0:)E DOLLAR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWANDA: 1 (rijnrs&fln ffloraino, October 1, 1857. gtlttlth Calc. MY SISTER'S HUSBAND. I. I was the youngest of a handsome family. .Mv three sisters, eaeh in her way, were very pretty ; but I, the youngest, and with a natu ral right to be the pet of the house, was never either a beauty or a favorite. My rights iu the matter of favoritism were, and from the first day of her existence had been entirely monopolized by my third sister, Caroline. I was not, however, envious of that ; it doubt less, suited her better to be made a pet, than it would have suited me. My lack of beauty { did regret; but as that want could not be remedied, I endeavored to become reconciled to the face aud figure God had given me.— These were both small, and the first sallow and thin. It boasted, however, and boasts still, of at least oue striking feature, a pair of In rare black eyes. >lv two eldest sisters were married while I was still a girl at school. They both became the wives of military men, and both within a vear of their marriage, accompanied their hus bands to India. I have never seen either of them since. My third sister, however re mained at home, and there I joined her when, a r me I thought it likely enough that 10 would take little further notice of me. In ' lovvev cr, I found myself rather singularly "-taken. He dined with us that day, and (,u "iig the whole time of diuuer I was con- f ous °f the continual movement of his eyes me. I became aware too, that each he detected my gaze upon himself he be ne straugely discoucerted, to an extent that f""":'-'! Nic ; he stammered and grew confused |' at he said ; he even more than once al> • 'ptly broke off his seuteiice. I grew both and perplexed, yet except for this j '-'Uiar nervousness, I liked him. I preferred ; decidedly to cither of my other brothers- ] o[ . AU ' U11( l so I told Caroline before we slept, CODBC ' eDCe smote me for the manner in had received the first announcement of r,p c e "S a s e roent, and some amende for that cool appeared to me called for. . 'Uiir husband will have more in him than , er Jane's or Harriet's, Carry," I said, 0 r !l U? il is a P'ty he does not break himself • mi nervous manner." „ *'d you think him nervous ?" over > J eaf an( * ?He seems to get teoil'p i° WCVer ' w ' leu ke ' s accustomed to "father'' k° ws none of it to you or to ray Anne,"