ggg* lion. G. A. Grow—though not yet recovered from the malady by which he, in common with so many of the boarders at the • National' hotel, at Washington, has suffered delivered an effective and eloquent address to bis constituents, in Moutrose, on Monday evening la- e t. . We shall uot attempt to give even a sketch of his remarks on the recent Dred ccott de cision, " Buchanan and Free Kansas" kc., but cannot refrain from noticing his answer to the cowardly insinuation of the Montrose Democrat against his integrity, in the matter of the Collins Steamers—an answer which must for ever silence that base slander Mr. (j ro w said, a reference to the Congressional Globe would sliow his vote recorded, in every instance, against the Collius steamers. Col lins would hardly pay any one for voting a gaiust him !— Montrose llepullicau. THE WHEAT CROP IN ILLINOIS. —A corres pondent of the Dollar Newspaper, writing from Prairie City, Illinois, under the date of 16th inst says : '".The prospect of the growing crops of Winter w heat in Illinois generally, has not beeu so unfavorable, during the 20 vears I have resided in this State, as at this time. The majority of our farmers will sow Spring wheat on the same ground sown in Winter wheat, as there is not, at this writing, a single field that promises to be worth the cutting." ASTONISHING LEAP.—A horse harnessed to a dray became frightened on Saturday after noon bv the screaming of a steamboat whistle, lie started off at a tremenduous rate, knock ing down two men, one of whom, is so serious lyhurt that his recovery is doubtful. At the intersection of Main and Second streets, a horse and dray were crossing the street, the frightened animal leaped over them with such Telocity as to bear away with him the dray, upon which the driver was seated.— Cincin nati Gazette. New York & Erie R. R., Waverly Station. Commencing Monday, April 6, 1857, Trains will leave WAVERLY at about the following hours: GOIMi WEST. GOING EAST. Pnnkirki Buff Exp 4 58 r.M New York Express. 1 4S P.M Mail. No. 1 754 P.M Night Express.... 11 55 r.M Mail.No. 2 753 A.M Cincinnati Exp... .5 55 A.M Night Express..-.. .3 43 A.m Mail, N0.2 G 52 A.M Emigrant 3 40 P.M Mail, N0.4 3 05 P.M Freight, No. 1 12 20 P.M Stock Express 1 45 A.M Freight. N0.3 9 25 A.M Freight, No. 2 2 20 P.M Freight. N0.5 9 05 A.M Freight, No. 4 5 25 P.M At the Canton House, on the second inst., by Rev. P. M"Bengali. Mr. ASA ANDREWS to Miss DORLESKA O. KEN YON', of Granville, Pa. " Mysterious, infinite, exhaustless love '. Ou earth mysterious and mysterious still In Heaven ; sweet chord that harmonizes all The harps of Paradise : the spring, the well That fills the bowl and banquet of the sky." DZZU>, In Rime, on the 3lst ultimo, AMANDA BELLE, youn gest daughter of VVm. E. Mayaard, aged 3 years, 10 months. Nero DR. J. MTNTOSH, DENTIST, JWWBSVviII he at TOWANDA on the FIRST OF next. Williams port, April 9,18."#7. AND NEW ARRANGEMENT. ROLLINS k POWELL are now receiving I a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTH i.V i. winch they are selling exclusively FOR CASH, as !:.(•>• think a bird in hand is worth two in the bush. Their • k Mtn-i-ts ol Business, Black Cloth, Fancy Cassimere T**ed. Kentucky Jean. While Duck. Linen, Marseiles. -•.J Brown Linen COATS o! all kinds and qualities.— ' k Ca-simere, Fancy Cassimere. Bmwu Linen, White ~>u and Kentucky Jean PANTS ; Silk. Satin and Mar- V ESTS i all kind : Black and Fancy Cravats ; -nt. J Ho-e. Shirts. Collars. Suspenders, Hats nnd Caps '■i every-! lii■:n in the line of Men's wear. Their stock of Ciths and Cassiineres are unsurpassed, and are selling •-•■ p. We are still ready to make up all kinds of GAR MENTS to order on short notice, and warranted in every Articular : all of which we are bound to sell lower than *isever offered in this market lor Cash. Cutting done usual. COLLINS A- POWELL. Towanda, April 16, 1857. AMBROTYPES, MELAINOTYPES. TZJ AND ATYPHOGRAPHS. j> Or, I'ietures on Glass, Iron Paper. \ AL *°' . I \ Electrotypes, or Poised Pictures, ' Taken at 6. H. Wood's Gal ery, J"3 —J TATTON'S BLOCK, TOWANDA. ! HT Particular attention given to copying. Pictures -'-a in cloudy as well as clear weather. 1 The quality of my pictures is too well known to need j "sent. Call and see for your-elvss. i jjnnms open at all hours. All work warranted. J wanda. April 14, 1857. THE TROY HOUSE, I E. W. BIGONY, PROPRIETOR, HIVING been repaired and re-furnished, the proprie tor assures the public that no pains will be spared to "•ve the patronage of the public. Tray, Bradford Co., April 3, 1857. (WMJVJSOTBMDSJ. efr. At the solicitations of many singers in different Hbjparts of the country. Mr. O. BECKER has deter- hold a MUSICAL CONVENTION of .-A three days duration, to commence on TUESDAY. 21st, at 10 o'clock, I*. M.. in the Court House, To 'i-iia. to close there on Wednesday, the 22d, with a Con " : to lie continued on THURSDAY, the 23d, in Pat ' • Hall, Athens, to end the same evening with anoth ■ii ert Stages, or, if circumstances permit. Boats '* in readiness to take singers to Athens and bark, x rhcap rates. Books to be used—THE *'*' VORK GLEE AND CHORUS BOOK and SHAWM. •-M uot iii possession of the Shawm and not wishing ),' an be furnished by Mr. Becker for the time of '•* convention. Believing that the exercises, consisting K ' "e-. Choruses, Hymns. Chants, and, by particular re in his mode of singing by flats anil sharps, will I "> Mb agreeable and instructive to singers. Mr. •An hopes to see all parts of the County well rcprc ► r: "i. assuring them that he will do all in his power to L the Convention a pleasant one. Siagersaiereqt.est- I'tepare nieces f>r the Concert. No special iuvita riven. Convention and Concert free to singers. IML Viiral fc Insirumt nliil IDIILTHS. \[IT BUCK EE, the well known Vocalist, I Yif>linlst, Violoncellist and general Musician, has no r to announce, that assisted by a large company \ 'iters. Instrumental performers, and Mr. DITTRICH [ - * TOWANDA BRASS BAND,he will give GRAND I 'CERTS in Towanda, at the Court Rouse, on WED ,;I AY EVE, April 22d. and iu Patrick's Hall, Athens, • KSDAY the 23d. Among many other beautiful pie- C '-tie celebrated Hallelujah Chorus by Handel will be f ' ai )H a new Gallopade performed by the Baud, and -ed by Mr. DITTKICH expressly for the occasion. •<-y ol admission, 25 cents : Reserved seats 37J cts. I ( . :r, **Me Pi arrangement, Ferry Boats, distinguished *¥'• carry passengers on Wednesday eve at re " rates. I w:tn,t( ' ' n a " part" the County to sell tick t *"! the Concerts. A liberal deduction made. Change of Programme, | BECKER respectfully announces that he has | -Nitd the order of arrangements for his Musical Con. I ;*. a*follows : Commence at ATHENS, TUESDAY t I "t, at 10, A. M., end with Concert, WEDNESDAY I 22d. Commence at TOWANDA, THURSDAY, | b FilT ' evening, with a GRAND I f H PAID FOR LARD AND EGGS, ! RURBAN'K S BAKERY. [ Y; HI ACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap | FOX'S. ujjyl 1 JTERCUn'S. Ccgal. ORRIX D. BARTLETT vs. JAS. COR KINS. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Countv. December term, No. 4431 And now to wit, February 14, 1857, on motion of Mr. Mercur, the Court grant a rule upon the defendant to ap pear and plead in this ease by the first day of May term next, or judgment will be entereddn favor of Raid plaintiff for the land describedin said writ. And the Court further order that a copy of said rule, together with a description of said premises, which is as follows, to wit: A certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the township of North Towanda, in said county, containing seventy-live acres or thereabouts, bounded as follows: Beginning at a Norway pine corner, thence along the line of William W. Easta brook's land, sooth one hundred and forty-five and a half rods to a poat and stones, the south west corner of said Eastubrook a lot; thence by lands of Edward Patterson's estate aud John F. Means, west fifty-six and two-tenths rods to a corner; thence by lands of C. L. Ward north five degrees west tweutv rods, north twenty-two degrees west nineteen rods, north sixty-tire degrees weat nineteen rods, north three deg*.es west twenty rods, north fifteen de- Srees west thirty and nine-tenth rods, north twenty-five cgrees west fouitteii rods, north fourteen and a half de grees east forty-one rods to a post on the line of Marvin Kuasell a lot, thence by ktutf of said Russell and Enoa Bai ley east eighty-seven and a half rods to the place of be ginning—shall be published sixty days before the return day of said rule in the Bradford Reporter. BKADPOK* COUNTY , as— l hereby certify that the fore- LL. s.j going in a true copv of record. n , ALLEN M KEAX. Prothonotarv. Prothonotary s Office, Feb. 23, 1857. TN THE MATTER of the voluntary assign or Ezro Holcomb in li-usl to E. R. Myerfvr the hene/tf of AM creditor,. In the Court of Common Picas ol Bradford County of FebmaryTerm 1856. No. 415. Notice is hereby given that E.R. Myer, the assignee, has exhibited his account, which haotwvn examined by j a oll Tf' aut * hied, and the sarnie will Ire allowed and finally coulirmed ou or after the second Monday of next term, unless sufficient cause be shown to the coutra r-v - ALLEN M'KE.VN, Prothonotary. Towanda. April 7.1857. LETTING. —Sealed proposals will he re ceived by the Commissioners of Bradford Countv, at their office in Towanda, on WEDNESDAY, the 29th day of April, until 2, P. M., for the erection and comple tion of a FIRE PROOF BUILDING, in the borough of Towanda. Plans and specifications mav be seen at the Office, on and after the 10th inst. Proposals will be re ceived from the contractor to turn is h ail the mate rials, or all except the iron. O. H. BULL, D. LILLEY, Attest, E. B. COOLBAUGU, Clerk, P. H. BUCK, _ . Commissioners. Commissioner's Office. Towanda, April 4, 1857. "V OTIC-].—The following persona have pe- A. V titioned to the Court tor License under the present existing laws in reference to tavern licenses, Ac.: William Gibson to keep a tavern iu Ulster township. Abraham Snell to keep a tavern in Burlington bur n Johu Dickerson to keep a tavern in Warren township. Lorenzo I). Bowman to keep a tavern in Towanda twp. Ephraim W. Bigony to keep a tavern in Troy boro. I.eander O. Hickok to keep a tavern in Troy boro. Francis Porter to keep a tavern in Rome township. Daniel Heverly jr to keep a tavern in Overton twp. John O. Ward to keep a tavern in Troy twp. Hiram \Y. I; >ot to keep a tavern in Springfield twp. Joseph O. Pine to keep a tavern in Ridgbery twp. Charles O. French to keep a tavern in Ridgbery twp. S. F. Washburn to keep a tavern in Ulster twp. James Nestor to keep a tavern in Towanda boro. Andrew E. Spalding to keep a tavern in Canton twp. S_. Cheslev Myer to kerp a tavern in Canton twp. Nathan Olm>ted to keep a tavern iu Ulster twp. H. M. Southwell to keep a tavern in Franklin twp. Dariu- Myers to keep a tavern in Ulster. Ja-on Chaffee to keep a tavern in Rome township. Jacob Reel to keep a tavern in Athens township. Napthali K. Woodburn to keep a tavern in Windham township. Ethel Taylor to keep a tavern in Monroe boro. L. W. Birchard to keep a tavern in Athens boro. Orrin Moore to keep a tavern in Sheshequin. Moses T. to keep a tavern in Towanda boro. Thomas R. Davis to keep a tavern iu Athens boro. J. P. Russell and Norton Jaques to keep a tavern in Wyalusing. Decker A Cornell to sell spiritous and vinous liquors as merchant dealers in Ridnbery township. William Morgan to keep an eating house, Ac. in Trov borough. A. H. Case to sell spiritous aud vinous liquors as a mer chant dealer in Troy borough. \\ illiam Waltinan to sell spiritous and vinous liquors as a merchaut dealer in Overton township. A hearing upon these application will be had at May ■Sessions next, and licenses granted unless sufficient cause lie shown to the contrary. April 6, 1857. ALLEN M'KE.VN, Clerk. REGISTER'S NOTICES Notice is lien* by Riven that there have been filed and settled in the office of the Register of Wills, in and far the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow ing estates, viz Final account of Ralph Gregory, administrator of De borah Gregory, late of Pike, dec'd. Partial account of Lucy and David Stable, administra tors of Richard Stuble, late of Rome, dec'd. Final account of Joseph Vandyke, administrator of Thomas Miles, late of Canton, dec'd. Final account of A. W. and Catharine Ayres, executors of John A. Ayres. late o< Wells, dec'd. Partial account of Klihu Case and A. D. Spalding, ad ministrators of Johnson William - 2d. late of Troy, dec'd. Partial account of P. Stalford and John P. Brown, administrators of Hiram Brown, late of Wya! using .dec d. Supplementary account of' Gordon Wilcox andi Robert Sutton, executors of Thos. Wilcox, late of Athens, dec'd. Final account of Burton, Joseph and 1.. S. Kingshcry, exeutors of Joseph Kings Very, late of Staeshequin.dec'd. Final account of Win. H. Brant, administrator of Mar cus Lynett. late of Warren, dec'd. Final account of E. U. Vaughn and C. Vanderwort, ex ecutors o! Somoel Lake, late of Tuscarora. dec'd. Final account of Bascom Taylor, exe utor of John Tay lor. late of Wyalusing, dec'd. ' 2d Partial account of Daniel Strong, executor of John Strong, late of Wells, dec'd. Final acc Mint or' R. C. Heoslv, administrator of Wm. Chil-on, late of A'mithfield, dec'd Final account of S. B. Lathrop. administrator of Malvi na A. Rogers, late of Canton, deceased. Final account of P. K. Maynard, administrator of Na than Maynard. late of Rome, dec'd. And the same will be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford, on Monday, the 4th day of May, for confirm ation and allowance. JAMES H. WEBB, Towanda, April 1.1*57. Register. PROCLAMATION.— Whereas, the Hon. DAVII) WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford and Susquehanna, and Honorables AAKON CUI'BBCCK, and JOHN F. LONG, Associate Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 27th day of Feb. A.D. 1858, to tne directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer. General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da, for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the 4th day of MAY next, to continue three weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of Bradford, that they be tlien and there in their proper per son, at 10 o'clock ni the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may lie in the jail of said County, or who shall le bound to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them as shall lie just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Toivanda, the 2'Jth of March in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven, and of the ludejiendence of the i'nited States, the seventy ninth. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. "V"OTICE TO COLLECTORS.—You are i-x hereby authorized to deduct five per cent, from the State tax of every individual who shall pay his or her State and Count}- tax in full, on or before the 2tlth day of June next, and the same shall lie allowed you in your set tlement with the Treasurer, provided the same is"paid by you into the County Treasury on or before the 23d and 24th days of June next. By order of the Commissioners. E. tt COOLBAUGH, Clerk. Commissioner's Office, March 31, 1837. LOST. IOST, near the residence of the subscriber in Union tp. J Tioga County, Pennsylvania, on or about the 10th of January last, a LAND WARRAXT, No, 42,397, drawn to myself, for 100 acres, under the act of 3d of March, 1*55, for services in the war of 1812. Said warrant was assign ed by me in blank. All persons are cautioned against purchasing said warrant, as it is my intention to apply to the Pension Office for a duplicate of the same. February 21,1 *57. JEWETT SPENCER^ A Great Bargain for Some One. TIIE subscrilter liavin and for the balance time will be riven. WYLLY6 BROWNBON. East Smithfield, Jan. 16, 1857. PFRECIDER VINEGAR- A good arti cle at rors _ Ccgal. SHERIFF'S SALE. —By virtue of sundry writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford Count v. and to me directed, will be exposed to public sale on MONDAY, the 4th dav of MAY, A.IX, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, the following describ ed lot. piece or parcel of land, situate in Albany twp., bounded north by land of M. H. Codding, east by land or A. O. Codding, south cy L. Hatch, and west by land of D. Hatch. Containing 63 acres, more or less, about four acres improved, and a small framed house thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of F. X. Wil cox A Co. VS. CalVin Hatch. ALSO—The undivided one-half of the following da scribedl tot, piece or parcel of land situate in Monroe twp., bounded on the north on the north by land of O. Schra der. on the cast by lands of J. Ingham and G. F. Mason', on the south by G. F. Mason, and on the west by John Schroder. Containing 120 acres, more or less, about 25 acres improved, one framed house, one log house, framed barn an fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken iu execution at the suit of A. M.War ner. to the use of Daniel Bartlett, vs. Charles M. Brown administrator of William Pipor, deceased. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Sraithfield twp., bounded north by lands of S. R. Holcorab, east by lauds of David Brown, s-Hiefr by unseated lands, and west by lauds of C. Munn. Con taining 4: acres, more or less "about 40 acres improved, 2 framed dwelling houses, 1 framed' barn, and other out buildings, two apple orchards, and other truit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. B. Wil helm vs. J. S. Peterson and Shelton G. French. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate iu Wilmot two., bounded north bv lands of W. Ingham and Mary A. Ingham, his wife, east, sonth and west, by lands ot Mary Ann Lanning. Containing 150 acres, more or less, about 50 acres improved, a log house, a log barn, and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Charles F. Welles vs. Charles Hinderer. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Standing Stone and Wyalusing townships, bounded north by lands of William Griflis and Charles Sqnires. east fey lands of L Middaugli, south bv the Sus quehanna river, and west by lands of E. W. Biiird. Con taining about 130 acres, more or less, about 30 acres im proved, with a framed house, a framed barn, two small shoe sliops. and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of N. Over field, now to the use of John D. Squires vs. Lloyd L. Washburn. Also, at the suit of J. H. Madill, executor of A. Madill, deceased vs. L. L. Washburn. ALSO—The following described lot, niece or parcel of land situate in Wilmot township, bounded as follows, to wit: Commencing at the public high ,-ay, at a stone heap, thence running north by the roru, 64° east, and 68 per., thence by the same 78J° east, n vs. Miles Squires. ALSO—r'Tlie following lot, piece or parcel of land situ ate in Asylum twp., bounded as follows, to wit: Begin ning at a post, the northwest corner of G. Bottcr's lot, thence north 111 per. to a hemlock,the northwest corner of the tract, thence east 60 per. to a hemlock corner bv the Hollenback road, thence along the same south 13 . east 112 per. to a beech, northeast corner of G. Cotter's lot, thence along his north line, west 88 per., to the be ginning. Containing 51 acres and 54 per., more or less, and being the land conveyed by T. Harris, by deed dated the 20th day of Dec. 1855, to William Sullivan, recorded in Deed Book, No. 24, pages7s. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of William Sullivan vs. Dennis Cokcly. AlJsO—The following deseribed lot,piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin twp., bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a hemlock, the north-west corner of a lot occupied by J. Camn.and bought by said Camp of J Reed, running tlience north 31° east 212 "rods t' an old birch corner, thence south sHj° east 334 rods to a post, thenee south 31J° west 212 rods to a post, thence north 58j° west 94 rods to a post, the east corner ot Hay thorn lot, thence north 31° east 106 rods to a post, thence north 584° west to the State road, thence south westerly along safd road to J. Camp's north line, thence northsh4° west along said Camp's line, 54 per., to the pldbe of beginning. Containing, (agreeable to G. F. Mason's survey for C. Paine.) 332 acres, be the same more or less. The above descriiied lot being com posed of lots No. 1 and 2, and fractional parts of'Nos. 7 and 8, about 3 acres improved, and 2 log houses thereon. ALSO—One other lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Franklin twp., bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at L. D. West's south east corner, running thence south 584° east 108 rods to an old maple stump, thence north 3lJ° east 132 rods to a post, thence north ss£° west 108 rods to a post. L. D. West's northeast corner, thence south 314° west 132 |H,T., tothe place of beginning. Con taining 82 and 35-100 acres, lie the sauic, more or leas, it being the east part of lot No. 16. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Brown A Rockwell vs. George Walker. ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Herrick twp., bounded north by lands of Owen Dougherty, east by John M'Cana. south by E. Sill, and west by lands of C. Sill and A. E. Dupont. Contain ing 109 acres, more or less, about 46 acres improved, one log house and plank house, a framed barn, a framed corn house, and work house, and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or panel of land situate in Herrick twp., bouuded north by lands ef J. Sill, east by Z. Angle, south by J. I .us key, and west by lands of A. h. Dupont. Containing 121 acres, more or less, about 50 acres improved, a fronied house, a framed barn and lied -tead factory and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized anil taken in execution at the suit of H. J. Ma dill. executor of A. Madill. dee'd., vs. George Sill, Edwin Sill. Butler Sill and Joseph Sill. ALSO—The following lot. piece or parcel of land situ ate in Rome twp., Bradford Co., bounded on the north by lands of Peter 1 .ayton, east by lands of John L. Cannon, south by lauds of Moses Moody and west by lands belong ing to the estate of Daniel Keeffe. Containing about six ty-six acres, more or less, about twenty-five acres improv ed, one framed house, a framed barn and an orchard of fruit trees thereon. A LSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome township, bounded north and east by lands be longing to the estate of Stephen Cranmcr, dee'd, south by tlie highway and west by lands belonging to the es tate of Stephen Cronmer dee'd. Containing about eighty eight feet front and one hundred and fifty feet deep, all improved, one framed house and a few fruit trees thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Rome twp., bounded north by the highway, east,south and west by lauds belonging to the estate of Stephen Cronmer, Jec'd. Containing about titty feet front, by one hundred and fifty feet deep, all Improved, oue framed store house, one "framed horse barn thereon. ALSO—One other lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Sheshequin twp., bounded north by lands of John Mur phy, ea-t by lands of George Kinner, south bv lands iu possession of Charles Chafiee and west by lands of Benja min Stephenson. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Gilbert, Prentiss A Tuttle vs. S. F. Washburn. Also at the suit of George W. Tuttle vs S. F. Washburn and Hiram Frost, co-partners, Ac. ALSO—The following deseribed lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Ridgbery twp., bounded north by lands of John Kingsley, east by lands of Wm. Stephens, south by lands of Aaron W. Burnhom and west by lands of Robert Miller and Joel Peterson. Coittaini ig one hundred and fourteen acres, more or less about s xty-five acres improv ed, with a framed house, a ramcd >arn and an apple or chard and other fruit trees i hereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of West A Voorhis vs. Aaron Ostrander, ALSO- The following lot piece T parcel of land situ Cegol. ate in Franklin twp., bounded on the north by lands of Edward Overton, east by lands of John Knykendall,south by Daniel Cokely and on the west by lands "of John Smith. Containing about 1 hundred and thirty-tour acres.more or less, about forty acres improved, two'franied houses. One framed burn, one saw mill aud an orchard of fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of W. A. Park to the use of 11. C. Porter vs. D. E. Culiff. ALSO—The following descrilied lot, piece or parcel ol land situate in Hmithfield twp., bounded <>u the north by lands of Ilehry Quick, on the east by lands of John Wat kins, ou the south by the public highway and on the west by lands of Anthony Child*. Containing about twenty three acres, about eighteen acres improved, one framed house, one framed barn and a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles & Harris vs. Billings Pierce. ALSO—AiI that certain lot, piece or parcel of land sit iate in Kmithtield twp.. bounded north by the high way, east by lands of R. M. Randall, south aud west by lauds of Augustus Phelps. Containing half au acre, more or less, all improved, a framed Loose aud a board shed thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Jonathau King vs. H. S. Holcomb. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Tuscarora twp. bounded north, east and west by lands of Abial Kinney, south by lands of 11. W. Tracy, containing one acre more or less, all improved, one framed house, one framed barn and a lew fruit trees thereon. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate iu Tuscarora twp. bounded north by lands of Charles Smith, east by lands of Abial Kinney, south by the Meredith lauds, west by lands contracted to George Campbell, eontuiuing 50 acres be the same more or less, about 25 acres improved one framed barn aud a few fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Dennis J. Owens vs. C. Nurse and Orrin Baker. ALSO—The defendant's interest in the following des crilied lot, piece or parcel of htgd situate in Canton twp., bounded on the north by lands of W.S. Baker and lauds belonging to the estate of James Parsons, dee'd, east by lands of Solomon L. Gillet, south by lands of Judsoii Dann, J. M. Sucese, C. E. Kathbone, and Towanda street and west by Troy street, lands of Harding A Lee, J. C. Turner, Mix 4- Hooper, F. G. Manlv, G. W. Griffin. Chas. Stock well, and the estate of John C. Ross, dee'd, Samuel Owen and Nathan Tattle Containing about twenty-six acres, more or less, excepting from and out of the same lot No. 1, (as laid down on a map of the above descrilied premises, dated October 1, 1854) on the north side of To wanda street owned by George Mead Also lot No. 2, owned by C. E. llathbone. Also lot No. 3, owned by John W. Griffin, and No. 4 aud 5, owned by Daniel Wilcox, No. C owned by H. Townsend and No. 7 bv J. M. l.ighton.No. 8 owned bv Sarah A. Randall. No, 9 by J. W.Grilfin, Nos. 10,12, 14 aud 16 by N. Tuttle, No. 18 bv M. H. Case and E. W. Colwell, No. 11 by H. S. Elliott, No. 13 by Rev. P. Camp, Nos. 15 and 17 by J. Vandyke, jr., No 19 by Cautield, No. 33 by Samuel Benedict, No. 37 by J. B. Wright, No. 34 by F. R. Vandyke, No. 80 by Thomas Ro gers, dee'd, with six framed houses, one brick house, two framed harus and out buildiugs and fruit trees, Ac. thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John E. Goodrich vs. Henry Kingsbery. ALSO—By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, all the fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land situate in ; Herrii k twp., liegiuning at a heinlbek, south east corner of lot No. 47, thence north 230 perches to a hemlock, i south east corner of lot No. 20, tlieuce east 160 perches ! to a hemlock, for a corner of lot No. 22, thence south 230 i perches to a hemlock, for a corner—northwest corner of : lot No. 45, thence west ICO perches to the beginning.— ] Containing 330 acres, strict measure, it being intended to I include the whole of two lots, Nos. 28 and 39 ; about 80 acres improved, a log house, two framed houses, one plank house, two framed barns, a framed bedstead factory, a framed corn hou*e, a work shop, two apple orchards and j other fruit trees thereon. ! Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Amelia E. ! Dupont vs. John Beidlcman, administrator of George Sili, j deceased. ALSO—.AII the following described lot, piece or parcel ; of land situate in Sheshequiri township, bounded as fol lows, to wit : Beginning 12 and 2-10 per. east from a from a chestnut, southwest corner of a lot heretofore deed ed io said Johnson, thence east 145 per. to a post, thence south 94 and 9-10 per. to a post, northeast corner of nlot ■ run out to C. Wheeler, thence north 76° west 120 and 5- ! 10 per. to a post, southeast corner of I. Johnson's lot, I thence north 12° west 127 and 9-10 per. to the beginning. | Connining_9l acres and 40 perches, strict measure, be the i same more or less, 20 acres improved, a log house, a log [ barn, and a few fruit trees. t Seized and taken in execution atjthe suit of Pierre Jo- I seph DeCaters and Jeanne Antoinette, his wife, vs. Win. Johnson and B. Bice, terre tenant. ! ALSO—That certain Church building, situate lietween the public square and Fine street in the borough of To i wauda. Containing in front 011 said public square, for | ty-four feet, and in depth sixty-four, aud the walls of 1 which, from the foundation to the top are about thirty ! five feet high, besides a tower or steeple in the front part I of said building about seventy feet high above the sur j face of the ground on the outside of said building, and 1 the lot or piece of ground and curtilage appurtenant to > said building. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Bei -1 dleinan vs. The First Presbyterian Church and congrega , tion of Towanda and 11. A. Carey. JOHN A. CODDING, SherifT. Sheriff's Office. i Towanda, March 29,1857. j Si' Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the costs, will be required to he paid upon each sale w hen struck down to the bidder, and upon a failure to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer ed for sale. Jons A. CODDING. LIST OF JURORS drawn for .May Term* and Sessions, 1857. GRAND JURORS. Atliens tp—Ewd Ovenshire. Uidgbury—Samuel Tubbs, H. H. Green, J S Wolcott, Miles E. Squires. Guy Tozer. Smithlield—Nelson Keeler, Armenia—Nathan Sherman. Ebenezer 15. Titus. Canton—Thomas Williams, Shesheqnin—Obadiah Gore, Klisha Bloom. Towanda ho—A. J. Easter- Columbia—John II Killgore. brooks, John Wilson. Franklin—J C Ridgway. Tuscarora—Chester Wells, Eeny—Ezra Holcomb. Cyrus Shumway. Litchfield—S McKinney. West Burlington— Joseph Orwell—Alonzo Potter. j Hilton. Pike —Simeon Tay.or. |Windham —Jonathan Payue. TRAVERSE JCRORS—FIRST WEEK. Asylum—Jonathan Terry.lßidgbery—S. Squires, A. D. Charles Thompson. Smith, Henry Peterson. R. Athens tp.—Geo. L. Easter- Miller, brooks, J.T. D. Myer, l)a-|Soiith Creek—John Pitt, vid Gardner, A BcidlemanjSraithtield—'T. 11. Seward. Burlington—John Arthur, Springfield—Joliu Voorhis. I). M. Alexander. Standing Store—F. S. Whit- Burlington West—C.Taylor, man. Canton—Lewis Wheat, W. Troy tp.—M. Smith, Joab C. Pierce , It. M'Cleliand kinyon, S. G. Chilsnn. Columbia—Andrew Jackson. To war da tp Wm. Decker, Dureli—B. Laporte. Geo. W. Miller Fox. Arnot, Madison Decker. Towanda bo II Essen wine. Franklin—F. F. Faircliild. Tuscarora—Bela Cogswell. Leroy—Eve ett Wilcox, Al- Ulster—John S. Anthony,W. Fred Fellows. McCarty. Orwell—Aliel Darling, W.|Warren—David Brainard. W. WisWell, Jas. O. Frost. Windham—Joseph Webster. Pike—lsaac Lines, Traver Wilmot—N. T. Morton, l'hi- Bosworth, Simeou Brink, lander White. "O. G. Cautield. Wysox—Geo. Granger. SECOND WEEK. Armenia—Robert Mason. Rome—Jason Chaffee. Asylum— John M. Gamble. Smithfield—W. Brown,Jona- Athens bo.—A. O. Hart. than Kiug. Athens tp—Robert Sutton. Shesheqnin—Reuben Young. Burlington—C. It. Scouton. Standing Stone—A. Knnis. Burlington bo—I). A. Ross. Springfield—T. B. Beardslee. Canton—John Mix. 1 Towanda bo J. I'. Kirby, I. Columbia—Wm. Smith, W. S. Post. Mosher. A. B. Austin. Towanda tp P. 11. Scovell. Dureli—Daniel Holland. Towanda north M. Bost- Franklin—lra Varney. wick. Granville—ll. ll.Kinyon,G.jTroy tp.—R Stiles,,!. Hunt. R. Vannest. Wells—L. GrinucH. Jas. H. Orwell—Wm. Smith. Miuorl Brink, Jas. J. Osgood, W. Taylor. Chas. N. Morev. I C. Killgore. Pike—S. B. Clark, L. Lewis.'Wyalusing—S. Acklev. THIRD WEEK. Asylum—Geo. 11. Morrow. car Young. Athens tp—M. Wheelock A. Sbesliequiu—Wm. J. Del Snell. peueh. Athens bo—l.. S. Keeler. Smithfield— 11. Quick, llollis Burlington—lra A. Weed, j Allen. Canton—James Ketchum. Springfield—W. Berry. Columbia—F. T. Cornell, [standing Stone—G. Brown. Dureli—Wm. Coolbcngh, It. Towanda bo J. W. Wilcox, Bull, E. M. Bishop. Jos. Kingsberv, Franklin—Nathan L. Dodge. Troy tp J. O. Ward, John Granville—M. C. Wilcox, L. Porter. Taylor. Troy bo.—Wm. Morgan. Derrick—M. Sloctim, E. B. Wan-en—Henry Whitaker. Mintz. Windham—W. Wheelbouse, Ridgbery—Jas. Mitchell, M. Bcnj. Kuykendall. Covell. [ Wysox—K. R. Myer. Harry Rome—F. W. Maynard, Os-| Strope.Wiu. Goodrich. I p LECTION.—The stockholders of the To- J wanda Bridge Company are hereby notified that an Election will be holden on MONDAY, tire 4th dav of MAY next, at the office of Wm. C. ltogart, iu the Borough of Towanda, for he election of a President, Treasurer aDd Six Managers of said Company. M. C. MKRCUIt, Towanda, March 30, 1857. Secretary. To the School Directors of Bradford Co. CIENTLEMEN : In pursuance of the 43d section of the T act of Bth May, 1864, you are hereby notified to meet in Convention, at the Court House, in the Borough of To wanda, on the FIRST MONDAY t)K MAY, A. I>. Ifis7, being the fourth day uf the month, at one o'clock in the afternoon, and select, viva voce, by a majority of the whole numlier of Directors present, one person of literary and scientific attainments, and of skill and experience in the art of Teaching, as COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, for the three succeeding years ; determine the amount of compensation lor the same, and certify the result to tire State Superintendent at Harrisburg, as required by the 30th ond lOtb sections of said a<-t. E. (JUYER, Highland. April 1 13-57. C'onnfy £cnal. Admix istr ators x oti ce.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Champlin G. Drown, dec d lateofSnrithtield, are re quested to make payment without delay; and all parsons having claims again-t said estate, uiust present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers. ALLEN C.U.IFF. Feb. 12.18.17. Administrator with will annexed. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Xotice is here by given that letters testamentary upon the estate ot Bmyton A.Baldwin •lec'd.,late of Franklin tp..have been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, aud those having any claims upon said estate to present thcta duly attested far settlement. FANNY MARIA BALDWIN, FRANKLIN ANDREWS, HORATIO W. HUGHS, Doc. 22; 18.1(1. Executors. J EXECUTOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in- J debted to the estate of ANTHONY ANGLE, dee'd., late of Derrick township, are hereby notified that pay ment must be made without delay, and all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN NESBITT. March 2.1857. Executor. AI) MIN ISTR ATO R'S X OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of BENJAMIN BABCOCK, late of Windham town ship, dee'd- are requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. WM. D. A ANDREW J. B YBCOt'K, Feb. 16. 1856. Administrator. NOTICE.—Notice is here -J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of Mrs. ROXY BCRCH. deceased, late of MONROE town ship, are requested to make payment without delay; those having demands against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. Feb. 26, 1856. CHARLES BURCH, Executor. A DM INISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE—Notice Jl\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of ISRAEL BISHOP, dee'd., late of Wysox township, are requested to make payment without delay ; and all persons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated,lo the subscrilier. March 12, 1857. GEO. T. BISHOP. Administrator. A DM IN ISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of DANIEL MILLER,, deceased, iate of Albany twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. RUSSELL MILLER, March 29,1857. Administrator. ADMIN ISTR aTO ITS NOTlCE.—Notice . is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the estate of SELA GOBLE, dee'd, late of Litchfield town ship. are hereby notified to make payment without delay, aud all persons having demands against said estate aie requested to present them duly authenticated for settle ment. SAMUEL DAVIDSON, March 27, 1857. Administrator. A DM IN ISTR ATO R'S NOTlCE—Notice J\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of Eunice Shoemaker, deceased, late of Windham tp. are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them dulv authenticated for settlement. ELIJAH SHOEMAKER, 2d. RICHARD S. SHOEMAKER, March 31, 1857. Administrators. Admin istr a nux x otic e.—Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of JOHN OXAN, late of Atliens twp., dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay ; and all per sons having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. ALMIRA OXAN, March 28,1867. Administratrix. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of J.\ the estate of Nathan Maynard, dee'd. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to distribute money in the handsof the Administrator o* tV ; - estate, will atteud to the duties of his appointment at be office in the borough of Towauda. on Thursday, the 9tli " April, 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claim upon said money must present them, or else be forevei debarred from the same. P. D. MORROW, March 9, 1857. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter. of j. A. the estate of Beritth Pratt, deceased. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed h distribute money in the bauds of the Administrator of tin above estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Friday, the 10th day of April, 1857. at 2 o'clock, I'. M. All person* having claims upon said money must present them, or else be forever debarred from the same. March 9. 1857. P. I). MORROW. Auditor. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of the estate of Ransom I*. Adams, deceased. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed upon exceptions tiled,to the final account ol the Administrator of this estate, will attend to the duties of hi* appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Saturday, the 11th day ol April. 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of which all persons concerned will please take notice. March 9, 1557. P. D. MORROW, Auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— John Hanson to the use of E.JJr.I r . Baird vs. Rullin Wilcox. In Brad Common Pleas. No. 168, February term. 1854. The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant,* real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at the office of Wm. Elwell. Esq., iu Towanda boro' on Satur day the 11th day of April, A. 1). 1857, at one o'clock, P. M., when and where ail persons interested are requested to to attend, or be forever debarred from any share of said fund. 11. 15. M'KEAX, Auditor. Towanda. Feb. 23,1856. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— I* 1 the~~mottc~of the estate of Knock S. Foicler, dee d. In the Or phans' Court of Bradford County. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor appointed by said Court, upon exceptions filed to the ac count of Wm. Gorseline, Executor of the said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the office of Wm. Elwell, Esq.. on Tuesday, the 14th day of April. 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when and where all can attend it they think proper. Feb. 27, 1856. 11. B. M'KEAX, Auditor. SHERIFF'S SALE —By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Com inon pleas, to me directed, I shall expose to public sal< at the Court House, in the lioroujrh of Towanda, on Fri davthe 10th dayof APRIL, 1857. at 1 o'clock, P.M., the following descril>ed lot piece or parcel of land situate in Albany twp., bounded as follows : Beginning at a stone heap in the middle of the south branch of the Towanda creek near Sheffield Wilcox's, thence by land of Benjamin Wilcox north 57}° west 300 perches to a stone heap cor ner ; thence by the Coal Company's land south 32° west 52 perches to a stone corner : thence by the same south 59° east 3034 perches to a stone corner in the middle o the south branch of the Towanda creek ; thence along tin centre of said creek 55 perches to the place of beginning Containing one hundred acres, more or less, being parts of two tracts of land in the warrantee name of Frederick Castator and George Barnes.' Seized and taken inexecutiou at the suit of Joseph Me nardi, administrator of Minor R. Wilcox, vs. Samuel Van dyke. Also, by virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo., at the suit of John Hanson vs. Samuel Vandyke, garnishee of Minor R. Wilcox, deceased. JOHN' A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda. March IG, 1557. A I)M I NISTR ATOIt'S NOTlCE.—Notice 1. *. is hereby given, that all persona indebted to the es tate of SUSAN McAFFEE, dee'd, late of Towanda twp. are hereby requested to make payment without de lay: and all persons having chums against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. March 14,1857. JOSEPH HOMET, Administrator. IpXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liprc- Jbv given that-ill persons indebted to the estate of JOHN FOHlk. deceased, late of Pike township, must make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present theiu duly authen ticated for settlement. March 14.1857. STEHHKN BRINK. Executor. ORPHAN'S COURT SALE.—By virtue of an order of the Orphans" Court of Bradford coun ty, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on Saturday, the 2d day of MAY next, at 2 o'clock, I*. M., the following property — AH the interest Owen Carr. deceased, had before his death, in the following lot, piece and parcel of land in Herri* k township, bounded as follows: Beginning at a post and stones In the highway lending from Hiram Camps to William Griffis ; thence along the same north 23° east 31 rods to a comer, a hemlock tree : thence north GO rods t>> a |-t aud atom's ; thence west 70 rods to u beech tree for a corner ; thence north 60 rods tu a beech corner ; thence 68 rods to a post and stones ; thence south 78 rods ; tbeuce cast 50 rods to a hemlock ; thence south 77 rods to a post and stones, and thence east 81 rods to the place of beginning. Containing 8 acres, more or less, blkmH 40 acre- Improved, one framed home thereon erect ed, and about 30 apple trees growing thereon. And also one other piece of land situate on the west and adjoining the above described laud, containing 14 acres, contracted to said Owen Carr by William Miller. NANCY CARR. Administratrix March 30.1567. ofOwcn Carr,deceased. ffliscrl pneone. Farms for Sale in Wysox. The undersigned offers for sale TWO VALUABLE FARMS in Wysox Township, Bradford County, one of them containing 100 acres, all under good improve ment, with two dwelling-houses,two large Urns.orcharda, Ac., known as the " Cornelius Coolbaugh Farm," lata Chester Fberee'.s. The other, adjoining the above, and lying oppoaita Bowman's Eddy : containing 40 acres,all 'unproved, with dwelling-house, orchard, Ac., thereon. The above are very desirable properties, handsomely situated on the Wysox Flats, on the eat side of the .Sus quehanna river, within about a mile of Towauds and will be sold on reasonable terms. EDWARD OVERTON. March 25, 1867. pAYUGA GROUND PLASTERT— Too \J tons for safe by BAILEY A XF.VIXS. CLOVER SEED. BOTH LARGE AND SMALL KINDS, SPRING WHEAT, and about one hundred bushels of POLAND OATS, a very superior kind, for sale at the Woodside Form, near Towanda. Mar, h 2.1X57. E. W. FT ALE. DISSOLUTION. —The copartnership here tofore existing between I). C. HAI J. and C. S. RUS SELL. under the firm et Warp. Ac. In addition to the above articles, there will always be found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery" and Gla-s Ware : Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish, Paints, Tubs. Matts, Ac. Returning individually our thanks for past patronage, we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attention of our old customers and the public generally, to an inspection of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock. Towanda. Sept. 10,1656. THE SNSQUEFASNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE^ TOIFA.XDA, BRADFORD CO., PA. INSTRUCTORS ! REV. SAMUEL F. COLT. Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and Moral Science ; REV. JAMES MeWILI.IAM, A. M-, Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Lettres ; CHARLES R. COBURN, A. M„ Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School; MISS E. M. COE, Preceptress ; MISS EMI LIE A. BUTLER, Assistants: MISS HELEN M„CARTER, instructor on Piano ; Mr. CAXFKLD DAYTON, Steward. The Spring Term commences on Wednesday, April Ist, 1857. and will continue 13J weeks. The Fall Term commences on Wednesday, August 20th and will continue 14 weeks. The Winter Term commences Xoveml>or2s, and contin ues 14 weeks, besides 10 days recess at Christmas. EXPENSES rER TERM : Payable invariably in advance—Fuel aud contingencies all included : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term, <4 00 •' Fourth C 0 " Third 7 00 *' Second 8 00 " First 10 00 Pupils nsing scholarships are charged II per term for f tel and contingents ; for instrument on which to take I -ssons. 50c, or for practice 12.00 No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two utiles of the Institute shall lie admitted to tui tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, Lis or her parent or guardian. EXTRAS: French 5 00 Drawing 3 00 huamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 00 Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,. 12 00 do do per quarter of 11 weeks 10 loom rent for lodgers, 1 75 Hoard in the Institute, per week, including fuel and light, 2 00 Washing. per dozcu, 3d Arrangements have been made by which the Steward will board both males and females in the Institute, afford •ng them separate rooms for morning and evening study. Pupils bourding in the Hall, will furnish their own lied, bedding.towels. Ac. and the table silver at their option. Xo pupil taken for less than half a term. The boarding bills for the term must he paid iu advance ; or one half thereof at their entrance, aud the remaining half at the middle of the terns. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser vance of the liegulations, and none will be admitted ou other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. 1 K. F. Coi.T. See. O. F.. WARD, President. March 20. ls.iT. A. WICKHAM, Treasurer. I "VTO EXCUSE FOR BAD BREAD! I -i-v If von procure of DR. 11. C. POUTEI*. I South store in the Ward House. THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER, | Equally adapted to Loaves, Hot Rolls, Biscuit. Buckwheat | and other I!riddle Cakes. Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet : Cakes. Batter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies. Ac. Ac j Price 25 cents. March 20. IAA BIILS COMMON SALT; 10 bl>L. I 11 1 7 Hook Salt for packing salt.i'it received by i Dec. 10,155 G. _ BAILEY A KEVINS. MILTJNERY. MRS. L. E. WHEELER would respect fully announce to ber friends and the public srener | ally that she-will open a shop in EAST SMI THFIELD, ! uue north of tire Presbyterian ehureb, where will be found A VASItIONABI V ASSOKTMKNT OF | MtLLTXER Y AND FANCY HOODS, I To which she would invite the attention of the Ladles. REPAlßlNG— Particular attention paid to this branch of the bu.-iness. Also, Dresses Basques, Talmas. Ac. mado t Smitlifl* 11. M*r*h 31. 1*57. CANDLES, both Sperm and Tallow by the box or pound, at FOX'S. A MINK SKINS, SOU MUSK RAT. i tJvv.' For. Dee'. "d o'her Pi Wry wanted, for wh)' h the higUc 11 ri.v * .11 L. pJd -t XJI lAXYIX-.