Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 27, 1857, Image 1
K . O]LUR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWANDA: £ ; urs &an fitornian, angnsl 27,1837. glutei |)octrn. SUN DAY. O 'o :n are week of care awl labor H.L- lazily crept away ; t tlio weary word rest aud quiet At, -en! down from Heaven to-day. TV snn -Line- with lioly splendor, The wiud is little and mild. The trees t and fro heave as gently as the breast of a sleeping child. S,attend clouds art pacing slowly Over glittering fields of blue ; A l; j often they seem to turn aud wait, As church-going people do. The bells are at morning sen ice |;i the churches all around ; Thcv ring not their week-day clangor Put a softened, Sunday sound. Yii. riiip they stitHy men ■-} * King tin y loud or ever so low. They can not still the struggle That the living spirits must know. I--, .rnshine and stormy weather By night as well as by day. The"soul must -till be striving, Striving. laboring all away ; rer feel the noisy passions V e 1 race of a s>ablath day. V,: sha'.! there come in the future \ Sal ; oh for the sotll : TV be! - shall not ring in the morning, >...w:v. sadly, shall they toll ; la the crave so dark and silent, I> the Sabbath of the soul. — gt is 11 Han teas. A. THRILLING SKETCH. TWSCENT INTO THK CATACOMBS. Lie following thrilling account of a descent •to-be-Catacombs is from Win. C. Prime's float Life iu Egypt and Nubia. The descent into the cavern was by sitting on ■■ edge, swingiug off with one hand on each -of the hole, and dropping into the depths w, where a a soft bed of sand receives us, . u chamber just large enough to hold eight r-■of whom the party consisted—all -mi. :.;._r in a stooping posture, while we bght -1 oar ca lie and arranged for progress. 1 : wd my larboucheami takea up to Abd-ct- Atti. and left mv head bare. Then—following ti. principal gn de, I lay down flat on my face, hold my candle before me. and began to .. 1 v;i;. -o with as close a resemblance to a snake's -a as human vertebra' will admit of. My •v. guide and Abdailah followed rue : the i K >ii gentleman next and the dragoman a: . bringing up the rear. I progressed - v.v and with great difficulty, constantly I raising my back on the sharp points of rock at ve me, some some five or six yards. Legh > it eight : but 1 think it is not so much.— We were now able to stand up again in stoop . - -lure, the ceiling being a little better t..u. fear feet high, and thus advancing eight ten yards further, uatil we reached the .;a:n era which Mr. Legh speaks. 1 am of the opinion that we had now nrriv vi .-t under the bed of the torrent I have - ken of. aud that the entire cavern which 1 a Twards explored is a natural fissure iu the : *.\ running under the point of meeting of two . v following the line of the valley between '•:. .. This is, of course, a conjecture, as I did take a compass with me to determiue the The chamber, was a small, irregular. C3V u> r - in. the floor of which which was - er. i with sliap* less masses oi stone that had fa -n from the ro ff. Over these we stepped diff. - ".!ty. I need not remark that the •-*• k .•„> was profound, and the air already be ng so close that en 'h man was obliged to 1 1J his own at hL feet to determine where set them. Crossing the ro >m, we stepped ■or a c' asm betw- t u a mass of rock ami the ■sail of the chamber, to a p iv.t in the wall .h presented a rugged edge. and from this ' • a narrow d • T-way. altout four feet high 1 call it door-way. for rt resembles one. though I I find no ariificiai origin about it. It was covered with broken rocks, aud iuternipt .oy huge vleep fis-ures. A ledge at the side J : i.:;g a tolerable walking for some distance > a s'o ming posture : an 1 then we again lay . • vj oa our faces, ami crawled through a • passage twenty feet in length, entering the -t chamber in the pit. it was a very irregular chasm, perhaps sev --'-J : one hundred feet in diameter. En trance to it was almost forbidden by a cloud *" that met n:e in the narrow pas -ag? • -.rough which 1 was crawling, dashed m mr face, woumting my face and checks, i -' -" gby scores to my hair and beard, like >0 aiany t .iousand devils disputing the entrance : ht-1! I can give no adequate idea of this itu. ->r of horrors in which I now fouud uiy- IVofouudly sileut we had craw let 1 along. • • man having a fast beating heart, and to its throbs ; and now as I emerged mis rooin, the loud whirr of the myriads -• >:- was like the sound of another world "e wl.i.h I had penetrated. I staggered for v ard to a rock, and sa: down, when a piere • y-11 star; me to my feet, it rang through carern as if the arch-fieud himself were •--re th-re tormenting some poor poor send :t was only cue of uiy poor friends, who ' making their first entrance into an Egfp -a -atacomb, and had never be?t:re cßcoun i the bats, with whom I was thoroughly Uatiliar The one who was in advance was overwhelm - - the army that met him as he approach.- l "d the room. hat is it ?" I shouted. '• These bats ; they are devouring me.* J Mr iight is gone, and I can see nothing." Here is my tight—come toward it." I had - tmy ciajlr. which had been put out a 5 his THE BRADFORD REPORTER. was, and was now seated in the centre of this cavern, on a black rock, holdiug it before my face. As he emerged into the room and caught sight of me, be uttered a howl of mingled as tonishment aud terror. " Pluto or Sathanas; by all the God?!' said his friend coming up belaud him, and looking at me. My appearance must have been picturesque, in my primitive costume, now begrimmed with dirt and seven bats counted them) hanging on my beard, with a perfect net work and Medusa coil cf thein in my hair. 1 was very little disturbed by the harmless little fellows, although, before coming to Egypt, I scarcely knew of an animal in the world so disgusting in my mind- But the atmosphere, if it may be so called, of this chamber, was beyond all description, horrible. It was not an air to faint in ! there was too much ammouia for that. It was foul, vile, terrible. I confess, that as I found my self panting for breath, and drawing lomr. deep inspirations, to very choking, without "reaching the right place" in my lungs, (I think every one understands that,) I trembled for an instant at. the thought of going further. It was but an instant, however, and tne desire to see the great repository of the sacred auiinals overpowered the momentary ter ror. " Abdallab ?" " Ya llowaiji." " If anything happens, if 1 fall down, give out or faint, don't you run. Tell the guides that I have ordered Abd-et-Atti to shoot them man by man as they come out, if tine of them appears without me. Do you you ptiur this down my throat, and drag me out of the en trance. You understand ?" " Aiowah, Ya llowaiji. Fear aot ; I will do it." " Recollect that if I die, you all die, thai is arranged for, as surely as yon, one of you, attempt the entrance without me. Abdel-Atti is readv for von.'' The guides had listened attentively, and having seen me hand ray pistols to mv trusty dragoman, before coming down, they believed every word of it, although it never occurred to me until this moment. The guides were all at fault here, precisely as they were iu Mr. Legit's time, and that of everv traveller since. This chamber has been the end of most attempts to explore the pits The intense daskness is some excuse for this, since our eight candles wholly failed to show a wall any where around or above us. The men proposed that we should sit still, while they tried various passages opening out of the room. To this I objecte 1, much preferring to trust myself at a juncture iike this. In that intense darkness it was not easy to find the way we had come in : for, of course, there was no guide north and south, except my recollection of this rock on which 1 was seated, and its bearings as I approached it. The reader wiil bear in mind that the whole floor of the room was covered with immense masses of rock, among which we moved about in search of outlets, leaving always one person ou the rock, to mark its locality. After trying three passages that led no where, 1 hit on that which the guide prouonnc ed correct, and the party advanced. For the benefit of future explorers, if any such there he, 1 may explain that is tiie fir.-t passage that •roes out of the chamber to the right, as you enter it This is to say, keeping the right hand wall will bring yon to it. leaping a chasm at its entrance This this is the chasm of which Legh speaks I found it only about six feet. The passage which we now entered ran so low that I found it necessary to creep on my hands and knees, and sometimes to crawl snake fashion full length. It continued for a dis tance that 1 hesitate to estimate. It is wholly imjo>sible to gtu >s at the progr>. ss one is mak ing in such postures, lleniker, I think. mak>*s it about four hundred yards. I should think a thousand feet was a Very large estimate, but it ui.y be as much. The a,r was now worse, lacking the ammonia. It seemed to be iKor nitrogen. The Lungs operated freely, bit !' 'k no benefit or refreshment fr-un it. while tin h- at was awful and p r.-piration roll ed dowa <-,ir faces and bodies, soaking our clothes, and making mud on our features and hands wit'u cite fine ilust that fitted the atuios- phere. At length the palace became so narrow that inv progress was outir- Iv 1. My broad would not go through. and I paused to consider the matter. Tic- Mi WJS about v ghl t'U . .."lie* wiiie. aim a more than two fc t high. Evidently Mr. L_ r t d:d aot pass beyond this. I wu> obliged to lav over oti my right side, pre.-c iting my body to its uarrow way up aud dowu, and push iug with all the strength of iny feci as well a< pullim; with mv hands on the floor and roekv projections, I forced myself along about eight feet. In this struggle tuy brandy flask, which was in my trowsers pocket, being under me. was broken to pieces, and my sole hope, in the event of giving out of tny faculties was gone. At the time I thought little of it, .augh ing at the occurrence ns I called out to those that followed me bat afterwards I remembered the accident with a shad ler. The only argu ment that had allowed me to persuade myself to attempt this exploration was a promise that I would take some brandy with me, which no one else had done, and if necessary, secure ar tificial strength thereby. It was gone now. and it was more than a thousand feet to light and, in a passage that did not average four feet by two its entire length. A vigorous push sent me out into iuor t>peii passage, and a | sort of doorway opened iu a gallery on a level of two feet lower. Jumping duwa this step 1 ! was. for the Srst time in neatly half hour, where I could stand upright. My English friend shouted for heip behind tue. His light was gone out, and he was literal!)* stuck in the hole. I returned, touched my caudle to 11ivs. and gave him a hand to drag him through, ' and in a few moments we were all standing to gether, Wo now advanced some huudreo teet, perhaps three, perhaps five hundred feet, in a stoopiug posture mostly, but y crawl ing as before and at length, crept, the PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. "REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FRO* ANY QUARTER." rough and very low parts of the gallery, and the roof began to lift and I found I was ac tually crawling over mummies. There was just here a sort of blind passage, at the side of the chief passage in which the French ex pedition had carved their names. The wab was covered with a jet black substance, like pnrest lamp black, which the point of a knife would scrape off, exposing the white rock.— M trine tons stalactites hong from the ceil'ng, all jet black, and some grotesque stalagmites at the side of the passage startled me at first with the idea that they were sculptures. This black, sooty matter I cannot account for unless it be the exhalations in ancient times from the crocodiles that were laid here, for we were at last in the depository. The floor was covered with crocodile bones and mummy cloths. A spark of fire falling into them would have made this a veritable hell. As this idea was suggested, my English friends, whose experience iu the narrow hole had been sufficiently alarming, vanished out of siL'ht They fairly ran. Having seen the mummies, and seized a few small ones in their hands, they hastened out and left me with Ab dullah and my two guides. Advancing over the mummies aud up the bill which they form ed, I found that I was in one of the number of large chambers of the depth of which it was, of course, impossible to get any idea, as they were piled full of mummied crocodiles to the very ceiling. There was no means df estimat ing the number of them. When I say there were thousands of them, I shall not bethought to exaggerate, after I describe the manner in which they were packed and laid. Climbing to the top of the hill and extin guishing all lights but one, which I made Ab dellah hold very carefully, I began to throw down the top of the pile to ascertain of what it was composed, nud at length I made an open ing between the mummies and the ceiling, through which I could go no further, descend ing a sort of hill of those dead animals, snch as I had come up. Iu this way, I progressed some distance, in a gallery or chamber that was not less than twenty feet wide, and proba bly twenty or thirty feet deep. The crocodiles were laid out in regular lay ers, heud to tail and tail to head First on floor was a layer of crocodiles, Side by side, each one mummied and wrapped up in cloths. Then smaller ones were laid between the tails, and filling tip the hollows between them. Then, and most curions of all, the remaining tnter- tiees were packed full of young crocodiles measuring with remarkable uniformity about thirteen iuehes in length, each one stretched oat between two slips of palm-leaf stems which were bound to its sides like splints, and then wrapped from head to foot in a slip of cloth, wound round, commencing at the tail and fas tened at the eud. Tiicu small ones were made up in bundles, usually of eight, and packed iu closely where-ever they could be stowed. I brought out more than a hundred of them, of which my friends in Egypt seized on the most as curiosities, but I succeeded iu getting some twenty or thirty to America. This layer completed, a layer of palm branch es was carefully laid over it. spread thick and sum- t!i and then a second, precisely similar layer of crocodiles was laid, and another of palm-branches, and thus continually to the ceiling. These palm branches, stems ami mum mies lie here in precisely the state they were two thousand years ago. No loaf of the palm lias decayed. There could have been no mois ture from the mummies whatever : or if any, it had no effect uj>on the palm branches. Among these crocodiles I found the uiuiu- meies of uiauy men. Sitting down on the side of the hill, by the dim candle light, I overhauled gods and men with sacrviigious hands. It was a strange , wild are awful scene. Among all the pictures my memory In s treasured of wandering life, 1 have none so f :rful and thrilling a- this.— It was heli—a silent, still, cold hell. All tia-se bodies laying in rc'tns, in close packages, hke so many pack iges doomed to eternal silence and sorrow in this prison, love bodies of men that I drew out of the mass that lay before , with tie ir hideous inaction and stillness. I dared them to tell me in word the reproaches of which tluir silent frowns were so liberal ; reproaches for penetrating their abode and disturbing the repose of twenty or forty centu ries. Thev 1 were the poorest and most common -ort. destitute of any box. Wound in coarse cloth, and laid in the grave with the beast that were <;UTc l to their god. One I found af terwards in a thin, plain l>ox. but it contained no indication of its period, and bore no marks of its owner's name or position, much to my disappointment. " Let us go farther. I said to the guide* at length." " There is no further.'' I was satufied that the entrance we had effected was not the passage known to the an cients, and that some other nutlet lay beyond , these chambers. I pushed mi way over the piles of mummies to where another low pus sage went on, but is was too difficult of expla nation to tempt me into it. It may lead to an ontltt in the desert hitherto unknown, or that outlet may be long covered over by the shift ing sands. Where was the object of all this preserva tion of the Nile monsters, it is not within the scope of this volume to discoss. It is at least a mystery, for we cannot nnderstand what part the birds and beasts were to take in the resurrection. I crawled ont as I had crawled in. Before I eatue out of the chamber of horror (Mad. Tnssand's j s nothing like it I laid the wreck of my brandy flask on a projecting sbeif or rock, where the next explorer will find it. The changes are that it will torn np in the British or Prussian Mnenra. a? evidence of the bad habits of the ancient Egyptians, thus prove to be strong in death. Six of the most beaut.ful names iu the , English language, begins with an 11, which is ijust a little breath; heart, home, health, i hearth happiness and heaven. LIVE FENCES—OSAGE ORANGE. —In the Au gust number of the Wiscousin Farmer, its edi tor affirms that his faith in the Osage orange as a shrub suitable for hedges in a tolefably cold climate has been fully dissipated by the last few years observation and experience.— For almost two years he has constantly, but unsuccessfully, inquired for the first person who was meeting with any substantial success in the growth of the Osage orange, north of Chicago. Hence he concludes that the thou sands of experiments that he knows have been tried, must generally, if not iuvariably, have proved failures. lie believes that this long cherished article must be abandoned through out the vthole of the great aud fertile North west, aud that people must look about them for something better, or abandon the whole subject of live fences, and make up their minds j to fully rely upon dead timber, a material ; which must long, if not always, be verv scarce 1 in many localities, and at best expensive and j transient in duration. But he recommends a ! thorough trial of numbers of our more nor- j them shrubs, aud fast growing trees. 01>- servant men throughout the Northwest who have opportunity, taste and leisure, should in stitute a series of experiments with the native thorns, and dwarf or crab-apple trees or wild plum, with the houey locust, or whatever else in their judgment promises best, not forgetting i the hawthorn, both American and English, to which we invited attention a few weeks since, j Let the State and county agricultural societies off r adequate premiums for actual success iu j these important experiments. A course of this kind pursued steadfastly j and thoroughly by one hundred experimental-: ists for four consecutive years, would probably result in triumphant success with more than one of the shrubs mentioned. The object is well worthy of a trial in an earnest manner. The editor of the American Agriculturalist in recent travels West, paid particular atten tion to this shrub, and reports that of forty seven hedges, examined, twenty-throe were badly injured by frost, seven were considerably injured, aud four slightly sd. Of the thirteen uninjured, seven were sheltered by hillsides, groves, or by snow banks produced by adja cent fences. This looks rather unfavorable to its general use. MR. SrMVER iv LONDON: —Bayard Taylor writes to the Tribune as follows : LONDON, JuIy I, ISST. Mr. Sumner is here, at Maurigy's Hotel, in Regent street. I have not yet seen hiui, but no friend* tell me he is looking very well.— No American has ever been more popular in England thau Mr. Sumner, and he is at pre sent floating ou the top wave of London socie ty. I heard the other day a good story of hi? arrival here. He entered hi- name upon the book as simply " Mr. Pumner, Boston.'' and was accordingly set down by his host and hi* flunkeys as an ordinary traveller. The next morning one of the latter came to Mr Sum ner's room in some excitement, and said : " Lord Brougham is down .-tairs. sir. asking for von. ? ' To the waiter's amazement, Mr. S rj%ietlv said, without exhibiting the lea*t sur prise—" Very well ; show him up." Not long afterward the former came, still more excited; •'Sir. the T. .1 Chief Justice has called, and he ask* for a " Show him tin. was again the cool reply. After his lordship had depart ed, the waiter came once more, i*ewildefed and a little aggravated ; " Sir, sir, the Lord Chan cellor of England has called to see you !" — •' Show him up.'' repeated Mr. S. These as tonishing facts were no doubt at once commu nicated to the landlord, for the next day's M'-ruiug Post announced the arrival of Lis •• Exeeilency, the Hon. Mr Sumner," at Mau rigy's Ilotel. COXCF.NTR.VTEP Mtts.—(Jail Cordon Jr's pat ent process for concentrating and preserving miik lias recently Men put m successful opera tion in Burrville. I.itchttekl Co., Couu., and milk reduced to about two ninths its original volume is uow sold in our city at about 3*2 cents per quart. It i becoming quite popular on steamships, and mat be recommended to all who are sensitive ou the subject of swill-fed miik in cities. Its taste is that of ordinary scalded milk, and the process of preaprations consists in keeping it from the air and c s centrating it as rapid.y as possible by boiling s* raco at a temperature of ices tliau 130 deg Fab. In using it water i> : niply poured in until the fluid is restored to its former con dition. From personal exj>crieiice we can reconimend it as a better article for family u-e than most of the miik sold in this country, and equal to the best. Under ordinary conations this miik will keep a little longer than common milk, but there are two ways in which it can he preserved for months and probably for vears. I* may be hermetically ea!ed in cans, or may be combined iu due proportion with pulverized -agar being less than required by ordinary tastes as >wecteuing for tea or coffee. A third method, that of surrounding it with ice, will preserve it for srrrral weeks. There i> a prejudice against wmnufaclitred milk, hut this article is simply pure country iniik reduc ed in bulk by the lovs of some 75 or 80 per cent of its water. We can vouch for the in tegrity of Mr Borden, having known h.m for many years. The man who took passage on the wings of nioruing returned on the shades of night. He is doing well. XOVF.TY. —What we recover from oblivion. We can fish little out of the river of Lethe that has not first been thrown into it ItetT Mrs. Dawdle says one of her boys don't know uothing, and the other does. The qnes tiou is, which is ahead .' ifctf Why is a benevolent lady like ail oth ers of her sex ? Because one is a kiad woman and the others womankind. Before TOU cewswit suicide, take an emetic. What you take for despair uiuy be only a couple of pig's feet Try it-on Seed Wheat. Before the 15th of September, most of the wheat that will yield a good crop next year, will be in the ground, aud the value of !IHJ crop will depend greatly on the character awd condition of the seed. The importance of this great staple, and the distress resulting from a diminished supply of it, entitle all the aids in its production to a careful study. SELECT GOOD SEED. — Ist. Choose a kind which has succeeded well in soil and climate similar to yur own. Intelligent neighbors who have raised good wheat, can help much in this matter. It is not well to try new ex periments on a large scale, unless one is pre pared to risk a considerable loss. 2d. Accept only that seed which is perfect ly ripe and piumj). Let no man impose on you by saying that smaller kernels will produce a greater number of plauts from a bu>hel of seed. What is wanted is a strong vigorous growth of wheat plants. This you cannot ef from half-grown or shriveled seed. 3d. Never sow any but the cleanest seed.— You can tell by examining it w hat its * ondi tion is. If the seed is good in other respects, but is foul, clean it yourself. But be sure to to have it clean at all events. 4th. Reject seed that has been kept damp, or has been heated. Seed that suffered either or both of these injuries may germinate, but it has lost a part of its vitality, aud should never be used for seed if better CUII possibly be secured. sth, Do not sow mired seed on the same ground. Let the seed of one sowing in the same field Ire of one kind alone. You will thus know what kind you are growing, and be able to compare results, with au approach towards accuracy. •3th. If possible, never sow seed which is more than one year, or at most two years old. Old seed map grow well. But it may not.— l'rudence will suggest that seed should Ire used before it lias been exposad to to decay, insects, to dampness, or to other injurious agencies.— Experience has taught that some of these are likely to injure the kernel, if it is kept after the first year. One icap to get e"od seed is to select the cleanest and best sjrot iu your wheat field : where the grain grows most perfectly and is most mature. Then harvest aud thresh these portions separately, with the greatest care, and save the seed for sowing. Pursue this course for a number of years, and you will {Hroduee what will seem to be a new variety of wheat. But it will only be the same, de velo|)ed and perfected in a higher decree.— This operation for securing good seed wiii pay iu every departmeut of farmiug and garden ing. .1 gt-i-d node of presenting sm it is the fol lowing. Spread seed w heat on the barn floor. Upon four bushels of wheat dash from twelve to sixteen quarts of human urine. Srir the whole well together. Then add about six quarts of fresh slacked lime, and shovel the wheat over until the lime is evenly diffused in the wheat. It should be sown a* soon af ter this preparation as pratieable, for a long delay would injure its vegetative powers. This mode of treating wheat is deemed in England, specific against smut. It has been practised in America al-o by some wheat growers, who say it has been uniformly successful. Tar wa ter will answer instead of urine, aud is prefer red bv mariv. Tl.'e fanner who will prepare and select Li? seed wheat according to the above suggestions, will greatly increase the chances in favor of his having a fine crop next year.—Awrioii Agriculturalist. IsntAX CORN. —Maize, or Indian Com, orig inated in America ami is not yet, we think, cultivated to any extent on the European coa tinent. Though the peopie of Great Britain cannot be made to appreciate its merit* very fully, the aggregate exports of corn in 185 it, in the form of whole grain, meal, corn starch, farina, etc., amounted to between seven and eight million dollars, or about one fortieth of the whole exports of the country, and 5.7UU -000 bushels, considerably more than half, went to England alone. Corn has always been an important article in this country, both of consumption and ex ]ort. The total amount of this produce ex ported in 1770 was 575.340 buheU : in 1791, 2.064.036 bnshels.of which 351 f95 were In dian meal. The value of com and its manufac tures exported from the United Btates in 1830, was $597.1" 19 : in 1 "35. 81.217 305 : iu Mo. $1,043,510 : in 1845, $1,053,293: in is.'.-#. 84.052.804. The export increases more r. d iy than the product: OlL. The export OF corn quadrupled between 1840 und I>so, wlnie the production did not quite double. The great amount of invention bestow ed oa corn planters, corn cutters, sheiiers, cob ers, etc., tends each year to | ruturte the in crease of production. It has estimated that, as a geucrul rule, scva: pvnnds of corn will produce one pound of fork ; so that in localities where through from mar ket or from transportation facilities, the cereal cannot be ra-HU at profit fur sale, it i- fre quently the mntciial used in fattening the more concentrated forui of die t, ami on which, con sequently, the freight is Jes. Cob meal we beheve, is most valuable for animals that chew the cud ; horse* and Logs, as u general thing, deriving less IsemSit from the cob-grinding in ventions. With all animals, however, we be lieve, there is a j>erceptible advantage realized by mixing the cob with the denser uieai. GOOD Amicr.— ]f you w : h for a clear niiml. strong muscles, ami qoiet nerves, for a lontr 'if*. and power prolougcd to an oM aEr*, avoid si! drinks bnt water, and mild infusions of that (laid : .-hnn tobacco and opium, and every thing else that disturbs the normal stare of the system : reiy o;>on nutritious food ami mild dilotent drinks, of which water is the ba sis, and you will need nothing bcyoud these vbiags except rest, and the one moral regula tion of ah your powtrs, t© give you long, hap pT aao useful lite, and a icreue evening at its clog. VOTj. XVIII. ?sO. 12. The Laying of the Atlantic Telegraph. The following from the Daily Xctcs gives some information with regard to the pre cautions which arc now being taken on both the Ap'unsru a and Xtaga ra, iu laving the great telegraph cable : The outer coating of the greater part of the cable consists of a coil of eighteen strands of even-thread iron wire, as a protection to the gutta perch a core containing the telegraph wires, from friction or other injury until it has been safely deposited on the bed of the deep Atlaitic. JJUI those portions of the cable which will have to be jointed when the vessels part company may pus-ibly le subjected to an extra strain as the first unbroken link of it sinks between the sterns of the two vessels to find its ultimate resting place : and to meet this possible contingency, ten miles' length of this central portion of the cable has been pro tected with a sheath of 18. (instead of iron > wire?, and is snp]>osed to be capable of sus taining a strain oi' twelve tuns. The machin ery made by Messrs. lie Morgue A Co. includes paying-out sheaves or drnmsof live feet in di aiueUr, having grooves corresponding to the thickness of the cable, with a friction drum at tached to them revolving three times as fo s t as tliev do. and with breakage power to check or retard the motion of the sheaves at pleas ure, From the hold of each, the cable, pass ing over four of these sheaves to a few feet above the poop deck, will be dropped into the sea over a fifth sheave, placed above the stern. The exact amount of strain will be constantly indicated by an instrument for the purpose under the eye of the brcaksmau. At the sides of the vessel will hang down into the water new electrical logs, principally dnc to ingenui ty of .Mr. Charles iiright. the Atlantic Com nv's chief engineer. These immersed logs have vanes an l wheels revolving at a rate pro portioned to the passage of the ship through the water, and making an electric circuit which is broken at each revolution. An electric wire, from the log to the deck, records there every revolution of the log, and consequently the exact speed of the ship. It must not I* sup loosed when the ships part company that com munication will be lost between those on board the vessels. The electricians have hold of either extremity of the coils of the cable, and will interchange signals constantly, so that each vessel will be aware of the other's fate, and of every incident that may help or retard the progress <>f submersion, unless some unfortu nate emergency should snap the link. When the topmasts of the ships have suuk beneath ihe horizon, and they are lost to view by the look-out-men, the iutcr-oceauic curreut of elec tricity will give instant record of ail that pass es, u itii the lenghtening line of the cable has i eeu spun out from shore to shore. A beli on bond each vessel will sound every second, as each portion of the cable is paid out ; and its silence will probably be the first indication of any mishap arising from friction or over-teusioa of the cable. The vessels will hare apparatus ou 1 oaru, so that in any such emergencies they can be backed, the cable recoiled until the faulty place is found, when a piece will be cue cut and the perfect portions re-uuitevl with as little delay as possible. In case of a storm, apparatus has been provided to allow for auy extraord'nory strain that may occur, and, if n H:e s iry, for cutting the cable without, letting the outer end of it .-lip to the bottom of the ocean, whence it might never be recovered. In such an emergency there arc large reels of auxi i ry cable of great strength, which could be at ache t) the end ; and these auxiliary cables can be suspended from huge float-shaped buoys on the surface of the water, capable of resisting a very considerable strain till all lin - ger has passed. L'-in K T > Yoi-R 11.•Mr.-.. Try to them happy. Tlar-b home is n litt'e*State—a sover eignty by itself Kach father of a family should hold himself the interna! n**iarch there ruling and caring for alt things with a gentle but firm hand. Look toy our homes, and keep them ever the pure retreats for every member of the bou?-hold frc-nx the temptations of the world. Look to yci-s infaieoee at your homes to the practices set before roar children. Re member bow rcmiily they learn by seeing and hearing. What you utter as precept will do but little good, if the practice comes not in t aid it L->ok to your homes for the best of dvi&g good and being happy. A ROY.IL H AF.F.AKSSER. —Mr. Tsor-nr, the for dres.-iu% her Majesty's iiatr twice a day. .—u gor.e to Loolon in the mcnviug. meou ng to rimrti to Windsor iu tinje for toilette, but on urmiag t tiie >tiiun. was just five miu uits too iate, and Suw the train depart wit hont lbm. li s horror was great, as he kut-w his want of pu'.K timlilv w< u!d deprive him of his place so he was obliged to take a special train ; a d the establishm'-nt. feeling the importance of hi- badness. pat ou t.uru steam aud him t!. 1? milts iu 1? minute; for JLIS.— Raut j J urual. *gy~ IVcneMic economy is a science —a theo ry of life, which all sensible women onglit to study are! practice. None of onr exccl'ent girl- are fit to l>e married until they are thor oughly educated in the deep and profouud mys teries of the kitcheu. •by-The question ha been a-ked why it is eonddercd iio;.->lite for gectfeioen to go into the presence of Isdms in their shirt si eaves, while it is considered in every w:>v correct fr>r the Lilies themselves to appear before gtjttfp men without any -leevcs at all. ttxr Why we fowls the most economicc! tinug fanm-ro itsep 'i Because for eiery gram Uey give a peck. {dr.V w ;i:e h; been advertised under iho the name of naked -herry. 1: ought Hi it'wkSl to have some Z**y. tof Tuey arc alt discoverer that thick is no Lud when they cau see nothing b't sea