KR|VU . OK RUNAWAY MORMONS AT OMAHA, I learu from one of the officers of a I uncr which arrived yesterday from the up i fU - Missouri, that on reaching Omaha. City, informed by some of the citizens that a ,->vof sixty Mormons had arrived on the 2d ! a ' The party encamped in the town, and "!Vc.l that they intended to start down the 'v.rhi a few days. They were loud in their I Enunciations of "the ruling men of Utah, and I , r their belief that a large number of the in- I u bit ants of the valley, as soon as they see a I ' , of protection by the arrrival of the U. I c Troops, will gladly avail themselvrs of the I ;l ,rtnnitv of withdrawing themselves of the I they are now groaning under These I ' r o is who have reached Omaha were a por- I 'Edie dissatisfied citizens of Salt Lake City, I i their escape (that is the word they use) I i the result of a well devised and cautious I E it i-Tin. They left Salt Lake about April I St. Louis Democrat, Ith. (JIT'R 1 N STRUCK BY LIGHTNING- —ltoors MKL- I Sabbath before last a violent thunder I j-orrn passed over New Jersey. At James, I ' r Ambov, the Sabbath school of the Pres- I ; vtcriaii Church was holding its meeting in I afternoon, when the fluid struck the buil- I „(• It entered the roof, making only a small I : „o"jp 0 "jp and decended by the chandelier to the I litre of the church, where it exploded. Quite | a number of adults, as well as children, were I - crated by it, and their clothes burnt. Yet I >io fatal results followed, although some hours, I -ud even days, followed before perfect resto- I ration took place. But the remarkable fea- I tureof it remains to be told, and this is given I < v a clergyman who received it from one present I p > stand that the ladies who wore brass I hoops in their dresses were uninjured, hut the I toovs themselves were melted, The electric fluid I was thus diffused, and perhaps lives saved, by I iL:s uovel species of conductor. CM.. KINNEY "TURNED UP." —The New I Orleans Picayune is informed that Col Kinney [ was at Ruatan on the 13th ult. It seems that I after leaving (.Jreytown, the Colonel had direc- I ted his course to Onioa, or some place to the I eastward, on the Honduras coast, but on ac- I ojiiiit ol his. supposed sympathy and connection I with tilibusterisni, was not allowed to land. [ He afterwards made his way to Ruatan, where 1 1!;? sfhooner which bore him and his fortunes was condemned, having sprung a leak in a *>- I vere gale in those waters. Kinney was seek- I lug an opportunity to return to this country. FOUR YOUNG LADIES DROWNED. —Julia and Ami Brogan, sisters, Ellen llattleburn and I Kate Farrel, iu company with three yonng gen- I• were, on Friday afternoon, takings Is:: nn a large pond, in the easterly part of the I' ,va of Webster, Massachusetts, when the I ■ .ut capsized, and the whole party were rown into the water. The young men swam ire, bat the young ladies all were drovvu l-.1. feeling in the South against the R 'irse adopted by Gov. WALKER in Kansas _ rs more bitter. A public meeting has I i held in Montgomery, Ala., at which vio- I at resolutions; denunciatory of the Governor, I ore adopted, and inflammatory speeches made. I; AV.HKNCK M. Kuirr, of SOutli Carolina, late | ::e colleague of PRESTON S. BROOKS, lias pUb- I. -!iH a letter in which Gov. WALKER is abus- M without stint. t AVe are furnished says the Boston Traveler I . ' following extract from a letter from Sen | .: >r S MNER dated at Paris : I 1 should have acknowledged your letter ['• an earlier date, but I have not been well, Ii have had no heart to write. Out of my I aort stay here 1 have lost four weeks, during liiiiieh I have been most of the time confined ID the house. Put Jam better now, and I hc- Iht've lam in the way of complete recovery |t iciigh I feci that many months must elapse be ll tre 1 regain my old strength." I The course of Ilev. Dr. Ross and his IDD :iers in seceding from the New School IWerahly at Cleveland, meets the marked dis ■ jpro'.iiition of Hie majority of the Presbyterian V mirch in the Sonth. The Southern Presbj ■ 'in, published at Charleston, as the organ ■ ! the Church in the Sonth, has a sharp article ■: I'r Ross, declining to accept his leader |::ip. i. I £3"' The number of bodies from the wreck the Montreal in the St. Lawrence is now fl2 The wreck lias been advertised for sale. hbery of tlie dead is practiced to a dreadful I gree by the inhuman fellows who assist in r'fovcring the bodies. The Canadian authori |.*s have not affected the arrest of any of the- B urties engaged in such proceedings. i 86?" DAVIU R. ATCHISON, of Kansas notoric • has written a letter to friends in 8011 th P irolina. virtually abandoning the field, lie pa's it is evident the South is no match for the P vth in Kansas, and that the latter contrib - ten dollars where the former gives one for P"iT M 'rt of its cause. I 6-1?* I- is reported that one hundred troops ■UD fifty teamsters, commanded by Col. SUM- P" ?., were attacked by a large body of the Ptrapaciie and Cheyenne Indians, two hundred P: .e.s west of Fort Kearncv, a short time since, P ; J all slain. 9 I i" K >r. LAWRENCE DISASTER. —The body of P unknown child was picked up on the Bank I A' l *-' ftt. Lawrence, a short distance from tDvbee, on 'Paesdav, making the two hundred : forty seven recovered victims from the '•'uiiig of the steamboat Montreal. I Tie Daily Telegraph says the deeds for the iP Line of the Public Works will be deliv ■ oto the Pennsylvania Railroad Company ■ :t the 15th of this month, when they will r ■ take posessioo. I Ino tjt. Louis Republican, of the Bth Inst., r| 3 . r,(, ;i V ed information from Leavenworth, I u!t " l!) H ' r y late, and discredits the silly sto- I set afloat up the river of the defeat of ~ command, by the Chevenes and r apajoes. On Sunday last no such infor- I '■ had been received at Fort Leavenworth I; ,1 , |l, rul HARNEY, and he givesao credence | J viie story, | Tie I nited States Deputy-Marshal and "I'D in custody of the Sheriff of Clark r j, Ohio 011 a charge growing out of the hum a **f®ptedarrestof fugitive slaves,were I Wl * a y, 1 i-charged from custody. New York k Erie R.R., Waverly Station Commencing Monday, June 15, 1857, Trams will leave >V A\ LUL\ at about the following hours: n w ?°° GOING EAST. Dunkirk A- Bull Exp 320 P.M Cincinnati Exp.. . .5 23 A M N>ght Express 347 A.M Night Express 12 57 P.M -^ ai ! fl3 f.M Chicago Express.. G47 A.M Emigrant 443 P.M Steamboat Exp . 2 17PM Accommodation... .7 55 A.M Stock Express. 422 e'\i Freight, No. 1 12 10 R.M Accommodation. .7 37 D.M Freight, N0. 3 : 35 A.M Freight, No. 2. .. I 30 D M Freight, No. 5 2 10 A.M Freight, No. 4 3 40 r!n E!mira } Canandaigna k Niagara Falls RR, Takes effect May 25, 1857. ELMIRA STATION, OOIMG WEST. I ARRIVE Niagara Express. 4 30A.M[N.Y.A Phil. Exp ll 50 D.M Evening May Exp. 4 15 F.M New York Fxp 12 30 D.M freight 700 A.MlStoek Express 10 45 D.M Connecting at Elmira with the principal trains (east and west) ion the N. Y. &E. R.K., and at the Suspension Bridge with the Great Western, forming an expeditious route tor Western travellers. W- , 1*37. Resolved, That this resolution pa.s. On the first amendment, yens Is, nay* 12 : on the second amendment yeas 37. nay* 34 ; on the thini amendment, yeas 72, nays 22 ; on the fourth amendment, yeas 83, nays 7. [Extract from the Journal.] JACOB ZIEGLEII, Clerk. Filed in Secretary's office, May 2,1537. A. G. Cl'ltTlX, Secretary of the Commonwealth. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, HutuiSEt'm;, June 22,1837. Pennsylvania, a* : 1 do certify that the above and foregoing Is a trite and ! correct copy of tlic original " Resolution proposing amendments" to thcOoiistitrtion of the Commonwealth,"' with the vote in each branch of the Legislature upon the final passage thereof, as appears from the originals on file in tiiis office. In testimony whereof 1 have hereunto set my [L. S.] hand and caused to lie affixed the seal of the Secretary's Office, the day and year above written. A. G. GURTIN, Secretary of the Commonwealth. IN SENATE, March 27.1857. The resolution proposing amendments to the Constitu tion of the Commonwealth being under consideration, On the question, Will the Senate agreo to the tir.*t amendment? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were a* follow, viz : _ YEAS- —Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Coffcv, Ely, Evans, Fetter, Klenniken, Frazer, Ingram. Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubacb, Lewis, Myer. Scolield, Sellers, Shumati, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wright and Taggart, Speaker —24. NAYS —Messrs. Crabb, Cresswell, Fiuncy. Gregg, Har ris. Penrose and Souther—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On tiic questfon, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were u.s Follow, viz : YEAS —Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Cresswell, Ely,Evans, Fetter. Finney. Klenniken, Ingram. Jorpan. Knox, l>au bach, Lewis, Mvcr, Sellers, Shttman, Souther, Steele, 5 raub, Welsh, Wilkins Wright and Taggart, Speaker— -23. NAYS —Messrs. Coffey, Crabb, Frazer, Gregg. Harris, Killinger, Penrose and Scolield—B So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to.the provi sions oi the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne, Crabb, CTeswell, Ely, Evans, Fleunikcu, Erazer, Ingram. Jordan, Killinger, Knox, Laubacb, Lewis, Myer. Seotield, Sellers, Shuinan, Soother, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and W right—24. NAYS— Messrs. Coffey, Gregg, Harris and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS— Messrs. Brewer, Browne. Coffey, Creswell. Ely, Evans. Flenniken, Frazer, Ingram, Killinger, Knox, bacli, Lewis, Myer, Seotield, Sellers. Shuinan, Mouther, Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkins and Wright—23. NAYS—Messrs. Crabb, Finney, Jordan and Penrose—4. So the question was determined in the affirmative. Ls- THE UOT>E OF RBFRESESYATIVIE, April 2H, 1*37. ■ The resolution proposing amendments to the Conslitn tiou of the Commonwealth being under consideration, (n the question, Will the House agree to the fir-t amendracn fttisccUancons. The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, backhouse, Ball, Bcek, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calliouu, Cainplie!!, chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Eut, Kyster, Eausold Foster, (iibboucy, Gildea, Ilaincl, Harper, ileitis, Heistaud, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) hnbrie, Inucs, Jacobs, Jen kins, Johns, Johnson, Kauflman, Kerr, Knight. I.esse ti ring, Longaker, Lovett, Mancar, Mangle. M'Oalinont, M'llvain, Moorhead, Muinma, Mussel man, Xicliols, Nich olsoti, Xuuemachcr, Pearson, Peters, l'etriken, Pownall, Purcell, Kaniiey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York.) Hca tner, Reed, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan" Smith, (Cam bria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolau, Vail, Vanhoor his, Vickers, Voegliley, Walter, Westhrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Uetz, Speaker —7B. NAYS—Messrs. Backus, Benson, Dock, Hamilton, Han cock, lline, Hoffman, (Lebanon.) Lebo, Struthers, Thorn, Warner and Wintrode—Pi. So the question was determined iu the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the second amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions ol the Constitution, and wore as follow, viz : YEAK— Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Bill, Beck, Bower, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Eat, Kausold, Foster, Gildea, Hamel, Harper, Hcines, lliestand, I!iliegas, 1 [off man, (Berks,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes, Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffinnn, Knight, l.eisenring, Longa ker, Lovett, Manear, Mangle, M'llvain, Moorhead, Mus selmait, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuneraacher, Pearson, Pe ters, l'etriken, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia) Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Tolan, Vail, Voegliley, Walter, Westhrook, Wharton, Zimmerman and Getz, Spcuker —s7. NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Benson, Bishop, Brown, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Kyster, Gib honey, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, lline, Hoffman, (Leba non,) Jacobs, Kerr, Lebo, M'Calmont, Mutuant, Reed, Smith. (Cambria.) Smith. (Contte,) Ttevensou, Struth ers, Thorn, Vauhoorhis, Vickers, Wagonsellcr, Warner, Wintrode, Witherow and Wright—3-1. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the Honse agree to the third amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of tlie Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Backhouse, Ball, Beck, Ben son, Bower. Brown,Calhoun, Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Kyster, Kausold, Foster, Gibbo ney, Hamel, Harper, Ileitis, Hei.-tflnd, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbrie, limes, Jacobs, Johns) Johnson, Kanffmau, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Mnuear, Mangle, M Calmont, Moorhead, Mitinraa, Mus-ehnan, Nichols, Nicholson, Nu nemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin, Pownall, Purcell. Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rupp, Sliavv, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson. Toiait, Vril, Vauhoorhis, Vickers, Voegliley, Wagonsellcr, We.-t --brook, Williston, Witherow, Wright, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker —72. NAYS—Messrs. Arthur, Augustine, Backus, Bishop, Catty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton, Hancock, Hitte, Jenkins, Knight, Lei semi tig, .M'llvain, Ramsey. (Philadelphia ) Roberts, Struthers, Thorn, Walter, Warner, Wharton, and Wintrode—22. So the question was determined in the affirmative. On the question, Will the House agree to the fourth amendment ? The yeas and nays were taken agreeably to the provi sions of the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : YEAS—Messrs. Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ball, Bcek, Benson, Bishop, Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford. Dickey,Ent, Kyster. Pausold, Foster. Gibboney, Gildea, Hamel, Har per. Heins, lliestand, Hill, Hillegas, Hoffman, (Berks,) Hoffman, (Lebanon.) Housekeeper, Imbrie, Innes,Jacobs; Jenkins, Johns, Johnson, Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leisen ring Longaker, Lovett, Manear. Mangle, M'Calmont, M'- llvain. Mnmma, Mttsselman, Nichols, Nicholson, Nune tinicher, Pearson, Peters, Petrikin. Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York.) Beamcr. Reed. Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanhooruis, Vickers, Voegliley, Wagonsellcr, Walter, Warner, Westhrook, Wharton, Williston, Witherow, Zimmerman and Getz, Speaker— S3. NAYS—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton, Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrode, and Wright—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. KEC'KETATY'S OFFICE, II.UIKISIUIW, June 22.1857. Pennsylvania, ss : i do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the" Yens" and " Nays" taken on the resolution proposing amendments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, as the .-auie appears on the Journals ol' the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Com monwealth for the session of 15.",7. Witness my hand and the seal of said office, this . [L...] twenty-.-edond day of June, one thousand eight hundred and tifty-seven. A. G. CURTIN, July fte Secretary of fAe Commonwealth. New Store & New Goods, Button's Block, ( iic door North of C uttemburg, Boscnbaum \ Co. V M. A. ROCKWELL, rATE of the firm of Moiitanyes A Co., would inform J the public generally and hisd I'friend-and customers partiulurU that he is ju.-t receiving and now offers for sale on the most favorable terms, a large and carefully se lected assortment ol' GOODS. THE LADIES will lind tliat their wants have been carefuly considered. Their attention is particularly in vited to all the latest styles of DRESS GOODS—Silks, t hollies, Lawns, Common, Robe and French : Plain and Robe Bareges, Brilliants, DeLaiues. Alapacca-, Thibet. Cloths, foreign and dome-tic Ginghams, Merrinwe, Co aneco, and all the newest styles of Prints. Mourning Goods, a gre at variety. Apron checks and Flannels. EDGlNG.—Jaconet. Swiss Thread, Cotton, Black Silk, do. Cotton Laces, Bugle, Illusion and Blonde. EMBROIDERIES—CoIIars and Cuffs. Cndersleeves, Dimity, Mourning and Bugle Collars, embroidered Bands and Flouncing*. Stamped Collars and Bands. WHITE GOODS—Jaconet, plain and striped. Plain and dotted Muslins ; India, Book, Barred and striped Muslins ; Victoria and Bishop Lawns. SKELETON and Cactus Skirts ; Brass, Reed, and Whalebone Hoops, and Crinoline, BARRAGE, Love, Dotted, and Chantley Veils. SHAWLS—A great variety. BOM NETS—Neapolitan, White, Soft and Fancy Straw Bonnets. RIBBONS of every kind. Florence Silks. Moire An tiques. Fringes, Saving Braid, Buttons, Paper Cambrics, glazed Muslin, and all the latest styles of Dress Trim mings, Mitts, Gloves, Sewing Silk, spool Thread, French and Moravian Cotton. FOR THE GENTLEMEN. Cloths.Cassimores.Tweed. Kentucky Jeans, Black Doeskin,Chcik.Cott made, stripe and fancy cheek; Brown Duck, Overalls. A.-. Silk, Far mer's Satin, Marseilles, gud fancy VESTtNGS. Buttons, Twist, a general assortment of Coat Trimmings. Collars. Cravats, Suspenders, Shirtings, Linen Bosoms, (ready made), Ae., Ac. HOUSE FURNISHING Goods, Madder and undressed Furniture Prints, Sheetings, brown and bleached. Dra pery Muslin, Carpet bindings, Brown Crash, Linen and Cotton Diaper, Brown, and bleached Table Linen, Nap kins, Dew lies, Carpet-warp, Tickings. Ac., Ac. HATS A CAPS—BOO To A SHOES—For men, women, and children. HOSIERY White and colored. Mits, Gloves, Silk, Linen and Cotton Handkerchiefs. YANKEE NOTIONS. Hooks and Eyes, Combs, Brushes of all kinds, Pins, Needles. Tape, Buckles, Pen cil-. Pens, Inkstands, Tobacco and Shaving Boxes, Strops Fish hooks and lines. PAPER HANGINGS. Borders, Window Shades, Wr iting Paper and Envelopes. GROCERIES- Fine Green and Black Teas. Coffee, Rice, Spices, Starch, Salaratus, Soda, Cream Tartar, Su gars. Mola-scs, Popper-anee. Tobacco, Co, ltisli, Mackerel, Soaps, Paints, Oils. Dye-tuffs, Glass. Drugs and Medi cines. Lamp Oil, Fluid. Campniuc. •'undies. Brooms, Bas kets, Wooden ware, Stone ware, Sieves, Hardware and Cutlery, Leather and Shoe findings, Trunks and-carpel bags, fly nets, whips, r country produce, and hopes for a liberal share of patronage. Towand.t, July 1,1857. NEW SPRING & SUMMER GOODS: TOSEI'H POWELL, as usual, is early on •I hand with the largest, cheapest and best selected stock of SPRING GOODS to be found in Tovraudu, com prising all the new and desirable styles of DRY GOODS, BOOTS A SHOES, .HATS AND CAT'S, STRAW GOODS. CARPETS, AC. t > which the attention of the public is rcspcrtfully Invit ed, Towanda, April sO, 1857. T AIRES- DRESS GOODS.—A large aid fashionable assortment, never before equalled in To watida, of tnoire antique, brocade, corded and plain black SILKS : plain and striped Poplins.Dcbcges.Clialli*,spring Delaines, Organdies. French printed Jaennetts, Lawns of all prices, white and colored Biilliautes, Borages, Crapes, French, Scotch and domestic Ginghams, French, English and American Prints, just received by _ April lnr,7. J. POWELL. T ACKS, EM BROIDERIES, AC.—Ladies' 1-J French and Scotch embroidered Jaconelt and Book Muslin Collats, Sleeves, Bands, Flouucings, Edgings and rn-ertiugs ; Linen and Cambric embroidered Handker chiefs, real thread Bobbin, Smyrna Linen wrought,'find Cotton Edgings, Gimpttire, Brussels, Black Silk, and Bu gled Laces, just receivciThy April !, 15.*,7. ,T. POWELL. / 1 LOVES AND 11 OS IKR V.—Ladies, VA scs and Childrens white, unbleached, colored and mixed cotton and lisle thread Hose, of every price. Men'* and Boy s bleached. unTdenehed and mixed cotton half ho c. Cents and Ladies kid. silk, li.">7. ** I'OX'S. *)/ \ RUSIII :LS NICI-: WHITE BEAX S, V / at June I. 1857. FOX'S. WE ARE NOW OFFERING a very 7 v large and well selected stock of BOOTS AND SHOES direct from the Manufacturers, which we offer at extremely low price- for READY PAY, and invite the public to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. June 2d. 1857. HUMPHREY & WICKHAM. PRINTS, GINGHAMS, CIIALLIS~ I Lawns. Delaines, Muslins, Ac., Ac., in great variety and stvie. just received bv June 2d, 1856. HUMPHREY A WICKHAM. NEW GOODS! r | Mil subscriber is now in roeeipt of a large and general A assortineiit of NEW AND SEASONABLE GOODS, Including Dry Goods. Hardware. Groceries, Crockery, Hats ami < '.tp*, B tots and Shoes, Nails, Fish, Ac. Also, an extensive catalogue of School and r*Xi?eellaneous Books ! Stationary, Ac., which will be disposed of 011 the 1110-t reasonable terms. 11c resi cctl'iilly asks bis proportion of the patronage of his friends and the public. May 26,1837. Jos. KIXGSBERY. DISSOLUTION. —THE FIRM OF ESEN \VINE A SEFBISCH is dissolved by mutual con sent. The account- owing to said firm must lie settled bv the FIRST DAY OF JULY next, or costs will be made. Either of the late firm will attend to their settlement. JOHN ESENWINE. Towanda, May 27,1857. A \ DREW SEEBISC'U FOIL SAT.S, r TUIE well known and well established EAGLE I'OUN -1 DBA', situate on Main Street in the Borongh of To wanda near the terminus of the Barclay Rail Road. Said Foundiy is in good repair and lias suitable l..ithes, Ma chinery. Ac., to do a large business. Any information respecting the busim -< capn<-;ty of said Foundvy, can be had by calling on JOHN IRVINE, wlm is now running it. For Terms apply to the subscriber at his residence in Towanda. May 20,1857. J. 1). GOODENOUGH. THE TROY HOUSE, E. W. BIG ON V, pKOI'RIKTOR, HAVING been repaired and re-furnished, the proprir tor assures the public that no pains will be spared to deserve the patronage of the public. Troy, Bradford Co., April D ip. W } BBLS. COMMON SALT ; 10 bbls. I". ' Rock Salt for packing salt, just received bv _ Dec. 10, BAILEY k NKVINS. for flaTuriitg, foT sslo rlionjt -A at F(X'S. /lAYUGA GROUND PLASTER—IIfi V tom. f,, r -ale- l, v BAILEY k NEVINS. ' ' | > A PER H ANGINGS.— A strif k of A new and desirable style -of ivall paper* nml border ings. transjiaivnt window shades cud trimmings, Bid! Holland, Ac., ju.-t opened by April ti, 18",7. J. rOWELL. n o USE FURNISHING GOODs7 Don - 1 Tc and single fold worsted and linen and worsted duina-ks. lnorecirs, cotv ui dama-k- JiWacheJ and unldoaeb ed table linens, Mursatlcs quilts, t.riiet covers, and a va ricty of other goods in this line, just received bv 4pfn 6.1857. .1. I'DWELL. WHITE GOODS. Every qnaHty and ' V price of.laconclts, Cambric*, itiehnp- and Viclitr l.i laiwiis ; plain, dotted and cmliroidcred Swiss Muslins : check and itriped Cambrfe* and Nainsook muslins, bril Hants, jtlain and figured laces, embroidered and lace cur tains, uKo white and colored corded skirtings, just receiv ed by April (l, lsr.7, J. I'OWF.LL. /U\SII PAID FOR LARD AND EGGS, tr BURBANK'S BAKERY. fcffiai. A DM INIHTRATOR S NOTiOK.- Notice f\ is hereby given, tliat nil jiersons tndftWed to the estate of .JOHN M. MAKTIX, dee'd. hit? of Frank lit* twp, are hereby notiiird to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate aie requested to present them dnlv authenticated fr settle ment. JAMES C. fIIIJGWAY, p. J. BEAItPSLEY, June 27, 1R57. Administrators- LTXECUTOII'S NOTICE. —Notice is licro I J bv that all persons indebted to the evfaft of .Mrs. BOXY Ht'ltCH, deceased, late of MOXBOK town ship. are requested to l/aike payment without d'-lay; those having demands against -aid estate '.rill present fhest dnlv authenticated lor settlement. Feb. 2C>. Nad. CHAULEK HCftf'lT, Executor. \ DM INISTR A TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice lis hereby given, that ait persons indebted to the es tate of I SUA KG BISHOP, dee'd., lute of U'ysox township, are requested to m ike payment without delay; and nil person.-, having claims against said estate, must present them iVilv authenticated, to the stdwrilier. March-V>, N >7. GEO. T. BISHOP, Adiitimsfmtor.^ \ D.MIMSTIiA TO I I'S N <>TJ ClO.—N olice i V is hereby given, that all persons iudel led to the es tate "I Eunice Shot-maker, deceased, late of Windham tp. are hereby rrqiiesti d to nrake payment without 'delay; and all persius having claims against said estate will please present litem duly authenticated for settlement. E1.1.J All SHOEMAKER, 2d. RICH ARB 8. SHOEMAKER, March 91, N. 17. Admin istrator- A DM I N ISTR A TRI X NOTlCE.—Notice J\_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOHN n.VA.N, late oj Athens twp.. dee d, ate requested to make payment without delay; and all per sons having claims against -aid estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to the -ybsi riber. ALMIRA ON"AN, Atari h 2s, tfi.*7. Administratrix. NOTICE.—Notice is hert- I J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of JOHN PORI>, tfeceasew, fate of Pike township, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mauds aga'ui.-t said estate, will present them duly authen ticated fof settXement. Man h 11. N",7. BttIHFES BRINK, Executor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTfCf?.— Notice J\. i- hereby giver, that all person- indebted to the es tate nt ALFRED AI.I.KX, dee d, late of Warren twp. aye hereby requested to make payment without dc - lay; and ail pei-ous having ehiiins against saide-tat? will please pre rut them duly authenticated for settlement. t . G. GUIDLEY, OrWelf, May 5, NaT. Administrator. 4 KM IN ISTR ATOR'S NOTlCE—Notice J*A i.- hereby given, that all persons indebted to tliC C tat* of Wll-I.IAM MIT,HEP. late of South ('reek town ship, dee'd.. are requested to make payment without de lay ; and ai! persons having claim- against -aid estate will please present theui duly authenticated for settlement. JESSE MOORE, June 22. 1857. Administrator. 4 DM! N ISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice XV is herehv given, that all persons indehted to the es tate of JAMES LEE, deceased, late of Albany town ship, arc hereby requc-tcd to make payment without de lay; and all person- having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. JANE LEE, CEO. \V. ELLIOTT. June 22. IfIST. Administrators. A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the nurticr ~j iA the estate of Butter Si//, deceased. fn the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Noti. e is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of tin; above e-tate, wilt attend to the duties of his appointment at the ofli< e of Wm. Elwrll, i;i the lionuigh of Towanda, on Wednesday, the 2Ptli day of July, l-JT. at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims upon said money must present tliein. or else be forever debarred from filename. June 22, 15.',7. 11. 1!. M LEAN, Amlitor. QUMMONS IN PARTITION.—J&*** ft , kJ" t'rost. vs. Caroline Matthews, Km it if /Matthews, ' Charlotte .Matthews, dearie .Matthews uiai Olive .Mat ihrws. In the Common Picas of Bradford Co., No. 101, September T. IX7. Tin Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: Bradford Coun ty, s- .: To the Sherit' of .-aid County, Greeting : if James O. Frost make you secure of presenting bis chirm. then we ennmtand you that you summon, by good and lawful sumiuoiu rs. Caroline Matthew-. Emily Matthews, Char lotte Mattlu-ws, George Matthews, and Olive Matthews, late of your county, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Towanda. at our County CoOrf of Common Pleas there to be held tile 7th day oi September next, to , lmw wherefore—Win reus, they, the .-ai.'l .Lours O. Frost, and the aforesaid Caroline Matthews, Efn'rlv Matthews, Charlotte Matthews. George Matthews and" Olive Mat thews, together and undivided, do hold all that certain lot of hind situate in the township of Orwell, and comity aforesaid, and bounded and de-cribert as follows, to wit: North, Ea-t, South and iVest, by lards of the estate of Samuel Mi it hews, deceased ; containing about eight acins —and of which the said defendants deny partition to !>■ made according to the laws and customs of this common wealth—The same Caroline Matthews, Emily Matthews. Charlotte Matthews, George Matthews ami Wive Mat thew- partition thereof between them to be nm ie accord ing to the laws and customs of this Commonwealth in such case made ami provided, do gainsay, and the same to be d uie do not permit, very unjustly, and against the same law-and customs, as it is said, Ac. Ani hu>■ you tlieu and there the liames ut those sunnnoners, ji,J this writ.. Witness Iavid Wilmnt. President of on -a. 1 !! Court, at Towanda, the 22d day of May. A. 1). t- .L ALLEN M'KEAX, l"ioUioru.-taiy. 1 certify the above to be a true-eopT of tbe original writ. JOHN A. ( V-itHlXG,'shtritt. SherffTa Office, Tow.mda, June 22. HioiS. A I DITORS' NOTICE. -Joxpk \L mrdi, XjL aelm'r of iMinor 11. 11 ilciu . deed*, vs. Same el I 'an - dtjhr. Li the court of Common Pleas oi' Bradford Co. No. 141 Oeaember T.. 18AC. The undersigned Auditor appointed hv said Court, to distribute tiie funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the iTnties as-fgned lilm at his oilire in the boro' of Towan Aa. on MTrula v. the 2'ith day of June, A. I>. 1.5.">7, at one o'clock. In the afternoon, when and where all persons hiving c'uiins are regx-ted to present them, or be forever drlsK-reil therefi om. May I the duties of his appointment, at lit- offLf in the bor mgh of Towatula, on Monday, the 22d day of June. 1 -.",7. at 1 o'clock 1n the affertWoti. ai which time and place all persons interested are rc..irrt \< present their claims ot else be fetevtv debased from • aid fund. May 1 I, 15.77._ G. H. WViMcINV. Auditor. \ UDITOIVS NOTICE. —ln the vuttcr ,f TV the distribution of the proceeds of real estate sold at the -mi of Henry J. \! laftß, executor of A. Madill. le ceasi A. vs. George Sill, Edwin Silt, BhtWr Sill and Jo.-epli FiU, In Bradford Com. t'lea*. The undersign?baringlK-en been appointed an Audi tor by t'at Court to ffistribufv thr fund raised bv Sheiill's de o. real estate, in the above eutiticdeause, wilt attend to the duties of his appointment on the 2l'th da_v of J:dy ne xt , at one o'clock. F. XL. at bfs iJtiee in the b .rough ol Tow urfit. At which time and place ;.ti -persotis haviug . luims are reipiiiTd to pre-cut the same, or be debarred from waning in u|>"tr said fund. June r>. 1- L ' WJf. MAVEt L. Amlitor. 4 UDITOiI'S NOTICE.— Iu the matter of l\ the est ite of florid S. I Catkins, etefd. In the (b --pkirvs" Court of Hratlford (iounty. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money Tu the hand-of the Viliuinistnitor ol ibis estate, will attend to the duties of iiis appointment at his pHice in the borough of Troy, on Friitiy. the loth of •Inly. t-">7. at 1 o'clock. P. M. All persons having claims upon s.ild money must present them, or else !k> forever debarred fir.m the same. E. B. PAUSOXS, June h. 15.77. Auditor. A DMIN ISTK ATX )RS N ()TIC E.— Notier) J. -\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate i 1 K/i Kici Mi ad dee'd late of South Creek tp.,are re. , June 2'.'. I- .7. jldminiMrator with will annexed. UNECUTOR'S NOTICE.— All icr.-ons in- I J (l.d.ted to the estate of JOHN W.MOItROW, dee'd., late of Asylum township, are lieicbv notilioii tlmt pay ment must be nude without delay, and all pcr.-ous having ol iinis again, t said c-tatc are requested to prudent them, datv autbinticated for settlement. JOHN Moßl.oW, Jnne 2i!, ls>.i7. Executor. Blasting POWDER.— -A hi Uv ui Bl.\sri\G POWHEK Jnst received, and will b. kept coii.tantly on hand, by jv'.'2 J. l'i'WEli