Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 29, 1857, Image 3

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    Xcu! SVbDcrtiscmcnts.
SHERIFF'S SALK.— By virtue of a writ
,,f ti. fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, to
uir directed. I shall expose to pnl.lie wile at tlio Coitrt
11.>n-f. in tin' borough ot Towanda. on SATURDAY, the
- I_t ,i a v of January. 1*37. at 1 o'.-lork I'. M.. tlie follow
- oit ."<• or parcel of land situate in Towanda twp. hound
.' .faiiil drseiit-ed as follows : north hy land- of Kdward
,K. it 'ii and C. Moon-'- lot, south by lands of Ilinun Fox
.-on! Hiram M'Ciill and land lands belonging to estate of
j;,.,; unto AA'ilcox. dec'd., we-t.hy lands of Dennis M'Gill,
, iiitaimir-t about 12.1 acres more or le** about :t() acres
,„l i-ovt d. one framed house, one framed barn and fruit
trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of David 1".
11-irstow vs. James Nestor.
JOHN* A. CODDING. Sheriff.
Towanda. January 1, 185".
HK(I ISTER'S NOTICES.—Notice is licre
hv given that there have heen tiled and settled in
the offn c of the Register of Wills, in and for the county of
Bradford. accounts of administration upon the following
' "'i'uihY account of Minerva rotter, administratrix of
I'li-in R i'otter. late of Springfield. decea-ed.
Filial account of fi. E. Bradley, administratrix of Fred
c Hail, late of Canton, deceased.
Final account of 11. S. Lucas, administrator of Uriah
i im- is' late of Wells, deceased.
' Partial account of William Green, executor of Caleb C.
True late of Warren, deceased.
Filial account of William Gorselinc. executor of Enoch
S. Fowler, deceased. . ~ „
Fin d account of Charles and Francis \. Hornet, execu
tors n't Charles Hornet, late of AA'ysox. deceased.
Final accourt of Owen, administrator of So- j
•hrenia Patrick, bite of AA'ysox.
Final account of D. W. C. Herri, k. administrator of the
„ t l tc of Allen E. Thomas late of l'roy dec'd.
Anil the same will he presented to the Orphan's Court
of Bradford County. on Monday, the 2d day ot Fehruary
i , \t for coutirmation and allowance.
luxt JAMES H. WEBB, Register.
Register's Office. Towanda Dec. •>:. is.l 6.
SHERIFF'S SAFE. — By virtue of sunilrv i
writs o! vi nd. expo, issued out of the Court of Coin- j
r„OT pleas, to ...e dire. tol. 1 shall expose to public sale I
~1 tin' Couit H-uisi. in the borough ot towanda. on Mon- I
•hv the "M d i v of FEBIM* A RY". 1 o'clock, P. M-. the i
following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in •
s-pringfiehl twp.. bounded as follows: Beginning at the j
northwest corner of lot No. I* of the allotment of the i
liui'diam lauds, conveyed to Jonathan Wood : thence I
mi .fli 2j° west 102 and 5-16 perches; thence north wKi
i is't !I*7 and 3-1" perches ; thence south 2° west 77 and ;
pa uerche* ; thence along the north line o lot N'o. .74 i
n utl'i s 'I 0 west .12 and 7-10 perches ; thence along the j
north line of lots N'o. .lit A 50 north *:i° west ll'i and 2-10 !
perches : thence along lines of lot No. 82, eonveved to !
Orrin Scott, north 1° east 2.1 perches ; thence north 7H° j
w--t c and 3-10 perches ; thence along lines of lot N'o.
i,7 north l 3 east .'ll 310 perches ; thence north S'.tA 3 east !
;,s 4-t(i perches ; them e north 4° ea*t 10.1 perches : thence j
a! 'iig the south line of lot N'o. 166. south shJ 0 east 5s 5-1 (> 1
perches to the beginning, containing 125 acres and 8-10,
with allowance of li per cent, for roads. .Vc., he the same !
!r) r it being lit No. .lit of the Allotment aforesaid,
ami part of warrant N'o. 1156, about 100 acres improved, ;
1 framed house, 1 framed barn", a log barn andau orchard i
of fr iit trees thereon.
\ 1 .si) One other lot piece or parcel of land situate in 1
8- nitgticM twp. hounded north hy Ira Hoggins. east and j
-■' nth t v land - of 1,. ( '. Gleusnn and we-t hy lands of Win.
T. AV i'cuns and L. Gleason. containing aliout 8 acres
nr ri "r less, all improved. 1 framed dwelling house, a j
framed -tore house, a framed Viarn. a framed stable and }
sin-1. a dye hou-c and a few fruit trees thereon. I
Si- ' d and t ken in execution at the suit ol James K.
S.iav/e vs. Lucius French.
Ai.S;!—The following lot p.iece or parcel of land situate !
, , rv twp. liounded on tin- north hy lands of Vin-
Owen's, ea-t bv laials i f Vincent ami Hector Owens. .
- ii i v lands of Emanuel o'iu*aubis,and on the we-t by
* unu l Tubb*. containing about 112 acres more or le*-,
lib' t fifty acres improved, 1 framed house. 1 I'g house,
1 rimed "barn. 1 lug barn with an apple orchard and otli
i r fruit trees therein.
is:c ■ 1 am! taken in execution at the suit of Ihomus
!!,:t v-. David Hapeman and Aaron M irnlhi*.
A! .SO- The following dcscribei! b>t piece or pur <1 or:
a al-it- ate in Canton twp. bounded north by lands ot !
• Hotian. east by Charles Looni'n south by Roswell i
v, i. tr tbv landi of N'iram il •kw 11. emit lining 3IA !
, I-- m tc- or les.-. about 15 acres i.u; r .vial and a few ap- j
[ > fr<*C- t ;<T6' il.
Ai S-' —One other 1 t piece or parcel of land situate in
i -n two. bounded north by Win. Chain oil. ea-t by
H i Wright, south by Phineas Terry, west by lands of
i iHe. 1 " -mis, containing 3* acre- more or k.—.
I/ed id taken in executi in at the suit of John Sloan
-r v.. S'o ;ihen I'epiH r.
vl.S'l -Tlie following descrilad lot piece o parcel of
i . lie in B .rlingtoii twp. bounded north by land*
■' Ib- iry B. Wiihclin, cast ly land- of Ki nd ill.
- ' :f; dwe tbv l.u.d- la i ingic gto the iv-tate of Will, j
i ; •:; dec'd.. containing 21 acre l be the sane more or
If— a 7 ai re iinpr vi-1. with a lig house and a few
i. i tr — tlieivm.
, d IM! ' iki n in execution at the suit of 11. Comp- !
( • - • v-. Alex-imhr Watkins.
ii - i rite iil owing de-cri'id lot piece or parcel of
had -it cite in Tr v In i •' bounded north a: il we-t l y
- ol .bill I. Berry, ea-t by Canton strict, smith ly 1
nl- of M a !t- n A Bern containing 4 of an acre more ,
or less, all improved.
' ci taken in execution r.t the suit of Jolui I.'
I! •.-. J i •!- > Lathrop.
The • 11- witii. Oc- rii id lot piece or parcel of
iti- i , .standing St'in- twp. bounded north by
- '- if M ,ik Uompton.east by land- nf Alm-ou Taylor.
uulVi -t i.y tin-hiahii av. c 'litaiiiing about 1 acie
mon- or le -. all i.npr* v* di v. lii 2 franu-.i nouses one
,1 barn i id a few fi it trc-. the rwm.
v ired and : ikon iu execution r.t the suit of IE AA . Tra
. . Lewi- E. Gib! s.
The f"H n il.' dc-crilsfil 1 t pic e or parrel of
- 'n ilr in V.Miii' i twp. bouuikd noitii by binds ot
.too ai.d M .ry Ann Ingham bis w iie. ea-t,
ud vve t ! v lands o.'Mary Ann laiiinhir. i ontain- j
- *ii ie or iiaboi i .",0 neres improved,a log .
nig bar i and a few fruit tru - theiv u.
..! ■ ,|J • i,' - ii. <Xt uti' il at the suit ot Charles K.
Welles vs. Charles Heudrrcr.
Tlo roll owing il'-seriFfd lot pie e or parcel of ]
• iii St ••I'liu.' st me a i AVvai -in-, t >'vn-hi|i
.r;!i ly lam! AVnt.GriHis ami Uharle.- S.juiri
* 4 by land- of Isaac j'idd t-iah, so :th b}*tlic Sasijnrhan
- river, iv hy Itml.-ofE. AA". B.tird, containing about |
tacres more or hns, about 30 acre- improved, with a
• II ■; e •> framed baro, two waall shoe ekps and a
'■ '-re 'il.
! i.iki nin exc ■■ ti-.ti at the ol .'< : nol - j
< : V- : ,o. I [.. AA'a-hh 11.
• ' Ti c rii villi d luilf of a lot piece or parcel ot ,
. ' i t)vr: fin twp. hoimhd and vies-, rilenl
r: On the north by lands fortserly belonging to j
f i 1) i;' :i. t hi. now i'l n >s-es.-imi ot John 1". |
I'.- - • iid -uijth by land k'l 'wn as the Co 1 Compa- ;
west ■ y ! uad'of David Ua-'n, containing about 1
N ' i'r ■ : l.i c\'c • .tio.i :t the suit of K illin AA il- |
•v • A.'.i- irds and AVm. lb Darlingt m.
suit of J. C. Adams vs. Snilii) AA'ilcox, Shcf- \
!• \ •• !.
ALIO 1 i.- : i: ivriug lot piece or parcel ot land dtnnte i
'*• . .... north ly land of AA ot. 1 umnis ■
ky lar.ds l teljr -vrncd ly Orson Rickey, and land ol
I h ler, south by land of James Milieu* and Nathan 1
I ' ■ ii-ler, we-t hy public higkv ty leading Ir an Athens |
1 '" " t iF. : iyv.lle. containing about 2- a. re-, ah j
" • ' p., .... ;;,.j dwelling h" i. e. one brickb: rn i
rdiarii of fruit trees thereon.
■ AlA)—One other Brick building situate in Towanda
1 .'• ■ :,i j iv, t i,v John Burger and D. F. Bar
it hi lands of D K. Uarßtowand Ira H.Stephens.
' ! ■ tra ||. Stephens. - uth by liie ptii.lic
• i J'H fi rt front and 32 liect back : defendant s |
"ti liuThlirig being the basement and ujijit r
'ai '■ v t half of tlie story over M icfail me oi
right 'h ratrance in front of -aid hoillsng.
. '■ 1 '—line other Jot piece or parcel of laud -itoatc in
" b 1:1 l< d north by lands of O. i*. Ballard cast
-A - ;• aim t !•', t.-et wide, used fir -aid lot. which
t 1 laud- of V. M. Long, south by Main street.wc-t
H 1 '■ .'.aid. containing 33 feet front and 72 feet back
siit <•;" way on the back or north end of said
i f" t wide, all improved with a large I rick build-
I '-"I, occupied a- stores, shops, t A'c.. it being tlie
K ' the brick Mock in Troy borough.
F •'■ '! and t iken in execution a{ the suit of Ira Smith,
' L v-- Sidney Hayden.
L 1 lue foJbiwiiig fiencrilied lot, piece or parcel ot
f- '•:! Athens borough. Isininled norih ly centre
y '! dn stn-ct. • mitli ly I.imis ot Jaint- Smith
I. ■■ 1 ionaing t- Drexcl, coiituin'uig eiulitv
k ' 1 i'l eighty feet deep, more or less, all improved
m. . , '"lined ilvvi-Riiig house thereon, it being part id
1 '! ID, in survey made ly Orson ltickey for
■ Gil". rick.
® ' "ne other lot piece or land situate in Athens
io i!ii|, ,| north hy centre -treet. east bv other
I tin deteniUnt (Hoyt) south and wot ly lots be-
I • -hipiiimi Wells, containing 40 feet hy ll'i
re or less, a.I improved, with a framed barn there
t :taken in execution at the suit of J. It. Lewi.-
■j . x 1! •vt.
. / following lot piece orpaccl of Find situate j
; ' ;'t'- bounded and .h-srrils>.l as follows : On j
B 1 J" kinds of Orson <' truer and Alansmi Earner, i
~ ihcki rson aud AA'ni. Morris, south hy land !
1 'Try w.-t |,y t!i highway, containing s<i acres j
I about 17 acres improved, one log house, one j
• orn. t 0,,„.r shop and apple orchard tlicrenn. j
| • slid taken in execution at the suit of Lemuel H. I
■ ' V.''" l ' '• S-' ampbell.
I m- following j,,t piece or parcel of land situate i
s v a !). Ismmp-jj „orth by lands of Asa Bennett, j
I : ''f Asa Iteunett and Sanioel Reynolds, south |
y. . . " bond and land of Samuel Reynolds, west ly i
ami Asa Bennett, containing about 10 !
I : ! . r, . ." r iinnroved, 1 framed house, small ;
B- "* "I'd and mtcwMry for maiiufacturing bilk, i
I ,*" 1 -aid mill, umi a few fruit trees thereon.
F tiksn in execution at the suit of Robert •
7 ' O/c'r **• Jefferson Ii- Schryver.
4 1 "oaiug lot piece or parcel of land situate -
K' inkv! '*P- b* Winded and de-criht-d a> follows : On
■ > i iiid-oi i;.)is. r t Ktmpp. eu-t ly land of Ro- I
I'kaiid Itrown's creek, s-uith ly ! nid of IJoliert |
■Hid ol l'obeit K iai-p and LolCnZ J M. I
Riindell. containing about 2i acres more or less, all im
proved. one framed house, one framed barn, a small shoe
t shop and fruit trees standing upon said iamb
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas
Burgess to the use of John E. Goodrich vs. Alonzo Barnes.
ALSO—The defendant's interest, supposed to lie tlie
| undivided hall'of the following described lot piece or par
: eel of land situate in the borough of Towanda, hounded
north ly Henry Essen wine's lot. eu-t l.v Main street,
south ly lands of John !•'. Means, we-t by 2d street, con
taining 107 feet tront, 2'J4 feet deep, lie tlie same more or
less, all improved, with a large trained iouudry building,
machine shop Ac., thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Joseph
Row ell, now to the u.-c of I. L. Lamerenx vs. 11. L. Lam
i erenx.
ALSO—The follow tug lot piece or parcel of land situate
in AA'ell- two. bounded and described as follows : North
by lands of James Criswold. Benj. Ingalls and Nckeiniah
Rath bone, west ly lands of James Criswold, south bv
lands of Alvali Young and Davis A Mutt, east by land of
AA'm. Ingalls and Geo. AA'ilcox. containing aliout" c.o acres
more or less, about 30 acres improved, one log hou. e.aiid
a house frame and fruit tree* thereon,
i AI JSC—One other lot in AACUs twp. bounded and di
sci ibed as follows : North by land now in possession of
the said John Roberts and Molt 5r Davis, cost by George
AA'ilcox and AVude Beordsley, sonth by Daniel Holdiidge
and Gabriel Swayze. west by lands "of James (lii-wi-bl,
containing about 100 aci-es, more or less, about 4ii acres
improved, one framed house, framed barn and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. Hutchin
son ,v Co. vs. John Robert*.
ALSO—Tlie following described lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Sheshetp'.ili twp. bounded North l.y lands
of John Randall, east by land of Newton Kinney and
Ralph Gore, south bv land of Comfort ('. Gore, wc-t ly
1 nidi of Davidson & Gore, containing about A an acre
more or less, all improved, with one trained house with a
Cooper shop attached, and a few fruit tree.-, thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. K. AA'oed
ruffand A. L. Cra inner who have survived Phideliu Smith
vs. Hiram AA'. I.adiew.
Towanda. January 1, 15.17.
1 IST OF JURORS drawn for February
XJ Term, 18.77.
citANn Ji"nous.
Burlington borough—M. J1 Spriuglieid—N itliau F7. Bai-
Betts. ley, Robert Hard well.
Canton twp.—A". M. AA'ilson .Smithtieid—John Gerould,
David Latidon, Roh't Lilly Horace Niles.
Granville—George Rrigham. South Creek—Hiram Mason.
Marcus Acres. Troy—Horace Long.
Leroy—A'einilla Brrne. Towanda North—AA'illiuut
Monroe—Joseph Bull. I Barnes.
Onveli—Joint l'ayson. jt'l-ter—G. AA'. Nichols. '
Dike—Warren Acres, Kte jAVysox— M. H. Lanning.
phen C. Smith. AA'indhaiu Julius Russell, J. •'
Rome—Gersham Towner. | S. Madden.
Athens twp.—J. K. AA'right.| smi. Henry M'Kinney.
Setli Moriey, Jr., Saiiiuel Afoiiroe AA'm. W. Fowler.
Huff Orwell—Samuel C. Wells.
Athens horo'—William Hau-jl'ike—Sliehhin I'avne.
cock, L. M. Bin hard.Johu'R ime- S. C. Maun. Smith
Palmer. | I .ent.
Asylum—Geo. Gamble, Reti-jßidgliery—Andrew AA'ehb.
bin Barnes, C.Schoonover. John King-ley.
Albany--Elienezer Hortou. Springtiehl- H. S. Grover,
Myron Kellogg. j Era inns Wilder, Perry
Armenia—Alba Burnhuni Harkness.
Alfred Bipiev. Ismithtield- Cbarles Biggs.
Burlington—Justin Moriey. Sheshequiu—Marvin Love
lhirlington AA'est—Jesse B.| lace.
M'Kean. |l'l-tcr —S. C. Hovey.
Franklin—-■< harlesStcpliens. Wv*ox—l-'erdinaiid" Allen.
Granville— A'oluey Taylor,! Well-—Andrew I*. Bowman.
AA'm. Bunvou. j Wyalusing— 11. D. Ciuitlee,
Hcrrick—Thos 1!. Brink. H i Rufus D. Cleaviand. Hugh
1.. I'lieip*. Andrew Over | S. Frazer, Jnsti* Lewis,
peck. j AA'iiinot—J.' •. Crandall.
Lclhy—Lafayette AA'ooster.i Warren- chauucey F. Case.
H.J. St inc. CUas. Lanibj Aaron Corbin.
Litchfield—Samuel 1 >av id-!
Albany —Benj. Vandyke. tSjningtield—Charles French
Athens twp. -King Hulett Waiter Mattock*.
I>. F. Clark. |-aiithiield - Abt-I J. Gerould,
Armenia—laac AA'illmtn*. Edwin 11. French.
Canton—Ward Warren. Eld.iil'uscarora—Morrison Mont
i.andon, B ;el Smith, Join j gona iv.
Newell. :rr >y tvp.—John Thomas,
Franklin--AA'm. A. Rockwell I Cluirle-Strait. N". Byron
I.itciiield--Johnson Roger- ( a-e.
I.eR iv—Thos. G. Irvine, Da Try horo' Nilson Fish. N.
vis Vandyke. M. Cnrnocluin.
M in roe tp. -E. IL llortoti. Fowanda twp.—llennis Mc-
A. 1.. Craumer. I Gill.
M c.roehor !>. N. Newton j Towanda North - Adolpli
(iverto.i—Wni. Faucett, Jas. King-biny
llevcrly. AA'arren—Sidonmu King. J.
I'ike—Ae.en Steven*. 2d. j Beard-Icy.
Route— Cii i*. AA". Woodruff.[ A'indhatu— l>. M. Br.iiuard.
Rid^hery—Smith H. 11;! j -A' i-ing—Homer Camp,
a X i- hereby given, that all pcr-oli* indebted to the es
tate oflillo. SILK, decea-ed. late of Hcrrick town-nip.
arc hereby requested to make payment without delay:
and all p( r-oii* having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenti ated for settlement.
I'eecniher 27. 18.76. Admini-trator.
I >ROCI AM ATION. Whereas, the Hon.
I D AVID Wll M<>T. President Judge iff the 12tli Ju
di -5:4.1 Di-trict. con-i-ting of tin Counties of Bnidl'oid and
Suspiehanna. ai d liouorahle Aakon CiiUßrao k. anil
Jons F. Long. A socinte Judges, in and for said county
of iiave is-ue<l their jirrcept bearing date the
27th div of Dec. A.!>. 1 >7.;. to nic dire i 1. for h-ddiiig a
Court of t Iyer and Terminer, General (J..after Sessions of
the Peace, Common l'le.:* and (irphan's Court, at Towan
da. for t!u County of Bi dford. on the first Monday, the
2d day of FEBltr \BV 10-xt. to continue two week-.
Notice i- therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and j
Justice* of the Peace and Constables, ol the County oft
Braib'or I. that thev t-e then and there in their proper per-
- >ii. at 10 iiYi ek in the t'i>i> ii'•• n of said day. with tiicir
record.-. in.|':i iti"!:-. i;nl other i one in brain < - . t>> d > those
things which t>> their otlb e appertains t be done ; anil
tiio <■ who are hound by recognizance or otherwise to pro
secute again-i tiie prisoner- ho are or may lie in the jail
of said Co uity, or who .-hall be bound t > appear at tl.e
- lid • i a!. aie to he then ami those to prosecute against
t'!• in as -ii di ej i -t. Juror are reqeestrd to he punctual
in tin ir attend a. e. ogricioly to tiicir notice.
Dated at Towatnia, the 2 tii of Dei . in tin year of our
laird, one thousand eight handled and tii'tv-six. ami of
tin: Independence of the I uited States, the severity
ninth. JOHN CODDING, Sheriff".
!IST OF FETTERS rniiiuiiiiitgin the I'ost-
J office at Tovi .iuda, January 1, ISoT.
Adams J S Hem in Horace
Ay res Sip lire licra.iii Daniel
>w>n. n I. M IIME M iry I'i
Itrad.- nl Coal Co il aigiaii Aiklhov
rti.ike James lve-on Mi-s A M.
!! dger John Jackson Mis-Surah
Dennett Tims, Jessen Albeit
Crowley Aim Kerwin John
( use Lucius Kiiapp Hirini
Cninner t'liarl itte Kennev Kiliiuind
carter Menjaium Lewi- liirani
Co Iran Miss Phillip
t'a.-eAnn M'Snlev Jerome
(.■or:ell Philip W Mor-e \Vm
I 'lieevcr Janii - F 3 Morrison Win
Ooverdale Win. Jl'Ulonc John
C'ltiimings Harvey Menardi A E
Collins Martin M't r.icken Wealthy
Con!) John Mohan a Ann
Catli'n Win 1.. Miilaney Thus
Dougherty James 3 Noble Helen A
Dougherty Ellen. Newd! Sur.tli E.
Dougherty Tims l'iielan Edw
Denison Johu W Potter Thus (i
Ellis Win Pierce S S
Ellsworth J' ha linger- Ellas 2
Foster L -tt jr Humlall Win S
IVi ly Thomas Silt H M
Fox Abraham Sullivan Danl O
Griffin Morris Southwell H M
Grace Phillip Str.itton Saml
Gibson E C Steinlert Christian
11rifHn Henry Spear RoWrt
Granger Patience Sullivan Timothy
Gould Win C. Thompson Sarah Ann
H nt in Mrs A E Tolardy Perthcne
llortim Orvil Tracy Ann
Hill Win. V eils Mi-s L L
llaat'ian Chas T Wiley .Mm 2
Hornet Edward Warner D V
Hirshman Simon Weed Augusta
Halaran Mary Walburn Geo
Zahner Margaret A.
Persons calling for any of these letters w>II mention
they are adverti-cd. H. ('. PoHTKIL P. M.
t"MRE IXSURAXCE. —The tindersiiriied is
agent tor the following safe and reliable Companies:
Farmer's Union Insurance Co. . Athens, Pa.
Capital , f 2ii0,000.
Stale Mutual Insurance Co. . Jfarrisburg, Pi.
Capital, $200,000.
(Heard Insurance Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa
Capital, $300,000.
These Companies insure against !•> or A image bv lire
on the most reasonable terms. Dwelling Houses, lurui
tun . Warehouses. Merchandize, Ac., and Farm Property
in-ureil for am length o$ time. All losses w ill be prompt
ly paid. ' C. S. ItCSSELL.
Towanda, December 2.*.. ls'O.
DRIED PEACHES, a few very nice ones,
also Dried Berrien at m FOX'S
M ESS PORK, Cheese, Hams, Lord, Brooms,
. and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX S.
/\RAX(iES, Lemons, Nuts, Eijrs, Raisius,
V/ flriinc-, Date ' .tion.uud otkir fruit in their fa
sou at I OX'S.
CIIERIFF'S SALE.— Rv virtue of sundry
k C writ* of vend, exponas, issued out of tlie Court of
Common Pleas ol Bradford County, to nie directed. I shall
expose to public sale at the Court House in tlie borough
of Towanda. on Thursday, J ANL'ARY 1 o'clock.
P. M., the following described lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Springfield twp., bounded north by lands of j,.
\\ hippie and A. AA right, ea-t by hinds of C. Huriress.soutli
bv lands of A. AA'hipple, west by lands of L. AVhipple.cmi
taming 12 acres more or less, all improved, witli a log
stable and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Hiram
ispear v*. Joel Be- kwith.
A LSO—The defendant's interest, being the undivided
Aol the loilotving described lot. piese or parcel of i iinl
situate in Spriiigtield twp. liounded north bv the public
highway leading from Ea-t Troy to Smitlifu'hl. ea-t by
the- highway leading from the county road to Burlington,
south by land of Peter Perhamus, wi--t by C. Dickenson,
eoiitiiiiiing Inn acres he the same mote or le—.all improv
ed, one li.lined house, one framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram
Spear vs. 11 11. Kctehinn.
ALSO—The follow ino lot. piece or parcel of land situ
ate in Spriiitiehl twp. hounded north by laud of A. Wood,
ea-t by the highway, sonth and west by land of J. C.
Grace, containing about 26 acres, more or le**, about 16
acres improved, one slab -lied and a few fruit tree- there
ALSO—One other lot piece or parcel of land -ituate in
Springfield twp. hounded north by land of A. Cole. J. C.
Grace, L. Grace aud T. Leonard, ea.-t by land of Russell
\onng. soutli by hind ol Rec.-er and fi. Young, west by J.
I . ((face and A. Wood, containing about 47 acres, more
or le**. about 2 I acre* improved, one log house, one fram
ed barn aud a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at tlie suit of Hiram
Spear vs. James C. Grai e. Jr.
ALSO—-The following described lot, piece or parcel of
lond situate io AA \-ox twp. beginning at the southwest
corner of A. Wicki/or'-1 >t : thence soutli B;i° ea-t 104
and 3-10 perches to the northwe t corner ot N. Park-' h t;
thence south 1° we-t 12 t perches to the soutli west cor
ner ot said Parks' lot; thence north nj 3 west 104 3-ln
perches to a white pine for a corner : thence north 1°
east 123 perches to the place of beginning, containing s j
acres ami 17 perches more or less, about 20 acre- improv
ed, a log house, log barn and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Burton
Kingsbury vs. George Lenox.
Sheriff's Office. /
Towanda, Dec. 22, 1556. i
B if Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the
costs, will be required to he paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and U|im a failure to r nil ply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again he offer
ed tor sale. JOHN a. CODDING. I
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of ;i writ
L-J ol T'e-t A'eud. Expo, issued out of the court of com
mon pleas of Susquehanna county, and to nte directed, i
will be exposed t" public -ale at the Court House, in the
borough of THURSDAY" the I.7th day of
January, 18.77, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell twp.. Brad
ford co.. Pa., bounded north by land of ('. ('bailee, ea-t
and south hy-land* of i. Potter, and we-t hy the public
highway, containing 60 square rial- more or less, all im
proved. and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of F. 1!. .Marsh
A Co. vs. T. G. iiaight.
T iwind i. lie". 22. 1*76.
TpXECI TOR'S NOTICE.— AH persons in- j
lJ del t( d to the estate of JOHN W. BESLEY'. dec'd.. j
late of Columbia town-dip, are hereby notified tiiat pay
ment must be made without delay, and ail persons having
claims against said estate are requested to present them
dulv authenticated Ibr settlement.
D>s'ciii!*'r 20.18.76. t Executor*.
A. Chance for 33ai grains !
tl" HOUSE AND LOT now occupied hy her,
JJJ jL situate in Smitlilicld township, about two mile
-8 j i iAtßp soutli <>f tite centre, on tlu- raih -
jHKSSThe lot contains TEN ACRES of land, plea*,
autly -ifu.tted and well watered, upon whieli is a good
dwelling bou'c. out-biiildings, and a.spring uf water,being
well adapted for d.iirv purpose-.
Also, a large quantity ot HOt'SEHOLD FCRNiTI'RE.
eompri-ing almost every article needed in a I'umilv. A
quality of HAY will also be sold.
For terms, which will be reasonable, enquire on the pre
Smitlifield, Dec. 17, 1-76.
1 I I. L C S T R A T 11 1) .
Messrs. G. D. PI INAM i ( 'O. having now published
the first volume of the li.i.r.-TiiAir.n EDITION ok HIVING'
Eikf. OK AVa-iungton, Ixiug the coiuplete life of Washing
ton lie.on- tlie R. vol iti .n.are ready to furnish the sami
t i snb-cribcrs , hkk OK POSTAGE, mi the receipt of J3 50
Single numbers -out, post paid, to any part oi the Union
on the ;•( -eij-t of 27 cuts.
Tin Ml .wing ; .:idu ( nieuts are offered to Club*, de-iring
to suh*crib( to this magnil; cut and national pal ligation:
Any per-on remitting lour subscription* for the tir-t vol
ume. comprising fourteen numbers, will be entith d to five
copies, fii i of poi taee. Clubs of six, remitting f'2l. will |
be e.ititlcd to two extra copies of the volume, or an extra
copy and any otln r of i'utnam .V Go.'s pul licatimis of an
equal value. (Tubs of twelve, remitting #42. will he enti
th d to lour extra copies, or an extra copy and a complete
set of Adili-on's works, in six volume*, (h livi led free of
postage. Tlie same premiums will le given for a like
number of subscription* to the succeeding volumes. Ea'ii
number of the Illustrated Washington will contain one,
and every other number tivo (ii-t chiss steel engravings or
maps. In addition t < the steel engravings or map-, the
work contains numerous wood engravings illustrative of
historical .subject*.
CAUTION.- Persons subscribing for the Life of AA'asliing
toii should lie particular to obtain the only work which
must forever remain the standard authority." li ving's Lite
of Washington bear- the imprint of (7. P. Putnam -V Co.,
tlie only publishers of lrving's Works.
"Every Ameriiau should put this work on his book.-helf
side by side with hi* bibb-. Let your ehildri n read it.and
learn iiy the example of the Great Washington tlie lesson*
of patriotism, moral courage, perseverance uudcr difficul
ties, which the history of hi- life affords. AVe know of no
Ameri-an hook which we had rather own than this ; it i*
worth a tlum-igid of tin- Ir:i*liv jiublications which the
press i- dai 1 v -coiling birth." — Scientific Amcrirtm.
G. P. PUTNAM A C No. 321 Broadway. N.Y.
- MUSIC! musi c: MUSIC J
/ A Has the honor to announce to iiis scholars and pa
trons generally, that he will return to his former duties in
the course of two or three weeks, and. hiving during his
stay in Philadelphia, enjoyed the musical acquaintance id
tiic most eminent performer.*, both vocal and instrumen
tal. with whom In- had frequently the honor to perforin,
lie hope- t ' he able to give entire satisfaction to those who
wish t i patronize him during the coming session, and will
pay particular attention to the
Persons wishing t > take lesson* w'H please leave their
ii one.- at cither of the follow ing places :
Towanda Mr. Dittrich's ;
Wysox Dr. Ingham's or Mr. Failing's ;
Dure!! J. M. lii-hop's ;
Moiiroeton Mr. Hornet's or Mr. Mullen's ;
Greenwood Mr. Naglec's:
Holloii Hili Mr. Morton's or Geo. Irvin's;
Highland Centre .Mr. (iuyer's. I>ec. 17, 1 *76.
1 V Ash Sliamokin. stove and small egg.
60 tons Piltston small egg for stoves.
20 tons lump coal for foundry purposes.
For sale'- v de. lo BAILEY A NEA'IN'S.
li j- j JillLS. COMMON SALT; 10 Übls.
I" "A ' Rock Salt for packing salt, just received by
Pec. 10,1856. BAILEY A NEA'IS'S.
\J tons for sale hv BAILEY A NEY'iNS.
2Voticc Highly Important to Xlffany!
bjaHK subscrilicr takes this method of notifying those in-
JL dehted to him that all note*, accounts and judgments
of more than six noiiths standing, must he paid ininu ili
itcl y and w itoo'.t further notice. He earnestly hopes that
he shall not he conijielh d t ■ enforce collection from any,
but lie will be under the necessity of doingso, unless pay
ments are actually made before tlie Ist day of Jan v next.
Towanda, Dec. 3. 1*36. JOSEPH POW H.L.
OUR FRIENDS are invited to examine tlie
most coiuplete assortment of WINTER GOODS ever
offered in Towanda. and if experience in the purchase of
Goods is worth anything, those who lavor us shall have
tlie advantage of it.
Among the noveltie* of our assortment, we offer REA
DY'-M APE CLOTHING without a seam: as also other
Clothing. Ladie*'Cloth Talmas and cloth for making
the same. A large assortment of Dret> Trimmings and
other things too numcr u* to mention.
To the farmers we would say. that we can supply then
GROUND PLASTER cheaper than they can get it to go
Nov. 23. 1856. MONTANYLS.
hand, and wiil keep constantly for sale at TOAVAXDA,
a large supply of their coal, at
jij ()0 par ten for JHackmith Coal, and
50 per ten far Ruled Coal.
Apply for coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK, Co.ll
will also be sold at THE MINES at
$2 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and
$2 50 per ton far Raked Cool.
\ liber il discount will be made mi *a!rs bv the boat load
O-.t. 3D. I*l-7. EDW I) OA EKTOX, President
rpXECUTOR S NOTlCE.—Notice is bere-
IJ by given, that all person* indebted to the estate of
ELIJAH WHITEHEAD, deceased, late of PIKE town
! ship, nre requested to l ike payment without delay;
| those having demand* again* t*,\id estate will present them
dulv authenticated for setth mi nt,
j Nov. HI. 1 SAti. IREN E WHITHEAD, Executrix.
A DMIN'KS. NOTICE.—AII persons in
i i* debtcd to the estate of JOS. COXGDOX„dee'd,
j late of Litchfield township, are hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and nil persons having demands
i against said estate are requested to present them duly au
| thcnticnteil for settlement. SAMUEL DAVIDSON.
| Nov. to, 1850. Adinini-trator.
i 1 V is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
; tateof Peter Cron, dee'd. late of Standing Stone, are re
que-tcd tn make payment without delay ; and all persons
i having claims against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated tor settlement, to the subscriber*.
N'uv. 25 1858. AfainMnioi.
a i* hereby given, that all persons indebted tn the es
tate nf \\ \I. < HILSOX. late of •*, lithtield twp.,dee d, are
requested to make payment without delay: and all per
son* hiving claims iw ciii*t said estate, must present lhe:u
duly authenticated for settleme it to the subscrilier.
Nov. 27. 185 C. Administrator.
-a \ j* hereby given, that ill persons indebted to the es
tate oi l-.I'HU \IM IK >AIt I>M v\. late of Wiuiliiam town
ship, dec il.. are requested to make payment without de
lay : and .ill persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly aiithenti ated for settlement.
Hee. ft. 1556.* WM. Bt) A RDM AX, Administrator.
ot an order of the Orphans" Court of Bradford coun
ty, will be exposed to publie sale on the premises, on
S VTI'HDAV January I, 1 -77. at 1 o'clock. J'. M.. a cer
tain house and lot situated in the borough of Canton, anil
late the estate of Malvinu A. Rogers, dee'd. hounded as
follows- Beginning at a po-t on Union street. GG frit west
from the corm rof Union and Centre street, the same lift
ing the south-west corner of lot Xo. si. thence northerly
on the division line of Xo*. s] and so, 1.30 feet to lot Xo.
si*, thence westerly along the line of said lot Xo. S3, so
feet to a post, thence .southerly on the division line of Xo
7'' and so. i.,0 test to Centre street, tlience easterly along
toe line of said street. HO feet to the place of beginning.
1 he same being lot Xo. so. in the new village plot of Can
ton. Terms made known oil the day of sale.
Dee. 10, 1 s.oi. S. It. LATHROP. Administrator,
'i lie above sale stands adjourned until Saturday the 31st
day nl January. 1*77. at lite same time and place.
S. B. LaTHROP, Adm'r. of M. A. Rogers, dee'd.
Jan. 8, 15.77.
IX. of an order issued by the Orphans' Court "of Brad
ford countv, will lie sold on Wednesday, 24th Dec. ne.\
1 o clock, P. M.. on the premises, a lot of land situate in
Pike t|i., bounded north lv lands of Edward ('ran all.
east by lands of I'. Bostwieli. south hv R. W. Coolbaugh.
west by Wyahising creek, containing'about so acres, and
GO acres improved with good buildings thereon.
ALSO—Another lot of land situate in said township,
bounded north by lands of Seth Blukesloy, jr., east by
lands in possession of James Featherhv, south hv land's
of.). Burroughs, and west bv P. Dost wick, containing
about 23 acres, all unimproved.
Administrator of Edmund Saunders, dee'd.
December 1. IsSG.
OI ICE t> Delinquent Collectors, Dealers
Merchandize. Patent Medicines, Ac., and Keep
ers of Eating Houses and Distilleries:—
The several delinquent collectors of the County of Brail
ford previous to 1*7,0, are hereby notified that unless their
duplicates of State and County 'taxes are settled by the
lath of December next, the amount due thereon will he
left with the proper officers for collection. Also, all deal
ers in Merchandize. Patent Medicines. Ac., and keepers of
Eating Houses and distilleries, who have not taken their
Licenses, are required to take the same bv loth December
next, or they will be left with a Justice of the peace for
collection, agro-abb to tin Act id A**einblv in such cases
made and provided. K. C. KELLOGG, treasurer.
Towanda, Nov. in. |s.-,i; |>,. r \. ,i Kkw.xr. Deputy.
\ I DITOR'S NOTICE. — fu the mutter of
the estate if J.J. Il'urford, dee'd. hi the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County.
The iindor-i.gned. Auditor, appointed by aid Court t-' '
list! ibutc limds in the hand* of tin- administrators of said
estate, will attend to the duties of hi* appointment at his
'lice in the b .rough of T'.wuiida, on Friday, the 30th ilav
of January, ls.>7. at one o clock in the afternoon, at which
time ami jilace all pel-sons are required to pre-ent their
claims or il e be forever debarred from said fund.
Dec. 15,1856. G. 11. WATKINS. Auditor.
1 I DIIORS NOTK E.— In the mutter oj
-* * the c<t tie of Isaac linsencrantz, dee'd. —ln the Or- I
phans CiH'rt of itradfoi d Count v.
i'hc undersigned, Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute binds in the hands of the administrator of said |
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his ;
office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 2d day
of I-ebruary. I*.i7. at 1 o clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else lie forever deliarred from-aid fund.
Dec. 1.7. 1858. G. H. W ATKINS. Auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.— In the inciter of
l\ the estate of H'm. t ecker, dre'd. In the Orphans' |
Court of Bradford County
Notice i- liercl-v given, that the undersigned. Auditor !
appointed by said i oiirt. to distribute fund* in the hands j
ot the Executor of the -aid e-tate. will attend to the '
duties ot hi- appoint moot. at the house of It. It. Tuttle. in '
Sinithlicld, on Saturday the 21th day of Jainuirv, 1-77, at 2 j
0 clock, i'. M.. when ami where all persons having claims j
upon -aid funds must present them, el-e forever be de
barred from the same.
Dec. 2,. 1858. 11. B. M'KE XX. Auditor.
V EDITORS' NOTICE. // ./. Mad ill, er
1\ eeutor of tlerander Midill, dre'd., or. H'illiant I
Carl. In the court of Coiiiiuou Pica- or Bradford Co. Xo. :
7IP. Septeinlier T. t-72.
The undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to!
distribute the _funds vv i-eil by Sheriff sale of defendant's !
real estate, will attend to the duties assignedhiiu at his \
ollice in thebot'o lit j owatida. on Tlllir-ilav. the 271 li (lav I
ot January. A. D. !-.i7. at one.o'clock in the afternoon
when and where all persons having claims an- requested
to pre-ent them,or be foreverdebarred therefrom.
Dec. 15, Is.iC. i,. h. WATKIXS, Auditor. |
1 EDITOR'S NOTICE In the mutter of\
•* * the estate vj 11. J. Stone anil the minor heirs of H.
S. Holeovth. dee d. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford j
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by -aid Court to j
distribute funds in the hands of the trustee'raised by the
sale ot real estate, will attend t (the duties of hi- appoint
ment at the office ot Adams A Overton, in Towanda born'
on Thursday the'ifith day of. January. A. I). 1K77, at one
o clock. P. Jl.. when and where all persons interested are
requested to attend, or lie forever debarred from nnv
share of said fund. D' 4. OVERTON, Auditor. '
Towanda. Dec. 23, IS.7G.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty. will be exposed to public sale on the premise*. on
Saturday the 21th day of January next, at 1 o'clock. P.
M.. the following property—
All the deceil.uit s interest in a piece or parcel of land
situate in the town-hips of Smithlield. Springfield and
Ridgbery. containing about ninety--eight acre* oi land aid
bounded oil the north by lands oi' John S. Johnson, Win.
Leonard and Michael Dacey. on the ea*t by land* of Orrin
\\ ilcox. on the south bv lands of Samuel Gates, and on the
west by lands ot Benj. Brown, atiout forty acres improved
with a log house thereon, late the property of Wm. Chil
son, deceased.
Terms made known on the day of sale.
Dec. 15, lnofi. It I PCS ('. HOSI.EV, Adm'r.
LT\ECI TOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is lioro
-1 J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
GEO. W. COtlK deceased, late of Durt-ll township,
to make immediate payment-, and all person- having de
mands again-t said estate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
December 22. 1R56. Executors.
EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is hero-
J-J by given that letter* testamentary upon the e-tati
of Br avion A.Baldwin dee'd.. late nf Franklin tp.Jiave been
granted to the subscriber. All persons indebted to said
estate are hereby requc-trd to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
tiiem dulv attested for settlement.
Di r. 22, 1856. Exceptor*.
LMiOUR of diflVrvnt qualities. Corn Mestl,
1 Br in and ('lo-p. Also sunie very extra Familj
Flour warranted of superior ipialitv I'o- 'do .t ' (iV'S. "
COLE LEATHER.—.Inst receiving an ex
O cellctit lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is reapertfully invited.
Nov. 22. 1*77, J. D. HUMPHREY.
\\"HITE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and
It by the pound, at myl4 FOX'S.
IJ at the -tore of H. S. MEROUR.
(''ANDY —A large stock always on hand
J and sold at wholesale at pedlars'prices at FOX'S.
*alc at Whol-. -It or iLta-,1 fiv ll.>. MLiiCUJL
AVlmltsale and Retail Dealers
B* P' dPt a j ! ,i|l in H.itdware end Stoves. Iron
| jpj Nail*, Sk*li. Glass, paints
,|:|.,il|||'!!, kind"Carriage trimming*.
!i!i lil 1 !'!!!'! .!(' jli ! H% Heat ( loth- and lau e*. Carriage
and Seat Springs. Car
"SjySf 1 ( iitfis' and Joiners' Plane-.
rytl other Tools—Cross Cut, Mil:
I —and Circular Saws, Blacksniit!
Tools, Billow*. Anvils. Vices.
Hammers and Screw I'lates,
Axes. Broad Narrow.* Lath atul il.inil H itilicts—'"aitc,
I.og. Trace inJ IJaltr, Chains, Crowbars. Pick-, Shovei
aiul Sicilies.
I'Ot'KET \XD T \RLE CUfLEßV—Shears and S.-is
sors. Edge Tools of all kinds. Urn-sand Enameled Kettles.
Shovel and Tongues. Spoons anil Indies. Tubs and Pails.
Mops and Washboard*, and all other kinds of hou.-e-ki i p
ing implements.
In the H MMi AVARE line. Brass. Briltania. Jappam-d
and Plain Tin Ware, single or in-etts. Bar. Bind. Scroll
and Hoop Iron. Steel of all kinds. Nail Rods. Ac. Pump*.
Lcail Pipe and all the nt—essary lixtuics for water work*.
Patent. Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather,
and Ist,(Kin other articles too numerous to mention, that
we are now receiving direct front the hands of manufac
turers andim (ftcr*. including the largest assortment
and greatest variely of
Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and.Wood Parlor, Dining
Room. Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Northern
Pennsylvania or Souther n New York; all of which we
are now prepared to *i II at wholesale or retail, at a* low
rates, and on as good T Kit Ms as eau be found this side of
New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought
nflir-t hands and in full packages and large quantities,
that gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and
Dry Good- dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from o to
17 per cent, les-, than any (if them, which advantage we
shall ofier to any who will favor us with a call before pur
chasing elsewhere.
A large quantity of'l'ia ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows
always on hand, u hole-ale and retail. All kind* nf Job
Work done to order, on short notice and warranted.
Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and H ARD
WARE cheap—-one iloor South of Fox's, and nearly op
posite Tracy A Moore's, Main street, in the new Wood
Building, lettered adorer.
Grain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittani.i
and (.'upper. Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees
wax wanted for goods.
lo.OUO Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price
in CASH will be paid.
Tow,inil i, Oct. 25. IS7G.
BRINGS BERN A SON, bear leave to
• call the attention of their friends and customers, a* |
well a* all others wishing to buy Good* Cheap, to their !
well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY G<JUiiS. j
consisting of a great variety of
Silks. Shawls, l'uniiiii ttas, French Merinos. Cashmere.!
Wool Plaids, Wool DeLaines. Ac. Also, a choice selee-•
tion of Merimje, Choceco and other styles of fast colored !
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, i
Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Trimmings, White Goods. Ac.
Denims, Ti( ks. Drills, Linens. Cambrics, Bleached and '
Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Baits, Twine, Car
pet Warp. Ac.
In addition to the above articles, there will always tie
found a tnll assortment of GIttH.'ERIKS, Croekerv and
Glass Ware :1! t- and Shoes, HaL*and Caps, Nails, Fish,
Paints, Tuii*. Matt*. Ac.
Returning individually our thanks for pa-t patronage,
we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attention of our
old customers and the public generally, to au inspection
of oar extensive New Fall and Winter Stock.
Tow anda. Sept. 10, 1 *7O.
fFHE subscriber ontiiiimes to carry on the
1 Foundry business in Towanda. and Is prepared to
do nil kind* of work in hi* line on short notice and in a
workmanlike manner, lie will keep on hand or make to i
order Plows, Stole*. Mill Iron*. Sleigh Shoes, Wagon-'
Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may be required, j
Turning ami ntting up work will lie done ou short notice
and oil rca-onalile terms. Pcr-ous wishing to purchase
Stoves of any kind will liml it much to their advantage
to buy at the Foundry, as they can he repaired much
cheaper. Please call and examine before parch tsing clse
whrre. Old cat irm and Grain taken in payment. -
Don t mistake tlic place -one door ea-tof Mcrcur's Block.
S/T~ 1 would also say to t't i.-e having accounts stand
ing over -ix months, that they mii-t be settled without
delay, and those having note- lliat are doe will do will to ,
pay up and save co.-t. JOHN CARMAN.
T "vand.i. • let. 22. 1 SAG.
I X Ridgbery township, about half a mile from the pub
lic house of B. F. Buck, containing about one hundred
acre*, sixty acres improved, of which is bottom land with
a comfortable log house and frame ham. Enquire of the
subscriber upon the premises. M. CHAMBERLAIN*.
OctoU-r 2"2, 1 *.*►<.
r | I HF. subscriber i* now receiving a large stock of FALL
J and W INTER GOODS, w hidi lie i c-po- t'- Mi invites
the public to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY.
Towanda. October •>. I*7G.
nS. MERC I R is now rcceivinjr a lartri*
• Stock of FALL GOODS, to which the attention of
the public i- requested.
Toivauda. Si pi. Id, ISSii.
K \ i E 1 : DOM
is slid to he the inevitable result of the coming election: I
it i* also said that tin- gloriou* Union i- in danger : 1*• |
that as it tinii we k:i .v that a terrible -turm is gathering 1
in the political heavens, which will soon hur*t upon u* in j
all it* maddened ti ry. But we would say to the citizen* t
of Bradtord, lie il it h >t : '( wiil pass harm!e"*i.v )>y. Sam j
however, storms of a difli rent nature w ill g.itlicr in a i
wintry -ky. which w ill cau-e you to tremble like an aspen,
unless you procure the necessary protection. Now. it is
the-e kinds of storms that we propose to prepare yon to
meet. We have just received an extensive and splendid
:L*SOI tlorllt of
j)i:v goods a.xd clothixg
for the FALL TR ADE, which ivr will sell at New-York
city prices. Our motto is, " t.i.iick sales-and .-mall profits."
Will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the
goods they need. Our shelve-and drawers aro crowded
with artich -f r tin ir u.*e. We call special attention t<>
onr veer stulrs of FANI'V SILKS, the finest the touikot
affords. SIIAWLS. hroche. Hay state and ea-hmerc, of
all size* ami qualities. L ADIES' DRESSGOODS, French.
Engli-li and American Merinos, plaid and striped IV
latino*, plain ami figured Alpaccas: in fact everything
usually Kept in Dry Good spire*. First-rate calico at (•
cent* per yard, good muslin at 7i cent*. A fine assort
ment of BONNETS. /. dies' Collars, f 'ndrrsirerri
kerchiefs, Litres Embroideries, (iluvts. Hosiery, ffc.
Oar Olothiugr department
1- replete with fashionahle goods ; Overcoats front * t tr
■*2(l. iuisiitess coats from *3 to ilj, vests all prices, pint*
I'rnni $2 to JG. A general assortment of unilerch t iiing
collar*. Am CLOTHING made to order if required, am'
upon the shortc-t notice.
&*■ Don't forget the place, in I'at-ton'.s new block, ror
ner Bridge and Main street*.
Towanda. September 3, 1 son.
Cask paid for Pelts & Wool.
Towanda, September 3, IHSG.
T>OOTS SHOES—The Itirtrost, lic-t ton]
1 ' ('ln .ipe*t assort mcnt this ride of tEmpire Citv im.v
befonnil at Je2i TRACY A- MOOItITS
Q TONS SUGARS—Brown. Refined, Pow
') deieil. Crii*hcd and Granulated : Molasses Syrup. Bio
and Java Coffee, ltlce, Sileratus. Ginger, Sperm* Candle-, j
Rice. 'l-iliaei iwin fact a general variety of Groceries, for j
sale cheap at juiie'.t FOX'S.
-A fer for -ale this Fall a tir-t rate a-soitment of Ap
plc. Pear, Cherry, I'each, Plnni and Ornamental Tree*,
of all the best varieties. We call e*|iecial attention to
our apple trees. Tlicv arc a years old, and ucompassed by
any in the nru ki-t. Tirms reasonab.e. Orders should be
rent in soon. Catalogues sent on •onHeatinn.
AorvTS—O. T. Bart left. Towanda : llorao Heath. Cl
ptcr: George lfcatti, B.irlitigton ; Jl. put. SwiUhfidd ;
11. W. Browning, li uuc ; Wiu. Doans V iudhsm.
tfliocella cous.
Another large Arrival of
HS. ME ECO; is DOW receiving the largest. iw
. sorted. id mo :t dc-iral !e stock of C<>. ds thai has
vet Gen offered in Towamla. Consi-ting ofcverv varied v
of SAPEE A .XD FANCY I RY GOO/. S, fiUnlv ait,
Crr rhery avd Glass irare, Boots and Shot*.
Hots, Cops, Staaic Goods, Car jets, 3] ai
ling.*, Woodtn-ware, Groceries, Paints,
11 indow-Gloss, Gils,Noils,lron,
Steel, Pish, Leather,
wliicli wili tc sold at wholesale or retail at very low pri
ces. The public are very respectfully rcque-teu to exam
ine the Stock.
T .wands, \prll 21. I*s.
OWI-XiO, N". Y.
VRI-. now i.i receipt of and opening the choicest and
tiioet de-irublo dock of
am! Faiifj Dry Roodti,
I to which they have ever had the pleasure of celling the
attention of the c. mmunity. ttor tak is very large, and
-■elected with great care ariil a< km-wi. dged good taste. ttnil
is particuhnk adapted to the wants of this and thv sur
r >unding section*. Our st rk of
Pn ss Gc ids, /rihtniivgs, Ribbons, Tim braider
| us, Pa, Ch ths, Cassimeres. l i stings,
Jhvicsticx, Shirting*, J 4-itens, Prints,
Hosiery avd Shawls, ij-f. Ac.
and nnin'.e; h *s otln r articles make- our assortment better
than r y oil,, r in this vicinity, all of which will he sold
as cheap, and iiianv articles clic-uper. than at K;IV other es
tablishment. to all of which we invite the inspection of
purchasers, us being in every reaped worthy of tin ir at
Those who may favor us with a call mar he assured that
no article will be recommended more highly than its me
rits will admit of.
Owegrf, May 8 !*>. B. GOODRICH A- CO.
Watches, Jcwc ry and Fancy Goods.
\ -M. WARNER has just received n large
• and splendid assortment of WATCHES. JEWEL
EV A FAXt'Y GOOD*. wki'U are "(Vied for sale on the
lowest t( i ins. C ill at Warner's, M iiii st. above Bridge.
To wan da, July 8, lhjti.
TRIE snligcriher calls attention of the pub
lic 11 his SEEING STOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will be said at the lowest
possible rates for cash. O. lb BARTLETT.
Towamla, April 24, 185fi.
Jl). lll'Ml'P )•'' is just receiving ft ge
• neral assort riOOTS & SHOES, suitable for
the spring trad
Also, an excellent assortment of LEATHER, comprising
HO sides Sole Leather. !)•) side- I'pper. 200 Call Skins,
together with a general stood of Kipps, Linings A Find-
Towaiida, April 3,1868.
EMSH.—No. 1 uml 1 Mackerel and (A>dfi.-li,
* ='t may 14 _ MERCER'S.
' i :;t M. K. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door
South of Mercur's stonl, Towamla. May 20, 185(i.
IfXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap
J at FOX'S.
. ones in hah barrels, al-n Mackerel in half and quar
ter barrels, at jIS FOX'S.
HI'MPHREY A Wk Kii.vM ire now receiving in their
New store. We-t side uf tlw J-u 1 •!square, a large
and well selected stock of
(ROCKERY, 4-l\
BOOTS AND SHOES in great varietv and style, coin
prising Ladies' M Uses' and Children.-" (Jailers— Bootees,
I'.itskms and Slippers ; Gents', boys'. Youths' and Chil
dren- Boots. Brognn* and Shoes, la th Eastern and home
manufactured. A general assortment of Gents' Ladies'
and ehildrens' overshoes, liubiier Boots. Ac.
A full assortment of Bootml Findings, Role and
I'pper leather, Calf and Kip -kin.-, Morocco Linings and
La-e leather.
Towamla. Nov. 25, H.TR.
I GST—Between Towatida and I). M. Hull's
i Farm, iii North Towandn, on the 17th in-t., a small
leather wallet, containing aisu.t one dollar in siher
change, a note of f:if) dated May, 1855. given by me to
D. M. Bull, and some other papers. The finder is reques
ted 11 leave the same at the office of the Bradford Repor
ter, or return it to mc. JERK VANDKRMAHK.
N. B. I also offer for *a!e THREE HORSES, which will
be of very cheap, and t > which i invite the at
tention of those w isliing to purchase,
tftnroe Sw. 15. (Ml. J. V.
fTAKE NOTICE.— Ran away fromtbemh*
1 my smt MKRWiN STROBE, without any
j'i-t rea-;i. and I there ore forbid all persona tru.-ting
him, as I sliail pav no debts lie niuv contract after this
date. ' ' WM. STRODE.
Rome. cr 2.", H.ofi.
r piIKFiEM OF MONTANYES A- CO. has 1. en dis
-1 snlveo by mutual < cn-i-nt. WM. A. ROCKWELL
having ithdrpwii. The business w ill hereafter be con
dneted tinder tin- name of MONTANYES- -having aso
eiated with the firm J. D. MONT.VN YK Jr., aid F. P. MON-
T im k. We tru.-i v. ii'i our pr> sent facilities for the pur
chase of Goods, that we can make it an object for C ASH
( I'STOMFRS to examine our -lock. which has been laid
in with cat care to suit the full trade.
to" Ali ac--aints due tin nl-l film. as also nrU- that
arc d- c. a-, f e..]>rrlftl to bt j-uiif without further nr.tiet.
August 1 s.,(j. MONTANYES.
REACHES and Tumatocs,inrans,
1- warranted "erfecllv fr -h at FOX'S.
r )\ " t Fox. Deer, am! other Peltry wanted. f->r which
the i.L.hest priee v id be paid at MONTANYES.
/ CAUTlON—Whereas, my wife HELEN L.
\J lnls left my lad anil hoard without any just cause or
provocation, I hereby forbid all persons I rusting her on
my account, as 1 will pay no debts of hei contracting af
ter this date. TUTS A. DAXKS.
Spriiighill, December 20, 1
OR\\EST KIRS IT, AWM A TK— 1 3log-
I azir.t for lioqs an t (Erls, l e.-ins :t -ixth volume in
January. D.,7. it is edited by MARK FORRESTER, the
well known writer for the young, who, the tending public
will la ar iu mind, i- c-mnei tod with no other periodical.
T c PLAVMATK has been denominated BV an eminent
writer, as '• the law Yonii's M AI;AZIM: VI-BMSHED."—
flic publishers mean to kci-p it s.. k, emlicilishments new. and the reading matter almost wholly original.
An entile luitnh r might he filled with commendatory
notices of the press. The Family Gazette says—" No pa
cnt who cares a button for his oh,ilium's welfare, can
-peud .1 dollar more profitably than in subscribing for the
i't. ivv ATE.''
But we prefer to let the M ignr.lne tell its own story.—
rinse psn-nt- who have any ehuiee about what their chil
•hou red -'o-uld -übscrine for it. If it does not so-tain
t -elf, after a trial, no recommendation of others would be
if any benefit.
T. I'CM .—Tin-PI ivi.l-to is ptibli-hcd monthly, at ONE
>i)LI.AK a year, in aiivant e. To clubs. 73 cents per eo
v. Letters enclosing innv.rv mav be sent at our risk, if
directed to " W1i.1.1 AM GI'ILD k CO.,
I'd Washington st.. Boston. Mas®.
\\ r A. CH A.MHKRLIN lias just rituniml
It • run New \ or", with vi rv e\'en-iye find tron
tiful asior uieot o* \Tf Hi-.S. Jl-,\\ ELBA . ( !.()( K--.
and FA k'Y fJOODS. t > wlticfihe invite- the partieular
atten io tof hi® customers. Yon may find at his establish
ment Watches of everv variet v, at nriees from ? - to f I AO.
S i every one can be suited. Please call aud examine
his -tock.
i-s- Rt-niemla-r the place—one door south of the Post-
Offi e. we t side iff tt- n tilie square.
Towandtt, Dec. 2t. ItSfi.
AI IS. MASON has rotuoveii iit-f Millinorv
it I establishment to one door soi th o'' 't. K'i<'-b>—- •
Son's V *re. (formerly Chamtv-rlin'- Jewelry Store) wln-re
she ba "pen-da Drue a-sort-run,t of MILLINEBt
Slw m ites the 1 nHe to call mil-varaine bor F-f-tck.
Tow,ti 'a. in ; iter 2.'. 1- >•;.