Mr Kauffman moved to extend the time for *, m ption to the fourth Monday of April.— '" Mr Longakcr said that the position he oc ,;,d was a peculiar one, and he desired to lie disliked the present banking sys ''m 'believing it to be .radically wrong, but is not the time to vote not to favor the ?,° rlk ; but to relieve the people. Respectable >,,'e from every portion of the State are here Vnninding Legislation, and he, for one, '' ready to answer their tppeal. No Legis i! tive body of the Union can have such influ a> u . )o n financial affairs ; but every hour in ki-es the necessity for relief. He said that Should lie ever occupy again a seat on the u'vr of this House, he would attempt a radic ! i of the banking system, but 'ow was not the proper time. He opposed Pe bill because it would extend relief to the links and not to the people. Under it all the' business men would become bankrupt.— let the Hanks also become bankrupt, they orbt all to go down together. Mr. Imbrie sfiid he wculd vote against the .. t Motion, because a requirement for tlie , uicnt of lire dollar notes was incorporated ■I it This would weaken all the country jiiU.ks. He was surprised that a country member could favor such a provision. Legisla 0f this kind favors Philadelphia interests iilOt'C. Mr. Mcfalnumt moved a re-consideration of the five dollar note proviso. Mr. Foster also favored a re-consideration. The circulation of tlie country Rauks tends! from thacountry to the City. The country bank notes, under the operation of this provi in would go into the hands of the City Bro rrs.'aud being taken back, gold and silver would be obtained upon them, creating a con ..gaiit run upon the country banks. Tim recousidertiou was carried aud the pro viso requiring the payment of five dollar notes it! specie was struck out. Mr. Gildea moved to re-insert ten dollars iVtcad of five dollar notes. Lost. The question recurring on the first section v.-amended, it was carried. The vote stood veas ,")2 navs 4 ~2, as follows : VKAS —Messrs. Anderson, Rabcock, Benson, ji'diop Brown,Campbell, Cleaver, Crawford, pock, Kyster, Gibbonv, Hamilton, Ileitis, Iliesof Leliaiioit ; Housekeeper, Imbrie, lanes, ,|. Kerr, Longaktr, Mtimum Alussleuian, Nicholson, Pearson, Penrose, Peters, Pownall Parcels Ramsey, of Philutlelphia ; Reamer, lb-oil. Rapp, Sloan, Smitli, of Cambria ; Smith, ti' Centre ; Smith, of Luzerne ; Stevenson, > rathers, Tliorne, Tolan, Vauhooris, Vocglt- Jev, Warner, Williston, Witlierow, aud Wright NAVS— Messrs. A bra ins. Arthur, Augustine, Ip.H-ims, Beck, Bower, Brandt, Carty, Chase, [K;,t. Fausokl,Foster, Gildea, llamcl. Hancock, Harper. Hill, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauff i.ian, Knight, Lebo, Leiseiiring, Lovett, Ma u-ar, M'Calniount, MTlraiu, Moorhead, Nieh ■!>. Nuunemaeher, Ramsey, of York ; Roberts, S'iaw, Vail, Walters, Westbrook, Wharton, Vearslev, Zimmerman and Get/., Speaker —4:!. .Mr. Thorn explained that his reasons for i ting for the bill, were because he could get i idling better, lie thanked the members jl ■:n the country for understanding tlie inter ji-Tsof PhiladeljJiia better than the twelve !..-n who misrepresented Philadelphia county i upon this floor. Mr. Mamma moved to insert two sections 1 of the House bill as sections second aud third of the Senate bill. Agreed to. Mr. Ball off red an amendment;, increasing the length of time for the stay of execution, . x mouths longer than the Jaw now allows, Lin! 11 prohibit the compulsory sale of proper 1*7 y fjr une year after the passage of this act— L>-t—yeas 37, nays 47. i Ti.o bill having gone through the second r tiling, on motion of Mr. Hauscll, the House tuijourued ti!.' Alouday morning. EARTHQUAKE IN MISSOURI AND ILLINOIS. •V'. fsiuit, fjecluded spot on East Liberty road, near IhttaWgh. Their object is supposed to have been to commit a rape on the daughter. The jitter was the first to discover their entrance jfito the house. Mr. Wiseman, while protcet her, received several blows with a heavy iron bar on the head, fracturing his skull, lie [bed shortly after. lliree men were arrested today, on suspi cion of being the perpetrators of the murder ous deed. Their names arc James Kelly, John Richards and Daniel Denny. The circumstan ces strongly implicate them. MONTOUR IKON WORKS. —We regret to say ii| tro is uo certainty about these works going into operation this winter. The managers have been unremitting in their endeavors to funds to pay off the workmen up to the present time, but have not yet succeeded, al ycjugh they have over SIOO,OOO worth of rails 111 with other and ample means, the cite of the money market being such at prc >e:i* that it is almost impossible to raise funds 011 the best security. We are assured, how ler, that the Company will persevere in tlie c --ort until it is accomplished. The month's pay now due to the workmen amounts to about •-■->0,00(1, a sum not easily raised under present Circumstances.—Montour American. The Leeomptou (Kansas) Democrat, • Binee the reopening of tlie Land Office ,a this place, a large number of imperfect Ja d Warrants have been offered by preemp ts, which the officials in the office could not cceive. In some instances the same warrants ' ave k*: cn presented several times over, by as , dn y different settlers, having beeu returned A the first purchaser, to the dealer from lencc they came aud resold bv the latter to ot o?r stttlvrs, figy* The Committee on Depositories and Finance of the American Sunday School Uu ioti have issued a statement in reference to the recent defalcation of the Corresponding Secre tary of the Union, FKEDE.-.ICK W POUTER.— They state that every dollar of the contribu tions to the Society's funds has been scrupu lously applied to the benevolent objects which the donors designed to promote,—so that whatever losses or disasters may have befallen the business interests of the Society, its chari ty fnnd been sacredly protected. Distrust of Mr. POUTER'S faithfulness was first awakened by the approach to maturity of acceptances which did not appear upon the books, and on investigation, it was ascertained that lie had used the Society's credit and his ofiieial posi tion for private purposes to the amount, so far as ascertained, of $88,883,09. men were killed a few days since in Marshall, Texas. A feud had for some time existed between Hon. L. I). Evans, late M. C., and Hon. Lewis T. Wigfall, a promi nent orator and politician of Eastern Texas. Meeting in the streets of Marshall, Evans shot Wigfall down, a frieud of Wigfall imme diately shot Evans down, a friend of Evans next shot down the party that shot Evans, and lastly, the latter was shot down by another friend of Wigfall. A rumor of this encounter was circulated, but was discredited; the fact is now confirmed. Hfrif A melancholy case of suicide occurred iii Philadelphia in Thursday. A Mrs. Buck man, while visiting a frieud, kill herself with arsenic. She was engaged to be married to a gentleman with whom she had intrusted a considerable sum of money, but through the late monetary troubles the gentleman had fail ed. This loss preying on the lady's mind, prompted the deed. The Reading Railroad Company allow ed their notes to be protested on Monday, and no doubt has made an assignment before this The N. A". & E. Railroad Company no doubt will soon follow suit. The large debts of these companies are maturing too fust these hard times, anil they are obliged to suspeud as well individuals, and Banks. W. B. CALHOUN, late editor of tlie Elmira Republic, and Canal Collector at 1 lor.-ehcads, has left permanently for Kansas, having hud an appointment in the Surveyor General's office. New York & Erie R.R., Waverly Station. Comiuenvitiff Mon.lay, June 15. I s )7, Trains will leave WAVERLY at about tlie following hours : GOIXG W K.ST. GOING KAST. Dunkirk A Buff Exp 3 2fi R.M Cim-iunati Exp....." 2'l A.M Night Express 347 A.M Night Express.... 12 57 r.M Mail '.I 13 r.M Chicago Express., .fi 47 A.M Emigrant 443 P.M Steamboat Exp.... 2 17 Accommodation.. ..7 55 A.M Stock Express 422 A.M Freight, No. 1..... I' 210 r.M Accommodation... .7 37 r.M Freight, N0. 3 Si 35 A.M Freight, No. 2 1 30 r..u Freight, N0.5 2 10 A.M Freight, No. 4 3 40 r.M Nero oMs. The Latest City Styles and Prices. mm & X\TO I" 1.1) respectfully inform the citizens of Towanda \ V and adjoining vicinity, that she ha.- taken the -Mil linery Shop formerly occupied by Mrs. E. 11. Mason, where she is pre pa real to furnish the Ladies with the LATEST STYLES of Bonnets, Caps, Head-Dresses. ialilc Farm, situated in Overton twp. JRSSgIs Bradford county, containing 120 acres. Tint land is of excellent quality, well situated ; the *>TMe improvements are a log lionse and log barn, two good sheds and corn crib. Theic is from 50 to 55 acres cleared, all iu excellent state of cultivation, and 10 acres of a fallow burned : the land is free of stones, the soil is front U to 4 feet deep, there is a new orchard of 40 choice grafted apple trees in hearing condition. The part cleared is laid out in 8 fields, on 7 of which there is living water, and a good substantial rail fence to each field. The spring at house is within 0 feet of house and barn, and the spring house is a few feet below the spring. It has a floor laid with smooth stones, the water running between them : which keeps milk and butter nice and cool all summer. Below the spring house is a large wa tering trough lor cattle. The State road runs on the west line, the only level route from Muncy to Monroeton, a distance of about 45 miles. The main road from Dushore to the coal bed- runs along a part of the north line. A G year old Mare. 2 year old Colt, a yearling Colt .and this year's Colt, Cattle, Sheep, Hay. Grain, and Farming tools, will he sold, with or without farm. An indisputable title will be given to tlie purchaser of said Farm. Terms easy, and price reasonable. October 4, 1857. JOHN FLYNX. NEW GOODS! T' HE Mibsrrlliers are now receiving nt their New Store, Weet side of tho Public Square, a large assortment of seasonable poods : consisting of laidies ami Gents Fall ami Winter Dress Goods, Hats anil Caps, Cloves anil Ho siery, Shawls, Family Groceries, Crockery, Nails anil Class, Hardware and Cutlery. A very large stock of Mens, lloys. Laities, Misses and Cldldrens Boots, Bootees, Shoes, Buskins, Ties and Gaiters in great variety y the boat load. Oct. 7,1857. J. MACFAKI*IXK, (en'l Sup't. 11l MOTH Y SEED—A quantity for salo at , the stoic of iel H S- MERCUC. i f- r-*-"*' *• XttistcLaiicous. MUSICAL CONVENTION ! Prof. T. J. COOK, of New-York, will hold a Vf JKy.Convention at ATHENS. Bradford Co. Pa., to commence on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 15",7, to * continue three tiara, and close with a URANI) ' DXCEBT. Admission to the whole course lor Gentle men, SI,OO ; Ladies, 5U cents. Prof. COOK was recommended by Prof. I. R. Woon- BUKv, whose ill health would not permit him to accept the call of the Committee. Woodbury's Works will be used, and furnished free of charge during the Convention. I 'articular attention will be given to the development and cultivation of the Voice, Execution. Reading in Mu sic, and correct taste, all combining to make this a rare opportunity for improvement in, and enjoyment of, Vo cal Music. Pleasant accommodations at reasonable rates, have l>eeu provided for tho.-s: attending from a distance. Further information relative to the Convention will be cheerfully given on application by mail or otherwise to I. X. EVANS, Secretary, Or any of the Committee of Arrangements, C. T. HULL W. H. FKITCHKB, WM. E. DUEI.L, D. K. P.UKK", GEO. B PEKKINS, H. C. BAIKD, CFC,N. SGIPMAN, N. C. HAUUIS, J, D- KEKVE. COURT.—Notice is hereby gi- Uc ven that a Special Court of Common Picas will be held in, and for the County of Bradford, commencing on MONDAY , the ltitli day of November next, at 10 o'clock in tlie forenoon, at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Robert G. White will preside, for the trial of the following cases, to wit Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphrey, Ejectment. O. L. DeChastelleux vs. Ira .Jennings, et ;ii. Ejectment. 8. V. Shipman vs. David Wiimot, Appeal. A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kelluiii. 2d, et. !., Ejectment. Sabpa-nas made returnable on Monday, Nov. It!, 1 S.Y7, at 10 o'clock, A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN. Proth'y Office, Sept. 14,1857. Pr< itlienotaryi. O HERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias, issued out of "the Court of Common l'leas of Bradford County, and to me directed will be ex posed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro* of Towanda, on FRIDAY", October 2d, 1557, at one o'clock, P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by land of Win. B. Dodge, cast by land belonging to 11. S. A J. H. Phiuuey, south by land of Daniel Moody and west by William si., beitig fifty feet front and running back about one hundred and twenty-five feet, more or less, all improved, with one framed dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of B.C. Smal ler, now to use of J. 11. Phinney & Co.. vs. It. W. Smal ler. .JOHX A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Towanda, Sept. 15,1857. Y7t7ANTEI).—I wish to purchase 100, ODD H feet of MAPLE SCANTLING 13 feet long, and 3£ inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract for any >r ail, can do so by calling at my Furniture Ware Rooms in Towanda. Sept. 15.1837. CHESTER WELLS. Y.—Ctiine to the enclosure of the J Subscriber in Bui'iugton township, about ten days since, a DEEP RED STEER, about two years old with! small white .spot under the belly. The owner is request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. Burlington, Sept. 12, 1557. PHILIP LAi.LEV. M O IS" T .A IST Y K S Arc now receiving their Fail Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, i'Dflts I: fljnrs, lljdp failings K £rntljrr, HATS, CAT'S, BOXXETS, AC. Which iri!/ be. sold at GretUiy Reduced Prices. Cor. l'ul.lic Square aiul Main .-t. J. I>. MONTANYE, I TO WAX DA. *J. IK MONTANTE, Jit. K. 1). MUXTANYE, ) September S, 1H57 ( F. I). MONTAN VE. ail uii eoasi i Just receiving ut William A. Rockwell's Store, 39T0. 2, Patten's Block. Towanda, September 9, 1*57. A N ELEOANT ASSORTMENT of Dress P\- Trimmings. Velvets, Arc., at S' pt. 15. 1a".7. WM. A. ROCKWELLS. AIOIIAiR BRAIDS and Twists for the -AL hair, at Sept. 15,1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. and French Merinos, Dc-lUiues, J Delaiines, Alapnccas, Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's 1 'litids (a new and fashionaidc article) l'rints, l. A. 1 M'lv Vv 1.1, i. S. 4 M']\V ASSORTMENT of Bonnets, J\ lMblmns and Glove-i, expressly for the fall trade, Belt Hibbotis; also a new stock of Laces and Embroi deries, set of Collars anil Sleeves. Ac., Ac., at Sept. 1", ls.j 7. W. A.IP >C KWELLS. A -NEW AND (JEXER.VL assortment J.\. of Boots and Shoes, Cloths and Cassimerts, and everything in this line, for sale by Sept. 15, 1557. W. A. IP H' KWKI.T.. ( ROCKERV, GLASS WARE. Groceries, Yankee Motions, Looking, Wooden Wale, and everything you want may be found at the new store of Sept. 15. IS-57. " WM. A. ROCKWELL. JLAflfl Ll>,s OHI ° GRIND STONES, tUv/U and a lot of Grind Stone Hangings, at Sept. s, 15.77. WM. A. BOCKWELL'B. IpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ishere by given tliut letters testamentary upon the estate of Elijah Lucky, late of Sheshequia, dec.'d, have been granted to the subseri'icr. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them dulv attested lor settlement. XAXCY LUCKY, JOHN LUCKY, Sept. 15, 1557. Executors. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice il is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Clarissa Grace, late of Springlie.ld twp., dceest-ed. are requested t<> make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them dnlv authenticated, to the subscriber. Sept. IS, 1857. JOHN NORMAN". Administrator. A DMINISTBA I'll IN NOTlCE.—Notice J\- is herebv given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of James H. Morrow, late of Asylum twp., dee'd. arc requested to make payment without delay: and all per sons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for"settlement to the subscriber. SABKA A. MOIHtOW, August In. 1867. Administratrix. TATE ARK NOW OFFERING a very \ I large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we oiler at extremely low prices for BEADY l'Al . and invite the public to'call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. June Id, 15.',7. HUMPHREY A. WICK HAM'. SHORT SEASON! AS the Summer Season will e short, we hiivc conclud ed to make our Usual Reduction of Prices, at Once! Which we have been accustomed to do late in the season, and in view of this fact, we will sell our large stock of SUMMII (MJTRiIG, SRY GOODS, oo down and balancein ?, years. At $35 an acre for S2OOO down ami balance in 5 years. At $lO an acre for *IOOO down and balance in 7 years. The farm contains -JOO acres with a good House and barn, and an orchard of choice fruit on it. It is well wa tered with permanent springs conveniently distributed nver it. About one half of it iscleared, and every acre of it is good tillable land. It could be advantageously divided so as to suit two or more persons wishing tarns of less size. My daughter has fifty acres adjoining it which she would also sell. Towanda, Ju1y.21,1857. W. PATTOX. SMOKED lIAM,SHOULDERS, DRIED BEEF at June 4, 1857 FOX'S. VAT" AN TED. —Butter and Eggs, and ull M kinds of country produce, by Towanda, Julv ?S, 1?57. WM. A. ROCKWELL. tl.ntU. ] I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Xofiee is liere- J bv given that all persons indebted to the estate of FREDERICK FISHER, dee'd of South Towanda, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. SAI.SBUBY GOLF, JOSEPH HOMET, August, 15, 1857. Executors. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estsitc vf Marcus Tyrrell, dee'd. la the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hitndsof the Vdniinistratnr of.this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the boron glv of Towanda on Friday, the 10th of Oct., 1*57, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. P. I). MORROW, . September 2'J, 18.57. Auditor. A PMIXISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice XI. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ABNEIt GRAVES, late of Ridgberry town ship, dee'd., are requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons linviug claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARITY GRAVES, September 25. 1557. . Administratrix. ECU TOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons i* J .A dubted to the estate of SILAS TJTUS, deceased, late of Herrick township, are hereby notified that pay ment must be made without delay, and all persons having claipis against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ZOPIIAR PLATT, Scptemlier 26,1857. Executor. A UI) I TOR'S XOTIC E —ln the matkrTf XX the estate of (Jicen Carr, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that tlie Auditor appointed to distribute Honey in tlieliahds of the Administrator of the above estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of I). A. Overton in the borough of Towanda? on Thursday, the 29th day or October, liss7, at 2 o'clock. P. M. All persons having claims upon said money mu.-t present thein, or else be forever debarred from the same. Sept. 28, 1857. I>. A. OVERTON, Auditor. _ i EDITOR'S NOTICE— 1 It. Ransom X X A" Co. vs. S. F. IVashburn and C. It. Ames. In Brad. Common Pleas, No. 608. Sept. term, 1856. Also, Gilbert Prentiss A- Tattle vs. same. 'ln Bradford Common Pleas, No. 260. Dec. term. 1853. Tlie undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties of bis appointment at his office ill Towanda boro' on Saturday, the .'list dav of October, A. 1). 1857. ato'clock, A. M., when and where all persons interested are requested to present their claims or bo forever debarred from anv share of said fund. Sept. 28.15.57. P. I). MORROW, Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— HaIt A Russell _i-X vs. I. /.. vV it. 1,. iMmorrujc. In the Common Pleas of Bradford County, No. 176, .May term, 15.57. Tiie uiidcrsigued. Auditor, appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale oi* tlie real estate of defendant, will attend to the duties of bis appointment at his offii e in the borough of Towanda, oil Saturday the 31st day of October, 1857, at 2 o'clock in tlie afternoon, at which time and place ail persons interested are required to present their claims or else lie forever debarred from said fund. Sept. 28, 18,57. P. 1). MORROW, Auditor. CIIERI EE'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry kJ writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ol Bradford County, and to nie directed, will be t-xponed to public salenii THURSDAY,the 2i>lb of OCTOBER, A. P., 1857, at 1 o'clock, I*. M., at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, the fol lowing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in liidgbury twp., Bradford co. t bounded north by lands of Alexander Stevens and lands in posses-ion of Columbus Burt, east by land of said Columbus Burt, south by lands of J. B. Wilkinson and B. F. Buck, south west by lands of Vin cent and Alexander Stevens. Containing about fifty acres more or less, all improved,one'tliree story trained tavern house, one plank house, an old framed house, two framed barns and an orchard of l'ruit trees thereon ; ex cepting therefrom about six and a half acres of land known a-the miil lot. devised in a sheriff's deed from John A. Codding, Sheriff, to David Hurt. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hector Owens vs. David Hapeinan. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff"s Office. Sept. 2'b 1857. Sheriff. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—Uy virtue of ail order of the < >i plums' < ,'ourt of Br. diord Coun ty. will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATURDAY, tlie 24th day of October, 15."7, at 1 o'clock, P. M..the following described property, late the estate of Henry Silde, deceased, of Merrick township :—A certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the townships of Rome and SI edteqirin, and bounded and described nsfol lows, to wit: On the north by !:ind o John Crowicy and Oscar Young, ea-t by lands of Michael Coffner, Patrick I rowlcy and Solomon Kimicr, south by lands of Stephen Dickens and lauds formerly owned iv Jeremiah Kilmer, and west by lauds of Wiiliam Stephenson. Containing one hundred and .-event} -ix acres, about ninety thereof improved, with a framed house, a framed bam, a log Lou e, a v.'ogon bouse and a large : pple on hard thereon. Also, will be exposed to .-ale at the name time a lot ul household furniture. ANN A SI BEL, PARKER SI BEL, Sept/28, 1857 i Executors. \ I) MIXISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice jt\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of MARK if. CHEENMA.N, dee'd. late of Canton, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all prr-miis having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. CHARLES STOCK WELL, JOHN VANDYKE,^Jr. Canton, Sopt. 21, 15.",7. Administrators. A ILMIMSTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice _LjL is hereby gi\en, that ail persons indebted to tbe estate of M M. B. RKIFSKVDKR. dee'd, late of Albany two, are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands again-t said estate are requested to present tncui dulv authenticated for settle ment. MARY REIFSNYDER, September 21, 1857. Administrators. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE— By virluo of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty, wiil lie exnnsed to puidic sale upon tbe premises, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1857. at 2 n,clock, P. M.. the following lot. piece or panel of land situate in Asylum township, late the estate of Samuel C. Quick, dccrased, and bounded and described as follows : On the north by lands of Paul Quick, west by the lands of Cornelius Quick, south by lands of Riley Quick, James tlambic and Joseph (ramble, ami 011 the east by the public highway leading from James (lambic's to Paul Quick's. Contain ing about 11(5 acres, about !H1 acres improved, 2 frame barns and I com house thereon erected—being the same land which the said Cornelius Quick conveyed by deed to the said Samuel C. Quick. Terms made known 011 the day ot sale. CORNELIUS QUICK, Sept. 30. 18.57. Administrator. A EDITORS' NOTICE.—/'W/vS Forrcl ly in the tine of John Me Mrhnn •*. Malihew Mr- Mohon. In the Common l'leas of Bradford Co. No. 251, Sept.Term, ls.ili. The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute the funds raised by SlieritTsale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at tbe ollice of D. A. Overton, in Towanda.on Saturday .Use 14th of November, A. D. 18.57, at nine o'clock in the forenoon, when and where ail persons having claims are requested to present them, or be forever debarred therefrom. Oct, 13, 18&7. G. D. MONTANA E. Auditor. The Banks have Suspended! BUT GUTTENBURG ROSENBAUM &. Co. Arc just opening a full assortment of ill AND HEADY MADE CLOTHING. 1710R THE KAIJ, TRADE, which they wiil sell at New York prices. Our motto is '• Qua k sales and small profits. THE LADIES will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the goods they need. Our shelves and drawers are crowded with articles for (heir use. X\Ycull special attention to our new styles of FANCY SILKS, the tine-t the market affords. SHAXVI.S. Bay state and cha-h mere, of all sizes and qualities. LADIES' 1)15 ESS GOODS* French, English ami American Merinos, jdaid and striped DeLanes, plain and figured Alapaecas. in fact everything usually kept in Dry floods store-. First-rate calico at t! cents per yard, good muslin at 5£ cents. A line assortment ot BONNETS, laulies' Collars, Underslecves, Handkerchiefs, 1-accs, Cloves, Embroider ies, Hoiserv, . The receipt for making this rare nudi.ine, was f Mothers are this day blessing the hour iu which they lirst applied Hie COOf) SWISS SALVE. SALT RHEUM and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapidly cures by striking at the root o ' the disease an . drawing tlie humors to the surface. Ii SKVKK UKU US TUUM IN w.vno.' Under ail eircuin-tan -es of the cu-e IT IS S AFE! Good Swiss Salve cures Felons. Good Swiss Salve cures Piles. Good Swiss Salve cures Burns. Ootid Swiss Salve cures Bruises. Good Swiss Salve cures Flesh Wounds. Good Swiss Salve cures Toothache. IX SHI K-r. Wherever Pain or In tarnation exist, apply the GOOl> SWISS SALVE, and you w ill find relief. 4" This Salve is put up in LARGER IJUXES than Ointment in general, at 25 i ts. It is also put up in large Cliiua pots, for the accommodation of Families and those who use it for Fever Sores where several boxes may be required, as it is one half cheaper. A pot holds 8 boxes and sells for one dollar. Hundreds of families keep it in this convenient, form as a necessary household article. A. E. if iusAH v, Ithaca. N. V., sole proprietor. Sold by .1. KINGSBURY, Towanda, I'a. SOEJE iIYEj ! CI OTTSLOI'FE IS THE INVENTOR OF the cele brated ALPINE EVE BALSAM, which lias gained such wonderful reputation throughout Europe and the United States. It is extracted;troin plants taken direct tnuu the ALPINE MOUNTAINS,and prepared by'Br. lleiiidrieli Gotteloffe. a native of Beriie, Switzerland", and for many years Professor in the Berne Institute, now a resident of the U. S. This Balsam is superior to any other eye medicine, be it salve or water. It is a safe and CEKTAIX TO SK for ail IXFLAMATIONS, PUEMATt'AE FAH.I II.: in- StiitiT, NIGHT BLINUNBSS. BU R on FIU, PAIX ON Exinst'HK TO LIGHT, &C.. and always makes a qiiCK cure. THY IT! It is recoineiided by all druggists and Physicians who have become acquainted with its vir tues. g j Each bottle bears liis written signature.— Price 25 cents. A. E. Barnaby, Ithaca, General Agent. Sold by J. King-bery. Towanda, Pa. IT. FOX TS NOW RECEIVING a larjre stock of JL FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at as low prices us the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of the City of New York. .T. M'l NTOSH, DENTIST, thanks the community for thege —-—' nerous treatment he has received for the past eight years, and promises to exert himself in future as he has never done before to deserve their confidence. Hereafter no work will leave his hands that will not compare favorably with the lie 4 style of city dentistry. in connection with thanks, he begs to say, that the im mediate payment of plate work will be a necessity. A good lit is a most difficult object to be attained without having paid for the plate. It is trie that a poor tit can be had whether paid for or not, but the responsibility Is not in the least impaired with him, if the work is paid for perhaps the opposite. It is mightily offensive to be >us pc ted of a deliberate attempt to gouge. He will under tajte to do nothing beyond his skill to accomplish. Per sons who do not wish to employ him until they find the plate is " going to do," are unformed that he docs ui t de sire to be so employed. He can point to as large a num ber of good tits as any dentist can of equal business ; and —if lie does say it—to a great many in >rc arti .tieally ar ranged cases. If wh it he lias done, cannot be taken as a sufficient guarantee, tlie choice of another dentist will never be a subject of complaint by him. T'ovanda. September Is, 1.557. To All Concerned. ipHE Subscribers 7 liabilities are such that they will ei x ther be obliged to sell the .1 i.dginents anil Notes they hold against their customers, or enforce collection. We hope our friends will not drive us to such an alternative. An eariv attention to this notice is requested. Aug. "in. is;,7. MONTANYES. FOR S^VR.I:. TUK well-known and well-established CAR IMAGE MANUFACTORY situated on Main st JB|f fchi the south i>urt >i' the Borough ol Towanda. II i A ls>, the Smith Simp. Timber i I ou-e and Burn the same lot, and .-lock of Timber on hand. Also, HOUSE AND LOT adjoining the shuj> lot. #"The whole will he sohl cheap for ready pay. For terms apply to the subscriber at liis residence on the pre mises. N*. 15. The subscriber has on hand some \J flood or > 1 sou worth of CARRIAGES, olOj-% different kinds, hirh he wiil sell on reason al.le terms for ready payor approved credit. Towanda, Aug. 1. IK.i7JRt G. 11. DRAKE. I EXTRACTS fur flavoring, for saie chettj) -1 at FOX'S. /lASII PAID FOR BEEF HIDES, AND VJ SHEEP PELTS AND FOBS. at No. 2. Patton's Block. augl7 WM. A. ROCKWELL. I IST OF LETTERS remaining in the l' f Office at Towanda, ijuaster ending Sept. 30, 1*57. Ablen Erastus Met'onley John Allen N'r (Teacher) Mclntire Jamca Adams Goo (1 Marsh XVm Alderman of Sugartown Morley Lucy A Miss Brown I! Mitchell Ann Mrs Beaumont Joseph Morris Leonard Brown Lyman J Morton S Bailey Andrew M ihony Patrick Berry Kphruim Morrow A 1 Burke l'atriek Murray ('apt F.d Bailey Jeremiah Met man Win Brownson XX" N Ma grow Dennis Brown Clarissa Mrs Martin XV A 2 Chase Orange Xlrs Moon Mary Miss Cowles Sheiden S Moore Xniiela Mrs Cameron Charles II Nixon Tims A 3 Conellv David Xaglee S C Clarke Isaac Xestcl Pamelia Mrs Dilcer Charles Northrop Chester N Divine John 4 O'Brien Thomas Deegan Thomas Pratt Jamee It Dodge It T Preston Charles A Davidson (!eo I, Pbehtn Patrick Dilzer Nicholas Picket Morris Dorsev XVm 2 Payne Francis Miss Doulker Martin Peterson John 15 Danville XV A Pinner Bell Miss Purand XVarren Patterson Survilla Davis Frank II l'estnrd Parmelia Evan J B Piatt Charles Fitch Sarah L Mrs Padgett l'hocbe E Fords Petveptnr Phillips Goodrich F. O. Quade Mary Mi> 2 Gnver Emanuel Reed J M 2 (tillniore Andrew M. Hay John Could Illiilander Robinson Ellen Miss Harder C. F. ltr-eiicrantz Porter Hnhtrnat" James Robinson Charles Heralmn Micheal Bounds Horton Win. Shortell Robert 2 Hurley John Shannon James 3 Ha wiey James Swrrth A Son Ingerson J M Miss Smith James 11 Jones A It Shannon Michael Kintntn Michael Smith Riley Keeler II A Mrs 2 Solomon diaries Kingston Samuel Steel Mrs l.ydia Kimble XV II Simpson Mrs XV (5 Keeler J <5 Smith Mrs S King Samuel Shark XX'alter B Enwshe It L Swazey Charles I.une Sandy Schlatter M 1 Miss Eiidwig Prof E A 4 Scliooimver Daniel Lemon Miiliacl Swain Eunice Miss liong John F 2 Warren M Lee Flora Miss XVood Peter Lynch Michael 2 Shipman A XX'heeler Miller John XVatkins A Harrison Monahan Daniel XVolf Hiram McMahon Dinces XVeicii Patrick Melany This Yaw Hiram Mcalling XX'illiam 2 H. B. McKEAX. p. M. XvS'Persojis calling for letters in this list will please say they arc advertised. 1 EATIIKR.—A nexv supply of Sole Leatli _lJ or, Cow Hide, Kip and Calf Skin, at No. 2. Patton's Block. ang2% XVM. A. ROCKWELL. _ I^STRAY. —Broke into the end"- -i sure of the subscriher. about the middle of August, one ItED COW. about 15 y"" - .f\ ,V old ; the owner is requested to come forward and prove property, pav charges and take her away. Burlington. Aug.. 17. 1857. J. J. IIAIGH.T. O ALT FOR THE TABLE and Dairy for LA sale cheap by Towanda, July 28, 1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL. ftliscdlaiuone. l'liilack'lplua Advertisements, FROM JOHN A. RIDDLE, At Mercliaut'a Hotel, North -iU st., Philadelphia. TO THE MKRCHBNTS OK THE WEST AND NORTH WEST : PIILADELI'MI.V MARKET being easily accessible, your Attention is raifid to ft. as possessing facilities ami advantages, n rtby of your consideration. Among its mivautages may l>- enumerated its location, having shorter lines of cujtiiatiuiciitiuit to the interior, its proximity to tin- iron and Anthracite Owl districts of iViinsvlvmiiu. the large anil varied extent of its iiuiiiubo torcs. being lar in advance of any otter city iuthe Untied States, tlse moderate necessary tor carrying on business, Ac. Ti.e market ;as esses unrivalled advantage* for the sale of mm■ v kinds of produce, such n- Flour, Wheat, Barley. Wool, flutter, Cheese, Ac., while the charges incident to sales and attendant rtpen-rs, use More WAiuMte tluul neighboring seaborii markets. JAMES, KEXT, SAXT EE & CO.. Jm porters null Jobbers of FOREIGN A IHiSHCSTIC DRV Citil>l >ij, No. 22b and all North 3d street, above Race. It ( 'XX. It A f(; ('EL 4- CO., Impcrrters of MHTIM! Guu of tin* trade is called to tiie-c goods as being equal,iu quality and tinish to any made. E. ITATJ. OGDEX- Philadelphia Mallea ble Iron Works, corner of oth and JefTbr-on Stircts : Waii'boiisp 307 Arch st., above third. Manufacturer ol GENERAL and SADDLERY HARDWARE and MAL LEABLE am! FINE'GREY IRON CASTINGS. MA XV J/ESTER SCALES, IIAY, COM.. COUNTER. WAREHOUSE, WHEELBAR ROW. fIOI.MNT. MILL. R VILLI)AD SCALES of im proved pat: rn- and superior quantities, WARRANT ED .SUPERIOR in quality and finish to ony other scales ID de. Wareli ', Xo. 25, X. ijth street, GEO. W. CO LEV, Agent. anl:/; .v s KE \ s TONE HE A TER AXI> RANGE.—The Heater has nn equal in this coun try—is all ca.-t iron, and will create .40 per cent, more heated air with the same amount of iuel, than any oth er furr.a< ein u-e. Tiie Range has two ovens that bake uniformly at the same time. These inventions have no equal in the market. Rights fur sale fur all sections of the Union. FIT HI AN, JONES A CO., Importers ami Jobbers in BRITISH and AMERICAN' DRV GOODS, 215 Market, through to 204 Church Alley, ti mouths credit for approved Xotes. TOWA N D A lOTAILE MMMT. THE MISSES HAXSOX respectfully inform the public that the scholastic, year will commence MONDAY, SEPTEMBER It. continuing to July It. Mis- O. D. HAXSOX will have the general superinten dence of the school, assisted in Mn-ic bv Miss REBECCA I>. HAXSOX. and in French hv Miss EMM A HANSON. Thankful for the patronage already extended to them, they lag leave to assure those entrusting their daughters in their charge, that every effort will lie made to deserve the eou'iflenec ami favor of their patrons. The school year will consist of four quarters, of eleven weeks each. The summer vacation eAniniemntig in July, and ending in September. A recess of a few days will be taken at the holidays. , Weekly reports will he sent to the parents, who aro requested to sign ami return them. We cii'i promise no improvement unless a scholar la regui.u and punctual tu attendance. TKItStS, I'KK Qt'AItTEH : First C/ i** —To include-the elementary English 1 4( . brandies, and the study of the laitiu language, f * ' Second Class —To include the more advanced stu-1 dies of the English branebfs.with Mathematics. • $9 00 and the study of Latin and French.. ) Third Class -To iuelude Mathei.ia'ic-. Mental) and Moral Philosophy. Rhetoric. Botany, Ac.. sl2 PO with Isitiii and French.. Hat h pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There will be no extra charge whatever. Mrsic—lnstruction on the Piano, with u=e of instru inent. will be given by Miss UKHKCCA I>. HANSON, at *lO per quarter. Boarding for young ladies ran be obtained iti private families at reasonable rates. Pupils from a distance will receive tlir especial,care of the teachers. Tin y beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men : —Rt. Rev. A I,n\z.o I'OTTKK. Bishop of the Diocese of penn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. M AOLKAS, President of the College of New Jersey. lion. D.\v;i> Wtt.MoT, G. P. MASON. 0. L. WAKI>, JUN F. MKANS, D. F. BAKSTOW, H. S. M intern, O. D. BAKT LKIT. E. O. (kwWUCH, WM. C. 800 CUT, Towanda. THE TRUTH AROUT KANSAS I GOV. GEARY'S Administration in Kansas ! Large 12mo. 154S pages. \TTiTII A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE TKRRI \ V TORY, until June. H57. Embracing a full account of its discovery, Geography, Soil, Climate, Products, its organization as a Territory, transactions and events un der Governors Reeder and Shannon, political dissensions. Personal Recounters, Election frauds, battles and outra ges with Portraits of prominent nctors therein, all fully authenticated. By JOliX H. GIIIO.X. M- D-. Private Secretary to Gov. Geary. Carefully compiled front the Ollirui documents on file in the iU.partiiie.ut of State at Washington and other papers in the _ possession of the Autiior. with full account of the invasion of Kansas front I Missouri: the capture, trial and treatment of the Free State prisoners, the character and movements of the Mis souri Border Ruffians, the murder of RufTuiu and others.. The controversy between Governor Geary and Judge la compte. The proceedings of the Territorial Legislature, of the pro-slavery convention, and the organization fi| the National Democratic Party, with a sketch of Kae during its early troubles under Governors lie.-' Shannon, its invasions, butties, outrages and „ -n A copy will be sent to any part of the ','nited by mail, free of postage, on the receipt ol - ' . oi ', \ Price in rloth. fl HO. Paper. 50 r j s r K, iSv^ : K luhcr ' lßquircr ™SS$£ House furnishing goods.-- iw ble and single fob,', worsted and linen and worsted a imaaks. moreens, cotton damasks,bicacßed and unbleadi cd table brum*, Marsaiic, toilet covers, and a va rietv of other trued* lu tab lint. Jrtat ic'ceivd by 1 POiVELIs,