Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, February 12, 1857, Image 2

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    Mysterious Murder of Dr. BurdeU in
New York.
One of the most mysterious and savage mur
ders on record was perpetrated in one of the
most respectable streets in the city of New
York on Friday night or Saturday raoruiug,
the victim being Dr. Harvey Burdcll, a den
tist of repute and a man of property, whose
office was at No. 31 Bond street. On going
to the office about 8 o'clock Saturday morn
ing. tht hoy who did the chores of Dr. Bur
dell's office found his employer lying dead etui
horribly mutilated in the hall near the outside
door. The horrible discovery was soou made
known, and naturally created a great excite
ment in the vicinity.
No clue has been obtained to the murderer
or murderers. But that the murder wa o a
most cold blooded, desperate and fiendish one
is evident from the eoudition of the corpse and
the rooin. The Doctor was a man of indepen
dent fortune ; but as none of the valuables
about his person or the rooms he occupied had
been taken, it is evident that robbery was not
the object of the demon which did the deed,
although it is rumored that the Doctor had
had some controversies with a person with
whom he dealt iu reference to money matters.
It is impossible, too, that the fact that other
people lived and lodged iu the house, and that
such a murder could not have been committed
without creating a great deal of iiuiso, uiuy
aid in discovering the brutal mid savage per
petrator of the deed. There were pools of
blood around the floor and the body was co
vered with blood.
The tongue protruding from the mouth of
the eorpse gives presumptive evidence that be
fore the horrid work was consummated, the
Doctor had been strangled. One hand was
uearly severed from the wrist, and a closer
examination revealed fifteen stabs upon the
The Doctor was a man about 48 years of
age, temperate iu habits aud agreeable in man
It appeared in the evidence taken before the
Coroner that a Mrs. Cunningham, kept the
house which was owned by I>r. Burdell and in
which he had his office and sleeping apart
ments. Mrs. C. testified that she had been
secretly married to Dr. B. but owing to some
disagreement he took his meals at the Metro
politan Hotel since September last. The in
mates of the House were Mrs. Cunningham
and two daughters, Mr. Snodgrass, Mr. Eck
el, and servant girl ; aud neither of thein heard
any noise or disturbance during the night.—
They all were at breakfast Saturday morning
as usual, except Mr. Eckel, who had gone out
before breakfast, an unusual thing for him.
After the murder of the Doctor, Mrs. Cun
ningham produced, before the Coroner's in
quest, a certificate of marriage with him a few
weeks ago—but the minister who married her,
and a servant who was preseut, have failed to
recognize either the corpse or a daguerrotype
likeness as the person to whom she was mar
ried, and the impression is strong that Eckel
was the man, and that he assumed the name
of Dr. Burdell for a particular purpose. If
this should be proved to be the case, it would,
in our opinion, go far towards fixing the mur
der on them. There is no doubt that Burdell
was jealous of Eckel, or that he had cause to
be. He was evidently tired of the people in
his house, and had a written agreement from
Mrs. Cunningham to leave ou the first of May,
which he certainly would not have desired if
he had been married to her. This agreement
was among the papers stolen from his private
drawer, which he always kept locked, by Mrs.
Cunningham. If we add to this an expression
made by Eckel to Mrs. Cunningham at table
one day, that " it would be little matter if he
(the Doctor) did get a knock, if it could be
done handy,'" we have pretty strong evidence
that the inmates of the house were depraved,
and that there was an unfriendly feeling towards
the Doctor—of whose company they were evi
dently tired, and a portion of whose money
they desired to possess. By the way this lat
ter idea we derive from other testimony which
we have not room to publish.
Having thus given a brief summary of the
case as it stands, we subjoiu an analysis of the
evidence down to Thursday evening, from the
New-York Herald :
1. The fact of the murder, which is admit
2d. The circumstances previous to the mur
der, and on the uiglu and morning after it. A
large amount of evidence is brought forward
to show that there was a bad state of feeling
between Dr. Burdell aud Mrs. Cunuingham
and Eckel. The servants testify to improper
conduct on the part of Mrs". C. und Eckel. It
appears that the Doctor hated the whole par
ty, and they all had ill feeling against the Dr.
The antecedents of Mrs. Cunningham, are prov
ed to have been bad. A neighbor swears that
he heard the cry of murder before eleven, when
all the inmates of the house, except the ser
vants, were up. The servant swears that she
was awakened by an unusual noise, and this
was probably in her first light sleep. Other
neighbors swear they did not hear the cry of
murder, or smell the odor of burning wollen
described by Doctor and Mrs. Main.
FIRE AT BATH. —On Friday morning at about j
2 o'clock, a fire broke out iu Ferris' new brick '
building 011 Steuben street, occupied as a Clo- j
thing store, and the office of the Farmer's Ad-1
vacate. owned by W. C. RHODES, Esq., of the i
Elmira Daily Gazette. The Advocate office :
was entirely destroyed, not even the books j
having been saved. The material and fixtures
of the office were in good condition, and the
loss cannot be much, if any, under $5,000 —
none of which is covered by insurance.
Mr. STROSS loses about $2,500, a portion
of which is covered by insurance.
From the Advocate buTlding the fire extend
ed to the adjoining one, occupied by Mr. YOST
as a Grocery store aud dwelling. His loss is
about $3,50*0.
The buildings burned were owned by Messrs.
and were valued at $3,000. No insurance.
The fire is supposed to have originated from
a defective chimney in the Advocate building.
ton (Mass.) Transcript, of the 27th instant,
mentions the receipt in that city of a letter,
dated Havana, January 14th, which reports a
great improvement in the health of Dr. Kane.
His mother had arrived out on the 12th in the
Quaker city, and had been treated with mark
ed respect ou the passage, as afso on her arri
val at Havana.
Ifcjr The widow of the late lion. Win Wirt
died last week at the house of her son-in-law
at Annapolis, Md.
16f They have had a snow storm in the ci
ty of Mexico, a thing said to be unknown to
4 the oldest inhabitant
Srabfoit lieprto.
(Tfjnrs&cro fllornmo, -febrnarn 12. 1857.
TERMS — One Dollar per arrnim. inrai irUu in advance
four I ceeks preview* to tht expiration of a subscription,
notice will be gicen by a printed wrapper, and if nut i f
ntwed, the paper mill .'■! oil cases be sloop-, d.
CU'KnTV.;— The lit furrier trill be ten! 'o Cluli i t the fol
low it g extremely low rotes :
t> copies for v. on ili topi** jus-... . V'l 00
10 copies for ft l)j 20 copi-s f0r.... 15 00
ADVERTISEMENTS- For n .or-"re of ho Hurt or lest, One
Dollar for three or less insertion, and c:n!s
for earn subsequent insertion.
JOU-VVORK— Execs/did with accuracy and despatch, mid a
reasonable prut * -with ere, q f irlUiy for doing Boohs,
Blanks, Hand-bills, Bali tickets, <!j-c.
MOKE v may be sent by mail, at our risk - rnrberd in an
envelope. and properly directed, u:e will be responsible
for its safe delivery.
No political event of ihe past few years, has
given us such unqualified pleasure as the elec
tion.of Hon. PRKSTON KINO by the Legislature
of New-York, to represeut that State iu the
United States Senate for six years from the
4th of March next, in place of Hon. HAMILTON
FISH, which took place on the 3d instant, by
a very large majority.
Mr. KING was the early and steadfast friend
of Freedom. In the struggle to engraft the
Wilmot proviso upon the bill appropriating
money to " conquer a peace " with Mexico, lie
was one of the foremost champions of the prin
ciple of the non-extension of slavery. From
that day to the present, in the darkest hours
of adversity, lie lia3 never for a single moment
wavered or held back. In the van of the bat
tles for tiic rights of White labor, the clarion
voice of PRESTON KING has been heard,"and
his cheerful, never-desponding bearing has in
fused new courage into the breasts of those
who doubted. If there has been a true soldier
in the cause of Freedom, that man is PULSION
It is somewhat remarkable to note the dif
ference in position, and in their hold upon the
confidence and respect of the public bctweeu
j the quaudom political aseociates, PRESTON
were both supporting with equal zeal the same
measures aud the same men. The latter, pcr
baps, having much the greatest renown, as a
leader The course of has been straight
forward aud consistent. The path of duty lias
been to him the path of policy. lie has
indulged in no schemes of political sagacity,
; which seemed to the ambitious to lead to pow
ier and preferment. He has neither been se
; duced by the power of patrouage, nor dazzled
jby the glare of official station. He has his
reward in the respect of both friends and op
! poocnts, and tLe great State of New-York
makes haste to confer upon him the highest
honors at her bestowal, l'rincc JOHN, in the
; abundance of his wisdom, has trimmed with
such egregious inconsistency, that he has be
come beneath notice, or if noticed, only with
ridicule aud contempt, lie is despised by hi->
former free-soil associates, and hated by those
with whom he is now connected. The two af
ford capital illustrations of the honest, upright,
unambitious public servant, and of the schem
ing, over-wise, unscrupulous politician. Their
histories can be pondered with instruction and
FOREIGN NEWS —The Africa arrived at New
York Friday afternoon from Liverpool, bring
ing news to the 24th ult. The British are
carrying on their war in China with great vig
or. The dates from Canton are to December
16. The prospect seems to be that that city
will be destroyed. The Chinese, on their part,
have set fire to the foreign factories, and the
whole of that part of the city would appear to
have been consumed already. Three banks are
described as burning, without any possibility
of saving them. The British, ou the other
hand, were about to pour shells and rockets
upon the Chinese quarters. The destruction
of life and property must be immense.
The Persian war is also being urged with
unexpected activity. A British fleet lias tak
en possession of the island of Karak in the
Persian Gulf, and appeared before Bushire on
the main land opjiosite. That place, the prin
ciple commercial port of Persia, has 110 means
of defense and must surrender. At the same
time we learn that a British corps of 5,000
men, under Brigadier Chamberlayne, said to
be one of the ablest officers in the East India
service, has reached Cabool, with a view to
aid Dost Mohammed to defeat the Persians
and recover possession of Herat. This war is
regarded with dislike by the English people,
while The London Times announces that noth
ing less is in hand than the conquest and an
nexation of Persia.
The settlement of the dispute between Prus
sia and Switzerland has been officially announc
ed in the Prussian Legislature. The prisoners
have been released by Switzerland, and BOW
the question of sovereignty over Xeufcbatel is
to be submitted to a Congress of the European
Powers. This announcement the Prussian
Chamber received with cheers.
payment of the semi-annual interest on the
funded debt of the Stute of Pennsylvania was
commenced at the llank of Pennsylvania, in
Philadelphia, on Monday moruing, by Mr.
Fennimore, the State agent. On that day
$619,000 was paid out, and on Tuesday about
$20,000 more, making in all some $639,000,
of which amount of interest about two-thirds
go to foreign holders of the bonds. The whole
ainouut of the semi-annual interest payable at
this time is between s9oo.oooand $1,000,000.
SPANISH COIN. —We have received various
inquiries, says the Washington Star, whether
the bill which has been before Congress in va
rious shapes for the last year, relative to de
preciated Spanish and Mexican small coin, has
become a law, and if so, when it goes in opera
tion. We have to soy, that a bill fixing the
rate at which these coins will hereafter be re
ceived by Government, and requiring them to
be sent when thus received to the mint for rc
coinage, has gone through both houses, but
that in passing the House of Representatives
amendments were made to it requiring the fur
ther aetiou of the Senate, and the bill is now
before that body. The bill provides that it
shall go into eilect from and after the date of
its enactment. The bill is not compulsory in
its provision?, but it seems probable that on
its passage the people of the country will lake
concerted action to drive this miserable cur
rency out of circulation. In this city some of
our leading merchants have in anticipation of
the final pa. soge of the bill, taken initiative in
refusing the coins at more than the depreciated
rate of five, ten and twenty cents respectively.
In New-York city the ferry companies have
taken the same steps, and a similar movement
is being made in Boston, Philadelphia, and
other. The real value of Spanish qu nicrs a:
silver, making allowance for wear, xx-., is sta
ted to be about ninety-five or ninety-six cents
to the dollar. On the twelve und a half ceut
pieces the depreciation is from ten to twelve
per cent, and the six and a quarter ceut pieces
from twenty to thirty per ceut.
Titßßtnr v . C 'TASTitoi'li G.— Four persons burn
ed to death. —The Eimira Gazette of the 27th
ultimo says : One of our employees, who was
at Bath yesterday, brings us the particulars of
a melancholy accident and loss of life which
occurred 011 Benny Hill, about four miles south
of Bath, on Wednesday of last week. Elder
Havens was engaged in boiling a cough pre
paration, which contained some ingredients of
a combustible nature. By some means the
preparation took fire, instantly en.eloping the
whole room in Hamcs. There were live per
sons in the room—Elder Havens, his wife, two
daughters, uged two and fourteen, and a son
aged five years. A stranger passing by dis
covered the fire a few moments after it occur"
red, and immediately rushed to the aid of the
inmates, and succeeded in rescuing them from
the liaiues and bringing them out of the house
and placing them 011 the snow. They were
most shockingly burned, and two of the chil
dren survived but a few moments ; Mrs. Ha
vens died the same evening, and Elder H.died
the next morning ; the remaining child is vet
alive, but so badly burned that its recovery is
considered doubtful.
Woe, CHOLERA AVD Hons.—This disease is
rapidly increasing. The Madison (Ind.) Cou-
rier says it has appeared in that city, in the
distilleries at Milton, and at Carrolton, Ky.
Large numbers, it is said, have uietl ft the last
named place, and about two hundred at Mil
ton. The hogs often die in half an hour af
ter they are attacked. The Vernon )Ind.)
Courier remarks that hundreds have recently
died of it in that county, and that sulphur in
slop has been found beneficial.
continues, and seems likely to do so until the
navigation of the Ohio river opens, as the dai
ly consumption of the city is not less than thir
ty thousand bushels, or one thousand car loads
per week. To transport that amount would
require about five hundred cars and sixteen
locomotives, a force double that which can be
furnished by the coal roads, without entirely
suspending all other business.
®a?-The Darrisburg Telegraph says, that
the first report of the railroad accident on
Saturday, near Middletown, were exaggerated.
One man had both his legs broken, and a few
others were slightly wounded. The unfortu
nate man, whose name we did not learn, was
brought to Darrisburg and quartered at Ka
naga's Dotel One of his legs was injured so
much as to render amputation necessary.
FROM DARRISBURG, we having nothing
important except the report of the Committee
in the contested election case from Philadel
phia city. The report declares that the pres
ent occupant, Mr. RAMSEY, is entitled to his
seat. A resolution was adopted paying Geo.
R. Smith, the contestant, four dollars per day
and mileage.
Yesterday was appointed as the day upon
which to open and count the return of votes
cast at the October election for State officers.
The Senate has postponed the House reso
lution providing for the election of State Trea-
NEW COUNTERFEIT.—A new counterfeit $lO
on the Harrisburg Bank, is in circulation. It
has portraits of Washington and Rittenhouse
in the centre—canal boat on one end, and male
and female on the other—with a train of cars
at the bottom of the note. The genuine $lO
has the State Capitol in the centre, with the
goddess of Liberty in the foreground, seated.
The vignettes on the euds are both alike—two
fight has occurred in the Missouri Legislature.
Bitter words between Mr. Darnes, (American,)
and Mr. Reid, (Democrat,) led to blows.—
Reid came up behind Darnes while the latter
was speukiug, and knocked him down. He
subsequently drew a knife on him. Reid is
the gentleman who commanded the Missouri
ans at the famous battle of Ossawatomie, in
Kansas. He in the leader of the Democrats
in the House
of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Sessions
commenced on Monday the 2d of February.—
Judges WN .MOT, CHCBBCGK aud LONG present.
In the afternoon the constables from the sever
al townships made their usnal returns, and the
newly elected constables gave bonds and took
the usual oaths of office.
The following persons appeared and were
sworn as Grand Jurors :— ■
M. 11. Laning. Foreman ; David Lnndou,
Warren Ayrcs, Robert Lilley, Marcus Ayres,
Hiram Mason, Nathan E. Bailey, John S.
Madden, Win. Barnes, G. W. Nichols, Joseph
Bull, John W. Payson, M. M. Butts, Julius
Russell, Geo. Bigliam, Stephen C. Smith, John
Gerould, Yolney M. Wilson, Horace F. Long.
The Grand Jury were discharged on Friday
of the first week of Court.
The following business was disposed of by
them :
Com. vs. John M. Pike a ill Philip P. Street.
—Charge—Forcible entry and detainer. True
Com. rs. Nathan Olms/end —For selling li
quor to Illinois und |>ersons of intemperate ha
bits. P. P. Jrwcet, prosecutor. True bill.
Com. rs. Philip P. Street. —For selling li
quor to minors ami persons of known inteinper
ale habits. Nathan Ulmsted prosecutor. True
Coat. rs. A. P. Smith, et. al. —For forcible
entry and detainer J. M. Pike, prosecutor.
True bill.
Coin. rs. Thorns Dolav and Bridget Dot an.
—Assault and battery with intent to kill. Da
rius Heath, Prosecutor. True bill.
Corn. vs. IZlisha Knapp and Trvht Guthrie.
—For selling liquor without a lieeuse. True
Com. vs. Daniel M. Moore.— For selling li
quor to minors and persons of known intem
perate habits. True bill.
Com. vs. Mores T. Cnrr r. —For selling li
quor on Sunday. True bill.
Com. vs. J loses T. Cnrri-r. —For sdling li
quor to iniuors and habitual drunkards. True
bill. •
Com. vs. Michael Tsmmon*. —Selling liquor
to minora and persons of known intemperate
habits, as the bar-keeper of M. T. Carrier.—
True bill.
Co;->. rs. ITorotio Morley. —Selling liquor
without license. True bill.
Com. rs. Jonathan Ada. —Charge selling
spirituous liquors, Ac. without license, by the
smaii, presentment to Grand Jury on Consta
ble's return from Durell township, in which
they return a true bill.
Com. vs. Martin Prentiss. —Charge selling
liquor to pcrsous of known intemperate habits.
Grand .fury return a true bill.
Com. vs. A. It. Jlcardslti/. —Charge selling
liquor by the small without license. True bill.
C dm. vs. John S. An isle and Andrew Over-
peck. —Defendants charged of opening the bal
lot boxes of Derrick township, after the same
had beeu by the proper officers deposited for
keeping after the township election. Grand
Jury return a true bill.
Com. rs. Albert G. Camp, Andrew Over
pexk aml John S. Angle. —Charge, unlawfully
interfering with election tickets and ballot
boxes in Derrick township, after the township
elect ion. True bill.
Com. rs. A'othan Olmsted. —Charge, selling
liquor without license by the small, P. P Sweet
prosecutor. True bill.
Com. vs. Philip P. Sweet. —Charge, selling
liquor by the small without license. Grand
Jury return no bill and the prosecutor, Na
than Olmsted, to pay the costs.
Com. vs. John O. Ward. —Charge, selling
liquor by the small without license. No bill,
and County for costs.
In the matter of the petition, Ac. for the
erection of a Fire-proof building for the bet
ter security of the public records, the Grand
Jury approved of having a building erected
for the public offices, and accommodation and
security of the records of the County, and for
no other purpose.
The following business came before the Court
and Traverse Jury :
Com. rs. John Rowlee. —This being a case
in the oyer and terminer, on charge of burgla
ry—the defendant and one Amos Baker, jr.
having been charged with breaking iuto the
house of Joseph Bormn in tne night, on the
3rd of September, 1855, and breaking open a
trunk belonging to said Joseph Borum, and
taking therefrom $75 in money, a true bill hav
ing been found at September sessions last.—
The principal witness against the defendant
being the notorious John Ruttcr. The jury
were sworn on the 3rd, and on the 7th, after
a full hearing, they return a verdict of guilty.
Com. vs. A. li. lieardsley. —Selling liquor
Ac., without a license : a true bill having been
found at present sessions. The court sentence
him to pay a fine of $lO, aud costs of piose
The court sentenced Hiram Horton to pay
a fine of sls, and costs of prosecution, for sel
ling liquor without license ou an indictment
found against him at September sessions last
Com. vs. Joseph 11. Wells. —Adultery, Ac.
Indicted at December sessions. Jury returned
a verdict of uot guilty, but that the defendant
pay the costs.
Com. vs. A. B. Smith et. al. —lndicted at
present sessions for forcible entry and detainer.
Jury find the defendant not guilty, but to pay
the costs. •
Com. vs. J. M. Pike and P. P. Sweet.—ln
dicted at present sessions for forcible entry and
detainer. This case is being tried on going to
Com. vs. yathan Olmsted. —lndicted at pre
sent sessions for violating the provisions of the
Buckalew law Plead guilty : not vet sen
Com. rs. P. P. Sired. —lndicted at present
sessions for violating the Buekalew law. Jury
Cud him guilty of four different charges. Not
yet sentenced.
The following tavern licenses were granted,
to wit :
A license to G. 11. Kstell to keep a public
house in Towanda borough.
Pavid Conable to keep a public house in
John Howard to keep a public house in
N. M. Reynolds to keep a public house in
Alba, Canton twp.
11. W Noble to keep a public house in
Standing Stone.
The application of John O Ward for a li
cense in East Troy, and Win. Gibson and Na
than Olmsted to keep public house in Ulster,
were, attcr a hearing refused.
A license was granted to Edward Spalding
to sell liquors at his place of doing business in
Troy-borough as a merchant dealer.
fifeiy The last week was characterized by se
veral days of mild spring-like weather. The
snow melted away before the south winds, rais
ing the streams very suddenly. The ice ii. the
river at this place, commenced moving on Sun
day morning, and passed away quietly, with
out doing any damage. Winter hus now, how
e/er, n. a mod her reign.
8C The Scronton Herald savs tlmt there
is abont $10,000,000 invested iu Coal opera
tions in uhd about Scrantou : and that over
4U.0U0 tous of coal are mined monthly Also
that the various parties pay out each month
from two hundred to two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars.
MAINE. —In consequence of the withdrawal
from the BTihernatoriHl chair of Hannibal Ham
iin, who has been elected to the long terra in
the United States Senate, Hon. Jos. Williams,
of Augusta, president of the Senate, will be
come the active governor of Maine after the
4th of March next.
tion sent to South America to obtain cuttings
of the sugar cane for the useof the sugar plan
ters of the Uuited States, has reached Deme
rara, after a prosperous voyage, and the ob
jects of the expedition were likely to be spee
dily attained.
fitaY* Hon. Andrew Stevenson, several times
Speaker of the lower branch of Congress, and
Minister to England, died at his home iu Vir
ginia on the 2Gth ult., aged 74 years.
liOng Island Sound is frozen over—
said to be " for the first time." From all quar
ters, there is evidence that this is indeed a ve
ry hard winter for the temperate zone.
WSf President Pierce has invited Mr. Bu
chanan to take the White House, and Mr. 13.
invites President P. to remain as long as it
suits his convenience.
readers recollect that the illustrious Snobble,
(whom nobody has heard of since he resigned
his claims to the U. S. Senatorship in favor of
his and old Buck's friend Forney,) while con
quering the Wilmot District last Fall, often
brought against Mr. Grow the awful charge
■of having the Toombs bill in his pocket.'—
That lie had pocketed the bill and thus pre
vented its passage, was the principal accusa
tion that this friend of Mr. Buchanan brought
against Mr. (_ft*ow ; and it is thought that
some few—whom party zeal could lead to be
lieve an itinerant blackguard in opposition to
the distinct statement of Mr. Grow that the
bill luv, unreached in the order of business, on
the S|ieaker's table, when the House adjourn
ed—even pave some credit to Snobble's asser
tion. For the benefit of such, if any such
there arc, we now proceed to prove by the re
cord of the proceedings of the House during
the present session, that Snobble's statement
was false.
In He- official organ of Congress, The Con
gressiun d Clobe, of December lSofi, page
161, we find this record of proceedings in the
House of Representatives :
" The following bills and resolutions from
the Senate were then severally token from the
Speaker's table , read a first and second time,
and referred us indicated below."
And 011 the succeeding of the Clobe , among
the bills so named as " taken from the Spea
ker's table," the Toombs bill is iucluded, as
follows :
" All Act (No. 356) to authorize the peo
ple of the Territory of Kansas to form a con
stitution and State government preparatory
to their admission into the Union on an equal
footing with the original States. Referred to
the Committee o*ll Territories."
So it appears that the " Toombs bill " first
came into the hands of Mr. Grow, ns Chair
man of the Committee 011 Territories, Decem
ber 23, 1856, long after the doughface cham
pion accused hiin of having pocketed it. How
ever, Snohble was as near the truth in this as
in most of his statements.— Montrose llepub.
SEAMEN.— Boston, Jan. 29. —The barque Cam
bridge, from Pernaiubuco, reports having spo
ken the barque Essex, from Boston, for Rio,
which had taken two seamen from the raft l>e
longiug to the lost steamer Lyonnais. The
seamen report sixty as having been drowned,
and that the remainder took to the boats, and,
they supposed, had been saved by passiug ves
At Peter WalliserY, Chilisuuake tp., Union countr.onthe
21t ult., after three day's illness, HENRY COLWAY,
of Burlington tp.. aged 72 years.
■A# TION—The next regular meeting of the Brad
ford County Teacher's Association will lie held at TER
RYTOWN, on FRIDAY, February 13, 1857, at n o'clock
A. M. Addresses will be delivered at this meeting by T.
J. Ingham, and Rev. A. Sutherland, and an essay read by
Miss Julia Horton. The subject of Teacher's Institutes,
and other matters connected with the subject of education
will be taken up and considered.
JAQ'iary Sccrtfflrv
Xcm 'AbDertiscmcnte.
FH. BALDWIN, having purchased the
• Marble I-actory of thin village, under the mm.
tendcnce of H. Hantord. the aubscri*r w happr to
nonnee Unit the Marble burnetii* in Waverlv will now )
conducted by him. He is constantly receiving IT A i i >s
AND RUTLAND M \ RULE, tor Mom,ment*
Tomb Talicla, an l Stand T.i|is, Paint Stones Mailers \r'
Having a c red the aervi. es of G. H. POWKK* who
known to be the most perfect Artist in the State he offers
unparalleled inducements to persons wishing to see™!
any of the above articles, in clitapne.-s, style and irti ;
cal beauty. s"usw-
Wavcrfy. N\ V., Feb. 3. 1857.
yj CLO\ EH SEED. Also a quantity of Timothy Seed
tor sale by JOSEPH POWEII
February 4. 1657. tu *
Between J. hmfishery's Sf J. Powells stores. '
Wttßßtk x subscriber would respectfully ten tier tn
w*hw customers and the public jrenendfr his sir
- iff Jgctre thanks for the very liberal patronage £
tended toll i m the past season. He solicits a continuance
of the same.
He would say to the public that he intends to keen eon
stantly on hand a choice selection of MEATS of all kinds"
the bc-t the country affords, which he intends to vj| t'r
very small proiits, either by the side, quarter or pound
Please five me a call.
#B"Meats, Ac., will be delivered on short notice when
ordered, at any phn c in the Corporation.
Towanda, Feb. 12, 1557. j. McCABF
'TRUSTEE'S SALE—By virtue of an or
-L der oi the Co irt of Common I'leas of Bradford coco,
ty. the undersigned Trustee of Augustus S Perkins Ss
rah W. Perkins. Geo. W. P. rkins, Lucy 11. Perkins and
S isiiu W. Perkins, Minors, will on the Utli dav of \i , r , l!
next, at 2 o . lock. P. M.. at the Athens Hotel, i„ the bi
rough of Athens, expose to sale at public vendue all the
right, title and interest of the said Minor, in the iindirid
ed live-sevenths or a tract of land situate in Athens two
bounded and described as follows : On the north hv t a , a
of Elisha Smith and Frederick Miller, ea-l hv ftunrel
Brown, south by T. Vangorder. A. Campbell, Z. Gib!*, and
C. iluttsicker, west by Samuel Sawyer, containing in the
whole 220 acres, with about 120 acres improved a tr im-,J
house and two Imuhs thereon. Tennes made known „t
the 1 l,e - „ , ln lo „ <>. 11- WELLES, Trustee.
Athens, lebruary 10, 1657.
THE subscriber hereby notifies the public
A that some time in De. emlier last, he cither hot n I
had -t len from hirn a LAND WARRANT for one hun
dreal and twenty acres of land. No. 703>jf>. issued to Ma
ria Watts, of Lyc lining county, Pa., under date or March
3d, 1855. on which was her blank assignment, dulv -j,.
cuted. All persons are hereby cautioned against purr has"
ing said Warrant, as no one has any interest in it event
£*>'• , r , Q A- B. SMITH.
iowatiua, reb. 9. lo7.
Jx. is hereby given, that ;dl persons indebted t.i thees
tate of Chaiupliu G. Brown, dec d late o| SiuithUehl are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and all persons
having claim- against -aid estate, must'present tLcmdiilv
authenticated for settlement, to the subscribers.
reb. 12, 1857. Administrator with will annexed.
"VTOTICK.—The Commissioners of Bradford
AX County have lixed U|m,d the following day., aud
dates respectively lor holding appeal-, viz :
Ulster, Athens*boro'. Athens twp.. Smith Creek. Ride
bery and Wells, upon Monday February 23d.
Springfield, Smitliticid, North Towanda. Columbia Svi
vania boro'. and Towanda boro". upon Tuesday Feb. 21th
Armenia, Troy twp., Troy boro'. Burlington boro', Bur
lington twp.. Burlington West and Granville upon Wed
nesday February 25th.
Canton, la-Roy. Franklin. Monroe', Monroe twp.,
Overton, Albany and Towanda twp. upon Thur,dav Ix-ie
ruary 26th.
Wilinot, Asylum. Durell, Tusearora, Wyalusing. Litch
field, Warren and Windham upon Friday February 27tb.
Standing Stone. Herri, k, Orwell. Pike.She,iieuuiu.Rumc
i and Wysox upon Saturday February 28th.
SS*~Tlie Assessors will ne punctual in delivering the
X-dices to the taxable, and in making tiu ir return* in
per-on on the day designated in theii Warrants, ~t which
time and place the Board of Revision will attend anl bear
all such a- think tbem-elves aggrieved hv svd Assess-
J ment, and make such alterations and deductions as ,hall
to them seem just. By order of the Commissioner*.
| Feb. 2. 1857. E. B. COOLBAUGH. Clerk.
I Paid tor work on streets and plank walks, 1222 IS
I Election board expenses, 7 50
j High constable distributing election notices, Ac., 6ID
j Secretary and treasurer's salary. lt>ss. 10 00
j Distributing app. i#notices, lsjj, 3 00
| Repairing borough tools, 7<i
; Repairing old engine house. 1 75
Dc.-k and tabic- for council office, H 00
Lost Crow-bar, 1 00
Extra police services in 1854, 210 -u
Interest oa borough scrip. 82 80
j Winding and repairing town clock, 25 uo
1 Xaid fire company premiums, 1" 00
j Rent of engine house lot, 25 14
I Kd 03
Account uith Collectors Boro' Taxes.
Wm.C. B 'gart l-.0. s7l 44 S4O 37 $3307
; Will. B Iton. I*sl. 28 S2 . ')0 $2 22 20 60
, C-C. Smith, 1652. 148 44 70 no .... 21 3> *SB 0
; < r ,l-o-4i 1:1.'2 05 402 77 152:- 28
$2242,73 $373.14 $6 00 $22 00 $1041.01
j Dr. A. P. MONTAXTS, TKEAS. Tow isM ftMCII Ct-
Balance in treasury B >rugh Orders re-
I Jan. 1,1856, sl4 52: deemed 1556. $864 54
Rec'd. from M'Alpine, 'Balance iu treasury. >J 12
lute treasurer, 1 00 j ——77
Rec'd from shows, 37 On', tO2- 65
•• from collectors, 573 14'
$625 66j
'Settled by judgment fur the amount.
TOWANHA Bcmoroii Oktikr ACCOI'ST.
Amount of orders is- 1 Borough orders can
sued ill 1856, $651 03, celled l s '6. 58® "
Outstanding orders, [Outstanding orders
January 1, 1856, 448 fHij Jan. 1, 1857, 533 j
110'J'J 9S| M
Amount outstanding boro' orders Jan. 1,1 s - • * "
O- D. Bartlert judgment 26th Feb., 1852, intcre-t
and cost, *"
John Devitie assigned to C.L.Ward debt, interest
I and cost , ,
i Borough scrip issued April 8, 1854, payable iu 3,
4 and 5 years on interest,
jyft.tD 31
There has been collected on special borough tax f ■- ,o
; and paid out on account of new engine hoie-e- la'"
[ ing being in an unfinisbed state, the cost of the ssm
not be reported. „
ULYSSES MERi ' R- Kar - M; "
January 24. 157. Town ■
Attest—A. D. MONT AN vr, Secretary.
We the undersigned Auditors of the
da, do certify- that we have examiued toe " j, 1( j
i Town Council and Treasurer for the *t o*•
them correct. JOILB j-Al'
\. J.
Towanda, Jan. 27,1557. '
i RECEIPTS asp F.xcgMUTrBES or POOR lb s "-- ~
! Paid to remove Irish family to native residence, • j.
[ J. B. Irvine, services Poor Master, l s o-' 3; go
C. K. Ladd services poor master and pliystci' , J'' •• j p,,
W. Brownaon for cash advanced to Sally H- 1 • jg
Wood for temporary relief per Mix, poor ius-' • ]jg
Digging grave for Green, 7 00
Two coffins for paupers. jn 00
Temporary relief per Mix. poor master.
$69 60
D. Vamlercook 1849 $2360 $ 02 $lO 40 „i- ~f l ...
C. T. Smith. 1852 38 63 69 55
I G. H. Eaton, 1855 167 55 !W 00 • _.
"—T7 *•!-—i {')3 13
$129 98 $' v 93 51" 4 1 -- ■ ' "
j Balance in Treasury, l >aiJ f '' r :[! r 'nl",surv.
Jan. 1. 1656. 49 40 Balance m frca ? uj7
I Rec'd. from M'Alpine, January . - _—
I late treasurer, 350 150
From collectors, 98 02
CHARLES K. -ADD ' overseers of roor
January 26, 1857. , , T ._, n di do <" ert ' f w
Wc the Auditors of the Borough of J°Tr ovf rsevr
; that we have examined the accounts f - f ( , r the
! the Poor and Treasurer of the 9"t \puRTE.
1 1856, and fiud thein correct. v j KEELER,
' .AtidlU^,
I Towanda, January 27.1637. —~\-
! tSure CIDER VINEGAR -a g< |iX ®
1 1 cle at m