Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 01, 1857, Image 3
COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY. 1 Tbe Bradford County Medical Society met ft ,he borough of Towanda, on Wednesday, r, 3 all( j was called to order by the Presi- ! P ; P ' R E. N. MASON. The Medical and Clinics were well supplied with rare ■ l interesting cases. An operation for Toll ft'-Varttf, a variety of club foot, was perform |ua M aged 10 years. f < veral of the members reported at length I c a?es in Medical and Surgical practice, ftTral of which gave rise to animated debates ft' r ,n their nature and the proper treatment. §' On motion of Dr. Holmes, the follovnng 1 solution was unanimously adopted W -R,solved That the Turnkey invented by Y. ft-, Spencer, of Mansfield, Tioga County, Pa., ■; a decided improvement over the one now in |'i use, and that the Society recommend ftT, the favorable consideration of the profes i ifter going through the ordinary business, I; * Society proceeded to elect officers for the En-iiia? year : c presided —Dr. A. K. AXTKLL, of Troy. I Lift Presidents —G. F. Horton, of South E=vlum ; Benjamin Dewitt, of Leraysviile ; |)ai:iel Holmes of Canton , Volney Hornet, of faoptowp . s ■ Corresponding Secretary —Charles M. Tur- Er of Towanda. I Transcribing Secretary —T. F. Madill, of ■Vvsox. I 'Treasurer— C. T. Bliss, of Leßoy. I Sanitary Committee —G. F. Ilorton, of L-vlum. K P- Allen, of Smithfield. fOn motion, the President elect appointed ■he following Committees to report upon the ■he subjects indicated, to the Sanitary Coru liitlee. I Geology—G. F. Horton, E. P. Allen, G. |i Morgan. j I Locality, Drainage and Topography— E. 11. } ila-on, C. T. Bliss, M. L. Ciagett. J Prevalent Diseases —T. F. Madill, Daniel Holmes, Benjamin Dewitt. | On motion, the Society adjourned to meet L the borough of Troy, on the first Wedues liv of February at 10 o'clock, A. M. T. F. MADII.L, Secretary. DISCREDITED BANKS. iTlie following is a list of discredited banks, s far as we have been able to make a list.— 'here may Still be others, however. The larvland, Virginia and all Western bills, it ou'd be weli to refuse. I'aio Life k Trust Co. New York City. leclianics Bank'g As. rsir's Bk Sar'toga Co Half Moon village N Y. icketts Harbor Bank, Buffalo, eeiprevcity Bank, hemtrog Co., Bank, Horselieads |ii;,iar;o liank, Utica, lirtario County Bank, I'belps, | >iiver Lee ACo.'s Bk, Buffalo, jHollister Bank, Niagara River Bank, Tonawatida, Rank of Orleans, Albion, Bank of Canandaigua, Canandaigua, Medina Bank, Medina, " Huguenot Bank, New Paltz, Farmers Bank, Wickford, It. I. Mount Vernon Bank, Providence, Bank of the Republic, " K. I Central Bank, East Greenwich, " Bank of South County, Wakefield, Warwick Bank, Warwick, Tiverton Bank, Tiverton, " Bank of Hallowell, Hallowell, Maine. I Hancock Bank, Ellsworth, Sanford Bank, Sanford, Monsam River Bank, " Canton Bank, South China, " Ellsworth Bank, Ellsworth, Exchange Bank, Bangor, I Ban by Bank, Danby, Vermont, south Royalton Bank, South Royalton, " Monson Bank, Monson, Mass. Hopkinton Bank, Hopkiuton, Bergen County Bank, Hackensack, N.J Bank of New Jersey, New Brunswick, " America Bank, Trenton, j Warren Cuunty Bauk, Warren, Bank of Kanawha, Maiden, Virginia I Trans-A llcgheny Bank, I Miami Valley Bank, Dayton, Ohio r 'itv Bank, Cincinnati, Canal Bank, Cleveland, " Seneca County Bank, Tiffin, ! I nion Bank, Sandusky City, Bank of West Tenn. Memphis, Tenn. Agricultural Bank, Brownsville, " Merchants F.x. Bank, Bridgeport, Conn. Colchester Bank, Colchester, " j Bank of Commerce, Georgetown, I). C. Hank of the Capitol, Indianapolis, Indiana. Central Bank, *• " Bank of Elgin, Elgin, Illinois, I Zimmerman Bank, Canada PUT The Elmira Advertiser says that the ill.anjsport and Eiuiira Railroad Company have commenced the erection of a fine brick building on their grounds in that village, to be occupied as a Foundry for the Company. The Advertiser understands that is the intention of the Company to expend some fifty thousand dollars there within the ensuing six months in the erection of buildings and other works for the accommodation of the road. This Road is now doing a prosperous business, and nieet with the utmost promptitude all its en gagements. FATAL ACCIDENT. —Mr. IRA BERRY, a resi dent of this village, and an employee of the A. Y i Erie Railroad, was suddenly knocked senseless by coming in contact with a bridge 115I 15 he was standing on the top of a car officiat es in the capacity of a brakesman. The ac- JjJ'fent happened in the vicinity of Great Rend. Re remains were brought to this village on vatnrday last, and deposited in the Evergreen emetery, after the usual ceremonies by the Mr. KING, of the Baptist Church. The ' leaves a wife and family to mourn lis low. His wife, being a victim of Con sumption, is, of course in critical circumstan ces— Owrpo Gaz. W. BALLARD will preach at Burlington en Sunday next at 10 o'clock, A. M., and at To ooa on the evening of the same day. o,m Wor k & Erie R.R., Waverly Station. mmennng Monday, Jane 15, 1857, Trains will leave " AV ERLY at about the following hours: GOING EAST. X is. £ Ex P 320 P M Cincinnati Exp... 523 A.M Mail x P ress 3 47 A.M Night Express 12 57 P.M Emi— n ' 9 13 P.M Chicago Express. . .6 47 A.M A-JJ?" Y 443 P.M Steamboat Exp 217 Freight IONI ON 7 55 Ay Stock Express 1 22 A.M RREIFFHI' \J I 12 10 PM Accommodation ..7 37 P.M R-WV V? ' • ? 35 A -* Freight, No. 2 130 P.M " J 2 10 A.M Freight, No. i 10 r-M Xcro SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry writs of Vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas ot Bradford County, and to me directed, will be exposed to piiblic sale.on THURSDAY.the 29tli of OCTOBER, A. D., 1857, at 1 o'clock. P. 3d., at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, the fol lowing lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbury twp., Bradford co., bounded north by lands of Alexander Stevens and lands in possession of Columbus Burt, east bv land of said Columbus Burt, south by lands of J. B. Xt'ilkinson and B. F. Buck, south west by lands of Yin cent and Alexander Stevens. Containing about fifty acres more or less, all improved,one three story framed tavern house, one plank house, an old framed house, two framed barns and an orchard of fruit trees thereon ; ex cepting therefrom about six and a half acres of land known as the mill lot, devised in a sheriff's deed from John A. Codding, Sheriff, to David Burt. Seized and taken in execution at the suit ol Hector Owens vs. David Hapeman. JOHN A. CODDING, SherilTs Office, Sept. 29, 1857. Sheriff. OR PHANS'COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Brr dford Coun ty. will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, on SATL RDA Y. the 24th day of October, 1857 at 1 o'clock, I*. M., the following described property, late the estate of Henry Sible, deceased, of Herrick township :—A certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the townships of Rome and Sl.ediequin, and bounded and described as fol lows, to wit: On the north by lands of John Crowley and Oscar Young, east by lands of Michael Coß' Patrick Crowley and Solomon Kinner, south by lands of Stephen Dickens and lands formerly owned by Jeremiah Kilmer, and west by lands of William Stephenson. Containing one hundred and seventy-six acres, about ninety thereof improved, with a framed house, a framed barn, a log house, a wagon house and a large apple orchard thereon. Also, will be exposed to sale at the same time a lot of household furniture. ANNA SIBEL. PARKER SIBEL, Sept. 28. 1.857. Executors. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the matter of the estate of Chren Carr, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the above estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of D. A. Overton in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday, the 29th day of October, 1-57, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. ; Sept. 28,1857. D. A. OVERTON, Auditor, j AUDITORS NOTICE.—/. 11. Hansom' 1 4" Co. vs. S. y. I Cash burn and C. H. Amts. lu j Brad. Common Pleas, No. 00(8, Sept. term, 1856. Also, Gilbert Prentiss A Tuttle vs. same. In Bradford j Common Pleas, No. 260, Dec. term. 1853. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to j distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant's j real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at i his office in Totw.uda boro' on Saturday, the 31st day ol i October, A. D. 1857, at 9 o'clock, A. M., when and where all persons interested ace requested to present their claims or be forever debarred from anv share of said fund. 5ept. 28,1857. P. D.MORROW, Auditor, j A UDITORS NOTlCE.— tlall A R*isdl\ u. A- vs. I. 1.. 4' H. I- Lamoreur. In the Common Pleas | of Bradford County, No. 170, May term, 1857. The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to , distribute fund- raised by Sheriff's sale of the real estate I of defendant, will attend to the duties of his appointment t at his office iu the borough of Towanda, on Saturday the j 31st day of October, 1857. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are required to present their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund. >ept. SB, 1-57. P. T>. MORROW, Auditor. 4 UDITOR S NOTICE.— In the mutter of il. the estate of Marcus Tyrrell, dee d. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to ' distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of this j estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his j office in the borough of Towanda on Friday, the 3oh of : Oct.. Is >7. at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims j upon said money must present them, or else be forever ] debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, September 29. 1*57. Auditor. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice ATJL is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate of ABNER GRAVES, late of Ridgberrv town ship, dee'd-. are requested to make payment without de lay : and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. CHARITY GRAVES, September 25. 1857. Administratrix. T?XECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AH persons in- AJI debted to the estate of SILAS TITUS, deceased, late of Herrick town-hip, are hereby notified that pay ment must be made without delay, and all persons having claims against said c-tatc are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. ZOPHAR PLATT, September 26, 1857. Executor. BRADFORD CO. TEACHERS ASSO CIATION The next regular meeting of the Brad ford Count v Teachers' Association will be bebl in TROY, on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, at 11 o'clock, A. M. An Address will be delivered before the Association by the Rev. S. F. COLT ; and an Essay read bv Miss E. P. GUYER. JAMES McWILI.IAM, September 20, 1857. Secretary. The Banks have Suspended! BUT GUTTENBUFtG ROSENBAUM &. Co. Are just opening a full assortment of ill AND READY MADE CLOTHING. FIR THE FALL TRADE, which they wiil sell at New York prices. Our motto is " Quick sales and small profits. THE L \DIES will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the goods they need. Our shelves and drawers are crowded with articles for their u-.e. We esti 1 special attention to our new styles of FANCY SILKS, the finest the market affords. SHAWLS, broehe, Buy state and chashmere, of all sizes and qualities. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, French, English and American Merinos, plaid and striped DoLanes, plain and figured Alapaccas, in fact everything usually kept in Dry Goods stores. First-rate calico at 6 cents per yard, good muslin at 5$ cents. A fine assortment of BONNETS, Ladies* Collars, Undersleeves, Handkerchiefs, Laces. Gloves. Embroider ies. Hoisery. Ac. OCR CLOTHING DEPARTMENT is replete with fash ionable goods ; Overcoats from $4 to S2O, business coats from $3 to sls, vests all prices, pants from $2 to SG. A general assortment of underclothing, collars, Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the shortest notice. Don't forget the place, in Patton's new block, corner Bridge and Main streets. GUTTENBURO, ROSENBAUM A CO. Towanda, September 30, 1857. I>K- J -MTSTOSH, DENTIST, thanks the community for thege- I)eroU a treatment he has received for the past eight years, and promises to exert himself in future as he lias never done before to deserve their confidence. Hereafter no work will leave his hands that will not compare favorably with the best style of city dentistry. In connection with thanks, lie begs to say, that the im mediate payment of plate work will be a necessity. A good fit is a most dimwit object to le attained without having paid for the plate. It is true that a poor fit can be had whether paid for or not, but the responsibility is not in the least impaired with him, if the work is paid for perhaps the opposite. It is mightily offensive to be sus pected of a deliberate attempt to gouge. He will under take to do nothing beyond his skill to accomplish. Per sons who do not wish to employ him until they find the plate is •' going to do," are imformed that he does net de sire to be .o employed. He can point to as lafge a num ber of good fits as any dentist can of equal business ; and —if he does say it—to a great many more artistically ar ranged cases. If what he has done, cannot be taken as a sufficient guarantee, the choice of another dentist will never be a subject of complaint by him. Towanda. September I s , 1857. To All Concerned. THE Subscribers' liabilities are such that they will ei ther be obliged to sell the Judgments and Notes they hold against their customers, or enforce collection. We hope our friends will not drive us to such an alternative. An earlv attention to this notice is requested. Aug. 10,1857. _ MONTANYES. FOR SALE. _ _ THE well-known and well-established CAR RIAOE MANUFACTORY situated on Mainst ! j jUjL in the south part of the Borough of Towanda. Ljj|o Also, the Smith Shop, Timber House and Barn J99BiSS&on the same lot, and stock of Timber on hand. Also, HOUSE AND LOT adjoining the shop lot. &ff~Tb. whole will be sold cheap for ready pay. For terms apply to the subscriber at his residence on the pre mises. N. B. The subscriber has on hand some Mr*Wt SJ SI6OO or $1M)0 worth of CARRIAGES, ofGCy'iSjßgT different kinds, which he will sell on reason able terms for ready pay or approved credit. Towanda, Aug, 1,1857.m3 O. H. DRAKE. for flavoring, for sale cheap rUSI IP AID FOR BEEF HIDES. AND \J SHEEP PELTS AND FURS, at No. 3, Tatten's BLck. augl 7 WM. A- ROCKWELL. fllisceHcmcons. MUSICAL CONVENTION! Prof. T. J. COOK, of New-York, will hold a at ATHENS, Bradford Co. Pa., to ?commence on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1857, to continue three days, and close with a GRAND CONCERT. Admission to the whole course for Gentle men, SI,OO ; Ladies, 50 cents. Prof. COOK was recommended by Prof. I. B. WOOD BT-RY, whose ill health would not permit him to accept the call of the Committee, Woodbury's Works will be used, and furnished free of charge during the Convention. Particular attention will be given to the development and cultivation of the Voice, Execution, Reading iu Mu sic, and correct taste, all combining to make this a rare opportunity for improvement in, and enjoyment of, Vo cal Music. Pleasant accommodations at reasonable rates, have beeu provided for those attending from u distance. Further information relative to the Convention will be cheerfully given on application by mail or otherwise to I. X. EVANS, Secretary, Or any of the Committee of Arrangements. C.T. Hcli,, W. H. FKITCHEK, WM. E. DCELL, D. F. PARK, GEO. B| PERKINS, H. C. BAIUD, C. N. SHIPMAX, N. C. HARRIS, J. B. REEVE: SPECIAL COURT.—Notice is iiereby gi ven that a Special Court of Common Pleas will be held in, and for the County of Bradford, Commencing on MONDAY, the 16th day of November next, at 19 o'clock in the forenoon, at tlic Court House, in the borough of Towanda, and to continue one week, at which the Hon. Robert G. White will preside, for the trial of the following cases, to wit:— Newton Humphrey vs. William Humphrey, Ejectment. C. L. DeChastelleux Vs. Ira Jennings, ct al. Ejectment. S. V. Shipman vs. David Wilmot, Appeal. A. B. Smith vs. Samuel Kellunr, 2d. et. al.. Ejectment. Subpoenas made returnable on Monday, Nov. 16, 1857, at 10 o'clock. A. M. ALLEN* M'KEAN, Proth'y Office, Sept. 14.1857. Prothorrotary. Q HEIIIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ k-7 of Fieri Facias, issued out of "the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, and to me directed will he ex posed to public sale at the Court House, in the boro' of Towanda, on FRIDAY, October 2d, 1857, at one o'clock, I*. M., the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Towanda Borough, bounded north by land of Wm. B. Dodge, east by land belonging to H. S. A J. 11. Phinney, south by land of Daniel Moody and we-t by William st., being fifty feet front and running back about one hundred and twenty-five feet, more or less, all improved, with one framed dwelling house and a few fruit tree- thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of R.C.Sma!- ley, now to use of J. 11. Phinney A Co., vs. R. W. Smal ley. JOHN A.CODDING,Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Towanda, Sept. 15, 1857. YI7 ANTED.—I wisli to purchase 100,000 \ I feet or MAPLE SCANTLING 13 feet long, and inches square. Any one wishing to make a contract tor any or all, can do so by calling at my Furniture Ware Rooms in Towanda. Sept. 15, 1857. CHESTER WELLS. fl* STRAY.—Came to the enclosure of the J Subscriber in Burlington township, about ten days since, a DEEP RED STEER, about two years old with small white spot under the belly. The owner is request ed to prove property, pay charges, and take him away. Burlington. Sept. 12. 1-57. PHILIP LALLKY. M O N T A. IST Y E 8 Are new receiving their Fall Stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, 3?onts K IJJDPS, f\)n .findings & Ipntjjpr, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, AC. Which will be sold at Greatly Reduced Prices. Cor. Public Square and Main st. J. P. MONTANVE, I TOWANDA. jJ. L>. MONTANYE, JR. E. D.MONTANVE, ) September 8,1857 ; F. D. MONTAN VE. mi FALL Wmi Just receiving at William A. Rockwell's Store, Wo. 2, Patton's Sleek. Towanda, September 9, 1857. A N ELEGANT ASSORTMENT uTDress Xv. Trimmings. Velvets, Ac., at Sept. 15,1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. MOHAIR BRAIDS and Twists fur the . hair, at Sept. 1 i, 1-57. WM. A. ROCKWELL S. and French Merinos, Deßages, J DeLaines, Alapaccas. Thibet Cloths, Shepherd's ' Plaid- (a new and fashionable article) Prints, Ginghams, and iu fact all kinds of Dry Good- may be had cheap at • Sept. 15.1-57. WM. A. BOCK WELL'S. , i NEW ASSORTMENT of Bonnets, I il. Ribbons and Gloves, expressly fir the fall trade, Belt Ribbons : ai-n a new stock of Laces and Entbroi ! deries, set of Collars and Sleeves. Ac., Ac., at Sept. 1., 1-57. w. A. ROCKWELL'S. \ NEW AND GENERAL assortment XV. of Boots anl Shoes, Cloths and Cassimerea, and everything in this line, tor sale by Sept. 15,1857. W. A. ROCKWELL. ( IROCKEUY, GLASS WARE, Groceries Yankee Notions, hooking Glasses, Wooden Ware, and everything you want may be found at the new store of Sept. 15.1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL. I AAA LBS. OHIO GRIND STONES, J* /Y'VF and a lot of Grind Stone Hangings, at Sept. 8,1857. WM. A. ROCKWELL'S. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—Not** is here by given that letters testamentary upon the estate of Elijah Lucky, late of Sheskequin, dre'd. have been granted to the subscriber. AH persons indebted t" said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested tor settlement. NANCY LUCKY, JOHN LUCKY, Sept. 15, 185?. Executors A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice XA. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Clarissa Grace, late of Springfield two., deceased, are requested to make payment without delay : and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. Sept. 15,1857. JOHN NORMAN. Administrator. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTlCE.—Notice is lierebv given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of James H. Morrow, late of Asylum twp., dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay ; and all per sons having claims against said estate, in ist present them duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. SABRA A. MORROW, August is, 1857. Administratrix. TATE ARE NOW OFFERING a very T T large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we oflerat extremely low prices for READY PAY, and invite the public to'cail and examine before purchasing elsewhere. June 2d, IS.'M. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. SHORT SEASON! AS the Summer Season will e short, we have conclud ed to make our Usual Reduction of Prices, at Once! Which we have been accustomed to do late in the season, and in view of this fact, we will sell our large stock of SUMMM CLOTHING,, BUY GOODS, die. die. A T GREA TL Y RED UCED PRICES. GUTTEN'BERG, ROSEN*BAUM A CO. Towanda, July 22, Cor. Main and Bridge KG. .A. CHOICE FARM Adjoining the Borough of Towandn, Tor Sale at a GREAT BARGAIN! AT $25 an acre, for all cash down ; At S3O an acre for S3OOO down and balance in 3 years. At $35 an acre for S2OOO down and balance in 5 years. At S4O an acre for SIOOO down and balance in 7 years. The farm contains 200 acres with a good House and barn, and an orchard of choice fruit on it. It is well wa tered with permanent springs conveniently distributed over it. About one half of it is cleared, and every acre of it is good tillable land. It could be advantageously divided so as to suit two or more persons wishing farms of less size. My daughter has fifty acres adjoining it which she woold also sell. Towanda, July 21,1857. W. PATTOX. MOKED HAM, SHOULDERS, DRIED BEEF at Jnoc 4,1857 FOX'S. WANTED. —Butter and Egg, and all hinds of cmintry produce, by lowanda, July 28,1857. wy A - FOCK^TLL. Uliscclkmcona. besoTution Proposing Amendments to' Che Constitution of the Commonwealth. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gensrvl As emblymet : That the following amendments are propos ed to the constitution of the commonwealth, in accor dance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof. FIRST AMENDMENT. There shall lie an additional article to said constitution to be designated as article eleven, as follows : ARTICLE SI. OP PUBLIC DEBTS. SECTION 1. The state niay contract debts, to supply casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided for ; but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether contracted by virtue of one or more acts oi the general assembly, or at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hun dred and fifty thousand dollars, and the money arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to tiie purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts so contracted, and to no other purpose whatevee. SECTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the state may contract debts to repel invasion, suppress in surrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the pre sent outstanding indebtedness of the state ; but the mo ney arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to re pay such debts, and to no other purpose whatever. SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec- Dons one arid two of this article, no debt whatever shall be created by, or on behalf of the state. SECTION 4. To provide for the payment of the present debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the legislature shall, at its first session, after the adoption of {his anlencfmcnt, create a sinking fund, which shall be sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less than two hundred and fly thousand dollars; which sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of the public works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part (hereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stocks owned by the state, together with other funds, or resour ces. that may be designated by law. The said sinking fund may be increased, from time to time, by assigning to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the state, not required for the ordinary and current expenses of government, and unless in case of war, invasion or insur rection, no pert of the said siuking fund shall be used or : applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public j debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the I sum of five millions of dollars. SECTION 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not | in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any j individual, company, corporation, or association ; nor j shall the common wealth hereafter become a joint owner, or stockholder, in any company, association, or corpora tion. SECTION 6. The commonwealth shall not assume the debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township ; or of any corporation, or association ; un less such debt shall have been contracted to enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend itseii in time of War. or to assist the state in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. SECTION 7. The legislature shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township, or incorporated district, by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to be come a stockholder in any company, association, or cor poration: or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution, or party. SECONII AMENDMENT. There shall be an additional article to said constit7tion j to be designated as article XII, as follows : ARTICLE XII. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be bivided by a line cutting off over i one-tenth ot its population, (either to form a new county < or otherwise,) without the express assent of such conn- ! tv, by a vote of the electors thereof ; nor shall any new ! county be established, containing less than four hundred ! i square miles. THIRD AMENDMENT. From section two ot the first article of the constitution : strike out the words, " of the city of Philadeldhia, and |of each county respeetivrly from section live, same ar i tide, strike out the words," of Philadelphia and of the ! several counties from section seven, same article, I strike out the words, " neither the city of Philadelphia i nor any.'' and insert in lien thereof the words," and no and strike out. " section four, same article,'' and in lieu thereof insert the following : j "SECTION 4. In the year one thocsand eight hundred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep i resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be ap l portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state, j by districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in , habitants in the several parts thereof; except that any j county containing at least three thousand five hundred I taxable*. may be allowed a sept-rate representation ; but ! no more than three counties shall be joined, and nocoun :ty shall be divided, in the formation of a distriit. Any | city containing a sufficient number of taxnblcs to entitle ( it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate I representation assigned it, and shall be divided into con venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxa ble population as near as may be, each of which districts j shall elect oe representative." At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words. " the city of Philadelphia shall he divided into sin gle senatorial districts, of ront iguoiis territory as nearly equal in taxable population as jmssible : brut no ward snail be divided in the formation thereof.'' The legislature, at its first session, after the adoption of tins amendment, shall divide the eity of Philadelphia i iuto senatorial and representative districts, in the man : uer above provided ; such districts to remain unchanged i until ttie apportionment in the year out thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. FOi'RTN AMENDMENT. i There shall be an additional section to the first article | of said constitution, which shall be numbered and read j as follows : j SECTION 20. The legislature shall have the power to al i ter. revoke, or annul, any charter of incorporation here j after conferred by. or under, any special, or general law, I whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to theeiti j sens of the commonw- allh ; in such maimer, however, i that no injustice shall lie done to the corporators. IN SENATE, March 27.1837. Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first amendment, yeas 34, nays 7 ; on the second amendment, yeas 23. nays 8 : on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays 4 ; on the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. [Extract from the Journal ] GEO. W. HAMERSI.Y, Clerk. IN THE IIOCSK OK REPRESENTATIVES, April 2:>, 1557. Resolved. That this resolution pa's. On the first I amendment , yeas Is, nays 12 : on the second amendment t yeas 57, nays 34 : on the third amendment, yeas72,nays 22 ; on the fourth amendment, yeas 03. nays 7. [Extract from the Journal.]* JACOB ZIKULKR, Clerk. Filed in Secretary's office, May 2, 1857. A. CURTIX, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SECRETARY'S OFFICE. HARKISULKO, Juno 22, 1857. Prn:)*ytvmuil. *.* : I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original " Resolution proposing amendment.-, to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,'' with the vote in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in this office. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my [I., s.] hand and caused to be affixed the seal of the + Secretary's Office, the day and vear above written. A. G. CI'RTIN. Secretary of the Commonwealth. IN SEXITE, March 27,1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu tion .of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question. Will the Senate agree to the first amendment? The yeas arid nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coifey, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Flennikcn, Frazer, Ingram. Jordan, Kiilinger, Knox, Lauhach, Lewis, Myer, Seoliehl, Sellers, Shaman, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkius, Wright and Taggart, Speaker—24. NAYS—Messrs. Cralib. Cresswcll, Finney. Gregg, Har ris, Penrose and Souther—7. So the question was determined in the aQirmutivc. On the questfon. Will the Senate agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays wore taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—-Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, Ely,Evans, Fetter, Finney, Flennikcn, Ingram, Jornan. Knox. Lan bach, Lewis, Myer, Sellers, Hhuman, Souther, Steele, S raub, Welsh, Wilkius, Wright and Taggart, Speaker— -23. NAYS— Messrs. Coffey, Cralib, Frazer, Gregg. Harris, Kiilinger, Penrose and Scofield—B So the question was determined in the aflumr.tlve. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YF.AS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cralib, Cresw-11, Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Erazer, Ingram, Jordan, Killinsrer, Knox, Laubach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers, Hhuman, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkius and Wright—24. NAYS—Messrs. Coifey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment 7 The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffey, Creswell, Ely, Evans. Flennikcn, Frazer, Ingram, Kilhuger, Knox. Lau bach, Lewis, Myer, Scofield, Sellers. S'uuinau, Souther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—23. NAYS—Mosars. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose— 4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. IN TBE HCCSE OF RZRAR C ENT ATTVES , April 2?, 1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth being under consideration. On the question, will the Hmise agree t the first amendment' fflisfellrtnccns. j The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the previ sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : j YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Artliur, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, chase. Cleaver, Crawford, Diekey, Ent, Eystor, Fansold Foster, j Gibboney. Gildea, Ramef, Harper, Reins. Heistand, Mill, Hillegasj Hoffman, (Berks,-) Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jen-, kins, Johns, Johnson, Kautftnan, Kerr, Knight. Lessen-' ring, Longaker, Lovett, Mallear, Mangle, M'Calmont, , MTlvain, Moorhead. Musima, Musselmuu, Nichols, Xich i olson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (Yoik,) P.ea- l iner. Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cam- j bria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanhocr- 1 his, Vickers, Voegbley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharfon, j Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, I Speaker —7B. NAYS—Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamilton. Han- i cock, Hine, Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Lebo, Struthers,Thorn, j Warner and Wintrode— l2. So the question was determined in the affirmative. j On the question. Will the House agree to the second amendment ? j The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi- ; skins of the Constitution, and wore as follow, viz : YEAR—Messrs. Andenou, Backhouse, Ball, Beck. J Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Cartv. Ent, Faueoid, Poster, Gildea. Hamel, Harper, Heiues, Htestand, Hillegas. Hoff man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffruan. Knight, Leisenring, Longa ker. Lovett. Mauear. Maugie, MTlvain, Moorhead, Mus selman, Nichols, Nicholson. Nunemacher, Pearson, Pe ters, Petriken, Pownall. Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer. Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolau, Vail, Vocghley, Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker —s7. NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson, Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Gib boney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Hine. Hoffman, (Leba non j Jacobs, Kerr, I.ebo, M'Calmont. Mumma, Reed, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Ceutte.) TteVenson, Struth ers, Thorn, Vanhoorhis, Vickers, Wagonseiler, Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wr.ght— 34. Ho the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agTce to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Ben sou, Bower. Brown,Calhoun. Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster. Fausold, Foster, Gibbo ney, Hamel, Harper, Heins, Heistand, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Johns. Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, l.ebo, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugie. M'Calmont, Moorhead, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nu nemacher. Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Powuail, I'urccll. Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vril, Vanhoorhis, Vickers, Voegbley. Wagonseiler, West brook. Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker —72. NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustfne, Backus, Bishop. Carty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock, Mine, Jenkins, Knight, Leisenring, MTlvain. Ramsev, (Philadelphia) Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, Waiter, Warner, Wharton, and Wintrode— 22. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Anderson. Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey. Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Foster. Gibboney, Gildea, Hamel, Har per. Heins, Hiestand, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, imbrie, Innes, Jacobs, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leisen ring Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugie. M'Calmont, M- ; llvain, Mumma, Musselman, Nichols, Nicholson. Nune macher, Pearson, Peters. Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York.) Bcamer. Reed. Roberts, Rupp, HhaW, Sloan, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson. Tolan, Vail, Vanhoornis, Vickers, Voegbley, Wagonseiler, Walter. Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker —B3. NAYS—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers, Thorn. Wintrode, and Wright— 7. So the question was determined ill the affirmative. SECRET ATY'S OFFICE, HARRISBCUO. June 22,1857. Pennsylvania, ss : 1 do certify that the.above and foregoing i>- a true and ] correct copy of the" Yeas" and " Nays' tak'-n on the i i resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of I the Commonwealth, as the same appears on the Journals ! of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com j inonwealth for the session of 15.77. Witness my hand and the seal of said office, this i [L. s.] twenty-sedond day of June, one thousand eight hundred and "fifty-seven. A. G. CURTIX, July 9te Secretary of the Commonwealth. THE GOOD SWISS SALVE 13 THE GREAT CCRER UF FEVER BORES. IT gives immediate relief from pam, anu in as quick a time a* it is possible for tlii- disease to be affected, it heals the wounds gradually and safely, alter extracting all poisonous matter, until a permanent cure is made. ITS NAME As its name imports, this Ointment is of Swiss Origin, and is tin- most remarkable Ointment for curing old Sores and Bad L'gs ever knoffn. Its curing properties seem to be perfectly irresistible. The receipt for making this rare mediaine. was ob tained from James Rondon, an old Swiss tar-maker in North Caroiiua, who brought it with biiu from Switzer j land. AS A FAMILY SALVE, j it has no equal, both in it- powers for doing good, and i its extreme neatness as a CLEAN. SWEET. PUKE. PLEASANT OINTMENT, healing without the least injury everything to which it is applied. MOTHERS USE IT for their Caked, Broken and Inlhiiued Breasts with charm ing success. Thousand- of Mothers an- this day blessing tiie hour in which they first applied the GOOD SWISS SALVE. HALT RHEUM and SCROFULOUS SORES and Swellings it rapidly cures by -trikiug at the root of the disease ana drawing the humors to the surface. IT NEVER DRIVES THEM IS WAKD! Under all circumstances of the case IT IS SAFE! Good Swiss Salve cures Felons* Good Swiss Salve cures Piles. Good Swiss Salve cures Burns* Good Swiss Salve cures Bruises. Good Swiss Salve cures Flesh Wounds. Good Swiss Salve cures Toothache. IN SHORT. 17 Wherever Pain or Inhumation exist, apply the I GOOD SWISS SAIA E, and you will find relief. This Salve is put lip in LARGER BOXES than Oiiitincnt in general, at 25 cts. It is also put up in large China pots, for the accommodation of Families ami those who use it for Fever Sores where several is>xes may be required, as it is one half cheaper. A pot holds 8 boxes and sells for one dollar. Hundreds of families keep it in this convenient form as a necessary household article. A. E. BAHNABY. Ithaca. N. Y., sole proprietor. Sold bv J. KINOPBEHV, Towanda. Pa. SORB XTSTZ2S ! /~T OTTFLOFFE 1H THE INVENTOR OF the cele- V T bruted ALPINE EVE HALSAM. which has gained ! such wonderful reputation throughout Europe ami the | United State?. It is extracted frm plants takeu direct j trnm the A LPINK MOt'NTAINS, and prepared by Dr. Heindrich Gmtslofle. a native of Berne, Switzerland, and 1 for rnany years Professor in the Berne Institute, now a ! resident of the U. S. This Balsam is superior to any otiier eye medicine, he it salve or water, it is a safe ar a CERTAIN CL'HE for all INFLAMATIONS, I'HEMATi r _ FAILURE OK SIUIIT. NIOI-T BLINDNESS. Hu N OK 1 ~ MJ PAIN ON Exi'osrnK TO LIGHT, AC., APD always m J I PS 3 ' QUICK cure. TRY IT ! It is recomended by alld.ruvgistn and Physicians who have become acquainted v ;th its vir tues. KB* Each bottle bears his written '..wuature Price 25 cents. A. E. Barnaby, Ithaca, N. Y., General igent. Fold by J. K'irv. Towu-d i. Ps. J K r r.Wx TS NOW RECEIVING a iar-e stock of A FAMIIA GROCERIES, v',ich are offered for sale at as low prices as the same tpi'.iitv of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of the of New York. A DM INISTRAT OR'S NOTK JE.—Notw e xA. is hereby giv< a . hut all persons indebted to the e-- tate ol MARK 11. GrEENMAN, dee'd, late of Canton, are berebv requested to make payment without de lay; and all peas ,ns having claims against said estate will please present <meiu dulv authenticated for sett'ement. CIIARI.KS STOCKWFLL, JOHN VANDYKE, Jr. Canton. Sopt. 21,1857. Administrators. A I)MIMSTRATRIX M)TICE.—Notit-e -cA-'is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es.tate ot tt'M. B. REIFSXI DKR, dee'd, late of Albany Vwp, are hereby notified to make payrc.c.jt without delav, and all persons having demands against said estate are requested to present them dulv authenticated for settle ment. MARY REIFSXYDER. September 21, 1857. Administrators. LEATHER —A new supply of Sole Leath er, Cow Hide, Kin and Calf Skin, at No. 2, Pattou's Block. aug2d W,\l. A. ROCKWELL- E STRAY.—Broke into the enclo sure of the subscriber, about the middle of August, one RED COW, about 15 T"'" .ff ,/T old ; the owner is requested to come forward and prove property, pay charges and take her away. Burlington, Aug.. 17, 1857. J. J-HAIGHT. SALT FOR THE TABLE and Dairy for sale cheap by lowande July 28,1857. WM A. EICrTLI C.fifll. "EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. —Notice is here- X-d by given, that all persons indebted to the eatatoof GEO. H. JACKSON', deceased. late of ATHENb toWO ship, are requested to make payment without oelaj ; those having deuiaudssgalnstsald estatewill present tnem dulv authenticated for settlement. July 20.1857- JOHN L. SAWYER^ Executor. DM INISTR ATOR S N OTICE —Xotict .AX Is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the ea taie of Nicholas L. Head deceased, late of Wells township are requested to in'ike payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please pre - eut theui duly authenticated hm settlement. VALOROUS C. LEONARD. August 26, 1857. Administrator. I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE—Notice is here i by given that n!1 persona indented to the estate of FREDERICK FISI7ER. dee d of South Towanda. mast make knraediate payment, and all persona having de mauds against said estate, will present thent duly authen ticated for settlement. SAL'S BURY COLE, JOSEPn HOMET, August. 15. IW. Eaecutow. pENEUAL ELECTION PUOCXAMA- UniON. —Whereas, by an act of assembly of the Com monwealth, entitledan act relatiuz to the elections of this commonwealth," it Is enjoined upon me to give pub lic notice of such election to l,e held, and also tnj: enume ration in such notice officers are to be elected, I, JOHN A. CODDING. High Sheriff of the County of Brad ford. do hereby make known and give notice, to the elec tors of said countv tl at a general election will be held In said countv. on TUESDAY. the 13th day of October, la. the several distiiets in said c ounty, to wit:— In AFbany, at the sub-district school house near Camp bell's mill. In Asylum, at the house of Jacob Frutchey. In Athens boro', at the honee of E. S. Mathewson. In Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt in At&ana Borough. In Armenia, at the house of John S. Becker. In Burlington boro,. at the Hall of Henry Yoabnrg. In Burlington twp.. at the house of Roswell Luther. In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton, at the house of A. E. Spalding. In Columbia, at the house of James Morgan. In Durell, at the school house, called the centre edtoal house. near S. Decker's. In Franklin at the house of J. Yl. Maitin, new occupied by H. M. South Weil. "in Granville, a* the house of Benjamin F. Taylor. In Herrick, at the school house near Daniel Duraad'a. In Litchfield, at the house of Cyrus Bloodgood. In Leßoy. at the school house iu Leßoy. In Monroe, at the house of J. P. Smith. In Monroe boro" at the house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at the bouse of Frauds Woodruff In Overton, at the house of Wm. Waltinau. In Pike, at the bouse of Dennis Johnson. In Rome, at the Academy. In Ridgbury, north district at the house of J. G. Pine ; south district at the house of C. O. French. In Sheahequin, at the Valley House. In Sinithfieid, at the house of A. J. Gerould. In Springfield, at the house of T. Wilder. In Standing Stone at the house of Simon Stevens. In Svlvania boro'. at the house of Curtis Merritt. In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gillett's. In Towanda boro*. at the Grand Jury room, in the Court House, hi said boro'. In Towanda twp.. at the school house, near H. L. Scott 'u. In Towanda North, at the bouse of s. A. Mills. In Trov boro', at the Eagle Tavern. In Troy twp., at the house of V. M. Long, in th boro' of Troy. In TuaCafora, at the school house near J allies Black's. In Ulster, at the house of $. B. Holcomb. In Warren, at the house of R. Cooper. In Welts, at the house of L. Sec-lev. In Windham, at the house of Bcnj. Kuykeadoll. In Wvalusiug, at Hie house of J. H. Black. In Wilmot, at the house of John Huffman. In Wysox, at the house of James M. Reed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot One person for Governor of *Ue Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. One person for Canal Commissioner of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania. Two persons for Judges of the Supreme Court of tLa Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I Two persons to represent the County of Bradford Ua I the House, Ac. j fine person for Kish Sheriff of the County of Bradford. ! One person for Prothoimtary, Clerk of the Oyer and I Terminer,Clerk of the Orphan's Court, and Quarter Se n; aiens of the Peace of the County of Bradford. tine person for Registei of Willsaud Recoiderof Deeds of the County of Bradford, i One person for County Commissioner for the Const/ ! of Bradford. ! One person for County Auditor of the Cohuty of Brad ford. I One person for Treasurer of the County of Bradford. Cue person for Coroner of the County of Bradford. And in and bv said art. I am further directed to give ; notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace ! who shall hold anv office of profit and trust under the go j vemment of the ('nited States or of this State, or of any : incorporated district, and aho that every member of con i gross and of the State Legislature and the select and com i inon council of any city, or commissioners of any iucor- I pnrated distriit, is"by law incapable of holding or cxer- I rising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge. Inspector <>r Clerk of any election of this Common wealth, and that no inspector or other officer of any such ! election, shall be then eligible to any office to be voted ] for. | By the 4th sertioti of an act parsed the ICth day of j April, 1840. it is provided " Jliut the 13th section an ! act passed July 2d, ls3o, er.tiiled " An act relating*) the ; elections of this commonwealth,'' shall not be construed | as to prevent any militia officer from serving as. Judge. ! Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of ; this Commonwealth. i In the hist ,-ection of the art first above mentioned, it 1 is enacted that every general and special election shall ! be opened between 8 and 10 in the forenoon, and continue I without interruption <>r adjournment until 7 o'clock in the j evening, when the polls shall be closed. Bv the section of the act passed Feb. 3d, 18A6, It shall be lawful lor the inspectors aud judges of any j ral election whicli shall be hereafter held in the Armenia ; eleclion di-tri'd of Bradford county to clo-e tLe p'jlls of 1 such election at 5 o'clock, I*. M. I!y the 11th sectiou of the act of lA. r 3, it ; H provided that the poll* of the election di.-trict of Tir-camra twp. be closed at S o'clock. I*. M. It i further directed, that the meeting of the dodges at the t'ourt House in Towanda, to rnukc out Iht get oral return, shad Ie on the 3d day alter the eH' job whih will be on the loth day of October. WiiKf.rv*. a Joint Resolution proposing certain amend ments to the Constitution of 1 hi-C'ommc ha-bte agreed to hv a majority of the memhe- s elected' to each Hon- c of tl"e Legislature, at two s\. c *. es i Te sessions of tlis same, the first session comrnei cing , m the fil>t Tut . k . ♦l:v of January. 111 the vear of oue thousand eight hundred and fi>ty—ix, at j t'ir second session com mercing on the fir-t Tucsdav of Janr-aiv. in the year of our Lord one thousand ei , lt handled'and filtylteveu : And W iiBRKAs, It is prov t I( i r ,] j u the tenth article in the I (institution, that any ■ amendment so agreed upon shall be submitted to the i eo . p, ju such manner and at such time, at least t.iree * 4no nths after being so agreed to bv the two Houses, a J t(, e Legislature shall prescribe. A> W lIERKAS, My p\ of the Legislature of this Common wealth, entitle a ■. Yn .vt prescribing the time and man np.r subntt'.ting to the I'eople for their ratification or rcjc'tion t j iri |„ )>e d Au. end men ts to the Constitution," approved nj. )V twelfth, Anno Domini one thousand right huiuln j and fifty-scven, it is, among other things, pro vided f,.ii,.,ws. to wit:— s action I. That for the pmpose of ascertaining tl.e s ' use of the citizens of this Common we ilth in regard ti .he adoption or ri jection of said Amendments, or eiihvc i of tin in, tin- Ciovir.oT of this Commonwealth -hall i*Mie a writ of election directed to the Sheriff of each and ve ! ry County in this Commonwealth, commanding them to ; give notice in the r.ifthner. in not less than two I newspaper- in each C mnt.y. provided tliat so many are : published therein, that an e'ei tion w ill l e held in each of tlie townships, wards and'districts therein, on tl a second i Tuesday in October, in the year of or Lord one thuu , sand eight" 5 and fifty-seven. fr the purpose of d?- ! riding upon the a-ioptwn or rejection of tie said Amend i ments. or any <•! thefn ; which said election shall bo hei,l at the places, ami opened : , IM ] elo-ed at fee time at and within which tireXSeneral Klcctjonof the Commonwealth arc bebt o] encd and chtst-d : and it -hall be tiic duty <>! the Judges, Inspector* and Clerks of <wr"a of -aid towu -h ,is. wards and district- to re< cive at the said election, tickets either written or printdi, er partly written and partly printed from citizen- duly ipmlifled to vote for >fein bu rs If the General Assembly, and to deposit theni in a box cir boxes to be for that purpose provided by the nr~ per others, which tickets shaft be respectively labelled on the outside, " First Amendment." •■Second Amend ment,''" Tliird Amendment,"iwd"Fonrth Amendment '* and those who are favorable to saiii Amendments, or any 1 of them, may express their desire hv voting each as m.,- i ny separate written or printed, or psitly written orprii.t --j ed ballot- or ticket", containing ■ n the inside thereof the words, " For the Amendment," and those who areoppo ! Ed to Mich Ameicfnrents, or any of them, may express their opposition by rotin? each as many sejiarßte writ ten or printed baffota or tickets coo twining on the insida thereof the words," Against the Amendment*." Skctios 2. Tliat the elcti m on the said propos< 1 1 Amendment', shall in all le-pects be condncted as tbo I General Kle tious of this Commonwealth are now ec-w --ductcd ; and it shall be the duty of the return Judges of | the respective counties and districts thereof, firt having* | carefully ascertained the number of votes givory for or against each of said Amendments in the manioc afore said, to make out duplicate letirrns thereof, e.\ rsseed ; n words at length and not in figures only, one of which re turns so made shall he lodged in the Frotaoaotary's of fice of the Court of Common Pleas of the proper connt r. and the other sealed and directed to the Socretary of tho Oommonwraltb, and by one of said Judges deposit"! , forthwith in tire most con%euicnt Poet Office, JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. ! Towanda. September 15. 1 e *7. DRIED FEACHESRORAYOES, FIGS. pivmee. Baleen?, Jfo.. a* 1 k T vt *, iwr. rox'L.