fUisccljmrons. PiiikiJolphia Advertisements. FROM JOHX .V. 11.1 DDLE, At Merchant's Hotel, North 4th st.. Philadelphia. TO THE MKUGHBNTS (K THE WEST AND NOIITII WKST: PHILADELPHIA MARKET touiip easily arros-ihle y<>ur attention is called to it. as possessing facilities and advantages, worthy of your consideration. Allium; it- advantages may I* l lutiiuirniteil it- location, having shorter lines uf communication to the interior. it proximity to the Iron and Anthracite t'oal districts of Pennsylvania, the large ami varied extent "f it, 1 lunufa.- tores, being far in advance of any uthercity in the I'ulted States, the moderate expenses necessary fur carrying on business. Ac. The market possesses unrivalled advantages for the sale Of many kimls of produce, such as Flour. Wheat. Itarley. Wool, Bettor, Chesae, fa., while the charge ' Incident to aah-s and attendant expenses, are more moderate that neighboring seaburd markets. JAMES, hi:XT, sJxTEE A- CO . Im porters and Jobbers of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 22? aud '.ill North 3d street, at- vv Ila ■*•. H I AA. It .1 Id IEE iV CO.. T njHO.'toi's <>f RRITISII GOODS. and Jobbers of STAPLE GOO LIS. E.UBROI DERI KS, Ac.. NO. 57. N , r th .-t HAAS TAYLOR, Importers ami Cash Jobbers. NO. 3IV, Market street. HOSIERY. GI.oYHS SHIRTS and DRAWERS. GFM IIKI T-h SHIRT lb > SOMS. White Goods, Embroideries, 1.-ue-. s i-pvnders Ttireads. Combs, Ac. I'MER ELLAS A PARASOLS.—W M If. RH'HARPSON. XO. lift, Market at., niaaufaeturcs tir-t-ola-s I'MBKELLAS expressly for reUtilcrs. Kter" article warranted. SMEDLEY EROS. Manufartnrirs n:;a Jobbers in II VTS. < \l'S. Fl'lts STRAW GOOD-aud SILK BONNETS, No. 41. North 3d stmt. WOLFE A A/AG. Wholesale CI.OTII I Mi lIiUSE. Nos. 430 Market and IT. M- nhaut -tr cts. CHARLES S. FEATHER. Wholesale iValer in HOOTS A SUOES. No. 4". N rth ::-J street b low Arch. rARRISH A- BRADSIIAW, WALL A WINDOW l'.U'Kli Warehouse, X. E. corner 5d aud Arch streets. GEORGE ir. PT.CMLY. Maimfaetmvr of every description ui PAPER BOXES. 51 N. Fourtii Street CA C EPMAX A- CHEW, Importers of CHIN A, GI. \SS and (JCEKN S WAKE, Xo. 21, North Fourth street. J. C. FREE LA XO WITH KLIXE A CARROL. importers of WINES. BRAN DIES. GIN-. Ac., No. 504, North 5d street. KE YS TOXE STA TE S I VOX IE IE R. or t'ONt'ENTKATEP LYE for making Seep. Maun fact tired by the lVnn. Salt Co.. Tarentum. Wleuliinv ' eonnty. l'ena. Represented l v LEWIS. J AMES .v Co. Philadelphia. J. S. S- E. L PEROT. GENERAL PRO DUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, N-. 36, Korth Wharves. Refer to Philadrlphhi merchants g< ,-r..! y. All consignments or orders wii: receive prompt am! personal atteutiou. E E Y, C O X V.V G If A M A- U E R R. WHOLESALE GROCERS ~ nl <". >JIMIssION MKK CHANTS. NO. 522. Market Street. MOORE. IIEXSZEY. A- CO., Importers and Wholesale Dealer* in ISAKI\RE. tT'iLEIIY. aud GL NS. 427 Market 410 C mae>M streets. N'.1.1/'/. 11. BIBICIfAf'S, Importer and a:?<l \Vhloule IVAKT HI FOiJKItJN an.i ItM M*J<' B ViBPWA&E t Xo. 358, North I street elow Vine. -V .1- G. TAYLOR . Importers and Whole sale IV.il*rs in TIN Fi. VIE. f OFFER. SIIEET lib N. Ac.. 305 and 305. Branch -t. HAMMERS. HATCHETS, a .in jrront variety, tuauuhu't'.tred hy C. HAMMOND. H p-.t Cn—ltH st. The attention of the trad, is called to there goods as Ua; eqaal :a .jualitv and tul : . any made. L HALL OGDEX— PifiUdolpbin Malka ; > Iron Works. corner of Ah J * -< ■; t* ; W Ari'h -t.. jOh . third. M unfa Itoxt GENERAL aad SADDLERY H kRRW \RE .. M v . LE \BI.E and FINE GKEY IRON C.\- :':N >. MAXCHESTER SCALES. HA Y, COAL COUNTER. WAREHOUSE. WHEI iR ROW. ROLLING MILL. RAILROAD SCALES ti rove. 1 pattern* and superior -ant W.\RR VN t tD SCrHIIOR in empty aa I tnhl o • j " - made. Warehouse, Nk.2 '. N. th atreet, GEO. W. COLBY. Ageut. GREEX s KE YS TOXE HE.\ TE K ANU liANiiE.—The Heater has no e*ju*l in tins coun try—is all ca-t irvu. aiul wi.l create to u.-r ■ ent. ts; re treated air w:th the v-un 1 amount •( u i. than a .y . :h --*r furnace in use. The Rantre lis t*t wmb th it lke ut'iionuiv at the MM Siure." Tires.- tow wh BO •sjual iu the tuarket- K giits for sole : at. -r.- *f the Cnion. F/THLIX JO XL'S A"- CO. I— rt rs a-, i 9 btwrs la BKITBH and AMOUC.VX DRY 1 01 - ?t" M.,rkit through to :<n thun.ii AT. . C er*sjit f,.r tyirevti Natoa. TOWANDA ■mmm mwmmi. *PHE MISSES HAXSON inform the pal i that th,- s. l -Usti.- year .ii ■ -;un- :t.e M- Ni' AY SEFTrIMBER I*. .>,t v:"xt.i J f It. Vise O. D. RAX9OX will have the gvoeral np-r d. ri- e .*f the sg■;_.,J. as-iyVMi to Music to M s- R£BH ' k l. lI.VXSON. a -i .. F tivh V. VMM V H W--N. Thanklh! lie the patronage afrrni. . y .5 •■! t • ti- .at. thev bey lea*c to as- r. ;h-e entrtst. ig i. ' . n t v ie : s charge, that every , 3 r! a I ! emu . t . -<rve the Cv u ... a.* a d f.iv >r ■;* tite.r : nc Tle school year will eoa-ist of tu .r : . -.c-s . week-each. The summer vacation ireaatoßM in; and end ug in September. Ar - c-- : j . a ... taken it the holidays. Weekly reports w ". N- cert to the pare:.:.- wL • are rsi. ,-t<-,'i -g. at. : . r-.t ,*n art can preaafea m Iwp m eia-mt ua - h '...- - r-gnii." and ponet.ial in atteudancv. TKUHS. rut (jrastu: Firtt rfcaa Toisrlai Ard wahn Eg'• t . Iwaacbes. and the study of the * jT*t' wnfajT. I | S*rn.l * T '. .2-. . j c . . dres of the English Inathw wo'- Vith- . <; i\, * v e stud v ,-fistic iid Krc.-.ch t TS:r\i •/*—Y> I 1 . Mat' - v- . and M--ral FA ios.pLj. Rh*: -. i> . V. Ji2 td with Latin and French. . I Etc?: pup:! " bring a : i 1 . -k and c' air. T. x w ! Ire no extra charge hatcv* r. Mi-i*—bwtrarti ■ : Fha*. xrith ore sf wii! V given hy Miss RSSECC * V. H i*>c\. :i fs'r .jnorter- B.anLng for yoc ng Lidies -an !v . > taine.! n -ro a:.- ta*i ires at rea*-xa; > rates. !*--• - fr.*m i dStat: i wi.l receive the e---e- ; ai care of the teacbe-s. They .eave to refer to t : .e f ". g cvno! src-atle MEN ;— _KT. Re*. Al >>** ItolU, BFAA - D TOO of F.-ou'x. PhiAdeiph a : Kcv ?r. MaCLtiX.Prea.diat- ' the Cotieoe of Xew Jersey. Hob. It ivto :01-- t. ti.F. Ml> -\ C.' . xv i-n. Jobs F. Mtaxs. !. F. BaL-T-'w. H- S. Iwrt. i>. I?. Bacr ff, Lftfi—MM, Wm. C. tottg. F r anda. THE TRUTH AROt T KANSAS ! GOV. GEARY'S Administration in Kansas ! Laryc J* - ! pases. U'TTH A COMPLETE HISTORY ,*F THE TF.HKI TV*K\,igit'! J.a*.lv7. T . i _ •rth tojKj. Ragnpl|, Sofi. Ctoreto, Pr torts, jto vsryja.Eat.xin s a Trrritc-ry. tr*o.-svcta as ar.-i e\. t- •,. der (resvemurs Ihxxler tad Shan l. pal •. .d w ,-rens. 1 l\"*.>uai Recooaters. Elect, a fran-is. sit:'.- .ad a.-a ge. W:TH PORTRAITS OF J A '.'a.--, G 4 . •ttthetttrmted. By >HX H. UIUOX, M. .rivat'e S< retarv t ier liearv Car* "v • ;r '* "4- d-vareenn. ;3 :i .. V.-traea: of jkat- as - Wo-tttogtoo aad utd. .- pa,rer> la the pcis.-iea the Aotft. c with fad a . **cnt uf Sac sv a.fXn as -'r ..: M-s. H the rapt-are. trial otrei tMtMCoi of the Free . t-re . aar*ct*r s..d m . ct: crt.- v: tire V - osir. Ra&aas the Ba.r*W r -f Kcffum and ctl c r>. V v<tf etA \I . Itfn- f .fA * • All*i JLklxv U conapte. Th, K r*re*l .:*> c ; t>. Lcgi^tar.. the prw-*aa*err rTdre, tad the error -at j the Mod Dl— iatolL PBrtr with a skewh of Kansas ~cnt{ early 'cmhie- tiadcr k> • r r. Re- - g.-eaßsre ils a rv-iuas - 1 A mjf wiii V st-: t . 18* part -? C~ v ,- e . ty BL,. free o peotage. ret She receipt of r-ta: . Price to etoto. •! toL Pi<r. M HAKUS C. .i>. i* !u.;tn-fg Bui Judy Js Is.:y. House FURNISHING goohs —lk.7- ! hie *ad agre fedi w ~-ed aa lioea xad worsted ... *k>. eoreeeo. JOHQ do iretiA.eoc redwwlOßhOm. h- I e . .A.*C uaw. Marsreoes . } MW W;,t cwoera. tmi A - i ■ : tier da l_ a . ire cast :*■ (~ A tor RSU , FGWELL. Hliscflancono TOWANDA HARDWARE CUTLERY. IRON AM) STOYE STORE. M P C. ITAI.L C Wholesale and Retail Dealer Hanlware aiul Stoves. Iron ■ "wiSh J l' kinds - Cart i.-ige trniniiug-. penters' ami Jod i r>" t'lanes. -~rgj ' WFX Saw-. Ai .is. < hi-Is a:.-: rfrT. 'I .12 1 pH other T- is- t'r -s I'i,!. > C ' ■ " H.tmnteis and S rew I*i-:t—. Axes. Broad Narrow. Lath and Hand Hatchets—fable. Lug. Trace rrnl Haltr. Chains, t'ruwl IH-, i'rek-, shovels and Spades. POGKETA VI? T VBI l-i ITTLERV--Shears and seis s.>rs. l-I.tge Tools of oil kinds, lira-sand Dnm led Kettles, Shovel ami ToBKMk Hp* 0W ami I tillf*. Tuto and Mb, \! >]s and Wa-Jiboaid-, and all other kinds of lions* kei j>- i u.sr implements. Li the II VRI'WARE litre. Brass. Rrittania, Japjianed ami Phil Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band. BcroU am! H<M|> Iron, Steel --! Oil kinds. \ai! Rmb, fa Pumps. I.eat! Pipe ami all thene.es-urv li.xture- for iv.iicr work-. Patent. Stretched Ire-ather Belting ami String- ireather. and lU.taH) other arti,l* i o uiuti- rous to mention, that we are now ie • ivi-ig tlireet (Twin the hatid- of uianutuc tu:vr- atidimp -i ters, including the largest assortment j -ad grv.itest \ai ii ty of S2CVES i 0.1 l am! Wood Co ku.g. L'oal and V\o..J Park r. Dining j Room, six Plate ond-f"yfiader,everl rooyhtintoXortliero ; IVt-i. -y'vaitia >t South, rti New York: all of which we ' OR DOW prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low j rati-s, and on as _ od Tnttn aa can Be found this >ide of i Xetr-iont, ft* m tlie foci that aB our feoib wore hun-ght I of tint touidre acd in full ptckift* aad large quantities, ! that gives u- an advantage over smaller pur Lasers aad I Pry G '.al, dealt rs, that iil emihle us to -ell front 5 t" lT*ler cent. Ie tli..:i auy of them, which adiantape e j -hall uj'er to any who will Lvor us with a call before \ ur : t-h.i-ing e'-c where. A iar-ge 'j-iantity of Tin ware. St ;ve Pipe ami Elbows - always n> Bind, wholcoole and retoiL ~11 kinds of Job >\ 'irk done to order, o.i rt uotict and warriintcd. Ihin't mistake the place to bay STOVES and H ARP WARE cheap—our d-mr South Fox's, and nearly to i - :> Tracy A re"-, M-iu street, iu the new \Yu l K-i' 11: r. Ifttt red c.'/wfr. Grain ami Coaatrr Produce, old Iron. Brass, Brittooio and I'epjK.i. TVied Fruit of ail ki-J-, Fe-ther- and Ire-i . \v\>\ ted ft - g.uvds. In - Sli.v ,i Pelts w anted, for which the highest pri, e : in t'.i-n vviil ! e paid, j T-w into, April 2.1557. j K. WATROt*S. It. St. SKWAKP. E. 11. COCK. J> WATROrS & Co, DEALERS IX I I • JfP.IIT 4- SHELF HARDWARE, NVs. 1 A ; 3. Water st. Elatirt, N. Y. Mi Iravi rc out I y made large odd:tions t> our extemsive dock,and hare now on handac 'iiipbti anaiwtßwt i i ev ery ic— rij: :. 11.. tlw.ige. whi. 1: we ->rTer c.t tl-. i -west cash price-; coasis-ffng of Mechanic w Took, Building Ma terials, Iron aad steel. Nail- and spito, Ifngas and .'••. <l - Punts, Oils and ' Haas, M..1 s..w- of every size and -hare, either Malay Gang i r Circular. Machine ikitiua. of all widths, both of India Rubber A leather. Glass at wholesale. We are prepoied to simply M<. Hants with Glass,XaDs.scythes,Feks, fa,ttmo> afitctorcrsprices. T;a. slievt trou, and fTsjfrrr woefcan hai. 1 or mad- to , rdi r. CORTUACTOR s Tl•>!.> Wheeßwrreva, Ames'Sho vels. Blasting P xd.cr, Ac. _ Asentsfoi Rhh A Wilder'a Patent Mnmmiilnr to • -. t alraank s , lotforut Scales, and We.ch A t*ruhth t, irvu kir Lirg -l?s up to oo iu h.always on 1 ard and -old at Factory Pncea. Part-. . .ir atteumn i'.;i to orders by mail. Etnun, A] r'.l 7. Js-s. t-44-12m ij bJZWs CATHARTIC PILLS i X£H and Syhrij snccesaftil remedy for the care -TV ; !'■ . d-c .-e— 1 -: . ludige.-t..'U da -. ih *•. I'n-jc-y. to : m, FeretOGoat, Humors. Xt-rv. usuc--. Irr.hi ditty. Tnlenmtif Htadache. Mat in the Brea-t. .--ule. Baa. ami Liai!-. f e-ualc C omplaints. A Ac. Indeed veey to are tire disease.- in wtocb u P .~g.it'.-.e Medichn tsn t moi Vsnn<jeiifil >■ imneh si k .. and > 0 . it he prevented, if a handew i- .t e"" ,t d v -tharti w,re .: ;e :rwij I. X • { cr '-y 1< t soon generates serions and ofbi i fatal wh: h;u a'.: liavi •en av it-dU tire timely ati-l ■ li raw veefep >-i j urg.itiv ■. Taia is alike tneofG } evcte-U s_- .- m-. . u- deroi:g ..*- ts. I.y a.! t-ad .o bet aa - r grslai e the deep seated and for- - I atan : ; ihlic imMk, ewthis k*ill has heen per .• : n ith comauamato -a—i to rt*tt tiu. derrrai d. .u hrtbcrto kawna o any toed m - Cniri hue tow re (ectad heyre t dkU *r< tbey : - at • •. itoiaip the rmiuent geutietnen who have Irstifiii iu favor of thesc 11..5. wo may inentiofi : ft t. A. A. HAYES, Analytical i/betn-.-: of Baatoa, awl State Aasaywr f IraMtoatti, whoae Prefoe stowai dam t. is cadi read to tto !' a. Ki'u'A:li> ii'-'XI. It. -v ._it r the V_ Bl • BERT *'. WIXTKBOP. Cx Speaker of th* 11 ue • K ; res. VBBOTI LAtVREXCK. Min'wter Plea, to EngLnd. t<IOMN R> FTCBPATBiCk, OdWk Bishop i: Boston; Dr. J. R CHILTOX, Practical Chemist of Sew York' (. ::■> r-ed y K- i. W. L MABCT, Se nttn sf Sute. WM. B. ASTv>II. r;,he.-; man in Imirifii S. EEL VXD A Co.. Ptoprieton of' tfce MstiewnlTfon Hotel an I lb m. S a_u-:: im *.i puts where tu- P..- hss heen need hat cv "•' - •• . than • experience ef j are -r rred : the pat lie .ts fl? best ra j which ta* ; : -*u: Lai so trace an afford.— i- ■ * igtUg* p-tu-'iu x;r-.i- C--v.v 1 ■' ' - : : ce-s :a j-tate <vf vi ■:u iu e>! Uigtlht: ia such a aouaer as u> moire kite best results- > • i"at rry Pc t rai.iu I Ft.;- > ;i> t• p, .ce a <* . 4 reakvlj ilia LtlifrW o<f Q DJ JLV ; PJ 1 ' • t mob i* pt-rftxtlr Wklkn iht ■ - ' ', - . ' - y "... v.*. 41 '- 1 •- *' •' •• *i omfy tbMth> desirea 1-r •J --"fig.* 'u - ; Ah to- la-rs at:a • .. -A; .- '* -a. . A lekts L ti - evident tte tC b .ahnwld pr-ve as they Lave proved. ■ : -■ V : <1 t..< Pi,'-a m j-.wrr.'J aa '■ -.ise '.bat: other ait-2.. :.. kuuwa t £., worKj. A-:: is tegntth exivhTtsl toad maxr tfeian ■ (a mdretoe&awsdafawtftoadag I'Ly-.- mw, mdaahe cmt&l w*S pzuperiy jadgt of a rccredy vwWt tat - g its care) em u. 1 -w 4 . > : the a , ■: ;te --a . ... 1 j *h■ -..a. 1- : *xl ag.i i u * sttde. to to* ■Mslsk.sf Practitkae ia lire Coiled ' State* u -Irtish Aaericaa Ihrovias-es. IfLowcvcr tL - JfKwt'd be i-tr . -;C -■' '- .. - ; *>.•*:* id them. Urey w:2 ! be feeasidul ] wdl t-> his rt- afsg i th-' Paten: Jle*h ore- iu*; are c how * :• las ' " ~ ' - *.. a ■■*-- Th. r The " - t of ty yrvpi.-uAt-e- is lai 1 pea to oil | X'-n vf a.', wh ■ grv io Ju Lg*- the - - t t 1 -"i- r.- t i-ii I -.-: -.; ui;y --t '; aw -r. Vrfui hre-itcGe U/-. .x -. 2> L- w<g> 1 kwawto Mar...- eraiaewt Elywcikne hare dedhred the ] SM * °* s'J" pc:s. a n d e*ea aore coaSuvstly. aad V* :y tLa: t're.r a..*. > : a.- were m ■ ''" - * : ti- ' -t- ufXKt trial. •*) v r Lr jita. jrczisl izr? .75 t v Q *", i' X . * 4 ■ ■*" "-s As 1% . a - • • t ki- -YLI -Vf : . >; • ; - - - ■ • r. i- i Other rrur of the bndy. restoring the:r J ir.eg ikr jrtvxi tolrrltk. and sy roos't r - **a<r*v,r —cy *\,-i s-..;u u._ aug: ore_t.- a-sre the a--t ' tiirease. Prvrorvdhv D- .he Aver. Pra-rti-ral xr 1 tsd-ii. '■ til lbta -4. l .v* ( a. Km. Pr..- -* *• I- u Vxv Vt s *rf w. • H. IX :r?F .s.i I'M >V If\ Y N E T w-*p.u. os*{ t_* -x-s ■-r- is M*die:w evevvwbete. Ufv (^AKPr-TINGS. — A sopertiue and •gr*.". mryoM .gs. • reeerved to - i?": *• |s * ; - " J- powell |>Gors A Nil SHI'K? —T'.<? irwst and coreeioke kaulatest ef Bnet?and e-rer i ex i,;.--; te.s •*. n wh: h pwrr r it*ent tt kts b - ... : tui 7 --'ktre -A t— , -v - y gA.,--; : can s ctoaauk,. get rerei* <d by f Uiiuiitcss CTarIJG. Di: CTlis. M.TURNER, rnYsrcf.w iS* SL 'li G'Jh'O.V, ollVr- his professional scrvicos to { tlie inhabitant.- of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res- I ideucc ui the dwelling recently occupied by H. BOOTH. ! Esq.. one door north of the Episcopal Church, on Maine j Street. I A MES MACFARLAN K. .1 TTORNE Y * :' J /-A II", Tow vnda, PA. Occupies the Office, in | the I nion Block, formerly owned by John C. Adam.- Esq. ; ear He will attend to procuring Bounty kind Warrants | and Pensions. March 22, I--35. H. J. Mal'U.i p. p. Mokkow. Madilla morrow, a rto it xi:rs AXD ( OCXSF/./.ORS A T LA 11", —Office j over Men-nr's Store. Towanda, Pa. Towanda, Aprß 2. is. n-4.1-tf Dim: tt.MASON, P/IYS/ciaxAXD ) A'< IHiFt) A", .iffi-r- hi- • rofe—ional services to tlie ■ :>enp!e of Towanda and vicinity. Office .it liis residence I "a Pint-street, where lie can always be found when not I professionally engaged. |? 11. PARSOJiS, ATTORNEY AT \j• LAW, TROY, Bradford C 0.. Pa. Ofli. e over V. ' M. A: H. F. Long's ->tun . Aujr- 7. l i. McCA B E : S I CENTRAL 51 EAT 51 ARRET, lieticetn J. hingsberif's S~ J. PoicelTs stores. Til E subscriiaT would n -pectfully tender to : 'i- t nstoiuer- and the p-.i! lie generally hi- -in- cere thank- fertile very liberal patronage ex- ; tc* c t<. him tiie past season, lie soli its a continuance | of the .-auie. lie W' übl say to tlie public that lie intends to keep con -t.i. :!y 011 hand ach >: -• !c ti-n "f MEATS ..fall Kind-. , ' the f -t tin • ntry aff-ud-. which be intend- to sell for j v. ry stiuil profits, either by the side, quarter or pound.— \ l'!c:i-e give me a call. SVXeata, Ac., will !*■ delivered oh short notiie. when j ordered, at anv place in the Corporation. Towanda, Feb. 12.1 J. KeCAML i i-Va Am m 9 pLOCK k WATCII REPArRER.—The X- under.-igiicd ' - nsuvr.tiv receiving from New-Y rk hy Express, new add. tons to hi. Stock of Watches, Clock*, Jewvlrv, Silver ware, and Fancy tiood-. comprising in p...t—Gold and Silver Iwver. I.'Epine and Plain Watches, with s full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewt Iry, li a- i, id el .on-. L<)cket.-. Pr.,., b t.-, G.UI Pen-. Key.-, ;!:i.i-t-Pius. Fir-Rings, Finger-Ring-, etc. etc. Also, a large variety... - Iver ware.-m ha* Table and Tea Sm.-.i .. Cream spoons. Batter km re*. Salt upoton. BfMtacas, t..- g. tier * ith an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All ot which trill be -old very low for CASH. • 'LOOKS.—A large assortment Clocks just received, of all descriptions, ranging in prices from To cents to Fifty Dollars. Bt 1 . Watcln-s rrrMircl <>n short notice, and wakrantkd t" r n well. Also, ail kind.- Clock- repaired. W. A. > would beg leave f • say. that he is prepared to r \ cute the mo-t diff: ult J l s. such as can be done at no the.- Shop -iiort of Xtw-Y* rk citv. W. A. C'HAMBERLiN. Towanda. February 1. 1-.TT. WAVE R L Y ZVZAXIDLD DSTADLISHXVZENT. ir H. BALDWIN, baring pDrdtased the I • Xarbie Fact ry of this village, ndtf the superin tendence of 11. llanford. the subscriber U happy to an- ■ not nee t! at t!.- Mar'.p <■ i-ir -- in Watcily will now he 'ci : t lii'tt. Ife >c- c.sttiiit-v iT-.tiv :ig ITALIAN AND RI'TI.AND M UißlJß.for Monoment- He-rd -t -ne-. Tonn Tals.-ls.aad Stand Paint St nes, M lßm, A '. liavii g secured ;L -n, ,-s. f t>. H. Pwate, whoi- veil kn> wn to be the nio-t ft fori Artist is. the State, he tftra naparalleled iajmewtu to oemonj wiehfaig to -e'-nre .. :\ •: t' - j ie article-, in cheayne-s. style ar.d Artists tt avecfy, \. 5.. Pelt- 3,1837* f.;; AMBROT Yd3S, MELAINOTYPES V f AND ATYPHCGRAPHS. jL Or, Pic'ures i>i G/css, Ir nJ- Paper. " A | \ 7: ' ' - r * ■ r - I ' TaLcn at G. H. Wood's GaLery. XJ 1 PATT >"'S BL •. K. TOWASDA. ir' iGct ular attcnti n given to copying. Pictures taken in ctoody as well as clear weather. T..- t ....! 1r y . I -v- .* t -■>*.. jsi in *' D--'d c nMIt, uil *"d to® for yw.r-> !vs-. E i- -Tw- .!! H--nr-. All • rk warranted fowooda. April it, I V.7. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. r T*IIE-aV'-crit'T t'ontip.m s to carry on t". A F cind-y I n-i-i,--.- in Towanda n>l i- prepared t" art kMi of wrk in hi- line on short notice and in a w -i-. iimW mraacT. He 1 k-- ;> oa han lor snake to i r Flow-. St vc-. M 11 !r> S:< g'a Sbc-e-. Wagvr.- F—xes. and any article A cast ir n tii.t may I* require .!. i -. 1 " rg w:k will edne oa short r• ". e r. :• -! .hie terms. Per- r. w -hittg t > pur ' ;-e S : ...\rs a;.y kind wiii and G much t their advantage to yat the F ctdry. a< they ran be repsirr-t rn :ch : cheaper. Pit t-e rail and examine before 7mr baaiag tae otdcait ir< n ni tirain taken ia payment.— D r't ke the place—owe Aoocaostof Mcnim'sßfocA* *c~ i w ■ rid j!-.5 -ay to tbooa baatog aaroaata ,t --iy - T-. r - \ men;h-. tr.at dwj . and those having Botes UAU are due will do we : ! to pay and save c A Jt.'HN C ARM AN. T'owan-la I M. 22 I-AO. GREAT !MPRDV£EM ix WATER PIPE CHAIN PUM P TUBING. saba-eiFer hatinr '• tt> <••':• rr.-a-ed the mar fa• t -v f 'A'ATrIR TUBIXiJ. a> WUkfs-Bjttre. Pa. with WWSOITB PATEST BOSIKG MA< HIN"K. ; ' :i r- :•.• art>'.e xC.r r ly ? .r.; y- 1 tfartiarff* aai n.w dd all U;e attentii ■.; fu.' reads eilntel lento Pa Realm, Fanner-. j ' ".ratr>a- and .. - •< -.t ■/! ar.,ltra:ie V.'ater GondKton, W the I'ipo- 1; taafaa tared It this pro- j 1. ■. .t a. 11. fr Li. ~ iiti Pine and ither -M-aatune j .1 - - .-.r- .* ...."'. ~1 c . .. <! Men re r- . .irvl. in t: - :.•> 1 t -..ir. with a soekct ! ■ . vr n-A a-aie- tirht. A Wy- 1 1 r# Machine b. res cirrctJv the center erery ! 1 1.1 • ..... .er ••L.y le larsrc ~. rh ti -n-tair. the ; j-rv-L-aiir wanted, a- the smaller ther are the more perfect- j 7- tr- j' •- Ti.e -.itcrat-:-: w:h water '. :•-_• r '.her ' w" M * v .-:r hid ia the cr 'rn.L It is a well-ascertain- J e-J fact that whale the body or thick part of a pump log is [ e J-'-ayod. tlsexh."i \ end will * *xtad : it the m,- tmf they serer rp frew ictpahties vt , the a:- r ■ - 1 are art- fr ni ra-t • r t -i- n .- - -a-". 1., a- 7-..r ae kai or irvn at va'.y 1 Mat red Pipes baTe leer, t a'aaritdy and' tr. r a. letter ■.. iu.-t ■: N rl.-- r. r-tat'-. ' lie pas tw ;. jlj>. a-.-l whererer i-vtd tl-y taiinevi ate y- 1 one l< a" ther k".nL- nf "r Chain Psisip Tab- ■ e i- _• .s _'_-..:e !•> -tar.-., a-y ht-;.'af :r head of *'■••' ' - : ia ' - yrl ;•.> any part f the intrywlth. --...7. . a; *a" •; ted a d "1.-d wi-.h d—-.a:.a. Address E. s GOODRICft, w A- LAWTOX. -*.3tnt. ■" - M 1-j". V. . liarre. Ta. I-] SPRING TRADE ! [:>~ GREAT ATTRACTIONS V E.SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, i.v MEitcras BiO' x. THE penjprieter k" thi* extea-ive Ready Made e*u! IKhnset.:. ';i: -..-pe-.ir_N .Ji.t: hi- frier-Is - -'lr. t'.-u be >s 3 .vr .• •-- . _- 77 ! "tr -m ANI> - MM KB CldliHyiLtsg Mb din Mb tntteLe hack m ' - : 1 • r a A-H .hea.er :aa he Xor ttaa l'<sn.-y'.raaa. Pers. 3- * -a.-. 3 prod bur*!.:.? <;J elrar.t *n:t. >.r •il ' ttee f. well ewie f ??:Teaati.i: material— ' * e-t . .. '7ravat. .• 1 in fa- t <t<- j 3in the !in. will do well to raiL He U c-iidlea: X '-I '*•.' ta i r SI-e_ ard w- I Ay—7. It. Ivl. . „ larhtnine and Destrncticn ! I'l.li -er.jer. arate Uf r ; a-t :ir t- takes Ab . - rter :tr U the citixeaa f Bradfo rd ir i i : ' . . :f c " x - 1 -tea-iL# at - i, HTxnrn 11-P TRAPE. Rsrac \> i- r -jj jcars exj,—'-r re ia tb-- '-.'isicas.s. 77 ' 'that he can - ir?!y those ia want of ; .. ■'.- w t . 1 - - art. ' ".: -tri tir-ry.-a - : eat; * - principles, and at prices that IWirt fad l: '~y " "naar r'-is --1 - - ' t b.'rr. ir. ar r war -.l;* ' -j iaf■•rwe<i < the ;♦ VfE iir:>rd 1 u s.ack ; .'eaarre to p-;t Uierc 1 p-"per nrtfer. All -ir ■i ■■* by am.'!r vtfc-?rwe- prvmptiy ai.iecak-i t . LcfcTrhJf. t. I>">T. F. ISDIOKF. Y\ HEAT GRITS. Snap, H idmiKKkT. Gra ▼ w fcrt Flctr. Con * ..{a isMktr •"* * 1 .a* it i'taeli N>x" Ulcrtljanbiec, Ac. TXOCS-A POINT AGIUCULTX :: U. WORKS'! It. 51. WFJ.LES& BROOKS. A TIIE.XS, BRADFORD CO., PA. Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail dealers in Emery's Unrivalled Horse Powers, THRESHERS AND SKPKRATOHS. THRESHERS AXI> , 1 GLEANERS. CIRCULAR AM) CROSS-CUT PORTABIk SAW MiLLS, SHINGLE MACHINES., &c. EMEFY'S, HICKOKS ft KRAUSER'S CIDER MILLS AND PRESSES. Vro Sliellers. Clover Huller*. Hay. Straw and Stalk Uutters. Grain Prill", and Broad <\i-t Seed Sowers, Horse Rake". Cultivators, Horse hoes. Clow's Grain Cradles, Dog Powers, Corn and Cob Mill". Pederick's Hav Presses, Stump Machines. Corn Hd-king Machines, leather and Rublier Beltings, Porta)>le mortising machine. KETCIIUM'S MOWERS k REAPERS, EXCELSIOR FANNING MILLS. Refrigerators, Provision Safes, etc. Extras furnished for repairing all machines s.>ld by us. arg-Our Kxcel-inr Fanning Mill i- thebest intiie Union. IH-s. riptive Catalogues. Price Li-t- and Circulars of all machines -"id livns. sent gratis and postage pre-paid, to all applicants. Send us vour name and address. k M. WELLES & BROOKS. Athen*. Pa. June 2t). 1v",7. P. s. We have for sale cheap for cash, payable before Sept. 1-t. next, two ot Ketchum's light two horse Mow ar-. with -t foot cutter-liars ; they are strong and well adapted for rough meadows, and calculated to plea-e the tanner. K. M. W. A B. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. IVX. Warner's AVtr A- Splendid Jeiceiry Store, one door north of Potion* Drug St. re. a, HAS just largest Jn stock of I VSH OX ABLE JEWELRY cvi ro'h rt d : ■ .1 di- rirainat'ng JfeL— i Indeed.he -a!cly -a) that with Sf . J.n *" ;e "I'f'UW gof hi- new ,-t re has is-eti in ' auguratt-d a new- era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment he gives the most reliable assurance -.,f an almost incredi ble r- duct: n in pr: e- : th- rich and tas.tef .l art.cle- hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. M. W., when he reflects how. for the past years.with a far less attractive -to. k. he has enjoyed so large a share of public patronage,flatten him-d i that the immense iu ., aae of Good- he D' offer-, which have leen bought so much more advantageouslv. will enable Icini to incrca-e the gtiii ;< • ntiiierice whi h I.hitie rto lieen vouch safed t • hira. He therefore solicit- a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and Invites the public generJ !v to come and see the fashions. ' ,-THF. WATUII REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will' ' < ntinue to !* dl-tlagui-hed by the -kill and depa!< h ha- !:• ict if re enabled it to eoj y the enviable rep utati .n of being the in- -t relial'e town. T vt.i.Ja. Sepunib-T 24. l-> 5. TO WAN DA CABINET WAREHOUSE CHE>T : *R GmMrSi' -!' . >tjcd mm door north of Ijm house, a Lirce and S-if.is, M :h"g' -.*. v ( ' • Rosewood sad Ma'.-, r. a . Dfamg.Tr a in IT* \ end KY.reV.-v-M' Iron ttS of walr.;:': and m.io -gui.v : Urad'- • • .-- - -• I A* ias.k :.g g.-s-e- 'if. tVCWfQiS ■ tteqrsSe id ' it bt-i-r ♦•.- raxioßs when r*qr.:- 1 Toe p 1 ■ v Ito ex\"i-' --- r - , ,-e portha-ing elite where.as I will wT! cheaper any other e-t ■ .-h- * > rt-ti !' nnsvlvania. T.-war !i v-g.-" scire BTI ' OP RATION! .-u - - would announce r - -- ' boa : - m j,—- FURMTURE. |, j a t "" teria l tfed snLßuOtr naaaer. and which they viD '-ell for cash che-iper than can be bought in any other Uhre roc -n in the c ntrr. READY-MADE COFTTXS. <b hand n the Bodra - B . terns, A gMd BEABSE • B Ha I niM oa naual ocean JAMES MACKKSOX. Ttenada, January L ISO. GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, &.C I! •' nrfe * the Ptt■-< v ss?b<ire "Pf site the C'. urt H . T> A A NEVINS are :, :-t a 1J 'arc* *.idit ; v ?< iofPr Vsitkff Kotiowa, TOTS. Fnii. GMMtaur, A. ~ *v v,' vifi he -old iliiiliim of rctai! fr c-c-fc. or in exhsrr- fbe < wd k ; nJ nfMMnp st thst cnaa I > ; t ■ ::t pwdtMnrs. • Smmmhor ■—•■intrT dwdkU w..al do well to call aad exa?nt-e o-tr stock i:>A oriee*. m'kmiks. BUek and Gr? Tea. Rio and J*i <>?*•. Cbcv|ite. So sat. n. • i.'jvr. Pepper. Spier. • : r. Macednaiawß,Oiunnd I San, Badn, Sa!eratn. Ocam Tartar. Sperm and Tilliw : GnmßM B-r .- ap. Yiw.rii . st.-.r h,ic PP.OViS!OX< F' or. P.' ■ kwriea? F .r. lire F"---- r. v.• y 1 -'< lfa*r.< k Shoal-Vr*. M-v-ketvi. CMhk, shad Like • Troot. FkMtdialSartrilltHhg * "toe*. 800, Dear*. • .>. 1' tat-si*. B itttr. Lard. Crackers. Ac. Ar. FRI'IT. Prunes. Ckna. Fir-. La*. Odldts, LaWn*. Le •MOlisis:.,-. ••!*♦.•; trdl'rC-l Ar■ ■■. t-! F-s a . i-. no, Pad Mks OnwaMnnwd Maietra { W Filberts. Pea n:t. r-" -,r- j? v -n- r-.t'. fimit. Koe>i h wad Amaacuf T"VL Pucr Gnwm, 1 ■' Boja"flWgks, Tin Wtr>aj. biaa. Pwvr Aw <> i Tra Sctte. I Tr 7 ■ -- A.; .-.r\ns Har ■ ■ - i-. Glaaa. Paper .lad MT lU\ i w-.-k Botes aci . 1 t I'i-s. T"T B'ir-a: - -Sh—vHaric-. Ac. Peart, Iver*. • Fa >r Ma>;he leather Fort M- - Wallet*. p-.vi. Iv.-ry H 'f~. a-ad W .-$ pa-iet and I *t T -4-- ■naad Soaff Cinr Ctaaaa. Tooth. Hair and Cloth t Brushes. racy Mirror*. PermnrrT. K..ir Oil. FOOL.- C ir. Let:, - . Cocnim-r >1 Vote ar<s -lath Pcwt rtr. Ecre' •• e> Wt'-s. wii ..'Wti •- I.rk-M-*!-. a.'-- Co:*-. -and [Vixrt Pcc'j ders. Pen-. Wafer n-jiw A . Ac. ' | Ta-'.k 1 N P V'*Y S,lt Sn'.i.-.i a-1 >..iH ar-" Cayxiira i.rncrid Hnkf. BAILEY .% T an>ia. Xoveaaher .Mk IRE IN>t RANCEL—The uaier-"iffneci i ' A ir-:.:: .r;V' m 5 er..; • . . Fz-mers (ws I us. r n * Ck . Athens, Pst. Capita! . $299,600. St.lie Msi'id Ins r met Co. . Hnrrisbure, P-i. Capital. t!4s,oli GtrarJ Tsstr mt Co. . . . pMs/adeipnuT. Pi Capital. |st>o.ro(>. These <-31-^3;es :a- .re araii-t". or 4iaase br ire lheu4reMDwUttflm Pnrrßia : U mej. •*sre. • ot3*. -rs. krr'.'aivlm. Ac.. 1 "..i Farm Prc*.-ertr tifcwml fc>r aaj leiiitk of tiaae. AH'. —r>*7' .. - r ' ■ .rIX.IL C. S. RITS-ELL." 1 -wjLZ-ijk. ihccs crli. IS.VS. |>ARCLAT COAL.—THE BARCLAY U :u"' :. A;- AN: l. ..\jpas-I 2atd,aad ..l keep r aaUiiijr -ale at T>">W \_Y[> v a arspt snpplv .A their ej*l. at 0 ' jer t*-m * r It-' ri !■ - f• ■ $0 .>0 pv- f • r" - R '-■ -' •Vj-'.j f .* -'Ait at 7 •* r.tia 13 • ;S ai-> t"r --Ni at TiiL Mi VIS $ 40 per Hp /" r/" ; p ?-: •* -A .. A I : rx' >' ~ : 'A>-t. >. iVti? p-r.-w.—r, rOR SALE. mIHE jJibHjxtkerofflcri fir L- the R<v-i: iz l 'I 1: yz*t.~*rA &frrz k inai, • i '. v t .• T . Cnfogiiz* Ims&a&t- TW V * v: !at and eivai, M Third StrwC The wrnoe cheap p.>ws;"t rt-.v.n raaoLaifyC r .<. ftreaer partic 3..X-* i? tire- ess. the pw( 1 -<. T-Kpij. J-'r * /AS. MTILTAW DR. PORTER'SOFHnM)I(UG STORE. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Sera a re. i ! r pHE thankful for the libern! fintrouaire of the p.i-t y !<■ ■- t • X si.rtriu-iit cf the vf-ry tie-t rticl<'ii.illy k' jtt in our line, wh.'lt hk wil l. : -r i Lsfactnry to all who may patronize h'm. The piirrha-es are inude entirely with • a-h in haf.d, an . r ; customers will rervivo the benefit of a good article at a low pri e. All article® hatt aDwer o;r ■ '■■■•>: t c a...' j and are iranantrd a* rtjrrt*rnttd. [£?=* 31ttiifal Atl\i(e jtratnilou&ly ffiven at the fiffirr, fhareins tnly for the >Miriun. The stock con.-i.-ts of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine V Liquors, for Medicinal use, London Porter Scutch Ale. ALL HIE MOST POPULAR PATENT The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Wnrsing Bottles, Hip pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. American, English $ Chinese Razors and Knives FRESH CAMPHENE & BURNING FLUID—NEW &. BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS OF LAMPS! Superior TOBACCO 6L SHUIT * —Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Prince and Yara CIGARS 1 Paints, Oils. > uri*tie*, Window Glat, IlruMic-N, Perfumery, Shaving soa£ fancy Articles &c. Sc. Ilair I>ves. ] I stir Restorer, Fancy Soaps. Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts f>>: i Handkerchief, Italian Whi?ks, Port monnai-. Purse?, Bar, Colonge, Hose and Lavender Water?. Tobacco and Snuff Hoses, Indellible Ink. 4c. FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Cofiee : Molasses, Syrups, Sugar?, Spices. A-- i- Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, ire. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH EMI OF THE WARD IBiUSE Towanda. February 1, 1*55. H. C. POUTER. If ; NEW ARRANGEMENT. At The Mammoth Hardware Store lHßrvlir-- ' <r—rnr ign vV Domestic Hardware lIiMMiMiS. it' e'Hi') i!*srr |i;Tn, - a-ties m ~• j AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, -Addxikm we are receiving an-i keep on raad 1 fan -A*k of Svedtf id American Inn, line ritre Ircn, Xail reds, S-c. Wamntedof tb he-: ..-.•my sr. i - Id t< • h'ap t- "an !* pa- ha-d of any MablishtneDt w<t V New V -L j i k niiil Lesg i • •?. 'j-i*-". . i .-.iy. A Lite i>w i. Oi*. wL". I is perfect."v pcrc- i Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Maker's Goods. COAT AM) WOOD COOK AM) TAIL TOLL STOVES. FarU'.r ,:.11 >k Wmoi aiCoal Stove*. Beg*]it ra .-.-A Sheet i.-10 Stores, .=:■ ve rite. He. Sow wnmttr.l m 9V*y i toe • - bratyd t _•.* -t. v- I.oV'KiJNolt. whr L pr aouß< td hy all ; Ire-*• tL" i*--t • i X it i> especially aikuioi ti*e Fanner s use. " Aswe hare the Urws-t and complete Hmifliß St.>re en the Xew Y-rk aM Erie gpjlinil and we mWw'M *•* ' I * miM*. Hi h keepiae a f-_.I a.<*4r?mLi. jelling s cheap a? poR te.we I*;* t-* J iae id t„ -e O-mej? hv-i:.t-s ....'.rS' ;. cturps i (•?; -.T'" 3 Onf®, N. Y. Oca. 31, mk> . 1 & AE W A\{KANG EM EN T P ATT O X N /' I I.VE , JUST OPENED, ON THE CIRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREE'i lfo. Pattons' leek. Towauda, Pa, THE whccrihew woail aactrn t. y -r. -i,- --J: ! • th>* tbey h-.r f,nsl * -"-par:"-? M tfc, D.| - cm -- ihtfevctwii gil i Man lfe Bri.-k B:-<k.fr,in tr.e ;:tie= CHEMICALS, DRUGS,MEDICINES, GROCERIE! i PAINT?. OILS. WINDOW GLASS. DYE STUFFS. •" ' .y.T- " > *" > "jV ' y <ji; - • W DRESSLN3 COMBS, PERFjMERY. FANCY SO,APS, PORT SUKG-ICAL ir?STAX7IWtEX , rT3 and a variety of the most approved Tro:*' j Abdominal Supporters. Ac., always on hand. London Porter and Snitch Ak and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal J ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDCtNES. Brashes fur the Hat. Hair. Teeth, NaiN BOOK Painting, larni>hinsr, Rhitewa^hn*- 1 I The L ren f GOOD CIGARS • 1 TOBACCO. iriU finl n forge rarie*? ' - ~e C 1 m, Yara atui iVtaapc U'u* -1 (Ac m T>h- mm aW iSnf. ■ (aropheß"—Particular \tieiiiian paid lo the Manufacture of BiPiMNt. FlilD And a tine iiioCsx-i.' cf LAMPS, of ail aizt-t and drerrrptiame. Bird C- Jg*. Cup*. .Yrrff eri V-. j AH f *hK*h fc f.-.r a> it ;-at!y redarrd raV-. t>er -toek heiag Urrt and mr—(i; r- * • : 9 Importer *cd Min'vtnrr at tV Nwt nU-. mad with Cash, eoahtea u to <tl at nUa til pS. that aa**] thaetotj to aIL We uiwite the attestios <4 the sUit to ma pe> iil txtßaniHi *f ocr -t> k : • u<i Oar M m TH-: CIA ftUJMUU, wifloilik J '-it I - * JH il A. ■A\ Nl. * r■ • - -;*> i. the of PBEfr-TIIPTDISS, w'- ■* ' arcfiratelT •> the -h >rtr-s otiet. JfWFPH '1 FtTT 'f -I T jaite 2>. FT>v.-_\Rf p. p.(TM XEW STORE EF 11 Humphrey a u*. r * r*. *: . 3 ; it> - Xew 9toe*. West >-,* of the psbbe MHt, * larze aa>i Teii -JrctedtfoMk-f FOREfGy ASD voyrrsrrr DRYGO^ns HARDWARE C Rtn. kERY,*C ' A\"> <;;• > . a - * t Ei-wra an. Ia- .■ a •'-r iXK.,-4 -V"* Vo EXCUSE FOB ilAl* J HEAL : *re E B. H. t. H>KTuL 3.4 - fi- V-i-M H • • -e. la- >ri ji-.A-i PuWDLi. wpj. T to Lutcs . H t Sbctot. B&ckwseai t/. . fcf •Ar-SrTV •"ate"- ton > ( ' * flwnpuag*. Pwi.tu-*. Pot -5 A. . i - Prire 25 cents. ~ 39t TIMOTH\ sELD—A i|auut?fnr<l(tt tfeem-rref je{ t!. S. MERITS. LIQUOR STORE FFLTOX would respect-' .. " * *■ •; - * " . --. -w ready tt A:- ': -* l "' , Hal: k ?.!*<"'• - th ->de A ti- ptHir .-.-j-' s t *e vut r.z r .'' Br. L!*^t thai *•"•. hx* *-;?. " ■• - ' •' • • --.. z the tei i , i-feea2 7- fcs*. fs jt*< *t ; I q'iaiU;r it>ni a r-wirvb : , flraah.-5H.vRe. CcqAt >; R 'i"j. -Sw-at Awr! as sd - ~* 1 " a tHijin.-iyf'tft >M By "Ms e-r- > 1 I "*™ WW.—<'eTTBl. Pwi.tit Br ? ~ , , J 'Taapben*aad Bnrs;nrF?n i :1 has-* .!*■ s*rf-*ai Ar h--,- • • xi* nf tike f-t Jtr* "ft ~ 119 jH . \rA i larr* <;ttat ty >w 'HiWy ■ .-— *• Ale W tb*" !!•<*-arw-' jH v t.\ ay * '■* "*^l - HKKKoYoiVKN j *r*r% t%n *f r" • * fll -* A£ . Lt. t> tight t • Ki- s* - T - - >u : tfer BrJ.i* r i T< invt 12. s*>. I pi RK Cii>EK YIA EfcrAii—A - jl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers