farmer's gepvtnuut. [From the Evening Post.] Management of Farm-yard Manure. The (> r st management <>f ham ami yard ma-1 rmte is r, question attracting considerable at tention anions our agricultural papers, as it ; should, for it is one of ranch interest to far- | tilers ; ami especially to those engaged in mi r - ' cd ht'<biinrli ii, or who combine keepin/r and raising- stock with grain and fruit, growing.— . An attentive examination of ranch tiiat lias ; been written 011 the question, and bearing thereon, as well as considt t able practical ex- j per'n uce, has led me to the following conclu sions : 1. The dung of animals possesses its great est material value in a fresh or nndteotnposed state ; for there is more or less loss during de composition, as it is managed with more or less care. 2. The strawy refuse is best employed as litter for stables and yards for absorbing the liquids, and should in the end be pretty equal ly distributed through the manure. Used thus, its own decomposition is carried forward to a better point for application, and that of the dung retarded, as it should be while in the yard. .">. The best winter management of manure is to keep it so mixed with absorbents—straw, dry muck, leaves, saw-dust, <Sce.—that no ac tive decomposition takes place. 4. Or, keep the manure under slteds, which arc also used as shelters for stock, or spread about a small yard where cattle are kept, le vel an 1 well littered in both cases, and its so lidity will prevent decomposition and waste. 80 managed, a mixture of the dung of different animals—the quickly fermenting horsi-manure with the eold, slowly decomposing dung of cow s and swine—will produce .the lies! results. The plan of keeping the immure under the stock, wint' ring thcin unfastened in large stalls or boxes, well littered, of course, secures a good quality of manure, retaining all liquids, and keeping up a slow decomposition, with a small loss from the same. <>. The best method of preventing loss of the fertilizing elements of manure, is to plough if uwfor the soil as soon (if the season will ad mit) as it is so far decomposed that this can readily be done. Let the farm-yard lie closed in the spring ; applying the contents to corn and root crops, and as a preparation fur win ter grain or spring crops the next year. 7. All manure left in the yards through the summer should be heaped in piles, with a plen tiful mixture of muck or other good absor bents, and sheltered from too much rain. A certain degree of moisture is requisite to its best condition. Such manure may lie applied to winter grain crops, or as a top-dressing to grass lands in tlie fall. 8. The greatest sources of loss to the far mer, in the value of his farm-yard manure, arc— From waste of the liquid parts, arising from drainage and want of proper absorbents. From the too active decomposition of dung heaps, especially those composed largely of horse-manure. From the scattered state in which it is of ten kept about trie yards, exposed to sun, rain and winds ; and From delaying its application beyond the proper time to secure its greatest effect upon the soil ami its product. These arc hints, simply ; yet, if I have bee;; able to make my meaning clear to my broiie r farmers, 1 think they will tind them practical ly valuable. A much larger space would be required to go into an explanation of the rea sons on which these recommendations are foun ded, and perhaps it is not essential to do so. J. 11. liIXHV. Royalton, Niagara Co., N. V., Jan. 24. PAINT FOR FENCE* AND L>NU is.;--. — The many inquiries we receive on this subject induce us to give the results of any experi ments we make or which come under our ob servation. Having had occasion recently to erc<'t and paint a board fence about three hun dred feet loner, the following mode was adopt ed : Tlic fence was made of six horizontal boards, besides the cap, nailed to red cedar posts, and to avoid expense, the boards (of nearly clear stuff pine) were left unpinned,— The expense of plauing both sides by a ma chine driven with steam, would have been about live dollars. The paint applied was made like common od paint, ground water lime being used for the pigment, not 011 account of any virtue it may possess from its properties as a cement, but because of its cheapness, costing about half a cent n pound. It may possibly, however, be much better than some other paints, asafeuee coated once with it in mixture with oil three years ago, appears as perfect as the day it was applied. In order to give it a warmer tint, to correspond with the buildings adjacent, a small portion of Brandon red was added. A single coat of this paint was then given to the fence, the rough boards retaining enough to be equal to three ordinary coats on piuned boards. About nine gallons of oil were thus consumed, costing about eleven dollars. The pigment was vaiutd at fifty cents ; and about four days were occupied in mixing and applying it, at G dollars eot, the whole surface on both sides and the posts being painted. The total cost was nearly eighteen dollars. Tlic expense of this application, as compnr cd with u-i;i_r white-lead paint, applied in two coats on a planed surface, is as follows : Two coats of white-lead paint are estimated to cost fifteen cents nor square yard. There were 0:1 both sides of this fence and 011 the edges of the hoards over one hundred and seventy two square yards, which at fifteen cents each, would amount to about twenty-six dollars Consequently eight dollars was saved in paint ing, and live more, at least, in planing, if done in the cheapest manner, making thirteen dol lars additional, which would make white lead nearly double the expense of the mode adopt ed. A ham, thirty by forty feet, and with an average height of sides equal to eighteen feet, would present an entire surface of two hun dred and seventy five square yards, to paint which, in the manner we have described, 011 new nnplaned pine siding, would cost a little less than thirty dollars. A coat of whitewash may be applied for a less expense than five dollars. Two coats of white-lead would cost forty-one dollars, besides the expense of plan ing. There is no excuse for any farmer in not giv ing at least one coat of limo-wash occasionally to Ins outbuildings, if he cannot afford any thing better.— Country Gentleman. I'aovKßn FOR THK THOUGHTFUL.— A truly great man borrows 110 lustre from splendid an cestrv. ftlisccllaneouG. Till- Tii!lU NK FOR 18.77. The Election is past, ami its results proves that the work devolved , a tee iicpuliluan |>nr(y is not yet com pleted. In nil the Eastern and Xortl.ern portions of the country—in Xew-Knglawl. New Vork.t liiio and the Xorth- West -the RfgnMicaii banner floats in triumph ; while in Southern Jersey. Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois—in short, wherever few newspapers are taken, and where common schools are too new and too feeble to have edu cated the present generation of voters—the black flag of Slavcrv obstructs the sunshine. A stranger to America might di-tinguish those portions of oar country mo.-t blessed with Education. Intelligence. Thrift and Virtue, by s •aiming the rcturnsot the Presidential contest of ls'Ui. \Vo have failed of pre-cut success, not because the Peo ple me against us. but because that, large portion wit" dnl not bear or read the argument and do not know what were the real questions at i-*uo. went almost solid again-I us. reversing the verdict whb h the great majority of the educated ai d intelligent endeavored to pronounce. These farts indicate the path of pressing duty. With no nn inn lily repining* over what is irrevocable—with no ahati menf "of heart or hope because the triumph of Liber ty in her new ordeal is not won at the Long Island and White Plains of her struggle—witli no shadow of regret that the responsibility of governing is not confided to her champions before the* People were fully ready to sustain them- we la-gin afresh the work of diffusing that vital truth which, in regard to the concerns of this world as well as of tiie next, makes Tree indeed. Vow, in the Slave Power'- hovday of victory, when its ministers and servitors are gathering nnd plotting to make the most of the'r triumph and "crush out" the spirit which they vain ly lieiicvc to be crucified and entombed— now, when the faint-hearted or rohl-hearted who lately basked in the an -hine of our premature hope* are hauling off to repair damages ami talking of abandoning the rugged arena of Polities for more ipiiei and flowery fields—now, in this hour of weariness and shadow. Tin: Tiiinrxit renews its vows of eternal hostility to every form of tyranny over tin; bodies or souls of men—to the shameful assumption thai the benighted ai d feeble, whether in soul or body, are to lie regarded and treated as the convenience or the i orcv of their wi-er or stronger brethren—to the domina , ti ic of despots and oligarch*, whether of empires or pian ' tations —I<> the enslaver* of cities and kingdoms in Europe , or the breeders of children for the auction-block and the 1 . cotf in-field in Virginia or Alabama. ! The doctrine that no human being was ever created for I the benefit or advantage of another—that all service bc i twecn mail ami man slionM he free anil reciprocal—that ! the laborer should not toil anil sweat to pamper others' i pride or minister to others' luxury.but for the sustenance anil comfort of those near pud dear to him—is destined to j I certain triumph. It must prevail, for <ld reigns, and j Garth was IL t crealcil to I e a theatre of in justice, oppres sion and mi-cry forever. It must triumph : for all true j • prophecy aflirms ami the vindication of the Divine benig- | ■ nifv inn erativoly tTiptites it. It must triumph : for He- j | mo'cratic America cannot always remain the scoff"of aris- I ; tocrats and the slnittie of leformers anil liherals through ! out the Old World. It must triumph : for Man's history j is not a chaos or a riddle, lntt everywhere instinct with ! meaning : and no heroic effort ever failed of its effect—no ' dmii of martyr blood was ever shed in vain. Hut even if we Republicans were disposed to fold our j arms in slumhornisradversaries woidd not permit it. They 1 are busy to-dc.v in lengthening their cords and strength i cuing tiieir stakes with a vigilance and activity which rc ' vca'.s a conscifistic-s on their part that their dominion must he made sure forthwith or their sceptre will have i forever depart, d. T > day. uivrniidonis of the Slave Row | er threaten and harass Xorthern Mexico, are encamped ; in the heart of Central America and waging a war of cx [ termination on the distracted inhabitants of its petty Re- I publics, while it bv turns leers and scowls at Cuba, while j its most ruthless hands are precipitated on devoted Kan | sas, under the protection anil smiles of the federal Ad j ministration. Kven as we write, the telegraph informs us that twenty Free-State men. guilty of attempting to defend their homes again-t the rapine and violence of Bu ford's and Titus' Mood-thirsty bandits, have been convic ted by unpte's Court of manslaughter! and sentenced ; to five years' imprisonment at hard labor as felons. This is but a fair specimen of what has long passed for " jns ; tice" in Kansas—a justice which takes the criminals into aids them in hunting down, plundering and " wiping out" the innocent, whom it consigns to the i State prison if they are ever goailed into the madness of resisting their oppressor# Sin h crimes and wrongs as ! unhappy Kansas nas for twelve months endured, even Hungary or Roland lets nevir known ; and the Power at | whose in.-tigation these villainies were and are perpetra ted sits enthroned in the White House, and lias just ( .t hie ved another four years'ascendancy in the Federal Government. Who, in view of these facts, can say that • Republicans m-y now pile their arms, even for an hour ? Tun TKIRI'NE will be, as it has been, a Political Jour nal—uv.iwi illy, though not exclusively so. It recognizes the truth that Freedom and Slavery are here grappled in deadly conflict, and that in the result one of them must lose all control over the Federal Government. But, while it gives prominence and emphasis to the discussion and elucidation ftlm great issue of the day, it sinks none of 'I bir i 'tcci-tr -of a Business anil family Xewspaptr. ; ■ i.' ilings of Congress, like those in Kansas, will ivit d and reported by in able and fearless corps of • . i i- .■■indentwhile tr in London, Paris, Constantino li.i.'.iua. Sau Pian i o, Albany and other centres ot ~!i rest, our special advices will lie, as they have been, fiv-h and ri-liaMe. A member of our Editorial corps— Boyc vd T.'vh r—is now in Xorthern Europe, and will j spend the Winter in Sweden, Lapland. Russia, theme making hi-way nexto- on teres Siberia and Tartary I to the mouth of the Amour, and them e homeward by the Pacific and • rnia, unless some change of route shall ! promise greater interest and nmlH to our readers, for j whom alone lie will writ 4 regui.uMP throughout his adven turous journey, vhi.'h is likely to reipiirc two year- for j it- completion. Our reports of the most intere-'ting Leo- tares. Public Meetings, Ac., will be full and reliable, raid our Foreign and Domestic News in ."do tip with a careful regard to the condensation into Oiir ample columns of the greatest amount of intelligence that is consistent with the use of type of a gencrons size. In short, if we fail to make Tat: YKIBCXE worth its cost, it shall not be for want of expenditure or effort. If it be deemed desirable by republicans that Tuts Titr nt'Xß houhl be circulated in their several localities, we urge them to see that Clubs be made up and forwarded in dee season. The Postmasters arc semi-ofTicialiy ad monished not to aid our circulation, but to urge instead that of journals deemed " sound" and " National" by the compatriots of Atchison and Stringfcllow. We ask live republicans everywhere to take care that these efforts be not effectual to quench the light of Freedom in the mur ky mists of Slavery. TERXHSS. DAILY TRICCXI:, per annum FT 00 SKM L-WKKKFY TBI BUN K. Single Copy, per annum s.l oo Two Copies " n 00 Five Copies " 11 oo Ten Copies, to one address 20 00 We send The Semi-Weekly Tribune to clergymen at $2 ner year. WKFKLY TBI BUNK. Single Copy, per annum $2 00 Three Copies, " , oo Five Copies, " H 00 Ten Copies. " 12 00 Twentj Copies, toone aAilrc-n, and any larger) ,, ft .... number at the rate of $1 per annum f " Twenty Copies, In nrlrli r** of rarh xubsrriber .and i„ . f . r , any larger number at the rate of #1 2o each,.. j Any person sending us a club of twenty or over will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to send The Weekly Tribune to Clergymen at #1 per year. Subscriptions may commence at any time. Payment in advance is required in all eases, and the paper is invaria bly discontinued at tlie expiration of the advance pay ment. Money tnai tie remitted for subscriptions in letters at our ri k : but the Postmaster at the place where the let !cr is mailed should be made acquainted with its contents, and keen a description of the bills. When drafts can be obtained, they are much safer than to send bills. I'ill of any specie-paying bank in the United States or Can .das received at par for subscriptions. We have no traveling agents. Anyone wishing to re ceive Tim TKIRCXB need not wait to "be called upon for his subscription. All that is necessary for hitn to do is to write a letter in as few words as possible, inclose the money, write the name of the snbscrsber, with his Post office, County and State, and direct the letter to tilt Kill. FY A McKI.RATII, Tribune Office, New-York. It. WATROfS 11. M. SEWARD K. H. COOK. !> WATltorS & Co., DEALERS IX I I • HEAVY A" SHELF HARDWARE, No's. 1 A :i. Water st. Ei.mira, N. Y. We have recently made large additions to our extensive stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev ery description of Hardware, which we offer at the lowest < A.-h prices; consisting of Mechanic's Tools, Building Ma terials, Iron and steel, Nails and spika, Ropes and Cord age, Paints, Oils and Glass, .Mill saws of every size and shape, either Malay Gang or Circular. Machine Belting, of all widths, both of India Rubber A leather, <Ila:-s at wholesale. We are prepared to supply ! Merchants with Gla-s, Nails, scythes, Forks, Ac., at Man ufacturers prires. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. FORTH AITOIIS TOOLS—Wheel harrows, Ames' Sho vels, Blasting Powder, Ac. Agents for Itich A Wihler's Patent Salamander Safes, Fai. hank's Platform Scales, and Welch A Griffith's Circti- I lar saws. j Large up to 00 inch, always on hand and sold at I Factory Prices. Particular attention paid to orders by mail. Klmira, April 7, is-, 6. n-U-12m GEORGE H. WOOF'S Dnjnorrean k Glass Pielurc Gallery, ' T- v RATION'S XKW BLOCK, Corner of Main and i ± Bridge sts., Towandn. Pa., is the place to iret GLASS PICTUUKS, (usually called Amhrotypes.) They are far I superior to all other kinds of pictures. Having no rettec j tion. they can l>e seen in any position, and can he taken ! in much less time than Daguerreotypes, and equally well j in cloudy as clear weather. ftsTMiniatures put into Lockets, Breast pins, Ac., as I usual. Hoomaopcn at all hours. Pictures put up on short J notice. Towandn. Jan uuy 22, h>#d Snsincse Carfcs. DR CIIAS. M. TURNER, PHYSIC TAN <s• SINE FOX. offers his professional services to the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Oflice and res idence in the dwelling recently occupied by H. BOOTH, Esip, one door north of the Episcopal Church, oil Maine Street. OR. JOHN M'LXTOSH, SURG&ON DENTIST, HAS RETURNED. Office next door jo Mercnr's store, and over Alexanders ( lotliing Store, Main street, Towanda. l ebruary if, laoo. TAMES MACFARLAXE, A TTORNE V •J AT LAW, TOWANDA, PA. Occupies the Office, in the Union Block, formerly owned by John C. Adams I.sij. nirlle will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants and Pensions. March 22, i 5.,",. IT. J. MADIU * P. D. MORROW. MADILL A MORROW, A TTORNE YS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW,— Office over Mercnr's Store. T, wanda, Pa. Towanda, April 2. Is. H-43-tf DR. E. 11. MASON. PIIYSIC IA V AND SL'RD FOX. offers his professional services to the people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence on Pine street, where he can always be found when not professionally engaged. JOHN C. ADAMS D'A. OVERTON. A DAMS & OVERTON, ATTORNEYS 1 V AT I.A ll'. Office in the room formerly occupied by (leorge Sanderson, over Burton Kingshcry's store. Towanda, Ji \ '.< Is. PUV IE WA T KIX S, A TTO RN E Y U COUXSFFF.OIi AT /..-Hi", will attend promjit- Iy to all business entrusted to his care. Collections will receive his special attention. Office a few doors north of the Ward House. Towanda, Maav 1. 138. JJL B. PARSONS, ATTORNEY AT IJ I.A II", TROY, Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V. M. & H. I". Long's store. Aug- 7, 156. TOWANDA MMAIE SIKtltM'iEY. rpUE MISSES HANSON respectfully inform the public ! X that the Winter Term of their school w ill open in the j nea - bui'dine on second street, west of the Ward House, on Monday. December 1, 1 Miss O. D. II ANSON will have the general superinten dence of the school, as-isted in Mnsje bv Miss REBECCA D. HANSON, and in French by Mis. EMM A HANSON. Thankful for the patronage already extended to them, they beg leave to ::--ure those entrusting their daughters in their charge, that every effort will he made to deserve the confidence and favor of their patrons. The school yi ar will eon-i-t of four of eleven weeks each. The sutiimer vacation commencing in July, and ending in September. A lece-s of a few days will be taken at the holidays. TERMS, run rji AKTKK: First CHUTS —To include the elementary English ) j. ( . branches, and the study of the Latin language, ( ' Second Class —To include the more advanced stu- j dies ofthe English branches.with Mathematics, s;> 00 and the study of Latin and French \ Third Class To include Mathematics, Mental ) and Moral Philosophy. Rhetoric, Botany. Ac.. ;12 00 i with Latin and French \ Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There j will be no extra charge whatever. Mrs re -Instruction on the Piano, with use of instrn- j meat, will be given by Miss RKIIKCCA I>. II VNSOX, at $lO ; per iptarter. Boarding for young ladies can be obtained in private families at reasonable rates. Pupils from a distance will 1 receive the especial care of the teachers. They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle men :—lit. Rev. Ai.ovzo POTTER. Bishop of the Diocese | of Penn'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. M ACI.I:AN, President of I the College of New Jersey. Hon. DAVIO Wll.mot. (1. F. M \sov, (', L. WARD, JOHN ! I F. MEANS, D. F. BAKSTOW, H. S. MKKITR, <>. I>. BART RETT, E. O. OOODMOB, Towanda. THE SUSQUEHANNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TO IT AND A, BRADFORD CO., PA. TXSTRT'CTORS : REV. SAMPER F. COLT. Principal, Professor of Natu ral, Mental and Science ; REV. JAMES MeWfLI.IAM, A. ST., Professor of Ancient Languages and Belles Letters ; CHARLES R. CO BURN, \. M., Professor of Mathema tics and Master of Normal School; MISS E. M. f'OB, Preceptress; I MISS EMI LIE A. BUTLER,) VstMant ,. J MISS ELLEN C. COLT. j ■'•litis . I MISS HELEN M. CARTER. Assistant in Music ; | Mr. CANFELD DAYTON, Steward. I The Winter Term commences November 26, aiul eoutin- I lies 11 weeks, besides 10 days recess fit Christinas. EXPENSES I'K.ll TERM : | Payable invariably in advance Fuel and contingencies all included : : Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term ?f " Fourth 6 " Third 7 . . " Second S .. " First 10 .. Pupils using scholar-hips are charged $1 per term for , fuel and contingents : for instrument on which to take i lessons, 50r, or for practice $2.00 No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside within two miles ofthe Institute shall be admitted to tui tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian. EXTRAS: French, Herman, Spanish or Italian, each, 5 .. When taken without other branches, 7 Drawing 3 Ornamental needlework and embroidery.each 3 .. Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12 .. do do per quarter of 11 weeks,.... 10 .. Oil painting in landscapes, per term 8 .. do liguies 10 Room rent for lodgers 1 75 The l'ouug /Milieu will lind board in the Institute, under the care of ttie Matron,at per week 175 Fuel and light 25 The male pupils can find board in private families, at per week from $2 00 to 2 50 Washing, per dozen, 3S Pupils bearding in the Hall, (who will be exclusively Females.) will furnish their own bed,bedding, towels, Ac. and the table silver at their option. No pupil t ikon for less than half a term. The boarding hills for the term must in: paid in advance ; or one hall thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute arc pledged to the obser vance of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S.F.COLT, See. C. L. WARD, President. July 3, 1 85(. A. WICKHAM, Treasurer. 3ook Sinding-. r pilE undersigned has the agency of one of A the best Binderies in N. Y. City, and is ready to re ceive Books Pamphlets, Magazines, Ac., to be bound in any style desired, in the neatest and most substantial manner and at very low rites—shall be forwarding a lot very soon—so send in your volumes. O I>. BAItTLETT. April 24,1856. NEW DRUG STORE AT NICHOLS. DIIS. (J. M. & (A P. CAPY would respect fully announce to their friends and the public that they have just opened a new and extensive DRUG STORE atXK HOLS, X. Y. Their stock is new and carefully selected, and consists of Drills, IVTcdicincs, Chemicals, Faints, among which are lead, zinc, chronic green and yellow, india red, vemiillion, Ac. Oils and Varnishes, a variety. Dye-stuffs, including logwood, camwood, fustic, cudbear, gran ulated tin, indigo, Ac. BRUSHES for paint, hair, hat, clothes, shoe, teeth, Ac. Window glass, putty, camplieue, burning fluid, alcohol; tan ner's oil; very pure LIQUORS for medicinal purposes ; Patent Medicines, perfumery. Labia's Extracts for the handkerchief; Taiicy Articles, Yankee Notions, Snuff. Cigars, Ac. Ac. To Physicians our stock offers inducements as being of the best quality, carefully selected, an 1 sold cheap. Give us a call, and see if you can purchase as cheap elsewhere. G. M. A G. I'. C.YDY. Nichols, June 1.1,1850. BAKERY & RESTAURANT! One Door North of the Word House. HP I(E subscrilier would respectfully inform his friends 1. and the public generally that he has opened a BA KERY AND EATING SAI.OoN. one door north of the Ward House, when he intend to keep constantly on hand a full assortment of everything in the line, such as Bread, Biscuit, Busk, Crackers, Jumbles, all kinds of Cake, Ac. Having secured the services of an experienced linker, and using nonh but the best brands of Hour. lie feels confident of giving satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. \\ edding and other parties furnished with whatever re quired. on short notice and at the most reasonable rates. A nice assortment of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, Ac., kept always on hand and sold at the cheapest rates. FRESH OY STERS received three times per week by express, and sold wholesale and retail. - Hot ( ,'oflee served up at ail hours. Don't forget the place, one door north of the YVard House. February 12,1-850, 11. A. BURBANK. &*f- JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. Sri. Warner's New Splendid JcrcrJry Store, one door north of Pntfovs Drvg Store, . HAS just been opened with the lnrgestnnd JBT\ nmst chare stock of FASHIONARLE Q/fWNV JEW V ever offered to :i discriminating fifcj Xl public. Indeed. lie can safely say that with B®, jifa tlx-' opening of his new store has been in augurati il a new era in the Jewelry line, inasmuch as along with the choice anil elegant assortment he gives the most reliable a-siir.ince of an almost incredi ble reduction in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav ing been all bought with ready cash. A. M. \V., when he reflect- how, for the past years.with a far less attractive stoi k. be has enjoyed o large a share o! public patronage, flatters hlmselt that the immense in crease of (foods he now oilers, which have lroou bought so much more advantageously, will enable liim to increase the generous confidence which has hitherto been vouch safed to him. lie therefore solicits a continuance of the favor of his old customers, and invites the public general ly to come and see the fashions. *S-THK WATCH b'KI'AIKING PEP ARTMENT will continue to be distinguished by the skill and despatch which has heretofore enabled it to enjoy the enviable rep utation of being the most reliable in town. Towanda, September 24. 15a. T3CG A POIIS'S AGIUCULTUUAL WORKS!! It. AT. WKLLKS A CO. A TJIFXS, IIUAH FORI) CO., FA. Manufacturer, Wholesale and retail dealers in EMERY'S AND WHEi-.LER'S RAIL ROAD HORSE j POWERS, THRESH EPS AND SKI'KItATOIfS, co.ti/ti.y/irr TI:I:SIII:SIS K U VAVVO wens, j Portable Saw-Mills, Clover Hollers and Feed Cutters, Finery's Cider Mills, Apple Parcrs. Clow's ami Kel-'cy's and other drain Cradles, Scythes, and other Harvesting Tools. Ketehuin's and other Mowing and Heaping Macliines. Seymour's drain Drill- llroad c>.-t S i d Sowers. Ac. Magic Corn and Cob Mills, I ltivators, Heather anil Rubber Beltings. Manufacturer of Meters' Celebrated T-lThl-S, Which 1 am prepared to sell at either WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, on very favor.i'ee terms. Tliese milis are warranted second to none in the Pnited States, for durability, efficiency and simplicity, and will do in the best manner and rapidly, all kinds of ehafling and cleaning all kinds of drain, (lias- Seed, Ac. Ke>~ Warranted to chaff lit for market, from 40 to 60 j bushels of Wheat per hour. Refrigerators, Provision Safes, etc. | Extras furnished for repairing Emery's and Wheeler's j machines. j Descriptive Catalogues. Price Lists and Circulars "f all ; machines sold by us, -cut gratis and postage pre-paid, to ! all applicants. Send us your name and addre-s. Athens, Pa. Ji:r 25, 156. R. M. WELLES A CO. ] TOWANDA CAOi\'ET WAREHOUSE | f'llKsTEli WKLLS wottl.l • F^teM^fcgl^^respectfully inform his friends and the | public tliat he is nw receiving at his dd stand one door north of Laporte, Mason A Co.'s banking ! iifuise, a large and extensive' assortment of I Sofas, Mahogany Chairs, of various patterns, Rosewood and Mahogany Side and Centre Tables, Dining,'l ea and I Vnibn kr Tables. Stands of every kind. Cane, f lag and Wood seat Chairs, high Chairs, Children's Rockers, Bedsteads, Bureaus. Lounges, (lilt and Rose wood Picture Frame. Iron Hat Stands, Corner and side d>. of walnut and mahogany; Cradles, Cribs, Wardrobes, Cupboards. Looking glasses, Ac. irPCOFITN'S. oi every size and quality, and will at tend on all occasions when repined. The public are invited to examine iny assortment before purchasing elsewhere, as i will sell cheaper than any other establishment in Northern Pennsylvania. Towanda, August H, i 5.",.",. she oia STAITO STILL IN OPERATION! 1 THE subscriber would announce br'jHftijUgSi -1 h.;r:il. and will make to order all f kinds of CAI'.IXKT PPRXITPRE, , J sin h i-Sofas. Divans. Lounges. Cen f ' •; tr, C'i d. Dining ami Ureukla-t Ta -1--' fg- f- 1 I''■ Mahogany, Walnut, Maple and H 9 g I;Cherry Bureaus. Stands of various *-f —•-_.> kinds. Chairs and Bedsteads of every j description, which are, and will be made of the best ma- I terial and workmanlike manner, and which thev will sell | for cash cheaper than ran be bought in any other Ware room in the country. RE ADA -MADE COFFINS, on hand on the nn-t rea sonable terms. A good HEARSE will tie furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMES MACKIXSON*. Towanda, January 1.15.55. BOOTS AND SHOES John "W. Wi!cox, HAS located his c.-tabii-hnieut on Main Street, on door North of the '• \\ ;>rd House," and will continue the manufacture of BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore. lie has just received from New-York a large assortment of \Y omans Chihlrcus ami Misses' Shoes, which are offer ed at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is particu larly directed to his assortment, comprising the following new styles:—Enamelled dennv land -niter hoots; do. shoes ; black lasting and silk gaiter ; walking shoes, bus kins, Ac. Misses' gaiters and shoes, of every description, A large variety of Chihlrens' fancy gaiters, hoots A shoes of alt kinds. For the Gentlemen, almost every style of gaiters and shoes. This stock his been personally selected with care, and he believes he can offer superior articles at reasonable prices. J6£~ The strictest attention paid to M.wrrACTntiNO, and he hopes by doing work well 1 > merit a continuance of the liberal patronage he has liitherso received. Tovvanda, Feb. I, 1.855. G-SIC'CERSS3, PROVISIONS," &.C- West side of the Public Square, opposite the Court House. Bailey a- nkyixs are just receiving a large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries, Yankee Notions. Toys, Fruit, Confectionary, Ac., which will be sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exhantre for most kinds of country prodm c, at prices that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or ccm try dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Black and Green Ten, Bio and Java Coffee, Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, (linger. Pepper, Spiee. Cloves, nutmegs. Mace einamon, Ground Mustard. Pepper Sauce. Soda, Saleratus, Cream Tartar, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Bar Soap, Vinegar. Starch, Ac. PROVISIONS. Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, Com Meal, Feed Pork, Hams A Shoulder-. .Mackerel. Codfish, Shad. Lake Trout, Piekeled and dlb rring.Cheese, Rice, Beans, Unions, Potatoes, Butter. Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac FRUIT. Prunes, Citron, l'igs. Eng. Currants, Raisins. Lem ons and Oranges, Oreen audi tried Apples, and Peaches Almonds, Pecan nets, Frazil nuts. On-noble and Madeira' Walnuts, Filberts, Peanuts, Chestnuts. Hickory nuts.Ac. GERMAN. FRENCH and AMEBIOAN TOYS, FANCY Goons. Ac—Boys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons. China, Pewter A Wood Tea Setts, Dolls. Trumpets. Toy Guns, Accordions, Har monicas, Glass, Paper and Wood Inlaid Work P. >.\es and Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus. Secretaries. Ac, Pearl. Ivi ry Papier Maclie and Leather Port M-maies Wallet-. Pur-e-! Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket ami Toilet Combs, Tobac co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases. Tooth, Hair and Cloth Brushes, Fancy Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. FOOLS CAP, Letter, Commercial" Note and Bath Post Paper, Envelopes. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ink. Inkstands. Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales Ac. Ac. TABLE AND DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEVINS. Towanda, November 2d, 1855. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE ! 18J GREAT BARGAINS! [56 IWC. XI. Solomon, Proprietor. HIS extensive Beady-made Clothing Establishment, situated in Mcrcur's block, Main street, has just )>een tilled with a large assortment of SPRING CLOTHING. The proprietor assures the public that he has the best and cheapest assortment ever offered in Towanda ; and to prove this fact he respectfully asks the public to call and examine for themselves. Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or any portion thereof, well made of substantial material- Coat, Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Collars, and in fact every thing in the line, will do well to call, lie is confident he can satisfy all in price and quality. AST" Don't forget the place one door south of Mercur's store, Main-st. Towanda. March 2s. i tti eg! •• } DR. PORTER'S 01TICE & SOUTH END OF THE W;ARD HOUSE Fronting the Public Square. THE subscrfl or. thankful for tho liberal patronage of tlio past year, intend- t > keep constantly on hand a full as sortmcnt of the very 1-e-t art ides usually kept in our line, which*!,: WII.I. dispose of on such tortus a- will U "Jp isfactorv to all who may patronize liim. The purchases are made entiri !y with cash in hand, and for the (' \s|| ~„ customers will receive the benefit of a good article at a low price. All articles shall answer our recomnu adata.ns and are warranted as represented. [£7=* Medical Advice gratuitously given at the Officr, rliarging t,nly for the Jkdirinri. Tlie stock consists of a complete and select assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine & Liquors, for Medicinal nse, London Porter k fkotrh Ale. ALL THE MOST POPULAR The most approved Trusses and Abdominal Supporters, Nursing Bottles, Nip. pie Shells, Breast Pumps, Teeth Rings, Syringes, Catheters, Ac. American, English $ Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMFHENE & BURNING FLUID-NEW & BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS GF LAMPS! Superior TCZBACCO &. STiUTT !—-Choice brands of Pure Kavanca, Eritcipe and Vara CIGARS ! Paints, Oils, Varnishes, U ititlon Glasn. HruSiies, Pci ftisnery, Shaving Soap Fancy Articles, &c. &.c. Hair Dyes, Ifair Restorer, Fancy Soaps, Shaving (Yoani, Tooth Powder, Fx tracts for the Handkerchief, Italian Whisks, l'ort monnais, Purses, Ray, Colonge, Rose and Lavender Witters, Tobacco and Snuff Boxes, Indelliblc Ink, \c FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Rio and .lava Coffee ; Molasses, Syrups, Sugars, Spices, & c ,V-. Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, etc. REMEMBER THE STORE—SOUTH EM) ()E THE WAIH) HOUSE! j Towanda, February 1,1555. If. PORTER, M. P. NEW ARRANGEMENT. ijT The Mammoth Hardware Store _ ~ - CHATFIELD % STORRS. Is now receiving a largo and well selected asfortment of Foreign § Domestic Hardware HOUSE TRIMMINGS, f every description, , Carpenters. Cabinet makers, Blacksmiths and Shoe makers' --'"Ts, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, In fact almost everything that the industry of tlie country rcptires. In b j ai plition we are constantly receiving and keep on hand a full stock of - -seed® Swedes and American Iron, Horse shee I rev, Xail rrds, &-r. i \* urnntcil of tlie Lest f|ii;ility, And sold ;vs chfap n-i can Lc pwvhasefl of ;inv est:iL!ish* cut v t of\**.v Y ta. AD) > Parker null Xails, Lead Pipe, (Ilass, Sa<h, Putty, White f.cad. Linseed Oil. which is warranted jM.Tlectly pare. Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage JYTaltcr's Goods. COAL AM) AVOOi) COOK AND I'AIU.OR STOVES. Parlor and Cok Wood and Coal St"vos. Regulators and Sheet Iron Stoves, St w I'ii '. Ac. Now receivings f.'. ' supply of the e lebrat ed < ok stove < ,o\ Kit NO it. which is prnnonnced by till j ;c_e- the I c-t conk St tc a: tl ■ j market, it is especially adapted to the Farmer's use. As we have the largest and most complete Hardware store on the New v,.j' 4 . and Erie Railroad, and we intend M purchase in the be-t markets, and by keepioga full assortment, selling as cle-ao as , -Al . w.* bop,-1 ■-■ **.' | the patronage of tlmse doing business in this market. ° * STORRS A CHATI'LLP. Owego, N. V. Oct. 21, ISSG. & N E WAR RANGEM EN iT ij PAT TON Sf PAT.YE, ' ON THE CCRNER OF BRIDGE AND MAIN STREETS, ! SJTo. Pattons' fl trh Towauda THR subscribers would respectfully inform tlieir friendsgand the public that they biv 'formed a en-partner-h■ e • tlie business, and are now receiving at No. 4. in l'atton's New Brick Block, from the cities of I Uilaae. phin and New York, a large and well selected stock of American, French and English MM GAU, DRUGLWEDICINEJ, OROQERAES, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS. DYE STI FFS, ik XLA2&&I2 iLSSMB'JEESH® ©I? 5 DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PORT MONNAES. &c. I SU3.G2.CAL XBTST2.UMENTS, and a variety cf the most approved Tresses, Abdominal Supporters, &c., always on hand. j London Porlcr and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes, ALL THE MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Brushes for the Hat, Hair, Teeth. Nails, Boots Fainting, Varnishing, if. The Lovers of GOOD CIGA RS and TOR A CCO, trill find a far EX rariftij of ''hoicc lE tut, Yarn and Principe Cigars, and the finest brands of Tobacco and Snvjj. faciphenc—Particular Attention paid to the Hannfaeliire of BIRMNG FLUB' And a fine assortment of /.AMI'S, of atl sizes and descriptions, Bird Cages, Cup*• All of which is offered for sale at greatly reduced rate--. Our stock being large ami n)"-t!y Importer and Manufacturer at tlie lowest rates, am! with Cash, enables u< t<> sell at rcil'c ! price-.' . tLsl'actory to all. We invite the attention of the public to nn e c i>ecial examination of our stock <■) good- a. , Our Motto is —" THK CASH BYSTKM—QUICK SALRK—SMALL UROFITS.'' Our (loods are selected with the utmost'eare and warranted to be what they are represented : if an* tin- contrary, we are not only willing but re.pie.-t our customers to return them, and the money - , MR. I'AYN'K will give his special attention to the [ reparation of i'UEBCIIIUTIOXS, w! a UI ; ',i\ accurately on the shortest notice. JOS'TII 1 J ,' A j- Towanda, June 2, lsAii. KDWAItD v —. R E MO V A 1.. COLLINS & POWELL, \l 701* 1.1) respectfully inform their friends and the pub- V \ lie generally, that they hive removed their Cloth ing and Fimiishing Store tn'their New Building on the West side of Main Street, next door to Hull .V Russell's, and will be happy to wait on all who may give them a call. _ Their stock consists of Black Cloth Coats, Plain and! Fancy C'nssimeres. Tweeds and .leans, black and Fancy I Cassiuu re Pants, Black Satin Vests, Silk Velvet and fan- r ry do., Silks of all kinds, White Marsaiiles and fancy do., ! White and fancy Linen Pants, Overalls and overshirLs, white and fancy shirts, drawers, collars, cravats, socks, : Hats and Caps of all kinds and qualities, a good assort-! ment of Boys Clothing, such as Coats, Vests and Pants which we are selling off at cost. (■eutlemcu wishing clothing made tin to order, will do ; well to give us a call, as we have a good assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings on hand, which we are I ready to make up on short notice, and WARRANTED to i tit in every way. or no sale. We do our own cutting, and | flatter ourselves that we know as mm h aliout it as most j people, having had some years experience in busines CCTTINt! done to order as usual—Where Hoods re j bought of us, no charge made for cutting. As regards ' cheapness, all we ask is to give us a cull before buying elsewhere. J. SI. COLLINS. PERCIVAL POWELL. Towanda, August 7, is.'iti. rIXSEEO, Lamp, Tanners', and Neatsfoot, 1 Oils, Alcohol, Campliine aud Burning Fluid for sale by 11. s. MERCER. ITUMOI UN SEED—A (piantitv for sale at J. the store of jel 11. S. MERCUR. L IQUOR STORE. ; O EE ETON would respect fully public that he i- r.>w it ;uh at hi- t f ? Hall k south side of the P Ill;1,r \ t v isli those wanting PI RE l.iyl D'Js. op, thing in that line. He lias lately ni.ic • :); nlin ! bis stock, purchasing of the be-t imp "■' ■• . j original package. He has on hand, and quantity from a quart upwards v i;!t j Ou j Brandt/.— Signctte, Cogniac. old ' din. Swan, \nieriean. and sclic.d.. .. ■ • H'hixkrt/. —Scotch.Old j U'ine.— Currant, Port, and liiown " )t^uin tly Fresh Camphene and Burning r laid i 1 ' ■ hand. Also <M per rent. Alcohol. qll CIO.tBS of the liest brands, -'a,- " , 'V I flasks, and a large quantify of empq*' ( Biiighamton Ale by the gallon or barrel- wir t Those favoring me with their , 1 that all articles will be what thciaro N. B. The person who borrowed ui " requested to return it. Towanda, January IS, I>.>l>. ; BRANDIES, GINS, WHISKIES, JAMACIA KM • THE undersigned respect fall v and the public gcncr.dl* . tost t |,f tit] partnership with Mr. Cll ARLLS I■hMT New-York, under the firm and st*lc •' r FENDT & VAWDEI^CC lo Jiearer s/nrJ .\c'r- \> • vmffi in the Importing and Jobbing ol r n.i- • Liqnors. , , a All orders will be promptly vNIC H' l "' 1 ant-ied. , r , Xcw-Yoik, 1"> Beaver-t. Sop:. 1. t~-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers