Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 22, 1857, Image 3

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" ;,,I>IFF'S SALE—By virtue of n writ
J" incited out of the Court of Common Plena, to
U l ' fli 4 i hill expose to public sale at the Court
* of Towanda. on SATURDAY. the
taSr! IW7. t 1 o'clock P. M.. the follow
•<J1V Ir. cfof land situate in Towanda twp. bnund-
P ief , e ° r r L,i as follows : north by lands of Edward
jj ioJ lle " ~. jfoore's lot, south by lands of Hiram Fox
ntert" 11 "utii'ii and land lands belonging to estate of
Hid H iram wik .„ x . dee d., west by lands of Dennis M'Gill,
Bnj m ! n 125 acres more or less about 30 acres
framed house, one framed barn and fruit
;5 ,.,p ved. one
''dand taken in execution at the suit of David F.
vs. June* Ne!< toj^ HN A CODI) j NG sheriff.
NOTICES —Notice is here
in that there have been filed and settled in
I* bv the Register of Wills, in and for the county of
;*' r A aocuunts of administration upon the following
* u,f " V account of Minerva Potter, administratrix of
rf Potter late of Springfield deceased.
• account of H. E. Bradley, administratrix of Fred
acclaint'oflLLucas? "administrator of Uriah
MffltamGreen, executor of Caleb C.
of'wniiam"Gorseline. executor of Enoch
and Francis X. Hornet, execu-
M'harles Hornet. late of Wyaox . deceased.
W FijKo V nt of Samuel Owen, administrator of So-
of D. Wet? Herrick. administrator of the
.r I'm E Thomas late of Troy dec d.
theme will la- presented to the Orphan s Court
rfftard County, on Monday the id day of Fehruary
lHt for confirmation and K ,,, i>ter .
Rririster's Office. Towanda. Dec 27. I K -' , o
PHKRIFFS SALE —By virtue of sundry
S writs of vend. expo, issued out of the Court of Com
sulfas to me directed. I shall expose to public sale
sihe Court House, in the borough ot Towanda. on Mon-
The 2d day of FEBRUARY, 1 0 clock, P. M.. the
" xing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in
n (vti P1 (i twp. hounded AS follows: Beginning at the
of lot No. 58 of the allotnient of the
I:.Zrn lauds, conveyed to Jonathan Mood: thence
',, o W( .. t 102 and .510 perches : thence nortu 89$
'a u and 5-10 perches ; tlience south 2° west 77 and
Lnlies : thence along the north line o! lot No. :,4
".hor- west >2 and 7-10 perches: thence along the
' -h line of lots No. 53 A 50 north 80° west 110 and 210
,;U -thence along lines of lot No. 82. conveyed to
Scott north 1° east 25 perches ; thence north .I*°
Mini ">-10 perches ; thence along lines of lot No.
"•" rib r cast 31 3-10 perches : thence north 89| 0 east
.lio'uerches : thence north east 105 perches ; thence
■Vic south line of lot So. lOtj. south 88$° cast 58 5-10
! ,rh<-1" th'-' liegiuuing, containing 125 acres and 8-10.
'V chowanee of 6 per cent, for roads. Ac., lie the same
*7, it beinglotN"o.s!> of the Allotment aforesaid,
warrant N'o. 1156, about 100 acres improved.
house. 1 framed barn, a log bam and au orchard
rfin'.t tires thereon. _
t l;sii_One other lot piece or parcel of land situate m
- -?g!ield twp. hounded north by Ira Hoggins. ea.t and
•I'Ti I.<ll' Isof L. tlleason and west by lauds of Wm.
• V iiums and 1.. C. tlleason. containing aliOtit 8 acres
. 'r less, all improved, 1 framed dwelling house, a
house, a framed barn, a framed stable and
•*' i live house and a few fruit trees thereon.
T •. Unci taken in execution at the suit of James K.
sjwov-. Lucius French.
-o The following lot piece or parcel of land situate
; :,. r v twp. bounded on tin- north by lands of Yin
. ell- east h\ lands of Vincent and Hector Owens, ,
v iumls of Kiu.uiuel Onnsaulus.and on the west by
T :l.!is. containing almiit 112 acres more or less.
■ *v .o ii-s improved, 1 framed li itise, 1 hg house,
ik.rn. I log baru with an apple orchard and oth
m i- t'.iercoH
v. jr.l taken In execution at the suit of Thomas
I'.tnd Hapeiiiaii ami Aaron Marcellua.
- fhc following descrilied lot piece or pared of
jst..!e in canton twp. bounded north by lands of
> ; by Charles I.oomis south by llosw. il
we-t v.v lands of Xiram Rockwell, containing 314
■ji r. ..rU-ss, about 15 acres improved and a few up
• x- tacreon.
- -tine otiier lot piece or parcel of laud situate in
me. hounded north iy Win. Ch oil. east by
~u sun til hv IMiineas Terry, west l.y lands'.'
• I. .inis. containing :1* acres more or less.
| s „i ,uid taken in execution ui the suit of John Sloan
. Stephen Pepper.
- i The following described lot piece o parcel of
-it-ante in Burlington twp. bounded north by lands
--rv B. Wilhelni. east by lands of El am Kendall.
> m.l we t by lands belonging to the c-tate of Wm.
A. (io-'d.. containing 25 acres be tlie same more or
I- Tout 7 acres improved, with a log house and a lew
fg'.nc- thereon.
v i ami taken in execution at the r lit <>f H. Comp
\l(xandcr WatkitH.
••i - The billowing Uc-cribed lot piere <>r parcel of
it .ate in Trey lew o* liouudid north and c 4 by
• Jala, i. Berry, east l,y < aiiten street, south by
■ M mlton A I terry, containing 4 811 *' re more
, all improved.
;'! ami taken in execution at the suit of John I.
•- v., J i, .ib t.'. Lathrnp.
•o Tiie following described lt piece or pared of
- ate in Standing Stone twp. tmunded north l-y
ilalk Coniptou, east bv lands of Alanson Ta> <r.
.1 we-t by the highway, containing about 1
-~r less", all impreveil with "J framed houses one
: mi and a few fruit trees thereon.
- land taken in execution at the suit of 11. W . Tra
• b wis K. tlihbs.
>• The following deserilied lt piece or parcel ol
' ' lite in tVilmot twp. bounded north by lands of
v. .no Ingham and Mary Ann Ingham his wile.east.
>'.j west by lands of Mary Ann 1 winning, contain
.tan- more or less, about 50 acres improved, a log
- i! - :.ani and a few fruit trees thereon.
".si slid taken in execution at the suit ol Charles F.
• sr., I'kjyles Henderer.
-i Tlie billowing described lot pic e or parcel of
in Standing Stone and Wyal using townships,
bv land of Wm. flriflis and Charles Squire*,
and" or Isaac Midd.mgh. south by the Susquehan
- wc-t by lands of E. W. llaird. containing a out
mure l,r less, about 30 acres improved, w .lha
CTUIV'. a trained barn, two small shoe shops and a
' us irp-s thereon.
* .oid taken in execution at the suit of Nicholas
"v 1 v< l/ivd L. Washburn.
-"'-The undivided half of a lot piece or parcel of
• • ate in Overton twp. hounded and described its
" on the north by lands formerly belonging to
•ifi" ,t Darlington, now in possession ol John F.
0- sa-tarid south by land known as the ConlCompa
' JC-1-. tr-st by land'of David Cash, containing about
mure or less.
" . c.d taken in execution at the suit of Itollin Wil-
A. KihvariN and Win. B. Darlington,
utile suit of J. C. Adams vs. Itollin Wilcox, Shef
"" The billow ing lot piece or parcel of land situate ,
-V twp. bounded north by laud of Win. Thomas. |
arid- lately owned by Orson Rickey, and land ol .
•* V ilr. ..iiitU by land of James Miller and Nathan
v r-t by public highway leading from Athens
I i." Pi Kicturyville, containing at>out 28 acres, all
'' large Brick dwelling house, one brick hi rn
f "Ball orchard of fruit trees thereon.
1-sj -One other Brick building situate in Towanda
■'-iwuudtd west by John Burger and I). F. Bar
ih by land" of D". F. Barstow and Ira H.Stephens, j
• Urid of Ira 11. Stephens, south by the public ;
' 'sing 3si feet front and 32 I'eet back"; defendant's |
•aid building being the basement and upper
•-1 the west half of the story over M.tcfarlanc s of
"'"the right of entrance in front of said building.
- v ' " it- other lot piece or parcel of land situate in ;
north by lands of O. I*. Ballard.east
" die) about D! feet wide, used for said lot, which i
• to iar.ds of V. M. lang, south by Main street.wot !
Ballard, containing 33 feet froiitaiid 72 leet hack.
"Af right ol wav on the b.ick or north end of said ,
■ Vet wide, all improved with a large brick build- '
- sua. occupied as stores, shops, Ac., it luring the i
of the brick block in Troy borough,
and takeu in execution at the suit of Ira Smith,
"■ V". Sidney Havden. J
, The follow ing deserilied lot, piece or parcel of
"f*tl>y Main street, south by lands of James Smith,
;i -at belonging to Prexel, conUiuiug eighty
ttand eighty feet deep, more or less, ail improved
-'Earned dwelling house thereon, it being part of
, ''id in, m survey made bv Orson Rickey for
f "ther lot piece or land situate in Athens
• '"ounjed north by centre street, east by other
; '"e 'leleud-iiit (Hoyt) south and west by lots be
'•' s hipriwu A Welfs, containing 40 feet by 110
*'r lew, 4 || Improved, with a framed barn ibrie
| - - in.| tak- uiu execution at the suit of J. B. Lew is
| ' Hy-t.
' the billowing lot piece or parcel of land situate
i : 'v|i. Isiunded and described as follows; On
|., 1 lands of Orson Oarncr and Alanson t'arner,
I .7~~~'hcki-rson and Wm-Morris, south by land
a r-t by the highway, containing 50 acies
a'smt 45 acres improved, one log house, one
1, v, '"•' "per shop and apple orchard tliereon.
"d taken in execution at the suit of Lemuel 11.
I oi' " r ''' ''ampbell.
|p "• follow jug lot piece or parcel of laml situate
| , tp. bounded north by lands of Asa Bennett,
|: -Tii', f '^ >a Bennett ana Samuel Reynolds, south
F : r B'md and laud of Samuel Reynolds, west I y
t - ynnlds and Asa Bennett, containing about 10
B" ." '5 a " improved, 1 framed house, small
p j"''! and machinery for manufacturing 1-ith,
t , -"It" -aid mill, and "a few fruit trees thereon.
ur. taken in execution at the suit of Robert
h .-'I " T , r " l "rs vs. Jeltersou B. Scbryver.
I 1 foliiuving lot piece or parcel of land situate
I ,' n tvs !" bounded and described as follows :On
4 ' " ' 4l "ls of BoViert Knwpp, east by land of Rn-
I ; i Jid Brown's creek, south by laud of Roliert
"T b ; ' dof Robert.Knapp and Lorenzo M.
Rundell, containing about 2$ acres more or less, all im
proved, one framed house, one framed barn, a small shoe
■ shop and fruit trees standing u|M>n said land.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Thomas
, Burgess to the use of John E. Goodrich vs. Alon/.o Barnes.
ALSO—The defendant's interest, supposed to be tilt
undivided half of the following described lot niece or par
i eel of land situate in the borough of Towanda, bounded
: north by Henry Essenwine's lot. east by Main street,
! south by lands'of John F. Means, west by 2d street, con
i taining 107 feet front, 294 feet deep, be the same more or
' less, all improved, with a large framed foundry building,
| machine shop Ac., thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Joseph
; Powell, now to the use of I. L. L&mereux vs. H. L. laim
I ereux.
ALSO—The following lot piece or parcel of land situate
i in Wells twp. bounded and descrilied as follows : North
| by lands of James Griswold, Benj. Ingalls and Ncheraiah
Rathbone. west by lands ol James Griswold, south bv
lands of Alvah Young and Davis A Mott, east by land of
Win. Ingalls and Geo. Wilcox, containing aliout GO acres
more or less, about 30 acres improved, one log house, and
a house frame and fruit trees thereon.
ALSO—One other lot in Welh twp. bounded and de
scribed as follows : North bv land now in possession of
the said John Roberts and Mott A Davis, east by George
Wilcox uud Wade Beardsley. south by Daniel Holdridge
and Gabriel Swayze, west by lands "of James Griswold,
containing about 100 acres, more or less, about 40 acres
improved, one framed bouse, framed barn and an orchard
of fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of S. Hutchin
son A Co. vs. John Roberts.
Alio—The following descrilied lot piece or parcel of
land situate in Sheshcqnin twp. bounded North by lands
of Juliu Randall, east by land of Newton Kinney and
Ralph Gore, south by land of Comfort C. Gore, west by
i lands of Davidson A Gore, containing about h an acre
more or less, all improved, with one trained house with a
i Cooper shop attached, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of J. F. Wood
; ruft'und A. L. Cranmer who have survived I'liidcliu Smith
i vs. Hiram W. Ladiew.
Towanda, January 1, 1857. 1
LIST OF JURORS drawn for February
Term, 1857.
! Burlington borough— M. M. Springfield—Nathan E. Bui-
I Bctts. ley. Robert Bardwell.
! Canton twp,—V. M. Wilson, Sniiihtield—John Gt-rould,
David Landon, Rob't Lilly. Horace Niles.
' Granville—George Brigham. South Creek—Hiram Mason.
Marcus Ayres. Troy—Horace Long.
! Leroy—Vernilla Bruce. Towanda North—William
i Monroe—Joseph Bull. Barnes,
j Orwell—John Pay son. i Ulster—G. W. Nichols. j
i Pike—Warren Ayres, Ste j Wysox—M. H. Banning.
phen C. Smith. j Windham Julius Russell, J.
j Rome—-Gersham Towner. | S. Madden.
| Athens twp.—J. K. Wright, son. Henry M'Kinnev.
Seth Morley, Jr., Samuel Monroe—Win. W. Fowler.
Hufl Orwell—Samuel C. Wells,
j Athens boro'—William Han-j Pike—Sheldon Payne.
cock, L. M. Birchard,John Rome—S. U. Mann, Smith
i Palmer. Lent.
} Asylum—Geo. Gamble, Reu- Ridgbery—Andrew Webb,
bin Barnes, C.Schoonover. John Kingsley.
: Albany—Ebenezer Horton, Springfield—H. S. Grover,
Myron Kellogg. Erasmus Wilder, Perry
I Armenia—Alba Burnham. Harkness.
Alfred Bipley. Suiithtield—Charles Uiggs.
I Burlington—Justin Morley. Slieshequin—Marvin Love
l Burlington West—Jesse B. lace.
M'Kean. Ulster—S. C- Hovey.
] Franklin—Charles Stephens. Wysox—Ferdinand Allen.
I Granville—Volney Taylor. Well-—Andrew I'. B<- n.
Wm. Bunyon. Wvalusing—H. 1). C'i. - .
Herrick—Thos 11. Brink. H. Hufus 1). Cleavland, n gh
J L. Phelps, Andrew Over S. Fra/.er, Justis Lewis.
|K.-ck. Wilniot—l. G. Crutidall.
l.eßoy—Lafayette Woo-ter Warren—('lianuccy F. Case,
H. J. Stone, Chas. Lamb. Aarou Corbin.
Litchfield—Samuel David-
Albany—Benj. Vandyke. [Springfield —Charles French
i Athens tw p.- King Hulett ! Walter Mattocks.
I>. F.Clark. [Sinithticld — Ala-lJ.Gerould,
A rmenia—lsaac Williams. | Edwin E. French.
I Canton—Ward Warren, Eld.i, fuscarora—Morrison Mont
i Laudon, 8..el Smith, John gomery.
! Newell. j I'rov twp.—John Thomas,
Franklin—Wm. A.Rockwell | Charles Strait, X. Byron
Lit-htield- Jolmson Roger-.' Ca-e.
la-Roy—Thos. G. Irvine, Da Tr v boro"—Nelson Fish, N.
vis Vandyke. \f. Carnochan.
M mroe tji E. 11. Horton, Towanda twp.—Dennis Mc
-1 A. L. Cranmer. I Gill.
M-mmc boro- P. N. Newton I Towanda North —Adolph
i Overtoil—Wm. Faucett, Jas., Kingsbury
Heverly. Warren—Solomon King, J.
I Pike—Aden Stevens, 2d. ' Beard-ley.
j Rome—Chas. W. Woodruff ! Windham—D. M. Braiuard. j
i Rid j! wry—Smith H. Hil j Wyalusing— Homer Camp,
d re th. I
is iiereliy given, that all persons indebted t<> the cs
i tate of GEO. SILL, deceased, late of Herrick township,
are hereby requested to make payment without delay:
and all per-oii- having claims against -aid r-tate will
' please present them duly authenticated r,, r settlement.
j December 27, 185 G. Administrator.
I >ROCLAMATION.—Whereas, the Hon.
DAVID WII,MOT, President Judge or the 12th Ju
I dicial District, consisting of the Comities of Bradford and
i Susquehanna, and llonorables AARON CHIKBICE, and
I JOHN F. LONG. Associate Judges, in and for said county
! of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the
| 27thday of Dee. A.D.>, to ine directed, for h-dding a
| Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of
; the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Townn
, da. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the
■ 2d day of FEBRUARY next, to continue two weeks.
I Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and
! Justices of the Peace and Constables, of the County of
i Bradford, that thev be then and there in their proper per
! son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their
• records, inquisitions,and other remembrances, to do those
things whi< h to their office appertains to be done ; and
| those who arc bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro
j secute again-t the prisoners who are <>r may be in the jail
■ of said County, or who shall be bonnd to appear at the
j said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against
j them as shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual
in their attendance, agreeably to their notice,
i Dated at Towanda, the 2!tli of Dee, in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and titty-six, and of
the Independence of the United .States, th- seventy
j ninth. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff '
1 IST OF LEITKHS reniiiining in the l'ost
office at Towanda, January 1,1857.
' Adams J S He in an Horace
i Ayres Squire Hetnuri Daniel
Bowman L M Howe Mary E
Bradford Coal Co Hoaglaii Andrew
; Uluke James Ivcson Miss A M.
: Badger John Jackson Miss Sarah
i Bennett Thos. Jes-en Albert
j Crow ley Ann Kerwin John
; Case Lucius Knapp Hiram
! Cranmer Charlotte Kenney Edmotul
. Carter Benjamin Lewis Hiram
[ Curran Miss Lally Phillip
i Case Ann M'Sorley Jerome
! < orrell Philip W Morse \Vui
Cheevcr James F 3 Morrison Win
[ Coverdale Wm. M'Glone John
• Cummings Harvey Menardi A E
! Collins Martin * M'Crackeu Wealthy
i Coulv John Mahan a Ann
Catli'n Win L. Mulaney Thos
Dougherty James 3 Noble Helen A
i Dougherty Ellen. Newell Sarah E.
; Dougherty Thos Phelan Edw-
I Denison John W Potter Thos G
j Ellis Wm Pierce S S
| Ellsworth John Rogers Elias 2
j Foster Lott jr Randall Wm S
I Feely Thomas Sill Hannah M
| Fox Abraham Sullivan Danl O
j Griffin Morris Southwell H M
| Grace Phillip Stratton Saml
! Gibson E C Steinfert Christian
i Griffin Ilenrv Spear Ifotiert
! Granger Patience Sullivan Timothy
j Gould Wra C. Thompson Sarah Ann
i Horton Mrs A E Tolardv Pertliene
Horton Orvil Tracy Ann
Hill Wm. Wells Miss L L
[ Haathan Chas T Wiley John 2
[ Hornet Edward Warner D \V
; Hir-hman Sinion Meed Augusta
Halarau Mary Walborn Geo
Zahner Margaret A.
Persons calling Tor any of these letters will mention
they are advertised. H. C. PORTER. P. M._
INSURANCE. —Tlip uri(lersiwnrt is
1 agent for the following safe and reliable Companies:
Farmers f'nion Insurance Co. . Athens, Fa.
Capital , f200,000.
State Mutual Insurance Co. . Ilarrisburg, Fa.
Capital, $200,000.
(lirard insurance. Co. . . . Philadelphia, Pa
Capital, $ 300,000.
These Companies insure again-t loss or damage by fin
on the most reasonable term-. Dwelling Houses. I'urni- j
turf, Warehouses, Men liandi/.e, Ac., and I ain i Property
insured for any Icugth of time. All losses will Is- prompt
ly paid. __ C. S. RUSSELL.
Towanda, I>eceml>er 25.
DRIED PEACIIK S, u few very nice ones,
also Dried Berries at FOX 8
MESS PORK, Cheese, Hams, liard.Rrooins,
and au assortment of Wooden Wan-at FOX'S.
ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Fitfs, Raisins,
Rruncs, Dates, Citron, acd other fruit in their sea
' s ou at FOX'S.
' CfDfll.
SHERIFF'S SALE.— By virtue of sundry
writs of vend. ex[K>nas. issued out of the Court o:
| Common Pleas of Bradford Conntv. to me directed. I shall
! expose to public sale at the Court House in the borough
lof Towanda. on Tlinrsdav, JANUARY 15th,at 1 o'cloi k
P. M.. the following deacribed lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Springfield twp., bounded north bv lands of L.
Whipple and A. Wright, east by lands of C. Burgess.gouth
by lands of A. Whipple, west by lands of L. Whipple,con
taining 12 acres more or less. All improved, with a log
stable and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram
Spear vs. Joel Beokwitli.
ALSO—The defendant's interest, being the undivided
| of the following described lot. piece or parcel of land
situate in Springfield twp. bounded north by the public
highway leading from Ea-t Troy to Smithfield. east by
the higliway leading from the county road to Burlington,
south by land of Peter Perhamus. west by C. Dickenson,
containing 100 acres Vie the same more or less, all improv
ed, one framed house, one framed barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram
Spear vs. E H. Ketehum.
ALSO—The following lot. piece or pnreel of land situ
ate in SpriDfield twp. bounded north by land of A. Wood,
east by the highway, south and west by land of J. U.
Grace, containing about 26 acres, more or less, about 16
acres improved, one slab shed and a few fruit tree.- there
ALSO—One other lot piece or parrel of land situate in
Springfield twp. bounded north by land of A. Cole. J. U.
Grace, L. Grace and T. Leonard, east bv land of Russell
\ oung, south by land of Ree-er and K. Young, west by J.
U. Grace and A. Wood, containing about 47 acres, more
or less, about 20 acres improved, one log house, one fram
ed barn and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Hiram
Spear vs. James ir. Grace, Jr.
ALSO—The following described lot, piece or parcel of
loud situate in Wysox twp. beginning at the southwest
comer of A. Wickizer's lot; thence south 89° east 104
and 3-10 perches to the northwest corner of N. Parks' lot;
thence south 1° west 129 perches to the south west cor
ner of said Parks' lot; thence north 89° west 104 3-10
perches to a white pine for a corner : thence north 1°
Rst 129 perches to the place of beginning, containing 84
acres and 17 perches more or less, about 20 acres improv
ed. a log house, log bam and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Burton
Kingsbury vs. George Lenox.
Sheriff's Office. i
Towanda, Dec. 22.1856. j
*S" Notice is hereby given that an amount equnltothe
costs, will be required" to be paid upon each sale when
struck down to tho bidder, and upon a failure to comply
with this regulation, the tract of iand will again lie offer
ed for sale. JOHN A. NO.
SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
ot Test Vend. Expo, issued out of the court of com
mon pleas of Susquehanna county, and to me directed,
will he exposed to public sale at the Court House, in the
borough of Towanda, on THURSDAY the 15th day of
January, 1857, at 1 o'clock. P. M., the following deacribed
lot. piece or parcel of land situate in Orwell twp., Brad
ford co.. Pa., liounded north by land of C. Chaffee, east
and south by lands of i. Potter, and west by the public
highway, containing 6(1 square rods more or less, all im
proved, and a few fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of F. B. Marsh
& Co. vs. T. G. Huight.
Towanda. Dec. 22, 1856.
J debted to the estate of JOHN W. BESLEY. dee'd.,
late of Columbia townsdip, are hercbv notified that pay
ment must be made without delay, ami all persons having
claims again-t said estate are requested to present thein
duly authenticated for settlement.
A. SWE W.V.,
December 20,1856. Executors.
A Chance for Bat gains !
the HOUSE AND LOT uow occupied by her.
i.-jL situate in Smithfield township, about two mile
i SE&S s "iith of the centre, on the Rurii.igton road. —
The lot contains TEX ACRES of land, pleas
antly situated and well watered, upon which is a good
dwelling house, out buildings, and a spring of water,being
well adapted for dairy purposes.
Also, a large quantity of.HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,
comprising almost every article needed in a family. A
qantity of HAk will also he sold.
For terms, which will be reasonable, enquire on the pre
Smithfield, Dec. 15, 1856.
Messrs. G. I'. PUTNAM & CO. having now published
the first volume of the ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF IRVING'-
LIFE OF WASHINGTON, being the complete life of Washing
tun before the Revolution, arc ready to furnish the -anu
to s . -cribcrs FREE OF POSTAGE, on* the receipt of $3 50.
Single numbers sent, post paid, to any part ol the Union
on the receipt of 25 cents.
The following inducements are offered to Clubs, desiring
to subscribe to this magnificent and national publication:
Any person reniittiug tour subscriptions for the first vol
ume, comprising fourteen numbers will be entitled to five
copies, free of postage. Clubs of six, remitting s2l, will
lie entitled to two extra copies of the volume, or an extra
copy and any other of Putnam A Co.'s publications of an
equal value. Clubs of twelve, remitting $42. will be enti
tled to lour extra copies, or au extra copy and a complete
set of Addison's works, in six volumes, delivered free of
postage. The same premiums will be given for a like
number of subscriptions to the succeeding volumes. Each
number of the Illustrated Washington will contain one,
and every other number two first-class steel engravings or
maps. In addition to the steel engravings or maps, the
work contains numerous wood engravings illustrative of
historical subjects.
CAUTlON.— Persons subscribing for the Life of Washing
ton should be particular to obtain the only work which
must forever remain the standard authority." Irving's Life
of Washington bears the imprint of G. P.* Putnam A Co.,
the only publishers of Irving's Works.
" Every American should put this work on his bookshelf
side by side witli his bible. Let your children read it,and
learn by the example of the Great Washington the lessons
of patriotism, moral courage, perseverance uuder difficul
ties, which the history of his life affords. We know of no
American book which we had rather own than this ; it is
worth a thousand of the trashy publications which the
press is daily sending forth."— Scientific American.
G. P. PUTNAM A C ~ No. 321 Broadway, X'.V.
Has the honor to announce to his scholars and pa
trons generally, that he Will return to his former duties in
the course of two or three weeks, and. having during his
stay in Philadelphia, enjoyed the musical acquaintance ot
the most eminent performers, both vocal and instrumen
tal, with whom he had frequently the honor to perform,
ho hopes to be able to give entire satisfaction totliose who
wislt to patronize liirn during the coining session, and will
pay particular attention to the
Persons wishing to take lessons w'il please leave their
names at either of the following places :
Towanda Mr. Dittrich's ;
Wysox Dr. Ingham's or Mr. Laning's ;
Durell I. M. Bishop's :
Monroeton Mr. Hornet s or Mr. Mullen's ;
Greenwood Mr. Xaglec's ;
llollon Hill Mr. Morton's or Geo. Irvin's ;
Highland Centre.. .Mr. Guyer's. Dec. 15,1856.
•sTY Ash Shamokin, stove and small egg.
60 tons Pittston small egg for stoves.
20 tons lump coal for foundry purposes,
For sale ty dedO BAILEY A NEVINS.
1' R ' Rock Salt for packing salt, just received by
Pec, in, I-56. BAILEY A NEVINS.
tons for sale by BAILEY A NEVINS.
Notice Highly Important to Many!
rpHE subscriber takes this method of notifying those in-
X debted to hint that all notes, accounts and judgments
of more than six nonths standing, must be paid immedi
ately and without further notice. He earnestly hopes that
he shall not lie compelled to enforce collection trom any,
but he will be under the necessity of doing so, unless pay
ment- arc actually made liefore the 1-t day of Jan'y next.
Towanda, Dee. 3. 1856. JOSEPH It)W11.I..
OUR FRIENDS are invited to examine the
most complete assortment of WINTER GOODScver
offered in Towanda. and if experience in the purchase ot
Goods is worth anything, those who favor us shall have
the advantage of it.
Among the novelties of our assortment, we offer REA
DY-MADE CLOTHING without a seam; as also other
Clothing. Ladies' Cloth Taltnas and cloth for making
the-ante. A large assortment of Dress Trimmings and
other thing- too numerous to mention.
To the farmers we would say. that we can supply them
ROUND PLASTER cheaper than they can get it to go
al.Nov. 25, 1856. MONTANYES.
hand, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWANDA,
a large supply of their coal, at
$3 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and
$3 f)0 per ton for Baled Coal.
Apply for coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coul
will also be sold at THE MINES at
$2 00 per ton for Blacksmith Coal, and
50 jwr ton for Raked ('oal.
\ liberal discouut will bo made on sales by the boat load
Oct. 30, 1556. KDW'D OVERTON. Pre-idem
NOTICE. —Notice is here
-LJ by given, that all persons indebted to the e*t.ate of
ELIJAH WHITEHEAD, deceased, late of PIKE town
ship, are requested to l/.ake payment without delay;
tlioae having demands against said estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Nov. 16. 1856. IRENE WHITHEAII. Executrix.
ADMIK'RS. NOTICE—aTi persons in
debted to the estate of JOS. COXGDOX. dee'd,
late of Litchfield township, arc hereby notified to make
payment without delay, and all persons having demands
against said estate are requested to present them duly au
thenticated for settlement. SAMUEL DAVIDSON.
Nov. 25, 1856. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate ot Peter Cron, dee'd. late of Standing Stone, are re
quested to make payment without delay ; and ail persons
having claims against said estate, must present them duly
authenticated for settlement, to the snbscritiers.
Nov. 25 1856. Administrator.
is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of WM. CHILSON, late of Snithlleld twp.. dee'd. are
requested to make payment without delay; and all per
sons having claims against said estate, must present them
dulv authenticated for settlement to the subscriber.
Nov. 25,1856. Administrator.
-ai. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of EPHRAIM BOARPM AN. late of Windham town
ship, dee'd.. are requested to make payment without de
lay ; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
Dec.6.1556. WM. BOARDMAX, Administrator.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty, will Vie exposed to public sale on the premises, on
SATURDAY January 4, 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M.. a cer
tain house and lot situated in the borough of Canton, and
late the estate of Malvina A. Rogers, dee'd, hounded a*
follows—Beginning at a post on Utiion street,o6 fet t west
from the corner of Union and Centre street, the same be
ing the south-west corner of lot No. 81, thence northerly
on the division line of No*. 81 and 80, 150 feet to lot No.
83, thence westerly along the line of said lot No. 83, 80
feet to a post, thence southerly on the division line of No
70 and so. 150 feet to Centre street, thence easterly along
the line of said street . 80 feet to the place of beginning.
The same being lot No. 80. in the new village plot of Can
ton. Terms made known on the day of sale.
Dec. 10, 1856. S. B. LATHROP. Administrator.
The above sale stand* adjourned until Saturday the 31st
day of January. 1857. at the same time and place.
S. B. LATHROP, Adm'r. of M. A. Rogers, dee d.
Jan. 8,1857.
-t\. of an order issued by the Orphans' Court of Brad
ford county, will he sold on Wednesday, 24th Dec.
1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, a lot of land situate in
Pike twp., bounded north by lands of Edward Cran all,
east by Ijnds of P. Bostwick. south by R. W. Coolbangh,
west by Wyalusing creek, containingabout 80 acres, and
60 acre* improved with good buildings thereon.
ALSO—Another lot of land situate in said township,
bounded north by lands of Seth Blakesley, jr., east by
lands in posse*sion of James Featherby, south by land*
of J. Burroughs, and west by P. Bostwick, containing
about 23 acres, all unimproved.
Administrator of Edmund Saunders, dee'd.
December 1, 1856.
N'OTR'E to Delinquent. Collectors, Dealers
in Merchandize, Patent Medicines, Ac., and Keep
er* "f Eating Houses and Distilleries:—
The several delinquent collectors of the Conntv of Brad
ford previous to 1*56, are hereby notified that unless their
duplicates of State and County "taxes are settled by the
10th of December next, the amount due thereon will be
left with the proper officers for collection. Also, all deal
••rs in Merchandize, Patent Medicines. Ac., and keeper*of
Eating Houses and distilleries, who have not taken their
Licenses, are required to take the same by loth December
next, or they will be left with a Justice of the peace for
collection, agreeable to the Act of Assembly in such cases
made aud provided. E. C. KELLOGG, Treasurer.
Towanda. Nov. 10. 1856 Per X. J. K kki.kk. Deputy.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—/* The mntUr Tf
-* * the culjtr of J. J. ll'arfttrd,dtc'd. In the Orphans'
Court of Bradford Comity.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds in the hands of the administrator* of said
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
■ffice in the borough of Towanda, on Friday, the 30th dav
of January, 1857. at one o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons are required to present their
claims or else be forever debarred from said fund.
Dec. 15. 1856. G. H. WATKLVS. Auditor.
A I DITOR'S NOTICE.— In the mntter of
A. A the relate of fsanr Roeenrrantz, dee'd. —ln the Or
phans' Court of Bradford County.
The undersigned. Auditor, appointed by said Court to
distribute funds in the hands of the administrator of said
estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his
office in the borough of Towanda, on Monday, the 2d day
of February, 1857, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which
time and place all persons interested are required to pre
sent their claims or else be forever debarred from said fund.
Dec. 15. 1856. G. H. W ATKINS. Auditor.
A EDITOR'S NOTICE.—/* the milter of
A-\. the ertate of ll'm. flecker, dee'd. In the Orphans'
Court of Bradford County
Notice i* hereby given, that the undersigned. Auditor
appointed by said ( ourt, to distribute funds in the hand.*
of the Executor of the said estate, will attend to the
duties of his appointment, at the house of B. B. Tiittle, in
Smithfield, on Saturday the 24th day of January. 1557, at 2
o'clock, P. M., when and where all persons having claims
upon said funds must present them, else forever be de
barred from the same.
Dec. 27, 1856. H. I?. M'KEAX, Auditor.
4 UDITORS' NOTICE. —H. ./. MaMl, ~Z-
X X ecutor of Ah rander .Mad ill, dec'd., vs. 11 'illia m
Carl. In the court of Common Pleas of Bradford Co. No.
519. September T. 1-5.52.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by said Court, to
distribute the funds raided by Sheriff sale of defendant's
real estate, will attend to the duties assignedhini at his
office in thcboro" of Towanda, on Thursday, the 2:ith day
of January, A. D. 1*57, at onejo'clock in the afternoon
when and where all persons hiving claims are requested
to present them, or lie forever debarred therefrom.
Dec. 1".. 1856. G. H. WATKINS. Auditor.
I UDITOR'S NOTICE.—/* tin mutter of
1 \ Ihe rotate of 11. J. Stmt and the minor heirs of 11.
S. Holeumb, deed. In the Orphans' Court of Bradford
The undersigned an Auditor appointed by said Court to
distribute funds in the hands of the trustee raided by the
sale of real estate, will attend to the duties of his appoint
ment at the office of Adatus A* Overton, in Towanda boro"
on Thursday the '2;' th day of January, A. D. 1857. at one
o'clock, l\ >!., when and where all persons interested are
requested to attend, or be forever debarred from any
share of said fund. P'A. OVERTOX, Auditor.
Towanda. Dec. 23. 185 G.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Br dlonl coun
ty. will be exposed to public sale ou the premi-es on
Saturday the 2 tth day of January next, at 1 o'clock, I*.
M.. the following property—
All the deeedant's interest in a piece or parcel of land
situate in the townships of Kmithticld, Springfield and
Kidgherv, containing about ninctv-eight acres of land and
bounded or, the north t.v lands of John S. Johnson. Win.
Leonard and Miehsri Dairy. on the east by lands of Oirin
W ileox. ou the south by lands of Samuel Gates, and on I lo
west by lands of Henj. Brown, about forty acres improved
with a log house thereon, late the property of Win. C'hil
son. deeeased.
Terms km wn on the day of sale.
Dec. 15. 155 U. lii Ft'S C. HOSJ.EV, Adni'r.
If XKCUTOirS NOTlCE. —Notice is hcc
-1J by given that all persons indebted to the estate of
(!Et). W. COOK deceased, late i f Durell township,
to make immediate payment. and all persons having de
mands against said estate, will present them duly authen
ticated for settlement.
December 22, 1856. Executors.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice i: hero-
J hy given that let Irs testamentary upon the estate
of Itrayton A.Baldwin der'd., late of franklin tp.,have been
granted to the stib*rril>er. All persons indebted to said
estate are herehy requested to make immediate payment,
and those having any claims upon said estate to present
them duly attested lor settlement.
Dee. 22,1856. Executors.
I LOUR of different qualities, Corn .Meal,
Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Family
Flour warranted of superior quality b> il it "OX'S.
LEATHER. —.lust receiving- an ex-
rellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully invited.
Nov. 22. is:,;,. ' ,1. I). HUMPHREV.
\VT IIITE FISH, iu barrels, half barrels and
It by the pound, at myl-t FOX'S.
J_J at the store of H. S. MKRCIJR.
tIANDV —A large stock always on hand
) and sold at wholesale at pedlars" prices at FOX'S.
' sale at Who).-ale-or retail by H. S. MER< I'll.
fikrdjauiiiK, Src.
a r' Wholesale and Retail Dealer*
fcq/y W jag Hardware and Stoves, Iron
J A m l"oy^j aiu l Nails, Sash, Glass, Paints
—! H sal and Oils, House Trimmings—
liffiWjppJi.'Ti II , all kinds of Carriage trimmings.
IP i M Pii |l! IbWm ut Uloths and Ibices, Carriage
Sulkey and Seat Springs, Car
|EJwpp penters' and Joinen' Plane*.
and Circular Saws, Blacksmith
Tools, Bellows, Anvils. Vices,
J Hammers and Screw Plates,
Axes. Broad Narrow.' I .nth and Hand Hatchets—Caltle,
Log. Trace and Haltr. Chains, Crowbars, Pick-, Shovels
aud Spades.
sors, Edge Tools of all kinds, Brass and Enameled Kettles,
Shovel and Tongues, Spoon* and Ladle*. Tubs and Pails,
Mop* and Washboard*, and all other kinds ol'house-keep
ing implements.
In the H ARDWARE line. Brass. Briltania, Jappaned
and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band. Scroll
and Hoop Iron, Steel of all kinds. Nail Rod-, Ac. Pumps,
I.ead Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water works.
Patent, Stretched Uatber Belting and String leather,
and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that
we are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac
turers and importer*, in eluding the largest assortment
and greatest variety of
Coal and Wood Cooking. Coal and Wood Parlor, Dining-
Room. Six Plate and Cylinder.ever brought into Northern
Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we
are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low
rates, and on as good Tkkms as can be found this side of
New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought
of first hand* and in full packages and large quantities,
that gives ns an advantage over smaller purchasers and*
Drv Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to
In per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we
shall ofb r to any who will favor us with a call before pur
chasing elsewhere. .j,
A large quantity of Titi ware. Stove Pipe anoKlbow*
always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds ot Job
Work done to order, on short notice and warranted.
Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and HARD
WARE cheap—one door South of Cox's, and nearly op
posite Tracy A Moore's, Maiu street, in the r.ew Wood
Building, lettered allover.
Grain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Brittania
aud Copper. Dried Fruit of all kinds. Feathers and Bees
wax wanted for goods.
10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price
in Casij will be paid.
Towanda, Oct. 85. 1856.
BKINOSURRY & SON, bctr leave to
• call the attention of their friends and customers, a.*
well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their
well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS,
consisting of a great variety of
Silk*, Shawls, Paramettas, French Merinos, Cashmere.
Woo! Plaids, Wool DeLaines. Ae. Also, a rhoiee selec
tion of Merimac, t 'hoceco and other styles of fast colored
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions.
Hosiery. Gloves. Pre** Trimming*. White Goods. Ac.
Denims, Ticks. Prills. Linens. Cambrics, Bleached and
Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twine, Car
pet Warp. Ac.
In addition to the above articles, there wiil always he
found a full assortment of GROCERIES. Crockery and
Glass Ware : Boots and Shoes, Hat* and Caps. Nails.Fish.
Paints, Tubs. Matt*. Ac.
Returning individually our thank* for past patronage,
we would as a firm, respectfully a*k the attention of our
old customers and the public gent rally, to an inspection
of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock.
Towanda. Sept. 10. 1*56.
'THIK subscriber continues to curry on the
I. Foundry business in Towanda, and i* prepared to
do all kinds of work in hi* line on short notice and in a
workmanlike manner. lie will keep on hand or make to
order Plow*. Stove*. Mill irons. Sleigh Shoes, Wagon
ltoxes, and any article ofca*t iron that may be required.
Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice
and on reasonable term*. Person* wishing to purchase
Stoves of any kind will find it much to their advantage
to buy at the Foundry, as they can be repaired much
cheaper. Please eall and examine before purchasing else
where. Old cast iron and Grain taken in payment.—
Don't mistake the place—one door ea-t of Mercm * Block.
1 would also say to those having aceonnts stand
ing over six months, that they must be settled without
delay, and those having notes that are due w ill do w< 11 to
pay up and save cost. JOHN CARMAN.
Towanda, Oct. 22,1856.
rX Ridgbcry township, about half a mile from the pub
lic house of B. F. Buck, containing about one hundred
acres, sixty acres improved, of which is bottom laud with
a comfortable log house and frame barn. Enquire of the
subscriber upon the premises. M. CHAMBERLAIN.
October 22. ISA'!.
fJ'MIE subscriber is now receiving a large stock of FALL
L and WINTER GOODS, which he re-pectfully invites
the public to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY.
Towanda. October •. 1856.
US. MF.RCUR is now nvcivinjr :t large
• Stock of FAI.L HOODS, to which the attention of
tile public is requested.
Tow. nda. Sept. lit. 1856.
]"S said to be the inevitable result of lite coming election:
it is also said that this glorious Union is in danger : be
that as it may. we know that a terrible storm is gathering
in the political heavens, which will soon burst upon us in
all its maddened fury. But we would say to the citizens
of Bradford, heed it not ; it will pass harmlessly by. Soon
however, storms of a different nature will gather in a
wintry sky, which will cause you to tremble like an aspen.
unless you procure the necessary protection. Xow. it is
these hinds of storms that we propose to prepare you t<>
meet. We have just received an extensive and splendid
assortment of
for the FAIJ. TBADK. which we will sell at New-York
citv prices. Our nn-ito is. '• Quick sales and small protits.
Will find in our assortment in endless variety of all the
goods they ni ed. Our shelves and drawers aru crowded
with articles fur their use. Wo call special attention to
our new stifles of FANCY SILKS, the tmest the market
affords. SHAWLS; nroehe. Bay state and eashmere. ot
all sizes and qualities. LA DIES" DBF.SS GOc IDS. French.
English and Aim-rican Merinos. plaid and striped IV
Laim s. plain and tignrcd Alpaccas : in tact everything
usually kept in Dry (food scores. First-rate calico at 6
cents per yard, good muslin at 5J rents. A fine assort
nient of BONNETS, Ladies' Collars Vndcrsleei es Hand
kerchiefs, Laces Ltubroidcries. Gloves, Hosiery, <s-r.
Our Clothing Department
Is replete with fashionable goods : Overcoats from $1 to
420, business coats from $3 to sls, vests all prices, pants
from $2 to su. A general assortment of underi lothing.
collars, ,vc. CLOTHING made to order if required, and
upon the shortest notice.
sa' Don't torget the place, in Patton's new block, cor
ner Bridge and Main streets.
Towanda. September 3, 1856.
('ash paid for Pelts & Wool,
Towanda. September 3,1856.
I>OOTS & SHOES—The largest, best and
/ cheapest assortment this side of tile Empire City may
befound at J e2 L_ TRACY Jk MOORE'S.
O TONS SUGARS- —Rrown, Refined, I'ow
t ) ilcred. Crushed and Oranulated : Molas-cs.S\ rup, Rio
and Java Colfi-c. Rice, Saleratus, (linger. Sperm ('.indies,
Rice. Tobacco- in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
sale cheap at jnnca Fox's.
J. \ fer for sale this Fall a first rate assortment of Ap
ple. I'ear, Cherry, Peach, Plum and Ornamental Trees,
of all the liest varieties. We call especial attention to
our apple trees. They are 5 years old, and unsiipassed by
any in the market. Terms reasonah.e. Orders should be
sent in soon. Catalogues scut on application.
ActsTs—o. D. Bartlett, Towanda : Horace Heath. ll
ster: George Heath, Bnrlington : 11. Pc f t. Stnithbcld ;
11. W. Browning. Rome ; JVni. Doaiie. 55 indhain.
IHisccUu eons.
Another Large Arrival of
HS. MERCER is now receiving the largest, U--t oi
• sorted, and most desirable stork of Good- that lun
yet been offered in Towanda. Consisting ofevi rv variety
Crockery and Class ware, Boots and Shoes.
Hats, Caps, Staaic Cads, Carpets, Mat
tings, JVooden-ware, Groceries, Paints,
11 indoic- Class, Oils, Nails, Iron,
S/erl, Pish, leather, <f*r. <Vr
which will be sold at wholesale or retail at very low pri
ces. The public are very respectfully requested to exam
ine the Stock.
Towanda, April 24. ItSA
A UK now in receipt of and opening the choicest and
J. inat desirable stock of
staple and Fumy Dry Goodi,
to which they have ever had the pleasure of calling the
attention of the community. Our • to< kis very large, and
selected with great core and acknowledged good taste, and
is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur
rounding sections. Our st ck of
Dress Cads, Trimmings, liibbcns, Pvibroider
ies, Parasols, Cloths, Cassimeres, Vrstings,
JJcmesties, Shirtings, Linens, Prints,
Hosiery and Shawls, i\ r. i \c.
and numberless other articles makes our assortment 'oetter
than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be sold
as cheap, and many artii les cheaper, than at any other es
tablishment, to allot which we invite the insjicct'on of
purchasers, as being in every respect worthy of their at
Tliose who may favor os with a call may be assured that
no article will be recommended tnore highly than its me
rits will admit of.
Owego. May 8 1856. G. R. GOODRICH X CO.
Watches, Jewe.ry and Fancy Goods.
\.M. \V ARX HII has just received a larjre
• and splendid assortment of \V AT< TIES. JEWEL-
ItV X FANCY GOODS. whi< h are ofieud for sale on the
lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge.
Towanda, July 8, 18.76.
fPHE gnliscriher calls attention of the pub-
I. lie to his SPRING STOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual \ariety. and which will be -old at the 1 \ve-t
possible rate- for cash. O. D. BAIiTLETT.
Towanda. April 21. l-7f..
J I) HUMPH J* "' is just receiving a {re
• neral assort xtOOTS & SHOES, suitable for
the spring trad
Also, an excellent assortment of LEATHER, compiling
ISO sides Side Leather. t!) sides I'pper, 200 Calf Skins,
together with a general stocd of Kipps, Lining- A Find
ings. Towamla, April 3. 18.76.
IjMSII. —No. 1 and 2 Mackerel and Codfish,
at may 11 MERCER'S.
v ' at M. L. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door
South oi Mircur's -b id, Towanda. May 20,1850.
1 EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap
J at FOX'S.
MACKINAW TROUT—Some very fine
ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and ouar
ter brrn Is, at jis LoX'S.
HUMPHREY X WTCKIIAM are now r- -civing in their
New Store. West siib- of the public square, a large
and well -elected -tuck of
HARD H'.f nr.
ROOTS AND SHOES in great variety and-tyle. com
prising Ladie-' Mis-es" and Children-' Gaiter-—Rootee-.
Buskins and Slippers ; Gouts', boys'. Youths' and Chil
dren-' lb Kits. Rrogans and Shoes. Isith Ka-ti rn and lmme
manufactured. A genera! assortment >f Gent-" Ladies'
and children-' over-hoe-, Rui.dicr Root-. Ac.
A full a-sortmeiit ot Root and Sh .c l'indiu r-. Sole and
Lpper leather, Calf and Kip .-kin-, Morocco Lining- and
I-uce leather.
Towanda. Nov. 2-7. 18.76.
rOST —Between Towanda and D. M. BoD *
J Farm, in North Towanda, on the 17th iu-t., a small
leather wallet, containing about one dollar in silver
change, a note of ?30 dated May, 18.7.7. given by me to
D. M. Bull, and some otber paper-. The finder i reques
ted to leave the same at the office of the Rradl- .d Repor
ter. or return it to nte. JF.RE YANDEItM ARK.
N. I>. 1 also offer for sale THREE HORSES, which will
lie dispo-ej of very cheap, and to which I invite the at
tention of those wishing to purchase.
Monroe. Nov. *25. 1 s.'iti. J. V.
mAKE NOTICE.—Ran away from the sub-
I my sun MKRWIX STRODE, without spy
just reason, ami 1 therefore forbid all persons trusting
him, as 1 shall puv no debt-lie inav contract alter this
date. " WM. STROPE.
Rome, November 25, 1 AM.
rpilE FIRM OF MONTAXYES X CO. ha- Wen d:-
X solved by mutual consent. \YM. A. ROCKWELL
having withdrawn. The business will hereafter be con
ducted under the name of MONTAXYES—having asso
ciated with the firm J. I). MOST ANTE Jr.. and F. D. Mos
TAX YE. We trust with our present facilities for the pur
chase of Goods, that we can make it an object for CASH
i USTOMERS to examine our -lock, which has been laid
in with great care to suit the fall trade.
fia)" All accounts due the old firm, as also note- that
are due, arr reverted to be paid without further notice.
August 2.7, 1 BM. MOXTAN \ I.S.
PEACHES an-1 Tomatoes,in cans,
warranted perfect I v fresh t FOX'S.
e )' " " FUN. I>ccr. and other l'cltry wanted. f-r ;.vbi h
the highe-t priee will lie paid at MOX 1 A.N'l MS.
/ 1 ACTION. —Wlierens, my wife HELEN L.
lias left niv I cd and board without any just cause or
provocation, 1 herebv forbid all persons trusting her on
my account, a- 1 will pay no debts of her contracting af
ter this date. TUTS A. DANK*.
Springhill, Pe -ember 20, l-.7f>.
I azine for Hone and (Fi Is. begins :t< -i\th volume in
January, 1-57. It i- edited by MARK FORRESTER, the
well known writer for the young, who. the reading public
will bear in mind, i- connected with no other periodica!.
T e I'I. AVMAI'K ha- been denominated by an f 'm-nt
writer, a-" the KEST GOTH'S MVUAZINK rim.-. •."
The publishers mean to keep it s. it- i clL-bnient
are new. and the reading matter a!mo-t wholly original.
An entire numb r might lie tilled with commendatory
notices of the pre—. The Family Curette say s—" So pa
rent who cares a button tor hi- childien's well'tre. can
spend a dollar more profitably than in subscribing lbr the
Rut we prefer to let the Magazine teil its own stnrv. -
Those parent- who have any choice about what tliciri hil
dren read, should -ul-cribe tor it- li it does not sustain
itself, after a trial, no recommendation of other.- would be
of any 1 -on-lit.
Terms. The Playmate is published monthly, at ONE
DULL VR a war. iii ud\ iu<e. To clubs, 7.7 eeiiL- per co
py. Letters enclosing nmnev may be sent at our risk, if
directed to WILLI\\| GUILD A GO..
l.Ttl Washington st.. Boston, M-'-s.
W" A. Oil AMUEULIX lias just rettirnoil
I 1 • from New-York with a vt rv i-xtensive nod beau
tiful a 'intent o| W ATI'HE*. JEWELRY. CLOCKS,
and FAN't'\ GOttDS. to which hi invite- the particular
attention of iii- cnAuimus. \ oil may find at hi- e-taMi-li
mcnt Watches of every prices from to ?! •".
So that every one can be suited. Please call and examine
' * the place- -one door south of the Post-
Office. we-t side of the public Mpiare.
Towanda. Dec. 24,
A | US. M ASON lius reniovotl her MilliiiPi'y
A I f cstablislimrnt to one door south of It. Klngsbuyv .V
Soil's Ss>re. fformerly Chamberitn's Jewelry store) w tic
shi* has opened a large assortment ot MII. LIN El\ t, to Ips
She invite- the ladies t . ca'l and vvaiglnc her *t(V'k.
Tii'.vanda. (t- \uti f r 2'-\ v \G,