Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 16, 1857, Image 2

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    The Turn of the Tide.
We presume we do not attach too much im
portance to an arricle which we copy to day
from the Washington Union, when we infer
from it a determination on the part of the
Federal Administration to sustain Governor
Walker in Kansas, and treat it as pledge that
the people of that territory shall have an op
portunity of passing upon the Constitution un
der which they are now to live. It hears in
ternal evidence of having been written byauthor
ity and seems to be so construed, uniformly
by the cognoscenti at Washington.
This article, assuming it to be authorized
by the government, marks an era in the polit
ical history of the country ; it is the first trib
ute of respect to the anti-slavery sentiment of
the Northern states which has come from the
federal Executive for the last twenty years.
After a contest conducted with great bitter
ness, and so far as the North was concerned,
under every imaginable disadvantage, we
have to-day to record the very first act of any
federal administration wearing an aspect of re
sistance to the pro-slavery policy of the south
ern oligarchy. The quietus which Gen. Jack
son gave to the nullifiers iu 1835, though
a blow to the same political interest as that
which now has had the control of the govern
ment for the last few years, arose upon alto
gether a different issue, and, therefore does
not deserve to be regarded as an exception.
Mr. Buchanan and his advisers, in the article
to wliieh we refer, have deliberately souuded
a retreat from the ground which was occupied
by the late administration ; they admit that
the circumstances under which the late legisla
tive government of Kansas was imposed upon
its people were unpopular, and never could
commaud their general obedience or respect
and iu spite of the threats and denunciations
of the southern press, they recognise the ne
cessity of giving the people of the territory
an opportunity of approving or of rejecting the
constitution which a convention elected under
that organization should provide. Such a sub
mission to the popular voice was not provided
for nor even contemplated, so far as we can
discern, by Congress ; no such concession was
ever dreamed of by the late administration,
who spared neither bribes nor blood to silence
the speech and bind the hands of the free
state settlers, who sought at the ballot-box
and with the press to keep slaves out of the
territory. But we have had a Presidential
electiou in the couutry lately, and a state of
feeling has been revealed which Mr. Buchan
an, we begin to think, has had the good sense
to profit by. lie was discovered—so we sus
pect—that the government of this country
cannot be conducted any longer under a sla
very-extension policy ; that the nearest ap
proach to it that our people will bear is a rig
orous neutrality, and for that he is steering.
To reach it he will be obliged to take several
steps back. The first we have to-day the
pleasure of recording. We hail the omen.
May he select for his motto the words inscri
bed by the ancients upon the pillars of Her
cules, Plus Ultra. If so, he will be able to
do what no President of late years have done,
(and for an obvious reason) —he will lay down
his office more popular and more respected
than when he assumed it.
But the question which will soon be in every
man's mouth is, will the President have the
courage to meet and brave the assault which 1
the policy here indicated is sure to bring upon
him ? Nearly every leading administration
journal is committed against Walker's course, '
and most of them, such as the Charleston Mer- j
fury, the Richmond South, the Washington '
Stales, and the Georgia, Mississippi and Dou- 1
isiaua presses, have very generally denounced |
it in terms which will compel them hereafter ;
to occupy an attitude of hostility to the Gov- ;
crnor and to any party that sustains him. Two
state legislatures have expressed simiiiar opin
ions, and others may follow their example,
lias the President the firmness necessary to
stand to his colors, and risk a second dismem
berment of his party ? If uot, he is ruined.
If he has, the force of circumstances will give
him one of the finest historical positions occu
pied by any President.
In either case, whether he is or is not equal
to the emergency, he is at the least able to
mark the change of current which has taken
place, and to show to the future student of
history when slavery ceased to be protected
by the federal government as national, and
freedom to be proscribed as sectional. — Ext.
Death of Hon. Wm. L. Marcy.
Hon. Wra.L.Marcy, late Secretary of State,
died very suddenly at Ralston, X. Y., at noon
on the fourth of July. Shortly after breakfast
lie complained of a pain in his side, and walk
ed to the office of a physician, but not Gliding
hiin in, lie returned to his room at the hotel.
The doctor came iu a few minutes after, and on
going to Marcy's room found him laying upon
the bed with an open book upon his breast.
Judge Marcy was in his list year, having
been born Dec. 12, 1755, in Stowbridge, Wor
cester county, Mass. After completing his
academic course in his native town lie eutercd
Brown University, Providence, R. I , and
graduated there in 1808. During the war
with Great Britian in 1812 and 1814, Mr.
Marcy served as a volunteer in the defence of
his State. He was in the Uuited States Senate
less than two years, when he resigned, being
elected Governor of New York, in 1832. lie
was twice re-elcctcd, viz : in 1834 and 1830 :
but on a fourth nomination, in 1838, he shared
in the defeat of the democratic party, and
William H. Seward was elected over him.—
After retiring from the executive chair Mr.
Marcy principally devoted his attention to his
private business, until Mr. Polk became Pres
ident in 1842. He was then "offered and ac
cepted the office of Secretary of War, and was
considered through the four years of his ser
vice one of the most influential members of the
Mr. Polk's cabinet. In the death of Governor
Marcy we have lost one of our ablest states
He was buried mi Wednesday from the
Pearl St. Baptist Church to which he was at
tached, the ceremony being attended by the
highest officers iu the nation and. an immense
concourse of mourning people.
The "National Dcmoerac.y" of Kansas
have held a Convention, in which they iiomin
ted Ex-Gov. Ransom of Mi< higan as" a candi
date for Congress, and "endorsed Gov. Walk
ers policy." A resolution to sustain the bo
gus Convention's "Constitution," whether sub
mit ted So the people or not, was rejected—Ayes,
40 ; Noes, 47. This-is a sign that the "De
mocracy" are preparing to throw a somerset.,
and take the back track. It looks like carry
ing out the policy, "If we cau't make Kansas
a Slave State, we'll do the next thing to it—
we'll make it a Democratic State."
[From St. Louis Republican, July 4th.]
The Utah Expedition.
In a little while—not exceeding ten days,
we should think—the whole army destined for
Utah will be in Hie field. We ha\eo r double
not now for the first time expressed, whether
such an army, so eucumbered with baggage
arid military supplies, can Teach Utah before
the winter sets in ; but if not, they can readily
find quarters at Fort Laramie, and thence
make an early march to Great Salt Lake City
iu the spring.
The officers of the Quartermaster and Com
missary Departments, in fitting out this expe
dition, have done wonders. Since the sth of
May, and up to the 3d of July, we learn that
the number of troops forwarded by them to
the West is 1,000 ; that the numbewof horses
purchased amounts to 302 ; number of mules,
234 ; number of wagons, with harness for six
mule teams, 325 ; total number of tons of
Quartermaster's and Commissary stores, pur
chased and shipped, 5,750 ; number of bushels
of oats, 15,600 ; bushels of corn 70,000 j steam
ers engaged, 45 ; and number of teamsters em
ployed, 200.
We further learn that the value of the
Quartermaster's stores is $700,000, and that
of the Commissary's stores 328,000. We do
not know that this iueludes the value of the
horses, mules, &c., purchased elsewhere than
iu St. Louis ; and we are quite sure that it
does not embrace the material of war furnish
ed by the St. Louis Arsenal, and iu the prep
aration of which an average of one hundred
men have beeu for some time employed. When
the whole account comes to be footed up, it
will be found that this expedition has been the
means of disbursing some twelve or fifteen
hundred thousand dollars in Missouri, to say
nothing of transportation across the plains,
the supply of beef cattle, Ac., contracts for
which have already been made.
We willingly give a place to the fol
lowing in our editorial columns. It comes
from one who was a constituent of General
PACKER whilst he was State Senator:
"Keep it before the people—that the leading
Loeofocos of Bellefonte refused to support
General WILLIAM F. PACKER for the State Sen
ate, in 1849, for the reason, as they said ' he
was a rascal, and had cheated the State.''
"Keep it before the people—that the editor
of the Centre Democrat, (then a Locofoeo pa
per,) would not hoist the name of WILLIAM F.
PACKER to the head of his paper, as a candi
date for State Senator, until he was forced to
do so by some of his patrons threatening to
discontinue their papers.
" Keep it before the people—that when
General W. F. PACKER ran for the State Sen
ate, in 1841), he received but about fifty votes,
out of two hundred, in the borough of Belle
fonte, the Loeofocos generally refusing to sup
port him for the reason that he had robbed the
State. The average Locofoeo majority iu the
borough at that time was about twenty.
"We give the above facts for the benefit
of honest voters throughout the State, which
facts wc arc ready to pruxe at any time. If
Loeofocos refused to support Mr. PACKER for
State Senator, in '49, because he cheated the
State, can they now consistently support him
tor Governor ? We think not."
CHICAGO. —The Chic Journal tliui alludes to 1
the accident i>y which Mrs. Smith, formerly of
Rochester, lost her life at Chicago ou the 4th j
inst :
" During the fire on Clark street a most i
distressing accident took place. Mr. Smith |
was standing at his window in Davils' Rock !
on the corner of Lake and Clark streets, look
ing out at the fire. His wife came into the
room and stood leaning on his shoulder. She
had hardly stood there a moment when a case
of fire works exploded, and one of the rockets
came in at the window, striking her in the
forehead, going into her head and killing her j
instantly. It happened so suddenly that her
husband did not believe at first that she was
killed. From the terrible manner in which
her head was mangled it is evident that the
rocket must have exploded after it had enter
ed. We have never been called upon to re
cord a more singular and at the same time a
more terrible accident than this.
Mr RDERIX IIOBOKE.V. —On Wednesday night
at about o'clock, a young man named Oscar
do Grandtville, 21 years of age, was shot in
the head by Frederick Coeva of Port-au-Prince,
Cuba, about 17 years of age. Oscar de
Grandeville spent the evening at the residence
of Edmund Charles, at Xo. 15 Washington
terrace, and as he was leaving at half past
eleven, Cueva, who had been lying in wait for
him, assaulted him with a cowhide, but imme
diately after drew a pistol and shot I)e Grand
ville. The ball entered bis head just forward
of his left ear and below the temple. It pass
ed nearly through his head.
The injured man died at 4 o'clock on Thurs
day afternoon.
THE WHEAT CROP. —We regret to say that
thewheat crops in this neighborhood are se
verely injured by the weevil. It is doublful
whether more than half a crop will be # harves
ted this year, in this quarter.
IN ALLEGHENY COUNTY, the Pittsburgh pa
pers say that the wheat crop looks remarkably
well, and with the exception of some exposed
tracts, where the effects of the heavy frosts of
last winter are plainly visible, the whole ap
pearance of the crop is good.
THE YORK COUNTY papers say, all right in
this county. We hear no complaints. The
farmers are occupied in making hay and look
ing after the com. The former is hcaty j and
the latter, though back a week or two, stands
regular and is promising. Some of our far
mens in the country arc already through with
hay-making. The wheat, rye and oats are in a
eheering condition, on an average.
RITTEN BY A SNAKE.—A fewdayi ago a man
by the name of Samuel Snider, living about
five miles from Frederick, Md. f near the moun
tain, was seized by one hi 3 lingers by a copper
snake, which held on so firmly as to submit to
death before its hold was broken. Mr. Snide?
hastened to Frederick to consult his physician,
| who administered a quart of whiskey, without
J having the slightest effect other tliau effecting
I a cure.
teiy" Another awful poisoning case has oc
cured in Massachusetts The entire family
of Mr. JOHN JONES, living at Randolph, were
made very sick with arsenic, but by the inter
vention of prompt measures of relief their lives
were saved. Miss LCCINDA ANN HUNT, 22
years of age, was arrested on the charge of ad
ministering the poison.
|}r;ibfort importer.
(Tlpirsban flloruittn, 3nln Hi, 1837.
TERM*— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four ireiks previous to the expiration of a subscription,
notice wilt be given by a printed wrapper, and if nut re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
CLUBBING— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rales :
I> copies for $5 00 115 copies for sl2 00
10 copies fur 800| 20 copies f0r.... 15 00
ADVERTISEMENTS— For a square of ten lines or less. One
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Rooks,
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, Sec.
MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in tin
envelope, and properly directed, we will be responsible
for its safe delivery.
DAVID WXL3YEOT, of Bradford Co.
WIVI. MILLWARD, of Philadelphia.
JOSEPH J. IIJDWXS, of Chester Co
JAZVSES VEECH, of Payette County.
COMMITTEE of Bradford arc re
quested to meet at the Ward House,
in the Borough of Towanda. on MONDAY, the 2(Jth day
of JULY, 1857, at 1 o'clock, I'. M.
A full attendance of the members is requested, as it is
proposed to consider the propriety of fixing the meetings
of County Convention's hereafter, upon the atternoon of
sonic day prior to September Court.
The following named pe sons compose said Committee:
Ulysses Mereur, Kturge- Squires, A. 1). Foss, W. S.liaker,
Truman M. Beach, H. W. Tracy, A. G. Matthews, E. B.
Parsons, James M. Peek.
June 25,1857. ULYSSES MERCUR, Chairman.
Though quiet now reigns in the political
horizon, yet the time is drawing near when
the fall campaign will actively commence. —
We have premonitory symptoms already, in
the efforts of candidates for county offices
which prognosticate the struggle soon to take
place. We purpose taking advantage of this
quietude, to address a few words of warning
to the Republicans of Bradford, actuated on
ly by a desire for the welfare of that party.
The Republican majority in Bradford may
be safely put down at jive thousand. A light
poll, or other circumstances, may vary that
majority some hundreds, or perhaps thousands,
but for all practical purposes it may be safely
calculated that it cauuot be entirely overcome,
and that the candidates put in nomination by
the Republican County Convention are cer
tain to be elected. This large majority is at
once both an element of weakness and of
strength. The certainty of an easy election,
will bring before the Convention for nomina
tion the name of every man who has any han
kering after office. We may therefore expect
to have an unlimited number of competitors
for all the county offices from high to low.—
We do not object to this—for every member
of the Republican party has an equal right to
present his name to the Convention—but ma
ny must necessarily be disappointed, aud the
unsuccessful are very apt to feel as if their
"claims"had beeu disregarded. The game
of our opponents this fall, will be to work up
on the feeling of disappointment caused by the
want of success, to produce disaffection iu out
ranks. This has beeu the favorite mode of
warfare, heretofore, and from all the indica
tions will be resorted to this fall.
A responsibility devolves upon the masses
of the Republican party this fall, more weigh
ty than any they have yet been called upon to
discharge. Vigilance 011 their part, in the
preliminary steps for selecting their candidates,
ensures a good ticket, a vigorous campaign,
and a brilliant victory, the effects of which
will be favorably felt in coming years. Su
piueness may bring about results which will
disorganize our party and be fruitful of disas
ter. If the Republicans throughout the coun
ty, in every township, will attend to the selec
tion of delegates, choosing upright men, not
because they are for such a mau for any office,
but for their ability and fidelity to principles,
aud allow them to be guided by their desire
to advance the best interests of Republican
ism, we shall have a County Ticket without
the least stain of chicanery or trading upon it,
which will carry with it into the contest mor
al weight.
The Republican party is one of principle.—
It was formed from those of all the other par
ties who desired to advance those great truths
to which they were attached, and who had be
come disgusted with the corruption of party
leaders. It may, in this county, have within
it, those who arc actuated by selfish motives,
but we believe the great mass is influenced by
upright motives, without expectation of reap
ing any personal advantages. It becomes the
duty of the unselfish portion to guard with
zeulous aud ceaseless vigilance the integrity
and purity of our organization. It has been
formed (or no purpose if abuses and corruption
be allowed to creep in. It is no bettor than
the old parties, if aspirants for place be allow
ed to control its Conventions, and by fraud
I and trickery, by bargaining aud trafficking,
i make its candidates.
Our County Conventions should be conduct
ed by a desire to advance the welfare of the
Republican cause, not made up of the especial
friends of any candidate, for the purpose of
making all things subservient to personal ag
grandizement. We repudiate the idea that
the Republican party was organized to advance
any man's personal aims. We scout the ne
gation that that party was intended to place
any man in office. That it has offices at its
disposal, is the great danger to be guarded
agaiust. Their distribution causes all the iu
sincerity and selfishness which the party con
The remedy for all the evils at which we
have hinted, is simple and easily applied. If
the Republicans will determine that plotting
and planning, bargaining and promising shall
not succeed, but will resolve to select their
candidates for their worth, ability and integ
rity, without the interference of those personally
interested,they will preserve the purity of that
party. A candidate should be content to place
his name before the Republicans in connexion
with the office he desires, aud permit the Con
vention to decide. We wish that an end could
be put to all interference in delegate elections
by persons outside of a township, for mercena
ry motives. Let the Republicans of every
election district consider every attempt to con
trol their free action in the ohoice of delegates
an insult upon thai* intelligence, and dictation
which should bo promptly and indignantly re
buked. Such a course would soon leave the
people free to act for themselves, aud candi
dates would learn to plao* their expectations
011 higher grounds.
There are many points upon which we have
not touched. We shall however, keep this
subject before the Republicans of the county,
until the delegate elections take place, that if
evil shall come from ucgligcnce it shall not be
our fault.
RAILROAD. —On Monday, 6th inst., the Ac
commodation train on the X. Y. k E. Rail-i
road was run with coal from the Barclay mines
from Waverly to Horncllsville, and a passen
ger train run back with the same fuel. We
are informed that although the engines were
not well adapted to burning coal, yet the ex
periment was highly satisfactory. The Bar
clay coal is considered by competent judges
to be superior for locomotives to any coal now |
in use, burning freely and making but little
clinker to clog the grates. There can be no
doifbt but that the X. Y. & E. Railroad must
in time be a large cousumer of this fuel, on
the score of economy. Wood is already be- j
coming scarce and high in some places along j
the Road, and at the lowest price paid, the :
Barclay coal can be delivered so as to be the j
cheapest fuel.
We are informed that experiments have
been made at Syracuse with the Barclay coal !
for salt-boiling purposes, which were consider- i
ed in the most eminent degree successful. At I
that place wood has already become so scarce ;
that it brings about sti per cord, and is diffi- j
cult to obtain at that. The large quantity i
consumed per year, and the high price paid, j
has caused the salt-operators to turn their at
tention to the procurement of other fuel. The j
Barclay coal has been found, after trial, to be
admirably adapted to their necessities. A
large quantity would already have been ship- ,
ped to that place had not the unfortunate
disasters to the Junction Canal occurred.
The two sources of demand we have alrca- j
dy indicated, will require a large amount of
coal, per annum, probably much more than the
present facilities of the Barclay Co. can possi
bly mine and bring to market. A second com
pany has already been formed, called the
" Bradford Rail Road and Coal Co." owning
a large quantity of valuable coal lands, adja
cent to the coal lands of the Barclay Co., and
through which the Road passes, which we are
informed, expects the present season, to com- 1
mence mining coal.
It requires no very sanguine temperament
to feel that the time is not far distant when
the valuable coal fields of Bradford will be
required to supply the wants of consumers, and
that the coal will find a ready and profitable
market. For mechanical purposes, and for
generating steam it is tmsnrpassed, and its
proximity to markets will bring it into imme
diate notice and conseqdent demand. Indeed,
the Barclay Company hate already contract
ed for as much coal as they will be able to de
liver this season. Another year we look with
confidence to a business in bituminous coal in
this section, which will tell favorably upon the
prosperity cf this place.
of Xew York was the scene of terrible riots
commencing on the 4th of July and continu
ing all through Sunday. The disturbances
originated in an old feud bctweeu two parties
of rowdies known as the "Dead Rabbits" and
the "Bowery Boy s." The disturbances became
so great that three regiments of the State
troops were called out to suppress them. Sev
eral of the streets were barricaded, and fire
arms used freely. Seven persons were killed
and forty or fifty wounded, many of them sup
posed to be mortally. A six pound howitzer
was taken from one of the gangs by the police
and military. It is said to have been charged
with grape shot and ready for use.
Northern Central Railroad has
been completed to Port Trevorton, and will
be open with a public demonstration on Tues
day next. After that time passengers wishing
to go from Williamsport to Philadelphia and
Baltimore, byway of Harrisburg, will have
but twelve miles of the distance to travel by
boat. The balance of the road necessary to
connect with the Sunbury k Erie is being push
ed rapidly, and will probably be completed
during the coming fall.
On Wednesday last a team of two
horses and a wagon were swept from the ferry
boat at Tunkhannock, Wyoming county, and
the horses drowned. Mr. J. D. L. IIARYEY,
of the Empire Market, had just crossed the
ferry with his lady, but had prudently left his
horse on the other side, although assured by
three old fcrryracu that there was uo danger.
The Fourth of July was allowed to pass in I
Towanda, without any demonstrations of ju- j
bilant patriotism. Many of our citizens at
tracted by the display promised at Wavcfly,
visited that town. Franklin Fire Co., No. 1,
having received and accepted an iuvitation to
visit Waverly, started from this place about
4 o'clock, a. in., numbering about 50 members,
taking with tliem their machine and hose cart.
The occasion was one which had aroused
all the public spirit and enthusiasm of the citi
zens of Waverly. The morning broke as if
expressly made for the occasion. For weeks,
the sky like a spoiled beauty had alternated
between frowns and tears, but a faircf sun ne
ver shone than dawned upon the morning of
the 4th, ushered in by the booming cannon
aud the jubilant bells.
At 8 o'clock, the accommodation train from
the east brought a lurge number of persons,
and Susquehanna Fire Co., No. 1, of Owego,
Col. N. W. DAVIS, Foreman, accompanied by
S. Fox, Chief Engineer j and Fountain Hose
Co., No. 4, of Biughamton, W. S. LAWYER,
Foreman, accompanied by LEWIS S. ABBOTT,
Assistant Engineer. These Companies were
met at the Depot by Neptune Fire Co., No.l,
of Waverly, and escorted to the Snyder House,
where they were welcomed in a neat address
by D. O. HANCOCK, Esq., responded to by Col.
At 10 o'clock, Franklin Fire Co., No. 1,
CHESTER WELLS, Foreman, was escorted iuto
the village by Neptune Co., and marched in
front of Peck's hotel where they were also
made welcome by Mr. HANCOCK. The Frank
lin boys attracted universal attention and com
ment from their neat appearance in red coats
and white pants, and the.amount of muscle
they displayed.
At 11 o'clock the procession formed under
the direction of Gideon O. Chase, Marshal of
the day, and R. D. VauDuzer and W. I'.
Stone, Esqrs., Assistants in the following or
der :
Case's Martial Band ; Trustees of the Vil
liage ; Officers of the Day, Orator and reader
the Clergy ; Franklin Fire Co., No. 1 of Tow
anda ; 31 young Ladies dressed in white, in
a carriage drawn by six horses ; Dittrieh's
Cornet Band of Towanda ; Susquehanna Fire
Co. No., of Owego ; Protection Fire Co., No
1, of Athens ; Fountain Hose Co., No. 4 of
Biughamton ; Neptune Fire Co., No. I, of
Waverly. Ac.
The procession marched to Godcll's Grove
—a lovely place—where the President of the
Day, F. H. Baldwin, Esq., announced the fol
lowing exercises :
Music by the Band—Hail Columbia : prayer
by the Rev. O. Crane, of the Presbyterian
Church ; Music by the Baud ; Reading the
Declaration of Independence by F. D. W right,
of Waverly ; Music by the Band ; Oration
by WILLIAM STUART, Esq., Editor of the
Broome Republican ; Benediction by Rev H.
Gray, of the Episcopal Church.
After the exercises in the grove the proces
sion was re-formed, and marched to the hotels
for dinner. We hear that all the tables were
abundantly provided with edibles, and we can
with great pleasure bear witness that a long
fast was agreeably broken at PECK'S.
About 3 o'clock the Fire Companies took
their station at cisterns on Broad street for a
trial of their machines. The arrangements
in regard to this trial were very imperfect.—
There were neither judges nor concert, but
each company seemed to be playing on its own
hook. Franklin Engine was well manned, and
well worked, and by the almost unanimous ver
dict of the bystanders was pronounced the vic
tor. Susquehanna, Nd. 1, of Owego, how
ever, unfortunately was provided with poot
hose, which burst at every trial, and her abili
ties could not be considered as fairly tested.
Franklin was left alone on the field, and as the
" boys'' gave a fiuishing specimen of her quali
ties, the thousauds of spectators awarded her
performance a hearty cheer.
After the trial, Franklin Co. started for
home, escorted by the Fountain Hose Co., and
preceded by the Towanda Brass Band, stop
ping at the Snyder House, where they were
briefly addressed by the President of the day,
as briefly responded to by E. 0. GOODRICH,
and after repeated cheers for the ladies, the
citizens and firemen, they finally took up their
departure, with a hearty round for Fountain
Hose Co., all much pleased with the festivities
in which they had taken part, and under rna
; ny obligations to the citizens of Waverly fcrr
i their atteution and courtesy, and delighted
with the opportunity of having met with so
many fellow-firemen.
We cannot refrain from noticing the fine ap
j Dearance presented by Fountain llosc- Co of
Binghamton, which elicited universal attention.
Their hose carriage is beautiful, their equip
ment of the finest and most perfect kind, and
their marching and difficult evolutions show
much training. Their gentlemanly foreman,
W. S. LAWYER, himself a typo, carried a mag
■ nificent silver trumpet presented to him the
evening previous by the members of the Com
pany as a mark of esteem. The members of
Fraukliu Co. will long remember the pleasant
acquaintances formed, and look forward with
' anxiety for an opportunity for their renewal.
A novel feature of the day, was the display
| of military " Tac Tix " under the command of
j" Ku Figh Land Her Dough Stix." This
was a fantastic company, on horseback and
, wagons, dressed iu all manner of grotesque
and outre habiliments and caricaturing the pre
| vailing fashions. It gave rise to much merri
Two balloons were sent up duriug the after
noon and evening, under the direction of Prof.
WAITER HAMILTON, of Eluiira : and, with an
exhibition of Fire Works in the evening, clos
ed up the entertainments of the day.
Nothing occurred during the day to mar its
enjoyments and pleasures, and the citizens of
Waverly may regard their celebration as i Q
the highest degree successful.
JB6T" The editor of the Broome Republican
who was the orator of the day at Waver]v in
his accouut of the trial of engines at the cele
bration, says that Neptune No. 1, of Waverly
" threw the highest and 25 feet the fartherest"
which statement the Waverly Advocate copies
and endorses. The Otcego Gazette. , the editor
of which was present says that Susquehanna
No. 1, of Owego, "threw a stream which tow
ered aloft above all competitors."
The members of the Franklin Co., of this
place, believe that both statements are gross!?
injust, have invited Neptune Co., to meet therij
at any point between Athens aud Towanda, for
a trial, each Company to put up from SSO to
S2OO on the result.
fca?" At a special meeting of Franklin Co,
No. 1, held at the Fireman's Hall, in this place
on Saturday evening, June 11, the followiu"
resolutions were unanimously adopted :
Resolved. That the thanks of tbis Company be tender
ed to the citizens of Waverly for their invitation to par
ticipate in the celehralion of the 4th of July, and for the
courtesies extended to us on that day—and to Neptune
Fire Co., for tlieir eordial and friendly reception on our
Resolved. That we shall ever recollect with
the enjoyments of the celebration ; as an evidence of tire
hospitable character of our sister town, the generosity of
its inhabitants and the courtesy and attention of its Fire
Resolved. That we tender to Fountain Hose Co., N' o 1
of Bingham ton our grateful acknowledgements for the r
kindness and attention—and when a similar occasion oc
curs '■we're with you."
Regained, That the editor of the Broome Republican be
presented with an Inch aud an eighth stream on the tir-t
convenient opportunity, as a proper reward for his '•inca
pacity of accuracy.*'
Resolved, That" these resolutions be published in the
papers of this place.
INQUIRY. —WiII some of the numerous Sub
scribers of the Reporter please inform me cf
some raotliod of destroying the red top sorrel,
most commonly known as "Ilorse Sorrel,"
Being a young farmer, and not yet fully initia
ted into the ways of farming, if some of the
old farmers would please give their opinion it
would be thankfully accepted. D.
West Burlington, July 10th 1857,
publish this week the proposed amendments
to the Constitution. They are the same that
wore published last year. They have passed
the legislature the second time, aud will be vo
ted on at the ensuing October election. If ac
cepted, as we thiuk they will be, they will be
come part of the Constitution of Pennsylvania.
zette of the 11 th says :—We are informed that
the repairs on the Chemung C'anal, have now
nearly arrived ai completion, and the Canal
will probably be filled within a week. It is
thought, however, that the Canal will uot be
in good navigable order for loaded boats be
fore the 20th instant
JBfey"* Mr. OSCAR GRIFFIN, on jumping from
a moving coal car, at Curbondale, Schuylkill
county, Ou Monday, June 22d, was v suddenly
overtaken by the balance car, knocked down,
mutilated, and mangled to such a degree that
he died in about four hours after the accideut
JtegrThe people of Dusborc, SullivauCoun
ty, have been greatly excited during the past
week or two by the supposition that three
"jail-birds" were lurking around or near that
piace, one of which is said to answer very
nearly the description of Rulloffe, the notori
ous murderer, who escaped from Ithaca, N. Y
some time since.
of our distinguished statesmen
have died on the 4th of July. John Adam?
and Thomas Jefferson died on the 4th of July.
1826 ; James Monroe on 4th of July, 1831 :
and lastly William L. Marcy, on the 4th of
July, 1857.
SKIES BRIGHT.—A Hollidaysbnrgh corres
pondent of the Times, who bns visited many
counties in this States, thinks Wihnot will be
elected. He says ahere are thousands of old
line Whigs and ethers who voted for Buchan
an from State Pride only, who will support
ftsT" W. C. RHODES, Esq., of the Elrairs
Gazette, duriug a r ceent visit to Owego, pot
np at the Ah-wa-ga House ; and after return
ing home, penned the following complementary
notice of it, its Proprietor aud his gentlemanly
"THE AH-WA-GA HOUSE, Owego, is one of
the best Hotels in the Southern Tier. Thf
House is an elegant structure, and the parlors
and chambers are finely furnished, and are al
ways found in superb order. DKOWKR, too, as
every body knows, is one of the best Hotel
keepers in the Union. Every about his house
goes on like clock work. His assistants al
ways bear themselves like geutlemen, and ah
understand their business, and take pride in
looking to the comforts of guests. As to the
servants, a more excellent set cannot be found
in any hotel. Since the destruction of the
Hotel by fire when Mr. 13 ROWER had two om
nibuses burned up, he has purchased a new
and most beautiful one, to convey passengers
to and from the cars. The "boys who luu
the management of the Bus arc the clet crist
sort of fellows, and are all attention to then
passengers, whom they never fail to sec to aud
from the cars "on time."
Jteaf An arrival from Port-au- Prince reports
a disastrous fire at that place. It broke out
at midnight on June 12, and destroyed on
hundred houses and stores. Ross estimated 3
one million Spanish dollars Three persons
were burned to death. Salt is abundant '-
Inagua and Fortune Islauds, aud scllio ! ' k ,
ten cents per bushel. i '* I