Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 23, 1857, Image 4

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    farmer's gepitrhimit.
Hay Making.
Cut yonr liny fit (lie right time Philosophy
nrni practice seldom agree. When in the right
time ?is the question for solution. Our neigh
Dor—one of them—cut his liny a week in ad
vacc of most of his brother farmers —cut it
verv soon after the seed had commenced to
form, frequently before the bloom had disap
peared—cured it in the sun partially—not al
together. No one had better hay. 11 is crop
was secured before any of it had became wood.
Pry sticks, and the fragrant, well cured hay
in his barns, were not analogous. Another
neighbor waited until others were done, that
he might obtain help at cheaper rates. Two
weeks after other had finished his " last day
of haying" came. There was another gain,
he sail, by this course. The grass was riper
and made faster —more was accomplished in
a day—hence, it did not cost near the amount
to do his having that it did other people.
Of course not, but his complaint was. when
winter came, " My hay does not spend well.
My cattle eat heartily,but do not thrive as they
should. Neighbor A. does not feed his cattle
as well I do miuc, vet they are in far better
The hay, sir, the hay makes the difference.
Cut it at the right time—just before the seed
is matured—before woody matter predomin
ates in the stalk. Some suppose the woody
matter is useless as an article of nourishment,
but it is not Indigestible, though insoluble in
water. The age of the grass alone does not
govern the amount of nutritive matter when
made into hay, but soil, climate and season
modify its value greatly. We would prefer
to cut it in bloom, (or a portion of the crop)
rather than let it remain to shell its seed.
There are chemical considerations which enter
into these directions. There is no doubt but
there is more of the element of nutrition in
grass at the time of flowering, but it is a ques
tion if such nutrition remain in greater quan
tity after the process of curing, when such
process is commenced before, or soon after,
the seed commences to form. This is an open
question. The quicker your hay is made and
secured after it has reached the proper state, the
better. The cutting of the first hay crop
ought not to extend beyond three weeks.
We think the value of the grass crop, alter
it is made into hay, depends as much on the
manner of curing as on the time of cutting.
The whole crop may be spoiled in curing, no
matter when cut. The following practical
directions arc given from experience :
Cut in the morning. If the grass is heavy,
or grccu and damp, stir out. Let it wilt.—
liake up and put in small cocks, if good weath
er, larger if " catching weather.". Let it
remain in the cock until it has sweat thorough
ly. Tip over, shake apart, (jive it one or
two hours good sun, and stack, or slow it in
your mow.
Do not mew more than you can secure in
cocks the same day. Night dews injure hay,
if partially cured. Throw salt on your hay,
especially if it is clover, as you put it on the
mow—four quarts to each ton. — Pra-rie For
DESTROY YOUR WEEDS. —It is curious sight
to sec farmers fighting weeds all through spring
and summer, aud then letting all that escape
go to seed and spread their mischief though
out the fall !
Look at any of our corn-fields or potato
patches in September, and lo ! what a choice
assortment of pig-weeds, beggar's lice, and
other of the weed tribe, flaunt their seed-pods
to the breeze, ready for any amount of mis
chief in the spring.
Even our gardens, wherein, if anywhere, an
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,
are usually left to mature u wilderness of weeds
every season, and not a blgw struck to remedy
the matter, when blow would be worth stri
It is true, some very prudent proprietor
may an hour or two spend in pulling up dock
or burdocks, but instead of exterminating them
bv fire and faggot, he throws thorn into the
highway, where hoof and wheel thresh them
out, aud the first wind or rain is sure to scat
ter them broadcast over all the region ; and
so next year he has all his work to do over
Now, wc hold that no good farmer or gar
dener will ever let a weed g<> to seed upon his
domain. Have them out ! hoe them out—
out with thcin at any cost ! The barn-vard
and muck heap will be glad of them ; and
when secured green, they are worth their
weight in any kind of manure, hardly except
ing guano. Hut when the seeds, are ripe
then nothing but fire should be their portion.
There is an old story of a race of beings
who were doomed as a punishment, to pour
water in a seive till it should be full.
Let each fanner see to it, that the seive
through which daily meal comes has no tares
in its bottom.— T.ifc Illustrated.
WT. V.PJ.VG THE H ARDEN - -Much of the suc
cessful gardening now depends upon keeping
the weeds down and frequent scarifying of the
soil. Every weed that is suffered to stand,
draws something from the aliment of the cul
tivated crops. Every one that is plucked up
loosens the soil, and admits the air and moist
ure to nourish the plants. Keep the hoe mov
ing in the garden briskly this month, if you
would refresh yourself with green peas in .Ju
ly : beets ; tomatoes beans, and corn, nutmegs
and water-mcllons, in August.
HINTS KOR THE FARMERS.— If the following
are worth a place in your paper, they arc at
your service :
Swellings in oven, cows and other domes
tic animals, may be easily " scattered," by
usiug an embrocation composed of the follow
ing ingredients :
One quart proof whiskey, one half pound
soft soap, and half an ounce of camphor.—
The soap must be dissolved in the whiskey or
other proof spirit, and the camphor added af
ter the mixture is poured into the bottle.—
These articles, prepared in the manner above
prescribed, form a liquid opodeldoc, with
which every farmer should be supplied. Lame
oxen, from swellings on the legs and neck, is
quite frequent, especially at seasons wllcu
their assistance is most needad by the farmer
and when, oonseqnentlr. he caii but ill afford
to allow of their lying still.
Old toncs make an excellent ingredient in
the comjxjst heap. Break them up as fine as
practicable, and place them in a tub with sul
phuric acid,and they will speedily be dissolved.
Four the saturated liquid 011 the compost hesp
and the acid will perforin good service in "fix
ing" the ammonia, aud the bones in furnishing
pabulum to your vegetable crops.
j miscellaneous.
(' iind Retail I Valor
£ n" T* "fi IJiiruwnn; and Stoves. Iron
Sash, tila-s. Paints
and House —
Mh mm mi j i kinds of Carriage trimmings.
Pl Scat Cloths and l.accs. Carriage
£ls£a S'dki y and Seat Springs. Car-
Saws, Augers, Chisels and all
other _ Toids—Cross Cut. Mill
Hammers and Screw l'lates.
Axes, p.roail Narrow, Lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable,
Log. Trace and lfaltr, Cliains. Crowbars, Picks, Shovels
and Spades.
sors. Kdge Tools of all kinds, brass and Enameled Kettles,
Shovel and Tongues, Spoons and Ladles. Tabs and Pails,
Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep
ing implements.
In the HARDWARE line. Brass, Brittania, .l.ippaned
and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar. Band, Scroll
and Hoop Iron. Steel of all kinds, Xaii Rods. &c. Pumps.
Lead Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water works.
Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather,
and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that
we are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac
turers andimporters, including the largest ussoi'tmi nt
and greatest variety of
Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor. Diuinjr
iinoni. Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Northern
Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we
are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low
rates, and on as good Tkrms as can be found this side of
New-York, from the fart that all our goods were bought
of lirst hands and in full packages and large quantities,
that elves us an advantage over smaller purchasers and
l>ry tioods dealers, that will enable us to sell from 5 to
1 •"> per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we
shall oiler to any who will favor us with a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows
always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job
Work done to order, on short notice and warranted.
Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES nnd HARD
WARE cheap—one door South of Fox's, and nearly op
posite Tracy A. Moore's, Main street, in the new Wood
Building, lettered all over.
drain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania
and Copper. Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees
wax wanted for goods.
10.000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price
in Cash will L' paid.
Towanda, April '2, ISA 7.
It. WATROI'S 11. M. SKWAItO K. 11. COOK.
R\V ATROUS & Co. r J)/:a /. j:/;s AY
:t. Water st. Klmira, X. Y.
We have rccontly made large additions to our extensive
stork, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev
ery description of Hardware, which we otter at the lowest
cash prices; consisting "f .Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma
terials, Iron and steel. Nails and spika, Hopes and Cord
age, Paints, Oils and (Jlass, Mill saws of every size and
shape, either Malay (Jang or Circular.
Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rublier A
leather, (Jlass at wholesale. We are prepared to supply
Merchants with (Jluss, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man
ufacturers prices. Tin. sheet iron, and Copper work on
hand or made to order.
CONTRACTOR'S TOOLS —Wheel harrows, Ames' Sho
vels, Blasting Powder, Ac.
Agents for Rich A Wilder'* Patent Salamander .S'afes.
Fairbank's Platform Scales, and Welch A (Jritlitii's Circu
lar saws.
Large sizes up to (JO inch, always on hand and sold at
Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by
Kliniva, April 7. 1856. n-44-12m
\N KW and singularly successful remedy for the cure
. of all Billions diseases—Costiveness, Indigestion
I Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumati m, Fevers "(Jout, Humors,
Nervousness, irritability, Headache, Pains
; in the Breast, Side, Back,and Limbs, Female Complaints,
Ac., Ac. Indeed very few are the diseases in which a
j Purgative Medicine is not more or less required, and much
• sickness and suffering might be prevented, if ;t harmless
j but effectual Cathartic were more freely used. No per
• son can fee! well while a costive habit of body prevails ;
j besides it soon generates serious and often fatal diseases,
; which might have been avoided hv the timely and judi-
I cious ue of a good purgative. This is alike true of Colds,
Feverish symptoms, and Billions derangements. They
j all tend to become or produce the deep seated and for
midable distempers which load the hearses all oer the
! land. Hence a reliable family physic is of the lirst fan
| portauceto the public health, and this Pill has been per
! fected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An
I extensive trial of its virtues by Physicians, Professors,
i and Patients, has shown results surpassing anything
hrtherto known of any medicine. Cures have been ef
j fected beyond belief, were they not substantiated byper
i sons of such exalted positions and character as to forbid
J the suspicion of untruth.
Among the eminent gentlemen who have testified in
j favor of these Pills. v;e may mention :
Poet. A. A. HAYES, Analytical Chemist of Boston,
and State Assayer oi Massachusetts, whose high Profes
' sionai character is endorsed by the -
Hon. EDWARD KVKUKT'i', Senator of the United
; States.
ROBERT WINTHROP, Kx-Speakcr of the House of
ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Pleu. to England.
tJOHN B. FITZP ATKICK, Catholic Bishop of Boston:
j Or. J. R. CHILTON, Practical Chemist of New York
I City, endorsed hy
lion. W. L. M.YRCY, Secretary of State.
WM. B. ASTOR. the richest, man in America,
I S. EELANI) A CO., Proprietors of the Metropolitan
j Hotel, and others.
Did space permit, we could give many hundred -crti
fieutes from all parts where the Pills have been used, but
; evidence even more convincing than the experience of
j eminent public men, i> found in their effects upon trial.
I The>e Pills, the result of long investigation and study,
j are offered to the public as the best and most complete
: which the present state of medical science can afford.—
They arc compounded not of the drugs themselves, but of
! the medicinal virtues only of Vegetable remedies cxtract
| od by Chemical process in a state of purity, and eombiu
j ed together in such a manner as to insure t he best ITS ilts.
This system of composition for medicines has been found
in Cherry Pectoral and Pills both, to produce a more ef
ficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any
process. The reason is perfectly obvious. While liy the
; old mode of composition, every medicine is burdened with
; more or less of acrimonious and injurious qualities, by
j this each individual virtue only that is desired for the ru
rative effect i> present. All the inert and obnoxious
qualities of each substance employed are left behind, the
I curative virtues only being retained. Hcucc it is self
evident the effects should prove as tbev have proved,
j more purely remedial, and the Pills a more powerful an
; tidote to disease than any other medicine knowu to the
; world.
As it is frequently expedient that many medicines
j should l>e taken under the counsel of an atteudiug Physi
! dan. and as he could not properly judge of a remedy
| without knowing its composition, i have suppled the ao
i curate Formula: by which both my Pectoral and Pills arc
] made, to the whole body of Practitioners in the United
; States ano British American Provinces. If however there
| should he any one who has not received them, they will
j be forwarded by mail to his request.
I Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few
\ would lw taken it their composition was known ! Their
, life consists in their mystery. I have n<> mysteries.
The composition of mv preparations is laid open to all
! men, and all who are competent to judge on the subject
j freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic
j merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pronounced by scienti
, fie men to he a wonderful medicine before its effects were
known. Many eminent Physicians have declared the
1 same tiling of my Pills, and even more confidently, and
are willing to certify that their anticipations were more
! than realized by their effects n|H>n trial,
i They operate by their powerful influence on the inter
-1 rial viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into lieal
! thy action—remove the obstructions of the stomach, bow
i els, liver, and other organs of the body, restoring their
j irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever
I they exist, such derangements as are the first origin of
{ disease.
Prepared by Dr. Jos. C. Ayer, Practical and Analyti
j c il Chemist, Lowell. Mass.
Price cents jier Box. Five Boxes for ?! ,00. Sold
■ by H. C. PORTER and PATTON A PAYNE, Towanda.
! uud by Healers in Medicine everywhere. Sly
C^AIIPETIXGS. —Ail prices superline und
J ingrain carpeting*, just received by
Apru 6, 1S ______ J- POWELL.
I>OOTS AND SHOES. —The larsrest tuul
) most complete assortment of Boots and Shoes ever
j exhibited in Towanda. to which particular attention has
bwn given in tiir purchase, and which will positively be
sold les- thin at any other establishment in Northern
Pennsylranfe, just received bv
1 April G, 1537. J. PUWM L,
Snsiiicss Carlte.
Dr chas. m.turner, PHYSICIAN
&• SURG EOS, offers his professional services to
the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res
idence in the dwelling recently occupied by H. Booth,
Esq., one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine
DENTIST, HAS RETURNED. Office next door
jo Mereur's store, and over Alexander's Clothing Store,
Main street, Towanda. February 24, 18.55.
*) AT LA fV, TOWASDA, PA. Occupies tlie Office, in
the Union Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams Esq.
He will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants
and Pensions. March 22,1855.
11. J. Madim. P. D. Monitow.
over Mereur's Store.Towanda, Pa.
Towanda, April 2, 18. n-4.1-tf
SURGEON, offers his professional services to the
people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at liis residence
on l'iue street, win-re he can always be found when not
professionally engaged.
|J LAW. TROY. Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V.
M. & 11. F. Long's store. Aug- 7, 156.
Pet ween J. Kiagsberifs A J. Powell's stores.
-ggjswCTcj, THE subscriber would respectfully tender to
his customers and the public generally liissin-
Jf t TT cere thanks for the very liberal patronage ex
tciiil'.rto him the past season. He solicits a continuance
of the same.
He would say to the public that ho intends to keep con
stantly on hand a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds,
the best the country affords, which he intends to sell for
very small profits, either by the side, quarter or pound.—
Please give me a call.
U'ff"Mcats, Ac., will be delivered on short notice, when
ordered, at any place in the Corporation.
Towanda, Feb. 12,1857. J. McCABK.
w. i\a ML&MMMM&MR,
\.l undersigned is constantly receiving from Ncw-Yoik
by additions to his Stock of Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Silver ware, and Fancy Goods, comprising in
pint—Cold and Silver Lever, L'Kpine and Plain Watches,
with a full and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry,
such as Gold chains, Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys,
Breast-Pins, Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a
large variety of Silver ware .such as Table and Tea Spoons,
Cream spoons. Butter knives, Salt spoons. Spectacles, to
gether with an extensive assortment of I'kited Ware—All
of which will be sold very low for CASH.
Ci.OCKS. —A largo assortment Clocks just received, of
all descriptions, ranging iu prices from 75 ceuts to Fifty-
Watches repaired on short notice, and w akkantlo
to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired.
W. A. C. would beg leave to say, that he is prepared to
execute the most difficult Jut s, such as can be done at no
other Shop short of New-York citv.
Towanda, February 1,1857.
H. BALDWIN, having purchased the
. • Marble Factory id this village, under the superin
tendence of 11. Hanford, the subscriber is happy to an
nounce that the Mar tile business in Waverly w ill now be
conducted by liiiu. He is constantly receiving ITALIAN
AND RUTLAND MARBLE, tor Monuments, Head-stones,
Tomb Tabels, and Stand Tops, Paint Stones, Midlers, Ac.
Having secured the services of G. H. POWKRS, wlio is well
known to lie the most perfect Artist in the State, k? offers
unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to scure
any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and Artisti
caf beauty.
Wavcrfy, N. Y., Feb. ?. ,1857.
fefta AMBROTYPES melainotypes
j> Or, Pictures on Glass, Iron i$- Paper.
I \ AI.SO,
I \ Electrotypes, or Raised Pictures,
| \ Taken at G. H. Wood's Gallery,
e rt - Particular attention given to copying. Pictures
taken iu cloudy as well as clear weather.
The quality of my pictures is too well known to need
comment. Call and see for yoursclvss.
Rooms opni at all hours. " All work warranted.
Towanda, April 14,1857.
TIIE subscriber continues to carry on tbe
Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to
do all kinds of work in his line on short notice and in a
workmanlike manner. He will keep on hand or make to
order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon-
Roses, and any article of cast iron that may he required.
Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice
and on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase
Stoves of any kind will lind it much to their advantage
to buy at the Foundry, as they can be repaired much
cheaper. Please call and examine before purchasing else
where. Old cast iron and Grain taken in payment
Pon't mistake the place—one door ea-t of Memir's Block.
tt,r 1 would also say to those having accounts stand
ing over six months, that they must be settled without
delay, and those having notes that are due will do well to
pay up and save cost. JOIIN CARMAN.
Towanda, Oct. 22,
TITHE snbscrit>er having lately commenced tiic inanufae
-1 tare of WATER TCBIXO, at Wilkes-Rurre, Pa. with
which produces the article so long sought after by Pump
Manufacturers and others, would call the attention of Rail
road Superintendents, Pump Dealers, Farmers, Village
Corjioratioiis and all others in want ot cheap and durable
Water Conductors, to the Pipes manufactured by this pro
cess. They are made from solid Pine and other scantling
from 3 to ti inches square, according to size of bore and
pressure required, in sections 8 feet long, with a socket
joint accurately fitted, both air and water tight. As Wy
clioft's Machine bores directly through the centre every
time, the timber need Only be large enough to sustain the
pressure wanted, as the smaller they arc the more perfect
ly they become saturated with water, and the longer tbey
will last when laid in the ground. It is a well-ascertain
ed fact that while the body or thick part of a pump log is
entirely decayed, thethiu sharpened end will be sound ;
at the sauic tunc they never stop up from impurities of
tiic water or being flattened, are free from rust or poison
ous oxydes, lasting about as long as lead or iron, at only
one-sixth the cost.
The above-mentioned Pipes have been extensively and
thoroughly tested in most of the Northern States, for the
past two years, and wherever introduced they immediate
ly supersede all other kinds of Pipe or Chain Pump Tub
ing. They can lie made to stand any desirable head of
water, and can be shipped to any part of the country with
safety and at small expense.
#*Orders solicited and tilled with despatch. Address
K. 8. GOODRICH, or
A.EAWTON, Agent,
June 22, 1857. Wilkes-Barrc, Pa.
18] SPRING TRADE! [s7^
fpilE proprietor of this extensive Ready Made Clothing
-L establishment, would respectfully inform his friends
and the public generally, that he is now opening tbe most
extensive arid beautiful assortment of SPRING AND
SUMMER CLOTHING, ever offered in this market , which
will be sold for CASH cheaper than can be found in Nor
thern Pennsylvania.
Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or
any portion thereof, well made ol substantial material—
Coat, Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Cullars, and in faet eve
rything in the line, will do well to call. lie is confident
he can satisfy all in price and quality.
N. B.—Cash paid for Sheep pelts and wool.
April 1-i, 1857.
Lightning and Destruction!
r I"MIK subscriber, grateful tor past favors, takes this
JL opportunity to inform the citizens of Bradford and
adjoining counties, tiiat he Ims again started his teams in
Having had several years cxpericJicc in the business,
be feels confident that he can supply those in want cf
Rods, with a superior article, put up strictly npon scienti
he principles, and at prices that cannot tail to suit.- It
there any of the many rods put un by him in any way out
of repair, by being informed of tbe same, it w ill afford
him much pleasure to put them in proper order, ill or
ders hv mail or otherwise promptly atHcndcd to.
L-R.i'svillv June J. 1857. 1'."I
fOrnljanbice, #c.
A. AX. Warner's
New Splendid Jewelry Store, one door north
of Pattovf IJrvp Store,
HAS just lieen opened with the largest nnd
Mi most choice stock of FASHIONABLE
.) KWELRY ever offered to n discriminating
j jßt—/ *4l public. Indeed, he can safely say that with
gw. JAM the opening of his new store has been in-
TBKslssM'"*-n,ugurated a new-era in the Jewelry line,
inasmuch as along with the choice and elegant assortment
lie gives the most reliable assurance of an almost incredi
ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav
ing been all bought with ready cash.
A. M. W.. when he reflects how, for the past years,with
a far less attractive stock, he has enjoyed so large a share
of public putronage. flatters himself that the immense in
crease of hoods he now offers, which have been I .ought so
much more advantageously, will enable him to increase
the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch
safed to him. He therefore solicits a continuance of the
favor of his old customers, and invites the public general
ly to come and see the fashions.
continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch
which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep
utation of being the most reliable in towu.
Towunda, September 24, 105.
respectfully inform bis friends nnd the
**V3I public that he is now receiving at his old
stand one door north of I<a porte, Mason & Co.'s bunking
house, a large aud extensive assortment of
Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns,
Ib.scwood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables,
Dining.Tea and Pembroke Tables,. Stands of every
kind. Cane, Flag and Wood seat Chairs, high
Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads,
Bureaus, Lounges, Gilt and Rose
wood Picture Frames. Iron Hat
Stands, Corner and side do.
of walnut and mahogany ; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes,
Cupboards, Looking glasses, Ac.
jtarCOFFINS, of every size and quality, and will at
tend on all occasions when required.
The public are invited to examine mv assortment before
purchasing elsewhere, as I will sell cheaper than any other
establishment in Northern Pennsylvania.
Towanda, August 8, 1855.
THE subscriber would announce
Tinto the pul.lic that he has now on
band, and will make to order all
118' I^l; such as Sofas, Divans. Lounges, Ccn
|£aiSs |sj tre, Card, Dining nnd Breakfast Ta-
Lie. Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and
rf .i——- • L Cherry Bureaus, Stands of various
—Jj V. i kinds, Chairs and Bedsteads of every
description, which are, and will be made of the best ma
terial and workmanlike manner, and which they will sell
for cash cheaper than can be bought in any other Ware
room in the country.
READY-MADE COFFINS, on hand on the most rea
sonable terms. A good HEARSE will fie furnished on
Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKINSOX.
Towanda, January 1.1855.
John W. Wilcox,
HAS located hit* establishment on Main Street, on door
North of the " Ward House," and will continue the
manufacture of BOOTS & SHOES, as heretofore.
He ha* just received from New-York a large assortment
of Womans' Children*' and Misses' Shoes, which are offer
ed at low prices. The attention of the Indies is particn
lnrly directed to his assortment, comprising the following
new styles:—Enamelled Jenny hind gaiter boots; do.
shoes : black lasting and silk gaiter ; walking shoes, bus
kins, Ac. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description.
A large variety of Children*" fancy gaiters, boots & shoes
of all kinds.
For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care,
and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable
£• The strictest attention paid to MAXCFACTCRINU,
and lie hopes by doing work well to merit a continuance
of the liberal patronage he has hitherso received.
Towanda, I eh. 1,
TVest side of the Public Square, opposite the
Court House.
BAILEY k NEYINS are just receiving a
large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries,
Yankee Notions, Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which
w ill be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhange for
most kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail
to suit purchasers. Consumers or'country dealers would
do well to call and examine our stock and prices.
Black and Green Tea, Rio and Java Coffee, Chocolate,
Cocoa, Sugar. Molasses, Syrup, Ginger, Pepper, Spice,
Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon, Ground Mustard, Pepper
Sauce. Soda, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow
Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac.
Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed,
Pork, Hams A Shoulders, Mackerel, Codfish, Shad, Lake
Trout, Picketed and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rice, Beans,
Onions,' Potatoes, Butter, Lard, Crackers, Ac. Ac.
Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Lem
ons and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Peaches,
Almonds, Pecan nuts, Prazil nuts, Grenoble and Madeira
Walnuts, Filberts,, Pea nuts, Chestnuts, Hickory nuts, Ac.
Ac Boys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A Wood
Tea Setts, Polls, Trumpets, Toy Guns, Accordians, Har
monicas, Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and
Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries, Ac, Pearl, Ivery,
Papier Machc and Leather Port Monaics Wallets, Purses,
Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac
co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth, Hair and Cloth
Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac.
Fooi.s CAP, Letter. Commercial" Note and Bath Post
Paper, Envelopes, Wafers, Sealing Wax, luk. Inkstands,
Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales,
Ac. Ac.
TABLE AND DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and
Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A KEVINS.
Towanda, November 26, 1855.
CM RE INSURANCE. —The undersignedis
A agent for the following safe and reliable Companies:
Parmer's Pawn Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa.
Capital , $200,000.
State Mutual Insurance Co. . Harrisbnrg, Pa.
CAPITAL, $200,000.
(lirard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa
Capital, t:s00,000.
These Companies insure against loss or damage bv fire
on the most reasonable terms. Pwelling Houses, furni
ture, Warehouses, Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property
insured for any length of time. All losses will lie piompt
1> paid. - C. S. RUSSELL.
Towanda, December 2a, 1856.
hand, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA,
a large supply of their coal, at
$3 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and
$3 50 per ton for Baked Coal.
Apply for coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal
will also be sold at THE MINES at
$2 00 }H'r ton for Blacksmith Coal, and
$2 50 per ton for Raled Coal.
A liberal discount will bo made on sales by the boat load
Oct. 30, 1 SAG. EDW'D OVERTON, President
One Boor JVor/h of the Ward House.
Uf HEREyou can find a constant supply of Bread, Rusk,
Crackers, Cookies, Jumbles, aud ail kinds of Fancy
OYSTERS furnished by the quart or keg, or cook
ed to order.
tor Particular attention paid to filling orders for parties
Returning our sincere thanks for the liberal patronage
bestowed upon us during the past year, aud hoping by
close application to business to merit a continuance ot the
same, we remain as ever, your humble servaut,
March 16, 1857. H. A. BURBANK.
tWItS A rare opportunity is now afforded to thos
aSSKiSaS wishing to supply themselves with CHOICE
FRUIT TREES, as we intend to offer for sale
VY™ the present spring a large and general assort
at the followiug very low rates, for cash, viz :
Apples, 5 years old, 6to 10 feet high, per hundred,slß 00
do do 4to 6 do do 16 00
Cherries, Plums, and Grapes, each 38
Dwarf Pears and Pie Plant, each 25
Peaches, 1 year from bud, each pj
An additional charge, sufficient to cover cost, will be
made to those wishing their trees delivered. Catalogues
furnished gratis. Trees should lie planted in April. Or
ders should be sent in Immediately.
March 7, 1857.W5 FORD A PERKINS.
BOOTS A SHOES.—A good assortment at
April It, 1857. _
/ 11tACKICRS.—Butter, Soda and Farina
V;' keys constantly on hand and received fresh eic
ry week at Junell FOX'S.
Fronting the Public Square.
THE subscriber, thankful for tlic liberal patronage of the past year, intends to keep constantly on hand a Win
sortment of the very best articles m rally kept in our line, which HE WILL dispose of on such terras as will BE*-,
isfactory to all who may patronize hira. The purchases are made entirely with cash in hand, and for the CASH o?
customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our reconiinft,iatK.s,
and are warranted as represented.
KF- Medical Advice gratnitonsly given at the Office, charging only for the Medicine*.
The stock consists of a complete and select assortment of
Pnre Wine & Liquors, lor Medicinal nse, London Porter & Scotch Ale.
The most approved Trusses and* Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Jfip.
pie Shells, Breast Fumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac.
American, English Sf Chinese
Superior TOBACCO A SNUFF! —Choice brands of Pure Havanna, Princiw
and Vara CIGARS !
Faint*, Oils, TarnHbett, Window Glass, Brushes, Perfumery, Shaving Soap
Fancy Articles, &c. kc.
Hair Dyes, Hair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving Cream, Tooth Powder, Extracts for tin
Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, Port monnais, Purses, Ray, Colonge, Rose and
Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indellible Ink, &c.
Black and Green Teas ; Rio and Java Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, itc Arc
Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &c.
Towanda, February 1,1855. H. C. PORTER, M. I).
The Mammoth Hardware Store
Is now receiving a large and well selected assortment of JK!w
Foreign Sf Domestic Hardware
Consisting of
HOUSE TRIMMINGS, of every description,
Carpenters, Cabinet makers, Blacksmiths and Shoe makers''
In faci almost everything that the industry of the country requires. In B
addition we are constantly receiving and keep on hand a full stock of
Swedes and American Iron, Horse shoe Iron, Nail rods, fyr.
Warranted of the best quality, and sold as cluap a.- can be purchased of any establishment west of New V.irk. Aa
Parker mill Nails, Lead Pipe, Olass, Sah, Putty, tt bite Lead. Linseed (Ml. which is warranted perfectly pure.
Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Maker's Goods.
Parlor and Cook Wood and Coal Stoves. Regulators and Sheet Iron Stoves, Stove Pipe, Ac. Now receiving a 1
supply of the celebrated Cook stove GOVERNOR, which is pronounced by all judges as the best cook Stoic in tr
market. It is especially adapted to the Fanner's use.
As we have the largest and most complete Hardware Store on the New York and Erie Railroad, and we iutend'
purchase goods in the best markets, and by keeping a full assortment, selling as cheap as possible, we hope to wee
the patronage of those doing business in this market. STORRS i CIIATFELP
Owego, N. Y. Oct. 21,1856.
No. 4, Pattons' Plock, Towanda, Pa.
rpHK subscribers would respectfully inform their friendsjand the public that they hav 'formed a co-partnership
A the D ug business, and are now receiving at No. 4, in Ration's New Brick Block, from the cities of Phils*
phia and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English
SL. tti-ILSIS i_S3AIM?Sr.i:Xf2 ) ®3= HE&Ssanr AJLTHOILIi
SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS, and a variety of the most approved Trass#
Abdominal Supporters, Ac., always on hand.
London Porlcr and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liqnors, for Medicinal purpose
Brashes for (be Hat, Hair, Teeth, Nails, Boots, Painting, Varnishing, Whitewashing. &
The Lovers of GOOD CIGAR S and TOBA CCO, icillfind a large rarictt/ of choice lis'
no, Yara and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snuff.
(anipbonc—Particular Attention paid to the Manufacture of BIRMVG FIJIl).
And a fine assortment of LAMPS, of all sizes and descriptions, Bird Cuges, Cups, Nests and Sea'-
All of which is offered for sale at greatly reduced rates. Our stock being large and mostly purchased from
Importer and Manufacturer at the lowest rates, and with Cash, enables us to sell at reduced prices, that must I*'
tisfactory to all. We invite the attention of the public to an especial examination or' our stock of goods and prices
Our Goods are selected with the ntmostjeare and warranted to be what they are represented ; if any should P*
the contrary, we are not only willing but request "our customers to return them, and the money shall be refunded
MR. PAYNE will give his special attention to the preparation of PREBCRIPTIONS, which will lc comport
accurately on the shortest notice. JOSEPH G. I'ATTOS.
Towanda, June 26, 1656. EDWARD D. PAYNE
11 w
HUMPHREY A WICKHAM are now receiving intheir
New Store, West side of the public square, a large j
and well selected stock of
ROOTS AND SHOES in great variety and style, com
prising Indies' Misses' and Children*'
Buskins and Slippers ; dents', boyg'. Youths' and Chil
drens Boots, Brogans and Shoes, both Eastern and home
manufactured. A general assortment of Gents' Ladies'
and childrens' overshoes. Rubber Boots, Ac.
A full assortment of Boot and Shoe Findings, Sole and
Upper leather, Calf and Kip skins, Morocco Linings and
Lace leather.
Towanda, Nov. 25, 1856.
If you procure of DR. H. C. PORTER,
South store in the Ward House,
Equally adapted to Loaves, Hot Rolls. Biscuit, Buckwheat
and otner Griddle Cakes, Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet
Cakes, Batter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies, Ac. Ac-
Price 25 cents. March 29.
TIMOTHY SEED—A quantify fpr sale at
the store of jet 11. i MLllCUl*.
FELTON would respectfully inform
Oa public that he is now ready at his old stand, u"*
Hall A Russell's, south side of the public square, to W
ish those wanting l't'RE LIQUORS, with almost e<*' |
thing in that line. He has lately made large add:two'
i his stock, purchasing of the best importers, and in s
I original package. He has on hand, and for sale in > u
I quantity from a quart upwards :
Brandy. —Signette, Cogniac, old Hennessr. and OP I \
Oin. —Swan, American, and Scbeidain Schnapp--
Whiskey. —Scotch,Old Hye,MonongaheliandKectit'
IFine.—Currant, Port, and Brown Sherry. (
Fresh Cainphetie and 1 turning Fluid kept constantly (
hand. Also 95 per cent. Alcohol.
CIGARS of the best brands. Jugs of all sizes; q® 1
flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrels. i
Binghamton Ale by the gallon or barrel. i
Those favoring me with their patronage may be cert*
that all articles will he what they are represented. I
N. B. The person who borrowed my " Wantage R* |
requested to return it.
Towanda, January 18,1856. '
MIvS. L. E. WHEEI.ER resp t
fully announce to her friends and the pnMjf 1
ally that she will open a shop in KAST SMI NH w
one north of the Presbyterian church, where Willi*'" 1 j
To which she would invite the attention of the
KKPAlßTXC—Particular attention paid to this . i ]
of thebusiire: Mso. Presses, Radios. T.ihnas.A'- j
to order Siuitlifkld. March Jl. l