Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 26, 1857, Image 1

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CHnroban ftlornmn, fllaril] 2li, 1857.
Sclcttcb |)octrn.
Osic morning of the first sad Fall,
Poor Adam and his bride
Sat in the shade of Eden's wall—
But on the outer side.
She. blushing in her fig-leaf suit
For the chaste garb of old :
lie, sighing o'er his bitter fruit
For Eden's dupes of gold.
Behind them, smiling in the morn,
Their forfeit garden lay ;
Before them wild with rock and thorn.
The de-ert stretched away.
They heard the air above them fanned,
A light -top on the sward.
And lo ! they saw hefore them stand,
The angel of the Lord!
" Arise 1" he said. •' why look behind
When hope is all before.
And patient mind and willing hand
Your loss may yet restore ?
I leave with you a spell whose power
Can make the desert glad,
And call around you fruit aud Sower
As fair as Eden had.
I clothe your hands with power to lift
The curse from off your soil ;
Your very doom shall seem a gift,
Y'our loss again through toil.
Go, cheerful as yon humming bees,
To labor as to play
White glimmering over Eden's trees.
The angel passed away.
The pilgrims of the world went forth,
Obedient to the word.
Aud found, where'er they tilled the earth,
A garden of the Lord !
The thorn-trcc cast its evil fruit.
And blushed with plum and pear ;
And seeded grass end trodden root
Grew sweet beneath their care.
We share our primal parents' fate,
And in our turn and day.
Look back on Eden's sworded gate,
As sad aud lost as they.
But still for us his native skies
The pitying angel leaves.
And leads through Toil to Paradise
Xew Adams and new Eves !
Ualfbittorn (tssans.
Read at the Closing of the Winter Term
MARCH 12, 1857.
(Published by request of the Audience.]
"Tttr. REALITIES OK LIFE," have been pre
dated to you; "Pleasant Memories" have
■ 11 gathered ; " The Shadows" have passed
sway, and parting words must now be spoken.
Days, weeks, months and terms have flown,
Wilier cycle of three hundred and sixty-live
1 s hus moved its solemn round, and pissed
if into the boundless ocean of eternity, since
i similar company was assembled in this room,
- ion a similar occasion. Some come to look
, n us merely as spectators ; others because
y feci an interest in the cause of education,
i wish to see what progress we have made
' our studies, and that they may by their in
ncc, inspire us with new courage to press
•Raid with greater zeal in our efforts, that
" may be fitted to take upon ourselves the
' sensibilities of citizens of this glorious re
' lie. And we see many who have come
1 all the fond hopes and tender feelings of
fig parents, brothers and sisters. Their
•king eyes and encouraging smiles, tell us
*'!■ w hat pleasure they look upon our progress.
" . have come to perform the closing excrci
"• of our school ; a sad, yet happy band.—
{ i to think of severing the many endearing
-which exist between teachers and pupils,
' i happy at the thought of so soon being
* "0,1)0(1 to all the endearments of our much
1 I homes. But where are those who oceu
these places one short year ago? Alas !
ktiiw irt whither many o{ them have gone.
: those loved teachers but three remain.—
' ' of our companions whose hearts were
1 full of life and hope, are now sleeping in
der silent resting place. The one a belov
rot her of much promise, who had won the
rts of ail who knew him ; the other a love
d loving sister. They have been called to
in brighter realms, where they no longer
I the assistance of earthly teachers, but tire (
'lie immediate presence of Him who lias
0 to prepare a place for all who love and
} liitn while here below. Of the others,
have sought a home among the verdant
Tnes of the west ; others in the more gen
[ ditnes of the south ; others in the eastern
' ons of our land, among the staid yet hap
" •-to -of a New England home ; and otli
ir< -till here, endeavoring by perseverance
. application, to store their minds with an
! and modern lore. Those who have re- j
have welcomed many happy faces who
longer strangers, but are greeted as tra
'' r< to the same temple, and with the same
in view—the improvement of the mind
:u 'e in our association here, not only lieen
; - benefit from the different sciences
.hut have also exerted an influence
1 '-itch other which will be felt long after
' i'l' iits of our school-days are forgotten.
< such scenes as these, and when our
' re most susceptible to impressions from
" J( . thought and motive, whether good or
I rapidly pass from mind to mind. —
L.'J ever widening circle produced by a
thrown into some quiet lake, so our ac
1 "'?h at first insignificant in theuiscl-
ves, may cause the steps of some trusting com
panion to tread forever the path of holiness or
sin. The influence thus exerted, the impres
sions thus made, are, or may be communicated
to others, and by tli-em, still again to others,
and so go 011 increasing in compound ratio till
a whole community may be swayed or directed
by, what was at first the operation of one
mind. Thus our habits and tempers of mind
will be felt long after we have left the stage of
action. Thus shall we live, and as it were act,
long after the solid marble has told to other
generations that we once existed, and thought,
and felt, and acted, shall have crumbled back
to dust, and all memory of us shall have pass
!ed away. Arc not the influences of Alexau
; der, Napoleon and Washington, felt at the
present day ? Had they been surrounded by
different scenes in childhood, we. have no rea
son to suppose that their names would have
been handed down from father to son, and
their virtues or vices given to us as examples to
be shunned or imitated. But it is not alone
the great things ol life which make impress
sions upon our minds : but the little every-day
occurrences, the little acts of which we are al
most unconscious. A single word spoken, or
act done by ourselves, often w.ll eirry l.fe long
impressions to the minds of our associates.—
Even a look will speak volumes ; for the eye,
the index of the soul, speaks of the innermost
recesses of the heart. Think yon it was the
great acts of Mai v Lyon that made her the
model teacher she was, and gave her the influ
ence she possessed over others ? Was it not
rather her piety, her habits <>f industry and
perseverance, her love of all that was good
and noble, her endeavors so to act that her
example might be worthy of imitation by her
pupils, and Iter strength of purpose when she
was in the right.
Look for a moment at the influence which
education, and a government founded 011 the
principles of liberty, equality and justice, have
had upon this republic. We see a nation en
joying greater advantages, both social and re
ligious, than any other ; a nation where the
rights of each are protected ; where everyone
I stands more nearly upon Lis own merits, than
■in any other. But what is it that is to sus
tain those right and privileges? Is it not the
education of our youth ? As we are educated
|we become capable of greater happiness. We
; more fully comprehend the duties we owe to
jolliers, an I acquire a greater influence over
' them. The education of all, being the means
1 by which we are to retain these prerogatives
and arrive nearer, and still nearer to perfection,
■ then let 11s lend our influence to sustain our in
stitutions of learning, that they may be bright
and shining lights, to guide our youth in the
paths of liberty and happiness—that our re
public may ever be the guiding star to glory.
.May we look well to the influence v.*e exert,
and receive from others, that our lives may be
long, not in days, weeks and years, for such is
not the measure of human life ; but in gene
rous impulses and resolves, in ennobling tlio'ts
and noble deed-.
Kind friends we arc grateful for the interest
yon have manifested in the cause of education
by your attendance during our exercises, that
you have lent your influence to cheer the stu
dent in his toil, that you who have passed
through similar preparatory exercises before
entering npo.i the busy scenes of life, have
done what you could to promote tlie cause of
education ; to sustain this school in your midst,
whtch will be to you in future days, a pride
and honor, by preparing your sons a> d (laugh
ters for the pare tney are to occupy in life ;
that when old age comes 011, it may not be to
them the winter of life, but a rich and abund
ant autumn, in which they may reap the re
wards of well trained and well directed minds.
To us, fellow, students this is a sad, sad,era.
Now must lie severed the many tender ties of
friendship which have cheered and enlivened
our way up the rugged hill of science.
Sonic who have for several terms assembled
at the ringing of the bell, have now for the
last time as students, joined in the liyinn of
praise, listened to a portion of the Holy revel
ations, and the prayer offered to our Father in
Heaven for his guidance and protecting care.
We have listened for the last time to the faith
ful instructions of our teachers. We must
now go forth. The world is all before us,
where to choose our place of rest, and Provi
dence our guide. We who have long been the
satellite* of some bright planet, must now in
time, b'come planets, to radiate our light upon
other satellites.
Some may go to grace our L •gislat.ive halls,
there to m ike laws to protect our native laud.
Some to occupy high stations in tic balls of
science. Some to tike the I imp of life unto
the benighted, 1 d -one- to occupy that health
fu! an I honorable stat;o 1 II u-s o. t -o I.
Some of us are about to t.ike our plies n
the world as teachers, to work upon toe plas
tic minds of tlio-e com -d 10 our charge.—
To us is given an im or nt soil on ; to a-sist
the parent .41 training the youth for a peaceful,
blissful abode,.in a future state, or to make
tLoin the more keenly feel the untold mi-cry of
the lost. What station is then more impor
tant than the teachers? In speaking of their
responsibility, one has said, " You may build
temples of marble, ami they will perish. Yon
inav erect statues of brass, and they will crum
ble to dust. But he who works upon tlie hu
man mind, implanting noble thoughts and gen
erous impulses, is rearing a structure that shall
never perish. He is writing upon tablets
whose materials is indestructible, which age
will not efface, but will brighten ami brighten,
to all eternity." Such being the influence of
a teacher, it becomes us to look well to our
duty, before entering upon so important a cal
Yes we must now go forth, not alone to oc
cupy high stations as statesmen ; not to revel
in the halls of science ; not to burn the mid
night oil for our own stilish purpose ; not to
sit down in quietness and enjoy wliat we have
acquired without giving others the benefit of
it, but to
" Act, act in tlic living present,
Heart within, and God o'er head "
Gladly would we lift the veil that hides the
future from our view, to see where npoa the
stormy sea of life our anchor will be cast ; to
see if in its many rugged paths ours might not
somewhere meet ; but this is nit granted to
mortals here ; but we have the assurance that
if we are faithful while here, we shall safely
reach the haven of rest, where there is neither
sorrow nor troubling, but we shall sing praises
unto the Lamb of God who tuketh away the
sins of the world.
And to you, kind Teachers, how can we ex
press the emotions that crowd upon us at the
thought of separation. Our many delinquen
cies, and the many, many unpleasant feelings
wo have caused you, com.e crowding to our
minds and fill our hearts with sadness. You
who have labored faithfully and unceasingly
for our moral and intellectual culture ; you
who have dealt so kindly with our wayward
ness, and occupied to us a parent's place while
separated from " the loved ones at home," how
have we repaid you ? Although we have ma
ny times seemed to turn a deaf ear to your
kind admonitions, yet the still small voice
within has told us that they were needed, and
we are now truly gratified for the interest
manifested in our welfare, and hope while we
live we shall strive to profit by your kind sug
gestions and examples. you and yours may lie truly blessed
while on earth, md when you are called from
earth no longer to go in and out before the
youth ot this s ctiool and guide tliein in the
paths of, that you inav hear that
welcome plaudit " Come ye blessed of my Fa
ther, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from
the foundation of the world "is the earnest de
sire that ascends from the heart of each, and
all of your pupils.
Friends, Fellow-Students and Respected
Teachers, may you all be happy, whether in
the pursuit of knowledge or pleasure—and if
not permitted to meet again here, may we all
meet around the throne of God, there to en
joy the rewards of a well-spent life.
Those who expect distinction as the reward
of continuous study, should occasionally con
t inplate the wide field in which tlicy may act,
that is spread before t mm.
Although we can much more accurately as
certain the nature of the progress in know
ledge that was made during past ages, than
predict the character of future discoveries, yet,
we have not solely to rely upon vain con
jectures, the achievements themselves of the
few late centuries have formed a reliable pre
cedent from which we may determine the more
advanced degree of perfection wnich the arts
and sciences will hereafter attain.
Man is so constituted, that the boundaries
within which he may investigate are nearly im
measurable. The vast amount of information
that in iy le stored within hi® capacious mind
only renders it both more desirous and suscep
tible of additional possessions. The instances
arc very few in which the capabilities of his
intellect have been manifested. Even Newton
and Bacon, unsurpassed perhaps in erudition,
doubtless, during their boyhood days, cither
voluntarily or through necessity, failed to avail
themselves of many opportunities for mental
culture. But, with their imperfections, these
individuals so far excelled the commonalty in
wisdom, that we are wholly unable to imagine
the greatness of the power of thought, that
they would have possessed had all circumstan
ces been favorable and been improved that ac
companied their early education Therefore
we should be cautious lest we boast of our
present proficiency.
Man is indeed made " but little lower than
the angels," and endowed with active faculties
which in future will guide his investigations
into untried paths of science, or enable him to
unveil the mysteries and pass the limits which
yet encircle many of our most common studies.
Brown says, " The progress of science is
mainly caused by a succession of individual
discoveries " The few who through natural su
periority arc enabled to narsue their inquiries
farther than others, continue thus to discover
until death closes their labors. Their succes
sors resume the subject under consideration at
the stage in which it was previously dropped,
and, having access to. and benefitted with, the
results of preceding toil, present various truths
for contemplation before unknown
In this manner a uniform gradation will
exist with the general advancement of know
ledge from age to age ; a- - the Creator has
kindly given mm the inclin if ion to reason and
progress, -o likewise will there always exist
ahiindant materials, by an acquaintance with
which this propensity may he gratified.
The animal increase in the numbers of let
ters patent, g a tied from Washington, con
clusively den m."rates that there is yet an am
pie li Id a .vMch t!■ ingenuity of the human
mind may ex-r There lias been no
invention however ,-iuiple. that has not presen
ted certain points in which improvement will
be hereafter made. For instance : the great
power of steam as a propelling agent, has for
a long period been known by every school boy.
But, the manner in which it inav act upon
machinery, both with the practical economy
ami safety is a problem which the skillful me
chanic hus not yet fully solved. Also, the dis
covery of aluminum, which exists so very ab
undantly, will prove a valuable one. It. con
tains in its crude state the basis of its future
great utility. Yet an acquaintance with the
means by which this metal may be extracted
from our common clay where it exists, with
any degree of cheapness, is a desideratum
which will only lie obtained as the result of
repeated chemical experiments. Thus with
the application of many substances m the man
ufactures, there exists many particulars in
which improvements will be made, ere the real
value of the substances can be appreciated.
The citizens of United States have been so
much occupied with politics and business tran
sactions that tliey have failed to give that at
tention to the cultivation of the fine arts,which
the subject deserves, and will at some period
receive. The old world yet presents models for
our imitation.
If wo desire originality and refinement in
literature, we are compelled to seek it in the
works of the poets and authors of Europe, and
the American artisgladly leaves his native land
tliut by comtenrrplating the productions of An
gclo, Raphael, Reubens and others of the an
cient masters, he may be inspired with the su
perior merits with which they were gifted.
The Sciences in their present perfection are
unable to explain all the wonders that a con
templation o| the V diverse suggests. Chemis
try now resolves all matters into fifty or sixty
elements, but additional names will be annex
to the present list, and many substances now
recognized as simple will in a short time all
prove to be compound. Geology has not ful
ly described the internal structure of the Earth,
or the changes it has undergone since its for
mation. Astronomy reveals the principles
upon which planets revolve in uniform orbits,
but it has not given us satisfactory information
respecting the nature of the phenomena that
continually occur upon their surfaces and in
their atmospheres. The distance of the fixed
stars, minute delineation of the Moon's sur
face, composition of comets, and the rapidity
with which the whole solar system proceeds
around its more distant center, are but few of
the many particulars connected with this sci
ence that must be ascertained through future
Hence, if there will be continual revelations
respecting the character of objects below,
above and upon the Earth's surface, how truth
ful and encouraging is the following description
of one of the designs of the Creator, as given
by Dick, namely :—"To irrunt to the intelli
gent inhabitants of our Globe a gradual dis
play of his stupendous plans in the universe
as the reward of their incessant and unwearied
contemplation of his wondrous works."
RESPECTED TEACHERS— It will lie chiefly
through your influence, as a class, that the hu
man family shall become enlightened. It is
your privilege to take the mind from the quar
ry of ignorance, chisel off its deformities, and
present in contrast its perfections. Genius is
the original block wherein lies talent all beau
ty and utility. But education directed by
yourselves with artistic skill adorns and gives
definite form to that which was once obscured
and unsyinnietrical. You have desired that
in the prosecution of our several studies we
might become habituated to such habits of
reflection ami inquiry as will, if in future ex
ercised, prove beneficial. In return for your
patient exertions we can only feel a deep sense
of gratitude.
FELLOW STUDENTS— In a short period we
shall depart from these II ills wherein we have
received the equipment ami directions necessary
in the outset of the rugged journey that we
will take. The consideration that our whole
life is a school, should at all periods induce
within us feelings of willingness and anxiety to
receive instruetio 1. S IICJ it is through the in
strumentality of the few that the masses become
educated, we should aim at perfection in the
development of our respective talents, that we
may thereby each contribute a mite which in
union with the efforts of others may transmit
some rays of mental illumination to all nations
of the earth.
If we engage in the occupations of active
business, we shall probably find affectation to
be the principal means by which individuals ex
pect support. There is no profession but that
has many followers, who, destitute of ability,
seek niaintaiiiauce and respect, by feigning
qualifications This deception however, is as
dangerous as it is common. Merits cannot be
successfully counterfeited. Any imitation how
ever skillfully contrived, is soon detected, and
the false pretender in future, pursues his avo
cation much less successfully than he would
have done, had he presented none other than
worthy claims for confidence and patronage.
farewi 11. May you enjoy abundance of this
world's happiness, and when we shall have la
bored through a i.fc of well-doing, to cancel
the debt which we as students, owe our instruc
tors, and him who provided our present advan
tages, may we meet in that upper School, and
and there, free from till obstructions, progress
in heavenly knowledge through an endless sc
ries of vears.
TRUE PITH.— The force of language is apt
to be much injured by a multitude of words.
A respectable farmer in Pennsylvania has the
singular talent of not saying 11 word too much.
A young man wishing to--obtain his consent to
marry his daughter, called upon him one day
when he happened to lie in the field plowing
with his oxen. It was, past all doubt, a fear
ful matter for a diffident man to broach, and
the hesitating lover, after running a parallel
with the furrow several timts round the field,
and essaying with all his courage to utter the
important question, at last, stammered out—
'• J—l J've been thinking, Mr. that
—that—as how I—l—l should be gl—gl—
glad to m—m —marry your daughter I" Far
mer—" Take her and use her well. Whoa
haw, Buck I"
&a? r * " Tuition !" exclaimed an Irish sergeant
to his platoon ; " front face, and tind to rowl
call ! As many of ye as is presint will say
" Here !" and as many of ye as is not presint
will say " Absint.' "
With many readers brilliancy of style
pass for affluence of thought ; tliey mistake
buttercups in the grass for immeasurable gold
mines under ground — Longfellow.
If a young man has black eyes and a
pimple on his nose, how long will it take him
win the heart of Lis lady fair, supposing him to
l>e addicted to stuttering.
Midas was so great a man that every
thing he touched turned to gold—altered case
now ; touch a man with gold aud lie will
change into anything.
gta?- More evil truths are discovered by the
corruptions of the heart than by the penetra
tion of the mind.
How The City of Sandusky was Saved
from Famine.
The Buffalo Republic is responsible for the
following, which is as good as unything of the
kind since Locke's moon story.
" Years agone, when tlie course of trade run
in a counter direction to what we now behold,
owing to a severe drouth, the city of Sandus
ky underwent all the horrors of a protracted
famine. The water 011 the bar at the month
of the bay, was so low that vessels were una
ble to reach the port, and as there was no land
transportation at that time which could be re
lied upon in case of a sudden emergency, it
appeared as if Providence had forsaken the
place entirely, and that its inhabitants nuist
soon perish. For days and weeks, their stock
of provisions had been gradually disappearing,
until soon all was gone, and their only reli
ance was upon the few fish which they were
enabled to obtain from the waters of the bav,
and an occasional meagre simply of game from
the neighboring forest.
" At the time of which we write, the woods
in that vicinity, and in fact throughout the
western reserve, were frequented by vast num
bers of wild hogs, which obtained a bountiful
subsistence, and grew fat upon the shuck which
everywhere abounded. These hogs were doubt
less originally estrays, but the sparseness of
the population in the interior, and the rapidity
with which they multiplied, rendered them
strangers to man and very shy of his presence.
During the drouth, of which mention has al
ready been made, large droves of these ani
mals wended their way to the lake, in the
neighborhood of which, they continued to re
" Sandusky bay, in particular, was a favor
ite place of resort for them, in the waters of
which they were accustomed to wallow After
slaking their thirst. Those who are acquain
ted with the locality of which we speak, will
remember the annoyance to which the early
settlers were exposed in the shape of fine red
sand, which covered the beach, and which, in
times of high wind, was not only troublesome
but exceedingly dangerous. Thousands of hogs
in consequence of frequenting this spot, be
came totally blind ; but still, with all the cun
ning which belongs to this perverse race in its
natural state, they continued to elude their
" One day, when the famine in the city was
at its height, and when it was apparent that
even the strongest must soon succumb, Joe
B took down Lis gun and resolved to
make a last effort to rescue his wife and little
ones from a fate the most horrible of which
the mind has any conception. All dav long
had their sunken eyes and shrivelled hands im
plored him in vain for bread—but alas ! he
knew too well that not within the whole city
was there a mouthful to be had, though he
were to offer in exchange thrice its weight in
gold. Nerved to desperation by this reflection,
but still with feeble steps, he took his way to
the forest, resolved not to return without re
lief in some shape.
" For a long time he hunted in rain, trav
ersing miles of weary pathway, without so
much as seeing a single evidence of animal na
ture, until he was on the point of yielding to
despair. At this moment a noise as of ap
proaching footsteps, attracted his attention,
and he paused,with every faculty rendered keen
by hunger, to listen. Nearer and nearer came
the tramping, as Joe, to screen himself from
observation, took shelter behind a tree, a wild
hog emerged from a thicket, advancing direct
ly towards him, followed immediately by ano
ther and another.
" The hunter, trembling with anxiety and
excitement, raised his gun, but suddenly paus
ed in astonishment at the singular phenomenon
before him. The drove, (for drove there was)
was approaching him in Indian file, and head
ed directly for the Lay. The second hog held
in his mouth the tail of the first, the third
that of the second, and so 011 to the number of
sixty and upward, each was holding fast to the
caudal appendage of his predecessor, and all
were being led by the foremost of the drove,
and he being the onlv one that could see, was
thus convoying iiis afflicted companions.
" The hunter comprehended the scene in a
moment ; and instantly decided upon his
course. Raising his gun deliberately, he fired
and severed the tail of the leader close to the
roots. His affrighted leadership, with a loud
sffoeal.bounded into the thicket and disappear
ed, while his blind companions came to a dead
halt. Joe quickly divested himself of his
boots and crept stealthily up to the first of the
band, which stood quietly holding in his mouth
the amputated tail of his former conductor.—
This the hunter seized and commenced gently
pulling upon it. First one hog started, then
another, until soon, like a train of ears, all
were in motion, and without pausing to rest
for a single instant, Joe led them quietly into
a Luge pen near his residence, where they were
soon slaughtered, and the city teas saved.''
DILIGENCE IN BUSlNESS.— Cultivate a spirit
of diligence both in vour temporal and spirit
ual employ. Strictly adhere to your business.
Religion commands this. There may be diffi
culties in your calling, and so there are in eve
ry situation ; but let not this relax your exer
tions, lest you give occasion for the enemy to
speak evil of yon. Besides, assiduity in your
lawful concerns is one of the best ways to bo
preserved from temptation. Idleness has led
to a thousand evil consequences : while itself
is a most unhappy state of mind. It is good
to lie employed. Action is really the life, bu
siness and rest of the soul. " Idleness," as
South says, "offers tip the soul as a blank to
the devil lor him to write what he will upon
it." Idleness is the emptiness, and business
the fullne-s of the sonl ; and we all know that
we may infuse what we will into empti ves
sels, but a full one has no room for further in
fusion.—Bud's Christian Guide.
Blessed are those who nro afraid of
thunder for they shall hesitate about getting
married, and keep away from political meet
VOL. XVIL —XO. 42.
Improvemeat in the Manufacture of Steel.
The London Times Paris correspondent
writes —Au improvement in the manufacture
of steel, the invention of M. Chenol, has at
tracted attention among scientific incn here.—
It lias already been honored with the great
medal of the Paris Exhibition, and is, it ap
pears, patented in all countries. In the vicini
ty of Paris an establishment is formed, and ft
is now producing considerable quantities of
the article, and by the new method it would
appear that steel of a sti|>erior quality is manu
factured direct from the iron ore with much
rapidity, and at one-third the present cost.—
The invention is now under examination for
Austria, and the Swedish ambassador has sug
gested the nomination of commissioners for
those < The following particulars
have been communicated to me :—The system
consists in making steel from the ore, und the
principal features of the new process are these :
The inventor employs, firstly, an electro-sort
ing machine to separate tin* crushed ore, and
to raise to its maximum standard the pureness
and richness—qualities which the steel subse
quently retains ; secondly, a system of cemen
tation or addition of carbon und other matter
by cold process, in such away that this delicate
operation can be repeatedly effected iu deter
mined and exact proportions, which result iu
the production of steel as varied in quality as
can be desired, capable of being produced with
certainty and of identically the saruc temper
and quality. This regult is not without its im
portance to the consumer, as by the simple use
of marks and numbers he can be sure of re
ceiving for any given purpose precisely the
same quality of steel with which he had been
previously supplied. Thirdly, a compression
of the ore after its transmutution, and before
or after cementation into a sponge. The ore
reduced into a sponge was so liable to be effect
ed by heat or humidity that it could hardly be
kept loag enough fit for compression ; but in
consequence of the great reduction in volume
of the compressed sponge it is worked with
an economy of 50 pi r cent., in fuel and manual
labor in welding, melting, &c., end tlins by
this second fact the value of compressing the
sponge is evident The inventor appears to
have given practical proof of the commercial
advantages of bis system, and it is added that
lie sold his steel in some quantity to French
manufacturers at prices which more than treb
led the cost of production without seeking the
highest relative prices of Swedish steel, and
could thus continue to supply steel of superior
quality, not standing him in one-third of the
price at which he sold it. From repeated tri
als it is said that double the wear could begot
out of implements manufactured of steel of
this compressed sponge, compared with those
made from good steel f)f Sheffield marks. By
the same process steel can be manufactured
froin Spanish ore, which steel will not cost
above £32 per ton, and be superior to that
sold in Paris at. £IOO per ton. Id a word ;
the inventor secures these advantages—the
manufacture of steel in ten days instead of for
ty, the possibility of reproducing the exact
quality of steel desired, and the cost price not
to exceed one-third of the present prices, rela
tive qualities being borne in mind.
A LESSON FOR WIVF.S. —The following touch
ing, simple ami sorrow ful memorial of his wife
was written by one of the greatest statesmen
of England—Sir James Mcintosh—in a pri
vate letter to n friend. " She was n woman,"
he writes, " who, by tender management of
my weaknesses, gradually corrected the most
pernicious of them. She became prudent from
affection ; and though of the most generous
nature, she was taught frugality and economy
by her love for me. During the most critical
period of my life she preserved order in my
affairs, from the care of which relieved me.—
She gently reclaimed me from dissipation ; she
propped my weak and irresolute nature ; she
urged my indolence to all the exertion that
have been useful and creditable to me, and
she was perpetually at hand to admonish inv
heedlessness and improvidence. To her I owe
I whatever I shall be. In her solicitude for my
i interest she never for a moment forgot my
j character. Iler feelings were warm and im
petuous, but she was placable, tender and con
stant. Such was she whom I have lost. ; and
I have lost her when a knowledge of her wortli
had refined my youthful love into friendship—
before age had deprived it of much of its origi
nal ardor. I seek relief, and 1 find it in the
consolatory opinion that a benevolent wisdom
inflicts the chastisement as well as bestows the
enjoyment of human life ; that this dreary and
wretched life is not the whole of man ; that a
being capable of such proficiency in science and
virtue is uot like the beasts ; that there is a
dwelling place prepared for the spirits of the
just ; that the ways of Hod will yet be vindi
cated to man."
LIVING TO NO PVRI-OSF. —The great mass of
mankind merely exist, plod along from year to
year, and finally drop into their graves an<l
leave no monuments of good, either moral, so
cial or political. They think other-.' thoughts,
do as others did before them, and track, let it
lead to good or evil, virtue or vice. Thev
have no ambition to mould the characters and
destinies of those around them, and direct er
ring mortals into wisdom's ways. It is an ea
sy and flower}' path to tread where walk the
giddy, thoughtless multitude ; and few am
foand to brave the popular current and strike
out into the unfrequented byways of true hu
manity, philanthropy and moral honesty.
Kxeept thou desirost to hasten thy end,
take this for a general tule—that thou never
add any artificial heat to thy body by wine or
spice, until thou iind that time hath decayed
thy natural heat ; and the sooner thou dost
begin to help nature, the sooner she will for
sake thee, and leave thee to trust altogether
to art.— Sir TValter Raleigh.
S&" The Chinese havo a notion that the
sou, of a poet passes into a grasshopper, be
cause the latter sings till it starves