fllisccllancono. moxtanyes Are now receiving their Fall Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, souts 'C ?ljnrs, Ifjor /iniJings k Irntljrr, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. Which will b f S °M a l Greatly Reduced Prices. Cor. Public Square aud Main st. ,p. MONTANVK, 1 TOW AXDA. JJ. . MONTANYE, JR. DM, ( September 8,1857 i| K. D. MONTANVK. NEW FALL GIIK! Just receiving at William A. Rockwell's Store, No. 2, Patton's Slock. Towanda. September 9. 1857. T \ ELEGANT ASSORTMENT of Dress , V Trimmings. Velvets, Ac., at Sent. 15,1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. M~ OIIAIU BRAIDS and Twists for the hair, at pt. 15, 15.57. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. I'NCLISR and French Merinos, Deßages, XJ lK'l.aii]cs, Alapaccas, Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's Piij- (a new and fashionable article) Prints, Ginghams, U- • in fact all kinds of Dry Goods may be bid cheap at 15. H57. _ WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. t \ I.W ASSORTMENT of Bonnet's, , l itihbons and Cloves, expressly for the fall trade, it llibbous ; also anew stock of Laces and Eiubroi -rics. set of Collars and Sleeves, Ac., Ac., at Sept. 15.18.57. _ W. A. HOCKWELL'S. t NEW AND GENERAL assortment if Hoots and Shoes. Cloths and Ca-simeres, and .r. rvthing in this line, for sale bv Sept. 15. 1 K 57. W. A. ROCKWELL. /MIO('KKR"\ , GLASS M ARK, Groceries, I Yankee Notions. Looking Glasses, Wooden 'Ware. ;1 i cvcrvthiiig von want mav lie found at the new store -j pt. 15. 1-57. " WM. A. ROCKWELL. NEW GOODS! 'pilK -uhscrihcrs are now receiving at their New Store, I Wi -t -ide of the Public Square, a large assortment -I .I- niu h- goods . cou.-isting ot Ladle.- aud Gents Full ■1 Whiter Dress Goods. Hats and Caps. Gloves and Ho , si.wl-. Family Groceries. Crockery, Nails and i Hardware aud i nth ry. A very large -lock of M -n-. Boys, l.adies. Mi—o-and Children-' Boots. Bootees, - .lliiskiu*. Ties and Gaiters in great variety and - • and 1 pper Leather. Caif and Kip Skins, Morocco, ij-. lliiidings, Lace Leather. She Thread. Shoe \ •. Ac.. Ac. in short, a general assortment of Goods : r the country trade, nil of which We oiler to our pat i-.v.0 i!i • puhli< generally, for < 'ash or Countrv Prn ot v. :y low prices, aud respectfully invite pitrclta - 11 .11 and examine our stock and prices U-fore nur . lusillß t l-twlteiv. Hct. Iff 1857. HUMPHREY a WICKH \M. H A. BURBANK'S BAKERY Ou- Door JSirfih of the II ard House-. TOWAVDA PA. \\~ II EPF you c'art find a : ■ o-tant supply of Bread, Rusk. >) Crackers. Uobkies, Junihk-s. and all kinds of Fancy u" OYSTERS furnished hy the quart or keg, or cook • i order. rir Particular attention paid to fitting orders for parties mining our sincere thanks for the iil>er.:l fiatrouage -■ iced upon us during the past year, and hoping iiy ippitcalion to business to merit a continuance ofthe . >ve remain as ever, your humble servant. | W:.'h'4,1857-. H. A. BP BP, AX K. CTIA YED OR STOLEN) from -mitlTs Islaud. in the Susquehanne rin-r i f. HEAP OF CATTLE. One a bright ' s'. g. five years old. short bodied, earrie- his bead alight brindle. line back cow, ii ycais old new a three years old Bull, d irk red. with small star I a head, light under the belly. A liberitl Ycwarl paid for the return of these" animals, or such in auitiim a- will lead to their discbVerv. DareM, July 1,1857. ISRAEL SMITIL I \IT ANTED.—I wish to purchase 100,000 ' feet Of M \PI.E SCA.VTLI.VG l:i feci long, and he--i are. Any one wi-hing to make a contract all, can do so hy calling at my Furniture Ware I -in Toivainliu i I Sept. 15.1K57. CHESTER Wfet^tA tj.'STlvAV.—Came to the enclosure of tlie FI-t - ; " r ii, Burlington township, about ten days 1.1 I'KiiP BED STEER, about two y ears old with vhite-pot nailer the lflly. The owner i- rcque-t --i ■ ive property, pay charges, and take him aw av. Darlington, Sept." 12.1857. " PHILIP LALLEY. A rAEM FOR. SALE. VIK -n' - r 1,.-r i Hers at private -ale hi 1 Vnil.able Farm, -d'uated in Overtoil twp. ■ ril i .mitv. containing 120 a-re-. The . .ality. well situated : the WYSF . <-n • "i- are a log hou and log barn, 1 : 'I -In-'!- aid enru erib. Theie is from in to 55 ' ■ ■ io-iL all iu excellent state of cultivation, and In i 'ai w btirmT : the laud is free of stones, the ► 'r mi It to 4 feet deep, there is a new orchard of ' dapple trees in hearing condition. The ■•••' I- laid out in s fields, on 7 of which there i '•■r. ami i good substantial rail feme to each ■ ■ - i ai,; at hou-e is within 80 feet of hoti-e and • i -pi iiig hou-e is a few feet below the spring, -a ieir laid witli -mooth stones.the water running i--. them : whi'-h keeps milk ami buttir nice and -iiaiun-r. Below the spring house is a large wa -1 . - '" -'i-'li f■ r .-utile. "-bib- road runs on the west line, the only level men M an y t . M uiroeton. a distance of alsiut 45 '• :a tin road from Du-hore to the coal beds runs -'. i pari i.; the north Hue. ) ' <9r ..Id Mare, 2 year old Colt, a yearling Colt,and ar - 1 .It. ( a!tit-, Sheep, ilav. Grain, and Farming "old, with or without farm, i -put d.le title will be given to the purchaser of ,r ' !! ■ r ims easy, and price rea-onaMe.- 'LI-57. JOHN FLYNN. Hanks liave Susjiended! P.IT ROSENBAUM &. Co. Are just opening a full assortment of AND 'K.lnr M.IDK CLOTIIINCt, 1 HF FALL TRADE, which tlicy tviil -ell at New 's i'ri--s. our motto is '• Ijuick sales and small fDIKS win find in our assortment an endless • f all the goods they need. Our shelves and tr. r ,,.a r j u ;,j, articles for their use. WVcnll b' att. ntion to our new stvh-s of FANCY SILKS, tie- market affords. SHAWLS, briK-he, Bay , ■'' iu-limere, of all sizes aud qimiities. LADIES' '"IK. French, English and American Merinos, . ' -b . d Del.ane-. plain and figured Alapaccas, '. ry thing usually kept hi Dry Goods stores, dc i at fi cent- per yard, good mu-lin at 54 \ t-n- .--ortmeiit of BONNETS, Ladies' Collars, s ' ■, fv " Handkerchiefs, Ltees. Gloves, Embroider ( '-"JHri-y. Ac. ' : , 'I "TIIING DEPARTMENT is replete with fash a- : Overcoats from it ts>f'it).business coats v ' 1 ' rl r.-.-ts all prices, pants lroin **2 to ?)>. VPi'iiv,.' 1 " r,n tent of underi lothing, collars, Ao. L-m. n ' r " : "le to order if required, and upon the i- . r' tec, in Button's new block, corner " Main -treets. T „ , GUTTENBURG, ROSENBAUM A CO. - ' , | 'L j-. |.tember 30, 1-57. -.A Competency Secured for $2. ""J' 1 " r ib r will -ell the following valuable reeeipt ■ „, ■''' -We named -inn. putting any energetic pcr i a of information which will citable him ■' ■ M'ine with great ease : |.; It.'. .''? filler without Apples. ■ "M'.l'iv or direct to A. G. KINNEY. M "'"tr !. |s',7. Shesbequin. l'a. MACKINTOSH, DEN ' lA'7", will be found at his old quarters in I- s I . I'atton's Block, until Decemtier next. ■ JOHN MACKINTOSH. CO. TEACHERS' ASSO "' annual meeting of the Bradford H : ii, 1 ,m i.ition will he held in the Public ■h ... ; "L in TOW AN I) A, commencing on FRIDAY, tu U oV| " ,:k - A. M. Hi. rU,." ' delivered before the Association by ■ ' a1 " 1 Mr.O. F. YOUNG, the IVe-ident. F.s --■ v." l '- v M '." s MARY A. BO WEN and MARY f Fit I-. ar ""K _suf.je.-ts of general interest on the üb ■. • areVv'' v '" '*Jiscn—edat this meeting. The B th< \ - ] , i N * a., ls.-.7, at 1 o'clock. P. M., at the Court House in the borough of Towunda, the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp., bounded on the north by land of Walter Hoagland, east bv land of John Donahue, sooth by land oi Michael Coughnev and John Crowley, jr. and on the west by land of John "Sulli van. Containing about 84 acres, more or less, about 44 acres improved, 1 log house, 1 old framed house, 1 fram ed barn, an apple orchard and other fruit tries thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. E. A J. K. I "inlet t vs. John Crnwlcv. Also—At the suit of Y.'K. & J. E, Piolett vs. John Crowley. ALSO- The following lot, piece or parrel of land situ i ate in Canton twp., hounded .is follows : Beginning at a | corner ot P. Casper's oast line, thence north 1° east til l perches to P. Ca-per's north ea-t corner, thence south ' ei> st perches to S. Davis" corner north of the | stream, thence south 4° west (iIA rod- to a post at d stones 1 S. Davis' corner adjoining land formerly owned by Sila- Grey. thence north Vui° west 524 rods "to tlie place of be j ginning. Containing 20 acres and SO perches, he tlie I same mure or less, about 15 acres improved with an old I house thereon. I Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. 11. Case vs. X. H. Rolinson. ! Also—At the the suit of A. 11. Case vs. X. H. Rolinson. ALSO—Tiie following lot, piece or parcel of lan 1 sitn ! ate in Sniithtield twp., bounded on the north, east and j south by the highway and west by lands of Harrv Dur | fey. Containingaliout jof an acre, more or less, "all iiu- I proved with ) trained house and a few fruit trees hereon. 1 Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Andrew Johnson vs. Austin Doolittle. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of ' land situate in Columbia twp., hounded north by lands of John Bi.xbv, jr.. east by lauds of Poleg Peck, south by lands of Reynolds and w est by K. I!. Parsons. Con taining 72 acres more or less, about 25 acres improved, i with a small house and voting orchard thereon. Seized and taken in exc, utiou at the suit of John Cow an to the use of Ponierov A Co. vs. Joseph Andrews, i ALSO- The following lot, piece or parcel of land sifu atc in U'vsox twp., bounded ou tlie north by lands of Pomoroy t iosliue. jr.. east by John Johnson. soiitii by the warrant line and west by the lands of O. p. Rartle'lt.— Containing t>s acres, more or le-s, 25 acres improved and a log house thereon. The defendant's interest is said to ; he the undivided half. Seized stud token in execution at the -uit of Ilenrv t Booth vs. Ui. It. t'.orsline. < Al> west along Ihe we-t line of land of said Smith and J. Williams ill pprches to the moth e.-t j eorner of W. Fitzwater. north <>sA° west along the north ! ; line o! -aid Fit/water's land and land of Win. S. Fellows ; j -;'2 perches to a stake and stones standing on the east J line of .fared and Jacob Beard-lv. thence- north 24° ea-t I | along said Beardsly's line I 2-1" perches to a stake and stones standing on the south west corner of M. Fell ws land, thence north 79° east 112 )v -lies to the west line of X. A. Hick ok- land, thence south 24 0 we-t along the we-t line of said Hickok's land to the sooth west corner cf -ail'. Hickok's land thence south <>&4° eaA along said Hick ok - south line to tlie place of beginning. < 'out lin ing 77 acres and 75 perches, I,p the same nv re oi less, aliout forty acres improved. I framed house, a log house, a barn and it small apple orchard thereon. •Seized and tuk'-n in execution at the suit of < hester Thomas and <>. P. Ballard to the use of •). I*. Ballard vs. | ij-ocgo u. ( haanell. ALSO- The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Wilnict twp.. hounded on the north by land belong ing to the estate of T. -tcvens. dee'd., ea-t by lands off. I". W ells, south by laud of L Sin phard, west by I mils of S. Hilihouse and other-. Containing about 100 acres more or le-s, about si> acre-improved, two framed hou ses, , and unseated lands. Containing about 30 acres, more or less, abont Id acres improved, with one steam saw mill, two framed or board house.-, one framed barn, and other out buildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Moses Ei leuberger to the use of Peter F. Eilenberger vs. Edward I. Shepard, M o de-ai Schoonuver and Erastus Shep.ud. ALSO—The following described lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell twp., bounded as follows, to wit : north by lands of Judson Eastahrooks, Major B. I tai ling, south.by lands of It. Spicer and west by lands of Allen H<>wen. Containing 75 acres, more or le.-s,about 50 acres improved, with a framed house, a framed burn and shed, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution attire suit of Janres I). Newell to the u-e of Charles .fames vs. Ahrazina Rogers. AIXO—The following lot, piece or parcel of laud situ ate in South Creek twp., bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: Beginning at the south west corner of lot No. b, on E. Overton's map, thence north 2° ea-t fid per. to a center on the line of hit No. 3, the H. Ward lot, in the centre a corner, thetice_ south -1 deg., went 21l> ptivhes to the j lace of beginning. Containing 291 acre.- aud 49 pet lie-, more or less, being parts of two tracts i,f land in Asylum tup., surveyed in tlie warrantee name of J. Anthony and J. Crave ; about 130 acres improved, one framed house, one log house.one framed barn, with sheds attached, a framed corn house and other out buildings and two orchards of fruit trees. Si i/.cil and taken at the suit of Josiah B. Pod-on and I.ydia W. 1) id-ori. his wife, to the use of l.ydia W. Dod- SJII vs. Benjamin ('. itirue--. ALSO—The following lot, piece or pared of land situ ated in tlie twp. of Armenia, bounded and described as; follows, to wit ; Beginning at a Sugar tree in the north ern boundary line of land conveyed to Lewis I'. Newell, thence hy lot No. 30ti on map o! survey 100 perches to a post, tin uce by 1 >t- Xos. 2-7 and 2sii east 100 perches to aj ist, therme by lots No. 2-5 aud 3i)s. south 100 perches ; to a post, thence by lot No. 309 aud by Lewis P. Xeivcll's ■ lot, west 100 perches to the place of beginning, being lot I No. 3n7. Containing about luo acres, more or less, about | 3o acres improved, one log house, a young orchard of fruit thereon. Siezed and taken at the suit or I'omeroy's A Co. vs. John Yconians. ALSO- The following lot. piere or parcel of land situ ate in Granville tw]., hounded and described us follows, to wit : On the north and east by land of Julius Hailey, south by the highway, and on the west by land of Jona than T. Miller and Julius Hailey. Containing about 120 square perches more or less, all improved, one framed house, framed shop, framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken hi execut'on at the suit of James 11. 110-s, s>died Treasurer of Granville twp. vs. A. D. Bailey and Uriah 1). Baxter TIIOS. M. WOODRUFF, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. November Jd, 1x57. Bir Notice is hereby given, that an amount sufficient to pay all eonts will be required in every ease where land i- sold.also satisfactory security or money paid on all bids made on lands, at the time of sale, and unless, terms a. Gage. Walker Pierce. Dnrell—M. Eileuburgcr, 1!. Canbn —John Vandyke, Jas. DeLofig. I A. Huthwell. SECOND WEEK. Asylum—Amasrt Prentcliy. f Rowrn Merrill. Hpfingfielil—Gardner Ben-lTowanda North—Wm. Fos nett, John Ross, jr., Isaac tor. P. BirlXicK Wm. ( . Itnrgc--Wyalusifig—Jackson Lewie. Canton—E. I'. Rockwell. j Merrick—Aden Holies. Slfshequin -Wm. B. Iforton(Orwell—Edwin ATlis. Henry Patterson. Pike—Francis Mason, Isaac Durelf—Charles Homed. N. Hutchinson. Lerny—.John G. Hammond. Athens—Joel Me 4ffv. Windham—Nathan C. El Is-ji tome —M. M. Wattles. hrec, Asa McKee. jWarren—Lorain Pitcher,Mi- Wysox—Amos York, Samuel randi Chaffee, J. E. Cooper Chamberlin, M.Strickland!Franklin—Stephen Latimer. Troy tp—A bet S. Mauly, W.iTowanda tp—H. 11. Mare. Cliftton, John McKean. Smithfield—Allen Usher. Litchfield—B. P. Cooper, !M on roe tp—Jaa. Illauvelt. S..Creek —John Dean. I FATHER. —A new supply of Sole "Leath- J er, Cow Hide. Kip and Calf Skin, at No. 2, Patton's Block* atij}2a> WM- A. ROCKWELL. t.-nul. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hprc- J l> V given that all persons indebted to tlic estate of FREDERICK FISHER, dee'd of South Towauda, niust make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against -aid estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. SALSBCRY COLE, JOSEPH HO MET, August, 15, i 5.57. Executors. ' I?XECUTOR'S NOTICE.- All persons in ' _I.J debtcd to the estate of SILAS TITUS, deceased, | late of lierriek township, are hereby notified that pay- I ment must be made without delay, and all persons hav ing ' claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ZOPHAR PL'ATT, September 26,1857. Executor. A DMINISTRATOIVS NOTlCE.—Notice XV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es | tate of MAltlv H.GREKXMAX, dee'd, late of Canton, are hereby requested to make payment without de- I lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will I please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. CHARLES STOCKWELL, JOHN VANDYKE. Jr. Canton, Sept. 21.1857. Administrators. | ADMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice ! XA.'is hereby given, that all jiersoiis indebted to the estate ofW.M.'jt. RKIFSXYDKE, dee'd, late of Albany i twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, j and all persons having demands again- t said e.-tate are I requested to present them dulv authenticated for settle ment. MARY REIFSXYDKR, September 21, 1857. Administrators. I AUDITORS' NOTlCE.— Patrick Parrel- I XX ly to the use of John McMahonvs. Matthew Me ' Million. In the Common l'leas of Hradl'ord Co. No. 251, Sept. Term. 1556. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to | distribute the funds raised by Sheriff'sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties assigned hint at the office of D. A. Overton, in Towanda.on Saturday,the 14tli j of November, A. D. 1857, ut nine o'clock in the forenoon. ! when and where all persons having claims are requested ! to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Oct. Id, 15.!7. G. D. MONTAXYE, Auditor. A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice \ I. X is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Ranslbrd R. liailey, deceased, late of Pike tup. 'are requested to ifiukc payment without delay ; and oil | persons having claims against -mid e.-tate will plt-ase pre - ; sent them duly authenticated (or - ttlenient. p. M. lit:* K, DEBORAH BAILEY, October 15,1857. Administrators. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE -Notice is here in bv given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Elijah Ducky, late of She-hequin, dee'd, have been I granted to ihe subscriber. All persons indebted to said ! estate are hereby rcque-tcd to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them dulv attested tor .settlement. NANCY LUCKY, JOHN LUCKY. Sept. 15. 1857. Executors. A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice X V is hereby given, that all ptrsous indebted to the es tate of Clarissa (trace, late of Springiiehl twp., deceased, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all person-having i hiims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. Sept. I">. ls',7. JOHN NORM \\', Administrator. O FECIAL COrßT.—Notice is hereby tri- LJ ve i that a Special Court of Common Fleas will be held in. and for the County of Bradford, commencing on MONDAY, the tilth day of November next, at 1(1 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House, in the borough of Towanila, and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Robert (!. White will preside, for the trial of the following cases, to wit:— Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphrey, Ejectment. C. L. DcChastclleiix vs. Ira Jennings, et al. Ejectment. S. V. Shipman vs. David Wilinot, Appeal. A. li. Smith vs. Samuel Kelluni. 2d. et. al.. Ejectment. Subpronns made returnable on Monday. Nov. 16, 1-57, at 10 o'clock. A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN. l'roth'v office, Sept. 11. 18",7. Frotlionotary. "VTOTK'E TO ASSESSORS'.—The seve i. A rat Assessors for I-.>B will make their returns in the following order, viz: Assessors for Ulster. Athens born., Athens twp.. South Creek, ltidgbiiry and Wells upon Monday. Nov. 25, 1857. Springfield, Smitlilicld, North Towauda, t'olutnbia. Sylvauia Boro' and Totvanda Boro. upon Tuesday, Nov. 24th. Armenia. Troy twp.. Troy boro., Burlington twp., Bur lington West. Burlington boro. and Granville upon Wednesday, Nov. 25th. Canton. LeKoy, Monroe lrnro.. Monroe twp., Overton, Albany, Franklin anil Towauda twp., upon Thursday, Nov. 2i;tli. V. lluiot. Asylum. Dnrell, Tn?rttrort. Wvaluing. Litch field, Warren and Windham upon Friday.Nov. 27th. Standing Stone, Herrick, Orwell, Pike, Shesliequin. Rome and Wy-n.\ upon Saturday, Nov. 2sth. Assessors are requested telie puu< tnal in making their returns tij<"ii the day ib sign.ited in their warrants. Tbev are also required to extend the aim-nut of each person's valuation into the right hainl column of their assessment. Bv order of the Commissioners, E. B.COOLRAUGH, Commissioner's Office, Oct. 20, |ss7. Clerk. NOTICE—Notice ir, !i*re- Aj hy given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN K. INGHAM, deceased, late of Wysox town ship, are requested to make payment without delay: those having demands a gainst -aid estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. -4* ill \" 27. 1857. AMANDA M. INGHAM, Executrix. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. -Notice X V is hereby riven, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Hiram Gilbert, deceased late of Durell two..are re quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the .subscribers. Nov. 3,1857. B. LAPOKTE, Administrator. LREGISTER'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here \ by given that there have been tiled and settled in tlie office of the Register of Wills in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration npon the following estates, viz : Filial account of L. I'. Stafford and J. J.Browr.admin istrators of Mie estate of Hiram Brown, late of Wjaiusing deceased. Final account of Samuel Warner, guardian of Mary, Susanna Hand !>r; L. I'avne, minor children of Ezra M. Payne, dee d. Final account of Josiah Ilincbobl. administrator Of the estate of Peter Croii, late of Standing Stone, dee'd, Final account of J. I". Woodruff, executor of the estate of Phidelia S. Smith, late of Monroe, dec \l. Final account of Stephen LV-'wbk and Maria Degraugh formerly Maria Rogers, aduiiuistralots of the estate of Win. Rogers, Lite of Warren, dee'd. Final account of Electa Tyrrell, administratrix of the estate of Robert Tyrrell, late of Warren, dee'd. Final account of A. \V. Acres and Amanda J. Strong, administrators of the estate of Thomas A. Sti'cfig, late of Wells, dee'd. Final account of A. A. Russell and Samuel Cass. .1- ruinist rators of the estate of Austin Russell, late of Orwell deceased. Final account of I,ticy and Ibtvid Stulde administrators of the estate of Richard Stable, late of Rome dee d. Final account of Harvey llolconib, guardian of Catha rine l>. and Jane E. Rose, minor children of John C. Rose late of Canton, dee'd. Final account of • 'handler Bixby, administrator of the estate ofEdm md Saunders, late of Pike, dee'd. And the san:e will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford county, on Monday, the Till day of December next, for confirmation and allowance. JAM I S If. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, Nov. t, 1837, 1 TJDITOR'S NOTICE.- -In the matter of A \ the estate of ]Vm. Chit son. deceased. In the Ur plians' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the above estate, v. ill attend to'the duties of his appointment at the office of 1). A. Overton in the borough of Towanda. mi Tuesday, the Mh day of December, ls.">7, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else lie forever debarred from tlie same. Nov. 3,15.">7. E. B. PARSONS. Auditor. FIST OF J F ROILS drawn Sept. 17. 1557, J for a Special Court to be held on tli the third Mon day it November, ls. r ,7. GranviDe—L. F. Clark. Klisha Bailev. Canton—Geo. Williams. N'iram Rockwell, Asylum—T. J. Ingliam. Rueil Adams. Wyalus'rng —James Lewis. Sbesh'equin—John Randall, Jolnr McMahon, Harry Shaw. Windham -William Ha/.adore, Henry Dim ham. West Burlington—Dan vers Bourn. Ridgbiirv—H. G,Cornell. Bister—Myron >. Warner. Derrick—t. A. Pari:. SmitlifieM—Calvin Clihnff>erl-in. Orrlu E. Wdco.t. Burlington—Washington Taylor. Springfield—Geo. H. Voorhis. Amos B. Fanning. Warren Re-well P. C'oburn, John lvison, John D. Ar nold. William Kinney, Rome—Joseph Elliott, G. W. Eastman. South Creek—Gidoen Andrews. Standing stone —George Xaiidyke. Wells— Floyd Holmes. Sylvania Boro'—William Scoutorr. Tuscarora-—lames C. Culver. Pike—Trumblc Renham. Troy boro'— l). IV. C. Herrick. Monroe—James R. Irvin. F ran k1 i n —Sam ne I Webber. 40fl0 LUS ()Hr<) (;UIX|) J v "Jsj and a lot of Grind Stone Hangings, at Sept. 8, 1 a 67. M M A. RUCK WELI/S. miscellaneous. THE GOOD SWISS SALVE :F THE GREAT CL'RER OK D'KVluLi SOUKS. IT gives immediate relief from pain, and in as quick a time as it is possible fur this disease to be affected, it benls the wounds gradually and safely, alter extracting all poisonous matter, until a permanent cure is made. ITS NAME As its name imports, this Ointment is of Swiss Origin, and isth" nm-t remarkable Ointment for curing old Sores and Bad ia*gs ever known. Its curing properties seem to fa* perfectly irresistible. It The receipt for making this rare medio-ne, was ob tained Irnm James lion don, an old Swiss tar maker in North Carolina, who brought it with him front Switzer land. AS A FAMILY SALVE, it has no equal, both in its powers for doing good, and its extreme neatness as a CLEAN, SWEET, PURE, PLEASANT OINTMENT, healing without the least injury everything to which it is applied. MOTHERS USB It for their Caked, Broken and Inflamed Breasts with charm ing success. Thousands of Mothers are this day blessing the hour in which tlieV ffr.-t applied the GOOD SWISS SALVE. SALT RHEUM and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapidly cures by striking at the root of the disease an I draw ing the humors to the surface. IT NKVKK IHUVKS TIIKJI I.N WAHII! Under ail circumstances of the case I T I S SAF E ! Good Swiss Salve cures Felons. Good Swiss Salve cures Piles. Good Swiss Salve cures Burns. Good Swiss Salve cures Bruises. Good Swiss Salve cures Flesh Wounds. Good Swiss Salve cures Toothache. IX SHOUT. C 3' Wherever Pain or Inflamation exist, apply the GOOD SWISS SALVE, and you will find relief. ASS This Salve is put up in LARGER BOXES than Ointment in general, at 25 c}-\ It i„ a!-o put up in large ('hina pots, for the accommodation of Familie and tie -c who use it for Fetor Sores where several boxes may be j required, a- it i- one half i heapcr. A pot holds 8 boxes j and-ells for one dollar. Hundreds of families keep it in 1 this convenient form as a necessary I h-dd article. A. E. BAIINABV, Ithaca. X. Y.. sole proprietor. Sold by J. KIXOSBEEV, Towauda, Pa. SORE EVES ! OTTSLOI'FF. IS THE INVENTOR OF the cele ' r hrated A I.l*l NE EYE BALSAM, which has gained such wonderful reputation throughout Europe and the ! United Stat •<. It i e.rtrncted from plants taken direct ' from the ALPINE MOUNTAINS, and prepared by Dr.' Ileindricli GottslotV:* n native of Berne. Switzerlai d. and ) for many M ars Professor in the Berne Institute, i' >w a ' re-id,ut of tin; C. S. This Balsam is superior to any ! other eye medicine. lie it salve or wait r. It i- a safe and , CERTAIN ct IIK for ail IN FLAM .VI IONS. PUKM AT: r.is | I'AII.I I;I: or SIGHT, NIGHT BMNTINKSS, BI.IR on FH.M, 1 I'A I.V ON Exrosi'HK TO LIGHT. AC., and a! ..-ay- makes a I qi n k cure. TRY IT ! It i- re onrended t.v all druggists | and Physicians who hare heroine acquainted with its rir- ; tues. it /; - Each bottle bears his written signature. - I Price 25 cents. A. E. Barunby. Ithaea. N. Y.. General Agent. Sold by ' J. Kingsbery. Towauda, Pa. i r \\ i< ox TS NOW DECEIVING u larjrc Stock of I FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at as low prices as the same quality ol Goods can be bought anywhere this side ol the City of New York. To All Concerned. r |"MIK Sub-Tiber-' liabilities are -urli that tii' y will ei- I ther tie obliged to ;■!! the Judgments and N"tes tin v imld against their cust nuers, or euf lee collection. We hope our friends will not drive us to such an alternative. An earlv attention to this notice is requested. Aug. 19, 15.",7. MONT VN 5 F.S. FOR SALE. r, THE well-known and well-established <' VR 1;l D.E M VXUFACTORY situated on Mains! ts sjL'f the south part of the Borough of Towauda. |y i '.JsSS Also, the Smith Shop, Timber House and Bart: on the -ana lot, and stock of Tiuilier "ii baud. A1 -■'. HOUSE AND LOT adj- iuiug the sliop Int. AjrThi- whole will be sold cheap for ready pay. For terms appiy to the subscriber at his residence on the pre mise-. N. B. The subscriber has on handsome Weiss'S3 #1 no ur 81-00 worth of CARRIAGES, diffireut kinds, which lie will self on reason utile terms for ready pay or approved credit."^ Tuwanda, Aug. 1,1857.mJ G. H. DRAKE. XTIIACTS for flavoring, for sale Hioaji J at l'ox s. ( i.\SII PAID FOR BEEF HIDES, ANI) vA SHEEP PELTS AND FURS, at N-.. 2. Patom - Hloek. angl7 WM. A. ROi'KWEI.T.. NEW GOODS! FROM New \ ork and Pliikuldjiliia i CHEAP AND DESIRA RLE ! TEST received and now opening a very exten-ive and cheap stock of FALI. AND WINTER GOODS, which ; for beauty. f ariSty and cheapness, cannot be snrpas.-ed in this in ark 11. It cohlprisfis all the best nuke of frown and bleached Sheet ma - and Shillings, Ti ks, JeanA, l'en ! Ims, checks, Yarn, Butts, Wadding, Ac. In the (!• >tli and Cassimere Department our stock is full - embracing the most reliable styles. Our lice of LAP'E-' DIJEWS GOODS embraces all the in w styles. Also. Dies- Trim mings, Ribbons. Ac.,in great \ ariety. SHAWLS in great vai ii ty. Embroideries, Laces, Gloves and Hosiery, a full stock. Housekeepers' Goods, Carpetings. Oilcloths, Ac., Ac., Bouts A Shoes, to .suit purchasers, (.'rockery and Glass Ware. Hardware, Iron and Nails. GROCERIES, a largo and choice variety. Ri.Mt-.MiiKK! That our store is the place to buy Goods CHEAP. Our ihotto—" Quick sales and small profits.'' Remember, also, our store—south end of Mercur's Blotk, Main sheet. Oct. 12,1857. TRACY & MOORE. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, &c., all sizes, lor safe at Oct. 12. is:,;. Til ICY A MuObE'S. OARCLAY COAL.—THE BARCLAY I> RAIL ROAD AND I UAL COMPANY have now on hand, anil will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $2 50 per h it for Blacksmith Coal, and £3 00 per ton for lurked Cod. Apply for coal at Towanda to O. 1). BARTLKTT. Coal wi!: also be sold at the MINES at $2 00 per tun for Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per to-n for Raked Coal. A liberal disi nunt will be made on sales bv the boa* load. Oct. 7. 1 -.17. J. MACF.YRL \Xib G*u"l Sop't. Xnimbcr Wayon for Sale. VNEW fWO HORSE Iff MI'.KR WAGON for sale for < 'onntrv Produce : enipiire of the subscrifi rs. Towanda,Nov. 2. |C',7. BAILEY A NEVINS. T>OARI)ING COURT WEEK.—A few -I # Boarders can accommodations through Decem ber Court—enquire of the subscriber. Towanda. Nov. 2, lf7. SIDNEY S. BAILEY. —IOO B'jls. Salt for sale, at No. 2, k Patton's Block' by Towanda, Nov. 4, is ,7. W. A. rMi K'VF'-L. Dill ED BERRIES.—A quantity of Dried Berries for sale by Towanda, Nov. 4. 15.,7. W. A. ROCKWELL. Henry b. M'kEan, ATTORNEY AT J All', To WAN PA. l'A.; will pay prompt attention to business entrusted to bim. I ollectioiis made on reasonable term.-, with prompt remittances. octpi The Latest City Styles and E*rices. mm s, Mm "tTTOl'LDrespectfully inform the citizens of T >wan-l?. \V and adjoining vicinity, that she has r.il.en the Mil liiierv Shop formerly occupied by Mr-. E IL M.is-ui. where she i- prepared to fnriiish'the Ladies -with th L \TKST STYLES of Bonnets, Caps, liead-Presses. Ac., Ac., and at as Sow prices as can be bought in any Millinery est ah- : lishment this -id" of New York. BLEACHING AND TRIMMING done at the shortest notice. Tliu Ladies will please call and examine our stock of RON NETS before purchasing e'-ewber". October 14,15&7. B. DARLING. /lAYtOA GROIXR PLASTER.—SO * J Toirs Cayuga Ground Plaster in barrels, 200 lbs in each, just received by the subscribers. We will take in payment Wheat. I've. Corn. Oats. Buck wheat, Potatoes, Onions. Beans, Dried Fruit. Buiter. Lnrd Chi-e e, PorS. Kegs- and almost any other kind of Farm Produce. X. B. We will not refuse the notes of any solvent Banks —(not even those that have suspended specie payment) in exchange for Plaster or Groceries. Towanda, Oct. "it, is:,7. HA ILIA A XK\ INS. YY'IHTK STONE LlME.—sobbls. White v ? Stone Lime just received, and for sale for Cash or Gr tin bv l-.wa'nds. O- t. 2'L I R >7. BAILEY V N'A'INS. flll6CClllCortS. Philadelphia Advertisements, FROM JOIIK .A. KIDDLE, At Mfft Taint's Hotel, North 4tli St., Philadelphia TO THE MKHCIIH.VTS OF THE WERT AND NORTH WEsT : PITEADKEPHIA MARKET being easily accessible, your attention is oa'lM fn H, as jK) and -II North lid street, above Race. HEXX, JIAICI'EL A- CO., Importers of BRITISH GOODS, and Jobbers of STAPLE GOODS, I'M BROIDERIES, A c., No. 37. Xortli 3d -t. If AAS A' 'TAYLOR, Importers and Cash Jobbers. No. lie:, M rk.t -tre. t. HOSIERY. GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, CRM BEETS, SHIRT 80. BOMS. \\ bite Goods, Embroideries, iaices. Su.spendein, Tureads, Combs, Ac. CMRRELLA S A ■ PARASOLS.—WM. 11. 1!I< UARDSON. No. 418. Market t., manufacture* lirst-ch.ss FMBRELLAS expressly for retailers. Every article warranted. S MEDLEY BROS., Manufacturers anil Jr.ld.ers in II \TS. CARS. ERRS. STRAW GOODS and Sll.lv BONNETS, No. 41. North lid street. WOLFE A- KIXC, Wholesale CLOTHING Hol'SE. Nos. 4l!ti Market and 433 .Merchant streets. CHARLES S. FEATHER, Wholesale D'oJ. r in MOOTS A SHOES. So. iJ, North 3d street, below Arch. T'ARRfSH A- BRADSJfA IV. WALL .V WINDOW RARER V, aieh.'tise. N E. corner 3d and Arch streets. OEOROJ: II PLC MT.Y, Manufacturer of evi-ry description of RARER BOXES, 31 N. Fourth Street CA! EEMA .V A m CHEW, Importers of •TUNA. GRAMS and yL'EE.N S '0 ARE, No. 31. Nurlit Fourth stteet. J; ('. !'R EEL A XI) WITH hJJXE A CARROL, Importers of \\ INKS, BRANDIES. GEN'S. &(.. No. .'il/4. North 3d street. KEYSTOXE ST A TE SAPOXIFIER, or CONCENT JOT! I* LYEfnr making Soap. Manu factured by liie Rem:. Suit Co.. Tareiittun. Allegb iliy county. R- mi. ID i-: ntt'l bv LEWIS, J AMES A Co. Philadelphia. ./ S A- F. L. PEROT, GENERAL PKO DI'CE COMMISSION' MERCHANTS. No. 3.:, Xortli W harv: -. Ref.-i t-> Rhiladelphia merchants generally. All cnisignii. .1- or old. is w ill receive prompt and personal attention. E B r. CO X YXCIT A M A IT ER R, WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION >IER CH ANTS. No. .'>'22, Market Street. MOOR E, l/EXSZi: V". iV CO , Importers and Whrte-ale Jiealers in !! \l!l>W ARE, CCTLERI", and GENS. 427 Market tin Commerce streets. SAM'T. 7/ BIBICHACS, Importer and and \Vh!e- : .le Dealer in KottEfG V nod DOMESTIC 11ARDW a RE. No. 2 North 3d street, btl.-tr Yiue. V. C. T \ Yf.OR, Importers and Wholr sale Dealer.- iu FIN PLATE. CUPPER, SllEin IRON, Ac., itili and •:•/. Branch -t. HAMMERS. HATCHETS, A~c. in {rrent variety, Manilla I led by C. HAMMOND. Depot 303 E"jnn;ero- st. The attention ol the trade i- called to these go uE as b ting <• ."i i! in -j ialit v and finish to any made. E. HALL Of.'I)EX- Philadelphia Mnllen l.le Iron U orks, .in uer of i'th and Jefti'rson Streets; V>.irchou-i Ar abov; tliird. Manufacturer of GF.NEP U. and SADDLERY H ARDWARE aiid MAL LEA RLE and FINE GREY IRON CASTINGS. MAXCHESTER SCALES. HAY, COAL, col NTEIi. W AREHofSK. WHEEL!?AR KO\Y. ROLLING MILL, RAILROAD SCALES of itu pr ■ ! : itu rim nul-i.oei joi quantities, WARHANT- E!' S' I'FIEoE in quality ami flirt-ti toniy otht-i ate* made. War-house, No. 23. N. >tli street, GEO, W. CoLiSY, Agent. C, REi; \■ s hE YS TOXF. HE A TER AND KA NGE.- Ibe Healer lias no equal ill this coun try i- ail cast iron, and will i reate 30 tier cent, tnoru heated air with the same amount of fttel. than any oth er furnace iu use. The Range lias two ofens that bake uniformly at the same time. These inventions have no equal in the market. Rights for stile for all sections of the Unioh. FITHIAX. ,I')XES CO., Importers and J old tern in B! ITi iH and AMERICAN DRY GOODS, 213 Market. Fio •-h t > 204 Church Alley, 0 mouths credit for appiov d Notes. TOWANDA :TOilH£ MM7. r rMIE Ml^Sl> HA.NSrX respectfully inf. rm tlie pulilic S 11.;• ttl -. 1! \NSOX will have the general sujierinten denrc NF flic -i In•!. assi>fcil in MIIMC !•'%• Miss REBECC V D. HANsON.andirt French l.y Mi EMM \ HANSON. Thankful for the patronage already extended to them, they 1 !••...e i . aiire the-.:' eutru-tlng their daughters in their i-haru"-, thai every effort ;, 1 lie made to deserve the eontideuce ai.d favor of their patrons. The hpoi j ear will consist of four quarters, of eleven weeks cm h. The summer caf,.;i'n commencing in duly, and ending in September. A recess of a few days will be taken at the holidays. \Vi, kly KM. ,jv will he sent to the parents, who ura requested to sign an'l return them. We can promi e no improvement unless a scholar Is regular and punctual in attendant!'. 1 KIIMS. I'KK QL'AKTI'R : First f/(.—To include the i lemcntary English ( , n .. la anclies, and the sti.dy o| tlie hatin language, ( S.rr-t i,7 To include the more advanced stu-j die- ofth ■ Eojrli-h branches .with Mathematics. - s*. 00 and the stude of l.atin and French \ TV.'(/ <7J- To i;>. hide Matin matins, Mental ) a Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, IJotanv, Ac., • Sl2 00* with Latin and French V F It'll pup:' will bring with her a desk and chair. Thero v. :'! be no extra charge whatever. Mrsic - Instruction on the Piano, with use of instru n.: nt, will be gi.iui by Miss REBECCA I>. HASSON, at $lO per quarter. P->ar.hn.tr for young ladies can be obtained in private families .it reasonable rait s, pupils from a distance will revive the i'sp i ial care of th teachers. They bee I-- vo to refer to the following named gentle men : ltt. Bey. Ai.ov/.o POTTI K. fSshop ~f THE Mooeso ol i'ciiM'a. Phi; .U lphia ; Lev. llr. S.wa.i.i::, President of the I'ol'pge of Now Jersey. II >n. HAVIII WILMW, 'l. F. M\SOM. 0. T.. ti*AKl>, JOBS F. MVHNS. L. F. BAKSTOW. H. S. Miami K. ♦>. P. BART- I.K'IT. F.. (). (iolll)KU 11. V' M. BOUAKT, Towuiula. THE Till Til A BOUT KANSAS! GOV. GEARY'S Ailinimstration in Kansas I l. farc!u!iy compiled from the om- i d doeament on lit • In the department of Stat" at Washington and other paper* in the possession ~f the V'Th ,r. v. ith fuiT account ! tlie invasion of Kansas from Mi- oiui: the capture, tiial autf freirtvaent of the free Slate ].. isnr.i'i's. the diameter and movements ot the Mis - 'in i innm: l.'cllm.'-. tlie iniinb-r i,l lliiib m and others. Tin- e " tr 'ver-% hvtv.cci, i.evoriior Hoary and Judge Ke i oinpre. The pro'tredings of Territorial Legislature, of the pro--'avery contention, and the organization ot the Xatiorsi! Heiuoeratu' Party, with a slrtciv f Kansas daring it- early frouLi >s under Governors Reeder ami S!i inuott. its i ivisions, t-acries, outrages and murde. s. At imy u is: be sent to any part of the United States, by in ail. fri po-tage, on the receipt of reSuil juice. Price in eloth. ?1 (HI. Paper, all cfc*. CHARLES C. ftl(t>i)F>., publisher. Inquirer Building. Philadelphia. July '>s. | House furnishing uooDa_Doa . tile and single fold worsted and linen and worsted damask-, moreens, cotton da masks,bleached and unbleach ed table linens, Marsailes quilt*, toilet covers, and a va riety of other goods in this liue, j.ut received hv \; ril J. POAVOL,