Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 28, 1858, Image 2

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Ctjnrsban fllormnn, 3annciTg 28. 1858
TKRMS — One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
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FOREIGN NEWS. —The Canard steamship
Europa, arrived at New-York on Sunday last.
The news received by the Europa is impor
tant in many respects. On the 25th of No
vember, Sir HENRY HAVELOCK, K. C. B .died
•t Lueknow, from dysentery, brought on by
exposure and anxiety. His loss will be severe
ly felt, for it was by bis energy and ability
that the British domiuiou in North-Western
India was saved from utter ruin. He, pre
euiiucntly, WHS the hero of this Indian war,
and, as such, whatever may be done hereafter,
Lis name will go down to posterity. The oth
er deaths that we have to announce are those
of Mile. RACHEL, whose genius requires no eu
logy ; Field-Marshal RADETZKY, the Austrian
hero of a hundred fights, who died in his 98th
year ; aud REDSCHID PACHA, the Grand Ti
nier of Turkey, through whose persevering and
enlightened ability many important reforms
have been inaugurated in the Ottoman empire.
The intelligence from India, which is two
weeks later, is contained in a brief telegram.
A battle was fought near Cawnporc on the
27th of November, between Gen. WYNDHAM'S
division and some 8,000 of the Gwalior muti
neers, in which the British were compelled to
retreat. One regiment, it is saiJ, was thor
oughly cut up. Sir COMN CAMPBELL hastened
to the rescue, without loss of time, and in the
second engagement the rebels were defeated
with great loss. All the women, children and
wounded from Luckaow had arrived in safety
at Allahabad.
The financial news by the Europa is impor
tant. The liank of .England, as was antici
pated, had reduced their rate of discount to
six per cent. ; and reductions have been also
made by the Banks of Prussia, Belgium and
Turin. In London, the money market was
•teadv, and the funds continued firm. An un
paralleled increase in the Bank of England's
bullion is recorded. Trade and commercial
confidence were fast reviving in the manufac
turing districts of both Great Britain and
France. Throughout the week, ending the
9th inst., the process of launching the Levia
than had been successfully continued, and the
day the Europa left, the huge steamship was
within sixty-four feet of water sufficiently deep
to float her.
Tun ROBERTSON- TRIAL. —The trial of Mr.
Robertson, at Rochester, X. Y., for an at
tempt to murder his wife, closed, on the 20th
inst., with an acquittal. The circumstances
of the case were most peculiar ; but the ver
dict of the jury is, without doubt, a just one
The wife, at any rate, did not believe the
charge, but, on the contrary, was one of the
strongest witnesses in favor of her husband.
So with her friends and relatives generally.—
The principal witne*s against Robertson, Dr.
Biegler, made a most determined charge, and
what is more, backed it up with seemingly
satisfactory corroborative evidence ; but the
jury, the best judges in the matter, have de
clared, virtually, that they do not believe him,
ftiid that there has been some hocus j>ocus prac
ticed npoQ the respectable gent'emen who sus
tain him.
SMITH, for the murder of RICHA. D CARTER,
President of the Taraaqna Bank, at the St.
Lawrence Llotel, Philadelphia, some time since,
was concluded on Monday, and given to the
Jury, who did not, however, agree upon a ver
dict until Tuesday moruing, when they came
into Court and reudered a verdict of acquittal
on the ground of insanity. His sister imme
diately made application to the Court to bo
allowed to take charge of him, which was
granted by the Court, upon her giving bail for
his safe keeping. It is understood that when
the Jury first went out, they stood ten for ac
quittal for insanity, and two for acquittal
without the insanity clause.
SMITH has petitioned the Legislature of
Pennsylvania (under dato of January 19) for
a divorce from his wife, assigning as a reason
the fraud practiced upon him in his marriage.
crat* of Westmoreland county have had a
meeting, at which resolutions denouncing the
Lecompton Constitution were passed, and with
great unanimity. Mr. Buchanan may well ex
claim, " save me from my friends." He is be
ginning to find out that the party which has
stood by him in Pennsylvania for thirty or for
ty years past, is beginning to abandon him.
§&• The wife of oue of our regular, or close
communion Baptist preachers who owns and
travels in a sulkey, recently called on a neigh
bor for hi 9 carriage to ride out in, remarking
" We have none but a close communion carriage
at oar house, you know \V.
Ci.nfnr .lsvi IS.".#
PROM UTAH. —Very late and important
news from Utah has been received by private
advices. The Mormons had completod their
preparations for resistance to the troops ; not
intending to risk an open fight, bat parposing
to undertake a guerilla warfare. Former iu
tiiuatious of this plau of operations are fully
confirmed. Echo Canon, a difficult pass near
the City, has been strongly fortified, and was
occupied on the 7th of December by a strong
body of Mormon rangers. A permit from
head quarters was required before parties leav
ing the city were permitted to pass. The yield
of the crops in Utah lias been euoruious, so
that the MormoDs will be well provisioned. —
A number of Mormons are kuown to be in the
caiup of the army, and accurate information of
the movements of the troops was daily receiv
ed at Salt Lake City. The Mormons are
somewhat troubled by restless spirits who in
sist upon immediate measures of opeu hostility,
but are held in cheek by BRIGHAM until the
proper opportunity offers.
We call attention to the programme
for the Grand Concert by the Towanda Brass
Band, at the Court House, on Tuesday even
ing next. It contains a choice selection of
favorite and new pieces, which cannot fail to
attract the lovers of good music. The pro
ceeds of the Concert are to be devoted to
wards paying for a Carriage, for Lin-ta Hose
Co., No. 3, which should induce our citizens
to look with favor upon the Concert.
The Baud gives a Concert ou Friday even
ing, of this week, at the Exchange in Troy.—
We congratulate the citizens of our thriving
sister village upon their opportunity for enjoy
ing a rare treat of excellent music.
ftQfThe sixtli lecture of the course was
delivered on Monday evening by the Rev.
JOHN J. DOHKRTY. The lecturer chose for
his subject, "Thedecline and rise of Litera
ture in the middle ages," an interesting theme
which was handled in a manner showing that
the lecturer had given it great attention and
much patient research.
The next lecture will be delivered on Mon
day evening next by Hon. DAVID WILMOT.—
For the evening of the 15th proximo, JOHN
C. ADAMS Esq., has been cngaged r . and on the
evening of the 29th, JOHN G. SAXK, the unri
valled poet and humorist, has been secured.
The people of Nebraska are quarrelling
about the location of their seat of Government
—a portion of them preferring Omaha, and
another portion contending for Florence. —
The question was up in the Territorial Legis
lature at Oinaha, when so violently became
the dispute, a mob of the citizens of that place
burst into the Hall, dragged the Speaker from
hisjdeak, and charged upon the members with
bowie-knife and pistol. The next morning an
adjournment to Florence was voted by a ma
jority of two to one. The minority, seven
men in all, remained in Omaha —in possession
of the journal, according to the Telegraph.
®&aT" Immediately after the organization of
the board of School Directors in the several
towns of the county, the respective Secreta
ries are requested to forward to the under
signed the names of the officers of the board,
together with their post-office address ; also
the names of the newly elected directors and
of those whose terms expire. Directors should
bear in mind that the certificate of the Presi
dent and Secretary must be forwarded to the
County Superintendent to be approved by him
and sent to the State Department before the
State appropriation can be received.
S&T A heart-rending calamity occurred in
Brooklyn, on Tuesday, 19th inst. Public
School-house, Xo. 14, corner of Xavy and
Concord streets, Brooklyn, W. D., was des
troyed by fire in the afternoon, and during the
excitement which prevailed, seven boys, be
tween the ages of o and 10 years, were suffo
cated while attempting to escape from the
building. Two others were so severely injur
ed that they can hardly survive.
KANSAS. —Tiie vote at the election held on
the 4th inst., has finally been announced. The
Free-State ticket is successful, and the Free
State men have a large majority in the Legis
lature. The majority against the Lecompton
Constitution is over 10,000.
CONGRESS.— We do not Gnd anything of gen
eral interest in the proceedings of Congress
daring the past week. The Lecompton Con
stitution is daily expected, and when presented
to Congress we may expect an animated dis
cussion in that body.
S&' Ou Monday the legislature passed a
bill appropriating SIO,OOO for the purchase of
a house for the Governor, and Mr Pollock has
signed it, making it a law. The building
which is to be bought is a three-storv brick,
on Front Street.
4®" The Lebanon Valley Railroad was
opened on Monday through its entire length
from Reading to Harrisburg. The excursion
was just in time for the persons going to at
tend the Inauguration of Gov. Packer. The
trains, we learn, were filled with passengers
and military.
tGf I'he mail-robber TITCKERMAN is to have
a hearing before the United States Commis
sioner at Xew-Haven on the 29th inst. On
Thursday, an ineffectual ateropt was made by
his counsel for a reduction of his bail from
$20,000 to $.">,000. The Commissioner refut
ed to consent to any reduction and TIVKFR
Stop* The Corning Journal says : li We learu
from Mr. L. BILLINCHCRST, of Corning, that
a man named DAVID BRADSHAW, in his employ,
was killed at Oakland, Livingston Co., K. V.,
on Friday January Bth. Mr. Bradshaw was
fit work on a pile-driver, on the Qenesee Val
ley Canal, when the plank slipped under the
horse's tcet, which caused a sudden jerk of
the line and threw the hook out of the whif
fletree. The hook on the end of the line flew
back to the Machine, a distance of 200 feet
and struck Mr. Bradshaw on the head. He
survived unconscious for five hours. lie was
recently from Chemung, where his father died
last fall We learu that his mother lately re
moved from Chemung to Wyalusing, Pa.—
Mr. B. was an industrious and steady young
man, about twenty years of age. He worked
awhile in this village. His friends can address
Mr. BILLINGHIRST at Corning for further in
formation concerning the accident.
Bsrgf The probable expense of the L'tah ex
pedition may be judged of by tiie estimate
which was on Thursday submitted to Congress
for subsistence stores of the Utah expedition
for eight months. This item is over a million
and a quarter. The estimate referred to is
based on the army orders of the 11th of Jan
uary, and provides for eight thousand in the
expedition, about five thousand six hundred of
which will be troops. The present expedition,
civil and military, embracing teamsters, em
ployees, servants, Ac., numbers about three
thousand, and the transportation and subsis
tence for the same, lip to the present time,
amounts to a large sum.
As?* The record of murders is constantly
filled. At Galveston, on the 4th inst., a slave
woman numed LCCY killed her mistress, Mrs.
DOUGHERTY, by cutting her head open with a
hatchet ; iu Jones Co., Miss., a few days
since, CHARLES LANDKUM was killed by a man
named HITHOWEK, at the late instigation of
three brothers named LY.VES, against whom
the victim was principal witness iu the charge
of larceny ; at Flemingsburg, Ky., on the 7th,
with whom he had u quarrel ; at Wilkesbar
ro, Peun., WM MULI .EN, a German, has been
couricted of tbe murder of GEORGE MATUIAS.
tiger Suicides are even more frequent far in
1858 than they were in the same period of last
year. Our exchanges contain daily accounts
of cases of self-destruction. Among the recent
distances are those of Mrs. CRUET, an actress,
in St. Louis, and a man named CHARLES WIE
MUNG, a German, imprisoned at Buffalo on a
charge of grand larceny. Particulars of the
death of ANSON JONES, of Texas, reached us
yesterday. The cause of his suicide is suppos
ed to have been pecuniary difficulties.
S®~ A fire was discovered ou Thursday af
ternoon in the basement of the Chapman School
Building, in Boston, by one of the teachers du
ring school hours, but by the presence of mind
and good judgment of the teachers, all the
scholars were got out without accident.—
There were five hundred children aud ten
teachers in the school. The fire was confined
to the basement.
4®" The Washington correspondent of the
X. . Times says that "as tne time for action
on Kansas affairs approaches, the President
begins to be seriously doubtful of the result in
Congress. The defection of the Pennsylvania
delegation is very threatening ; ditto., Xew
\ork, six of whom arc far from having decid
ed to vote Lceompton through. The Ohio
delegation is a unit against it, and very little
reliance, at pinch, can be placed upon Illinois
or Indiana.
jfeaP* The Xew York Legislature is not yet
organized, the House being without a Speaker,
and all attempts to elect, unsuccessful. The
half-dozen Americans refuse to vote for the
candidates of the other parties, claiming a
share of the offices.
FIRE AT MONROETON. — As we go to press,
(Wednesday morning,) we learn that the ho
tel owned and kept by Mr. DOUGHERTY, is on
fire, and will probably be destroyed, with sev
eral adjoining buildings.
s®°* Wc call the attention of those wishing
to remit money to Ireland to the card of
Messrs. Laporte, Mason & Co., who are now
prepared to remit direct to Ireland.
The LEGISLATURE of this State have done
little the past week, except attend the iuua
guratiou of Gov. PACKER.
MEXICO AGAIN. —Late advices from Havana
announce that a Spanish fleet, consisting of
one ship-of-the-line, one sloop, one brig, and a
steam frigate, had sailed from thence for a
cruise in the Gulf, ostensibly, but really for
the purpose of landing Santa Auua at Vera
Cruz. There can be but little doubt as to the
destination of this fleet, supposed it to have
sailed, nor as to the fact that the " hero of
the cork leg "is on board. He will find a
warm reception in Mexico, but the caloric will
not be of the most grateful kind. From all
we can learn there is a strong feeling against
Santa Anna with the majority of the factions
that now divide Mexico, while so far as Spain
is concerned, the opposition is unanimous.—
The Mother Country has only to attempt to
land an army in Mexico to stir up an united
opposition from the people of that Republic,
and to call iu to their aid, hordes of volunteers
from the United States, who will eventually
bring the " Halls of the Montezumas " once
more under the Star Spangled Banner.
t&~ Ira Stout and Sarah Littles, have both
been indicted for the murder of Charles W.
Littles, on the 10th day of December last, at
Inauguration of Gov. Packer.
At precisely twentydive minutes pa-t twelve/
o'clock the Governor elect, retiring Governor
Pollock, the Heads of Departments, and the
Committee of Arrangements, arrived in front
of the Capitol, where a large stand with suffi
cient seats for the members of both Houses,
the Heads of Departments and the Committees,
had been erected.
They assembly was called to order by the
Speaker of the Senate, Mr. WELSH.
A most solemn and impressive grayer was |
then offered to the Throne of Grace by the
Rev. Dr. DE Wrrr, of this city.
Whereupon, the Speaker of the Senate ad
ministered the following oath of office to WM.
F. PACKER, the Governor elect :
" You do swear that you will support the
Constitution of the United States.
" You do also swear that you will support
the Constitution of the State of Pennsylva
nia, and that you will discharge your duties
ns Governor of this Commonwaalth with fi
After the oath had been duly adminis
ered, the Governor delivered the following ad
dress :
FELI.OW CITIZENS : —ln appearing before
you to enter upon my duties as Governor of
the Commonwealth, I consult my own inclina
tions in conforming to the usage which demands
a populaT address ; and, in the first place, I
gladly embrace this opportunity to return my
profound and grateful thanks to the people
of Pennsylvania, for honoring me with the
Chief Executive oftice in their Government. —
Their kindness will never be forgotten, nor
will the confidence they have reposed in me
ever be intentionally betrayed. Duty to thein
and to myself will require that the obligation
which I have just take to discharge mv pub
lic duties with fidelity shall be faithfully ob
served, and thus justify as far as possible, the
popular decision. Doubtless I may commit er
ors in a position involving so much f responsi
bility ; but I hope that none of tlVe&i will be
of a grave character, or productive of vital in
jury to the public interests. 1 crave in ad
vance a charitable judgment upon uiy official
conduct—that it shall be construed with kind- j
ness and toleration so long as it shall appear
to be prompted by sincere and honest motives
—and I here engage, in this public and for
mal manner, to regard the will of the people,
the public good, and the commands of the
Constitution, as the guiding lights by which
my course is to be directed. With these aims
constantly in view, I shall indulge the pleas
ing hope of doing some good in the high sta
tion to which I luive been called by the pub
lic voice, and of repressing some evils which
may threaten the public welfare, or the indi
vidual rights of the people.
Fellow Citizens of the Senile and House of
Representatives: —lt will be my ardent desire
to cultivate with you, as Representatives of
the people, the most amicable relations, and
to unite with you in the adoption of all such
measures us the public good may require. The
i different branches of the Government, although
; charged with distinct duties, are to be regard
ed as parts of one harmonious whole ; P.HU it is
well when all these parts move onward with
! out jar, interference, or collision. Xeverthe
| less, the distinct duties of the Executive, when
! duly and honestly performed, may occasion
, differences with the Legislature ; but, in such
i case, it will be expedient to cultivate a spirit
' ol compromise and conciliation for the disposal
• of such indifferences, or at least, for mitigat
-1 iiig the feelings of alienation to which they
; tend.
J It is one the duties of the Executive from
time to time, to give to the General Assembly
information of the state of the Connuouwealth
and recommend to their consideration such
measures as he shall judge expedient ; and un
der usage this is done by measures in writing
which are entered among the public records
and remain a part of the official history of the
State. Ido not understand this as a power of
dictating to the Assembly measures they shall
adopt, nor even as a power of initiating laws,
but as an informing and suggesting power, in
no respect trenching upon the just and proper
jurisdiction of the Legislative department of a
! free State. In short, it was never intended to
1 give a legal control over the proceedings of the
; Representatives of the people in t lie enact
i mcnt of laws. It is, therefore a right of com
munication with them, which, while prudently
and reasonably exercised, can give no just oc
casion for jealousy, objection or complaints—
The Executive, when exercising this right, is
j but performing a plain duty, and can appre
i hencl no difficulty in speaking with a respect
i ful freedom even upon questions where an en
! tire agreement of seutimeut cannot be expect
: ed. But, there is another and more delicate
power which pertains to the relatious between
the Legislative and executive departments.—
By the twenty third and twenty-fourth sections
of the first article of the Constitution, all bills
1 passed by the General Assembly, ami most of
the orders, resolutions and votes in which they
may concur, are submitted to the Executive,
and if disapproved bj him can only be made
valid by a vote of two thirds of each House.
This power of disapproval is arnoug the most
important duties of the Executive, and is con
stantly becoming more so, from the operation
of obvious and natural causes. In my opinion
it is the clear ond binding duty of tbe exeeu
| tive to return for reconsideration, every bill,
order, resolution or vote, presented to him
which he cannot approve—in other words,
that the assent of his judgment and conscience
shall be actually given to any measnrc before
he permits it to take effect ; unless, indeed, it
be passed against his objection by a two thirds
vote. The words of the Constitution are "if
he approve he shall sign it, but if he shall not
approve, he shall return it with his objections
to the House in which it shall have originat
ed," Words could not couvey a power, and
prescribe a duty iu a more clear and definite
It is manifestly the intention of the Consti
tution that the deliberate and conscientious ap- j
proval of the Governor shall be given to a bill
before it becomes a law, in addition to the ap- J
proval of the two Houses that have previously |
passed it; unless the majorities afterwards \
given to it upon re consideration in each House,;
shall be so decisive as to clearly indicate the j
wisdom of the measure It is true that upon
things trivial or indifferent, where no great in
terests are involved, nor constitutional princi- j
pies in question, nor private rights assailed,
considerations of expediency may betaken into
account by the Executive ; but certainly no
substantial objection, whether of policy or of
principle, can be waived by liirn iu view of his
oath to support the Constitution. Ten days
(Sundays excluded,) are allowed to the Exec
utive to cousider a bill, and to approve or to
veto it, after which it will become a law with
out his signature, if not previously returned
The practice of ray predecessor has been oc
casionally to permit bills to become laws by
ihis limitation of time. They have takcu eS
f i t in the entire absence of Executive action.
But I believe this has only occurred wlnre the
Executive has found it impossible to lorn n
positive opinion upon the measure- where,'
though not objectionable, it was trivial—or.
where it was manifest that a veto wouM not
cause its defeat. This Executive practice
ought uot to be extended, and the practice it
self is open to question. ~ For if the provision
that bills neither signed nor returned within
ten days, shall become laws, was intended as
a guard against Executive abuse, in holding
them an undue period, and not as a mode by
which the Executive might cause them to take
effect, without the responsibility of acting up
on them, it would seem clear that the prac
tice of holding them over for such purpose can
not be defended.
But the Legislature by its adjournment
within ten days after the passage of a bill,
may deprive the Executive of dne time for
considering it, and hence it is provided that
in such case it shall become a law unless sent
back within three days after the next meeting.
111 modern practice a large nnmber of bills are
usually sent within a few days of the adjourn
ment of the Legislature, which it is impossible
for him to consider duly before the adjourn
ment takes place. In fact many arc sent to
him in the very closing hours of the session
But it would seem plain that the Executive
could reasonably ask in such case only the full
constitutional period of ten days for forming
his opinion, aud that all bills he believes it his
duty to approve shall lie actually signed with
in that period. By the exercise of reasonable
industry this can in in all cases be accomplish
ed. Then, such bills as he disapproves will be
held over to be returned to the proper branch
of the General Assembly within three days af
ter their next meeting, according to the con
stitutional provision. This will properly dis
pose of all bills iu his hand at the adjournment,
unless indeed it be allowable to hold over bills
and permit them to become laws without the
The propriety of signing bills by the Gover
nor between the sessions of the Legislature has
been questioned. It does not accord with the
old practice, and is certainly liable to abase.—
During my term it will be strictly confined to
the first ten days after an adjournment, and
ail bills not then approved, may be considered
as awaiting the next meeting of the General
Assembly, to be returned with the Executive
disapproval. The Executive should not be sub
jected for long periods of time to the solicita
tions of those interested in bills nor should he
lie subject to the imputations of indecision, or
favoritism almost unavoidable in such cases.
N"or is it right that he should have in his hands
the means of influence which the holding open
of his decision upon hills during a recess would
confer. Besides, a great wrong may be done
to those interested in legislation, by continuing
them for an undue period in uncertainty as to
the fate of bills in which their rights, their
property, or their business may be involved.—
These arc evils which an Executive may obvi
ate, by settling his policy firmly in the outs -t
of his administration. It would be well, also,
for the Legislature to so shape its action as to
avoid the necessity of sending many important
bills to the Governor in the closing days or
hours of a session.
Fellow Citizens: —Although it will not he
expected that I should at this time discuss, in
detail, the particular questions which will
probably conic before the government during
my term, I desire briefly to give expression to
the general views of public poljcy to which 1
hold, in their application to practical issues
now pending. The currency of the State is in
such a disordered condition, that a general and
wholes >me public opinion demands its reform,
and the establishment of efTeetual barriers
against future convulsion'. This is a subject
which will test the intelligence, the firmness,
and the patriotism of the representatives of
the people in the legislative department, and
may impose grave responsibilities upou the
Executive. My views are decidedly hostile to
the emission and circulation of small notes as
a currency ; to the increase of banking capi
tal under present arrangements ; and to the
issue of bank paper upon securities inadequate
for their redemption. The want of uniformity
in the legal provisions under which existing
banks operate, is objectionable. In the revul
sion and amendment of our banking system,
the public interests, in my opinion, demand
the extension of the specie basis upon which
issues arc made ; the suppression of the smal
ler denomination of notes heretofore allowed ;
thorough reports of the condition and business
of banks with their frequent publication ; ad
ditional security, (other than specie,) to con
sist of the bouds of this State or of the Uni
ted States, for the redemption of circulating
notes, including in all cases proper individual
liability of stockholders and directors, fitted
for convenient and actual enforcement ; with
a supervisory and controlling power in some
proper officer or department of the Govern
ment, to restrain or suspend the action of
banks in case of their violation or evasion of
the law.
When a specie currency shall be secured to
the people by prohibiting the circulation of
bills of a small denomination, it will be highly
desirable that the fiscal affairs of the State
governments shall be wholly separated from
those of the banks : in other words, that the
money transactions of the government, both
in its collections and disbursements, shall be in
the legal coin of the country. Whenever a
practicable, convenient and efficient scheme
for the operations of the Treasury ujon such
a basis can be presented to me, by the repre
sentatives of the people, it will meet with a
cheerful approval. There are difficulties in
the case, however, far greater than those sur
mounted by the general government, in the es
tablishment of its Independent Treasury sys
tem ; but the object being one of the first
magnitude, and calculated to exercise a most
salutary influence upon the action of the go
vernment, and upon the business of the banks
and the people, it is ttell worthy of earnest
In reforming the currency, a single State
can accomplish but a moderate amount of
good, however sincere, intelligent and earnest
it may be, without the cooperation of other
States, aud especially of those which adjoin
it. Bank notes arc not stopped in their flow
by imaginary State Hues, nor does it seem pos
sible for a State altogether to prevent foreign
uotes from circulating within her borders, even
by the most stringent enactments. We must,
therefore, invoke our sister States to join 113 in
the repression of small pa|>er, and in such oth
er particulars of reform as require for complete
success their co-operation. Meantime, to the
extent of our power, let ns exert ourselves to
furnish our citizens with a safe and stable cur
rency ; to prevent future financial revulsions
similar to that andcr which the
has for some time been struggling ; an ■. ]
lieve the Government in its fiscal action '3
the danger of depreciated or worthier , ]
and (lie eiftorrassments arising fro m H
dccce upon corporations of her own crj]
The pc-o|>le of Pennsylvania, by the r J
adoption ofou amendment to theConstiU
on the suhjfcrt of Public Indebtednes. j
imposed an imperative obligation I
servants to practice economy, to limit o
diture.s, and to give their best efforts •
gradual but eventual extinguisUrneut J,:]
existing pflbttc debt. After eight ycar^ 1
perienee under the sinkinsr fund act of;'
we find our public indebtedness hut ;j
diminished. The constitutional
just adopted demands the establishment
effective sinking fond for Its payment, t >
shall consider it one of the leading (j
my administration to see that that amei,.
is carried out both iu its letter and spL--
cannot regard the reduction of the thro,
tax on property, made at the last regnlp!
sion of the Legislature, otherwise than .
opportune ; and doubtless existing
embarrassments will for a time reiluJ
amount derived from other sources of ret
Nor will any very large amount of
chase money of the main line of the j.
works be realized by the Treasury f ur 4 ,
siderable period. It will, theretore, he
sarv for the State to husband her restr
ain! to increase her revenues as far as i jlA
b!e, without oppression to any interest
der to meet her current aud necessary on
the demands of her creditors, and the
obligation of the constitutional aiDendiue;
There is a great lack of consistent!
principle in the laws passed during som f ,
in relation to incorporations. They hav e>
created upon no settled, uniform plan ;
cessive in number ; and many of them a*
essary to the accomplishment of any
purpose. They have doubtless
ulation, and in various ways contribute k
recent financial couvulsiou. Various ai.
consistent provisions appear in acts esta..
ing or extending the powers of corporate
dies of the same class and general char.
The tax laws relating to them in some
fusion, and consequently taxes paid It
unequal, while some wholly escape any y
of the public burdens. In brief, our "re
incorporations has become so vast, diver-i
and difficult of comprehension, that no tri
able industry can master the whole "i; >
and understand precisely where we arn
whither we are drifting. A thorough:
of our laws oa this subject, and the t-;j,
meut of general, uniform, regulations for 5
class of corporate bodies, with the
as far as ]M>ssibie, of special provisions fin
ticular corporations, are reforms iimiriyi
demanded by the public interests iu *ka
shall heartily co-operate. I have no his:
to express against incoi|*oratioiis for [.••
objects beyond the power of individual M
ami skill : nor generally against legislg.
facilities for the application of labor amii
tal to the creation of wealth, where
unprompted action will not go But co
cau assert that we have limited our>:iw
such a policy, nor that our laws on this saiy
have been careful, consistent and just
But, notwithstanding all topics of
criticism in our public career, (and r
should bear their proper fruit in amer:;
and reform,) we may well he proud of
Pennsylvania of onrs—of her people, be
stitutious and her laws. She lias b :
great, prosperous and powerful ; rjtii
among the first of the States ; an! her
dition at home and character abroad bea:i
tiinouy to her merits, and promise for i,?
distinguished future. Besides ber agris:
rui resources which are great and first .J
portancc, she is capable of producing iou
quantities those two articles of prime uH
ty and universal use—lron and Coal.
in times of wie-spread financial iv~
when speculation and extravagance Lave j
their worst to cripple the operations of i
tal and stay the hand of labor in its
toil, the leading interests of our State
counted among the first to revive and '.. i
nish a strong and reliable basis for thenn
lion of activity in all the channels of r>.|
ment, and in all the operations of trade u
government would be unwise and blind *-
would administer the public affairs c: :
State, otherwise than in a spirit of t -
aud protection to these great and |ml
From the earliest jeriod of our histo"
has been the policy of Pennsylvania to i
cate all her citizens ; and at this tiaieoc
stitutions of learning and educational >
ties are equal to those of any country
Common School system is justly dit.r
ed as one of the most practical aud t-i
in the Union. Let us then cherish tk
ditional policy, coming down to us fr*
fathero of the Commonwealth, and byt
m ;aus in our power foster and strength
measures now successfully producing ;:
suits so ardently desired by the patriotic'
who have gone before us.
While our domestic a(Fiairs and policy" J
rally will occupy most of the attention.
Government and our people, it is not
gotten that Pennsylvania hears very int"
relation to the other States of the eoufo*''
and looks with an anxious eye to the pt'
ings and policy of the GeueralGovernuie
is both our duty aud our interest to i--'
the most frieudly relations with oar >■"
States, aud to frown upon nil attempt'lt'
among them feelings of alienation. Wei
exert our wiiole influence to keep theg°'
ment of the L'uion iu its true position,"
common agent of the States and the I*'
exercising high powers in trust of their *£
tage and welfare, and deriving all its j *
from the written constitution which t' : 'p
into being. At this time we have
reason to confide in that Government. i
know that its administration is in J
patriotic hands ; and that it msv bet
to deal justly with all sections of "the f
Insubordination—ntter disregard am '
tempt of just and lawful authority—
tofoie produced difficulties in the 'Lrrt '*
Kansas and Utah ,and, in the case of the
has uow prccipated a state of armed U,
between the inhabitants and the
ernment. In the former, the peaceful U
cau remedy for the redress of polities' t
nnees. real or imaginary—the ballot
been for a long time abjured by a ,
portion of the population, and a stnnr
tween legal authority and unlawful
lar combiimtions continue down to , ' lC f ,
period. .Meantime, contributions of
aid from the States, have kept up<? xCl }?
and turbulence iu the Territory, and
designing men there to inflamepas i '
otherwise would long since have snh * Tl
The judgment ami opinion of the v-cu- ;|
not be too strongly -ons A lidtcd