Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, March 12, 1857, Image 2
Inauguration of President Buchanan. WASHINGTON, March 4 th, 1857.—A bright er day seldom dawned upon the Federal city, than this 4th of March, 1857. The streets were soon alive with moving multitudes. — Pennsylvania Avenue presented a most anima ted appearance. Flags waved from aE the hotels and public buildings, and frini many private houses. The movements of military companies, preparing to take their places in the line of the procession, gave a particularly lively character to the scene. Altogether the volunteers in the city, takiug part in the ceremonies numbered not less than a thousand rank and file. There were also de tachments of U. S. Light Artillery front Fort Mcllcnry, and a corps of some three hundred U. 8. Marines. Thev were all under the com mand of Gen. John A (juitman. The Fire Companies and the various politi cal aud civic societies, were also early in mo tion, preparing to take their place? in the line of procession. Towards nine o'clock they and the military all began to form in procession on New Yory Avenue, the right, consisting of the military, resting on 15th Street. This is close to the President's House and the public De partments. The procession got into motion about 12 o'clock and advanced down Pennsyl vania Avenue. On reaching the National Hotel thcrs was n halt, and, after n short delay, an elegant barouche, drawn by four horses, containing the President and the President elect, joined the procession, immediately in the rear of the mil itary. The Yiee President elect was also in an open carriage, with several other gentlemen, and the two carriages were surrounded by the Keystone Club, preceded by the military and a representation by a lndvdressed as the God dess of Liberty, on a high platform drawn by six horses, followed by a miniature ship of war of considerable size, made by the mechanics of the Washington Navy Yard. The crowd cheered tumultuously as the President elect appeared. The procession tlicu moved on in the order agreed upon. There were a number of fine military bands in the procession, including several from Phil adelphia, New York and Baltimore, which gave additional eclat to the scene. As the line moved on towards the Capitol, the crowd, which was much more dense at this end of the avenue than at the other, repeatedly cheered the President and Vice President elect, and they bowed their acknowledgments on all sides. As the head of the column reached the north gate of the Capitol it halted, and the military opened ranks, facing inwards and pre sented arms—through which the carriage with the President and President elect drove to the gate. There they alighted, and were received by the Committee of the Senate appointed for the purpose. The most interesting scene, though on a small scale, was that in the Senate Chamber. Owing to the small size of the apartment, only a limited number of persons could be admit ted, but these comprised all the chief dignita ries of the government. The semi circular galleries were filled with ladies at an early hour, and members of the 31th and 35th Con gress were admitted to the Eastern lobby. The Senators met at 12 o'clock. On the announcement of the arrival of the President and President elect, all rose to their feet.— The President and President elect took the place assigned to them, and in a few minutes, all being prepared, the venerable Robert B. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, advanced with, the Bible in his hand. The President elect rose, and tlicu took the oath of office as follows : " I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the Lost of my ability, pre serve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Those in the Senate Chamber then formed a line and proceeded to the eastern portico of the Capitol. There was a countless crowd of men, women and children occupying every foot of space that afforded an opportunity of see ing the ceremony on the portico. A very spacious platform was erected on the portico, on which places were assigned for all those who had been admitted to the Senate Chamber. As the tall figure of the President elect became visible, there rose a deafening shout from the vast human mass, it spread over the whole multitude, and it was some time before it could be quieted. The Presi dent elect, with hat in hand, bowed repeated ly in acknowledgment of the popular acclama tions. In the very front, of the platform was a seat, to which the President elect was conducted In his rear were the President and CommPtee of Arrangements; back of them were the Chief Justice and Judges of the Supreme Court, the Vice President and the members of the Senate. Then camp the Diplomatic Corps, m grand tnnie, ami then the other persons who hud been in the Senate Chamber. When quiet was restored after the acclama tions that had greeted the President elect, he proceeded, at about J 3 1 o'clock, to deliver his inaugural address. At the close of the address the Ex-Presi dent advanced and offered his congratulation to the President, and he was followed by the other dignitaries. The crowd at the same re newed their cheering, and the guns on the Capitol bellowed out the news that a new Pre sident had entered tipon his term of office.— The salute consisted of thirty one guns—oue for each State of the Union. The ceremony being concluded, the Presi dent returned to tlie Senate Chamber, and soon after resumed his seat in the Carriage mid was conducted to the White House, the ex-President and others accompanying him. The military and a great part of the civic procession formed again, to escort the Presi dent, and those along with him to the Execu tive mansion. TToiunt.E ACCIDENT. —For want of room list week, we omitted to give an account of a distressing calamity that occurred in our vicin ity a short time since. It appears that the wife of JOHN SIWRUVO, residing about two miles from this village,up Sliepard's Creek, left the room in which she had been to work, on some business, leaving a little son and daughter sole occupants. During the absence of the mother the boy with a'blazing stick unintention ally set fire to his sister's clothing, burning her so dreadfully, that she lived but a few hours after the occurrence.— Wavtrly Advocate. RIMON ORKKN, convicted of the murder of .Michael Kelly, a brother Irishman on the Public works, in August last, and condemned to he hung at ilarrisburg on Friday last, was reprieved from that day to 27th Slareh. New witnesses* are said to havo been produc ed, who on another new trial it is thought will prove the crime to have been manslaughter. The North Branch CanaL CANAI. COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE, ) llarrisburg, Feb, 20, 1857. f It ■n. J. Lawrence Get z Speaker of the House, of J'eprescntiiHccs : Sir :—a sense of public duty compels the Canal Commissinoers to call the attention of the Legislature to a subject which in their opinion, demands immediate action. The Legislature by the act of May 7, 1855, appointed Win. It. Mafftt Superintendent of the Upjier North Brunch Canal, By the pro visions of that act the Board have no other control over that branch of the improvements than to give or withhold their consent to " al terations of said eaiwl an<l its appurtenances." J The 45th section of the act provides, " that the Carta! Commissioners niar, for official misconduct, during the recess of the Legisla ture, suspend tfie appointment hereby made, and supply the place of said Superintendent until the meeting of the next Legislutore,and shall then report to said legislature their ac tion, with the causes thereof." The 40th section of the act of May 13th 1851), making appropriations for the ordinary expenses of government, enacts, " That no Su perintendent. Supervisor, or other Agents hat ing charge of any part of the public improve ments belonging to the Commonwealth, shall be allowed to contract debts in any one year beyond the appropriation, for the division un der his charge, without the consent in writing of the Board of Canal Commissioners, who shall fix the amount thereof ; and if any Su perintendent, Supervisor, or Agent, as afore said, shall contract debts contrary to the pro visions of this act, the Canal Commissioners anc hereby required to remove from office the Superintendent, Supervisor or Agent who may have contracted such debts." In their annual report to the present Legis lature, the Board, after re-capitulating the names of the various officers tender their ap pointment, who had violated the act prohibit ing debts to be incurred beyond the appropri ation, say : " It is proper to observe that none of their officers are now in the service of the Commonwealth and that "in addition to this unauthorized indebtedness by officers un der the control of the Board of Canal Com missioners, Win. R. Ma flit, Superintendent of the Upper North Branch Canal, on appointee of the Legislature, incurred a debt of si ft,388 48, without the consent of the Board, and in violation of the law. Mr. Maffit's disregard of the law was not known in time for the action of the Board un til the meeting of the Legislature. As the act of 1855 took the appointment of the Su perintendent, and the usual control of that branch of the public improvements from the Canal Commissioners, and as the session of the Assembly had'comnienoed by time they could have taken action on the subject, the Board merely reported the fact of Mr. Maffit's viola tion of the law to the Legislature. They considered this course due to the ap pointing power. By a rigid < (instruction of the act of 18515, they might have removed the officer, notwithstanding the act of 1855 gives tlieni only the power to suspend during the re cess. The Legislature being about to convene at the period the violation of the law was as certained the Board considered it no more than an act of courtesy to refer the fact to that body for their action. In the meantime the Board have not deem ed it consistent with the law to recognize Mr. Maffit as an officer, being of the opinion that that the appointees on the public improvements, whether made l>y tlic Legislature or the Canal Commissioners, would be alike subjected to the penalty of removal for a violation of the pro visions of the act of 1856. Under these circumstances the Upper North Branch Canal is now actually without a Super intendent. The near approach of the opening of navigation, and the important public and private interests connected therewith, requires that immediate action should be taken so as to place the line under the charge of some re sponsible officer. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant. IIEXRY S. MOTT, President. On motion of Mr. Ball the communication was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. Tlia State Convention—Hon. D, Wilmot. The opposition look forward to tle meeting of the Republican State Convention, at liar risburg, on the 25th of March, with deep in terest. The Lehigh lugislcr says :—(Juite a number of names have been suggested by the press in different sections for the various offi ces, and from their tone we are led to believe that both Republicans and Americans are agreed to overlook the distinctive features of their respective organizations, and go for the men who will be best able to cope with and overpower the Democracy. The lesson of last year is fresh in the minds of every one, and it would be strange indeed if a few miserable disorganizes are permitted to repeat the game that proved so disastrous in the Presidential contest. With prudent management the fu ture of the opposition in this State is full of hope. The majority of the voters of the Com monwealth are with us, and it only remains that our force should be united and rendered effective to bear down all opposition and put an end to the reign of the sham Democracy in the Keystone State. Among the different names suggested as Gubernatorial candidates, none lias been re ceived with a heartier response than that of Hon. David Wilmot of Bradford, and he has our decided preference. We look upon him as one of the very best men in the Commonwealth, and doubt whether one of greater popularity could be selected as our standard-bearer. He was one of the most prominent men in the State during the last campaign,—in fact lie was at the head of the great and glorious cause for which we struggled, and no one accom plished mightier results than he, particularly in his own district, where his uprightness and personal character gave great weight, lie is a man of unquestionable ability, sincerity and faithfulness. We might say a great deal more in favor of his nomination, but our object at this time is merely to introduce his name for consideration to our readers. A FAROE TRF.F.. —The WrightsviMe J(PN.) Star gives a description of an enormous [syca more on Forge Island, in the Susquchannariv er. This tree, says the Star, measures in cir cnmferancc at the butt forty-three feet. At eight feet from the ground, it divides or forks into five prongs, each of which is as large around at the fork as a hogshead, all are much alike in fuze, and ascending sixty feet without a limb. Our national bird, the Eagle, lias a nest in its top, a fit eyrie for the bird of Jove. SratforVlleporter. I(). GOODRICH, EDITOR. TOWANDA: (Jfonrsban fllornmn, ill aril) 12, 1837, TKKMS— Our Dollar per annum, invariably in ael vance.~- Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription, notice trill lie given by a printed wrapper, and if not re newed, the paper will in all cuses be slopped. Cl.CßßlNli— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol lowing extremely low rates : (5 copies for $5 1)0 I 1.1 cojtics for. .. .sl2 00 10 cojtiesfor 8 00 | 20 copies fur 15 00 ADYKKTISKMKNTS — For a square of ten lines or less. One Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents for each subsequent insertion. JOB-WOKK — E recu ted with accuracy and despatch, and a reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books, Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, tj-r. MONEY may be sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an envelope, and properly directed, we will be resjtonsible for its safe delivery. <• Ik K EPU IiLIC AN STATE CON VENTION.—The He |>iiliiir.Lii State Convention, for the nomination nf Candidate-* for Governor ami other State officer*, will he hchl at Mart iilmrß on Weclne-alay. the 2."> th oljjlareh, 15.57. Each District will elect Delegates in t!o usual manner, equal in number to it* representation in tVa two bouses of the State legislature ; ami no person will be entitled, by substitution, to represent a district in which he does not reside. CHARLES CHIRON'S, Chairman of State Executive Committee. DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION. The Buehanites held their State Convention on the 2d iust. at Ilarrisbarg. The attendance was large ; the delegates being mostly office seekers ctt route for the inauguration. Col. FORVF.Y called the body to order, and made a speech in which lie very delicately alluded to his defeat for U. S. Senator, by saying that the fruits of the Presidential victory had been allowed to rot under their feet. In receiving the credentials of the delegates, quite an interesting secne occurred. Mr. J. M. ANDERSON'S seat as Senatorial delegate from York county, was contested by I>. M. SMYSER. Mr. A. was elected as a Senatorial delegate by the County Convention of York, previous to the election for U. S. Senator.— Mr. SMYSEK presented a paper signed by near ly all the members of the Convention which elected Mr ANDERSON, revoking his selection, and appointing Mr. S. to fill his place ; and also the proceedings of a county meeting de nouncing Mr. A. and appointing Mr. S. as dele gate. The grounds for this action, were " that the opeu boast of James M. Anderson that he had the entire control of Maiiear,and yet refused to exercise his influence to save the party from betrayal, though at Ilarrisburg, has forfeited the confidence of the democratic party." Mr. ANDERSON was voted out by the Convention, and Mr. SMYSEK allowed his seat. The nomination for Governor was spiritedly contested. The first ballot stood as follows : W. F. Packer, .11 j J. Porter Rrawiey, 15 IV. H. Witte, 2b I Ephraim Ranks, 8 R. W. Biack, 25 ] <!. It. Barrett, 0 Win. Hopkins, 15 | F. W. Hughes, 4 But finally, 011 the twenty-fourth ballot, the " everlasting State of Williamsport " triumph ed by the following vote :—Packer, 08 ; Wit te, 51 ; Black, I t. Gen. PACKER is perhaps the strongest can didate the democracy could have selected.— Popular manners, in the course of a long politi cal life have gained him many friends. He will also strike a sympathetic chord in the breasts of a large class of active politicians throughout the State, who have grown rich off the public works, and who are always wait ing, like Macawber, for something "to turn up." To be sure there are some ugly veminis l cences of the past, in connection with the pub lic improvements, but in these days they are rather a credit than a reproach to a politician. For Supreme Judge, Hon. ELLIS LEWIS was nominated for re-election 011 the second ballot. He is a man of great attainments and unbound ed ambition, possessing the somewhat rare qualification of l>eing able to read the law equally well 011 either side of a question. It is hardly wortli while to re-elect hi in, as we presume lie has already made an arrangement to go upon the L~. S. Supreme Bench when a vacancy shall occur. For Canal Commissioner, NIMROD STRICK LAND was nominated on the second ballot. We have no hesitation in saying that Judge STRICK LAND is too good a man to be sailing in that boat. The resolutions of the Convention doilgc all the political questions of the day. We are not surprised at this, when we know that Gen. PACKER was last fall making Free Kansas speeches. Plunder, not principle, is to be the rallying cry this fall, and promises of office at the hands of the National Administration will be freely distributed. At the close of the Convention, General PACKER was brought forward and delivered a short address. The inevitable and indomita ble S.VOBIU.E was then called for, but with his usual modesty declined, promising, however, that he would visit every district represented upon the floor during the coming campaign. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.—BY our advertise ment in another column, it will bo seen that Messrs. WELLS & ROIWERS propose to furnish to order, all kinds of Musical Instruments, of the most approved manufacture at New York prices. We have 110 doubt that it will be to the advantage of all wishing to purchase, to give them a trial. Big* Idie President has issued his proclama tion, ordering the sale of the Indian Trust Lands in Kansas, in May and June next.— There are about 650,000 acres of these lands, which will be sold to the highest bidder, but not at less than the appreciated value. Ex-President PIEBCF. will make a South ern tour prior to his return to X. Hampshire. THE NORTH BRANCH CANAL—MR. MAFFIT AND THE CANAL COMMISSIONERS. I>urig the many years the people of North ern Pennsylvania have been anxiously expect ing and waiting for the completion of the North Branch, there has been little prospect of the realiza.ion of their hopes, until the last season. Even when the Canal was declared finished, it was so far from being fit for use, that the hopes of many of its friends died with in them, and they were ready to despair of ever beholding it in a navigable condition. The creation of a new office by the Legisla ture, and the selection of \V.w. It. MAKFJT, to fill that office, invested with ample powers to control the management of the work on the North Branch, independent of the Canal Com missioners, coupled with hia high reputation for experience, his indomitable energy and untir ing industry, created new hopes in those who had almost give up in despair. MR. MAKKIT went to work upon the North Branch, which our readers will recollect, had already been pronounced finished, to put it in navigable order, lie found that the water had been passed through that portion from the State line to Towanda, a distance of about 11) miles—but while it was in use, it was navi gable only for boats with light loads, being ; obstructed by bars, and throughout the entire distance, was full of leaks and weak places, making its permanence exceedingly doubtful, and in dry weather the quantity of water ex ceedingly limited. The whole distance reqni- | red overhauling and repairing. From this place to Pittston the Canal was in still worse condition. All attempts to place water in the entire distance had proved una vailing. The body of water contained in the i Susquehanna would not suffice to feed the leaks aud overcome the difficulties in the way. Radical defects in the construction were met at i every step. Yet in spite of obstructions and misrepresentations which would have deterred any other person, he persevered, until last fall, we )%d the pleasure of announcing the arrival i of the first boat load of coal from Pittston.— ; Not that the Canal was by any means in prop ■er condition for business. But water had been let in the whole distance leaks stopped, and the banks pretty thoroughly tested, demonstrating | that another season of energetic and well applied | labor would be sufficient, without extraordiua | ry misfortunes, to make the Canal as perfect as any new work enn be. Of the labor per formed by Mr. MAFKIT to bring about this gratifying result no conception ean be formed, except by those residing in the immediate vi cinity of his operations. At the outset he had to incur the misrepresentations and ridi cule of those who wished to have control of I the Canal for political purposes, reiterated by others who had favorite theories for the imme diate repairs of the Canal. Relying rrpon his many years experience, and confident of the wisdom of his plans, lie has jiersevered, until he has extorted even from his enemies, the confession thai he has done wisely all that man could do, for the permanence and welfare of ! the North Branch. Not only lias Mr. MAFKIT met with obsta : clcs at home, but lie lias been constantly sub jected to annoyances at the hands of the Ca nal Board. We are sorry to say that the. in terests of the North and the State, as involv ed in this great improvement, have not met with proper encouragement and attention from the Board of late years. Kxeepfing onr friend , (leu. CI.OVER, who displayed great interest in the work, the Board lias apparently manifest ed but little interest in it. Particularly since the passage of the law creating the office Mr. MAFKIT now holds, this lias been the ease.— ; On the contrary, the Board have 011 many oc | casions evinced a desire to retard and embar : rass Mr. MAKFIT in his operations. They did not willingly resign the control of any portion l of the public works. They probably saw in the action of the legislature taking away from them the North Branch, the initiation of a policy which would finally lead to a change in | the management of the public works. They I feared that the public, seeing the energy and ; faithfulness with which the Superintendent on the North Branch performed his duties, would 1 I naturally contrast it with the corruption and 1 inefficiency of their officers, and thus in time | endanger the perpetuity of the debaanching aud worse than worthless system of now ran ging our public works. Hence their jealousy, and the mainspring of j the littleness which characterized their actions. —Heretofore tliey have Ircen content with privately manifesting their displeasure—by il liberally in their dealings with the Superin j tendent—and by embarrassing him in the dis i charge of his duties on every possible ooca sion. Now by a technicality, deeming tlicv j have grounds sufficient to justify a full mani festation of their ill will, they have addressed a communication to the Legislature, which will be found in another column. Our readers will : mark the exultant tone of this extraordinary ; message from their Royal Highnesses the Ca nal Commissioners of Pennsylvania. llow ill disguised their professions of reluctance ; with with what unction they dwell upon his alleged tergiversations in office. The charge they bring affects both the pri vatc and official character of Mr. MAKFIT.— It is no less than a disregard of a positive law ot the State, which if an appointee of the j Board, would be cause for his instant removal. We will pass over the remarkable degree of official integrity, manifested by the Board, to explain the circumstances of this pretended 1 violation of law. It amounts to 110 inore nor ; less, than a different constuetion of the act of assembly of last winter, making appropria i tions for the expense of carrying on the Can ! als. The Canal Commissioners had they been 1 honest, would have so stated it to the Lcgi&la turc, provided they deemed any notice neces sary. Mr. MAFFIT claimed that a portion of the " breath fund," as it is called, was intend ed for the Upper North Branch. Such it is understood, WAS the intention of HARRISON WRIOIIT who framed the bill. But on apply ing for it, the Canal Commissioners construe the- law differently, refuse to allow him to draw his share of that fund, and he is left mi uus some seventeen thousand dollars, having supplied from hi* private resources, the money expended above the special appropriation. The breach fund applicable to the upper North Branch would lie more than sufficient to cover all the expenditures left unsettled, and given Mr. MAFFIT a small sum at his dis posal for use during the winter. His offence then is, relying confidently upon receiving his share of this fund, as was intended by MR Wiiioirr, he has expended more money than was appropriated, and is charged by the Ca iial Commissioners with malfeasance in office, lie is by this action, virtnallv suspended from office, as they decline to recognize him longer as a public officer We will leave fire public to form their own judgment upon the merits of this case. It is not in Mr MAFFIT we are particularly inter ested, but in the welfare of the North Branch. Whether he is snstaiired or not, by the Legis lature, the damage to this work must be incal culable, and may be irreparable. It is not to , l>e supposed that Mr. MAFFIT'S friends will al low him to succumb to the jealousy and un fairness of the Board, without a struggle. In the meantime the Canal remains without a Su perintendent. The Canaf Commissioners have no power to appoint, and Mr. M. even if he he had money, would ucrt be desirous of ex pending it, when he was not recognized at the Canal Commissioner's office as a public officer. The work so imperatively demanded, to allow business to be transacted upon it, will be de layed, and some weeks lost at best. The Ca nal Commissioners seem bent upon making their private griefs predominate over the pub' lie interests. The Legislature can, if it will, light the matter, and secure to tire North the speedy completion of the Canal, by passing an act, which shall relieve Mr. MAFFIT from the unjust position in which the Canal Commission ers seek to place him. No political considera tions, can, or should enter into the matter, un less the Canal is desired as a political engine of corruption. It has been the pride of its friends heretofore that it has been kept free from the abominations which disgrace our State, from the dishonest use of the patronage of our public improvements. We trust that the Leg islature, looking to the true interests of the Commonwealth, and respecting the long-delay ed hopes of the friends of the North Branch, will take such speedy action in the matter as may be deemed necessary and proper. THE CABINET. The Cabinet is at last completed. Mr. Be en A NAN has experienced great difficulty in ar ranging it. the principal portion of which seems to have come from Pennsylvania. His origi nal desire was to give GI.ANCY JONES a place, hut FORNEY, since his defeat, lias been deter mined for some reason that GI.ANCY should not go in. 'Hie name of PI.CMMF.R has also been mentioned but not seriously considered. Fi nally Judge BLACK has carried off the palm. The Cabinet as sent into the Senate, and con firmed, is as follows : Secretary of Stair LEWIS C ASS, of Mi. hisran. Secretary of Treasury. HOWELL COHB, of ( Secretary of War .) UN" 15. EI/)Yl>* of Virginia. Srcrrtary of thr Xary, . ISAAC TOKCRA'.ot Conn. Secretary of the Interior. JACOB 'l'Hi INrPSOX. of Miss. Attorney General Jwlge BLACK, of Pennsylvania. Postmaster General AAROX V. IVROWX, of Tenn. The Cabinet, as a whole, does not come tip to public expectation, as regards the ability of its members. We consider HOWF.LL Conn a? by far the best man in it. The selection of Judge BLACK is unquestionably a triumph for FORNEY. The office for which he has been se lected, is one of no political importance what ever, and if it was, in political sagacity Judge BLACK is as simple as a child. FORNEY will not now have any rival from Pennsylvania, be fore the throne of power, and will be the great dispenser of political patronage for Penn sylvania. NEW BOOKS. —The celebrated publisher, T. B. PETERSON, of Philadelphia, will publish on the 14th inst., a new work by Mrs. Sorm- WORTFT, entitled VIVIA, or THE SECRET OK POW ER. To those who have had the pleasure of reading Mrs. S*s writings, it is not necessary to say that she is one of tire most interesting authors of the present day, excelling in the originality and power of IKT jjroduciions. This new work is said to excel any previously pul>- lished. It will be issued complete in one targe duodecimo volume, neatly bound in cloth, for $1 25 ; or in two volumes, paper cover for sl. Copies of cither edition of the work will be sent to every part of the United States, pos tage paid, on receipt of the price. The same publisher has just issued a new work entitled " THE BORDER ROVER," by Em erson Bennett. The scene of the Border Ro ver is in the Territory of Kansas, beginniug at Independence, Missouri, and extending all over the plains or prairies to the Rocky Moun tains. It is full of thrilling adventure and hair breadth escapes, love, romance and hu mor, and the characters are trappers, traders, hunters, travelers, guides, Indians, &c., &e. Furthermore, the scenes arc geographically correct., the incideuts of actual occurrence, and those who wish to see Kansas as it was a few years since, will find in this most excitiug sto ry some very accurate and valuable information. The work is issued complete in two large duodecimo volumes, neatly bound in paper co vers, for one dollar, and will be sent, postage free, on receipt of price. Address T. B. PE TERSON, 102 Chcstuut street, Philadelphia. j RESIGNATION OP MR. McCALLUM. Mr. D. C. McCallum, Superintendent of the N. Y. &. E. R. It., has tendered his resigna tion to the Board of Directors, and it "has been accepted. The friends of the Road, and the travelling community, will learn this'with much regret. During the time Mr. McCallum has held the office, he has introduced into the management of the Road, a system which is unequalled in its operation, as far as regards the safety and comfort of travellers and the welfare and prosperity of the road. But at the same time, by his perfect impartiality strict accountability and inflexible integrity lie has incurred a storm of abase and misrepre sentation such as few men have ever had to meet. Local jealousies, private iuterests, and baffled peculation have combined to overthrow him. Their aim Las Leon to damage the busi ness of the road for the purpose of him. Though sustained by the Board of 1)1 rector, he ha* felt that it would be better for himself and the Road, voluntarily to retire particularly as the system he has inaugurate! will continue in force iu the government of the Road, Those who are expecting to advance local and private interests, at the expense of the Road, will find they have not gained any thing by his voluntary retirement from the Su perintendence, The Road is hereafter to be divided into an Eastern and Western division—Mr. Hn.jj KIDDLE taking charge of the Eastern, and Mr. IIART of Owego, the Western Division. Mr KAJISDELI., President of the company, will act as General Superintendent. Mr. | ias been Division Superintendent under Mr. M, - CAI.H U, and possesses rare qualifications for the duties and responsibilities of his new peti tion, THE SLAVE POWER TRIUMPHANT' The slave power has at last removed the last barrier to its complete The Supreme Court has bowed before its influence, and by one bold stroke swept away the last obstacle to its triumphant spread overtliis Ke public, in the famous Tired Scott case a de rision has at length been pronounced, declaring the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional, de nying the right of Congress Co prohibit slavery in the Territories, and declaring that a slave takec into a free state, is not therefore entitled to his freedom. A negro is also declared not to be a citizen. . REDUCTION OF THE TARIFF A hill providing for the reduction of the Tarriff was finally adopted in the last hours of Congress. It is the result of a compromise of conflicting views on the subject, and passed bv a vote of 35 to 8 in the Senate, and 124 to 71 fn the House of Representatives. It goes in to fiill effect oil the Ist of July next, and the new rates of duties to apply to all goods im ported, but warehoused, is the meantime, as though the same lrad been imported after the 30th of June. The immediate practical re sults aside from the main purpose ts reduce the present redundant customs revenue about $1 LOW,OO per annum on the current scab of importation, will be to throw a large portion of the highly dutiable goods now on the way from foreign States into Public Store, to await the operation of the new biff, and to postpone a considerable share of the usual importations ordered for May and June, until after the Ist of Jul v. The following are some of the more impor tant changes made by the new law : Schedule A of the Tariff of "f<, including Brandy and all Distilled Spirits, with Cordials of all kinds, is redtjecd from 100 per cent, ad valorem to 30 per cent. Schedule B —Wines, Cigars and all manu factures of Tobacco, Raisins. Sweetmeats, ke. r Ac.—is reduced from 40 to 30 percent. Ma hogony, Satiuwood Ac., arc reduced from 40 to 8 per cent. Schedule C —lron, Woolens, Suirnr. A' l '. &c.—is reduced from 30 to 24 per cent. Alt bleached, printed or dyed Cottons are tran>- ferred to this schedule, making the duty there on 2 4 per cent., instead of 25, as at present. Schedule I) Flannels, Carpets, Baizes, (a* hles and Cordage, Hemp and Ifempen Mann faetures, Manufactures of Silk. See., reduced from 25 to lit per eent. Schedule E —-All manner of Timber or Lumber, Manufactures of Copper, l-urs on tlv skinr. Paper Hangings, Oranges and Ictnc.v. Periodicals, Skins, Velvet, Ac. —is reduced from 20 to 15 per cent. Schedule F —Brimstone, Tin, Ac. —is redd ed from 15 to 12 per cent. Schedule G— Books and Magazines, Dia monds and ad precious stones, Cocoa, lal.o, Watches and Watch materials, A. —is reduced from 10 to 8 per cent. Tin in plates or sheets, with Mahogany and all Woods of luxury, a.Q transferred to this schedule. Schedule IT— Tin in pigs or blocks, Zinr. Pewter, llaw Hides, &. —is reduced from ■* to 4 per cent. , ~ Schedule /(the free fist) is largely extended , Wool costing less than 20 cents per poum., Hrass, Copper and most Drugs or C iicnuc al> used in manufacturing, being added to it Wool costing over 20 cents ]>or pound i> r dnced from 80 to 24 per cent, along v - • J Wooleus not otherwise specified. ENROLLMENT TAX.— The Secretary of the Comiu:nweaith has transmitted to the ture n list of the several acts of Assembly ri maining in his office, which will be repealed the 22d of April next, in default of payment of the enrollment tax. Very nearly *2.>, odd l> due the State for these purposes. j&HaT' There are in New-York city rum >h°! enough to till a street 2> miles long.