Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, April 23, 1857, Image 3
sa-L3is!a2> 3 In Nichols. V. A'., mi the 15th inst., by Rev. David Shep anl. AARON OHL'BBCCK. Esq., of Orwell, to Miss JULIA SMITH, of the former place. On the '2d inst., SAJfUEL DRIF.FUSS, of Towanda, to Miss MARY WOLF, of Danville. At Jersey City, on the 15tli inst.. by Dev. David 11. Mac Curdy, GEORGE 11. AA'ELLES, ol Wyalusing, to Miss LAURA A. SLOAT, of Piermont. In Franklin, on the 'ihth nit., bv Burr Ridgwav, Esq., Mr GiI.BERT SMITH, of Lcßoy, to Miss CHARLOTTE COLE, of Erauklin. In Dnrell. March 25th, by Rev. A. Sutherland, Mr.BEN'J. c. MINGOS. of Towanda, to Miss LOA'ICY A. TREM BLE of Durell. New York fit Erie R. R., Waverly Station. C'onimen.'ing Monday, April G, 1 s.i7. Trains will leave AYAVERLY at about the following hours : GOING WKST. GOING EAST. Dunkirk A Buff Exp 4 58 P.M New York Express. 1 48 P.M Mail. No. 1 7 54 P.M Night Express 11 55 P.M Mail, N0.2 7 53 A.M Cincinnati Exp. . . .5 55 A.M Nirht Express 3 43 A.M Mail. N0.2 52A.:.T" Emigrant 3 40 P.M Mail, No. 4 3 05 P.M Freight. No. 1... .12 20 P.M Stock Express 145 A.M Freight. X 0.3 0 2"> A.M Freight, N0.2 2 20 P.M Freight. N0.5 0 05 A.M Freight, No. 4 6 25 P.M XCUJ 'kVimcrtiscin-ute. IS] SPRING TRADE! [.">7. GREAT ATTRACTIONS AT M.E.SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, IN ME IN'PR'S BLOCK. YJMIE propriet-ar of t'ti- e\tc:i-i\( I!" nly Made Clothing A e-t.ibli-hme:it. would respectfully inform his friends and the pulilie generally, t i :t he is n w opening the in i-t extensive and liei li.ul assarfnient of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOT HI NO, ever ottered in t iii.- market, wlii h w,U he sold for C ASH cheaper than can be found in N"n tfp-rii Pennsylvania. - Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or any |>ortion thereof, well made ol -iib-tanti it miteri il— Coat. Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat. Collars, and in fact eve rything i i the line, will do well t > all. lie is eoniident hi ran sjti-fy all in prior and quality. N*. B.—Cash paid forfjheeo pelf - wool. April It. W,7. I >OUTS A; SHOKS.— A gno'i nssorfnitwit at SOLOMON'S CL THING STORE. April 14. 1357. Sowanda Female Seminary. THE SPRING TERM of this School, un der the oharge of the Ml--es HANSON, wiil eftnt misnee on MtiNDAY. MAA 4. Atr:t 24. is. P?cw Weekly. The PiiilnMpliia Wpukly TRJIPS. PUBLISHED AT PHII.ADEf.PHI A. devoted t . Re- i i publi- in Pi aioiiile-, Now-, Literature, Art- and S. i ence. The proprii' ir- re|eetfi:lly annotiuee that ihiy have mailt* the ueees- iry arrangemoiit- t*i eotninom e the puhlit aiiou of a weeiCy paper with the above title. TKSSMS : Single copy, per annum $2 nq Two copies. " r? 00 Five copies, '• 7 Oil Ten copies, " I*2 o„ Twenty copies, per annum, to one address,.. *2o ou Any larger number at the rate of SI per annum, sent t • one a. Id re*. Any person -ending us a Club of twenty or mrtre will be entitled to an eitra copy. Payment in advance is re quired in all i '.-#s. The tir-t number will lie i-saed on SATURDAY, MAY While this paper will conservative i i it- tendeneietr. ' m il independent in its discussious, it Will I— heariilv in , syntiathy with the great political rcfoVin- propu-otl by : the N ltioual Republican in ivement o. I • i'l*iia?rt s- j : .a- of slavery a- a political power, and the *ll >rt- mak- j mg t * give it a national endor-euient a-a part of tlie * a- . -t tntional law of the Union, will lie firmly re-i tod. while j :t will maintain, in all their integrity, tin right- of ovi: > portion of our common country- The p- •!i. yof the Free i States must be self protection, not aggre—i *n. and it will -j be the aim to carry this out in a frate, .ml spirit. The TIMES will contain a large ain > ut of •iriglital. odi t trial, and miscellaneous matter, ecru qnmdenre, ,vc.. | * trebilly arranged, with expres- refen a eta making it ! a •> o'-.lxr and interesting. FA MiLY NLAVSP.M'ER. fin* price of the TIMES i. gso low will p<, rait it to If* prt in the hands of every family in the cntuuiuuity. Send in your snbscripti ui- at ail early day and secure j one of the be t papers published in the State of lYnn-yi j vania. Persons desiring the Morning Times ran have the I - tine mailed to them regularly. Term—ss per aniiMc. ' tx XDVANCE. Address •• Philadelnhia M trning Times, Offioe No_ 21-. < lie-tnut street. Philadelphia. ."V He Goes Bss AND NEW ARRANGEMENT. / COLLINS A" I'OWKLL :trc now rrceiving ' a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH ING. which they are -tiling ex lu-ivt !v FOR CASH. :I j i they think a buil in hand i- worth two in the bush. Their I -t • k • -on-i-t.- of B i-ine- . Bl.e k Cb'th. Fan y ('.is.-iinere Tweed, Kent icky Jean. White Duck. Linen, Marscilcs. i antl Brown Linen ('-OATS ol ail kinds and qualities.—- i:. ick Cas-imere, Fancy Cas-iim-re. Brown l. : :.t*u. AVI, it l.gien . *h! Kcutia k> J.*an I'ANTS : Silk. Satin and Mat seiles \ EsTs t all kind ; Black and Fancy Cravat-: '■• its] I! • c. shirts, Co''s, s ispciitlers, 11 its n ud t. ~ •! i t ryiiiiug hi the line of Men"- \n ir. 1 iieir -t t*k 1 ' t!i and C.tsriiicTe-ni-- tin- rj is.-ed. and are -elli . . cheap. AYe are-till ready to make up all kinds of G \R ML.NTS to order tm -hurt lrtGce. and wjrninted HI T-vi ry particular : all ' i wiii h we aie Ixiuiid t*i -eJi h wer tlr.n , w.t- ever offered in this maiket for Ca-h. Cutting done a- usual. COLLIN'S Jk POAVELL. I IW nnl i. April lfi, 1 -57. j r-, AM3ROTYP£S, MEI.AINOTYPES AND ATYPHCGRAPH3. \> Or Pictures <n Gltiss, Iron 4" -/'< t cr. il\ A! * 0, - fI \ Meet rollers, or Iloised Pictures, ! I \ Taker at Cr. FT. Weed's Gal e: y, J — J PAITON'S UI.fiCK, TOAV.VNBA. Particular attention given t • copying. Pictures Wkcn in cloudy as w< 11 a- • it *r weather. Hie qualify "of my pirture- i too well known to need ; c* ,:n- nt. r .11 aiid aee lor yot r-seivs-. R Km- open t all h ns. All w.,rk warranted. Towanda. April 14, i-57. THE TROY HOUSE, K. W. IJIGONV, I'HGVRUTi'H, nW'lN't been repaired and rs-furiiiHaJ. the ppqir'tv tor as.-urea.the public that uopaiutwill be .spared t ■ ; tle-erve the patron a tre of tie public. Ti*ty, Bradford.Co., April 3,1857. WSSWisSa I *fij\ At tlie solicitations of many singer- in diflcrcih j *3 of tlieyonntiy. Mr. O. Bin KI'.U it ts • i*-:t*r- • Vov"* mined t*> hold a Mi'Sh'Al. OONA'KNTfON three days d .ration, to <*ommen.t e OIJ I i'ErSDAA'. APRIL 21st, at 10 o'clot k. I'. M. in the ( it House. To wmdi, to close there on AVt due-day, the 22t1. with a ( ou •• it : to 1* continued on THUU-SDAA, the 23d. in I'at- i ri k'- Hull, Athens, to end the - imc evening with at: fh- ! *r Concert. Stages, or. it eireumstnif es permit. Beits 'v .! lie in readiness to take singers t • Athens and back. *.t i xceedinglv cheap rate-. Hooks t'< lie used—THE XKAV YORK GLEE AND CHORUS BOOK and SUA AVAL r-'i.TW not In p i-se-sjon of tin* Shawm and not wishing \t buy, ean be Btms-bed-by Mr. Berker wr the ttme of t'u- I OJIVI 'itie.'i. Believing that the *xen ires, enrisi-ting Lit---, t.'hoi ises, Hvi ,a-. ( h.i;it. and. by particular re '.'ic-t. in his made ol singing by Hats uul sharps, will vt* F"th ngceeahle ami instrm tin* to singei -. Mr. H..cKFit hone- to see all part- of the County well reprc -<*!itet| n— them that he will do all in his power to ' • ti* (''invention a plea -ant one. Binger* are m|net- II prepare pieces for the Concert. No special invita- | ''"n- given. Convention and Concert free to singers. ''l'Jiml Voral k liistrinui iiiitl Concerts I Mli RKCK Kit, lire Avell known Voculist, j Violinist, A'ioloneellist and general Musician, lm lc r.-*r t * announce, that as-isted by a large company i " Sin rers. In-truinental performers. and Mr. DlTTßlcn j '•*'• TOWANDA BRASS BAND he willgiveGßAND j ' '' CRRTS in Towanda, at the Court Hou-c, <>n AYED :> \ A EA'E, April 22d. and in Patrick's Hall, Athens, | a 'ill l:>li.\Y the 23d. Among many other beautiful pic- . ; tele!,rated II illelujah ("horns by Handel will be \ - ;n4 a new Gallopade performetl by tlie Band, and I K '"' d by Mr. D.TTIIICII expressly f"t* the ocra-iou. '■'t! .uhni-sion. 25 cents ; Re.-erved seats 374 ets. | -Ag i d,li* to arrangement, Kerry Boats, distingui bed j iw W| '' 'arry irassengers on 'Wednesday eve at rc ||s Agent- wanted in all parts of the County to sell tick ' " ! r the Concerts. A lil*rnl deduction tnade. Change of Programme. a BECKER respectfully announces that he has -t*d the order of arrangements for his Musical Con p ''it-, a-follows : Commence at ATHENS, TUESDAA I *:i-t., at 10, a.M., end with Concert, WEDNESDAY E toitig. 22,1. Commence at TOWANDA, THURSDAY, * * I'- M . . 'id FRIDAY evening, with a GRAND •>( £cga!. OUR IX I). RARTLKTT rv. .]AS, t'Oll KINS. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County. December term, 1856, No. 443. And now to wit, February 14, 1857, on motion of Mr Mertur, the Court grant a rule upon the defendant to'uo pear and plead in this case by the first day of May term next, or judgment will be entered in favor of said plaintiff lor the land described in said writ. And the C m t further order that a copy of said rule, together with a de-cripiion u: said premise.-, which is na follows, to wit : A . i i t.iii, lot. piece or parcel of laudsituate in the township of North lowaud i. in -aid county,containing seventy live u rcs or thereabouts, botttdetl as follows: Beginning at a Norway pine corner, thence ahmg the line of AVilli.uu W. Ea.-ta brot h - land, south one hundred and forty-live and e. half U to :i post and stones, the south west corner t f -aitl ba-tabroiik a lot: tiitnce by lands of Edward Patterson's p. Moatos, west firty-six arid two-tenths rods to n corner : thence by lands of C. 1,. AVard north live deptees we.-t twenty reds, north twenty-two de-n , - w,-t mm teen rods, north sixty-live degrees west nineteen reds north three degrees west twenty rods, north de grees west thirty and nine-tenth rods, north twent v-tive degree- west tourttcn rods, north fourteen and half tie giees ea-t forty-one rods V. a post on the line of Marvin Russell - lot thence by laud ot sid Russell and Eno- Bui ley east eighty -even ar.d a half rods to the place of be ginning—shall be published sixty days before the return day of said rule in the Bradford Reporter. BR.vnroitn Cotrsrv, ss._i hereby certify that the for.- I'- S *J g'-oug is a true t op* of record. T) , '." AI.LKN M'KF.AN, Prothonotary. I'rothonotary sOfßc*. Feb. 23. 1-57. ] N 1 Bfc SA LI LR! i>j 1 7 /,. (ary assign , <J P.rXU iiotccmh 1,1 tri -t to /,*. IperfiSthe broff'i „f ht nrrrHtm-*. In the Court -i C.,mm ui I'k-as oi Lra.ob-rd bounty of FebniarvTeiiii 1 -50, No. 415. 1 U?,'" h( '?' U - v -ive" that if. R. Mver, the assi mce ! llis exhibited his aeconnt, which has i-Ven bv i I' I 'a o' 9nii <lu 'b l 'l'-'d, and the same will i s allowed I and finally confirmed on or after tlie second Afondav of next term, unless suliicient ean-elie shown to the rotifra- I , ALLEN" 51 KEAN, Prothunotarv. i It wanda, April 7.1-57. i F KIIING —£ en !cil ji|'o|iorhls will Lc re ; JJ a ivt-d by the C'Mi.inissiont i - of I'.r; dl >rd C.mnt v, at tb, tr ollh tswn f wiuitla, on A\ LDNESD AY. the 2'ith day ot April, until 2. I'. M.. ft r the erection and cnniph ! tiou til a I*iltl*. PRt )ciF BUILD!N'G, in the borough of ToW.iiit.a. l'lau-utiil .-peei.'ications nniv lie seen tit the I Dili* e, ou and alter the loth iu.-t. Fr 'po-.iK will- be re ! ,4 -'* oJ ln ' ni !-' coatract'r to furuidi all the mate rial-, t.-r all except the iron. G. H. BULL Attest, E. B. CooLn.u-Gii. Clerk. P. H. BUCK, • „ . . . . . Commissioners ( • ■m:nw- • tuer .- OjH*ie, T*>waiitla, April 4. 1-57. V O lIC .. —Tlie following; persOH-S have pe- J. ~ titioiied to the Court for License under the present exo-ung* laws ui reterence ttavern iicen-es, ,v: AA llliam (IJISOII t I KEEP a t.Aera in Ul-tcr t ivviisliip. Abraham Smell to keep a tavern in Burlington hoi-.. John Diukersou t > keep ji. tavern in Warren township. Lorenzo D. B iwmati t . keep a tavern in T w iit.i.i twp. Ephraim AA . Bigony to keep a tavern in Trov bor >. Leauder O. lit kok to keejt a tavern in Troy bare. 1* ram*i.- P 'iter to keep a tavern in Rome towm-hip. Daniel cleverly jr to keep a tavern in Overton twp. John l). Ward to keep a tavern in Troy twp. , lDram AA . R >ot to keep a tavt.yu in S oiogtielif twp. J4 ' ph O. Pine t" keep at ivt'fi, in li d : t- ; v two. Valeb B. Stvcazey to keep a tavern in T .watid.i horo'. (Biarle.- l). I rent h to keep a tavern in Hidgbery twp. S. E. AA .ishburn to keep a tavern in l 'l-ter twp. J tines Nestor to keep a tavern in Towanda horn. Andrew E. S . ddiug to keep a tavern in C niton twp. S Che-tcy .M ver to ket pa tavern in Canton twp. N.iliian lilmsted to keep rt tavern ill Ul-tcr twp. 11. M. Southwell to keep a tavern hi Franklin t\vj. Darius Myers t i keep a tavern ia Ulster. Jann Ctic.3t-- to keep a tavt nt in Rome township. Ji'ob R el 11 keep a tavern in Atlien- township. K. AA'u tdburn to keep a tavern in Windham town -hio. Ktlo-l I ivlof t keop a tiivern in Monroe boro. L. AA. to keep a tavern in Athens boro. Orrin M <ttre to Keep a tavern in Stiesbeqiiin. At • ■•- l.i "arr er to keep a tavern in Tow and i b n*o. Thomas R. DuvLs to ka t ivern in Athens boro. J. I'. Ruseell aud Norton Jaqnes to keep a tavern in, AA'yal .-i,lg. fb Iter ,t c.i n,-11 t , -elf splritbn'4 air,l vinous liqumS i- n:t vefiaiii dqnier- in RiJn'.eiy township. AA'iH am M'Tgau to keen tfiif'atiilg hou-e, Ac. in Trov boitnioh. A. H. ( ,t-e t i sol', -piritotis ami viupus liquors as a mta - chant dealer ia Troy borough. * VvWhm AY: It man (•> sell .-pjrftous and vinousiiq'uorsas a mer n tol dealer iu Uvcrtou tow nship. A lie iring upon these anplicati ai w ill 1* hat! Nt M..v .-t-csion., next, and liet-iises granted unless sulScient cause be 4a wf. to the contrary. April 6, 1657. ALLEN M'KKAN.CIerk. I > KG I ST Kirs NOTICES-- Notice is here- II by given'that there have been filed aud -ettlcd in the olii i* e! the Rt • ■ -Icr of AA'jtl-, in and for tile e unitv of Bradford, arcomit of administration upon the follow ing estates, viz:— Final account of Ralph Gregory, administrator of De borah Gregory, kite of I'ike, dee'd. I'arti- ! account o I.ucv and D.ivhl St t'tle, administra tor- . li. hard Stu'.'e. lute of Bane, d-v'd. .t com t of J iseph A uridvke, administrator of Th Miles, Late of Canton. dee d. Final aeconnt of A. AY. and C.ith rhie Ayres, cxreutor- OfJolin A. .Vvres. late o AA'eHs, de.-'d. Partial accohnt of Kliim C •-■. and A. D. Spalding, ml miui-trators of John oil AA'dl'mru* 2d. late of Trt v. tlee'd. 1' iitial account of L. P. Sialford and John P." Brown, admin frators of Hiram Brown, late of AA'yal using ds- d. S.ipplementiiry acci'itnt of (ionlt.ii AYib-'ox and Robert Sill m. executors of Thus. Wiic* v. late of Athens, dee'd. Final account of B irtnn. Joseph and 1.. S, Kingsbt iv, | t'Xt :t r of Jo-etdi KingsAiery. l ite ill Sh • heqi'in.dee'd. i laa! :i' i oaiit of 111. li. Braut. administrator of M:tr | ' a- l.yuett. late i,f Warren, ti. c d. 1 *tal a- oititl of E. I{. A'a: hit a !C. A'auii-rwort, ex- In' ibs.s .Sin .'1 latk , lite oi f ai-tira. tlet'tl. I datc.ot of B i-coitt Taylor, ( at >r of John Tay | it r.-fa;-- ot Wyalusing, dee'd. •2d Partial . count of D,.:L 1 Strong, executor of John | ♦!■; ig. late of AA'ells, dee'd. at e i iiit R. C. Us .-ley, administrator of AVra. [ Chil ■ ui. late of \miihfieiil. tie 51 i I . 'e . ouut ol S. B. I.Htlirop. uiliuiiii-trat ir of Malvi : i.a A. ReaHs*. lirts* of C a.tint. decf. sed. Final a- .ut ot I'. K. M iyuai.l, udmini.-trator of Nn | than Maynarid. lute of !! lae, de "ti. I And tin; -anie will lie presented to the Orjdian'- Court | f Bradford, oil M unlay, the 4th divot Muv. for foiitirm | ati and nllav inee. " JAMES li. AVEBB, j Towanda. Apil 1. I 57. Rcgi-jer. pllOC'LAMATION.—WlitTiittf, tire Ilott. 1 1) AA'iD AA'l 1 Aft >T, PRE-ident .1 dgeef th'r !2th Jn- J.t ial Iti -1 :;t.i lii-it'atg oi .the G'.Uilt ies t>t lb. ll'ortl and S.;s piebiii us. ai d fRn-ni.!'- A un \ Cite; ns. in: 1 JI.UIN I. i-v..;. A-sociatt* J. dges. in and ;*r - hi unity of Br. dea d have i mod their precept- .rig date the 271 1 . day -0 l eu. A.D. 1 -56. t ' lae il-1 eti .1, "1 li:•!.i ■ i:g a i' rt ot Oyer and Termine.r. General (Ja.ittei s. -i.-a- i-f the l*i-: e, i.'miinoti I'D a-and Orp: an'o remit, i'ov,.u:- 'la. fot trie County of Bradford, on the hr-t Ahuulnv. the 44h diy ot MAY next, to continue thrc week- . N the i- therefore hereby , hereto the C Tuiipr-" and h. t. c of tl i 1 Vt,. e red Gonat ies. oi the County ot Rr.d. d t!i t tliey hi ;!| .; AiJ Ihere to tWlr proper per'- sa i.ttt Li h*k u tin ia-.!o I viitl day. with their re-- rd-. iS t ii itP'nu.and the r n lembriiin e - to do those tiling-which to theii -Si- t: ay,,ei t . .ta t" be done ; and tht*.- vvif i ar- bo "n T i.v pwotutHrifi: e or otid-rA i eto pro se •••ilu i/ti. t the piisuiei-r.Tio are or may tie iii the jail 0 - :\il L'oiitity. er who shall be bound to iqqtear at the said aeirt. are to lie then r.ud then M pio-e ute against tin in !, il be jii-t. Jur us are requeued to be pniietual 1 i tlirir attendtuee... inwahly t" VWir notice. I' -ti ii at T-'ivanua,. the 2th of March iu the year of our laud, one thou and eight hundred mid titty -even, and of the independence ot the United States, the eighty lir-t. JOHN" A. (.'DDI>I N'G. Siieritf. "VTQTICE TO COLLECTOiIS Yf.u are i hereby i.utli rized to deduct five per cent.freni the State tax of every individual who -hall pay his or her State atid Coimtv tux iti full, on or before the 2bth day of June next, and the -ante shall be allowed y.n in your -rt tii-iiii nt with the Treasurer, provided the same is paid by von into the County Treasury on orbeforfe the 23d and *24 th days vf June ia"\t. By order of tlie Ouiuniksloners, K. 15. COOLBAL'UU. Clerk. Uorntnissiotler's Ofhee. M irch 31. 4857. LOST?. IOST. near the residence of the subscriber iu Utii.ui tp. j Tioga County. Pennsylvania, on or about the lOtli of January last, a L AND AA'AKRANT, No. 42,3'a7, drawn to my-r lf" tor 160 acres, under the act of 3d of March, 1 5 55, for -ei vi. es in the war ol ]sl2. Said warrant was assign ed by tne in blank. All persons are cautioned against purchasing -aid warrant, as it is my intention to apply to the Pension for a duplicate of the same. F, binary 21. 1*57. JKWKTT SPENCER. A G-reat Bargain for Some One. nPIIK subscriber having purchased, repaired, J.. and fitted up in order for business, the Grist Mill formerly owned By 11. M. Peek, now ofiexa it for sale, as he desires to remove West. Sai.l mill is made to run with steam or water, is located iu the centre of a thickly populated fanning country, and is believed to be one of the best locations in the country. It has in it three run of stone, two bolts, hulling stone, smutter, and all the necessary fixtures for a custom mill. C tunc, ted with it are twenty-five ai res of laud, some ten at res of which in timbered, suitable for wood. The rest is for pasturing. There is also mi the premise* a mill house, a wagon shop, and two buildings formerly occupied by merchants. Tin- terms will be made easy for the purchaser—say one fourth down, and for the balance time will 1* given. AVYLLY3 BROAVNSON. East tamithfiiild, Jan. 16, 1857. : "OUR E CiDER VI >EG A R - A good arti- I. clc at < FOX'F , Ecgal. CIIKRIFF'S SALE.—Hv virtue of sundry kJ writs of vend. exponas, issued out of the Cottrt of Common 1 ,eas of Bradford Count v. ami to me directed V l )ubiio sul< ' ,l " MONDAY, the 4th dav ot MAi , A. P., fs.)7, nt 1 o'clock, P. M.. at the Court How*, in tup borough of Towanda. the following describ ed lot, piece or parcel of land, situate in Ali>auv two. bounded north by land „f M. 11. Codding, east I y'lun.l of iV re podding. <y L. Hatch, and west l.y } a :,<| of • 11-iu q. Containing G.J acres, more or los, about lour acres improved, and a small (rained house there 01. tseizod at.d taken in execution at the suit of F. \. Wit eox A Co. vs. Calvin Hatch. The undivided one-half of the following dc scr.l ed Iyt. piece or parcel ofland situate io Monroe two., bounded on the north on the north by land ot <). s, hra der. on the east by lands of J. Ingham and (J. F. Mason on tne -.nith by G. F. Mason, and ou the west by John Schradcr. Containing 120 acres, more or less, about 2.i acres improved, one framed house, uue log house. framed barn an Iruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of A. M. War ner, to the use. of Da /el Itartlelt, vs. Charles 11. llrown. administrate rot William Piper, deceased. ALSO -1 he following deseri! Ed lot, piece or pared of land situate in Smilhlield twp., bounded north by lands ot 8. li. l iolcoinh. east hy lands of David Brown. south by unseated lands, and west by lands of C. M inn. Con tain iag 4 ' acres, more or less, about 40 acres improved, - teamed i.ui ding, 1 framed barn, and other out, two apple orchards, and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. B. AYil liebn vs. .1. <. Peterson :i!uPP!lWt<Mi O. Fivm It. ALSO—TV follow in g dtsneriM lot, piece or parcel of land situate in AYifmot fwp.. bounded mirth bv funds of AS .1 ogham and Mary A Ingham, his wife, east, south ami west, by lands of Alary Ann Lanning. Containing 1 .'ftcrew, mere or less, about 5(1 acres improved, a log on; e, a log burn. nd a few fruit trees thereon. Sensed and taken in execution at the suit of Charles F. A\ cues vs. ('lnitios Hinderer. ALSO— LLo following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Standing Stone aid Wyahising townships b .crwlcd north bv lands of William <'• riffis and Charles s piircs, ea-t by lands of I. Middaugh. south bv the Sus qi.-hnnna river, and west by lands of E. W. Baird. Cmi t.titling about 130 acres, more or less, about 3b at res im proved, with a framed-honse, a framed barn, two small shoe shops, and a lew fruit trees thereon. (seized and taken in execution at the suit of X. Qver fli hi. now to the use of John D. Squires vs. Idoyd I. AA ashhuru. Al-o, 1 1 tlie suit of.). 11. Madill, executor of A. Madill, deceased vs. L. L. AVashhnrn. ALSO —The following desrjihed lot. piece or pan-el or | land situate in V ilmot t iwnßnip, bounded as fellows to wit: Commencing nt the public highway, at a stone heap, thence running north by the road, t:t° east, and 0- per., thence by the same 7>.]° east, thence 3? perches to a stone corner, thence south, running 155 perches to a stone or stake, thence west by land of C. F. Welles. !)7 i per. to a stone corner, thence north 1-0 per. to the place | <o beginning, t outuiuing-4 acres and 112 perches, more i or less, about 40 acres in:proved, one framed house, one trained barn, trained shed, one saw mill, and a lew fruit trees thereon. Fc zed and t ikeu in execution at the suit of Moses Ei lenburger, to the use of I'. F. Eileuburger, vs. Philip Ilott man. ALSO—The following lot, piece or parcel ofland situ- i ate in Asylum tvp.. hounded on the north by lands lie- : 1 uiging to the oslate ot 1. ingiiam, and P. liertron, east ! hy nind ul ,1. M. Gamble, south by J. 11. *Si 15. Stal ord's ' hind, and on the we.-t by lands belonging to tin- estate of i 1. Ingham, deceased, and I-.. llortoii. t'outainiog noont ' IG2 acres, more or less, about no acres improved. Seized ami taken in execution at tlie suit ol Moutanves A Co. vs. Gideon Kiteh. ALSO— Tiie foil iwing lot, piece or parcel ofland situ- I ate iii cant m twp.. bounded on the north hvC. ('. Wright east and south by lands off. Rtoekwell and .1. M. Peck, i and on the west by lb and <'. Williams. < 'ontaininguhout 56 acres, more or le-s. about 12 acres improved, one log I house and one log shed there on. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of (Dudley A C"lw< li vs. Henry llaight. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of j land situate in Canton twp.. hounded north b\ lands of Irad AA ii- >a. east by the highway leading from Troy to Canton, south hvlind-of Nicholas Evi-rhart, and west by land- ot Irad AA ilsmi. Containing about $ 'if an acre, lit) tlie same more or less, ail improved, with a framed house, a trained I urn and some fruit trees thereon. S.-i/i-d and taken in execution at the -suit of IraCrofnt's administrators, to the use of .Al. L. AA oo.ster Vs. Asel Hlakeman. AliFf>— The following 1 >t. piere or parcel of land,situ- j ate in AVilniot twp., hounded on tlie north bv lands of AA'. Thompson, on the east hy lauds of .1. P. Hut m, on the' south by lands of S. Butler, and on the west by l.uid- of tne plain till". (S Jiillhouse). Containing SI acres, more i or h---. aliout 4n acres improved, one framed house, one • framed Intra, one saw mill and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. A LF() -One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in AA ilmot twp.. bounded on tlie north by J. P Horton 4" Hir.iin Horton. east and south by lands ot C. F. Welles, j and west hy lands of J. L. Jones. Containing 'JOOacres, more or !e—. about 50 acres improved, four plank or framed houses 2 log houses, and some fruit trees. S. i/i-d and taken in execution at the suit of Samuel ! Ilillii v-. llciiry Gay lad aud Baton Edwards. A LSI i The following described lot, piece in- parcel of ■ land in Rblgburv twp., bounded north by Unit- of j K. C. w!d, eu-t by F. lyilres, sO'fh bv lai d; of S. H.-vu. and wc-t by lauds of A. D. Smith. Containing 50 i acn more ir le-->, about 15 acres improved, with a fram- ! ed house,frame.! barn and .-lied, an apple orchard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and l .ikt n iii execution at the suit of C. F. AA'il s n vs. Miles Squires. ALSO —The following lot. piece or parcel ofland situ- j ate in Asylum twp.. bounded as follows, to wit t Begin- j uing at a post, the northwest corner of G. 1! liter's lot. thence moth 11! per. to a hemlock, the north corner j of the tract thence t i-t 60 per. to a hemlock corner bv | the Holh-nh.u k road, tlieuce along the same south Li 0 .! cast 112 |.i r. to a Lei ch. northeast corner of (I. Cotter's ! lot, thence along his north line, west ss per.. 11 the be- j ginning. Containing 51 acres ami 54 per., more or less. I and ising the land, conveyed by T. Harris, by deed dated I the 2<!th day of De-. 15.",:,, to AVilliatn Sullivan, recorded ! in Deed Book. No. 24, pages7s. Seized aad.l then in • xuriitirm at the suit of William ' Sullivan vs. Dertnis Cok ly. ALSO—The following described lot.piece or parcel of j laud situate in Franklin twp., bounded as follows, to witj J Beu'uiniug at a hemlo k. the north-west corner of a jot occupied by J.Cam i, and bought hy said Camp of J Heed, ruutiuig thence U ii th 31° eas-t 212 rods to an old birth c rnor. thence south 5" >° east 334 rials to a post, thence s iiilh 31 west 212 r ni-tp a post, theme mo th ssJ° west 34 rods to a po.-t, the east corner ot Hay thorn lot, them e north 31° oast IP:; rods to a post, thence tenth 5 -.l° v\e.-t to the State road, thence south westerly along said road to J. Camp's moth line, them e north .>4° west along said Camp's lim-. -AA p>.r.. t-> the place<d' beginning. Containing, (agreeable to G. F. Mason's survey for C. I Vine.) 332 aeivs. lie the same more or loss. The above de.znulicd lot being eomjosed ot lots No. 1 and 2, and frai tioiial parts of No-,. 7 and s, about 3 res improved, and 2 log h mses thereon. AL.Sc)—One other lot. pie u; or parcel of land situate in Fi.inkliu tu p., hounded a-follows, to wit : Beginning t L. !>. AVe-t's -oath east corner, touniug thence south 5I- Olt I'is rod-to an old in rde stamp, theme north 31i° east 152 r-als to a post, thence north ss(° west Ids rod-to i post. L. D. West's mulli®a j t corner, tlience south 31.1° we t 132 jier., tothe p!a-e orheginnlng. Con taining > 2 and 35-100 acre-, lie the same, more or less, it hi in .' the e i t part of lot \o. in. S /. 1 ind t ikett In iv :ution at the suit of Brown A. Ho kwell V-. Ceorge AA'alker. ALSO—The following deserilied lot. piece ov jiaree! of land situate in Hcriic.k twp., bounded lioith hy lands of Owen Dougheitv, east hy John M't'aua. south bv E. Sill, and west, by hmiis of C. Sill and A. E. Dupont. Contaiu ing DO acres, more or less, about 46 acres improved, one log h<m-e anil plank house, a framed barn, a framed corn house, and work house, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or panel of land -ituate in Derrick twp.. hounded north by lauds of J. Sill, east by Angle, south by J. f.nskcy, and west by lands of A. E*. Dup uit. Containing 121 acres, more or leas, about 50 a res improved, a fronted house, it framed bam and bed stead farton and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of M. J. Ma dill. executor of A. Madill. dee'd., vs. George Sill, Edwin Sill. Ilutier Sill and Joseph Sill. AL.S( I- The follow ing lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Home twp.. Bradford Co., bounded on the north by lands of I'eter Lavtnn. east l.y lands of John L. Cannon, south by lands of Moses Moody aiul west by lands belong ing to the e-tate of Daniel Keetfe. Containing about six ty-six acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres improv ed. one framed house, a trauied baru and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ,\l„SO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate I in Home towu-hip, bounded north ami east by lands he longing to the estate of Stephen Cr.inmcr. dee'd. south by the highway and west bv lands belonging to the es tate ot Stephen Crantner dee'd. Containing about eighty eight feet trout and 'u.e hundred and fifty feet deep, ail improved, one frame*] house and a few fruit tree thereon. ALSO—Due zither lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Home twp.. bounded north by the highway, east,south and west bv lands belonging to the estate of Stephen j Crainuer. dee'd. Containing about fifty feet front, by one ; hundred and fifty feet deep, all improved, one framed | store house, one framed horse barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Sltesheqnrn twp.. bounded north by lands of John Mur phy. east by ; lands of Ge'orgc Khmer, smith by lauds In posses- inn of Charles Chaffee and wost by lauds of Benja min Stephenson. Containing about 20 acree.iuore or less. Seized and taken in exeetition at the suit of Gilbert Prentiss t k Tutti- vs. S. F- Washburn.. Al-o ut the suit of George AA*. Tuttle vs S. F. Washburn and Hiram Frost, co-paituers, Ac. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Hidgbery two., bounded north by lands of John King-ley, eu-t by* lands of AYui. Stephens, south by lands of Aaron AA'. Bui uham and west by lauds of Robert Milter and Joel Peterson. Containing one hundred and fourteen aetes, more or less, about sixty-five acres improv ed, with a framed house, a framed barn and an apple or chard and other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of AYest & A'oorhis vs. Aaron O-trander. ALSO—.The following lot piece or pared of land ritu CrgdT. ate in Franklin twp., Founded on the north hv land* of Edward Overton, east by lands of John Knykeiidall.south by Daniel Cokuly and on the west t>y lauds of John Smith. Containing about 1 hundred and thirty-touraeres.inore or less, about forty acres improved, two framed houses, one framed barn, one saw mill and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. A. Park to the use of 11. ('. Porter vs. P. K. f'aliff. ALSO—The tollowin'f described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Smithtieid twp., bounded on the north by lands of Henry Quick, on the east by lands of John Wat kins, on the south by the public highway and on the west by lands ot Anthony Chillis. Containing nliout twenty ifiree acre-, about eighteen acre- improved, one framed hoiwe, one framed barn and a fe\y fruit trees tiiereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A Harris vs. Hillings l'teree. ALSO—AII that certain lot, piece or pan el of kind sit .ate in Smithtieid twp., bounded north by the high way. east by lands of It. \t. Randall, soutii aiul west'"in lands ot Augustus Phelps. Containing half an acre, more or less, ail improved, u framed lioiise and a board slird tiiereon. Seized and token in execution at the suit of Jonathan King vs. U.S. llolcomb. ALSO—I he following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Tincarorn twp. boundid north, "east and west by lands of Abia! Kinney, aotith by lands of H. W. 1 racy, containing one acre more or loss, ail improved, one trained house, one framed burn and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—'the following described lot piece or parcel of laud situate in Ttiscaroia twp. bounded north by lands of Charles Smith, east by lands of Abiai Kinney.'south l v the Meredith lands, west by lands contracted to George Campbell, containing ."io acres bo the same more or It is, about 25 acres improved one framed barn and a fi iv fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Dennis J. Owens vs. ( Nurse and Orrin linker. ALSO—The (lefeiulaut's interest in the following des cribed lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Canton twp., bounded on the north by fords of W.S. Baker and lands belonging to the estate of James Parsons, tleu'd, east hv lands of Solomon L. Oillct. south by lauds of Judson I Daun. J. M., ('. E. Kathbone. and Towanda street and west by Troy street, lands of Harding A Li e, .1. v.'. Turner, Mix A - Hooper. F. O. M inlv, (!. W. Griffin.Chas. Stock well, and the estate of John 0. Ross, deed, S.inmel ! Ow and Nathan Tuttle Containing about tweiitv-six acres, more or less, excepting from and out of the same : lot No. 1, (as laid down on a map of the above dc-i li'.-cd promises, dated October 1. K54) on the north side ot To- i wamla street owned by George Mead Also lot N'o. 2, j owned by I'. E. Ratliboiic. Also lot No. 3. owned by John ; j \V. Griffin. and No. 4 and 5, owned by Daniel Wiicojt, N'o. j i 'I owned by H Town-end and N'o. 7 by J. M. Lighton, No. j i H mined by Sarah A. Randall, No, 9 by.T. W.(iriltin. N'o.-. ' i 10, 12, 14 and 1 bv X. Tuttle, N'o. Is hv M. 11. Case and i E. W. Ci dwell. N'o. 11 by H. S. Elliott, K' >. l:i by Rev. I'. ! ' Camp, N'os. 15 anil 17 by J. Vandvke.jr.. N'o 10 by —— ! Cantield, No. 33 by Samuel Benedict, N'o. i!7 by J. It. ; ; Wright, No. ilt by F. It. Vandyke, N'o. so by Thomas Ho- I 1 gers, ilec'd, with six framed houses, one brick house, two ! irallied barns and out buildings and truit trees, Ac. I thereon. ( Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E. Goodrich vs. Henry Kingsbery. ALSO By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, all the fol- 1 I iwing de.-cribed lot. piece or pai'-ei of land situate in Herriok twp., beginning at a hemlock, south east comer of lot NO- 47. thence north 2.'!0 perches to a hemlock, j south east corner of lot N'o. 20, them e east 100 perches i to a hemlock, lor a corner of lot N'o. 22, thence south 220 i pen tie- to a hemlock, for a corner—northwest corner of lot N'o. 45, thence west 1(10 perches to the beginning. Containing 220 acres, strict measure, it being intended to include the whole of two lot-, N'os. 2- anil 2.1 ; about so acres impr. ved, a log house, two framed houses, one plank house, two framed barns, a framed bed-leul factory, a; framed corn house, a work shop, two jpple orchard- and : other fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the s.dt of Amelia K. ; I) ipont vs. John Bcidlcnuin, administrator of George Sill, deceased. ALSO All the following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in She.-heqniii township, bounded as fol lows, to wit: Beginning 12 and 2-10 per. east from a from a chestnut, southwest corner of a lot heretofore deed ed io said Johnson, thence east 145 per. to a post, thence soutii '.14 and 9- 1 i per. to a pic t, noi the.i-t corner of n lot run out to C. Wheeler, thence north to 0 west 120 and 5- 10 per. to a post, southeast corner of I. Johnson's hit, thence north 12° west 127 and 0-10 per. to tile liegimii ,g. Conraiuing Ol acres anil 40 perches, strict measure, be tin same umre or !essY2o acres improved, a log house, a log barn, and a few fiMTf trees. Seized and taken in execution atthe suit of Pierre Jo seph Del'aters and Jeanne Antoinette, his wile, vs. Win. John-on and ('. B. Rice, terre tenant. ALSO—That certain Church building, situate between the public square and I'ine street in the borough of lo wanda. Containing in front on said public square, for ty-tour feet, and ill depth sixty-four, and the walls of which, from the foundation to the top are about thirty- j live ieet high, besides a tower or steeple in the trout part of said building about seventy feet high above the sur face of the ground on the outside of said building, and J the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant to -aid building. Prized and taken in execution at the suit of John Ib-i --dleniau vs. The First Presbyterian Church and Congrega tion of Towanda and 11. A. Carev. JOHN" A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. I Towanda, March 29, 1557.j Ci" N-iticc i- hereby given that an amount equal to the costs, will be requited t • be paid upon each -ale when struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with tiii- regulation, the tract of land will again be otter ed for sale. JOHN A. ConniMi. I IST OF JURORS drawn for Miv Term J-J and Se-.-ions, lt-57. GRAND jrnoKs. Athens tp—Ewd Ovi-u.-hire.lßidg'oury—Samuel Tubb . 11. 11. Green, J S Woleott.l Miles K. S piires. Guy Smithtieid— Nelson Kee'er. Armenia —Nathan Slierman j Ebeuezer B. Titus. < 'anion —Tuoms Wi!lia;i:s.jshe.shei|uiu—Obadiah Guie. Eli-h i Bloom. (Towanda lio—A. J. Easter j l.'oliimbia -John II Killgore.j brooks, John Wi soa. Franklin J C Ridgway. Tiiscaivra—Che.-ter Wells, Lcro_\ Ezra Ilob -unb, Cyrus SUumw.iy. Litrhfielil—S McKinney. !We-t Burlington-- Joseph Orwell—Alonzo Potter. Hilton. Pike —Kimeon 'fay.or. jU'iudham—Jonathan Payne. Til v vjsnsi; ji koua -PII'.ST WKKK. Asylum—Jonatlialt Terry.jßidpf.i ry -S. S quires. \. D. tl'hiMlcs Thouipson. I Smith, Henry Peterson. It. Athens tp.a—tfiMi. Ti. Easter ! Miller. brooks, J.T. D. Myer, Da-iSoutli Creek—John Pitt, vid Gardner. A HchileuiniiiKniitkfifhl—T. H. Seward. Burlington—John Arthur.(Springfield—John Voorhis l>. M. Alexander. Istauding Stone—F. Is. Whit- Bnrlingbm Wp-t—C.Taylor. man. Canton—Lewis Wheat. W.Troy tp M. Smith, Joab C. Pierce.P. M'Clelland Kiuyon. S. G. ('ir,ison. Columliia--Andrew Jackson Towanda tp. -Wm. Di cker, Durell—lt. I.aportc. Geo. W. Miller Fox. Arnot, Madison Decker. ITowandabo.—ll Essenwinc. Franklin—K. F. Kairchild. Tuacftrora—Beta Cogswell. Leroy- Eve ett Wilcox, Al-! I l-ter- -John S. .Anthony,\V. trod Fellows. | MeCarty. Orwell Abel Darling. W.jWarren—David Brainard. W. Wiswell, Ja . O. Frost. Windham—Joseph Webster. Pike Isaac Lines, Travel- Wilmol—X. T. llortou, Pbi- B i-worth. Simeon Brink. lander White. O. ii. Caufield. Wysox—Geo. Granger. SECOND WKKK. Armenia- Ibdiert Mason. Rami Jason Chaffee. Asylum—John M. < i liable. Sniithlield— W. Brown,Jon;: Athens bo. A. O. Hart, than King. A tin 11. tp Robert Sitton. Shesheijuin -lieu hen Young. Burlington -C. R. Keouton.(standing Stone -A. Euni-. Burlington >o.- D. A. Ross. Springfield—T. B. Heard lee. Caut ui—John Mix. iTowanda bo.- J. P. Kirby, I. Columbia—Win. Smith, W. S. IV-t. Mnslier, A. B. Austin, (Towanda tp P. 11. Scovell. Dure'i -Daniel Holland. 'Towanda north. M. Bust- Frauklin—lra Varney. ! wick. Granville—ll. 11. Kiuyoa, G.i Troy tp.~ R Stiles,,!. Hunt. It. Vaiuiest. (Wells— L. Grinuell. Ja-. H. Orwell—Win. Smith. Minor Brink, Jas. J. Osgood, W. Taylor, Chas. N.Morey. j C. Killgore. Pike—S. li. Clark, L. Lewis.' Wyaluaing—S. Acklcy. TIIIHD WKKK. Asylum—Geo. 11. Morrow, j car Voting. AtUetis tp.—XL Wheelock A.isiicslu-quin—Wm. J. Del- Knell. j pencil. Athens ho.—!,. S. Keeler. (Smithtieid -11. Quick, liollis i Burlington—lra A. Weed, i Alien. Canton—James Ketchum. Springfield--W. Berry. Columliia -F. T. Cornell. |Standing St me—G. Brown, j l>iire!i-Wm. Cooihaugh, R.lTowandi bo- J. W. Wilcox, Bull, E. M. Bishop. • Jos. Kingsbery. Franklin—Nathan L. Dodge.(Troy tp J. O. Ward, John • Granville— M- C. Wilcox, L.j I'orter. Taylor. [Troy bo.—Win. Morgan. ! Hi-irii k—M. Blocum, E. B.| Warren—Uenrv Whitaker. Mint/. j Windham- W." Wlo-elhouse, j Itidgliery—-Jaa. Mitchell, M l llenj. Kuykcndall. Cove if. j Wysox—F. R. Myer. Harry : Rome—F. W. Maynard. OH-| Sti-ope, Wm. Goodrich. ' ( Wyalusing—R. Fuller. P'LECTION. —The stockholders of the To- i IJ wanda Bridge Company are hereby notified that an Election will tieholden on MON!)AY.tlie 4th day of MAN' next, at the office of Wm. C. ltogart. in the Borough of j Towanda, for die election of a President. Treasurer and ! Six Managers of said Company. M. C. MERCER, Towanda. March 30, 1x,7. Secretary. To the School Directors of Bradford Co. ("1 EN'TLEMEN' : In puretiauee of the 43d sci tiea of the ! T act of fitli May, l c st. you are lierebv notified to nu-i t in Convention, at tin-Court House, in the Borough of To wanda, on the FIRST MONDAY OF MAY, A. D. 1#57, being the fourth day of the month, at one o'clock in the j afternoon, and select, viva voce, by a majority of the | whole number of Directors present, one person of literary ( and scientific attainments, and of >kill and e\"erieni e in ; the art of Teaching, as COUNTY SUPERINTEXDKN f, | tor the three succeeding years ; determine the ammuit of j compensation tor the same, and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Ilarrisburg, as required by the | i'dth ond 40th sections of s ud act. E. GUY BR. Highland April I i-'-r County '•'iprriateadcu*. i Ccnal. A DMINI STRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1 JL is hereby given, that nil persons indebted to the es tate o! Champiin G. Blown, dec d lateofSmithfield, are re quested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims ag;;int said estate, imist pre-ent them duly autlientii ated for settlement, to the subscriber . ALLEN CALIFF. | Feb. 12.1*57. Administrator with will annexed. i LWFCUTOirS NOTlCE.—Notice is licrt : 1-d by given that letters testamentary nnmi tb<- e-tate jof Br.i> to;. l .vin dee'd., late of Franklin tp..l. ve been , granted to the subscrib- r. All persons Indebted to said estate are hereby re-punted to make immediate payment, and those having i laims upon said estate to present them dulv attested for settlement. FANNY MARI A BALDWIN, I RANK!.IN ANDREWS, lIURATIO W. HUGHS, Dee. 22, lx.'.d. Executors. ' 1/NKCUTOirs NOTICK. —AII pcr-ous iT> |ia oetdeil to tie i--tile of AN'TIH iN'Y AN Gf.K. de< "J., i lite of llerri- k t.-unship, art- hereby notified that p.iy- I ment nm-tlie ncide without delay, and all per.-on.- having i i.iims amtiii-t-aid e i.ite are requested to preseut them | duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN* NEK HI IT. _Mar. li 2.1857. Executor. ■\ I).M INISTRATOR'S NOTlCK.—Notice ' XI is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es ! t; t- of BENJAMIN BA BCOCK. late of Windliam towu ! ship, dee'd.. are requested to make payment without tle | lay: a-id all persons h tying -!ain: against said estate will ! |dease jiresent tle'-m duly anthi-Titi- iited for settlement. WM. D. A ANDREW J. B A BCOCK. Feb. 16. ! -"id. Atimini-tr.itor. | XpXECUTOR'S NUTtCE.—Notice is here^ lj by given, that all ner.socs indebted t-1 the estate of Mrs. ROXY BI RCH, deceased, late ot' Jp i\ROE t.-wu ship, are req .e.sted to izake payment without delay; t!i' -e liavingile inatnl-. again t said estate will preseut tbun tlulv authenticated for sertknient. Fib. 26. l-si;. CHARLES BITRCIT, Executor. A I>MIN ISTR A TOR'S N OTICE.—N.Mkie i- hoiehy K*VCU. t Jutt all pi r>ons indebted tu the t-s --tatc of iSil AKL I>lSH(>l*. (iOc'd., liitc of U town are cl to make pay men t without clcl.iy ; and all ]'i*roons having claim* said cst.ite, pre. cnt thorn duly aathenticatcd, t the subscriber. March 12, 1- 7. <;!<). I". BIfiHOI*, Vdmiuistral 1 A DMIN ISTR ATOR'S NOTK' E.- TA is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of DANIEL MILLER,, deceased, late of Albany twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said - date will present them duly autlieuli- c.ted for setiiemeut. RUSSELL MILLER, March 29. IS'.T. Adniiniatialor. j A DMIXISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i- bcrr'iy giv< u. that all per.s .a- indebted to tie estate of SKI.V GOBLE. dee'd, late of Litchfield town ship. are hereby notified to make payment without delay, and all persons having demands against said estate are re-quested to present thc-m ei-dv authenticated for s- ,tle lnei-t. SAML'EL DAVIDSON, March 27, 1557. AJlil'.ui tr .tor. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice a. A lieiei-y lieiei-y Liven, that all juisons indebted tu tilt es talc of !v:\i e Kh'iem iker, dcct-.ised, late of H iudliaiu tp. are hereby ,equi-te-i to make payment without delay: a- d nil pi . siiis having claims against said estate will ; present tLeuu du'v authenticated for sctilcuieiit. ELIJAH KHOEM VKEII. 2d. RICHARD ,s. SHOEMAKER, March 31,1557. Administrators. | \ DMIMSTRA i'RIX NOTlCE.— Notice | s 4 i, herei-y eieiii. that all persons indebted to the es- : t.itc of JOHN ON IN. late ot Athens twp., nee d, arc ! requested to make jiay,nent without delay; and all per son- having el -ims again-t sai-lestute. must present them dulv authentica'.i dl ir settleme:.t the subsci i: <r. ALMIRA ON*AN. March 2s. 15;.7. Adruinlstratrix. A UPITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mntt r<j the. evtute < J \liK n -? Jluynartl, tlce , d. In the* Or plriu-' ( ot itradf- rd County. Notice is hereby given, that tl"- Auditor appointed to ili-tribute money in the hands of the Admir i-trutar of thi e-t ile, evil! at lend to the duties of liis appointment at hi o'li o in the borough of T -w uula. on Thur-d..y. the !'th ot April, 1857. at 2 o'el-ak, P. M. All persons having claim upon said money must present thetn, or el-e lie forever debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, March 9. 1857. Auditor. \ UDITOR'S NOTICE.- -In the m itter of - A the i f Iltrluk Pratt, ufctaiti!. In tlie Or ph in-' Court of liradl'iiril County. Notice is hereby given, the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the hands of the Adniini-trator of tin alw-ve c-state. will attend T<> the duties ot his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Friday, the Kith day of April. !>.>". at 2 o'clock. P. M. All persons liaving claims upon said money inu.-t present them, or 1 cl c be fore ver debarred from the same. March 9,1857. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. 4 UDITOR'S NOTICE,— I* the natter of it the e<ttilr of Pan -om /'. Arlums, iltcrused. la the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is here'-y given. that the Auditor appointed upon i exceptions filed to the final account of the Administrator of this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment : at his ofli- r in the borough of Towanda. on Saturday . the l!th d.iyot April. 1557, at 2 o'clock. P. M.. of which all I persons i-oii- er ied will please take notice. March 9,1857. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. A I'DITOR'S NOTICE.— John Hans n : a! the u*e of IF. Uitirtl rs. tiollii IVileox. In Brad I 'oniiiion ideas, N' -. IHB. February term, 1854. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to dißtriiiutc fund- raised by the SHerifl'sale of de'endont.s jr-.1 i tate, u r.l attend t - tin- ,b,i of his appointment at I t in- office of Win. Klwrll. Esq.. in T"wanda i -iro' on S -tur i day the 11th day of April, A. 1). 1V.7, at one o'clock. P. ! M.. when and where all per cinaiutcrcstrdare requested to | to attend, or be forever debarred from any share of said ■ fund. H. B. M'KEAN, Auditor. Towanda. l'eb. 23. ls;sfi. ! 4 UDITOR'S NOTICE.— Tn the nr.tter > f j . V the eetcitr cf I'nork S. Fowler, dee'd. In the Or ! plians" Court of Bradford t'ountv. Notice is hereby given, tiiat the UTiilersigned. Auditor ; appointed by siid Court, ujion extoptions tiled to ti.r ae ! i-o.nit ol Win. Gursc-iine, Executor of tbo said e-tate, , -• ill attend t • the duties of hi- appointment, at the oiin u | of Wui. El well. E-i..o!i Tuesday, the 14 th day of April. ,1- 7 *t 2 o'clock P. M.. when and whore ;.l! •j-crsoiis can i alt- -id, i: t'-i v think proper. l'cii. 27, I*s:i. 11. B. M'KEAN, Auditor. HE.KIEF'S SAt.E.—Rv virtno of a writ j x ' of Tec art Facias issued out of the C--urt of Coin j :u-m pl-' to mc directed, 1 -hall expose to pii'olic ; at the ( 'irrt H-'iise, in the lior-eigh of Towanda. on Fri- I day the loth day of APRIL, 1557. at I oY'oek. P. Jl .the j ivllowing do licrß.cd lot piece or par- >•! of land situate in Albany twp., Im-iiitl ,1 as le-li.-ws : Be im-iiiga' a -i-o.e | heap in t'u* niid-lte of the south brr.n- h of tlie 'i'owinda | creek -ii- .r Klieffii id Wile.ix's,thence by iaml ot iienjaiuin i Wilcox north 574° w st 30tt perches t-> at-me heap cor ; ncr : tin nee by the Coal Company's land south 32° we t I 52 perches to a stone corner ; thence by the same s-nth • 59° ea.-t 3J3i perches to a stone corner in the middle of j the smith branch of the Towanda ere- k : then, >■ ab-ng tlie • enirc of .said - ink -.i perches to tile p!.' e of beginning, i Containing one bundri d acres, ni -re uric --.being pailaof ; two traits i f iaml in the warrantee name of Frederick i Cast itor and George Barnes. I Be ,:ed a- d taken ill execution nt tlie suit o( Joseph Me i nardi, administrator ot Minor R. Wilcox, vs. s-amuel ! dyke. AKo. bv virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo., at tlie suit of ! John Hanson vs. Samuel Vandyke, garnishee of Minor R. M i'cox, deceased. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. March 1(1.1857. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice IX i- hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of SUSAN McAFFEB, dee'd. late of Towanda twp. are hereby requested to make payment without >ie -1 iv; and nd persons having el.vlms against -aid--tab will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. March 14. 1V,7. JOSEPH UOMKT, Admiiiistr.itur. NOTICE.—Notice is licre -1 J by given that ull persons indebted to the e.-tate i-f JOHN FORD, deceased, late of Pike town-hip. mu.-t make iunnediate payment, anil all )ier-ous having de mands against sahl e-tatc, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. March 14. 1-57. STEHHEN RRINK. Fx.-.-utor. I O REDAN'S COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty, will l-e exposed to public sale on the rn-iiii-e-, on Katurdav. the 2d day of MAY next, at 2 o'clock, P. j M. Do- billowing preq erty— All the intere-t Owen Parr, deceased, had lie fore hi death, in the following lot, piece and parcel -f land in Herriek township, bounded as follow-: Beginning at a po-t and -t me- in tlie highway leading from Hiram Camp* to William Griffis ; thence ahuig tlie same north 21° ea.-t 31 re d- to a corner,a hemlock tree ; thence north (id rods to a post and stones ; thence we=t 7d rods to a ; beech tree for a corner; thence north ffii rod- tu a bi-ech corner ; theuce 6m rods to A post and stone : tliciv r south 7* roils ; thence east 50 rods to a hemlock ; tln-uce south 77 rods to a post and stones, and thence ea-t >1 rods to the place of lieginning. Containing Mo acres, more orle-s, . about 40 ai res improved, one framed house thereon erect ed, and about 50 apple trees growing tiiereon. And also one other piece of land situate on the west and adjoining the above described land, containing 14 acres, I contracted to said Owen Carr by William Miller. NANCY' CARR. Administratrix March ?*>. 1a57.l a 57. of Owen Carr. deceased. illiscc! anci3n3. farms for Sale in Wysoz. undersigned offers for sale TWO VALUABLE I M.'JIS id v \ s<j.\ lowushiii, Bradford County, one ; " r tlitia > oittallling !W'IH, all under Bond improve j men t. *it h tiro d Wit -houses,two huge barns,on bard*. ! Ac., km MI a* the " C'oimlins Coolbaugh Farm," late j Chester Pierce's. Tint other, adjoining the above, and lying opposite | Bowman's Eddy : containing 40 acres, all improved, with I dwelling-house, ore bard, .V<\. thereon. _ The above ate very de-iralle properties, hand-omely : situated on il e Wy-- \ > !:t-. 011 11 E ea-t side of the SIIM ip e! anna rive r. v. ithin a! out a mile of Towunda and v. LU :be soi lcu rea unable U-ima. EDWARD OVERTON, j SXtYUttA <i ROUND PLASTER.-—IOO j '■ / toils for sale by BAILEV A NLVI.VS. CiOVEI'. £ESU. 1 >OTII LARGE AND SMALL KINDS, SPRING WHEAT, and about 01 e hundred biu-lieU ■d POLAND OATS, a very superior kind, for sale at the : Y*''"dside farm, near Tuwanda. Mar t. M 7. K. W. HALE. lU'TIOV. —The co-nart>K?rdifnh'Te tofore existing between [. r. H ALL and f. S. RUS SELL. itsi ih r the firm ot HALL ft RUSSELL, is this dry tii-.-o vil by mutual < on-i iit. ike books and paper- of tao !ii;n may be found at the old -t iml, w here one of the partners may he always !• font I, and with whom settlv tuetii hi* tba.e imic-a. i uiu.l 'a; made immediately. It. c. HAI.L. Tow-and.t, Mar It 11. lsf,7. S. KUHSF.EL. The b'teiac-- will be hereafter continued Ly D. C. Hull. f > UTTER TUBS A* FIRKINS—A f,u r> I.A titv of good Butter T 1 a and Firkin-. just re<eivcd and for sale by miv 'O H. S. MblttUit. New Store in Overton ! "VITLLIA M WA LTM AN would respectful f T ly inf'tm the citizens ot OVERTON and the sd j-'iuing i iwushi; s. that lie has opeiitd a NEW STORE la the HKVERLY SETTLEMENT, where offers for sale a well select* d a-sortiuunt, consisting in pait of 3ry frfccds, Groceries, Hardware, Fish, Crockery, Boots &, Shoes, &,c. In fact everything adapted to the wants of the surround •lug coinmuiiitv. purchased li.r cash, at the lowest rates, aid fa- Ready I'ay wiil be sold as low as at any place this side of the great cities. He w iil make it an object for FARMERS to cull on Lisa with their ii.a u. Batter. Chei-c, Eggs, Maple Sugar, Ac. for which be allow the highest prices. Overton. February 17, 1e67. fgy?* DR. J. MTNTOSH, DENTIST, ill leal TOWANLLV on the FIRST OF ■ ■■ JUNK next. Wiiiiaiu-port. Api il u,la. r 7. Stew KI IL?ve AND NEW FALL GOODS. rpriErißM or MONTANYES a CO. has been dl<- 1 solved by mutual con ent. W'M. A. ROCKWELL having withdrawn. The hu.-ims.- will ht-icafter be ion i!c< ii '! c::.\r the name fit' MONTAXYES—-having a*so. cnite-d with the firm .f. L> MONTANVE Jr. and F. 1). MON TANA \Y e tru.-t with fur pre-eiit facilities lor the pur i Li ,ds. that we < uti make it an object for CASH ' L'-TOMMRS to examine our stock, which has been laid ia with g! cut care to suit the fall trade. ttu All account- due the old iirut, as also notes that arc due. iff < rpecied tc be j.aid Without further rot: re. Angus*2s,lß>. MONTANA ES. ANE HUNDRED BUSHELS LARGE V/ i 'LOVER SEED. Also a quantity of Tiinothv See-1 lor -ale l y JOSEPH POWELL- February 4. lff>7. Shew fall AND WINTER GOODS: T > KINHSBERV A SON, betr leave to 1 • call the attt r.tion of theii frit uds and customers, m well a- i ll others wi-hilig to buy Loods Cheap, to their well -i-lecied -to, k of Foreign and Domestic DRV-COOL'S, couei.-tirg of a great variety of BADISS D2LESS GOOr-S, >hi'.wl.s, I'arnrnetta.s, French Merinos, Cashmere, Woo] Plaids, Wool DeLaines. ,te. A!-o. a choice selec fion of Mcrimac, < hocecc and other -tvlcs of fast c oloit-d Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, Hosiery, Gloves. Hrr-s Trimmings. White floods. Ac. Heninis. Ticks, Prills, Linens. Cambrics, Bleached and ; Brown sheeting. Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts. Twine, Car pet Warp. Ac. in addition to the above articles, there will always be | found n tall assoument of GROCERIES, Crockery and ; Cila-s W.irt; 1! • t ~:.J iuoc-. Huts?,!:. 1 . Car,-, Nail-,I'LsL, i P-ints. Tubs. Matt--. Ae. Returning if.dividually o!,r thanks for past patronage. , we would a> a firm, respectfully a-k the attention of our old cv-t"Tr.iT. and the public generally, to an inspcetioa I of ■ :r extensive New Fell and Winter Flock. Towanda. Sept. H>, leoO. THE SnSQ'JEHANKA COLLEGIATE INSIITUTET TOH'A.XDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTP.tTTORS I REV. S \MVEI, F. CfH.T. Principal. Professor of Natu ral. Mint.! ami Moral Science ; REV. JAMES McWIEI.IAM. A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Lettres ; 1 CTT ARI.FS it. COB! RX, A. M., Professor of Mathema ti'-s and Va-ter 6f Normal S Lool; MISS K. M. COFJ, Precept ret®: MISS M'iii.lE \. IiUTLER, Assistants; Miss 111.!.FN M. CARTER. In-tmetor on Piano; Mr. CANI'KLD DAYTfiN, Steward. Tl.c Spring Term couimelices on Wednesday, Aprii Ist, 15.",7. ami vv.d continue Ui' weeks. '1 lie Fall T' :m coniinerues ou Wednesday, August2f'th j and w 'll <-oiitiiiue 1 • wrek-i. i The Winter Term commence- Novem'ier lb. and contin ues 11 weeks, besides 1(1 days recess at Christmas. I:\RUNSE-" J'JUT T:.KW : Pay able invariably in adva:: < -Fuel'and contingencin all inch: led: Tuition in lie- Fifth c!a.-s, (primary) per term,.... $4 (H) Fourth . f. 0D " Third 7 Oft " Second *> Oft First 10 'JO i Pupils using scholarships are charged $1 per term for 1 fuel and contingents ; tor instrument on which to take lessons, "iftc. or for practice ♦-'.OO | N i uli -e parents or guardians shall rcsid ; wit! in two mile- of the Institute fdui'l ! e admitteil to tui tion therein upon any permanent s, hoiarship i-nted or j loaned l>y such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. KXTS: v-s : ; French fi 00 ! Drawing. 3 no Orr.amt atal needlework and embroidery,each.... 300 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,. . 12 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks, 10 . . Room rent f>r lodgers. 1 7j i Board in the In-titute, per week, including fuel and Bgbt 2 00 i Washing, per il oten .... 3d \rrangt-mcnts have been made by which the Stewar t wil! boatd Ivith males and females ui the Institute, afford ; tog tlo-tii separate r n-iti- for morning and evening study. | P 'pil- hoarding in the If.ill, will furnish their own bed, bedding.towel-, Ac. and the table siivf r at their option. No pupil taken f.-rL—s than half a tenn. The boarding iiilis far the term juu-t be paid in advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the tenn. Pupils catering tite Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial excrcitcs are armigcd without extra charge fur those ijuulify ing thenL-elve• as teachers for common school". S. F. COLT, Sc-. C. L. WARD, rresider.t. March 2t). ls>7. A. V.'icaiiAN. Treasurer. TV"O EXCUSE FOR BAD BREAD ! -C r II you procure of PR. li. C. PORTER, South store in fii - Ward IJotsse, THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER, Equally adapted to Loaves. H t Rolls. Rlscuit, Buckwheat and other Griddle Cake-. Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet Cake-. Rafter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies, A •. Ac- Price 2a cents- ' March 2'.'. JAA BRLS COMMON SALT; 10 bbls. 1' 'V ' Rock Salt for packing j ist received hv Dec. l'J, 1856. BAILEY A N'EVINS. I\t I F.T.I "RIIY. Mlli 5 . L E. "WHEELER would rre]icct fullv announce to her friend- and the pnhlie gener ally that she will open a shop in EAST SMITHFIELD. oue un th of the Presbyterian church, where willbcfoußd A FASHIONABLK ASSOKTMBNT OF MTLTJXEIt Y A YD FAXC Y HOODS, To which she would invite the attention of the Ladies. REPAIRING Particular attention paid to this hrareh of the business. Abo, Dresses, Basques, Talnr s, Ac. made to order. Smithfii-ld. Mor -b 31,15.57. CI ANDLES, both Sptrm and Tallow by the } box or pound, at FOX'S. MINK SKINS. 300 MUSKRAT! 'Mm* pes, tver. ard oti-er reltrv *-iuitd. for wh'eh the high- • • r'.c -v ill V paiti at ' MONTANTTS