ANNUAL REPORT, nf the Receipts and Expenditures of Bradford County, foi 1850---from the Ist 01 of January to the 31st of December, inclusive. EXPENDITURES. VMM for auditing public accounts $133 50 A" ,m "I 1312 08 n,■tracts 588 00 n ' \'e aud r"ad views 40 00 Sonl (- "iiiity Agricultural Society 100 00 r <t C>urt 50 S r tti.le- making returns, aud attendance,... 569 07 !• u in civil suit.-* 25 00 • n-t! fee* in criminal suits 50 00 , V t • Commissioners, U. Mercur 50 00 1 , ;n Co in mon wealth suits 1537 29 new public building........ 09 li'.rijt for public offices and court room 325 74 F jrv'ars 508 70 l,r * i Jurors " 2003 03 Tmu-r-e Jurors |nsuraD(e' nn'pS "buildings:."!".'.!!."!!! !!!! 101 00 Justices' Inquisition JT *•' Jccouvt uilh the several Collectors of County Taxes for the County of Bradford. Townships and Names of .. . Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount p..roughs. Collectors. Charged. Collected. Kxon't'd Percent. due. stone I Isaac W Westbrook 1N45 12 38 12 38 .. ~ 7777 ,'7 William Lee 184s 106 83 37 50 SSB 63 10 70 ..7 ' L township John II Murray 1852 118 26 20 96 35 66 61 64 i,;' k .. NEKceler 29 58 16 10 28 13 20 Mien Woodruff 36 43 .... 36 43 .7..V (John Mathews 1553 21 62 208 589 13 65 .... , . ... (Thomas A Jennings 20 23 20 23 .. .. j,i>,,v i U'dyard Chaapcl 39 13 17 77 280 18 56 n-tcr 77.7 Charles H Kitchen 54 95 28 73 .. .. 26 22 Wilni't Edward Shepard 50 32 .. .. 60 32 4|';'.. MlV D F Miller 1854 34 97 15 11 10 96 890 Pu'rclL!! i.! John Stephens 39 82 10 00 17 93 .. 11 89 Hcrri.'k Richard Hiilis 97 86 76 00 287 .. 18 99 Rldgiicrty Charles French 152-6 100 00 .. .. 52 tsc Siiriugfield " ' S ' M 2 r - i 2 ; 313 .. s uiidinji Invalid* North j Chester Bemiet H2O 394 10 26 Tn.v Is,rough j.tsa B Moure 14 07 3 37 I 1070 pi.ter |H D Roger- 148 25 63 00 j 983 18 02 57 40 Wvalusing '• Whitney 178 20 138 no 25 26 14 96 VViiiiu.t ; David A brains 33 21 25 31 i 193 600 Athens borough i John Snell jr 1855 4 33 20 58) 13 69 12 66 tllieiis township -V Edrninster 366 2s 294 11 22 22 49 95 Albany (Sylvester Chapman 90 41 3* 00 12 88 723 32 30 Mriuu Strong 73 17 59 #2 13 12 Burlington township, J Travis jr 164 10 112 Is 28 98 22 96 Pure!l | William Uratmd 60 73 42 43 628 12 02 Franklin Fl'Fairchild 32 72 750 .. .. 2.5 22 bra 'Vilie 'CD Itoss.. . . 53 57 .... .. .. 53 57 llrrn k (Richard Hiilis 102 33 .... 393 .. as 40 l.'.tihfieid IB D Cooper 20 43 254 46s 13 21 heruy N Kilbourn 52 75 36 64 497 11 11 .... Sonroc township Samuel Cole 82 52 5s 37 543 18 72 Unveil AM Alger . 99 6s 76 98 508 17 62 .... Overton James Heaverley 42 73 35 01 4 72 3 00 p;ke (Stephen Brink.. 3-3 99 351 04 271 30 24 halgbtrrv [Jesse llammoud 40 04 10 91 15 82 13 31 ( R-iiie S C Mann 59 01 .. 59 01 Stirshcquiu IJohn Brink 91 is gl 55 39,, 25 64 xnitbtield T J Wheeler 86 05 54 17 685 25 03 staudiug Stone Jonathan Wood 33 68 17 94 417 11 57 - til Creek Ira Crane 29 32 734 13 7o s2s Lis-aroraJ DAckJey 100 11 21 00 9 63 9 27 60 21 i .waiidali >ruigh A J Noble 82 68 Is 21 933 55 14 T.watida township James M <1 ill 58 75 44 34 493 9 4s ... T .watida North V W Kastauroolu 66 26 37 50 1 14 8 13 13 4s Tr .y township J Williams 179 01 179 01 .. .. I i-ter L> O Chilbbuck 91 82 76 49 115 14 18 V; - x John B Mines 140 90 113 46 147 19 97 Weal using 11 Irani Elliott 71 90 47 00 24 90 U indiiaill J vv Warner , 89 28 61 92 11 05 16 31 vCii.ut J I.Jones 7339 69 24 4 24 5 86 ,'iicns !i,.rough Charles Clapp 1856 495 02 352 00 .. 143 02 At-us Township \ Ed minster 1425 59 720 00 .. 705 59 Ait > c H Corbiu 24'j 47 s4 00 165 47 A: "'i.i.t L W Gardner 68 70 69 78 4 72 3 20 A-. m G H Morrow 236 66 252 00 .. 44 86 ii :.t"u West i'lyiin Phelps 356 46 160 00 .. .. 196 46 Ci.-don Borough A ahel Smith 73 1- 66 67 3 00 3 51 L u ii-ton Township .... J Travis jr 415 14 13- 00 217 14 • it"U inuii Cray 706 08 j 661 12 10 if) 34 s6 tibia . : vleg Pc khaiu 608 ,3 57 .. .. 167 96 > DLbi oite- 944 211 23 ; 29 .. . ilo 91 .Akin J rue i' ii .1 :.ani 3 3 16 14. no .. .. 211 1; v ile C i> ii-- - 433 64 114 00 .. .. 319 64 ;> rick William ii.tli. 253 4>, 30 uO .. .. 163 46 V D F >s 260 54 171 00 .. 89 54 -.field ib.wen Mcvriil Sol 41 270 00 .. 120 91 M-.r-e lowu.-h.p • illiam Lewis 395 12 368 04 766 19 42 " -arse B rough J,.me- M'uill 62 52 57 s7 i 4s 3 07 *rll \ (i Mathews 463 25 432 25 37 00 ' verton ,i Heaverly jr 83 27 17 uO .. .. 66 27 Chandler Brink 76-S 60 297 00 .. .. 471 60 ne F Vouug 454 s3 161 00 .. .. 233 83 '• •..•herrv Je-e Hamni uid 467 70 311 50 .. .. I 156 26, .Will t' Mortal 6.1 02 545 00 .. .. 136 02 Smitliiield i" J Wheeler 70- 3) 60i 00 .. . 167 3- Spr'ng,, Id j.S.c iicu D 11a, k ess . . ssl 54 415 00 .. .. 106 54 s.'ttli I.reek Era Crane . '! ■ > 11 234 00 .. .. 61 11 Mi: ii 1• it St-.he J V.'.-od 310 .jJ 21') 00 .. j .. 103 13 - inia itorungh .. •* s •• ii- l >4 65 49 345 - as ra , vlon/o Vv Cray . 313 17 135 00 . 173 17 7s.i.ida B trough jA J N'oule 1514 07 ! 1111 CO .. .. 402 47 ' A'jtid.t North .. S A Mills 278 20 ] 57 00 .. 221 20 ■f-utandi township -I tines Saute- . 343 28 j 207 02 .. 136 26 Try t.w.nhip il Spalding jr 685 36 j 641 37 10 ic 33 63 yßorough ... ,-a B Moore 262 60 | 245 00 .. 17 60 ' -ter R M. Kiauey . 403 89 245 50 .. .. 158 39 • -"X .. jJdm B Iliue- 609 89 i 40l 18 I .. .. 2os 71 - -'' ■-ing I.l.lines Lewi- 496 50 ! 395 55 .. 110 95 •V- j: > Strong I 427 05 368 00 .. 59 05 I'.rreu I.fames \V Ilea ton 611 48 559 00 .. .. 52 48 *■ tham. I I h , W Warner 500 85 33.t lo .. 10l 75 ® ant.t DtsM.ller 156 67 13u 59 .. 26 0s ' ' ' ' 1 "■ ''" I 1 7tf> 26 I i'r. hzra ( elh g, Tre.. surer ij Bradford County, in account with said County, t r I amount of duplicate* due prior to 1856, #4,21 yO7 j Duplicates for 1*56. 1 -.740 74 ! Transcripts for uncatcd lands, 770 34 | Miscellaneous receival*, 300 tin j Duplicates of re-a**e>-uient ]HS6, 40 42 Sale* of seated lands. 20* t;4 ! Abatement on state tax, (excess) 305 50 J " Treasury, Jan. 1,1556, 5,586 02 J $30,198 o'j i v '- Lzra C. Kellogg, Trent, of Urad ford County, in account with the Commonwealth Cr. of Pen nsylrania. ■ sD ' ißt of duplicates prior to 18.56, $4,704 15 1 of I*so, 13,007 74 ' -Mrviscripts of unseated lauds, 666 00 j ■ iiK-ous receivals, 4 17 i >i -c-stuents for 1*56, 36 04 j of seated lands, 75 05 $10,304 14 ! County Orders in"account with Bradford County, Cr. "Its issued in 1".56, $11,107 13 By orders redeemed in 1656, $14,003 47 '•tri outstanding Jan. 1, 185$, I*o 53 j By orders outstanding Jan 1, 1857, l'.<4 lo $14.2*7 66 j $14,2*7 66 |7 — HU\DKt>KD COUNTY, SS We, tlie undersigned. Commissioners of said County, do hereby certify the above t be a true and correct and statement of the lteceivals and Expenditures of said County, from the 1-t : ~ day of January to the 31st day of December. 18.56. Witness our hands and seal of office, at Towanda, this 23d dav of January, 1857. GEOROK H. BULL,) I*. H. BUCK, / Commissioners. ATTRT-E. B. Cooi.Baron, Clerk. D. LI I.LEY, ) fryi FOR RENT.—The new and com- IV4 modems building on Bridge street, .ecentlv ted by the subscriber, will lie leased at a moderate rent, and possession given iminedi • Tn . Apply to | January 79, M7. JOHN* MM A HON". I IKE NOTICE.—The balance of our stock '( 'living flue COOK STOVES, consisting of a choice ; ,--l iß n "l,:i and Queen of the West Stoves will he sold VOBDIXAItY LOW RATES for r.i-h. Call and ' 1 , Jan. jn. HALL k BUBBELL. Tn^ rea t ® ar S' ain for Some One. I or, subscriber having purchased, repaired, | u> , htted up in order for business, the Crist Mill - r v nwtu-d Bv 11. M. l'etk, now otters it for sale, as ",' r!s l 'l remove West. a'tif """ t" run with steam or water, is located •1' ;! tn f re a thickly populated farming eouutry, and lie one of the best locations in the eouutry. ,' n 't three run of stone, two bolts, hulling stone, '_ r ""'d all the necessary fixtures for a custom mill, t , w 'th it are twenty-five acres of land, some ten ',f ' i" timbered suitable for wood. Tlie rest , I'l'tiiring. There fs also on the premises a mill i. r„ r 4 | W ''So" shop, and two buildings formerly occupied , term-, will Is 1 made easy fur the purchaser— tayoue -1 down, and for the balao e time will be given, p. ~ WILLYS BKOWXSOX. ; Jan. 18, |57. rp.. I VIPORTajfT NOTICE. |ah suhst rilicr hereby jrivc notice to those r that all notes, judgments and accounts of ile Klx m " n ths -.Landing, must lie paid immediately. rn 1 ® > tly hopes that all who know themselves in- s :#r ' Wl " P rr "n|itlyr attend to this call, as it in a matter u y l^at all debts due him should be collected. Jan. 7, IVJ7. J. D. HUMPHREY. Office books and stationery 175 13 Public printing 356 30 Pmtbonotary's fees y i 331 21 Prisoner's support in Eastern St. Peuitentiary. 211 97 Prisoner's support in Couutyjail 311 28 Repairs on public buildings 3,57 g? Sheriff's lees conveying prisoners to E. S. Pen. 500 00 Sheriff's fees sunimoningjurore 123 75 I State Lunatic Hospital 191 13 Township Line Views 152 00 Wildcat certificates 1 50 Unseated Land bought by County Commiss'rs. 181 9f> j Stewart Smiley, Commissioner's fees in 1856... 258 00 C H Bull do ... 352 00 P H Buck do ... 334 00 D Lilley do ... 60 00 E >1 Farrar, Clerk to Commissioners, 1856 COO 00 $14,107 13 i By amount returned o duplicates prior to 1856, SOO3 72 of 1*56, S.O'M I:i , Exonerations on unseated lands. 00 lij I lb-turned uncollected on unseated lauds, 155 *., j Kxonerations allowed collectors, 431 40 ! Percentage allowed collectors, 732 2ii j County order* redeemed in 1*56, 14,003 47 , 2 per cent, commission on same, 281 *7 1 U per cent, ou $3,000, 45 00 i 1 "per cent, on $13,043 33, 130 43 j Returned uncollected on re-a-sessweut, 45 23 $22,605 67 J Balance in Treasury, Jan. 1, 1857, 7,503 32 s3o,l'.<* 00 I Am't ret'd uncoiled for 1856 and previous years, $558.5 66 ' Percentage allowed collectors, " 635 52 j Kxonerations allowed collectors, 3H2 33 Returned uncollected en unseated lands, 139 07 i Kxonerations on un-eatcd lands, 75 05 Returned uneollceted on seated land, 7 31 State Treasurer's receipts, dated July 5 and 14, 10,664 63 1 per ceut on $12,370 35, 123 70 17,61 37 Am rant due Commonwealth, Jan. 1, 1857, 1.770 77 $10,304 14 TRYINGS LIFE OF WASHINGTON: 1 ILLL'STRAT E I>. GREAT INDUCEMENTS FOR CLUBS! Messrs. G. P. PUTNAM & CO. having now published the first volume of the lu.t STKATF.D EDITION OK IRVING "K i Cite OK WASHINGTON, being the complete life of Washing | ton before the Revolution, are ready to furnish the same to subscribers KRKE OK TOSTAGK, on the receipt of $."! 50. Single numbers sent, post paid, to any part oi tlie Luion on the receipt of 25 cents. Tlie following inducements are offered to (Tube, desiring to subscrilie to this magnificent and national publication: Any person remitting lour Subscriptions fur tlie first vol ume, comprising fourteen numbers, will l* entitled to five copies, free of postage. Clubs of six, remitting s2l, will be entitled to two extra copies of the volume, or an extra copy and any other of Putnam & C'o.'a publications of an etpial value. Clubs of twelve/remitting $42, will lie enti tled to tour extra copies, or an extra copy and a complete set of Addison's works, in six volumes, delivered free of postage. The same premiums will l.e given for a like number of subscriptions to the succeeding volumes. Each untnlier of the illustrated Washington will contain one, and every other num'ier two first-elans steel engravings or map-, in addition to the steel engravings or maps, the w irk contain- numerous wmd engravings illustrative of hid'iri .d subjects. CAUTION. —PERSONS subscribing for the Life of Washing ton alio id lie particular to obtain the only work which must orever r.einain the standard authority. Irving's l.ite oi Washington iie.irs the imprint of G. P. Putnam & Co., i the only publishers of Irving's Works, i " Every American should put this work on his book-belt side by side with his bible. \j-t your children read it,and learn by the example of the Great Washington the lessons I of patriotism, moral courage, perseverance under ditticul ! ties, which the history of hi life affords. We know of no i American book which vae had rather own than this ; it is i worth a thousand of the trashy publications which the I press is daily sending forth."— Scientific Amrrirtm- G. r. PUTNAM A CO., No. 32l Broadway, N.Y \ £cgal. T IST OF JURORS drawn for February 1-i Term, 1857. TRAVERSE jmOBS—EOtST WE EX. Athens twp.—J. K. Wright, son, Henry M'Kinney. Seth Morley, Jr., Samuel Monroe—Win. W. Fowler. Huff Orwell—Samuel C. Wells. Athens boro'—William Han- Pike—Sheldon Payne. cock, L. M. Birchard.Jobn Rome—S. C. Mann, Smith Palmer. Lent. Asylum—Geo. Gamble, Reu- Ridgberv—Andrew Webb, bin Barnes, C.Schoonover. John Kingsley. Albany— Ebcneier llorton. Springfield— H. S. Grover, Myron Kellogg. Erasmus Wilder, Perrr Armenia—Alba Burnham, Harkness. Alfred Biplcy. Smithflcdd—Charles Riggs. Burlington—Justin Morlcv. Sheshcquin—Marvin Love- Burlington West—Jesse B. lace. M'Kean. Ulster—S. C. Hovey. Franklin—Chßrles Stephens. Wysox—Ferdinand Allen. Granville—Volney Taylor, Wells—Andrew P. Bowman. Wm. Bunyon. Wvaliising—H. D. Chaffee, Merrick—Thos R. Brink, H. Rufuß D. Cleavland, Hugh L. Phelps, Andrew Over S. Frazer, Justis ioiwis. Pck. Wilmot—J. G. Crandall. Leßoy—Lafayette Wooster, Warren—Chauneey F. Case, H. J. Stone, Chas. Lainli. Aarou Corbiu. Litchfield—Samuel David- SECONP WEEK. Albany—Benj. Vandyke. Springfield—Charles French Athens twp.—King Hulett. Walter Mattocks. T>. F. Clark. Smithfield—Abel J. Gerould, Armenia—lsaac Williams. Edwin E. French. Canton—Ward Warren, Elda Tuscarora—Morrison Mont- Landon, Buel Smith, John goracry. Newell. Troy twp.—John Thomas, Franklin—Wrn. A.Rockwell. Charles Strait, N". Bvrou Litchfield—Johnson Rogers. Case. Leßoy—Thos. G. Irvine, Da- Troy boro"—Nelson Fish, N. vis Vandyke. M. Carnocban. Monroe to—E. H. Horton, Towanda twp.—Dennis Me- A. L. Cranraer. Gill. Monroe boro—D. N. Ncirion Towanda North—Adolph Overton—Wm. Faucett, Jas. Kingsbury Heverly. Warren—Solomon King, J. Pike—Aden Stevens, 2d. e Beard-ley. Rome—"has. W. Woodruff. Wiudham—D. M. Brainard. Rid.'lery—Smith H. Hil Wyalu-iug—Homer Camp, dreth. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given tint all persons indebted to the est ite of GEO. W. COOK deceased, late of Durell township, to make immediate payment, and all persons having de mands against said estate, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. JAMES R. IRVINE, ROBERT BULL. Decemlier 22. 1856. Esce-,:tom. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE —Notice is here- X-J by given that letters testamentary upon the e-tate of Brayton A.Baldwin dee'd., late of Franklin tp..liave been granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present tiiem duly attested for settlement. FANN'V MARIA BALDWIN, FRANKLIN ANDREWS, HORATIO W. HUGHS, Dec. 22, 1856. Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEORGE HAWKINS, dee'd, late of Armenia twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all per-on- having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. RILEY HAWKINS, Jan. 8 1857. Administrator. A DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice x\- is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of SIMON JOHNSON,dee'd, late of Columbiatwp. are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present the.n duly authenticated for settlement. Jan. s, 1-57. SETII SHERMAN, Administrator. \l> MINI ST II ATO U S NOTICE —Notice x\- i ■ here >y given, that all persons indebted to the es tite 6 JAMES BKASTEI). dec d., late of Wells township, ire req ic-ted to make payment without delay ; arid all cr>ou ; having claim-agaiu-t said estate, must present tliem d .Iv a ithenticatcd. to the -übscriber. Jan. s, 1957. JOHN BKASTKD. Administrator. EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of E..IJ.VH WHITEHEAD, deceased, late of PIKE town ship, are requested to re.ako payment without delay: i hose having demands against said estate will present them dulv authenticated for settlement. Nov. 16. 1956. IRENE WHITHEAT). Executrix. 4 DMIN'RS. NOTICE.—AII persons in il debted to the estate of JOS. CUNGDON. dee'd. itc of !.it hfield town-hip. are hereby notified to make uyment without delay, and all persons having demands gai'i-t aid estate are requested to present them duly au !, •li ated ior ,-ettleiiient. BAMI EL DAVIDSON. Nov. 25, 1356. Administrator. 1 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE —Notice fl i- hereby iriven. that all persons indebted to the <s tute of WM. CHILSON, late of Siaithfield twp.,dee'd. are requested to make payment without delay; and all per sons having claims against said estate, must present them dulv authenticated for settlement to the subscriber. RUFUSC. HOSLEY, Nov. 25, 1856. Administrator. 4 D\IIXI ST R A TOR'S NOTlCE—Notice X\_ is hereby given, that ail persons indebted to the es tate of KPHKAIM BOARRMAN". late of Windham town ship. dee'd., are requested to make payment without de lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. Dec. 6, 1656. \YM. BOARDMAN, Administrator. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice •XV. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of GEO. SILL, deceased, late of Herriek township, are hereby requested to make payment without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please .present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN BEIDLKMAN*. December 27. 185(7. Administrator. ,4 EDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the matter of i 1 the estate i f Isaac Rosencrantz, (Le d. —ln the Or phans' Conrt of Bradford County. The undersigned. Auditor, appointed bv said Court to distribute funds in the hands o( the administrator of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 2d dav of February, 1*57, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which time and place all persons interested are required to pre sent their claims or else be forever debarred from -aid fund. Dec. 15. 1656. G. 11. W'ATKIN'S, Auditor. The above Auditors Notice stand* continued until Mon day, 23d of March, 1857, at o'clock P. M. I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE—AII persons in- J debtcd to the estate of JOHN W. BESLEY, dee'd., late of Columbia townsdip, arc hereby notified that pay ment must be made without delay, and ail persons having claims against said estate arc requested to present them duly authenticated for settlement. A. SWE.VZE, J. FRIES. December 20.1856. Executors. FIRE INSURANCE.—The undersigned is agent tor the follow ing safe and reliable Companies: Farmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa. Capital, $200,000. State Mutual Insurance Cc. . Herrishurg, Pi. Capital, $200,000. Cirard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa Capital, $3 0 0,00 0. These Companies insure a gain.-t Ins* or damage by fire on the most reasonable terms. Dwelling Houses, Furni tnre. Warehouses. Merchandize, and Farm Property insured for any length of time. All losses will be prompt ly paid. C. 8. RUSSELL. Towanda, December 25,1856. DRIED PEACHES, a few very nice ones, also Dried Berries at FOX'S MESB PORK, Cheese, Hants, Lard, Brooms, and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S. ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Rruues, Dates, Citron, and other fruit in their sta on at FOX'S. (HANDLES, both Sperm and Tallow by the J box or pound, at FOX'S. \TO EXCUSE FOll BAD BREAD ! It If you proeure of DR. H. C. POUTER, South store in the Ward House, THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER, Equally adapted to Loaves, Hot Rolls, Biscuit, Buckwheat and other Griddle Cake -. Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet Cakes, Batter for Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies, Ac. Ac- Price 25 cents. March 29. HARDWARE, IRON, NAILS, &C V large additional stock of Common and Saddlery ll.oil ware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron, Steel and Nails, just received II. h. MERCUR. BUTTER TUBS & FIRKINS —A quan tity of good Butter Tuba and Firkins, just received and for sale by may2o H. S. MERCUR. CT UOCERIES—CaII aud see our Brown, IT Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars; Fine Young Vvson A, Bla k Teas—warranted a superior article, or the m tey refunded—for sale cheep by B. KINGSBERY. CARRIAGE BOWS <fe FELLOES for ealt at Wh ilcaale or retail by E E 11ECCCP fniettllatuons. XVotice Highly Important to Many! THE subscriber takes this method of notifying those In debted to him that ail notes, accounts and judgments of more than six nonths standing, must be paid immedi fttelvand without further notice. He earnestly hopes that he snail not he compelled to enforce collection fnm any, but he will lie under the necessity of doing so, unless pay ments are actually made before the Ist dav of Jan'v next. Towanrtft, Dec. 3. 1856. JOSEPH POWILL. A CARD—VERY SHORT. OUR FRIENDS are invite*] to examine the most complete assortment of WINTER COOD3 ever offered in Towanda, and if experience in the purchase of Goods is worth anything, those who favor us shall 1 ave the advantage of it. Among the novelties of our assortment, we offer RE A DY-MADE CLOTHING without a seam: as also other Clothing. Ladies' Cloth Talmas and cloth 'for making the same. A large assortment of Dress Trimmings and other things too numerous to mention. To the farmers we would say, that we can supply ihem GROUND PLASTER cheaper than they can get it to go abroad. Nov. 25,1850. __ MONT AN YES. BARCLAY COAL—THE BARCLAY RAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA, a large supply of their coal, ut $3 00 per toil for Blacksmith Coal, and $3 50 per ton for Ruled Coal. Apply for coal at Towanda to HORATIO CLACK. Coal will also be sold at THE MINES at $2 00 per toil for Blacksmith Coal, and $2 50 per ton for Raked Coal. A liberal discount w ill lie made on sales by the boat load Oct. 50, 1856. EDW'D OVERTON, Piesitient MUSIC! MUSIC! M U S I C ! MR - BECKER. Has the honor to announce to his scholars and pa trons generally, that he will retnrn to his former duties in the course of two or three weeks, and, having during his stay iu Philadelphia, enjoyed the musical acquaintance ot the most eminent performers, both vocal and instrumen tal, with whom he had frequently the honor to perform, be hopes t be able to give entire satisfaction to those who wish to patronize liiui during the coming session, and will pay particular attention to the SINGING SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Persons wi liing to take lessons w'll please leave their name at either oi' the following places : Towanda Mr. Dittrich'a ; Wysox Dr. Ingham's or Mr. Laning's ; Durell J. M. Bishop's: Mouroeton Mr. Hornet s or Mr. Mullen's ; Greenwood Mr. Naglee's; Hollon Hill Mr. Horton's or Geo. Irvin's ; Highland Centre.. Mr. Guyer's. Dec. 15,1856. A NTHRACITE COAL—SO Tons Red il Ash Shaniokin. stove and small egg. 60 tons Pittston small egg for stoves. 2o tons lump coal for foundry purposes, For sule_by de. 10 BAILEY A NFVTN'b 1/K/A BBLS COMMON SALT; 10 BBLS. 1A J\J Rock Salt for packing salt.just received bv Dec. 10. 1856. BAILEY A NEVA'S. (LA YUG A GROUND PL A STER—IOO YJ tons for sale by BAILEY A NEVINS. A Chance for Bargains ! - THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE AiwKik the HOUSE AND LOT now occupied by her, [J J JSfljL situate in Smithfield township, about two miles ill■ !■§south of the centre, on the Burlington road. — The lot contains TEN ACRES of land, pleas antly situated and well watered, upon which is a good dwelling house, out-buildings, and a spring of water .being well adapted for dairy purposes. Also, a large quantity of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, comprising almost every article needed in a family. A qantity of HAY will also be sold. For terms, which will be reasonable,enquire on the pre mises of MARIA JANE BASSETT. Siuithfield, Dec. 15, 1856. TO THE PUBLIC. [N consideration ot the liberal patronage with which we have been favored since we commenced business in this place, we tender to the citizens of Towanda arid sur rounding country our sincere thanks, and hope by selling it pri<-e> SURPRISINGLY LOW, to make it profitable to •all who may favor us with a call. We are re-olved to keep pace with the progressive spirit •f the age in which we live, by offering for sale Goods of the Latest Syles, •it prices that actually alarm the proprietors of old-fash ioned Stores ; they being schooled in the high-price prin ciple. or rather in the prices of old times will not lower their demands ; but. in a very happy manner, warn their customcis not to meddle with the Goods at the New Store, (at the same time exhibiting much concern tor tlieir wel fare.) for they know that none but damaged Goods can lie sold so very low. We do not intend to sell damaged Goods, hut if any prove to be so, or, are not what we represent them to be, return them and receive the monev paid for them. We now- oiler our EXT IRE SCMMKII STOCK AT ST! 1.1. COUCH THICKS Til AX EVER. Some o! our Pre.-.- Goods, our remaining stock of Bon nets and Bonnet Trimmings we w ill sell at Ut IST. We lone a fine lot of Shawls. Mantillas, Window Dra pery, Silks, Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edging and In setting. Ae., Ac. We ase prepared to send for any article in our line that we luive not on hand, t ur assortment of RE A D Y-M AD E CLOTH I NO, is complete—cannot be surpassed by any other establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania. Call and examine our Goods—seeing is believing. GI'TTKX BERG, ROSENBAUM A CO. Towanda. July 2s, 1*56. THE ELECTRO CHEMICAL BATH DIRECT & TO-& FRO ELECTRO MAGNETIC MACHINE. J 'AMES HARRIS, Elf triciak, of Towanda, respect fully informs tlic public tliat he has lately procured from New York the celebrated Electro-Chemical Bath, which has proven to bo one of the most 'important and wonderful discoveries of the age. from its ability to extract minerals from the human system. Rome eight years ago, a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the process of extracting minerals from the body, by galvanism ; more recently, M. Verges, of New York, an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of poisonous minerals into his system in the prosecution of his art, conceived the idea nf'removing them hy the same processes, lie succeeded in doing so, and quickly recovered. He then applied the same means to others similarly af fected, with like results. His success exceeded his inost sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths remove mineral poisons, hut cured many diseases, some of which were the result of minerals, and some were not. More recent experiments have fully confirmed the sin gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi nerals that may he lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Very often persons are afflicted by diseases which arc beyond the comprehension of the mo-.;, skilful physicians, and which are the effhet of poisonous mine rals accumulating in the system for years, taken in the shape of calomel, lead, Ac. Ac. The following are some of the diseases cured by these baths: Rheumatism. Paralysis, Palsy. Painter's Cholic. Chronic Ulcers. Glandular Swellings, Scrofula, Cancer, Neural ia in all its forms. Salt Rheum and Humors of all kinds. He lias also K. R Smith's newly invented DIRECT AND TO-AXD FRO EI.Et TRO M AGXETIC M ACHIXE, which is a great improvement on the Magnetic machines hereto fore in use. With the aid of the P.ath and Machine, we have at command all the available medical efficiency of Electricity. The medical power of tiny Machine is very great, in introducing medicines into the system through the [lores of the skin—applying it directly to the parts af fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over that of taking it into the stomach, rendering it particular ly efficacious in all local diseases. I am now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the Machines, at my house in the south part of the borough of Towanda, or I will visit patients at a distance, who arc unable by reason of disease to come to this place, at mo derate prices. 1 am also sole agent for Bradford conntv. for the above Machines. JAMES HARRIS. Towanda. December 22, IS. LIGHTNING RODS. r |THE subscriber having had two years'evpericuoe in the A Lightning Rod trade, in and about Philadelphia, lias now commenced the business in Bradford and adjoining Counties. He will do business near home, and u-e uotb ing but the best article of Hod and Platina points, all war ranted such, and erected in the mffst perfect and substan tial manner, and as strictly upon scientific principles as any line ol telegrash. Persons wishing their families and property protected from this destroying ageut can do t>o by applying to the subscriber at Leßaysville. Leßaysville, May 13,185C V F. GREGORY. FLOUR of different qualities, Corn Meal, Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Family Flour warrauted of superior quality fo- ale at "OX'S. (JOLE LEATHER.—.Just receiving an ex- O cellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which public attention is respectfully invited. Nov. 22. 1555- J. p. HUMPHREY. WHITE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and by the pound, at mylt FOX'S. LADIES' INDIA RUBBER GLOVES, at the store of H. S. MERCUR. LOOKING GLASS TLATKS CUT AND fitted for any tize, to bo had st th .Jewelry Store of Ttb. MM#, w. A. CKA.MBLRLIN' fHißreliaiuone. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON AND STOVE STORE. ■L HALL & RUSSELL """"fr Wholesale and Retail Dealers r w " offi In Hardware and Stoves, Iron mf\ Bfc> illjgfe> and Nails, Sash, Class, Paints if| ind Oils, House Trimmings— Vlllfl l |'|||!i;|H,i"~irn~~r n "11 hinds of Carriage trimmings, IfflHiHm P I ll t'i 1 i I filftaf! eßt Cloths and I>aces, Carriage Sulkcy and Seat Spring*, Car- P enters ' UB( I Joiners' l'lanes, 3F7 saws, Angers, Chisels and all Px- ' ifj, u \ other Tools—Cross Cot, Mill | and Circular Saws, Blacksmith Tools, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, L ■* Hammers and Screw Plates, Axes. BroaJ Narrow,* lath and Hand Hatchets—Cable, Log, Trace end Haltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Spades. POCKET AND TABLE Cf'TLEßY—Shears and Scis aors. Edge Tools r.f all kinds. Brass and Enameled Kettles. Shovel mid Tongues, Spoons and Ladles, Tubs and Pails. Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing implements. In the HARDWARE line. Brass, Brittania, Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band, Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds. Nail Rods, Ac. Pumns, la.-ad Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water work"". Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the lmnds of manufac turers undimporters. in eluding the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVSS Coal and Wood Cooking, Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining- Kooia, Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good Tkkms as can be found this side of New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and Drv Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to 15 per cent, less than any of tticiu, which advantage we shall offer to any who v. ili favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Store Pipe and Elbows always on hand, wholesale and Ail kinds of Job Work done to order, on short novice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD WARE cheap—one door South of Fox's, and nearly op posite Tracy A Moore's, Main street, iu the new ft'ood Building, lettered all over. Grain und Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania and Copper, Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price in CASH will be paid. D. C. MALI.. C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda, Oct. 25,1856. >s EW FALL AND WINTER GOODS: BKIXGSBERY & SON, bcqr leave to • call the attention of their friends and customers, as well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, consisting of a great variety of LASIES DRESS GOODS Silks, Shawls, Para met tas, Freuch Merinos, Cashmere, Wool Plaids, Wool DeLaines. Ac. Also, a choice selec tion of Meriiaac, Choceco and other styles of fast colored Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Ac. Denims, Ti ks, Drills, Linens. Cambrics, Bleached and Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twine, Car pet Warp. Ac. In addition to the above articles, there will always he found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Glass Ware ; Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish, Paints, Tubs, Matts. Ac. Returning individually our thanks for past patronage, we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attentiun of our old customers and the public generally, to an inspection of our extensive New I all and Winter Stock. Towanda, Sept. 10, 1856. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. THE subscriber continues to carry on the Foundry business in Towanda, and is prepared to do all kinds oi' work in bis line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner, lie will keep on hand or make to order Plows, Stoves. Mill lron3, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon- Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may be required. Turning and fitting up work wiil be done on short notice and on reasonable terms. Persona wishing to purchase Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage to buy at the Foundry, as Ihey can be repaired much cheaper. Please c.til and examine before purchasing else where. Old cast irou uini Grain taken in payment.— Don't mistake the place—one door castot'Mercur's Block. g-V I would also say to those having accounts stand ing over six months, that they must be settled without delay, and those having notes that are due will do well to pay up and save cost. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda. Oct. 22. 1856. A FARM FOR &4X.S IN Ridgbery township, about half a mile from the pub lic house of B. K. Buck, containing about one hundred acres, sixty acres improved, of which is bottom land with a comfortable log house arid frame barn. Enquire of the subscriber upon the premises. M. CHAMBERLAIN. October 22,1856. XI:\V FALL WINTER D GOODS. fTMIE subscriber I" now receiving a large stock of FAI.L X and WINTER GOODS, which he respectfully invites th.- public to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY. Towanda, October 6,1856. FALL GOODS. HS. MERCUR is now receiving a large • Stock of FALL GOODS, to which the attention of the public is requested. Towanda. Sept. 111. ISSff. K II K E D O M OR SIS ML-.M£3 ■ * IS said to be the inevitable result of the coming election: it is also said that this glorious Union is in danger : la titat as it may. we know that a terrible storm is gathering in the political heavens, which will soon hurst upon us in all its maddened fury. But we would say to the citizens of Bradford, heed it not ; it will pass harmlessly by. Soon however, storms of a different nature will gather in a wintry sky. which w ill cause you to tremble like an aspen, unless you procure the necessary protection. Now, it i tliesc kinds of storms tlut we propose to prepare you ti med. We have just received an extensive and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING for the FALL TRADE, which we will sell at New-York city prices. Our motto is, '• Quick sales and small profits." THE LADIES Will find in our assortment an endless variety of all tin goods they need. Our shelves arid drawers am crowded witli articles for their use. We call special attention to our ntio stolen <>f FANCY SILii.S, the finest the market affords. SHAWLS, broche. Bay state and cashmere, ol all sizes and qualities. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. French, English and American Merinos, piaid and striped De Laines. jilain and figured Alpaccas : in tact everything usually kept in Dry Good scores. First-rate calico at fi cents per yard, good muslin at .Vj cent-. A fine assort ment of BONNETS, l.tulitx' Collars, Underslcecex Hand kerchiefs, I. acts Embroideries, (iloves. Hosiery, 4"C. Our Clothing Department Is replete with fashionable goods ; Overcoats from ft to S2O, business coats from #3 to sls, vests all pliers, part' from $2 to sti. A general assortment of underclothing, collars, &c. CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the shortest notice. eg" Don't forget the place, in Fatton's new block, cor ner Bridge and Main streets. GUTTEXBUKG,ROSENBAUM A <O. Towanda. September 3. 18, Iff. Cash paid for Pelts & Wool. AT SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, Towanda, September 3, 1856. BOOTS & SHOES—The largest, host and cheapest assortment this side of the Empire City mav befonnd at je2o TRACY X MOORE'S. Q TONS SUGARS—Drown, Refined, Pow- / dered. Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses. Syrup, Rio and Java Coffee, Rice, Saleratus. Ginger, Sperm Candles, Rice, Tobacco—ln fact a general variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at JuncO " FOX'S. FRUIT TREES! FRUIT TREES!! AT THE ATIIENSNURSERY—We of fer for sale this Fail a first rate assortment of Ap ple, Pear, Cherry, Peach, Plum and Ornamental Trees, of all the best varieties. We call especial attention to our apple trees. They are 6 years old, and nnsnpassed by any in the market. Terms ressonab.e. Orders should be sent In soon. Catalogues sent on application. FORD A PERK IMS. Agents—o. TV BorUett, Towanda ; Horace Heath, Ul ster ; Georgv Ueeth, Burlington ; B. Poet, Smlthffeld : H Bvo-rclng. Roma ; Wjc Deane, windhara. HliaceUci cons. Another Xiarge Arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS! HS. MFBt i) K Is now receiving the target, best M . sorted, ai d moat desirable stock of Goods that LM yet been offered in Towajida. Consisting of everv Tarietv of SAPLE ANIi FANCY DRY GOOLS. Il'anhcari, Crockery and. Glass scare, Boats and Shots. Hats, Caps, Staaw Goods, Carpets, Mat' tings, Wooden-scare, Groceries, Paints, Window-Glass, Otis,Nails,lron, Steel, Fish, Leather, ipc. sx. which will be sold at wholesale or retail at very low Pri ces. The pnbhc are very respectfully requested to exum iuo the Stock. Towanda, April 24, 1x66. GOODRICH* CO., OWEGO, IST. Y. AEE now In receipt of and opening the choicest u4 most desirable stock of -laple and Fancy Dry Goods, to which they have ever had the pleasure of calling the attention of the community. Our - lock is very large, end selected with great care and acknowledged good tarte. and is particularly adapted to the wauts of this and the sur rounding sec tions. Our st ck of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ribbons, Embroidtr ies, Parasols, Cloths, Cassimeres, Testings, Domestics, Shirtings, lAn ens, Prints, Hosiery and Shawls, SfC. Spe. and noroberlcßs other articles makes our assortment better than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be sold as cheap, and many articles cheaper, than at any "ther es tablishment, to all of which we invite the Inspection of purchasers, as being in every respect worthy of their at tention. Those who may favor ug with a call may l.e assured that no article will be recommended more highly than its me rits will admit of. Owego. May 8 1*56. G. B. GOODRICIT ft CO, Watches, Jewe ry and Fancy Goods. A M. WARNER has just received 8 large XI.• and splendid assortment of WATCHES. JEWEL RY & FANCY GOODS, which are offered for sale on the lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge. Towanda, July 6,1656. NEW SPRING GOODS! THE subscriber calls attention of the pub lic to his SPRING STOCK OP GOODS comprising the usual variety, and which will be seld at the lowest possible rate* for cash. O. I). BARTLETT. Towanda. April 24, 1866. SOCTi A SHOT];. A LEATHER. JD. nUMPP J- '' is just receiving a go • neral assort BOOTS A SHOES, suitable for the spring trad Also, an excellent assortment of LEATHER, comprising 180 sides Sole Leather. 99 sides Upper, 200 Calf Skins, together with a general stocd of kipps, Linings A Find ings Towar.da, April3,lß6C. FISH. —No. I and 2 Mackerel and Codfish, at may 14 MJRCUR'S. WOOL —CASH PAID FOR WOOI~ at M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door South of Mercur'u stnrd, Towanda. May 20,185 C. IpXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap k at FOX'S. \TACKINAW TROUT—Some very fine -ILL ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and qnar ter bcrrels, at j{B FOX *B. NEW STORE AND HL¥ 3 HUMPHREY A WICKHAM are now receiving in their New Store. West side of the public aqoare, a large and well selected stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LRY-QOODS. HARD IVARE, CROCKERY, tC. BOOTS AND SHOES in great variety and style, com prising Ladie*' Misses' and Children*' Gaiters— Bootees, Buskins and Slippers ; Cents', boy-'. Youths' and Chil dren*' Boots. Brogans and Shoes, both Eastern and home manufactured. A general assortment of Cents' Ladies' and children*' overshoes. Rubber Boots, Ac. A full assortment of Boot and Shoe Findings, Sole and Upper leather, Calf and Kip skins, Morocco Linings and lAce leather. Towanda, Nov. 25,1856. m LOST —Between Towanda and D. M. Bull's Farm, in North Towanda, on the 17th inst.. a small leather wallet, containing about one dollar in silver change, a note of J3O dated May. 1855. given by me U> D. M. Bull, and some other papers. The tinder is reques ted to leave the sauie at the office of the Bradford Repor ter. or return it to me. JKRE VANDKRMARK. N. 1!. 1 also offer for sale THREE HORriES, which will be disposed of verv cheap, and to which I invite the at tention of those wishing to purchase. Monroe Nov. 25. I*so. J. V. TAKE NOTICE.—Ran away from theFub scriber, my son MKRWfX RTROPE, without any ! just rea-on. and I therefore forbid all persons trusting him, as i shall pay no debt* he may contract after thia dsre. WM. STROPE. Rome, November 25,1856. NEW FIRM AND NEW FALL GOODS. THE FIRM OF MOXTANYES A CO. has been dis solved by mutual consent. WM. A. ROCKWELL having withdrawn. The business will hereafter be con ducted under the name of MONTANYES—having asso ciated with the firm J. I) MONTAXYE Jr., and F. D. Mos rwvK. We trust with our present facilities for the pur chase of Goods, that we can make it an object for CASH I USTOMERS to examine our stock, which has been laid in with great care to suit the fall trade. All accounts due the old firm, as also notes that are due, art tsjircled to be paid without farther notice. August 25. 1856. MONTANYES. FRESII PEACHES and Tomatop.B,in cans, warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'H. -JjA MINK SKINS, 1100 MUSK RAT, Fox. Deer, and other Peltry wanted, for which the highest priee will lie paid at MONTANYES. /ACTlON. — Whereas, my wife HELEN L. lias left mv bed and !*>ard without any just cause or nrovocatistti, I hereby forbid all persons trusting her on my account, a* I will pay no debts of her contracting af ter this date. TITUH A. DANKS. Springhill, December 20. 1856. I^O RHESTER'S PLAYMATE— A Mag -1 azine for Unit* and Girls, begins it* -ivth volume in January, 1c57- Li* edited by MARK FORRESTER, the well known writer for the young, w ho, the reading public will bear in mind, is eomieotid with no other periodical. T e PI.AYMATF. has lieen denominated by an eminent writer, as " the Bitsr Yoi MI'S MAUAZINK I I UI.I-HKH.''— The publisher* mean to keep it so. Its embellishment* ire new. and the reading matter almost wholly original. An entire numb r might be filled with commendatory •notice* of the press. The Family Gazette says--" No pa rent who cares a button for hi* children's welfare, can mend a dollar more jirofitably thau in subscribing for the PLAYMATE.'' But we prefer to Irt the Magazine tell its own story.— Those parents who have any choice about what their chil dren read, should subscribe for it. If it does not sustain itself, after a trial, no recommendation of others would be !' any benefit. TCKMS The Playmate is published monthly, at ONE DOLLAR a year, in advance. To clubs. 75 cents per co py. Letters enclosing money may be sent at our risk If lirectcd to WILLI \M GUILD ft CO., 156 Washington st.. B s on. Msse. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND FANCY GOODS. \\T A. Oil AMBERLIN has jnst returned V Y • from New York with a verv ex'en-lve and beau tiful assortment of WATCHER. JEWELRY. CLOCKS, and F ANCY GOODS, to whi h he invites the particular attention of hi* customers. You may find at h's establish ment Watches of every variety at prices from $8 to f 15ft. Ro that everv one can be snlted. Piease cell and examine his stock. " , , ~ ~, _ Remember the place—one door south of the Poe* Ofß -e, we-t side '-f the public square. Towanda, Dec. 24,15A. REMOVAL. MRS. MASON has removed her Milliner* establishment to one door south of B. Kingsbury % ton's Store, (formerly Cbaeiberltn's Jewel: yßterej where sbe ha - opened 3 I'rre assortment of MILLINERY GOODS Sbe irjvisee the ladies to ceU and examine bar Bhock- TOWMDE. Octobdr 73, 18M
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers