Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 01, 1857, Image 2

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    bursting from his lips whose reproachful de
spair smote upon my heart 5 for alas ! it was a
cry upon my name.
" Mr. llallam—" Dr. Kane began, but lie
paid 110 more. One moment Mr. Kallarn stood
like a hunted animal, now he sprang upon
them, and there was iu an instant a struggle
as if between wild beasts.
•• Call them in !"'—the stranger's voice rose
high. " Williams !—Mason !—quick 1"
I was thrust aside, and two men pressed
past me. I saw their entrance, aud I saw no
more. A gentle hand was on my arm, and I j
was taken kindly from the room.
" You ought not to have seen this,'' Dr. (
Kane said. "I am very sorry, Miss King, I ;
am very soriy. But there was nothing else
we couid do. Yon would not have been safe
iu the house with him for another hour." You
must have had a terrible time already
I looked into his face in strange bewilder- |
ment, my week's intense fear and horror strug- j
gling with a faint light of hope.
" Dr. Kane, tell me !—I do not understand !" i
It was not Dr. Kane who answered me, but
the stranger who had come with him. He had
joined us in the hall, and it was he who spoke. ]
" You have not heard, perhaps, that Mr. j
Hallam was under my charge some years ago. |
From the report Dr. Kane brought me this
morning, I felt sure that there was no time to
be lost iu seeing him. lam only amazed that
an outbreak has been delayed so long."
I burst into tears.
" Is it only that ?"
" Only that !" he repeated. " Why, what
did you think it was ? What has he been say
ing to you ?"
I told him ; he received my narrative with
a smile
" Frank Hillyaid and his wife arc at Ham
burg ; as well, I know, a week ago, as I am. !
Poor Hallam ! he is as mad as any mau in .
Bedlam !'
It was so ; and inad he is still now, after j
two years have passed. He is in the same i
asylum where he was formerly confined, and,
ill though he yet remains, they give us some :
faint hopes of his ultimate recovery. Mean
while, his poor wife waits and prays
We live together in a cottage near him, and
they occasionally let us see him ; but he rare
ly knows his wife, and in seeing me his feeble
recollection only reaches to adim remembrance ;
that I have " Anne's eyes."
The Fifth Annual Fair of the Bradford
County Agricultural Society will be held at
the Borough of Towauda, on the 15th and
16th days of October, 1857. The following
is a list of Officers and Judges for 1857 :
President —M. H. LAXINO, of Wysox.
Vice Presidents— D. F. Pouieroy, of Troy ;
Hon. 11. Ackley, of Tuscarora ; Zebulon Fris
bie, of Orwell ; Horace Pomeroy, of Troy ;
J. T. D. Myer, of Athens ; Simeon Decker,of
Corresponding Secretary —William C. Bo
gart, of Towanda.
Recording Secretary —O. D. Bartlctt, of
Treasutcr —Wm. Elwell, of Towanda.
Managers —E. W. Hale, of Towanda twp. ;
J. C. Ridgway, of Frankliu ; G. F. Reding
ton, of Troy ; M. S. Warner, of Ulster ; P.
S. Furman, of Springfield ; Geo. C. Hill, ol
Burlington ; Allen Hale,of Smitlifield ; John
F. Charnberlin, of Wyalusing ; Richard
ton, of Pike.
Largest amount of products produced on one
farm. Report to be made at Annual Meet
ing in December.—Hon. D. Bullock, B. S.
Russell, Charles Stockwell, Justus Lewis, J.
F. Means, F. Marvin, John Morrow.
Stock Horses —John Passmore, M. F. Ran
som, Wm. Mix, George Avery, I. A. Parks.
Carriage and Saddle Horses —Y. M. Long,
John G. Towner, Guy Tozer, L. S. Kingsbery,
U. Terry.
Draft Horses —J. M. Fox, Frank Watts,
Stephen Strickland, Wm. Griffis, Samuel
Colts —Addison M'Kcan, J. P. Kirhv, Win.
Delpeuch, Isaac Gregory, S. S. Hinmao.
Jacks and Mules —J. S. Roberts, Wm. Gib
son, Frank Blackuian, James Hevcrly, Thos.
Stock Cattle—Full Blood —Reuben Wil
her, J. E. Piollett, Stephen Powell, Miner
Taylor, A. B. Smith.
Grades and Mixed Breeds —H. Lawrence
Scott, Jesse B. M'Kean, Julius Russell, Alon
zo Long, Lorenzo Watkins.
Native Breeds —Henry Gibbs, Thomas Hy
att, John Bartlett, Thomas Biackwcll, Sainnel
Working Cattle —Daniel Bailey, S. C. Nag
lee, Joseph 11. Marsh, Abel Darling, N. B.
Fat Cattle —Wm. Rrannd, M. C. Mercur,
11. H. Mace, Jacob Burbank, Bnlkly Tracy.
Milch Coirs —Jared Woodruff, Chester
Pierce, Jeremiah Uolion, Bela Cogswell, Ed
mund Ilorton.
Sheep —Chauncey Frisbie, E. Guyer, Wm.
Ingalls, Benj. Saxton, James Ingham
Swine —lra 11. Stephens, Perry Pratt, Eli
jah Horton, Charles C. White, B. Kingsbery.
Poultry —Frank IJrown, Wm. Cooibaugh,
Joseph Lee, Daniel Harkins, Stephen Evans.
Field Crops —James Elliott, George Lan
don, Simon Stevens, I. P. Spalding, G. 11.
Early Fruit and Vegetables —Miller Fox,
A. M'Kean, Joseph Powell, Wm. Pattou, J.
D. Montanye.
Late. Fruit —J. R. Welles, Simeon Hovey,
Geo. Gore, Jesse Woodruff, Joseph Hornet.
Dried Fruit —Mrs. Wilber G a mage, Mrs.
A. C. Hinman, Mrs. J. D. Newell, Mrs. Frank
Watts, Mrs. Samuel Owuns.
Seeds —A. Lane, Jesse Shepherd, John B.
Smith, L. A. Pratt, Joshua Kilmer.
Garden Vegetables —Thomas Elliott, Wm.
F. Cole, Wm. Sibiev, Asa Fuller, Stephen D.
Dairy —Hiram Spear, E. T. Fox, Thcophi
loe Humphrey, Mrs. Joseph Ilomet, Mrs. Al
bert Lciit.
Honey and Sugar —David Itidgway, Ln
raan Putnam, A. C. Hinman, Mrs. John Du
rand, Mrs. Reuben Delong.
Flour and Meal —Moses Canfield, B. F.
Taylor, J. L. Johnson, Israel Smith, Robert
Smoked Hams and Meats —John Bird.jWra.
Lewis, Joab Summers, J. D. Beardsley, Ed
ward Owens, jr.
Slaughtered Meats— James 11. Brink, Jacob
Kerrick, Wm. Duraud, Reuben Delong, J. F.
Farming Implements —V. E. Piollet, Seth
W.'Paine, Wm. Overton, Frauds Hornet, A
P. Stevens. "...
M'c/uinicol Implements —C. L. Ward. R M.
Welles, B. Lnporte, Sbermau Hill, H. A. Gary.
Horse mul Ox Shoeing. —John W. Griffiu,
Charles Manville, Nathan Tidd, B. F. Powell,
Frederick Orwan.
rI owing (r. F. Mason. Allen Parsons, Hi
ram C. Fox, Win. Storrs, Eustace Coplbaugh.
Unenumerat'dArticles —O. H. P. Kinney,
E. 11. Mason, Judson Blackmau, Sheldon
Paine, A. L. Cranmer.
Household Manufactures—Class First—
Mrs. J. B- Ridgway, Mrs. Jared Woodruff,
Mrs. John B. M'Kean, Mrs. G. F. Mason,
Mrs. D. Bullock.
Second Class —Mrs. X. C. Harris, Mrs. Ed
win A. Coolbaugh, Mrs. E. W. Baird, Mrs.
J. F. Long, Mrs. J. M. Heed
Third Class —Mrs. G. D. Long, Mrs. J. B.
M. Hinman, Miss Emily Overton, Miss Mary
Laning, Miss Jennv Laporte.
Fourth Class —Mrs. J. W. Mereur, Mrs.
Andrew Menardi, Miss W. E. Long, Miss Su
san Phelps, Miss Emily Mathews.
Fifth Class —Mrs. Geo. Tracy, Mrs. R B.
Duraiid. Airs. G. 11. Watkius, Miss E. B.
Ford, II. M. Page.
Paintings, Drawings, Daguerretypes, J-c.
—Mrs. James Macfarlane, Mrs. E. M. High,
Miss Julia Ballard, Miss Mary Warner, Miss
Jane Tracy, Mrs. Wm. Rockwell, Miss E.
Musical Instruments and Music —Miss Hel
en Carter, Miss Lydia Long, Miss R. Kings
bery, Miss R. Hanson, Miss E. Means, Miss
11. Spalding.
Flowers and Green House Plants —Mrs. C.
L. Ward, Miss C. Whitney, Mrs. Wm. Dit
trich, Miss Eliza Weston, Miss X. P. Mor
row, Mrs. II C. Fox.
Fncnumerated Articles in Ladies Department
—Mrs. Harry Mix, Mrs. E. Guyer, Mrs. Chas.
Merry, Airs. Reed Myer, Miss M. H. Bolles.
Committees to receive Articles and Arrange
Tables in Ladies Department—First Class—
Airs. Thomas Elliott, Mrs. L. 11. Scott, Mrs.
A. D. Montanye.
Second Class —Mrs. E. D. Montanye, Mrs.
D. L. Scott, Mrs. B. F. Powell.
Third Class —Mrs. J. P. Bull, Aliss Susan
Alyer, Aliss M. Watkius.
Fourth Class —Airs. J. F. Meaus, Miss E.
Overton, Miss E. Guyer.
Fifth Class —Mrs. E. 11. Mason, Miss Joe
Carter, Miss Jane Smith.
Paintings and Drawings —Mrs. R. Kings
bery, Mrs. E. O. Goodrich, Mrs. U. Mercur,
Aliss A. Griffin, Miss S. Pratt.
Fruit Tables— Mrs. E. T. Fox, Mrs. J. 11.
Phitiney, Miss C. Elwell, Miss Lyman Rogers,
Miss E. Hanson, Miss A. Kelly.
Great care Las been taken to select persons
to act upon the Judging Committees, who will
be most likely to attend to the duty to which
they have been chosen.
Gentlemen who have been appointed as
Judges will please be prompt in their attend
ance at the Grand Jury ltoom in the Court
House at 2 o'clock P. M., on Thursday the
loth ot Oct., the first day of the Fair. La
dies who have been chosen Judges, will attend
at the same place on the same day at 3 o'clock
P. M., at which place and hours the different
duties of the Judging Committees will be an
The attention of the Farmers, Mechanics,
aud others of our county is called to the LARGELY
INCREASED PREMICMS which are offered in the
ING and MECHANICAL implements, and many
other Departments of the Society's
believed that the Premium List of the Socie
ty is upon a more liberal scale than that of
any other County Society in the State. The
Committee ask that there may be a correspon-
ding effort on the part of, our Farmers, Me
chanics and Producers to make this Exhibi-
tion of the Society one that will do honor to
the County of Bradford. There is no lack of
means in their hands to do this. We have
Horses, Cattle, Field and Garden Products,
Dairy Products, Fruits, Products of the Shop,
Loom, Dwelling House, in great variety, and
number, and in quality second to that of no
County in the State. Shall we see samples of
these products at our Exhibition?—not in a
single lone animal ! not in half pecks and
half bushels ! Let us have them by the dozens!
by the wagon loads ! Let our Fair grounds
be filled to overflowing that we may be proud
of our County, and proud of the evidence of
her industry and improvement to the many
strangers who will visit ns upon this occasion.
Past experience has led the Committee to
adopt more perfect securities for all articles
placed on the grounds for exhibition, and also
improved facilities and accommodations in the
arrangements of the grounds.
It affords the Committee no ordinary pleas
ure, to be able to announce to the people on
the east side of the river, that the enterprising
and gentlemanly contractors and builders of
the Towanda Bridge. Messrs, HA HTM AN and
LAWSHE, have assured them that the Bridge
will be passable by the time of the Fair.—
Messrs. IIARTMAN and LAWSHE have the Com
mittee's warmest thanks for their exertions in
this behalf. Persons having animals to
exhibit may pass to the grounds free of cost
and without danger, under an arrangement
with these Gentlemen.
Exhibitors and Judges will readily see the
importance, in order to avoid mistakes and de
lays, of following closely the published rules and
regulations of the Society.
Executive Committee.
We learn that the Montour Iron Company
Danville, I'a., in the early part of the present
week, stopped their works, paid off and dis
charged upwards of 2800 hands.
JfcapTn some fields in Franklin county, Mass.
the potatoes have rotted so badly that it is
very offeusive passing them.
fteT" Ele\*en inore British regiments are un
der orders for India.
sral)fon) ilfjjortfr.
i£l)nre&an fflorninn, ©ctobcr 1, 1837,
TERMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance
Four iveeks previous to the expiration oj a subscription,
notice will he given by a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases he stopped.
CLUBBING— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rates :
C copies for $5 00 j 1.1 copies for... .sl2 00
10 copies for 800 j '2O copies f0r.... 15 00
ADVERTISEMENTS— Fur a square of ten tines or less, One
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JON-W()KK— Executed ivith accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing ltooks.
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, <§-c.
MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an
envelope, and properly directed, we will be responsible
for its safe delivery.
DAVID WXLMOT, of Bradford Co.
WM. XVTILIiWARD, of Philadelphia.
JOSEPH J. LEWIS, of Chester Co
JAMES VEECH, of Payette County.
-Vest Saturday is the last day ; see that your
oicn name is upon the list, and then that not a
Republican vote is lost.
It must be apparent to every one that a
certain degree of apathy prevails throughout
the State in regard to the pending election, so
soon to be determined. There may, however,
be a great degree of interest really felt, but it
does not display itself in that tumultuous and
public manner, which last fall, caused public
attention almost ei tirely to be absorbed in the
issues involved. The result is to be a great
decrease in the vote of the State. Which
party is to be most affected by it ? In our
judgment, the Buchanan party, for various
i reasons, uot the least prominent of which is
! the fact, to which wc have heretofore adverted,
j that many of the active men are not only in
j different, but would actually rejoice in the re
j buke which the defeat of Packer would ad
minister to the National Administration.—
Last fall, frauds of startling magnitude were
perpetrated, and money scattered like water
to defeat the Union State Ticket. Neithe r
| of which operate to any great extent now.—
But what will contribute more than anything
else, to lessen the Democratic vote, is the feel
ing of an easy victory the leaders have been
inspiring their voters with. They have been
so extravagant iu their boasts, as to make
some of the credulous and less informed really
believe that PACKER was certain of having
scarcely less than 100,000 majority. This
great mistake the leaders have already dis
covered, and are endeavoring to counteract,
but they have played the game too strong for
their own benefit.
We have every reason for believing that
there is a determination and quiet activity on
the part of the friends of Freedom which will
only be fully shown at the polls. The hearts
of the people are with Mr. WII.MOT and the
noulc cause he advocates, as demonstrated by
the enthusiasm his presence everywhere cre
ates. There is hardly a township in this broad
Commonwealth that does not contain at least
one man who feels a personal and intense de
sire to see Mr. WII.MOT and his principles tri
umphant. Such men are not idle, as will be
shown after the second Tuesday of October.
We would not excite any hopes for the pur
pose of having them disappointed, for we know
that in this locality our friends would face de
feat in defence of their principles with the
same alacrity and undaunted bearing, that they
would if certain of victory. But if our advi
ces are at all reliable, and they are from sour
ces entitled to the highest credit, the sun of
the Second Tuesday of October sets upon the
triumph of DAVID WII.MOT.
To bring about this glorious result, much
can yet be done in Bradford. The majority
for the successful candidate will be small, who
ever may win. The Pennsylvanian has drop
ped its figures to 10,000 majority for PACKER.
A few hundred voters staying at home in Brad,
ford may hazard the success of our candidate.
There is no Republican in Bradford who would
not go ten miles to deposit his ballot, if there
by he could secure the success of the State
Ticket. We entreat every voter to consider
the election as depending upon his own vote,
and particularly upon his efforts to sec t/uit
every vote is polled.
fcg*" A man named Clark, belonging to
Spauiding & Roger's circus committed suicide
at Uniontown, Pa.
AST" PennSjlvania, Ohio and California hold
their elections on the second Tuesday of Oc
tober next.
We are surprised to meet, now and flien, an
individual who professes to feel no interest of
any kind iu the approaching election ; a stoic
in politics, who cares nothing for any man, or
any principle involved in the great struggle
that is now agitating the people of this coun
try, as they never were agitated before ; a roan
who considers his own vote of no consequence,
and who flatters himself that the country will
take care of itself, in any event.
That man is deluded. It is his nrrr to inte
rest himself in the great principles that are
now at stake, in this struggle between Free
dom and Slavery. It will be his DUTY to vote
at the approaching election ; when, if he con
sult the honor of his race and of his coufitry,
he will vote for the REPUBLICAN- candidate, and
will induce others to do likewise
It is folly for anybody to believe that ONE
VOTE is of no consequence. It was by ONE
VOTE only, that MARCUS MORTON, after failing
many vears, finally succeeded in obtaininfi the
election as Governor of the State of Massa
chusetts. It was by ONE VOTE ONLY, that Tex
as was annexed to the Uuited States, and the
Mexican War was provoked—which cacrificed
fifty thousand lives, and saddled the country
with a debt of one hunndred million dollars.
The present pressure iu monetary affairs
reached its climax last week, when very unex
pectedly, the Bank of Pennsylvania determin
ed, after a short run, upon suspending specie
payments, and its example was necessarily fol
lowed by the other Philadelphia Banks, some
of thein holding out for a few days, but finally
succumbing to the pressure in justice to them
selves and their customers.
The suspension is not, however, total, for
the Banks, most of them, continue to pay spe
cie for tens and fives, and to pay cheeks in
their own and the notes of other banks.
Tiie announcement of this step produced the
greatest astonishment and excitement through
out the country. The Banks of llarrisburg,
Reading, Lancaster and Pittsburg, upon its
receipt, suspended specie payments, though
otherwise conducting their business as for
In Baltimore, Washington and Wheeling, a
similar course has been pursued. Iu New York
the suspension of the banks is not expected.—
In New Jersey, they continue to pay specie,
and the New England banks are said to be in
no danger.
The Pennsylvania banks generally will un
doubtedly follow the example of Philadelphia,
aud partially and temporarily suspend. By so
doing, most of them forfeit their charters.—
Gov. POI. LOCK was in Philadelphia on Monday,
and a strong effort was made to persuade him
to call an extra session of the Legislature for
the purpose of relieving the banks from the
penalty of their suspension, and to provide
measures for their ultimate resumption. At
our latest accounts the Governor had not con
cluded to call an extra Session. We trust
he will not put the Commonwealth to that ex
pense. for the purpose of transacting business
which will not suffer from postponement until
the usual time for the meeting of the Legisla
lii regard to the bills of the Philadelphia
and State banks, we hardly know how to ad
vise our readers. The brokers themselves are
as yet unable to Ox any rate of discount, and
do not buy. Our belief is that the suspension
is a prudential measure, which was inevitable,
and will do much towards bringing about a
better state of public feeling. That it will be
temporary, there can be no question, especial
ly if the banks north and east of Pennsylvania,
are not affected.
The " Pennsylvanian " of the 25th ult..
in an article haded " Our Prospects in the
State," makes the following assestions which
look very much as if the friends of PACKER
were discouraged, and were " whistling to
keep their courage up." If the Pennsylran
ian's statements are no more reliable than
those contained in this paragraph, PACKER
docs not stand the " ghost of a chance " of an
election :
" The prospects in the infected district, along the Xew
York line, are far more encouraging than at this time last
year. Tioga and Bradford will not give as heavy a ma-
J ority for WILMOT as they did for the Fusion candidate
for Canal Commissioner in 1556. The fire is burning it
self out, the funds are not forthcoming to pay the sche
mers, and, therefore, the vote will fall off—the majority
be reduced."
Republicans of Bradford ! what answer will
you make to this prediction ? Are you wil
ling to see it verified ; are you ready to per
mit the pro slavery party to exult in a dimin
ished majority in Bradford ? Are you ready
to inflict upon our friends abroad such a mor
tification and disappointment ? We will not
believe it. But to avert such a disgrace, we
must have work done. One man must not wait
for his neighbor, but let every one go to work
as if the result depended upon his individual
effort. Let the Republicans in every town
ship determine that I heir full vote shall be foil
ed, and set about making the arrangements
necessary to have every voter at the polls.
If this is done, the Fennsylvanian aud kin
dred prints will not have the satisfaction after
the election, of poiuting to a diminished vote
in Bradford, as evidence of Mr. WILMOT'S want
of popularity at home.
That ILI.TAM F. PACKER is the recreant
Pennsylvanian who moved, in the Cincinatti
Convention, to adopt the notorious Buchauan
Platform, " without dotting an i or crossing a
t," — a platform, infamous alike in the sight of
God aud man ! Keep it before the People,
that he who votes for William F. Packer votes
to sustain the odious principles embodied in
(hat Platform !
We enjoiu upon every Freeman the immense
responsibility that rests ujon him, in view of
the present contest, and its pending issues.—
Their magnitude should arouse every citizen to
renewed and vigorous exertions. Let every
man do his duty in the sight of his God and
his couutry, and all will be well. And even
though the cause of Freedom might be tem
porarily prostrated yet all who have put forth
the best exertions, will have the proud con
sciousness of having performed their duty.
A Teachers' Institute has been in session
at East Smithfield, during the last and present
weeks. We understand that the attendance
is quite large ; and the best feeling manifested
for the cause of Education. Our County Su
perintendent has much reason to congratulate
himself upon the general interest shown by
the teachers of the County, in his laudable and
and laborious efforts to elevate the condition
of the Commou Sehools of the County. The
evidences of his practical ability and experience
are already leiug exhibited in a universal
awakening of public interest, and in the pros
perity and advancement of the schools.
A llose Company, to be called " Lis-
TA IIOSE CO., NO. 3," was organized on Mon
day night by the electiou of the following offi
cers :
Foreman —F. D. MONTANYE.
Ist Assistant — FED. MERCCR.
2d Assistant —T. HAYWARD.
Secretary — JOHN' W. MEANS.
Treasurer —E. OVERTON, jr.
fits#*- The name given this new Company is
at once novel and appropriate. " Lint a"—
(the interpretation of which is the " River
born") —was a beautiful Indian nmiden known
in a legend of the lowas, the story of which
is exceedingly beautiful.
ACTION !—lf those who profess an earnest
iuterest in the cause of Freedom wish to prove
their fidelity to principles, now is the time.—
The facts are to be got before the people now.
Every Republican vote in Tioga must be out
next October. Begin note —let the organiza
tion be perfected now, not the day before tbe
election. Work to-day—this week—every day
—all the time. One hour's preparation to-day
is worth a month of " going to do it nest week."
Friends, let us up be doing ! Let us rally for
Wilmot and Freedom. Every man has a work
to do. Every man is responsible for the re
sult in October. We have to compete with
glorious old Tioga for the banner. Forward
to win ! The Ticket—from Governor to
Auditor ! That is the way "to strike down
the Allies !"
THE WAY TIIEY TALKED. —The following is
the way the Locofoco I'ress talked before
Packer ran away :
" ALL A MISTAKE. —Some of the Republi
can prints are stating that Judge Wilmot has
challenged Gen. Packer to meet him upon the
stamp during the Gubernatorial campaign.—
The whole story is a fabrication. Wilmot is
not notorious for back-bone, as all will know
who remember his declining to meet Mr. Schna
ble last fall, upon the stump. Gen. Packer's
his man whenever he feels like " pitchiu' iu.—
Democratic Review.
The same paper is now busy explaining to
its readers that stumping is all wrong, and that
Packer could not properly do anything but
show a clean pair of heels when challenged to
confront his opponent.
The Juniata Sentinel, in view of Packer's
back out, is tempted to indite the following
verse :
" O, Packer is the candidate—
So eloquent and witty,
He'll make a " bostin'' Governor,
With help of a Committee."'
National Agricultural and Mechanical Fair,
at Elinira, Mr. Kingsley made a visit thither,
and, as he was returning, fell from the cars,
by which his foot was severely injured. He
received medical aid at Elinira, aud returned
home, as was supposed, entirely free from dan
ger. His foot was prescribed for by emi
nent physicians, Dr. Churchill, of our village,
among the number ; but, being seized with
lockjaw, and mortification having set in, the
accident, as might have been supposed, ended
in death, Elder KING offciated in the funer
al ceremonies, and the remains of the deceas
ed were deposited in the Evergreen Cemetery,
followed by a concourse of sympathising
friends.— Owego Gaz.
SUDDEN DEATH. —On Friday last our vil
lage was thrown iuto mourning by the aonounc
ment of the sudden death of Mrs. CHATFIELD,
wife of Hon. T. I. CHATFIELD, who fell dead
at her residence, in this village, as is supposed,
in an apoplectic fit. During the day, and up
to the time of her demise, Mrs. Chatfield was
in the enjoyment of her usual remarkably good
health. How true it is, "in the midst of life
we are in death."
The funeral ceremonies were attended to on
Bunday?afternoon by Rev. Mr. HALL of the
Presbyterian Church, and the remains were
followed to Evergreen Cemetery by a large
coucoursc of citizens.— Owego Gaz.
flsy" The dwelling house of D. D. Spayd, at
Middletown, Pa., at the " Point," long known
as the " Red Tavern," was, on Tuesday night
destroyed by fire. The fire was discovered
about 11 1-2 o'clock, near the comb of the
roof. The house was occupied by three fam
ilies, all of whom suffered some ioss of furni
ture —there being but little saved in the up
per rooms. Not having an apparatus, no ef
fort was made to save the building.
FATAI, ACCIDENT.— The Ilorseheads Philoso
pher learns that Henry J. Tibrett, a farmer
aged about sixty years, residing in the town
of Veteran, some eight miles from this village,
was instantly killed on Monday last, by being
stepped upon by an ox. Mr. T. was unyoking
his oxen, when one of them made a rush at a
dog standing near by, knocking him, Mr. T.
down and stepping upon his breast, breaking
several of his ribs and producing injuries which
resulted in his death some five or ten minutes
after the accident.
Judge Wilmot's Canvass,
AT MEADVII.LE —The Republican candidate
for Governor spoke to an immense concourse
of the freemen of Crawford on Friday last
The assemblage was larger than any held j Q
that county during the last Presidential cam
paign and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed.—
It was much the largest meeting held anywhere
iu the State during the present eanvass, and
gave tbe most satisfactory evidence of the tarn
estness and harmony of the friends of freedom
in that great Republican stronghold of the
West. We have the fullest assurance that
Crawford will do better for Wilmot than it
did for Freemorit. We begin to think that
county is good for a majority of 2,500 for our
State Ticket, and even a larger majority can
be given if the Republicans exert themselves
as they should do. A glorious spirit pervades
the honest yeomanry of that county. The
feeling iu other parts of the State would elect
our ticket by 30,000 majority
The Journal says that not less than 3,001)
Freemen were present and pledges Crawford
for 2,500 majority for Wilmot.
AT ERIE —On Saturday evening several hun
dreds of the people assembled in the East Park
to hear Judge Wilmot.
Owing to his arduous labors in keeping hi
appointments for the past week, the Judge
was too much fatigued to speak with his ac
customed energy. Rut his arguments were
powerful and convincing as ever, and he held
his audience attentive for nearly two hours
The earnest mauner and eloquent manners
of the Judge carried conviction to the minds of
all candid, honest hearers, and made a marked
aud favorable impression which will tell power
fully at the coming election.
Hon. G. A. Grow, member of Congress
from the " Wilmot District," followed in a
speech of great beauty and power which electri
fied the audience. He made some capital hits
at the sham Democracy, and was frequently
greeted with rapturous applause.— Erie Coni
THE WILMOT MEETING. — The Wilmot meet
iu this place on Tuesday, was a pleasant and
profitable event to the cause. The assemblae
of the people was, considering the time, unex
pectedly large—demonstrating the interest
taken in the questions at issne. We ehouia
take pleasure in giving the interesting proceed
ings of the day in detail, but our space tta
week forbids. Between three and four o'clod
in the afternoon, Judge Wilmot was escorts
into town by Hawkins fine brass baud, ami
quite a procession of horsemen and vehicles fiii
ed with his frieuds—As soon as convenient
after his arrival the concourse proceeded to
Mr. Robert 11. Peeble's Grove, adjoining the
borough, where the meeting was organized.
Mr. Wilmot was introduced to the assembly
by a few appropriate remarks on the part of the
President. His speech had a most happy in
fluence—strengthening the confirmed —warm-
ing up the cool—and infusing a spirit of iuter
est in the breasts of those who were previous. l !
iudiffercnt. Could the Judge have the privi
lege of addressing the people throughout the
State, as he addressed them in New Castle,
his election would be rendered one of the cer
tain events. — JVew Castle Gaz.
Hon. David Wilmot addressed the friends of
freedom in the Borough of Waterford, in Erie
County, on Saturday afternoon the 12th inst
He was greeted, with great enthusiasm. The
citizens of that part of the County turned cs
liberally and the meeting was in every respeci
a cheering one.
To Judge Wilmot it was gratifying to I*
received bv so large and respectable an amir
ence as was the one at Waterford, and in rt
turu he gave them one his best speeches-*
speech of surpassing power, full of argumes:
and earnestness. Indeed this earnestness e:
i manner is the key to the power Mr. Wilmo:
j exercises over the minds of meu.
The people are alive to the impo-taace i
the great issues pending and judging from th
interest manifested at the meetings in Wate
ford and Erie, we predict an overwhelming EI
jority in this county for Wilmot, and if or
brethren in other portious of the State do t
well, his election is one of great prornise.-
Erie Gaz.
t&T The meeting at Birmingham on Sa:r
day night, to hear the HON DAVID WILMOT,
a graud turn out. It rained in torrents; tk'
had prepared a stand out-doors, but the rt
was too much, so as many as could get is®
Market Hall did so. A band of music
attendance, and the old spirit of determiniW
that knows no such word as fail was apptf
on every countenance. NotwithstandingV ■■
WILMOT had addressed a large meeting at
Keesport in the afternoon, he stood forth: j
the evening upon the stand and for twohw' j
held that whole audience spell-bound. T ; ,
people listened with the greatest attention, B
the meeting adjourned after a few reman .
from another speaker present, with three rot j
ing cheers for our glorious candidate. £ ,
leaves to-day for Indiana aud the East, |
canvassed all the Western portiou of the Su>
a id finding it all for Freedom.—ft*
burg Gazede. * •
ON COUNTY. —The Clarion Banner gives DM
account of a little affair which threw the
community of Strattansville, in that Co#*
where it occurred, in a fever of exciteme
A young lady, of whom a certain man "•
spokcu uni ourteouslv, b( come her own
pion. As the slanderer was seated in hisi'j
the lady approached with a formidable
on, a heavy cowhide, and with all the T
which a knowledge of her injured repot* 1 '
seemed to demand, she applied the
giving him the merited castigation. TheM
fell thick and fast, and the unfortunate ee r
man no doubt thought with a darkey " the <j
cut was like old Harry, and the rest r
worse and worse," nntil the reality of his*
ation combined with a manly heart, coffl? 1
ed him to cry " peccavi" and with a ho-;
cleared the room, followed closely by his "-J
ring persecutor, until his fleetness carried*9
beyond- the reach of the smarting cowhidM
Take warning, ye that slander the Is^ l * -j
this fearful example.
Since hearing Mr. Grow speak
now have for the first time) we do uot
that the Wilmot Proviso District has just
ted its youthful but eloquent Champ"* J
Freedom to Congress for the focbth t 1 J
Such men should be kept in
year to year (as is done South) to o' j
fairly with the Slave Power. —M e
see that Mr. Grow has nearly recovero- 1
the " National Hotel disease" (the oU -
" Southern"' about him) and we hope J
be enabled to execute his- purpose of sf*.l
in the good cause every week day nl I
election. —Lexcishurg Chronicle.