Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 08, 1857, Image 2

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    Teachers Institutes.
The citizens of East Bradford met at the
school house on Orwell Hill, for the purpose of
expressing their views in regard to tlie Insti
tute now aboutclose, and the instruction
given by the superintendrnt.
C. Frisbie Esq., called the meeting to or
der, and nominated J. B. G. BABCOCK, Chair
man, who was unanimously, elected. O. W.
STEVFXS, Secretary.
By motion, the Chairman appointed the fol
lowing Committee on resolutions :
Chauncy Frisbie, 11. C. Chauiplain, Chand
ler Brink, Win. Sibley, Samuel Cass, -V. G.
Camp, Geo. Eastman, Justus Lewis.
Who reported the following resolutions
which were adopted.
Rcsolced, That we approve of the establish
ment of Teachers' Institutes in our County.
2d. Resolved, That in Prof. Coburn, we
find the profound scholar, the efficient teacher
and the energetic business man, and he is ad
mirably qualified to fulfil the duties devolving
on him as Superintendent of Common Schools
of Bradford County.
3d. Resolved, That we have been highly
gratified and pleased with the good conduct,
orderly behavior, and manifest improvement
of the members of the Institute during their
attendance in this place.
4 lk. Resolved, That tiie proceedings of this
meeting be published in the County papers.
fififGor. Pollock has called an extra ses
sion of the Legislature to devise some relief
to the present financial troubles. The follow
ing is the Governor's Proclamation :
Ix THE NAME, ond by the Authority of the
Commonwealth <f Pennsylvania, JAMES POL
LOCK, Governor of the said Commonwealth :
Whereas, A serious financial revulsion has
occurred, resulting in the suspension of specie
payments by the Banks of this and other
States of the Union, and the failure of many
long established commercial houses, leading
to the destruction of confidence, and to the
general embarrassment and depression of
trade, and threatening to affect disastrously
the credit of the Commonwealth, and the
great industrial interests of the people ;
And udwreas, An occasion so extraordinary
requires prompt and sufficient action to relieve
nti alarmed and suffering community :
Therefore, I. James Pollock, Governor of
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by virtue
of the powers conferred on me by the consti
tution, do hereby convene the General As
sembly of this Commonwealth, and require
the members of the Senate and House of Rep
resentatives to meet in their respective houses
in the capitol at Ilarrisburg, on Tuesday, the
bill day of October, A. 1).. 1857, at 12 o'clock
at noon of that day, then and there to take
into consideration, and adopt such measures of
relief in the premises as the present exigency
may seem to them in their wisdom to demand.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set
my hand, and cause the great seal of tiie
Commonwealth to lie affixed, at H irrisburg,
this 28th day of September, in the year of our
Lord, 1857, and of the independence of tiie
United States the eighty-second. By the
Governor, ANPRF.W G. CFRTIN,
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
PACKER AND WII.MOT. —When Mr. Wilmot.
the Republican candidate for Governor of
Pennsylvania, challenged his Democratic com
petitor to traverse the state with him and dis
cuss before the people at joint meetings the
issues of the campaign, many persons were in
clined to think Gen. Packer acted properly in
refusing the test. But however opinion might
differ on thlfc point then. Packer's course since
proves his declination to have been unworthy
if approval. Mr. Wilmot has published a
list of his appointments to address the people
all over the State, and is now fulfilling them,
lien. Packer is busily engaged in following in
exactly the same track, taking care to reach
every point just a few clays after Wiltnot lias
delivered his speech. This looks like a practi
cal acknowledgement that Gen. Packer is
afraid to meet Mr. Wilmot in a free and frank
discussion. If he had acted upon his own pro
gramme, the case would have been otherwise.
If he spoke the truth when, in his letter, he
said that he and his party would not continue
the agitation of the slavery issues, what ad
vantage could it be to him to follow in Mr.
Wilmot's wake ? The inference from his con
duct is that he does want to discuss these is
sues but without an opponent to confute his
reasoning and false assumptions. He stands
confessed by his own course in the present
canvass to be unequal to a fair contest with
Mr. Wilmot.— l'hil. Xorth Amcr.
NEW TAX LAW. —The following is the 3d
section of an act passed on the 21st day of
April, 1856, entitled "an act relative to the
sale of lauds for the non -payment of taxes."
Tiie Auditor General has advised County
Treasurers that the provisions of the act will
be rigidly complied with :
Section 3. That it shall be the duty of
Supervisors and Collectors of road taxes, and
of all Collectors of any other taxes whatsoever
to make return to the County Commissioners
of any exonerations claimed by them, on or
before the first day of January in each year ;
and it shall not be lawful for the said Comi
ty Commissioners to grant any e.ronercfio'i af
ter that time, nor for the County Treasurer to
sell any lands which -hall have been returned,
and taxes exonerated after the said time.
J®"The Mormons nre breaking up their
quarters in all the Eastern" States, preparato
ry, as is surmised, to a general migration to
1 tah. Recent news from that region repre
sent them as quite as belligerent as ever, and
disposed to resent the advent of National
Troops among them. Elder KIMBAI.T, recent
ly preached a "sermon" at Suit Lake, in
which he remarked that the provisions for the
army would be allowed to enter the A'alley,
but that the troops would never enter Salt
Lake City. Recent advices from Fort Kear
ney state that a heavy seizure of gunpowder
had been made in a Mormon train.
SSf Dishonesty in pecuniary transactions
seems to have invaded every circle. The
American Sunday School Union, of Philadel
phia, have published a card announcing the
defalcation of the Corresponding Secretary.
Air. F. AV. PORTER, for an amount belicv d
not to exceed SSB,BS3. He has issued notes
and acceptances at various times to that
amount without entering them upon the books
of the Society.
(Tlpirsban fllormnn, (Drtobcr 8, 1837.
TERMS — Our Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four iseeks previous to the expiration of a subscription,
notice will be given by a printed tvrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
Cl.l'BßlNii— The Reporter trill be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rates :
t> copies for $5 0(1 115 copies* far... .$l2 00
10 copies for 8 00 j 20 copies for 15 00
A DVERTISEMKVTS— For a square of ten tines or less, Otie
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-Jive cents
for each subsequent insertion.
J 08-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Boohs,
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, <?v.
MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an
envelope, and i>ro]>erly directed, we will be responsible
for its safe delivery.
DAVID WILXVIOT, of Bradford Co.
wax. SXIXtX.W.&B.B, of Philadelphia.
JOSEPH J. LEWIS, of Chester Co
JAKZBS VESiCII, of Tayette County.
This is tlie last opportunity wesliall have to
urge upon our Republican friends the duty and
necessity of Rallying at the polls on Tuesday
next. We trust they already fully pre
pared to discharge their duty—that the di
latory have already been visited, ,aud the h k •-
warm ami indifferent aroused to a sense of im
portance of the present contest. But in times
i ke the present, just after a campaign has pass
ed, conducted with much feeling for months,
there is great danger from apathy and indiffer
ence. Not that the voters have less interest
in the sm cess of correct principles, but they
are exhausted by the excitement of the j ast,
and are prone to run into the other extreme.
In this County, the hope of the Democracy
is that the Republican vote will not be polled.
They have not made a County ticket, nor held
a single meeting,to avoid arousing any political
feeling, and directing attention to the pending
election. They expect by these quiet mea
sures. that a large number of our voters can
be kept from the polls. The poiiey is a good
one, and calculated admirably to help them,
without extraordinary exertions on the other
side. The same course is pursued by our
friends in some of the heavy democratic coun
ties, where the voters do not care about the
election unless they think Geu. Jackson is in
danger of being beaten.
We polled for FREMONT last fall, 0,969 votes,
being a majority of 4.6 )5 over BUCHANAN.—
This brilliant result was achieved by sys
tematic and persevering exertion. Ordinarily
we could not reach that vote again by 1000,
at least. But the Republican voters arc not
less anxious for the election of Mr. WII.MOT
than they were last fall for the success of FRE
MONT. There is unquestionably a deeper feeling
now than then, as Mr. WII.MOT is of this County
and personally known to most of its voters.—
It is easier to give him 5000 than it was Fre
mont 4,655. It requires but a quarter of the
exertion then made to accomplish this. But it
cannot be done by supineuess and idleness.—
Each man must take hold of the work with a
determination that his duty shall lie done.—
Each man must work, as if his labors were
to furnish the last few votes in that tremeudous
There is everything to inspire the friend of
Freedom in this contest. Our success will
bring more of glory, more of substantial bene
fit to the cause of human rights, than any bat
tie in which we ever before engaged. Victo
ry perched upon our banner now, and tlie on
ward tide of IS la very-propagandist! is staved
in its progress, and rolled back upon the an
tocrats of the South. A brilliant future opens
upon the Republican party with the success of
Mr. \\ H.MOT The friends of humanity will re
joice every where. Pennsylvania once in Jiue,
and Freedom's battle is won. When the
Keystone takes her true position, wc shall
have a united North,and the sceptre of slaverv
is broken. To bring about this glorious result
is a task worthy of our best endeavors.
Republican reader ! your vote on Tuesday
next, may decide the result. The vote of your
careless neighbor, whom you might urge to
the election, may produce the most important
consequences. How chagrined and mortified
would you feel if your carelessness should
prove the defeat of the Republican cause.—
Arouse ! then to the performance of your du
ty. Labor until the polls close, and then be
content to leave the result with the God of
fcaT To the list of discredited banks is now
to be added, the Hudson River Bank, and the
Farmer's Bank, at Hudson, Stark Bank of
A'ermont ; the Saratoga Bank, Mass. ; City
Bank of Bridgeport, Conn.
Rally ! Freemen to the Polls!
This is the last occasion we shall l ave to
urge upon the Freemoti of Bradford Count)'
■ the importance of the present contest, and the
sty lor united aud vigorous action. On
| Tuesday next, is to be decided questions of
■ great moment to the prosperity and perpetuity
.of our country. It is every man's duty to
| Rair. or shine, snow or sleet. We say again,
! Be at thf. P01.1.S ! and be there before they
are opened. When the polls are opened, vote
' yourself and see that every Republican in the
♦ township is there. Be at the Polls all day,
and if there is a voter absent, start out after
him. I)o everything that is honorable, aud
leave no exertion undone to
It is needless to say, that the Buchaniers
will do so. They have been supplied with mo
ney to get every voter, and they will leave no
efforts untried to poll all their votes. The
Freemen of Bradford must give
or the efforts of the organized pro-slavery dis
uuionists will prove successful. If the free la
boring men of the country, will be vigilant and
' industrious, all will be well.
■ See that every man votes for' the whole
State Ticket. It is composed of men every
way entitled to your confidence aud your sup
Your country calls upon you to devote one
day to her interests. Are you anxious to at
test your detestation of the Administration—
your unqualified disapprobation of its mea
sures and policy ? Are you anxious to rebuke
the monstrous infraction of National faith com
mitted into the Repeal of the Missouri Com
promise '{ Are you anxious to express your
deep abhorrence of the plan to force slavery
into Kansas, and your indignation at the out
rages committed upon your neighbors and
friends by the border-ruffians of Missouri, aid-
I ed by the United States authorities, with the
j approbation of the sham Democracy?
Do you believe thut capital should hire its
! labor, not own it—that Free Society is not a
| failure—nor made up of " greasy mechanics,
j filthy operatives, and small fisted farmers," —
do you believe that labor is honorable, not de
grading—do you love Freedom not Slavery,
and desire for your children an opportunity to
emigrate to the West without encountering
the degrading presence of negro bondage.
An attempt is now making by means of the
name of Democracy to subvert our free insti
tutions—to deride the teachings of our fore
fathers—to put new aud dangerous construc
tions upon the Constitution—by moans of
which Slavery may be introduced upon every
foot of the soil of this Republic. The Slave
power usurps and controls every brauch of the
! government, and pervades and domineers over
! every department, proscribing and outlawing
! those who hold to the opinions of Jefferson
and the fathers of the Republic. Mob law
and violence prevent the Free expression of
sentiments in one portion of the country,
; with the approbation of the slave-driving ad
juncts north. Would you mark with your dis
approbation this state of things.
Rally ! all those who would bring back the
government to the designs aud purposes of its
founders—all who would carefully comply with
every requirement and compromise of the Con
stitution—all who desire to see the government
administered upon liberal aud natioual princi
ples, and in such a manner as *o
Rally, on Tuesday next, to aid in swelling
the glorious victory which awaits us. Rally,
for the glorious cause of Freedom, Free Speech,
Free Men.
Remember one vote lias decided mighty
events in the political history of the world.—
One vote has decided the fate of Kings, made
Governors, Congressmen, and Senators. Then
fail not every freeman, to go to the polls and
cast a vote for the true Republican candidates
whose names are found at our head. I)o not
falter or stay at home because you may think
there is or will be enough without you. If all
were to make such excuses for themselves, of
course we should fail electing any one, or leave
the matter in the hands of those who might
for unworthy motives, attend and control your
and vote and work till the battle is fairly fought
and victory gloriously won, and like worthy
unbought freemen proudly boast and wear it.
We urge upon our friends iu the strong Re
publican towns, the importance of having ar
rangements made to get out every voter. Have
your teams in readiness, and bring every vo
ter in the township to the polls. Your oppo
nents will not lose an available vote. They
will be furnished with fuuds from the custom
houses and post offices, to get out their votes
and the Freemen of the county must counter
balance their money and efforts by personal
Much valuable time might be saved and
many more votes secured by having the tickets
on the ground before the polls are open, ready
cut and folded, and tied iu sets— eleven rotes in
each set. See that each voter who desires it,
has a full set and votes it too.
Great Battle comes off on next
Tuesday! Are your Arrangements
all made for getting out
If not, Lose no more Time, but work to
have a Full Poll, and a majority of
We again urge upon our Republican friends
the importance of attending to the WHOLE
TICKET. See that voters are supplied with
a full set of votes. Don't permit any trading
or bartering. It is as important for the suc
cess of our principles that the candidate for
the lowest office should succeed, as the highest.
Republicans ! you have organized for the
advancement of principle. In furthering that
object you have presented a Ticket. Every
member upon it, is entitled to your support. —
Don't swerve a hair's breadth, but consider
the ends you would accomplish, and the means
necessary for their advancement.
Republican meetings are held, during the
present week, at the following places :
At Orcutt's Creek, on Mouday evening, sth.
At Litchfield, on Tuesday afternoon, 6th.
At I>owen Hollow School House, in War
ren, Wednesday afternoon, 7th.
At Jlerrickville, on Thursday afternoon,Bth.
At Washburn's Hotel, in Ulster, 011 Satur
day evening, 10th.
At Sugar Run, 011 Monday evening, 12th.
At these meetings, Messrs. Menem, G. D.
Montanye, Mop.kow, Lacokte, Kinney, and
others will speak.
The Republicans of the County are wide
awake and determined to give a good account
of Bradford on Tuesday next.
We are gratified to learu thut the prospects
for the Fifth Annual Exhibition of the Brad
ford County Agricultural Society, at this place,
011 the 15th and 16th inst., are unusually fa
vorable. Judging from the indications, the
display will largely exceed that of any pre
vious year. The season has been a very pro
dnctive and fruitful one, and we shall doubt
less have au opportunity of seeing what mo
ther Earth can produce, when properly cared
The Stoek Department will embrace as
usual, a large variety of breeds ami oualitics,
displaying the progress made iu the County
from year to year.
Several items of attraction are this year ad
ded to the usual interest of the occasion.—
Amongst others, DITTIUOH'S Towanda Brass
Band has been engaged. The pleasure of
hearing the music they will perform, is well
worth the price of membership.
On the evening of the first day, there will
be a grand Firemens' display, by the Towanda
Fire Department, with a torch-light procession.
We are glad to know that there is an in
creasing disposition to encourage this annual
exhibition of the prosperity of our County. It
forms a sort of re-uuion for our Farmers and
others, where they may see specimens of the
skill of others in husbandry and learn and ex
amine the modes by which the productions of
the soil is increased, breed of cattle improved,
or a better variety secured. We trust that
every farmer who has anything to show, will
bring it to tlie Fair, prepared also to commu
nicate something taught by bis observation
and experience which shall prove a common
benefit. If he who " makes a spear of grass
to grow where none grew before " is a public
benefactor, then he is doubly so, who learns
his neighbor the secret of his success, and thus
contributes two-fold to the general productive
ness. Our farmers should by all means in
their power encourage and sustain the Agri
cultural Society. They should not be animat
ed by a sordid desire for gain in procuring pre
miums but by a liberal disposition to contri
bute something towards elevating agricultural
pursuits, and benefitting their fellow-men.
ENCOURAGING SIGNS. —TIie elections in Ver
mont and Maine, this year, show that Locofo
coism is effectually crushed out in those
States. They remain firm in the faith of true
Republicanism, and again lead the hosts of
freedom, as in 1856, to the renewed struggle
with their enemies. They send us the same
encouragement as then ; and they give us
conclusive evidence of the fact that the party
of Freedom is as strong to-day, as ever, in
the affections of the people. Their example
calls aloud to us iu Pennsylvania—" Go thou
and do likewise," and carry the State for
aSfThc financial pressure in the Commer
cial marts seems unabated. It is said by those
who understand the signs, that rays of light
are breaking upon the gloom. The old estab
lished Ranking House of E. W. Clark, Dodge
& Co., of New York, suspeuded last week, as
did also the Boston branch of the same house.
The Philadelphia branch stands firm. •
(Reported for the Reporter.)
The Teachers' Institute at East SinithfieM
was duly organized OH the 2 1st ult., by elect- 1
iug the proper officers, and Prof. COBURX as
principal Teacher. There were about sixty
! teachers preset t at the commencement, and |
the number continued to increase during the
week. At the commencement of the second j
week, ninety names were registered, and this
members with but few exceptions, continued j
in attendance until the close. It was the
general remark among those present, that no '
ten days were ever s|>eiit more profitably, than
were those spent in attendance at this Insti- j
Much valuable instruction was communh at
ed by lectures, iu the art of teaching, and the
duties and responsibilities of teachers ; and
the members were thoroughly drilled by the
Principal and competent assistants, upon those
branches required by law to be taught iu our
Common Schools.
The exercises were interspersed throughout
with music from the choir, and occasional ex
ercises in Calisthenics. During the evening
sessions, various subjects relating to school
government, were introduced and discussed
On Wednesday, the 30th, a lecture was de
livered by the Superintendent of Chemung
County, iu which he enumerated the various
essentials of a Good School.
The afternoon was mostly devoted to social
enjoyment. The members of the Institute and
the citizens in attendance, under the direction
of "Sergeant" BUI.LOCK and " Corporal"
FARXSWOUTIT were marched, with martial music
and colors flying, to Bullock's grove, and while
performing certain military evolutions, a show
er suddenly dispersed them and they retreated
in confusion to the grove, where they devoted
themselves to singing and swinging aud fun.
The last day of the session was occupied in
the examination of Teachers by the Superin
tendent. During the evening session the vale
dictory was read, and a copy of Goodrich's
Universal History was formally presented to
Prof. Coburn, iu behalf of the members of the
Institute, as a testimonial of their appreciation
of 11is services.
It is to be most earnestly hoped and we
think, it may be confidently expected, that the
effect of this Institute will be widely felt in
the elevation of the system of the Common
School education, in increasing the teacher's
estimate of their own profession, in leading to
higher views of their relations and responsi
bilities, and to far better methods of commu
nicating instruction and discharging their va
rious duties. Said the Superintendent of Che
mung, " I never knew a person to remain a
poor teacher who was iu the habit of attend
ing Teachers' Institutes." May this this say
ing not be proved a false one, by the effect
that shall follow the Teachers' Institute in
Smithfield. The effect upon the popular mind
cannot oe better expressed than to state two
i-iiuple facts, namely—l. Hud the question of
the County Superiutendeucy been brought be
fore the people of this vicinity one year ago,
for their approval or rejection, it would have
been voted down unanimously, as an onerous
burden, for which no equivalent was realized,
aud which, instead of being regarded as a bene
fit, was lftoked upon as operating altogether
unfavorably to the cause of Common School
2. Ou Thursday evening, Oct. Ist, the fol
lowing resolutions were passed by the citizens
of Smithfield, without one dissenting voice :
WHF.REAS, popular education is essential to
the preservation of Republican institutions,
and intimately connected with the good order
and prosperity of human society, as well as
the interests of true religion, and is to be pro
moted by the co-operation of all good citizens
iu such lawful and proper measures as may
be adopted. Therefore
Resolved, That we approve of Teachers'
Institutes, as highly calculated to promote the
cause of common schools and to diffuse the
light of science. They bring teachers and
people together for instruction and conference
on matters pertaining to the business of teach
ing, anil in this way they are advantageous to
this cause, as much as other associations are
beneficial to the objects for which they are
held , they bring teachers together to become
acquainted with each other, and thus afford
many social advantages ; and they serve the
important purpose of awakening the public
mind on a subject on which there is yet a la
mentable amount of indifference.
Resolved, That the County Superiutendency
is doing a good work for common schools, anil
is deserving of that encouragement which, if
granted to it, will make it more and more ef
ficient for good.
Resolved, That we tender our thanks to Mr.
CHARLES R. COBCRN, our County Superinten
dent, for his faithful labors in the Teachers'
Institute, during the ten days in which it has
been held iu this place ; that we regard him
as eminently qualified for the station he occu
pies ; and that we invite him to hold another
Institute among us as soon as he may think it
consistent so to do.
The Old Hunkers had a grand convo
cation of post-masters, leaders, &c., in this
place, on Monday last, the* object of which
was undoubtedly to devise means for polling
all their votes on Tuesday next. Our friends
must uot expect that a single Packer vote will
be lost. The intention is to poll the full rote,
so quietly as not to wake up or alarm the Re
publicans. They hope by this means to crow
over a decreased majority in Bradford. Shall
they have the opportunity ? That depends,
Republicans, upon the WORK you are do
ing. If you stand, \Vith your arms folded,
contented with the declaration " that we should
poll all our votes," we shall be laughed at af
ter electiuu *Jf you are at work, uud work
till the polls close, to urge out every careless
-aud dilatory voter we shall give i) 000 majori
ty, and preserve our reputation for activity
and fidelity.
The following Ladies have been
Committees of Arrangements, to receive a
cles and arrange them for exhibition in the
dies Department at the sth Annual p a , r
the liradford County Agricultural Society
First Class —Mrs. Thomas Elliott, Mr
11. Scott, Mrs. A. I). Montanye, Mr's \\ : !
Chatnberlin, Mrs. Jere Calp, Mrs. yf I
Dodge. - -
Second Class —Mrs. E. D. Montanye \t.
D. L. Scott, Mrs. B. P. Powell, Mrs. lj',
Madill, Mrs. James Nevins.
Third Class —Mrs. James P. Bui] jj
Susan Myer, Miss Mary Watkins, Miss t
Martin, Miss Delight Watts.
Fourth Class —Mrs. J. P. Means, Miss |
! Overton, Miss E. Quyer, Miss Louisa W.
Miss E. Barbour.
Fifth Class —Mrs. K. H. Mason, Miss '
Carter, Miss Jaue Smith, Miss S. Parks u
Susan Cooper.
Paintings, Drawings, fyc. —Mrs. B. Ki -
be ry, Mrs. E. O. Goodrich, Mrs. U. Merc-
Miss A. Griffin, Miss S. Pratt, Miss E. ft
Fruit Tables —Mrs. E. T. Fox, Mrs r
Manville, Miss C. Elwell, Mrs. Lyman R<w
Miss E. Hanson, Miss A. Kelly.
Articles not enumerated —Mrs. J. Hp;
ney, jr., Mrs. J. D. Montaoye, Mrs. £ ;
Parsons, Mrs. Miller Fox, Miss Almeda}
cord, Miss E. Bogart.
The above named Committees will pi tt .
meet at the Court House, on Monday, the 1+
of October, at 3 o'clock, P. M, where the?
der of arrangements will be determined.
Flowers and other articles suitable to drh
the tables iu the Show Rooms, will be reci
ed with great pleasure, and carefully press
ed and restored to the owners.
The interesting aud beautiful products
industry and skid exhibited in the Ladies j.
partment cf our former Fairs, have adc
largely to the pleasure and satisfaction of v >
ters. The Committee are confident that
numbers the show in this department can r
be largely increased. Almost every hot
hold possesses one or more articles of ho;
manufacture which would interest other?, t.
help to fill up and beautify the Show ROOE
Many persons have articles, aud would bei.
ling to exhibit them, but do not desire tocx
pete for premiums. To such we say, we
lie highly pleased to receive your articles:',
exhibition, and thank you for the privilege
showing them. Attach cards to your artic.-
with your name aud residence and brimr?
forward them to us. There are hundredstis.
visit our Fairs who tell us that they have i
tides at home worth exhibiting, and perhi;
superior to those on the grounds, but did t
bring them for fear of being excelled. AC
meat's reflection, we think, should conri
such persons that this is not the right spir;
We cannot expect always to excel, ban
may bring samples of our best products, e
although they may not be the best at ther
yet they will be worth exhibiting, and whs:
of great importance, they will help to sit
the agregate evidence of our industry at
success as a people.
Then, we say, bring to the Fair, samples;
products from your Fields, your workshop
your looms and your needles, that they mav
witnesses for us that our County holds rsi:
f illy equal to that of any in the State forpr
ductiveuess of soil, mechanical skill, auuii .
industry and intelligence.
We are informed that a track will be p
pared ou the Bridge for crossing all Anion
and Articles for the Fair Grounds. Afe
HARTMAX and LAWSUA are driving the VX
with tall force. The last Span is rapidlyp>
gressing to completion.
Ex. Ct*.
Jameson's Cotton Mill at Xorristowa, stopj*
operations on Saturday last, throwing a'*
350 hands out of work. Also, Macres-;
Cotton Mill was closed ; James Hoove*
Rolling Mill, Win. Shalt's Rolling Mill,a
some smaller concerns. There must be w
or 700 hands thrown out of work by 3
above suspensions. The above mills hope l
commence agaiu in a few weeks; but thep :
spect is that others will stop soon, instead
any resuming.
R. COMPANY—The Delaware, Lacks***-
and W ostern Railroad Company have M
to meet their obligations on their flos' 1
debt. The amount is stated at sl,4otV*
In order to protect the property of the 0*
pany from attachment, an assignment
made to John J. Blair, of Belvidere,
Graves aud William E. Warren.
Gov. POLLOCK'S proclamation,
au extra session of Legislature, ou the Oth ia
will be found in another column. In this >
tudc we fail to see any urgent necessity
this measure, but it is justice to say, tha-'
Philadelphia, and very generally below it**®
to meet the approbation of all parties.
arc yet without any report of the org*"'
TRAL AMERICA I —The Bremen bark L> uri *"
rived at New York, ou Monday last, briaf*
three men who were picked up from
of the Central America by the brig <
Greenock. These men drifted for five a *.
on portions of the wreck, a boat drifting
auil they succeeded in getting into it
the eighth day they were rescued, having
all that time without water or provision s '
sea breakiug a breach over thctn WO-M