The Marriage of Se T ' % v Thanksgiving W ashixgton, x ox. o'clock, by the mar to day was aigual'ze% St of Illinois, to Miw= nape of ena |. o r_ - fiingtft, after which the Ada Cutts. ol \ (^e cars f or their future carried couple^ rcfideiico, I!) vas accompanied to the altar by T |u * smaiils ; but the Senator, being a , e vcral or* ent a j one . Only a few of his per including G n. Shields and Scna- F ° na -i doll were present. The marriage cere tor f'vva? performed by Father Byrne, of the Catholic Church, in th£ religion of '! h the bride was educated, at Georgetown I vinery. Senator Douglas, himself, Is not tvirii to liave any decided leaning towards V -rlipiom faith, though some of his friends w h favorable inference from his recent laud ?v-at : on to a Baptist College in Chicago. w i,, the matter of age and personal beauty ♦i t .-e is a wide difference between the bride and the bride. Miss Cutts is taH, ele- V ' tiv formed, with a sweet, oval face, large f tt ..vnoves, and small Grecian forehead, arouud ,i) are entwined the heavy braids of her ,v and abundant chestnut baiT. On her peachv complexion there is a periK-tua! wur ''t" the roses—the red and the white— J i filling to maintain a sole supremacy.— • '•nether her trv f . rnsrmbk, f.s the flunkeys ; v frdiv vindicates the good taste of the .. j ; t fle Giant." >1 vs Cutts may be twenty two years of age. ]ler father, Jamea Madison Cutts, an officer j n one of the defMirtmeuts at WashintjLon, is i ••eplifw of >ir. President Washington. \s for Mr Douglass, evet vbody ought to be miliar with his antecedents and apjiearauce. jn point of years, he has decfthVl!y the ndv'an- f • ? p. ef his bride, lining about twice as old.— j • r-ea he is short and stocky. Mr. Douglas is surd to be worth at least one \ • 'red thousand dollars, the result of forto ip..filiation in Chicago lots, aside fro n • j vojAriv, mostly in Louiaiaiiii, left for his • j little IjOvs by his first wife.— N. 1' I'osl. (V-joi'S Tv I F.i.'T OF A PuWUF-R Mux's Ex-1 r;.K<)X.— 'The explosion of the Acton I'owder \| is exceeded in its terrific effects any previ < one. But two lives were lost. One man •.,> torn into fragments. The second was J • ah to a great distance stripped of everv .iv but his Indian rubber shoes. Poor fel i ■v' He had been at the dangerous work i tone day. The roiij that first exploded was i ' L ' iv th no one in it at tire moment.—l Viva this went off, the air was (il!ed with fly- j : ;.;:i?.'ng timber, which, in an instant, com- j .'id to tvro others In one of these j - Me two unfortunate men who were killed i • n: 11, the "dry house, had but little I in it, which blew off tile roof ; it tlvcw - and was consumed. A fourth mill ■ ,(•() hundred kegs of powder inside, wh'ch i .-nut ignited, although 1 , -tripped off and many became bt okeu.— j meti were at w- rk in the wheel pit, and led out- in the stunning nose to seethe' . tacts flying in ail directions. It was an i i speetstele. Three mills exploded. The I was very high and the woods took fire. ; ir expected that the shattered mill, from j - i the men had escajred, would blow up , - moment. The fire was seen within a rod ; and the fiowder was exposed to tin- least 1 •'wfc. After watching it for some time, a tar, t tin* hazard of his life, took a bucket j ' A.'.trr, and crawled on his knees to where ire was blazing, and extinguished it. It j . a little singular that from every bnilding pressure was outward. Boards were lire- 1 i'". out, windows fell out : one front door of ! . house, a quarter of a mile distant,; ■: tit. A window in my bnrn, a mile off j the mills, broke out. Great damage wa> j receipt of any cotjsigiinieuts of hrari *l)!vh they may lie tumble to place ab 'c iv!; met*. Tlie practice alluded to In the ut'i-erding to the New York Journal of 'wrcr. has found imitation on this side of j Aiiantie. As high as eight, and even ten ) paid for empty casks bearing a wefb '""sii-l, and when a suitable number of • i'! prized casks are collet ted, the l.ran ~'utiiii'actared from raw whiskey, which ' ur market at twenty-five atid a-half to I mx c its per gallon, and then shipped • : 'f-.a and elsewhere as tlte genuine ar- fcnval and Departure of Mails. -L\— Arr.ves daily, except Sunday, at 12* P. M. Depart* ao 1 do • S K—* daily, except Bundav, at 12 M. Departs ' do " IP. M. —-Xr-iv.-. daily, except Sunday, at 7 T. M. L'eparts do " 7 A. M. b-QIIN- trrives Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- J '-* l. a t P. M. Depart.!, same days, at OA. M. Vp rr ' vps Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at lb Departs Tuesday, Thursday anil Saturday, M 5 A.. •" ''' !"(• Arrives Monday, XX'ednesdsy and Friday, * Al. liejoirts Tuesday, Thursday and Katur - *t 7 A. M. Arme— Monday. XX'eduesdav and Friday, at y j Depart* Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday '•'■— Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 'Departs Monday, Wednesday and F'n ' Aniv.. Wednesday and Saturday, at 6 P. M. I '-r J!' ! ' art '. 1 '"-"l ;i y Friday, at 5 A. M. , * "i'o" mails close at. H o'clock of tbe eveuing pre- | ~ ffn.u,n mail* dose at 1U A. M. 11. c. PORTER, P. M. | "Vaada Market - Wholesale Prices. ■Od, V. v f • *.\ rv h. i. H)X. TValer in Provisions and i v Xo. 1. Brick How.J i price,). .y bl,i fBOO 6$ .SO *> .... - .... uoo 4 : j • tV bushel,.... 1 1 50 i | " " 30 (e& i :< f(£ j 6o raj .! V- •• " ... 6)5 62$ 1 31 ( 17 66 20 I 1 v . , •• b fit 10 I 't- '• 12 (>t 10 I 12 (ti li fi'VMI 10 W - 1 On the sth Inst.. at Southport, N. Y., at the residence nt Oliver Comfort, Esq., by Elder A. G. liouimuud. GEO. W. QClCK,ofSuthL'rcek,to Miss MERCY COMFORT of the former place. OXED, On the 10th inst., near Columbus, Ohio, Mrs. NANCY SMILEY, aged ninety-live—widow of the late Rev. TUoinaxHmtlcy, the Mother of Mrs. Anna True y. ff T'wvaudu. imd-tnu.d-uiothcr of Stuart Smiley, Eai;.. o, Kituiklin. *** RLY. W. M. DFt LONG, (Universalis) will I |n preach at th'i Court House, in this twruugh.uext ciUNUAY, evening. 30*h early candle li^bt. And also, will pteach a'i Athens in the fomuoou, and Sbcsheqiiin in the attertoin of the same dav. i 1 1 Ncto Obiioertiscmv-Hts. TAKE NOTICE.—Ran awhy from thesub seribeTj my aon MERWIN 6TROPE, without any Hist reason, find I tlierefore forbid all persons trustiug nini, as I shall pay DO debts he may contract after this da £. WM; STROPE. Rome, NovemW 25,1866. V DMIN'RS. NOTICE.—AII persons in -fX the estate of JOS. CONG DON", doe'd, late of Lib hlield tuantship, are hereby noshed to make payment without d< lay. and all persons luting demnndß against said estate are requested to prusent them dulv au Mienticated f J iiowmau CM Miss Leonard C 11 Barnes Wm. M a ee H U Browning G XV. Mei kare Henry iieudett IS Esq. Mills R J . Bennisc M.ertin. Moore Amelia Hills Oney C. M'Nullv Mary Bonn is Thomas. Menardi A E BroderH k Mary. Marshall Olinda Carwin Stephen O. Miller itielnird C miitl yolui. , Spang Mann Clevelanil J G. Newell Stephen Corhit Robert H. PeUer XVm t'a.ile Sarah June. I'elmer J 1-' Gall:;w Bridget. Post Jane t'Leipirein-Christian*. Prin F'ordlnaftd C-ilir ( iturge Cluitun. t'enuepaektr Amanda Dana I.uiiior. Parish Joeeph DUI Sum..ej. Rlclwrdsoij ilary D-'doc Harriet Robismi Wm !)easy Win Rose G XV Diilaiulher Martha Randall, I'anisworth A Co tliib iy lluniiah Rntfy Christy peihl Mary Rothwell Robert K.-tcriy I rank Reeder Hellm A Kngli h Emily SulHvan S Ellen Etmis Levi Sullivan Daniel Freeze Jacob Smith Correll II Kanar Eliab Sautce C M Misa Green Nathan Smith Wm. Griffin .Maurice Sis Sou XVright 11-iajri uid Andrew E 4 Sharp Walter B Hedding Y. G Tracy Susan A Hove Mary E Taylor K G Mrs. liuys Robert Towner la-vi U" Humphreys Dr. Urich K H Rev Hardin P. XVatkins Adolphus Horlon XVin P C Horton K D XVnndniff Jared Hardin S P XVell< J R Heath Hart hey Whitney L linger p Mrs XVamsn Orlando iline S -.rah E Yoekle John George Is!,el Levi Zellcrliach Anthony Pi r.-uns calling for any of these Wtter will mention they are advertised. ' _ li. C. POUTER. P. H. BARCLAY COAL—THE BARCLAY RAIL BO YD AND COAL COMPANY Imse now on band, and will keep constantly for sale at TOWAXDA, aTarge .supply oi their coal, at $3 00 per t< n for lilacl;s-mUJt Coal, and $3 bO prr ton for Rafed Coal. Apply 'or coal at Towanda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal will alsu be ,*dd at THE MINHS at $2 00 per ton for Jilacksmilh Coal, and $2 50 per tern for linked Coal. A liberal discount will he made on sales bv the bout load. Oct. 30. 1856.. ED WD OVERTON, President. ELACKSXKUTHXZVa. ANUEL K ROMER rtspci tfully informs AJ the puhHc that lie has romuieiu-cd BI.ACKSMITH iisG in the new shop neat below Est-mvine A Set-bitsuh's, directly opposite G. H. [irake's, piuin street, where he liojies to rrtthrt a si-aie of puhtic patfotfagc. Towanda Female Seminary. THE WINTER QUARTER of tbe MiAies IIANSOIN'S School will commence on Monday, De cember 1, 1854. NOTICE —-XotwoTs here- AJ by given, that all persona indebted to the estate of ELIJAH WillTEllHAl), deceased, late of PilvE town ship, are requested to wake payment without delay; those having demand - against said estate w ill present thi ui dulv authentic* ... ,u, settlement. N'qv. 1 . IH.uii. IRENE XVHITHEAD, Executrix. I t Ju At O V A r.. COLLINS & POWELL, \ YTOn.D respectfully inform their friends and thepub \ V lie generally, that they have removed their Cloth ing and Furnishing Store to their New Huiiding on the west Hid" of Main Street, next door to Hall ft Bunnell's, and will be happy to wait on all who may give them a call. Their stork consists of Black Cloth Coats, Plain and Fancy Cassiineres, Tweeds and Jeans. Black and Fancy Cassimore Pants. Black Satin Vc-t, Siik Velvet and fan c.v do., Silks of ail kinds. White Marsailles and fancy do., il'hite and fancy Linen Pants, Overall* and ovcrshirts, white and fancy shirt*, drawer*, collars, cravats, socks, Hats and Caps (rf-uU kinds and qualities, a good assort ment of Buys Clothing, such S3 t oats, Vests and Pants which we arfe selling oil'at cost. Gentlemen wishing clothing made up to order, will do wed to"give us a call, as we base a good assortment of ("nth*, Cassiineres and testing* on h.Uid, which we are ready to make up on short notice, and WAR!! VXTKI) to fit in every way, or no sale. We do our or. n cutting, atid tlattcr ourselves that we know as much about it as most pc-.ple. having hud some years experience in husines < I I'TING done to order as usual—Where Goods are bought of 11s. no charge made for cutting. As regards cheapness, all We ask wto give us a call before buying elsewhere. J. M. COLLINS. PERCIVAJ, POWELL. Towanda, August 7, 1856. ' FRUIT TREES! FRUIT TREES!! \ T TIIE ATHENS NURSERY—Weof 1X f,-r for sale this Fall a first rate assortment of Ap ple. Pear, Cherry. Peach, Plum and Ornamental Trees, of all the best varieties. We call especial attention to our apple trees. They are 5 years old, anil unsupussed by any in th* market. Terms rea. Bartlett. Towar.da : Horace Heath, Ul ster : fifsirge Heath, Burlington: H. Feet, Smithfield ; 11. XV. Browning. Rome : XVm. Pmm, Wiadkm. ]STK\V FIKM NEW FALL GOODS. OF HON TAXYES . MONTANYK Jr.. and F. D. Mos tasyk. We trust with our present facilities for the pur ch.i-e of floods, that we eati make it an otjjeet for CASH • U-STOMEkS to examine our -took, which has been laid in with great care to suit the fall trade. UjT All accounts due the old firm, as also notes that are due. are expected to be paid without further notice. August 25, 1556. MONTA.N VKS. PEACHES aod Tomatoes, ill cans, . warranted perfectly fresh at _ FOX'S. ORANGES, Lemons, Nats, Pigs, Raisins, Urunes, Hates, Citron, and other fruit in their sea sonat_ FO-X'S. WriUTE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and ff by the pound, at my U FOX'S. M ACKINAW TROUT—-Some very fine . ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and quar ter bunds, at j'B PO\ 3. CI ANDY—A larwe stock always on hand ) and soid at wholesale at pedlars' prices at FOX'S. Q TONS SUGARS—Hrown, Refined, Pow fj Uered,Crushed audilranulated ; Molasses.SjTup.Rio and Java Coffee, lticc, Saleratus, (linger, Sperm Caudles, Kite, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at juitefl FOa S. . /CULTIVATOR TEETH AND COK.N " ' SHLM.fJtS, lot -ale lv H. S. MERCt K. Riietciia cons, TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IKON AND STOVE STORE. JB HALL k RUSSELL y ind Retail Dealer* fflfi ' n Hardware and Stoves, Iron ff Wff M T'fl Nails, Saab, Gliiss, Paints sf —*N- Oils, House Trimmlngh— hinds of Carriage trimmings. IPjlll'Pi!!L!;it!!lt ! : 'hß| Cloths and laices, C'-arriage "d Seat Springs, Car- Sßi pen ten, and Joiner*' Planes, mi*Si Augers, Chisels and all Jj? \ other Tools—Cro* Cut, Mill *nd Circnlar Saw s, Blacksmith |M Tqols, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, 11-11 Hammers and Serew Plates, Axes. Broad Narrow," (nth and Hand Hatchets—Cable, Log. Trace and Hnltr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Spades. POCK FT AND TABLE CUTLERY—Shears and Scis sors. Edge Tools of all kinds, Brans and Enuineled Kettles. Shovel and To agues, Spoons and ladles. Tubs and Pails, Mops ard Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing Implements. In the HARDWARE line. Brass, Brittania, Japnaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar, Band. Scroll and Hoop Iron. Steel f all kinds. Nail Bod*, Ac. Pumps, Loud Pipe and all the necessary fixtures for water works. Patent, Strctvhed Leather Bcfting and String leather, and 10,000 other article* too numerous to mention, tluit ■ we are now receiving direct from the hands of luuuufac- i turer* andimnortcrs, ia eluding the largest assortment and greatest variety of swotrtis Coal and Wood Conking, Coal arid Wood Parlor, Dirt fug- I Room, Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Northern I Pennsylvania or Southern New York ; all of which we - are now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rate*, and on a-- good Terms as can be found this side of New-York, from the fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities.! that gives us an advantage over smaller purchaser* and; Dry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to ! 16 per cent, less thau any of them, which advantage we | shall offer to anv who will favor us with a call before pur- ' chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware, Store Pipe and Elbows : always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job! Work done t > order, op short notice and warranted. Don't mistake tbe place to buy and H.VRD XX'ARE cheap-—one door South of Fox's, and nearly op- Sosite Tracy A Moore's, Main street, in the new Wood uilding. leUered all over. Grain'and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Brittania and Copper, Dried I ruit of all kinds. Feathers and Beea-„ wax wanted for goods. 10,000 Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price in Cx.Hii w ill lie paid. D. C. H YI.L. C. S. RUSSELL. Towanda. Oct. 25, lsfi. ; NEW KALL WINTER M> GOODS. BKINGSRERY k SON, Log leave to • call the attention of their friends and customer*, a* i well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their | well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, consisting of a great variety of LASZSS 8R3333 C*oo3>3 Silks. Shawls, Parameltas, French Merinos, Cashmere, Wool l'laids, Wool DeLaines. Ac. Also, a choice sclec- | tion of Mcriniac, Choceco and other styles of fast colored | Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, ' Hosiery. Gloves, Drees Trimmings, XVhite Goods, Ac. j Denims. Ticks, Drills, Linens, Cambrics, Bleached and j Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twitie, Car pet Warp, Ac. In addition to the above arti les, there will always be found a full assortment of GROCKIUFJS, Crockery and Glass Ware ; Boots and Shoes, lints and Caps, Nails, Fish. Paints, Tubs, Matts, Ae. Returning individually our thaiiks for past patronage, we would ad a firm, respectfiiliy ask the attention of our old customer* and the public generally, to an inspection of our extensive New I ail and Whiter Stock. Towanda, Kept. 10,1566. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. THE subscriber continues to carry on the Foundry bn*ine*s in Towanda, and is prepared to do sll kinds of work in his line on short notice and in a workmanlike manner. He will keep on h'and or make to order Plows, Stoves, Mill Irons, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon- Boxes, and any article of cast iron that may be required. Turning and fitting up work will be done on short notice and on reasonable terras. Persons wishing to purchase Stoves of any kind will find it ina -h to their advantage to bny at the FVmndry, as they can lie repaired much cheaper. Please call and examine before purchasing else where. Old iron and Grain taken in payment.— Don't mistake the place—one door cast of Mercur's Block. 1 would aisn say to those having accounts stand ing over* six months, that they must he settled withbut delay, and tho-e having notes that are due will do well to pay up and save cost. JOHN CARMAN. Towanda, Oct. 22, 1856. A FARM FOR SALE IN Ridgbery township,about half a utile from the pub- ! lie house of B. F. Buck, containing about oue hundred acres, sixty acres improved, of which is bottom land with a comfortable log house- and frame barn. Enquire of the subscriber upon the premises. M. CHAMBERLAIN. ; October 22, iroifi. DR CII.YS. M. TURNER, I'll VSICIAX A- A'f 70/v'().V, oßers his professional servicos to the inhabitants of Towanda and vicinity. Office and res- j idence in the dwelling recently occupied by H. BOOTH, I Esq., one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine j Street. : - NEW WINTER M GOODS. 1 r pilE subscriber is tlow receiving a large stock of FALL X and WINTER GOOlhs, which lie respectfully invites the publi i examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY. Towanda. October 6, 1656. FALL GOODS HS. MEKCUK is now receiving a large • Stock of FALL GOODS, to which the attention of the public is requested. Towanda, Sept. 16. 156. GEORGE H. WOOD'S ftaicrrean & Glass Picture Gallery, IN PATTON'S NEW BLOCK. Corner of Main Mid Bridge sts., Towanda. Da., is the place to get GLASS PICTURES, (usually t-allcd Amhmtypes.) They are far superior to all other kinds of pictures. Having no reflec tion, they can be seen in any position, and can be taken in much less tinic than Daguerreotypes, and equally well in cloudy as clear weather. 40"Miniatures put into Lockets, Breast pins, Ac., as usual. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures put up on short notice. Towanda. January 22, 156 J? REEDOM OR l &*v> m IS said to be the ine.vilable result of the coining tiection; it is also said that this gloriooH Union is in danger : he that as it may. we know that a terrible storm is gathering in the political heavens, which will soon hurst upon us in all its maddened fury. But we would say to the citizens of Bradford, heed it not: it will pass harmlessly by. Soon however, storms of a different nature will gutlier in a wintry sky, which w ill cause y m to tremble like an aspen, unless you procure the necessary protection. Now, it is these kinds of storms that we propose to prepare you to meet. We have just received an extensive and splendid assortment of DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING for the FALL TRADE, which we will sell at New-York city prices. Our motto is, Quick sales and small profits." THE LADIES Will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the goods they need. Our shelves and drawers ara crowded with articles for their use. We call special attention to our nctc styles of FANCY SILKS, tlie finest the market affords. KHAXX'LS, broelie, Bay state and cashmere, ol all sizes and qualities. LADIES'* DRESS GOODS, French, English and American Merinos, plaid and striped De Laines, plain and figured Alpaecas: in tact everything usually kept in Dry Good stores. First-rate calico at 6 cents per yard, good urn-din at 54 cent*. A fine assort ment of BONNETS, Ladiet' Cottar*, Undirslrevtt Hand kerchieft, Lace* Embroideries, Gloves, Hosiery, 4*c. Our Clothing Department Is replete with fashionable goods ; Overcoats from fi to #2O. business coats from $3 to sls, vests all price-- 4 , pant* j from $2 to $6- A general assortment of underclothing, i collars, Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and j upon the shortrat notice. Don't forget the place, in I'attou's new block, cor ner Bridge and Main streets. GOTTENBURG, ROSENBAUM A 00. Towanda, September 3, 1856- Cash paid for Felts & Wool, AT SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, Towanda, September 3,185' - T A DIES' INDIA RUBBER GLOVES, lJ at the store of If. F SfKKCUR. 1 ilhscfiiancons. IN hate teen fa-torr-d siujc we rum*!cie*d l**Hiea* in is plhce, we tender to the citizen* of Towanda and ror rounditof country our sincere thanfc*, and hope by selling at prices SURPRISINGLY LO W, to make it profitable to all wKTwtjr favor us with a call. We are resolved to keep pace with the progrewlva spirit of tin Hge in trMcfc we tito, by offering for sale Ck very low. ■ , We do not Intend to sell damaged Goods; hnt if amy prove to be so, or, are not what we represent them to be, return them and receive the money paid for them. We now offer onr FSTfRE 81'MtfFK STOCK AT STH.L LOWER PRICES THAN H ER. Some of our Prewt Goods, oor remaining stock of Bon nets and Bonnet Trimmings we will sell a* UQST. We Inure a tine lot of Shawls, Mantillas. Window I>rar perr. Silks, Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edging and In serting, 4c., Ac. Wc ase prepared to send for any article in oar lln# that we have not on hand. Onr assortment of READY-MARK CLOTHING, is complete—cannot be surpassed by any other establish ment In Northern Pennsylvania. Call and examine our Goods—seeing is believing. GUTTENBERG, ROSENBAUM 4 CO. Towanda, July 28,1V>6. E. T. FOX~ IS now receiving a fine stock of GROCE RIES and PROVISIONS which will Ire sold at the very lowest price. Fie is also anxious to liny for CASH any quantity of flutter. Eggs, F.afd and good Wheat, at the highest market price. Will those who want to buy or who have produce to sell please give lilm a call ? ANEW BTOCK OF TEAS, warranted as iisuhl to give satisfaction, or the money returned. Also, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and in fact most every thing ia tlic Grocery line, lor sale cheap at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, a few very nice ones, also Dried Berries at FOX'S i 'ANDLES, both Sperm and Tallow by the boxer pound, at FOX'S, j FLOUR of different qualities, Corn Meal, j Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Family Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S. ' PORK, Cheese, Plains, Lard, Brooms,i i*L and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S. W | BUSHELS good Potatoes wanted r/v./v" immediately at FOX'S. ACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap _T at FOX'S. APICES, of all kinds,both white and ground --Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at October 9. FOX'S. BOOTS A SHOES A &XL&THBR. J I). HUMPH h ifi jnst receiving age • ncra! assort BOOTS 4 SFFOES. suitable Tor the spring trad Also, an excellent assortment of I.EATIIER. comprising ISO sides Sole Leather, H9 sides I'ppcr. 200 Calf Skins, together with a general sto>cd of Kipps. Linings A Find Ings. Towanda, April 3, 1856. FISH. —No. 1 and 2 Mackerel and Codfish, at may 14 MERGER'S. WOOL.—CASH PAID FOR WOOL, v V at M. E. SOF.OMON'S Clothing Store, one door South of Mercur'.s stord, Towanda. May 20, 1*36. 4 GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Boots J\ 4 Shoes and Findings now receiving at Aug. 22, 1*56. HUMPHREY'S. SOLE LEATHER. —Just receiving an ex cellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which public attention is respectfully invited. Nov. 22, 1855. J. D. HUMPHREY. NEW SPRING GOODS, AND ISTEW FIRM. B KINGSBURY A SON beg leave to call the atten . tion of their friend* and customers, as well as all oth ers, both Jew and Gentile, wishing to buy Goods CIIEAF, to their well selected stock of FOREIGN A XI) DO MESTIC DRY GOODS, consisting of a great variety of Ladits Dress Goods. Silks. Shawls, Dt J.times, thai hts. Barege*. Chambray*, Lawns. Urilliantes. tie., etc. Also, a choice selection of Merrimac, Chocheco, and other styles of taut-colored Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Trimmings, tChile Goods, Den ims. Ticks, Drills. Ilinen*. Cambrics. Biearhrd and Brown Sheetings, Cotton Yam, Wick, Balls, Heme, Carpet H'aip. 4 're., 4-c. In addition to the above articles, there will always be found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Glass ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Nail*,"Fish, l'ails, Tubs, Matts, Ac. The undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of their Spring stock, believing that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedv sale for ready pay. B. KINGSBURY & SON. Towanda, April 11,1856. Watches, Jeweiry and Fancy Goods. AM. WARNER has just received a largo • and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JEWEL RY A FANCY GOODS, which are offered for sale on the lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge. Towanda, July S, IS3G. NEW SPRING GOODS! Tn E subscriber calls attention of the pub lic to his SPRING STOCK OF GOODS comprising the usual variety, and which will be sold at the lowest possible rates for cash. O. D. BARTLETT. Towanda. April 24. 1856. Another Barge Arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS! HS. MERCUR i* now receiving the largest, best as • sorted, and most desirable stock of Good* that has yet been offered in Towanda. Consisting of every variety of SAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Hardware, Crockery and Glass scare, Boots and Shoes. lhits, Cops, Staaw Goods, Carpets, Mat tings, Wooden-ttare,Groceries, Paints, Window-Glass, Oils,Nails,lron, Sled, Pish, Leather, c|-c. which will be sold at wholesale or retail at very low pri ces. The public arc very respectfully requested to exam ine the Stock. Towanda. April 24, 1856. GOODRICH * CO., OWIiGO, X. "V. ARE now in receipt of and opening the choicest and most desirable stock of Staple aiitl l'anry Dry Goods, to which they have ever had the pleasure of calling the attention of the community. Our tock i- very large, ar.d selected with great care and acknowledged go rid taste, and is particularly adapted to the wants of this and the sur rounding sections. Our st ck of Dress Goods, Trimmings, Ribbons, Embroider ies, Parasols, Cloths, Ca.ssime.rts, Vestings, Domestics, Shirtings, Linens, Prints, Hosiery and Shaicls, tf-c. \c. and numberless other article.* makes our assortment better than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be sold as cheap, and many articles cheaper, than at any othcres t.-ihlishment, to all of which we invite the inspection of purchasers, as being in ever)- respect worthy of their at tention. Those who may favor ns with a call may be assured that no article will be recommended more highly than its me rits will admit of. Owego, May 8.1856. G. B. GOODRICH A CO. ~ REMOVAL^ A J"RS. MASON has removed Iter Millinery HI establishment to oue door south of B. Kingsbury A Sou's Store, (formerly Chamberlin'a Jewelry Store) wlieie slit- has opened a large assortment of MILLINERY GOODS She invites the ladies to call and examine her Stock. Towanda, October 22, 1856. BOOTS A SHOES —The largest, best and cheapest assortment this side of the Empire City may befound at jt'29 TRACY A MOORE'S; Xiawns, Shallis, Bareges, Ac. fTHIE finest assortment in town of French and -L American Lawns, French, Scotch and American Ginghams, Challis, Bareges, Brilliants aud Flints at April JO, 1850. MERCER'S. IINSEED, Lamp, Tanuers', and Neatsfoot, J Oil*, Alcohol. Cainphine cud Burping Flnid for sale by 11 5. MERC UB Crgal. EXECUTOR'S is.hcr t>V given that all person* indebted to the estate f ALVIN LOOMIS deceased. Me eft TROY towmffiip. to make Irr mediate payment, and all persons hating de mauds a gainst paid esuto, will present them duly authen ticated for settlement. WOOD.VRD KERRY, EZRA LOOM 18, Octobers, 1856. Faemtnra. \ DMINISTRATOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice JA. Is hereby given, that all penton* indebted to the es tate of Edmund ftauDders. dee'd. late of Pike tp. are re quested to make payment without delay ; and all peraoaa having claims against said estate, must present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber*. CHANDLER BIXBY, Administrator, with the at-Dcxcd. October tl, 1856. ADMIN ISTRATRIX NOTICE—XOTIC. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es tate of WAFRitX WILLIAMS, dee d, late of Hke twp. are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; and all persons having claims agafnst *aid estate will please present them duly authenticated for settlement. BETSEY Wild JAMB. Oct. 21 1856. Administratrix. REG ISTER^NOTICEfc. —Notitsß is here ly given that there have been filed and settled iu the office of the Register of Willa, in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz:— Partial account of I. H. Webber admi'r. of Minerva Webber late of Franklin, dee'd. Final account of Cyrus Shumway, adm'r. of Isaac Ro sencrance late of Asylum, dee d. Final account oi John Vandyke adm'r. of lieury Gage, late of Canton, dee'd. Final account of J. B. Smith and J.L. Rockwell adm'r*. of John J. Warford late of Monroe, dee'd. Partial account of Wru. Conner executor of Mary Car tner. late of Ltto'bficM. dee'd. Finn! ncconnt of Calvin West, executor of Wm. De*ker, late of South Creek, dee'd. Final acconnt of P. E. Maynard adm'r, of Nathan Mav nard, late o! Rome, dee d. Pinal Recount of A. W. A J. W. Gray adm'r*. of Oliver S. Gray, late of Herriek. dee'd. Partial a,.f6ut of A. W. Alger and Otis Httmiltoirex ecntor of Joseph Hamilton, late of Orwell, dec d. Final account oC Suhibcl J. Adams adiu'r. oj Rausom P. Adam*, late of Smithtteld, dee'd. Fiiwl account 18 John Sals bury aud C. 11. Campbell, administrators of Beriali Pratt, late of Troy, dcceg-ed. Final acconnt of t'hester Williams, executor of Caleb William*, late of Troy, deceased. And the name w ill be presented to the Orphan's Court of Bradford County, on Monday, the Ist day of December next for coiifirmatiou and allowance. JAMES H. WEBB, Register. Register's Office, Towanda. Oct. 27, 1*56. A DM iNISTRATOII'S NOTICE — Notice 2 A. is hereby given, that all person* indebted to tlie e:* tate of Luther Chaffee deceased, late „of Orwell twp., are hereby requested to make payuw-ut without belliv; and all jierson* having claim* against said estate will pleasejpreseut ihem duly authenticated for settlement. C. G. GRIDLEY, Oct. 27, 1856. Administrator. IpXECUTOIVS NOTlCE.—Notice is bere- J by given that letters te-tamentary upon the estate of lbiniel Miller, dee'd., late of Albany twp.. have been granted to the subscriber. All pyrsons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment. and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested tor settlement. DANIEL F. MILI.ER, RlTjisEL MILLER. Oct. 25,iJ8.6. Executor. A DM IN ISTR ATOR'S NOTI(.'E. -Notioe P\. i* hereby given, that all persons indebted to the e*- ! tate of Philander M. Hosley,dee'd. late ofSpriiigfieMtwp. are hereby requested to make payment without de lay; aud all person* having claims against said estate will plea-e present tliem duly authenticated for settlement. Oct.. 25, lAob. illiLl>AH HOSLEY, Administratrix. A EDITOR'S NOTICE.— Van DM sen, Jag * A grr 4- Co. vs. Hiram Frost hi the court of Common : Pleas of Bradford Co. No. 3(50 Dec. Term. 1856. The undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to distribute the funds rai-ed by Sheriff *ale of defendant's real e*tato, wiil attend to the dutie? assignedhim at his office in the borough of Towanda, on Friday the 2-th day of November. A. D. lYT>G.attwo o'clock in the afternoon I when and where all persons having claims are requested to present them, or La- forever debarred therefrom. Towanda. Oct. 27, l6(i. DA. OVERTON, Auditor. A EDITOR'S tke mMu/Tf 2.X. the e tlale of Geo. Shayior, dee'd■ In the Orphans' Court of Bradford County Notice is hereby given,'tliat the undersigned, Auditor appointed by said Court, to distribute fund* in the bands of the administratrix of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office, iu the borough of Towanda, on Saturday the 2dtb day of November, at two o'clock, P. M., w hen and where all persons having claims upon said funds ma*t present them, else forever be dc barred from the same. Oct. *7,1856. D'A. OVERTON, Auditor, i PROCLAMATION. —Whereas, tlie Hon. DAVID WILMOT. President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, oou-isting of tire Counties of Bradford, .Sus quehanna and Sullivan, and Hons. Myron Ballard and Maury, Associate Judges, in and for said county of Bradford, have issued their precept bearing date the 27th day of Oct., A.D. 1856, to me directed, for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, at Towan da. for the County of Bradford, on the first Monday, the Ist day of DECEMBER next, to continue two weeks. Notice is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners aud JuHtices of the Peace and Conßtabies. of the Couuty ol Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper per son, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisition*, and other remembrances, to dothoM things which to their office appertains to be done ; and those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said Couuty, or who *hall be bonnd to appear at the said court, are to be then and there to prosecute against them a* shall be just. Jurors are requested to be punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 22d of Oct-, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, aud of the Independence of the United State*, the seventy ninth. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff. T IST OF .!TROIIS drawn for December, 12 Tenn, IBSC. ar.AND J'-RIRS West Burlington -Frederick:Towandab<>rn -W Keeler,2d Johnson, Perry B Pratt. Pike—Abner Wood. Springfield—S J Wheeler. Dnrell—WmJ Cole, Joshua Snesheqain—GyaS Rodgers. Kilmer. Jahez Tompkins, Ansou Granville—l.nmsn Putnam. Bidleah. Wm Campbell. Litchfield—lliram Bodgerv. Wells—James Mitchell. K R Smithtleld—Uezekiah Crow- Beekwith, David Prutz- ell. man Standing Stone—Geo Ste- Orweil—Harry L. Prrks. vena. Monroe tp—J M Griggs. Athens twp.—ConstantMa- Warren—Heury Billings, jr., thewson. Wm Vanorman. ittidgbery—Hiram Dewey. TRAVERSE Jt-RORti FIRST WEEK. Wvaluning—Henry Uayloid, Albany—C II Corbln. Levi P Stalford. Towanda tp—L D Bowman, Litchfield—Wm Morse, B 13 Wells—Lorenzo Wing. Kecler, A Baldwin. Dnrell—John Branun. Granville—John M'Naught, South Creek—D F Hillreth. George A Johnson, James Troy tp—Lewi* P William*. Merritt. Overton—Win Waltinan. Pike—Dennis G Northrnp. Smit'nfield—HexekiaL Hun- C 'luinbia-—B. M. C'alkms, tington, Jonathan Wood, Bdnmnd Keys. llarriou Allen. Athens Boro—E II Perkins. Warren—Win Stephens, A. Springfield—S i> Darkness. Wbeaton. Lafayette Leonaid,Nathan Philo Beard*- Yerkes. | ley. Llsm Kendall. Athens tp—John Griffin, Jo jLeltoy—Guidon Griswold, seph M Kinney. Ethan E i U W I'arkhur*t. Miuier, Jacob Reel. (Canton—J B Wright. Tnwarora—Hiram Laecy. IHerriek —Zopher Piatt, So- Rotne—Jolm G Towner." jlomon Steven*. Windham— Garduer N Towanda—l II Stejihen*. Benjamin Clapp. jWysox—J M Wattles. Towauila horo—James Har-i Ulster—Daniel I-enox. ris, N N Belts. !Orwell —Jarvis Bullies. SKCONI) WEEK. Wynlusing—J Keeler, Ed- ram Gilbert. S > Bradley. ward Hornet. Granville—V R Champney, Albany—O U Emery. Benjamin Saxton. Siteshequin—() H P Kinney, Litchfield—Cyrus BC'armer. George E Leut. {Standing Stone—Achatius Rome—Wm Forbes. I Steven*, Gordon Taylor. Atliens tp—Wm Scott, Har!Springfield—David SSmith, ris Murray, Solomon Bo*-; O A Vincent, worth " jCanton—<'harle* Wright,2d. Asylum—Dudley Vaughn*Armenia—John Becker. Joseph G.unble. ILeUoy—Aaron Knapp. Pike—Dudley M Bailey, J j towanda boro—G II l>rake, 11 Weed, <■ W Brink. j Wm Mix. Athens Boro—l ha*. Clapp. j Windham—Loran Bradford. Duicli—George Gordon, ill-Monroe tp—Moses Kellogg. Wells—Lyman French. i V OTICE to Delinquent Collectors, Dealers i-l in Merchandize, Patent Medicine*, Ac., aud Keep ers of Eatiug and Distilleries The several delinquent collcctorsof the County of Brad ford previous to 1856. are hereby notified that utile**their | duplicates of State and Couuty "taxes are settled bv the i lOtfi of Deceuilier next, the amount due tbvreou will be J left with the proper officers for collection. Also, all ileal- | er* in Merchandize, Patent Medicine*, Ac., aud keepers of j Eatiug Houses aud distilleries, who have not taken their Licenses, are required to take the same ly 10th December next, or they will le left with a Justice of the peace for collection, agreeable to the Act of Assembly In such cases made aud provided. E. C. KEI.LOG' i, Treasurer. Towanda, Nov. 10. 1856 Per N. J. Kllllk, Deputy. CARRIAGE BOWS A FELLOES for sale al Wholesale or retail by H. S. MFJICUR Ccjjal. AJOTICE TO ASFESSOR^~ S^ra | XT for 1857. will make their return, in the following ordfr, via: Ase-*oi* for El-tor, Athena Hon.-, Athena Tver... South Creek, Ridgbury and Weils. on Monday,, Xtv. 24 For Stafthflefa, Springfield, North TWlmda Columbia Syivania Boro'ai d Towanda B ,ro", oe TuwdeT Nor' 25. For Armenia, Ttof tap., Troy boro', Burlington' Burlington twp. and Granville, >-n VVeduesdnv, Stir. 2c! For Canton. Leltoy, Franklin, Monroe tap.', Monroe boro", Overton, Aitwny and Towainhi twp,, on Nov 27. For Wihnot, Asylum. Dwell, Tneinrtna. tVyaluging, Pike Warren and VHadfeat*, on Friday. Nov. 28. For Standing Stone. Itorrkk, Orwell, Pome, LitchOeld, Sheaheqiiln and tVysox, on Satnrdav, Nov. 29. The.Aetwois will ije punctual In aaikiog their re torn* on the hat danignated in their Warranto, a* on the 2d dar of Pec., the return- of the rrnttu bv them taken moat tie nent be the comity curt to the Govern-i 1 of th® C'oinnwßWeatih. The A—e*orb will also be careful in looting tte i>-■>.- nienU wd carrviug each person a val uation into the right hand column. By order of the Gria'ra. £. M. FAItiCVH, dtrfc Coin'ra QUERIFF'B SALE.—Bv vir'ne of snnrfrr kJ writ- of vend, exp-ag. issued oat of the Chart of Couuuoti Pleas of County, to mrdirertcd.J shall expose to PabJic sale at the CourtHouse in tic I,'rouph of ToWandn, oft Monday, DKCEMRRR Ist ?t 1 o'clock K: the A" ,io ^ K 4 *r rti r i *"* ?**> r pane! of land situate in Orweil towii-hip. hounded uoitb by land' of Edwin Taylor, east by lands bf Rarrv Park* soutt by the Ridge Road, and west by tin K tra t. coi toii.ii.g abont seventy three acies uore or lean, aLoat fifteen acres improved. ALiH>-—Oik other lot piece or parrel of land tituito in Orwell twp., bowicJrd north, east and we.-! tey land* i f Silas A'lia, Hid south by the public road, containing about one acre inure or less, Ml Improved, with n framed li< u-e, a framed blacksmith shop and a few fruit tree- thereon! Seized and taken in execution at the wiit or M\er A Spalding now to the use of M. J. Coolbaugli vs. Ezra R. A His. ANo at the suit of H. J. MadiU, executor of A. Madill, dee'd. vs. E. R. AII is. ALSO—'The following lot piece or parcel of landhltuato in Rome twp., bounded north by land of Walter Ifoaglaud. eat by land of John Don Ah uc.'south bv land of Michaci Coughney and west by lai d., of Juha Sullivan. containing about acres nrnre or Jeaa. aiiout thirty ncrei improved. one log house, one ibamed barn hud orchard oi fruit freer thereon. Seized and token in execution at the r-uit of n. J. Ma did, dee'd. v. John Crowley. Ist. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel ot land situate in Athens borough, bounded n.s follows : T.o ginnhig at the south comer of Wrr. KifT- lot. on the west side of Main street in the borough of Athens aftcenaid ; thence south aiong -aid street, rcven and I'-10 pcrcl f, to the north comer of u lot formerly owned by Nathaniel Clnpp, now owned by John K. Cr.nfle'd : thence westerly along the north line of mid (Jenfield lot to the n ithwcst corner, and to land oftbo heirs of Gen. llenrv V>'tl!- 4 .tV-r. , d; theme northerly along the east Hue of said land of said WeUp'helnt to the southwe.A corner of a lot owned and occupied by lVm. Kiff; them e cast u ng tut line ol bald KifT lot to the public street an.J to the place of begin ning, containing about tlme-ftxath. of au acre mere cr lent., all improved, with u three story framed Tavern house thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit o.'C. N. Ship man vs. Waller Olmsted. ALSO—The following described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Pike twp. botm ed on the north bv land of David Blackmail, east bv land* af Jchn and 'Warren ! Ay res, south by Isaac Ford, and weal by Atari Moore, containing one hundred and -Ixtecn acres more or le* about ninety acres imoroved, two framed dwelling house* a framed burn with alieds attached, a cider mill and three apple orchards and other fruit trees tl.en-on. Seized and taken in executioi at the suit of Charles F. V> eils vs. John Ford, jr. ALSO—The following deacrilied lot piece or parcel of land situate in Frar.kiin twp. bounded on the north 1 y the public highway, eat by lard of J. C. Blrigway, south by J. L. Rockwell, we®t by J. L. Rockwell aod "fowaiida Creek, containing three acres more or less, all improved two framed bouses one framed ham and saw mill thereon. , Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Roger* Fowler to the uso of William Darling vj. Pavid E. CaEff and James P. Burn ham. AI.SO The follow ing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Derrick twp. bounded on the north bv land of Owen Dougherty, eaat by John M Canna, souih by Edwin isill and we a t i>y land of CuwJcj hill and Amcl i E. lltipont, containing one hundred and nine a re- nr-re or le-, about tortv acre. Improved, a l< and plank bom*, a named barn and framed con: house nd wotkabop „nJ an orchard of fruit trees thereon. AlJ^O—One other lot piece r, r parcel of land situate in Hernek twp. bounded north by land ofJosepli SHE eazt I>\ /ebtdco Angle, sQjutJi by John I>( key aaid went hv mndn of AnicHa E. T>npbnt, qcntalnirg- one hundred anil twenty -One arret move or !esa. about forty u> res improved a framed house and framed tarn and bedstead factory and an orchard of fruit tree- thereon. Seized and token in execution at the suit of H. J. Mi dill. Executor of A. Madill dee d. vs. Geo. Si!!, Edwin ii Buticr Sill and Joseph Sill. ALSO— The following lot piece or parcel ofland siti".*-- in Iwii. bowarted on the north hy land- of Lymci rruiabal! &uu Btrtraiid Whitney, ea-t l.y land, of Josh 1-amphere and Jo-eph Conkliu and west bv Joseph C rk lin and Pomeroy Gaaliae ir., containing about iiffv nine acres and three fourths of an acre more or loss, "about forty-four am-- improved with one log house framed bam and an orchard of fruit tree- thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the -ait of 11. J. Madill Executor of A. Madill, dee d. vs. William Carl. ALSO —The following described lot picre or rarrcl of land mtuate iu Wysnx twp. hounded north hv Xalhanitl Parks and George Lenox, east by Thomas Dolon. south by John Lenox and George Lenox, and west hy Johu containing forty acrev mor*or less, about ten acrea improved and a framed hou.nii, dee'd., cintaining ninety-eight square perches more or less, all in pi < ved willi a fi a mod dv> < liim , house and barn and some fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of I>. lliilev A Son vs. Ix-audf 1J joL-. A LSO -By virtue -if a writ of Levari Facia*, the foil w ing described lot piece or parcel of land - ituete in ( vilie twp. b.ciudcd is f.)l|.,v.s : Beginning at a hemlock S. K. aimer of a lot originally contracti-d to Tlr mns Bailey Jr., thence north eighty-live tierehe- to a po-t N. E. coiner of said Ihiiley'.-lot : thence 'Jo perches t ) the west line of lot No. 13,'. : west 95 pert he* to the beginning, cont iinhig SO acre- and geventv-five t- r clies strict measure, front tlie south end oflot N'o. I3'J on warrant lot No. i 473, al-mt 35 acres improved, with oo log and framed house attached, thereon. Seized and lake.i in execution at the suit of Stephen Pierce >s. Baruaha* Vroinan and l-cwi- i'rattterrete.iant. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. i Towauda, Nov. U 1856. f t'jr Notice is hereby given that \n amount equal tc the costo. will be required to be paid upcu each sale w hen -truck down to the bidder and upon a fail are to coinidy with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer ed for sale. Jons A. Gommjco. BRANDIES, GiNS, WHISKIES, JAMACIA RUM, &G. rpilK iiuder-igned respectfully announces t • his friend- X and the puHir getietltliy. tuat he haa f ■m:. ,l a Co partnership with Mr. CHAItLKS FhXDT of the City of New-York, under the firm and -tyie of riWDT 6L VATTI3ERCOOK, 15 hearrr street, SVcir-\ rk, in the Importing and Jobbing of Foreign and American Liquor*. All orders will be promptly tilled and - itisfactlan guar antied. D- v ANDEUCOOK. New-York, 15 Heaver at. Sept. 1, IS6. XTO EXCISE FOR BAD BREAD! Ax If yon procure of I) * C. POUTER, South store in the arri Hun-e. THE INFALLIBLE YEAS *T. Equally adapted to Loaves. U"t R lir . ckwhe t 3nd other Griddle Cakes. Gingtihread, -f Swoet Cake-. Bsri'-r for P ;top!ip F.:U !'.iij~. - ' Frier z i rent-.