Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 26, 1857, Image 3

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}li\ E. S. Baker of Rochester Mills, Wabash
county in this State, writes to the Bellviiie
Ail reads, that he shall plant twenty-five acres
with the Chinese sugar-cane the present sea-
SON. "I am convinced," lie says, " that the
state of Illinois will in five years make her
own sugar, and if I have luck I shall make
this season enough sugar, and certainly will
molasses, to supply my little town. At all
events I shall try."
Mr. Krob, of Wabash county, who, some
months ago, made a statement of the result of
his experiment with the sugar cane last year,
offers to bet the skeptical editor of the Charles
ton Courier SSOO, that he will manufacture
from one acre, "planted with the Chinesetravi,
live hundred gallons of molasses, of a superior
article to any manufactured in the South, and
sold by the merchants in Coles county, in 1850
for seventy-five cents per gallon ; and further
that he will manufacture it at the cost of ten
cents per gallon.
ITEJ-A felon generally appears at the end of
a finger, and sometimes at the end of a rope.
liw ©©©MS
HUMPHREY A- WTCKHAM arc now receiving in their
New Store. West side of the public square, a large
and well selected stock of
BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety and style, com
prising Ladies' Misses' and Chihlrcns' (.alters—Bootees,
It i-kius and Slippers ; dents', boys'. Youths' and Chil
dren.*' Boots. Brogans and Shoes, both Eastern and home
manufactured. A general assortment of Gents' Ladies'
and cliildrens' overshoes, Rubber Boots, Ac.
A full assortment of Boot and Shoe Findings, Sole \.id
Upper leather, t'alf and Kip skins, Morocco Linings and
Lace leather. _
Towanda, Nov. 25, 1856.
cpilE FIRM OF MONTAXYES A CO. has been dis
! solved by mutual consent. WM. A. ROCKWELL
Living withdrawn. The business will hereafter be con
d'-'-ted under the name of MONTAXYES—having asso
c: it'-d with the firm .L I). MONTANYE dr.. and F. P. Mux-
TANYK. We tru-t with our present facilities for the pur
. * t-e of Goods, that we can make it an object for CASH
( USL'OMERS to examine our stock, which has been laid
in with great care to suit the fall trade.
££r All accounts due the old firm, as also notes that
are due, are expected to be paid without further notice.
August 25, 1858. MONT ANTES.
it f. J Fox, Deer, and other Peltry wanted, for which
tin highest priee will be paid at MONTANYES.
I UUTlON.— Whereas, my wife HELEN L.
* ' lias left my bed and board without any just cause or
provocation, 1 hereby forbid all persons trusting her on
iav account, as I will pay no debts of her contracting af
t'r this date. • TITUS A. DANES.
i-;>riiighill, December 20, 1856.
J i)ST. near the residence of the subscriber in Union tp.
' a Tioga County, Pennsylvania, on or about the 10th of
, . iary last, a LAND WARRAXT, NO. 42.397, drawn to
: i.vself: for 160 acres, under the act of 3d of March. 15.15,
* ■ services in the war of 1812. Said warrant was assign
ed by me in blank. All persons are cautioned against
J.-.- basing said warrant, as it is my intention to apply to
I.",- Pension OiH<v for a duplicate of the same.
February 81.1857. JEWETT SPENCER, J
' ' CLOVER SEED. Also a quantity of Timothv Seed I
for sale by JOSEPH POWELL.
February 4, 1357.
INSURANCE. — The undersignedis ,
1 agent for the following safe and reliable Companies:
Dinner's Envn Insurance Co. . Athens, I'a. ,
Capital , 3 200,0 00.
State Mutual Insurance Co. . Ha rrisburg, Pi. ]
Capital, 3200,0 00.
Cirard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa
Capital, 3300,000.
The-e Companies iri-ure again-t loss or damage by fire j
i :i ' most reasonable tenm. Dwelling Houses, Fnrni- !
tare. Warehouses, Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property
i'i-".red for any length of time. All losses will be prompt
ly ! till. C. S. RUSSELL,
t iwauda, De-ember 25, 1856.
r PHE suiis-riber is now receiving a large stock of FALL
1 and WINTER GOODS, which he respectfully invites
the p folic to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY.
I >wanda, <)cto!er 6,1856.
MBS. MASON has removed her Millinery
establishment to one door south of B. Kingsbury &
> -it's Store, (formerly Chamberlin's Jewelry Store) where
ftc has opened a large assortment of M U.LIN FRY GOODS
- .• invites the ladies to call and examine her Stock.
Towanda, October 22, 1356.
MMHA A rare opportunity is now afforded to those '
Jgv&f&k wishing to supply themselves with CHOK E ■
FRUIT TREES, as we intend to offer for sale |
VAS* the present spring a large and general assort- I
the tollowiug very low rates, for cash, viz :
Pedes. 5 years old, 6to 10 feet high, per hundred,3lß 00 !
do do 4to 6 do do 16 00 j
' i rries. Plums, and Grapes, each 38 j
Dwarf Pears and Pie Plant, each 25 i
ketches, 1 year from bud, each 1!) [
An additional charge, sufficient to cover cost, will be
ma !.- to those wishing their trees delivered. Catalogues
U- i-liod gratis. Trees should be planted in April. Or
d -- shunld be sent in immediately.
March 7. 18.57.w5 FORD A PERKINS.
Farms for Sale in Wysox.
r p'io undersigned offers for sale TWO \ ALT ABLE
1 FARMS in Wysox Township, Bradford County, one
"f them containing KM) acres, all under good improve
' with two d well ing-hou-es,two large barns.orcha/ds,
•C., known as the " Cornelius Coolbaugh Farm," late
' Tester I'ierce's.
The other, adjoining the above, and lying opposite
R vrartn V Eddy ; containing 40 acres, all improved, with
ilwf'lliug-house, orchard, Ac., thereon.
i iit shove are very desirable properties, handsomely
-hunted on tie. Wysox Flats, on the east side of the Sus
■ iehanna river, within ahont a mile <.f Towanda and will
if sold on reasonable terms. EDWARD OVERTON".
March 25, 1*57.
CHKIIIKF'S iSAIiK. — By virtue >f a writ
of Levari Facias issued out of the Court of Com
mon pleas, to me directed, 1 shall expose to public sale
it tin- Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on Fri
day the loth day of APRIL. 1857, at 1 o'clock, P.M.. the
following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Albany twji., hounded as follows : Beginning at a stone
heap in the middle of the south branch of the Towanda
creek near .Shellield Wilcox's, thence by land of Benjamin
Wilcox north.774° west 300 perches to a stone heap cor
ner : thence by the Coal Company's land south 32° west
- porches to a stone corner ; thence by the same south
1 eat 303.$ perches to a stone corner in the middle of
hie south branch of the Towanda creek : thence along the
"aitrc of said creek 55 perches to the place of beginning.
* out lining <ne hundred acrps, ucuv or less,being parts of
•> tracts of laud in the warrantee name of Frederick
t j-utnr anil George Barnes.
red and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph Me
r j rdi, administrator of Minor R. Wilcox, vs. Eamuei Van
A'su. hy virtue of a writ of Vend. Expo.. at the suit of
'"lm Hanson vs. Samuel Vandyke, garnishee of Minor 11.
Wilcox, deceased. •
Towanda, March 10,1857.
J DISSOLUTION.—The co-partnership lierc
' tofore existing between D. C. HALL and C.S. RUS
•bI.L. under the lirni of H ALL A RUSSELL, is this day
molved by mutual consent. The books and papers of
'- p frm may be found at the old stand, where one of the
lArtrxr- may be always be found, ar.d with whom settle
ment by those indebted must lie made immediately.
D. <l. HALL,
Tewanda. March 16, 1857. 0. S. RU6SEEL.
she bunness will be hereafter continued by D. C. Hall.
New Abticrtiscmcnts.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of SUSAN McAFFEE, dec'd, late of Towanda t\vp.
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
March J4, 1557. JOSEPH HOMET, Administrator.
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hor C ~-
JJ by given that all pet ions indebted to the estate of
JOHN FORD, deceased, late or pike township, must
make immediate payment, and all persons having de
mands against said estate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
March 14, 1857. BTEHHEN BRINK, Executor.
p THE undersigned have entered iuto arrange-
VV-u cslnc",!*,!', chale prepared to furnish, at
of all kinds. \\ e would especially call attention to Mason
A Hamlin s " Model Melodeons," and the Harmomium for
We are also authorized agents for Lighte. Newton A
Bradbury s celebrated Piano Forte. Price, from 3250 to
\\ e shall receive gratefully, and attpnd to promptly all
orders given to us. Call ou Levi Wells, at his residence
m Tuscarora, or S. W. Rodgers. in Towanda.
March 2, 1857. ' WELLS A RODGERS.
\J tons for sale hy BAILEY A NEVINS.
be in CANTON for a short time. Per
, ' B °ns desirous of jirofiting by his stay will
please call early. Will be found at Dr. PRATT'S office,
commencing March 5,1857. J. MINTOSH.
WHEAT, and about one hundred bushels
V' POLAND OATS, a very superior kiud, for sale at the
w oodside Farm, near Towanda.
March 2,1857. E. W. HALE.
To Boatmen and Boat Builders.
THE Barclay R. 11. and Coal Company
will assist persons wishing to buy BOATS, bv the
loan of money not exceeding one-half the cost of "their
boats, on their entering into contracts, with security, to
boat the Company's coal at current rates until the money
I is repaid.
Offers tor the building of a number of a number of C'A
VA L BOATS, will be received for a short time at ray of
fice in I owanda, where the specifications mav be seen on
and after the 7th of March. J. M AGFA BLANK,
_ March 2. 1857. Gen. Supt. Barclay II.R. A Coal Co.
fJUYKE NOTICE.—TIie balance of our stock
A of diving Hue COOK STOVES, consisting of a choice
lot of Magnolia and Queen of the West Stoves will he sold
at EXTRAORDIN ARY LOW RATES for cash. Call and
examine. Jan. 29. HALL A RCSSELL.
A. Great Bargain for Some One.
THE subscriber having purchased, repaired,
-L and fitted up in order for business, the Grist Mill
formerly owned By H. M. Peck, now offers it for sale, as
he desires to remove West.
Said mill is made to run with steam or water, is located
in the centre of a thickly populated farming country, and
is believed to be one of the best locations in the country.
It has in it three run of stone, two bolts, hulling stone,
smutter, and all the necessary fixtures for a custom mill.
Connected with it are twenty-five acres of land, some ten
acres of which is timbered, suitable for wood. The rest
is for pasturing. There is also on the premises a mill
house, a wagon shop, and two buildings formerly occupied |
by merchants.
i h> terms will lie made easy for the purchaser—sayone
fuurth uown, and for the balance time will be given.
East Smithficld, Jan. 16, 1857.
New Store in Overton ! |
Y\TLLIA M w A LTMA X would respect fill-
T T ly inform the citizens of OVERTON and the ad- 1
joining townships, that he has opened a NEW STORE in i
the HEVERLY SETTLEMENT, where offers for sale a 1
well selected assortment, consisting in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Fish, i
Crockery, Boots sk. Shoes, &c.
In fact everything adapted to the wants of the surround- '
ing community, purchased for cash, at the lowest rates, ,
and for Ready Pay will be sold as low as at any place this
side of the great cities.
He will make it an object for FARMERS to call on him 1
with their Grain, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Maple Sugar, &e. i
for which he allow the highest prices.
Overton, February 17, 1*57.
1 L A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery
Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron, Steel I
and Nails, just received by H. h. MERCUR.
x j;\v FALL ~
BKINGSRER V A SOX, beer leave to ■
• call the attention of their friends and customers, as j
well H- all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to tiieir j
well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, '
consisting of a great variety of
Siiks. Shawls, Paraincttas, French Merinos, Cashmere, '
Wool Plaids, Wool DeLaines, Ac. Also, a choice selec- j
tiuii of Merimac, Clioceco and other styles of fast colored j
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions,
Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Ac.
Denims, Ticks, Drills, Linens, Cambrics, Bleached and
Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Butts, Twine, Car
pet Warp. Ac.
In addition to the above articles, there will always be
found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and
Glass Ware ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish,
Paints, Tubs, Matts, Ac.
Returning individually our thanks for past patronage,
we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attention of our
old customers and the public generally, to an inspection
of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock.
Towanda, Sept. 19, 1856.
F IST OF JURORS drawn for May Term
.1 J and Sessions, 1857.
Athens tp—Ewd Ovenshire, Ridgbury—Samnel Ttibbs,
H. H. Green, J S Wolcott, Miles E. Squires.
Guy Tozer. Smithficld—Nelson Kceler,
Armenia—Nathan Sherman. Eiienezer B. Titus.
Canton—Thomas Williams. Sheshequin—Obadiah Gore.
Eiisha Bloom. Towanda bo—A. J. Easter-
Columbia—John If Killgore. brooks, John Wilson.
Franklin—J C Ridgway. Tuscarora—Chester Wells,
Leroy—Ezra Holcomb. Cyrus Shumway.
Litchfield—S McKinney. West Burlington—Joseph
Orwell—Alonzo potter. j Hilton.
Pike —Simeon Tay.or. I Windham—Jonathan Payne.
Asvlum—Jonathan Terry, Ridgbery—S. Squires, A. i>
Charles Thompson. Smith, Henry
Athena tp.—Geo. L. Easter- Miller,
brooks. J.T. D. Myer, Da-jSouth Creek—John Pitt,
vid Gardner, A Beidlcman Smithficld—T. H. Seward.
Burlington—John Arthur. Springfield—John Voorhis.
1). M. Alexander. Standing Stone— F. S. Whit-
Burlington West- -C.Taylor, man.
Canton —Lewis Wheat. W. Tr<y tp.—M. Smith, Joab
C. Pierce ,It. M'Clelland Kinvon, S. G.Chilson.
Colnmbia —Andrew Jackson. Towanda tp.—Win. Decker,
Durell—B. Laporte, Geo. W. Miller Fox.
Arnot, Madison Decker. Towanda bo—H Essenwine.
Franklin —F. F. Fairchildi Tuscarora—Bela Cogswell.
Leroy—Eve.ett Wilcox, A1 j Ulster—John S. Anthony ,W.
fre'd Fellows. I McCarty.
Orwell—Abel Darling, W.j Warren—David Brainard.
W. Wiswell, .las. O. Frost. Windham—Joseph Webster.
Pike Isaac Lines, Tracer Wilmot—N. T. Horton, Phi-
Simeon Brink, lander White.
O, G. Caiifield. Wysox—Geo. Granger.
Armenia—Robert Mason. Rome—Jason Chaffee.
Asylum—John M. Gamble. Smithficld—W. Brown,Jona-
A theus bo A.O.Hart. than King.
Athens tp.—Robert Sutton. Sheshequin—Reuben Young.
Burlington—C. R. Sainton. Standing Stone—A. Ennis.
Burlington bo D. A. Ross. Springfield—T. B. Beardslee.
Canton—John Mix. iTowanda bo.—J. P. Kirby, I.
Columbia—Win. Smith, W. S. Post.
Mosher, A. B. Austin. Towanda tp.—P. H. Scovell.
Durell- Daniel Holland. Towanda north—M. Bust-
Erauklin—lra Varney. wick.
Granville- 11. 11. Kinyon,G. Troy tp.—B Stiles. J. Hunt.
R. Vannest. Wells—L. Grinnell. Jas. H.
Orwell—Wni. Smith, Minor Brink. Jas. J. Osgood, W.
Taylor, Chas. N. Morey. C. Killgore.
Pike—S. B. Clark, L. Lewis. Wyalusing—S. Acklev.
TnißO V liEK.
Asylum—Goo. H. Morrow. car Young.
Athens tp M. Wbeelock A. Sheshequiu—Wm. J. Del-
Snell. peueh.
Athens bo L. S. Keeler. Smithficld—H. Quick, Mollis
Burlington—ira A. Weed. Allen.
Canton—James Ketchuin. Springfield—W. Berry.
Columbia—F. T. Cornell. Standing Stone—G. Brown.
Durell—Wm. Coolbaugh, R. Towanda bo.—J. W. Wilcox,
Bull, E. M. Bishop. Jos. Kingsbery.
Franklin—Nathan L.Dodge. Troy tp—J. O. Ward, John
Granville—M. C. Wilcox, L. Porter.
Taylor. Troy bo.—Wm. Morgan.
Derrick—M. Slocuro, E. B |Warren— Henry Whitaker.
Mintz. Windham—W. Wheelhouse,
Ridgbery—Jas. Mitchell. M.! Bcnj. KuykendalL
Covcll. |Wysox—E. K. Myer, Harry
Rome—F. W. Ma4"nfrd, Os ; Strope, Wm. Goodrich.
Wyaiuhing—R. Fuller.
CHERIFF'S SALE.—Ry virtue of a writ of
kJ Venditioni exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, nnd to me directed,
will lie exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the
boro of Towanda, on MONDAY May 4, 1 o'clock,
P. M., a tract of land called " Georgetown,"' situated on
Towanda creek, Overton township, surveyed to George
Edge, beginning at a beech, thence bv "land of Daniel
Broadhead. south 29°, west 212 perches to a maple ;
them e by land of Peter Edge, south 6! 3 , east 275 perches
to ft post; thence by landof George Temple, north 29°.
east 212 perches to a post ; thence bv land of Paul Har
dy and Samuel Edge, north 61°, west 275 perches to the
Leginning, containing 343 acres, 27 perches and allow
ance of six per cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Maple Grove,"
surveyed to George Temple, situate on the waters of'To
wanda creek. Overtoil township, beginning at a post ;
thence hy land of James Bidden, Andrew Hardy and Paul
Hardy, north, 61°. west 420 perches to a post thence by
land of George Edge, scnth 29°. west 212 perches to a
post; thence by laud of Peter Temple, south 61°, east
320 perches to a beech ; thence by land of Paul Moore,
north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO—a certain tract of land called '* Dunfries," situ
ate in Overton township, surveyed to Paul Moore, begin
ning at a post,thence by land of George, Peter and James
Siddens, north 61°, west 320 perches to a post ; thence
by land of George Temple, south 29°, west 212 perches
to a beech; thence hy old surveys, south 61°, east 320
perches to a birch ; thence by land of Joshua Coiley,
north 29°, east 212 perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres and allowance of six per rent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—a certain tract of laud called " Union," survey
ed to Samuel Edge, situate on the waters of the Towanda
creek, Franklin Township, beginning at a hemlock!
tlieuce by land of Daniel Broadhead, south 29°, west 124
perches io a beech ; thence by land of George Edge,
south 61°, east 160 perches to a'post; thence by land of
l'oul Hardy, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post: thence
by laud of Simon Hardy, north 61°, west 160 perches to
the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 6
per cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Derry." survey
ed to Simon Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda
creek, Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by
land of James Hardy, north 29°, east 424 perches to a
post; thence by land of Joseph Ladlev, north 61°, west
160 perches to a hemlock sapling: thence by land of
Daniel Broadhead. south 29°, west 424 perches to a hem
lock ; thence by laud of Samuel Edge, south 61°, east
160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and
allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Denmark,"
surveyed to James Hardy, situate on the waters of To
wanda creek, Franklin Township, beginning at a post,
thence by lands of Simon Hardy, south 29°, west 424 per
ches to a post; thence by land of Paul Hardy, south 61°,
east 160 perches to a birch ; thence by laud of Nathan
Hardy, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post ; thence by
land of Joseph Lndley, north 61°, west 160 perches to the
beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of 0 per
cent for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Belmont," sur
veyed to Nathan Hardy, situate on the waters of Towan
da creek. Franklin township, commencing at a post,
thence by land of Samuel Siddens. north 29°, east 424
perches to a post; thence by land of Peter Ladley, north
61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by lauds of James
Hardy, south 29°. west 424 perches to a birch : tlience by
laud of Andrew Hardy,south 61°, east 160 perches to the
beginning, containing" 400 acres and allowance of 6 per
cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Enfield," sur
veyed to Joseph Siddens. situate on the waters of the To
wanda creek. Franklin Township, beginning at a post,
thence by lands of George llaja, north 28°, east 421 per
ches to a post ; tlience by land of Andrew Sadley, north
61°, west 160 perches to a post: thence by laud of Sam
uel Siddens, south 2o°. west 424 perches t<> a maple :
thence by land of Peter Siddens, south 61°. east 160
perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allow
ance, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Mt- Pleasant,"
surveyed to James Siddens, stuate on the waters of To
wanda creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post,
thence by land of Peter Siddens, north 29°, east 424 per
ches to a maple : thence by land of Samuel Siddens.
north 61°, west 161 perches to a post: tlience by land of
Andrew I lardy, south 29°. west 424 perches to a post;
thence by land of George Temple and Paul Moore, south
61°,ea.-tlon perches to the beginning, containing 400
acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " St. Paul," sur
veyed tu Paul Hardy, situate on the waters of Towanda
creek. Franklin township, beginning at a post, thence by
land of Andrew Hardy, north 29°, east 424 perches to a
birch; thence by lanp of James Hardy, north 61°, west
160 perches to a post ; tlience by land of George Edge
and George Temple, south 61°, east 160 perches to the
beginning, 400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for
ALSO—A certain messuage and tract of land called
'• Mouiff Hope," surveyed to Jonathan North, situate on
the waters of Towanda Creek, in Overton township, be
ginning at a post, thence by land of Samuel North, north.
29°, east 424 perches to a post, thence by land of James
North, 61°, west 160 perches to a post; thence by land
of Peter Hampton,south 29°, west 424 perches to a hem
lock sapling ; thence by land of Joseph Castator, south
61°, 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres
and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO A tract of land called " Gcrmantown," snrveved
in the name of Stephen Haiiingsworth. situate on the "wa
ters of Loyal Sock creek in the township of Overton, be
ginning at a post, thence by land of Herman Castator,
Joseph Ca-tutor and George Castator, north 61°. west
320 perches to a post; thence by land of Henry Hardy,
south 29°, east 320 perches to a post ; thence by land of
Anna Harris, north 29°, east 212 perches to the begin
ning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per cent,
for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Frugality,"
surveyed in the name of Joseph Castator. situate in Ov
erton" township. beginning at a post, thence by lands of
Herman Castator, north 29°, east 124 perches to a post:
thence by land of Jonathan North, north 61°, west 160
perches to a hemlock sapling ; thence by land of George
Castator, south 29°, west 424 perches to a post ; tlience
by land of Stephen Haiiingsworth, south 61°, east 160
perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and allow
ance of 6 per cent.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Bellfast," sur
veyed in the name of Herman Castator. situate in Over
ton township, beginning at a post, tlience by land of John
Moore, north 29°, west 424 perches to a chestnut sap
ling ; thence hy land of Lemuel North, north 61°, west
160 perches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Casta
tor, south, 79°, west 424 perches to a post ; thence by
land of Stephen Haiiingsworth and Anna Harris, south
61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing 400
acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Fredericks
burg," surveyed in tiie name of Frederick Sellouts, situ
ate on the waters of the Towanda creek, in Monroe town
ship, beginning at a post, thence by laud of George
Schoots, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by
land of Peter North, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post:
thence by land ol Samuel North, south 21°. west 424 per
ches to a chestnut sapling : tlience l>y land of J. Moore,
south 61° east 160 perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres and allowance of 6 per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Springfield,"
surveyed in the name of George Schoots. situate on the
waters of the Towanda Creek, in Monroe town-hip. be
ginning at a chestnut oak thence by land of Peter Schoots,
north 29°, east 424 perches to a post ; thence by land of
Peter North, north 61°, west 160 perches to a post;
thence hy land ol Frederic Schoots, south 29°, west 424
jrerehes to a post; thence by land of Hannah Woodruff',
south 61°, east 160 perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
jgALSO—A certain fract of land called " Briston," sur
veyed in the name of Samuel Anderson, situate on the
waters of Towanda Creek, in Monroe town-hip, begin
ning at a post, thence by land of Peter Schoots and Rob
ert Hampton, south 61°, east 320 nerches to a post;
thence hy land of Joseph Amlersorf', iiorth 29°, east 212
perches {<> an ash sapling, thence by vacant land, north
61°, west 320 perches to a hemlock, thence by land of
Peter North, south 29°, west 212 perches to the begin
ning. containing 401) acres and allowance of six per cent,
for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Byford," sur
veyed in the name of Joseph Anderson, situate on the
waters of the Towanda creek, in Monroe township, lie
ginning at a post, thence by land of "Frederick Castator
and George Barnes, south 61°, east 320 perches to a post:
thence by land of John Bemon Jr., north 20°, east 212
perches to a white oak. thence by vacant lands,north 61°,
west 320 perches to an ash sapling : thence by land of
Samuel Anderson, south 29°, west 212 perches to the be
ginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per
cent for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Humility," sit
uate on the waters of Towanda creek. Franklin township,
beginning at a maple, thence by land of James Siddens
south 29°, west 424 perches to a post; tlience by Paul
Moore, south 61°. east 160 perches to a post; thence by
land of George Siddens, north 29°, east 124 perches to a
post; thence by land of Joseph Siddens, north 61°, west
160 perches to" the beginning, containing 400 acscs and
allowance of 6 per cent for roads.
ALSO A certain tract of land called " Milton,"situa
te on the waters of Towanda creek, in Franklin town
ship. beginning a a birch, thence by land of Paul Hardy,
south 29°, west 424 perches ; thence by land of George
Temple, south 61°, east 160 perches to a post; t'uence in
land of James Siddens, north 29°, east 424 perches to a
post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, north 61°, west
160 perches to 'the beginning, containing 400 acres and
allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Bedford," situ
ate on the waters of the Towanda creek, Franklin town
ship' beginning at a maple, thence by land of Joseph Sid
den, north 29°, east 424 perches to a post; thence by
land of Peter Ladley, north 61°, west IGO perchrs to a
post; thence by land of Nathan Hardy, south 29°, west
454 perches to a post; tlience by land of James Siddens,
south 61°. east 160 perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO —A certain tract of land called " Dover," sur
veyed in the name of Robert Hampton, situate on the
waters of Towanda creek. Monroe Township, beginning
at a maple' thence by land of Frederick Castator, north
29°, east 424 perches to a i>ost ; thence by land of Samu
el Anderson, north 61°, west 160 perches to a poet;
thence by land of Peter Sellouts, south 29°, west 424 ]kt
clies to a post; thence by land of Mary Wallis, south 61°,
east lfid perches to the" beginning, containing 400 acres
and allowance of six per cent for roads.
ALSO- A certain tract of land called "Cole's Hill,"
surveyed in the name of Peter hoots, situate on the
waters of Towanda creek, Monroe township, beginning at
a post, thence by land of Robert Hampton, north '29°,
east 424 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel An
derson, north Cl°. we<t ICO perches to a post: thence by
land of George Sclioots, south 29°. west 424 perches to a
chestnut oak : thence by land of Mercy Ellis, south 61°.
j east ICO perches to the "beginning, containing 400 acres
and allowance of C per cent, fur reads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Camden,"' sur
veyed in the name of Samuel North, situate on the wat
ers of the Towanda creek, Franklin township, beginning
at a chestnut sapling,thence by land of Frederick Sclioots,
north 29°, cast 424 perches to a post: thence by land of
James North, north 61°, west ICO perches to a post :
thence by land of Jonathrn North, south 29°, ■ e.-t 424
perches to a post: thence by land of Herman Castator.
south 61°, east ICO perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres and allowance of .six per cent, for roads.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called" Hagcrstown."
surveyed in the name of Samuel Hager, sttuate on the
waters of the towanda creek, Overton Township, begin
ning at a post, thence by laud of J. Sad ley, north cl°,
west 100 perciies to a post; thence by land of Nathan
Haja, south 29°, west 424 perches to a sugar sapling ;
thence by land of Jonathan Hampton, south 01° cast 100
perches to a post; thence bv land of Peter Hampton,
north 29°, east 424 perches to the beginning, containing
400 acres arid allowance of 6 per cent, for roads.
ALSO A certain tract of land called " Dartmouth,"
situate in Overton township, surveyed in the name of
Samuel Hardy, beginning at a post, thence by land of
Henry Cooler, south 61°. east 320 perches to ii beech ;
thence by land of James Bryson. north 29°, east 212 per
ches to a" beech : thence by land of Henry Sceley, north
01°, west 320 perches to a post ; thence by land of Sam
uel Fritz, south 29°, west 212 perches to the beginning,
containing 400 acres with allowance of six per cent, for
ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Clearfield," sur
veyed in the name of James Hardy, situate on the waters
of Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a
i post; thence ly laud of General Broadhead, south 29°,
j west 218 perches to a post; thence by land of Jonathan
I Seeley. south 61°. eust"2oo perches to a post; thence by
| land of Samuel Fritz and James B etz. north 29°. east
I 318 perches to a beech ; thence by land of Samuel Cool
| ey, north <ll°, west 200 perches "to the beginning, C'on
j taining 375 acres and allowance of six per cent, for
roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Felicity," sur
| veyed in the name of Samuel Temple, situate on the wa
: ters of the Towanda creek, in Overton Township, begin
j uing at a sugar tree, thence by land of Robert Roberts,
north 29°, east 212 perches to a sugar tree ; thence by
! vacant land, north 71°. west 320 perches to a sugar tree ;
thence by land of Henry Betz, south 29°, west 212 perch
es to a post; thence by land of Henry Ilyson, south 01°,
east 320 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres
and allowance of six per cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called "Simplicity,"
surveyed to Peter Temple, situate on the waters of Tow-'
anda creek, Overton township, beginning at a beech ; and j
thence by laud of George Temple, north 61°, west 320 j
perches to a post, thence by land of Peter Edge sotb 29°.'
east 220 perches to a sugar sapling ; thence by land of
Samuel Stmple south 61° east 320 perches to a sugar tree;
thence by old survey, north 29°, east 220 perches to the
beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six per
cent, for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Greenfield,"
surveyed to George Moore, situate on the waters of the
Towanda creek, Overton township, beginning at a post,
thence by land of Joseph Betz and and Henry Betz, north
29° east 318 perches to a hemlock ; thence by vacant
lands, north 01°, west 290 perches to a post; thene by
the same and laud of Gen. S. tiroadhcad south 29°, we-t
318 perches to a post; thence by land of Samuel Cooley
south 01°, east 200 perches to the beginning, containing
375 acres and allowance of six per cent, for roads.
ALSO A certain tracf of land called " Litchfield," sur
veyed to Henry Betz, situate on the waters of Towanda
creek, Overton township, beginning at a small beech and
thence by land of Joseph Betz,south (il°, east 275 perch
es to a post : thence by land of Samuel Temple, north
29°, oast 220 perches to a sugar sapling; thence by va
cant land north 01°, west 275 perciies to a hemlock ;
thence by land of George Moore, south 29°, west 213 per
ches to the beginning, contaiuiuing 343 acres,and 27 per
ches and allowance of six per cent for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land tailed '• Longford," sur
veyed to Joseph Betz, situate on the waters of Towanda
creek, Overton township, lieginning at a beech, thence by
land of John Betz. south 01°, east 275 perches to a post;
thence by land of llenry Bryson nort i 29°, cast 212 per
ches to a post; thence by land of Henry Betz, north lit 0 ,
275 perches To a small beech; thence by land of George
Moore and Samuel Cooley, south 29°, west 212 perches to
the beginning, containing 343 acres and 27 perches and
allowance for roads, Ac.
A I,SO—A certain tract of lan<l called "Frugality."
surveyed to John Betz. situate on the waters of Towand i
creak. Overton township, beginning at a Beech, thence by
I and 75 f James Betz, south *sl°. east 275 perches to a post;
thence by land of Joseph Seeley, north 29°, east 212 per
ches to a post; thence by land of Joseph Betz, north 01°,
west 275 perches to a birch ; thence by land of Samuel
Coolcy, south 17°, west 212 perches to the beginning,
containing 544 acres and 25 perches and allowance of six
per cent, for roads Ac.
ALSO—A certain tract of land called *' Greenfield,"
surveyed to James Betz, situate on the waters of Towan
da creek, Overton township, beginning at a sugar tree,
thence by land of Samuel Fitz, south 01°. east 275 perch
es to a post , thence by land of Henry Seeley, north 29°,
east 212 perches to a post; thence by land of John Betz.
north 01°, west 275 perches to a beech ; thence by land
of James Hardy, south 29°, west 212 perches to the
beginnuing, containing 343 acres and 27 perches and al
ALSO—A certain tract of land called " Fertility,"' sur
veyed to Henry Seeley, situate in Overton township, be
ginning at a hemlock, thence by land of .Joseph Seeley,
north (51°, west 320 p< relies to a post: thence by lands
ol James Betz, south 29°, west 212 perches to a post ;
thence by land of Samuel Hardy, south 01°, east 320 per
ches to a Beech ; thence by land of Patrick —north
20°, east 212 perches to the beginning, Containing 400
acres and allowance.
ALSO—A tract of land called " Mount Hope," survey
ed to Samuel Fritz, situated in Overton township, begi'n
ning at a sugar tree, thence bv land of J. Fritz, south til °
east 275 perches to a post ; thence by land of Samuel
Hardy, north 20°. east 212 perches to a post ; thence by
land of Samuel Betz, 61°, west 275 perches to a sugar
tree ; thence by land of James Hardy and Jonathan See
ley south 29° west 212 perches to the beginning, contain
ing 343 acres and 27 perches and allowance of 0 per cent,
for roads, Ac.
ALSO—A tract of land called "Brutus," situated in
Overton township, surveyed to Peter Kdge, beginning at
a maple, thence by land of Daniel Broad head, south 29°,
west 212 perches to a hemlock : thence by land of Henry
Betz, south 01°, east 275 perches to a sugar sapling;
thence by laud of Peter Temple, north 29°, east 212 per
ches to a post; thence by land of George Kdgo. north
•Jl°, west 275 perches to the beginning, continuing 343
acres and 27 perches and allowance.
ALSO—A tract of land called " Amsterdam," surveyed
to Henry Bryson. situate in Overtoil township, beginning
at a-sugar tree, thence by land of Samuel Temple, north
(!I°, west 320 perches to a post; thence by land ol Jo
seph Betz. south 29°, west 212 perches to a post; thence
by land of Joseph Seeley, south (11°, east 320 perches to
a beech ; thence by land of James White, north 29°, east
212 perches to the beginning, containing 400 acres and
ALSO—A certain tract of lain! "called Felicity,*' sur
veyed to S. Cooler. situate in Overton township, begin
ning at a beech, thence by land of J. lletz and Joseph
Betz, north 29°, c ist 318 perches to a post; thence by
land of George Moore, north 61°, west 200 perches to a
post; thence by land of Samuel Broad head, south 20°,
west 318 perches to a post ; thence by land of James
Hardy south til 0 , east 200 perches to the beginning, con
taining 375 acres and allowance.
A I.SO-—A tract of land called " Amherst," sur\ eyed to
Joseph Seoley, situate in Overton township, beginning at
a post, thence by land of Henry Kryson. north til®, west
320 perches to a post; thence by land of John Betz south
20°. west 212 perches to a post ; thence by land of Hen
ry Seeley, south 01°. east 320 perches to a post ; thence
by lauds of James Barnes, north til°, ea-t 212 perches to
the beginning, containing 400 acres and allowance of six
per cent, for roads.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Simon Cam
eron, Cashier of the Middletown Bank, Middlctowu I'a.
vs. William 11. Winder.
Towanda, March lfi, 1857.
QHERIFFS SALE.—By virtue of it writ
k_2 of vend. ex.issued out of tho Court of Common Pleas,
to nie directed, I shall expose to public sale at the Court
House, in the borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY, the
2d day of APRIL, 1837, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow
ing lot. piece or parcel of land in Athens borough, hound
ed on the north and wesi l.y lands of ('. F. Welles, jr., on
the east by the Susquehanna river, and south hv Hopkins
street. Containing 150 feet front, and 75 feet deep, he
the same more or less, all improved, with a framed house
and framed barn thereon.
ALSO-—One other lot or piece of land, situate in Athens
borough, bounded north and east by lands of Shipman,
Welles ,V Harris, south by Chestnut "street and west bvthe
Bank lot. Containing 40 feet front, and 110 feet back, all
improved, with a framed house thereon.
ALSO—One other lot or piece of land situate in Athens
borough,bounded north by lands of Shipman, Welles and
Harris, east by C. N. Shipman, south by Chestnut street.
Containing 4(i feet front, and 110 feet hack, nil improved,
with a framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward L.
Skinner vs. William Hunt.
Sheriff's Office, Towanda, March 9,1867.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.,
will he exposed to public sale on the premises.on SATUR
DAY, the 4tli day of April, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the
following property, late the estate of Simon Johnson, de
ceased . A piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the
township of Columbia, Bradford county, and bounded and
descrilied as follows—Beginning at a post, north west cor
ner of warrant lot, no. 951, thence east 166 perches to a
post for a corner ; thence touth 82 3-10 perches to a post
lor a corner ; thence west 166 perches to a post for a cor
ner on the west line of said warrant lot ; thence north 82
3-10 perches to the beginning. Containing eighty-five
acres and seventy perches, strict measure.
Terms made known on the dav of sale.
March 10,1857. SKTH SHERMAN, Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot Chanrp'lin G. Brown, dec dlateofSmitlifield,are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claims agaiii-t said estate, must present them duly
authenticated for :-:ettlement, to the subscribers.
Feb. >2, 1857. Administrator with will annexed,
FpXECUTOIVS NOTlCE.—Notice is here-
J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of Brayton A.Baldwin dec'd.,late of Franklin tp.Jiave been
granted to the subscrilier. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested for settlement.
Dec. 22, 1856. Executors.
J.\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of 'GEORGE HAWKINS, dee'd, late of Armenia
twp, arc hereby requested to make payment without de
lay: and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 8 1857. Administrator.
X ECU TO R'SN OTIC E—All penwwhT-
J J debted to the estate of ANTHONY ANGLE, dee'd.,
late of llerrick township, are hereby notified that pay
ment must be made without delay, and all persons hiving
claims against said estate are requested to preieat them
duly authenticated for settlement.
March 2.1857. Executor.
TdMIX'KS. NOTICE.—AII persons in
-OL debted to the estate of JOS. CONGDON. dee'd.
late of Litchfield township, arc hereby notified to inake
payment without delay, and all persons having demands ,
against said estate are requested to present them duly au
tlienticated for settlement. SAMUEL DAVIDSON,
Nov. 25, 1856. Administrator.
XjL is hereby given, that ufl persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. CHILSON. late of Sinithfield twp.,dee'd. are ,
requested to make payment without delay ; and all per
sons having claims against said estate, must present them
duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber.
Nov. 25,1856. Administrator, j
IV. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es \
tatc of GEO. SILL, deceased, late of Derrick township,
arc hereby requested to make payment without detav;
and all persons having claims against said estate will '
pleasejuesent tliem duly authenticated for settlement.
December 27, 1856. Administrator, i
A UDITORS' NOTICE.— John Sloanoker
al vs. Stephen Pepptv. In the court of Common Pleas
of Bradford Co. No. 124, Feb. T., 1856.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
distribute the funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's
real estate, will attend to the duties assigned him at his
office in the b<>ro' of Towanda, on Tuesday, the 31st day
of March. A. D. 1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon
when and where all persons having claims are requested
to present them, or be lorever debarred therefrom.
Feb. 15, 1856. G. H. WATKINS, Auditor. _
A UDITOII'S NOTICE. — S. Hutchinson vs.
A. A John Roberts. In the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County. No. 227, Dec. T., 1554.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendant's real
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
offiee in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday,the 2d day
of April, 1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time ami place all persons are required to present their
claims or eNe he forever debarred from said fund.
Feb 15, 1856. G. 11. WATKINS, Auditor.
XA_ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of BENJAMIN BABCOCK, late of Windham town
ship, dee'd., are requested to make payment without de
lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 10,1856. Administrator.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mo tier of
-1 V. the estate of Isaac Rosencrantz, dee'd In tlie Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds in the bands of the administrator of said
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the '2d day
of February, 1857, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else lie forever debarred from said fund.
Dec. 15, 185(5. G. H. WATKIXS. Auditor.
The above Auditors Xotice stands continued until Mon
dav. 23d of March, 1857, at o'clock P. M.
of an order of the Orphaus' Court of Bradford coun
ty, will he exposed to public sale on the premises, on
Saturday the 25th day of March next, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., the following property—
A lot of land in Derrick township, liounded as follows ;
Beginning a beech north corner of a lot run out for Myron
Stevens, thence south 25° west 67 8-10 perches to a hem
lock for a corner, thence south 34° west 75 8-10 perches
to a post on the north line of I>. F. Hints lot, thence north
89° west 37 6-10 ]ierches to a post for a corner, thence
north 64° west 116 perches to a post for a corner, thence
north 261° cast along the cast line of Marshall Hitchcock's
to a post 62° on this course, thence north east 52 3-10
perches to a post on north line of Warrant lot No. 163,
thence south 89° along said warrant line. 144 9-10 perch
es to the beginning. Containing 105 acres and 150 perch
es. more or less, (excepting and reserving a piece of about
5 acres which has heretofore been sold to Klisha Keeler
from the north end of the lot.) late the estate of Thomas
Jones, deceased, with about 70 acres improved, one dwel
ling house, two barns, one corn house and an orchard.
Terms—One hundred dollars on tin- day of sale. Four
hundred dollars on giving possession of the property, and
the balance in three equal annual instalments.
B. LAI'ORTE, Guardian of the minor
Feb. 24. 1857. children of Thomas Jones, dee'd.
NOTICE. —Notice is liere
-J hv given, that all persons indebted to tiie estate of
Mrs. BOXY BI RCH, deceased, late of MONROE town
ship, are requested to rzake payment without delay;
those having demands against said estate will present tlicm
duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 26. 185(1. CHARLES BURCH. Executor.
XI. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISRAEL BlSHOP,dee'd., late of Wysox township,
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
persons having claims against said estate, must- present
them duly authenticated, to the subscriber.
March 12.1857. GEO. T. BISHOP, Administrator.
4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
X V the estate of Nathan Maifnard, dee'd. In the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to
distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of this
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough of Towanda. on Thursday, the 9th of
April, 1857, at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims
upon said money must present them, or else be forever
debarred from toe same. P. D. MORROW,
March 9, 1857. Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
X V the estate of Beriah Pratt; deceased. In the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed to
distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the
above e-tate. will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Friday, the
10th day of April, 1857. at 2 o'clock, I*. M. All persons
having claims upon said money must present them, or
else he forever debarred from the same.
March 9,1857. P. D. MORROW, Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
the estate of Itiinsimi P. Adams, deceased. In the
Orphans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed upon
ex -options tiled;to the final account of the Administrator
of this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in the borough of Towanda. on Saturday, the
11th day of April. 1857, at 2 o'clock, I'. M., of which all
persons concerned will please take notice.
March 9,1857. P. 1). MORROW, Auditor,
A EDITOR S NOTICE.—In the matter of
X.A. the voluntary assignment of Win. Myers to N. C.
Harris, Harvy McAlpiu.and Thompson Satterlce for the
benefit of creditors. In the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford county.
The uiuler-igiied Auditor appointed to distribute the as
sets in the hands of the Assignees to the several creditors
in the above entitled caflse. will attend to the duties of
his appointment at his ofiioe. in Athens borough, rn Sat
urday. March 21, 18.77, at I o'clock, I'. M.. at which time
and place all persons having claims will present them, or
be debarred from claiming any nionev in the hands of the
assignees. H. C. BAIRD.
February 24,1857. Auditor.
A EDITOR S NOTICE.— John Hanson to
XA. the use of H". Baird vs. ttoltin tVilcox. In Brad
Common Picas, No. 168, February term. 1854.
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant ,s
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
the office of Wm. El'wetl. Esq., in Towanda born' on Satur
day the 11th day of April, A. D. 1857, at one o'clock. P.
M., when and where ail persons interested ate requested to
to attend, or be forever debnrred from any share of said
fund. H. a iTKEAST, Auditor.
Towanda. Feb. 23. 1856.
FRESH PEACHES and Tomatoes, ill cans,
warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S.
A with the several Collectors of
-i. X bute and-Militia Taxes, for tb County f Bradford *
remaining unsettled Junuary i, 1-857 ;
(""I'ector a names. Year. State Ut. Ml).
Litchfield, J r M-unn, lsil see. n
Pike. 0 Ellsworth, Jr 2?
Springfield, T liowe, * ' n,
Towanda tp. E R Delong, 4
Troy boro', John M'Kean, 2 6 on
Wvalusing, G M Bluei, 12 M
Wilinot, J L Jones. g
Ridgberry. Charles French, 7852 14 CS
South Creek, Ira Crane, 37 43
Tuscarora, H Shmnwur, IQO
Wilinot, A Woodruff, 1} 77
Atheus boro', J E Snell, 1853 6 30
Granville, James Gee, g 00
llerrick, K Hillia, 7 £0
Rome, N Maynard, 64 10 100
Ulster, C B Kitchen, 39 87 36 0®
Wilinot, E Sheoard, 20 19 24 00
Canton, John Gray, 1854 10 60
Purcll. John Stevens, 30 48 950
llerrick, Ii Hillia, 64 60 650
Rome, Joseph Allen, 110 36
Ridgberry, Charles French, 42 44 30 00
South Creek, Ira Crane, 280 200
t Stand'g iStone,John Taylor, 8 08
Towanda N. C Bennett, 56 52 570
Tuscarora, O Warner, 24 72
Troy boro' A B Moore, 84T
Ulster, H D Hogora, 02 77 17 57
Wvalusing, K Whitney. 37 J4 667
\\ lbuut, I) Abrahams, 6 50
Albany, S Chapman. 1855 So 02
Durell. Win Brauud. 16 37
Franklin, F F Fuirchild, S3 97 800
Granville, C D ltoss, 92 57 *3 op
llerrick, R Hillw, 153 40
Rome, S C Marin, 56 20
Tuscurom, I) Ackley. 40 06 34 00
Towanda X. W W Kastabroolu, 97 60
Wyalusing, fl Elliott, 25 02 21 85
Athens boro', Charles Clapp, 1356 109 65 46 00
Athens twp. Nathan Edminster, 524 54 53 00
Albany. CII Corbiu, 122 11 27 00
Asylum, GII Morrow, 23 95 24 50
Burlington W P Pliel™, 140 11
" bo., A Smith. 2 93
Burlington, J Travis Jr. 166 67
Columbia, P Peckhain, 55 40
Durell, D L StauU, 77 GO
Franklin, J P Burnbam, 153 82
Granville, C D Ross, 237 15 600
Herrick, William Hillia, 123 17 16 00
Leroy, Al> Foss, 66 97 13 00
Litchfield, R Merrill, 106 93 21 00
Orwell, A G Mathews, 27 70
Overton, D Heverly, Jr. 48 90 12 00
Pike, C Brink, 362 80
Koine, O F Young, 223 70
Ridgberry, J Hammond, 138 24 14 50
Shcshcyum, Wl* Horton, 132 04 900
Smrtfificld, T J Wheeler, 72 02 44 00
Springfield, S D Harkness, 118 46 13 00
South Creek, Ira Crane, 47 54 16 50
Stand'g Stone Jonathan Wood, 112 65 12 00
Tuscarora, A W Gray, 137 82
Towanda bo. A J Noble, 162 32 37 00
Towanda X, S A Mills, 165 39 11 00
Towanda, James Santeo, 97 83
Troy boro', A B Monro, S3 40
Ulster, R M'Kinney, 126 10
Wysox. John B Hiues, 156 75 13 50
Wyalusing, Jaines Lewi*, 80 88 34 50
Wells, David Strong, 42 79
Warren, Joseph Wheaton, 38 15
Windham, J W Warner, 115 88
Wiluiot, D S Miller, 17 55 21 50
5552 75 <H)3 25
I certify the above to be a correct statement, as shown
by the account of the several Collectors at the above date,
_T? b - 17 • u: ! 7 - E. B. COOLBAUGH. Clerk.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
the estate of Knock S. Fowler, dee'd. lu the Or
phaus' Court of Bradford Countv.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by said Court, upon exceptions filed to the ac
count ol Wm. Gorscliue, Executor of the said estate,
will attend to the duties of his appointment, at the office
ofWrn. Ehyell, Esq.. on Tuesday, the 14th day of April,
1557, at 2 o'clock, P. M., when aud where all 'persons can
attend if thev think proper.
Feb. 27. 1856. H. B. M'KEAN, Auditor.
KINS. 111 the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford
County. December term, 1856. No. 443.
And now to wit, February 14, 1857, on motion of Mr.
Mercur, the Court grant a rule upon the defendant to ap
pear and plead in this case by the first day of May terra
next, or judgment will be entered in favor of said plaintiff
for the land described in said writ. And the Court further
order that a copy of said rule, together with a description
of said premises, which is as follows, to wit: A certain
lot. piece or parcel of laud situate in the township of North
Towauda, in said county, containing seventy-five acres or
thereabouts, bounded as follows : Beginning at a Xorwav
pine corner, thence along the line of William W. Eacta
brook's land, south one hundred and forty-five und a half
rods to a post and atones, the south west corner of said
Eastabrook's lot ; thence by lands of Edward Patterson's
estate and John F. Means, west fifty-six and two-tenth*
rods to a corner ; thence by lands of C. L. Ward north five
degrees west twenty rods, north twenty-two degrees west
nineteen rods, north sixty-five degrees west nineteen rods,
north three degrees west twenty rods, north fifteen de
grees west thirty and nine-tenth rods, north twenty-five
degrees west fourtten rods, north fourteen and a half de
grees east forty-one rods to a post on the line of Marvin
Russell's lot, thence by laud of said Russell aud Enos Bal-
Ity east eighty-seven and a half roils to the place of be
ginning—shall be published sixty days before the retnrn
day of said rule in the Bradford Reporter.
Buadpobd CorxTV, S3.—l hereby certify that the fore
[l. s.J going is a true copv of record.
ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothofiotary.
_ Prothonotary'a Office, Feb. 23,1857.
TRUSTEE'S SALE.—By virtue of an or
der of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford coun
ty. the undersigned Trustee of Augustus S. Perkins, Sa
rah W. Perkins, Geo, W. lhrkins, Lucy H. Perkins, and
Susan W. Perkins, Minors, will on'.the 6th day of March
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the Athens Hotel, in the la>-
rough of Athens, expose to sale at public vendue, all the
right, title and interest of the said Minors In the undivid
ed five-sevenths of a tract of land situate in Athens twp.,
bounded and described as follows : On the north by land
of Klisha Smith and Frederick Miller, east by SamnoJ
Brown, south by T. Vangorder. A. Campbell,Z.Gibhs and
C. Hunsicker, west by Samuel Sawyer, containing in the
whole 220 acres, with" about 140 acres improved, a framed
house and two barns thereon. Ternies made known at
the sale. G. 11. WEI.LES, Trustee.
Athens. February 10, 1857.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virttie of sondry
writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, to tnc directed, I shall
expose to public sale at the Court House in the borough
of Towanda. on FRIDAY. MARCH 27th, at 1 o'clock.
P. M., the following descrilied lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Granville twp., bounded north by lands of W.
H. Philips, east by lands of T. Pratt, south by lands of
G. A. Johnson, and on the west by lands of tS'. H, Smith
and J. Annahle. Containing about 30 acres, more or lee*,
aim it 8 acres improved, one old framed house, one old
plank house, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. I'. Grif
fin. to the use of Jere Adams vs. B. D. A. Griffin.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in Rome tp bounded as follows, to wit; Be
ginning at a post, a eorner of lands of R Russell, thence
south 60° east 98 and 6-10 perches to a post, another cor
ner of said Russell's lands, thence south 77 and 7*lo per
ches to a post, thence west 91 and S-lO perches to a post,
thence 128 perches, to the place of beginniug. Contain
ing 50 acres more or less, about 20 acres improved ; ono
framed dwelling bouse, one framed Isirn,one framed shed,
and other out-buildings, with an orchard of fruit tree*
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofC. L.Ward,
to the use of Addison W. Alger Vs. Ern-tus Lovott.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of fl, fa,, the following des
cribed lot piece or parcel of land situate in Tuscarora tp.,
bounded as follows, to wit : on the north by lands of J.
Kecler, east by lands of B. Wakely, south by lands of O.
Culver, and west by lands of L. Jackson, Containing 115
acres, more or less, about 70 acres improved, with a fram
ed dwelling house, a framed barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Truman J.
Laeey vs. Titus Punks.
JrtltX A. CODDING. Sheriff.
Sheriff"s Office. i
Towanda. March 2,1857. f
REGISTER'S NOTICES.— Xotice is here
by given that there hate been filed and ettled In
the office of the Register of Wills, in and far the county
of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the follow
ing estates, viz :
Filial account of Ralph Oregorv, administrator of De
borah Gregory, late of Pike, dee'd.
Partial account of Lucy and PaVid Stuble, administra
tors of Richard Stable, late of Rome, dee'd.
Final account of Joseph Vandvke, administrator of
Thomas Miles, late of Canton, dee'd.
Final account of A. W. and Catharine Ay res, executors
of John A: Ayrcs, late of Wells, dee'd.
Partial account of Elihn Case and A. D. Spalding, ad
ministrators of Johnson Williams 2d, late of Troy, dee'd.
Partial nccount of L. F- Slolford and John P. Brown,
administrators of Hiram Brown, late of Wyafusing.dee'd.
Supplementary account of Gordon Wilcox, one of tho
executors of Tho' Wilcox, late of Athene, dee'd.
Final account of Win. H. Brant, administrator of Mar
cus Lvnett. late of Warren, dee'd.
Final account of E. R. Vaughn and 0. Vanderwort, e
centers of Samuel Lake, late of Tuscarora. dee'd.
Final account of Bascom Taylor, executor of John Tay
ior, late of Wyalnsing, dee'd.
2d Partial aVerwint of Daniel Strong, executor of John
Strong, late of Wells, dee'd.
Final account of X. C. Heoslev. administrator of Wm.
Chilson, late of A'mithfield, dee'd
U\J SEED for sale by K KIXC.RBERY A SON.