Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 08, 1857, Image 3

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    MUSICAL CONVENTION.—A Musical Conven
tion will be held at Athens, commencing on
the 20th iust., to be under the direction of
l'rof. T. J. COOK of New York, to continue
three days and close with a Grand Concert.—
The conventions held at this place have satis
tied our singing commnnity, thnt no better
means can be employed for improvement, the
cultivation of a correct style, and the dissemina
tion of taste. We have no donbt this will
prove an equally pleasant and profitable re
ing yeoman's service in his canvass of the
< ta te. During the past wetk he has spoken
in Indiana, Johnstown, Clearfield, Bellefoute,
Lewistown, Mifflin and Duncannon, and
everywhere the meetings have been large and
spirited, and he has made hosts of friends.—
\ fine feeling prevails, and every day his pro
spects of election are brightening. If the
Kastern and Southern counties but do their du
ty his election will be certain.
l*p then to work ! and let every friend of
human freedom, every opponent of Locofoco hi* whole duty. l)ou't be deceived by the
• wolves in sheeps clothing," who are election
eering for the straight-out ticket. Remember
that every vote cast for that ticket is a vote
vast indirectly for the Locofoco candidates.—
Xo true American, therefore, who desires the
defeat of Locofocoism, can thus cast his vote,
and retain his consistency. Let there be,
then, a united energetic and determined rally
for the UNION TICKET, and victory will
perch upon our banner. "Up Guards, and
at them !"'— Harrisburg Telegraph.
Ilsrißi-icANs, LOOK HERE !—Maine, New
Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, lowa, j
and Minnesota, have all held their elections;
since the Presidential contest. Every one of .
them ha:- sustained its position as a Republi-,
can State by decided majorities. The next t
trial conies on in Pennsylvania; and if this
can be won to the side of Freedom, the j
battle of 1860 will be already fought and won. 1
House ap, then, for a united effort in behalf
of the State ticket. To falter now is to peril
vvervthifig. Those who take one step back
wards in an hour when everything depends on
our constancy and firmness will sow the seeds
of repentance and earn for themselves a har
vest of reproaches.
In Wvah.-ing. on the Oth hist., bv Rev. S. F. Coit, L. M.
FTKWITTtoKiss bAR.iII A."INGHAM, al! oi" that
!:i I'r.uA'bi. on the 30th ultimo, bv Bun- Ridgwav. Esq.,
JOHN LKXi/to Mtss SI'SAN PRICE, both of Ulster.
U. Rev. John G. ftnliin, in Warren. September 2ft,Mr.
'Li M \X C. IIIXE to MLss ANNA "CHAFFEE, both of
fb the same, in Orwell. Oct. 1. A. H.M'ROUTS. Esq.. of
Allured Rocks, Lycoming Co., to Miss R. A.COWLKS
c< Orwell.
In I.cTaysville, mi Sunday the 27th ult.. R.VYXSFORD
P.AiLEY. of the firm of I). Bailey & Son, in the 32d
year of his age. •
This sad treat, occurring as it his in the very midst of
a "lite of active and more extending usefulness, has spread
universal gloom aud sadness over the entire community.
Universally esteemed for his many excellent anil virtu
ous qualities of mind ami heart, every acquaintance will
have to feel yet more and more the loss they have sus
—But there are no words to convey an adequate idea
of the loss to the liereaveil wife and intaut daughters,
the mourning father and surviving partner *aul the in
e u-u!a!i!e mother, brothers and sister-. As * hit-band
ami father, ever devoted, kind and considerate—as a son
aii'i brother, afii i ti inately filial and warmly attached.—
I mirioa.-iajr fij. career of life when quite young, by an
a<-tiw participation in his father's bit a iocs-, ami by an
intense application and ronstant devotion to his duties,
M-i .iudial by an amount of natural talent and acquired
ski;! si' Mom combined in one individual, he had secured
a uniformity of suer-ess seldom attained in a business of
su"h eeiupii atid character. The urbanity of his tuan
j tier,strict attention to every minute detail of business,
j idau accommodating spirit, he had iu an eminent de
kree oi.taused the esteem aud lore of all with whom lie
tel so acquaintance. His death is felt to be an irrepara
ble , >-s to this community.
NCUJ AimcrtiscmoUs.
()HPHAN'S COURT SALE.— By virtue
A " -if an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford c.oun
gv. will )*. exposed to public sale upon the premises, on
U'.bVPAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1857, at 2 o.clock. P. M.. the
pllowiaglot, piece or parcel land situate in Asylum
t .vp.shij.. late the estate of Satnael C. Quick, deceased,
P' l bounded and described as follows : On the north by
pairis of Paul Quick, west by the lands of Cornelius
K ! <.' k spiith by lands of Rilev Quick, Jaiues Gamble and
W"-i;iii <taiublc, aud on the east by the public highway
f adiue tr<ini James Gamble's to Pae.l Quick's. Cuntniii
b'g aGiut 116 acres, about I*o acres improved, 2 frame
juras and 1 corn house thereon erected—being the same
Ls ! which the said Cornelius Quick conveyed by deed to
j -ai.i Samuel C. Quick. Terms made known on the
lay uf saie.
30. i-:>7. Administnrf
T IS! OF LETTERS rem;tiniii{r in the Fort
Office at Towanda, quanter ending Sept. 31), l-> 57.
• ;U n Erastus McConley John
U.-:i.\r (Teacher) M'-Intlre"James
Maai- Geo G Marsh Wm
Merman of Kugartown .M>rlev Lnrv A Miss
K'-'-vii P. ~ Mitchell Ann Mrs
B- Jumont Joseph Morris Leonard
sr'wn l.vnian J Morton S
sidy Andrew Mahony Patrick
■••irry F.phraim Morrow A
L' .e Patrick Murray Capt Ed
' c-y Ji-rem:all Meltnun Win
,i"*nson TV X" Magrow Dennis
r ova i larissa Mrs Martin W A 2
'-<■"( range Mrs Moon Mary Miss
"•esSheldeu K Moore Amiela Mrs
■ ciieicn Charles 11 Nixon Thos A 3
smelly David Xaglee S V
■arke Uaac Xestel Pametia Mrs
• n < harlea Northrop Chester N
f ' l ' ''J 111 4 O'Brien Thomas
eegan lhoiuas Pratt Jamee R
> 1 Preston' Charles A Geo
Geo L Pbelan I'atriek
o-r .Nicholas Picket Morris
>rnn7 . 3 Payne Francis Miss
sixer Martin Peterson John B
■■ nviii e \y a Pinner Bell Miss
b, "!- a , rrco Patterson Survilla
~'" aa k H Pestard Pat melia
I'latt Charles
Vh" o' '' rs Padgett Ph>Ebe E
A j . efceppir Phillips
"' '""ti F. O. Quade Mary Miss 2
v U r Lmanuel Reed .1 M 2
fjAXndrew M, Ray John
[ ar ,i,. Robinson Ellen Miss
urn " r Krsenerantz Porter
ff" ■'ynrs Robinson Charles
I Mioheal Rounds
E®" • Khortell Robert 2
r\ John Shannon James 3
,denies Swrrth & Son
I* '"'i-j M Miss Smith James II
Shannon Michael
Smith Riley
B , 1 A Mrs 2 Solonmn Charles
„i . ?,, a ® ue l . Steel Mrs Lydia
i r H Simpson Mr 4 W G
;a r< J * . S-niih Mrs s
uvOio t?"f Shark Walter B
me a „a Swazey Charles
iilwic t> rr. Schrader M 1 Miss
JffEi 4 Kchoonover Daniel
>ti2 J Swain Eunice Miss
Johnif 3 Warren M
mS i? ?- Wood Peter
flier r!k 3 Shlpmaa A Wheeler
laahLn n • i Watkins A Harrison
re 1 Wolf Hiram
(Sat tm " nce * Welch Patrick
ejhiL wm- Vaw Hiram
ri"' a ® n 3 H. B. McKEAN, P. M-
J l^rtreta 8 Icrt<rs iu lhis Ust w ' please
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of
CoißTrton Pleas ot Ihad/ord Connty, and to me directed,
will be exposed to pul/iie sale.on THURSDAY,the 2fttli
of OCTOBER. A. *., 1857, at 1 o'clock. P. M.. at
the Court House, hi the borough of Towanda, the fob
lowing lot, piece of parcel of land situate in Ridgbnrv
twp.. Bradford co.. bounded north by lands of Alexander
Stevens and lands in possession* of Columbus Burt, ca-t
by land of said Columbus Burt, south by lands of J. B.
Wilkinson and B. F. Buck, south west by lands of Vin
cent an.l Alexander Stevens. Containing about fifty
acres more or less, all improved, one three story framed
tavern house, one plank house, an old framed house, two
framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon ; ex
cepting therefrom about six and a half acres of land known
as the mill lot. devised in a-'sherifl's deed from John A.
Codding, Sheriff, to David Burt.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hector
Owens vs. David Hageman.
Sheriff's Office. Sept. 2ft, 1857. Sheriff.
of ail order of the Orphans' Court of Bn dford Coun
ty. will tie expo.- Ed to public sale, on the premises, on
SATURDAY, the 21th day of October, 1857. at 1 o'clock,
P. M.. the following deecrilied property, late the estate of
Henry Sible, deceased, of Hcrrick township :—A certain
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the townships of
Rome and Si ehequiu, and bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit: On the north by lands of John Crowley and
Oscar Voting, east by lands of Michael, Patrick
Crowley and Solomon Kinner, south by lands or Stephen
Dickens and lands formerly owned If Jeremiah Kilmer,
and West by lands of William Stephenson. Containing
one hundred and seventy-six acres, about ninety thereof
improved, with a framed house, a framed barn, a log
house, a wagon house anil a large apple orchard thereon.
Also, will be exposed to sale at the sanii time a lot of
household furniture.
Sept. 2s, 1857. Executors,
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter „f
-L\. the relate of Owen Carr, deceased. In the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to
distribute money in the hands of the Admini-trator of the
above e.-tate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at the office of D. A. Overton iu the borough of Towanda,
on Thursday, the 2ftth day of October, 1857, at 2 o'clock,
P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must
present thein, or else be forever debarred from the same.
Sept* '-' s > 1857. D. A. OVERTOP', Auditor.
\ EDITOR'S NOTICE.—/. U. Ransom
-BjL 4* Co. vs. S. F. Washburn and C. H. rimes. In
Brad. Common Pleas. No. lifts, Sept. terra, 18.7 ft.
Also, Gilbert Prentiss & Tuttle vs. same. In Bradford
Common Pleas, No. 200, Dec. terra, 18.73.
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by aid Court to
distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant's
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
his office in Towanda horo' on Saturday, the 31st day of
October. A. D. 1857. at ft o'clock. A. M.. when and where
all persons interested are requested to present their claims
or lie forever debarred from an v -hare of sa'ul fund.
Sept. 28.U-77. P.P. MORROW, Auditor.
A vs. I. [.. 4- //. L. Lninoreu.r. In the Common Pleas
of Bradford County, No. 17ft, May term, 1857.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate
a#defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his offii-e iu Die borough of Towanda. on Saturday the
31st day of October. 15.77, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at i
which time and place all persons interested are required !
to present their claims or else be forever debarred from said |
Sept. 28, 1857. P. D. MORROW. Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of j
J\ the estate of Jlfitrcvs Terrell, dte'd. In the Or- !
plains' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to 1
distribute money in the hands of the \dininistnunr of this j
ertatc. wi'l attend to the duties Of his appointment at hi.- ;
office in the borough of Towanda on Friday, the .Iftth of
Oct.. 15.77. at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims
upon said money must present them, or else lie forever
debarred from the -.tine. P. D. MORROW,
September 29, Auditor.
i l is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of MINER GRAVES, late 'if Ridgherry tunn
-hip, dec'il., are reque-ted to make payment without de
lay : and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present theiu duly authenticated for settlement.
September 25.1857. Administratrix.
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in- \
J.A debted to the estate of SILAS TITUS, deceased, j
late of Herrii k township, are hereby notified that pay
ment must tie made without delay, aud all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to present them
July authenticated for settlement.
September 26,1857-. Execntor.
CIATION.—The next regular meeting of the Brad- j
ford C'ountv Teachers' Association will be he'd iu TROY, I
on FRIDAY. OCTOBER 0, at 11 o'clock. A. M.
An Address will le ueliVr-rtid tie fore the Association by j
the Rev. S. F. COLT ; and an Essav read liy Miss E. P. i
September 2ft, 1857. Secretary. |
Tlie Banks have Suspended!
Are jc.-t opening a. full assortment of
'D 3- y x &
IX) R TIIE FALL TRADE, which they wiil sell at New
York prices. Our motto is " Quick sales and small
THE LATHES wiil find in onr assortment an endless
variety of all the goods they need. Our shelves arid
drawers are crowded with articles for their n-c. We call
special attention to our new styles of FANCY SILKS,
the finest the market affords. SHAWLS, Bay
state and chashmere, of all ' and qualities. LADIES'
DRESS GOODS, French, English ate! American Merinos,
plaid and striped DeLanes, plain and figured Abipaceas,
in fact everything usually kept in Dry Goods stores.
First-rate calico at G cents per yard, good muslin at 51
cents. A fine assortment of BONNETS . !„ul ; < -' Collar-,
Under sleeves, Handkerchiefs, Laces. Gloves, Embroider
ies, Hoisery. Ac.
OUR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is replete with fash
ionable goods ; Overcoats front $1 tos2o. business coats
from $3 to $l5, vests all price---, pants from #2 to $(!.
A general assortmont of underclothing, collars, Ac.
CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the
shortest notice.
Don't forget the place, in Patton's new block, corner
Bridge and Main streets.
Towanda, Sept-em Iter 30.1837.
nfc£p£sSheordia!!y thanks the community for thege-
nerous treatment he has received for the
past eight years, and promises to exert hinistll in future
as he has never li-me before to deserve their confidence.
Hereafter no work will leave his bauds that will not
compare favorably with the best -tyle of city dentistry.
In connection v. .at thanks, he begs to say, that the im
mediate payment of plate work will be a necessity. A
good fit i- a most difficult olgect to be attained without
having paid for the plate. It is true that a poor fit can
be had whether paid for or not, but the responsibility is
not in the least impaired with him. if the work is paid lor
perhaps the opposite. It is mightily offensive to lie sus
pected of a deliberate attempt to gouge. He will under
take to do nothing beyond his skill to accomplish. Per
sons who do not wish to employ liim until they tind the
plate is " going to do," are imfoVtncd that he does net de
sire to tie so employed. He can point to as large a num
ber of good tits as any dentist can of equal business ; and
—if he does say it—to a great many more artistically ar
ranged cases. If what lie has done, cannot be taken as
a sufficient guarantee, the choice of another dentist will
never be a subject of complaint by him.
Towanda. September 18, 1857.
To All Concerned.
riM[E Subscribers' liabilities are sucli that they will ci
.l tber lie obliged to sell the Judgments and Notes they
hold against their customers, or enforce collection. We
hope our friends will not drive us to such an alternative.
Au early attention to this notice is requested.
Aug. 19,1857. _ _ MQNTANYES.
_ _ THE well-known and well-established OAR
HI AGE MANUFACTORY situated on Main st
I!■'?>' n *"ith purt of the Borough of Towanda.
■ liiaqf Also, the Smith Shop, Timber House and Barn
on the same lot, and stock of Timber on hand.
Also. HOUSE AND LOT adjoining the shop lot.
wirThi- whole v. ill Ire sold cheap for ready pay. For
terms apply to the subscriber at his residence on the pre
N. B. The subscriber has on hand some vy
$l5OO or sl*oo worth of CARRIAGES, offrcv "jMyf
different kinds, which he will sell on reason
able terms for ready pay or approved credit.
Towanda, Aug, 1, 1807.m3 G. H. DRAKE.
1 EXTRACTS for flavoriug, for sale cheap
li at FOX'S.
SIIEEP I'ELTK AND FURS, at No. 2, Patton's
Jiiock. aug!7 w)l A. ROCKWELL.
ArkZ Prof. T. J. COOK, of New-York, will hold a
f af ATHENS, Bradford Co. Ra.. to
commence on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, ls r >
continue three days, and close with a GRAND
CONCERT. Admission to the whole coarse for Gentle
men, #l,OO ; Ladies, .70 cent*.
l'rof. COOK was recommended by Prof. I. B. Woon-
BI'RY , whose ill health would not permit him to accept
the cull of the Committee. Woodbury's Works will be
used, and furnished free of charge during the Convention.
Particular attention will be given to the development
and cultivation of the Voice, Execution, Reading in Mu
sic, and correct taste, all combining to make this a rare
opportunity for improvement iu, and enjoyment of, Vo
cal Music.
Pleasant accommodations at reasonable rates, have
been provided for those attending from a distance.
Further information relative to the Convention will be
cheerfully given on application by mail or otherwise to
I. X. EVANS, Secretary,
Or any of the Committee of Arrangements, C.T. Hci.L
W. 11. FUITCNER, W*. E. DI EUL, D. F. PARK, GUT/, B'
SPECIAL COURT.—Notice is hereby gi
yen that a Special Court of Common Pleas will tie
held in. and for the County of Bradford, commencing on
MONDAY, the Pith day of November next. at"lft o'clock
in the forenoon, at the Court House, in the borough ol
Towanda, and to continue one week, at which the Hon.
Robert G. White will preside, for the trial of the following
cases, to wit:—
Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphrey, Ejectment.'
C. L. DcChastclleuX vs. Jra Jennings, et al. Ejectment.
S. V. Shipmun vs. David Wilmot, Appeal.
A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kelluin. 2d, et. al., Ejectment.
Subpoenas made returnable ou Monday. Nov. id, 1857,
at 10 o'clock, A. M. ALLEN M'KEAN,
Proth \ Ottii-e. Sept. It, i 5.",7. Prothon.itary.
Q HEIIIFf'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
klj of Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed will he ex
posed to public sale at tire Court House, in the boro' of
Towanda, on FRIDAY, October 2d, 1857, at oue o'clock,
P. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in
Towanda Borongh. bounded north by land of Wni. B.
Dodge, east by land belonging to 11. S*. A- J. H. l'hinney,
south by land of Daniel Moody aud west by William st.,
being fifty feet front and running hack about one hundred
and twenty-five feet, more or less, all improved, with one
framed dwelling house and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of It. C. Smal
lev, now to use of J. H. Phinnev & Co.. vs. R. W. Smal
ler. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff.
Sheriff"s Office. Towanda. Sept. 17. 15.77.
Wl ANTED.— I wish to purchase 1 #O,OOO
V T feet of MAPLE SCANTLING 13 feet long, and
3£ inches squrtre. Any one wishing to make a contract
for any or all, can do so by calling at my Furniture Ware
Rooms in Towanda.
Sept. 1.7. 1-37. CHESTER WELLS. j
{j^STRAY. —Came to the enclosure of the
J Subscriber in Burlington township, about teu days
since. ,i DEEP RED STEER, about two years old with
small white spot under the belly. Tlic owiier is request- •
ed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away.
Bugington,Sept. 12.1857. PHILIP LALLEY. j
_\l o tax vi; s j
Are now receiving their Fall Stock of
Staple and Fancy Dry Goods.
3Suots k sljiifs, ?Ijop lcatjjrr,
II huh M ill be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices.
Cor. Public Square and Main st.
t. D. JIONTANYE, \ September s. 15.77 )r. n. MONTANYE. I
Just receiving at
W illia 111 A. Rockwell's Store,
MTo. St, Fatton's Elock.
Towanda, September ft, 15.77.
A. Trinimiiigs. Velvets, A<-.. at
Sept. 15,1857. WV. A. ROCKWELL'S.
MOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists fur the
. hair, at
Sept. 15,185 T. WM. A. R(tCK'VEI.L'S.
JT'NGLISH and Freneh Merinos, Del>;ige<,
Jj DeLaines. Aiapacea-. Thiis-t Cloth-, Shepherd's
I'iaid- (a new and fa-hioria hie article) Prints. Ginghams,
and in fact all kinds of Dry <1 tods may be had • bap at
Sept. 15,1857. WM. A. ROCkW ELLS,
V Ribbons and Gloves, expressly for the fall trade,
Belt Ribbon?- : al-o a in w -lock of Lues and Embroe
deries, set oi Collars and Sleeves, Ac., Ac., at
ssc,it. 15,1857. * W. A. ROCKWELL'S.
A NEW AND GENERAL assortment
j. V of Boots and Shoes, Cloths and Ca-simeres, and
everything in this line, lor sale by
Sept. 17, 15.77. W. A. ROCKWELL.
Yankee Notion-, Looking Glasses. Wooden Ware,
and evervthing vou want moy be found at the new store
of Sept. 15." 1857. " WM. A. ROCKWELL.
j' /' ft f ana a lot of Grind Stone Hangings, at
Sept. ft, 1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S.
NOTICE.—Notice la here-
J[ J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of Elijah Luekv. late of Shesh-quiii, dee'd, have been
granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them dulv attested for settlement.
Kept. 15, 185?. Executor".
A A js hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Clarissa Grace, late of .Spriuglie.i l twp . de--eased,
are requested to make payment without delay : and nil
persons having claims against said estate, must present
them duly authenticated, to tin subscriber.
Kept, l"., ls.'il. JOHN NORMAN, Administrator.
X3L is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of James 11. Morrow, late of Asylum ta p., dee'd. are
requested to make payment without delay: and all per
sons ha viug claims against said estate, must present them
duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber.
August 18, 1857. Administratrix.
i T large atid well selected stock of HOOTS AXO
SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we oiler at
extremely low prices for READY HAY, and invite the
public to eail and examine before purchasing elsewhere.
AS the Summer Season will e short, we have conclud
ed to make our
Usual Reduction of Trices, at Once!
Which we have been accustomed to do late in the season,
and in view ol this fact, we will sell our large stock of
DRY GOODS, <kc. dec.
Towanda. July 22,1857. COT. Main and Bridge Sts.
Adjoining the Borongh of Towanda,
Tor Sale at a GREAT BARGAIN!
4 T $25 an acre, for all cash down ;
J\ At $3O an acre for $3OOO down and balance in 3 years.
At $35 an acre for $2OOO down and balance in 5 years.
At $lO an acre for $lOOO down and balance in 7 years.
The farm contiiius 200 acres with a good House and
barn, and an orchard of choice fruit on it. It is well wa
tered with permanent springs conveniently distributed
over it. About one half of it is cleared, and every acre
of it is good tillable land. It could be advantageously
divided so as to suit two or more persons wishing farms
of less size.
My daughter has fifty acres adjoining it which she
would also sell.
Towanda, July 21,1857. W. PATTON.
June 4, 1857 I'OX S.
YI7ANTED.— Butter and Eggs, and all
v v kiuds of country produce, bv
Towanda, July '.'8,1857. WJJ. A- ROCKWELL.
_ m ;
Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth.
Rcsdvcd by the Senate and House of Representatives
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Genervl As
emblymet : That the following amendments are propos
ed to the constitution of the commonwealth, in accor
dance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof.
There shall be an additional article to said constitution
to be designated as article eleven, as follows :
SECTION 1. The state may coutiact debts, to supply
casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expeii
j -es not otherwise provided for ; but the aggregate amount
i of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted
| by virtue of one <>r more acts of the general assembly, or
l at different periods of time, shall neverexceed seven iinn
| dred and fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising
I from the creation of such debts, shall lie applied to the
] purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts
so contracted, and to no other purpose whatevee.
SECTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the
state may contract debts to rept-1 invasion, suppress in
surrection, defend the state iu war, or to redeem the pre
sent outstanding indebtedness of the state : but the mo
ney arising from the contracting of ,-uch debts, shall be
applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to re
! pay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever.
SECTION 3. Except the debts above sped tied, in sec
tions one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall
be created by, or on behalf of the state.
SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the present
debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the
; legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of
; this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall lie
I sufficient to pay the accruing interest oa such debt, and
, annually to reduce tbe principal thereof by a iiin not
less than two hundred and fty thousand dollars; which
| sinking fund shall consist ot the net annual income of
j the public works, from time to time owned by the state,
j or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part
thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stoi
j owned by the state, together with other funds,or resonr-
I cos. that may be designated bylaw. The said sinking
: fund may lie increased, from time to time, by assigning
to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the state,
' not required fur tbe ordii ary and current expenses of
| government, and unless in case of war. invasion or Insur
rection, no pert of the said sinking fund shall be used or
I applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public
; debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the
.-urn ot five millions of dollars.
SECTION 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not
in any manner, or event, he pledged, or loaued to, any
individual, company, corporation, or association ; m,r
shall the commonwealth hereafter become u joint owner,
or stockholder, in any company, association, or corpora
SECTION C. The commonwealth shall not assume the
debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough,
or township ; or of auv corporation, or association; un
less such debt shall have been contracted to enable the
state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection,
defend it sell in time of war, or to as.-ist the state in the j
discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. j
SECTION 7. The legislature shall not authorize any :
county, city, borough, township, or incorporated district, !
by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to be- j
come a stockholder iu any company, association, or cor- ;
poration : or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, 1
any corporation, association."institution, or party.
| Th'-rc shall lie an additional article t<> said constilvtiun i
} to he designated as article Xil, as follows :
; No county shall he hivided hy a line catting off over I
| one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county j
| or otherwise.) without the express assent of such couu
j ty, by a vote of the electors thereof ; nor shall any new ,
1 county he established, containing less than lour hundred
i square miles.
From section two of the tirst article of the constitution
! strike out the words, " of the city of Philudeldhia, and j
lof each county respectively from section live, same ar-
I tide, strike out the words, " of Philadelphia and of the
\ several counties;" from section seven, same article,
j strike out the woids, " neither the city of Philadelphia
nor any" and insert in lieu thereof the words," and no
and strike out." sect.em four, same article," and in lien '
thereof insert the following :
; " Sk'CTinN t. in the year one thocsand eight handn d j
and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep- '
j re.-eutatives to the number of one hundred, shall be ap- I
! portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, '
j by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in- j
habitants in the several parts thereof; except that any I
i county containing at le: st three thousand the hundred
'■ taxables. may be allowed a seperate n presentation ; but
J no more than three counties shall be joined, and no coun
ty shall be divided, in the formation of a district. Any
! city containing a snlli dent number of taxables to entitle
it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate
: representation assigned it. and .-luill be divided into con
: venieut districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxa
ble population as near as may be, each of which districts
shall elect one representative."
! At the end of-(l'M'ui i". eu. same art 1.1.-, insert these
• word.-. " the city of Philadelphia .shall he divided into sin- |
! Cr'c senatorial districts, of and ipnou* territory as nearly j
•■anal in taxable population as possible ; but no u-ard !
shall be die de l in the formation thereof."
; The legislature, at its first session, alter the adoption
' of this amendment, -hall divide the city of Philadelphia
! into senatorial and representative districts, in the man
ner above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged
! until the apportionment in the year one thousand eight
hundred aud sixty-four.
' There shall be an additional section to the first article
| of said constitution, which shall be numbered and read
as follows :
Section 20. The legislature shall have the power to al
ter. revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation here
j after conferred by. or under, any special, or general law,
whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citi
zens of the commonw alth ; in such manner, however,
that no injustice shall be done to the corporators.
IN SENATE, March 27.3837.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, yeas 34, nays 7 ; on the second amendment,
yeas 23, nays 8 ; on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays
4 ; On the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4.
[Extract from the Journal.]
April 23, 1*57.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, yeas 18, nays 12 : on the second amendment
yeas 57, nays 54 : on the third amendment, yeas 72, nays
22 ; on the fourth amend incut. yeas s;i, nays 7.
[Extract from the Journal.]
JACOB <4l EG LEU, Clerk.
Filed in Secretary's office, May 2. 1857.
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
HAHKISHURO, June 22, 1857.
Pennsylvania, xx :
1 do certify that the above and foregoing i< a true and
correct copy ol the original " Resolution proposing
amendments to the Constitution ot ttie Commonwealth,''
with the vote in each branch of tlie legislature upon the
iinal passage thereof, as appears from the originals on
tile in this office.
In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my
[L. S] hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the
Secretary's Office, the day and vear above written.
Secretary cj the CominwuceaJth.
IN SENATE. March 27. 1 so7.
The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth being under consideration,
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the first amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agrcealdv to the pruvi
•sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
YEAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Ely. Evans,
Fetter, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram. Jordan. Killinger,
Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer. Scofiehl. Seller*. Siuunan,
Steele. Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart,
Sjir'ikcr —24.
NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Finney. Gregg, Uar
ri-. Penrose and Souther—7.
So the question was determined in (lie affirmative.
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the second amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were us follow, viz :
YEAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell. Ely,Evans,
Fetter, Finney. Flenniken, Ingram, Jorpau. Knox. Lau
bach, Lewis. Myer, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Steele,
5 raub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Sneaker—
NAYS — Messrs. Coffey. Crabb, Frazer, Gregg. Harris,
Killinger, Penrose and Scotield—B
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question.
Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
YEAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, CreswelJ, Ely,
Evans, Flenniken, Erazer, Ingram. Jordan, Killinger,
Knox. Laubach, Lewis, Myer. Scotield, Sellers, Shtunan.
Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh. Wilkins and Wright —24.
NAYS — Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
YEAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Creswell, Ely,
Evans, Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram. Killinger, Knox. La'u
bach, Lewis, Myer, Scofiehl, Sellers. Shuman, Souther,
Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright— 23.
NAYS —Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and l'—4.
So the. question was determined in the affirmative.
April il, 1857.
The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu
tion of the Commonwealth being under consideration,
On the question.
WW the Houte agree to the first amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to tbe provi
sions of tiie Constitution, aud were as tollow. vie :
Yr. A*—Metier*. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Ball,
Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, cfawsr.
Cleaver. Crawford, Dickey, Knt, Eyster. Fausojq Foster,
Clbbouey, (11 Idea, Hamel*. Ilarpi r. Ileitis, Heistaud, flill,
Hillegas, HoSlnan, (Berks,) Rubric. limes, Jacobs, Jen
kins, Johns, Johnson, Kat.tfman, Kerr, Knight . Lessen
ring, Ixmg&ker, Lovett. Mgnear, Mangle, M'Calniout,
M'llvain, Moorhead. Muinina, Mussulman, Nichols, Xh h
olson, Xunemacker. Pearson, Peters, I'etriken, Pownali,
Pureell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Rea
mer, Reed, Roberts, Itnpp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith. (Cam
bria,) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson, Tolau, Vail, Vanhoor
his, Vickers, Voeghlcv, Walter. West brook. Wharton.
Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz,
Speaker —7H.
NAYS—Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamilton, Han
cock, lliue, Huffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, Strut hers. Thorn.
Warner and Wintrode—l2.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the second amendment 1
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to tbe provi
sions ot the Constitution,and wore as follow, viz :
YeAit—Messrs. Anderson. Backhouse, Bali, Beck.
Bower, Calhoun, Campbell. Carty. Knt, Puusohl. Foster,
Gildea, Hamtl, Harper, Heines, Hictaud, Bilk-gas, Hoff
man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, linbrie, limes, Jet.kins,
Johns. John-on, Kaullinaii, Knight, Leisenriug, Longu
ker, Lovett, Munear, Mangle, M'llvaiTf. Moorhead, Mi.s
sclman, Nichols, Nicholson, Xuneinacher, Pearson, Pe
ters, Petrikeu, Pownali, Purer l !!, Ramsey, (Philadelphia)
Riiuisey, ( York.) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,
Tulan, Vail, Voeglrley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton,
Zimmerman and Getz, speaker - 57.
NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson,
Bishop, Brow n, ( he..-e, Cleaver, Crawford, Kyter. Gib
bonev. Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Tiine, Hoffman, (l.ebu
| in n.) Jacobs, Kerr,. Leho, M'Calniont, Momma, Reed.
| Smith, (Cambria ) Smith, (Centte.) Ttevenron, Struth
, ers, Thorn. Vaiiboorhis. Vickers, Wagoii-elltr, Warner,
Wintrode, Witherow nud Wright—34.
So the question was determined iu the affirmative.
On the question.
Will the House agree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were as fellow, viz :
YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball. Beck, Ben
son, Bower. Brown,Calhoun. Campbell, Chase, Cleaver,
! Crawford, Dickey, Knt, Eyster. Fausold, Foster, Gibbo
! ney, Hamel, Harper. Heins, Heistund, Hill, llillegas,
! Hoffman, (Berk-,) Iloftman, (Lebanon.) Housekeeper,
| Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Johns, Johnson, KaiiffiTinn, Kerr,
Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear. Mangle. M'Calniont.
; Moorhead, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicltolson, Nu
i nemai-her. Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pow nali, Parcell.
| Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan,
Smith. (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson. Tolan,
j Vril. Vaiihoorhis, Vickers, Voeglilev, Wagonseller, West
; brook, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and
Getz, Speaker —72.
NAYS—Messrs. Arthur. Angu.-n.fne, Backus, Bishop,
Carty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock, lliue, Jenkins,
Knight. Leisenring, M'llvain, Ramsey. (Philadelphia )
Roberts, Strirthers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton,
and Wintrode—22.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and were a- follow, viz :
YEAS —Messrs. Anderson. Arthur, Backhouse. Backus,
Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun.
Campbell, Carty. Chase, Cleaver. Crawford. Dickey, Knt,
Eyster, Fausohi, Foster, Gibbont-y, Gildea, Hamel. Har
per. Heins, Hic.-tand, Hill. Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,)
Hoffman, (Lebanon.) Housekeeper, Irubrie, Innes, Jacobs,
Jenkins, Johns, Johnson. Kauffuian, Kerr, l.e'm, Lei.-e.i
riiig Longaker, Lovett. Manear. Mangle, M'Calniont, M'-
llvain, Mumma, Musselman. Nichols, Nicholson, Xune
macher, Pearson. Peters, Petrikin, Pownali, Pureell,
Ramsey, (Philadelphia.) Ramsey. (York.) Reamer. Reed,
Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cumbria,) Smith,
(Centre,) Stevenson, Tulan, Vail, Vanlioornis, Vickers, !
Voeghley, Wagon.-eiler. Walter. Warner, Westbrook, !
Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Zimmerman r.nd Getz,
Speaker — S3.
NAYS—Messrs. Dock. Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers,
Thorn. Wintrode, aud Wright—7.
S J the que.-.tiuii was determined in the affirmative.
lIAIIBI.-UCUO, June 22, 1x37.
1 do certify tliat the above and foregoing is a true ami
correct < op) of the" Yeas'' and '• Nays'" taken on the
resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth, its (he same appears on the Journals
of ihe two House- of the General Assembly of this Com
monwealth for the session of Is <7.
Witness my hand and the seal of said office, this 1
[L. s.] twentv-.-edond day of June, one thousand eight
hundred aud lifty-seven."
July Die Secretary of the Commonwealth.
FE\ r E li SORES.
IT gives immediate relief from pain, and in as qniik a
time a.s it is possible tor this disease to be affected, it
heals tbe wound-* gradually and safely, after extracting *
all poisonous matter, until a permanent cure is made.
As its name imports, this Ointment is of Swiss Origin,
and is the most remarkable Ointment for curing old Sores j
and Bud Kegs ever known. Its curing properties stem
to be perfectly irresistible.
• Tiie re cipt for making this rare medivine,wasob- ;
1 allied from James Roud oi, an old Swiss tar-maker in
North Carolina, who brought it with him from Switzer
it ha- no equal, both in its powers for doing good, and
its extreme neatness as a
healing without the least injury everything to which it 1
is applied.
for their Caked, Broken and Inflamed Breasts with charm
ing success. Thousands of Mothers are this da v blessing
tbe hour iu which tbey first applied the GOOD SWISS
and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapidly
cures by striking at the root of the disease an , drawing
the humors to the surface. IT SKVKK DRIVES HI EM IN
WARD! Under all circumstances of the case
Good Swiss Salve i ures Felons.
Good Swiss Salve cures Files.
Good Swiss Salve cures Burns.
Good Swiss Salve cures Bruises.
Good Swiss Salve cures Flesh Wounds.
Good Swiss Solve cares Toothache.
tF Wherever Pain or lnflamation exist, apply the
GOOD SWISS SALVE, and you will lind rele t.
tip" This Salve is put up in LARGER B< i.NES than
Ointment in general, at 2 > ets. It is also put up hi Irr.c j
China pots, for the accommodation of Families and those j
who use it fur Fever Sires where several boxes may be j
required, as it is one half cheaper. A pot holds s li\es i
aud sells for one dollar. Hundreds of iamilica keep it in '
this convenient form as a necessary household article.
A. E. UAKX iBY. Ithaca. N. Y.. sole proprietor.
Soid bv J. KINGSBURY, Towanda, Pa.
v.T brateil AIJ'IXK EYE BAI.SAM, which has gained
sin h wonderful reputation throughout Europe and the
United States. It is extracted from plants taken direct
Irom the ALPINE MOUNTAINS,and prepared by Dr.
Heindrich GoUslotte. a native of Borne, Switzerland, and
for many years Professor in ;lie Heme Institute, now a
resident of the U. S. This Balsam is superior to anv
other eye medicine, be it salve er water. It is a safe and
I'AIN ON Kxrost HE TO I.KIHT, AC., and always makes a
QUICK cure. TRY IT! It is reeomended by "all druggists
and Physicians who have become acquainted with it\ir
tues. ev Each bottle bears his written signature.—
Price 25 cents.
A. E. Barnabv. Ithaca, N. Y., General Agent. Sold by
TS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of
A FAMILY GROCERIES, which are ottered for sale at
as low prices as the s.nue quality of Goods ran be bought
anywhere this side of the t ity oT New York.
J. A is hereby given, that a!! persons indebted to the es
tate of MARK 11. GRLENMAN, ilec'd, late of Canton,
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them dulv authenticated for settlement.
Canton, Sopt. 21, ISol. Administrators.
.XJL is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the
estate of WM.'B. UKIFSNYDER, dee'd, late of Albany
twp, are hereby notified to make payment without delay,
ana all persons having demands against said estate arc
requested to present them duly authenticated for settle
September 21, 18S7. Administrators.
I FATHER —A new supply of Sole Leatli-
J cr, Cow Hide, Kip and Calf Skin, at No. 2, Patten's
Block. ang2'j W*M. A. ROCKWELL.
PpSTRAY. —Broke into the enc'o-y^jgwy
J sure of the subscriber, about ibe middle
of August, one RED COW, about 13 years Jl Jf
old ; the owner is requested to oome forward and prove
property, pay charges and take her away.
Burlington, Aug.. 17, 1837. JbJ. HAIGHT.
SALT FOR THE TABLE and Dairy for
sale cheap by
To wands, July 25, 1857. WM . A ROCKWELL.
1 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here-
J bv given, that all perion* indebted t the estate vf
GEO. "H. JACKSON, Jc late of ATHENS town
! aMp, uenfndtei to rawfcr ptynent without delay;
these having demands .gainst said ( state will pi*sent Hn-tu
, Jul v authenticated foi ilcttkment.
July 20. Ihi7. JOHN L. SAWYER, Executor.
A I> -MIM STB A TOR'S NO'i ICE.—Notice
' J"\ is hereby given, that ail per.-nns indented to the es
tate ot Niehobts 1., l ead deceased. !: te <•! tVellstowuditb
are requested to make payment without delay ; and nil
I person* having el. iiusagainst said estate willpie.tue pre
■ scut thc'iu duly authenticated f r >ettltmtnt.
August 1%, Is"7. Administrator.
: "JE X ECU TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i.s hco-
JLd bv 'liven that all |ivr.-.ons indebted to the estate of
FREDERICK FISHER. dee'd of Sot th Towand®, nimt
make immediate payment, and all persona having de
mands against said estate, w ill pre.-ent tbera duly authen
ticated for settlement.
Angus!. It. 1".7. Exccctors.
| " M TlOX.—Wlit-rcii*. by an act of assembly of the I'om
in"iiwealth. entitled •• an get relating to the elections of
tliis coniTuonw. ;'!th." it is enjoined upon me to gUe puL
lic notice of -ici: eh- turn to 1 e held, and also thocnumc
ration ia sm 1 notice what rdfiters are to la; electid, i,
,l< / UN" A. CODDING, High Sheriff 1 of the County ot Brad
ford, d i hereby make known and give nothe to the elec
tors of -aid cui lity that a gem ral 11<- tioii v. ill be held i:i
said county, on TUESDAY. the 13th day of October, in
the sevi ral distri't- in said county, to wit .
In Albany, at the sub-district -choc ! house uear Caap
bell's mill.
In A-y! TIM, at the bouse of Jacob !'rat< hey.
lu Athens boro', at the house of E. S. Mathewson.
In .Athens twp., at the house of J. 11. Hunt in Athens
i In Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker.
I in Burlingtonboro,, at il=e Hall of Henry Ve.sbnrg-
In Builir>gton twp., at the house ot Ho* well l.uther.
lu West Burlington, at tLe hou-e ol Ezra Goddaid.
In Canton. at the lionse or A. E. Spalding.
In Columbia, at the house of James Morgan
lu Durell, at tl.e school house, called the centre school
! house. near S. Decker's.
In Franklin at the bouse of J. M. Martin, now occupied
by 11. M. Southwell.
"in Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor.
In Uerriok. at the school bouse near Daniel "Purand's.
In LiL-hticM. at the house of Cyrus Bloodgood.
In I.eltoy, at the school house in Ecßoy.
Tn Monroe, at the liouse of J. I*. Smith.
In Monroe born" at the house of Ethel Taylor.
In Orwell, at the home of Francis Woodruff.
In Overton, at ihe hou-e of Win. Waltmaa.
In 1 ike. at the house of Dennis Johnson.
In Rome, at the Academy,
In Bidgl nry, north distrn t at the house of J. 0. Plae ;
south district at the liou- eot ('. (. French.
!u Shosh'quiii, at the Valley llou-e.
lu SiiiiUilield, at the houe of A. J. Gerould.
hi Springfield, at the hou-e of T. Wilder.
In Standing Stone at th* liouse of Simon Stevens,
lu Sylvania i,oro", at the house of Curtis Merritt.
lu South Creek, at the s. hoo! house near A. GiiMt'-j.
In Towanda boro', at the Grand Jury room, in tha
Court House, in said boro".
Iu Towanda twp., at thr school house, near If. L.Scott's.
In Towanda North, at the house of S. A. Mills.
In Troy boro', at the Eagle Tavern.
In Troy twp., at the house of V. M. Long, in the boro'
of Troy.
In T' -'arcra. at the school house near James Black's.
In Cl-ter. at the bouse of S. B. llolcomb.
In Warren, at the house of It. ('ooper.
In Wells, at the house of L. Seelev.
In Windham, at the house of lieuj. Knj kcndall.
In Wy.dusing. at the house of J. i(. Blink.
In Wilinot. at the house of John Huffman.
In Wysox. at the house of James M. Heed.
At which t;me and place the electors aforesaid will
elect by ballot
One"person for Governor of *Le C.mmon wealth uf
One per-on for Canal Commissi,ner of the Common
wealth of Pennsylvania.
Two persons for Judges of the Supreme Court of tLe
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Two persons to represent the County of Bradford in
the House, Ac.
Dm person for High Sheriff of the County of Bradford.
On< person for l'wthnnotary. Clerk of the Oyer and
Terminer,Ck rk of the Orphan's Court, and (Juarter Sea
aiens the Peace of the County of Bradford.
One i c-rsou for Register of Wilis and Roc-order of Decda
of the County of Bradford.
One person for County Commissioner for the County
of Bradford.
One person for County Auditor of the County of Brad
One person for Treasurer of the County of Bradford.
One person for Coroner of the County of Bradford.
And in and l>y said act, 1 am further directed to giv®
not ice " that every pt r.-on excepting justices of the pear®
vrhothail ledd any office "I profit and trust under the go
vernment of t! e i nitid states i r of this: State, cr of any
incorporated district, and also that ovi ry member of con
gress and of the r-fate Legislature and the select a** 1 , com
mon council of any city, or commissioners of any incor
porated distri' t, is"by law incapable of holding or exer
cising rt the same time, the offh e or appointment of
Judge, lnsj.e -tnr< r Clerk of any election of this Common
wealth. and that no inspector or other officer of any sucli
election, shall be then eligible to any office to be voted
By the 4tli section of an act passed the ICth day of
April, Js4o. it is provided "that the 13tli section of an
at passed July 2d, 1-30, entitled " An act re lating to the
elections of thl- commonwealth," -hall cot be construed
as to prevent an}- militia offii er from etrving as Jndge,
Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of
this Commonwealth.
In the i.lst section of the act first above mentioned, it
is enacted that every general and special election -hall
be opened between 8 and Iff in the forenoon, end costume
without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock iu th®
evening, when the polls shall be doted.
By the lF'th section of the at passed Feb. 3d. IMG. it
thai! be lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gene
ral election which shall he hereafter held in the Armc.ia
election district of Bradford county to close the polls of
such election at 5 o'clock, P. M.
By the 11th section of the act of it is provided
that the polls of the election district of Tuscarova tv.p. L*
closed at .Mock, P.M.
It is further directed that the meeting of the Judges
it the Couit House iu Towanda, to make rut the gc-i era!
ret - ru, shall I e or. the 3d day after tl-e election, which
will he on the If.lti day of October.
Wni:ur.\-. a Joint Resolution proposing certain amend
ments to the Constitution oftliisCommonwealth, has Ucit
agreed to by a majority of the t.icrabei j elected to each
Hone of ti c Legislature, at two aurcc-sive sessions of
ths same, the fir.-t session c.nuueaciug on the fir.-t Tues
day of the y<jr of onr l.oid one thousand,
eight huudnd and liftv-si\, and tie :ecor.d session com
mci e'ng on ti i- lir-t Tut day of January, in the year of
our l. 'rd one thu-a.d eight hundred at J fifty" even :
Asn Wherk.a-. It is provided in the tenth nithle in th®
i niistitution, that any,cr.Jiii'i tso agreed upon shall
he submitted to the People i.i such manner and at such
tifue, at lea-t three months niter being .-o agreed to by
the two House-,, as the Legislature shall prescribe. Av'u
Wiikkkas, Be an A' t of tli® Legl-la tuts of UiisC<
wenltli. entitled, '• An Act i-rescribing the lima and luftn
ner of sr'.unitLi.-gto the People for their rutiheatinn cr
rejection the p'.< ;> >-ed Amendiuents t .the ConstHntii n."'
approved May twi titli. Anno !>• niir-i one thousand eight
hundred and fifty-.-even, it is,-among other things, pro-.
\ ided as folk v. -. to wit
SECTION 1. That for the purpose of ascertaining lh->
sin e of tlio eitizi n* of this C minoiw c uth in regard t j
the adoption or n jecticu > !' said Amendments, or either
of tin ui. ths tiovvrnor of Commonwealth shall issue
a writ of vieetion dirwdidto tin- Sheii!Tof e:uh and eve
ry ( -,unry in this Comnion'.vi'i lth, commanding them to
give notice in the inttal nuinin r. in not less than two
net."spai era in each County, provided that so many are
pufili.-hed therein, that an election will be belli in each of
the townships, wards ami districts therein, on tl e second
Tuesday in October. ■ the year of > r Lord one thou
•and eight hundred and Ufty-cven. for the purpose of do,
riding upon the adoption i v l cjei ti ni of the said Amend
ments, or any of them : which siid <h ti.m shall Le held
at the pl.o ip and opened and closed at the time at ami
within which tiro flenrral 1 lection of thi ■ Commonwealth
.no held opened and closed ; and it shall be the duty of
the Judges. lnsj(f c*<.rs and Oleiks of each of suiu lown
-I.ip-. ward;- iindbi-tri' i to receive i t the said- election,
ti kets either writti n -r printed, cr partly written and
partly printed from citizen- duly qualified to vote for Mom
!•< r> of tin- C.enerul Assembly, and t > deposit tlicm in a
box or boxes to he for that purpose provided by the pro
per officer*, which tickets shall be respectively labelled
on the outside, " First Amendment," " Second Amend
ment," •• Third Amendment,"'ami'• Fourth Amendment,"
and those w ho are favorahle to said Amendments, or any
of them, may express their doive by voting each as ma
ny • eparatc written or p r j; ted, or partly written or print
ed ballots or tickets, containing < n the Inside thereof the
words, " Tor the Amendment," and those who are oppos
ed to Rich Amendments, or any of them, tuny express
their opposition fv voting each as many writ
ten or jointed ballots < r ticket* containing on the inside
thereot the word-," Against the Amendments."
SKCTTON 2. That the election on the said proposed
Amendment 3, shall in all respects be conducted as the
lieren.l M'e tions of this Commonwealth are now con
diieted ; and it shall he the d ty of the return Judge* of
the respective counties and districts thereof, first having
carefully ascertained the number of votes given for or
against each of said Amendments in the manner uforf
-ni l. to rrrkc or.t duplici te returns thereof, oxrressed in
words at lmgth and not in figures only, one of which re
turr.g so made shall be lodged in the " ProthSnotarv'a of
fice of the Court of Common Picas of the proper cianty.
and the other sealed and directed to the Secretary of tb
Commonwealth, and by one of said Judges deposited
forthwith in the most convenient Post Office-
JOH N" A. COimiXG, Sheriff.
Tcwanda. September 15, ISA 7.
Prunes, Raison;, Ac , at
Jvml, 1357.