Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 19, 1857, Image 2

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Mr. Buchanan's Letter, in fall.
IIARRISBCRG, Jan. 28.—1n the llou9c, Mr.
Wagonseller, one of the Democratic bolters
who voted for Gen. Cameron, made a formal
defence of that vote. He had been urged to
vindicate himself, in consequence of the nume
rous bitter attacks made u;>on him by the news
papers, and bv his Democratic colleagues in
the House. He said he had come to Harris
burg to carry out in good faith the rules aud
regulations of the Democratic party, so long
as they did not interfere with a conscientious
discharge of his duty to the whole people, but
when he saw the improper influences which had
been brought to bear upon the Democratic
members by tbo President elect, in favor of
Col Forney, for the United States Senate, he
made up Itis mind to cast aside obhgationsthat
he would otherwise have considered binding.
He read the following letter from Mr. Buchan
an to Mr. Mott, from which it will be seen
how far he was justified in charging dictation
upon the President elect :
W ll F. ATLAS P. Jan. 7, 1857.
My TV? r Sir —Although I have always re
frained from interfering in the choice of Sena
tors bv the Legislature, yet the highly confi
dential relations which a" Pennsylvania Presi
dent ought to sustain toward a Pennsylvania
Senator, at the present moment, induces me to
say a few words to you as a valued friend on
the pending Senatorial election. I learn that
doubts have been expressed as to my prefer
ence among the candidates, and although my
opinion may be entitled to little weight, I do
not desire to-be placed in an equivocal posi
tion on this, or any other subject. When
n-ked, I have always said I preferred Col.
Forney, and I should esteem it a friendly act
towards myself for any persou in or out of the
Legislature to support him. At the same
time, I desire to express my warm personal
and political regard for Messrs. Robins, Fos
ter, Buckalew and Wright. From the course
pursued by Mr. Brodhead for some time past,
confidential relations between him and myself
have ceased. I have thus presented you my
views so that if you should deem it necessary
you may speak my sentiments to such persons
as may consider them of any value.
From your friend, very respectfully,
Mr. Wagonseller considered this letter as
an insult to Senators Bigler and lirodhead,
and other prominent Democrats, and contrary
to Buchanan's former expressed opinions. It
stigmatized the two Senators as unworthy of
confidence—that highly confidential relations"
did not esist between them and the President
elect. No greater insult could lie offered to
the friends of Mr. Bigler, one of whom Mr.
Wagonseller professed to be. The allusion to
Mr. lirodhead was unmistakably plain. Mr.
W. then severely reviewed the character and
conduct of Forney, and said, by voting for
Gen. Cameron, lie thought he had assisted in
electing a gentleman to the I". S. Senate, who
is highly esteemed in ail the relations of life.
Wagonseller is a determined, resolute man, not
to be cowed down, and his exposure of Buch
anan's present letter, and his letter of 1545,
with his presentation of Forney's letter how to
ruin a female's reputation, made the Lokeys
wince !
CONGRESS. —In the Senate Monday the cre
dentials of Graham I*. Fitch as a Senator for
Indiana were presented, together with a pro
test from a portion of the Legislature. The
new member claimed to be sworn in ; but seve
ral Senators opposed the motion, aud a long
discussion ensued.
In the House, the bill for a wagon-road to
the Pacific was passed, 119 to 48. The reso
lution to impeach Judge Watrous of Texas
was brought up under a suspension of the rule?.
After some debate, it was postponed to Sat
urday. The House voted to meet hereafter
at li o'clock. A resolution was adopted to
discharge Mr. Simonton from arrest. The
new arrangement of Collection-Districts was
discussed until adjournment.
Wednesday, the two Houses of Congress
met in convention, to count the votes for Pres
ideut and Vice-President. The vote for Wis
consin, which, on account of a storm prevent
ing the assembling of the Electors, was not
cast on the day required by law, was excluded
froui the count. The possibility that a case
might occur in which such an excluded vote
would decide the choice for President was con
reded, nud both Houses talked the matter over
until the hour of adjournment without coming
to a decision.
In Senate Thursday, committees were voted
to inform Messrs. Buchanan and Breckinridge
of their election, and to make arrangements
for the inauguration. A resolution excluding
the vote of Wisconsin w as laid on the table.
In the House committees similar to those
of the Senate were appointed. A motion to
exclude the vote of Wisconsin was ruled out
of order. The motion declaring Mr. Whit
field not entitled to the seat as delegate from
Kansas was declared lost by two majority.
The Tariff bill was taken up in committee, af
ter a vote to close debate thereon ou Monday
Friday, private bills occupied both Houses
of Congress, and nothing of public interest
was done.
IN THE NEW YORK HOTER. —Thurs lay even;nr,
shortly before 6 o'clock, Mrs. Bates, a boarder
at the New York Hotel, Broadway, was sit
ting alone in her room, when a fellow to her
unknown, stalked in and unceremoniously com
menced breaking open her trunk with a chisel.
Mrs. Bates being greatly surprised at the
impudence of the scamp, asked him in a com
manding voice, what ho was about. At this
he seized the defenceless lady by the throat
with one hand and placed the other one firm
ly over her mouth to prevent her from scream
ing. Being so mnoh alarmed for her own per
sonal safety, Mrs. Bates was unable to give
anv alarm.
Taking advantage of her situation, the bold
thief released his grasp from the neck and
throat of his victim, and hastening down stairs,
he made his escape before the outrage became
known to the inmates of the house.
This hotel thief apparently was about 2:',
vcars of age, dressed in a black overcoat, black
pants and hut. scarf about bis nock, Ac., Ac.
He wears no^rhiskers.
Capt. Dilkcs, of the Fifteenth Ward Po
lice, was notified of the affair, and will use his
most strenuous exertions to arrest this villian.
Xcto York Frpress, Friday.
tor" The undertaker who buried PKF-TON
S BROOKS says IK* required a coftiin six and a
half feet long—the longest he ever used in
WM-hington City.
iVritbforiJ iifporter.
(ffiatsban Hlartunn, .febrnarn 19, 1857,
TUBUS —Owe Dollar per annum, invariably in advance.—
Four weeks previous to the expiration of a subscription,
notice trill be giren by a printed wrapper, and if not re
newed, the paper will in all cases be stopped.
CLCHBINM— The Reporter will be sent to Clubs at the fol
lowing extremely low rates :
6 copies for $5 00 113 copies for.. . sl2 00
10 copies for boo| 2 copies f0r. ... 15 00
APVEHTISKMESTS— For a square of ten tines or less, (hie
Dollar for three or less insertions, and twenty-five cents
for each subsequent insertion.
JOB-WORK— Executed with accuracy and despatch, and a
reasonable prices—with every facility for doing Books,
Blanks, Hand-bills, Ball tickets, 4"C
MONEY may he sent by mail, at our risk—enclosed in an
envelope, and properly directed, wt will be responsible
for its safe delivery.
publican State Convention, for the
nomination of Candidates for Governor and other State
officer*. will he held ut llarrisburg on Wednesday, the
25th of March, 1857. Kach District will elect Delegates
in the usual manner, equal in number to its representation
in the two houses of the State Legislature : and no person
will be entitled, by substitution, to represent a district in
which he docs not reside. CHARLES GIBBONS,
Chairman of State Executive Committee.
The investigation of the late horrible butch
ery in Bond street, is still continued by the
Coroner. A mass of evidence has been taken,
without throwing much light upon the mystery.
In the meantime, a thousand conjectures are
indulged as to the actors in the horrible drama,
and the probable circumstances atteuding it.
The Tribune says that the generally received
theory of the murder is, that Mrs. Cunningham
had established herself at Dr. Burdell's house,
hoping to entrap him into a marriage. Find
ing herself defeated in this object, she induced
her paramour, Eckel, to personate Burdell in
a sham marriage, cither with the view of claim
ing her dower, a sum of between $30,000 and
SIO,OOO, as Burdell's widow, in case of his na
tural death, or with her paramour assassiua
ting him with that express object ; and that
the fact that Burdell, on the day preceding
the night of his murder, had made a lease of
his house, by the signing of which, at the time
appointed on the next day, he would, on the
Ist of May next, have dispossessed her and her
family, and thrown them on the world, hasten
ed the catastrophe, and caused it to occur on
the night in question. That the murder was
perpetrated by them the instant Burdell enter
ed his rooms ; that they hail not anticipated
any outcry, and that the single and half-stifled
utterance of the word murder aloue revealed
the deed at the time, the victim being nearly
instantly dispatched with fifteen wounds, al
most any one of which was by the physicians
deemed fatal. That the bloody clothes of the
murderers were then burned, which accounts
for the smell of burning woolen perceived by
so many witnesses in Bond street, ou the night,
betwecu 11 aud 2 o'clock, and that the instru
ment or instruments with which the. deed was
committed, were during the uight taken away
from the house and secreted by one of the
murderers, after all evidences of the bloody
deed had been removed from his person.
The most important testimony yet elicited
is that given by a man named Farrell, who
testifies that on the evening of the assassina
tion, at about 11 o'clock, he sat down to rest
on the stoop of No. 31, and Dr. Burdell pass
ed ia and closed the door, and that about a
minnte after he heard a cry of murder, accom
panied with some singular noise, and in about
a minute after that a man with his coat off,
aud a bushy head opeued the door and looked
out, and abusing him, gruffly asked him what
he was sitting there for. Farrell was asked if
he would know the man who looked out, and
was taken into a room in which was quite a
number of men. After looking round he se
lected Eckel, and was certain he was the man
that looked out.
A lady engaged in a store in Broadway,
testified that Snodgrass came to her store two
or three days btfore the murder and purchased
a dagger of a peculiar pattern, u similar one
being produced by her, which oil examination,
it was found would produce the wounds inflic
ted on the Doctor. She identified Snodgrass
as the person. In consequence of this testimo
ny he was re-arrested.
On Saturday the examination was concluded.
The Corouer's Jury then conferred together,
and in a short time rendered the following ver
d ct :
First—That the deceased, Harvey Burdell,
was found dead at his house, No. 31 Bond-st.,
on the morning of the 31 st of January, 1857.
Second—That his death was caused on the
night of January 30th, by numerous wounds
from some sharp instrument.
Third—That the Jury find that Dr. Harvey
Burdell was murdered by Mrs. Emma Augus
ta Cunningham and John J. Eckel, as princi
Fourth—That George Vail Snodgrass was
accessory before the fact
Fifth—That Miss Augusta Cunningham and
Miss Helen Cunningham are persons having a
knowledge of the tacts, and concealing their
kuowledge of them.
A Low; SI.KIUH HIDE.—S. and 11. T. No
ble, of Dixon, Illinois, with their ladies, took
a little ride to St. Paul, Minnesota, and back,
this winter in sleighs. The distance traveled
was eight hundred miles, and the sleighing
good all the way.
Iter* The Delegates from Philadelphia City
to the next Democratic State Convention are
instructed to support Hon. Wni. 11. Wittefor
ftqe** Luzerne county contains 50 lawyers, 36
of whom reside in the borough of Wilkcsbarrc.
THE FRESHET. —The freshet of last week was
without parallel in its violence and the extent
of country it covered, lu this vicinity we have
not heard of any damage being done. But
from all parts of the country we have accounts
of its terrible violeuee, and the vast amount of
suffering and damage to property done by the
swollen waters.
On the Schuylkill, the Delaware, the Le
high, the Hudson, the Connecticut, the Ohio,
the Potomac, and other rivers, the crushing of
Boats, Bridges, and inundation of Houses, has
been very great indeed, makiug the damage by
this flood, as memorable as the cold winters of
1856 and 1857. Many factories, foundries,
and mills, located near large streams, have
been crushed down, and swept away. The rail
roads on the banks of rivers have been torn
up, and obstructed by ice in places, piled up
twenty feet high on the roads. In some places
the ice dammed and forced the water into ma
ny houses, so suddenly and so deep that the
occupants could barely save their own lives
without saving anything but themselves. The
Western and Southern Rivers are now open
for navigation. The damage on the Hudson
Iliver, at Albany, and in the vicinity is estima
ted at $2,000,000 ! The water was three feet
higher than ever before known, and flouded
the whole lower portion of the city of Albany,
filling stores and cellars with water, ami drown
ing large numbers of cattle.
The Danville Intelligencer of the 13th inst.,
says : The ice on the Susquehanna, at this
place, moved on Monday morning last. It
tore the stone work of two of the piers, and
one of the abutments, of the Danville Bridge,
doing serious damage, but the flood has sub
sided without disturbing the structure of the
Bridge. We hear that the N >rthmuberlar.d,
the Milton, and other river Bridges, have been
even more seriously injured.
In addition to the Kirkwood and Apalachin
Bridges, the Binghamton Democrat mentions
the Lanesboro and Windsor Bridges among
those carried away. The same paper says
that a pier of the Court-street Bridge and two
piers of the new Chenango Bridge, in that vil
lage, were nearly destroyed. Also, that the
Whitney's Bridge, at Whitney's Point, across
the Onondaga, and part of the Upper
bridge on the Otselic were carried off ; and
that a barn of Anson Amsbry, on Crocker Is
land iu the Chenango, containing 15 or 20 tons
of hay, floated down stream, with large quan
tities of saw-log, fences, lumber, Ac. On the
Syracuse road a break of some five miles was
occasioned by the destruction of a bridge and
a slide of an embankment, but passengers are
passed around it temporarily in carriage, until
the repairs are completed, which will be iu a
day or two.
Railroad communication upon all the prin
cipal routes was for several days suspended.—
The X. Y. and Erie suffered considerably by
the flood in the Delaware injuring bridges.—
The damages are uow repaired, and trains run
ning as usual.
FROM CALIFORNIA. —The United States Mail
steamer George Law arrived at New-York on
Friday evening, with dates from San Francis
co to the 20th of January, being two weeks
later news. She brings $1,096,540 64 in gold.
Gov. Johnson in his message to the Legisla
ture recommends the payment of the State
debt, and opposes repudiation, in which it is
believed he expresses the general sentiment of
the citizens of California. It is stated that
the election of United States Senators was the
result of a bargain between Broderick aud
Gwin, by which the latter agrees to forego all
claims to influence in the Federal appointments.
On the 9th an earthquake occurred which was
felt throughout the entire State, but no seri
ous results followed. The Supreme Court has
decided the tax upon Chinese immigrants to
be nulftind void. The news from the mines
is incouraging. The vote for Senator for the
long term stood : Broderick, 79 ; Stanlev,l4;
Coffroth, 17 ; Wcller, 1 ; Byuuin, 1. For the
short term it was : Gwin, 82 ; Crabb, 17 ;
Sargeant, 11 ; Stanley, 2 ; Shafter, 1 The
newly elected Senators, together with the
Hon. John Bigler arrived by the George Law.
FROM NICARAGUA. —The steamer George Law
arrived at New York on Friday last, with im-
I>ortant intelligence respecting the position of
Walker in Nicaragua. It seems that the Allies
hold the Western as well as Eastern terminus
of the Transit Route, when the Sier
ra Nevada arrived at San Juan del Sur, she
was not able to land her passengers, and had
to take them back to San Francisco. Walker
is thus entirely surrounded and cut of! from
supplies as well as re-enforcements. It is, per
haps, possible that the considerable body of
recruits who have lately gone out to him from
this country may succeed in forcing a passage
up the river, but we do not believe it. His
position is coustantly becoming more desper
Missouri, on Tuesday, passed a resolution, by
a vote of to to 4, declaring the emancipa
tion of slaves in that State; not only impracti
cable, but that any movement towards it would
be impossible, unwise and unjust, and should
be discountenanced by the people. The House
has since pissed the seuate resolution, by a
vote of 107 to 9.
dation traiu which left Scranton, at 11 o'clock,
A. M., 13th iust., for Great Bend, was thrown
from a high embankment, at Eaetoryville, by
the breaking of a rail. The engineer, John
Houston, the fireman and brakesman, were
killed. Another engineer, Win. White, was
dangerously scalded. The passengers fortu
nately escaped uuinjurcd.
focal Intelligence.
The old Academy building, in this bo
rough, was discovered to be on fire at 5 o'clock
ou Wednesday afternoon, 12th inst. It wus
unquestionably the work of an incendiary, the
fire being in the north room, in a board pile.
There bad been no fire iu the building for
months. A few pails of water sufficed to ex
tinguish the flames, and the damage is trifling.
DROWNED.— Michael Kennedy, for some years
a resident of this place, while suffering under
an attack of delirium tremens, on Monday
morning last, walked out of his house to the
river, waded in, swam out into the stream a
few rods, and turning apparently to return to
shore, sunk beneath the waters. His body
was recovered, by dragging, about noon. He
was a young man, and leaves aw ife and family.
JUSTICES' COMMISSIONS. —We are requested
by the Recorder to announce that he has re
ceived commissions for the Justices of the Peace
elected at the late elections.
learn from the Elmira Republic that a brake
man, named OWEN MCCANN, formerly of that
village, employed on the Williamsport und El
mira Railroad, on the Niagara Express train,
due there at 5:30 P. M , Monday, as the train
approached the tank at Troy, for the purpose
of tuking in a supply of water, climbed upon
the top of wood in the tender to catch hold of
the water spout, lie slipped, falling backwards
upon the track, breaking his back, both legs,
each in two places, and each of his arms twice.
again convened on Monday 9th inst. Iu the
afternoon the docket was read over and a num
ber of judgments taken in open court. After
which, the business in the sessions which was
put over from the first week, was taken up.
Com. vs. P. P. Sweet. —lndicted at present
sessions for violating the Buekalew law. Jury
find him guilty of four different charges. The
Court sentenced him to imprisonment in Coun
ty jail for ten days, to pay a fine of S4O and
costs of prosecution.
Com. vs. Nathan Olmsted. —lndicted at pre
sent sessions for violating the provisions of the
Buekalew law Plead guilty. Court senten
tenced defendant to 10 days imprisonment in
County jail, to pay a fine of S3O and costs of
Cum. vs. Nathan Olmsted.— For selling li
quor by the small. Plead guilty. Court sen
tenced defendant to pay a fine of $lO and costs
of prosecution.
Com. vs. J. M. Pike and P. P. Street.—ln
dicted at present sessions for forcible entry aud
detainer. Jury sworn, and after a full hearing
return a verdict of guilty. Court sentenced
John M. Pike to pay a fine of $lO, and Sweet
to pay a fine of $5, and that the defendants
pay the costs of prosecution.
Com. vs. John Rowlee. —This being a case
in the oyer and terminer, on charge of burgla
ry, which was tried at the first week of court.
The jury returned a verdict of guilty. Rea
sons for arrest of judgment and a new trial
were filed by defendant's counsel, upon which
a Rule was granted to show cause why a new
trial should not be granted. The case was ta
ken up during the present week and argued,
but was continued over till May term for a
further hearing hearing aud disposal.
IN THE COMMON PLEAS. —The following busi
ness was taken up and disposed of :
Geo. B. Wolcott vs. John S. WMiston.—
Appeal from a Justice of the Peace in an ac-
tion of debt. After a hearing, verdict for
Plaintiff for S4O 60. On reading and filing
of the affidavit of Plaintiff, rule to show cause
why verdict shall uot be set aside aud new tri
al granted.
John M. Head rs. Clark Camp and terre
tenant. —Action in ejectment for 110 acres of
land situate in llerrick township. Jury sworn
and after a hearing, verdict for the Plaintiff
for 10 acres of the land in question.
Wdliam Gibson vs. Enos Bennett and Ches
ter Bennett. —Appeal from a Justice of the
Peace in an action of debt, on note given to
Plaiutiff by Enos Bennett aud alleged to have
been signed also by Chester Bennett, and also
payment of same guarantied by the said Ches
ter Bennett. After a hearing, verdict was gi
ven in favor of Defendant.
John Snyder vs. Samuel Osborne. —Action
on the case. Suit brought for the recovery
of damages alleged to have been sustained in
consequence of a fire. In the summer of 1854
the defeudaut set fire to his follow, adjoin
ing the lands of Plaintiff, and the fire spread
over the woodlands of Plaintiff burning at the
time a portion of his fence. Verdict for the
John Eighmry vs. Jesse Spalding. —Appeal
; froiu a Justice of the Peace—Trespass.—Plain
j tiff claims for the value of a mare taken on exe
| cution by the Sheriff in favor of defendant
and sold as the property of Lewis L. Eighmey,
: son of the plaintiff. Jury sworn, and same
day, after a hearing, return a verdict in favor
of defendant.
John S. J'arson ft. al. vs. James Thompson.
—Action in debt.—Suit brought for the re
covery of claim from the Records of the Su
preme £ourt of the city and county of New
; York. After a hearing, verdict for Plaintiffs
for $651 83.
Joanna Reynolds vs. Joseph Reynolds. —On
I reading depositions and on motion of Mr. Pat
, rick, the court grant a divorce to Joanna Rey
| nolds from the bonds of matrimony.
Martha Bowman vs. James Jlowman. —On
reading depositions and on motion, the court
grant a divorce from the bonds of matrimony.
Sarah Vanlorren vs. Matthew Vanlorren.—
On reading affidavit, and on motiou of Mr.
Adams, the court graut to the said Sarah a j
divorce from the bonds of matrimony.
Jamrs Porter vs. Susan M. Porter. —On
reading depositions and on motion of Mr.
Smith, the court grant a divorce to tlie said
James Porter from tlie bonds of matrimony.
Joseph C. Jar vis vs. Maria P. Jar vis.—-On
reading depositions and on motion of Mr. El
well, the court decree a divorce from the bonds
of matrimony to tlie said Joseph C. Jarvis.
In our reported proceedings of last week an
error occurred, owiug to the hasty manner in
which ther report was made. In the ease
of Commonwealth vs. A. G. Camp, Audrew
Overpeck and J. S. Angle, it should have been
as follows :
Com. rs. A. G. Camp and Adam Overpeck.
—The defendants were charged with taking
the ballot boxes of Ilerrick township on the
26th of January last, and opening the same,
&c. Grand Jury return a true bill and Camp
was sentenced to pay a fine of S2O, and Over
peck $lO, and they both the costs of prosecu
tion, Ac.
Com. rs. Adam Overpeck and J. S. Angle.—
Indictment —Defendants charged with a viola
tion of the law, for not scaling up the ballot
box of Ilerrick township after tlie late town
ship election, and delivering the same to the
nearest Justice of the Peace, as they were re
quired to do as Inspectors, &c. True bill.—
The court permit a nol. pros, to be entered for
reasons of district attorney, filed.
STABBEP. —An Irishman, named Martin Ben
nis was stabbed by Michael Meehan, on Tues
day evening last, and dangerously wounded.
Meehan and Bennis, who were intoxicated, were
at Meehan s house dancing ; a quarrel ensued,
and Meehan struck Bennis iu the side with a
knife. Meehan was arrested and committed to
jail. As there are two Michael Mcehnns resid
ing here—to prevent mistake, we would men
tion this is not one of the brothers Meehan.
TAXATION.— In the House of Representa
tives at Ilarrisburg a Dill has been introduc
ed by Mr Eyster, making every description of
property in the State subject to taxation for
all purposes, except burial grounds, cemeteries,
and such buildings and property as are pur
chased and sustained by a general fund and
raised by legal taxation, and except such cor
porations as are especially exempt from taxa
tion by the law creating them. This excep
tion would include court houses, jails, couuty
buildings and other public property built and
sustained either by State or county taxation.
The bill would subject to taxation for all pur
; poses, State, county, borough or township aud
school, all tlie church property In the State
not especially exempted by the charter of the
| corporation holding such property. Mr. I'et
! riken proposes in a bill offered by him iu the
House, to exempt the salaries of presidents
and professors of colleges, and teachers in
• academies aud comruou schools, from taxation.
venue Commissioners met at Harrisburg on the
12th instant Twenty-one members were pre
sent. The State Treasurer, ex-offieio Presi
dent, presided. John M. Foster, of Dauphin,
was selec ted as Clerk ; Nelson Weiser, of Le
high, and Samuel Slaymaker, of Lancaster,
Assistant Clerks ; Andrew Krttuse, of Dau
phin. Sergeant-at-Arms, and Mr. Radabaugfti,
of Dauphin, Messenger. The following gentle
men compose the Board :
1. Alex. Cummings, Philadelphia.
2. Joseph Konigmaeher, Lancaster.
3. Jacob Eardman, Lehigh.
4. John S. Mann, Potter.
5. Robert C. Walker, Allegheny.
C. J. M. Sterritt, Krie.
I 'J. Robert Kellev, Perry.
10. Wilson Todd, Armstrong.
11. Ilendrick B. Wright, Luzerne.
12. Isaac Muiuma, Dauphin.
13. I). D. Warner, Susquehanna.
1"). Win. Darlington, Chester.
16. Win. T. Dougherty, Bedford.
17. Wni. Henry, Beaver.
18. Edwin C. Wilson, Venango.
19. Reiley, Adams.
20. James Turner, Mifflin.
22. Jackson Woodward, Wayne.
23. S L. Young, Berks.
24. Alex. C. Mullen, Cambria.
25. (i. B. Goodlandcr, Clearfield.
26. John M'Reynolds, Columbia.
PIONEER FESTIVAL. —The Fifth Annual Pio
neer and Historical Festival, of the counties
of Northern Pennsylvania and Southern New-
York, will be held in Ithaca on the 24th Feb.
at the Clinton House, at 10 A. M. An Ora
tion and a Poem, delivered at the Hall, will
form a part of the exercises. It is desirable
that all veterans of the Revolution and sol
diers of the war of 1812, in this vicinity,
should be present.
EDW ARD A. PEXXIMAN, a prominent
Democrat politician of Philadelphia, died re
cently, in the prime of life. He was brother
of Judge PEXXIMAN, of the Honesdalc Repub
lican paper.
tkay- The Senate has passed the House bill
for the election of a State Treasurer, fixing
the day for the electiou on the 17th of March.
Bsg"- The Republicans of Bedford County
have appointed delegates to the State Conven
tion on the 25th of March, instructed for Hon.
DAVID WILMOT for Ctovernor.
tSatr The Selinsgrove Demiicrii/Qftwo weeks
apo notices the death of a child of Mrs. Hen
ry Walters, by fire, which was communicated
to a bed from a caudle iu the hands of the
child. When the mother entered the rootn it
was in a blaze and filled with suffocation and
with smoke. She grasjied the child and ex
tinguished the lire on its clothes as soon us
possible ; but it was so much burned that iu
six hours afterwards death put au cud to its
At ,.°n > , vUle ' California, January sth. of cry-ii,t U- i r ,
]>. Itittltt.V late -I thw county, and aou ol i ImlcV
Brown, of I ike township.
New Store in Overton !
TXTILI,IAM W ALTMAX would respectful-
V ▼ ly inform t!ic citizens of OVKRTOX and t| _
j lining town-lii s, that In* ha- opened a NEW STIIPI
the HBVBKLY SETTLEMENT. where offers f l'"
well selected assortment, consisting in part of a
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware Pish
Crockery, Boots dt Shoes, & c .
In fart everything adapted to the wants of the surr. i
ing community, purchased for cash, at the lowest
and for Heady Pay will is; Hold a, low as at any place thu
aide of the great cities. ' "
He will make it an ot.ject for FARMERS to call i
with their <;rain, Butter. Cheese, Kffjrs. Maule Siifr-.r v
for which he allow the hiffhe*t prices.
1 Overton, February 17, 1*57.
The Auditor appointed by said Court to
distribute the funds raised by Sheriff Aak of defendant
real c-tate, will attend to the duties assigned him ;
office 111 the boro of Towanda, on Tuesday, the u-t ! a
of March, A. I>. 1*57, at one o'clock in" the afte-n'-m
when and where all persons haring claims are re !
to present them. or be iorever delsirred therefrom ' '
Feb. U, 1556. G. H. WATKLNs, Auditor
- John Roberts. In the Court of Common Pie. t
Bradford County. No. 227, I)ec. T., 1554.
The undersigned, Auditor, appointed i>v said Court t
distribute funds raised by Sheriff" ssule of defendant'- red
estate, will attend to the duties of hi- appointment at h s
office in the borough of Towanda, on Thursday.the ''J ,] '
of April, 1*57, at one o'clock in the afternoon, at "wlmn
time and plaee all persons are required to pre ent th. r
claims or else be forever debarred trom said fund. ' '
Fel< la. ISs<>. G. 11. WATKINS, Auditor.
J V is herein given, that all persons indel.t. d t,. ,i... ..
I tate of BENJ AMIN BABCOCK, late of Windham toY,>
ship, dee'd.. are requested to make payment without <!,•.
1 lay : and all persons having claims against -aid e-tate w "
} please present them duly authenticated for ,-etth nu- • '
Wm. D. A AN BREW J. It V It. .UK "
Feb. 16, tat Admim-tiamr.
OHERIPPS SALE.—By virtue of sundry
! O writs of vend. expo, issued out of the Court of r„,ji
mon pleas, to me directed. I shall expose to pubic - e
at the Court House, in the borough of Towanda. on s"..
i urdav the 14th day of MARCH. ls.i7.Ht 1 o'clock I'M the
following described lot piece or pan el of land situate i'i
Monroe twp., bounded as follows: Beginning at a pod
j and -tones on the north line of the Priest!v land- (so
ed) which i- also the north line of the Hugh 1.-tdl-v w'.'r
r.intee. thence north 200 C-10 rod- to the CarUm • r"s,-hra
; der hratie.h of the Towanda creek, thence down the -am.-
north 63° east lb p. and north 53° ea-t 2! p to ~ .•„ ni( .j„f
I H.'Northrap's lot. thenee by the same lot south 75° ea-t
- 11A *-10 pto a corner, thenee south *l° ea-t 3". >lO nto
: a corner on the line of W. and P. Northrop'-1 .♦ tli.'n
by the same land south I'.C pto a -t< r• h f.a .r
--1 ner, thence by the same lot south ee-t ee-t 177 p to a .or
tier on the east side of Mill-tune run. tlm t. nort!. .bl
j cn-t 3-4 rods to a corner, thence uortii !o° e.i-t 2 . i. to a
! corner, tlience north 22 2 east 44 J rod- ;> a . oruer • ti,e
s-mth line of the R. Showi-M warrantee, thence bv the line
jof the same north .*sl° east 222 rod - t-> a!.• ml t:.
north-east corner of the Jonas simm at- warrante- tlie-: i.
. by a line of the same, south I*3 3-10 p t-> a po.-t and -tora--
' coiner on the line of the J. Bcnner warrantee ; lUve
west 20 4-lo roil- to a pn.-t and -tone- t!ic- north w- -t
; ner of the wune warrantee; thence by the west line ..ft; ..
same warrant south 27.'a roils t-j a p.i-t m.i stones on me
; line of the J. North warrant, them . north ;,,< w.-t -:
;to the north-we <t corner oi tlie -anie, thenee south''!'
west 21k£ rod- by the west line of the same, to a post and
| stone- corner, thence by the north line of the -
I ley warrant, north fill 2 we-t 350 rod- to a po-t aud-t mi--,
the south west Corner of the same, then e north MO 0 ea-t
p to a po-t and -tones the north-w>-t corn.-r of
| same, thence along the line of tlie l'rie-tly land, a- a:-
' said, north ii.i° we-t 27b 3-10 rod- t • the "place of i-'.-in
ning. Containing 14 id acres and 3b perches, be the same
; more or less. 2.7 acres improved, two plunk houses, ami an
i orchard of fruit tries thereon.
1 Seized and taken in execution at the suit of ,b hti ('.
! Men ere.iu vs. Aaron Stone.
ALSO -The following lot piece or pan-el of laud sit ate
;in North Towanda twp.. hounded anil described a-foil w--
North by land of J. Bailey and N. Bennett, we-t 'oy lan-1
I of C. M. Manville, so.ith by iand in possession of W.
! SluyU-r. on the east bv land of T. Ma'.oray. C ataining
j about 50 acres, more or less, about 35 acre- improved. 2
I small framed houses, 1 framed barn, and an orchard of
fruit trees thereon.
1 Seized and taken in execution at the suit of C. M. Man
: ville vs. Patrick M'Cue and Mi. hael M'N iltv.
JOHN A. (OPIHXt;. Sheriff.
! Towanda. Feb. 10. 1X57.
IP H. BALDWIN, having purchased the
• Mart lf Factory of thß village. under the si.jxrriu
j tendence of H. Hanford, the .subscriber is happy to an-
I nounce that the Marble business in Waverlv wi':l n-w ! e
I conducted bv him. He is ronstantiv receiving ITALIAN
VXD RUTLAND M A RULE, for M 1 unnm A- Hca-l-stows
Tomb Tabels, and Stand T"ps, l'.iint Stones. Mullets. A' .
Having secured the services of (1. If. I'OWKKS. wheisnetl
known to be thCmost perfect Artist in the State, he offers
unparalleled indueeraents to persons wi-hitig t" secure
any of the above articles, in cheapness, style and A rusti
cal beauty.
Waverly. H. Y., Feb. 3,1857.
MoCA B E • S
lichcecn J. Kivgsbery's A J. Partir* a'"res. THK suttseri's-r u oi.ld it'spf's nr!
his customers and the pnbti generally t
cere thanks for the very l'b-ral pairoiwd * v
tended tohim the past season. He solicits a ■c.ttr.'.ai- e
of the same.
He would say to the jnihlic that lie intetnls to keep/"in
stantly on hand a choice selection of MEATS "fa.: °'. n l
the-best the country affords, which he intends to sen UT
very small profits, either ly the side, quarter or pound.
Flease give me a call. . „
<-.Vfeats, Ac., will 1* delivered on short notice, w.ten
• irdered. at anv place in the Corporation.
To wan da. Feb. 12, 1857. Mc( xhK _
IMIE subscriber hereby notifies the jiuLltc.
. that some time in I)ecemt>er last, he either ! >st or
hid >t den from him a LAND WAKRAVi tor on( *
d.ed and twenty acres of land. X". 70o'. i-stici
ria Watts, of •ruing' county, l'a.. under date or Mao •
3d, lsj}, on which was her blank assignment, ami ev
cuted. All persons are hereby cautioned again-/ ] 11 ■ ' •
ing said Warrant, as no one has any interest in a '
myself. A. B. >MITH.
Towanda, Feb. 9, ISA".
ji V the estate of Isaac Roxerrcrantz, dec d.—in l 'te 1 r
plums' Court of Bradford County. . .
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said ' '
distribute funds in the hands of the administrator'
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment
office in the borough of Towanda. on M mday. tl e L
of February. 18A7. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon• at *'
time and place ull persons interested are re-pur* u :
sent their claims or else be forever debarred iron: --'
Dec. 1.",. IS.SG. C,. H. W \TKIN>• An. ..-r-
The above Auditors Notice stands continue" l " '"
day, 23d of March. ISA7. at o'clock T- M.
\fOTICE, —The Commissioners ot aa^'r '!
At County have fixed upon the following
(kites respectively for holding appeals viz:
Ulster. Athens boro*. Athens twp.. Smth ( ue •
bery and Wells, upon Monday February 23d. i, >ti-
Springfield, Smitlitieid, North Towanda. <
vania boro'. and Towanda boro". upon Tuesii.iy i ' • -
Armenia, Troy twp., Troy l*oro". Burlin " r *
lington twp., Burlington West aud Cram '•P 1 ' 1
uesday February 25th. .
Canton, Leßoy, Franklin. Monroe boro • 1 / .
Overton, Albany and Towanda twp. upon ilnnx • .•
ruarv 2<>th. , - „ i ;tzh-
Wilmot, Asylum. Durell, Tnscarora. M valvar
field. Warren and Windham upon Friday Icbriia ' ■•
.Standing Stone, llerri-'k,Orwell. lMke.She.-he<i
and Wvsox upon Saturday February 2Sth. .| ;r
rThe Assessors will l>e pnnctual in -1> j„
Notices to the taxable® and in making ,r . h
person on the day designated in their W avra •-■ 1 ;; f
j time and place the Board of Revision ill at"'-' ..
all such as think themselves aggrieved by .-•'/" /
I nient, and make such alteration- and dedu-'tmn
. to them seem just. By order of the C nniy-i"'-' *•
! Feb. 2, lsa7. E. B. COOI.BAI Oil. I lrk.
TRUSTEES SALE. —By virtue of ; in^
! JL der of tlie Court of Common Pleas of bia n >a .
' ly. the undersigned Trustee of Augustus.r*. I ■ ,
; rah W. Perkins, Ge<>. w. p. rkius, Lucy 11. I ' . ' ,
I Susan W. Perkins. Minors, will on the nth -lay •
next, at 2 o'clock, P. M-, at the Athens Bote, m
■ rough of Athens, expose to sale at public • •{ 1 • •-• p
j right, title an-l interest of the said Minors in . _ p
: ed five-sevenths of a tract of land situate in A
j bounded and described as follows : On the nor ' j
!of Elislia Smith and Frederick Miller, eas't "i 4 „d
: Brown, south bv T. Vangorder. A. Campbell /- ••
! C. Hunsicker. We-t by Samuel Sawyer, containing: m
I whole 220 acres, witli about 140 acres impi'
- house and two Imrns thereon. Terna-s nuioc i
i the sale. G. H. WEI.LRS. Tne'"-
j Athens. February 10, IKI7. . -
M'ESSHORK.Ctiw**. Hams,!.
. aud an assortment of W oeden War* at ! 1