Nero Siboertiscmeut©. TIOGA POINT AGRICULTURAL YVORKS!! u, M. WELLES & BROOKS, | ' ATHENS, BRADFORD CO., PA. Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail dealers in Emery's Unrivalled Horse Powers, ITIIKFSHERS AND SEPERATORS, THRESHERS AND ( I FIXERS. CIRCULAR AND CROSS-CUT PORTABLE SAW-MILLS, SHINGLE MACHINES, &c UV wish tu call particular attention to Emery's Splen , i Thresher and Cleaner. The superiority of Emery's u.irse Power all others, is well known, and our farmers "j,',* pleased to learn that they can now get ail Emery's Thresher and Cleaner equaling the power itself, and KVfh lor Simplicity, compactness, durability end ease of v 'tralion is tar a ahead of all other machines in use. it r' 'nres as little power as a thresher and separator, and K : thresh and clean thoroughly without wasting the r i'ni.- say from 20 to 25 bushels per hour. We have Mchines on hand and on the way from Albany and can sa orders at short notice. We can also furnish Wheeler's New Cleaner, a very Led machine, and warranted ; as are all of our ma ■ We would also call attention to Emery's cross cut or ■ira" Saw Mills. If our farmers knew their value, they tuM adopt them extensively in cutting up, down trees ■ - tire wood, shingle bolts, Ac. Send for our circulars Kid'anv information you may want couceruiug Farming Ea -hiaery—it will cost you but three cents postage. EXCELSiOR FANNING MILLS. i Emerv's and Hickok's Cider Mills, Corn Shelter's, | nour's Grain Drills. Clover Hullers, Dog powers, I-ij.T Belting, Plows, Ac. Ac. For sale rt the Tioga ■ -Tut Agricultural Works. R. M. WELLES & BROOKS. ■ Athens Pa.. Sept. L 1857. J FATHER.—A new supply of Sole Leath ■ 1 or. Cow Hide, Kip and Calf Skin, at No. 2, I'attou's ■ k. aug'.'d W.M. A. ROCKWELL. V.—Broke into the enclo- IjKßmSk ■i - ire of the subscriber, about the middle ijffiSgf ■ August. one RED COW, about 15 years H - B; the mvner is requested to come forward and prove Bhuertv. l ,av charges and take her away. Bburlin>:f, Aug.. 17, 1857. J. J. IIAIGTIT. To All Concerned. BblK Subscribers' liabilities are such that they will ei- B ther be obliged to sell the Judgments and Notes they iHlij against tlu-ir customers, or enforce collection. We ht - our friends will not drive us to such an alternative. B. irlv att< ntion to thi> notice is requested, ft. . I!) 1857. MO XT AN YES. fcIIAIiFORI) COUNTY TEACHERS' B) ASSOCIATION.—In consequence of the arrange- Bmade fur hold ug Teachers' Institutes, it has been for lii'iYv-arv to postpone the next regular meeting of ttr A- iatioh at Troy from the time of adjournment— Imlier— until FRIDAY', the t)th day of OCTOBER. g.25.1857. JAS- McWILLI AM. Bee. Sec. PROPOSALS. [t THE ERECTION of a large FIUMF UOFSF t the Mines of the Bradford Railroad and Coal Co., ieaccomodation of Miners, will be received until HAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 9. by C'ol. O. F. his office in Towanda, to whom parties are re -1 fur the plan and specifications, vanda, Aug. 24, 1857. A. R.PKRKrNS, Pres't. UtCLAY COAL.—THE BARCLAY RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA, x supply of their coal, at 5 00 -per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and 3 50 jxr ton fur Raked Coal. v for coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal 11-u be sold at THE MINES at i 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and : 1 50 fir ion for Raketl Coal. rul discount will be made on sales by tlie boat load '• 1 I •*'.. EDW'D OVERTON, President ILMIXISTRA rRIX NOTlCE.—Notice i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es nf James lb Morrow, late of Asylum twp-i dee'd. are "SPJ tc make payment without deldy : and all pcr luviugi iaims against said estate, must present them auiiienti ated for settlement to the subscriber. SABRA A. MORROW, ign-t Is. 1*57. Administratrix. EV>il PAID roll BEEP HIDES, AND ! -UllKi' IT:I.TS AND FUR*. at No. 2. Patton's ■* auglT WM. A. ROCKWELL 3 WOOL! WOOL! B! h subscriber *is buying WOOL for the -L I c.i Win den Company, and will pay the highest B '' Wl for anv quantitv. B the highest price paid in cash for SHEEP PELTS ■ M. E. SOLOMON'S B"'c da, Aug. 17,1857. Clothing Store: FOR SALE. THE well-known and well-established CAR j'iAGE MANUFACTORY situated on Mainst south part of the Borough of Towanda. HS® Also. the Smith Shop, Timber House and Barn the same lot, and stock of Timber on hand. ■ ' l ' 8K AND LOT adjoining tiie shop lot. whole will be sold cheap for ready pay. For apply to the subscriber at his residence" on the pre- Hie suliseriber has on hand some noa eg K ' : *"ort|i of CARRIAGES, ofrwg'p-^agw- tor ready pay or approved credit. Aug. 1,1857.ni3 G. It. DRAKE. BJRACTS fur flavoring, for sale cheap ■ ) BBLS. COMMON' SALT ; 10 bbls/ i'wk Sail for packing salt, just received by BAILEY ft KEVINS. ARRIVED in TOWANDA, and may lie found for a short time at his rooms in * 'fi'fk. Those having business with him should as hi. >tay is limited. June 22, 1*57. TOR'S NOTICE.— All persons in- v, the e-tate of JOHN W.MORROW, dee'd.. 5-viimi township, arc hereby notified that pay- Bnust lie made without delay, and all persons having ■ -aid estate are requested t •' -5 filisccllaneons. MKW GCtfons ANI> NEW ARRANGEMENT. COLLINS & POWELL are now receiving a large stock of SPRING AND BUMMER CLOTH ING, which they are selling exclusively FOR CASH, as they think a bird in hand is worth two'in the bush. Their stock consists of Business. Black Cloth, Fancy Cassimere Tweed, Kentucky Jean. White Duck. Linen, Murseiles, and Brown Linen COATS ot all kinds and qualities.— Black Cassimere, Fancy C'assiniere, Brown Linen. White Linen and Kentucky Jean I'ANTS ; Silk, Satin and Mar seiles VESTS of all kinds ; Black and Fancy Cravats ; Gents A Hose, Shirts, Collars. Suspenders, Hats und Caps and everyihing in the line of Men's wear. Their stock of Cloths and Oassiuteres are unsurpassed, and are selling cheap. We are still ready to make up all kinds of GAR MENTS to order on short notice, and warranted in every particular ; all of which we arc bound to sell lower tluii was ever offered in this market for Cash. Chitting done as usual. COLLINS A POWELL. Towauda, April 16.1857. 1857. 1857. More and More New Goods! AT GUTTENBURG ROSENBAUM &. Co. Just opening a full assortment of SPRJNG AND SUMMER AND READY MADE CLOTHING, Which will be sold Cheap—CHEAPER THAN EVER! Give us a call; You cannot fali to be suited for quality and price. tfir*Patton's Block, Corner of Main and Bridge sts. Towanda, May 6, 1857. LOTUS, CASSIMERKS, AC^Bkdc vJ and colored cloths and cassimers, and an endless quantity of fancy cassimeres, tweeds, Kentucky jeans, cottouades, linens, Ac., cheaper than ever before, just re ceived by April 6. 1857. J. POWELL. I&OR.E NEW GOODS ! MINmiTftWKKNI AHE just receiving, in their New Store, west side of the Public Square a large aial well selected assort ment of goods suitable for the Summer trade. Consisting of Lawns, Challis, Bareged, Poplin, Delaines, Scotch and American Ginghams, Debeges, lilack and Colored Silks, French. English and American Prints in great variety ; Gents Press Goods. Hardware, Crockery, Fish, Sugar, Tea, Cotiee and other Family Groceries. Also, a very large assortment of Boots & Shoes, of almost every variety, and having made arrangements with the manufacturers by which we arc in constant re ceipt of new work, we are prepared to offer to the public the largest and best stock, anil at lower prices than any other store in Towanda. Call and see. Sole and Upper Leather, French and American Calf Skins, Morocco, Colored and plain Linings, Binding, Shoe Thread and a general assortment of Findings, wholesale and retail at reasonable rates. Grateful for past favors, we invite the patronage of the public and by strict atten tion to business and particular care in selection of our goods, both as to quality and adaptation t<> meet the wants of customers, we hope to merit the confidence of the com munity and respectfully invite those visiting Towanda to call and examine our goods. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. Towanda, June 8,1857. JhC. T. FOX TS NOW RECEIVING a large stock of X FAMILY GROCERIES, which are offered for sale at as low prices as the same quality of Goods can be bought anywhere this side of the City of Xew York. C M ( >KKD II A M, SH(J U LDERS, I>RIEI) O BEEF at June 4,1857 FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, ORANGES, FIGS, Prunes, Raisons, Ac., at June i, 1857. _____ FOX'& OA BUSHELS NICE WHITE BEAKS, JW' t at June 4, 1857. FOX'S. WE ARE NOW OFFERING a very * T large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we oflcrat extremely low prices for READY PAY, and invite the public to'call and examine before purchasing ePewhero. June '2d, 1557. HFMPHREY A WICKHAM. SHORT SEASON! AS the Summer Season will e short, we have conclud ed to make our Usual Redaction of Prices, at Once! Which we have been accustomed to do late in the season, and in view of this fact, we will sell our large stock of mmm IUTWI, DRY GOODS, dec. o'clock, P. M„ at the Court House, iu the borough of Towanda, the fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in the borough of Tow.inda, Bradford County, bounded north by lauds in possession of John F. Mean's and Sam uel Kingston, east by lands of N. N. Betts and J. A. Rec ord, south by J. T. Taylor and west by Second Street.— Containing fifty feet front and one hundred and fifty feet deep, all improved with a two-story framed house, partly finished and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. Harvey Phinuey jr.vs. Michael O'Sullivaa. ALSO—The defendant's interest In one other lot, pieue or parcel of land situate in the V.llagc ot Canton iu Can ton township, Bradford county, bounded on the north and east by lands of Harding A Lee, on tire south by the high way and on the west by land of John Griffiu. Contain ing about twenty-four feet front and about fifty feet deep lie the same more or less, all improved. ALSO—The defendant's interest in the following lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the village of Canton in the township of Canton Bradford county, Penu'u., bound ed as follows, to wit : Beginning at a puiut one foot east of the store house now occupied by Nathan Tuttle. thence southerly on a line parallel with trie east side of said store house one foot distant from it eighty-eight feet, thence westerly at right angles with the former line and parallel with the north end of said store house thirty-six feet and four inches to an alley ten feet wide, tlienee northwardly with right angles with the former line and parallel with the opposite side along said alley eighty-eight feet to the Towanda road, thence along said road north 71° east 3C feet and four inches to the beginning. Containing three thousand one hundred and ninety-seven square feet more or less, with the right of way through the above mention ed alley ; all improved, with one framed building now oc cupied as a grocery store or eating saloon, dwelling house, an ice house and framed wood shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Ira Smith jr. A Co. vs. Horace Tuttle. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in the village of Cauton iu Canton township, Brad ford county, bounded on the north by land of J. \V. Grif fin east by Wright's alley, south by Crooked Alley and west by Centre street, being lot No. 7 on a plot or* heap made for Newman A Kingsbery l>y 0. D. W. C. Orcutt. Containing about sixty-six tect front and running back one hundred and ninety-four feet more or less, all im proved. with one framed dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. Miller to the u.-e of W. S. Newman vs. J. M. Leighton. ALSO —The following described lot, piece or panel of land situate in the borough of Towanda, Bradford co., liouudcd north by Henry E.-enwine\s lot, east by Main street, south by laud's of John p. Means and west by- Second street. Containing one hundred aud seven feet front and two hundred and ninety four feet back, be the same more or less, all improved, with a large framed foundry and machine shop thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hall A Rus sell vs. I. L. A 11. L. Lamoreux. AIJSO—A piece <>r parcel of hind in Rofne township, bounded on the north and west by lands of John Vought, on the east by the public highway, on (lie south by lauds belonging to the estate of Nathan Mayuard, deceased, i Containing three-fourths of an acre, more or less, oil im proved, one framed dwelling house, one framed barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Harry Stropc vs. Iliram H. Mann. ALSO—The following described lot. piece of pared of land situate iu Wells township. Bra ford county, bound ed on the north by kind formerly' belonging to Whiting j Gilford, east by the highway, south by land of Jesse Ed- j sail and west by land of Jas. Edsall. Containing about j sixteen ai res, more or less, about four acres improved, 1 one framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at tire suit of William I Hubbard vs. Noble J. Stuart. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in Athens tp., ! bounded north by lands of Rachel Murray, east by lands of Sherman and James Buruside, south by land, of C. F. Welles, jr., and west by other lands of Mary < a ton dee'd. Containing one hundred and thirty-eight acres, more or less, about four acress improved. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William • Woodville, trustee of the estate of Mary C'aton, deceased, j vs. Andrew Buruside. Also, at tli* suit of tlif- same plain- , tiff's, vs. Ira and George Woicott ; against plaintiffs for ! costs. ALSO—A piece or parcel of land situate in gihesbequin tp., bounded on the north by lands of H. Kinney, east by the highway, south by E, Satterlce, and west by E. Sat ferlee and H. Kinney. Containing fifty ffeet front by one hundred and fifty feet deep, all improved, a frame store and trained store house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. H. Ran som A Co. vs. S. F. Washburn and C. H. Ames, co-part ners. ALSO—The following descried lot, piece or p.ercel of ianl situate in Smithticld township. Bradford Co., i bounded ou the north by the public highway leading through the tillage of SniitlrtH-td, east by the public square, south bt- lands of Augustus Phelps'and we.-t by land of Widow Gerould. Containing one acre and tliirtV perches more or'less, all improved. kith a framed taver?i house, a framed barn and shed and truit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of E. A W. Elliott vs. I. A. Kingstey. ALSO—The following described lot. piecfc of parcel ef land situate in Ulster township, Bradford co., bounded on the north and cast by lands i>i° Jaiue* McCarty, south by lauds of Daniel Harkins and on the West by the highway. Containing about one acre more or less, "all improved, with one two story framed tavern bouse known as the " Barley Sheaf," and one framed burn thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of Reuben B. Robinson vs. Philip I'. Sweet. ALSO—The defendant's interest in the followiug tles erilied lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Standing Stone township, Bradford co., it being a piece of land off' from the northwest corner of a tract of land in the war rantee name ot Andrew Norway ; bounded on the north, east and south by lands cf If. W. Tracv, and ou the west by lands of Anson Golf. Containing thirty acres more or less, about twenty acres improved, one framed dwelling house, one framed barn, a framed shed and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at Hie suit of IL W.Tra cy vs. Daniel Huyck. , A1 .SO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Athens twp., Bradford co;, lying on the ea-t side of the north branch of Hie Susquehanna River, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the north west corner of Col. John Franklin's int. thence north Ui° west 35 2-10 percnes, thence north j 5 west 27 3-10 per., thence 4° west 32'J-lO perches, thence north 37A° west 37 3-lo perches to (lie south west corner o! Constant Ma thewson's lot; thence along the said Matbewson's lot south 80° east -Is7 s-IO perches to a corner of Benjamin Lambert, thence south 1° west ol 5-10 perches to the land of Joseph McKinney, thence north 8!)° west 73 3-lo per. to a corner, tlienee south 1° west 01 5-10 perches to the northeast corner of N. Flower's lot. tlienee north *;i° west 370 2 10 perches to the place of beginning—(being the same lot conveyed by Robert Spalding and wife to James Thompson by deed bearing date January 15,1540.) Containing three hundred and eight acres and 113 perch es more or less, about 275 acres improved, two framed houses, four framed bams, a wagon shed, a lmrse barn, a corn house, two apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John S. l'ierson et. al. vs. James Thompson impleaded witlK has. Williams. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in llidglmry township, Bradford co., bounded on the north by lands now or lately belonging to ('buries T. Mur phy, ca.-t by lands of Howard Burt, south by lands of Howard Burt, the highway, land of l'cter Miller and oth ers, and on the west by Hit- highway. Containing about two acres more or less, all improved, with one two story framed tavern house, known as the Ccntreville Hotel,one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of James Ly on to the use of George 11. Davidson vs. G. M. Brown A I A. Brown. ALSO—-The following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Wyuhisiiig c east forty-seven rods and elev en links to a corner standing in the line of 1). A. Gillett's lot. from thence north 15° west tweutv-six rods to the place of beginning. Containing seven acres and one hun dred and ten lurches more or less, together with all the water privileges ; all improved, with a grist mill, saw mill, one framed bouse and other outbuildings. Seized and lakru ill execution at the suit of C. F. Wil son vs Wm. N. Coleman. gj ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel of land sitn ate in Smithfield town-hip Bradford county, hounded on the north by land of Montilian Seeley. east by lands of Thomas Weed, on the south by Minor Watkins, and on ♦he west by lands of Hannah W. Arnold. Containing about forty'acres more or le.-is. about thirty acres improv ed, one framed house and orchard of fruit trees thereon, j Alo, the defendants interest in a framed barn on Thomas Weed's lot adjoining the above described land. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Fanny I Kellogg's nse vs. Daniel Arnold, Hcman C. Arnold and 3. E- Arnold, tene tenants. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Athens township, Bradford co., bounded on the north by lands of Billings Spring, ea=t by the highway learting'from Athens to Mllltown south by lands of Jacob Reel, southwest by lauds of Cha--. McDufien, Containing about ten acres more or less, all improved. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Athens bnrw.. bounded on the north by Joseph Par ,o;i lot, we.-t by J. Drake ar.U N. C. Haina lot,smith by Cepfll. * Waller Olmsted and L. V. Birt-hard's lot. east by Mum strett. Containing about one hundred lett front and about two hundred feet deep, more or less, alt lnai'roVed, with a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The defendant's interest in the following lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Athens born., bouudrd on the north by Canal street. West by Horace Carter's lot south by C. X. SbiprAnn and on the east by Jlaitt at. Couta niug about seventy-live feet front and altout one hundred feet deep, all improved, one large framed build ing. occupied as a Grocery Store, Dry Goods Store, Odd Fellows Hall and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO- The defendant's interest in one other lot, pierc [ or parcel of luti'f situated in Athene boro'. Bradford I county. IK-a ride Jon the norib by Bridge Street, we-t by X. C. Harris' fut. south by Drexel & Merrick's lot and west by 1,. M. Allen's lot. Containing about fifty feet I Iront and one hundred and fen tect deep, all improved one fraftte dwelling house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Chittendeu Bliss A Co. vs. William Kill. ALSO —The following described hit piere or parcel of laud situate in Siuithfieif fWp-. Bradlortf eouaty. bound ed north by Samuel B. Hofcomb, east by land of David BroWn, south by unseated lands Olid west by lands of Charles Munn. Containing forty-nine acres hrore' or less, about forty acres improved, "two framed dwelling houses, 6n6 framed hnrfi uSd othei out buildings, two apple orchards and other fruit trees thereon- Seize d and taken iu execution at the suit ol U. B. Wil lielm vs. J. S. Pcfeisou A She-lton G- French. JOHN A. CODDING,Sheriff. Sheriffs Office, Towanda, July 28,1857. ADM INI STR A TOR'S N Otl CE~—Noti. e is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of -Nicholas 1.. Bead deceased, late of Wells township sre requested to make payment without delay* ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please pre sint them duly authenticated for settlement. VALOROUS C. LEONARD. August2s. 1V,7. Administrator. NOTICE.—Notice is hcre- I J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of FREDERICK FISHER, dee'd of South Towanda, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present thcin duly authen ticated for settlement. SAI.SBURY COLE, JOSEPH BuMF.T, August, 17. 15.;7. Executors. i DM I NISTItATOR'S NOTICE —Notice JV is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN M. MARTIN, dee'd. late of Franklin twp. ale hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demunds against said estate are requested to present fbewi dulv authenticated for settle ment. JAMES C. RIDGWAY, D. J. BEARDSLF.Y, June 27. 1857. Administrators. l/y given that letters testamentary upon fhe estate of Irene Whitehead, dee'd., Iqteof l'ike twp., lrtrre lieeu granted fo the subscriber. Ail persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present fbero duly attested lot settlement. O. W. NORTHROP, JOHN M. BKISTER, July 10. 1857. Executors. \ DMIMSTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice TV is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the es tate of ISRAEL BISHOP, dee'd., late of Wysox township, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons hating claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated, to the subscriber. March 12, 1857. GEO. T. BISHoP, Administrator. X DM IN ISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice TV. is hereby* given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ALFRED ALLEN, dee'd, late of Warren twp. ure hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will them dulv authenticated for settlement. C. G. G RIDLEY, Orwell. May 5, 15.",7. Administrator. A D-MINTSTRATOR S NOTlCE.—Notice -/V. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of WILLIAM MILKER, lafe of South Creek tewu ship. dee'd.. arc requested to make payment without dc.- la v ; and all persons having cluims against said estate w ill please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. JESSE MOORE, June 22. 18.57. Administrator. A DMi N i STR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice TV. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol JAMES LEE, decfised, late of Herriek town ship, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; aud ail persons having claims against said estate will pltase present them duiy authenticated for settlement. .'AXE LEE, GEO. W. ELLIOTT, June 22,1857. Administrators. UUMMOXS IN PARTITION. —James o. kT FrO*t. t*. Caroline Mat their*, Emily Matthew*, Charlotte Matthew*, (tcorge Matthew and Olive Mat thew*. In the Common Fleas of Bradford Co., No. 161. Scptcmiier 'f. 1857. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Bradford Coun ty, SR.: To toe Sheriff of said County, Greeting: If James (). Frost make you secure of presenting his claim, then we command you thut yon summon. l>y gooel and law ful sunfmouers, Caroline Matthews, Emily' Matthews, Char lotte Matthews, Geofge Matthews, and Olive Matthews, late of your county, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Towanda, at our County Court of Common Pleas there to he hc-d the 7th day of September next, to show wherefore Whereas, they, the said James O. Frost, and the aforesaid Caroline Matthews, Emily Matthews, Charlotte MalthcWs, George Matthews and Olive Mat thews, together And undivided, do hold all that certain lot of land situate in the township of Orwell, and county and bonftded and described as follows, to wit": ' North, East. Sotifb and West, by lands of the estate of | Samuel Matthews, deceased : containing about eight acres : —and of which the said defendants deny partition to 1m 1 made according to the laws and customs of this commou wf*Mh--The same Caroline Matthews, Emily Matthews, Charlotte Matthews, George Matthews and Olive Mat thews partition thereof between them to he made accord ing to the laws and customs of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided, do gainsay, and the same to be done do not permit, very unjustly, and against the same laws and customs, as it is said. Ac. And have you then and there the names ol those summoners, and this writ. Witness David Wilniot, President of our said Court, at Towanda, the 22d day of May. A. P. i 5,57. ALI.EN M'KEAN, Prothonotary. I crrtiffr the above to lie a true copy of the original writ. JOHN' A. COPIHXti, Sheriff. Rhe{ , it7"s Office. Towanda. June 22. 1857. f IST OF JURORS drawn for September JLJ Terxn and Sessions, 1857. GRAND JIRORf. Athens tp—Goo. ('. Page. Sinithtiehl—G. W. T,angford. Burlington W J Black well. Tuscamra—Augustin Lewis. John Ballard, jr. Alford Ackley. Burlington -Harrison Dodd. Towanda boro'—J. L: porte, Columbia—H. S. Taylor. Towanda tw.p. K. Mace. Canton—Wm. Packard. Ulster—lien. I ant. A Hol (iranville—A. J. Robinson. comb, A B. Smith, llerrick—K. ('air. Wells—J. B, PcWiJA Jesse- Litchfield—Alansou Munn. Sheparil. Orwell—Wm. Morgan. i Warren—J. C, Newman, Lis Pike John William*. j win -Vll N U v Ridgburv—J. Hammond 2d.. Ti! VVKKSKJCUORS —rut ST WEEK. Athens tp.— lliruw Thomas, Orwtt--H. A. Russell", Z lJorace Sbtpman. Cook. Asylum -John P. Brown. Pike—l Ford, W. B. .Stevens. Bnrlirigton--Palmer Allen, Ridghery—S. B. Brown, Win. Jacob Morely. Fastnn. Citnloa—.l. lingers, E. Lilly. Sheshvquin—C. H. Ames, Columbia —E. Watkins, si. Springfield—B Hubbard. E. Calkins. X.Wolf. Towandarwiro —W.Frentice, Oraiivffle K. A. Baily. H. P.Moore. Merrick—J.Crawford*, W. A. Tuscarora—Abial Kinnev. Whit more. Tr<>y horo —Geo. I'D iter, W. Litchfield—P. St ruble, J. Taylor. Park, 2d. Troy'twp.—L. Rngglce. Monroe boto'— J. R. M. Hin- Lister —T. Mather, man. Windham-—W. Sibley. Monroe tp. lI.S. Salsbnry. VVysox—J. Middleton. Win. Lewis. Wells—Spencer Jewell sreovn WEEK. Athens twp T>. S. Brown,'Monroe tn—Wm Irvine. C. McDufl'oo. , Orwell—S.Gorham. Asylum—John Shorts Jr..!Rome--A Taylor, ft. Wilson. Smithfleld—k. Hurlhurt, R. Albany—A. Burdick. K. Miller. A. Riggs; Burlington tp L. C.rist. Sonth Creek—E. Punning. Burlington W—J. McKean, J. E. Kline. J. Fonlke. Standing Stone - H. Gordon, Canton—S. Owen. Troy twp—H.Jennings. Columbia -G. Furmao.Wra. Ulster-—J. Vandyke. H. Gcrnet. Wells—C. C. lipdyke. Durell -J. Herrick, F. X. Windham—TVm. Jackson. Hornet, C. Jennings. Wilmot—.l. L. Jones. Granville—H. Rs>. Warren—J Woolcutt. Litchfield—R. P. Woolcutt. Wysox—A. Lent. T. B. Merrill. L Randolph. Wyalusing—E. R. Vaughn. Leroy -John McKer. AI) MINISTR A TOR'S X OTICE.—Noti r is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate ol E/.ekici Mead dee'd late of South Creek tp.,arc re quested to make payment without delay ; and all persona having claims against said estate, roust present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. LEWIS MEAD. June 29. 18.77. Administrator with will annexed. EXECUTOR S NOTICE NOTICE IS HERE by given, that all persons indebted to the eatate of GEO. H. JACKSON. deceased, late of ATHENS town ship, arc requested to make payment without delay; those having demands againstsaid estate will pretest tbtm duiv authenticated for settlement . July 20. 1V>7. JOHN L. LAWYER, Executor.