Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 19, 1857, Image 2
know this is the third time you have spoken these very words to me ? and that between each of these times an interval of several years has elapsed ?" Ellen started in surprise : " This surely can not be," she said.—" Have we ever met be fore ?" " Ho you remember spending a fortnight at Mr. George Herbert's, when you were about ten years old " Yes, I remember that visit." " And do you remember a boy by the name of Arthur Punning, who visited therewith his sister at the same time ?" " Yes, 1 recollect liirn too." " Well, 1 am Arthur Dunuing." " Is it possible ?" " Yes, quite possible. I>o you remember one day, when that same Arthur Dunning was about to demolish a play-house just construct ed by Mary Herbert, how you laid your hand upon his arm and said pleadingly, ' i wouldn't do it ?'" " I think I do have some faint recollection of it now." " You recollect, I presume, a visit paid to your friend, Mrs. C., some five years ago." " Very well." " Do you recollect one evening, during that visit, falling into the company of two or three of the college students, who were discussing the plan of combining to refuse obedience to certain college regulations offensive to them ?" " I think I remember the circumstance." " And do you remember that one of them appealed to you for your opinion, asking you if you would advise those present to join in the scheme, and thai you replied modestly, but firmly and emphatically, ' I wouldn't do it V " "And was that student yourself?" asked Ellen, wonderinglv. "It was, and I didn't do it. If you recol lect the fate of those who did, you will believe that I never regretted it." " Strange that we should have met at three different times so far apart," said Ellen, mu singly. " I did not recognize in you the stu dent I ihet that evening." " This is not strange, as you only saw me that one evening. But the impression made on my mind was far deeper," said Arthur, in a tone which mantled the cheeks of Ellen with blushes. " And now, Miss Hastings, will yon not permit me to ask yon oe question ? Do you not think you were destiued to be my guardian angel ?" Ellen's brightened color was the only an swer to this question. Arthur took her hund respectfully, aud in low, earnest tones, said, " Will you not walk with me through life, dear Ellen, that you ever may whisper to me, ' I wouldn't do it,' when temptation invites me to dangerous paths ? Is not the ready obe dieuee I have yielded on such occasions when you have been my kind mentor, a pledge that I shall never turn a deaf ear to your gentlest admonitions, but that it shall ever be yours to mould me and guide me as you will ?" Ellen gave no definite answer to these ques tions that evening, but she did not refuse to take them into serious consideration ; and in the end, she did not refuse to become the wife of Arthur Dunning. We know not how often after their mar riage, she had occasion to whisper in his ear, " I wouldn't do it but, as her husband was ever respected aud honored iu all the high stations which he was called upon to fill, we may rationally suppose, that female influence had something to do with his prosperity after marriage as well as before.— Ladies' Wreath. Arrest of MoKim, the Alleged Murderer of Norcross. BI.OOMSBI RG, March 12.—McKim, the mur derer of Mr. Norcross, was arrested yesterday, by Aarou Wolff, at the Long Pond, North Mountain, Luzerne county. It appears that Aaron Wolff and E. A. B. Koous of Bloomsburg, Pa., had some busiucss which led them to cross the North Mountain, a spur of the Alleghenics, and after riding about ten miles they came to a road-side Inu, knowu as the Pond Hotel. Here thev alight ed, and when the hostler appeared to take charge of the horses, the travelers recognized iu the hostler the murderer of Norcross, the published description which they had on their persons suiting iu every particular the man before them. While McKim went to the stable irith the horse, Wolff aud Koons entered the tavern, nod after making a confidant of the landlord ljorrowed a rifle loaded with ball. With this they went into the yard, and as McKim came came from the stable Wolff presented the rifle at his breast, at the same time saying, " you are vcanted." McKim at once apprehended the cause of the action, and asked Wolff in a trembling manner if he was an officer, to which Wolff replied that he was, and intended to take him in charge McKim made no resis tance, but submitted quietly to the binding of his arms. In this condition he was taken to Bloomsburg, and from thence lie will be con veyed to Harrisburg to await his trial. McKim, when arrested, had one of the hand bills on his person, giving a description of him self, aud on his way to Bloomsburg acknow ledged that he had traveled with Norcross from Pittsburg, but positively denied having killed him. lie says that he loved Norcross as a brother, and would not have harmed him. After his arrival at Bloomsburg, the excite meat among the citizens of that place was most intense, even to a lynching degree, but by the precaution and firmness of the authori ties. alt manifestation of that kind were nip ped ia the bud. McKim ia affable and polite in his manner, and does not look much like a man who would commit murder or be guilty of the ma ny robberies imputed to him. But the truth of these stories will be made manifest on his trial, which will shortly take place. SERIOCS ACCIDENT ON THE PENNSYLVANIA RAlLßOAD.— Harrixburp, Marrh 12.—An acci dent of a very serious character occurred up on the Pennsylvania Railroad, westward of this place. In one of the tunnels an emigrant train was run iuto this morning by a freight train. Five persons were killed and six injur ed. Those wounded are not severely injured. There was a great deal of anxiety prevailing relative to this matter anterior to the receipt of the true account, for the first rumor was that the passenger train had been run into. AMERICAN CONVENTION. —The Harrisburgh Telegraph of the 6th instant states that the Americau State council, which met on the stb at Aitona, has ratified the call, issued by the opposition members of the Legislature, for a State convention to uominate candidates for Governor. Supreme Judge, and Canal Com missioner. <u the 2." th instant Extra Session of the U. S. Senate. WASHINGTON', March 11, Mr. Benjamin, from the Judiciary Commit tee, to which was referred the Pennsylvania contested election case, reported that from the protest of certain members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the Legislature of Pennsylvania, it appeared that the grouuds of the protest are : —First, that there was not a concurrent majority of each House in favor of the candidate declared to be elected ; and secondly, that the Senate did not comply with the requirement of the State laws, by appoint ing a Teller, and making nominations, &<•., at least one day previous to the meeting of the joint Convention. In addition to these grounds, was a third. The protest of the members of the House of Representatives charges that the election of Mr. Cameron was produced as they are iuformed and believe, by corrupt and un lawful means, involving certain members of that hotly ; and they request the Seuate to order an investigation, not only to inquire in to the illegality of the election, but in order to afford an opportunity to submit proof as to the facts on which this charge rests. This, the Committee say, is a general allegation, and they cannot recommend the prayer to lie grant ed, owing to the charge being too vague and indefinite. There was not a single fact or cir cumstance detailed as the basis of the general charge ; nor was it alleged that the sitting member participated in these corrupt means, or had a knowledge of their existence. The Com mittee could not, therefore, consider it neces sary to appoint a roving commission to procure proof of the alleged fraud, in order to deprive a member of a seat to which he is entitled, as the party charging corruption were charged with ample power to investigate the matter. If, on investigation, the charges be proven, and if they believe the character of Mr. Ca meron so involved that he should not be a Senator, the result could be reported, and the Senate could take further action. With re gard to the first two points, the Committee re gard the provisions of the law as merely di rectory, and a failure to comply with them did not make the election invalid. The Commit tee asked to be discharged fiom the further consideration of the subject. Mr. Pugh dissented from the conclusions of the majority of the Committee. The protest was signed by forty-four members, who say they have been iuformed and believe that cor rupt and unlawful means, involving the action of certain members of the Legislature, have been used. It did not matter that the char ges are not specific. The accusation came from a responsible source, and was directly made. It concerned the honor of the Seuate and the security of the Government that no rule of a merely technical character should prevent the investigation of such a case. It was more imperative, in view of the statue passed at the last Congress for the detection of corrupt practices by members of Congress. He concurred in other points. The protes tants should have an opportunity to be heard before a committee of investigation. Mr. Benjaman protested against any insinu ation that the majority of the committee were indisposed to investigate any charge of fraud or corruntion to vitiate any election. No charge whatever had beqp made against Mr. Cameron. There was a general, vague state ment, embodying no specific fact. If the con testants can present any circumstances of time, place and manner of corruption, let them do so. Mr. Butler said the report was drawn in conformity with the \iews of a majority of the committee. He was sorry Mr. Pugh had dis seuted. The usage of the Senate formerly was, that uo minority report could be made, but simply the paper read. He protested against devolving on the Senate jurisdiction to try cases of the corruption of State Legis latures. Let the members who are so charg ed be tried by their peers. It would be an unsafe thing to send out a roving commission. If Mr. Cameron should, on proper investiga tion, be fouud implicated, he, for one, would go for his expulsion. But let the Legislature purge itself before it comes here to ask the Senate to give it the medicine. He would not try any man unless on specific charges on which it was intended to convict him. Mr. Pugh said that, in making the minority report, he had followed the example set by Mr. Butler. As to Mr. Benjamin's objection that the charges were not specific, they were as much so as charges generally were in cases of contested elections ; but a direct charge was made that corrupt means bad been used to procure a certain election. He did not insinu ate that the majority would investigate such a charge. He had confined himself to the sub ject before them, which the Committee propos ed to dismiss without further notice. If it should be proved that the charges arc fulse, he would be gratified ; but for the purposes of this discussion, it must be assured that the protestauts have the character of reliable ac cusers. Mr. Mason moved to go into executive ses sion. Mr. Stuart said this was a question of privi lege, and involved the right of a member to a seat, and took precedence of all other business. Suppose you go into executive session, the right of this member to vote may then be con troverted. Mr. Bigler moved that the report be printed. Mr. Cameron said that it was not uutil yes terday that he hes.rd of this charge of corrup tion. The whole protest was looked on as a piece of humbug. More than twenty-five of the signers had called on him to say that there was nothing in it, but that they were compel led to sign it lest they might give offense to some of the leading men who can influence the coming appointments. He could not say any thing about corruption in Pennsylvania. He was born there, and expected his body would rest in that State. He could not believe any- IKHIV there did a corrupt act ; but some gen tlemen aspire to place the Legislature in such a position that they may next year be elected. He asked justice from the Senate, and that they decide the case before they adjourn. If they should tnru him out, he believed he would be returned here. He was too proud of his character to occupy a seat by any other than honorable means. He came here to add to his fame and character, and certainly could not re sort to the influence of money in that connec tion. It could scarcely be thought that a Se nator could adopt such a disgraceful expedient. Mr. Bigler desired no controversy, but he was not willing to believe that twenty-five mem bers of the Pennsylvania Legislature had tri fled with the Seßate on this subject ; nor that they had, since the election, said the protest they had signed, and which be had the honor to present, amounted to nothing and was " hum bug." He could not take that assurance from hu colleague. He bad the privilege of know ing personally a large number of the signets of that protest, and was williDg to bear testi mony to their honorable character everywhere, and must, therefore, testify to their honorable motives. They might be mistaken as to mat ters of form aud on questions of substance, so far as they affected the rights of his colleague to a seat ; but he did not believe that they were moved in this act of grave responsibility by other than pure motives. But for the un happy remarks of his colleague, he would not have troubled the Senate for a moment, but he could not remain silent when an observation was made involving the integrity of twenty five members of the Legislature. He agreed with his colleague that the charge of an elec tion by fraud and corruption was a grave one, and he was as slow to entertain the idea as any man. He was proud of his native State, and he had as exalted an opinion of the mem bers of the Legislature as his colleague, but he could not allow the impression to go out that this allegation was trumped up without any reasonable ground for the charge. The party to which Mr. Cameron did not belong elected a majority of the Legislature. The Democrats were entitled to and exjjected the Senator, yet they were disappointed, because three members, in violation of their party principles and the assurance of their friends, voted for a member of the Republican party. The members of the Legislature who thus cast their votes aud became subjects of criticism, were elected by large Democratic majorities. One was elected by 2000, aud another by 1,- 500, and his colleague must be aware that the allegation was promptly made by their con stituents, that they had betrayed them from improper motives. He united in the hope ex pressed by Mr. Pugh, that there would be no evidence of corruption. That was too dear a price to pay for a seat here He could not agree, considering the circumstances surround ing this case, that it should be disposed of without a full examination. He now asked that the case might lie over, and the report of the Committee on the Judiciary be printed. Mr. Cameron replied that there had been no time within the last twenty-five years, and his colleague knew it, that there had not been more than three men in the Pennsylvania Leg islature, of any party opposed to him political ly, who would have voted for him for any of fice ; in the county of Schuylkill, where two of the members resided, there never was a time when a majority of the Democratic par ty did not prefer him to any other public man ; in the county of York, his colleague had rea son to believe and know tlmt there had always beeu a large portion of the Democratic party favorable to liira [Cameron] ; and when Big ler was nominated for Governor, he [Mr. Ca meron] got the delegates from that county to vote for him. Many gentlemen voted for him [Cameron] from personal preferences. But he did not desire to discuss this question, and asked the Seuate to decide it at once. Mr. Bigler replied that his colleague had said he had a large body of personal friends who adhered to him with great tenacity. He maue no issue with him on that point ; but so far as concerned the members of the Legisla ture from Schuylkill and York, he [Mr. Came ron,] would scarcely coutend that they were elected to vote for him ; on t[>e contrary, they were elec.ed to vote for a Democrat. One of these gentlemen went into the Democratic cau cus and voted for the nominee. As for the circumstance that at one time, when acting with the Democratic party, his colleague fa vored his (Mr. Biglers) nomination, he eonld hardly see what bearing that had ou this case. He did that when he was a member of the Democratic party. Mr. Foote submitted the following resolu tion : Resolved, That Simon Cameron is entitled to a seat upon this floor as a legally chosen Senator from the State of Pennsylvania. Mr. Benjamin offered a resolution that the Secretary of the Senate obtain for the use of the Senate, from the report of the decisions of the Supreme Court, 20,000 copies of the opinions of the Judges in the case of Dred Scott, and that the same be paid for at a rate not exceeding fifteen cents per 100 pages, pro vided (he same be stitched, with paper covers, in pamphlet form. After an Executive session, the Senate ad journed till to-morrow, at 11 o'clock. WASHINGTON, March 13. —1n the Senate to day, in reference to the contested seat from Pennsylvania, it was agreed on all sides that the informalities presented in the protest do not affect the right of Mr. Camerou to his seat ; and it was held, also, that the question of alleged fraud and corruption in the election properly belonged to the Legislature of Penn* sylvania, and not to the Senate. The resolu tion declaring Mr. Cameron entitled to his seat, as a legally chosen Senator, was withdrawn by Mr. Foote, who offered it. The Committee on the Judiciary having been discharged from the further consideration of the subject, the whole matter rests where it is. WHO WRITESTHE NEGRO SONGS ?—The prin cipal writer of our national music is said to be Stephen C. Foster, the author of "Uncle Ned," " O Susannah," Ac. Mr. Foster resides near Pittsburg, where he occupies a moderate clerk ship, upon which, and a percentage ou the sale of his songs, he depends for a living. He writes the poetry as well as the music of his songs. These are sung wherever the english language is spoken, while the music is heard wherever men sing. In the cotton fields of the South, among the mines of California and Australia, in the sea-coast cities of China, in Paris, in the London Prison—everywhere, in fact his melodies are heard. " Uncle Ned" was the first. This was publshed in 1845, and reached a sale unknown till then iu the music publishing busiuess. Of " The o<d Folks at Home" 100,000 copies have been sold in this country, and as many more in England. "My Kentucky Home " and " Old Dog Tray " each had a sale of about 70,000. All his other songs had a great run. All his compositions are simple, but they are natural, and find their way to the popular heart and link themselves indissolubly with its best as sociations. PANTHER KILLED. —On the 4th inst., while Messrs. Gardner and Eastman were hunting in Elk County, of this state, they killed a she panther measuring eight feet six inches from tip to tip. It was killed after a desperate struggle. The bounty for killing these var mints is sl2. GCBERNATIONAL MANSION. —It is now pretty generally understood that the committee of ways and means of the House of Representa tives, to whom the subject was referred will report favorably to the project of erecting a suitable mansion on the public grounds at Harrisbnrg, for the residence of the Governor of the State. ilcjjorter. E. O. GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA ; Sliarsbag illormnn, Hlarcb 19, 1837. TERMS— One Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.— Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice will be given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped. Cl.l'BßLSO — The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely low rates : 6 copies for $5 00 I 15 copies for 112 06 10 copies for 8 00 | 20 copies for 15 00 AR>VRRTISKMF.VTS— For a square of ten lines or less. One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books, Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, 4"<". MONKY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an envelope, and properly directed, we will be responsible for its safe delivery. REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION.—The Re publican State Convention, for the nomination of Candidate* for Governor and other State officers, will he held at Harrishurg on Wednesday, the 25th of|Marcb, 1867. Each District will elect Delegate* in the usual manner, equal in nnmlierto its representation in the two houses of the State Legislature ; and no person will 1* entitled, by substitution, to represent a district in which he does not reside. CHARLES GIBBONS, Chairman of State Executive Committee. In another column we publish the pro ceedings in the Senate, in reference to the right of Senator CAMERON to his seat in that body. It will be observed, that the Senate treated the protest of the members of the Legislature with deserved contempt, and properly rebuked the allegations of corruption, unsubstantiated as they were by a particle of evidence. I©~ The Legislature met in joint Conven tion, on Wednesday, 11th inst., and re-elected 11. S. MAGRAW, State Treasurer, he having 68 votes ; JACOB DOCK 58. RESIGNATION or Gov. GEARY.—A tele graphic despatch from Washington, dated on Monday, says that late on Sunday evening the President received a telegraphic despatch from Gov. Geary, dated St. Louis, informing him that he had resigned the governorship of Kan sas, to take effect the last of this month. He does not state the reasons which have induced him to pursue this course ; but the President is perfectly aware what they are. He has encountered difficulties and embar rassments ever since he had the row with Judge Lecompte, and he asked Geu. Pierce to remove him. He promised to do it, but never did ; at least Gov. Geary performs all the functions of his office in that Territory. Governor Geary will be at Washington in a few days, when the Administration will urge upon him to change his mind, and go back ; and if he desires it, Lecompte and every other office holder in the Territory, who has thrown any embarrassment in his way, will be removed. AMERICAN' EDUCATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE. —lu coiisequeuee of the constantly enlarging demand for their own School Books, IVJSON A I'HINNEY, 321 Broadway,New-York,have been induced to decline their general and miscellane ous Book Trades, and henceforth to restrict their business mainly to the publication and sale of their American Educational Series, and other School Books, Stationary, Ac. This firm is now the most extensive publish er of School Books in the United States, issu ing most all the Educational Works iu general use, embracing School and College Text books, Ac. The house has the very highest reputa tion for probity and business habits. MORSE & GASTON'S DIAMOND ATLAS. —From the cursory examination we have been enabled to give this work, we are fully satisfied of its great value and convenience to every reader. The necessity for an Atlas to accompany gene ral reading must have impressed itself upon the mind of every one. The Agent for this County, Mr. J. O. BROWN, is now engaged in canvassing for subscribers, and will exhibit the work, the value of which caunot fail to strike every person in the least accustomed to read ing. TOWASIU, March 16,1857. From a partial examination of the Diamond Atlas, An cient and Modern, ljy Morse & Colby, we take pleasure in recommending it as a valuable compeud for family read ing and reference ; containing succinct historical notes, complete statistics, maps with township lines, and various items of practical importance and of general utility. SAM'L F. COLT, ULYSSES MF.RCUR, JAS. H. WEBB, WM. EI.WELL, M. C. MERCUR, C. R. COBURN, JOHN A. CODDING, D. WILMOT. ARREST OF ESCAPED JAIL BIRDS. —Ou Wednesday last, the two negroes who recently escaped from Bath Jail, passed through Wells boro, Pa, with two fine horses and buggy.— Their character was ascertained, and the Sher iff of Tioga County started in pursuit of them, and succeeded in apprehending the fugitives a short distance from Wellsboro'. The horses were stolen from Painted Post. One of the most terrible Railroad ac cidents we have ever been called on to chroni cle, is that lately occurring on the Canada Great Western, the particulars of which we give At the latest account, sixty dead bo dies had been recovered from the wreck, but it is feared all have not been found; NEW II AMRSNIRE ELECTION. —The election in this State, on Friday last, has resulted in a complete Republican triumph. HAILE, Re publican, is elected Governor by about 3000 majority, with a large majority of Senators and Councilors, the same way, and the entire delegation in Congress. Hon. D. T. DISNKY, formerly a mem ber of Congress from Ohio, died at Washing ton OD Saturday last, of pnucmonia. SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. —We had the pleasure of attending a portion of the closing exercises of the Winter Term on Thurs day last, which were in every way creditable to both teachers arid scholars. There will be a vacation of three weeks, the Spring Term opening on the Ist day of April, and closing on the 4th of July. The Institute has labored under many em barrassments and financial difficulties for the past, but it has already done a good work, and become an ornameut to our village, and of great public ntility. We trust that the exer tions of its friends will be rewarded by the suc cess which will make it a permanent and thriv ing institution. It has now in training many promising scho lars who will form next fall a Freshman and Sophomore Class. It has also already sent oot a large number of teachers from its Normal department, well qualified to impart instruction to others. The specimens we have seen from the Marble establishment of F. H. BALDWIN, at WaverJy, have been highly creditable, both as regards material, and the execution of the work. Mr. G. H. POWERS, who does the cutting for the establishment, has mnch experience, and good taste, and sends out some of the best let tering we have ever seen. Nothing adds to the beauty of a monument as much as this, as the most elegant marble is disfigured, if the work upon it is not correctly aud tastefully ex ecuted. WHAT DID AND DID NOT PASS. —It takes some time after the adjournment of congTess to find out what passed aud what did not. There were forty-seven public acts and resolutions passed, and about three times that number of private bills, mostly for individual relief.— Among the public acts was one to purchase a suitable steamer as a revenue cutter ; one for a wagon road from the Rocky mountains to the eastern portion of California, with military posts thereon ; one to iucrease the pay of offi cersjof the array ; an act to promote the efficien cy of the navy ; the foreign coins and new cent bill ; one authorizing the people of Minnesota to form a state constitution preparatory to ad mission into the union ; the bill modifying the tariff ; oue to ascertain and fix the relative value of the coins of Great Britain and the United States ; one to prevent counterfeiting of coins of the United States ; an act to expe dite telegraphic communication for the uses of the Government in its foreign intercourse, which Congress will be sorry it passed and the President that he ever signed it; and an act granting public lands to Minnesota and Ala bama, to aid in constructing railroads. These are all the bills of general interest, except the appropriation bills for tbe expenses of Govern ment, all of which passed. The bill to distri bute the surplus revenue now in the Treasury among the several states of tbe Union, which had been passed by tbe House, was not con sidered in the Senate, and, therefore, did not pass. Neither did the bill to extend the opera tion, for five years, of the act to continue the half pay to certain widows and orphans. The bill to refund money advanced in 1790 by the States of Virginia and Maryland to aid it the erection of the public buildings was also lost. GIVE HIM THE SLIP. —A complaint was made before Justice GALATIAN, yesterday mor ing, by COLUMBUS PALMER, a farmer, against JAMES SMITH and JOHN BROWN, alleging that that they came to his house in Troy, Bradford County, Thursday morning, and engaged his team for the pnrpose of going to Athens.— IN the night those men took his team, and loading a wagon with furniture started for Elmira. Mr PAI.MF.R, in the morning, suppos ing all things were not as they should be, and learning that the men had not gone to Athens, but hearing they had come in this direction, started in pursuit of them. On arriving in this village the warrant was issued, and Mr PAL MER, in company with Officer GARR, proceeded in direction of Coming, whither GARR and PALMER went in pursuit, but did not succeed in finding them.— Elmira Republic. THE REMAINS OF DR. KANE. —The remains of Dr. Kane were received in Philadelphia on Wednesday afternoon last, and deposited in the Independence Hall, from which place the funeral procession took place, on Thursday. The greatest respect has been paid the remains of the deceased, ever since their departure from Havana. The event seems to have penetrated the mind of the nation, as a public calamity, and every one is desirous of honoring the memory of him who had so many of the ele ments of true greatness in him. ACCIDENT.—A brakeman named JAMES BROCKWAY, from Cooperstown, N. Y., fell from a freight car on the Southern Division last Friday night, the whole train passed over him, killing him instantly. His head was completely severed from his body, and was found several feet from the spot where he fell. He was not missed until the train arrived at junction, we understand, and his body was not found until the next morning, having been passed over in the meantime by three coal trains.— Scranton Republican. ANOTHER MYSTERIOUS POISONING CASE IN BOSTON. —The Boston papers contain an ac count of the supposed poisoning of Mrs Lavina Briggs, of Stoughton, and the arrest of her husband, Hosea Briggs, and a young woman, Miss Adaline Drake, as the supposed authors of her death. Mrs. Briggs' body was taken up, and charcoal tests were applied, which showed arsenic in the stomach and bowels. The case is now under examination. THE PRIVATE SECRETARY to President Buch anan is his nephew, James Buchanan Henry. He was admitted to the bar a year or two ago, and had commenced the practice of law in Phil adelphia when he was summoned to his duties in Washington. Mr. Sydney Webster, 'the predecessor in office of Mr. Henry, will return to New Hampshire and resume the practice of his profession. SENATOR SUMNER. —Senator Sumner took his seat in the U. S. Senate a few days before the 4th of March, and was warmly welcomed by his friends, but no Southerner approached him. Mr. Sumner has since sailed on the Steamer Fulton from New York intending to spend some time on a tour through Europe. The Young Men's Republican Association gave liitu a parting salute ot 109 gnus. Frightful Railroad Catastrophe^ Disaster oil the Great Western Railroad-\ Tram Precipitated into a Canal—Fiak, Persons Reported Killed. TORONTO, March 12.-A dreadful accident occurred on the Great Western Railroad The train which left Toronto this for Hamilton, ran off the bridge at the I) ts Jardine's Canal, above Hamilton, precipitati the engine baggage car and two passe, Jr' cars into the water. The locomotive and bfJ gage car passed over the bridge in safety hni the two rear cars, containing one hundred and twenty passengers, fell through, and between sixty and eighty persons are supposed to have been killed ou the spot. Among the kilhd are— cu Samuel Zimmerman, the banker and con tractor. . Samuel Zimmerman was a native of P enn sylvania, and some years ago went to Canada and be< ome a contractor on some of thereat public works of the province. lie amassed there a large fortune. Mr. Street, the millionareof Niagara Fall* together with his sister and mother in-law ' Many of the bodies have not vet been ta ken from the water, and the names of but few have been ascertained. The passengers who escaped death are ull more or less inaiHed Most of them ore injured beyond recoverv The doctors are leaving Torouto to attend the wonnded. The passengers were nearly all Canadians as the train was running between Toronto and Hamilton, yet there were several American's in the cars. The bridge partially broke down, and the cars, one on top of the other, fell a distance of at least forty feet The excitement caused by this terrible ca tastrophe is beyoud precedent. Parliament adjourned the moment it lieard of the acci dent. Nothing has heretofore occurred in this vicinity that has created such profound grief SECOND DISPATCH. BUFFALO, March 13.— We learn the follow ing particulars of the railroad accident at Ha i milton, C. W., from a gentleman who left the sceue of disaster this morning. The accident occurred ou the Great Western Railway at !at the bridge over the Des Jardines Canal which is elevated some sixty feet above water' | The bridge swings, and it is supposed that the train which passed for tle East a short I time before, had sunk the bridge so much that j the locomotive of this train was obstructed bv the abutment to such a degree that the pas senger cars were raised up and thrown into the canal. The train was the local accommodation from I Goron to Hamilton, and left Toronto at 4 o- I clock yesternoon. The immlx-r of passengers was estimated at from seventy five to one hun dred, of whom only "fifteen were taken alive from the wreck, and of these five have since died. The water in the canal is eighteen feet deep, and nearly all those not immediately kill ed were drowned. The engine and tender with the emrinecr and fireman, were pitched headlong into the Canal, and are buried twenty feet below the surface. The baggage car and two passeneer cars are completely shattered, and one of the latter turned bottom side upwards and nearly submerged. When our informant arrived this morning, the parties were still bnsy in extricating the bodies front the wreck. In an outhouse ad joining the Station House at Hamilton, about fifty or sixty corpses of men, women, and chil dren were laid one the floor. No inquiry iuto the cause of the occideut had yet been" had. Most of the passengers were from Hamilton, Toronto, and the adjoining towns. Sanil. Zim merman, of Niagara Falls ; Isaac Buchanan, of Hamilton, Vice-President of the Road, and Captain Twohey, a popular commander on Lake Ontario, are among the victims Only one of the lady passengers was saved, and she was considerably cut aiul bruised. A German lad, in the hind car, seeing the con ductor hastily retreating to the back door, took alarm and followed hiui, and he, the conduc tor, and two others were the only ones who escaped with trifling injuries. Mr. C.J Brid ges, the Managing Director of the Great Wes tern Railway, and Dr. Macklem aud Mr. Thomas Street, of Chippewa, were on the train, and although considerably injured, es caped with their lives. The following is a list of the bodies recog nized up to this morning. Donald Stuart, Rev. A. Boaker, the father of Mayor Boa ker ; Erastus W. Green, and a little girl, the daughter of Mr. J. H. Clark, all of Toronto, James Gannon and Thos. BCIKSOD, of Port Hope ; John Sharp, Bookbinder, A Grant. Mr. Russell, of the firm of Mellest, Merrell & Russell of Brant ford ; Joseph Barr of Chi cago, and John C. Henderson of Hamilton. In one of the Compauy's buildings lay the bodies of sixteen men, two women and one child, and of these bnt three were recognized —Edward Puffield, Rev. Dr. Heisseeand J no. Morley. The remains of Mr Zimmerman will be taken to his residence at Niagara Falls this afternoon. He was in the baggage car at the time of the accident. [From the Rochester Democrat of Saturday morninp i Mr. Simeon Sinsebough of Ithaca, who came direct from Hamilton yesterday after noon, saw the body of the engineer extricat ed from the water before he left. As many as seventy jersons were believed to be killw at this terrible casualty. The most intcuse ex citement prevailed at Hamilton and other pie ces in Canada, some one or more persons froui the towns along the road having been num bered among the dead. Beside the newspaper vender, whose name is given elsewhere, we can not learu that any one from this city or ne'e borhood was among the unfortunate passcu gers. A gentleman who was at the scene . vc?u J t day morning, says passengers from the crossed on the ice aud took cars on this sue o the bridge. Western-bound > to pass the bridge in the same way. lie cribes the excitement as intense and agonizi.i.- He saw sixty-three bodies lying at the t-ta K. House. The foremost car was shattered m very small fragments. Its destruction was complete as to be a matter of surprise. Another prominent contractor, whose 11 a our informant does not remember, was ed to be among the lost, some articles je c ing to him having been found in the wret His body, however, had not been recover The conductor had taken up 90 pUN-en. tickets, showing that at least that num e persons must have been ou the train. THE SUGAR INTERESTS dislike to come i in their prices. Iu Cuba the planter* 11 combined to keep it up, hut letters from vana say they will be unable to do so af e present delivery, and that the price niu* down. Well, the consumers will not onjee