W T DJLLAR PER ANNUM INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Ei)arstoS niorninn, 20. 1857. jStlttltb |loetrjt. THE LEVEL ANT THE SQUARE. BY BKO. KOB MORRIS. I. • We meet NP.IN the LEVEL and we part upon the SQCAKK." tViul v.orJ- of previous meaning THOSE WORDS Masonic are Cme. LET ns contemplate them, they are worthy of a tho't, W.th the HIGHEST .11:J the lowest, and the rarest they are fraught 11. WE meet upon the LEVEL, tho' from every station come. R , IVIIR A from out lii- palace, aud the poor man from his home. F 1 ONE tnnst leave his diadem outside the Mason's door, I AD the other tnuis his true respect upon the checkered rioor. in. We part upon the SVJI" IKE, for the world must have its due, We minele with its multitude, or cold, unfriendly crew. BUT the influence of our gatherings in memory is green. Aud wo long upon the LEVEL to renew the happy scene. TV. There's A world where all are e A r-.ansion and a welcome, and a multitude is ' nut upon the L.T\ EL and been tried upon the VI. : V oct upon the LEV EI. then, while laboring patient here. ' " - meet and let N< labor, tho" the LALXW be severe ; oiy in the western sky the signs bid US prepare i gather up our working-tools and part upon the %•, IKB-. VII. VS round, ye faithful Masons, form the bright frater the .Sir ARK below t > meet in heaven again : : ■ id-of precious meaning those words Masooie arc, WE : v.; •:-"the LEVEL and we part upon the ARK.'" is c 1 11 it ul O us > A GHOSTLY STORY. Scene iu a French Chateau—night black an.l stormy —circle of friends toiling ghost ruries—when " I knew a man," saiil aa old gentleman. for ten years !>.*d been occupied with au '-: dde law suit, on which depcuded the f riu: and almost the honor of his family.— M • T. was then forty years old. He was a ' y x t. a little bald, with intensely black 1 • : brave enough to fear nothing. To t : .c success of the lawsuit, he required ri. n papers, without which he cco'd do g. lie was almost certain of their ex 4 '•-'•.ace, but uo search, however minute, had -coversl where they were hidden. Xo trace v-.m-.1 to ex -t of these papers, whicheontaiu -1 i i.K'ontestib'lc proofs of his rights, and the .X'cace of hi- cause. But M de T. was not dise waged* I wi.; ad ray fortune to the last son ami L.y 1 iood to the last drop," said lie.— ' After which, if I do not succeed, I will blow -7 bratus out." lie was a man to keen his *ord. lucre was iu the T. family a tragical story, which had never been cleared np. An old man. the Baron de M., bad died suddenly one j " ght. He was found dead and stiff in his i. Was tins event the result of suicide or Border f Xo oat knew. Bone blackened •;' pcrs were found in iu the chimney. A sec : ' \ry was ojen i:i the room. but it was one t u the old man never used. The door was j - :: on the inside, and there was no trace of 1 • - .-g forced. One of the paper spoke of a *i by which M. de T. was made universal -*atee of the Baron's fortune, but the will x-vif hail not beeu found. M autttne, as the end of the paper which 5 - y-d the flames was the authentic writing • !'• "an M , M de T was put in possession ■ - - state. Collateral heirs came forward ' : . at caned that the Baron having destroy e - tuo first will, some crime must have been 1 x: An old huntsmau, who was in - - H.fi louce of his master, would have been , - to tell ti.e trtr'i aboat these docaments • < vi: 1 not !v* :TA 1. a:: 1 the existence of •• was established by the examinations, \ •? was absent from the castle on that fa aud on the day of his return died of -i .'.eir ou eateriug the room of his dead • v "tor came the lawsuit, the result of ' : Mde T. had Iwn awaiting for ten '' a..y he came to the resolution to return - - it can of Tar.d search it from top to A.-.-i iu every corner. To be sure, he it twenty times before, wit heat for- : - - A closet or cabinet, or drawer, but per- 1 * *>ae article mislaid in the confusion, - • >'."e escaped his search, and, more-over, s --- - vl t.e • s>l r.v ;•• r ir.i the r-ilkry. iu which - ~ xver \- 11 r. aa-l among others THE BRADFORD REPORTER. the portrait of the huntsman, who died in a fit as he entered his master's chamber. This picture represents the huntsman at a moment when wounded himself, he was killing a wild boar which had beaten down the mas ter of the castle. The sky was black, and the scene was repsesented on the edge of a forest on the border of a pond. The likeness of the huntsman in this pic ture came ont in the most striking manner.— X. de T. never passed it without stopping to look at it. The face of the man seemed liviug, his eyes were full of fire. M. de T. had been sitting for two hours iu the chimney corner in a chair. The fire was dying out. The tapers on the table hardly served to illuminate the room, which was made more dark by violet colored curtains. It was cold and the rain pattered agaiust the win dows. " Hold," said M. de T., between the teeth, "it is the same kind of weather as it was the day when poor Claude was wounded in killing the boar." He drew near the fire and began to arrange it. It was not extinguished ;he took a fag got and threw into the chimney. A thousand sparks arose but it did not blaze up. As he murmured the name of Claude in a low voice, many recollections of him came back to M. de T., who had grown no on the knees of the old huntsman. " Ah," said he, striking his hand on the marble, "if Claude were alive, he wodld tell me everything." As he finished speaking, he heard a noise at the door, as of a key which some one was at tempting to put into the lock. A hunting dog which he had with hira lay down, and dragging himself on his belly, his nose on the floor, his hair bristled, his tail stiff, retired to the farthest corner of the room. M de T. thought some one in the castle was bringing him a letter. " Come in," said he. The door opened and Claude appeared : the dog growled and hid himself nnderthe folds of a curtain. It was. indeed, Claude as he was represent ed in the picture, iu a coat of green velvet, with great leathern gaiters, a game bag on his back, and his head uncovered. M. de ! T.. jumped up and attempted to go for- ' f ward. The huntsman stretched out hi< arm and made him a sign to be seated. M. de T. tell back heavily into his chair. He was opposite a mirror, aud was frightened to see how pale he was. Claude advanced a few steps and seated himself opposite to him. There was a cold at mosphere about the huntsman which penetrat ed M. de T., and he shuddered. He ohserved that the clothes were all drip ping with water, as on the day when under a rainy sky he had saved the life of his master. Tiie blood was flowing down the wound he had received iu the thigh. " Von called me," said the huntsman, "I know what y>u want." M de T , made a violent effort to regain his calmness, and become master of himself.— He tried to speak, but could not open his mouth. " Yon are looking for papers," said the guard. "I can give them to ;ou, but on one condition." " Speak," said M. de T., painfully. Tie could have touched the huntsman with his hand, but the voice sounded very distant. " You buried me in the village cemetery ; this was uot right. Puring my life I was near my master, and when dead I ought to sleep near him." "It is right," replied M. de T ; "I will do what you desire." " Come then." M. de T, wished to rise ; with the first ef fort he got ujou his feet, but his legs were heavy as lead. Claude was already at the chamber where his master had been found dead. " Are yon coming ?" said the huntsman. M. de T. t followed, his footsteps sounding like metal ou the floor. Claude pushed open the door and went in. A profouud sigh heaved his (Mm>m. A singu lar blast of cold struck M de T. on the face. The chamber was dark, but around Claude it was light. The huntsman pointed to a basin for holding water suspended at the head 01 the bed. " Look here,' said lie. M. de T. struck his forehead. He remem bered a chihl to have surprised hH nncle in the act of concealing a pocket-book in a box cut ont the thickness of the wall. The thought came like lightning. " Rush at the bottom behind this bit of wood," said Claude. M. do T. obeyed ; a spring snapped, the box opened, and he saw a pocket-book. " This is not ail," continued the huntsman, stretching his arms along the wall on which was seen a set of hnutsmao's arm-. "Lake this old game bag. look in one of its compartments, a; the very bottom " "A letter," cried M. de T. " Read it." said Claude. M. de T. broke open the seal ; the letter was addressed to himself. It was dated on the same Jay the old Baron entered this chamber to die. He said iu this letter that he was about killing himself to escape a sort of dark melancholy with which he was oppressed.— He added that his will was written, aad that it a mid bo found in the hiding place where he kept his most valuable papers. He pointed out the situation of it. The Baron, who had passed the day in hunt ing, had evidently gone oat with the intention of patting the letter ia the mail; lie had for gotten it in consequence of absence of miud, to which he was subject, and on returning home he bad kiiled himself. When he had finished reading the letter. M de T . who understoxl it all at onee. look at Claude. The huntsman's eyes had ucver quitted hint, and he was enveloped in that pale light, which had the brilliancy an ! cold ness ! snow, and uiade everything char abvut him. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH, Claude walked toward the door, and M. de T. followed him. He obejed mechanically an impulse stronger tbau reason. He felt no other sensation than that of intolerable cold. " This is all," said he, "now do not follow tne —remember only what you have promised me." He pushed the door by which be had enter ed, allowed it to turn on its hiuges aud disap peared. M. de T. listend for a few seconds to the sound of his footsteps, which grew distant slowly, and resounded heavily in the gallery and in the staircase. When they ceased, lie was ceased with shiverings, aud fell his whole length upon the floor. When he awoke it was broad daylight.— The people of the house were near him. They placed him upon a sofa. "We came in here an hour ago," said the servant to him, "aud fouud you on the floor. The bowlings of the dog drew us to the room. Here, sir, what has happened you ?" "I do not know," said said M. de T. He still held in his hand the pocket book aud letter. Everything came back to his piind. The same cold he had felt duriug the night, seized him iu every limb, lie ran into "the Baron's room, the sealed box in the wall be hind the wooden bar was open. " Have yon seen or heard nothing ?" said he to the people about him. " Nothing." M. de T. related to tlicrn what had passed. The steward of the castle began to langh.— " It's a dream or hallucination which ever yon will," said he ; nnd in dreaming you recollect what what you saw when yon were young.— This is why you opeued the hidden place.— All were there together, the letter and the pocket book. M. de T. turned around : "and this game bag which was yesterday agaiust the wall, and which is now on the floor ?" "It must have fallen down, sec, the nail is gone." " Ob," replied he, "I to see hira now seated on his chair before trie, with hi 3 wet clothes and his wound." " This, then, that this cliair is wet and cov ered with blood," said the servant. M. de T uttered a loud cry, and touched the chair The water arid blood were there. " Oh, God, how cold it is ! cried he, drawing back his hand all wet and bloody. He ran into the gallery, almost mad with terror The picture iu which Claude had been represented as he re-appeared was ou the floor, one of the corners had fallen on the hearth of a chimney where there was a fire, and the frame was partially consumed. The face dis appeared. M. de T. crossed himself. He was seized with a fever. They put him to bed. His strong constitution saved him.— As soon as he could walk his first care was to have the remains of Claude transported to the tombs where the Baron was interred. The bodies were placed side by side, and M de T. followed the eoflin, all in black, and bare head ed. The night settled the lawsuit, which , had lasted ten years : but M. de T.. during his whole Ufe was never cured of a sensation of inward cold which nothing conld dissi pate. PHILADELPHIA TRADE. —We have on form er occasions alluded to the efforts of Philadel phia merchants to induce a portion of the trade' of this sect ion of the country to seek that mar ket more than heretofore. It will be seen, by to our advertising columns, that some of the enterprising business men of that city an? again a-king the attention of our business men, aud take this public manner to invite them to come and see for themselves. The facilities of commnnicatiou are quite qual with other easteru cities, and. a ready means of transit is the first necessity of bu siness, it follows that, having such menus, it require but to be knowu to be appreciated by tiie public. The buyer is always looking for the most advantageous market for him to buy in, and when a new one is opened, must necessarily take the representation of others for his guide till such time as he cau make a personal ex a initiation. In th se days of comj etition, it behcorcg tl o-e having articles for sale to make it knowu : the knowledge thus imparted being equally important to those wishing to buy and to the seiltr ; therefore, those who are at the trouble and expense of setting forth sueh factj, are deserving of the special attention of the buyer. Such facts are deserving the special atten tion of the buyer. Philadelphia manufactures nnd merchants have, until lately, neglected to show the pub lic that their city is the greatest manufactur ing mart in the country, the most favorably situated for trade, being more central, nearest by land to the interior business locations, and possessing good water communication to the ocean, advantages that greatly reduce cost of transportation iu either direction. The numerous Mechanic's, and other Fairs in this country and Europe, have frequently given testimony to the superior skill aud taste of Philadelphia .Artisans, and tlte exce. ent quality of their manufactures Among them may be enumerated articles of Machinery, Hardware, Tools. Leather. Boots, and Shoes. Umbrellas and Parasols, Chemicals, various kinds cf Cotton and Woollen goods, Gas Fix tares, Ac., Ac. Tsrra. —All vruth is from the same source. Hence he who will cot receive truth nnless he knows what uttered it is like the roan who re fused to eat bread because he knows not who raised the wheat. As the saa's warmth dowly bnt sorely melts down the icy mountains of the earth, so the light of truth will gradually level the CRstom-bonnd institutions of man which are now boarv with the frost of benight ed ages. A Printer ba- this ia common wit'-, a Postmau, be ptc'is up letters auj distributes tbeai. " EBCARDL/EBS OP DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." Curious facts from History. The Chevalier tVAubigne, who fled to Eng laud during the French Revolution of I.DB, and for a while lived there, in a straightened manner, accumulated a fortune of eighty thous and francs by teaching the English fashi'onables how to mix salad. He visited his patrons in a carriage, attended hy a servant. The custom of setting at table to drink after dinner was over, was introduced by Margaret Atheling tire Saxon Queen of Scotland. She was shocked to sec the Scottish gentlemen rising from the table before grace cculd be said, and offered a cup of choice wine to all who would remain. Fish did not become a popular article of diet in Greece until a comparatively late period, and there was a society against "cruelty to fish," by abstaining from devouring what was aliened to make the devourer ferocious and inhuman. With Romans the mullet was priz ed above all other fish. It was served up six pounds in weight, and such a fish was worth worth three hundred dollars. It was cooked for the benefit and pleasure of the guests.— Turbot was next highest in estimation, and occasionally offending slaves were throwu into ponds to feed them. the older Romans paid special honor to ag riculture, as did the Jews. Their coin was stamped with symbols connected therewith.— The Greeks refreshed the mouths of their plow ing oxen with wine. Charles the Xiuth ex empted from arrest for debt all jiersons engag ed in the cultivation of the staple articles of agriculture. Cortez went to Mexico in search of gold, but the first discovery he made was of choco late. The monks were the earliest to adopt it, but the generous beverage was considered a wicked luxury for them,and they were warned against it. The moralists eagerly condemned it. The Spaniards, however, welcomed it with enthusiasm. It is recorded that that Antony once re warded his cook with the gift of a city, for having prepared a repast which elicited the en cominms of Cleopatra. An English dean, named Xowell, who nour ished iu the turbulent reign of Queen Mary, was the accidental iuveutor of bottle ale.— lie was out fishing with the fresh drawn bev erage at his side, when intelligence reached him that Lis life was in danger. He threw down his fishing rod, buried his bottle of ak in the grass, and tied. Afterwards reclaiming his bottle, tiie cork flew out at the touch, and the dean was sd delighted with the creamy condition of the ale, that he took trood care thereafter to be supplied with the "same sort." The stream and springs of water were great ly reverenced by some ancient nations. Ac cording to the popular belief of the Greeks, every stream, spring and fountain had its resi lient deity. The Egyptians grateful for the blessings derived from their beloved Nile, flung into it corn, sugar and fruit, as thank offer ings. The Persians and Cappadocians raised altars beside streams, and paid adoration to the god whose exigence was evinced by the crystal clement. The common people of Rome flrank to excess of water, both hot aud cold. The former they drank in winter as a stimu lant. The breakfast of a Greek soldier, taken at dawn of day. consisted of bread soaked in wine. Greek patricians sat down daily to but one solid moal ; soldiers and plebians par took of two. They were accounted peculiarly coarse people who consumed three. The Romans were in this respect similar to the Greeks. In Rome milk was used as a cosmetic, and for baths as well as beverage. Five hundred assos snpplied the bath and toilet vases of the Empress Popjsen, some dozen or two of the same animals were kept to to maintain the decaying strength of Francis I. of France. Appropos of milk. Butter was not known either in Greece cr Rome until comparatively late periods. The Greeks received it from Asia, and the Romans were taught its use by the Roman matrons. Eggs filled with salt, used to l>e eaten by curio-is maidens, after a whole days fastiug on St. Agnes' eve, in the belief that in the after dreams of the maid, her future husband would be revealed to her. T;IF LORD'S PRAYER. —I know that my mo ther taught it me, for linked with each j>eti tion is her presence and her 1-vre. But i do U"t remember when 1 cannot recall the time I kucw i; not. With my first memories it has place. My mother aud " Our Father which art in Ileaveu " haT? watched over me togeth er with protecting care, nnited in their love. And though I have learned to know that my Saviour's love availeth more for me than mor tal's can. yet still I feel my mother's as true, a* constant to bless, far as its power as its po wer extends, and those dear names are lb ked together in my memory forever. Ami how can anv child that has had the love and tlte the prayer, scorn a Saviour's love, so like iser's all powerful. Thus it would seem that every heart should be given to Christ. lint alas, great as the anomaly, every mother does not teach her chikl to jwaT. Ah ! 'tis sad. yea. awful to know it. But those who have a mo ther who teaches of " Our Father." can nc v er show enough gratitude and obedience, both to the one and the other : for earth, with all its sunshine and its flowers, were but a gloomy waste without the hone of heaven. STIRRING THE S- IL IN PRY WEATHER. —The advantages of cuaolnai culture are well brengi t out by your correspondents. I have found easier to grow garden crop* in very dry, tiian wet seasons, by uirg the hoe freely. In w.,t seasons, it is almost impossible to keep down the weeds—tn dry ea?oti. it is dene with lit tle difficulty—and the same niie and results bokl good with our field cr ps. c ancients were of opinion that Echo was a tnaiden who had |uted away for love, I uii*i! nothing but her vvic" "a- left New anecdote of Randolph. Arthur Livermote, of Xew Hampshire etfrl John Randolph, of Roanoke, Virginia, were both marked men, iu their way, and both members of the House of Representatives in Congress, together. Mr. RandHph was a man of overbearing pride and great /wutiv.r of demeanor, and one who could not, with any tolerable degree of good grace, brook opjiosv tion, and whose ire was roused fo (lie least de gree by defeat. Mr. Liverraorc had not been subject to the same degree of accidental and artificial stimulus of pride and arrogance ; but his spirit was scarcely more submissive than that of his lordly compeer. Above all things, he disdained to be trampled upon by an arro gant despotism, roused to the most impudent excess by the habit of domination ill fhe daily relations of life. Livermore had one day made a most subversive onset npou one of Randolph's favorite pieces of invective irony and playful slang, which he always delighted to deal out for the amusement of the House, and which consumed more time and afforded less light than ought to have been expected from a gen tleman of such distinguished learning and abili ty as are, and always were, by common con sent, accorded to the hero of Roanoke. Ran dolph turned upon Mr. Lirermore with more than his ordinary measure of gall and bitter ness ; among other tilings, calling him repeat edly, "the member from a State at that time, of somewhat dubious cstimete in the companionship of the original thirteen. Liv more, not a whit abashed, rose on the instant and did battle so effectually as utterly to de molish all Johnny's glittering soap bnbles, all the time referring to him as "the worthy mem bers from 11 hah hln ndp He said he object ed to that gentleman, even, privileged as he undoubtedly was, riding rough shod over the , heads of his associates of the House with the imperturable coolness with which he swung along the streets in his wad avl *./- / John arose aud indignantly exclaimed as suming any such baronial airs as had been at tributed to him by, by "the honorable member from .Vr Hampshire and at the t>p of his shrieking voice declared he never drove more than than Itco, on any occasion. Said Livermore : " I repeat a cOach and six —ltco horses, ttco nippers, and Itco dogs H This sudden trpi*se of the usnal retinue of Mr. Randolph, brought down the honse in such hearty roars of laughter that he did not deem it prudent to enter into any more extended explanations on that occasion : and he seldom afterward invited the strictures of Mr Liver more, whom he thenceforth denominated, "/*?/ ej-ci'llcul Jricnd from Xew Hampshire." Is the Moon Inhabited ? It has leu:: been known that the moon re volves on its axis in the same way in which it , revolves around the earth, and that it cone i qnently always presents nearly the same side towards the earth, while the opposite side is never seen from our globe. Xo bodies of wa ter nor blonds can be scon on the moon by the j aid of the rrost powerful telescope, nor is the apparent direction of stars close to its edge changed by refraction as would be the case if an atmosphere enveloped the Moon. Hence it has been infered bj Whewell, the reputed author of a late work entitled " Of Plurality of Worlds, "that the moon ha no atmosphere 1 or water, aud, consequently, no inhabitants. Ti.is inference^is shown to be inconclusive by a recent discovery of the astronomer Ilan seh whose stndy cf the moon's motion, contin ued for many years, has established the fact ! that the centre of gravity of the moon, instead of being like that of the earth, at the Centre \ of figure, is beyoud that centre, and farther 1 from the side next to the earth than it is from the other side of tiie moon, therefore, is a vast expanded perturbance or mountain, seventy four miles hiirh j and any fluid, whether air or | water, would flow downwards from the nearer 1 to the farther side of the moon, where, for aught we know, intelligent living beings may exist. The nearer side of the moon cannot be inhabited, at least by beings to who-e existence air and water are essential, as it is the case 1 with all terrestial animals. The late celebrated mathenr.alian, GRASS, proposes as 3 mean? of settling the question, whether the moon is inhabited, that a huge monument should be erected on the stepj es of Siberia as to the inhabitants of the moon in the hope that tltey miwbt le induced to erect a similar signal to apprise r.s cf their ex istence. The discovery of 1 lan-el show? that such an experiment could be atreeoed with uo success, in-as-iuQch as the inhabitants of the moon, if there are any, being ou the farther side, conld never sec a mocnment on the earth. It may cot be uninteresting to add. that it has been discovered, within a few rears, br mean? of loug coutinaed hourly obc^natious with the barometer, that the moon exerts an appreciable influence- on the pressure of the atrnc"phere t and also by means of long con tinued magnetic observations that it exerts an Influence on the declination 0: the magnet ic ueeulc.— Boston Cw.rirr. WORTH KXOWINC,. —One pound of green copperas, worth cents, dissolved in o' c quart of water aud poured down a privy, will effectually concentrate sn i destroy the foulest smells. For water cutsets on Loan! of ships ami Kteaxal>oal3, ahoat hotels and other public places simple green copperas dissolved un der the bed, in anything that will hold water, and thns render a hospital or other place for tiie si< k. free from urpleasent smells. For sink? ar.d wherever there are offensive pntrd gases dissolve coppers* and sprinkle it about ar-d -n a few days the srae'l wiH j ass awav. If a eat. rat cr monsp dies aboat the house a:*! sends forth: an offensive g, pbee db- dved copper as in an open re--s| rv-nr the ; 'ace where the nuisfrpee is. acd it will soon puri.fr the atmos phere. ' FARMER less *eiglu a r*c; horse carrier, the feirSooUtng crcr did any U>lr I v quicker be runs : ao.l the sa:ae >j
    ' : - fca human tongue !an ! y-~ c cTtrrwhcre anj *• v-. VOIj. XVIII. —No. 13. farmer's fhprtmtnt, Stomps and Stoned. These arc looked ti|>on by many farmers aa rr great pestilence. To heal the nglt feelings of these fortunate men, who happen to hnve any of these plagues about them, I projtose to make a few uropositions. First,! will say you arc very lucky in hating the very best fencing material on earth. To put these materials in to fence will require some work and trouble ; bnt who, I ask, ever had anything good and dnra ble that c(*d nothing? This is the case with all real valuable structures on the farm. I will venture to say, there is not a form in Tioga County that is overstocked with stumps ami stones for fences and bnilding purposes. A sturftp fence, well built,- end chinked with roofs and stones, is worth more to a farmer than Bank Stock. The reasons are these; a stomp fence js nearly a.l durable as the everlasting hills—no damage done by heaving of frost; you never find it, in the spring, prostrated by the wind ; it is always there ; and let your unru ly cattle or horses jnmp over or get through it if they can. How many fanners who look n[- or. these stumps and stones with a scowl—and tvheu it eOmCs night, they can't sleep expect ing in the morning to find their crops half des troyed by unruly cattle. To these men I would say, go to work, and with your stomps ami stoues build a fence as it should be built, and your crops arti as safe as if locked npin a barn. Von may think this will be a tremendous job ; 1 will tell you that the cost of stump fences is about one dollar per rod, when built in per fect style. I will give good surety, that money invested in pulling stumps and putting them into fence, will lie as profita'.'e and as satis factory in te?> years, as the same amount of money invested in western land speculation. You may think they are the cause of hedges growing up—that they form a nest for brier?, elders, etc., : but if you stand iu fear of this, I will tell you that a stump-fence is easily mov ed one or two rods, if you bare not thrown too mnch stone and rubbish between the tnmps. This shonld be done during time of a drought then stumps are very light, in comparison to what they were when first put into fence. Stones are as valuable for fences and other buildings as -tumps." They make a good fcDoe, by laying a foundation 2 1-2 feet wide and 3 12 feet high. This should be staked and ridercd the same as a common rail fence.— Before the stakes are set, plow three furrows on each side of the wall : then, with a shovel proceed to bank up the fence on both sides. This helps to support the fence. All stono fence/j should stand north-and-outh for tho reason that if they stand cast-and-west they will thaw out in the spring on the south side first, while the ground remains hard and fro zen on the north side, and caa-es the fence to fall very soon. FARMER. THROWING STOXCS —This is one of the worst practices a boy or man can be guilty of In driving stock, you may see them continually throwing stones at something. Even harmless birds are stoned until they are frightened off into the thick woods, and some children and grown people have to be pelted occasion ally. Any boy of little discernment can see how much pain they cause cattle many times by being Lit with stones iu the eyes, "on the horns, or on any other part. When a creature is hit with a rmall stone coming with littlo force, it causes the blood to settie under the skin : this makes a sore place for some time, when hit on the eye, the sight is damaged, and many times entirely lost ; and when bit on tho horn, disease of the horn is the consequence many times. The iittle feathered tribe are not allowed to sing in your shade trees or about your dwell ing, Imt they ranst be frightened out of their senses, sometimes killed Tics is a high Landed crime, and the man or boy who does it, shonhl be taken out behind the bam anil dogged un til his humanity is raised a iittle above the brute level. The (treat Designer of all things thought projwr to create these iittie songsters to enliven the drooping spirit® of intelligent man and to procure their living by destroving many pests of the farm, such as apple-tree worms, cut worms in the garden, bugs, millers etc., ami tiie man or boy who is continually at war with them, is standing decidedly ia his own light. Pmcix." WELM ;X Qics-Axr —lIOT t-> tSK a Cf as.—The following from the J/7 .1- r Faraur L a simple and ingenious method for the construction of the curb. When tkev e-ime to the water, as alvajs the case there o.t the openrnsrs, the* found as abundance of quick sand. 80 to stop that cut, they went to tho woods and cut a white efc-k tree about throi feet ever, and ct:t off three feet of the bntt then mark-?'! ah-ont thr~c inches thick aronnd the octside, and ei:i-jr under water, it woaki nev er rot oct, a Lid the thickness of the stares WOQM pre rent them front ever MOVING from their place. It kept the sand oat perfectly, the water cum - from the bottom, and after the first < \ otouius, was as elew us the crys tal fountain. Av Iki-ii Wiu.—l leave aaij beq:teath i) A';V H v- ] vrlfe t'E viiole of BIT ;*\>- jyrty, rva', persoaal a-,.1 O c half of the REICALRKKR to c.Y oUk.-T >on Pat nek, UM balance to ruy -on the Llaik gvuri] ; a;ul >hoaM tSien? '*? anything left. :t to Terracee