The thanks of the Association were tender el to Miss iiuuyan and Miss Guyer, for their 1 j)r Bliss, by appointment of the Associa tion read an interesting report on the subject . a Xeu- System, of School Headers. The ob -lot of the report was introduced by stating ,he twofold view of education but to provide for present wants and to anticipate future ' nioc The cravings of the young mind f r knowledge, it was said, must be met with varied supply, as mind cannot be coufined a limited number of objects without being . feebled, aud the lessons of nature are pre dated in g reat variet y- The P ra ctical mis take to be corrected in our present system of School Readers, is that they aim at nothing beyond learning the English language. As the common school affords an opportunity of a-uuiring mnch knowledge that may be needed in practical life, and as school readers have this advantage, that they are read by all, they ol ,(rbt to be made subservieut to the great pur pose of conveying this knowledge ; aud iustead of being seldom or almost never read for the purpose of communicating knowledge, they oaght to be used for directing the thoughts to the important practical subjects of every dav life. School Readers ought to be books on Natural Science, or Intellectual and Moral Science, Physiology and other scientific sub jects, which, without being systematic treati ses might yet present such views of the scien ces and of their fundamental principles, as would lead the young to appreciate their value and keep alive and profitably gratify the in quisitiveness of youth The thanks of the Association was tendered to I>r. Bliss for his report. The Committee appointed to report resolu tions, brought in a report which was accepted. After a recess, the Association met in the evening, and listened to an interesting and able lecture by the Rev. S. F. Colt. The lec turer chose for his subject, The. love of Rend iv, and introduced and commended the sub ject to the atteution of the audience by pre senting from the history of literature some stri king aud living cxemplications and witnesses nf this principle or passion—a clear and forci ble illustration of the true object of reading followed, and in dwelling on the varied advan tages of reading, he in a very lively and graphic manner exhibited the privilege it affords at all times of access to the companionship of the good and great and learned of past ages ; the opportunity was improved of administering salutary cautious on the subject of light read ing, and the lectare was concluded with a se ries of suitable counsels on the subject. The thanks of the Association were tender ed to Mr. Colt for his address. The Associatioa then resumed their discus sions, which were suspended during a brief in terval to afford the members of the Teachers' Institute, then convened in Troy, an opportu nity of testifying their esteem for Prof. Co- Turn and their regard for his valuable services, this was done by presenting him with an arn brotype representation of the members of the Institute in a group, which was regarded with much interest, not only from the artistic ex cellence, but from its appropriateness as a me mento of the interesting circumstances under which Prof. Coburn and the teachers were as sembled. The present was delivered by a Com mittee of the teachers, with a neat address bv Mr. Crandall, of the Troy Academy, and the gift acknowledged by Prof. Coburn in suitable and feeling terms. The Association met on Saturday morning, and was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Mitchell. A report was read by Mr. William Davies, of the Towanda Public School, on Phonetic Teaching. The principles of the Phonetic sci ence was staled, the fact presented that the English, more than other modern languages departs from the phonetic principle—and that comparatively few ever become good readers or speakers. The advantages of the system ft 'ere fully stated aud illustrated, and various testimonies from the highest sources were quot ed, attesting the practicability aud the advan ces of the system. The report was accom mod with a series of resolutions. The re tort, which discovered much research on the 'object, and an interesting array of facts as roll as argnmeuts in support of the Phonetic 'jstem, was listened to with much attention, is one of the exercises, which peculiarly en laced the pleasure and the profitableness of his meeting. The report was accepted ; the hanks of the Association tendered to Mr. Da r|es, and the resolutions reported laid over for ibe future consideration and action of the As sociation. A copy of the report was requested for pnb ication in the Pennsylvania School Journal. The Association then took np for conside ation the following :—" Whereas, education £ intended to confer personal advantages to k possessor, and as appearances go far towards nnkmg up the sum of benefits to be derived f orn mental culture, therefore Jtaolced, That the inculcation of civility to old people, and the cultivation of good tanuersis a part of every school teacher's duty. Some remarks were made on the subject by " r Hardy, Rev. Mr. Foster, Rev. Mr. Mit- Mr. Craudall, Mr. Coburn aud Mr. Thomas. The langnnge of the resolution was excepted oa s implying an undue importance to ap wnrances, and teaching what would lead to ffpocrisy ; the apposite text of scripture was 1-oted—. Thou shalt rise up before the hoary and honor the face of the old man, and ° ar thy God it was admitted that teachers r °nld not dissent from the spirit of the reso jdion, that there was a growing prevalence of 'courtesy amongst the young, that in many u " s ""-Hools were annoying to travellers, and that teachers should see to this matter, for they were held responsible for the conduct of their The further consideration of the subject was postponed till next meeting. Mr. William Davies, Dr. E. 11. Mason and Sidney A. Pitcher and Misses Mary A. Bow en and Mary Lewis, were appointed a business Committee for next meeting. Mr. C. 11. Phelps offered an amendment to the Constitution, which was #eeepted and laid over for consideration, according to the Con stitution, until next meeting. Misses Mary A. Bowen and Mary Lyman were appointed essayists for next meeting. Rev. Win. Synl was appointed to deliver an address. On motion of Mr. Cobnru, it Was Resolved, That the thanks of the Associa tion be tendered to Dr. Hardy, of Elmira, and Prof. P. Daily, Commissioner of Schools for Chemung County, N. Y., for the interest they have taken in the business of the Asspciation, for the readiness and good feeling with which they have participated in our discussious, con tributing so much to add to the interest aud profit of this meeting. • Resolved, That the thanks of this Associa tion be cordially and respectfully tendered to the citizens of Troy for the warm and cheerful reception which has been extended to us in this place, and especially would we present our thanks to the Trustees of this Church, for their generosity in opening it for our use. Whereas, the present session of this Asso ciation has been enlivened and rendered doubly interesting by the earnest efforts of the Choir, under the direction of Mr. Charles Gladding. Resolved, That the Association offer to them their heartfelt thanks. Miss Emily Mathews was appointed critic and Messrs. S. A Pitcher and James P. Co burn was appointed declamationists for next meeting. Concluded with prayer by Rev. Mr. Farris —Adjourned to meet in the Collegiate Insti tute in Towanda, on the second Friday of No vember next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. Returns for Bradford County, Of the Election held October 13, 1857. GOVERNOR. CANAL COM. & s; & >_•* c- * jr District*. ci c 2 *. E H : t - : • £ a. Athens township 122 t55 124 J153 Athens borough 79 3s 77 37 Armenia 59 3 59 2 Albany 103 62 102 62 Asylum 9'J 41 98 34 Burlington West 116 34 109 34 Burlington borough 32 16 34 13 Burlington 161 25 157 21 Canton 324 2s 314 23 Columbia 167 57 158 58 Durell 115 64 116 64 franklin 112 32 112 32 Granville lsi 23 175 15 Herrick 124 2s I 121 27 Leßoy Is 2 I 179 Litchfield ....: 115 65 110 70 Monroe 168 31 1 167 31 Monroe borough 25 22 j 25 '22 Orwell 189 38 185 37 Overton 25 29 24 '29 Pike 282 31 287 31 Rome 157 50 148 41 Ridgberry (north) 89 27 90 2s do (south) 86 26 89 25 Sheshequin 235 51 232 4S Smithtield 267 101 265 100 Springfield 267 8g 263 85 South Creek 98 18 96 15 Standing Stone 56 87 59 83 Sylvania borough 44 6 45 ! 5 Tuscarora lot! '27 103 j 2s Towanda borough 14s 61 147 j 61 Towanda 84 27 85 j2O Towanda North 65 27 1 68 j26 Troy township 174 84 I 162 I 5.3 Troy borough 74 42 I 65 i 41 Ulster 121 81 ; 115 so Wysox 139 113 135 116 Wvalusing 183 ! 78 ISO 78 Wells 91 82 85 79 Warren 212 50 I 200 49 Windham 124 79 123 77 Wilmot 33 52 33 49 5642 20*2 5520 2021 For Goremor, TsaaiC Hazelhurst has 6 votes ; For Su preme Judges. JOSEPH J. LEWIS 5501, J AMES VEECU 5506, William Strong and James Thompson each 2001. There was no opposition to the Republican County Ticket. First Amendment: For. 1304. Against. 80 : Second : For, 1253, Against, 439 ; Third : For, 1303, Against 326; Fourth : For, 1168, Against, 37. Ncto AbtJcrtiscmcnta. A DM INISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice PA. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Raynstord B. Bailey, deceased, late of Pike twp. are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims ..gainst said estate will please pre sent them duly authenticated for settlement. P. H. BUCK, DEBORAH BAILEY, October 15, 1857. Administrators. _ HENRY B. M'KEAN, ATTORNEY AT LA IF TOWANDA, PA.; will pay prompt attention to business entrusted to liira. Collections made on reasonable terms, with prompt remittances. octlfi Stuttering and Stammering CURED! Without Fain or Surgical Operation! THE undersigned would respectfully announce to the citizens of TOWANDA and vicinity that he has taken ro">ms at the WARD HOUSE, where all persons alflicted with STUTTERING OK STAMMERING may call on him at any time and get cured, from OCTOBER 21st to OCT. 28th, 1857. The undersigned is well known to be the only man who FT AS cured or CAN - cure persons thus affected. Having practiced in all the Great Eastern Cities, he brings wiili him testimonials of the highest respectability, such as Professors Hassacks A Willis, of the New 4 ork Medical Faculty, as well as the Professors of the Philadelphia and Virginia Medical Faculty. Besides these, lie has in his possession FIFTEEN THOUSAND REFERENCES, from this and other sections of the country, stick as citizens of Meadville. Pa., Pittsburgh, Pa., Washington, P., and Warren, l'a., Jamestown, N. Y., Randolph, N. Y., An gelica, N. Y. Bath, N. Y., Waverly and Owego, N. Y.— So confident is he in the success of his peculiar mode nf treatment, that he will charge nothing where lie fails to cure, which shall lie tested at once by the patient READ ING AND SPEAKING WITH FLUENCY and EASE. I will forfeit SIOO if any person can naturally Stutter or Stammer by application of the Remedy, even if they try ; and I will give SSOO to any person who will produce any other system by which a cure may be affected. The undersigned also treats Pulmonary and Private Diseases successfully. Consultations free and strictly confidential. Towanda, Oct. 21, 1857. Dlt-W. T. KERR. The Latest City Styles and Prices. WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda and adjoining vicinity, that she has taken the Mil linery Shop formerly occupied by Mrs. E. H. Mason, where she is prepared to furnish the Ladies with the LATEST STYLES of Bonnets, Caps, Head-Dresses, Ac., Ac., and at as low prices as can be liought in any Millinery estab lishment this side of New York. BLEACHING AND TRIMMING done at the shortest notice. The Ladies will please call and examine our .stork of BONNETS before purchasing elsewhere. October 14,1857. S. DARLING. WE ARE NOW OFFERING a very large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we otter at extremely low prices for READY PAY, and invite the public to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. June 2d, 1857. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. (J ALT FOR THE TABLE and Dairy for LI sale cheap by Towanda, July 25, 1857. WM A ROCKWELL* XRisrcl.'aneona. M USICAL CON VENTION j jiW; Prof. T. J. COOK, of New-York, will hold a Cn v enti°n at ATHENS, Bradford Co. Pa., to 3®ga£commence on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20, 1857, to continue three days, and dose with a GRAND CONCERT. Admission to the whole course for Gentle men, SI,OO ; Ladies, 50 cents. Prof. COOK was recommended by Prof. 1. B. Wooiv BCRV, whose ill health would not permit hiin to accept the call of the Committee. Woodbury's Works will be used, and furnished free of charge during the Convention. Particular attention will be given to the development and cultivation of the Voice, Execution, Reading in Mu sic, and correct taste, all combining to make this a rare opportunity for improvement in, and enjovment of, Vo cal Music. Pleasant accommodations at reasonable rates, have been provided for those attending from a distance. Further information relative to the Convention will be cheerfully given on application by mail or otherwise to I. N. EVANS, Secretary, Or any of the Committee of Arrangements, C. T. HULL W. H. FKITCHER. WM. K. DUELL, I). F. PARK, OK a. B PERKINS, H. C. BAIRB, C. N. SUIVMAN, N. C. HARRIS, J. B. REEVE. SPECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby gi ven that a Special Court of Common Pleas will be held in, and for trie County of Bradford, commencing on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court House, in the Isirougii of Towanda, and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Robert G. White will preside, for the trial of the following cases, to wit:— Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphrey, Ejectment. C. L. DcChastcllcux vs. Ira Jennings, et al. Ejectment. S. V. Shipinan vs. David Wilmot, Appeal. A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kellum, 2d, 'et. al., Ejectment. Subpoenas made returnable 011 Monday, Nov. 16, 1857, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN, Proth'y Office, Sept. 14. 1857. Prothonotary. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on FBI DAY, October 2d, 1857, at one o'clock, P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by land of Wm. B. Dodge, east by land belonging to H. 8. & J. H. Pliinney, south by land of Daniel Moody and west by William st., being fifty feet front and running liack about one hundred and twenty-five feet, more or less, all improved, with one framed dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of ILC.Smal ley, now to use of J. H. Phinney & Co., vs. It. W. Smal ley. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Sept. 15, 1857. WANTED. —I wish to purchase 100,000 feet of MAPLE SCANTLING 13 feet long, nnd 3J inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract for any or all, can do so by calling at my Furniture Ware Rooms in Towanda. _ _Kept. 15, 1857. CHESTER WELLS. Ij^STRAY. —Came to the enclosure of the J Subscriber in Burlington township, about ten days since, a DEEP BED STEER, about two years old with l small white spot under the belly. The owner is request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. Burlington, Sept. 12. 1857. PHILIP LALLEY. AT ONT AN YES Are new receiving tlieir Fall Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, k fjjnrs, flint /innings & Irntjjrr, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. Which will be. sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Cor. Public Square and Main st. 13. n. WOVTAXYE,) TOWANDA. jJ. n. MOVTANVE, JR. | E. D.MONTANVE, j September 8,1857 j p. . MONTANYE. mi FA.LL Mil! Just receiving at William A. Rockwell's Store, No. 2, Pattern's Block. Towanda, September 9,18.57. AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT oTDrc^ Trimmings. Velvets, Ac., at Jsept. 15, 1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. MOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists for the hair, at Sept. 15, 1*57. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. 1 ENGLISH and French Merinos, Deßages, J Del.aines, Alapaecas, Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's Plaid* (a new and fashionable article) Prints, Ginghams, ■ and in fact all kinds of Dry Goods may lie had cheap at ; Sept. 15,1857, ' WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. 4 NEW ASSORTMENT of Bonnet^ el \ Ribbons and Gloves, expressly for the fall trade, Belt Ribbons ; also a new stock of Laces and Enibroi j dories, set of Collars and Sleeves, Ac., Ac., at | Sept. 15,1857. W. A. ROCKWELL'S. ANEW AND GENERAL assortment of Boots and Shoes, Cloths aud Cassiineres, and | everything in this line, for sale bv Sept. 15,1857. W. A. ROCKWELL. | /TROCKERY, GLASS WARE, Groceries, I Yankee Notions, Looking Glasses, Wooden Ware, I and everything you want may be found at the new store jof Sept. 15.' 15.57. " WM. A. ROCKWELL AAAA LBS. OHIO GRIND STONES, j jUyUrv/ and a lot of Grind Stone Hangings, at Sept. 8, 18.57. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. I"EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here- J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Elijah Lucky, late of Sbeshequin, dee'd, have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested for settlement. NANCY LUCKY, JOHN LUCKY, Sept. 15, 1857. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Clarissa Grace, late of Springfield two., deceased, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. Sept. 15, 18.57. JOHN NORMAN, Administrator. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE—NOTICE is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of James H. Morrow, late of Asylum twp., dee'd. arc requested to make payment Without delay ; and all per sons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to the sulcril>er. SABRA A. MORROW, August 18, 1857- Administratrix. A FARM FOR SALS. THE subscriber offers at private sale his Valuable Farm, situated in Overton twp. Bradford county, containing 120 acres. The land is of excellent quality, well situated ; the "wYsS* improvements are a log house and log barn, two good sheds and corn crib. Theie is from 59 to 55 acres cleared, all in excellent state of cultivation, and 10 acres of a fallow burned ; the land is free of stones, the soil is from 14 to 4 feet deep, there is a new orchard of 40 choice grafted apple trees in bearing condition. The part cleared is laid out in 8 fields, on 7 of which there is living water, and a good substantial rail fence to each field. The spring at house is within 80 feet of honse and ham, and the spring house is a few feet below the spring. It has a floor laid with smooth stones, the water running between them : which keeps milk and butter nice and cool all summer. Below the spring house is a large wa tering trough for cattle. The State road rnns on the west line, the only level mute from Muncy to Monroeton, a distance of about 45 miles. The main road from Dushore to the coal beds runs along a pari of the north line. A 6 year old Mare, 2 year old Colt, a yearling Colt,and this year's Colt, Cattle, Sheep, Hay, Grain, and Farming t<*ls. will lie sold, with or without farm. An indisputable title will be given to the pnrchaaer of said Farm. Terms easy, and price reasonable. October 4, 1867. " JOHN FLYNN. NEW GOODS! THE subscribers are now receiving at their New Store, West side of the Public Square, a large assortment of seasonable goods ; consisting of Ladies and Gents Fall and Winter Dress Goods, Hats and Caps, Gloves and His siery, Shawls, Family Groceries, Crockery, Nails and Glass, Hardware and Cutlery. A very large stock of Mens, Boys, Ladies, Misses and Children's Boots, Bootees, Shoes, Buskins, Ties and Gaiters in great variety and style. Sole and Upper Leather, Calf and Kip Skins, Morocco, Linings, Bindings, [.are Leather, Shoe Thread, Shoe Nails, Ac.. Ac. In short, a general assortment of (foods for the country trade, all of which we offer to onr pat rons and the public generally, for Cash or Country Pro duce at very low prices, and respectfully invite purcha sers to call aud examine our stock and prices before pur chasing elsewhere. Oct. 10, 1857. HUMPHREY A WICK HAM. TI MOTH Y SEED- - A quantity for *al<> at the store of jel H S MLRtT'R. t.nal. IEXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is licre- J bv given that all persons indebted to the estate of FREDERICK FISHER, dee'd of South Towanda. must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. SAI.SBURY COLE, JOSEPH HOMET, August, 15,1857. Executors. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In Hit matter of the estate of Marcus Tyrrell, dee'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the handsof the Administrator of this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda on Friday, the 3()th of Oct., 1*57, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons "having claims upon said money mast present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, September 29, 1857. Auditor.^ ADMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ABNER GRAVES, late of Ridgberry town ship, dee'd.. ore requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARITY GRAVES, Scptemlier 25, 1857. Administratrix. 1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.— AII persons in- J dehted to the estate of SILAS TITUS, deceased, late of Herrick township, are hereby notified that pay ment must lie made without delay, and all persons lmving claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ZOPHAR PLATT, September 26,1857. Executor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter of the estate of Owen Carr, deceased. In the Or phans'' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the above estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of D. A. Overton in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, the 20th day of October, 1*57, af 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else be i'orever debarred from the same. Sept. 28, 1857. D. A. OVERTON, Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—/. 11. Ransom i t Sf Co. vs. S. F. Washburn and C. H. Ames. In Brad. Common Pleas, No. 008, Sept. term, 1*56. Also, Gilbert Prentiss A Tattle vs. same. In Bradford Common Pleas, No. 260, Dec. term, 1853. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant's real estate, w ill attend to'the duties of his appointment at his office in Towanda boro'on Saturday, the 31st day of October, A. I). 1857, at 9 o'clock, A. M., when and where al! persons interested are requested to present their claims or be forever debarred from any share of said fund. Sept. 28,1857. P.D. MORROW, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— IIaII 4- Russell vs. I. AH. L. iAimnreux. In the Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 176, May term, 1857. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to 'distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday the 31st day of October, 1857, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims or else be forever debarred from said • fund. Sept. 28,1857. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs ot vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on THURSDAY', the 2'Jth of OCTOBER, A. D-, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M-, at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, tlie fol lowing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbnry twp., Bradford co.. hounded north by lands of Alexander Stevens anil lands in possession of Columbus Burt, east by land of said Columbus Burt, south by lands of J. B. Wilkinson and B. F. Buck, south west by lands of Vin cent and Alexander Stevens. Containing about fifty acres more or less, all improved,one three story framed tavern house, one plank house, an old framed house, two framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon ; ex cepting therefrom about six anil a half acres of land known as the mill lot, devised in a sheriffs deed from John A. Codding, Sheriff, to David Burt. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hector Owens vs. David Hapeman. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff's Office, Sept. 29, 1857. Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue of an i riler of the Orphans" Court of Br: dford Coun ty, will he exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY", the 24th day of October, 1857. at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described property, late the estate of Henry Sihle, deceased, of Herrick township : —A certain lot, piece or parcel of laud situate in the townships of Rome and SI e heqnin, and bounded and described as fol lows. to wit: l>n the north by lands of John Crowley and I Oscar Y'oung, east by lands of Michael Coffner. Patrick Crowley and Solomon Kinner, south by lands of Stephen Dickens and lands formerly owned by Jeremiah Kilmer, and west by lands of William Stephenson. Containing one hundred and seventy-six acres, about ninety thereof improved, with a framed house, a framed barn, a log house, a wagon house and a large apple orchard thereon. Also, will be exposed to sale at the same time a lot of household furniture. ANNA SIBEL, PARKER SIBEL, Sept. 28, 1857. Executors. A DMINI ST RA TO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice .XJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of MARK H. GREENMAN, dee'd, late of Canton, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and ail persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARLES STOCK WELL, JOHN VANDYKE. Jr. Canton, Sopt. 21,1857. Administrators. ADM INI STR ATRIX X OTIC E.—Notice ";is hereby given, tiiat ail persons indebted to the estate of WM. 11. REIFSN Y'DKR, dee'd, late of Albany twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. MARY REIKSNYDER, September 21, 1857. Administrators, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty, will be exposed to public sale upon tlie promises, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1857. at 2 o.clock, P. M., the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Asylum township, late the estate of Samael C. Quick, deceased, and bounded and descrilied as follows : On the north by lands of Paul Quick, west by the lands of Cornelius Quick, south by lands of Riley Quick, James Gamble and Joseph Gamble, and on the east by the public highway leading from James Gamble's to Paul Quick's. Contain ing about 116 acres, about 00 acres improved. 2 frame barns and 1 corn house thereon erected—lieing the same land which the said Cornelius Quick conveyed by deed to the said Samuel C. Quick. Terms made known on the day ot sale. CORNELIUS QUICK, Sept. 30, 1857. Administrator. AUDITORS' NOTlCE.— Patrick Farrrl ly to the use of John Mc Malum vs. Matthew Mc- Mahoh . In the Common Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 251, Sept. Term. 1*5(1, The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by Sheriff"sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to tlie duties assigned liirn at the office of D. A. Overton, in Towanda,on Saturday .the 14th of November. A. D. 1*57, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, when and where all persons having claims are requested to present them, or lie forever debarred therefrom. Oct. 13,1*57. G. D. MO NT AN YE, Auditor. The Banks have Suspended! hit GUTTENBURG ROSENBAUM 8c Co. Are just opening a full assortment of ©2S !£ (£1 @ @ ® and READY MADE CLOTHING, FOR THE FALL TRADE, which they wiil sell at New York prices. Our motto is " (juick sales and small profits. THE LADIE3 will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the goods they need. Our shelves nnd drawers are crowded with articles for their use. We call special attention to our new styles of FANCY SILKS, the finest the market affords. SHAWLS, hroehe. Bay state and chashmcre, of all sizes and qualities. LADIES' DRESS HOODS, French, English and American Merinos, plaid and striped DcLanes, plain and figured Alapaecas, in fact everything nsnally Kept in Dry Hoods stores. First-rate calico at fi cents per yard, good muslin at 5$ cents. A fine assortment of BONNETS, Ladies' Collars, Underslecves, Handkerchiefs, !>aces. Gloves, Embroider ies, Hoisery, &c. OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is-replete with fqfh ionable goods ; Overcoats from >4 to S2O, business coats from to sls, vests all prices, pants from $2 to SO. A general assortment of underclothing, collars, Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the shortest notice. Don't forget the place, in Patton's new block, corner Bridge and Main st reels. GUTTENBURG,ROSENBAUM A CO. Towanda, September 30, 157. ~WOOL! WOOL! THE subscriber is buying WOOL for the Utica Woolen Company, and will pay the highest price in C -VSli for any quantity. Alo, the pi icc paid in -mOi for SlU'i'l'TO J.> at ,M E SOLOMON S iilisceliiineons. j TBS GOOD SWISS SALVE K THE CREAT CI'KER OP FKVER SOKES. rf gives immediate relief from pain, and in as <lll i-k a time as it is possible fr this discus* to lie affected, it heals She wounds gradually and safely, alter extracting all poisonous matter, until a permanent cure is made. ITS NAME As its nnrue import*. this Ointment is of Swiss Origin, and isthe most remarkable Ointment for curing oM Sores and Bad Legs ever known. Its curing properties seem to be perfectly irresistible. Ki~ The receipt for making this rare medi-ine.-easob tained from dames Rondon, an old Swiss tar-maker in North Carolina, who brought it with hitu from Switzer land. AS A FAMILY SALVE, it has no equal, hnth in its powers for doing good, ami its extreme neatness as a CLEAN. SWEET, CURE. PLEASANT OINTMENT, healing without the least injury e Tory thing to which it is applied. MOTHERS CHE IT for their Caked. Broken and Inflamed Breasts with charm ing success. Thousands of Mothers are this dav blessing flic hour in which they first applied the GOOl>" SWISS HALVE. SALT RHEUM and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapidly cures by striking at the root of the disease an j drawing the humors to the surface. IT NEVER DRIVES THEM IN WARD! Under all circumstances of the ease IT IS SAFE! Good Swiss Salve cures Felons. Good Swiss Salve cores Piles. Good Swiss Salve cures Bums. Good Swiss Salve cures Bruises. Good Swiss Salve cures Flesh Wounds. Good Swiss Salve cures Toothache. IN SHORT. s" "Wherever Pain or Infiaination exist, apply the GOOD SWISS SALVE, and you will fir.d relief. This Salve is put up in LARGER BOXES than Ointment in general, at 25 cts. It is also put up in large China pots, for the accommodation of Families and those who use it for Fever Sores where several boxes may be required, as it is one half cheaper. A pot holds 8 boxes and sells for one dollar. Hundreds of families keep it in this convenient form as a necessary household article. A. E. BARNABY, Ithaca. N. Y., sole proprietor. Sold by J. KINGSBURY, Towanda, Pa. SOBS EYES Y (""lOTTSLOFFL IS THE INVENTOR OF the ccle- X brated ALPINE EVE BALSAM, which has gained such wonderful reputation throughout Europe and the United States. It is extracted from plants taken direct from the ALPINE MOUNTAINS,and prepared by Dr. Heindrieh Gottslofle. a native of Berne, Switzerland, and for many years Professor in the Berne Institute, now a resident of the IT. S. This Balsam is superior to any other eye medicine, be it salve or water. It is a safe and CERTAIN CUKE for all INELAMATIONS, PREMATURE FAILURE OK SIGHT, NIGHT BLINDNESS, BLUR OR FILM, PAIN ON EXPOSURE TO LIGHT, Ac., and always makes a QUICK cure. TRY'. IT ! It is recoincnded by all druggists and Physicians who have become acquainted with its vir tues. g/f- Each bottle bears liis written signature.— Price 25 cents. A. E. Barnaby, Ithaca, N. Y., General Agent. Sold by J. Kingsbery. Towanda, Pa. EL T. FOX" IS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at as low prices as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of the City of New York. DII. J. M'IXTOSII, DENTIST, jJLjTvf l •"" I 'iiy thanks the community for thege - ITT—l—> neroiiK treatment he has received for the past eight years, and promises to exert himself in future as he has never done before to deserve their confidence. Hereafter no work will leave his hands that will not compare favorably witli the lest style of city dentistry. In connection with thanks he begs to say, that the im mediate payment of plate work will he a necessity. A good tit is a most difficult object to be attained without having paid for the plate. It is true that a poor fit can be had whether paid for or not. but the responsibility is not in the least impaired with him. if the work is paid tor perhaps the opposite. It is mightily offensive to he sus pected of a deliberate attempt to gouge. He will under take to do nothing bevond Ins skill to accomplish. Per sons who do not wish to employ him until they find tin plate is •' going to do," are unformed that he does net de sire to lie so employed. He can point to as large a ntiui licr of good fits as any dentist can of equal business : and —if he does say it—to a great many more artistically ar ranged cases. If what he has done, cannot lie taken as a sufficient guarantee, the choice of another dentist w ill never be a subject of complaint by him. Towanda. September IS, 1R57. To All Concerned. THE Subscribers' liabilities are such that they will ei ther be obliged to sell the Judgments and Notes they hold against their customers, or enforce collection. We ho|e our friends will not drive us to ueh an alternative. An early attention to this notice is requested. Aug. it. ts.'i". Moxx AX YES. FOR H^LlzE. a a THE well-known and well-established C AR WAGE MANUFACTORY situated on Maiust J JJGIL in the south part of the Borough of Towaiula. I lil Sfel* Also, the Smith Shop. Timber House and Barn #ffifc£=cion the same lot. and stock of Timber on baud. Also, HOUSE AND LOT adjoining the shop lot. ga-Th. whole will be sold cheap for ready pay. For terms apply to the subscriber at his residence' on the pre mises. N. B. The subscriber has on hand some O fHUM) or 11800 worth of CARRIAGES. of&riF-"aHr" different kinds, which he will sell on reas<>n able terms for ready pay or approved credit. wn Towanda, Ang, 1,1857.m3 G. If. DRAKE. I EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap J at FOX'S. pASII PAID FOR BEEP HIDES. AND \J SHEEP PELTS AND FURS, at No. 2, Patton's Block. augli W.M. A. ROCKWELL. NEW GOODS! FROM New York aiirt Philadelphia ! CHEAP AND DESIRABLE 1 JPST received and now opening a very extensive and cheap stock of FAIX AND WINTER GOODS, which for beauty, variety and cheapness. cannot l>e surpassed in titis market, ft comprises ail tlie best make of brown and bleached Sheetings and Shirtings, Ticks, Jeans. Den ims, Checks, Yarn, Putts, Wadding, &c. In tlie (iotli and Cassimere Department our stock is full—embracing tiie most reliable styles. Our line of LADIES DRESS GOODS embraces all the new styles. Also, Dress Trim mings, Itihlmns, .to., in great variety. SH AWLS in great variety. Embroideries, I sices, Cloves and Hosiery, a full stock. Housekeepers' Goods, Carpetings, Oilcloths, Ac., Ac., Boots A Shoes, tosuit purchasers. Crockery and Class Ware. Hardware, Iron and Nails. GROCERIES, a large and choice variety. Uemk>ibkk I That onr store is the place to buy Goods CHEAP. Our motto—" Quick sales ami small profits." Remember, also, our store—south end of Merour's Block, Main street. OcL 12, DC>7. TRACY A MOORE. OILS, PAINTS, GLASS, &c., all sizes, for sale at Oct. 12. 18.57. TRACY A MOORE'S. BARCLAY COAL.—THE BARCLAY RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will keep constantly fur sale at TO WANDA, a large supply of their coal, at $2 50 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $3 00 per tan for Raked Coal. Apply for coal at Towanda to O. D. BARTLETT. Coal will also be sold at the MINES at $2 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per ton for Raked Coal. A liberal discount will l>e made on sales by the boat load. Oct. 7, ls-,7. J. MACFAKLANB, Gen'i Sup't.^ A. CHOICE FARM Adjoining the Borough of Townnda, For Sale at a GREAT BARGAIN! AT $23 an acre, for ail cash down ; At *3O an acre tor S3OOO down and balance in 3 yeaTs. At s3j an acre for S2OOO down and balance in 5 years. At $lO an acre for SIOOO down and balance in 7 years. The farm contains 200 acres with a good House and barn, and an orchard of choice fruit on it. It is well wa tered with permanent springs conveniently distributed over it. About one half of it is cleared, and every acre of St is good tillable land. It could be advantageously divided so as to suit two or more persons wishing farm's of less size. My daughter has lilty acres adjoining it which she would also sell. Towahda, July 21,18.37. W. PATTON. XpSTRAY.—Broke iuto the eucio- wpfyyi sure of the subscriber, about the middle of August, one RED COW, abotrf 15 rears .|/T old : the owner is requested to come forward and prove property, pay charges and take her away. Ruilington Aug . IT. 18". J. J. HATGHT. f RATH Ell.—A new supply of Sole Leath i to Cow HMe Ft. aa'alt S Vi r No. * PatfOr'* Dlo-.V H A ROCK" LLL UliSccUancons. Philadelphia Advertisements. FIIOM •JOIIX A. KIDDLE, At Merchant'- Hotel. Vnith -Ith st., Philadelphia. TO THE MERt HBNYS OF THE WEST AXI) NORTH W EST : PHIL \T>RLPM1A M ARKET being eaailv ec*sitde, your attention is coital to it, a? posse-stag facilities and advantage-, wtitl.y if your consideration. Anions it- advantages may lie enumerated it? loeation, having shorter lines <T communication to the interior, iU proximity to the Irun and Anthracite Coal districts of lViiii-ylenj. lie- large and varied extent of its manufac tures, hrini: iar in advance of any other city in the United States, the moderate expenses necessary tor carrying on business, Ax. The mat let possesses unrivalled advantages forthe.ale of many kinds f pmdure, such as Float, Wheat, Barley, Wool. Butter, Chre-e, Ac., slide the charges incident to sale- and attendant expense-, are more moderate than neighboring -eahortl markets. JAMES, EE.XT, SAX TEE 4- CO.. Im porter? and Jobbers of FOREIGN A DOMESTIC DRV GOODS, Xo. 22; i and 241 North .Id street, shove Race. B f'.X.V, J! ATO CEL 4* CO., Imjwrter.s of BRITISH CO<iDS. and Jobbers of STABLE SII.F GOODS. EMBROIDERIES. Ac., Xo. 37, North 3d st If AA S 4* 711 YLOR, Importers find Cash Job! ers, No. 305 Market street, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SHIRTS and DRAWERS, GUM BELTS, SHIRT 80. S< IMS. White Good.-. Embroideries, Lai es, Su-penUers, Tnreads, Combs, Ac. UMBRELLAS 4- PARASOLS.—\XM. 11. RICHARDSON. No. 416, Market st., manufacture* fir-T-cIa.SK UMBRELLAS expressly for retailers. Kverv article warranted. SME J) LEY BROS, Mnnnfnrturrrs and Jobhers In HATS. CAPS. FURS. STRAW GOODS and SILK BONNETS, No. 41, North 3d street. WOLFE 4" KING, Wholesale CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 4:Mi Market und 425 Merchant streets. CHARLES S. FEATHER, Wholesale Dealer in BOOTS A SHOES, No. 40, North 3d street, beiow Arch. PARRISH 4- BRAD SHAW, WALL & WINDOW PAPER Warehouse, N. E. corner 3d and Arch street-. GEORGE W. PLUMLY, Manufacturer of every description of PAPER BOXES, 51 N. Fourth Street CAUFFMAN }• CIIEW, Importers of CHINA, GLASS and QUEEN'S WARE, No. 21, North Fourth street. J. C. PR EEL A NT) WITH KLINE 4* CARROL. Importers of WINES, BRANDIES, GIN 9, Ac., No. 304. North 3d street. KE YS TONE STA TE .Syl P ONI FIE R, or CONCENTRATED LYE for making Soap. Manu factured by the I'eim. Salt Co., Tarentum, Alleghany county. Penn. Represented by LEWIS, JAMES A Co. Philadelphia. J. S. S- E. L. PEROT, GENERAL PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 36, North Wharves. Refer to Philadelphia merchant? generally. All consignments or orders will receive prompt and personal attention. E B r, CO N YX GIIA M 4* HE R R, WHOLESALE GROCERS and COMMISSION MER CHANTS. No. 522, Market Street. MOORE, HEXSZEY, 4' CO , Importers and Wholesale Dealers in HARDWARE. CUTLERY, and GUNS, 427 Market 416 Commerce street-. SAM'L If. BTBICHAUS, Importer ami and Wholesale Dealer in FOREIGN and DOMESTIC HARDWARE. NO. 238, North lid street, below Line. X. 4* G. TA YLOR, Importer? and Whole sale De ilt r- in TIN PLATE, COPPER, SHEET IRON. Ac., 303 ami 305, Branch st. HAMMERS, HATCHETS, 4r., in great variety, manufactured by C. HAMMOND, Depot 503 Commerce ?t. The attention of the trade i called to thee good- as being equal in quality and tinisli to any made. E. HALL OGDEX— Philadelphia Mallea bie Iron Woi k-, corner of ttth and Jefferson Streets ; Warehouse 3ti7 Arch -t.. above third. Manufacturer of GENERAL and SADDLERY H ARDWARE and MAL LEABLE and FINE GREY IRON CASTINGS. MANCHESTER SCALES, HAY. COAL, COUNTER. WAREHOUSE. WHEELBAR ROW. ROLLING MILL, RAILROAD SCALES of int er ivcd patterns and superior quantities, WARRANT ED SUPERIOR iii quality and finish to ony other scales made. Warehouse, No. 23, X. 6th street, GEO. W. COLBY, Agent. GR E EX'S KE YS TONE HE A TER AND RANGE.- The Heater has no equal in this coun try—i- all ca-t iron, and will create 3b per cent, more heated air with the -attic amount of Ittel, than any oth er tiiriirt' ein use. The llauge tins two ovens that bake uniformly at tin- -ame time. The-c inventions have no eqini! in the market. Rights for sale for all sections of the Union. FITHIAX. JONES 4- CO.. Importers and Jobbers ill B: IT! H and AMERICAN DRY GOODS. 215 Market, t jot hto 201 Church Alley. 6 months credit lor approved Notes. TOWANDA IFIIMIIE SMHMiif. ' | MIE MISSER H\XROX respectfully inform the pnblie 1 that the scholastic year will commence MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, continuing to July 14. Mic-iO. 1. HANSON will nave the general superinten dence of the school, assisted in Music by Miss REBECCA D. HANSON, and in French by Miss EMMA HANSON. Thankful for the patronage already extended to them, they beg leave to assure those entrusting their daughters in their charge, that every effort will be made to deserve the eonlidence and favor of their patrons. The school vear wilt consist of four quarters, of eleven weeks each. Yhe summer vacation commencing in July, and ending in September. A recess of a lew days will be taken at the holidays. Weekly reports will be sent to the parents, who ara requested to sign and return thenu We can promise no improvement unless a scholar is regular and puuctual'in attendance. TKKMS. PKR QrAKTKR! First d iss —To include the elementary English I c <g> branches, and the study of the Latin language, f Second Class —To include the more advanced stu-) dies nftlie English branches.with Mathematics, v $9 00 and the study of Latin and French i Third Class —To include Mathematics, Mental) and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Hotanv, Ac., - tl2 00 witii Latin and French 1 Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There will be no extra charge Whatever# Mrsic—lnstruction on tlu> Piano* with nse of instru ment, will l>e given by Miss RKUECCA I). HANSON, at ill) per quarter. Hoarding for young ladies can be obtained in pNWate families at reasonable rates. Pupils from a distance will receive the especial care of the teachers. They l>eg leave to refer to the following named gontie men :—lit. Rev. ALOKZO POTTER, Bishop of the DUS-ESE of Penn'a. Philadelphia: Rev. Dr. MACLEAN. President of tiie College of New Jersey. Hon. P win WI I.MOT, G. F. MASON. C. L. WART>, JOHN F. MHANS, 1). F. BAUSTOW, H. S. MEKCI'R, O. D. BAKT LETT, E. fh Gooiwicn, Wm. C. Bon ART, Towand*. THE TRUTH ABOUT KANSAS! GOV. GEARY'S Administration in Kansas ! Large 12rao. 348 pages. \TTITII A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THF. TERRI > \ TORY, until June. 18.17. Embraring a full account of its discovery. Geography, Roll, Climate. Products, its organization as a Territory, transactions and events un der Governors Feeder and Shannon, political dissensions. Personal Pceorrfiters. Election frauds, battles and outra ges, with Portraits of prominent actors therein, all fully authenticated. By JOHN H. GIHON, M. D., Private Secretsrv to Gov. Geary. Carefully compiled from the Official document* on file in the department of State at Washington and other papers in the possession of the Author! with full account of the invasion of Kansas from Missouri: the capture, trial and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the character and movements of the Mis souri Border Ruffians. the murder of Buffum and oilier*. The controversy between Governor Geary and Judge eumpto. The proceeding* of the Territorial Legislation, of the pro-slavery convention, and the organization of. the National Democratic Partv. with a sketch of KiuttM a during its early troutiles under Governor* Rceder Tra-'t Shannon, its invasions, hr.ttirs, outrages and mardet*. A copy will he sent to any part of the Cnited N|* by mail, free of postage, yn'the receipt of retail pr 4 of ,. Price in cloth. $1 00. Paper, JO ets. Cfi AJki.jis C. RITODF.R, Publisher, Inquirer Building. Pbily,cli>hia. July 28. lfio7. OTSETURN ISHIX 000 )>le and single fold worsted and linen and worsted dvma ks. moreens cotton dwimka Jilw.chedand unblenrf ed table linens, Marsniles covers, and a m of other " Js in this Jijft r*"e ! ei by April 6 lee?, J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers