laws,and against all who rise up to oppose them bv unauthorized means. Nor can the excuse for resistance to the Territorial laws, and lor failing to perform the dnties of citizenship under them, that wrongs, and frauds were per trated at elections, he admitted as a jnstifica tion. Where elections are so Ireqneut and the r ji T |it of suffrage so liberal, as in this couutry, it is peculiarly the duty of a good citizen to olicv existing authorities, aud even objectiona ble laws, knowing that the former can be changed and the fatter ttodified or repealed within a very brief period. And as to dis puted elections, they must be decided by the proper legal authority, and not by individual citizens or irregular self-constituted assetubla ges. Insubordination to uecessary and rightful authority, instigated and encouraged by un worthv men in the organized States, who de sired that discord should coutinue, and were willing to contribute to that objeQt, is the prolific fountain from which the troubles in Kansas have heretofore proceeded. It was natural, perhaps inevitable, that this conduct bv a party in the territory should provoke an opposite party to many unjustifiable acts, and to much imprudent and unreasonable conduct. Thus extremes act aud re-act upou each other, and when the laws are defied and individual action let loose, wrongs, outrages aud violence are necessary results. The last phase of the Kansas question,which is upon the constitution framed by a Territorial Convention, is peculiarly for the judgment of Coagrevs, to which the power of admitting new States is confided by the constitution of the Union The representatives of the people and of the States in Congress assembled, will meet that question under all the responsibili ties which they owe to their constituents, aud which arc imposed upon them by their oaths of office ; and with full Information of a fiual judgment. Events are constantly occurring in the territory which will afford mutter for Con gressional debate, and may affect the ultimate decision. To the people of Pennsylvania the admis sion of a new fctate into the Union—into that confederacy of which she is a member—must be at all times a subject of high interest. And I beiieve I express their sentiments as well as tin* own, in declaring that all the qualified electors of a Territory should have a full and fair opportunity to participate in selecting delegates to form a Constitution preparatory to admission as a State, and, if desired by them, they should also be allowed an unquali fied right to vote upon such Constitution after it is framed. Of course, those who then fail to vote, in either case, cannot complain that the proceeding goes on without their partici pation. It is to W; hoped that. Congress will make such provisions for other Territories that the preseut difficulty will have no rcpitition in the future. In conclusion, permit me to observe, that all experience and refleeCcii prove that the moral virtues form the only firm foundation of public order as well as individual character, their support should therefore engage the profound attention of Government, and the co-operation of all good men. will be any struc ture reared for the regulation of society, and the promotion of man's true and substantial happiness, unless it stand upon a foundation more permanent than paper arrangements, or the fleeting impulse of the hour I The recognition of a Great Supreme Rower, which rules the affairs of nations and of men is the only support of those virtues which can make a people distinguished and prosper ous, and give to Government duration and suc cess. Sincerely imploring the Div'ne guidance in the performance of duty, I assume the post as-igned me by the people, indulging the hope that at the termination of my services I shall enjoy the approval of ray own conscience, and behold Pennsylvania advanced and secure in her position as one of the great communities of the New World—her standard aloft, and proudly bearing, untarnished, her motto of "Virtue, Liberty and Independence." WM. F. PACKER. •BjgsS=]'OXATIOX PARTY.-—The friends of Rev. BAR WM. DKI.OSG will make a Donation Visit for his inn lit. at the house of George C. Gore, in Sheshequin, entile afternoon and evening of THURSDAY, February lili, 1858. Invitation to all. Nct 3.i)Dcrliscinents, A GRAND CONCERT FOR THE BENEFIT OF Lin-ta Hose Company, No. 3, Wi',l be given at the Court House, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2, $5 % Cofoanba srass jJhnb. PROGRAMME—PART I. 1. Marseilles Hymn. J. S.u.ta,: Polka. 3. Srliottische. f- Polish National Hymn. Medley. 8- Cap. Shepherd's Quickstep. PART 11. 1. Pnotr Drift Polka. 2- Qui-ksten dedicated to Lin-ta Hose. No. 3. 3. Medley, t Sturm Ofllloppe. f> Win id up Quickstep. •b Old Hundred. Tie bete. 25 rents ; Family tickitu, SI.OO. So Persons Remitting Money to Xre . land. I HE undersigned are now prepared by an arrangement A with Messrs. Roche Bros. A Coffey, of New-York, t > Vj'Vi- '"'aft- payable at sight on Messrs. Roe he Brothers sums of one pound and upwards to any • Mount. and also to issue certificates of passage in the " ->'•!> of the " Black Ball Line " of New York and Liver- Pool packets. _ 28. IHSB. LA PORTE. MASON ACQ. BRIDGE LETTING.—Seated proposals w "l ' e receivi dat the ('onuirii-sioner's < Wire, in the jTmigli i,f Ti wand i. until :i o'clock, P. M. of AVKDXES , *-Ike 3d day of FEBRUARY next, tor the bflilding v>* MUIMiK across S igar Creek, near A. M. Swain's,in Hutlington. Specifications for the same may be ■ ii at >a:J office for ten days previous to the day ot Ict- P.y order of the Commissioners, - ' E. B.C'OOLBAUGII, Clerk Office, Jan. 25, 1858. UuA DFORD COU NTY TEACIIK[US' i,, next quarterly meettng of : .i, ' ' "unty Teachers Association, will he held in FreJyUu-iau t hnreh in Merry all, on FRIDAY, the Lin f FEBRUARY next, at U o'clock, A. M. au addres- wjll he delivered before the Association by •• ■ H. I*. KINNKV ; essays will be read by Misses MA- T , * K' LKV COLT. subject °t Phonetic Teaching and other important '/'J" ' ts connected with education will be taken up and fussed at this meeting. JAS. McWILLIAM. ■igj 6 .lßs H. Secretary. Sent Free to any Address. (j Si AXS - Bookseller. Publisher, and originator LLOOK ENTERPRISE, has just issued a • la,™!! Catalogue of bis Books, comprising " n Vilr ied assortment of all kinds of literature. • rih of r,ifts wi,i with every SIOOO rji! v J' n r ,ks A giR worth from 25 cts. to SIOO ( )r j. yhvertd with each liook at the time of sale. k'fwarrtL i ra th ' s rountr y promptly filled and the goods is rH>i\v'i tx b rt - s ox wail on the tame day the order xot frre. AiHtt.-i GG- I>ANS. j Xlliscvl rtIU'OUG. No Mistake for D, C. Hall. HE has now on hand a large stock and a great variety of Parlor aud Plate, and 4 different patterns of Cooking Stoves of Diving Flue aud Elevated Ovens for Coal and Wood— that rather than to summer tin ni over he will sell at cn e t b.r cash or grain at the fnHowing uri e.ea V\ heat. $1 25 ; Rye. 624 ets.; Corn. ._'A cts ; oats 37| ctH 1 Buckwheat. 43J cents and Butter the hiirhest liiai ket price given. If you don't believe it, call and trv him. P. S. Those who have accounts or notes with nim that are due, had better make arrangements to uav imme diately if they wish to save cost. _T >waiida, Jan. 14. Issß. SOLE LEATHER, A LARGE SUPPLY, AT VERY LOW PRICES. Also, Upper Li-ather, French and American Calf Skins, Kip Skins, a lurge assortment of Morocco. Linings, Find ings, aud other goods suitable for the season. fCA BOOTS &. SHOBS, _%l Of stf own manufacture, constantlv on hand, made to older, all of which we" offrr at rc duced prices. HUMPHREY WICK HAM. Towauda. January 5. WW. DISSOLUTION— NOTICE I- HQROBY that ttie partnership heretofore existing between tLe subscribers i* this day dissolved by mutual consent. Zar cbeus Annaliie agreeing to settle and pay ail the debts of the late tirm, and he is also nothorized to receive all ac counts and debts owing to the said firm. SAMUEL ANN ABLE. Granville. July 24. 1557. ZACCHKUS ANN ABLE. I IST OF LETTERS, remaining in the P. J O. at T<>WANDA, quarter ending Dec. 31, 1857. Angel Mary B Lord Mary- Burke Patrick Lynch Samuel Biles Miron Madden Ellen Bradening S A D Merrit Anna ltelour Julia Mrs Meentir Ann Bowman Jacob Moore George 3 Blauding John Manmi George Bowman J A McCeny la u-ira Boston -iiilin L Miuthing Wm Brown John J Marely M Barret John Mack Sarah Ann Bambour James Mitchel W Burch Egbert Moore Mary Bartlett D P Murphy Mary Bcbee Clarinda Melntire M try Claftin Clara McDonald Morris Covey Hannah Morris Leonard Carney Charlotte MaWtiarton James Doaner Albert H McDonald John I'cLaucy Arthur Moor Henry S Derrnnt Jauies M Norton Sarah Davidson S A Ninian Matilda I)ilzer Frank Nortbrup Mat v L I>eazy William Nagiee Julia Diltz Harriet B N >rihvap John DeLoug Mrs M Old R I F.lkan Moses O'Day John Elkan S l\itti.-<-u John Elliot James Post L 11 Kastabrook Francis E Percival Mary A Fish Daniel Potter .Morgan Joseph Robert II Pattison Wm John-oil James Pierce W A ' Johnson 1* 11 l'atti.-on II G Girardiu I'r lieyimltis Ann French W B Ross James H Fowler Win Rigley* Matthias Flint A Co Russell W m Ferguson Marv L Sal-bury DC Folsey James Smith Kiizabceh A Galespy Mary Strait Clinton Galuslia Samuel Sawyer Mrs E Greeu Simon 2 Spencer Joseph Graham M 2 Sanderson James Griffin Morris Stirim-?'- John A High E M Sickle Jo -h Horton Elma Sihle Peter Hiigb-ou John .Smith Uiiey 2 flat! Tbosti Stronc Lemuel Hughes Thomas Skim sYnt Ha lev Wm Stephenson Win Irwin Martin Miss Spencer D Kerf W T Thompson J:m-.-3 2 KinimHi James Taylor Je-se Lynch Bridget TracevG J Lines C P Thayer W S 2 Lowm dins U Will. ock Alexander Lrmaii C A Wordcn Ib'iiry I Leo el Is E M Wright ii N Loney John Walboin Solomon Lynch John Whitehall Ansel Lynch Michael it- it- MeKKAX, P. M. "*4-iVisons inquiring for letters will ph a-c-s-y they an- adverti.-el. lIST OF .1 UIIORS, drawn for February -A Term aud Sessions, 1 sSS. HHANO JL'ROITL. Armenia—t) D Fields. jSiuithtieid —Ira (R' "'k. Asylum—Geo S Gamble. j South (hk—A H Thompson. Athens twp.—B P Snyder. Troy boro'—Wm B.nyer. J hn Giißin. jTowunda b—JDGo -de.iougli Athens Ixiro' - T.TI ShermaniTowanda 77 -Coo Mill*. Chas Comstocp. Ulster—John Conklin, Edw Dnrell —Ulysses Moody, Walker. Monroe tp—Lyinan Marcy, Warren—Evan Howell, Frs. David 11 ui.L'- -y. , A! yt. Pike- John Baldwin. IWy.ilusing— Stephen Lyon. R'.dgbcrry —Mills Curr. j '-Veils—Decker E Ayit-s. Springfield —N W l'ottcr. |Wysox -John 14 limes. TKAVKRSK JfiillKS —Klll.-T WKKK- Armenia—R Montgomery. iGrwel!—lsaac Lyon. Asylum-—J H Stat ford, Wir.iSlie-iicqniu—US K. ugslury Pussmore. i Ralph ti >re.John Rauiiali I Athens tp—John T Briuk. ( in- Chaffee. Curtis Thurston. j South Creek—-Ad Turner, i Athens ho—t hurlcs Brooks.jSiuithficid- Newton Wood. F. X. Page, Glt Perkins. ISylvauia bo—l' Pci k jr. Burlington—fl W Bennett.. jTuwamla bo— J Collins, M ll'irlingtoa W —John Bloom j C Men nr. Dun |l—Hi-hard Gili ert. i'r>>y tp- riv Morgan. Franklin —Benj Langilon, El ih -i arora -Harry Ai kly. Blake. [Warren —Philip Davis, J I* Granville—Robert Bailey, I.j Rogers. D Taylor. ' i Wells— Orr Smith. Herrick—Nel-on Heeler. | Wilmot—Hiram Stone. I^ltoy—EJinund Kelly. jWysox —John BSmith, J M l.itclilield—Hus M'Kmney. j iieed. SKCONII WEEK. Albany—John Matthews, J|Pike— O J Warner.F. Heeler. Wilcox. [Rome — L Vought, John W Asylum—Geo H Morrow. Woodbnrn. Athens tp—l-aai 1 Gregory. Springfield—Almon Berry. Daniel McDuffie 2d. | Standing Stone—P Worth. Athens bo—ll C Itaird. jSvlvaniabo- NII McCollnin Burlington l>o—Job Morley.jS uith t.'rct k II l b imps >n. \V—Horace Brown.| i'owanda Is)— 11 S Men ur. Canton I) II Duart. jTowxnd-itp—Murray Watts, Columbia—t) J Hr.oBYr.R | lILSi ott. Eurcll—Simeon Decker. Is-jTusearora—( 5- Browning, rael Smith. i i'roy tp—Abner t iatlin. j Granville—D B H->s 1 Warren—EC BulHugtoo, J Herrick L M Stevens. I ('Manning, Tbo.s Youiig. j l>eßoy—C Chaaptl, Jamc?Wyalusing— ''lint->n Lewis. Baglcy. j Windhain—P Kuykeudall. I Litchfield—Abnt Carupl>ell. ; Wells— Aison Laf.ew. WANTED OATS, Corn. Rye. Wheat, Potatoes, ami a -mall quan titv'nf Rye straw will be taken at the BARCLAY i MINES in exebange tor COAL. J. MACFARLAXE, Dec, H, IS">7. G'-n. Sup. Barclay it- U. A Coal Go. V GENTS, ATTENTION !—Do yon wish to find good employment, and make money with 'little or no investment, and without interfering with voiir regular business? 11 }ou do, read this advertise ment. ' C. E. T.nnft A Co., of Broome Street, New i ork. are manufacturing and selling massive gohl Pencils lor .4.5 each, (which are cheap at that price.) and they throw in a girt or prize with each Pencil, worth from $2 up to *5, $lO, sls, S2O. 5, #3O. #SO. #75. fIOO. S2OO and *SOO. Don't cry out " Humbug! Lottery ' ' it s n>> stieli thing. The Pencils are sold at their rash value, and nil the pro fits over the first cost are thrown into the gilts, which actually cost the purchaser nothing. Ihe prizes are dis tril-iited < n a simple plan ol drawing, width would take too much room to explain, but which II.IS never tuiicd to give complete sati-taction. \\ e have drawn aud sent to purchaser- is 3 gold watches oi various prices, il pnise of gold dollars, Ui's gold lockefs, 850 gnl 1 ell lias, and a corresponding uum'ocr of ot her prizes, within I w > inuith-. TlfUrfE ARE NO BLANKS, but every p' r drawc a prr/e worth #2 cert.iin, and it stands thousands of chan es to i>e a higher figure. We want a good agent in every neighborhood Mn .mgh out the country, to solicit purchasers, and any agent, to 'H- successful, must have a Pencil au<> prize to exhibit. We pay agents yi rasp for each piTrcirr.ser If obtains, and the first person in any neighborhood who applies for a Pencil and gi!t, will receive t'lic tgcncy for that focali tv. Should ;in agent obtain a valuable jirize to exhibit with his Pencil, be would have little difficulty iu obtain ing scores of purchasers, and making i* a paying business. A NEW IDEA! READ f! READ!! ! We ask nobody to send their money fciif they know what prize they draw. Any person wishing to try their luck, can first send us their name and address, and wc will make their drawing and inform them by return mail what prize they draw, v?hen thev can send ou ami tlie Pencil and prize, orjnot, whichever they choose, we give tliis privilege only once to a purchaser. Alter fir>t drawing, every purchaser will be required to nciul in advance, through the authorized agent. We w:ii sfua with each drawing the number talren out, with full lies cription of the plan of drawing. Jan. 20. 1858. 302 Broome Street, New York. ADM INISTR ATO R'S N'OTI CEN* ot ice iB hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of George McClelkuwL iaie of Canton, deceased, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate wul please present them duly authenticated tor settlement. v r J v AV. JfrCLEIJ AND, ORRIS FIHSFfF. Canton Jan 14 !?o* Administrator:- Ceo, al. PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, tlie Hon. DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford and Susquehanna. and llouurubles JOHN P.VSSMOIIB. and JOHN F. LONG, Associate Judges, iu aud for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 27th day of Dec. A. D. 1857, to inedirected,for holding a Court of Oyer at.d Terminer. < ieneral Quarter Sessions of the IVace, Common pleas mid Orphan's Court, ut Tnwftu da. for the County oi Bradford, on the tir-t Monday, the Ist day of FF.HLIFL ARY next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coraners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ol Bradford, that they 1 e then and there in their proper per son, at 10 o'elo. k in the forenooii of said day, with their records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to is* done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said County, or who shall be bound to appear at the said court. are to lie then and there to prosecute against them as shall be jnst. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towauda, the 4th of Jan.. in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight, and of the Independence of the United States, the eighty ■■MM. THOMAS M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE.—Ey virtue of KM miry KA writs of Fieri Facias, ISSUED out of the Court of Coinßioii I'leas of Bradford Gouuty, and to UE- DIRE ted, will lie exposed to public sale on SATURDAY, the 30th day of January , LSSN. ut one o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, in the borough of Towauda, the following des iribed lot. piece or parcel ot land situate in Sheshequiu twp.. Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit : B< - ginning at a hemlock, a corner, thence south !IS° east 31N 2-10 perches to a hemlock the south east corner of tiie warrant, thence north H° EAST 17s 4-11 nerehes to A | post south ea.-t corner of the late Peter Alien s lot, tlicuce north N!> 0 we-t !'l TL-L'L per. LU -to the south west corner of the Arunah Wattles lot, thenee south 1° west 03 per., to a beech corner, thence north !S° west 50 perches to a corner of lot No. 1, thenee north 1° ca-t Is 2 F-IO percb e< to the north line of v. uraut a post a corner of lots No. 1 and 2, thenee on said warrant line north H;i° west "ID perches to a hemlock sapling, the north east corner ot , Isaac S. Horton'S lot. them eby said lot south 1° west L'! 2 4-10 perches to U rock oak sapling south east corner ' of said 1.-nae S. Horton's lot, tueuce north N'J° west 126 ' 3-10 perches to a po.- t on the south Hue of Isaac 8. Hor- I ton's land, thence LJ 0 west 115 4-10 perches to the liem- j lock, the place of beginning. Containing three hundred and sixteen acres and fifty-eight perches, !• the same more or less, about forty acres improved, 3 framed hou- : SES. 3 log houses, 2 framed burns, 1 saw mid, A-mall gro cery building arid a few fruit trees. AL>'o All that lot. piece or parcel erf laud -itoate in - Bheshequirf tWp.. Bradford county, bounded as follows, j to wit : North by lauds of C. Smith, east by land of Rich ard Johnson, ,SOUTH by land of George Smith and west by , lands of Martin Rogers. Containing about twenty-seveu ! acres, about twenty-live aeies improved, a framed, ! a framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees. ALSO - VIL that 1 t, piece or parcel ol laud situate in Sheshequiu tn p., Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit : North by land lately owned by s. I'. Washburn, I U-t by land of Benjamin Smith, suui-i by laud in posses sion of W. Steplieuson and west by land of Reuben Young. Containing liny acres more or less. ALSO—AII that i *t, pie- 1- or pain lof land situate in Rome twp.. Bradford county, bounded n.s follor,to wit. North by the T ovner liiil rond.ea-t and we-t by lands formerly owntd bv Jud-ou Ibdeomb and south by land ed John Pas-im ce. < 'out fifty feet ti -ut by i ft it back, more or less, all improved, with a blacksmith .-Imp thereon. Seized and taken in execution at Hie suit of Montanyia A Co. v.-. Benjamin Stepliensuii. THUS. M. WOODRCKF, Sheriff. Shi rid - Office. Jan. ISJs. OItFRIFF'S SALES.—IS} virtue of writs O of vend, expon as i-sui d out of the Court ot Com mon Picas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale oo MONDAY, the 1-t day of February, A. D., at I o'clock, P. Si., at the Court House in the borough of Towauda. the following lot, piece or parcel or land situate :u Orwell twj>.. bounded on the north by lands ol Jiid-on La-t Tbrook.s, east by lands of Major B. Daring, s c-ih by laud- of !( r Spict r, aud west by lands of Allea Howen. C uitaiu ug -eventy-five acres, more or i- s-, a! out fifty am-- impr--v--d, a framed house, a framed barn and shed, and an orchard of fruit trees tin reon. rfi izcd aud taken in cxi ■ ution at the suit of Charles James vs. Abrazina Rogers ami Alva Rogers. ALSO—A pie■ eor parcel of land iu Shc-hequiii town ship. iiomi hti u rth and ea-t by lauds of Elias Post.- cath find west by lands of Wm. B. Morton and Surah Smith. Cunt lining ">() acres, more "r less, alout to ;u res thereof iiuprov-d. with a framed house, a log house, a framed barn mid an ol hard of lr. it trees. ALSO One '.her piece-or parcel of lin linSh -hc-piin township, bounui d north by iand of Benjitinin Stephen son,east by land of Wm. T. Patterson, south by land - of Abiam Paitcrsoii. Containing 50 acres be the saint- more or !e-.s. Sc-i/.i d and t then in execution at the suit ul Joseph Powell vs. L. I>. Post. abStl —A piece or parcel ol 'ami iu Canton town-Tin, bounded north by land-: of - T W. Grifdu. eat l y t'iie public road le oliug ti -m Cant-oi to Butch Flat-. - -th by lands of Charles 11, and vvi-i l,y lands of A. I)oty. Containing -diont 55 feet fr-mt by 3-).t o-et back, all im proved. with a framed dwelling house thereon. Seized and tak- :i i:i > x-cution at th -nit of S. If.New man to the u.-e ol Kdw.tnl Vundiue Vs. J. >. Min.ird. ALSO—A pieie or par- il land in Wilmot township, bounded II rth b-y laud o! Oe rge Kberly. ca.-t !.. laud.-of John Bates, south by lands ol John Dii ll'. uhaehi r. and WEST by lands of Charles Morning-tar nnd Miheil'-r. Containing lU7 arc-, more or iesj, abmit 3D acre- im proved. willi a fram'-d bouse, a framed stable, a ' ig barn and tin apple orchard hereon. Scizi d and taken iu execution at tlie suit of l).M.James vs. Arthur Mafii-tf. ALSQ—The following lot. Mere or tmrc-l of land situ ate in Athens twp.. llrailtoid county. I>--.aided • ti Cue 11-irth by iulid.- of Kdward Pel kins, cast by lauds ul /.. tlihbs. - I *li by IIU-cat- d land or land known THE Ca t >n t'act ami oil the west by bind belonging the licit- ! Horace Wißisti ri, dee d, ''ontaining about iHty-seteu acres, more or less, about forty acres fram ed house, one framed barn, one framed shed and fruit trees thereon. ALSO One othfir lot. piece OR parcel of land situate in Athens twp., Itradt rd county, bounded AS follows, F-> wit: ORT tite north bv lands of Yates >V Co., "A-D by land belonging to THE B*-irs of HOME" TV illi-tun. dee'A.. S.oith by the public highway and on the wo ' by lands of i'->r ncliii- lliiu-ikcr. Containing aboi't t'uiitv a res, more or less, about twenty acres iu'proFed, with one log h u.-e with a framed a-lditiou aud fruit tre> - llu-i eon. Seized ami taken in executioc at the ->: it ->t L. A. SchOTci; ta the u-e of Stepbeu St. J>>lm vs. A bra to Han -iki-r. ALSO—The following b>t. piece or parcel Of land situ ate in Franklin twp.. Br.olmrd county, biumled on the north by lau .'.h by laud of Atlira Gay and west by laud f John Kuykeudall. (.'ontainin.' about one hundred and twenty a< re.-, about eight acres improv ed with a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—Due other I t, piece r parcel of land situated in Franklin twp.. Bradford county, bounded on th" north by lands of John Lautz andS.nnuei A unable. e:t-t I>\ land of ilora e Whiley. smith ! y tb- l'v.- ;( iihi ert'-k and we-t l>y land of Horace W'iliey. Containing about one hun dred acres, nmre or !o-s," b>m thirty n> re- impMt'cd. one plank h >u-o ami framed barn, one blacksmith shop ami ay ning orcimrd of fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of Joseph Powell vs. Win. E. Gore. ALSO The fol! iwi ig ltd, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Canton twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the imrth by lands ot Win. S Bikcrand Kingsbery, Newman A G >.. cast bv lands of Kingsbery, N tvnrin A Cm, south i> v Tiuga s-Jrcet and t ly lau>!- ol Kingsbery, Nov. - ni.m A Co. are! W'm. S. Baker. Containing one fourth of an a> re, more or less, ail improved, with a itauteu House thereon. Seized and taken in execution at thr -ciit of S. H. New mau to the use of E. A'andine vs. A. M. Kramer. THUS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Shortr.s Office, Jan. 5, 15.".8. rT Notice i- hereby given, that nn .amount sufficient to pav all costs w 11 lie reqiiinal iu every case where laud is *<> id, niso satislactor) security or money paid oa all bids made on lauds, at tlm time of ..ate, and unless, terms are complied with the land will b>e again exposed to safe. TitUS. M. \\ uuDUUFF, Sheriff. I IRKL FOR DIVORCE. —ULVSSES I J MOO DA' v-. HARRIET MOODY. In Brad. Com. Pleas. No. 581. Scpteml>er T. 1857. To HAURAET .MOODY, the defendant in the above suit: You are hereby notified that UO-es Moody, your husband, has fifed lii- petition against yon for a divorce Irotu the Is.uiis of oevtiiim-iiy : and that an alias subpoe na has been issued returnable to Decent!" r Term, 1557 ; and tiwt. a court of common pleas will be hchl fur tin county of Bradford, at the Court House, iu the borough of Towanda,on tlio l'ist Monday ol February next, being the Ist day : j";i will then and ihefe show cause, it any you have, H ltv the petition and lib-el ot the said I lys-e- Moody shoulff not be gr.mfe.l, pud Why the bonds ol ina triumny should not be diswdved. 1 THOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office. January 1.18.VL \ EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In 'fit matter of J. \ the estate of J"tint RosmeraiUz, dee'd. In the Or phau's Court of Bradford Connty. The undersigned, Auditor appointed to distribute the balance of fimds in the hands of the Administrator of said estate, recommitted to liinr for distribution, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office <>f Am. Wat kins in Towanda Borough, on Saturday, the 30th day of January. 1858, at 3 o'clock. P. M-, when and where all persons having claims upon baid balance are requested to preseut the same. Jan. 1, 1858. G. n. WATIyINS. Auditor. To Ail Concerned. TUr- Subscritiers' liabilitiea are such that they will ei ther be obliged to sell the Judgments and Notes they hold against their customers, or enforce collection. Wc bore our friends will not drive ue to such an alternative 4o early *-tnrb>n to this notice is reqaesW. " „g.1t.185T. JIONTA.vm ticgal. lICKNSKB. —Notice is horeltv jjiven, timt -J the following named persons have filed in the office ; of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions their peti tions for licenses under the existing law- of the Common i wealth, and their several applications will lie heard before i the judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions ou Monday, ] the Ist day of February next, at 2o'c.ock in the afternoon ! of said day: ton A TAvr.u.N : 1. Kiikpauh k Athens Township. John Howard Wya'tu.-ing Township. Nicholas I). Snyder Pike Township. (). W. Xorthrup. do , C)h'b 11. Kwazey aini John Holmes Towanda BotV. James m. Keeil." .Jft'ysox Tiwruthty), Ann Whalou da John S Tiuitfipsou Wyalusing Township. Dav'd Conable Columbia. (). b. Morse .. .Leßoy Township. Hugh M. Holcorub. ...Loßoy Township M. P. lforton . Asylum Township Bud Smith Cnnton Township. John Wallace Ridgberry Township. Alexander Stirb n Ridgln-rry Township. John Dougherty Monroe Boro. Ceo. H. Kstell Towanda Roro. Ceo. W. Davis Ridgberry Town-hip. ] MERCHANT TOM 1.1 11. Stephen Felton Totvanda Boro. LATINO SALOON. John C. Wilson T iwfcmlat Boro. ; Horace Tuitle Canton T..ivnship. ALLEN Me KHAN, Clerk. Clerk's Qlßct, January 5, (KM. SHERIFF'S S A EES—liy virtue of stmilry 0 writs of Vend. Kxponas, issued otit ol the Court of; Common Pleas of Bradford eounty. and to me directed, will lie exposed to public sale at the Court . ou-o, in the boro' of Towaiida, on FRIDAY. February 5, ISSH, nt 1 o'clock. P. M-, the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp., Bradford county, bounded tu the north by lands of Snyder, oa-t by lands of the estate •>t John Ford, dee'd.. south by lands of Lyman Buck arid the public highway and wc-t by lands of Biuicon Taylor. ('(Uitaiiiing about thirty acres, be the same more or less, about twenty-live acres improved and an orchard of fruit trees. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George C. Atwood vs. Alpheua C. Ford. ALSO The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ- ! ate in Litchfield twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the j north by lauds of Joseph Kershaw ml William Bostwh k j eat by lands of Joseph Kershaw ami Joint Warner, south | by lands of John Warner and on the west by lands of Win. I Bostwiekaud Andrew C. Biainard. Containing about | tiftv-live acres, more or less, about seven acres improved I one log house and one log shed or stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W.S. Tan nery to the use of Nathan Kdminster vs. John Hubbcil. ALSO—The follow ing lot piere or parcel of land situ- ! ate in Ridghitry twp., Bradford County, hounded on the i north by lands of Daniel Dewev, east by lands of William Easton, south by lauds of S trail Brighatn and Parvin Co vell and we-t by lands of Manser C'hamberlin. Contain- | ing titty one aen -. be the saiue more or h -s ? a!l imj>rur- i 1 d with a framed house, a big house, a framed Lam, a ] saw mill and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charity Gravi s, administr itrix of Abner Graves v.-. Clt.u!es l'ot- ; ten ALSO—The following lot. mere or parcel of land situ- { ale in Gianvilic twp., Bradford e anitv. hounded on the j a .rtli by land of L- D. Swain, i .i-t by lan 1 of Geo. John- ' son, south by laiel of A. J. Robison and wc-t by the high ' way. Containing about lifly acres, more ~r less, about twenty-five acres improved, oue framed house, log burn and IV :it trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Meeker. Herbert & Pet kins vs. X. X. a irmcy, garnishee of 11. S. Hoicomb. A LSD The following lot, piece or parrel of land situ- j ate in Albany twp., Bradford county, bounded on the j north by lands of Juno- Wilcox, on *t by the south or Fow'.er braneh of the Towam a Creek, south by lands of | Joseph White and west by lands of I'ric-tlv or ' the Coal Company lands. Containing about one liuii- | died forty acres, about s,- verity-five acres improved, one Trained house, one framed bam. one framed horse ) shed and au on hard of fruit trees thereon. j Sei/.eil aid taken in execution at the -nit of Joseph I Meiiai ti. adiniir. t rat r of the estate o, Minor Wilcox vs. ! H. ,-k yin >ur Uliinjiei. j ALSO. Tip- following lot. piece or pared of land situ- | ate in Albany twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the north by land- id" Myron Kellogg, ea.-t hy land of Myron Kllo.g and Daniel English. -oath by 1 uids of tin- ieirs ' of Jacob Miller, dee'd., and we-t by the Barclay Coal 1 lands. Containing one hundred acres and allowances, more or le-s. about thirty-five acres improved, with a log house and b g bar: thereon. AI.SD—Due other lot, piece cr parcel of lind situate ] in All any twp., Bradford county.b vimied moth by lands of I:ivi 1 Miller ami James Mm fortune, ea-t by lands ol Atitasa Haneovk, south and we-t by Zadoc Corson, Coli t lining one hundred and seventy acres ■ mre or less.about one hundred '-m improved, a framed h0;..-e, a framed barn, a 1 ig blaek-mith shop, tiiree apple orchards and : other fruit trees there in. ALSO—One other lot, pie -c or parcel of land situate in Albany twp.. Bradl'iinl i.oantv, l;ot uti-.d north hv hinds oi Mieftmld Wilcox, east by Mifbm D ike- J•• ': di un 1 Sinus n C'iupni..a. south by lands of Wills Wil i ..x and S. I'. and Win. Means and ivi-st by lands of John Hanson. John Holmes and James and Benjamin Wilcox. Containing one hundred and sixty rare-, in ore or less, i ue hiimh• d aiai-s improved, two framed in i -i s, one log liou-e, tw i framed liarns. one b!a ksmith shop, and an apple orchard and other fruit tree- thereon. ALSO—lne other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp., Bradford eounty. bounded north hv land of Sheffield Wilcox and Milton ll.ikes, nouth by Joseph Mellarili and wi -l hy lands of Z. Gillett. t' at.oning Jo acres. riiore or le--, about eighteen acres iioprovi d. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land siiuate in Albany twp., Bradford eounty, hounded on the north, west and - iiitii by Warrantee lines of a tract in the war rantee name of Henry Stark and on the east hy land- in possession o| William B. Ifidf-nyiler. being part ot the -aid 11a !in the warrantee name of Henry "Bark. Con taining about one hundred acres with a log horse in tue Woods. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. H. Mace v.-. Rol'iu Wilcox am! Sheffield \\ ileox. ALSO—The billowing lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Athens twp., Bradford county, hounded on the north hy lands ot fates ,V Co.. west hy land- of Edward Williams and Smith Griffin, on the south by I. yds of Smith Griffin and land helongiiijj to the heirs of Horace Williston. dee'd. and the public highway, on the ea-t by lands of the heirs of H. Williston, dee'd., Geo. Woleott and Abiain Hnnsiker. Containing about two hundred and fifty-six ai r'-s. more or less, about one hundred acres improved, one framed lionse, one log house, three framed burns, one framed shed ami fruit trees thereon. A'-O —i hie ot her lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in Athens Boro. Bradford county , bounded on Die north by lands of Charles F. Weile*. jr., on the east by Main street, on tie- south by KIDw utli and on tir. west hy tin* Chemung River. Containing about one-fourth of an acre, more or less, gji improved, oue trained house, one framed barn and truit trees thereon. AI.S<)- Due other lot. piece or parcel of land siiuate i:i Athens Born., Bradford eounty. hounded on the nofth by lands of A brain SmJi, west by Main street, smith by lands of Dr. Thomas Huston and east by the Srsqiiehan na river. Containing about one acre, more or fi-s, all improved, one trained house, one teamed burn and fruit trees tht-rrrj. A L'~o- C'ne other lot. piecA or fatted rf land situate in Athens Intro., Bradford county, bounded on tin- north hy lands of Chester !':irk, on tin- east by Main street, on the south Ijy lands of K. Brooks and on the west IJV flip t licmuntr l!lv i-r. Containing about three-fourth* of nn acre. more or less. nil improved one franCd Irons?, fram ed h.irn and fruit trees thereon. A 1.-O" Defendant's in fori -t in one other lot, piece or par el of land situate in Atliejn two., Bradford county, h ,muled on the nojili hy laud of .loliu Watkius, jr. and the puldie triguway, on the ea-t, smith and west l.y lands ofA'-hri Wat kins. j-. Containing aimC three-fourths of an a'-rr, irmre orlcss all rmprovdand a saw mill thereon. foiled and tit ken in execution at the .suit of the Bank of I'ovt Jafvis vs. Cornelius Utuisiker. A I.S'Y—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situated in Wsrren township, bounriedand described •as fid Intra, to wit :on tli? north hy lands of.l Antisdnle, east by the highway. south l.y J. Brant, and on the west l>y lands of (}. H. Brant, Containing about b an acre, more or less, all improved, one framed wagon shop, and one framed hfaeh miili shop tin iron. Al.nO—due other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Warren twp., hounded and .ies. rihed as follow.- : on the north and east by lands belonging to the estate .if W. linger x dee d., south by the highway, and west by land of tr. 11. Brant-, Containing about 1(5 rods of laud, more or less, all improved, with one framed bhe k-mitii shop thete ii. Seized and taken in execution at the -ait of N*. C.Bowcn. J. A. Bowen and Wm. W. Baker vs. Like S. Brant. T. M. WOODKI'FF, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, .Tan. o, K>. \ DM INTSTH ATOB'K NOTlCE.—Notice -i. is hereby given, that all pi rson- iiidrbb dto the es tate of Benj. K. W.rfkins, Tateof ShPsbcquiit ffp., dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay : and all pPr-on? having claims again-l said estate, must present theai duly authenticated, t > ths subscriber. Jan. 11. H'rt. Mo Slid WA 'PK! MS, Administrator. IXTHITK STONE LISIE.-51 bbls. White ¥ r Stone Lime just received, and for sale for Cash or (train Lv Towauda, Oct, 2G. is.l7. DAILEV A XtlVlXf?. EESF CiLCTLXi ONE THOI'SAND HEAD OrCOuDBEEF ■'Tfeititifi CATTLE wanted l.y the •' Mauch Chunk Beef Association." 'The regular market price will be paid. Cash. Bv order of the Board of Directors, hi. H. RAICH, Sec y. 0. W. SMITH. President. Mauch Chunk. Dec. fi, 1557. lAA BBLS, COMMON SALT ; 10 bills. lvv Bock Salt for packing salt,just received by Dec. 10, lsdti. BAILEY jfcJVEVIN'P. OILS," FAINTS. GLASS, &c„ sH eLes, for rale at . 6ht 12 157. Jft ACT A MfIOBE fe- L.flal. \ UIJITQUS NOTICE— In tU nutter of ix the i: slate of tkbvrah C. Cre gory deeta.rJ. fn the Orphans Court of Bradford coui.ty. The undw-signed .Vnditor appointed |o di-trtbtV-' tonds in the hands of the Adm'r of said estate will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Win. Elwell Estj., in tiie the horo'ot lovvani'.i on Tlmirday the Jbth day of January A. D.l BS$. wheu and wlier all persons LaViftg claims u]on said tund arc reonestt-d to present the same or else he forever debarrt I therefrom. G. D. MOXTaXYE, Auditor. December 24. Ida7. NOTICF.Z Notice is here- J by given that uB persons imiebtod to the e.-tate ot ttCEDF.FUCK FISHER, dee'd of Booth Towattda. must make immediate payment, and all persons having ile inand- against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. SALSBfRY CDLK, JOSEi'n HDMRT. August, 15. KIT. Excentms. EXKCrTOirS NOTICK. — All pcrsotis iu dt-iiU'il to the estate of SIL VB TITEB, deceased, lute of Derrick township, are hereby notified that pay ment must Is- made without delay, and all persons havii g claims against said r-tiV- are refpiested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. 750 PR A R PI. ATT. September 2>5,1®.'7. Executor. A miINISTRATRIX NOI lOeT—Notice fx. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of REEL'S WHITE, deceased, late of Franklin twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demand s against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. SCBAXNAIi WHITE, December 21, ls.>7. A.huini-tiatrix. 1 DMINISTRATOM'S NOTICK —Notice 1 X- is hereby given, that ali persons iadelited to the es tate of 1 km.-ford B. Bailey, deceased, late of Pike twp. are requested to make payment without delay : and ail persons having i laim- against said e-tate v. ill please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. P. 11. BECK. DEBORAH BAILEY, October 15. 1K57. Administrators. OXECUTOII'S NOTICE. —Notice isheire- M.J bv given that letters te-tamentary upon the estate of Eli/ah Lucky, kite of Biiesbeijuiu, dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber. All person-indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and these having any claims upon said e-tatc to present them duly attested for settlement. NAXCY LUCKY, JOIIX LUCKY, Bept. 15. 1W.7. Executors. LtXECCfRIX NOTlCE—Notice is here in Ly given. that ali persons indebted to the estate ot JDtfX CHAFt'EE. deceased, late of Warren town ship, are requested to i-ake payment without delay: th'isi iKiviugileiiiandsagaiiist slid estate will present tlien. duly authenticated for settlement. !••••. s. 7. FANNY CHAFFEE. Exeeutiix. \ I ) MINI -ST KA TO II"S N ()T1 (' K.- Not ice j. \ is lien hv given, that till person- indebted to tiie is tateoi Hiram Gilbert, decea-eillateof Duieli twp.,:-re re -pie-ted to make payment without delay ; and all persons hiving claims a gain- 1 said estate, must pt< -ml them duly authenticated Tor to tlie attbscfibers. Nov. 3, 1557. B. LAI'OHTE, Administrator. \ PMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice J.\. is hen tiy given, tiiatail persons indebted to the es tate of C \LEIi EDGAK'I'ON, late of Athens Borough deceased, are requested to make payment without de lay : and all persons h.iviiig i biiiri-sgnin-t sal? e-tate will please present tbeiu d dv nutlientieated for s-ttk-meut. ANGELINE EDGAUTCN. Xovemlier 12. 1 -57. Administratrix.. 4 I > MIXI ST K A TOR'S XOT 11 'I -N< t i#* f i- herebv ji\-!i, that a!', persons indebted t-- the es tnte "f EBas Yhompson. 1 'd. late of BhesLeqnin towa ship, an-iu-ri l y re>;u: -ted to make payment without de lay; ami all hiving **!air= < ag i::.-t s*:f esUte will nicu-e present tlicm dutv authenticated for settle meat. * JDHN B. THD.MPBON. H ANNAH THOMPSON. Dee. 1, 15",7. Administrators. 13 K(j ISTKK'S NOTlCK.—Ntiliee is Iwre -1 V by given that tiierc have been tiled and settled in the office of the Register of Y.'il's in and fot the e-a nty of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following e-t;lt'*s. viz : Partial account of '.tigeline I.yon, a iininiotratrix of Cab-!, f.yon. late of Ihkc, deceased. Partial account of lbd.ert Richards, gnardlau of J. and ('. M. Vought. minor children <>f Nchemiah Vought, late Of Rome. dcveaSf J. Final a>count of William Roardinan. administrator of Ephriam Bouidman. lute ol Orwell, .ii-cea-ed. Eina! aiMuint of Pelt : Peck and Win. G. Bradford, ad ministrators <>i Gritiin ibiiiw late of Columbia, dee'd. Final amount of Harriet E. Whitmnre, administratrix of Jaiue- !i. Darning, luf of > •• i*.li * recK. deceased. Final nr. ..tint of I'. F-iCies. H. litcks and Irene John son. administrators of Peter Johnson, lute of lb one.dee'd. Final account of 15.mi lies Quick, administrator of Sa muel C. Quick, late'of Asylum, deceased. Fiual account ot tuna Bible, one d the executors of Henry Sihle. late of Rome, d d. Filial • oimt of ibdiin Wiiox, mluiiuistrutor of Har riet Miller. late of deeeasi J. Fiiijil :!>•• ouiit ol Julia Pra-t'd, aduiinistrator of James Bra-ied. bit.- . f W.-ils, dwea-ed. And the same will he presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the Ist day of February next, for continuation and allowance. J A AILS il. YYEB3, Register. Reg!-tor's Oliii e. January I. 1-..5. Tioea Pcint Agriculliiral & Jimnioii Iron Work>\ AT ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PENN., WELLES. BLOOD 6t Co., Proprietors. bTAHE subseribfT would respectfully inform his friends L and customers, and tile public generally, that he has formed a co-partnership with Mr. Juuv !'. BlOoh, of \l - N. Y.. (who has for several years been Bupcnnfen dert ot Messrs. Emery Brothers' Agri -idtural Works.) and with Mr. Bami'kl X. Bt-oon. ol Worcester. Muss.. (Machinist and Tool Builder, and late Buperintemlent of the American Hoop Machine Company of Fit. hbnrg, Ma--., under ihe firm name of YVEI.I.I's, BLOOD ,V Co; anil that we have leased for a term of rears the extensive a nil well known Iron Works, if Mes-rs. Shipmmi A Welles, at this place, and united fl.e Tioga Point Agri cultural Woik- with the saiue. for 11 re manufacture of A Machines, Implemenfs. among whi -h will lie Emery's Endless Chain Railroad Horse Powers, Threshers and Cleaners. Threshers and Separators. Por table Circular and Crosscut Saw Mills. Cider Mills. Dog Powers, Clover Hollers. Feed I utters. Fanning Mills. Plows. Harrows, Cultivators, Bhiugle Machines. Kirl.y's Mowers and Reapers. Ac., of the most improved pattern and ronstrnetion. We are prepared to do all kinds of Ma hinery Casting and Repairing, and have t'-r sale n large stock of first class Steam Engines, Machinery and Cit-tings, iJtati'sfaetured by and belonging to Messrs. Sliipman v Welles. Both of the Messrs. Blood are skillful and experienced practical mechanics. Oar Machinery will nearly all be uCw and with the l.ite-l improvements, and with the eu ciiurugotweiif afforded by the patronage ot a discerning public, wc expect to have the repatati 'U of d dug first class work and making the best Agricultural Machines irt use. It- M. WELLES. Athens, January. IT5®. To Dkalkh®. I'AiiMimw and At ill Owsrits : Dur iiast iiiuividaal experience in the manufxetnre, sale ana use ot Agr'r cultural Machines aid Implement-, and also in general Machine ami Steam Work, with our excellent f.i'illtb -. afforded hy Machinery, principally of our own construction, with the very latest and bc.-l im provcuiiiiits, ynd al-o for procuring the very be-t mate rial- andst-K-k f af kinds at cheap rates, will c able lis to inanufhetare bitter inaeliiuery. at same prices, th in that ofoihei nainnfro ti r.'rs. nud also compete witli the world in prices and quality anJ materia! and workmm siiip of all kinds of Agricultural lmpllsaeirts, anfl ii till kiii'Vi of < la-tiiig and .k 1) Work. We sh ill pay e-pe ial attention to the manufacture of Hie very best of Plows and Plow Ga-ti:igs. \Ye ioleiui f < make ciistings f< r nil the leading plows in use in our vi i initv, ami sllall take great care to use only tt be-t ma terial. Our plow wonder is fri in The be-t and most cele brated ea.-li in niJuiifiH Tory. We invite all int -re-ted iu •' h mic niauufajturea '' to call and -ee our works. WELLES, BLOOD A CO. R. >!. Wki.M;?, J . p. BLOOP, S. X. ill.Oct). BOATtDIN G. JOHN KKXI>ALTj wituld re.pert fully inform the public that having leased the !!J>' : , c i-,'•■_- and comniodi-ms house formal'? occnpi by him. it* the lower part of t:i<- borough, £ irhb h has been enlarged end thoroughly' rc pnfre'7. b.e is ready to offer to hoarders superior areolao inodatintis. He wonl l partiguh-rly (Dfonn Jurymen, and otiif - at tciirtitig < onrt, that he will he pyepnrrd to acoonuuodale them upon the most reasonable terms. He soMcit- a -litre of pubiic patronage, anifidCiit that satisfaction will lis rtudeitd in every respect. Towaiida, January SO, Ftf'on- A UDITORS' NOTICE. — Tx the natter ct f \ Vie ectilt of Jra Gi iswotd, dec''l. La the Orphan - Copirt of Bradford Countv. The undersigned Auditor appointed by raid Court, to distribute the fund* iu Uierwids of the adtnmis'rators of said estate, will attend to the- duties asiigned him at the office of Wat. Elwell. iu l'owauda, on Friday, the 29th of January. A. D. isad, at one /Rcjnek ; u the ehernooQ. ■waati and where al! pemoni hiving claims ere -.eq'ieeted to pye.-entth--:-.or ! iforfwari^rad*i*re.aron. Jj.l.tsV G. X) MfNTANiTI, < .Mit-r. iHcrcl)ansief, Cc. Foundry Property for fPfIE su'• -eil>cr livi;ig l>eoouio tbe owner JL of the w< !lT;nerni nnd r*'?n:iMe FontjJry. Machine and 'fill Shop formerly ovynPtJtsy I. L. A H. J-. Lapi oreuX, mid '._••.'. la:7. NOTICE. r f*I,IE 'f settling aphis I Tfii.k accounts, reqne*W Aii p r sor,s mdetted to call and Buttle the Hanu by uvte or payment, by Uu l.ith ! January lsj.S, and si*r < L _ JOHN BTUDLEJrAN. I Towartda f)cc. K, IftiJ. •' ■' ■' ■ ■ • | "VTOTK'IrX —The animal meeting of the stock I d.l holders of the " Rarebit Ifculroßrf* florffVArtrtnjr" , will be ltcid at their office N." W.Comer of 4ln * walnut I st.cff rhilHth iidiia on Mayday January 11th. Rvis. at ii I oViock A. NL ■<* whfcli time and pin - ' an electi'.n wiil be j hi i-1 for n Presirrent and twelve director*, to serve tor tlr j e i-iiinu vt-'r. Ry order... phila.'ih<_■. 21, !Hsf. ft.&tL\W, Secretary. IIAP.D TIMES I | SELLING OFF AT COST. IsLilliliß X \ISK now ottering their stock of WINTER CLOTHING AT CITY COST, FOB CASH, and will show up w j their customers tt is so, and no Lorn bag el-out it. Xhs | reason of our doing so fs, we are tu want of Atouey and i are bound to sell at some price: the stock co"-iies of Ovefi oafs, Cents business Cnatfs, black cloth 'iv. Sati net do. lieys Lu.-ine-s and Over-coat-, Pants unci A -*t of all kinds and quality. white and fancy *hirts. wool under | shirts and Draweife,"Collars,Cravats. ftaspemlcre, G na while an 1 c'd owl Hose. Hate and Caps. Cloths and C.---S --' sinieres of all kinds. We are -till rmk'nif up to order j and all who wi.-h to get particular tit* will do well to give I- a* a call. We have come down on prh's.s in this line of business, and warient every garment to lit or bo sale, ty Cutting done at this U-fabfistrm-nt a* usual; ell j tin -e wlv> owe u* by book account or note will do well u ! come up and o. uie and save costs. I Nov. 2d. I**7. COLLINS .1 POWELL. SECOND ARRIVAL ! WORTH OF GOO!)*;IRF. NOW OFFERED AT AH ON THE ORIGINAL COST, FOR CAMS OXLY! JOSEPH POWELL j Would respectfully call the attention of the public To the fact that be i* now ottering GREAT INDUCEMENTS, To those wishing to buy GOODS FOR CASH. Prices Reduced 25 to 50 pr ct i Those wishing to know what ! PANIC PRICES An*, are inched to call. | Towshlrt. November 3u, 1-57. i "MUSIC ! MUSIC ! <£>s!*+• MR. CH ARLES QLICK !in.* tnkcu ' 3gagf'. heu-HuariC's in Hi vilh.u. of TOWANDA. i where he i-' pr-; tired to fnrni-fi MUSIC 'or pubi c jor p ivute parties, ir-ia one tolive rtmsiciau*. Mr. ; wit! teach ail the f..*heui d !e ilea. •- oi the <1 iv ) Ai! c luinitnicatloii* addressed cn.M'I.F.? vl'fCK. To w i da llndt'.rd Co. Fa., will be promptly attended to. k#-I'lAN>k luned and repaired on short notice, i Towanda. November 2.. 1*57. "UOIXG! GOING! •WHO WISHS TO BUY? 1 'pilE Finest Assortment of WINTER GOODS in town JL wi'l be found nt the -tore of Win. A. Rockwell, one ! door north of Ifriilgt- -licet, j Many th .tiits ft f!ie liber.d share of public pntrotifty# i whi.-h has been extended and we shall entberor to ! cntiuue t cir-. >,-.tist:iction b th as to the quality . price* of our i -■ :*. Call and sue. I T'Wanda. Nor. 10. UM. CASH WANTED GREAT BARGAINS! J. IX. FX£IKI)TEIf Of. CO. • WILL SELL GOODS FOR CA-'/I AT VERY REDUC ED rillt ES. Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Hardware, Fish, Kails, Glass, Dyes, tftc. nrPrrsrTH wishing t,> b* floods for CASH. . MOXTANYE. TOWAXPA. tJ. P. MOVTANYE, 5* k. r>. movtinvf. f September 8, lt>s7 ] v. . montaxve. Oil. J. MACKINTOSH, DEX- TJST. will V.e found at his edd quarters la —-TULA-. I'att,in's '.'.lock, until December next. Towaiidn, X"V. 2. l-'A. AOTi.V M ACKINTOSH. IpXGLISII and French Meriios, Doßuirt*, J Del-iiines, Alapaocrs. Titilxt Cloths, Shepherd's I'l.nds (,t new and kvli! uvtblearticle) Prints. and in I'm t nil kinds of lh v Goods may be hid '. hear ut Se >t. 15. 15,7. ' IV M. A. ItOfKWLTJ.y. _ YVTAXTFI).—fOO llushcls of Wheat ut t the market price. Tcrwanda. TItIMMIXG done at the shorts •*. notice. 1 .i® f/idie W! p! ra 1 ! and examine our stack of BONNE r - bctic.j purchasing elsewhere. October It. 15.,;. ' S. 1. \I!I,INC. DRIED BERK IKS—A qwu.tity of Diiod Berries for e.,l© by Townndo. Nov. 4. fe>7. IV. A. ROCKiVELT,. A JOII AIR BRAIDS and Twists for tho iL hair, et Sent. 15, 15.57. WM A. RPCiCWELL'S. Irtrnbe p W.i?oa for Slrtlo. 4 Nil v TAG IDRsc LrMUEB V. AGOX fa;- ;ik, J A for Country Produce; enquire of the uh- c; .b* r _Tow.tndn.X v. >. 15.57. BAILEV •" XriVIXS- L>OA RDING COr p .T ~fV? can "".d ccconrnjndd'.ifitjs through Decern bar of the std^riUer. Tcr-auda, Nov. 2. I:Q7. SIDNEY S. BAILEY ALT —IOO BMs. Sals for sal#, at Mo. 3, LN Pattern's Block' hv Towmdn. Xnv. 4.15.57. TV. A POCh'trrT T„ i/V>A LC3 - OHIO dRIND STONES x -* s 1~ Orlti Beet* 'ffsredai* it Bey*- fi HST. "Wjf A KOCKWTT.L 3