Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, January 15, 1857, Image 4

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the tiiiiu m: ion ls:>7.
The Election is past, and its results proves that the
work devolved <>ll the Republican party i> toff y t rein
plcted. In ;ill the Eastern ami Northern portions nl the
country—in New-England. Vcw York.Ohio ami the Not tli-
Wcst—tlie Republican hnnnei floats in trlumpli : while in
Southern Jer ; ov, Penn-vlvatii.i, Indiana ami Illinois—in
short, wherever few newspapers are taken, ami where
euinni" i > hnol- ale too rev. anil too '* e do to have edu
rut Hi the prewvit generation of voter- -the-Mark flair of
Slavery obstructs the sunshine. A stramrer t> Ameriea
lyiaht di-tiniruish th >-c po.ti -its of .e r country mo-ff
blessed witii Ed '.cation. Ihtelliircm e. Thrift and Virtue,
iiv scanning the returns of the Preside tiol •'urffc-t ofl-56. ;
Wr have failed of present snci es. off I t--an e the Pen- I
pie are against ns. hut because large port: n who did j
not hear or read the argument and do not know what j
were the real question - at issue, went aim > t solid against |
us. reversing the verdi t whieh the great majority of the
ed'o' ited and iiitclligci f e:ele a 1 to projintttuo.
These fiats i :di. ate the path >f pressing duty. Witli j
no onmtnly re;>iniii>rs over what is irre\o ahle wi'li no >
abatement "of heart or hope heranse the triumph of Liber- j
tv in lmr new ordeal is not won at the Long Island and
White Plains of her straggle- with no shadow of regret
that the responsibility or governing is not confided to liei
champions before the People were fully ready to sustain
them- we Login afresh the work of diffusing that lital
truth whieh. in regard to the concern* of this world a
weil as of the next, makes Free indeed. Nov, in the
Slave Power's heyday of victory. when its ministers and
servitors are gathering and plotting to ntaki the ino.-t of
their triumph and "crush out" the spirit which they vain
lv believe to he crneilied and entombed —now. when the
faint-hearted or cold-hearted who lately hacked in th"
sunshine of our premature hopes are hauling ell to repair
damages and talking of abandoning the rugged arena of
Polities for more rpiie and flowery fields—now. in this
hour of weariness and sh ulow, TIIK TRIBUNE renews its
TOW'S of eternal hostility to every form of tyranny oyer
the bodies or souls of men - to the shameful assumption
that the benighted and feeble, whether in soul or body,
are to be regarded and treated as the convenience or the
prey of their wi.-er or stronger brethren—to the domina
tion of despots and oligarchs, whether of empires or plan
tations—to the enslaver* of cities and kingdoms in Knrnpe
or the breeders of children for the auction-block and flu
cotton-field in Virginia or Alabama.
The doctrine that no human being was ever created for
the benefit or advantage of another—that all service be
tween man and man should be free and reciprocal- that
the laborer should not t el and sweat to pamper others'
pride or minister to others' luxury.but for the -ii.-temince
and i oinfort of those i ear and dear to him—l- destined to
certain triumph. It mux/ prevail, for fiod reigns, and
Earth wa not created to be a theatre of injustice, oppres
sion and misery for c\er. It mux/ triumph : for all true
prophecy affirms and the vindication of the Divine benig
nity imperatively reipiircs it. It must triumph : for De
moiT.tlic America i":a:it always remain the -coff of aris
tocrats ami the -hatue of reformer- and liberals through
out the Old W irld. It mux/ triumph : lor Man's hist-ay
is not a chaos or a riddle, but everywhere instinct with
meaning : and no heroic effort ever failed of its effect—no
drop of martyr blood was ever shed in vain.
lint even if we Republicans were disposed to fold our
arms in similiter our adversaries would not permit it. They
are busy to-day in lengthening their cords and strength
ening ttieir stakes with a vigilance and activity whieh re
veals a consciousness on their part that their dominion
must lie made sure forthwith or their sceptic will have
forever departed. To day, myrmid tnts of the Slave Pow
er threaten and harass Northern Mexico, are encamped
in the heart of Central America and waging a war of ex
termination on the distracted inhabitants of its petty Re
publics, while it by turns leers and scowls at Cuba, while
its most ruthless I studs are precipitated on devoted Kan
sas, under the protection and smiles of the Federal Ad
ministration. Even as we write, the telegraph informs
us that twenty Free-State men, guilty of attempting to
defend their homes against the rapine and violenceof Gil
ford's and Titus' blood-thirsty bandits, have been convic
ted by l.i oinpte's Court of manslaughter! anil sentenced
to five years' imprisonment at hard labor as felons. This
is hut a fair specimen of what has 1 mg passed for "jus
tice" in Kansas—a justice which takes the criminals into
pay and aids thorn in hunting down, plundering and
" wiping out" the innocent, whom it consigns to the
state prison if they are ever goaded into the madness of
resisting their oppressors. Such mines and wi<>*igs as
unhappy Kansa- has for twelve months ee l veil
Hungary or Poland has never known ; and 1 ■* * r at
wlcse instigation these villainies were and :;i p- • etia
tod -it- enthroned ill the White Ilou.-e. • <1 i -t
achieved another lour years'ascendancy it: . ' 1
government. Who. in view of the-e farts, van -ay that
Republicans may now pile lln ir arms, evi n for an hour?
THE TRIBUNE will lie, as it has been, a Political Jour
nal—avowedly, though not exclusively so. It recognizes
the truth that Freedom and Slavery are here grappled in
deadly ronffiet. and tluit in the result one of them must
lose all control over the Federal Government, But. while
it gives prominence and emphasis to the discussion and
elucidation of the great is>ue of the day, it -inks none of
the characteristics of a Business and Family Xewspapcr.
The proceedings of Congress, like tliose in Kansas, will
be watched and reported by an able and fearless corps of
Correspondents, while from London, Paris, Constantino
ple, Havana, Sin Francisco, Albany and other centres of
interest, our special advices will be, as they have been,
fresh and reliable. A member of our Editorial rorjix—
Rayard Taylor—is now in Northern Europe, and will
spend the Winter in Sweden, l.upluid. Russia, thence
making his way next season across Siberia and Tartnry
to the mouth of the Amour, and thence homeward by the
Pacific anil California, iuile-s some change ot route shall
promise greater interest and profit to our readers, for
whom alone he will write regularly throughout his adven
turous journey, whieh is likely to reunite two years for
its completion. (lur reports of the most interesting Lec
tures. Public Meetings, Ae.. will lie full and reliable, and
our Foreign and Domestic News made up witli a careful
regard to the condensation into our ample column - of the
greatest amount of intelligence that is consistent with
the use of type of a generous size. In -lout, if we fail to
make THE TKIHIM: worth its cost, it shall not be for want
of expenditure or effort.
If it be deemed desirable by Republicans that TIIK TRI
BUNE should be circulated in their several localities, we
urge them to >ee that Clubs be made up and forwarded
in due season. The Postmasters are sciui-nffieiully ad
monished not to aid our circulation, but to urge instead
that of journals deemed " sound" ami " National'' by the
compatriots of Atchison ami Stringfellow. We ask live
Republicans everywhere to take i-are that these efforts be
not effectual t > quench the light of Freedom iu the mur
ky mists of Slavery.
DAILY TRittrvß, per annutn FFI Of
Single Dopy, per annum f.'l fM
Two Copies " .1 111
Five Copies " 11 ()(
Ten onenddrcss. ... 20 Of
We -end The Seiui-Weekly Tribune to clergymen at $:
per venr.
Single Copy, per annutn $2 0(
Three Copies, " 5 0(
Fire Copies, " K 01
Ten Copie . " 12 0'
Twenty Copies, to m\f adders*, and any larger! 20 0(
number at the rate of #1 per annum (
Twenty Copies, to address of rarh suhxrribrr,:mA ) 9 ,
any larger number at the rate of $1 20 each,.. j "
Any person sending us a chili of twenty or over will hi
entitled to an extra copy.
We continue to send The Weekly Tribune to Clergymer
at $1 per year.
Subscriptions may commence at any time. Payment it
advance i> required in all cases, ami the paper is invaria
My discontinued at the expiration of the advance pay
Money ma be remitted for subscriptions in letters ni
our ri-k : but the po-tmaster at the place where the let
ler is mailed should be made acquainted with its contents
und keep a description of the bills. When drafts can hi
obtained, they are much safer than to send hills.
Bills of any specie-paying hank in the I'nitcd States oi
Canada- received at par for subscriptions.
We liive no traveling agents. Anyone wi.-litug to re
eeive Tn.: TRIBUNE need mt wait to be called upon foi
his subscription. All that is nece-sarv for liini to do is
to write a letter in as few words as possible, inclose tin
money, write the name of the siiltscrsber, with his Post
office, County and State, and direct, the letter to
Tribune Office, New-York.
IN con-ideratinn of tin 1 ila-r.U patronage with wliicli w<
have IK-CII favored since we commenced business ir
this place, ive tender to the citizens of Towanda and sur
rounding country our sincere thanks, and lmpe by selling
at prices SURPRISINGLY 1.l >W, to make it proii table ti
all who may favor u- with a call.
We are re olved to keep pace with the progressive spirit
of the age in which we live, by offering for sale
G-oods of the Latest Fyles,
at prices that actually alarm the proprietors of old-fash
ioucd St.ires ; they Is-ing schooled in the high-price prin
ciple. Mr rather in the prices of old times—will not lowet
their demands ; but. i:i a very happy manner, warn theii
customers not to meddle witli thcG amis at tlie New Store,
(at the same time exhibiting in icli concern for their wel
fare.) for they know that none but damaged Oootls can
he sold so very low.
We do not intend to sell damaged floods, but if any
prove to l>e so, or, are not what we represent them to he,
return them and receive the money paid for them. We
now offer our E X't'/RK SI'MMER S'I'OVK A'l
S one of our Press Gool<, ur remaining sto k of Ron
nets and Bonnet Trimmings we will sell at I '< ' i.
We have a line lot of Shawls, Mantillas, tv ,-L.w Dra
pery, Silks, Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edging In
serting, Ac., Ac.
We u-c d to scud for any article in our line that
we have not on hand, our assortment of
is complete—cannot he surpassed by any other establish
ment in Northern Pennsylvania. t'.ill and examine our
v.oous—seeing is lieliering.
towanda. JuH 2- ; .
C;i3inc3G (Taris.
Dl? ('H AS M TIHIN l'H. i'/l YSICf.W
4- SURVEON. offers his professional servicas to j
the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res
idem in the dwelling recently occupied by H. ROOTII.
me door north of the Episcopal Ultureh, o Maine
nil. JOHN M'INTOSII, sr r ßGi;ox
f)EXT/ST . HAS RETURNED. Office nex'door
I . Mcrci.i's store, am! over Alexander's Clothing Store,
Main atret t. Towanda. Fe>mary it, 185a.
\ AT E l IV. Ton P.V. Occupies the Office, in
the Union Block, formerly owned by John ('. Adams Ks<j.
td"ile will attend to procuring Bounty Land Warrants
.viitl iVn-ii n-. March 22, ls.>3.
H. J. M inna P- D. MORROW.
ill AX// COL'XSE/.EORS AT LA 11 , —Office
over Mun v.r's Store. Tmvutulu* I'a.
Towa tila. April 2, i p-43-tf
nil. K. II MASON. I'll YSfCIAX AX/)
SI ill!EOX. ifilers liD professional services to tlie
people of Towanda and vicinity. Office at his residence
on Pine street, where lie can always he found when not
professionally engaged.
, \ at I.AIT. Office ill the room formerly occupied
by George Sanderson, over Burton lxingsbery's store.
Towanda, }>> '' Jr.
* I VOI'XSF.I.LOsi AT LA IT, will attendprompt
lv to all business entrusted to his care. Collections will
receive his special attention. Office a few doors north of
the Ward (lodic. Towanda, Ifaay 1. 1 f>.
Vj. /.Alt', TROY. Bradford Co., Pa. Office over V.
M. A H. F. Long's store. • Aug- 7 , 156.
r |fiiE MISSES HANSON respectfully inform the public
1 that the Winter Term of their school will open iu the
new building on second street, west ot the Ward House,
on Mondav, Dect tuber 1, Is.'ili.
Miss O.'D. HANSON will have the general superinten
dence of the school, assisted in Music by Miss REBECCA.
D. II \NSON.and in French by Miss EMMA HANSON.
Thankful for the patronage already extended to them.
! they la g leave to a.-sttre those entrusting their daughters
in their charge, that every effort will he made to deserve
i and favor of their patrons.
j The school vi-,ir will con.-ist of four quarters, of cloven
weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July,
and coiling in September. A recess of a lew days will be
taken at the holidays.
Fir*i To include the elementary English | 4fi ofl
branches, and the study of the Latin language, f "
Second V/axx— To include the more advanced stn-)
dies of the Engli-h branches,with Mathematics,.- sff 00
and the study of laitin and French )
Third Vl::xs —To include Mathematics. Mental)
and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Botany, Ac.,£l2 00
with Latin and French )
Each pupil will bring with her a desk and chair. There
will lie no extra charge whatever.
Music—lnstruction on the Piano, with use of instru
ment. will he given by Miss UKUKCCA 1). H ANSON, at rid
per qnarter.
Boarding for voting ladies can be obtained in private
families at reasonalJe rates. Pupils from a distance will
receive tlie especial cure of the teachers.
T'hev beg leave to refer to the following named gentle
men : lib lb v. AI.ONZO POTT ni. Bishop of the Diocese
of Penn'a, Philadelphia : Rev. Dr. MACI.KAN. President of
1 the College of New Jersey.
F. AffiANs. D. F. BARSTOW, H. S. MKKCTK. t). I>. BAKT
; KETT, K. f>. GOODRICH, Towanda.
REV. SAMUEL F. COLT. Principal, Professor of Natu
| ral. Mental and Moral Science ;
REV. JAMES McWILLIAM. A. M., Professor of Ancient
I Languages and Belles l.ettres ;
| CH ARLES R. COBURX. A. M.. Professor of Mathema
; t,ic> and Master of Normal School ;
MISS K. M. COE. Pre. < ptress ;
MISS KM I LIE A. BUTLER,) „ i<tant4 .
MISS HELEN M. CARTER. Assistant in Music ;
: Mr. f ANFELD DAYTON, Steward.
The Winter Term commences November 26, and contin-
I ues 14 weeks, besides 10 day- rerc-s at Christmas.
; Payable invariably iu advance—Fuel and contingencies
all included :
: Tuition in the Fifth class, (primary) per term $1
" Fourth, 6
Third 7
•' Second N .
" First 10
Pupils using scholar-hip- are charged #1 per term for
fuel and contingents ; for instrument on which to take
! lessons. 50c. or tor practice #2.00
No scholar, whose parents or guardians shall reside
within two miles of the Institute shall be admitted to tui
j tion therein upon any permanent scholarship rented or
: loaned by such pupil, his or her parent or guardian.
! French, German. Spanish or Italian, each, 5 .
j Witeti taken without other branches, 7
j Drawing J
| Ornamental needlework and embroidery,each 3 . .
! Tuition on Piano Forte with use of instrument,... 12
do do per quarter of 11 weeks 10 ..
Oil painting in landscapes, per term S ..
do figures 10
Room rent for lodgers 1 7.1
The Uoiotg Ladies will find board in the Institute,
under the care of the Matron, at per week,.. ... l 7,7
l-'nel and light 2
The ntali pupils can find board iu private families,
at per week from s'2 00 to 2 50
Washing, per dozen, 3k
Pupils hoarding in the Hall, (who will be exclusively
Females.) will furnish their own bed, bedding.towels, Ac.
and the tabic silver at their option.
No pupil taken for less Hutu half a term. The hoarding
bills for the term niu-t he paid in advance ; or one half
thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the
middle of the term.
Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to the obser
vance of the Regulations, and none will he admitted on
1 other terms.
1 Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge
I for those qualifying themselves as teachers for common
1 S. F. COLT. See. V. L. WARD, President.
July 3, 1856. A. WICKIIAM. Treasurer.
Book Binding - .
! 'I'HIK undersigned has the agency of one of
1 the best Binderies in X. Y. City, and is ready to re
ceive Books Pamphlets. Magazines, Ac., to lie bound in
any style desired, in the neatest and most substantial
pinner and at very low rates—shall be forwarding a lot
very soon—so semi in your volumes. O I). BARTLETT.
April '24. lfCiij.
DUS. (J. M. it G. I\ CAI)Y would respect
fully announce to their friends and the public that
1 they have just opened a new and extensive DRUG STORE
at NICHOLS, N. Y. Their stock is new and carefully
1 selected, and eousi>ts of
Drugs, Medicines, Ckernicals, Faints,
among which are lead, zinc, chrome green and yellow,
india red. vennillion. Ac. Oils anil Varnishes,
a variety. Dye-stuffs, including logwood,
camwood, fnstig, cudbear, gran
ulated tin, indigo, Ac.
BRUSHES for paint, hair, hat,
clothes, shoe, teeth. Ac. Window glass,
putty, cumpheue, burning tiuid, alcohol; tan
, ner's oil; very pure LIQUORS for medicinal purposes ;
Patent Medicines, perfumery, l.ubin's
Extracts for the handkerchief ;
fancy Article*, Yankee Notion*,
Snuff, Cigars, Ac. Ac.
To Physicians our stock offers inducements as being of
the best quality, carefully selected, an J sold cheap.
Give us a call, and see if you can purchase as cheap
elsewhere. G. M. A G. P. C.VDY.
Nichols, June 13,1656.
I JLJ tity of good Butter Tubs and Firkins, just received
and for sale by niay2o H. S. MERCUR.
/LYUTlOX.—Whereas my wife ELIZA
BETH, has left my bed and hoard without cause or
prove cation ; I therefore forbid all persons trusting her
on my account, as 1 will pay no debts that she may con
tract after this date. WM. PATTERSON,
j Sept. 3U, lsjii.
A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery
i Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings. Iron.Sttel
and Nails, just received by H. h. MERCUR.
T)l RE CIDER VINEGAR—A goidifti-
X elc at FOX'S.
IINSEED. Lamp, Tanners', and Neatsfoot,
J Oils, Alcohol, Cantpliine ami Burning Fluid for sale
by 11. S. MI'RU'K.
11. Tvr. WELLES W CO.
Manufacturer, M'imiesuie apd retail dealers in
r.lf/:/.> AJW TltKSi/KttS X HVA'.t'fl II 'Kits,
Portable Saw-Mills. Clover Hnllers and Peed Cutters.
Kmerv's Cider Mills, Apple I'arcrs,
Clow'- and Kelsey's and other drain Cradles, Scythes,
and other Harvesting Tun's.
Ketrhinn's and other Mowin'r and Reaping Machines.
Seymour's drain Prills, P.road cast Seed Sowi is. .Ac,
Magic P u-n anil Cob Mills, Cultivators, Leather and
Rubber Beltings.
Matiufaeturer of
Peters' Celebrated JTilSj MXT<ItS,
Which I am prepared to sell at either WHOLESALE DP
I'KTA IL. on very favorable terms.
These millsffire warrat ted second to none in the Cnited
States, for durability, < di■ iency and simplicity, ami vviy
do in the best manner and rapidly, all kind- of dialling i
and cleaning all kinds of (train, • trass Seed, A c.
giC Warranted to chaff lit for market, front 40to<Kt
bushels of Wheat per hour.
Refrigerators, Provision Safes, etc.
Extras furnished for repairing Emery's and Wheeler's
Descriptive Catalogues. Price Lids and Circulars of all
machines sold by us. sent gratis and postage pre-paid, to
all applicants. Send us your name and addivs;.
Athens, Pa. June 25, I oil. li. M. WEI.LLSA CO.
TAMES HARRIS, ELE('TI:K'IAN. of Towanda, respect- j
fully informs the public that lie has lately procured j
from New York the celebrated Electrn-t'heinn ..1 Hath. I
which lias proven to he one of the most Important and ;
wonderful discoveries oft he age. from its ability to extract j
minerals from the human system.
Some eight years ago. a physician of Cincinnati disco
vered the process of extracting minerals from the hmly.
by galvanism : more recently. M. Verges, of New York,
an electro-gilder, having suffered from the introduction of
poisonous minerals into his system in the prosecution of j
Iris art. conceived the idea of removing them by the same
processes, he succeeded in doing so. and quickly recovered.
He then applied the same means to others similarly at
fected. with like results. His success exceifbdhis most
sanguine expectations, for not only did these Baths rc move
mineral poisons, but cured many diseases, some of which
were the result of minerals, and some were not.
More recent experiments have fully continued the sin
gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi
nerals that may he lodged therein, to the grt ..t detriment
of health. Very often persons are iifllh ted by diseases
which are beyond the comprehension of the most -kiiftil
physicians, and which are the effect of poisonous mine
rals accumulating in the system for years, taken in the
shape ot calomel, lead, Ac. Ac.
The following are some of the diseases cured by these
baths : Rheumatism. Paralysis. Palsy, Painter's C'holic,
Chronic lllcers, Glandular Swellings. Scrofula. Cancer,
Xettrulia in all its forms, Salt Rheum and Humors of all
He has also S. TL Smlth'suewlv invented DTRECT VXD
is a great improvement on the Magnetic mat bines lien to
fore ill use. With the aid of the Batli and Machine, we
have at command all the available medical efficiency iff
Electricity. The medical power of the Machine is very
great, in introducing medicines into the system through
the pores of the skin applying it directly to tin parts af
fected, which gives an increase of medicinal power over
Unit of taking it into tlie.-t miacli,rendering it particular
ly efficacious in all local disea r.
lam now prepared to apply these Baths, and also the
Machines, at my house in the south part of the b •rough
of Towanda, or 1 will visit patients at a di-tuive who are
unable bv reason of disease to come to this place, at nc
derate prices.
I tin also sole agent for Bradford count v. for the abovi
Machines. JAMES II Wii.lS.
T > wand i Do'-eniber 22. IS.
FKLTOX wottltl rps]ipHfully inform the
k # public that lie is now e dvath's'ld stand udii
Hall A Bussell's. south s'tic nf the ]iu! p.- quare. Pirn
i-h those w lilting IM'RE l.loi OR-: w'th .thu • t eve i
thing in that line. He ha lately m . |.r e ■■po;.... j..
his stoik. purchasing of the t imp rtv l -. >; in t!i
original package. ll< In on In .d. and .'-> i -ah in ani
quantity from a quart i w m!- :
/Irani/-- Sign He. I guiac. i.ld H"tine-y. ami Otard.
ft in. Swan Vua-iii m. and S heiih ni S iuuqq-.
M7i/*'.'< y. Seoteh. Old Rye. Moiiongalu hi, and Recti
I Fine, f'urratit. Port, and Brown Sherry.
Fresh < 'aiiiplioic an 1 Burning Fluid kept c ui-tantly on
hand. Also Pa per cent.
(To AUS of the best brands. Jugs iff ail sizes; quart
flasks, and a large quantity of empty barrels.
Bingham ton Ale by the gallon or barrel.
Those favoring nie with their patronage may he certain
that all articles w ill he what they are represented.
X. B. The person who borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is
requested to return it.
Towanda, January l v . 1850.
I¥T. E. Solomon, Proprietor.
111S extensive Ready-made Clothing Establishment,
situated in Mcreur'.s him k. Main st;e< t. has just lieen
tilled with a large assortment of SPRING CLOTHING.
The proprietor assures the iiuhlie that he has the best
and cheapest assortment ever offered in Towanda : mid to
prove this fact he respectfully a k- the public to call and
examine for themselves.
Persons wishing good bargains and an elegant suit, or
any portion thereof, well made of substantial materia!—
Coat. Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Collars, and in fact every
thing in the line, will do well to call. He is confident he
van satisfy all in price and quality.
j6) Don't forget the place —one door south of Mcrcur's
store, Main-st. Towanda, March 2s, ls.jii.
GROCERIES, F 3.0 Vl£ soars, 6cC
II est side of the Public Si/uarc, opposite the
Court House.
BAILEY A- nkyixs ore ju<t receiving tt
large addition to their stock of Provisions, Groceries,
Yankee Notions. Tnvs, Fruit. Confectionary, Ac., which
will he sold wholesale of retail for cash, or in exliange for
most kinds of country produce, at price- that eaniiot fail
to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would
do well to call and examine our stock and prices.
Black and Green Tea, Bio and Java Coffee, Chocolate,
Cocoa, Sugar. Molasses. Syrup, Ginger. Pepper. Spice,
Cloves, nutmegs. Mace cinamon, Ground Mustard. Pepper
Sauce. Soda. S.ileratus, Cream Tartar. Sperm and Tallow
Candies, Bar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac.
Flour, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour. Corn Meal, Feed,
Pork. Hams A Shoulders. Mackerel, Codfish. Shad, Lake
Trout, Pickeled and Smoked Herring. Cheese, Rice, Beans,
Onions, Potatoes, Butter, Lard. Crackers, Ac. Ac.
Prunes, Citron, Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins, Lem
ons and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Peaches,
Almonds, Pecan nuts, Frazil nut-. Grenoble and Madeira
Walnuts, Filberts, Pea nuts, Chestnuts. Hickory nuts, Ac.
Ac.—Roys' Sleighs. Tin Wagons. China, Pewter A Wood
Tea Setts. Dolls. Trumpets, Toy Guns, Aceordians. Har
monicas, Glass. Paper ami Wood Inlaid Work Boxes and
Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Secretaries, Ac, Pearl, Iverv,
Papier Mai he aiid Leather Port Monaies Wallets, Purse's,
Ivory, Horn and Wood Pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac
co and Snuff Boxes, Cigar Cases, Tooth, Hair and Cloth
Brushes, Fancy Mirrors. Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac.
FOOLS CAP, Letter. Commercial Note and Bath Post
Paper. Envelopes. Wafers. Sealing Wax. Ink. Inkstands,
Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penholders, Pens, Wafer scales,
Ac. Ac.
TABLE AND DAIRY SALT, Salina and Rock Salt, and
Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NEVINS.
Towanda, November 26, 1 *55.
Spring aiul Summer Goods.
Tracy 6i Moore,
a large and well selected assortment of
which have been selected with unusual care, and piirebas
ed at the lowest possible rates. Feelingcontidetit that we
can sell Goods for Ready Pay. a-low as any establishment
in the country, we ask the public to give us a call, and
examine our stock and prices. May lit. l-.uh
/ i KIOCERIR6—CaII and we our Brown,
*JT Crushed, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars; Fine Young
Hyson A Black Teas—warranted a superior arti. !e. or the
money refunded for sale cheap bv It. KIXCSBEBV.
Xllcrclj.mbii:, £'c.
w, 4j:t( A"i.vc23im'LTCOT
V_z iindersigued is voi.-tai fly receiving from New-York
by Express, new additions to his stock of Watches. ('locks.
Jewelry. Silver ware, ai d Fancy Goods, comprising in
part- Gold and Silict Lever. l.'Lpiite and Plain Watches,
with a till! and complete assortment of Fine Gold Jewelry,
such as Gold chains. Lockets. Bracelets, Gold Pens, Keys.
Breast Pius. Ear-Rings, Finger-Rings, etc. etc. Also, a
large variety of Silver WM re.-u- h as Table and Tea Spoons,
Cream spoons. Butter knives, Salt sjioons. Spectacles, to
gether with an extensive assortment ot Plated Ware—All
of which will he sold very low for CASH.
( LOCKS' A large assortment Chicks just received, of j
all descriptions, ranging in prices from To cents to Fifty
I b.i'ar-.
Up. Watches repaired on -hort notice, and WARRANTKD
to run well. Also, all kinds Clocks repaired. u
VV. A. ('. would lieu" leave to say. that lie is prepared to
execute tiie ruo-t difficult Jol 8. such as can he done at no
other Shop short of New-Yolk citv.
Towanda, February 1, 18.">5.
1 J fitted for anv -ize, to he had at the ewelry Store ot
Feb. I. IW-,. " W.'A. CHAM BERLIN.
A. M. Warner's
A fir 4' Splendid Jrirelri/ Store, one door north
of Put tons D.ruer Store,
„ llASju.xt been opened with the largest and
JfBL la-st elude stock of FASHIONABLE
JEWELRY ever offered t-i a di-criminating
I&E—J Hjl public. Indeed, he can safely say that with
Sr. JmM the upeniiigof his mIV store ha.- been iu
-■flSSr*acgi ratid a'new era in the Jewelly line,
inasmuch as along with the ■ hoiccai.d elegant a- •u tiueiit
he give- tie most relic! le a—iiraiice of an aim i.-t incredi
hle lediii'tiiiii in prices ; the rich and tasteful articles hav
ing hi i n all bought with ready en. h.
A. M. W., when he reflect li w, for the past years,with
a far less attr.t tive stock, he has enjoyed -o large a share
of public patronage, flatters himseil that the immense in- j
crease of Goods lie now offers, whii h have lieen bought so
much more advantageoii-ly, w ill eiuil le him to increa. e \
the generous coiitidenee which lias hitherto lieen vouch- j
sated to him. Ho therefore sop. it- a continuance of the i
favor of his old cu.-toine; ;. and invites the public gcneral-
Iv to 11one and see tin- fa -liioiis.
continue to he distinguished by the skill and dc-p itch
which has hereto!-,re enahh dit to enjoy the enviable rep
utation of being the ic>! reliable in tow n.
Towanda, September 24. I'M.
y. Gil KSTKI* WITIS wonM
S, ' i -pe •; !ly inform hi- friends uud the
H,-,t he is now re l iving at hi-old
stand one do >r north I ap n-te. Mason \- Co.'s banking
house, a large and ex'tcii-ive a -• r;un ut of
Sofas, Mal.opuiv Cliairs, of various palf-rts,
Ro-ewiod uml Muhojuiiv Side i I ' i n're T:i : ies,
Diniag.Tea am! Pen! -i ik< 'iaoic- -bind- livery
kind, ('am. Flag and Wood-cat l liau- high
Chairs. Childri ii's Rocker- Pa d t, ols,
Bureaus. Loangi-. CiR and l.'o-c
--wood Pi lure I rami--. Imn Hat
Slai d-. Corner a.ul side d".
of walnut and mahogany: Cr.ulle.-. Cribs. Wardrobes.
Cii|ib lards, Looking gla fee.
*S"('OFFL\K. of evi-ry size and quality, and will at
tend on all occasions when required.
The public arc invited t ■ examine iny assortment before
purcha-iug el-ewhere. i- 1 will -<•!! cheaper than any other
estahlLsiuiieut in Northern lVnn-y'vania.
Towanda. \ugust s. 1 s",.>.
Tim COT, 5T.1115
JHE sulc.cj-ilier would announce
t■ l the public he has now on
g- ami will make to order all
kind- of ( A BIN E'l Ft'BNITCRK,
It -ii.-h as S.ffa-. Divan- Luiiiiges. (Vli-
JiCjiwiifJlliu!3 tie. Card. Dining and Breakfast Ta
ss —I Me. Mahogany, Walnut. Maple and
ft lj k V,Cherry Bureaus, stands of various
" V kind-. ( hairs and Bed-toads of every
description, which are, and w ill la- made ot the be-t ma
terial and w-a km lti'ike uiatiner, and which tiny will -ell
for ca-h cheaper tliau can lit 'nought in any other Ware
r-n'iii in tin - ■■ a.Hy.
RE \H\ -M.VDK ('DFEiNS. on hand on the most rea
son,i'b term-. A good HEARSE will fie t'unii.-Ued mi
Funcr ! a-iojis. JAMES MAt KINS(>N.
Towanda. January 1. l-.VT.
HOOT S A X I) 811 O KS.
Tckn VJ. WiJcos,
H' AS I-( ;,!(.,| his e-ta!'lishinent mi Main Street, on door
North ' : the " Ward House." and will continue the
inatiutai t re ■ BOOTS A SHOES, as heretofore.
I!e ha- j -i -tci'i\cd from New-Y -rk a large assortment
ol Woman- Chihlrcns' and Mis-e-' Sh -es.whii It are offer
ed at low prices. The attention of the Ladies is pnrticn
■ larly d n - ted to lii- a-sortment. comprising the following
new style-: -Enamelled Jenny Lind gaiter hoots; do.
-hoes ; black la-ting and si||< gaiter : walking shoes, bus
kin-. Ac. Mi-se- gaiter-and sln-es, of every description.
A large var.cty of Childreiis' fauer gaiters, isiots Jt shoes
of all kinds.
For tin-Gentlemen, almost every -tile of gaiters and
shoes. This stock has been personally selected with care,
and lie Ijclievi s he can otti r superior articles at reasonable
a.: ' The strictest attention paid to M AXTFACTI'KINO,
and In- hope- by doing work well to merit a eoutinuauee
of the liberal patronage he has hithcrso received,
'fowamla. Feb. 1. IK,">5.
i > WA'riiors & Co., hi:.\u:ns r.x
IL ///.'.fir A- SHF/.F HARDIVARK. No's. 1 A
I t. Water t. Elmtra. N. N'.
We have recantly made large additions to our extensive
stock, and have now on hand a complete assortment of ev
ery lies ript'e not Hardware, wliit hwe off-r at the lowest
cash pi ices; consisting of Mechanic's Tool-, Building Ma
terials. Iron and steel. Nails ami spiku. Ropes and Cord
age. Paints, Oils ami Class, Mill saws of every size and
shape, either Malay Gang or Circular.
Machine Belting, of all width-, both of India Rubber A
leather, Gla-s at winde-ale. We ait* prepared to supply
Merchants with Gla-s. Nails, scythes. Fork.-, Ac., at Man
ufacturers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on
hand or made to order.
CoRTRAt TOR'S TOOLS- Wheelbarrows, Ames' Sho
vels, Blasting Powder. Am
Agent-for Rich A Wilder'- Patent .Salamander .Safes.
Kail - Platform Smiles, and Welch A Griffith's Circu
lar saws.
Large-izes up to ( 0 inch, always on hand and sold at
Factory Prices. Particular attention paid "to orders bv
Klmira, April 7. 1856. n-4 4-12 m
K hi M O V A T,.
U7"Ori.D respectfully inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have removed their Cloth
ing and Furnishing Store to their New Building on the
west side ot Main Street, next door to Hall A Rus-iU'-.
and will be happy to wait on all who may give them a
_ Their stock consists of Black Cloth Coats. Plain and
t anry Cassimeres. Tweed- and Jeans. Black and Fancy
Ca-sinieie Pant-. Black Satin Vests. S !k Velvet and Mti
, y do.. Sdk- ot all kitnl-. W hit,* Mar-aille- and bincv ilo.,
White and fancy Linen Pants. (Iverall ami ver-hirts,
white and fancy shirt- drawer-,, dl r-. t v,t k-,'
j Hat-and Caps of nil kind- iud q , ilitie-. a g d a- >wt
ment of Boys Clothing, sneh as C at-, Vest- and Pants
which we are selling otf at co-t.
Geutleineu wishing clotliin * madi ip t-. rdei w'li di
well to give us a call.a-we have a * >d
Cloths, Cassimeres and Ye iio. ..i h ..1 wh li we te
ready to make up on short notice dW A lilt < N l'!-.i t •
fit in every way, or no sale. .. ,1 w tt . J
j flatter ourselves that we know . •in h lit a . i -t
people, having liacl soin*-la-ar-i-xpM'ie :: . in, -
CI I'TING done to order a- i , - .Yheie i. >d .u
bought of us. no charge made lor ouHieg. ,V- leganl
cheapness, all we a-k i-to give - a..11 be! Ate ! i ...
Towanda, August 7. Is.'W!.
V~(> Hxcusi-: Lou lad lukad:
J-'l If you procure of DR. H. C. PORTER,
South store in the Ward House.
Equally adapted to Loaves. Hot Rolls. Risen it. Buckwheat
and other Griddle Cakes. Gingerbread, all kinds of Sweet
< akes. Batter lor Dumplings, Puddings, Pot pies. Ac. Ac
l'l i' e (•*. March 20.
r U"E undersigned respevtfully announces to his friends
J. and the public generally, that he has formed a Co
partnership with Mr. CH ARLES FEXDT of the City of
New A oik, under the firm and stvle of
15 Heaver street, Xetc- \i,rl\
in the Importing and Jobbing of Foreign and American
All orders will he promptly filled and satisfactiongnar
antied. D. VANDERCOOK.
New-Vork, 15 Reaver -t. Sept. 1, lMAtj.
/ V\ NULL'S, hot It Sperm and Tallow bv tin
" lm\ >r pound, at FOX'-;.
- "SvffifS^;. — v?'-
. ..-.... ,-. •; : '
Fronting the Public Pr jaie.
HTMIF sulic-eriLer thankful for f lie liL< nil patron '.jje of the east y-tr. intend--1> keep constantly on hand a full •
L norfment uf tin- wry l-e -f dietician ukuw Kept in our lirie. which hk vtu Xipw nf onKiirji t<m.., t '
ijhttwy to ail wh . way patronise htm, The plir<has# w ou !•■ -•*'rr-iv* #in a*li in hand and for the <\KH
ru-ti.mer- will re-rive th re lit 4 '' (, od ■ilticiu ..t a! \s j; o •-• - All ;.;t. lea */."// i-v. r i i.'ir rt'i-nuitiirfi.! ,* nj
and art irnrruiitetl a* rejireientrd. ' '
Advice gratuilously given t llir Offirr, rlinrsin? t.nly fur llic Mrditinrs.
Tlo -to k iou=i -t- of a i: out jJ. t- ami electa- orthn .it of
Pnro Wine k LlquTS. for Mcd : innl use. London Porter k Sc-lcli \!e.
The most approved Trtrscs an! Abdo aina- Supporters, r-?r,r-in? Eottiec Nic
plc Shells, Breast, Stings, &yriEges, Catheters, Ac. '
American, English & Chinese Razors and Knives.
Sup crier TOZIACCC 4t ZTZVTT !-—Ctcic* brands cf Ilavanco Trircira
and "STara CXtZA BSi ! ' F ®
I'ainfs. OiN VttrnMr *. I T* SS* IV (IIIIMIJ Sliaviu^Soiin
S'atit) is sill, k ivf i.c. " ' '
Hair Dyes, 11 •i r Rrxtnivr, 1' :*ny Soup*, Shaving C.vinn, Tuotli Pow<l-r, Extracts fur the
Haiulk, n f, !*.! :au Wli.-ks, I'oit iiiOiiiiiii.-, I'nr-i-, 15 iv. < *-iini-s* f Hose tuid
I.iivtMni'T Waters, Tobacco and Sim 11" link Dlilo Ink Ac
I J luck am! Green Tea-; Rio am! .hiva Goflec- ; Mola.-se-, Syrup-, Simars, Spice-, ,Ve See
>a!imn, Mackerel, Sardines, Ac.
UiIMKMUIiIi Til 15 r-.TiUIli—MdTIl END -OF THE W.llilt lIuTSF,!
To wan da, l-Ylintary 1, lsii'i. p (•_ poftTKR M. I>
The Mammoth Hardware Store
Foreign Si Domestic Hardware |lf
I Jul SE TRIM MiN(iS, of ovcry doscrljiiion, J
( 'tirj-n f rrs, Cnbinrt Meiers, Him '.smi/hs o iul Shi e'
[„ t a, i almo.-l cvcniliiug iliat the iml .-try , t the mntrr n-iiiiircs. In 1M
; ,illition we arc ewwUutiy no lung ami ke, <>n hand a lull -j.Vk of '-•••• , \gi
Swrf/rx nvd Amrrio n Inn, tA rsc shrr Irrn, Xrif rals. &-r,
Warrant.-,! of ihoU- i .jnallty. and -old a- ,|„ :l| , as om 1 o ,„ m hased of am hn e-t , -t oi \. V, rk. Al-o
I aiker mill Nail.-. 1.0 id I in,, -ash Putty, U Into Load, Lin-, 0.l oil. !ii hi-•• in anted . tly |n.n.
Saudlcry KarJu'are, and Cariiage leaker's Gccds.
Parlor and < A Wo ~! and C<l St >ves, LV.ndator- and Shoot Lrou- tor,-, st vo P pe, Ac. Vc ie thin?i f.-l
mlrk t* ,W " • r L""; whit bls pronounced by all iud.e-..- 1 ■ .a. .■ k titov* iu tit
market. It i- ospeoir.Hy ad ij te, Ito the Farm, r s use.
i A- we have the hree t and ui—t complete Hardware Htore cm the Vow York and Erii '! tilr ad ai dc iatml m
j M 1 - - r< tessr
1 p 111 ° N *> 1 E '
2tfr>. 4, Battons' Block, f?otksrc£ ra.
TIIK suhsoriU v- would re-pc-i tinlly inform their friend-jind tin- pahlie that thej hav formed i mi-partiirr-liip in
the I).iijt business, and are not, rei oiving at \o. 4. in Patton - New |!ri k IJlo, k tr< "l tin da-of I'liiladel
i )ihia and Vow York a lare and well -oleotcd -took of American, French and Ku-ILU
Ii- iSS lis® IFAiML" se:s*:x± Si
SURGICAL inSTHTTIVIEWTS, and a variety cf the most approved Trusses,
Abdominal Supporters, & c., always ou hand.
; London Purler and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal purposes.
Crushes for (he Hal, Hair. Teelh. \ails, Boots, Painting, Tarnishing, Hhilt was'iin?. iU.
I The Lovers of OOOD CIO MIS owl TO It AC CO, iriH fi n ,l a lore: - v.-.rllit <f eh H"™'
no, Yarn nntl Hriitcije ('/pars, on<l the finest br<;nils of Tub reo onil s <,
( aniithenr —Pai limlar lltenlion paid to lite H.uiiifat tiiif of If! KMNfI iTJ'HI
Anrl aJ h, asxoi tmenl of /..! t/f'.V, of -t" vote- and : r:ptur.ix, iiir-t Cage*. Cap*. V. N . •/ Sfr >'-
All of which is offered for iwle at preatl> reduced rate-. Out -to k Leitur hrge end mostly purchased fr-w
| Importer and Manufacturer:, rv I west rate-. ami with Cash. enahleß n- to pell ,t n daeed pfi es.that m *
I tialactury t ■ nil. \t o inviti the attrution of the paldh to an enpr rial examination of h\ r stoek >•< .•■ •i- "■' i' !l ' **"
Out 4/ ■■> ■ rilK i ' .SH SYSTK.M—QUICK S \ I.F.S SMA 1.1. PROFITS.''
I Our O" si ire eli ted nd' t . tun t •••< •• d wntru ted t• Le wlmt the-, in rej re-1 :•! - .c y •!' i'p e
tin iitr.irv vve ore n T i!v li'liti: it . t r t . ih, ~ md tin ;>■■ cv " - • :i ''' : ,
M I:. P>Y V K will -vr Iv , I -:. • , !, tll'lli >N- a X
id mti-ly on the '• ltft t •v. JOSI.I'II 1* A 1 i'
I T \v.i tii .1 (• ?♦; I "'*., rj>\VAK> !E
BMv' IM & !? <! \ WIJ
One !■<>)■ I <h t > I? ' a ie.
rTYHK -u!i-rri: <r >a !.i •• i li : ■ friend*
I .mil the Ii •■■ ■ i i"v i • i<i| a
KKHY \XI> KATIXi. sy ; u.i\ ... •. ol the
Ward Honse, when he iatnMl : ' .tiv on hand
,i ft I! ass ..tun lit • • „>m iyH'ing it to A,■ ',■■■■. .i.
lii K i:-k. i'mi kf]- Junbie> .11kmtiso. i nkf Ar.
ll.•vin..r- ere,l tin .t in , v,„ ,mnred tinker. and
using nonh twit the best brsnils ( flnnr, hit feck yonfidenl
of giving satisfaction to .... .1 •m. t ..i n-In;: wit I; A r
Wedding ami <*t?!i > why i- : !iI wAh whati via re-
I|iiireil. on -hi ft f b. cd ,t the '* -t ro w.n able rates.
V nice assortment i.f t'andie . Note. Fruit*, Yc.. kept
always on hand and sold at the cheapest rates.
FIfKSH OYSTKRS received three times per week by
express, and sohl wholesale ami retail.
**>" Hot C'oflee serred tip at all !i • it's. Don't forget the
plaee, one door north of the Ward House.
February I' 2, lsdi!. H. A. BURBAXK.
f T"MIK stibserilier having had two yt ars' expcrii nee in the
A Lightning Hod trade, in and .ih.iut Philadelphia, has
nuw eontineneed the husiness in liradford ami adjoining
('utilities, lie will do busine-- near home, and ice noth
ing but the best article of lb id and I*l.itina points, all war
ranted such, and erected in the lub-t pi rieet and v.iti.-taiw
tial manner, and as strictly apoii s. icntilie principles a
any line of telegrnsh. IV.-soiis wishing their families iji.l
pr iperty protected from this dc-ti c\ ing agent can do so
by applying to the subscriber at Loitay -vlllc.
Leliavsville, May Id, |s.>i. F. UItKMHiY.
ORIK!> AIMM.KS a frw lir-t rate onr*.
: •' ! nr | i >\s"
WtOfeE? T. CARRIE*, Proprietor
'Pil' ■■ .!'■ ' ■' ! ' "•"/•'AmVO il.-
1 feat Unm kvw.l IheOLfIMKASSf.! ''
He in 'he Ida mrtto. d thl .villa-" f ;;
;de ioir.' ii ntimnrn the tt.iblic that this hotel w* ,
:hor • fit tmlrp e :inted. papeieil. A''., and
I'd will, eind tarnft us with other Important rM"g
tin veniem c anil accouniiodali . . > !
velhrs. fmto
\nd farther, the proprietor hegs lent< ' J
the i xperionce lie MM hail in the Iwi'iness, le nt
-el that he is ,-unable of entering '*l' 1" wa'i'- ' r ' n ,;ii:-
will favor hint wit ii their pair cage, i- ' lu *''
tion to please the most fastidio at a.: h . „ rtl .
The mo-t aeeoinmodating assistants always
d inre. I'loase eall ind try us.
Towandn. May '2O. 1 s.'.li. ..
Dasurrmin k l icMnc
TX P \TTO.VS XLW BT.(>CK, • \-s
I Drill: r c sts.. Tow aada. 1 .•. i" 1 ije far
I'D Tl'lil'S. (usually' d A:.. " '>l'"
saperi-r to all other i.i •<! ol | , j.ikejr
tion ."they can be seen in ay positu , .l
in jiitich less time than D ig'.iclt'v ly • a"'
in i loiuTy :is clear weatln r. . . ,tc.. '*
ue 'Miuiatitrvs put inl •L • s ••• )( .licit
usual, l'ooins open at all!m ir-. I'tvt' ~l' '•
not ice. T IWltttuA. Ja : ia> IS-Vi
, r ~' l i-" :
I l! ,■ si . . i '' *