\s OLD PRISONER. —Last week, Joel gchoonhoven, 100 years of age, was discharg ed from Sing Sing State Prision, having been pardoned by the Governor. He was commit ted for lite for arson. He is a native of Oiaii ,r e county, and reached the age of a cen turv. in prison on the 4th of July last. He saw Washington at Newburgh during the war. MKS SUFFOCATED IN THE GAS WORKS AT £ rIF Two men employed in the Gas Works at Krie, died on Wednesday, from suffocation, while cleaning the purifier. They were order ed to breathe fresh air every half 'hour—the neglect of which caused their death. Mail Arrangements—Towanda P. 0. 44" 4VF.ULEY, dailv, arrives at 12J M.; departs 1, P. M.: CI„-e- at 11, A. JI. TENKHAXXOCK, daily, arrives at 12, M.; departs at 1, P. M. C VSTOX. tri weekly, arrives Tuesdays, Thursdays and Vaturdavs. at 1, P. M.; departs on alternate days, at 7 ; dotes at BJ. A. M. WEI-I.SBURG, arrives on Tue-days, Thursdays and Sat dav-. at 5, P. M.: departs In alternate days, "at 7, A.M.; closes at C>4, A. M. MONTRDSE. arrives on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days. AT G. P.M.: departs on alternate days at 7, A. M.; closes at I, j, A. M. DL'SHOHE, arrives on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays at 12. M.; departs on alternate days, at 1, P. M.; closes at 114, A. M. ATHENS WAY, by the way of Shesheqnin . departs on Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, at 9. A.M.; arrives same days, at 8, P. M.; closes af *4, A. M. EATON, semi weekly, arrives on Tuesdays and Satur days : departs on Wednesdays and Saturdays. LIBERTY CORNERS, arrives on Wednesdays and Satnr days, at 3, P. M.; departs sunn- day ; closes at 2, P. M. *7- Persons indebted to this office for paper postages and box rent are requested to PAV them immediately. HENRY' li. M'KEAX, P". M. Xeto 'Abucrtisenunts, GEO. 11. BXJ JST TI^N"Gr, F) ESPECTFULLY informs his former customers and I the public generally, that he has removed his TAXXIOR'S SHOP, To the corner of Main and Bridge streeats, opposite J.H- Phinney's store. II flatter- himself that front his lung experience in LM siress LIE will be able to please all who may favor him with their custom. Owing to the loir pressure iu the mo ney market, lie will make ( oat- from #2 50 to JO 50each and other work in proportion for REDAY PAY. ( onntry Produce in payment, will not be refused, if offered. Towaoda, Nov. 20,1*57. MUSIC 1 MUSIC ! MB. CHARLES QUICK has token RFMPY-TIP Uead-quarU-rs in the village of TOWAXDA. where he is prepared to furnish MUSIC fir public or private parties, from one to five musician-. Mr. Quick will TEACH all the fashionable dances of the day. All communications addressed OH ARLfts QUICK, To wauda. Bradford Co. Pa., w ill be promptly attended to. JS3*PIANOS tuned and repaired on short notice. 'D wanda. November 25, 1*57. j§usqut|anna Collegiate institute, TOW AN DA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS. REV. JAMES MCWTLLIAM, Principal, Professor of An cient Languages and Mental anil Moral SI ience ; Ll\Vll> CRAFT, A. 8., Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science. MKS A. KLIZ 4 FRITCHER. Preceptress ; MISS EMI LIE A. BUTLER. Assistant : MISS O. LOUISA JENKS, Inst rnctor on Piano ; MISS HELEN M. CAItTER, A-sistant Instructor on Pi ;l io and Melodeon ; MIsS CLARISSA A. STOCK WELL, Teaiher of French J ami Drawing. *TKI'HEX CAI.IFF, Usher; Mr. • ANFIELD DAYTON, Steward. I'he Winter Term commences on Wednt— lay, Decern- ; liirand'vviil continue 14 weeks, exclusive Ol' a reoe=- ' I; IO days at Christmas. EXPENSES PER TERM. R. VAHH' invariably in advance, or one half on entering THV school, and one half at the middle of the term — Fuel i aud contingencies included : Pr.niarv, per term, S 4 (HI 1 IVpar.it' ry.. 6 00 j H'-DN-r, 1-t year, per term.. 7 00 liiriier. 1-t aud 2d year, p-r term, * on ' —: D. 1-t year, J-er term. 7 Oft I ' la-- TAIL. 2d and 3d year, per term .... Bon i I ".dale, per term 10 00 .V B. Pupil- will LIE classed by the in —t advanced ' I! h they re-pectively p,ir-ue. I', nil- u-ing scholarships are charged FL (S-R term for j and I-ontingents : for instrument on which to take 1 ie-sous, 50c, or for practice $2,00. EXTRAS. ''rerc h $5 00 ' I'niwing 3 00 I'iition ON Piano Forte with use of In-trnmeiit.. . . 12 (KI ; do do per quarter of 11 weeks,. . 10 00 j i. ird ill the Institute, per week, including fuel ami LU'ht 2 00 , M .idling, per dozen, 3* j V - hiilar. WHOSE parents or guardians shall reside j "Inn TWI miles of the Institute shall he admitted to tui- ■ '•••a TIII-I > I upon any perniam nt scholarship rented OR ; ••'CII-d by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. j 'IN: arrangements fop Hoarding will tie under the entire j "'MTRIIL and ininagement of the Steward, while the Prin- | '[NLAND Teacher- residing in the Institute, will !>E able I i-I- I constant watch over the pupils, mingling : • ii tin-in I s inemliers of the same family : a* a B-ard ' S -hooi lor youth of laith sexes, the Institute will af *i M.-n-aied and superior advantages. Parents and I ■ - -r-itaiK Aay TIE assured that ail due care will BE exer- | - II over the health, the manners and morals of those en- j ' 11-I-IL TO their can. aud al! suitable aid rendered at ail in promoting their advancement tit -tody. I' hoarding iu the II ill. will furnish tb-ir own bed, j I 'idiiig. TOWELS, Ac. and the table silver at tin-ir option. | l*upils entering the Institute are pledged to the ob-er- j '• •.'!' C NF THE r-gulutions, and none will T.- adiuitteil on j O'ER terms. 5>E iul EXERCISES are arranged without extra charge for ! : 1 R 'PIAII ; 'YI!)O themselves as teachers for coutiuou ' vnoul *• F- COI T. Secretary. C. L. W 4RD, President, J 4USUI ? 12, 1-57. " A. WICKHAM. Tri-.IS. GOIXG! GOING! WHO WISHES TO BOY ? P'ik j-'ine-f Assortment of WINTER GOODS in town *iii is; is und at the store of Wm. A. Rockwell, one •" •r north of Bridge street, y 'i.y thanks for the liberal share of public patronage *'. V l, ee11 extended us : and we shall endeavor to . use to give satisfaction both as to the quality and 1 •>! our Goods. Call and see. 1 saiichi, Nov. 111, 1857. fjOARSR SALT, for packing PORK, pat up in sacks, one bushel in a sack, for sale at evember Is. FOX'S. . Tcwanda Female Seminary. I •'* TERM of this school, under charge of • a * v HKS II ANSON, will commence on MONDAY '♦•'iit'inr .>O. 1807. CASH WANTED FOB GREAT BARGAINS I *• H. PHIWNEY 6c CO. 'U-hEIJ. GOODS FOR CASH AT VERY REDUC LD PRICES. Their stock consists of I'UY GOODS, GKOGERIF.S, •K Caps, Boots 6c Shoes, Hardware, Fish, Nails, CHass, Dyes, dec. N '' ns w 'Jdng to buy Goods for CASH, can save i '' erit. by purchasing of us. The goods will be sold l G'*'* '' object to cash buyers. You will find us on •p.'"' V '•.' I<,r!l, 'r of Main and Bridge streets. 'ehi. November 12, 1857. Shoemakers and Leather Consumers. J G rc eived a t M. F.. Solomon's CLDTHING STORE > h^u. Kt,Mk ng tic- | we-t line of .-aid Hick .k -land to the south wc-t corner j oi said Hickok'- land thence south 0*4 3 east along said Hickok's south line to the place of beginning. ( on', lin ing 77 acres and 75 perches, be the same more or le-s. about fortv acres improved, 1 framed house, a log house, a barn and a -mull apple orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the -nit r f Chester Thomas and >. I*. B.iliard to the use of O. P. Ballard vs. George I', t'hanni L. ALSO The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Wilmot twp.. hounded on the north by land belong- ! ing to the estate of T. Mi'vi-iw. ilee'd., i-.t-t by lands off. i I-'. Wells, south by lan I of E fikqlsrd, west by lands of S. Iliilliouse and others. Containing about 10(1 acres j more or less, abont .70 acre-improved, two framed lion- ; ses. une framed barn, enrnhouse and other out buildings j and one apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. I Al.so Defendant's interest in one other lot. piece or j parcel ofland sitnat" in Wilmot twp., bounded on the j north by land- of Ert-tus Sh-pliard and The highway ! leading from the Albany road to the Frenchfc.wn road. 1 e.i-t by the highway leading from the Susquehanna river | t 1 Albany, -outh and we-t by lands of Uir.itn and J. P. i Horton.aml unseated lands. < mtaining about 30 ai res, j more or less, about 15 am - improved, one -team -aw i mill, two framed bouses, one framed barn and other out- • buildings thi reon. Sei/i-d anil taken in execution at the suit of Moses Ei- j lenberg< r , now to use of 1L J. Madill vs. Edward l.Shep ! hard. ALSO All that certain lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Albany twp.. bounded north by lauds of Myron Kellogg, east by lands' Myron Kellogg and Daniel En glish, south by lands of the heirs of Jacob Miller, dec bl and west bv the Barclay coal land-. < uitnining 10u ai ics and allowance, more ! Dr. Scoville's lot, thence by -aid Scoville's ' line to the Wyalosing Creek, thein-e up the said Creek the -everal cour.-es to the place of beginning. All iut- 1 proved. tbree {rattled dwelling house.-, one framed barn j one framed building occupied as a shoe shop, one framed ! wagon shop, one bla-k-mitli shop and other out buildings I and two orchards of Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of George H. Welles v„ Henry Gsylnnltnd Martha Gay lord, his wife, ! and t *co. W. Ja ksou, tern- tenant- T 111 is. >|. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. ! Sheriffs Office, Nov. 3. 1-57. 111-RIFFS SALE.—By virtue of siunln j k-J writs ot Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court oi Cwiumou Pleas ot Btaili 'ril County, anil to me ducted, will he expo-ed 1 i public sale mi "SATURDAY", The sth ol DECEMBER, A.!>.. 1-57, at 1 ..'clock. P.M., at; the Court House, in the borough of Towauda. the fol- i lowing lot. piece or parcel ot l .nd situate in A.-vlum twp., bounded ami .]< -cribed as follows, to wit : Begin- j ning at a hemlock, the corner of J. Aiftooy, and 1. Ha- , zlelnirst. theuce on a line between -aid tracts south 2o dog., we-t 1.15 perches to a st-.ne lie ip, thc-ii-e by lauds i sold to John W. Voce, n >rtij s|° ea-t :>2i perche- to line of lam! of U. Wandall. theuce hy land of said Wandali ; north 12 (leg., e.,-t 70 perches to corner of land ot D. ! Murray, thence north . d- .g., we-t 05 perche- to a corner, theme south *1 dcg., we-t 240 perches to the place of j beginning. Containing 201 acre- aud 10 perches, more or le-s, being parts of two tracts of land in Asylum tup., -urv. yed in the warrantee name ol J. Anthony and J. Crave : about 130 acres improved, one framed house, one log house,one framed barn, with -hed- attached,.'! framed corn ftoti-e aud othci out building- and two orchards ol Iruit tree.-. Seized and taken at the -ait of Josiah !!. Dodson ami l.yili t \V. Dodson. 11i- wife, t-> the use of Eydia W. Dod soti vs. Benjamin t". R ime-. | A—Tin: following 14, piece or parcel of land -itu ; ated in the t wp. of Armenia, bounded and described as f>li iws, to wit : Itcirimii>i at a Sugar tree in the north ern boundary iim.-oi l.nid conveyed to Lewis I'. Newell, thence by lot No. .'ins on map oi survey 100 perches to a post, thence by 1 its Nos. 'is; and '-'si; east lull perches to 1 post, thence by lots \o. '2s.-, mid oils. south KM) perches to a post thene- by lot No. .'OO -Old bv I "wis Newell'* I 4. west ltio perches to the place of b< ginning, being lot | No. 307; Containing about lftft acres, more or less, about 1 ft acres improved, one log house, a young orchard of fruit thereon. >ie/e 1 and taken at the suit of Ponieroy's & Co. vs. John Ye in Hi-. AI .si I—The 101 l nvirig lot, piece or parcel ol land situ i ate i:i Granville tap., bounded and described as follows, to wit : On the north and east by land of Julius Onilcy, j south by the highway, and on the wc.-t by land of Jona j than T. Miller and Julius Itailey. Containing about 1 "JO ! square perches more or less, all improved, one framed house, framed shop, framed barn and u few fruit trees thereon. Seized —ml taken in execution at the suit of James H. iloss. School I rea-urer of Granville twp. vs. A. 1). Bailey and Uriah D. Bixtcr THOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. November 3d, 1*57. g~4~ Notice is hereby given, that an amount sufficient to pay all costs will be required in every ease where land issokl.also satisfictory security or money paid 011 ail bids made on lands, at the time of sale, and unless, terms aic complied with the land will lie again exoosi d to sale. THOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. LIST OF JURORS drawn for December Term auu .Sessions, 1*57. iiiuN'ii .unions. Wyabising—D. W. iliown.l-heshequin—H'm. Post. Baseotn Taylor. Albany—Setli Stevens. S. Creek- Saiu'l Pcttingall, Wysox—Stephen Morton. Ir. Herrick -John C. Beardslcy Burlington—Jos. S.Clark. ; John Xe-bitt. Columbia—William l'eck. i Orwell—C. S. Gridley. Krankiin John McKee. I'ike- Chester Goodell, M. Troy boro"—11. s. Dart. I B. Porter. Bidgberry—Geo. Parcel,Jno ; Warren—Miles Prince, Wm. F. Seely. I Howell Sylvaaia boro"—O. Fnrman rfowanda boro'—John Car- It'une--Win. M Cabe, Dai-j man. win Cook. 'Towanda tj—.lac. Bowman. THWKHS+: .ICIIOIIS—FIKST WIII K. Columbia—Stephen Keyes.l wy.ilosing—Geo. Acroyd, 11. Wells—Alv 111 Young. Dan'li Clark. Strong, N. lpionard, Jas. ■ frvvell- Klnathan Smith. M. 1-M-iil. Ismitlitield—J. S. Jones. Athens boro*-John SnelLj Burlington—.Martin Rork jr.. Geo. A. Perkins. i well, Ransom 11. Ward, S. Creek—Chas. Crane. I Joel Calkin. Litchfield—Wm. H. Morse.'Springfield Aaron Knight, Wysox—David C. Sherman., John K. Watson, LukeX. Towanda tp—Jno. Bowuiati. Pitts. Tiiscarora—J. StiirJivant. 'Granville—Ezra Baxter, Asa Monroe tp M.M.Ooolliungli! Andrews. i'ike—F. A. Ellsworth. John!Warren—Samuel Chaffee. Bolles, Nelson Johnson. Troy tp Obediah Williams If. F>. Gage. Walker Pierce. Durell—M. Eilenhurger, R. Cautoii—John Vandyke, Jas. DcLong. A. Botliwell. sEcoxn week. Asylum—Amasa Frentchy. I Kowen Merrill. Springfield—Gardner Ben- Towanda North —Wm. Fos nett, John Ross, jr., Isaac ter. F. Bulloek. Wm. C. llurges Wyalusing—Jackson Lewis. Canton—E. P. Rockwell. jflerriek—Aden Holies. Slie-diequiii -Wru. B. iiortoni(lrwell —Edwin Allis. Henry Patterson. Pike—Francis Mason, Isaac Durell—Charles Hornet. X. ltutchinsnn. Leroy—JoVui G. Hammond. Athens—Joel McAffce. Windham—Nathan C. Ells- Rome—M. M. Wattles. hrce, Asa McKee. Warren—Lorain Pitcher, Mi- Wysox— Amos York .Samuel ratidi Cliaffee, J. E. Cooper Cliuinberiin. M.Strickland Franklin—Stephen Latimer. Truy tp—Abel S. Manly, W. Towanda tp—H. H. Mace. C'Tifftoti, John McKean. Smitlilield—Allen Usher. Litchfield—B. D. Cooper. Monroe tp—Jas. Blauvelt. S. Creek—lohn Dea • . LEATHER —A new supply or suit* L<-tii er/Cow Hide, Kip and Calf Skin, at No. 2, Button's 8100-c. angW WM. A. ROCKWELL. il.nal. NOTICE.—Notice is here- AJ by given that all persons indebted to the estate of FREDERICK FJSIIFR. dev'd of S •nth Towonda, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. SAL6BUBY COf.E, JOSEPH IIOMET, Angnst, 15, 1857. Execntors. 17XECLTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in | J.-J debted to the e-tate of SILAS TITUS, deceased, | late of Herrick township, are hereby notified that pay j meut must tie made without delay, and all person* having claims against said estate are requested to present them ; dnlv authenticated for settlement. ZOl HAT. PLATT, 4 September 20,1857. Executor. A DMIN ISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice X*. is lieretiy given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of MARK H. GREENMAX, dee'd, late of Canton, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duiv authenticated fur ftlement. '( HARI.ES STOCKWF.I.L, JOHN VANDYKE. Jr. j Canton, Sopt. 21, 1857. Administrators. i A DMIXISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice ; Xi. is hereby given, that al! pers as indebted to the 1 estate of M M. B. REIESNYDEK, dee'd, late of Alhauv j twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, | and all persons having demands against said estate aic ; requested to present them duly authenticated for seltie ment. MARY RLII.BXYDER, S'-ptember 21, 18,q7. Administrators. i A tJDITORS' NOTICK.— ~PfUt%ck Fwrl ! -- lif to the use of John i!o>n vs. yixilhctc 3/c --yfalien. In the Common Pleas of Bradford Co. Xo. 251, | Sept. Term. 185' i. j The under-igned Auditor appointed by said Court, to : distribute the funds raised bv Sheriif sale 7,at nine o'clm k in the forenoon, ; when and where all persons having claims are requested : to present, them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Oct. 13,1857. G. D. MuNTAN YE. Auditor. A DM IN fsTR A TOR'S NOTlCE—Notitie l\ i< hereby given, that all persons indehti d to the e tate of Ran-forU B. Bailey, deceased, late ol I'iko twj:. are requested to make payment without delay ; and ai! persons having claims against -aid e-tate will please fire sent them duly authenticated for m tlh meut. P. H. BUCK, DEBORAH BATI.EY, October 15,1857. Administrators. "EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here i J by given tliat letters testamentary upon the estate of Elijali f.ucky. late of She-hequin, dee'd. have been granted to the subscriber. All person* indebted to said e.-tatc are hereby rcque-ted to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said e-tate to present them duly attested for settlement. X VXCY LUCKY, JOHN LUCKY, Sept. 15, 1857. Executors. 4 DM INTSTR ATO R'S NOTICE —N- tice JL \ i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Claris-a Grace, late ol Bpring'iiehl twp.. deceased, are requested to make payment Without delay; and all persons lia\ing claitn- against sjrfd estate, mast present them duly authenticated, to the suWriher. Sept. 1.5, 1557. JOHN NORMAN, Administrator. XT OTICjE TO ASSESSORS.*--Tin; seve i- 5 ral Assessor- for fosß will make their return* in the ! following order, viz : Assessors for Ulster. Athens boro., Athens twp.. South Creek. Ridglmry and Wells njion Monday. Nov. 2!!. 1857. Sfiringtifcld. Smitlitield. North Towanda, Columbia, Sylvania Boro' and Towainla Boro. upon Tuesday, Nov. 24th. Armenia. Troy twp., Troy boro., Barlington • wp., Bur lington West. Burlington* boro. and Granville upon Wednesday. Nov. 25th. Canton. Leßoy, Monroe boro., Monroe twp., Overton, Albanv. Franklin and Towanda two., upon Thursdav, Nov. 2fitii. Wilinot. Asylum. Dnrell, Tusrarorn. Wyaluing. Lit'h- ; field. Warren and Windham upon Friday. Nov. 27th. Standing Stone, Iferrick. Orwell. Pike, Sheshequin, 1 Rome and Wysox upon Saturday, Nov. 28th. \-sessors arc requested to be punctual in making tlieir returns upon the day designated in their warrants. They j are also required to extend the amount of ach person's | valuation into the right hand column of their a—e—meut. | 15v order of the Commissioners, E. B.rooi.BAUGIT. OOHfmNsiliiwci*B ftfllcc. Oct. 20. 1-57. (,'lerk. ECUTRIX NOTICE —Notice s l.crc bv given, that all per-ons indebted to the e-tate of I JOHN" E. INGHAM, deceased, late of My -ox town- | -liifi, are requested to make payment without delay; 1 Cio-e having demand- ■-•gaiii-t -aid estate will pi • sent them I dnlv authenticated for settlement. .fi.lv 27. 1-57 AMANDA M. TNG HAM. Execut ix. ; 1 DM I N INITIATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ! XI i- hereby given, that all person- indebted to the <.-- j tateot iliratn Gilliert, deiea-edlateofDurell twp., are re quested to make payment without delay; and all per-ons j having claims igain-t -aid estate, ina-t pre-ent them duly j authenticated for settlement, to tin> subscribe! s. Nov. J. 18.57. 15. L.\l''MtTK, Adaiiuistrator. j EG ISTEIi'S NOTlCE—Notice is lu re j I\ by given that.there hive been fifod and settled iu ! the oftiee of tin Register of M'ill- in and for the county l Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following ; estates, viz : Final account of L. P. St a! ford and J. J. Brown, admin- j istrators of the e-tate of Hiram Brown, lateof Wyalusing deceased. Final account of Samuel M'arner, guardian of Mary. ' Susanna K. and Ezra L. I'ayne, minor children of Ezra i M. Payne, dee'd. Final account of Jo.-luh Rineboid, admiiii-trator of the,; estate of Peter Cron, late of Standing Stone, dee'd, Filial account of J. F. M'oodruft". executor of the estate j of l'hidelia S. Smith, late ol Monroe, dee'd. Final account "1 Stcplieu 15u.-t wick and Maria Regraugh ; formerly Maria Rogers, a'Tiitni-Hators of the estate of i Win. Rogers, lute nt Warren, Je 'ii. Final account of Elista Tyrrell, administratrix oi the i c—tall lif Robert Tv I rell, 1 jie uf \\ atTeli, dee'd Filial accoiiLt ol A. W. Ayrcs and Amanda J. Strong, j administrators of the estate u! Thomas A. Strong. late of j We!!-, dee d. i Final account of A. A. Ru--, 1! and Samuel Ckiss, ad riiinisti atnr.s of the estate ol' Austin Rus-ell,iate of Orwell I deceased. Final aceoitnf of Lm y and David Stable administrators | of the- estate ot Richard* stable, late of R one dee'd. Final account of Harvey Holoontb, giTunlian ol Catha rine !>. and J ine E. Rose, minor children of John C. it )-e late of Canton, dee'd. Filial account of Chandler Bixby. administrator of the estate of Edmund Saunders, late of Pike, de<'d. And the -aine will he pit -rati d to the Orphan's Court of Bradford > uunty, on Monday, the 7th day of December next for confirmation and allowance. J ABIES 11. WEBB Register. Register's Office, XnV. 4. 1557. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the. m liter - f s V nil' i7. JOHN M ACKIXTOSH- M O N T VK" VE 8 Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, I'uots £ lljofs, ?!;np /ittMngs fc Xratljrr, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. Which will he sold nt (ftent/i/ Reduced Prices. Cur- Public Square and Main -t. J. I>. MONTANYE, 1 TOWAXRA. j .1. I>. Ml) NT AN VE, JR. E. D. siontxnve, { September 8, 1557 ( k. r>. .moxtasv k. I M FALL nwi Just receiving at William A. Rockwell's Store, No. 2, Patten's 31cck. Towanda, Septemberlß. r ,7. A N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT or Dpcss X Trimmings. &C-, at Sept. 15,1857. M'il. A. ROC^^ELL'S £cgal. TRIAL LIST for December term, 185" Bradford County Court. FIKST WCCK. FLAXKTIFF9. DEFENDANTS. I NATtAE. C. N. S!iiiinao, Lewis Bortree, 'l--ue. s.irah Ogdeu, w. FT. if. Brown, et. a!, i Ejectment. M m. E. Gore, Collins if. Segar, Soi.Fa.'.nil Clark yult, 1 sub. A. B. Smith, Covenant. P. J. DcCaters, antes Ellsworth, Ejectment. M'illiaton A Elwell, I>avjri-s-,.V -., Ac., ami at a- loir prices as an lit bought in any Millinery estab lishment tlii- -idc 'if Ni-.i Y"tk. BI.E.wmXG \X|i TRIMMING done at the *h.to-x notice. The Ladies will please call and examine oi.r stock of RON N ?•".'! S he!ore purchasing el-ewhere. October 14. 1-.77. S. I> A RUNG. /lAYUGA GROUND PLASTER—SO Ton- Cayuga (1 round Plaster in barrels, 300 lbs in each,.lust received l-ytlio subscribers. We will take in payment Wheat. Rye. Corn, Oat-, Buck wheat. I'ntat - s. (nn-ns. T'.i an-. I'rii il Fruit. Butter. L. nl f'heese, Pork, Eggs and ulino.st any other kind of Farm IT -dm e. X. 11. We will nut refuse the n r te< of any - lvent Batiks —(not even tho.-e tltut have suspended specie payment) in < xdiange fur Plu-ler or (Jroctfi'-s. Towanda, Pet.2tt, Is.-,7. HAII.EY k XKVIXS. A\* IIITE STONE LIME —SOWk mite T T Stone Lime just received, and fur sale for Cash or Grain bv Towanda. Oct, , 1857. BAILEY k NEVTXS. AY.—("nine to the eiielosnre of the J Su'i-i-rihi r ill Burlington town-hip, alimt ten day-- since, a DEEP RED STEER, about two year- old with small white spot under the belly. The owner is request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. Burliugtou, Sept. 13. 1857. PHILIP LALLEY. iOOO OHIO GRIND STONES "1 " " M / ami a lot ol Grind Stone- Hangings, at Sept. s. 1 -.77. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. .a. FAFcRi tor s olle. FTIIIE suli-cribt r offers at private sale his i jUMc I Valuable Farm, situated in Overton two. Bradford county, containing lln at-res. The %2|Sjj£k land is of excellent ipiabty. well sit mtid : the wpS* improvement-are a log luuise and log barn. A T two good sheds ami corn crib. Theie i- from ho t-- 55 acres cleared, all in excellent state of cultivation, and 10 acres of a fallow burned : the land is free of stones, the soil 1- front If: to t feet deep, there i- a new orchard of 40 choice grafted apple frees in bearing condition. The part cleared i- laid out in s fields, on 7 of which there is living water, and a good .-iibtunti.il rail fence to each field. The spring at h >i;.-e is within Ml !'. to! bou a and barn, and the ai itig house i- a few feet below the opting. It has a fio if laid with -m nth stones,the water rutming between them; wiii h keeps rniik and 1-utter nice and cool all summer. Ik low the spring ln-u.-a.- is a large wa tering i - nigh 1- r cattle. Tie iti road rans on tlic we-t line, the only ie-.ai route fro 11 Muiic) to M in.-a ion, a di-iaiu eof a ~iv a , miies. The main 1 >ad from D-.ishore to Ihecoai beX.r .n. along n part of the north line. Afi year • -ill Blare, 2 year old Colt, a year!in.' C- it.am! tiii- year's Colt, (.'attic. Sheep, Hay.Grain, a .d Farming tools, will be sold, with or without farm. An indisputable title wiii he given to tiro pure ha er of said Farm. Terms ea-y, and price re.' ,o> October'!. |SSL 'OliX KI.YNX. A NEW AND GENERAL assortment a.a. oj 15-i.ot- and Snot-s, ( luths and C tssimeres, and cv cy't-big in tliis line, lor -ait by Sept. 15,1557. _ ' W. A. P.( >( K WELL. nROCIvERY, GLASSWARE; Groceries V. Yankee Notions, Looking Glasses. Wooden Ware, ami everything ymj want mav b- found at the new store of Si-j t. 1.. ISS7. WM. A. BDCKWF-LL, QTRAYED OR STOLEN, frotim Smith's t-iand. in the -s i-qtii. liauna r'ver '"I? THREE IIE \D OK CATT! E. n- , a bright n. T red Stag, live year- old, short 1 odiod, carries his bead high: a lii'ht hrindle. line back cow, (5 year. old new mil'-li : a three years old Bali, dark red with *mH star in the forehesd, Ivght nmier the belly. A liberal trwaid w ill lie paid for the return of the-.- aniin-its, or such in fui-iK i'.i n i- will h-flil to their discure r v. Dureil, July 1, 1*57. ISRAEL SMITH. 1A A DHLS COMMON SALT: 10 bbls. ' Rock Salt for packing salt. just received bv Be ■■ 10. l*s.t. r.ATLEV & Xr.Vi'xS. "pURE CIDER VINEGAIW-A fc'o.l -'7 -X tie at " ITUi"S HUscclianeons. Philadelphia Advertisements, FEOJI J'OI-IIN" RIDDLE, At Merchant* Hotel, North 4th St., Philadelphia. TO Tli£ MERtTIBNTS OK THE WEST AND KOP.TII WEST : PHILADELPHIA MARKET l.eing easily acecr-i-Pl*, 1 v n;r attciiti- n 0 called t> it, a.-1 r -acom? % faHiitica | and advantage*, w< ithy your coti.side ration. Amoii.i' it,- i-de. ntpyc-. r. iy le euun-erat- U its location, I having .-iio-tf-i k ,f>< t'<-. ruMi-ni' i : nto tin-'lnter! r. in lir' Xitrii'j to tt.e Iron ond Anthrai ite Cut ili-tri t of ! Peinnyh : ni-j ib. lane nnJ \ark•! extent ot iv mnni-.hvi p 10-i, U iisu :r iti advanceot any itli.rci:y in the linited tfiii -• thcwileraie espenvfj aetesi.try for carrying on balijesa, Ac. - Tl.c iti: i'kot pK-c -cm uum.ditd adv;ut;4C fort!.* ttia of in y Ici-.iT - ;•• ' ... - 'n- Flour, Wheat. Parity, Butter Clr-o-e,/i< „ tvh.ie tle charge* incident t | rile* uud rtt:eu(liiiit ex in -ts, art mora lavdt.aiv UukC neighboring Mtabordf market*. JAMES, EE XT, SAX TEE A- CO. In in-rii'is utd J..V.C:', ; (..- FOREIGN v DOMESl'lt' Tiltf G'JOL-3, . JJJ and ,ii XtitL id ittciit, u./oTt Race. JJCXX, RAIGUEL f CO., lui|. !.-r in FOREIGN nod DOMESTIC HA RDW \ RE. N" 258, North 3d ,-treet, be low Vine. A. if G TA YLOR. Importer* ntid Whole s:deT' - >r- in TIN PLATE. COPPER, SHEET IRON, 3C3 and 30">. Ui-anch *t. HAMMER S, HATCHETS . t fr, in -rent viri *y. munuhe-t to) l-r H\MM'ND. Depot 503 c "r.itier.-e it. "Ibe :itt.-::fi -a ot the trade is called to the-. . -d-. ai bei ic e,| ml i.i quality and !lni.-h to any ni.i-le. E UAT.T. OCIDEX— Philadelphia Mnllea- Iflelroß Works, corner if 9th and .lcflV-r--on Street"; M 11!i-:;it; Ar U ,t„ vi third. MsnntHCturer of GKXJ •: ;L and SADDLERY HARDWARE and MAL LEAR;.!. a:..: FIXE GREY IKON CASTINGS. MAXCILESTEII SCALES. IT A Y, ci>u. .-i• enter. w\Hr-:iior;:. wiierlbar r:o,v rolling mill, it a ilia, ad scales ofim j.r ni-i i'i.-ra-i and -i ptii.tr quantities, V.'.\RIIA.\ P -I"i' .iII :< lit in .j . tiity a: a iii.i-h to or.y <-the r scale* n >:rJ. iv' i-i-iiv-i-e, Xa. *23, X. tb street, GEO. W. COLBY, A Lent. A N REX S IE YS TONE ITE A TER AN R RANGE.—'lilt- Heater In- no equal in this con try—i a t !;•'•!:, and >vi] 1 crente .'id per cent, more heated i :• with the wne amount pf u 1. than any <.tlx or : run oinu- ". T!ie 11. i ice ins two ovens that bake uidii.nufy at tin- -aan- time, These invent n- have no (ij.'.ii ; the ma. Let. Lights far sale for all a e tivua of the l.'ni on. i / 777//. I.Y TONES -:-4 Chufch Alley. C month* eredit f n- approved Notes. THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS ! GOV. GEARY'S ; Administration in Kansas ! Large l"mo. 3- pages. WflTll A_ COMPLETE HIST"iIY OF THE TEP.RI i > V TORY, nntil June, IRA7. Embracing s full account j"f its dUi very. < nrraphv. Soil. Climate. I'r ducts, lu I a- a T rritory. tr;;n-aeti from Mis- . iri : the ea|i f t:re, trial and treatment of the F:ce : state jiri-oners, the ei.jraet. r and movements of the Mis- I si'Jii Border Ruftiaas. the murder of Bi;tT..nt and otL.cs. The controversy ' it ween Governor Geary and Jtidsc l.e --j omsite. The proceedings of the Territorial Lev' ietofO, j of tin- pro-lav my convention, and the oi j lie National Penuieratie l'artv. with a skff n of Kau-arv | during it- early troubles ni di r Govemc.s Ret-dev and ; Shunn n, si- invasion-, batties. outrage . nr.d murders. I \ copy wiil he sent t i any part of \j,e United Stute k | by mail, free ... po-tage, on the reo' ~c of „., r ,,. e . j Price ill c! th. fl on. paper. ,n rtv GM vitl "S j R, J u: ' :> - J ,;lt li-her, liupiiier JuUdiug. PKUadeiuhia. I .1111 V 'Js. 1 3 * I I °, L SE GOODS Dou i J-ie and -I'lg.e f 1 j 'wor-ied and hneii and worsted j ,;itna-h-.rn ireeiis. i a j n dam a- b-.hieaehedaiid unhlein h e ta linens, Ma* .pjea qnHts. toilet covers, and a va riety hi other tree Js ,n this line, joss rtteivml liv I A "■ J. POM*EM.. WP.W GOODS!" ' jßcrilii-i s are nr.w ret ci t ing at their New Store, *■ •' %trtde .a the Public Square. larje a-.-ortment • na le r. - if- ;. m : -G ~r..i Ladles ami Gents Fall ar | ■. it ter Prt-s Gi. -i-. 11a - a id Gaps. Gloves and Ho j"-iei-.. Shawls. F. fully mi,- Cr< kcry. Nails and I<• a"--. Ifa • itv re p..,' Gut', rv . \ very lorire -tork cf a so, H IV-. Ladies, Mi - - snid t ii tdrene Itoot-. Bootees, I S i . Llashais. 'lies a:: it Gaitera la great variety and J stv'-. j s tie ntid 1 poer T ciber. Gulf mid Kip Skin's. Mariecr, la" '.a-. Bindings, Lace I.c.iiltev. Slcie Thread, Sh ; X.ii'-. ,Vi. 11l -h ut. a emirre: a— neat Gooda i tor fn ie. ptry trade, idj el which ve off. r to otr bat* | runs aiid ti.e •• id., c uer illy, fr ( Ii or Country Pro | duce .1 very 1 jr; -cs. a:.F rest e tfttßjr invite purtlia -m- ta i-a't ;r 1 e.\ •mine our .-t-.ck and price* before pur chn-iog r l mvl:ei t. Oct. 18, W HUAfPHBEY A WICKHAIf. K"A. BURBANK'S BAKERY CUE DA r XORTH < F thr II . i FL ITcUSt. T< UGAN DA. PA. ; ATrUfinP r find acmi t tut supply Of Bread. R: -k. . r \ Gfiv . -s, C rnkie-, J.imhles. and ..11 hi als of Fancy 1 Cams. p ij m •• I i.tl.- lurmsl.ed br the unart or keg, or cook | ed to order. y a" I hi limtlar ifteatiin ] aid to lilling or.lets for parties j '• 'rmng our si.i •< ,'s fli.inks to, - the Literal patronayo j Im lowed' nit!- d.riug the- pr.-t year, and hoping by j i i-c loph.-iti n t-i im- iness p- mrr t n con tin nan co of the i-.ii.ic, vre remain as ever, vour luimble -tervtvnt, j March lfi, 1 -".p ' H 11l IITIAVK. ; A Competency Secured for 52. T:m -ohr •: iher wiH ail the following valuable receipt! for the a'.'.v ■ r.n-ned -in. putte.g any energetic per s on in p . -e. iin of irif.rrm.tion vvl,fcjj will enable bua to in 'ho rt fortune with crcat case : Patent .Starch Polish; Indeilihle Ink : TT w t Make Cj.-r w'.Fayat Anrt'es. O-Apuly —t* di _ tt-o ' £. G. KINNEY, I i-ovstiUhk" 'J. ltd