Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 23, 1857, Image 3

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'AV u ' Minnesota Constitutional Convention
!",t the Capitol at St. Paul's on the 14th
" K ' j.'iity nine Republicans were present.
T . Democratic party, forty in nouber, orgati
i a operate convention in the Council
rmil'or. electing- 11. II Sibley, President.
.-'"•I, convention is drafting a constitution,
iv Republicans intend to remain in session
'l.t'-md day to retain possesion of the hall.
\ K W BASKS.— The Ilarristurg papers con
notices of applications to be made at the
j, .rjslalure of Pennsylvania for the char
!'?of thirtv-nine new banks, with an aggregate
V ital of about nine millions, and eight appli
' V; 0I1S for a" increase of capital, making the
'V, 'a- addition to the banking capital of the
jljatc asked for about ten millions.
Southern Wheat crop is said to be
,i,. hr-'cst ever grown in that part of the
Union, 'Georgia, Tennessee, North and Soutli
< irolina produced, in the aggregate, four and
. i, 3 if millions of bushels, and Charleston is
' market for nearly the whole of it. For
V ■ last nine months there have been exported
J s„ain from Charleston some 00.000 barrels
of flour, in sacks and barrels, and said to equal
the Spanish article.
VENOEN'T. —On Tuesdy, July 7th, Owen
i wrtv, a lad employed at the Staton mines
•akinir ears from the slope to the cracker,
i from the cur while in motion, and suff
. j,, 1 ,.,! a compound fracture of his leg, beside
s lad laceration of the limb near the knee
t He is a son of John Connerty, who re
> near the tunnel on the Lehigh & Susque
hanna rail-road. His wounds are doing well
! under the care of Dr. Urquhart.
Walker is in New Orleans,
ml luis issued an order requesting his ofiieors
report immediately, and to hold themselves
i readiness to recruit for a speedy return to
Nicaragua. He is supposed to have received
i.omista despatches asking him to aid a new
rebellion of the " Democratic" vagabonds of
|-k countrv against the " Legitimate Ueptib
| „cans,' : who are the constitutional party of the
- •ly in She*heqnin. on Thursday tbe 9th inst., Mr.
'KLIAS THOMPSON, aged 4u year.-,.
e- At a special meeting of Valley Lodge, No. 44G, I.
i .oft). I'., convened ou the occasion of the death of
( -.•thrr KUAS THOMPSON. S. P. GOHK.P. G. offered the
flowing preamble and resolutions, which, ou motion,
-;ri- unanimously adopted :
;v : : v.; i It luw pleased an all-wise Providence, in
-• hand is the lite of all his creatures, to r- nv ve by
• , ;R fri.ther EI.IAS TnoMrsos in tl:e prime of lite
• • in irihood : thus causing our fraternal chains
• • Therefore
U-- >• Tint we deeply sympathize with the rela
tht deceased iu this sudden and unexpected i>e
' .. .'! can only point thern to the Great Source
rein this their hour of deep affliction Imping tliat
tnay be re-united in the Great Lodge
/;. oh'ed, That while we deeply lament the death of
ether, we would bow in humble suhnii-sbn to the
Cc tliat has removed him from ur mi I-r. : . 1 eving
• .: lie. who in His wisdom has caused Us th; sorrow
nil things well,
f-e'red, That we will attend the funeral services
•oi-ased brother in e. body, wearing the .suai budge
/,'■ i/rJ, That as a further testimony of our iv-pect
f tr deceased brother, our Lodge < barter be draped
• inug f'T the remainder of the term, nuJ thai the
.. e-rs wear the usual badges of mourning for thirty
iltsohel. That a copy of these resolutions be tran
r.itsed to the family of the deceased, and that the sunn
i- published in the" the county papers.
! ?: -Lc nin, July 11, l r -07. Secretary.
Lifew York k Erie R.R., Waverly EUtioii
Mm.dir.-. June l.i. 1557, Trains will lca\e
WAVKitI.Y at about the following hours:
I' ,k:rV; A L!::ff Kxp 320 r.iiiCinciunati Kxp ■ ■> 23 A.M
I Exj res .3 17 A.V Night Express. .12 57 r.M
I' !I pi I-.M Chicago Express.. Cl7 A.M
li _-r-!,i 1 4.1 R.Y |Steamboat Exp.... 2 17 I M
[A swm.idaliou .7 .V> A.n'st ick Express 422 A.M
fc-'r-:arht N.l 12 10 r.M I Accommodation... .7 37 i-.ii
freight.No. 3 ... 935 A.* [Freight,No. 2 1 30 R.M
B'r-i.'ht. No.. .2 10 A.M' Freight, Xo. 4 3 4o r M
kimira. Canandaigua & Niagara Falls R R
Tah - <flh t May 2'., 1 -77.
!• •*., WKST. I Alt til VE.
|<'tr-ira Express 430 A.M X. V.A Phil. Exp. 11 AO r.M
I . g Way Exp ! 1". r.MI New York Fxp 12 3d r.M
■ .'i.t 7 ut) A.M stork Express.. 10 45 r.M
I ' n:- ti: jat Elmira with the principal trains ( ast
■' . wet) h'i the X. Y. .V K. R.U , and at the Susj ensi, n
■> id-with the Great Western, forming an expeditions
■•r-te T-r Western travellers.
W. G. LATHAM, Superintendent.
New sVemcrtiscnuTits.
[TX'Ecr TOILS NOTICE— Notice is lierc-
I'-' y given, that all persons indebted t > tltc estate of
liib. ii..I.VCK.s IN. deceased, lie of ATHENS town
ore requested to r.rakc payment without delay;
Bi se having demands against said estate will present them
B i I'uPiiticated for settk-uieut.
I ' ••'• !*'". JOHN L. SAWYER. Execnto-.
II s"lie Summer Season will c short, wc have conclud |
( V. id to make our
IMIIII Reduction of Prices, nl Once! i
I awv have i*>en accustoiip il to do late in the season, I
■' ! a view ol this fact, we will 'cR our large stock of
DRY GOODS. Ac. 6cc.
■ • "vanJj. July 'J2. 1k",7. Cor. Main and Bridge Sts.
Aril/lining the. Borough of Toy and a,
jf°r Sale at a GREAT EARGAICT!
■\' 'an acre, for all cash down :
■ u laaa< rc C° r f ; '000 down and balance in 3 years.
B *'• an acre for ?2HOO down and balance in S years.
■ f *ll an acre far ?lut)0 down and balance in 7 years.
B ' e farm contains 200 acres with a good House and
I an orchard of choice fruit on it. It i- well wt
■ 'owith permanent springs conveniently distributed
■ "'it. Ahoot one halt of it is cleared, and every acre
■ good tillable land. It eonld le advantageously
■ si so as to >uit two or more persons wishing farms
■ ;i nghtrr has fiftv acres adjoining it which .site
" :i m aho sell.
I ■ 1857. \V PATTOX.
r Suable Faraa&Mill Pi*opert\
Wear Wiiliamsport,
I for sA To id .
|{ "igiied. sttrviviug pnrtnerof the firm of J^R.
■"•r>v • " Kuling, oilers for sale all that valuable | ro-
B.'V " ; üb''. u b''. on the South side of the S i.-qawhanrci Riv-
B ~! . ""t and three miles from the
B and "T >,MI " r 7 * Erie Rail lload. Tiie. Ptuiisylvaiiij
I tae opposite side ol flic River. This tra 1
B. ; c ' 1 •i, 'f'-s. with <i jier cent allowance. 2<W acres
■ b " n i a good state of cultivation. There is a
B'-e.tta'iV 1v 'l iable timber on the premises ; a good
■ i , ' ' *". and a good Saw Mi'.l. The Mill is new,
I -jb "'"lt IsSg.
ft ;';" li^f' n >nr , . v e.r,enUeonsistof five good dwelling
\* '.M.T : ". n d imildings thereto. Two I .rge Imrns, one
| ri.." :i 'Ksi cl.i-s, with a large-hed attached.
I *L property will be offered at Public Sale at the
L 0,1 ' >c ' ' u " illiamsport, ou Wednesday, the l 'th of
fQ! 111 . at 1 o'clock, P. M.
bide o, ' on f> - i 1 P ,:r 'hasc money in cash, the balance
Tcrrn T , 'oterest, and approved security,
burtm known on the day or sale.
ntr pwtioulars cau be obtained by address ing
A ' '' P" r '' ER ol TLIF firm of J. R .'. W B Huiiiir.
" ! 'F I JlilK ML. L"7
• T. Bailey <&. Co., Successors to
TOHX SHAY. Equestrian Director ; \V. 11. AUSTIN,
i i.H ia^? r ' ' SMITH, Treasurer; Clown, JIM
WARD, Ring Master, .MR. SHAY.
Mhjl fxhibit at TOWAXDA, on WEDNESDAY, AU
GUST 5, 1557. Doors opeu at 2 P. M„ and at 7 in the
Evening. Admission 25 Cents. X'o half price. To see
both exhibitions.
The great Equestrian Troupe and Splendid Collection of
Will be exhibited under the same canvass, ior only one
price of Admission.
The Company will enter town on the day of exhibition
at about ten in the forenoon, in GRAND PROCESSION,
accompanied by the superb American Brass Band, of
twelve Wind instruments, n their elegant Music o;tr
r.age drawn by Twelve Horses : and after proceeding
through the principal streets, will halt at the ground of
The performance will commence with a new and beau
tiful cavalcade, entitled the PERSIAN CAY.vERY! in
troducing in a series of rapid and skillful evolutions, the
world renowned exercises of that warlike people, illus
trating with great truthfulness, the review, the charge,
the retreat and the rally. This brilliant spectacle will be
represented with new and costly trappings, costumes, ap
propriate music, Ac.
Novel Gvuinastics and Acrobatic Peats by
Among the performances of Mr. Nieholl-. u ill he seen
the newly invented R->pe Feats, called the Fireman's
Ladder, elegant display of Athletic Skill. Ac.
Elegant Scene Act ofChanges, by Mr. W. ARMSTRONG
iu which the rider will give illustrations of various well
kn< \vn characters on horseback, accompanied by rapid
changes of costume, expressive pantomimic action, ap
propriate music, &c.
Splendid Act of Horsemanship, Mr. I.UKE RIVERS,
in the course ol which this accoiupii.-hed and intrepid
rider will display his graceful and rapid feats of equita
furious and inter-ting feats of Balancing on horse
buck, by MASTER SIIAY.
Brilliant display of MONS BENOIT!
Upon tvi and four highly trained horse ■, exhibiting a
most perfect command of the reins, and the astonishing
instinct and obedience of tin- noble horses.
Thrilling feats upon the Trapez, or .Uriel Gymnasium,
bv Me- r-. V7AIID A Nil HOLS, a ;>■ rf. nuance requiring
the greatest physical and moral nerve of the artists to
achii ve.
L <fty and Energetic Leaps, Acrobatic Feats and ele
gint Gymnastics, by Mon-. FLETCHER. Agraphie rep
resentati >n will be < r iv nof Hurdle Jumping, Fence
Leaping, & -., by Mr. I.YON. on liis lleet and beautiful
charger, without saddle or bridle.
Elegant ai d vigorous exercises by the Troupe, in Tum
bling. Vaulting and Si mmer-etting. in the course of
which the following celebrated urti-ts will distinguish
f hem-elves, viz : Messrs. .'. Ii islett.Jim V.' ,rd, tlie< Town,
\V. Ward, Kin' ade, Luke Rivers, Master .Shay, Mr. Solo
mon and Masti r P' -k.
Will per" rm a (' mie S -cpe - n If -rseback, in which lie
will personate with admirable dexterity of ch uges tlic
following c haiarters—The Gip.-cy, Mod sty, Bac
chus, God of Wine.
Feats of P j>turing and Muscular Strength, bv Mr.
Eh ga: tAt if La ly E-pie tri >-ii m. by Mud'lle ADEI-E
DUBOIS, fr in the par:-inn Circus n.i.l" London Amphi
theatre, in all those beautiful Tours De Grace, and agile
fe its ot Fqu triari: u. for which her school is so justly
and widely tele' rated.
The!y (Ji-tin,.ui-lied French rider, M ui-. BENOIT
will give . ;i exiiihidoii ef its nirprisiug art as LA JON
< f.EUR—A CHUVAL, in the c'mr-e of which he will
per."rm vari -.s e'.tsof w adcrl 1e- xtmity in l.aLin.-i: ;
Stall-, Spinning Plates, throwing Knives, playing with
S'i. ks, Riiigs, A -.. during the m it lon of liis hor-c around
the ■ ircle.
The entertainments will be enlivened and alt- mated
w'th the performances of a BAND OF SABLE iIIN
STBEIiS ! in which Mr. MULLIGAN, the Original Bob
Ridley, and Mr. SNOWDEN. the ae< niplisiit-d B.iuj-
Player, will .sing a variety of popular Negro.Melodic--.
Ghurnssea, Glees. A -.. Dunces. Jigs. Breakdowns, Ac
The entertain uents will conclude with
Will exhibit at A the:..- Aug. lib, and at Lcßaysvillc
August Gth.
\i. M. Wi-.LLKS & BROOKS,
Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail deulcrs in
Emery's Unrivalled Horse Power?,
oru SU-ller*. ( lovt I llnllers. Hay. Straw and Stalk
tatters. Grain Drills. and Rroud <■ i-t Seed Sowers,
Horse Rakes, Cultivators, Horse li'-s, < laws
Grain < radios. IWg Powfcrs, Cora and Cob
Mills, Diderick's Hay I'.i Sinmp
Machines, Corn Husking Min liincs, Tier and Rubber Belting',
Portable mortising machine.
Refrigerators, Provision Safes, etc.
Extras fnrni-hed i v 'r repairing all niaeiiines oid l>y lis.
it4)*Uur Fxvcisiur Fanning Mill i- Hie bet in tin 1 niuii
Descriptive Catalogues. Price l.i-ts and ( ircularsol all
machines SJM Ijy u-. rent gratis and postage pre paid, to
all applicants. Send as vbnr name and address.
Athens, Pa. .Tune 2:. ls.">7.
P. S. We have lor sale cheap for cash, payable before
Sept. Ist. next, two o| K*(< hum's light ttfo liorse Mow
Brs, with -1 foot cutter-bars ; liiev cie strong and '.veil
adapted for rough meadows, and calvuTab d to ! .ec tin
farmer. >'■ * • *
V"OTICK. —'The Stockholders of (he Brad
ford Bail Road .t Coal Co. are hereby notified to
meet at No. 7tH Wain it street. Philadelphia. <>n Till RS-
D \Y. 23d instf, for th- purpo e ol ehoo-ing Directors tor
said Comn.inv, A. R. PERKINS, f
VVM. 11. WINDER. Cornor s
<L K. MASON', \
Philadelphia, • Inly d, 1*.17.
SJTR A YEI> OR STOLEN, from -iy .yvft
id Smith's Island, in the kiwpieh wna river
THREE HEAD <)V CATTLE. One a bright
red Stag, five years old, short bodied, carries his 1
hi'-'U ; alight briudle, line back c iy, G yi ar.i old lien
milch ; a three years old Bull, d 1. red. with smad star
in tlie forehead, tight under the belly. V liberal n ward
will lie paid for the return of these animals, or such in
f >rin;iti'iii a> will lead to their discovery.
Durei!. Jnly 1.1867. ISR U.i. SMI I IL_
x application will lie made at the next session of the
Legislature of Pennsylvania, for tli incorporation of a
Rank, to he cnlle the " BRADFORD COUNTY RANK.
with banking privileges 'f i-sue. discount and dep'sit.
with ;i capital t Two Hundred hirs, with
tiie right to increase lite capital stock to lime Hundred
Thousand Dollars, aud tube i rated iu the borough oi
Towunda, in the county of Bradford.
Towanda, June 12, l s 7. „
TTf HEAT ((IUT>, Samn, Honmflfchy, Orti-
T T him Flour, Oatmeal, Kariua, Tapioca, Macaroni,
Vcrmicilli, Rice Flour, Corn Starch, and a variety of simi
lar goods, at janefl ' UA
THE sabscgiber offers for sale the HUl'ciE
uud LOT t jTCNseut qccupied bv liiiri,
Second Street, corner JoJJcr>ou,ociii the
1 5 ! J -Ml Collep ..Ite institute. The Jot lc IGLet iu front
extends to Third Street. The property
will be sold cheap, possession given immediately ; fot
further particulars inquire on the premi'es.
Towanda, Juiy 7, 1K57. JAS. M WILLIAM.
r>URE CIDEE VINBGr A K - A gno<d ar Ii-
J . 0 fi.V. ,
Xii:sOJa l JT ION
Proposing Amendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth.
Resolved by the Senate nml House of Representatives
of t'ie Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Qenervl As
sembht met : That the following amendments are propos
ed to the constitution of the commonwealth, in accor
dance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof.
There shall be an additional article to said constitution
to be designated as article eleven, as follows :
SECTION 1. The slate may contract debts, to supply
casual deficits or failures in revenues, or to meet expen
ses not otherwise provided for ; but the aggregate amount
of Kuril debts direct and contingent, whether contracted
by virtue of one or more acts of the general assembly,or
at different periods of time, shall never exceed seven hun
dred and fifty thousand dollars, arid the money arising
from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the
purpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts
so contracted, and to no other purpose whatevee.
SECTION 2. In addition to the above limited power the
state may contract debts to repel ii.ration, suppress in
surrection, defend the state in war, or to redeem the pre
sent outstanding indebtedness of the state : but the mo
ney arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be
applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to re
pay sueli debts, and to no other purpose whatever.
SECTION 3. Except the debts above specified, in sec
tions one and two of this article, no debt whatever shall
be created by, or on behalf ot the state.
SECTION 4. To jrrovide for the payment of the present
debt, and any additional debt contracted as aforesaid, the
legislature shall, at its lir.-t session, after the adoption of
this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be
.sufficient to pay the accruing interest on such debt, and
annually to reduce the principal thereof by a sum not
less than two hundred and fty thousand dollars ; which
sinking fund shall consist of the net annual income of
the public works, from time to time owned by the state,
or the proceeds of the sale of the same, or any part
thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale ol stocks
owned by the state, together with other funds, or resour
ce-. that may be designated by law. The said sinking
fund may be increased, from time to time, by assigning
to it any part of the taxes, or other revenues of the state,
not required for the ordii arv and current expenses of
government, and unless in case of war, invasion or insur
rection, no pert of the said sinking fund shall be used or
applied otherwise than in extinguishment of the public
debt, until the amount of such debt is reduced below the
sura ot five millions of dollars.
SECTION 5. The credit of the commonwealth shall not
in any manner, or event, he pledged, or loaned to, any
individual, company, corporation, or association ; nor
shall the commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner,
or stockholder, iu any company, association, or corpora
SECTION G. The commonwealth shall not assume the
debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough,
or township ; or of any corporation, or association ; un
less such debt shall have been contracted to enable the
state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection,
defend itscll in time <jf war, or to assist the state in the
discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness.
SECTION 7. The legi-laturc shall not authorize any
county, city, borough, township, or incorporated district,
by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or otherwise, to be
e-one a stockholder iu any c -mpany, association, or cor
poration : or to obtain money tor, or 1 >au its credit to,
any corporation, ass r l ii u, institution, or party.
There shall Van additi- 1 art; i. to -aid coustitvtion
to be designated as article Nil. a - loilows :
No county shall be bivided by a line cutting off over
one-tenth of its population, (either to form a new county
or otherwi- e.) without the express as-cut of such coun
ty, bv n vote of the electors thereof ; nor shall any new
county be established, containing less than four hundred
square miles.
From section two ot the first article of the constitution
-trike out the words, "of the city of Philadeldhia, and
nf cucii county respectively ,-" from section live, same ar
ticle, strike out the \\ >rds, " of Phxlvdeiphia and of the j
several counties from section seven, same article,
-trike out the weds, " neither the city of Philadelphia
nor a ly.'" and insert in lieu thereof the words," and no 1
ml -trike out, " section four, same ai ticle, ' and iu lieu
thereof insert the following :
'•SECTION 1. In the year one thoeennd eight hundred
and s xty-focr, aud in "every seventh year thereafter, rep
resentatives to the number of one hundred, shall be ap
portioned and distributed equally, throughout the state,
bv districts, in proportion to the number of taxable in
habitants iu the several parts thereof; except that any
lOnntv i.taioii.g at least three thousand five hundred
taxable-, may be allowed a sepcrato representation ; but
n > more than thr< c counties shall be joined, and m> couu
tv shall be divided, iu the formation of a district. Any
cii.> i at.lining u sufficient number of taxables to entitle
it to at lea.-t two representatives, shall have a separate
representation assigned it, and shall be divided into con
venient districts of contiguous territory, of equal taxa
ble population as near as may be, each ol which districts
shall elect one representative."
At the c-nd of section =evcn. same ruti-1?, insert thee
words. '• the city of P.'iila Ulphia shall be divided into sin
g > senatorial districtof coal iguous ti rritory as nearly
count in It t able population as possible ; but no ward
It ill be divided iu the formation thereof."'
The legislature, at ii - tir-t session, after the .adoption
of this amendment, shall divide the city of Philadelphia
into sen itorial and representative districts, in the inau
•x-r ib >ve provided ; such districts t" remain unchanged
uitil the apportionment in the year one thousand eight
bundled and sixty-tu ir.
There shall be an addition 1 section to the first article
f .-aid • ;:i-tit..tion, which shall be numbered and read
Is fellows :
SECTION 2(5. The legislature shall have the power to al
ter, revoke, "r annul, any charter of incorporation l.cic
ifter conieirnl by, or under, any special, or general law,
■vheucwr in their opinion it may be injurious to theciti
zi ns i f llie cuminenw ultli ; i.i such manner, however,
hat no injustice shall be d lie to the corporator-.
IN SENATE, March 27.1957.
Resolved. Tliat this resolution pass. On the first
amendment, ieas34, nay- 7 ; on the second amendment,
yeas 23, ; on the third amendment, yeas 24, nays
I ; o.i the fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4.
[Extiact from the Journal.]
April 2'J, 1N.77.
Resolved, That this resolution pass. On the first
aineiidiii •t. v.. - I s - i 12 :ou tin -econdamendment
, veas .'7, nav.J34 :on the third auiouduient. yeas72,nays
22 ; on the fourth amendment. ye;is sfi, nays 7.
[Extract from the Journal.]
JACOB XiKtiLKR, Clerk.
Filed in Sccrctarv's ollice, May 2, !>.>7.
A. G. t'URTIN,
Secret-try of the Commonwealth.
11 utKi.siii uu, June 22, U">7.
Pennsylvania, ss :
Ido certi!v that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct eopv of the original " Resolution proposing
amendments' to thoU'ii-titi thm of the Commonwealth,"
with the vote in eaeli braueh of the Legislature upon the
final passage thereof, us appears from the originals on
file in this ofti -e.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
[L. r'.] and 1 a-ised to bo a.ii.v-d in.- M-..1 <*l the
y-i- ret irv's Office, the day and v.-ir above written.
Sect clary of the Commonwealth.
IN SENATE. March 27, 15.47.
The resolution proposing amendments to tin* t 'onstitu
tion of the UmimonwCalth being under consideration,
On the question,
Will (he S. ii it? agree to the first amendment ?
Tlio veas and uavs were taken agreeably to the provi
si us of the Constitution, and w< re as loilow, viz : _
Yt:a-- M Brewer, Browne, (.'oKVy, Ely, I.vans.
Fetter, Flenniken, Fra:o r. Ingrain, Jordan. Killiuger,
i Kuox, Laub.ieb, Lewis, Mrer. Bcoli'ld, Sellers t*hunian.
.-'uoic, St.afib, W'Mi, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart,
Speaker— 21. . a ji
t \i.ys. -rr-tfb, f'rciswell, Fintmy. Gregg, Har
ris. 1 Vnrosc ntiil fsJUtlier —7.
So the question wa detci mined in the afiirhiative.
On the questfon,
\\ ;|t the Senate a croc to the second amendment ?
The ye is and nays were tr.lrrn grecaldy to the provi
sions oi' the l a-!;! n, and were j.i. follow, viz :
yr Messrs. Bn wer, .'h win , Ure- well, Ely,Evans,
Fetter, Finney, f.< ' r,.m J : , an. Knox, Lau
haeh, Lewi - >F • S Hh in ur. Soutuer. Steele,
S latil), Welsh, .an,. ad raggnrt, tlpraker—
Xws Mrssrs. Ot fiev, ( rabb, Frazer, Gregg, llnrris,
Killinger, I'enrose and S ofiekt—S
Go the question was determined in the affirmative.
Ou the question,
Will the Senate agree to the third amendment
The yea- aud nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sion:) of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
Yk Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, Creswcll, Ely,
Evans, Fleuuiken, Erazer, Ingram, Jordan, Killiugcr,
Kn x, Laubax h, Lewis, Mver. Scoticld, Sellers, Siunnan,
e.miller fstecl", Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—24.
N.vvs—Messrs. CoPTey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—l.
so the question w;is determined in the affirmative.
On the que-tion,
Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment I
The veas and nays wore taken agreeably to the provi
sions c,i tile Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
I'e.u - Mes.-rs. Brewer, Browne, OHcy, Ureswell. Ely,
Ev ms, Fleuuiken, Frazer, Ingram, Killinger,Knox. Lau
bncii, Lewis, Mvet, Stofield, Sellers, Slwman, Souther,
Steele, Straub, W'clih, Wilkins and Wsight—23.
"N.\Ys— Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose— 4.
So the question waa determined iu the affirmative.
In THE HOUSE or rtves,
April 29, 1 Go7.
The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu
tion o: the. Commonwealth bejug under consideration.
On tb'c question.
|1 ?? • t " fV# ft r" f g (• /"J;" (*' f
The yeas and nays were taken agreeable to tint provi- :
sions of the Constitution, and were an follow, viz :
YEAS— Messrs. Anderson. Arthur, Backhouse, Bail, i
Reek, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhonn, Campbell, chase. |
Cieaver, Crawford, Diekey, hint, Eyster, Fuusold Foster, i
Gibboney, Gildea, Haniel, Harper,"Beins, Heistaud, Ilill. |
Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) linbtie, Inncs, Jacoi H, Jen- j
kins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Knight. Lessen
ring, Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Maugle. M'Calinont, j
M'llvaiti, Moorhead, Munitna, Musselnian, Nichols, Ni. h
olson, Nuuemachcr, Pearson, Peters, Petriken, Pownail, |
Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Pea- !
mer, Reed, Roberts, Rnpp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cam- |
bria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanhoor
his, Vickers, Yoeghley, Walter, Westhrook, Wharton,
Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz,
Spraker —7B.
NAYS —Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamilton, Han- j
cock, Hine, Hoffman. (Lebanon,) Lebo, Struthers,Thorn, .
Warner and Wiutrode—l2.
So the question was determined in the affirmative. ;
On the question,
Will the House agree to the second amendment'!
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi
sions of the Constitution, and wore as follow, viz :
YEAR —Messrs. Anderson, Baekumse, Bill, Beck,
Bower, Calhoun, Campbell. Cartv, Ent, Fausold, Foster,
Gildea, Haniel, Harper. Heines, lliestand, Hillegas, Hoft
man. (Berks,) Housekeeper. Imbrie, lanes, Jenkins,
Julius, Johnson, Kauffman, Knight, Lcisenrhijf, Ia nga
kcr, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'llvain. Moorhead, Mus
selinan, Nichols, Niebolson, Nunemacher, Pearson, Pe
ters, Petriken, Pownail, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) j
Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Roberts, Hupp, Shaw, Sloan, j
Tolan, Vail, Voeghley, Walter, West brook, Wharton, i
Zimmerman end (Jetz, Speaker —s7.
NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson, '
Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Eyster, Gib- j
boney, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, liiue, Hoffman, (Leba
non,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lcbo, M'Calinont, Mamma. Reed,
Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centte,) Ttevenson, Strutli
ers. Thorn, Vanhoorhis, Vickers, Wagonseller, Warner,
Wintrode, Witherow ai.d Wright—i>4.
So the question was determined in the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the third amendment ?
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi- i
sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
YEAS— Messrs. Andersen, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Ben- .
son, Bower. Brown.Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, j
Crawford. Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fuusold, Foster, Gibbo- :
nev, Haniel. Harper. Ileitis, lieistand, Hill, Hillegas, j
Hoffman, (Berks.) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, :
Imbrie, lnnes, Jacobs, Jonnx, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, i
Lcbo, Longaker, Lovett Manear. Maugle, M'Calinont, |
Moorhead, Mamma, Mussehuan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nu- j
lieinachcr. Pearson, Peters, I'etrikin, Pownail, Purcell, I
Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, !
Smith, (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, I
Vril, Vanhoorhis, Vickers, Voeghley, Wagon, tiler, West- !
brook, Willi,ton, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and i
(jetz, Speaker —72.
NAYS —Messrs. Arthur, Augustfne. Backus, Bishop, \
Carty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton. Hancock, Hine, Jeakid", j
Knight, I.eisenring, M'llvain, Itamscy, (Philadelphia ) !
Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton, j
and Wintrode—22.
So the question was determined In the affirmative.
On the question,
Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? j
The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to lire provi- j
sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz :
YEAS —Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, ;
Ball, Beck, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Culhoun, j
Campbell, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford. Dickey,Ent, j
Eyster, Fausold, Foster, Gibboncy, Gildea, Haniel, Har- i
per. Heins, Hiestund, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks.) j
Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie. lunes, Jacobs,
Jenkins, Johns, Johiisou, Kauffman, Kerr, Lcbo, Leisen- I
ring Longaker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'Calinont, M'- !
llvain, ilumma, Musselman. Nichols, Nicholson, Nune- i
inacher, Pearson, Peters. Petrikin, Pownail, Purcell, ;
Ramsey,'(Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Beauier, Reed. :
Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, I
(Centre.) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanhoornis, Vickers, I
Voeghley, Wagonsellcr, Walter, Warner, Westhrook, j
Wliarton, Williston, Witherow, Zimmerman and Getz, '
Speaker—* J.
NAYS— Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers, 1
Thorn, Wintrode, and Wright—7.
So the question was dctei mined in the affirmative.
ILiKßisEiiao, June 22, l.tssT. j
Pennsylvania, $ :
I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and
correct copy of the" Yeas'' and " Nays" taken on the
resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of
the Commonwealth, as the same appears on the Journals
of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com- '
monwealth for the session of 1857.
Witness niv hand and the seal of said office, this
fi.. >.] twenty-. < A md day of June, one thousand eight
hundred and 'fifty-seven.
July Otc Secretary of the Commimtreailh.
New Store & New Goods,
Pal toil's Block, one door North of Gullcmburg,
ft'escnbavm <s• Co. i
(ATE of the firm of Montanye.s A Co., would inform
j the public generally and liia dd friends and ce-tonu-i- j
partiuhr. ly that he i.-> just receiving and n< w offers for '
-ale on the most favorable terms, a large and carefully se- j
looted assortment of GOODS.
THE LADIES will find that their wants have been
car-fiilv considered. Their attention i- particularly in
vited to all the latest styles of DRESS GOODS—SiIk-.
Challie-s, Lawns, Common. Robe and French : Plain and i
Robe Bareges, Brilliants, Del.nines, Alupaceas, Thibet. ;
Cloths, f>'reign and domestic Ginghams, Merriiuac, Co- j
ancco.and all the newest styles of Prints. Mourning i
Goods, a great variety. Apron checks and Flannel-.
EDGlNG.—Jaconet, Swiss Thread, Cotton, Black Silk, j
do. Cotton Laces. Bugle. Illusion and Blonde.
EMBROIDERIES—CoIIar* and Cull'-. I'mieraleeves, j
Dimity, Mourning and Bugle Collars, embroidered Bands J
and Fl.icneings. Stamped Collars and Band-.
WIH'l'E GOODS.—Jaconet, plain and striped. Plain j
and dotted Mu-lins ; India. Book, Barred and striped !
Muslins : Victoria and Bishop Lawn.-.
SKELETON and Cactus Skirts ; Brass, Reed, and j
Whalebone Hoops, and Crinoline.
It \BRACK. I. vc, D tt< .1 and * hantlev Veils.
Sll AWLS—A great variety.
BOMNETS—Neapolitan, White, Soft and Fancy Straw
RIBBONS of every kind. Florence Silks, Moire An- i Fiinge.s, Saving Braid, Buttons, Paper Cambrics, j
glazed M .-I'm. and all the latest style- of Dress Trim 1
niiii.- Mitt-.. Gh ves. Sewing Silk, spool Thread, French
in d Moral kin C Ron.
FOit THE GENTLEMEN. Cloth .Cassiimres.Tweed,
Kentucky .io ins. Black Doc-kin, t 'lns k. Cott nude, stripe (
and f on i he- k. Brown Duck. Overalls. Ac. Silk. Far
mer's Satin. Marseilles, pud fancy VKSTIXGS. Buttons.
Twi*t. a general assortment of Coat Trimmings, Collars.
Cravats, Suspenders, Shirtings, Linen Bosoms, (readv
made). Ac., Ac.
HOt'SE FURNISHING Goods. Madder and tindres-cd j
Furniture Print-, Sheetings, brown and bleached. Dra
pery Muslin, Carpet bindings. Brown Crash. Linen and
<'etton Diaper, Bi vwn, and bleached Table Linen, Nap- !
kins. Dowlics. Carpet warp, Tickings. Ac.. Ac.
HATS A CAPS- -BOOT.; A SHOES—For men, women,
and children.
HOSIERY—White and colored. Mits, Gloves, Silk.
Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs.
YANKEE NOTIONS Hooks and Eyes, Combs. l
Brushes of ill kind-. Pins. Needles. Tape, Darkles, Pen
cils. Pens, Inkstands, Tobacco ami Shaving Boxes, Strops
Fish Imoks and 'lines.
PAPER 11 WGI.N'GS.--Borders, Win-low Shades, Wr
iting Paper and Envelopes.
GROCERIES Fine Green and Black Tens, ('office.
Rice, Sp; os, Starch, S.daratu.v Soda. Cn am Tartar. Su
gars. ,Mo!a-scs, Pi ppcrsr; c. Tobacco,t 'odii-h. Ma > ki tel.
Soaps, Paints, Oils. Dye-tuff-. Gla=. Drugs and Merti
i iti"-, Lamp Oil, Fluid, Camp hine. i nadles, Bioonis, Bas
ket-. Wooden ware, Stone war", Sieves, Hardware and
Cutlery, Leather artd Shoe flnuiugs, Trunks and carpet
hag-, tly nets, whips, is-c., Ac.
The si.hscrit rr hit purchased his £or>ds for cash, and
therefore can afford < sell them low for r.isn < r rmintrv
produce, and hopes b r ; liberal share of patronage.
Towanda, July 1. 15",7.
TOSKPI! POWELL, as nsual, is early on
/ hand with the largest, cheapest ;:nd lost selected
stock of SPRING GOODS to he found in Towanda, com
prising all the new and desirable style, of
to which the attention of the public is respectfully invit
ed. Towanda, April si), 1H.57.
i J fashionable assortment, never before equalled in Tn
wanda, of moire antique, brocade, corded and plain Mack
SILKS; plain and striped Poplins, Debeges.Challis,spring
Delaines, Organdie-, Frcuch printed .JaconetL-, Lawns ol
all prices. while and colored Brilliantes, Ik-rages, Crapes,
Freuch, Scotch and domestic Ginghams, French, English
and American Prints, just received by
April ri, 11-57. J. POWELL.
T A<'! s, EMBROIDERIES. AU.—Ltulips"
.1J Freuch and Scotch embroidered Jaconctt and Book
! Muslin Collars:, Sh-.-vc-, Bands. Ftonncipgfi, Edgings an"!
i In-crtingar Linen and Cambric "embroidered Handker
chiefs-, real thread Bobbin, Smyrna Linen wrought, and
Cotton Edging , Girapuire. Brussels, black Silk, aud Bu
gled I aces, just received by
April 6,1857. .T. POWELL.
.7 1 LO VES A ND HOSlEßY—L'atlics, >I?S
-VJT pes and ChiMrens white, unblcacbcd, colored and
mixed cotton and lisle thread How, of every price. Men's
and Boy# bleached, unbleached and mixed cotton half
h-">se- iJents and Ladies kid, silk, lisle thread and cott in
rlr.-ff of eve-v price end c dor. Iq-t rwel v el bv
i ri! c |g-,7 ' I yoM HI.
imr JBCEZ ~wmr era . j*e> i
ROLLINS k POWELL are now receiving
VJ a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH- |
ING, which they arc selling exclusively FOR CASH, a
they think a bird iu hand is worth twu'in thebu-li. Their
stock consists of Business, Black Cloth, Fcncy Cassinicrc
Tweed. Kentucky Jean. White Duck. Linen", Mar.-a ilcs.
and Brown Linen COATS of nil kinds arid qualities—
Black Cassimcre, Fancy Ca --simvre, Brown Linen, White
I.inen and Kentucky Jem PANTS ; Silk. Satin and Mar- '
seiles VESTS "f all kind ; Bl.u k and Fancy ('r.iv-ita ;
Gent- J. Hore, Shirts, Collar-, s mpeudcrs, Hats nnd Caps i
and every ihiag in tlie line of Men's wear. Their stock of I
Cloths and Cussjincrcs are unsurpassed, and are selling j
cheap. We are .-till ready to make tip all kinds of GAR- j
MENTS to order on short notice, and warranted in every
particular ; all of which we arc bound to seli lower tb.'.n j
was ever offered in this market for I'.t.-h. Cutting dune I
as usual. COLLINS A POWELL, i
Totrauda, April 16,1857. _ i
Largest Stock of Dry Goods;
A RE now prepared to exhibit their -tock of SPRING 1
. \ AND SUMMER GOODS, embracing the latest styles j
Rich and Fashionable
DTi Til s s G; O O IDS, i
Tlie whole comprising the largest and best assortment I
they have ever had the pleasure of offering to the public. !
Our stock has been selected with great care.
And purchased at the verv lowest
And will be offered,
" Clicnp as the Cheapest, aaid a little Cheaper U'
Owego, May 7, 1x57.
1857. 18577
More and More New Goods !:
Just opening n full assortment of
Which will be sold Cheap—CHEAPER THAN EVER!
Give us a call; You cannot l'nli to bo euited for quality
and price.
Pat tor.'-; Block, Corner of Main and Bridge sts. j
Towanda, May 0, 1 5 57. i
and colored cloths nnd cassimrrs, and an endless j
quantity of fancy cassinieree. tv. ecds, Kentucky jeans, !
cottouade.s, linens, Ac., cheaper than ever before, j i-.t re- :
ceived bv
April r,. 1857. J. POWELT- '
VRE just receiving, in their New Store, west side ni
the Public Square a large and well selected assort
m"iit of good- suitable for the S.mum r trade. (' -n-iatiiig :
of Lawns., Challis, Bareges, Poplin, Delaines, Scotch and
American Ginghams, Debeges, Bj-.ick and Colored Siiks,
French. English and American Print- in great variety ;
G'.-ut* Dress Goods. Hardware. Cr-chery, v'i-h, Sugar,
Tea, Coflee and other Family Groceries. Also, a very
large assortment of
of alino'-t every variety, and having mede rnei.ts
with the mauuf.. tuiers i-y which we are in constant re
ceipt of new work, we are prepared to oiler to the public
the largest and !>cst stock, ami at lower prices than c: >
ttherstoro in Towanda. toil and -ee.
So!*.' and Upper Leather, French and American Calf
Skins, MoroC'O.Col -red a:.d plain i.iniiig l -", Binding.Shoe
Thread nnd a genera' . rtment of Fi ■dings, wholesale
and retail at reasonable rule". Grntcfi.l for pu-t favors,
we invite the patronage of the public and bv st rict a'.ten- ,
ti-ni to business and particular core in selection of otir
g -ods. both as to quality and adaptation to meet the wf.t'U \
of customers, we hope t i merit the confidence of the com
inunitv and respectfully invite these visiting Towanda 1
to call and examine our goods.
Towanda, June 8,18.17.
IS NOW RECEIVING H hare stock of
I. FAMILY GROCKRIKS. tvhi- h are offerel for s.ib- i t
as low prices as tlie same quality of Goods cau i e bought
anywhere this ,-ide of t!:e City of New )'ork.
CM()K K L) 11A M, SllO U LI) E KS, DR f KI)
s J BEEF at
June 4, 18.07 FOX'S.
Prunes. Raisous, Ac., at j
June 4,1657. FfixA
Or \ BUSHELS Nl*'!-: \\ HITE BEANS, |
f at June 4, 1557. FOX'S.
11 large and well -elected -tick of BOOTS AM*) !
SHOES direct from tlie M tnufactin-rs. wliieh we ofierat
extremely low price- for l-'l ADY l'.W , and invite the •
public t i'call ami examine iiefnre purc'u i-ing elsewhere, j
June 2d. 1V,7. HUMPHREY A- WICKHAM. j
paiNTS, GINGH A MS. (' 11ALLIS, :
I Lawns, Delaines. Mu-lins, Ac., fee., in great variety |
and stvle, just received bv !
ZINIP sub- riber i- now iu receipt of a large and general
1 a— oitmciit of NEW AND SEASON ABLE (•'"•l.'S
Including Dry Goods, liualu ire. Groierie-, Croekeiy.
Iliit- ami ( ap<. I { > >ts an 1 Shoe-, Nail-. Fish. A-. Al-o.
a.n extensive catalogue of
School and Books !
Stationary, Ac., whu h will 1 e <ii,-p.isi d of on tiic most
reasonable term-. He rc-peetfcßv a-k- bis proportion <-)
tie- ]iat r oii:!g" of his frien'i- and tiic public.
May 36,1657. 109. KINGBBERV.
WIXE A SBFBIRCH fa dissolved bv mutual con
sent. The accounts owing to said firm "ou-f ire - -it! dby
•lie FIRST DAY OF JULY next, rv eo-ts will ' e made.
Kith-it of the late firm will attend to iVir -cttlrment.
Tnw.imh. May 27.1877. AN'DREW SEEBI^CH
r IfHE v."rl kno—u nnd wa-R '■-t.i!di-hc:l F \GI.E FOUN-
I PRY. situate on Main Stref-t in the Borough of To
wanda near the terminus of the Barclay Bail Road. Said
Foundry is in good repair and his suitable Lathes, Ma
chinery. Ac., to do a large bii-ine--. \iy inform ttlon
re-i'ectiiig Hie Im-iii"— ca]i:ie}ty of said Foundry, can be
had by calling on JOHN IRVINE, who is now miming
For Terms ej.pty to the subscril:cr at liis resilience in
Mi- 'J). !BS7. J. I>. ROODEKOraU.
E W. RIG ON V, I' Hfil'Rl liT< >K,
I 7 WING bce-i repaired nnd rt-i'uriii.-l ed, ihe proprie
I 1 lor assures the public that no pains will oe spared to
; deserve the patmuagc of the public.
Tr -y, Bradford t 0.. April i, l"o7.
j( u \ RRLS. COMMON SAt.T : ID GUIs.
I* t\ r Rock Salt for packing saU. ic-t re. civi 1 by
Dec. 10,
fov (?avoi'ift-r, for sale chrtip
±J at FOX'S.
G tons for sale by DAIUFY A NKVISB.
I new and desirable stj'les of wall papers nnd border
ings, transparent window shades and trimmings, Buff
Holland. Ac., just opened by
April 8, 1857. J. ROWEL!
. ble and ejngle fold worsted and linen aid worsted
dama-ks. m-wens, cotton dama-k- l b.-.ichcd ard tin' leach
ed table linens, Marsaile- quilts, (oiict and A TJ
rit ty of other goods in this line, just received bv
! April 6. H57. J. ROM Rl U._
tITIUTE GOODB.—Evtfy qualify find
' price of Jaconctt-, Cambrice, Bicjn p.- and Vi- tor
i i Lawns t plain, dotted and fcinhro'dered S-ie MnsNr' ;
1 check and stripeifi Cembrl'i! and K.:ii v " ok mnslhis. iual
i Bants, plait) aud tjgtirr-1 laces, tin' •ou'crtd and bee cur
tains, ;i|.*o wijitt and colored ccrded skirtings-, ju.-trr"jiv
ed by
April 6, 1357. • J. Ri'rWELL.
BLASTING POWDER— a quatitv of
BLASTING PAWDFP '"utt i' "ived, -c<*. will X e
j l.ep! - en: (..Idly Oil li.l by * fe?? ' fn'Ml.t.
xJL is In rel-v given, that i II person* indebted to
estate of .lOlfN M. MARTIN', hee'd. lute of I'rrnkliu
j t wp, nst iiere\v : -tiffed t" moke payment without delay,
• and all p i-oiis having d'-maiuls agaiiift f?'<l am
requested to prevent tinm dulv nuTlicutlcr'rd for sfttl*.
. moot. J A Ml'ii C. HIDGWAY,
! June 27, M*7. AdministruioriK
I f?XECtJfO!ri NOTICE. 5c ti.-e is liere
-1 J by given that luter* testaaientsry upon the estate
; of 1.-cno Whitehead. dee'd., late of Ib'lre twp.. have teen
granted t >.tin* subscriber. All persons indebted to s d
estate ere hcre-iy requc>td to ntnlre immcdlcte j efgtcnl.
■ and those having my efttlnis upon said t tale to present
1 them duly attested tor settleuient.
July 10. lb'7. _ Exeimt.n'i ]
' X"\_ i hereby given. th it r.l' [arson.-, indebted to the <:>-
. tate of ISRAEL BISIIOI*. liet'dlute of Wy-o.v township,
| are requi ted t j payment with >ut del y ; itnd all
i person- having 'latins tuMttist said e-fnif. must prf-Thf
I them duly authenticated. to tiie subscriber. 12. re.'7. GEO. T. BISHOP, Administrator.^
|a .
j tate of Kuril ■>. >h n maker, deceased, late of Windham tp.
[ are hereby requested to rente payment without debj ?
j and all persons having claim* against raid estate will
' ultasd prr .et.t them duly aulhcnticaU d for settlement,
j ELIJAH SH'tF.M A KFR. 211.
March 31. 1-37. Adiultihtrat-ns.
j JLX. is hereby given, that all persons indebted t> the es
: tate of JOHN t>\AN. late of Athena twp., uec d. are
requested to make payment without delay; arid nil Tor
sons havingchiius again-' <side-i ite. present thciii
duty unthcuticutC'C tor settlement t > the subscriber.
ALW tit A ON.VX,
March 2'. 15;",7. Adininistrstrbr.
NOTICE.—Notice is htrv
;i by pi vi :t that all per mns lndctt'd to th. c tr.te of
JOHN'" f'Gltl), deceased, late of Pike township, must
I make immediate payment, and all persons having do
l mauds against saal estate, w ill present thein duly anthem*
I ticated for settii meut.
. March 14, 15.,7. STRHHEN DBINji. Executor.
; X\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es'
J tate of ALFRED ALLEN, dee'd, late of Warren twp
I are hereby requested to make payment without de
' lay; ami all persons having claims against si-* estate will
please present them dulv uutheii7'K*areil tor scttlenjeut.
C. 0. (ip.IDI.EY,
Orwell, May 5,1H">7. Administrator.
V DM IN ISTTi A Toil's NOTlCE—Nctico
u 1 is hcre'iv given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of WILL'IAM MILKER, lata <-f Creek town
ship, dee'd.. are requested to make -payment without d'-,
' lay; and .1 persons iiavi .g claims ugaitistwiid estate will
' pl'cxie pi -ncut them duly aurhfnticrited for settlement.
June 22. 1*5.",7. Administrator. .
J.X is hereby given, that uH persons indebted to the
| tate of JAM IhS LEE. deceased, late of Herrick town
' ship, arc hereby r quested to R'uk? patinent without de
l.i\; and ail persons h iviug claims against saiil estate w ill
' plea :c pre-eut them daiv authcliticati J fi -ettlemect.
June 12. Isj7. Ateiniittikm.
\ UDITOR 7 S NOTICE.—/ 7& matt* 7/
| -s *. the ula't of Jiut'et Sit!, t'.rcc :,id. la the <Jr"
phans' Court of Bradford County.
Noti-re is hereby given, that the Aiullk-r appoluu'd to
distribute money in the hands of the Aumini.-i tit' r ol tii<"
above e •at,-, •vb! attmi l to the duties of Ids appointment
at tin- ofii'-e of Wm. Eiutil. in the
on Wednesday. The 2Jth day <•; Jaly, 15",7. at 2 o'clock.
P. M. All pe.- .oi - having . fob i - upon inonrv must
present tlicm. or else be torevci dcltarred from the umo
June 22,1857. H. B. M'KF.AN, Auditor.
CUM MOWS IN I'AK'I IT I ON. — j7rxs (J
I V_J F;csi, . Caroline Multhift, Emily .lEi.';.7ctcc ,
Chili lot'* .V ;i!/r:r.*, 'it <r£e .l/.i.'l/.i uf c.nii diet Ulat
thews. Li the Common Pleas of Bradford C- ~ No. 161,
Sgplein! - r T. !Sf>7.
i The Couimonwi-aith of Pennsylvania : Bs.-ul'-rd Coun
ty. ss..- To the Sheriff of s.iiii County, Gr< eti,.g : 1; Jiricti
<>. Fro.-! nriike you secure of presenting claim, tl en
■ we comman'' y m that ynu summon, i.y goe.d anil ievftiil
, .suinmoia-rs, Cafi.'ice Mntthewrt, Emily MutThews. Char
lotte Matthew-, George Matthews, and Ulive
late 'f y • count v, so that they be and appear ! efore oue
Judges'at Totvn idn. at err tv.uiity Conr( or'Pdmuiort'
Pleas there to Lo held the 7tb Jay .oi September n. .vt, tc
show win re fort- Wl. re.,-, 'l-.y, tin f.. -1). Froil,
, and the aferc -tiil Caroline Matthews, Emilv Matthtyve,
Ch-urlotfe Maitiic-v-, Giergt Matthews and* Glive Mai -
thews, together and undivided, da ln>ld all that eeitain
lot of land situate in the to en-hip of Orve'L and county
a Tire-aid. am! hounded . til diver: U d as folh w's. to wit r
North, Ea-t, South ami Wet, bv hit ds of the eitale tf
S.inu'C-1 M..tlheWs, dcec i-ed ; e ntainiug . '.k i.t Cab'aen s
—mid of which the said, defendants deny partftbn re fo
1. a -e,--Hng to tin i. >\ s and customs e.'i this fdnfnoi.-
vv'.villi- Ph.c san," CureSiiu.- Matthews, Emily Matthews,
'charlotte Matthews. C.linge Matthew- ami Olive Mat
thews partition thereof biMvc** theut to be mm V accord
ing to tlri taW-.and eustonisof thLsl'oiniunuwoulth in sucli
j • .ise made ami provided, do gainsay, and the same to ho
| done do n permit, verja unjustly, ami against the sntrei
j laws and <•: ;.js, as It is said, Ac. And have- von then
J and there the names of titwe summoners.aud this writ,
i Witnc-s Pavid Wihnut. Pre.-idei.t of our said Court, e.i
1 Towanda, the 22d day of May. A R TC'.7.
ALLEN VMK VN, Protiifniotarv.
i ' —
1 erf itfy f!. at '-e to ?.- r. true ceqyv of r'.e original writ.-
JOHN" A. t.til'l'iNC, .Sl-.erill.
j Sheriff"* Oftiec. Tow;.;okt. June 22, ISA7.
011 EH I EE'S SALE.— l?y virtno of a writ
; kJ of Pi. I V... i-sned ot.r of the < uurt e,ft' rumen 1 leas,
j to me dirr. led, I shall cNpei e to public sale at the Court,
I the borough of Towanda, o.t Vl.'ll'AY. tic
j Itth day of Aug tat, re.-,7, : .t 1 0 \ I tk. P. M., the foflbw -
1 g lot p : .e-e ar parcel oi land situa'i i,i the townships of
; flianvil e and Burlingt in. and Is unded as follow.-, lis
I wit : Beginning at a jiost tire south v.e-t CCT-H< r of T>t
No. 14). 11 plan ■ r pht of said hit d sold by li:i tin-ties
of the " Bank of North Amiri a." to M!i.< Has. fey at <
others oi! warrant h t No. 14';;, 'j l; . ~ west 241 fin j vi.
to 1b: >■< h sapling otith ea-t > orirer 1 t No. Ctft,tlu*nc<
north ltii.l perehes to 11 )io-t 11 >r*h ca>i >nc of tof No.
l.'h;. thcui e ea-t 441 4T i! per. to a ■ ertn 1 i t i.ii.i.-
loy's 1 .t. tlu nee south 10<i per. he-the pin- > of bcain
niii r. t'out lining-111 reres and four teutlr- of an acre.
I e the same more or h -s. the -cure I wng composed of V
I contiguoas lots,to witt No. 137 MI warftut No. Ufl,
! It- No. 1 !-•. I*3 and No. 14b en - mat No. Ire >. About
; i acres im| roved, ore rtesm o* n>'H. with shintrle m.i
--1 chine and li.Mares.., IMS .1 . plunk ho. s s,log h nt-v
| 1 framed barn, a black talth stc-p and other out braidings
1 th"remi.
Seized ami taken in execution at the suit of George V.
Tbolinpton and Sb 1 la n V■■■■:. c vs. A!! • :t T. N: boL a id
Will. Niche 1 .
JOHN ( GODING, sherifl'.
Sheritrs Giil, •,fowsnili..Tuh tit. Is."i7.
' *
ISA [JK. lv virtue of a writ.
,O of Vend. 1.-jio. i—rud out . f iho icut uf oonitnou
i ; h-a-uf Ihadf. nl uoiu t\. t- iT.rect< <1 and Oitir' •>?.
will bt" expo-ed l<i inilit':. sale at the house of flirnni W ,
Ilrmt. in ttvji. oil ! nU>AV, tfee day of
Aft it ST iK'\t. at oi:.' n\ lu k in the afternoon, ihe I'
end.tnt'- inti .T-t being t'.e iti uivi.fed one h.iff of fhe fob
i I-iv. isiff lot. jii've or | r-.i cl of Uul siiuute in ftprtniclivM
t\V]>. Hounded oil the runth by the public highway load
intr from East Trot t> SmifhlUld. n ffiocastfj the liiprb -
iv \ 'or i',ii cfi <ni the o<i ro; fo IJinKriftton 'n tint
! .-.until I _i Peter I'er'i iiim sand on the hi ft' liv Caroline
liioldiiM-n. ('< : t.l ii! 1::tr about uv aire. moid or It--,
j all improved, ino fiawmd Iro i.-e and one framed bum
1 tin renn.
*-• ;/i 1 and to• on f> r-c.-ci.fien at the -nit of liiranr
?poar vs. Akin S. Baiter
V COhhlXr,, ShtriC.
SborifTs O tßcc, To\ atnfui JrofV in. IHsf.
\ IPITOR'S NOTICE. In We r - *f
A 4. "ho di-ti ibnbion, i ft';;- proceed- of le-jt . -tal" sold
jat tin suit ofHmry rftwffiwMWtiir flt A.'Mxdill. do
' 0..; i od. V-. 1 til, 2<k!iriii r-ii'. Hut It r Sill and Jo-eph
j .sii>. in Hradfu.i torn. Pleas
The urn" . -irtr.oif, l.a-in;: 1 o. n boon appointed an And;
j tor by tin- ' mrt to distribute the tin d raised by Sheiltl' i
i -ale of: i-.iTest.ib'.. in riie iilo-ve < ntitied came. u ill atti' d
to tljo <bitie- of hi • ppoinlriont on the fil'ft Ttiv of .Inly
1 nor", at one Vi vb. P. M. at bis oiiroe in the borough < f
I'-nrunda. AtwV If time mid place 11 persons bat n;r
j claims are icwuit'il to pit •• t the .-ante, or te debarred
i fruit conn'tu: ':i up'cS saui lord.
I .lone si. |S.v/. Wife Et.WBLL, Audit. r^_
J~\ is v : ivoD. that all prT' indebted to thee--
( t . ik.ii Mead dee'd latent' *nutb Creek tp.. are re
! (pio-ti.d 1 • male--. |si Hit tut m about Utfn> ; and vl\ per.-an s
I ha* in;- • i lint ■ igaffist -aid o-i;:te. m t pre enf thom defy
i .r rtfteottvatcd (< r pcttTcnient. to the -iiTiserilxn..
.1 out •?•>. Is.',;. A i'i|ib j-tja'or anneMiil.
; NO'TK F.—AH peiFßHt.. -
a. J (it-bind to lie (state of 'OIIX' Vf-MOIiHOAV. des'd..
lit "I \ ylnni to.Htv-bip, r r s hereby mtitkd Ibaf paj
iv. Nt aJniJt'bifc made trrthnnt delay, and all person:- bat tog
j rlutn-.t. againseeaKl estate are reoue-tod to present tueui
tiuly antiubU-'akd to; .-eti.uufjrl.
June ?fi. IK-ST. bxefitor.
( *r> ror; lard and rggr
\ 1 , prri.aTK'n F>K*.T?T.