Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, August 06, 1857, Image 1
O)UAR PER ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOWANDA : U-rjiuj fllorninn, #, 1837. —•— •THE CHIVALRY." i —~ L S , ;K A SNVPER. in introducing the following orig- L.3 the Williamsport (Pa..) Independent Pre**, P . Ut . [ct i> stated in a South Carolina paper, L n* time in April last a Mra. KMKRSOS, from the L iihi i,. mred iu Sumpterville, S. C., oa Education I. ii.nivntal and moral—andin her remarks she rc [ the denciences incident to the training of ladies [ - ,ath. At the conclusion of her lecture she offer . -umine heads, and illustrate her position phreno , v t .t her "tirade against Southern ladies" had ; j.h offense that the gentlemen forbade the pro- I nJ insisted or. the right of search ; the result of ■v was a full confirmation of their worst fears, and M-; Earasos was projecting "a book, worse, if possi tiia Uncle Tom's Cabin." They found " numerous >, cat from Southern papers " letters from people |. States a:i enrelope directed in Mrs. EUKK ,i: nag to some one ui Mauackmsett* but, above •.raveling wagon, "a lantern and a tide saddle. "' ; ,-e .1 Lily could have for such articles was more w ... patriots could divine, and they, therefore I j that they aiut l<o intended for raising a "ser- I . -:c t: a." A sage conclusion : and lecturer teas l ■< t >n jwin of tar and feather* .'J THK BATTLE OF SL'SfPTEBVILLE. BV SOLOSTON sorrnsipc. 1\ \ a: K.e school-marm went of late | v ßut wh\ 1 can't conjecture) | ■. ::ie -anoy South." upon I phicr. logy to lecture. L *-at to Bully Brooks' State, I • 1 >quenee t' enchant 'em ; tj •••• w'.. !i for the sake of rhyme, I " the state of Bantam. I - name 1 cannot give,— E . th I swing for treason : I j .* t an't 1* made to rhyme, ■un't be made to reason.) 1 iJv'i ;idvent made a stir, I! n- to lie expected ; J . to men. ladies too. ar her soon collected. f Tales were tlenerals, Colonels all— R v ':•.: title less is ; I ii,e> did not rank so high, I* t ill were captainesses. | t .rv! well; and quietly ■ . t. heard all that she said, sir ; ft •fell back aghast when she I posed t J foe! their heads, sir. J . t "uxr-in was much surprised they should so misdoubt her, '■l r ik away, as if she bore | A ,v t th comb about her. , f .<-■' rv they should thus hang back M N :>. ;ou!J give a reason, EJ xo i "baric* Wesley Wolf declared B T _li be no less than treason. B f s Oar lina head g) v.— led by the stranger I .it - -e the slaves to arms, and bring Pj • I'it a into danger." kf -he kaew that in his cae * - - tig might >earvh. nor see B -" -a vf manly common sense 1 v. LA! idea. ' £§ ...: -. VA.. (lurrUoaian 'ft ' ' feted to depose, sir ; *9 - ~.e "snspiciotifd" her a man vdiu woman's clothes, sir. Ml - v. v .'.car. ten valiant men E • ' t.ia committee JJ ~: 1 iggage and tuakc search H ' "• remorse or pity. I* * Malis: Emerson was pluck, |J -b.o-. Ed a vijin of fight, sir ; |ft -ml W vff cheered on hi ten. ■ - put the marm to Right, sir. I : " : A.. wed hani this gallant band. It: rati in Little schooled, sir ; ft - '-h itgh the rain fell fast and cold I --en- c .rage was not cooled, sir. ft ■' - -tnayed trey pressed the toe -'• ch rain, and mud. and thunder ; ft -each-sl and -tortued her lodging-house, | ■ gave it up to plunder, ft ir-t attacked her carpet-bag. R tl -tide *ure work. 1 tell re ; t -r.cral. with his bowie-knife, ed up ,ts fair round belly. -•ft cr.-iv gash gave forth to view - carters, caps, and lacing : * 4 ' * •* brushes needles, comlf. u| '• in lots amazing, pft ' t-'ls the General seized, J1 - 1 t . he'd have a drink, sir ; S.r ' T - instead of Yankee rum, I i t .11 v ofiak. sir 1 m ' seized—well worn, Ift -•• gv preserration ; i* " iv "- -vd to be burned, fora ■ us publication.'' ft ~ 1 -•' her next unbjck her trunks, ft " - the least detention ; ■ l tc, y fciad a lot of things I • tec. ius to mention"— ft " "l ' delaines, and game, ft - ■ bar is colored gaily ; Pt- nips aad Grwly'a Tribune too— " tekly the l>ai!y. J." Yrj "'-y was proof enough ■ _ *aks atidj doaUr snre. ■ - heg her traveling wagon. I 1 ■** f all the ten. ■ '*> keen eyed Maj r Daddle, ft -dy found most damning proof— I " f ~ side-saddle. ft . ' - " -ee the school sarin's mouth, ft _ - s '-enre smote her sore, sir ; f Avn heels and from the State L -vc ' - evermore, sir. "'' te then in eocncil sat ; t. ** General stated ; - 1 -"-e.s. twas decreed, wrvs. raw. -d ai! he -on4cated ' stddV. lantern —dl were soM ; f T" hn*fht was spent, ail, ( 3 Pcn that famoss spot -ma monametital. • "i5 stands frtvu: are, to iri , ' ' of '' 'ertets* -,, 3 THE BRADFORD REPORTER. ,r-■./' r * ' ~ i ■ And 'tis resolved, should she return, And no one dare attack ber. They'll send to Pennsylvania For Major Central Packer. With tousket and with bayonet He'll flinch from nothing human, Nor turn bis back on living thing— Not e'en a Yafihee Woman. Then glory be to General Wolf, And may he ever shine a Bright star of the first hignitude In Brave South Carolina. NKW YORK CITY. —The Tribune dra*S the following master sketch of the metropolis of the New World. It is gloomj as a Rem brandt : Ten thousand hardened and hopdess female outcasts swarm the street at uight ; two thou sand children, uuder the guise of peddlers, from the ages of ten to sixteen, penetrate eve ry public building, store and office in the city, to beg, steal, spy for burglars, and on their account practice those vices which cannot be named in resectable language ; five thousand great and small gamblers prey upon the cred ulous and the infatuated, standing all day at the doors of their dens in Broadway, as well known in person and profession as the mayor himself ; ten thousand lazy, drunken, thieving short boys, killers, roughs, and rowdies of other names, louuge on the rum-cursed cor ners of the streets, making day disgusting, uight hideous, and travel dangerous to all who can be suspected of having respectability or money \ thousands of emigrant swiudlers, mock auctioneers, lottery dealers, policy backers, pick-pockers, hall thieves, burglars, wharf-rats, area-sneaks, pimps and vampires, practice their knaveries as openly and with as little fear of puuishment as though they were engaged in the most virtuous and legitimate of human pursuits The swell mob of London, Hying from the Argus eyes of a reai police, and the unendurable felons of San Francisco, expatri ated by the bullet, and the hemp of the vigi lance committee, are received here with open arms, parade our streets, not only uuder the toleration but the protection and personal frieudship of the police, carry our primary elec tions, and fill high places in uomiuating com mittees. On every hand we have vice and crime, and splendor ; crime, vice, rum aud beggary. Here, iu the most fashiouable fau bcu-g, is the Crockford'sof New York ; there, between the palatial residences of a millionaire and a diviue, is the maisem deioie of a woman whose dress is the most brilliaut, whose equi page the most costly, whose appearance is the most stunning of any of the gay butterflies, virtuous or vicious, whose beauty and wealth add glitter to the opera, or suushine to the promeuade. Within a bow shot of these pala ces is the other side of the world ; for bro cade, rags ; for diamonds, dirt ; for Johannis bcrger. whiskey ; for Aspasias, drabs, with here and there some poor, starving wretch, paiufully euacting the " Song of the Shirt.'' her beseiged virtue glimaiering in the misery of this tangible hell, like the fabled j'ewel iu a dung-hill. How BAIN IS FORMED. —To uuderstand the philosophy of this phenomena, essential to the every existance of plants and animals, a few facts derived from observation and a long train of experiments must be remembered. Were the atmosphere everywhere, at all times, at a uniform temperature, we should never have hail, rain or snow. The water absorbed by it in evaj>oration from the sea aud earth's surface would descend in an imperceptible vapor, or cease to be absorbed by the air wheu it was once fully saturated. The absorbing power of the atmosphere, and consequently its capabili ty to retain humidity, is proportionably greater in warm tbau in cold air. Tiie air near the surface of the earth is warmer than it is iu the region of eloulds. The higher we ascend from the earth the colder we find the atmosphere. Hence the perpetual snow on every high moun tain in the hottest climates. Now. when from continued evaporation the air is highly satu rated with vapor—though it be invisible—if its temperature is sp.ddeuly reduced by cold currents descending from above, or rushing from higher to a lower latitude, its capacity to retain moisture is diminished, clouds are formed, and the result is rain. Air conden ees as it cool?, and. like a sponge filled with water and compressed, pours out the water which its diminished capacity cannot hold. How singular, yet bow simple, is such an ad mirable arrangerneut for watering the earth. A CONSISTENT " Sox." —The following a: cc doto is told of a very clover fellow, who had recently joined the Sons of Temperance Af ter becouiiug a ' son ' he weut to Mobile on business, aud was takeu ill there. The phy sician was called, and on examiuing him, pro nounced him in a very dangerous situation, and prescribed brandy. The sick man said he could uot take it. The doctor insisted that it was a proper remedy, but the patient said he would not take it. Tne doctor said he must, or he would have spasms. "Well," said the Son of Temperance, '* I will try a couple of spasais first.'' A SUNNY SMILE. —Sidney Smith said of La dv Murray's mother, who had a most beuevo lent countenance, that her smile was so very radiant that it would force a gooseberry bush into flower. fSy An English paper gives an account of a tea party of sixty old women, who were the mothers of eight hundred and sixty-nine chiL dreu ! They most have had something to talk about at that tea party, we should think. A Western orator, haranguing his au dience on the vast extent and overwhelming populatioQ of the American Republic, exclaim ed, byway of climax—" Fatienil Hall was its cradle, bat whar. whar shall we find timber enough for its ccffia *' irLearning mtkes a man £: cotrpacy for h;ci2?lf S: wcli t. ether.- PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. LIST OF PREMIUMS FOR THE FIFTH ANNUAL FAIR OF rn* Cu, jJonftn. Regulations of the Fair. . All competitors and exhibitors most become members of the Society, Membership fee, 50 cents. Any persou may become a member by application and payment of the fee at any time before or during the continuance of the Fair. Competitors will be allowed until one o'clock P. M., of the first day of the Fair, to present aud have their Animals and articles recorded !by the Secretary. Animals and articles will ! be received for exhibition, but not for premi ums after that time. Competitors and exhib ! itors will call at the office of the Executive ' Committee, and receive directions where to 1 place their animals and articles, and also cards ! with numbers, to be carefully attached to 1 each upon placing them in their proper loca i tions. No animal or article entered for the premi i um shall be removed from the grounds until i the close of the fair, unless by permission of • the Executive Committee, and no premium will be paid when awarded to such, if taken : away in violation of this rule. HORSES, CATTLE, AC. Competitors for premiums on Horses, Neat ' Cattle or other live stock, Field or Garden crops, products of the Dairy, and Honey and Sugar, must lodge with the Secretary a writ ten statemeut —of the pedigree, blood, mode of feediug, if prepared for the butcher, and other characteristics, as far as may be relating to the crop presented ; the full process of man ufacturing, preserving and preparing for mar ket, all articles of the dairy presented ; the kiud of hive, mode of takiug the honey, (the bees uot to be destroyed,) and the process of makiug aud clarifying the sugar presented. No premium will be awarded to auy live stock uot raised iu this county, unless the claimaut be a citizen of the county, and own er of the stock, and when for breediug purpos es, said stock shall have been brought into the county for the express purpose of improv ing the breeds. SHEEP. Competitors for premiums on Bucks will be required to exhibit to the judges a sample of the fleece last shorn from said bucks, and also a written statement of the weight of the fleece and condition of the wool ; competitors for premiums on Ewes are reonired also to exhibit samples of the last shorn fleece ; and a writ , ten statemeut of the average weight of the same aud the condition of the wool. MILCH cows Competitors for premiums on milch cows will observe the following rules : 1. The cows to be kept on grass only dur ing the trial, and for ten days previous thereto. The time of trial, to be the first ten days of July, and the first ten days of September. *2. A statement to be made containing the > age and breed of the cow, and time of calving, the quantity of milk iu weight, and also of but ter made during each period of ten days 3. The statemeut of facts to be made to the judges, certified by the competitor aud one other person conversaut therewith. FIELD CROPS. j Competitors for premiums on Grain and other field crops will observe the following rules : j I. The quantity of land specified for each crop*, must te measured into one piece. I '2 The entire field must be measured, and one j bushel of the specified graiu and seeds must be weighed, and presented for examiuation by the ' judges. 1 3. The land most he measured, and the crop weighed and measured in presence of three . competent and disinterested persons, aud cer tified by them in writing. A committee of judges will meet at the ' borough of Towauda next, to adjudge snoh crops as cannot be gathered and prepared for j exhibition at the Annual Fair. FLOW i sc. Competitors for j remiunis ou plowing will observe the following rules : 1 1. Land will be measured and marked oat containing 1-8 acre each. The time allowed i for plowing will be for horse teams. 45 min i utes, and ox teams 60 minutes. A wards will ■ be made for best plowing within the prescrib ! cd time. 2. The fnrrow mnst not be more than 12 inches wide, nor less than 8 inches deep. 3. Each plowman to drive his own team. 4. No plowman to start until the signal is given by the chairman of the judges or some person appointed for that purpose. PLOWS. The quality of the plows entered for premi ums must be determined by actual trial, iu preseuce of the judges on Fanning Implements. BACON, HAMS, &C. Competitors for premium? on bacon hams, preserved meats, dried fruits and other arti cles in this class, are required to furnish a writ ten >tatemeut of the mode of curing and pre serving the same. HORSE-SHOEING. Competitor? for premium? on Horse and Ox shoeing must be the makers of the shoe used, and the animal shod must be brought on the grounds for inspection. MANUFACTURE?. Aii maafactared article? entered for premi ums. must be the products of this county, and made by or under the direction of the compe titor. ARTICLES NOT ENUMERATED IN THE LIST, &C. All articles not contained in the list of pre mium*, will be referred to committee*—one of ladies and another of gentlemen—on enumer ated articles, to ba adjudged in their respec tive departments. Persons presenting sock will at tatch a card to each article, with the word thereon : ** To the judges on enumera ted artieles.* Articles or animals not raised or prodoced id :bv county r .!l be taj/.tei fo. eihuj/.um " REGARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER/' but not for premiums, and when meriting will receive the Society's commendation, Rt'I.F.S FOR AWARIN'O PREMIUMS. The Judges on animals will have regard to symmetry, early maturity and general quali ties characteristic of the breeds —making due allowances for the age, feediug aud other cir cumstances connected with the age and condi tion of the animal. They will be careful iu their report, to, distinguish clearly the pedigree, whether full Wood, grade or native. They will bear in mind that the gfeat object is to en courage the production of good stock of each description for breeding. The Judges on A*rictiltnral productions will have regard to quality rtnd perfection us well as size and quantity produced. In no case should they award premium for an article of forced and unnatural growth, wheu the same has produced at the sacrufice of every desira ble quality, the object beiug to give encourage ment to such productions as are most perfect in quality, or size and quantity. The judges on agricultural and mechanical implements and manufactures, should have re gard solely to the superior adaption, durability and general utility of all articles presented to them No premium should be awarded for ar ticles merely for the superior workmauship ex hibited iu their construction, when the same does not possess the requisite qualities for util ity and general usefulness. It will be the duty of the judges on articles uot enumerated iu the list, to award commen dations aud diplomas wheu iu their judgmeut the extraordinary character or superior quali ty of the same shall merit ; aud when such ar ticles, coming within the rules of the society, shall merit cash premiums they will recom mend the 6me in their report to the Execu tive Committee, who will fix the amouuts of such premiums. The judges will be expected in ali cases in making their reports, to give a statement of the reasons which influenced their decision, point ing out the superior qualities of the animals or articles to which the premiums are awarded. In no case will they award a premium when the animal is not worthy, though there be no competition. And when there is but one com petitor, although he may show several animals iu a class, or sub-division, only one premium will be awarded ; that to be the first or other wise as the animal or article may be adjudged to merit. INSTRUCTIONS TO JUDGES Gentlemen appointed judges will meet and report themselvts at the Grand Jury room in the Court House, at 2 o'clock. P. M., on the first day of the Fair, when they will receive the necessary instructions preparatory to the performance of their duty. Ladies appoiuted judges, will meet in the Parlor of the Ward House at 3 o'clock, P. M, ou the first day of the Fair, for the same purpewe. The judges on plowing will commence their duties at nine 'o'clock on the morning of the last day of the fair, when it wiil be expected that every competitor will be upon the ground and ready for the start. No person will be allowed to act as judge in any deparrment in which he or she is en terested as a competitor. Iu case of inability to act or to attend at the fair, the persou appoiuted will please give no tice of the fact to the Secretary, so that the vacancy so occasioned may be filled in time by the Executive Commitee. NOTICE TO COMPETITORS AND EXHIBITORS. It is very desirable that persous who intend to become competitor? or exhibitors at this fair, give early notice to the Secretary of their intentions —stating the kind of animal or arti cle they wish to enter ; so that ample prepara tion may be made for the same. The commit tee are anxious that the arrangements shall be full and complete, so that each department will will have its full space, and each ani mal or article be fairly and properly exhib ited. Every precaution and care will lie taken that no article, however costly or delicate iu texture or manufacture, shall be iu the least injured. Officer?, in sufficient numbers, will be on the ground?, whose doty it will be to look to the safety of everythiug ou exhibi tion. Water aud hay will be furnished on the grounds free of expense, to competitors and exhibitors. Persons to whom are awarded will receive the certificates of the same from the Secretary at any time after the close of the fair. The diplomas and commendations of the society will be given to tha>e entitled to them upon application to the Secretary. Members of the Society will be admitted with their ladies aud children uuder age, to all the privileges of the exhibition. The annual address will be delivered at 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the second day. Tickets admitting one person during the ex hibition, 50 cents, single admittance, 25 cents. LIST or TBJsmixrma. FARM PRODUCTS. Largest amount of products produced on one farm, ft 15 00 second be?t, 10 The farm must not contain less than forty acres of cultivated land. The products will include everything produced or raised on a farm, and the amount and quantity determin ed according to the number of acres cultivated —the same to be ascertained by three disin terested persons, who must certify the same in I writing to a committee of judges appoiuted for that purpose at any idea before or at the an nual meeting of the Society, in December. STOCK HORSES. Best stallion for heavy draught over 4 years old, $5 00 second best, 1 best stallion for light draught or saddle OTer 4 years old, 5 00 second best, 4 best fftalfioo 3 yean old mod under four 4 second best. 3 bsst brood msre, 4 CCCd bf j? J CARRIAGE HORSES. Best pair of matched carriage horses, 3 second best,, 2 best pair matched carriage marcs, 3 second best, 2 best single carriage horse, mare or geld- 2 iu £. second best, 1 50 best saddle horse, mare or gelding, 2 second best, 1 50 DRAUGHT JIORRE3. Best pair draught horses, 3 second best, 2 best single draught do., 1 50 Draught horses must come on the ground prepared for au actual test of their qualities as such. COLTS. Best 2 year old colt, 2 second best, 1 best 2 years ok! more or filly, 2 second best, 1 bcst'ytarling colt, 2 second best, 1 best suckling colt, 2 secoud best, 1 JACKS AND MULE?. Best Jack, 4 secoud best, 3 best pair mules, 3 secoud best, 2 IMPORTED CATTLE. Best Bull, 10 second best, 8 best cow, b second best do., 6 CAETI.E—FULL HLOOD. Best Bull, 3 years old and upwards, 6 secoud best, 6 best bull 2 years old, 5 second best, 4 best one year old bull, 3 second best. 2 best cow 3 years old and upwards, 4 second best, 3 best 2 years old heifer, 3 second best, 2 best one year old heifer, 2 second best, 1 best bull calf, 2 second best, 1 test heifer do., 2 secoud best, 1 GRADES A MIXED Best ball 3 years old and upward?, 5 second best, 4 best bull 2 year?, 4 second best, 3 best bull 1 year old, 3 second best, 2 best cow 3 years old or upwards, 4 second best, 3 best 2 year old heifer, 3 second best, 2 best 1 year old do., '2 second best, 1 best bull calf, 2 second best, 1 best heifer do., 2 second best, I NATIVF BREEDS. Best bull, -I second best, 3 best 2 year old, 3 second best, 2 beat 1 year do., 2 second best, 1 best cow, 3 second best, 2 best 2 year old beifer, 2 second best, I best I year old do , 2 second best, 1 buest bull calf, 2 second best, 1 best beifer do., 2 second best, 1 WORKING CATTLE. Best pair working oxeu, 5 years old, 5 second best, 4 third best, 3 best pair 3 years old, 4 second best, 3 third best, 2 best pair 2 year? old steers, 3 second best, '2 best pair yearling steers, 2 second best. 1 MILCH COW?. Best milch cow, 3 second best, 2 (Competitors will observe the rules by which the Judges are to determine.) FAT CATTLE. best pair fat oxen or steers, 3 second best, 2 best fat ox or steer, *2 second best, 1 SI.AUGrrvEP.ED MEATS. Best slaughtered beef. 1 50 second best, I best slaughtered mnttou, 1 second best. 50 best slaughtered hog, 1 second best, 60 SHEEP —PINE TFXJU Best buck, 3 second best. 2 best buck lamb, 1 50 econd best, 1 best six ewes, 2 second best. 1 50 best of six iambs, - second best, 1 50 MIXED SHEEP OR CROSSED. Best bock, C 50 second best, 1 5" best bock lamb, 1 50 second bez4, 1 best six ewes, 2 second best, 1 50 best six lambs, 2 second best, 1 50 COARSE WOOL MUTTON sHtrr. Best bock, 2 50 second best, 1 50 best six *>, 2 second best, 1 50 awrst Best boar 6 oocth: old or opwerj.-, 2 ; eco3d best. I bc.t breciinr IO"** 2 VO r.. XVTTI. —TsO. f). [ secoud best, ' 1 . ' Best litter of pig* not less than four io number, not over six mouths old 1 i second best, to > ' Poci.T.Y. 1 Best jmir foreign breeds, cock and hen 1 | second best, 50 : best pair chickens foreign breed, 75 1 secoud best, 50 ' best Jersey blues, cock and 2 hens, 50 I'olands, "5 Dorkings, "5 w? ~ Game fowls, ' o pair turkeys, " 1 ' • ' IK m r pair geese, o pair Muscovy ducks, 50 " pair common do., 50 largest and best variety fowls, 2 second best, 1 KIKLD CROCS. I Best .1 acres winter wheat, K , second best, ' j best 3 acres spring wheat, 6 second best, , * best 3 acres corn, H second best, '*> I best 3 a< res rye, 5 ■ second best, 3 : best 3 acres oats, 5 second best, H best acre barley, 2 best and most timothy hay on 3 acre?. 5 : second best, 3 best and most clover on 3 acres, 5 second best, 3 ; best 3 acres buckwheat, 3 second best, 2 best half acre potatoes, 4 second best, 8 best half acre turnips, 2 second best, 1 ; best quarter acre Swedish do., 2 second best. 1 : best quarter acre field beets, 2 second best, * 1 best quarter acre field bean 3, 2 ! second best, ] . best quarter acre peas, 2 quarter acre carrots, 5 second best, 3 best quarter acre parsnips, 2 second be-t, 1 I best 25 field pumpkin 4?, 2 secoud be-t, 1 SEEDS. Best bushel timothy seed, 2 -.econbe>t, 1 best clover seed, 2 secoud best. 1 best flux seed, 1 best sample seed corn, 5® largest and best variety seeds, 1 i largest and best variety field root seeds, 1 GARDEN VEGETABLES. Largest and best varietv garden vege i tables, 2 , second best, 1 best half dozen long blood beet*, 50 half dozen heads cabbage, st> three heads cauliflowers, 50 haif dozen stalks celery, 5o sample lima beans, 50 half dozen winter squashes, 50 half peek onions, 50 dozeu parsnips, 50 dozen carrots, 50 sample tomatoes, 50 sample egg plants, 50 three sweet pumpkins, 5o dozen ears sweet com. 50 dozen cucumbers, 50 variety radishes, 50 half dozen broco.'i, 5u half peck early garden potatoes, 50 half peck early garden turnips, 50 three heads early cabbage, 50 sjtecimea lettuce, 5o sjecimen early jeas, 50 DAIRY. i Best specimen of butter, tub or firkin, uot less than 25 lbs., 5 | second best, third best, 2 i best specimen fresh roli butter, not less than 5 pounds, 2 | second best, 1 50 third best, 1 00 'jest cheese, not les* than 20 lbs., 2 second best, 1 50 , third best, 15 HONEY AND SCGAR. i Best honey, not less than tj lbs., 1 • second best, 50 J best maple sugar, not les than 6 lbs., 75 FI.OIP. AND MEAL. Bc-t barrel of wheat flour, 3 second best, 2 ; le-t sack buckwheat flour, 100 lbs., 1 oO eeond best, 1 best sack on n m<.al. 100 lbs , 150 second best, 1 I backs hams and dried and s*os: d srars. I best cure! hem, 3 ! 3 econd best. 2 • IjCst dried beef, I ! second lx*t, 50 best smoked do , 1 ■ second best, 50 r.\i?*.T rrrrr. Largest an '. bM JarieTy of early apj les. not less than * of each, 1 ! -eccnd 1 c*t, 50 best doren early variety, 50 large-1 a:: 1 best variety of early pears, fi of each 1 second best, sf> best dozen early variety. 50 largest and best variety of strawberries, 1 . second 50 [ best specimen do , 5o specimen goo>e berries, 50 variety currants, 50 second best, 50 \ best specimen do.. 50 best specimen cultivated resplvT'le*, 50 largest aad best variety cf plum . 1 I second best, sft j best GCCCD, 54i 3 water melon?, sft 3 insk melons. 50 Larr rati? 1 Laig'i". i-- hr„! "Z7' r *~ cf f.i! err'"'