OIE DDLLAR PER ANNUM, INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. TOAVANDA : fffinrsbau fllornitto, Hlnn 7, 1857. jltltdtb slottrir. [From the National Era.] THE MAY FLOWERS. The trailing arbutes or mayflower. grows abundantly in the vicinity of IMymonth. and was tlie first flower that greeted the Pilgrims after tneir fearful W inter. SAP Mayflower! watched by Winter stars, And nursed by Winter gales, With petals of the sleeted spars. And leaves of frozen sails ! What had she in those dreary hours, Within her iee-rimined bay, In commou with the wild wood flowers, The first sweet smiles of May ? Yet, "God be praised !'' the Pilgrim said, Who saw the blossoms peer Above the brown leaves, dry and dead, " Behold our Mayflower here!" ■" God wills it : here onr rest shall be, Onr years of wandering o'er, For us the Mayflower of the Sea Shall spread her sails no more.'' Oh ! sacred flower of faith and hope 1 As sweetly now as then Ye bloom on many a birchen slope, In many a pine-dark glen. Behind the sea-wall's rugged length. Unchanged, your leaves unfold, Like love behind the manly streugth Of the brave hearts of old. So live the fathers in their sons, Their sturdy faith be ours, And ours the love that overruns Its Roekv strength with flowers. The Pilgrim's Wild and wintry day, Its shadow round us draws ; The Mayflower of his stormy bay. Our Freedom's struggling cause. But warmer sons ere long shall bring To life the frozen sod ; And, through dead leaves of hope, shall spring Afresh the flowers of God! J. G. W. § dutch Cab. HOMELY HANDS: OR, JUDGING FROM APPEARANCES. " You'll get to Mac's soonest by taking a •crosscut through Esq. Kendall's lane that runs close by that great red house ; who's sick over there V '• Mr. McLeod himself, the stage-driver told rue ; X thought he lived on this street, and therefore did not ask his'direction." " 1 guess Mac ain't any sicker than liquor 'll make any," said the good natured country man of whom I had asked my direction. " I'd advise you, young man, not to waste much physic on him, you'll get nothing but curses from him, do what you may." This dampened somewhat the ardor with which I had come thus far. It was my first patient, and there I had been "located" in the village of Alton for two months in all the verdant inexperience of hope, in all the unnp predated importance of my hard earned diplo ma. I had thought nnseif prepared for tins. 1 knew that in all probability, I should have to solace myself with " hope deferred," until I had acquired the prestige of age ; but as the long summer days wore by, 1 could not repress impatient yearnings to enter upon those duties for which J had so laboriously prepared my self. If the patients who sent so far for Dr. I)e 15ray, were only H little less patient, and would send for me, would not I have liked to cure them ! I was giad of any opening how ever uncompromising ; so I turned up the de signated lane, rather slowly, however. I felt some interest in Esq. Kendall's house, and no ticed with pleasure the taste displayed around it ; the vines and flowers so well cared for be take a refined and cultivated mind. I was very fond of flowers and cultivated somechoice varieties about my oflice. I had pleuty of time for it. I had heard of Cora Kendall, the beauty of tiic whole region. I had my dreams too, of clasping some fair, white hand—looking into some sweet truthful eyes, and askiugsomedear girl to share my lot when it had become bright er. Perhaps it might be Cora ; at any rate I wished to see her. Suddenly 1 became almost traii.-fixed with surprise and delight. A young girl—beautiful as an angel, I reverently thought—stood iu ft little porch almost over hanging that green lane, gazing at the summer sunset, ller face seemed inspired. The part ed lips, the uplifted eyes, every feature seem ed radiant with enthusiasm. I was close to her—the velvet turf gave forth no sound ; but ju>t then a twig cracked under my horse's foot, ami she started—looked down—and I caught gazing at her in such a trance, had recourse to McLeod's direction. The question seemed simple enough ; but she stammered and became to painfully red and confused, that pitying her embarrassment, I involuntarily averted my eyes ; they fell upon her hand, which rested •iu the white trellis of the porch ; and such a hand ! large, coarse and red ; my eyes could not believe themselves ; but traveled up the sleeve of stout gingham to see if that hand was really an appendage to the face 1 had re cently almost worshipped. She was still stam mering out the direction—l was still gazing at her hand, in .a sort of bewilderment ; when two other little hands fell upon it, like flakes uf light, and their owner, looking over the fclioulder of the first oue, greeted me with a graceful self possession, and gave the direction m a few words, adding some witty remark, des criptive of the man, which set us all laughing, ami relieved the aw ku ardness of the interview, tor which I felt very grateful. "Dear Sis," she said, " was such a timid •ittlc thing, and saw me near her that she nc ver would have collected her senses enough to 'ell me anything." " Dear Sis " looked dowu "... i'Mculy withdrew her baud, which those THE BRADFORD REPORTER. lily white fiugers were caressing. The other seemed to take no notice of this, but put back her curls with her liberated fiugers, and I turn ed with regret from her fascinating face, be sides whose vivacity the first seemed tame and cold ; for the suuset glory had faded from it as compietely as from the dim forest toward which I now turned, deeply pondering whether I had seen Cora Kendall, it could not be the last speaker, for, reared in that couutry place, where would she acquire those bewitching mau ners, or the taste displayed in the arrange ment of those clustering curls aud that snowy dress thin and delicate as a mist floating about her ? How could a farmer's daughter wear white at all, in the kitchen or dairy where she must assist ? for I knew the Kendalls kept no servants. " Impossible, she must be some la dy from the city, rusticating, some wealthy relative from the highest walks of society, and far above my thoughts." 1 coucluded with a sigh, which, however did not release said thoughts. Perhaps the first oue I had seen was Cora. If she possessed such a soul as seemed to look forth when I saw her watch ing the suuset, I was not surprised that she had led captive so many hearts. Yet there would be no propriety in saying to her, " Lay thy sweet hands in mine and trust to me." I was sure I never could love her, not that I had decided on employing that particular form when I should have occasion to make so mo mentous a request. I tried to convince my self that it was not because I prized mere physical delicacy and regularity above the in dwelling beautiful soul ; but to my shame I failed here, how else could 1 account for my repugnance. So absorbed was I with this knotty ques tion, that I scarcely noticed a stout boy with his yoke of oxen dragging a tree with all its branches, dowu the precipitous road before me, till I felt myself dashed upon a rock con siderably below the forest path, here broken by ledges ; for my horse having just realized that a tree top was moving along the road without any visible cause, was startled into a sudden shy, which took me completely by sur prise. " I'll not be such a coward to think I'm killed," said Ito myself. I had thought so in the first moment of agony. " Hallo, there, are you hurt ?" said the boy, coming up with much concern in his counte nance. " X'o, not much," and I made an effort to spring up, but everything turned dark, and faded from my sense. When I became conscious, the neighbors had gathered around, and were placing me on a litter. "We must take him to the nearest house," said one. " Jenkins' house is the near est ; but then Jeukins' wife is sick," said au other. " We'd better take him up to my house by nil odds, it's a'most as nigh, and au easier road." " I believe I am considerably hurt," I inter posed ; " can't 1 go to Mr. Kendall's ?" " Why, yes, that's just what I was saying," resumed the last speaker, " you'll better come uj) by all means, we've got plenty of women folks to nurse aud tend ye, and you'll need it one while, if that's where yon fell," he added with a glance at the rough rock. I scarcely noticed at the time what followed, but remem ber afterwards how, when I was carried into the house, the fair lady in white screamed and grew so faint that she had to leave the room ; how the old farmer looked fondly ufter her, and said, " Cora can't do nothing she's so ten der-hearted, call Susan how that Susan ap peared and turned very pale, but after a mo ment busied herself in washing and binding up a wound on my head which had covered my face with blood ; and how, while everybody commiserated me, and asked me how I felt, she alone was cold and silent, till I began to think she did not consider me much hurt, tho' I wished her valuable mother would follow' her valuable example ; for the pain I suffered took away all disposition to answer questions. One of my limbs was broken, but the surgeon who hoi been sent for did not reach Alton till the next day. Some weeks after my accident, we were all assembled in the parlor, which indeed, I had not left since first brought there—" I think your work very beautiful," I said to Cora, who was embroidering with worsteds, and whose fair hands I had long been watching with a sort of idle pleasure, as they moved about their graceful task, and thinking how much I should like to clasp—to kiss one of those beautiful dimpled hands. " You do this so skillfully, that I thir.k you must have employed yourself often in this way before." " Yes, I have embroidered considerably, 1 aui very fond of it," said the young lady. " Then I hoje you will sometime give me the pleasure of seeing the former triumphs of your needle." " Oh, certainly, since you arc so kind as to take an interest in my poor efforts, you shall see them now," she replied with a ready, yet modest acquiescence, which contrasted favor ably with the manner of those yo'ung ladies who have to be entreated by the hour for a sketch or song of which they are secretly vain all the time. " Susan, dear," she continued, " you know where they are, you have beeu revolutionizing our chamber so that 1 never could find them if I were to try." " I put them in you? dravter, said Susan, without raising her eyes. " Ah, but—it is far. and you are nearest the stairs, so be my little page this once,' said Cora, sportively, with such sweet entreaty in her eyes, that i longed to be her page. Ter hajis it had some influence on Susan, for she laid down her work good hmnoredly, and brought the embroideries. " And now show us yours, Susan," I said when these had been sufficiently admired ; " have you not executed some ot this needle painting ?" " I have none," she said. " You surprise me, I don't sec how yon can resist the temptation of doing some of this beautiful work, when yon sec the leaves and blowout? growing uuJer your sister"u finger,-." PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT TOWANDA, BRADFORD COUNTY, PA., BY E. O'MEARA GOODRICH. " RECARDLESS OF DENUNCIATION FROM ANY QUARTER." " Indeed, I should like it, but I never find time." " I should think yon did try once ; it al most makes me die with laughing, now, to think what a piece of work you made of it," cried Cora. " That was hardly a fair trial," replied her sister coloring, " since I used stocking yarn in stead of worsted ; for you remember Cora, that you were afraid you should not have worsted enough to finish your flower piece, if I wasted any ; yet my best efforts would ne ver compare with Cora's," she added, turning to me, " for I have not the talent for such things, which she has." " I think Susau's talents, seem to distinguish themselves more in her present line of occupa tion than any other ; I must confess I don't know what dear papa would do for clothes without her ; for such coarse work makes my fingers bleed, if ever 1 try to do it." 1 wondered within myself if Kature was a thoroughly democratic institution—if she had not made some patricians. How naturally the manners &ud occupations of a lady seemed to belong to this elegant creature ; while her sis ter did not seek to go beyond the homely ne cessities of life. Very useful this latter class, but not so agreeable or ornamental. The silence was broken by Susan, who said, as she glanced from the window, " That is a tine carriage for this place." " Uli, it must be the new merchant, Mr. De Bent," cried Cora, with animatiOu, springing from her chair to the window, the large easy cbuir rocking back heavily against my helpless foot ; Susan hastened to draw it away before it rocked back again, while tears started in her eyes at the groan of juiu which I could not repress. "Oh ! how cruel that was Of j me ! how careless !" cried Coru, " how cau I j ever forgive myself !" Aud the sweet girl j took both my hands, impulsively, between her's, as if she would thus take upon herself the pain she had unintentionally caused. Good, kind hearted Susau, I did not need your tears. I felt more than repaid by the momentary pang, by the earliest pressure of those fair huuds. The kitchen, where the cooking and dairy work of the farm house was done, was built at right angles with the room where 1 lay ; aud it thus happened, the windows of both rooms being open one sultry morning, that I became the unwilling listener to a dialogue, which gave me some new ideas with regard to the two young girls of whom I had already seen so much and as I uow found, kuew to little. " 1 wish, Cora, dear, you would go in and sit by Dr. Jeuuc, you can take your book right ulong ; I want to finish up these dishes before mother comes in, for she ought not to do so much hard work this wurin weather." " 1 indeed !" answered the other, who must have been Cora,though her voice seemed to lack its usual sweetness, " do you expect me to go in there with this ragged dress, and my hair all iu strings ? 1 expect you will ask me to wash up the greasy dishes next !" " .No, Cora, 1 am too proud of your pretty hands myself, to be williug you should spoil j them so, and 1 don't want you to go, either. | I did not think of your' dishabille,' I will leave the dishes." " Let him lie alone awhile, it won't hurt him, sulky aud cross as he is sometimes." " O Cora, how cau you say so ? lie is ne ver cross, and if his spirits are low sometimes, it is not strange that an active, energetic young man, as 1 think he is naturally, should find it hard to lie helpless whole weeks and months." My face glowed with shame ; I had been impatient, but it was towards her who uow generously defended me—never, O, reverend and queenly Cora, to thee. But a light step had entered my room, and I met the bine eyes still tender with the compassion which had ani mated her last words. " I shall want nothing before noon, my kind little nurse, except a glass of fresh water, you have brought. Perhaps I can sleep, I did not rest much last night." As I spoke 1 could not help thinking how pretty she looked with her smooth brown hair and gingham dress, contrasted with the figure which her sister's words had described: " A little household goddess she, That witehetli all tor good," I tliGHght, as 1 heard her all through the morning hours, tripping about her work, aud singing blithely, the persect embodiment of cheerful industry. I began to hate a dim idea that nature had made something superior to the patrician order; after all C'ora did not occupy so prominent a place as usual, in my day-dreams. " So you and Cora want some new dresses?" said Mr. Kendall to h s daughter, one eTening; as he laid down his paper and took her fondly on his knee. " Why, father, do you think we look shabby ?" " No, I shouldn't know the difference if you were dressed in tow cloth, as your grandmother used to be ; but Cora says she can't go to church again, till she has a uew dress ; so I suppose you can't either—what will they cost, and what will niy tiiisy wear ? scarlet, greeu or yellow ?" " All at a time, if yon like them, father.— But I have seen some delicate blue bareges at De Font's, which I think would be pretty for us ; such a dress would cost four dollars ; if you can spare the money, I should really like to have one." " Well, that won't break me ; there's four for each of you ; 1 waut my ehildreu to have clothes lit to go to church," he added mischie vously, as his daughter lettthe room. "She's a good girl, quite as good as Cora, though, as her mother says, she'll never make uo show." " It is quite natural," I answered, " that a mother should be proud of Cora's rare beauty aud accomplishments, but tSnsau is quite as lovely, though she does not know it ; and I eertaiuly never saw a temper so sweet and even under all circumstances, as her's." " Well, I'm glad you've found it out," said the farmer heartily, " for tt seems to me as if nobody knew how good, nor how handsome neither—though that ar'sa small matter—Su san is, while everybody praises Cora." I'or :everu! dfys after that, I oaw the sis- ters employed on a delicate bltle material, which I thought must have cost more than the sum Busan had mentioned. She still sat up and worked after the family had retired on Saturday night. " I will take my work iuto another room now, so that you may sleep," she said. " No, sit here ; Ido not sleep half the night, from being so idle through the day. and I should like your company. I anticipate the pleasure of seeing you come out in that beautiful dress to-morrow ; I am sure it will become you." " Oh, no, I have no new dress, this is my sister's," she said, with a shade passing over her face. "Why, 1 thought you both had dresses like this 1" " There was not money enough to get two dresses of this kind, and Cora, who has more taste than I, says light blue is only becoming to very fair blondes, and I was afraid the dress I wanted would not suit my appearauce, so I concluded not to get one." " Why, dear girl, what are you but a blonde? If your cheeks are more rosy, and your hair darker than your sister's, it does not make you any less fair or beautiful." '' O, there you are wrong," the said earnest ly, yet blushing as she spoke, "everybody knows that Cora is much handsomer, and that is another reason why she ought to have this dress though I can have none, for everybody will look at her while no one notices how I am dressed." " Then I cannot agree with everybody, thou naivest of reasoners." Hours flew by : the great kitchen clock struck eleven. "I'm afraid, Susie, your eyes will be dim in the morning. I would let Cora set up to finish her own dress, another time." " That she would have done, but she cannot gage and set on the robe, which is what I am doing now." " Then she is not so skilled at ueedle-work as you t" " She 1* more skilled than I, only she has never tried—l menu she has uever learned do this particular thing. One cannot be expect ed to do anything well, without practice you kuow, and I have hiid plenty of that, for I have gaged her dresses and mother's for sev eral years ; it would be ilupardouuble if I should not excel her, when she iias only tried a few times." " And failed ?" " Partiality so, her work was net quite right; it could uot be expected till she leah'ed how, you know." " She has an elegant defender, yet there was no excuse for you, no encouragement iu yfur first attempt at embroidery !" I ventured iu a low tone. A momentary change of her trans parent countenance showed how keenly she had felt her sister's slighting manner on that occasion ; but she replied with a dignity which I never could have expected from her— "lf she is sometimes inconsiderate, person like Cora can well afford to have some faults." " I entreat your forgiveness ; so noble an answer shames me ; pray forget my idle words it is the first time, Susan." " Then let it be the last my friend." she said smiling kindly again, as she folded away the completed dress. As I watched day after day, the dispositions i of these two fair sisters, acted out iu the ten thousand minutia which make up human bap piuess or misery, I began to long for the love of that noble, self-forgetting heart, whose con stant object was to make every hour and every moment pass pleasantly to those around. But she, as 1 grew to ueed less of her care, grad-1 ually withdrew herself more and more, from the room where I lay, sendiug her mother, who could talk of nothing but Cora, to set by me, while she took her place in the kitcheu.— If she was ever left aloue with me she would go and bring some one in, immediately, with a plausible excuse, noticed ouly by the sadly keen sense of jealousy ; all the while*she was kind to me with a quiet Sisterly kindness. Iluving no ehauce by uctive exertion to divert or sbake off my unhappy thoughts they preyed upon me until I grew actually sick—sick with a malftdy fdr which my books prescribed no cure. " Whv, Doctor, ybu'fre worse this mofuing ; your couutenauce looks very bad, I'm concern ed about you," suid my hostess, as she was pessing through the parlor one morning. "It is the effect of a severe headache and sleepless night, which has awakened your concern ; I tkiuk it will soon pass off," 1 said, while throb bing pain increased, aud 1 asked my exacting heart why Susan, who was quietly arranging the room, had not noticed how ill I was. But her mother said, "Su.-an, why don't you mag netize his beud '( You always ease my head ache, and put tne to sleep." "I will try," she answered as she laid her duster in the closet, and came forward. "I did not kuow that you possessed the mesmeric power !" "I do not claim to," was the answer. "I stipposc it is the chafing which eases pain. They say oue must close his eyes if he wishes to be put to sleep," she added in a tone which was neither cold uor kind, as she seuted herself Ou the edge of the couch. Why would she not bear a mo ment the eyes that worshipped her ? I longed to close down the crushing lids upon my agon ized thoughts, also ; but slowly they changed uuder that kind touch. 1 felt—l could not deuy that it was earnestly kind, no mere me chanical manipulation. And then it was such a novelty that she should touch mc at all, I could uot remember that she had ever done it before, eveu to shake hands ; I forgot the pain euttrely. " He's fast asleep, Susan, you needn't work any longer, I want you to help me fix my hair," I heard Cora say as she came iuto the room. "O hush, wait a little while, I want he should sleep soundly first ; don't you see how ill he looks ?" "Well if you wou'tdo it, mother will,' said Cora, shuttiug the door uot very geutly, while my good angel patiently strove to charm away my pain, and I dared uot let her kuow that I was awake, after what I had so malap propriately heard. Soon she cautiously dts ; continued her chafing, and rose to go, theu restiug her arm on the pillow beyond my head, | she bent over and pressed her fresh, young cheek fondly upou my forehead ; another mo meut she had left me, but never, dear heart of love, has that hnppiuess left me, couferred by that mute caress. Even uow I seem to feel again thejoy that flooded my whole being thrilling tomy finger ends ; my thoughts re hearsed, anduever wearied of rehearsing the miuutest circumstance, even the cool touch of her braidedhair, damp from the morning bath. My blissful reveries gradually lost themselves in refreshing sleep, and when I awoke Cora came to sit beside me. Cora was un excellent read er, aud a sweet and accomplished singer, and many weary hours had been shortened by her kindness, though I had lately come to feel that it was the cruel kindness, of a coquette, constantly seeking the triumph of winning what she would not trouble herself to wear ; and now as she combed my hair, and rolled it into curls with "her fiugers small aud fair," 1 felt as j if that soft touch lacked something. I seemed to see the cold deceit iu those blue eyes, I could j not admire the glossy, golden curls that swept i my pillow ; while she read Lalluh Rookh, I listeued for the homely, Monday sounds of rubbing, pouudiug and rinsiDg clothes, from the kitchen, where I knew a dear, true heart directed willing hands. I had no proof that Susan loved me ; her compassionate nature would have dictated all the kindness I had received but she had pitied —she did not despise me ; and this certainty with the sweet consciousness of returning health raised my spirits to their usual level of youth aud hope. A few days after this—what shall I call it ? —reversing of iuy life, Mr. Kendall came home from the village, with the news that Miss Denyah had returned and would re open her school for young ladies on the first of iSeptem- i her. " Oli ! I should delight to go to school there again," cried Cora with enthusiasm ; "Shall I go, dear papa ?" " Why, I was tbiuking," he said, "as you have been much already, and Susan never has had a chance at schooling, since she was a little girl, she ought to go now, and you take her place, and help your mother." " La, suz ! Cora couldn't do anything to help tue, she aiu't strong enough. It would make her sick, to take hold of the heft of the work," said Mrs. Kendall. "Then we must hire a girl ; for Susan shall go to school, that's fixed—if she wants to ; hey Susey ?" "I do want to very much father and the gratified look which lighted her sweet, earnest face, showed, more than words, the interest she felt. But her mother was not satisfied. " If Susan was a rich man's daughter, and goitig into company all her life, it might be worth while ; but as 'tis it does seem waste of time to be hunting up stones and weeds, and learning hard names for them ; besides, if Su san learns all the highflown things Miss l)en yali teaches, she wouldu't be a bit different.— You'd never know by her ways she knew any thing more than common folks." 9 " But education is a great thing, wife we that never had much can't judge about it." " I know," she replied, "folks arc thought more on for being educated, and I'd be glad Susan should have her way, if 'twarn't for the work. Now Cora could be spared just as well as not, she has a natural turn that way, too." " As for the work," answered Mr. K., "you shall have pleiity of help, so Susy, see that you are all ready to go by September." Mrs. K , evidently had her own thoughts with regard to help, but she did not express them, and the subject seemed settled. " Well, Susan, I should think you meant to do up the family sewing for at leaft teu years to come," said Cora, one sultry day, about three weeks after the conversation above re corded, as she leaned back in her rocking chair, and surveyed the pile of shirts her sister was cutting out. "Papa won't want any shirk? till next summer, if he does then—and the piles of towels, sheets and pillow slips—Susan," added the lively girl, suddenly interrupting herself, "a thought has struck me. Are you going to perpetrate matrimony, and housekeep ing immediately ?" " Not exactly," was the laughing answer; "but I make these things because I've nothing else to do now." " Why, then I'd treat myself to a little leis ure ; what's become of your penchant fc'r her mit walks? You havu't beeu to the pine woods for near a month." " It's too warm to-duy, I should be melted before I reached them." Nevertheless, the work stopped, while she cast one long Took at the cool depths and shad ows of that magnificicnt forest, which i had watched yearningly through many a sultry noon. " Well, yon might read the last Harper ; that story of Lettice Arnold that interested you so much, is concluded. T should like to take it over to Lou Ilerriek, after tea." " Nefer mind me. I don't care about reading this number ; she will have time to tinish it be fore I shall want it." And thus it was for weeks. Susan redoub led her usual industry, hardly allowing herself time to eat. I began tt>' feel professionally anx ious about her health, as early and late she plied the Swift ueedle, or flitted about her household task, often with playful force driving her industrious mother from the kitchen ; but her eyes grew brighter, her rose cheeks fresher and her step more elastic than ever. Ah ! there was a power which I had not taken into my estimate of the forces of nature—enthu siasm, which none could expect uudcr the calm demeanor ; the pleasure with which she looked forward to the opportunity for study aud im provement, made heavy labor light to her. It seemed as if the utmost hope of her life was about to be realized, aud she thought nothing too hard to do for those who might sufl\r in convenience from her approaching absence. " I saw Bccman to-day," said Mr. Kendall at tea, "and he says he'll have a gang of bauds here to cover my new baru by the 29th. 1 told him I couldn't have the frame exposed to the weather any longer ; wheu that's done, I i want the Ksst barn shingled over, and other VOL. XV II. —NO. 48. little jobs 'tended to, so we shall hare the car penters here a'most all the full." Mrs. Kendall sighed heardy ; she was not strong, apd moreover, had a special headache that day. Susau looked at her with tender concern. " If Susan wasn't going away 'twould be | different, but I don't see how I can possibly get along and the work for them." " Why, Susan ain't the only person in the world that can wash dishes and cook." I'd get you a girl before they come. Miss Iler rick says we can hire Mittv Diogwcll, that helped while she was sick. I'll go and bespeuk her to-morrow. " Mittv Ding web, indeed ; I wouldn't have ! her round the house tor her weight in gold. I ! don't see how Miss Derrick could put up with ' her dirty ways. Why, I saw her with uiy own eyes washing the caudle-sticks with the dish es." Thus with unwonted energy spake Mrs. K.; who was a pink, I had almost said "thorn," of neatness in her domestic affairs. "1 made np my inind when Irish Norah was here, that I never would have another hired girl in my house, nor I won't, so long as J can put one foot before the other. I can drag through the work some way or other," she added with a weary sigh. " That you shall not, mother ; 111 stay at. home," cried Susan, who had several times opened her mouth to speak, during the last few moments. " No, you needn't Susan, I wouldn't have yon give up your school when you have been reckoning so much on it, though I don't know as hard work is anything to be reckoned ou." "That's nothing mother, I shall be happier at home, after ail, perhaps, you know I never was away, and I might get very homesick, and wretched, staying away uiuoug strangers four months." " Let your mother do the work alone if she will have it so, you needn't stay at home, said Mr. Kendall moved beyond his wont. "Dear father, I'd rather stay," she answered in a low, constrained tone, with her hand up ou the door, through which she immediately passed—could none of them guess why ? " I wish you warn't so particular, wife, it's a pity Susan has to give up everything she likes " " I don't think Susan cares very much about going to school, she has said very little about it," remarked Cora, indifferently. " You heard her say she'd rather stay said the mother. And so the sacrifice was accepted, without a word of thanks, without the slightest appre ciation of the generous deception which con cealed her bitter disappointment. Thus end ed her weeks of hopeful, nnnoticcd toil! Dear girl ! how my heart yearned to follow her, to tell her how noble and disinterested, how an gel kind she was. I watched impatiently, fur her re-appcarauce in the morning. How could they help noticing through her assumed cheerfulness, the shadow in her eyes, and the tone to her voice, which told so touchingly of secret tears. She had sacrificed not only her pleasure or ease, but her mind—the opportuni ty of mental development—to serve those she loved. Were they worthy of it ?" Did they deserve that such wealth of devotion should be poured out for them, the unappreciative, who seemed wholly unconscious that they had received any favor, who returned for her rich love not even a caress. She and her father sal in the front room with me, and I had been saying that I wus so nearly recovered that I should soon cease tot tax the hospitality and kindness for which I never could feel sufficiently grateful ; and he had replied in his kind hearty way, that they should be really lonesome, it would stem like missing one of the family to have me gone, yet he was heartily glad that I was "picking up" so well. Susan leaned lower over her work and was silent. " What d ) you say, Susy ? ain't yon glod the Doctor is so near well said her father, turning suddenly. She seemd startled, made | an eil'ort to speak, but burst into tears, and i hurried from the room. i "It seems like she was sorry you ever got weli," he said, but his honest face beiied his jesting words, as he looked anxiously after his child, and then with earnest, almost stern scru tiny, searched my conutenance, to sec what ef fect her emotion had upon me. It was an opportunity," and I told him all, and aaked permission to woo his daughter.— When 1 should be able to provide a home for for. " I'm glad you like her. I'm heartily glad on't," he said, "there's nobody I'd rather have for a son-in law ; I made up my mind about you, Dr. Jeuue, long enough before I knew who you was. Last spring, when I was team in' on it down to town, I used to pas 3 through the village midulin'early, and when I always raw you at work afore sunrise, (though you was only raisin' useless posies) I said to myself that you was a right smart, industrious chap, and bound to make a livin' ; that's why I warn't afraid to trust Susy to you, though she's a young thing, not eighteen till Christmas.— You spoke about waiti..' ; but business comes slow to a young doctor, and if you set so much by her, it'll be lonesome waitin,' and lonesome for her too, poor girl ! for I reckou she loves you already." " Indeed, I begin to hope so but I cannot nsk her to leave a happy home, while I have none at all to offer her." "We'll talk about that." he answered.— "While you're single, yon have to pay your 1 board and pay pretty highly too, as prices are going. You pay office r nt", keep your horse at the livery stable, and hire all your washing, making and mending done. Now if you had a little place just big enough to pasture your horse, and may be a cow, and house with your office in one ci' the front rooms, you'd find it would not take so much momy for two,.as it docs now for one. " Hut., dear friend, you forget I havn't the little place ; would to Heaven I had " " I was going to say if you hadn't, stopped mo-, that if you liked the plan, I'd give tuaao