NEWS ITEMS. J'UPYONT HAS A Iniycr electoral vote, with liutnah# defeated candidaf# fever ha4i; and tad a smaller proportion of the whole pop L ILIAN any man who. WAN ever chosen President alar *" I R' 1 ; TVE I, ER ENTIRE vote to Washington, and N*W K "^' T N'o Presidential candidate in- N ° W : ;;;;. LUL RES With them the honor. (lov. Pollock has appointed THOMAS J. " "F lWaver county, Adjutant General of this Com- P 0 WWH. ■■ year— from the Mil of October. NLo "*' of Gen. G. W. Bowrmm, term of * EXPIRED ON THAT day. \Vc are informed that Mr. Envrn t<>R ,L(l bis maenificent house on the Hudson, be- B KSTI'-Y" VR( . W ,I>H'N HI(IIIKS. Only a portion of * Y ' T w is sold ; the price was $50,000, It will be THE (FRT'I'I' 1 - ' >]v into an institution of education J >N . Tll the Vermont Legislature, on Saturday vder WAS passed instructing the Select Conftnit ..lS affairs TO enquire into the expediency of "*° F "M.mev from the public treasury for the relief DISBAR* 1 "!- A series of resolutions eondemn °F MR'CE UIKIII Senator Sumner by Mr. Brooks of <'C, "Z L- p,d-v.. 10- A re... K> " 'nroviiv the speech of Mr. Sumner in tl.e Senate J""?" w ("adopted— ayes 1f,2. nays 7. Resolutions 10 M ■ I Democratic memtier. condemnatory of the HEREOF Anson Buriingame, of Massachusetts, were re jf'tod* _lt is understood that arrangements are IT PROGRESS FOR the re-organization of the edito- S ,C R of "the " I'nion " newspaper. It is in contcm , HAW one editor from the North and anoiher SMIH.i" view of Mr. Buchanan s adiniuistra , Mr. Nicholson w ill retire on the 4TLI of March. _AVc regret to learn that ex-sheriff llay ,.f Columbia county, was thrown from his horse and "-iV.'.V ON the night of the 4th inst., w hilst carrying tile CN'U-'II returns of Grange township to Btoom.sburg. _Out of a hundred lioiineks sold last week, has been ascertained that more than ninety were snp |.]llSL to ladies who had gone in just to choose a bit of ribbon* Mr MeOnnell, of Sangamon county, Illi- NCB. has the largest tlock of sheep in the United States. j. Buials RS -'1 .", AND all of the choicest merinoes. On Monday, in a fight which took place am 'I? tic workmen employed on the Bergen Hill (N.J.) Titrntt-L. A man. named M Mann was daagernorlv cut. so that INS BOWELS protruded. The wound IS said to have lr.l, inflicted by Michael Tracy. NO ARREST __A few days since John (J. Taylor, Sheriff nf Wir.ncb.igo county, Illinois, was shot dead by Allred T „I:ntrvman. whom he WAS endeavoring to arre-t. on a ( HARP- of larceny. THE murderer tied, hut was soon eap t.miiaiid lodged in jail, notwithstanding strong manifes tations OF A disposition to lynch him. THE U' publicans, though beaten in the pri -' race, are not disheartened. They have made a U!!e L A e, for a one year old. —The King n of the " gallant Brooks.'* and N ■MI R ilogigtd tlierefor. HA- Lcen IS aten by GOBI nmj ui tv. 11C I- rle.ted two years ago BY a luajo "ity of LI-hto I VW • RE SOR'-Y to SAY Peiinsylv tuia has not been SI mindful of her a >nor. ly the denth of Mr. Chiyton, the Legis- L.dcn- just elected In Delaware will BE called upon to , II . two L'::it.l States Senator.., AS Mr. B >yard°S term W ii expire on TLIE 4th of March next. Jntr.-s BROOKS (brother of the dog Xo- I '). Nl.ide a Uilltuoiv S] C", LI i'l M:n iiestcr. N. 11. Ef f- ' Thirty-four Fillmore votes in that city. —lt i> moved and seconded that Berks coun A IN• ENS-TED into a State, w ith Glauvy lor Presi *nd !! liy Bp, >KS for Vi- e. —T!ie IV.tir Uotr.ily i!7'tV hoists the name !'I A >:-t ."or President in 1 ••*!. A difiietfUv, which THREATENS to BE a •- R KM-. HAS ;.-N (| B TTT-cn the students and faculty t-hbury Greeneastle. Indiana.and ahout ' :: yof file STUDENTS have left. The difficulty arose OUT * I. IT.ii'l <-olk-ge regulations forbidding tl- STUDENTS to CV' - '!i-:..itfsia*°tinu with the management of the iusti- I : A i I the pr.Rfwiliigs of their literary societies. —Col. Buster, of the Pittsiiurg DfspntcA, " cri-li.-i a:u ,ng other peculiarities a beard of live years ■ BUT hariug stake,! it on the election of Kiv inont. ■ •ieilt IA Intriw-r on Friday atlcrnoon and had it " Hi.- best friends hardly know hi:U since the • F. and c I M haniiy have U'eri TIL are surprised it : HR in had MI whi kcrcd himself after wc "heard from New-York " in 1 V 44. —Tliomas S. CtHitiiiighani, otic of the Pem ''i'.c Presidential Electors of IVuiisyh ania. hit* accept 'ttke appointment AS associate justice ot ilic Supreme ' "t OF Kansas, to supply the vacancy occasioned by TK ILEATHOR Judge B irrell. < 'icntfrfcit i*") bills on tlie P.tnville bank 1 i'nmsylvaida. are iti circulation in New-York. ! E rudergrourid Ilaiiroad sippears to be - A i.irge business. A report of the Alt, any (X. V.) ' - t uminittce colored— states that is tween the A-LIC cr. 1-hi, and the J ,FH of July, H.jii, a •' ' !L Hl*■ RITLJ-, YSJ FUGITIVE slaves PASSED through tj " ci, y "it their way to Canada. ('},.!rrhtnnu sayt that the Bishop of - ■ I'r. V. LILU'LMTI-E) tendered his resignatioii of that S' to THE HONST ~f Lli-LLOJIS, but diat it was not ac ('les Herriek, of T'aton, Steulten CO., • ■ '• •- TED recently on suspicion of tiring * '•!" I. in "ldcr to get THE in. uraucc, TOOK a ' "E: ..a a few days since, front tbe effects of ■'■■■■• JED. ilis wife is still in jail as an accomplice '* !: CNDINFY attempt. •LI IRISHMAN NAME to NS unknown, while ML . . • i (TO puis ;1 diunken companion from the track 11 of A rnjedly AP; roaebmg train, near the Hyde '* R "' S L; g. WAS run < vcr by the cars and killed. His ■ I'-MIO APED W-itb a broken arm. - I iie Ihml it' the Oltio at Cinoinunti, jttsi L L '- pre-euts a *om- picture, with only twentv- T0 • * ITER in the channel, and that carriage* ■ cattle readily cross without lienefit OR boat . •F- liiv<1 iiv< Ii- sixty- two feet LU-low liigb water F' tat OI depression not kiriwn before to the ol- "'TUJITJILL. '••"•jriis f.-iatit 12S towns in Maine foot . " •*<: Knvii I it, .FFILYHL ; Bachinan, 2-t.5 42 ; 1 •) 1 •) II . .... u r TVIII HIT S Rll.ij'irity in the entire Stntc | far S!I ,RT of 20.(4*10—which is an increase of ".- iiids IN) Hatulin's majority in September. w l|(> ilk-slmrre Tinws says : " The late ' aliiornia brings the iriournful intelligence ' ' '■ "I OUR old friend Maj. Frank Bowman. Ma- , K . * " TNLUCTED himself gallantly in Mexico, and ' R ' ' apjioiiittd Captain in the army. He IS I ri" A 'th his Company in Oregon Territory when J T • "is IRM OTIS WIN BE- brought home, by bis fatni- 1 I 1 *WE WI,H him. T I-RE IS AN oyster shell owned by the LTni "' yd'-U. W hii h weighs ISO lbs. The oyster was ' *•' '!E by A Butch girl ! U. BR.VTIIX will s|eiid thanksgiving in •. .'*' M '• delivers his lecture on the Union in ■t "it evening before the anuireisary. , VA XtIXU COMMFNCEMriNT— GdCßw s. F. AV ASHBI BX, at the " Valhy House." Klie stteipun, h is a Public Dancing School. „ i Thursday Eve. NbVeiuter 20. The best of MUSIC, the best of Fare, and everything will be provided. Those desirous ot having n good time generally, are invited to attend. Ncto OVbocrliscmtnts. T IST OK LETTERS remaining in the Post office at Towauda, November 15,1556. Alhro Jerome. Jones James M Butler Fanily A Miss 2 Jones Cla-enea Roman John Krlluni S imuei 2d Barton Henry. Kennedy H M Bronson Wm. Roliert H Bush Calvin. l.akc I> J Bowman C M Miss Leonard C H Barnes Wm. Mare H il Browning G W. M-.-iUre He, lry Bcudett S Esq. Mills R J Bentiise M.ertin. Moors-Amelia Bills Oney C. SUXuUy Mary Benttis Thomas.- Sfeuardi A E Broderiek Mary. Slarsluill Celinda Cor win Stephen 0.- Miller Richard Connel John. Spang Matin Cleveland J G. Newell Stephen Corhit Robert If, Pelzer Wm Coale Sarah Jane. Printer J F Collins Bridget. Post Jane Chapman Christiana. Prill Ponlinand Calif tJeflA-ge CTiufotj. Pennepaeker Amanda Dana Luther. Parish Joseph Dili Samuel. Richardson Mary Dodge Harriet Robison Wm Deasy Win Rose G W Billamtlier Martha ltandall, Farnsworth A Co Palmy Hamnsh Rutty Christy Dei hi Mary Rothwell Robert Esterly Frank Reeder Hcfful A Ktigli-h Emily S illivan S Eilen Etinis Levi Svrfliean Daniel Freeze Jacob Smith Correll II Fanar Kliab Santee C M Miss <>iyen N'atlum Smith Wm. Griffin Maurice Risson Wright Andrew E 4 Sharp Wafter D Hedditig E <; Tracy Susan A Hve Ma y E Tayl'.r E G Mrs. Hays Robert Towner Levi W Humphreys Dr. Urich F H Rev Hardin P. Watkins Adolphua Horton Wm P Wooster C llorton R D Woodruff Jared I lard in S P Wells J R Heath Barthey Whitney L Hager P Mrs Wamau Orlando Hine Sarah K Yockle John George I si-el Levi Zrilerbacli Anthony Persons calling for any of these letters will mention they are advertised. H. U. PORTER, P.M. f IST OF JURORS drawn for December, 1 -1 Term, lftati. GKANI, Jt'HOUS. West Burlington—Frederick Towandaboro—lV Keeler,2d Johnson, Perry B Pratt. Pike- -Aimer Wood. Springlicld—SJ Wheeler. Dcrcll—Wm J Cole, Joshua S.ieshequiu—GeoS R slgers Kilmer. Ja'oe/. Tompkins, Anson Granville -I.uman Putnam. Bidhah. Win Campbell. i.itchlirid--Hiran Bodgers. Well —James Mitchell, K 11 Smithfirid—Hezckiali Crow- Beekwith, David Prutz ell. man jSkUtiding Stone—Geo Slc- Orwell—Harry L. P. rks. j vetis. M"tine tjv- J M Griggs. j Athens twp.—Constant Ma- Warrcn— Henry Billings, jr. thewson. Win \ auormatt. iltidgLery- iliruin Dewey. TRAVERSE Jl'KOilH— FIRST WEEK. Wyalttsing—Henry Gaylord.j Al'siny- -C H Corbin. L'Vi 1' St.ilford. I fowanda tp--L D Bowman, Litehlield -Wm Morse, B Bl Wells -Lorenzo Wing. Keeler. A Baldwin. IDurell—John Braund. Granville—lolm JJ Naught,ls iut!i Creek U E Hildreth. (Jeorge A Johnson, James' I'roy t|. — Lewis P Williams. Merritt. |Ovi rtoti—Wm W.iUman. Pike Deunis G Northrup. Kmithlirid—Hezekiah Hun- Ciduinbia—B. M. Calkins, tington, Jonathan Wood, Edmuml Keys Harriott Allen. Athens B<>ro—E 11 l'erk'tts. Warren—Win Stei>hens, A. Springfield Sl> lLtrkness. Wheaton. i.alavetie Leonaid,Nathan Burlington—Pliilo Beards- Yerlies. ley. Elain Kendall. Athens tp- John Griffin. Jo- LeR v. Curdm tiriswold, seph M'K : ey, Ethan B. H\V Parkhnr-t. Miuii Jaeoi, Reel. Canton—i B Wright. Tusoarora—H'rain Lacey. ilerri, k—Zopher Piatt, So iioine—John G Towner. I.anon Sti\ei,s. W inilhain -Jtid-ontLu-dtu-r, X Towauda- 1 II Stephens. Benj iiuin C'lapj,. W'ysox—JM Wattle.. Toward.t ls,ro- James liar-. Cist, r—Daitiel Leu >x. ris, X X lletts. ,'OrweR —J.u v.s Battles. SECOM) WEEK. Wy iFis'.ng—J Keeler, Ed I ram Gil'iert. S S Bradley. ward 11 >u*t. birativiik-—V II Chauipis-y. All,an\—O I' Emery. ( Beiijiniin s.xtou. Siiesheqiiiu—O H P Kiuuey.'Litehlield ' ras B Cartner. George E Lent. Standing St me- - Aeliatius Rome—Wiu F'>rl#s- Stevens, t; rdon Taylor. Athens tp—Win S.-ott, liar Spriugiicld -David S.s.uith. lis Murray. SJ mion Bis- OA Vincent, worth Canton- Charles Wright,2d. A-v!.,nt—Dudley Vaughn,iArmenia- John lacker. J i eph (fautle. 1.e1.0v Aaron Kmpn. Pike— Dudlev >1 Kailev, J I'owa. d i horo- G 11 Drake, ll Weed, G W Biink.' Win Nix. Athens lloro -Chits. Clapp.,'Windham I.oran Bradford. !)orell- Ge .rge Gordon, ili-/Monroe tp- Kellogg. Well- -Lyman French. I |> AIH'L A V CO A L.—THE HARCLAV i > KAIL ROAD AND COAL COMPANY have now on hand, and will Keep constantly for sale at TOWAXDA, a large supply ot their coal, at S" 00 jer t< for lilurhsmith ('out, and ..0 fx'r ton for Jutted Coal. A-odv for coal at T 'wattda to HORATIO BLACK. Coal w.ll til.'i IK- sold at THE MIXES at . -Si? 00 jsr ton ft,r Jitartsiniih Cot:l y and S" 50 /<£■/• lon for JinJ:ed ('oat. A liberal dis- oiint wilt 1m- made on sales by the boat load. O. t. 3d, IS.",G. KDW'I) OVERTON, President. SZIACKSJVIISHxiVa. M A XI" KIJ KR< ).\1 KR respectt'iilly informs \A the public that he has commenced BE ACIvSMITH i.Ne is-.t with the |iro|*r officers tor collection. Also, all deal ers in Me-cii tudize. Patent Medi- iuc., Ac., and keepersof iviti'ig ii'.ci.e. ami distilleries, who have not taken their Eii-eii-e.-. an- rt-qcirrd to take tiioatuebj' loth December m At, or tiny wiil :.e left with a Justice of tlie peace for collection, agreeable to the A<-t ot Assembly in such cases made ami pr >v:Jed. I',. C. KEi.l.OtlG, Treasurer. 1 ■Wanda, N >v. 10, IsAG Per X. J. KKELKK. Deputy. J^X ECUT()R'S NOTlCE.—Notice is liere- I Joy given, that all pet ot-.s iudchtcal to the a-state of E4.UAH MfHl I'E IE AD. d. c, a -e, late of PIKE town ship, ate requested to i*. ike pawmuit without delay; tiio-t 'having dem .nds against ..aid -tatewill pi esent thelu d i!v a tlieuticatcd for si-tih ment. .Nov. lb. I IRENE i' 11 i TI: EA D, Executrix. R I ; M <> A' A L. COLLINS & POWELL, U7"OULI> respectfully inform their friends and the pub lic generally, that they have removed their Cloth ing :::td Furnishing Store to their New Building on the west side of Main Street, next door to Hall A RUSM-U'm, and will be happv to wait on all who may give them a .all. Their stock consists "f Bin k Cloth Coats. Plain and Fatt.-y Cassituercs, Tweeds smd Jeans, Black and Fancy Cassiiuere Pants, Black Satin Vests, Silk Velvet and (all ey do., Silks of all kinds. White Marsaillcs and fancy do.. White and fancy Linen Pants, Overalls and overshirts, white and fancy shirts, drawers, collars, gr.ivats, socks. Hats aid Caps of all kinds and qualities, a good assort ment of Boys Clothing, such as Coats, \ e.-ts and Pants which we arc selling off at cost. Gentlemen wishing clothing made up to order, will do well to give us a eall,as we have a good assortment of Cloths, C.issinieres and Vestings on hand, which we are ready to make up on short notice, and WARRANTED to fit in every way, or no sate. We do our own cutting, and flatter our. elves that we know as much about it us most people, having had some years experience in Imsines CUTTING done to order as usual.—Where Goods are bought of i;s, no charge made for cutting. As regards cheapness, all we ask is to give us a call before buying elsewhere. J. M. COLLINS. PERCIVAL POWELL. Towauda, August 7, IMG. FRUIT TREES! FRUIT TREES!! \ T TiIATHENS NURSERY —Weof- J\. fer for sale this Fall a first rate assortment of Ap ple. Pear, Cherry, Peach, Plum and Ornamental Trees, of all the best varieties. We call especial attention to our apple trees. Tlicv are 5 years old, and unsiipassed by any in the market, terms rcasonab.e. Orders should be sent in soon. Catalogues sent on application. FORD A PERKINS. AGENTS—O. D. Bartlott. Towauda ; Horace Heath, Ul ster ; George Heath, Burlington : 11. Port. Smithfirid ; H. W. Browning, Rome ; Win. Doauc. Windham. XilisccUa cotis. TOWANDA HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON AM) STOVE STOlffi. IS II ALL & RUSSELL ?'' desalt -,uid Retail Dealers m n if* "c ,|jg';;;i;l!| 111 Hardware and Stoves. Iron ft and —liess W: and Oils, House Trimmings— -I.W!' ,!kinds of Carriage trimmings. miWm Cloths at.d Laces, Carriage Sulkry and Scat Springs, car penicrs' and Joiners' Planes, other Tools—Cro: s Cut. Mill I and Circular Saws, BlacksuiitiJ x,, Tools, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, 1 Hammers and Screw Plates, Axes. Broad Narrow, Lath and Hand Hate bets—Cable, Log, Trace :.nd Haftr, Chains, Crowbars, Picks, Shovels and Sondes. POCKET AND TABLE CUTLEHV-Shcars and Scis sors, Edge Tools of all kinds, Brass and Enameled Kettles, Shovel and. tongiiftk. Spoons and Ladles, Tubs and Pails, Mops and Washboards, and all other kinds of house-kc-ep ing implements. In the HARDWARE line, Brass, Brittania, Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, single or in setts. Bar. Band. Scroll and Hoop Iron. Steel of all kinds. N'aii Rods, Ac. Pnmps, Lead Pipe and till the necessary fixtures for water works. Patent, Stretched Leather Belting and String Leather, i and 10,000 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac turers andiniporters, iu eluding the largest assortment ! and greatest variety of STOVES Coal and Wood Cooking, Coal and Wood Parlor. Dining- Room. Six Plate and Cylinder, ever brought into Xortheri Pennsylvania or Southern New York; all of which we arc now prepared to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good TBRMS as can be found this side of New York, front tiie fact that all our goods were bought of first hands and in full packages and large quantities, tliat gives us an advantage over smaller purchasers and I Dry Goods dealers, that wiil enable us to sell from 5 to! 15 per rent, less than any of them, which advantage we ' shall offer to any who will favor us with a call before pur chasing elsewhere. A large quantity of Tin ware. Stove Pipe and Elbows j always on hand, wholesale and retail. All kinds of Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy STOVES and H ARD WARE cheap—oue door South of Fox'e, and nearly op posite Tracy A Moore's, Main street, iu tiie new Wood Building, lettered at!over. Grain and Country Produce, old Iron. Brass, Brittania and Copper. Dried Fruit of all kinds, Feathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. Ill,MM! Sheep Pelts wanted, for which the highest price in CASH will be paid. I). C. HALL. C. S. RUSSELL. Towauda, Oct. 25.183(3. NEW I^ALL ANI) WINTER GOODS. BK IXGSRERV A SOX, Lee leave to • call the attention of their friends and customers, as well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS, ; consisting of a great variety of LADIES DRESS GOOES Silks, Shawls, Parana Has, French Merinos, Cashmere. Wool Plaids. Wool Del, tines. Ac. Also, a choice selec tion of Merimae, Uhoceco and other styles of fast colored Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Trimmings. White Goods, Ac. Denims. Ticks. Drills, Linens. Cambrics, Bleached and Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twine, Car pet Warp, Ac. In addition to the above articles, there will always be found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Glass Ware ; Boots and Shoes, llatsand Caps, Nails,F'isli, Paints, Tubs, Matts. Ac. Returning individually our thanks for past patronage, we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attcnti in of our old rust mors and the public generally, to an inspection of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock. Towauda, Sept. 1 >, 1- SU. TOWANDA FOUNDRY. sul)SLTil>ei' continues to carry on the A. Foundry business in Towauda, ar.d is prepared tf do all kinds of work in hi- line on short notice and in i workmanlike manner. He will keep on hand or make t< order Plows, St ives, Mill Irons. Sleigh Simcs, Wagon- Boxes. and any article of cast iron that may be required Tinning and fining up work will U- done on short notln and on reasonable terms. Persons wishing to purcluist Stove-of any kind will find it lunch to their advantagi to buy at the Foundry, as they can lit repaired much cheaper. Please rail and examine before put-eh-ising else where. Old cast iron and Grain taken in payment.— Don't mistake the place—one door ea-t of Mercur's Block. I would also say to those having accounts'-Rind ing over ix months, that they must lie settled without delay, and those having notes that are due will do well to pay up and save < o-t. JOHN CARMAN. Towauda. Oct. 22, ls5G. A FAB.IVT TOR SALE IN Ridghery township, about half a mile from the pub lic house of B. F. Buck, containing about one hundred acres, sixty acres improved, of which is bottom laud with a i oiuforta'.Jc log house and frame barn. Enquire of tbe sabsrrilier upon theprcnii. es. M. CHAMBERLAIN. October 22, 1F513. Dlt CHAS. M. TURNER, PHYSICIAN A- St IKit-'O.X, olli s his professional servicas to the inhabitants of Tow.mda and vicinity. Office and ros idciß-c iu the duelling recently occupied by H. BOOTH, Esq.. one door north of the Episcopal Church, ou Maine Street. NEW FALL AND WINTER GOODS. r |tllFl subscriber is now receiving a largestock of FALL I and WINTER GOODS, which he respectfully invites the public to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY, 'l'owanda, October G. ISSG. FALL GOODS." US. MKKCUR is now njcoivitij* a lar^c • Stock of FALL GOODS, to which the attention of the public is reque -ted. T c.v.mdi. Sept. IG, 157. GEORGE H. WOOP'S DagiHTir.'in k (Jiass Picture (inllmj {X PATTOX'S NEW BLOCK, Corner of Main and . Bridge sts., Towauda. Pa., is tlie plaee to get GLASS PICTURES, (usually called Ambrotypes.) They are far superior to all other kinds of pictures. Having no reflec tion, they ecu lie -ecu in any position, and can be tak< n in much less time than Daguerreotypes, and equally well in cloudy as clear weather. put into Lockets, Breast pins, Ac., - iisnul. Rooms open at all hours. Pictures pot up on shoi t not be. 'J i wriula. Janiauy 22, lon J ' 3i 111 K D C> M OR B /Bk -12k- BO Dt **' 9 IS said to IK- the iiicvitnbli- result of the coming election; it is also said that this glorious Union is in danger : be that a.- it may. we kmuv that a terrible storm isgathering in the political heavens, which will soon Imrsi upon us in all its maddened fury. But we would say to tlie citizens of Bradford, heed it iiot ; it will pirns harmlessly by. Soon however, storms of a different nature will gather in a wintry sky, which will cause you to tremble like an aspen, unless yon procure the necessary protection. Now, it is these kinds of storms that we propo e to prepare you to meet. Wc have just received an extensive and splendid assortment of 1 )ttv COODS AND CLOTHING for the FALL TRADE, which we will sell at New-York city prices. Our motto is, •• (Juick -airs ami sin ill profits." THE LADIES Will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the goods they ncetl. Our shelves and drawers aro crowded with articles for their use.. We call special attention to our nrrp xti/h ; o/FAXCY SILKS, the finest the market affords. SH AWI.S, broclio. Ray state and cashmere, of all sizes and qualities. LADIES DRESSHOODS, French, English and American Merinos, plaid and striped l)e Laities, plain and figured Alpeccas; iu hut everything usually Keqit lu Dry Good spires. F'irst-rnte calico at 6 cents per yard, good muslin at 54 rents. A fine assort ment of BONNETS. Oldies' Cotfurs, L'ndertletve Hand kerchiefs, I,are i Embroideries, t,lores, Hosiery, tire. Our Clothing Department Is replete with fashionable goods ; Overcoats from il to #2(l, business coats from to to sls. ve-ts all prices, mints from $2 to s4l. A general assortment of underclothing, collars. Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the shortest notice. nir Don't forget tiie place, in Button's new block, cor ner Bridge and Main streets. GUTTKXBUKG,ROSENBAUMA CO. To wanila, September 3, 1 HAIL Cash paid for Pelts & Wool, AT SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, Towauda, September 3, injii. T AWES' INDIA RUBBER GLOVES^ -Lj at the store of 11. s. MERCUR. fttlSrcUrtlUOllS. TO PUBLIC. rX consideration of thr li'ieV-patronage with which we have been favored -- iiu e we commenced business in this place, we tender t<> tbe citizens of Towanda :tud sur rounding country nr sincere (hanks, and lope by selling at prices SURPRISINGLY LOU", to make it profitable to all who may favor us with a call. We are re olved to keep pace with the progressive spirit of the age in which we live, by offering for sale Goods of tbo Z*ates% SyleS.. at prices that actually alarm the proprietors of old-fash iotied Stores : they being schooled in the liigh-price prin ciple, or rather in the prices of old times—will not lower their demands : but, in a very happy manner, warn their customers not to meddle with the Goods at the New Stoic, (at the same time exhibiting much concern lor their wel fare,) for they know that none but damaged Goods can be sold so very low. We do not intend to sell damaged floods, hut if any prove to be so, or, are not what we represent them to lie. return them and receive the money paid for them. We now offer our EST IRE SUMMER STOCK' AT STILL LOWER PRICES TIiAX EVER. Some of our Dress floods, our remaining stock of Bon nets and Bonnet Trimmings we Wilt sell at COST. We have a line lot of Shawls, Mantillas, Window Dra pery, Silks. Embroideries, Needle-Worked Kdgingand In serting, Si c., Ac. We use prepared to send for any article in our line that we have not on hand. Our assortment of JtKA P Y-M ADE CLOTH I NO, is complete—cannot he surpassed by any other es'ablish meut in XortWn i'ennsylvania. Call and examine our Goods—seeing is i ciieving. GITIKNBEHG, KOSEXBAUM & CO. Towanda, -Inly 'ls, 1 s:.sfi. K. T. FOX" IS now reeoivmcr a fine stock of GRpCK . HIES and PROVISIONS which will lie sold at the very lowest price. He is a!>o anxious to buy for CASH any ipiantity of Butter. Eggs, laird and good Wheat, at tin- highest market price. Will those who want to buy or who have produce to si II pie is- give him a call A NEW STOCK OF TEAS, warranted as J. V. usual to give satisfaction, or the money returned. Also, Sugar, Coffee, M daws, and in be t most every thing in the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, a few very nice ones, also Dried Berries (t FOX'S both Sperm and Tallow bv the \J box or pound, at F('\"S. Fp LOUR of different qualities, Corn Meal, i Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Farnifv , Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S. * ! MESS PORK, CHei se, Hams, Lard, Brooms, and an assortiiiunt of Wooden W are* at KOX'H. OAA BUSHELS good Potatoes wanted * 'V ' immediately at FOX'S. for flavoring for sale cheap A J at FOX'S. REACHES and Tomatoes, in cans, . warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S. ORANGES,0 RANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Fijrs, Raisins, Uruuc.s, Dates, Citron, and other fruit in their sea son at FOX'S. AV~H ITE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and TT by the pound, at my 14 FOX'S. MACKINAW TROUT— Some very fiue ones in hall barrels, also Mackerel in half and quar ter barrels, at j ls FOX'S. CLVNI)\ —A larg;e stock always on hand J and sold at wholesale at pcdla s' prices at FOX'S. O TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, Row-' * J dcred. ( -rushed and llranulated : Molasses, Syrup, Hie and Java Coffee. Kice. S.ileratus, Ginger, Sperm Candles, Rice. Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at . junel) FOX'S. r P Al* IOC A. Ilice, Corn-starch, Rice flour, A Cunagen, Macarona, Vermacilla. Sagochee-e and Kpic of at FOX'S, ill ltilb QUICKS, of nil kinds,both white and ground O —Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at OctoberFOX'S. "SOOTS &. SHOES tonl, Towanda. May 20, 185 C. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT of Boot.- A A. K Shoes and Findings now receiving at Aug. 22, 1856. HUMPHREY'S. COLE LEATHER. —Jnst receiving an e.x k_A ccllent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which public attention is respectfully invited. Nov. 22. KV.. ■). D. HUMPHREY. NEW SPRING GOODS, AND TS KW FIRM. B KINGSBURY Si S( IX beg leave to call the nttcn . ti in of their friends and customers, as well asall oth ers, both dew and Gentile, wishing to buv Goods (HEAP, to their we!! -elected -took of FOREIGX AX/I DO MESTJC /'/■' l HOOHS, consisting of a great variety of Dneties I) 1 ess (Hood., Silks, Shitwls, lie Laines, Chat lies. Parian. I'hamUraip. Interns, RriUiantrx, etc., etc. A! o. a choice selection of Mcrrimac, Chocheco, and other styles of lust-colored Prints. A large ami complete assortment of Yankee Xvtiuns, Hosiery, Gloves. Dress Trimming*. While tlncd*. Dra in.*, Ticks, Prills. Linens, Camltricx, Bleached and Rrvun Sheetings, Cotton yarn, ll'ick, Balls, 'l\cine, Carpet 1 1 Hep, h'C. . ,y r. In addition to the above articles, there will always he found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Glass-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish, I'ails, Tubs, Matts, Sir. The nudi i'sigm d feel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of their Spring stock, believing that good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. B. KINGSBURY A SON. Towanda, April 11, 185(5. Watches, Jews ry and Fancy Goods. \.M. WA RN KR lias just received a large • and spleii.f.l assortment of XV A TCI IKS, JEWEL RY A FANCY GOODS, which are offered for sale 011 the lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge. Towanda, July s, 1 s.jd. NEW SPRING GOODS! 11E subscriber calls attention (if the |ub _ lie t Ills SPRING ST- I V. Iliram Ernst In the court of Conimun Picas of Bradford Co. No. 300 Dec. Term. 185(1. The undersigned Auditor appointed bv said Court, to distribute tlic funds raised by Sheriff'sale of defendant's real estate, will attend to the duties as-igutdhiiii at his office in the borough of Towand i, on Friday the 2 tii day of Noveiid er, A. D. ls.sfi, at two o'clock i-i the aitrnt >-ui when fiiid where all persons having claims arc requested to pro cut them, or be forever debarrenl therefrom. Tnwai'd.i. (H 27.18G6. D' A. OVERTON, Aoditor. 1 UIHTOR'S NOTICE.— In the m tlirr of a \ the <■• la', of Urn. Shaylor, dee'd. 11l the Orphans' Court of Bradford County Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned. Audit.-i appoint! d by said Court, to distribute funds in the hand of the ailaiiuistrati ix of said estate, will attend t> the duties of his appointment, at liis office, in the brnvMoih of Towanda. on .Saturday the 2 Jtii day of November, at two o'clock. P. M-. whin and where all persons having i biims upon -aid funds must present them, cl.-e forever he tie liai-red from the same. Oct. 27, Is ni. D'A. OVERT )X, Auditor. PROCLAMATION.—WhorcftR, Hie Hon. I DAVID WILMOT, President Judge of the 12th Ju dicial District, consisting of the Counties of Bradford. Sus quehanna and Sullivan, anil Hons. Mvkon Bai.i.aiui and II aiirv Acki.kv. \ssoelate Judges, in and for s.n.l county of Bradford, have issued their precept tieariug date tin 27thday of Oct., A.D. I.SSH, to uie directed, tinr holding a Couri of Oyer and Terminer. General Quarter Sessions o the l'eaee. Common Pleas mil Orphan's Court, at 'l'owan da, for the County of Bradford, on the first M onlay, tin -Ist day of DECEMBER next, to continue two weeks. N >t i. e is therefore hereby given, to the Coroners and Justices nf the Peace and Constables, of the County o: Bradford, that they be then and there in their proper per son, at 1(1 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, with their records, inquisitions,and other remeinbrances. to do tliosi things which to their office appertains to 1,-e done ; those who are bound by recognizance or otherwise to pro secute against the prisoners who are or may be in the jail of said County, or who shall lie bound t > "appear at the said court, are to he then and there to prosecute against them as shall he just. Jurors ale requested to he punctual in their attendance, agreeably to their notice. Dated at Towanda, the 22il of Oct-, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, and of the IndepeU'k-nee of the United States, the seventy ninth. JOHN A. CODDING. Sheriff. NEW FIKH AND NEW FALL GOODS. IMIEFTRM OF MONTANYES A- CO. has been dis solved by mutual consent. \VM. A. ROCKWELL having withdrawn. The business will hereafter bo con ducted under the name 'of MONTANYES—having ns-o qiatcd with the firm J. D. Montanyk Jr.. and F. D. Mux tavvk. We trust with our pre-eitt facilities for Hie pur chase of Goods, that we can make it aa object for CASH ( U sTOMERS to examine our stack, which has Iwen laid in with great care to suit the fall trade. All iceimnts due the ohl tirnr. as also notes that are due, are expected to he paid without further notice. August 2.5, lvffi. MONTANYES. /lARRIAUK BOWS A' FELLOES fir sale ut Whole ulc or retail by U.S. MERCI'K. Cenal. IV'OTICK TO ASSESSORS.—'The -■ * Asses- era for !-.'7, v. ill iiu-ke tin .1 return following -rdcr. viz : A■ ; >t , vy tl: inanity court to the Gi vcrnor <>: the Common* with. The A.-s. -sers w ill el-> he enre'nl in .'•...ting the a--essn enfs and carry tog each person's val uation into the right hand n-luiui. By older of the ('-lit rs. 11. M. FARRAR, Clerk, t'otn'r.- Oiluv. Q !. 25, fcSfiv SALE. —Uy virtue of MJIHJJ-V k_J writs of vend, exponas, issued out of tin; Court of Cointnon Pleas of Bradford' medio-- ted, 1 shall expose to nui-He sale at the Court iln-e in tlie borough of Towand'a. on Monday,-DECEMBER 1-t. at lo'< lock. P. M.. the following described I t pic e ■>r parte-1 of laud situate in Orwell township, bounded north hv lands of Kdwin Taylor, east by lands oi Harry Parks! south by the Ridge Road. ai-.d w--t by the K tract, containing ah-n-.t seventy-three acres mere or less, about lillttii ai rc improved. .vCM)—One other lot pieec or parcel of land situate in Orwell twp., lion tided ninth, east and we-t hv lands'o; Silas Allis, and south hv the public road, containing abort one acre ni->re or less, all improved, with a fraineifhotM. iu framed blacksmith shop anil a few fruit tries thereon. Seized awl taken in execution at the suit of M-.n i Spalding 11--w to the use of M. J. Co- lhaiigli vs. Ezra I! Allis. Also at the suit of If. J. Madill, exvcul- r of \ Mud ill, dee'd. vs. K. R. Allis. AI.SO- The foM-nving lot piece or parrel of land sit- . in Rome twp., bounded north by land of Walter ilouplniid east by hi id of D.-naliue. south by land ot Mi- li:.- Coughucy a-ul west hy I mil- of .1 -hn Sullivan, contai o• about eighty tour acres more or less, uisait tliirtv a- ■ -•- improved, one log house, one frauie-l barn aud orchard el fruit trees tlieie-in. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of H. J. Ma dill, de -M. vs. .John Crowley. 1-t. ALS ) flic follow ing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in Athena borough, bounded as follows : Br ginning at the south corner of Win. Kid's lot, on the west side oi Main street in tire borough ot Athens aforesaid ; thence south along said strict. M-ren anil U-10 ]-< r. I r, to the north corner of a kit formerly owned liv Natlianiel Clapp, now owned by .John E. t'anlk-ld ; thence we-tcii v along the north line'of said Canto Id l it to the n- rthwi ,'t corner, aud to land of the heirs of'ten. Henry Wells, dee'd.; t'icni e northerly along the east line of said land of said Weils' heirs t- the soutbwe t comer of a lot owimd and occupied hy Win. Kilf; thence east along the 1 Stiff of SiUt Kilt s 11. t t< flic pr.lli<* strw*t ;Uise|di Sill, ea-t by Zel-edee Angle, south by John l.a< key and we-t by lands ot Amelia E. Dupont. containing one bon-licd ami twenty-one acres more or le *, about forty ores imjir- vi d a framed house and fr.inn d I-tin and bed tend factory and an orcli ird of fruit tree- there--n. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 11. J. M dill. Executor of A. Maddl dee d. Vs. tieo. Sill, Edwin Si! Butler Sill and Joseph Sill. AI.SO--The following ! t piece ->r parcel of Is mi site in Wyso.x twp. bounded on the north by lauds of la • Trumba!! and Bertir.iul Whitney, east by lar.ds of.l Iztnipheie ami Joseph Conkliu and we-t l-.y Joseph ■ liu and Pomercy (iosliiie jr., containing about ti - acres and three fourths of an acre more cr !• - forty-four acres iniproved with one log li IUSC Ira:. • U and an orchard of fruit tr< e> there >n. Seized ami taken in execution -. 1 the suit of H. J. M Executor of A. Madill. ilec'd. vs. William t'arl. ABSO- The following described lot piece or par - - land situate in Wv-ox twp. houmli d north by Xath : Parks and George I enox. ea-t 1-v Thenias I>" 1 -n, s< by John Lenox and George la-i. -x. and west hy J- Lenox, containing fort;, a- res more or less, about ten acre - improved and a framed" house thereon. Seized arid taken ic execution a! ■ e suit of If. J. Madill Exei ntor < t' A. Madill dee'd. v-. William Parks. ALSO—The following described Ut piece or par-el of , hnd sifm'.e in Standing Stone ttvp. buindcd north by lands oi George ami Myron Van nest, ea-t by George Van nest. south by the Stisqut hanna River and west by lands of Alexander Ennisa-:-! Levi Funis, cont.lining foi ty-!ive acres m -r-,- or nil improved a frame.! house a framed barn and an or hard of fruit trees thereon. Seized ami taken iinxo i.s; -n at the suit of If. J. Madill Execati-i -! A. M. Jill dee'd. \ i-.u-.c H. X'annest. ALSO Tin defend tuts it: ten -t in the following des cribed I t piece or p.-r ei ->f land situate in B nliugton tp. hot u lcd on the noitli by 1 ..n lofD. S tperand < titers, east bv L. itc, o Pit by l.i *-1 of 1.. 'iv i-nita ning tlm e a res ntore i-rle—. ALS- i— O ; oilu-r , eitaiu lot piece or parcel of 1a;..1 situate in Pike twp. Imamlcd n >ruh by laid- if J. !;. Fletcher, ea-t i y t'"> public llighw -y leadingllir-mgii t'u igeot i. R.-ysville. and s-mth and \vc*t by l -.nds hoe •f \\ m. J-dittsoii. dee'd.. cs-nt.ti-i'ug nicety eight s-| ■*: •perches m -re -r less all improved with ■< fr.tmcildweiii'ig house and iarn and some fruit trees there -n. Seized aud tc.kt n u execute n r.t the suit of 1). Btilev &S .n VS. l.i-ander B -ks. •MS > !!;. virtue o; a writ >"J.-v i ! Facia the ■•!! ••- ing described lot piece or parcel of land situate in ville t wp. liou'idetl as f illnwi,: beginning at a hemlock s. K. -rut r of a lot originally contracted to Th mas 'Jailey Jr., thence nortlt eighty-uve i-i-r.-hes t > n post N. M. corner-if said Bailey'-lot ; theme ea-t !'.> perc'ies t> the we-t line "I I t N'-c l b! ; then- e west be-" t-> the beginning, iwiut liniug 5u acres and sovei-t , live t-er iic- ,-trict measure, from tin -outli i ml o lot X -. ' I'J -m varrii t lot Vo. I (7:1, about acres impnveil, w'th one log and framed house attached, the re -u. Seized and taken in i M-ciit'l.l at the -.. it of Stephen l'icri e vs. Barnabas Vroimni and 1.0-vis Pratt tern- tewo-.t. JOHN A.CODDIXG, Sheriff; Sheriff- (Jflii e. / Towanda, Nov. o !XiJ. t fi Notice is hereby given that an amount equal to the •o-ts, will be reiiuhed t-< be paid upon each sale when struck down to tlie bidder, and upon a failure to c. nut Iv with this regulation, the tract o. land will again be otter ed for sale. Jons A. t'onmsu. BRANDIES, GINS,' WHiSKiES, JAMACIA RUM, &C. r pilK undi r-igi a .1 respectfully announces to his frier.ds I and tlie public generally, that he has finned a tV lyartner-hlp with Mr. FH MILES FKNDT ot the City of New-York, under the firm and style of TUNBT & VANDEHCOOE, la Hearer street, \eir- \ rl;, in the Importiitg and Jobhing ot" Foreign anil American Liquor*. All orders will be promptiv filled and *ati-fa--ti-m g-uir untied. I>- V.VXDERCOOK. Xi w-Vnk. 15 Pei.vr ft Serf. 1. I.Mt. \ro KxersE FOR HAD BREAD: 1 x If you procure of DR. 11. ('. PORTER, South store in the Ward House. THE INFALLIBLE YEAST POWDER, I" pially adapted to Lotvc-. Hot R ills. B'.se it. B .ekw'-ent other Griddle f'.ike-. Gingeriiread. all ! i --Is of . t i'.ikes. Batter for Darapliiigs, Pudding.-. Put pies. ,Ve. \o- Prkc 25 cents, March 2 ).