Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, July 02, 1857, Image 1

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©jurs&as THorninn, 3niji 2, 1857.
,§clfttcii Ipodrj).
There were builders t-trong on the earth of old,
to-day there are planners rare :
But never was temple, home, nor hold
LSK the castles we built in air.
NVc piled them high thro' the long lone hours,
Bv a chill hearth's flickering brands,
Thro' the twilights heavy with wintry showers
That found us in stranger lands.
The store was small and the friends were few
We owu'd in those building days ;
But stately and fair the fabrics grew
That no gold of raise ;
For time was conquered and fortune moved.
Our wishes were builders there.
And oh! but there gathered guests beloved
To the castles we built in air.
Xo place was left for the bonds and fears,
For the lore so sagely small.
Of this gaining world that wears our years
Away in its thankless thrall.
Once more we stood in the lights that cross'd
Our souls on their morning track,
And oh! that we had not loved or lost,
But ever the dream conies back 1
It was joy to pause by the pleasant homes
That our wandering steps had pass'd,
Yet weary looks through the woodbine blooms
Or the wreathing vines were cast.
But there fell no age and there rose no strife.
And there never was room for care.
Where grew the flowers of our dreaming life
By the homes that we built in air.
Oh! dark and lone have the bright hearths grown
Where our fond and gay hearts met,
For many haTe changed, and some are gone,
But we build the blithe homes yet ;
A.- men have built iu the date tree's shade
Ere Egypt raised her fanes,
Ere a star was named or a brick was laid
On the old Chaldean plains.
Uren thus have they framed their towers of thought
As the ages came and went.
Front the fisher boy in his Shetland boat,
To the Tartar in his tent.
And some that beyond our azure say-
There are realms for hope and prayer,
Have deemed them but liug'rings by the way,
These castles wc build in air.
HI isteihneons.
An Incident in Arkansas;
In early boyhood business engagements com
plied my father to leave home and go to Lit-
Itie Rock. I had lived all my days on the
hanks of one of the largest eastern tributaries
\J the Mississippi. I had heard of the majes
tic fluw of the ' Monarch River " —of the wild,
[strange, rude population living west of it. So
[much hud been told me of them—of their liar-
Itiy recklessness and daring, of their curious
fccts and savings, of their unbounded generosi
ty and hospitality, and of their bravery, that
fciy boyish imagination was completely taken
jraptive. When my father was first making
preparation for his journey I endeavored to
I'Otain his consent to accompany him. He
laughed at me for my pains. I persisted, how-
Irer, in my purjose, with the obstinacy which
|is characterized me through life, until I
pning from him a reluctant promise that I
Ihould go. My mother, who always gratified
win everything, set about making what pre
stations she deemed necessary for inc. These
ere soon completed.
We at last began our journey, and wc met
'FIT DO incident worthy of record until we had
■oae to the capitol of the Territory of Arkan
l*s, then just emerging from her pupilage and
ibont to assume the proud position of an equal
I die Confederacy, and were upon our return.
P'our small steamer was on her way to the
■woth of the Arkansas, I noticed a man who
| K fall and gaunt in form, and who wore the
■Quaker-cut coat and white neckerchief wh ch
tins day mark the Methodist clergyman iu
teoi'xte rural districts. He wandered listless-
F about the confined cabin and deck, passing
■urengh and among the frontier merchants,
■°"?h planters and hunters who w ere coming
i own fEc river. He was among them, but
|°t of them. While he kept apart from those
nion ? whom such isolation was like to attract
ttentioii and comment, yet he was so mild
l^'i 80 gentle withal, that none took offence.
I e I'ad made at least one-half the distance
r-Keen the eapitol and the mouth of the ri-
I l '. when accident caused an acquaintance to
j r "'gup between him and iny father. I,
"'ike. was playing about the deck, when I
Rffibled and pitched forward, cutting myself
"rely about the face and head. He stood
Mar o jf at t^e t j we |{ e pj c fced rac up,
down into the cabin, got a bandage
ien Rom his own rough trunk, washed
• llouc tE', and bound them up skillfully.—
"Scaa-ed my father as soon as he awoke from
aiternoon nap, to approach him and thank
J 2l ' * his led to an acquaintance, which ri
lnto friendship ere we reached Nnpo
}^. v, hge stands below the point where
■ v tr j f nsaK hzily debouches into the great
tat t 1° We w erc to 8° as^OJ ' e atJ( l f° r a
f . ta ' ie u * to Louisville ; the steamer we
,v- tBtci,( led the A rkansa6 upon was bound
Lf* Orleans. We landed 011 Thursday
t r ' r '£' just at sundown. Our friend was
to a plantation a few miles below, to
, days with au old acquaintance, and
lr j n 'i. v invited us to accompany him, as
larf US i^ iat we meet with a most
iiio th • CO - me '. wcrc COU) P e " e d to d©-
tat m - C |' l ' v ' ta *' on i upon the ground that a
i v . '2 rea ch us, bound up the river, at
rn n° UT ' was necessary for us to re
: ff v cry first <->p|>ortunity He
bye, nud invited us, if wc w. rc
compelled to remain over Sunday, to come
and hear him preach, as it was his determina
tion to do so at the little town-hall, where the
school was kept two mouths in the year, and
where political meetings fcf all kinds assem
We took up our lodgings at a low, mean
hostelry, the only one in the place, save that
of the notorious Col. M n, the bnllv
and terror of the surrounding district, and a
notorious gambler. He had gathered round
him a band of desperate satelites, who recog
nized him as their head because he was the
greatest villain among them. He did not kill
or slay for money ; he only decoyed every un
suspecting stranger, or every man of less skill
in games of chance than hp possessed, into
his hotel, induced him to play, won his mon
ey, and then, if he complained, challenged
him to fight a duel. In more than one in
| 9tance he had killed his victim in sudden frays
i and even upon the field. His skill with the
. knife and pistol was peerless. A quarrel with
i him was popularly deemed equivalent to
death, either from his hand or that of some of
his gang. Only such people as he chose to
tolerate were permitted to reside in the mise
rable collection of houses which then, as now,
were dignified with the name of Napoleon.
The hostelry at which we lodged was fre
quented by boatmen, or men who had not mo
ney enough to be worthy of the arch-gam
| bier's attention. My father took every means
; in his power to keep himself from attracting
attention. He kept to his room, anxiously
[ awaiting an opportunity to leave a place
whose very atmosphere was rank with moral
: contagion, and where every moment was at
j tended with physical danger. However anx
ious he was to depart, no opportunity to do
j so occurred during Friday or Saturday,
j Sunday came, and a most beautiful day it
! was. When we were at breakfast iu the
| morning there was a high discussion going 011.
i From the conversation of the other guests we
j learned that much commotion had been pro
! dueed among the denizens cf the place by the
! -Srunouuceraent made by our clerical friend who
had comedown the rivei with us, that he
would preach in the town hall at 11 o'clock
that morning. Some maintained that the
Colonel would not permit him to preach ;
they averred that he had terrified erery cler
gyman who had come into ".he neighborhood
for years. Indeed, he had dragged more than
one of them from the pulpit years before, and
drove them from the place by force. Such
mortal fear had be inspired in all such as ap
peared at distant periods in the neighborhood
that none stopped to proclaim 41 the glad tid
ings of peace."
Others tcld strange tales of how determined
and courageous the preacher had shown him
self away up in the Indian country noon the
head waters of the Arkansas. lie had gone
into the heart of the Indian territory whilst a
fierce bolder war was raging between them
and the whites, and the simple stcry of his
Master's mission and sufferings. He had even
been tied to the stake, and was only relieved
by the authoritive interposition of the head
chief of the nation after the faggots had been
kindled. Yet he had not quailed or shrunk.
One who professed to know his history still
further back said he had commanded a com
pany of Tenuesseeaus under Gen. Jackson at
Talladega, Emucktaw uud Tohopeka, and had
assisted eminently by his skill and courage in
breaking down the power of die Creek nation.
His voice had been heard cheering 011 a bat
talion of his gallant mountaineers even iu the
thickest of the fight at New Orleans.
Some of the Colonel's particular admirers
jeered the middle-aged boatman who made
these assertions, but lie persisted in declaring
that they were true. After many coarse jokes
perpetrated at bis expense he gave up the
contest with the declaration that lie was go
ing to hear the sermon. All avowed that
they were going, each assigniug a different
reason for his intention.
My father also determined to go, and I, at !
the appointed hour, went with liirn. On en
tering the house we found it crammed to its
utmost capacity. Indeed, when densely
crammed, it could not contain over two hun- j
drcd and fifty persons. It was evident that j
expectation was on tiptoe. Men talked in j
low whispers when they addressed each other
and with those short, quick, yet heavy swell
ings and depressions of the chest which indi
cate the underflow of intense feeling. Near
the passage-way, and not far from the door, ,
sat the Colonel. His tall person was conspic- j
uous among those sitting around him. His j
broad-chested, deep-shouldered form, his j
brawncy arms, showed the immense tbew and ;
muscle which 110 possessed. His enormous
and irregularly-shaped head, surmounted by
a huge mass of shaggy, iron-gray hair, looked
as ill-favored as the head of a wild lioar.
His largo, protuberant, rolling black eyes pro
duced a most unfavorable impression upon the
beholder ; its expression, at till times sinister,
was now devilish, from the pe-ssion with which
his frame was swelling. That eye turned
quickly toward the door at the sound of every
foot that stepped npon the threshold.
We had succeeded in obtaining scats close
by the little raised platform which was design- j
ed for speakers. I turned to look for the
preacher, who had not yet arrived, and I no
ticed that the Colonel, to whom all eyes were
directed, had lowered his head, and was lean
ing forward, speaking in earnest undertones
to one of his understrappers. lie became so
much absorbed in the discussion as it progress
ed, that his vigilant watch upon the door was
for a few moments relaxed. Just at this time
the tall, gaunt form of the preacher darkened
the door way, and he strode with long steps
up the aisle. He had passed the seat of the
gambler, reached the platform and ascended it
drew off his coat, and took out his pocket Bi
ble, ere the latter had elevated his head.
At this moment the eyes of the bully and
the preacher met. They looked keenly at
each other for a second, and then it was evi
dent that the latter had recognized the former.
The Colonel felt conscious that there was
in that which he ought to rpmembfT, but
hi- rcco!lecliou c W ETC COD fused and wandering
These mutual glances lasted but a moment.—
Our friend quietly proceeded to take out a re
volver and a Bowie knife, and place them up
on a small table by the side of his Bible. He
looked carefully at the caps upon one, and
withdrew the other from its steel case.
The Colonel,fascinated by the raaguetisru of
look and manner, for a short time forgot his
purpose of driving the preacher from the pul
pit and the town. But when he hud obtained
sufficient time to recover himself, his huge
form was upreared,—he pushed from his sent
out into the aisle, and as he moved people
involuntarily drew back on each side as if
they stood ill the presence of an uncaged de
mon. When he reached the ailsle his stride
was long and hasty. He drew his Bowie
knife—his favorite weapon—as he went, and
brandished it 011 high. The very devil seem
to flash from his eye, and his manner wa3 that
of the lion stretched to the utmost tension of
muscle and nerve, and ready to spring upon
his prey.
Onward he came, until he stopped within
six feet of the preacher, who had drawn his
tall form up to its height. He appeared far
taller than he had ever before. His breast,
throat and eye dilated into twice their former
The bully was conscious of this fact, and
seemed to pay an involuptary tribute of admi
ration to him whom he had sworn to dis
"John," began the minister, in a slow,
clear, steady tone, " I come to preach the
Gospel of Peace, and to speak iu the name
and by the authority of my Master ; and,
while I am a man of peace, I proclaim my
purpose to be to preach here to-day, and no
mortal man shall prevent me ! "
The ringing, metallic tones of that voice re
called the fading memories of other years.—
The bully seemed astonished, confused star
tled from his purpose. But it would not do
for him to falter—he, the leader of the most
notorious gang of gamblers north of Vicks
burg ; his reputation would be gone forever if
he quailed before a preacher ; and, moreover,
his occupation would be broken up, if he did
not drive him from Napoleon, as he had all
others. If his yet dim recollections proved I
true, and this was the man he had known
twenty years before, his eloquent teachings ,
would revolutionize the habits and practices '
of the place.
Again he started forward. The revolver
was slowly raised from the table whereon it
lay, until it was 011 a range with his head.— j
Deathlike stillness reigned throughout the !
apartment. Men saw and felt that if a com
bat began between these men, one or the oth- [
er must die. Still, with that pistol raised by j
an arm over which no tremor run, ami direct- j
ed by an eye that burned in its socket with
determination, men sat still iu their seats, fas- j
tened by a strange sort of charm. The sharp
short click of the trigger was heard, —the fin
ger was upon it, —it might be fired at any mo
ment, —yet no one sought to escape.
Tims stood those two giant forms, looking
at each other steadily, unflinchingly, for full |
live minutes, and each minute seemed an age. I
at last the gambler could stand it 110 longer, i
He exclaimed—
" Are you John Taylor, who commanded a
company at Horse Shoe Bend when we drove
the rascally Creeks into the river ?"
" I ain," was the calm reply.
The head of the gambler fell slowly down
upon his breast ; the thoughts of other and
better days seemed to have fallen upon him.
One moment was given to reverie, —the next
he wheeled upon his heel and strode slowly
and heavily down the passage. l£e was crest
fallen, —conquered. He would not disturb
further an ancient conirade-iu-arms —one
whom he knew never shrunk from the face of
The preacher watched the rcceediug form
until it had j assed the threshold and van
ished out of sight. His foe had disappear
ed, overcome by his former feeling of compan
ionship in part, but mainly by the cool calm
courage of the minister.
The words, " Let. us pray," came reverent
ly from his lips. The excitement of the past
moments found a vent in this appeal to the
Throne of Grace. 1 have heard Mafflt, Stock
ton, Bascom, and a host of other eloquent di
vines,—men who had achieved the very high
est reputation for their fervid, stirring words,
—but never, to this hour, have I heart! such a
prayer as fell from the lips of that plain, un
pretending frontier missionary. It was short
but.when it closed there was not a dry eye in
that whole assembly. The rude hunter, the
rough boatman, tlie hardened gambler, and
the educated planter were alike effected. —
They each and all bowed down to the majesty
of truth falling from lips which Heaven had
endowed with most extraordinary powers.
During the whole service not a soul stircd
from his seat, not the least disorder was ob
servable, and when the opprotunity was given
for penitents to come forward the whole con
gregation seemed to move en maste toward the
alter. The work of reformation went glori
ously on until the town seemed to be, and in
deed was, revolutioned.
The influence of the Colonel was gone ; his
avocation, as he had anticipated, also depar
ted. He himself, ere Taylor left the place,
became a convert, sold out his property, mov
ed out npon a plantation he owned, and be
camo a model husband, aud neighbor and cit
izen. ,
The influence of this reformation is felt in
that remote Mississippi towu even in this
Quite a a joke happened to one of the
Doctor craft some time ago. He ordered
some very powerful medicine for a sick boy,
and the father not liking the appearance of
it forced it down the cat's throat. When
the doctor called agaiu and inqnired if the
powder bad cured the boy, the father replied :
" No we didn't give it to him.''
" Good heaven 1" said the doctor, "is the
child living?"
" Yes, but the cat ain't—we gave it to
her." The doctor sloped.
There is no dotibt of it—it is too true—
there's something loose somewhere, and we of
this earth are to be immediately smashed into
smithereens by a first class comet which has
got unscrewed and is now coming to Us under
full head of steam, with a small planet hung on
the safety valve. Our little globe is to be
knocked "further thau Giiderov," and sent fly
ing in small pieces through the region of illim
itable space which event undoubtedly have a
tendency to separate families and interfere
with trade and and commerce. This pleasant
affair will come off on the 13th of June next,
immediately after tea—there w ill be no post
poueuieut 011 the account of the weather—the
nudieuee will not be disappointed, and most of
us probably have accomplished a rapid little
journey of a couple of millions or so, between six
o'clock P. M„ and breakfast time. There can
be no mistake ; we are done for.
; I have made an exact mathematical caleu
; latiou, and find that our uniuvitcd visitor hit
us the first punch on the west end of. coney 1s
! land. Already in iny neighborhood, consterna
: tiou is depicted on the faces of smashes expec
tant and piety is particularly prevalent. We
I all know how moral people become when they
they are expecting Grim Death, and how lib
eral they are with their money when they find
i they can't keep it any longer ; we know
I the common dodge of trying to cheat the
; heaven into a belief in their ch'arit ableness
' in leaving money to build churches and clothe
missionaries, when they are perfectly well
aware thut the heirs will dispute the will and
contrive to keep the cash all in the family.—
Thai's just what people are doing now, because
they think G. Death is urouud. There must
i be it fearful discount ou this kind of penitence
i but the appearance of the comet and the fears
excited hereby, have thrown a great deal of
this spurious article the market just at
present. Everybody is wide awake and look
ing out for breakers.
My landlady, ever since she saw the first,
paragraph in the newspaper about the comet,
lias giveu us better coffee and fatter chops,
uud has seemed to be struck with remorse
about the veal—she is in a state of great grief
about her past mackeral, aud mourns her late
butter with true sincerity—-she goes to church
twice on Sundays aud has lately been seen to
put silver into the plate—she has bought a
cheap prayer-book aud looks over the Buriul
Service three times a day. The chambermaids
have heard the news, aud have renounced the
error of their ways, since which time the tally
of my handkerchiefs is complete, And "the
cat" doesn't run away with my huir-cil. Even
the errand boy is touched iu conscience, j
and brings back full change. The cook is in !
a touching and tender state of mind, aud, hav
ing left off drinking, has become neater, and !
more satisfactory iu her habits—we don't have :
more than half the former quantity of cinders
iu the broiled fish, aud she uo longer skrews the
beef with her hair pins.
I'egley, the grocer, looks trembling at the
stars every uiglit through a four foot telescope
gives sixteen ounces to the pound, and has
omitted the four cent shuvc in making change
—his sugar is not so gritty as it was u month
ago, his camphene burns better, the butter is
not so athletic, the boy docs not go so often
to the pump just after Pegley get a new bar
rel ot Jamaica rum, aud there arc now four'
quarts to the gallon, whereas the former rule
was about six pints and a half.
Just now, religious sensation is raging terri
bly in my neighborhood, all induced by the in
fluence of the comet —there is a protracted
meeting a block and a half up the street, a
great "revival" just round the corner, and
high-pressure prayer meetings around on ev
ery side. So many new converts have been
made, the sinners arc exceedingly scarce—Job- I
lets, the broker, who got rich lending money j
at six percent a month on treble security, has
regented—he is now trying to work his pas
sage to Paradise by making long speeches in
"meeting,'' which arc so loud as to frighten
the babies iu the next block, and which made
him perspire as if he had been chopping cord
wood iu dog-days. This change for the bet
ter may be lasting, but I'd like to venture a
dollar that if the earth dodges the cornet, and
gets safely through the 13th without making
a "horrible collision and loss of life" item for
the newspapers on the 14th, Joblets will fore
close a dozen mortgages, revoke all his gifts to
the church, aud charge more exorbitant usury
than enough to make up loss time. I havn't
much confidence in these spasmodic converts
myself, and can't exactly bring myself to be
lieve that a man who has been a blackguard
and a scoundrel for forty years, can be scared
into a christaiu in two minutes, by a bob-tail
Iu fact, nearly every body is affected by
coming events, except the city authorities of
New York, who seem to think that the new
City Charter has so effectually finished them
that the comet do 110 further damage. The
only mau in town who appears to have his wits
about him is Mr. Marshall of the Broadway
Theatre, who is trying to get the comet to
play a star engagement for him at his estab
lishnient—proposition is to chauge the catas
trophe of the last days of Poinpci, and destroy
that unhappy city by an uuruly planet instead
of au eruption of Vesuvius. As for myself,
although I fully believe iu the approaching
smash, I am, like a prudent man, providing
against any possible change of programme, by
borrowing all the money 1 cau possibly obtaiu
on loug credit ; and so, by postponement the
other small debts until after the 13th of Juue, !
I cannot fail to make a handsome speculation
in either case.
But hold ? I have a spleDdid idea—a mag
nifioeu* plan, by which I think this threateued
vjsit of a fiery enemy, instead of being a terri
ble disaster, may be turned to most excellent
account, for I have no doubt tbat that enemy
would listen to the voice of reason and human
ity. I think a deputation ought to be imme
diately appointed with foil power to arrange
{patters with the comet —the people most take
the thing iD hand themselves, for if it is left to
the pub! r c officer.', 'here vrmhl be zo xiach
routine and circumlocution about it that the
world would be smashed into nineteen millions
of small fragments before they would get ready
to act. It is extremely probable that the del
egation would be able to effect a compromise
on behalf of the useful portions of the Earth,
and they might induce our distinguished vLstor
to confine his attention to certain specified parts
of it. For instance, any little arrangement by
which the State of New Jersey could be knock
ed completely out of the Universe, would be a
blessing and a boon. A kindness of this sort
would be appreciated by all mankind, and al
though the Jerseymen themselves would un
doubtedly object to this, as they do to ail Oth
er measures for the public welfare, the comet
would of course fulfill his contract and do bis
duty nobly, without heeding their liberal op
position. The vacant space could be filled in
and peopled anew, or flooded with water and
used for a-quarantine ground.
Considering myself entitled to the the thanks
of the whole civilized world for this bcnveolcut
suggestion, I remain, while awaiting that de
served and distinguished honor.
NAPOLEON AND mr. LADIES.— An amusing
anecdote is told of Napoleon le (rrand and
the ladies who attended his first grand recep
tion ball at the Tuileries. The old nobility
had departed, and everything was uew. Tiie
invited guests were mostly military officers
and their wives. Some two thousand ladies
were present. When supper time came, they
of course took precedence of the gentlemen.
A question urose who had right to go first.
The great dining room hall was thrown open
admitt ng them, and the doors were then closed
and the officers of the palace found it impossi
ble to open them. The dispute among the
ladies grew warm. One lady said the right
was hers,as her husband was a great general :
but soon found that others maintained, on one
ground or the other, that their claims were
greater. Meanwhile the officers could not
get the doors open, and, iu consternation, one
of them hastened to the first consul, and asked
him how they should settle the question of
precedence. " O," says Bonaparte, " nothing
is easier ; tell them the eldest is to go first !"
The officers reported to the ladies the first
consul's decision, nud instantly they fell back !
This gave the officers anjopportunity to get the
doors open, when to their astonishment none
of the ladies were willing to go first. After
standing in that ridiculous position for a mo
ment they began to laugh heartily at their
own folly, and all marched into the dining
room without delay.
CASHMERE SHAWLS —Shawls were original
ly woven in the heart of Indiana, from the fine
silky wool of the Thibet goat ; and the most
precious of them still come from Cashmere.
The wool of which these arc mantfai tured
consists of two distinct sorts, cal'.edVool kenip
The wool is beautifully rich and soft to the
touch, aud is probably superior to the fines
lamb's wool. The kemp presents the appear
ance of a course, rough hair, such as is avoidt
cd by the manufacturer in all purchase of wool
deteriorating as it does the appearance of
even common fabrics by its inferiority and
harshness. The two wools are shorn from the
goat arc closely intermingled and present the
appearance of a coarse hairy w 00l of a very
low character, but a minute inspection shows
that a part of it is of a very fine quality. In
order to seperate this fine quality from the
course it is accessary to do so fibre by fibre,
and this has to be effected entirely by hand,
no machinery having as yet been employed
for the purpose. The process is both difficult
and tedious,one person not being able to seper
ate more than half an ounce in twelve hours. Af
ter the seperation of the qualities it. is desira
ble further to divide it, iu order to make a
warp yarn for fabrics like the shawls.
"IN FAVOR OF TIIE HOC,." —John Smith
was tried in Alabama for stealing a hog
worth one dollar and a half. The theft was
proved beyond the shadow of doubt. The ju
ry retired to an adjoining grove of trees to
uuike up their verdict, and were not long out
before they returned a verdict of " guilty of
hog stealing in fust degree." 1 lie Judge told
them the verdict was proper, except they had
omitted to assess the value of the property,
und that there was no degree to hog stealing
and to return again and cring in their verdict
in proper " form." Again they retired with
I cn, ink and paper, bnt rather non plus.-el
with regard to the " form." They pondered
long and deeply over what he meant I)}' form.
At the last old Turner, who had been a Jus
tiec of the Peace in Georgia, wrote the ver
dict and returned to the Court Horse. One
after another they filed it ; old Jiin handed
the verdict to the Clerk with anxious pompos
sity, and sat down. Judge of the laughter
when the Clerk read the following ; "Wc, the
jury, unanimously find the defendant, guilty
in the sum of one dollar and a half in favor of
the hog.
ANECDOTE. —We believe wc have "got hold
of' an originnl anecdote that was never prin
ted before. A student in one ot our state
colleges, was charged by the Faculty, with
having a barrel of ale deposited in his room—
contrary, of course, to rule and usage. He
received a summons to appear before the
President who sai J :
"Sir ; I am informed tbat you have a barrel
of ale iD your room."
" Yes, sir."
" Well, what explanation ran yon make."
" Why, the fact is, Sir my physician advis
ed me to try a little ale each day, a a tonic
and uot wishing to stop at the ration* places
where the beverage is retailed, I concluded to
have & barrel iu my room
" Indeed. And b v yon derived any bene
fit from the use of it ?"
" Ab, yes Sir. Whet the barrel was ffrrfc
taken to my room, two cjays sicca, I could
scarcely lift ft. Now f can carry it with the
greitebt tare "
The following extract from a letter a in Cai
' cutta paper, narrating the particulars of eu
-1 counties between British and Persian forces
gives a good idea of charge of cavalry j—
*' Wheu Forbes who had commanded tbia
regiment, gave the order to charge he and hi*
i adjutant, young Moore, placed themselves iu
frout of the Gth troop, which was the one di
-1 rectly opposite the nearest face of the square.
' The other Moore, Malcolnisons and J-petia
i came the last thing behind, riding knee to kn©*
with spurs iu their horses' flanks, as if racing
ufter a .stag. In the rear of theui rushed the
dark troopers of the 3d, to avenge the
death of poor Mulct at Bushire. In spite of
: steel, fire and bullets, they tore down the neur
-1 est face of the devoted square. As they ap
j proached, Forbes was shot through the thigh
und Spen's horse was wounded but unheeding
, they swept onward. Daunted by the flash and
i the fire and the uoiseand crocking of the mus
| ketry tlie younger Moore's horse swerved &a
' they came up. Dropping his sword from hU
j hand and letting it haug by the knot at his
wrist, lie caught up the reins iu both hands,
screwed his horse's head straight, and then
coolly, as riding at a feuce, leaped him at the
| square. If therefore, any man can be said to
j have been first, the younger Moore is that man.
i Of course the horse fell stone dead upon tbo
j bayonets ; so did his brotbers's ridden with
| equal courage and determination. The elder
Moore —IS stone in weight, and fl feet S or
| thereabouts in height—cut his whay out on
foot. Muicomsou took one foot out of his
j stirrup wheu he saw his brother officer down
and unarmed, (for his sword had been brokeu
by the fall), and, holding on to that the young
er Moore escaped. The barrier ouce brokeu
and the entrance once made, through it poured
the avenging troopers. On and over every
thing they rode, till, getting cleared out, they
re-formed ou the other side, wheeled and swept
back—a second wave of ruin. Out of 60U
Persian soldiers of the Ist regular regimeot of
Furs, who composed that fated square ouly 20
escaped to tell the tale of its destruction."
The perusal of the above brought to our
mind an encounter of a similar character which
took place in Spaiu the day after the defeat of
the French at Salamanca. It is thus related
by Allison
"Such was the depression which prevailed
among the French cavalry, that they gave
way ou the first appearances of the allied
horse, .and left the infantry to their fate.—-
The foot soldiers, however, stood firm, and
formed with great readiness three squares on
the slope of the hill which they were ascend
ing, to resist the squadrons which soon camu
thundcriug upon them. The charge was made
by Rock's German and Ausous brigade of
English dragoons, and is remarkable as being
one of the few instances in the whole Revolu
tionary war, in which, on a fair field, aud
without being previously shaken by cannon,
infantry in squaie were broken by cavalry.—
The German horse first charged, on two faces
the nearest square, which was lowest down tho
hill. The French soldiers stood firm, and tho
front rank, kneeling, received the gallaut
horsemen with a rolling fire of the Pyramids ;
but a cloud of dust which proceeded the horse,
obscured their aim ; a siugle horse which dash
ed forward and fell upon the bayonets, formed
an opening ; at the entrauce thus accidentally
made the furious dragoous rushed, and in a
few seconds the whole square were sabred or
made prisoners. Encouraged by this success.
Rock's men next charged the second square,
which also received them with a rolling fire ;
but their courage was shaken by the fearfot
catastrophe they had just witnessed ; a few of
them broke from their ranks and fled ; and the
whole now wavering, the horsemen dashed in,
and the greater part of the buttalliou was euv
down or taken. Not content with these tri
umphs, the unwearied Germans prepared to
charge the third square, to which the fugitives
from the two others had now fled, and which
was at the top of the hill supported by some
horse which had come up to their assistance.
The French cavalry were speedily dispersed,
and the square, in like manner, broken by an
impetuous charge of this irresistible cavalry.—
In this glorious combat, the Germans had
above one hundred men killed and wouuded,
but nearly the whole of the enemy's infantry
consisting of three batt liions, were cut
down or made captives. The prisoners taken
were above twelve hundred. This action de
serves to be noticed in a particular manner, as
having been on the enemy's own admissiou. tho
ino.->t brilliant cavalry which occurred during
the war."
—, late Probate Judge in our neighboring
county, was waited upon one warm ufteruoou
by a buxom matron with a child in her arnw.
whose business was, she said, "of a Probatu
nature.'' Mr. K. being a polite man, intimated
his readiness to learn her wishes. "Now,"'
said she, hushing her baby and squaring her
self for a rcgnlur talk, "you see, Judge, ray
husband was a forehanded man, aud left a good
furrn well stocked, and just because 1 am a
lone woman in the world, his relations are go
ing to throw me out of all but ray third. Now,
lawyer told rae inc time ago, that.
if there was an heir he ron Id take it nil ami
I should be his guardian."' How long since
your husband died ?" asked the judge. 'About
thirteen mouths." was the reply. "And how
old is the child " Four weeks," was the an
swer "I am afraid this cast? is beyond my
jurisdiction," said the Judge, "you had better
go bnj-k to Squire —" But," said the
woman, '.if your Probate Court can't establish
an heir what is it good for ?"
—. *
IST What is iho difference let ween a Pu
seyite and a Baptist ? One uses caudles, and
the other dips.
SucoiifcG.—Smoking ft roeu>eDded to
yftaog JtentlscidD who vrht to tool: salloy, ag
kayfy, and uai&alihy.