Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 12, 1857, Image 3

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    Hon. E. Reed Myer.
MR MYER represents the 17th Senatorial
district, composed of the counties of Bradford,
Susquehanna and Wyoming. He is a son of
Mr. MYER, of Bradford county, who was a
member of the Legislature from that county in
the winter of 1822—'23. He was boru in
AVysox, Bradford county, one of the most
beautiful valleys along the Susquehanna river,
on the 25th of July, 1818. That port of the
country, at the date of his birth, was newly
am l sparcely settled, and the opportunities for
obtaining an education were exceedingly limit
ed. After taking the usual course ut a com
mon school, he was sent to a high school, but
W;l s soon called home by bis father to assist
him in his business. His father died at Col
umbia, Pa., in 1842, after which event he com
menced business for himself in lumbering and
firming, in which he has been engaged most
of tlm time since. In politics his antecedents
ore Whig, having always supported, with firm
ness and zeal, the principles of that party so
lone as it had any life and vitality. In 1855
he was the chairman of the Whig county com
mittee of Bradford county, and united in a se
ries of resolutions recommending to the Whigs
the propriety of taking into consideration, in
their primary meetings, the question of dissolv
ing the organization, which had become soni
fies and was a lucre living skeleton, and form
ing a Republican organization. The sugges
tion was adopted, and in 185' V he was nomi
nated as the Republican candidate for the Sen
ate, and was elected by a majority of over live
thousand one hundred, over the Hon. \\ M. M.
PIATT, late Speaker of the Senate, one of the
most popular Democrats of the district. This
is his first session in the Legislature, and but
little opportunity has yet been afforded him to
exhibit his qualities as a debater aud a public
man. His report, however, on the resolutions
relative to Kansas, made in the Senate, the
other day, ami just published, stamps him as a
writer of no ordinary capacity, and as possess
ed of a high order of talents. A career of use
fulness as a public man lies before him.— Har
ishurg Telegraph.
An Extraordinary Appetite.
Charles Sumner, M. I)., of Rochester, com
municated the following particulars of a surgi
cal case which came under his practice, to the
li ihi Union of that city :
" Tin- subject was a young lady, nineteen
years of age, of nervous temperament, very
(j-althy, and the daughter of a respectable far
:.-r in Butternuts, Otsego county, N. V. She
t -t came to my office April 28th, 1853, to
. ive a needle extracted from her left arm,
: n. she said, ' got in accidentally as she was
ving a bundle of carpeting.' This, a medi
; sized sewing-needle, was soon found, and
extracted from the interior side of the fore
•::i. about midway between the wrist and the
• ibow. In less than a week she called again,
ving she had another needle in her arm. I
uimii-.ed and found deep in the bond of the
in, a hard substance, which proved to be a
■ die similar to the first, and accounted for
i a similar manner.
"One week after this, six needles were
bund, deep iu the flesh, about three inches
:n the elbow. May 29th, fourteen were ta
il eat, higher and more on the posterior side
the arm. 80th, seventeen were taken from
u arm and shoulders. Some of these were
- lfieial, lying just under the skin, but most
of them lay deep in the flesh, and a number
1 !y under the biceps muscle, One, of
ge size, lay with two-thirds its length im
e-idi-ii in the brachial artery. One large darn
needle was found lying directly on the bone,
' the intersection of the deltoid muscle ; this
it some inllamation and suppuration, which
to its detection. June 4th, twelve were
ivi-d from tin- left arm, two from the wrist,
veil from the left, and one from the right
•;ist. The whole lnunbci extracted during
month of June was eighty-seven ; Septem
r, ten : October, twenty-eight ; mostly from
left breast and left side of the abdomen.
About the last of November, 1853, she
attacked with violent spasms. These con
' ed about three weeks, and subsequently a
number of needles were found i> all parts
r left side, from the shoulder to the knee,
ii apparently asleep she would converse
i her mother, and tell Iter where the needles
-lit lie found, but when awake she could
nhe induced to speak of them. Also,
iin this sleeping or .somnambulic state,
" was entirely unconscious of pain. While
"J'-ir through deep muscle, or in the most
stive parts, we never could perceive a mo
■ii indicative of feeling—a number were cx-
V| i in this sleeping state—on the contra
'• ten awake, site experienced acute pain,
from the least incision.
! " From January, 1854, no needles were
• until the middle of the following sum-
"■viieii she resorted to pins, cutting ofl'the
■ mid thrusting them into the flesh. Snb
' i!y she used hair pins, either strnighten
:"i'i put in whole, or the broken halves.—
• were found deep in the large muscles of
' ugh. Several pieces of wire, and parts
• largest size of knitting-needles, nearly
•iches in leugth, were found lying directly
' hone of the thigh on the anterior side,
'lie whole number extracted was, of sew
' eclles, 29?, and these were of all sizes ;
'•7 ; darning needles, 2 ; hair-pins, f> ;
" tig-needles and wire, each 5 ; total, 383.
-t every means has been resorted to to
'iie reason for so strange a fancy ; but
- r has yet developed it. She is firm in
tiial of knowing when, how, or why she
-imply saying, ' It must be that I do
' 1 know no one else does.' She is per
i'fauc on every other subject.
" Aplains the recent epidemic at the Na
•• Hotel at Washington, as follows ;
'i'.aiicy Jones is sick, and the singular
fin which he became sick is generally
nv u, owing to the extraordinary efforts
in Washington to keep the matter linsh-
It will be remembered that Mr. Bu
"> recently went to Washington. He
-| at oe of the principal hotels there—
: | ne one at which J. Glaney Jones has
"dels. Now, this hotel has been tcrri
' -ted with rats of late, and one of the
conceived the idea that they ought
"■posed of effectually before the day of
-'oration. Accordingly lie procured extra
■"oosc-g 0 f arsenic, which he disposed of in
t •■' tempting manner about the house.—
•>sts ate of the poison. It is well known
i . !i rats partake of arsenic they will
- Tctlv lor water. There is a large tank
/• trin the upper part of the hotel rcfer
j' Q, l into this the host of rats plunged,
'.'lUrst and died. From this tank the
" sunnlioj with water for drinking and
cooking purposes. Mr. J. Glancy Jones has
been very sick since that time, and is represen
ted to be now in a critical condition. M. Bu
chanan and others were less affected, yet Mr.
Buchanan left suddenly for Wheatland.
COAI. FOUND.- —The Ilorseheads Republican
states that a very pure sample of anthracite coal
has been taken from the stone quarry on the
lands of JUDGE BENTT.Y, north of that village.
Something over a bushel of this coal has been
taken out of the rock fissures, where it was
found in layers of several feet in breadth, and
from two to three inches in thickness. It burns
readily, leaving a light white ash. The coal,
in qualiiy and appearance, resembles the Scran
ton. Along the same side hill out-croppings of
anthracite have been found at vaiidus times,
but not in large quantities, hitherto. The im
pression, that a large bed of anthracite exists
in the hill, gains probability with each new in
LANCASTER BANK. —In regard to thO affairs
of the Lancaster Bank, which institution may
be considered defunct, the Lancaster Intelligen
cer says :
r 'The Inventory of the assets of the Lancas
ter Bank, taken and filed by the Assignees,
shows a recklessness and profligacy of the
Directors truly surprising. The wonder is, that
the Institution did not blow up long since.
Thousands upon thousands of dollars were
taken from its vaults and converted to the use
of the officers without any responsible endorsers,
alnd in several instances no indorsee's at all.
In fact, the Bank seems to have been used as
a sort of a family concern, without any regard
to the interests of the stockholders or the pub
lic at large. The Inventory shows that the en
ormous amount of over 8300,000 is considered
entirely lost, the Appraisers considering those
debts of no value whatever."
of congress adjourned at 12 o'clock, M., on
Wednesday. The House adopted a resolution
of thanks to Speaker BANKS, offered by Mr.
AIKEN, of South Carolina, by a vote of 119 to
The new coinage bill provides that the Span
ish and Mexican silver coins shall be received
at the United States Mint fur the space of two
years, at their full nominal value, in exchange
tor the new eents, the coinage of which is au
thorized by the Act.
On the Ist instant, at fit** parsonage, in Pottersville, ty
!I v. O. Sahin, .lOU.N* t'UOTSLKY of
Miss LOIS A M. WELLS of OrwcH.
In Pike, on the Ist instant, by C. \V. Reynolds, Esq., Mr.
JAMES M. DUNCAN of Rush. Snsquelraima county,to
Miss SARAH A. WOKDEX of Pike.
In this boronph. on the Ist instant. MARIA, wife of WM.
Unices, in the cist year of her aire.
The deceased made a profession of the religion of Christ
and was received into the Presbyterian Church of Athens
I'a., about thirty-four years ago, under the ministry of the
Rev. James Williamson. From that time until her death
ir may truly lie said, she adorned the profession she had
made in all the relations of life ; but under no previous
circumstances did the reality and the excellence of her
christian character appear so conspicuous as during her
last protracted and very painful illness. She endured as
seeing him who is invisible.
'• blessed arc the dead who die in the Lord."'
In the residence of J. A. Record, in this borough, 0:1 the
4tli irist., of apoplexy, Mrs. SUSAN McAFI'EK, aged
53 years and 1 day.
She Was born and always resided in this neighborhood.
Death came upon her suddenly ; —the struggles of nature
were severe, but her earthly sorrows were si on over. At
an early period in life she made a public piohssion of re
ligion-united with the baptist church in this b rough,
and remained in its fellowship until the day of her death.
Indeed, ou the very day 011 which she was seized with her
last illness, she had attended to church duties, took her
part in these with unusual earnestness ; and lias left roi m
t 1 indulge the hope that she has now entered into the joy
of her Lord. Her five children, and a large circle of other
relatives and triends—while they submissively bow to the
ai'-disp ' in- hand o! (J >d—feel deeply their loss.
P. u e. a id think : a 111 uiit >ry rhyme
Rein amis one in orient, leader, ol thy fleeting time:
Consult Life's silent elm k. thy bounding vein ;
Seems it t 1 say —" Htkilth tluni hast long to reign"?
Hast thou the vigor of thy youth V An eye
That beam d light? A ifc irt ;i- tail lit to -iah ?
Vet fear : Youth oft times he ilthtul and at ease,
Anticipates a day it never sees.
And many a tomb, like sister Me A (fee's, aloud
Exclaims, •' Prepare thee for an early shroud."'
jKV-3 A CARD.--Thursday last was a day cvertne
morahle in the history of the citizens of Monroe
ton, for the exhibition of liberality, taste, and good feel
ing. These amiable traits of character were evinced in
doing honor to, and in conferring a sub-t intiul kindness
011 the subscriber. This occasion, which took place at the
hospitable homestead of deacon J. HOMCT, was the more
note-worth}', as it was the fourth of the sort which had
taken place in their midst during tlic present season, the
interests of the other ministers in the It-trough having
been wisely considered. The manner in which the whole
was conducted would have <1 >ne credit to city-life any
where. )-'or tliis expression of very kind feeling, the sub
scriber and his family would hereby return their sincere
and grateful th ank* —while it is his prayer that the gn at
<i;\ er of every good and every | erfeet gilt may abundant
ly reward those friends in the bestowineiit of all needed
temporal and spiritual blessings.
Towamla March 10, 15.',7. WM. SYM.
tlv SEED for sale bjr B. KIXGSBERY ft SOX.
'iwj. TilK undersigned have entered into arrange
/""Tt ments by which thev are prepared to fnrnish. at
nf all kinds. We would especially call attention ti> Mason
<V Hamlin's " Model Melodeons," and the Harmoniiutn for
We are also authorized agents for Lights, Newton .V
Bradbury's celebrated Piano Forte. Price, from $250 to
We shall receive gratefully, and attend to promptly, all
orders given to us. Call on T.evi Wells, at his residence
in Tusearora, or S. W. ltodgers, in Towanda.
Man h 2,1867. WELLS ft IIODGERS. _
J.\. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of ISRAEL BISHOI', dee'd., late of Wysox township,
are requested to make payment without delay ; and all
persons having claims against said estate, must present
them duly authenticated, to th" subscriber.
March 12, is",7. (IRQ. T. BISHOP, Administrator.
VUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In tht matter ef
the est Me cf X'tihnn Maynard, dee'd. In the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given. that the Auditor appointed to
distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of this
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at hi-*
otlioo in the borough <>l Towanda, on Thursday, the oth of
April. ls.'iT. at 2 o'clock, P. M. All persons having claims
upon said money must present them, or else he forever
debarred from the same. I*. 1). MORROW,
March it, 1857. Auditor.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford Co.,
will lie exposed to public sale on the premises,on SATUR
DAY, the ttli day of April, 1*57, at I o'clock, I'. M., the
following property, late the estate of Simon Johnson, de
ceased . A piece or parcel of land, lying and being in the
township of Columbia, Bradford county, and bounded and
described us follows—Beginning at a post, north west cor
ner of warrant lot, no. 851, thence east 16t perches to a
post for a corner ; thence tooth S2 2-10 perches to a post
for a corner : thence we-t 100 perches to a post for a cor
ner on the we--t line of said warrant lot ; thence north *2
3-10 perches to the beginning. Containing eighty-live
acres and seventy perches, strict me.isurc.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
March 10,1857. BETH SHERMAN, Administrator.
\J tons for sale by BAILEY ft NKVIXB.
Nero fAbocitiscmctUs.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
the estate of lieriah Pratt, deceased, lu the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby piven, that ihe Auditor appointed to
distribute money in the hands of the Administrator of the
above estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in the borough of Towatida, on Friday, the
10th day of April, 1857, at 2 o'clock, i\ M. All persons
having claims upon said money- must present them, or
else be forever debarred from the same.
March 9,1857. P. D. MOBXOW, Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—/ the Hotter of
the estate of Hansom P. Adams, deceased, 11l the
Orphans' Court of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the Auditor appointed upon
exceptions the final account ot the Administrator
ot this estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
at his office in the borough of Totvanda, on Saturday, the
11th day of April, 1*57, at 2 o'clock, P. M., of which all
persons concerned will please take notice.
March 1). 1857. P. D. MORBOW, Auditor.
CHERIFPS SALE.—By virtue of a Writ
of vend. ex.issued out of the Court of Common T'leas,
to me directed, I shall expose to public sale at the Court
House, in the borough of Towanda, on THURSO VY the
2d day of APRIL, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the follow
liijr . 'it. piece or parcel of hind in Athens borough, I round
ed on the north and wesi by lands of C. F. Welles, jr.. on
the east by the Susquehanna river, and south by Hopkins
street. Containing i'su feet front, and 75 feet deep, be'
the same more or less, all improved, with a framed house
Mid framed barn thereon.
A LSI)- One other lotorpiece of land,.situate in Athens
Imrough, houn-Hid north ami east by lands of Shipman,
\\ elles & Harris, south l.y Chestnut street and west bvthe'
Hank lot. Containing l<i feet front, and 110 feet back,ail
ALSO—One other lot or piece of land situate iu Athens
borough, bounded north by lands of Shipman, Welles and
Harris, cast by C. X. Shipman, south by Chestnut street.
Containing 40 feet front, and 110 fact hack, all improved,
with a framed house thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Edward L.
Skinner vs. William Hunt.
'sheriff s Office, Towanda, March !>, 1857.
I,e (ANT()X for a short time. IVr
-1 J , - J sons de-irous of profiting by his stay will
please call early. Will be found at Dr. PRATT'S office,
commencing March 5, 1*57. J. M'INTOSII.
A' SPRING WHEAT, and about one hundred bushels'
of POLAND OATS, a very superior kind, for sale at the
W oodside Farm, near Towanda.
March 2, I*.i7. E.W.TIALE. I
To Boatmen and Beat Builders.
11E I'r.relay It. It. and Coal Company
J- will assist persons wishing to buy BOATS, by the
loan of money not exceeding one-hall the cost of their
boats, on their entering into contracts, with security, to
boat the Company's coal at current rates until the money
is repaid.
_ Offers for the building of a number of a number of CA
NAL BOATS, will be received for a short time at my of
fice in Towanda, where the specifications inav be seen on
and after the 7th of March. J. M AGFA EL AXE.
March 2, Is,>7. Gen. Supt. Barclay ICR. & Coal Co.
rru KE NOTICE.—Tin; lmlnnre of our stock
L of diving line COOK STOVES, eonsistingof a choice
lot of Magnolia and (yiieen of the West Stoves will be sold
at EXTRAORDINARY LOW RATES for cash, ( all and
examine. Jan. 29. HALL & RUSSELL
A Great XJargain far Some Gna.
11E subscriber having purchased, repaired,
l. and fitted up in order for business, the Grist Mill
formerly owned By 11. M. Peek, now offers it for sale, as
he desires to remove West.
Said mill is made to run with steam or water, is'loeatcd
m the centre of a thickly populated farming country, and
i< believed to lie one of the liest lVatioas in the country.
It has i-i it three run of-tone, two bolts, hulling stone,
siiuittrr. and all the net -ary fixtures for a custom mill.
Connected with it are twenty live acres <>i land, some ten
acres ot which is timbered, suitable for wood. The rest
is for pasturing. Then-is also on the premises a mill
bouse, n wagon shop, and two buildings formerly occupied
by merchant*.
The terms will Is.- made easy for the purchaser—say one
fourth down, aud for the balance time will be given.
Ea-t Smithfield. Jan. it!, 1857.
UIUE INST RANGE,— The undersigned is
-L agent for the following safe and reliable Companies:
Farmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa.
Capital, 7200,000.
State Mutual Insurance Co. . Ifnrrishtirg, Pa.
Capita 1, S2O 0,0 00.
(lirard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa
Capital, 7300,000.
These Companies insure against loss or damage by fin
on the most reasonable terms. Dwelling Houses, Furni
ture, Warehouse*, Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property
insured for any length of time. All losses will be prompt
ly paid. ' C. K. RUASKLL.
Towanda, December 25,18',fi.
MRS. MASON has removed her Millinery
. establishment to one door south of B. Kingsbury Ac
Sou's Store, (formerly Cliamberlin's Jewelry Store) where
-o< iu- opened a large a--oriment of MI I.LIN ERY HOODS
She invite- the ladies to call and examine her Stock.
Towanda, Octo! er 22, 1*5(1.
IX Ridtrbery township, about half a mile from the pub
lic house of B. F. Buck, containing about one hundred
acres, sixty acres improved, ol which is bottom land with
•t comfortable log home and frame I am. Enquire of the
subscriber nix h the premises. M. CH AMBERi.AIN.
October 22, I*so.
hand, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA,
a huge supply of their coal, at
$3 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and
$3 50 per ton for lulled Coal.
Apnlv f< r coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal
will also be sold at THE MINES at
82 00 per ton /or Ulaelsniith Coal, and
82 50 per ton for Haled Coal.
A libera! discount will be made on sales bv the boat load
Oct. .'in, I*sll. EDW'D OVERTON', President
KINGSBERY A" SON, bog leave to
call the attcntl n <d' their friends and customers, aa
wi 1! as all others wi-hing to buy Good- < heap, to their
well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY'-GOODS,
consisting of a great variety of
Silks. Shawls. Parunettas, French Merinos, Cashmere,
Wool Plaids, Wool Ri-Ltiincs, Ac. Also, a choice selec
tion of Merimac, Clmceco and other styles of fast colored
A largo and complete assortment of Yankee Notions,
1! '-iery, (il 'ves. Dress Trimmings. White Goods. Ac-
Denims, Ticks, Drills, Limns, Cambrics, Bleached and
Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Baits, Twine, Car
pet Warn. Ac.
In additi m to the above articles, there will always he
found a full assortment of GROCERIES. Crockery and
Glass Ware ; Boots and Shoes, HatsaudCaps,Nails,Fish,
Paints, Tubs, Malts, Ac.
Returning individually our thanks for past patronage,
we would a firm, respectfully a k the attention of our
old customers and the public generally, to an inspection
of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock.
Towanda. Sept. 10,1850.
THE subscriber continues to carry on the
Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to
do all kinds of work in his line on short notice and in a
workmanlike manner. Ho will keep on hand or make to
order Plows, Stoves. Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon-
Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may he required.
Turning and fitting up work will he done on shol-t notice
anil on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purchase
Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage
to buy at the Foundry, as they can he repaired much
cheaper. Please call and examine la-fore purch t-ungcl-e
--where. Old east iron and Grain taken in payment.—
Don't mistake the place—one door east of Mereur's Block.
k,y I would also say to those having accounts stand
ing over six months, that they must he settled without
dedav, and those having notes that are due will do well to
pav up and save cost. JOHN CABMAN,
Towanda, Oct. 22, ls."f.
OUR FRIENDS are invited to examine the
most complete assortment ot WINTER GOODSever
offered in Towanda, and if experience in the purchase of
Goods is worth anything, those who favor us shall have
the advantage of it.
Among the novelties of our assortment, we offer REA
DY-MADE Cl/OTIIINO without a seam; as also other
Clothing. Ladles' Cloth Talmas and cloth for making
the same. A large assortment of Dress Trimmings and
other things too numerous to mention.
To the tanners we would say, that we can supply them
GROUND PLASTER cheaper than they can get ii to go
Nov. 25,1*50. MOXT VXYES.
XX is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Chnmpliu G. Brown, dec d lateofSmithfield, are re
quested to make payment without delay : and all persons
having claims against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
Feb. 12,1857. Administrator with will annexed.
IpXECVTOK'S NOTICE - Notice is here-
J by given that all persons indebted to tiie estate of
GEO. W. COpK deceased, late of Mtireil township.
: to make immediate payment, and all persons having, de
mands against said estate, will present them duly authen
ticated fur settlement.
December 22, 1856. _ Executors.
TfXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice ishere-
JX iiy given that letters testamentary upon the estate
of Bray ton A.Baldwin ilec'd., late of Franklin tp..have lieen
granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested lor settlement.
Dec. 22,1856. Executors.
XA is liereliy given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of GEORGE HAWKINS, dee'd, late of Armenia
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without do
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 8 1857. Administrator.
A is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es
tate of SIMoX JOHNSON,dee'd, late of Columbia twp.
are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and ail persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Jan. 8,1857. SETH SHERMAN, Administrator.
TOR'S NOTICE.—AII persons in
1J debted to the estate of ANTHONY ANGLE, dee'd.,
late of Merrick township, are hereby notified that pay
ment must lie made without delay, and all persons having
claims against said estate are requested to present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
March 2, 1857. Executor.
A DMIX'ES. NOTICE—AII persons in
-XA. debted to the estate of JOS. COXUDOX. dee'd,
late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present thcin duly au
thenticated for settlement. SAMUEL DAVIDSON,
Nov. 25, isso. Administrator.
-ft is herebv given, that all person* indebted to the es
tate of WM. UMILKON, late of Smith field twp., dee'd. are
requested to make payment without delay; and all per
sons having claims against said estate, must present tliem
duly authenticated for settlement to the subscriber.
Nov. 25, 1856. Administrator.
_ is hereby given, tiiat all persons indebted to the es
tate of GEO. SILL, deceased, late of Merrick township,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay;
and all persons having claims against said estate will
please'preseut them duly authenticated for settlement.
December 27,1856. Administrator.
A I I'l l OILS NOTICE.— John Sl/wnakrr
-74. vs. Stephen Pepper. In the court of Common Pleas
of Bradford Co. No. 124, Feb. T., 1856.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
distribute tlie funds raised by Sheriff sale of defendant's
real estate, w ill attend to the duties assigned him at his
office in tiie boro' of Towanda, on Tuesday, tlie 31st day
of March, A. I). 1*57, at one o'clock in the afternoon
when and where all persons having claims are requested
to prevent them, or be forever debarred therefrom.
Feb. 15, 1856. G. M. WATKIXS, Auditor.
A I DITOR'S NOTICE.— S. Hutchinson vs.
JL 1. John Roberts. In the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford County. No. 227, Dec. T., 1554.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by Sheriff's sale of defendant's real
est ate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday,the 2d day
of April. 1857, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons are required to present tiieir
claims or else tie forever debarred from said fund.
Feb 15, ls5G. O. H. WATKIXS, Auditor.
XI- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of BENJAMIN BABCOCK, late of Windham town
ship, dee'd.. are requested to make payment without de
lay ; and nil persons having claims aga'inst said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 16.1550. Administrator.
Q IIERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of sundry
O writs of vend. expo, issued out of the Court of Com
mon pleas, to me directed, I shall expose to public sale
at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda, on Sat
urday the 1 !th day ofMARCH, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P.M.,the
following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in
Monroe twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a post
and stones on tlie north line of the Priestly lands (so call
ed) which is also the north line of the Hugh Ladlcy war
rantee, thence north 200 0-10 rods to the Carls in or Schro
der branch of the Towanda creek, thence down the same
north 03° east 10 p. and north 53° east 23 p to a corner of
M4Northru]i's lot. thence by the same lot south 75° east
114 s-10 [i to a corner, thence south 81° east 3"> 5-10 p to
a corner <9l the line of W. and P. Xorthrop's lot, thence
by tiie same land south 150 p to a stone or fork for a cor
ner, thence by the same lot south "9§° east 177 p to acor
ncr 011 the east side of Millstone run, thence north sGj°
east rods to a corner, thence north 10° east 2a p to a
corner, thence north 22° east 114 rods to a corner on the
south line of the It. Showeli warrantee, thence by the line
of the same north *s4° east 222 rods to a hemlock, tlie
north-cast corner of the Jonas Simmons warrantee .thence
by a line of the same, south Is.'! 3-10 p to a post and stones
corner on the line of the J. Bonner warrantee ; thence
west 20 4-10 rods to 11 post and stones tiie nojtli west cor
ner of the same warrantee ; thence by the west line of the
same warrant smith 259 rods to a post and stones on tlie
line of tlie J. North warrant, thence north 58° west 87 p
to the north-west corner of the same, thence south 31°
west 21*4 rods by the west line of the same, to a post and
stones corner, thence by the north line of the James
ley warrant, north 00° west 350 rods to a post and stones,
the south west corner of the same, thence north 30° east
21*4 p to a post and stones the north-west corner of the
same, thence along the line of the Priestly land, as afore
said, north 00° west 270 3 10 rods to the place of begin
ning. Containing 1496 acres and 3o perches, he the same
more or less, 25 acres improved, two plank houses, and an
orchard of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John C.
Mercereau vs. Aaron Stone.
A LSI >—Tlie following lot piece or parcel of land situate
in North Towanda twp., bounded and desi ri'ncd as follows:
North by land of J. Bailey and X. Bennett, west bv laud
of C. M. Manvilie, south by land in possession of \V. A.
Sluyter, on the cast by laud of T. Moloney. Containing
about 50 acres, more or loss, about 35 acres improved, 2
small framed houses. 1 framed barn, and an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. M. Man
vilie vs. Patrick M'Cue and Michael M'Xultv.
Towanda, Feb. 10.1857.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE. — In the n tterof
X A. the estate of /suae Rosenrrttnlz. ilec'il. —lll tlie Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds in the hands of the adinini.-trator of said
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his
office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, tlie 2d day
of February, 18.57, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else be forever debarred frmi said fund.
Dec. 15, 1856. G. 11. WATKIXS. Auditor.
The above Auditors Notice stands continued until Mon
day, 23d of March. 1857, at o'clock P. M.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Br.-ilion] coun
ty. will lie exposed to public sale on the premises, 011
Saturday the 25th day of March next, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., the following property—
A lot of land in Merrick township, hounded as follows ;
Beginning a beech north corner of a b t run out for Myron
Stevens, thence south 25° west 07 8-10 perches to a hem
lock for a corner, thence south 34° west 75 8-10 perches
to a post on the north line of D. Fi Hincs lot, thence north
89° west 37 6-10 perches to a po>t for a corner, thence
north 64° west 116 perches to a post for a corner, thence
north 261° east along the east line of .Marshall Hitchcock's
to a post 02° on this course, theuce north east 52 3-10
perches to a post 011 north line of Warrant lot No. 103,
thence south 89° along said warrant line, 141 9-10 pen li
es to the beginning. Containing 105 acres and 150 pen li
es, more or lc*s, (excepting and reserving 11 niece of about
5 acres which has heretofore lieen sold to Klishn Keelcr
from the north end of the lot.) late the estate of Thomas
Jones, deceased, with about 70 acres improved, one dwel
ling house, two barns, one corn house and an orchard.
Terms—One hundred dollars on the day of sale, Four
hundred dollars 011 giving possession of tlie property, and
the balance in three equal annual instalments.
B. LAI'ORTE, Guardian of the'minor
Feb. 24, 1857. children of Thunas Jones, dee'd.
TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here-
JLj by given, that all pereons indebted to the estate of
Mrs. ROXY BURCH, deceased, late of MONROE town
ship, are requested to make payment without delay:
those having demands against said estate will present them
dulv authenticated for settlement.
Feb. 26, 1850. CHARLES BURCH. Executor
A tCOUNT with the several Collectors of
.XJL State ;unl Militia Taxes, for tlie County of Bradford
remaining unsettled January 1, 1857 :
Townships. Collector's names. Year. State tax. Mil.
Litchfield, Jl' Mnnn, 1851 #79 77
Pike. O Kits worth, jr 71 07
Springfield, T Itowe, #23 09
Towauda tp. Kit Belong, 4 50
Troy lioro". John M'Keun, 20 00
Wye. luffing, (i M Mack, 12 00
Wilmot, J 1, Jones, 3 50
Kidgherry, Charles French, 1852 14 53
South Creek, fra Crane, 27 43
Tnsearora, H Sliuiuway, 100
Wilmot, A Woodruff, 13 77
Athens hero', J K Knelt, 1853 5 jn
Granville, James Geo, * po
Merrick, R Mills, 7 r tw
Rome, X Maynard, 04 in 100
Ulster, C P Kite lien, 39 87 35 On
Wilmot, E Sheuard, 20 19 24 00
Canton, John Gray, 1854 10 50
1 >ure!l, John Stevens, 30 48 950
Merrick, R Mjllis, 04 SO 550
Rome, Joseph Allen, 110 38
Ridglierry, Charles French, 42 44 30 00
South Creek, Ira Crane, 280 200
Stand'g Stone.John Taylor, 8 08
Towamhi X. C Bennett, 56 52 570
Tuscarora, O Warner, 24 72
Troy boro' A 11 Moore, 8 47
Ulster, M D Rogers, C 2 77 17 57
Wyalusing, E Whitney, 27 34 007
Wilmot, I) Abrahams, 0 50
Albany, S Chapman, 1855 30 02
Murell, Win lirautid. 10 37
Franklin, F F , p archild, 32 97 800
Granville, CI) Ross, 92 57 35 00
Merrick, R Hillis, 153 40
K one, S C Mann, 58- 20
Tuscarora, 1) Ai kley, 40 00 34 Of)
Towauda X. W W Eastabrooks, '.17 00
Wyalusing, II Elliott, 25 02 21 85
Athens boro', Charles Clapp, ISSG 109 65 40 00
Athens twp. Nathan Ediiimster, 524 54 53 00
Albany, C H, 122 11 27 00
Asylum, G M Morrow, 29 95 24 50
Burlington W P Phelps, 140 11
" bo.,- A Smith, 2 93
Burlin'gfon", J Travis jr. ICC 67
Columbia, 1' IVekham, 55 40
Mured. 1> I. Stants, 77 00
Franklin, J P Burnhum, 153 82
Granville, (,' M Ross, 237 15 fi 00
Merrick, William Milli.s, 123 17 16 00
Leroy, A I) Foss, OC 97 13 00
Litchfield, It Merrill, 100 93 21 00
Orwell, A G Mathews, 27 70
Overton, 1) Moverly, jr. 48 90 12 00
Pike, C Brink, 302 80
Rome, O F Young, 223 70
Ridgberry, J Hammond, 138 24 14 50
Shesheipiin, Wl' Morton, 132 04 900
Smithliohl, T J Wheeler, 72 02 44 00
Springfield, SI) Harkiiess, lis 46 13 00
South Creek, Ira Crane, 45 54 ]i; 50
Stand'g Stone, Jonathan Wood, 112 05 12 00
Tuscarora, A W Gray, 137 s2
Towauda bo. A J Xoblc, ls2 32 37 00
Towauda X. S A Mills, It;-, 39 11 00
Towauda, James Santee, 97 83
Troy boro', A B Moore, . 33 40
Ulster, It M'Kinney, 120 10
Wysox, John B Bines, 150 75 1 3 50
Wyalusing, James Lewis, 80 88 34 50
Wells, David Strong, 42 79
Warren, J >scph Whcaton, 3s 15
Windliam, J W Warner, 115 s,B
Wilmot, 1) S Miller, 17 55 21 50
6552 73 903 23
I certify the above to be a correct statement, as shown
by the account of the several Collectors at the above date.
Feb. 17,1857. K. B. COO LB A UGH, Clerk.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of
XV the estate of Knock S. Fowler, dee'd. In the Or
phans' Conrt~of Bradford County.
Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned, Auditor
appointed hv said Court, nnon exceptions filed to the ac
count oi Wm. (torseljne, Executor of the said estate,
will attend to the duties of appointment, at tlie office
of \\ in. Klwcll, Ksi> .on Tuesnay. the 14th day of April,
1857, at 2 o'clock. P. M., when and where all 'persons can
attend if they think proper.
Feb. 27, ls.p;. I{_ M'KEAN, Auditor.
A I DITOR'S NOTICE.— Join Hanson to
■L "• the "e of K. ll'. Baird vs. Roll in H*t lcox. In Brad
Common Pleas, No. 10*. February term, 1854.
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to
distribute funds raised by the Sheriff sale of defendant,s
real estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at
the office of \\'m. Elwell. Esq.. in Towand.i boro' on Satur
day the 11th day of April, A. I>. 1857, at one o'clock, P.
M.. when and where ail persons interested are requested to
to attend, or be forever debarred from any share of said
fund. 11. 11. M'KEAN, Auditor.
Towanda, Feb. 23, 1856.
V" KINS. In the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford
County. December term, 1856, No. 4i:i.
And now to wit, February 14, 1857, on motion of Mr.
Mercnr, the Court grant a rule upon the defendant to ap
pear and plead in this ease by the first day of May term
next, or judgment will be entered in favor of said plaintiff
for the land described in said writ. And the Court further
older that a copy of said rule, together with a description
of said premises, yrl.'th is as follows, to wit: A certain
lot. piece or parcel of land situate in the township of North
Towanda, in said county,containing seventy-five acres or
thereabouts, bounded as follows : Beginning at a Norwav
pine corner, thence along the line of William \V. Kasta
bronk s land, south one hundred and forty-live and a half
rods to a post and stones, the south west corner of said
Eastabrook's lot : thence by lands of Edward Patterson's
estate and John F. Means, west fifty-six and two-tenths
rods to a corner; thence by lands of C. L. Ward north five
degrees west twenty rods, north twenty-two degrees west
nineteen rods, north sixty-five degrees west nineteen rods,
north three degrees west twenty rods, north fifteen de
grees west thirty and nine-tenth" rods, nortii twenty-five
degrees west fouitten roils, north fourteen and a half de
grees east forty-one rods to a post on the line of Marvin
Russell's lot. thence by land of said Russell and Kilos Bai
ley ea-t eighty-seven and a half rods to the place of be
ginning'—shall be published sixty days before the return
day of said rule in the Bradford Reporter.
Hr. uu-'Oitu Covxty, ss—l hereby certify that the for<-
[l. s.] going is a true copy of record.
ALLEN M'KEAN, Prothonotary.
Prothonotary's Office, Pel.. 2J, 1857.
A UDITOR'S NOTICE.—In tlie matter of
-f A the voluntary assignment of Win. Myers to N. ('.
Harris, llarvy Mc.Vlpiu, and Thompson Sattcrlee for the
hem'lit of creditors. In the Court of Common Pleas of
Bradford county.
The undersigned Auditor appointed to distribute the as
sets in the hands of the Assignees to the several creditors
in the above entitled cause, will attend to the duties of
his appointment at bis office, in Athens borough, rn Sat
urday. Man h 21. 1557, at 1 o'clock, P. M . at which time
and place all persons having claims will present them, or
he debarred from Claiming any money in the hands of the
assignees. H. c. BAIItP.
!• ebniary 24, 18J7. Auditor.
SALE.—By virtue of an or-
X der of the Court of C minion Ph as of Br idford conn
ty. the under igncd Trustee of Augustas S. Perkins, Sa
rah W. Perkins, Geo. W. Perkins, 1 ncy H. Perkins, and
Susan W. Perkins, Minors, will on£the (!tli day of March
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M., at the Athens Hotel, in the bo
rough of Ather.s, expose to sale at p ihlio vendue, all the
rigid, title and Interest of the said Minors in tiie undivid
ed five sevenths of a tract of land situate in Athens twp.,
bounded and described as follows : On the north by land
of Klislia Smith am! Frederick Miller, east by Samuel
Brown, south bv T. Vangorder. A. Campbell, Z.Gibbs and
('. HuPsji kcr, c-t by Samuel Sawyi r. Containing in the
whole 220 acres, with about 110 acres improved, a framed
bouse and two barns thereon. Tertnes made known at
the sale. (}. H. WELLES, Trustee.
Athens. February 10. 15.77.
CIIEUI EE'S SALE.—Bv virtue of sundry
F~ writs of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford Comity, to me directed, I shall
expose to public sale at the Conrt'llouse in the borough
of Towand.i.o" FBIDAY, MABCU 27th, at 1 o'clock.
P. M.. the following described lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Granville twp., bounded north bv lands of W.
11. Philips, cast by lands of T. Pratt, south hy lands of
(7. A. Johnson, and on the west by lands of \Y\ 11. Smith
and J. Amiable. Containing about JO a res, more or less,
aha :t S acres improved, ne old framed house, one old
plank house, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and token in execution at the suit of C. P. Grif
fin. to the use of Jere Adams vs. B. I). A. Griffin.
ALSO—The following described lot. niece or parcel of
land situate in Rome tp bounded as follows, to wit: Be
ginning at a post, a corner of lands of It. Bussell, thence
south t!o° r.'i-t 9X and fi-10 perches to a po>t, another cor
ner of said Russell's lands, thence south 77 and 7-10 per
ches to a pot. thence west 91 and s-10 perches to a post,
thence 12s perches, to the place of beginning. Contain
ing .70 acres more or less, about 20 acres improved ; one
framed dwelling house, one framed bam, one framed shed,
and other out buildings, with an orchard of fruit trees
Seized and taken in execution at the suit ofC. L. Ward,
to the use or Addison W. Alger vs. Era-tus Lovett.
ALSO—By virtue of a writ of fi. fa., the following des
cribed l"t piece or parcel of land situate in Tu.-carora tp.,
bounded as follows, to wit: on the north bv lands of J.
Keeh r. cast by lands of B. Waktly, south hi' lands of O.
Culver, ami west by lands of L.Jackson, (kmtaining 115
acres, more or less, about 70 acres improved, with a fram
ed dwelling house, a framed barn, and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Tinman J.
Lacey vs. Titus I>nnks.
Sheriff*s Office, )
Towaml i. March 2.15.77. (
• T OVER SEF.D. Also a uuuiitit vof Tinwthv Set 1
for sale hy JOSEPH POWELL
February I I ->77
fttigtella neons.
New Store in Overton !
TVTILLIAM \Y ALTMAN would respectful-
T fly inform the citizen* of OVERTON and the ad
joining townships, that be has opened a NEW STOHF in
the HEVERLY SETTLEMENT. where off. ™ for ml* a
well selected assortment, consisting in part of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Fish,
Crockery, Boots dc Shoes, dec.
In fact everything adapted to the wants of the surround
ing community, purchased for cash, at the lowest rates,
and for Heady Pay will be sold us low as at any place this
side of tiie great cities,
Jfe will make it an object for FARMERS to call on him
With their Grain, lintti r. Cheese, Eggs, Maple Sugar, it
for ,'rffic!, b a"o ,r the highest prices.
Overton, February 17, 1*57.
H. BALDWIN, having purchased the
. • Marble Factory of this Tillage, under the superin
tendence of 11. Itanford, the subscriber is happy to an
liouuce that the Marble business in Waverly w ill now be
conducted by hint. Ho is constantly receiving ITALIAN
ANI) ItLTTLANI > M ARBI.E, for Monuments, flead-stoues,
Tomb labels, and Stand Tops, Paint Stones, Mullers, 4c.
Having secured the services of G. H. POWHKS, who is wail
known to be the most perfect Artist in the State, ho otitis
unparalleled Inducements to persons wishing to securu
any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and AriioU
csf bcautr.
Waverly, N. Y., Feb. a, Is a7. __
lid ween J. A ivgsbery's df J. Powell's stores.
THE siiitscriber would respectfully teiiuei to
his customers and the public generally his sin-
( 'cre thanks for the very lilwral patronage ex
tended to him the past season. He solicits a continuance
of the same.
He would say to the public that ho intends to keep con
stantly on hand a choice selection of MBVTS of all Kinds,
the best the country affords, which he intends to sell for
very small profits, either by the side, quarter or pound.—
Please give me a call.
Meats, Ac., will l<e delivered on short notice, when
ordered, at any place in the Corporation.
Towanda, Feb: 12, 15;,7. J. McCABE.
Another Zargc Arrival of
HS. MF.RCUR is now receiving the largest, le*t as
• sorted, and most desirable stock of Goods that baa
yet been offered in Towanda. Consisting of every variety
Crockery and Class ware, Hoots and S/uns.
Hats, Caps, Staaw Goods, Carpels, Mat
tings, Wooden-ware. Groceries, Paints,
Window-Class, Oils, Nails, Iron,
Steel, Fish, Try it her, fyc. fcr.
which will be sold at wholesale or retail at very low pii
ces. The public are very respectfully requested to exam
ine the Stock.
Towanda, April 24, I*sll.
Watches, Jcweiry and Fancy Goods.
\ M. \\ ARXEIt Ims just received a large
d\. and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JEWEL
lit .V FANt 1 GOODS, which are offered for sale on the
lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge.
Towanda, July 8,1856.
HE subscriber calls attention of the pub
_l_ lie to liis SPUING S IOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will be sild at the lowest
possible rates for cash. O. D. BAItTLETT.
Towanda, April 24, 1556.
7 I). HUMPH. ]- 'is just receiving a ge
f' • nera! assort ~r ,rOOTS A .SHOES, suitable for
the spring trad
Also, an excellent assortment of LEATHER, comprising
I*o sides Sole l.eather, l'J sides Upper, 200 Calf Skius,
together with a general stocd of Kipps, Linings & Find
ky. Towanda, April 3,1856.
FISH. —No. 1 and 2 Mackerel and Codfish,
at may 14 MF.UCUU'S.
t T at M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door
South of Mercur's stord, Towanda. May 20, 1856.
Ip XTRACTS for flavoring', for sale cheap
J at FOX'S.'
MACKINAW TROUT—Some very fiue
ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and qnar
t< r bum-is. at jls FOX B.
HUMPHREY A- WICK H AM are now receiving in their
New Store. West side of the public square, a large
and well selected stock of
BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety and style, com
prising Ladies' Misses' and Children*' Gaiters—Bootees,
Buskins and Slippers : (rents', boys'. Youths' and Chil
dren*' Boots, Broeans and Slice*, loth Eastern and home
manufactured. A general assortment ct Gents' Ladies'
and children.*' overshoes, Rubber Root*, Ac.
A full assortment of Boot and Shoe Findings, Sole and
Upper leather, Calf and Kip skins, Morocco Linings and
Luce leather.
Towanda, Nov. 25. 1*56. _
-I solved by mutual consent. WSI. A. ROCKWELL
having withdrawn. The business will hereafter be con
ducted under the name of MONTANYES—btiving asso
ciated with the firm J. D. MOKTANVK Jr.. and K. I>. Mox-
R ANYE. Vc trust with our present facilities for the pur
chase of Goods, that we can make it an object for CASH
t USTOMKRS to examine our stock, which has been luid
in with great care to suit the fall trade.
Iter All accounts due the old firm, a* e.l*o notes that
are due, are experted to be paid without further notice.
August 25, 1856. MONTANYES.
THRESH PEACHES and Tomatoes,in enns,
_L warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S.
" ' F< x, D< er, and other Peßry w \nt- d. for which
the highest pri e will be paid at MONTANYES.
f A UTlOX.—Whereas, my wife HELEN L.
V_/ lias left my bed and hoard without any just cause or
provocation, i hereby forbid all persons trusting her on
my account, as i will pay no debts of Iter contracting af
ter this date. TITUS A. HANKS-
Springhill, Decemf>er 20,1856.
, \XT A. CIIA MRERLIX has just returned
t T • from New-York with a verv extensive and bemt
tiful assortment of WATCHES. JEWELRY, CLOCKS,
and FANCY GOODS, to which lie invite* the particular
attention of his customer*. You may find at hi* establish
ment Watches of every variety, at prlres from •?* to 3130.
ISo that every one can lc suited. Please call and examine
- his stock.
r.o* Remember the place—one door south of She Post-
Office. we*t side of the public square.
Towamla, Dec. 24. 1*56.
T, O S T .
IO*T, near the residence of the subscriber iu Union tp.
J Tioga County. Pennsylvania, on or about the loth of \ND WAURAXT, NO, 42,3"7. drawn to
myself, for 160 acres, under the act of 3d of March. 1*55.
for services in flic war of 1812. Said warrant was assign
ed by me in Wank. All person* are cautioned against
purchasing said warrant, as it is my intention to apply to
the Pension Ofiice for a duplicate of the *anie.
February 21, 1 *57. .IT'WKTT SPENCER.
THE siibserilier i* now receiving a large stork of FALL
and WINTER GOODS, whi< h he respectfully invites
the public to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY.
Towanda, October 6.18.56.
A large additi'Oial *tock of Common qnd Saddlery
If ndwaio. loiu'a '■ T-.i 1 . C.irri g' Trimming-. Iron,!- feel
and Nail ju.-t received by II li MEIHVI!