lane, the traitor
and rebel. There is not (we believe) One Dem
ocratic district, north or south, in this Union,
when history shall duly record the great facts
in this case, that will support, by Democratic
sanction, the exclusion of Kausas on the Le
compton Constitution.
What would l>c the fate of any Democrat,
in or out of Congress, who should ref
vote supplies or soldiers io crush t| (e
rebellion in Utah ? The Black K.J
enemies of Democracy and her Preside
Brigham Vouug, and put their opposjj l
the gronnd of undying hatred to
and all its ways ; but kmc can any y ; ,' <
hold up his head and look one moment'
Conrention at Cicninatti, and the.
platform which it ordained, and then r,--
firm by Jam-s Buchanan ? We re[x u
no Democrat iu these days of obvious ffmJ
of law and order in Utah and in
in many other quarters, will fail (i n our
merit) to stand firm and unflin bin® /.'
principles—firm and unflinching to the p
dent of his choice—firm ami unflinching\
National Democratic Party, which i,'
amid the loosening ties of aocial order,
and only hope of our country.
Washington Gossip.
WASHINGTON, January 2,.
To-day the count a gainst the Leo,'*..
Constitution gives a majority of seven''
opposition. This estimate gives the a,
tration all who are considered doubtful
those who have not expressed them,
against the constitution. The democrat/
with the Republican party, make urn '
majority have pledged themselves to ta,
er in the most solemn manner, short
oath, that they will not falter or waver i
steady position to the bill. Admittin-//
that the administration has only th?s
majority to overcome, the question is
the Executive appliance can reduce, !,-•
frighten enough of these from their fid-',
their friends and their principles, p
Douglas is still as sincere and earnest a< *
in his own opposition, and choose to e:>r
great personal influence, he can retain in
crease the strength he has in his own p.
and defeat the administration. If he p.
toj remain inactive, the majority of •
judging by experience, may possibly mei;-,
under the sunny influence of Executive fj-
The advertising for the Federal gorerDn*t
Illinois has been taken from the journals ,
support Douglas, which is the commences
of the execution of the treat
time since, that the support of the rtb
senator should he regarded as the anp- ;
able sin. Shaw, of Illinois, spoke thisa-,
ing against the administration.
Hickman, of Pennsylvania, who was eh
as a Buchanan democrat, has just corn
a very able speech against the whole Kj
policy. He condemns the Lecoinpton ex
tution and the whole action of the admin,.;
tiou in its interference in relation to it. Ta
are the lirst guns from the battery which
just been organized, and a few more like:'#
will repulse the assaults or approaches of j
Special Dispatch to the Xew York Time.
The latest canvass of the Senate pre;-!
son to fear that Lecompton will have ami:
ity of two in that body, inclnding both/
New-Jersey Senator*, Jones, of lowa, ami a
protested Senators from Indiana. It is ik!
Ed, however, to give the Senate an opporta
tyjbeforc Kansas is disposed of. to decide
er they will permit the latter to retain the
seats, to vote on that question. 'Die i!lnei
Judge Collamer alone prevented this movens
Private dispatches received here state tfe
tively that Calhoun has backed out of hi-'
jection of the returns sent to Governor I 1?
The Administration concedes that the Pea'
sylvania Legislature will vote against theb
compton Constitution if the direct quest '
reached, but their friends design to smother:?
resolutions in the select committee to *1:
they are referred.
In the House, nineteen Northern Perno'.:
are considered certain against Lecomptony
even probably in addition.
I understand that it is evident before a
Tariff Committees of Investigation, tb;
member of Congress proposed to furnish tw
tv-five votes for that measures, on CMIAM
that twenty-Jive thousand do!lots should ley
cd in the hands of a certain Mew York V
I do not learn the name of the parties, bats
inclined to think they are the same who flpm
in the .same way in the testimony elicited i
Winter. It is said on the street Mr. Sta
can testify also to a singular letter received'f
him from another New-York editor, reld
to his Tariff bill of last Session.
The Fort Snelling Investigation seem*liW
to show that the job was the consideration 1
which the money was raised by the cekbftt
New-York Hotel Committee to carry Pent*
vania for Buchanan. Richard Schell isextV
ed here on Monday, ne will testify that'
bad no interest in "the matter, cross-qne:
itig will elicit the fact that a quarter inter 1
in the job stooJ in the name of his wife.
WASHINGTON, Sunday, '■
The President's Kansas Message is in tjf
Ciarkson having arrived with the official
ment of the vote upon the Ijecompton Coos
tution, there is no doubt that it will p [>
Congress to morrow.
Prominent Democrats assert that n hire"
has been struck between the Admiuis"*" 1
and the New-York soft leaders now here, n" 1
on consideration that they allow a lair
of the appointments, they will help IjecowpW
through. I have my d wibts whether the'
so. I think they intend to get tiie offices 1 *
then repudiate the price.
Governor WISE writes here, that if D**
dent BUCHANAN'S Message makes I/eeoiupj*
the test of party fealty, he will at once |>n !,KS
his threatening expose of the President 's
The Constitution of Oregon has arrived'?
special messenger.
The pending Corrnption Investigation
ise abundant fruit. WAI.COT, who is MI
was seen here last week bv several person- 5 "
His sudden disappearance is very sa
A WESTERS EMPIRE. —Rumors are rift 4l
Washington, that the Government lias
ed disastrous advices from the Utah K*!*
tion, which it will not venture to make
The President, it is added, is convinced l® 3 '
Brigham \oung's intentions are only to **
an active defence, and that Mormons in U**
and California are to join him fur that purp"*
but that a movement with reference
em Empire, is at the bottom of the "Jf
game. The idea, iudeed, of a Western &
pire with Mormonism for a corner stone, i- '
ridiculous even for the dream of a sane
yet \ oung ud Ids crew have pursued U
wicked career so long with impunity, that c f
may he blown up with an idea °f 'he k'- 1 '