FOREIGN' NEWS. —The Cunard Steamship ~]})■ ica arrived at New York, ou Saturday j a ,r, with advices to the 2tsth ult. Important intelligence from India had reach ed England. Lucknow was relieved, by the force under Sir COLIN CAMPBELL, on the* 19th of November after several severe engagements. The mutineers were killed in great numbers ; but the British only lost 4 officers killed and 40 wounded. Sir COUN'S force amounted to 12,000 men. As soon as the relief was ac complished the sick and wounded, ladies and children, were removed under an escort, to Cawnpore. From Delhi, wc learn that four teen members of the Royal family had been executed. Complete success has attended the British arms through the whole of India ; large reinforcements are pouring in, and all ularra for garrisons nnd outposts in distant places has ceased. The financial news from Europe, is interest ing. The Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount from ten to eight per ceut. The funds were steady and money was easier. Returns of the Bank of England for the week ending Dec. 23, show an increase in bullion of £1,302,425. fey" On Saturday afternoon a fatal explo sion occurred on the New York and Erie Kail road at Piermont, by which two men lost their lives. The boiler of Engine No. 182, which, with a train of 2G empty freight cars, had just started west, about half a mile from the pier, exploded with a terrilie concussion, shattering the engine into fragments, and killing the fire man, ABRAHAM DALSOX, and a flagman named WILLIAM LAKE, who was ridiiig upon the en gine at the time. The engine was completely torn to pieces, ami fragments of the wreck were thrown to great distances. The engineer Mr. ALA ERT JOHNSON, miraculously escaped, with only a few harmless scratches. MURDER TRIAL IN PHILADEPIIIA. —The trial of Thomas Washington Smith, for the murder of Richard "Carter at tlie St. Lawrence Hotel, on the 4th of November last, is now progress ing in the Court of Oyer and Terminer, before Judges Allison and Ludlow. It will proba bly lie concluded this week. The Philadel phia papers state that the prisoner sits dur ing the greater part of his time with his head inclining against the railing of the dock, so that his face is entirely concealed. lie does not appear to take any interest in what is going on. II; is defended with great ability by ins (iht'ngn'shed counsel, Messrs, Brown and braver, while tlie Commonwealth is represent ed bj M essrs. Maun aud Longhead. After a long and spirited debate in se cret session, Jan. 7th, the Senate confirmed the nomination of Theodore Sedgwick, as United States District Attorney in the place of John MeKcon by a vote of 28 to 2fi. This result WHS produced by a reinforcement of the Ad m'iiistration side in the persons of Senators d ;i!vc and Hammond. tvf An election for Mayor and other mu ll ipa! officers was held iu the city of Pitts burg, on Tuesday last. Mayor WEAVER the Republican candidate, was re-elected by a ma jority of 1,234. t-J°The Post Master (ienernl has establish ed a new post office in Wilniot township, to be ' if f] JYi w Era. to be supplied from the Asy office, and appointed JOHN HOFFMAN, Post .Master. APPOINTMENT BY TIIF. CO. COMMISSIONERS. — ; Comrnissiotiers of this County have made • e following appointments for the present jtar ; C ler/c —K. J'. COULBV.'BTL. ('"insel — l'i.vssEs Mkk'Tß. Mercantile Appraiser —C. H. AMES. [For the Bradford Reporter.j M 2 (IOODRICH — I noticed an article in your Importer, stating that one JEREMIAH Srr.v of Torrington, Conn., was supposed to be bst survivor of the Wyoming massacre 'i'ith proves to be incorrect, as there are now ;:i ? ti:ree sisters', daughters of Silas Gore, ,1 " were in Forty-Fort at the time of that encounter with the ludiaus and Tories, r father and two of las brothers were among the slain. * O. G. hhc-hcquin, , MAINE LECHSI.ATFRE. — The Legislature of i 1" p oi'gauized on Wednesday last, and Setli Iri 1 11 '", of Saeo, was chosen as tlie President . and J. 11. Drummond, of Wa j.'speaker of the House of Rcprescnta r , il ';' '!• S. WHlTE. — Every body will rcmem -1 f 7'-' at temperance lecturer, who rescued "■ "'■} from drnnkeness, several years ago '1 "\\- Ce l ' lat ' l:ls spoken for the canae of ; "ater in every part of the Union. We "" '"cm the Nashville Banner of the 12th 1 j Uat j, e j, us again returned to his cups, onee more a confirmed sot. I>Ml\lsx 1•a Tt )R'S NOTICE.—Notk e t-. given, that all persons indebted to the es b re, stkins, late of She-heqnin twp., dee d, k " t0 " ia^c Payment witiiout delay ; and all '"g claim- again.-t -aid estate, must present •!i. IT '."'vuticatoil, to the suWriher. ' ' MQ6BB WATKIKti, AJBilrittwte. A uK ISTR ATOR ' S NOT ICKNotice k-.. ~ 'j n '. v given, that all persons indebted to the es- \ l iitrehv rge b'lelland, late of Canton, deceased, h' : and ,B re 'l"c-tcd to make payment witlmnt dc , -L. 1 I Ti! 0,,s ,llvin£ -' claims agaiu-t said e-tatewill - -t raera duly authenticated for settlement. R. w. MCCLELLAND, .Nnton , ORRIS FRISBIE, 'i.l-,-. Administrators. BATTLE WAHTED. CArrTS LSAXD HEAI) OK GOOD BEEF jO „ :!', K wa . , .' tpJ hythe " Matich Ohnnk Beef f 'i>J77 h Jstion. The regular market price will I, , By order cf the Po,-d of Directors. "'•' h s, W ' SMITH TrcMdent. Xecu 'Abocrliseincula. No Mistake for I), C. Ilall. HE has now 011 hand a large stock and a great variety of Parlor and Piute, und 40 different patterns of Cooking Stoves of Diving Flue and Elevated Ovens for Coal and Wood—that rafntr than to summer them over he will sell at cost lor cash or jrrain at the following pri ces Wheat, il 25 > live, C2J ct-. ; Corn. 024 cts ; oats 3 < jets; Buckwheat, cents and Butter the highest market price given. 1/ you don't believe it, call ami trv bim. P. S. Those wlio have accounts or nofes with nim that arc due. had better make arrangements to pay imme diately if they wish to save cost. Towanda, Jan. 14, 1858. MUSICAL CONVENTION^ The Fourth Annual Convention of the Bradford County Musical Association, Will be held it the VILLAGE OF ROME, Commencing TUESDAY, JANUARY 19. 15.*,8, to con tinue four days, and to close with a CONCERT, at which a choice selection of new music will be performed, the whole to be under the direction of Mr. WM. B. BRADBU RY, of New York City. tjT The sessions of the Convention will be devoted to instructions, wifh lectures, and practical exercises iu the various branches of Vo. nl music, by Mr. Bradbury. Mr. Bradbury's new Look, " ibo Jubilee," and tl.c " New York Glee and Chorus Book," With selections from other Musical works, will he used. Singers having the above named works will bring them. Those who have not the " Jubilee," cau obtain tiicin of Mr. J. G. Towner, at the Convention. _ The very great success which has attended the former Conventions of the Association, gives promise that this will be one of superior pleasure and profit to those who attend. Ample provisions have been made to furnish members from a distance with comfortable accommoda tions, at reasonable rates. Admission to the whole course : Gentlemen $1 00 Ladies 50 J. G. TOWNER. Chairman Com. Arr. C. U. CO BURN. President. W. C. BOG ART, Set, Jan. 1, 1858. iSOLE LEAT Jt I E It. A LARGE SUPPLY, A T VEIt Y L O W PRIC ES. ' Also, Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skin-, I Kip Skins, a large assortment of Morocco, Linings, Find ings, aud other goods suitable for the season. pi BOOTS & SHOES, % I of onr own manufacture, constantly on hand, tj •**■*.ind made to order, all -if which we offer : t re duced prices. HUMPHREY WICK HAM. Towanda, January 5,1858. DISSOLUTION'. —Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing 1 ctween the subscribers is this day dissolved by mutual con-sut. Zae- I elit-us Amiable agreeing to settleaiul pay ail the debts of j the late firm, and he is also authorized to igeeire all ac ! counts and debts owing to the said firm. SAMUEL ANN ABLE, j Granville. July 24, 1857. ZACCHEUS ANN ABLE. ! T IST OF LETTERS, remaining io the P. j Id O. at TOWANDA, quarter ending Dec. 31, 1957. j Angel Mary E Lord Mary ' Burke Patrick Lxie h Samuel | Biles Miron Madden Ellen Bradening S A D Merrit Anna : Belotir Julia Mrs Meentir Ann ! Bowman Jacob Moore George 2 I Blanding John Manon George | Bowmuu J A McCeny Lenora ! 110.-toii dniia L Miuthing Wm j Brown J-din J Marely M : Barret John Mack Sarah Ann j Bambooi-James Mitchci W • Burch Egbert Moore Mary ; Burtlutt ft 1* Murphy M-.ry ' Bi-bee C! irinda Melntire Mary j Claftin Ciara McDonald Morris ! Covev Hannah Morris Leonard j Canny Chat lotto M.> Wharton .fumes j Douucr Albert II McDonald John DcLancy Arthur Moor Henry S Dcrrant James M X rton Sarah Davidson S A Ximan Matilda I Dilzt r Frank Northrop Mary L | Deazy William Kagleo Julia ! Diltz Flarriet K Xorthrilp John DeLoug Mrs M Old R D Elkau Moses O'D.iy John i Klkan S Patti-on John Elliot James Po-t L H E.i-tabrook Francis E Per ival Mary A i Fi-h Daniel Potter Morgan Joseph Robert H Pattison Wm Johnson James Pierce XV A | Johnson P II Pattison II G Gir.trdin Dr Reynold- Ann French W B Ross James H Fowler Win Kigley Matthias I Flint & Co l'. i-.-ell Wm Ferguson Mary L Sul-Uirv D C FoLeyJanies Smith Eli/.abeeli A Galespy Mary Strait Clinton Guinslia Samuel Sawyer Mrs E Green Simon 2 Spencer Joseph Graham M 2 Sanderson Janus Griffin Morris Samuel- John A High E M Sickle Jaceb Horton Elma Si hie Peter H ighson John Smith Riley 2 Hall Tim- G Htrope Lemuel Hughe- Thomas Skim Win Haley Win Stephenson Wm Irwin Martin Mi.-a Spencer !> Kerr W T Thompson JamC3 2 Kin-man James Taylor Jesse Lynch Bridget , Tracev G J Lines C 1' Thayer W S 1 Lowni Chas R Wiilcock Alexander Lyman C A Wordeti Henry 1 Leffcrts 11 M Wright H X I.oney John Walhorn Solomon Lynch John Whitehall An.-cl Lym h Michael H. B. M< KEAX, P. M. *j-Person.- inquiring for letters will please-ay they are advertised. LIST OF JURORS, drawn fur February Term aud Session-, 1858. OiiAXn .Ti'Rrtiis. Armenia—(lf) Field-. (Smithfidd—tra C Rnilock. Asylum—Geo S Gauibie. r.ith (,'rk—\ il riiouip.-on. Athen-t-.vp B P Snyder, Troy horn'— Wm B irger. John Griffin. ' Towanda b—JDOorideaongli Athens horo"—L If Sherman Towandi X—Geo Mills. Clitts Comslo'-k. Ulster—John Conkliu. Edw Durell—Ulys-e- Moody. M'alker. Monroe tp—l.ynian Marcy. Warren—Evan Howell, Frs. David Uidgway. j Allyn. Pike—John Baldwin. j WyaUsing—Stephen I.yon. Rtdgherrv —Mill- (.'arr. ! -Yella—Decker E Ayie.s. Springfield —X Vv i'otter. [Wysox—John B limes. TRAVERSE .intORS—FIK-T WEEK. Armenia—lt Montgomery. IGrwell—l-aac Lyon. Asylum—J il Staiford, \\"ml-die-hequin—ES King-Lf-rv f'a—more. ! Ralph Gore. John Randall Athens tp—John T Brink.' Chas Chnffee. Curtis Thurston. (South Cri-ek—Afl Turner. Athens bo— Charles Brook- i"-niitlili' I-l—Xeton Wood. F. X. Page. G B Perkins, jsylvauia ho—P Pc tc jr. Burlington—ll W Bennett, l'owunda bo—J Collins, M Burlington W—John Bloom.! C Merc ar. Durell—Richard <'.ilt.ert. h'rov tp—rage Morgain Franklin —Benj Laugdou, El l't scarora—Harry Aoklty. Blake. Warren—Philip Davis, J P Granville—Ro'iert Bailey, L Roger-. I) Taylor. * Wells—Orr Smith. Derrick—Xel-on Keelcr. Wilniot—Hiram Stone. Leßoy—Edniuud Kelly. Wy-sox—John BSmith, J M j Litchiield—llus M'Kinuey. j Reed. SECOND WEEK. Albany—John Matthews, J Pike—O J Wanmr.E Keelcr. Wilcox. Rime—L Yougbt, John W j Asylum—Geo II Morrow. Woodbnrn. Athens tp—l-aac, Gregory, Springfield—Altnon Berry. Daniel McDuffic 2d. * Standing Stone—P Worth. Athens Is*— H C Raird. -ylvanialio—Xl! MeCollnm Burlington ho—Job Morley lSouth ('reek—ll fhompsoii. do W—Huracs Brown.i I'ovvamU bo—ll S Mercttr. Canton—l)ll D mrt. Towand.t tp—Murray R atts, Columbia—C J Bradford. H L ijcuU. Kurd! —Simeon Decker, I? Tnsrarova— C W Browning;. racl Smith. Troy tp —Ahner t lafiin. Granville— D B Ross Warren—EC Bnffingtou, J Herrick—L M Stevens. C Manning, Thus Young. : Iwßoy -C Chaapel, James '.Vyalusing—Clinton Lewis. | Bagiev. Windham—l' Kuvkendall. litrhftelli —Ahua Campbell. Wills AI.-oii lamew. | AV.VN'IMM) O ATS, Corn, Rye, Wheat, Potatoes, and a small ouari tity of Rye straw will be taken at the BARCLAY I MIXES in exchange for COAL. J. M ACFARLAXE, Dec, s, 1857. Gen. Sup. Barclay R. B.ft Coal Co. ANEW AND GENERAL assortment | of Boots and Shoes, Cloths and Cass:meres, and everything in this line, for sale by Sept. 15, 1857. W. A. ROCKWELL. I CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, Groceries, \J Yankee Notion-, lainking Glasse-, Wooden Ware, : and everything you want may lie found at the new etore Iff Sept. 15-1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL. : E. T. FOX TS NOW RECEIVING a lin-re stork of -I FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for stile at as low prices as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of the City o'f New York. pASH PAID FOR BEEF HIDES, AND \J SHLLF PF.I T? AND FfTRS, st Xo. Palt,m s ( Block. augl7 M'M A. ROCKWELL. I £cgnl. PROCLAMATION. Win: tus, the Hon. DAVID WILMOT, Pre-intent Judge of the 12tli Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford and Susquehanna, and Honorable* Jons PASSJIOKR. and JOHN P. I-ONO, Associate Judges, iu and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept Leafing date the '2Jth day ol Dec. A. I>. 1837, to me directed, for holding a Court <>f Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the Ist day ol FEBRUARY next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County ol Bradford, that tln-y Le then and there in their proper" per son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of paid day, with their records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to Le done ; and those who are Loninl by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute ag.iin-t the prisoners who are or may Le in the jail • of said-County, or who shall be bound tc "appear at the sum court, are to be then and there to prosecute again-t them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 4th of Jan., in the year of our Lord, one the exposed to public sale on SATURDAY, the 80th day ol'January, 1838, at one o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, the following des cribed lot, piece or parcel ol land situate in Shesheqttin twp., Bradford c,unity, bounded us follows, to wit : Be ginning at a hemlock, a corner, thence south 'ja° cast 318 2-10 perches to a hemlock the south east corner of the warrant, thence north I£° e„-t 17s 4-10 perches to a post south east comer of the late Peter Allen slot, thence north sh 3 west 01 0-10 perches to the south west corner of the Arunah Wattles lot, thence south 1° west 63 per., to a beech corner, thence north 9s 0 wot 50 perche- to a comer of lot Xo. 1, thence north 1° east 102 4-10 perch el to the north line of warrant a post a corner of lots Xo. 1 and 2, thence ou said warrant line north 89° we-t .',O perches to a hemlock sapling, the north east comer of Isaac S. Morton 's lot, thence by said lot south 1° wed IL2 4-10 perches to a rock oak sapling south east corner of said Isaac S. Hortou's lot, thence north 89° west 126 3-lt) perches 11 a po-t on the south line of Isaac S. Mor ton's land, thence 1A 3 west 115 4-1 perches to the hem lock, the place of beginning. Containing three hundred and sixteen acres and fifty-eight perches, be the same more or less, about forty acres improved, 3 framed hou ses. 3 loir houses, 2 framed barns, 1 saw mill, a small gro cery Luilditig and a tew fruit trees. ALSO—AiI that lot, piei eor parcel of I m.l situate in Shesheqnin twp., Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit : Xorth by lands of C. Smith, east by laud of Rich ard John-on. south by land ol George .-smith ar.d we.-.t by lands of Martin Bogers. Containing a Lout twenty-seven acres, about twenty-live acres improved, a framed" house, a framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees. ALSO—AII that lot, piece or parcel of land situate in She-he.ioin twp., Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit : X nth by land lately mvued by S. F. Wash burn, east by land of Benjamin Smith, south by land in po--os -i-ia of \\ . Stephenson and west by land of Keubcll Voung. Containing fifty acres more or less. ALSO—AII that l"t. piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp., Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit. Xorth by the Towner 11 ill road, east and west by lands lonuerly owned by Jnd-on Holcnmb and south by burls ol John Pa-sn ore. Containing tiitv fei t front bv 150 feet back, more or less, ail improved, with a blacksmith .-hop thereon. Seized and t>kvn in execution at the suit of Montanyes A Co. vs. Benjamin Stephen sou. TIH >S. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. .Tan. 5. 1898. CIIKUIFF'S SALES—I >\ virtue of writs ot vend, exponas issued out of the Court ol i.iiin icon Picas of Bradford County, and to me directed, will lie exposed to public >ale on MONDAY, the Ist day of February, A. J) , 1-5-. at ! o'clock. P. Si., at the Court House iu the borough of Towanda. the following hit, piece or pari 1 1 of land situate in Orwell twp.. bounded on the north by lands of Judson Kasterbrook-. east l>v lauds ol Major t>. Darling, sjuth by lauds of Roger Spher. and wr-t b\ lauds of Alien B 1 wen. Containing vcvcntv-five acres, more or less, about fifty acres improved, a framed house, a framed barn and shed, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. S. iaed and taken in execution at the suit of Charles James vs. Abio/iua Bogers and Alva Bogers. AL>U—A pi. ,c or parcel of 1 ind in She.-heijuiii town ship, hounded u nth and cast by lands of Klias rost ..south and w.-st by lands ct \Ln. B. il nt-m and Sarah Smith. Coiit iiiiiug 50 acre-, more or U -s, alwut 45 acres there.i improved, with a framed luuse, u log hou-e, a trained burn arid an orchard of fruit trees. ALSO —Due other piece or parcel of land in Sheshequin towj-bip, bounded north by lauds of Benjamin Stephen eon,ea-t by laud of Win. T. Patterson, south by lands of AJjiaui Patterson. Containings'Jacrc.s be the -amcmore or less. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Joseph Powell vs. 1,. lb post. ALSO —A piece or parrel of land in Canton township, bounded north by lauds of John W. Griffin, east bv the IJUbllg road leading from (Canton to Bee. il Fiats, soulii by i 1 mil-, o! Charles Stockwell, and we-t by landsof A. IL.ty. Containing about 55 feet fruit by 3ffi)"icet bade, ail im proved. with a fraiu. d dwell,l g in. c there, n. S,- zed and taken in execution at the suit of S. Il.Xew tn mt" the u.• of Edward Vundiue v-. J. Mimtrd. ALSO—A pie c or parcel of .'and in Wiimot township, bounded 11.1 th by land of Ge- r.e K ierl v, east by lands of John Bates, south by lauds o! John Dirflenbaeliiw, and west by lands of Charles Morning-tar and Vibcffer. Containing 107 acres, more or less, about 30 acres im proved, with u framed house, a framed stable, a log barn | and au apple orchard thereon. si zed and t sl-:-; iu execution at the suit of P.M.James v.s. Arthur M.Uiett. Ai.SU—The billowing lot. liiece or parcel of land situ ate in Athens twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north by 1 aids of Edward Pcrkin-. eu-t by lands of Ginbs, south by uu-eoted i.tud or 1 mil known a- the C'a ton tlact .mil on the 'v-t by laud bi ionging the heir- ol Horace H'iiliston, decM. Coutaiuiug about fifty-seven ai res, more or less, about forty acres improved,otic fram ed house, one framed baru, one lVaiucj shed and fruit trees thereon. ALSO--One other lot, piece or parcel of land *itute in Athens twp., Bradford county, bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by lands of Yates ,A Co., ea-t by land belonging to the heir- of Horace Willi-ton, de 'd., tonth by tlifc public highway and on the wo t by land- of Cor nelius Uiiiisiki r. Containing about thirty acres, more or less, about twenty acres improved, with one log house with a framed additjon and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken ill execution at the suit of (J. A. Sehovee to the u-c of Stephen St. John vs. A brain H ;u --siker. ALSO—The following lot, piece or p iro-1 of land -;fu ate in Franklin twp.. Lradtord county, boinidcii on the north by laud o! John M' Daniel- and .10-iali Ilaine-, east hv hind- of George Lain/, >onlh by land of Aliira Gay aud we-t by land of John Knykeiidall. C.uitainiiig about one hundred and twenty acre-, about eight acres improv ed with a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One otln r lot. piece or parcel of IJIUI situated iu Franklin twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north by lands of John Luutz andSamut i Amiable, east by land of Horace Willi y, south by the Towanda creek ami west by land of Horace Willey. Containing about one hun dred acre-, more or less, alwut thirty a> re- improved, one (dank hoii.-e and framed iiarn, one M o ksiuith slioji and a young orchard of trust trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph Powell v-. Win. E. Gore. ALSO—Tlie I >ll iwing lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Canton twp.. Bradford county, hounded on the north by land- of Win. S Baker and Kiug-bery. Newman A Co., cast by land- of Kitig-berv, Newman A Co., south hv Tioga Street anil west by land- of King-lxry, New man A Co. aud Wm. S. Baker. Containing one fourth of an acre, more or less, all improved, with a framed hou-e thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the -nit ol'S. 11. New man to the use of E. Vandine v-. A. M. Kramer. THUS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Jan. 5,1858. tOr Notice is hereby given, that an amount sufficient to par rdl cost- will be required in every ease where land is sold, also satisfactory security or money paid on all bids made on land-, at the time of sale, and unle—, are compiled with the land will be again expo-ed to -ale. THOS. M. WOODRUFF, SHERIFF. [" I BEL FOR DIVORCE.—ULYSSES I J MOODY vs. HARRIET MOODY. In Iliad. Cow. Pleas. Xo. 581, September T. 1.857. To HARRIET MOODY, the defendant in the above suit: You are hereby notified that Ulysses Moody, jour husband, has filed his petition again -t you he a divorce from the bonds of matrimony ; and that an alias subpoe na ha-been issued returnable to December Term. 1-57 ; and that a court of common pleas will be held for the comity of Bradford, at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on the first Monday ot February next, being the Ist day : you will then and there show cau-e. if any von have, why the petition and libel of the said Ulysses Moody should not lie granted, and why the bunds ot ma trimony should not he di—olved. THOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. January I, 1858. A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter of X. Y the estate of Ita le Rosenrrantz, Jec'd. In the Or phan's Court of Bradford County. The undersigned, Auditor appointe. White will preside, for the trial of the following cases, to wit : C. L. DeChastelleuX Vs. Ira Jennings, et el. Ejectment. S. V. Shipman vs. David Wilmot. Appeal. A. li. Smith vs. Samuel Kellum. 2d. et. al.. Ejectment Subpoenas made returnable on Monday, Jan. I*. 1*57, at 10 o'clock. A. M. ALLEN' M'KE AN. j Protb'y Ullice, Nov. 17, 1867. Protlionotarv. IICENSES. —Notice is hereby friven, that J the following named persons have filed in the office of the Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions their peti tions for licenses under the existing laws of the ('ounnou weaith. and their several applications will-be heard before the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions on .Monday, the Ist day of February next, at 2 o'c.ock in the alteruoou i of said day: j FOR X TAVERN : i L. Kirkpatrick Athens Township. John Howard WYalusing Township. Nicholas I). Snyder Pike Township. O. W. NorHrrup do C)leb B. Kwnzoy and John Holmes Towanda Boro'. James M. Reed Wvsux Township. j Ann Wliabm .- " do ! John S. Thompson U'ya'using Township. | David Conable Columbia. 1 D. M. Morse ... .Li-Roy Township. ] Hugh M. Ilolconib Leßov Township ! M. P. lforton Asylnm Township i iiuel Smith Canton Township. John Wallace Ridgberry Township. Alexander Mtirtou l.idgbtriv Township. John Dougherty Afonroe Horo. Geo. 11. Kstcli Towanda B wo. 1 Geo. \V. Davis Ridgberry Township. yf.Ri.HAST DEALER. , Stephen Felton Towanda Boro. EATISG SALOON. John C. Wilson Towanda Boro. Horace Tattle Canton Town-hip. ALLEN McKE VN, Clerk. I Clerk's Office, January f>. 159. SHERIFF'S SALES.—Uy virtue of snndrv kj writs of Vend. Exponas, i.-sued ont ol the Court ot Common Pleas of Bradford county, ami to me directed, will !• exposed to public sale it the Court . ouse. in the boro'of Towanda, on FRIDAY. February 5, I*s*. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north by lands of Snyder, east by lands of Hie estate of John Ford, dee'd., south by lands of Lyman Buck and the public highway and we t by lands of Simeon Taylor. Containing about thirty acres, be the same more or les-, | about twenty-five acres improved and an orchard of fruit trees. 1 Seized and taken in execution at the suit of George C. ; Atwooii vs. Alphou- C. Fonl. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land sitn- I ate in Litchfield twp., Bradford county, bounded on the north by lands of Joseph Ki r-haw ki.-I Wiilium Boativick east by kind- of Joaeph Kershaw niJoha Warm r,aouth by laud - of John Warner and on the west by lands of Wm. Bustwick and Andrew ('. Braimnd. t.'oiit.lining about fifty-live a lu.-. more or less, about even u res improved, one log liou-e and one log shed or -table there tl. Seized ind taken ino xwution at th- -u >t < f \V. S. Tan nery to the ( : Nathan Edmin.-tf r v-. John li b', ell. ALSO Tiie following I.t piece or our- el of land -ita ate in liidgb iry twp., Bradford County, bounded on the ; north by land- of Daniel Dewey, east by lands of William Ei-ton. soat'i by lands of S nail Brighain and I'arviu Co veil and we-t by land "f Mauser Chamberlin. C >ntai:i ing fifty-one ac re-, be the same more or less, ail impr v --j ed with a framed liou-e, a log house, a framed burn, a saw mill and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at thr suit < f Charity Graves, administratrix of Abner Graves vs. Charles Pot ; ter. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land .situ ate in Granville twp., Bradford coni'ty, '-ounded on the north by land of L. I'. Swain, east by land of Geo. John son, south by land of A. J. Uobi*oa and v. i -t iiy the high way. Containing about lilty aavs. more or le-s, alcut twenty-five a- K -improved, one framed house, log bam and fruit tf"a* thereon. Seized and taken in rxccuti n at the si t of Me< ker, Herbert A Perkins vs. X. X. Fiuncv, garnishee ol H. Holes imb. ALSi )—The following lot. pie e -T parcel of land -it- - j ate In Albany twp.. Bradford county, bounded on the j north by land* of .lames Wile v, ea-t by the south or ' FowVr lirmclt of the Towanda Creek, south bv lands of I •Joseph White and west by lands of ——• — I'riesiiv or ! the Coal Company lands. Containing aljout one liu.i- ! died ui.t forty a-'re-, alxmt seventy-five aere- improved, i one framed house, one framed bain. ■ tie framed horse i shed and an on-hard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the -nit of Joseph I Menardi, administrator of the estate of Minor Wilcox Vs. | H. Seymour Phinney. M.sit -Tim following lot, pie.-e or parcel of kind .situ- | ate in Albany twp. Bradford county, bounded on the ] north by land ;ol Myron Kellogg, ea-t by lauds oi Myron ; Kello. r ur.d IVuir-l llagtl-h. * e.fii by lio-ls -i the iV.irs ; of J:-,-oh Miller. d'-'-"d.. and we-t by the liar-1 -t- t'oal j lands. Containing one hundred acres and allowances, I ui r or h —, about thirty-five aei es improve J, with a log ! lio :-e and log barn ther * n. Ai,S()—One otin r lot, pi.-*e or par.-el •>;' land si'nate • in A:lany twp.. Br idl ed nnty.b. una. d north :.y kind* ' of David Miller and Jnnr-- Mo-lnri.tne, e.i-t bv land- of, Aiiihci Haiicoek, rontli and west iy Zadoc C'or-on. < n- ; taining one hundred and seventy a re* -nore or !*-*, about • one hundred acre* improved, a teamed house, a framed ' barn, a log blaeksmiin shop, -three apple orchards and ' other fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One ether lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Albany two., Bradford county, bounded north bv lands oi Sheffield Wih-o.v, ea.-t by Milton liak-s.J i-eph "Menar di and Simeon i liapinan. *nnth i'y lam's of \Vtl|> V\ il- , > px and s. • . and Will. .Means and we-t by land- of.! >hn i Han eiiig part of the ' said tract in the Warrantee name of Henry Murk. < on- ' taining about one hnndred acres with a log house in the I woo,!-: Si i/ -I ami taken in execution at the suit of H. 11. Ma< e vs. I! -Ilin \\ ilcox and Sheffield Wiicux. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land • itu ate in Athens two., Bradford county, honreled on ttie north by land- ot Vale- ,V Co., west by lands of Edward William-and Smith Griffin, on the south by lands of Smith tlriflin and land Wlongin* to the heirs of Horace Wiiliston. dee'd. and the public highway, on the ea-t by lands of the heirs of H. Wiiliston, dee'd., Geo. Wnlcott and Abeam Hun.-ikiv. Containing about two hundred and fifty-six acre.-, more or less, a'uout one hundie,-} acres improved, one framed house, oue log- house, tinea framed barns, one framed shed and fruit tr< thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Alliens lb TO. Bradford comity, hounded on the north by lands i-i funic- F. Welles, jr.. on the east bv Main sired, on the south by Ellsworth and on the west by the Chemung River. Containing about one-fourth of au lu re, more or ie-s, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn and fruit trees thereou. ALSO- One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Alio in, Itoro.y Wool lord county: imuuded on (he mifih by laud-ol Vbraat Sm-fl, west by Main .-tnt. south Iv lands of I)r. Thomn- Huston and east bv the Susqnehaii u.i river. Containing about one acre, ncro or le-s , ; ,!l improved, one framed house, one framed burn and fruit trees thereon. ALSO- Oue other lot. piece nr parcel of land situate ill Athens born., Bradford county, bounded on the north by lands of Chester l'ark. on the east by Main street, oil (he south by lands of K. Brooks and on the west by the Chemung River. Containing about three-fourths of an acre, more <-r less, all improved, one framed house, fram ed ham and truit trees thertsin. ALSO- Defendant's interest in or.c other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp., Bradford county, hounded on the north by land of John Wntkins, jr. arid the public highway, ott the ea-t, south and west by lands ofJoh-i Watkins, jr. Containing about tliree-fburflw of nu aere, more or le.-s.ull improved and a saw mil! thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of the Bank of Port Jarvi.-, vs. CViruelius Hundker. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or ni'-rel of laud -it iutci] in Warren township, bounded and described as lidlowi. to wit : on th® north by lauds of J . Anti-dale, ea-t by the highway, souih by J. Brant, and on the west by land- of G. H. Brunt. Containing about T an acre, more or le-s. ail improved, one framed wagon'shop, and one framed blacksmith -hop thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Warren twp., hounded ami described as follows: on the north and east ov lauds belonging to the estate of W. Roger's dee'd., south by *he highway, and wc-t by land of G. H. Brant. Containing about in rods of land, more or le-s. all improved, with one framed black-raith shop thereon. Seized and taken in execntion at the sait of M. C.BOWCD . J. A. Bo ,ven and Wm. W. Biker vs. Luke S. Brant. T. M. WOODRUFF, SlierifT. Shcrifi's Office, Jan. 5,1*58. A UDITOR S NOTICE. Tht County Of .I\. Bradford vs. Swivel Tenant. In the Common Pleas of Bradford County, 2io. 3J7. May term, The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriffs sale oi the real e.-tate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi.- office in the borough of Towanda, on the 13th day of January 185b, at 3 o'clock ia the afternoon, at winch time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims or eise br forever debarred from said fund. H F M KT VV A ii'r Pe.-fmbpr, 11, l s '.7 iC.nal. A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In. the mutter of -£\ Iht Etfale of iteboraJk C. Gregory dtctaied. In the Orphan* Court ol iiradiord county., The undersigned Auditor appointed to di tribute funds in the Land- of the .vhm'r ol uld e-t itc attend to the duties of his appointioetit at the office of Wrn. Eiwell Esq., in the the boro" of Tbw.inda on Thursday the Ssth day of January A. D.l 858, when and wfjeio all persona having claims upon -aid fund are requested to present the fiuuie or else he forever delrarred the re fro in. U. D. MoNTAXYE, Audit er. December 24, 1H57. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mutter < J 1\ the Exta'.e of 'l\fphena Smith dtctaied. la the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute funds in the hain't ot th e Administrator of the said e tate will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi* office in the uoro'of Towanda, on Wednesday the 2till of January, lssß. at 9 o'clock A. V., when and wl'.ers all persons having ekriias upon said fund ore requested to present the same or else be lorcver debarred therefrom. T. D. MORROW, Auditor. December 22, 1*57. AUDITOR S MOTICE.— in the /natter . I*6* at one o'clock I*. M. when und ; where all person* having claims upon said fund are re ] quested to present them or be foiever debarred tbere j from. O A. OVERTON, Auditor. December 21, 1*67. A EDITORS' NOTICE.— In the mutter of J. A. the extute of Ira Grineuld, die'd. In the Orphan's ! Court of Bradford County. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to j distribute the funds in the hands of the administrators of I said estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at the ; office of Wni. El well, in Totvanda, < n Friday, the 2"tb ; of January A. I>. IS5*, at one o'clock in the" afternoon, ! when and where all persons having claims are requested to present thorn, or be lorcvei deban-i d therefrom. Jan. 1.1858. 0. D. MOST WYE. Auditor. I IST OF JURORS drawn for Special Court to be held January 19, 1*69. Athens bom —Aaron Stone, K M Wells Durell—Wiliani Bowman Franklin —'Davit) Alien Leßoy—Judson Ilolconib, Litchfield—Josluh White, Monro twp—Samuel Cole, Overton—Orlando Heverlr. Dike—Wm II Brads haw, ll Beechi r, Rome—o C Worthing, l'receptor lorhes, S Gore, Peter VoUght, SpringlielJ—Jere Adam*, Amos Knapp.jr. Smithyeld—A: t.;-'i:y L Child*, liarn.'.n S King-icy, A N 1,1 arris, Wallace So -it. im- >.l J *!■• -I- -Jumts.Si'-etwood, Ji.o.M Keap, Edward Brig ham. H< bert Ch tndler. South Cheek—Mcrritt Glvnt-s. Standing Stoue—My run Vannws, i'nwamhi boro—Jet* Culp, l'vwr.nda Neil!.—l-a.i, diver. Troy boro—William Farnsworfh. Windham—Jan es M Peck, J W Warner, Wyalusing—Libs Vaertn. Jr.. Lewis Bile, Wy*i x --Elijah Bouvclt, LI-.itrotitl Whitney. PXECETOR S NOTlCE—Notice is licre- I J .1! pr-r-'ubs indebted to the estate of FREDERICK FISHER, dec'd of Month Towanda, must m.tke immediate payment, and all person* having de mand- ::..-.,i,!-t - '.id c-tate, will present thr m duly authen ticated tor settlement. SALSBL'RY CO I.E. JOSEPH HOML'T, August, 17.1857. Execi t'rs. I,EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—A!! >er-os iii- J J dwt-i to lb estate of SILVS Tlli.'S, d"'eased, l ite of Ilerrick township, am hereby notified that pay ment mu*t • c made without delnv, and all persons having tl im* aeainst s-.ri 1 estate are requested to present theui duly authenticated i -r .settlement. ZOPHAH PRATT. Septeml ir 26,195?. Executor. \ DMIXISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice il i- hereby given, 1' at- all persons iutlelted to the 1 estate of RUFUS WHITE, dec -cd, late of ;n ; twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay,' ami all persons having demands aga.nst -aid e-tate uie requi sted iu pre-cut tlien. d 'v authenticated for settle- • nient. .SUSANNAH WHITE, December 21, 1857. Administratrix. A DMIXISTUATOIUS NOTlCE.—Notice I ..A \i- he, -by .sveu tin t all persons indebted to the es ' tate ol it iii-:ord i'-. Ikiii< v. deceased, lute of Pike twp. are rerjue-ted I > make payment, without delay ; and ill j- rsiio. i'.uing claims agnm.-t -aid est ;te will p,t a-epre sent them duly autbentk a ted for -ettb lueut. i P. 17. BUCK. LEbußAli BAILEY. October 1.7. Ih.-T. AdniTii.-trut- re TT'XECrCTOirS NOTlCE.—Notice is Lere-1 IJ by ,-iveo that letters te-' rttary v.pon the , of I-Ilijnh Lucky, late <-f Sle ueqoin* d have I' m ' granted to the subscriber. AH persona indebted to paid j estate are hereby requested to make 'mmediate payment. . and tho-e having any dain - up n .-aid e -ute to present . tnciu duly attested lor settleici-ut. S-.WVIP'KV, I Jit IIX LUCKY, Bept. 1.6. 1-77. Execntore. j PXECUTRIX NOTICE.- -Notice is here- I J bv given, that all persons indebted to the estate of 1 JoIIN CHAFFEE, doetu-ed, late of Warren town-' ship, are reque-ted to i-.akv payment wTtii >ut delay; ! t lose having deun-nds .'giinsf -air settlement. AN G ELBN" 11 EI Hi A RTC -V. Nov. inter 12,1337. Administratrix. i DMIN ISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice V i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e tate of Eii.-i- Thompson, dee'd. lute of Shc.-beqiiiu town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without d®- lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. ' JOHN* it. THOMPSON*, HANNAH THOMPSON*. Pec. 1, 1-37. Administrators. 1 I DITOR"S SOl ICE.— In tkt matirr of -s * the estate of lOrhrril Nlrubfe, decearrrf. IntheOi p'u ins' Court of Bradford f'-iunty. Nt ii-. ; is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money iai.-cd l-y U:e sale of leal estate, ii. til - above estate, will attend to the duties of hisapp at the oftiee of 1. X. Lruus. in the borough of Athens, on Friday, the 23d day of January, l-*is, at 1 o'clock. P.M. All persons having claims upon -aid nmra y must pr'-sent tliein, or ei-e be forever debarred from the -anie. ike. Id, It-.">7. I. N. EVAiRj, Auditor. ORPHANS' COURT BALE.~Bf virtue of an order of the Orj.bans' Court of Ifri dford Coun ty- wW lie expose,| to public sale, on the premises, on SATFRDA V, the lc.tii day of January. l-.*.s, at loVl-iek. P. M., the following described property, late the estate of Hoard mat!, deceased, late of Windham tow ship situate in -aid Cm ; -hip, in said County hounded on the east by J-.lijiah Shoennil.i r. "n the soutli by Orsemns Car penter, vv st by lands which Abel and lienrv Bo.iidnvtn contracted to purchase of said Ephraira" jjoardnian. north by— Containing fifty acres with ah mt fwonty-tlve acres improved, with an old frame house uud a framed barn and a tew apple trees there a. WILLIAM Li (J A P.I'M AN", Adin'r. Windham, December 10, 1*57. T> EG INTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice i> hen- II hv given that there have been filed ard settled in the -iftice of the Itegister of WiiU in and for the county of Bradford, accouuts of administration upon the following estates, viz : Partial account of Angelina Lyon, administratrix of C !>•'. Lyon, Lite of Pilre, deceased. P;rti:.i account of K >:t Richard--, guardian of J. and C. M. Vought, minor children of Nehemiuh Vonght, late of P. me. deceased. Final account of William Tloardmtn, administrator of Epbriam Itonrdtnan. late of Orwell, deceased. Final account ec. 22. NOTICE. rPHE subscriber desirious of settling tip liis 1 CJ'HiV riTomit, request* a!Fprr-jR* indebted to him to call and nettle the same by note or payment, by ths 15tli of January IS6S, and *art cu.-t. JOfI.VBEIDIJar.IN-. | Toivundn Dec. 22, IHC.7. "V"OTICE. —Tiie annual meeting of the stock I -L v holders f the " Barclay Railred * Coal Com patiy'' i will bi- hebl at their office V. W .Comer < f lib & Walnut I street Philadelphia on M met ay January llih. 1 se, at 11 o'clock A. M at whVh time and place an tJeeti'iii will bn held f ats, black (loth do. ball i" t do. Li >ys business at.d Over coat-, Punts ana Te-ts of i all kinds a.ol quality, white and fancy shifts. wool under j shirts and ITSwets. Collars, Cravats, Suspenders, GenVt ' white and colored Ho-<-. Hats and Caps. Cloths and Caa -•itner<-s • f all kinds. We are still making up t. or-'cr ! and ail wlin wish to get particular fits will do well to gi'o I u-' a call. We have come do*u on pikes in ini.s one of ; business, mid warrcnt every garment to tit or no ?• Be. ft?* Cutting done at this Establishment y- up -.1 ; all thi se is ho ov.-e us by book account or note wilt do well to come up and s. tile and save cost s. ■\iiv.2.:. IV7. CHU.IV3 A POWELL. SECOND ARRIVAL ! S! 57)00 WOBTII OF GOODS ARE VOW OFFERED AT A.N ENORMOUS SACRIFICE ON THE ORIGINAL COST, FOR CASH ONLY! JOSEPhfPGWELL Would respectfully call the attention of the public to tha fact that he it now offering GREAT INDUCEMENTS, To tho:,e wLshing to buy GOODS FL'R CASH. Prices lleduccd 25 to 50 pr ct. Those wbihing to know what PANIC PRICES Are. are invited to eel!. Towand*. November 50, I - 57. MUSIC ! MUSIC ! MR. CHARLES QUICK has tufcen iu-u-i- p.arti r* in tin- village of TOW AND A. wiitn* he b prepared to furnish iIUSIC fu. publ o or pruMti |.ni ties. Ir on one to five musicians. Mr. Quick will teach all tlie fashional 1c dances of the da\. A'l communication* addressed CHARI.ES (JI'TCK, To wandu. Rr.idf.Til Co. Pa., will be promptly attended to. i a PI AN n both as to the quality and prices of mir Goods. fail and see. Towanda, Nov. 19, 1867. CAS i J WANTED FOR GREAT BARGAINS! J. IT. PaiNWE7 tft CO. WILL SELL GOODS FOR CASH AT VERY RF.DUC ED PRICES. Their stock consists of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Hats, Caps, 33octs Shorts, Hardware, Fish, Wails, Grlass, Dyes, 4cc. C'.f"Person ; wishing to buy Goods f.r CASH, can snvo 25 per cent, by pim-hasing oi us. The go-,d- will be sold to make it an obji -t to c:,-!i buyers. Vou will liud us ca the west side, corm r ■! Main and Bridge streets. Towanda, November 12, l^S". MO X T A X' Y 15 S Are uw receiving their Fall Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 'feb S fjjoe /iniiingj /: IrntUt, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. H hick will b* sold ct Greatly Reduced Prices. Cor. Public Square and Main st. /. r. MOM i.\f TOWANDA. (j. n. MONT tsrr, JH E. n.MuNr.iNvi:. I SepU-mber 8,1X>7 | F. P. MO.NTANYK. PR J. MACKINTOSH, iJEN- TlxT, will be fonnd at Ids , quart, rs in I J_. Patton's Block, until Decernb!ilnTs of Wheat ?.t ' * the market price. Towanda. Oct. 2f,. Is.-,7. BAILEY NEVINS- The Latest City Styles and Prices, wm TA e.'tfnlly inform the citizen* of TOM I'da \ V andudj '.ilia. 1 \i. initv, that she has taken the Mil linerv Shop tiv.inf r'y oece.< I<-d by Mr<. L H. Ma on. where ihe is jiiepaif <] to furnish the Ladies witii tiie I.VTEST STYLES of Bonnets, Caps. liead ,t Ac., and fit a, low prices can fa- lennrht in any Millinery Cstah li-.i.iic it thi< side of New York. ly.EAt lIiNG AND TBTMMINt} done at the shorte-t notice. "I Re l,:.d'p will ple-i t call and examina our st.o< k of BONN .rs hefo.r purchasing el-ewheve. October 14, 1*57. S. PAWLING. J V\!KD nKKRIKS.—A cjnantityof Diied JL Berries for !e nv To-., hh: N v. 4 MM. W. A. ROCKWELL. MOHA llt IJHAIDS fiiir] Twists for tho _U< t .r. 1 h Xih WM. A. IRQ UK WELL'S. Lfimbrr V/tTon for Saia. \ NEW TWO HORSE LUMBER WAGON for ia!a s'V 1 ur.tcv Pro.bee ; enou :, .e of the s ,h*cri v .er>. r "ion 1 ;.\ .y, 2. IS.'7. ' BAH.FY fe NEVtKS. 1 >OAKDING COURT VVEEK.—A few .1.9 Bo irdt-rs caa Sad accommodations through Decent l er Court—enquire of the subscriber. Xatra-.ida. N ,v. 2. IX>7. SIDNEY S. BATLFY. Q AliT.— loo B'IIS. Salt for saie, at No, 2, ko Patt u|N Block' !,v T'iv nda. N"V. 4 i 5,",7, W. A. RjDCy.y".T,. i AfA IBS oTTIO O HIN H TlO NRS a l . ' " ' ted * lot X *r c i btcne Haccf sfd k e I s "*- wm. v