Thanksgiving in Pennsylvania. I*! \\sYi vavta, ss. —Iu the name and by ~itli trity f the Commonwealth of Penn .initi. J.vmes Pot. lock, Governor. A PROCLAMATION. r n ,, w-Citizexs : —A public acknowledg ., ~f tin' goodness of Almighty Cod, and ' j',', r tant dependence upon his providence iiiiiiicntly becoming a free and enlightened* ' the " (liver of every good and perfect He lias crowned the past year with Ilis and caused onr paths to drop with ; , Our Free Institutions, our rights , .r o s, civil and religious, have been „ ,1 and preserved : Science and •Art, ... grout interests of Education, Morali- Religion, have been advanced ; Imlus , iijl it.- departments, has been honored I r , waideil, and the general conditiou of | f people improved, i j ;1 r t'onmionwealth has been greatly bless- Tiie ravages of disease and death—of ]. imine and Pestilence —have not been perinit . to ( 01110 near us ; nor have the horrors of „ . ,i;,turli('il tin* peaceful quiet of our homes. • , Earth lias yielded her increase and richly - warded the "labor of the husbandman.—*- \ihiiidaiit prosperity, with smiling jdcuty and j . , 0 |,|,.viiigs of health, has been ours. V, kiiowli'dgiiig, with gratitude, these bless- ; n kiiiti Providonce, let us " enter into I if. gate- with thanksgiving and into His) fts with praise ; be thankful unto llim, ami | i , e >s llis name." j 1,. j,lv impressed with the importance ami j ~ riciv of the (inly, and in accordance with uidies of tunny good citizens, 1, JAMES P Governor of the Commonwealth of F.-iiiisylvatiiii, do hereby recommend THWKSPAY C 1 I-TV "F NOVEMBER NEXT, as a day of , Thanksgiving, and l'ruLsc throughout St t e. ami earnestly implore the people a! -milling from all worldly business and , ; -uit- uu tlint day, they unite in offering • to Almighty (Tod for His past goodness I ; ;i,, ivy, and humbly beseech Hint for a' nance >f his blessings. Given under my hand, the Great Seal of >';;te, at Ilairisburg, this 21st day of j . r in the year of our Lord, 1856, and j .• ( oinnionwealth the eighty-first. -In; Governor. A NPREW G. CCUTIS, Scoretury of the C'omiuoiiwealtli. The Latest Stretch of Executive Power. The work of governing Kansas is carried 011 a higher hand than ever, i. another part of this sheet is an authen eitit of the arrest of the party of emi ts which lately entered the territory from .■?Vi -tutcs, and were made prisoners bv ;igcn!> of Governor Geary. Tliov were .-to Kansas to settle ; they had with them :• families and their household goods ; they nrined, as every American citizen lias a to he, and as every man w ho enters Kun ; the present time must be. They were nt the frontier by an army despntelied un nlers from (Jeary, stopjied, their baggage itgcil, tossed about and damaged, their •1 rudely treated, and finally the whole matle prisoners. This is a sample of r.'s mode of governing the territory.— rr- is no farther need of invasions from tl-stnri ; all that Governor Geary has to do 'll do what he is doing now, merely to stop 'gration from the North, and let it flow y from the slave states, and Kansas will -O.HI lie ready to be admitted into the -ci ;i- a slave state. T letters from Shannon and Whitfield, iv. pnblbli today, show upon what er- Siuiiuion was scut to the territory. He • •'.co-operate in the introduction of sia lic expressed his anxiety to talk with •'holders, and to eonvinee them that if I not use extraordinary means, Kansas he lo>t to them by being filled with frec ■l. mid their " dominion," that is iiis "! . ■ r tlie Fnion, be lost forever. ShsimoM did his best, and Whitfield > acknowledged that " Mr. Pieree eaine he -.rateh nobly." In 'he course of ttcver, Shaunou's practices had made • uume odious in the free states, and il '■-•■ IV.-red that t'.iough he was a very wil :H't. iiis incapacity was such that he was i y. •> be depended on. With the no a new validate for the l'residen t as lltouglit jirndent, therefore, to with "■ :i-* 11 from this sphere of service, and •' tale :t man not yet infamous. Governor -try, tliert fore, was pnt in Shannoti's place, •gcred in Washington till the plan of - ivhi. h is to be pursued under Mr. t.'.tauiV administration should be settled. ' now see what that plan is ; Governor 7.••>•• ue.t as the representative of Mr. m - friends. Mr. Buchanan has "come ' • M-rateh " ;is " nobly " as Mr. Pierce. - tut e emigrants are to he stopped, and '"'"•■IIV.011 entering the territory. On the -e'e the frontier is to be open for the, i i- ni.d their friend-, to eross and re v pitusure. Atchison and his crew will no free-state emigrants shall eu !'. Un that (juarUr. On the lowa •"'•r-.-ki; side Governor Geary stand* ■drive them hack with detachments of Mate- trooos, or, if they insist, on en- II trt: Iti .m as jiersons engaged in un *'-"'D and make them prisoners. ;• nifr. ri nee, therefore, between the 1: Mr. l'ii-rce and what may be called I'inn |>lii y in regard to Kansas, eon ' tliey aeeoinplisli thesameend j 'Wbut. difTerent means. It wa> Pierce's fi' connive at the measures of the bor • • until they had dieted their legisla -1 I'". 1 the code of laws establish :i making it. felony to question line- of the institntion in Kansas, dueiiuiiiui policy simply to enforce I', ami support the institution as es | 1 t enormities are committed under '• The capture of these emigrants I; . ' u'.ngi .1.- j rueecding than even the I j - "I 1 "! the territorial legislature at 1 ; 1 oluin-1 Suiniier. A party ofpeace -r"it- ; ; . i) ) women and children, one • ar.vvaiis which almost every day States for the West in search arc -tupped by I'nited States burd< rs of a territory which the "!" '<• 1 for-ettlenient, and told them 1 1 ''liter. " But we have a light 7 the emigrants, " we arc Amcri t : . ' l> - !,, "1 this territory is our common ■ s ■ .".it have no right to forbid us," HH - r{ hc.v and ammunition," rejoin the "re sent by Governor Geary on I jl you may own rifles and gun but we cannot allow you to it you iu.-ist tin coining into • aft traitors ami rebels, and we capture vonr whole party as guilty of arm ed resistance to the laws." Iu the meantime southern rifles and their owners pass without question into the territo ry. For onr part, we do not see how it is that he indignation of American citizeus does not burst into a flame at the hjnre reCrtul of these acts of tyranny. Here is a power in the coun try, a couutry calling itself free, which takes it upon .itself to repeal our liberties at plea sure. Hero is au Executive which sends its creatures to stop our people on their lawful journeys and arrest them as criminals. Here is the government of a territory acting under immediate instructions from theMeaders of the Buchanan party, which says to one emigrant while on his way, you cannot enter because you are from the North, and being your rifle with you, and to another, you may enter freely, be cause yon are from the slave states and are armed. Who are these men that at their plea sure convert lawful acts into crimes, that exer cise this strange authority over the territories, shutting them against the free la borer and open ing them to the slaveholder and his creatures? They are men who are placed in office by our votes, and if we of the free states allow them again to hold the authority they have so gross ly abused, and to occupy the posts they have disgraced, we shall richly deserve to be treat ed like the party wlto were stopped the other day at Stony Creek, and to fall into the hands of an authority us arbitrary as that of Aus tria.—Livening Post. BISIIOI* 11. U. ONDKKDONK'.S SENTENCE RE MITTED.* —Yesterday, we learu that the episo- Ihi I Convention sitting in this city, by a very decided majority, remitted the sentence upon Bishop 11. U. Onderdonk, of this state, which suspended him from all clerical functions.— . This sentence was imposed twelve years ago, about tiic time his brother, Bishop Onderdonk, jof New-York, was also suspended. The mem bers of the Church, and the public also, are I doubtless familiar with the history of these eases, and the feeling that the action of the Convention produced in the Church. Nn interval of twelve years has softened the asperities the discussions then produced, ! and the remission of the sentence at tins late j period seems no more than an act of just ice to an old servant of the church, who in his i previous career had rendered it good service, ! and whose conduct since has been void of of fense. The remissu 11 of his sentence will res tore him to bis ministerial functions, but, we : presume, not to his Bishopric, which is now 1 idled by Bishop I'otter. On Sunday morning [next Bishop Onderdonk will preach a sermon | in the Church of the Ascension. SeiuoL'd ACCIDENT TO EX-PRESIDENT VAN BCIIK.V. — Vain ha, Friday, Oct. 24, 1856. Ex-President Van Burcn and his son Smith Van Burcn, were thrown from their carriage yesterday afternoon by their ho ses taking fright and running away. One of the arms of the former was broken and the latter was slightly injured. Bfe/y- The Fremont electoral ticket in Mary land, stands thus : Far the State at Large. FRANCIS I'. BL.UK. AV U.i.iAM I'. EWING. Far the Districts : —.James Bryan, .Tolla Lin coln, George \V. Martenet, William E. Coalc, David (Tumble, .Joshua Switzcr. There are now in the field Fremont electo ral tickets in at least four sluve States, Dela ware, Maryland, Virginia and Kentucky.— North Carolina and Missouri will probably be added to the list. TOWANOA HARDWARE, CUTLERY, IRON AND STOVE STORE. 6 fjf i■' tUinlware aiul Stovci. IPUI H Kfl S| ''''' v -""I S| .rings, Car l"-ntrr-' am] JOINER*' Plane*, ' FFYT S:IW-. Anp-r*. Cliisi-LS ami all and t' taw*. Klack-mith * Hammers AMI Screw Plates. Axes. Broad, Xarrow, T.atli ami Hand Hat< liets- Cabio, I, Trace and Halter (.'bains, Crowbars, Picks, SHOVELS and ."tirade*. POCKFT AVP T \BLK PITTLKRY—Shears and S.-is s- r*. Kdpe of ail kinds, Brass antl Kiiaineieti Kettles, Slmvcl and Tongue*, S(wms and Ladle*, Tubs and Pails, Mops nml Washboards, and all other kinds of house-keep ing implements. In the IIARPWAUE line. Brass, Brittania. Jappaned and Plain Tin Ware, sinede or in setts. Bar. Hand. Scroll and Hoop Iron, Steel of:dl kinds. N'ail lb ids, A.c. Pumps, laiad Pi|e and all the necessary fixture* for water works. Patent, StreU bed Leather Belting aud String Leather, and 10.01)0 other articles too numerous to mention, that we are now receiving direct from the hands of manufac turers and importers, including the largest assortment and greatest variety of STOVES Coal and Wood Peeking. Pout and Wood Parlor. Pining" li' 111. Six Plate ami (iyiimter, ever brought into Northern Pennsylvania or Santlierii NV York ; all of which we are now pre]tnrcd to sell at wholesale or retail, at as low rates, and on as good TKKWS a- ran Is- found this side of New-York, fr-m the fact that all utir goods were ImugUt id first hands and in hill packages and large quantities, that gives ns an advantage over smaller purchasers and i)r\ tioods di alers, that will enable us to sell from 5 to L'. per cent, less than any of them, which advantage we sbal! olfcr to any w ho will favor us with a cull before pur chasing elsewhere. A hirge qnantity of Tin vvare. TSTOVE Pipe and Klhows always 011 hand, WHOLESALE AND retail. All kinds ot Job Work done to order, on short notice and warranted. Don't mistake the place to buy JjTIIVKS and HARD WARE cheap -one door South of Fox's, and m arly op posite Tracy A Moore's. Main street, in the new Wood Building, trttrrril a.'lori-r. drain and Country Produce, old Iron, Brass, Brittania and Popper. Dried Kruit of all kinds, Leathers and Bees wax wanted for goods. in.ouo Sheep lvlts wanted, for which the highest price in C \sn will be paid. 1). P. HA LI.. C. S. RUSSELL. 'J'owanda, (Ft. 25, ls.ifi. I ) EG IST KIT'S NOT ICES —Notice is hcre- IV l.y given that there have la-en filed and settled in the office of the Begister of Wills, in and for the county of Bradford, accounts of administration upon the following estates, viz:— . Partial account of J. H. Webber admi'r. of Minerva Webber late of Kranklio, dee'd. Fiua.l aorount of Cyrus Shuinway, adm'r. of Isaac lto wncratiee late of Asylum, dee'd. Final aeooHift of John \ andyke adm r. of Henry (.age. late of < 'anion, dee'd- Fiuaj iw.omit of J. B. Smith and J. L. Rockwell adm rs. of .lolm -I. Warford late of Monroe, dee d. Partial account of Win. Panuer executor of Mary (. ar mor, late of Litchfield, doc li. Final account of Calvin West. exeeutor of >\ ni. Decker, late of South ( reek, dee'd. Final account of P. K. Mnynard adm'r, of Nathan May nnrd, kite of Rotue, dee'd. final peeount of \. W. A -L W. jUray adm rs. or Oliver S. Pray, late ot Jleriick. dcc'il. Partial account of A. W. Alger ami Otis Hamilton ex ecutor of Joseph Hamilton, late of Orwell, dec d. Final account of Samuel -L Adams adm r. Ny Ransom I. Adams, fitv of Siiiitlilichl. dec d. ... Ami the same will IK- presented to the Orphan s Court of Bradford County, 011 Monday, the Ist day of Decern.*-r next for coniiruiation and allowance. JAMES H EBB, Register. Register's Office, Towanda, (h'LJG. HARD WAUL, IKON, NAILS, *♦.— A large idditt iial st. k of Common and Saddtei y Hardware, Joiner'- Coinage Tiinioiiiig-. Treti.Sh-el Xa !- just Rtviwilly H h- MLH( I It- New- Abuerliennvtito, A I>.MINISTRATQR'S NOTIGJB.r-N(lee ' in hereby given, that alt persons indebted to the e* tftte of l.ntber Chaftee deceased, late uf Orwell twp., are hereby requested to make pajmciit without delay; and all persons having claims against said estate will please'present them duly authenticated for settlement, i I C. G. RESIDENTAL ELECTION PIiOOLA -I. M ATlON.—Whereas,by an act of assemldy of the Com nionwealth, entitled "an act relating to the elections of this commonwealth," It is enjoined upon me to give pub lic notice of such election to be held, and also the enumer ation In snch notice what officers are to be elected, I JOHN A. CODDING, High Sheriff of the county of Brad ford, do hereby make known and give notice to the elec tors of said countv that a general election will be held in said coilnty. on TUESD AY the 4th dayof November,in the several districts in said county, to wit: — In Albany, at the sub-disttlct school house near Camp bell's mill. In As/lum, at Jacob Frutchey's. In Athens boro', at E. 8. Mathewson's. In Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt in Athens Borough. In Arnenia, at John 8. Becker's. In Burlington Isiro', at the Hall of Henry Vosburg. In Rnrlington twp., at the house of Roswell Luther's. In West Burlington, at the house of Ezra Goddard. In Canton, at A. F„ Spalding's. • In Columbia, at James Morgan's. In Durell. at the school house, called the centre school house, near S. Decker's. < In Franklin, at Win. Deenier's. 111 Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor. In Derrick, at the school house near Daniel Durand's. In Litchfield, at Gyrus Bloodgood's. In I.eßoy, at the school house in Iteßoy. In Monroe, at J. I'. Smith's. 111 Monroe I, >ro", at the house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, ;rt Francis Woodruff's. In Overton, at the house of Wm. Waltman. lti Pike, at Dennis Johnson's. In Koine, at the Academy. In Rijgbrry, af the lwti-V of Benjamin F.jßuck. In Sheshequin, at D. Brink's, in Smithfield. at A. J. Gorould's. In Springfield, at T. Wilder's. In Standing Stone, at Simon Steven's. In S> Ivania bore' at t lie house of Curtis Merritt. In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gillett's. In Towunda boro' at the Grand Jury room, in the Court House, in said boro'. In Towanda, twp., at the school house, near H. L. Scott's. In Towanda North, at S. A. Mill's. 111 Troy boro', at the Eagle Tavern. In Troy twp., at the House of V. M. Long, in the boro' of Trot - . In Tuscarora, at the school house near James Black's. In Ulster, at S. 11. flulcorab's. In Warren, at It. Cooper's. In Wells, at L. Seeley's. In Windham, at the house of Benj. Kuykendall. In Wyahising, at the house of J. H. Black. In Wihuot, at the house of John Huffman. 11l W vsox. at the house of James M. Reed. At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect by ballot Twenty-seven Electors for President and Vice President of the United States. And in and by said ait, I am further directed to give notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the go vernment of the United Stakes or of this State, or of any incorporated district, and also that every member of con gress and of the State Legislature and the select and com moo council of any city, or commissioners of any incorpo rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, In specter or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth, and that no inspector or other officer of any sucli election, shall be then eligible to any office to be voted for. By tbe ttb section of an act passed the 16th day of April, 1840, it is provided " that the 13th section of an ad (Kissed July 2, ls3o, entitled " An act relating to the elections of this commonwealth," shall not be so constru ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as Judge. Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of this Commonwealth. In the i,l-t section of the act first above mentioned, it is enacted that every general and special election shall be opened between 8 and 10 in the forenoon. and continue without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock iu the evening, when the (gills shall lie closed. By the l*th section of the act passed Feb. 3d. 1 -16, it shall be lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gen- 1 end election which shall he hereafter held in the "Arme nia election district of Bradford county to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock, P. M. By the 11th sections of the act of 1853, it is provided that the polls of the election district of Tuscarora twp. lie closed at 5 o'clock. P. M. It is further directed, that the meeting of the Judges at the Court House in Towanda. to make out the general return, shall he on the 3d day after the election, which will lie on tbe 7th day of November. JOHN A. CODDING,Sheriff. Towanda, October 8, Is.'ui. ItFMOVAL. COLLINS & POWELL, AA/OL'LD respectfully inform their friends and thepub- VY lie generally, that they have removed their Cloth ing and Furnishing Store to their New Building on the west side of Main Street , next door to Hull A Russell's, and will be happy to wait on all who may give them a call. Their stock consists of Black Cloth Coats, Plain and Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds and Jeans, Black and Fancy Cassimerc Pants, Black Satin Vests, Silk Velvet and fan cy do.. Silks of all kinds, White Marsafilfcs and fancv do., White and fancy Linen Pants, Overalls and oversliirts, white and fancy shirts, drawers, collars, cravats, socks. Hats and Caps of all kinds and qualities, a good assort ment of Boys Clothing, such as Coats, Vests and Pants which wc are selling oft' at cost. Gentlemen wishing clothing made up to order, will da well to give us a call, as we have a good assortment of Cloths. Cassimeres and Vestings on hand, which we are ready to make up 011 short notice, and WARRANTED to tit in every way, or no sale. We do our own cutting, and flatter ourselves that we know as much about it as most people, having had some years experience iu lmsines CUTTING done to order as usual.—Where Goods are bought of us. no charge made for cutting. As regards cheapness, all we ask is to give us a call before buying f*l APtt'luTP J. M. COLLINS. PKIK'IVAL POWELL. Towanda, August 7, 18,56. XFW FALL WINTER M ' GOODS. BKINGSBERY A" SDN, Let; leave to • call the .attention of their friends and customers, as well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their well selected stock of Foreign arid Domestic DRY-GOODS, consisting of a great variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Silks, Shawls, Paramettas, French Merinos. ('ashmere. Wool Plaids. Wool DeLaines. Ae. Also, a choice sole-• tion of Meriiuac, < 'hoceco and other styles of fast colored Prints. A large and complete assortment of Vankee Notions, Hosiery. Gloves, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Ac. Denims. Ticks, Drills. I.iuens. Cambrics, Bleached and Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twine, Car pet Warp, Ac. In addition to the above articles, there will always be fnuud a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and Gloss Ware ; IS >ots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish, Paints, Tubs, M itts. Ac. Returning individually our thanks for past patronage, we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attention of our old customers and the public generally, to an inspection ofofior extensive New lull and Winter Stock. Towanda, Sept. 1(1,1856. (CAUTION. —Notice is hereby piven, that J 1 hereby forbid all persons front trusting any one on my account, and particularly forbid nil persons frotn har boring or trusting Joseph Prince, without a written or der from me ; as 1 have made all the necessary arrange ments for his comfort and support, and will not be liable for any debts contracted by him. Warren, Sept. 2, 1856. NELSON PRINCE. BRANDIES, GINS, WHISKIES, JAMACIA RUM, &C. r I'M IE undersigned respectfully announces to his friends A and the public generally, that he bps formed a Co partnership with Mr. CHARLES FENDT of the City of New-York, under the firm and style of rENDT A VANDERCOOH, 15 Bearer street, New-York, in the Importing and Jobbing of Foreign and American Liquors. Alt orders will lie prnmptlv filled and satisfaction guar antied. " D. VANDEKI UOK. New-York, 15 Beaver st. Sept. 1. 156. DRIED EEEE— AIso a few very larjye liue smoked Tongues, at FOX'S. FUST received a new supply of Pure White •I Lead. No. 1 snow white Zinc, Copal, Demar, and Harness Varnish and Japan, by 11. 8. MKRCUR. I fllisccllancons. which we 1 have been furofed smce we commenced butdnvss in thle place, me tender to the citizen* of Towanda and sur rounding countryy>ur sincere ttranta, and hope by selling at price* SURPRISINGLY LOW, to make it profitable to all who may lav or us with a call. We are re otved to keep pace with die progressive spirit •flhe age in Which we live, by offering for sale Goods of the Latest Spies, at prices that actually alarm the proprietors of old-fash loued Stores : they being schooled in the high-price prin ciple, or rather in the prices of oW times—will not lower their demands ; hut. In a very happy manner, warn their Customers not to meddle with the Goods at the New Store, (at the same time exhibiting much concern lor their wel fare,) for Miey know that none hut damaged Goods can be sold so vera- low. We do not Intend to sell damaged Gooffs, but if any prove to be so, or, are 111 ft what we represent them to he, return them and receive the money paid for them. We aow otter our f'A'f'/kA 6' l MMLH STOCK AT STiI.L LOWER PRICES THAN EVER Some of our Dress Goods, onr remaining stock of Uoh aef-i and Bonnet Trimmings we will soli at COST. We have a fine lot of Shawls, Mantillas. Window Dra pery, Silks, Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edgingand In serting. Ac., Ac. We ase prepared to send for any article in our line that we have not on baud. Our assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, w complete—cannot be surpassed by any other establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania. Call and examine ®ur Goods—seeing is believing. GUTfENBERG,ROSENBALM A CO. Towanda. July 2s. 1856. K. T* FOX IS now receiving a fine stock of GROCE RIES ami PROVISIONS which will In; sold at the very la west price. He is also anxious to Buy for CASH any quantity of I!e,tier, Eggs, Lard and good Wheat, at. the highest market price. Will those who want to buy or who have produce to .sell please give him a call ? \ NEW STOCK OF TEAS, warranted JA usual to giio satisfaction, or the money returned. ALo, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and iu fact niort every thing in the Grocery line, for sale Cheap at FOX'S." DRIED REACHES, a few very nice ones, also Dried lb fries at FOX'S C CANDLES, both Sperru and Tallow by the ' box or pound, at FOX'S. | FI.OUII of different qualities, Corn Meal,.'. Bran and Chop. AUo some very extra Family Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S. AT ESS PORK, Cheese, Hams, Lard, Brooms,' ivA and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S. BUSHELS good Potatoes wanted OY/Cr immediately at FOX'S. ]EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap t X > IjMIESH PEACHES and Tomatoes, in cans, warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S. ! ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Krunes, Dates, Citron, and other fruit iu their sea- ' son at_ FOX'S. WHITE FISII, in barrels, half barrels and v t by the pound, at myl4 FOX'S. MACKINAW TROUT-—Some very fine one* in half barrels, aLo Mackerel in half and quar ter brrrels-, at j|S FOX'S. CUANDY —A large stock always on hand J and sold at wholesale at pedlars' prices at FOX'S. Q TONS SUGARS—Brown, Refined, Pow- VJ dered, (.'rushed and Granulated ; Molasses, Syrup, Itio and Java Coffee, Rice. S.ileratus, Ginger, Sperm Caudles, Rice, Tobacco—iu fact a geueral variety of Groceries, for sale cheap at junefi * FOX'S. TAPIOCA, Rico, Corn-starch, Rice flour, Carragen, Macaroua, Vennacilla, Sagocheese and Spic of at FOX'S. illkii.ih of all kinds, both white arid ground k_J —Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at October ft. FOX'S. BOOTS t of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which public attention is respectfully invited. Nov. 22. 1*5.5. J. D. HUMPHREY. NEW SPUING GOODS, XFWFIIUf. B KINGSBURY & SON beg leave to call the attcn • tiou of their friends and customers, as well as all oth ers, both Jew and Gentile, wishing to buy Goods CHEAP, to their well selected stock of FORE JON AND DO MESTIC DRY OOODS. consisting of a great variety of L.atlies Dress Gooels, Silks. Shaerls, De /.aims, CHUL lies, tiareges, Ckumbrays, IMWUS, Rriiliantes, tie., etc. Also, a choice selection of Merrimac, Chocheco, and other styles of fast-colored Prints. A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions, Hosiery, Gloves, Dress Trimmings, H'lute Gooels, J)en ims, Tieks, Drills, Linens, Cambrics, Rltachetlmul RI UU-n Sheetings, Cotton Yarn, H ick, Batts, Twine, Carjiet IVarp, 4*G. $-E. In addition to the above articles, there will alwnys be found a full assortment of GROCERIES. Crockery and Glass-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails, Fish, Pails, Tubs, Matts, Ac. The uudersigm d leel a pleasure in inviting the public to an examination of their Spring stock, liclieving that good Goods aim low prices will insure a speedy sale for ready pay. B. KINGSBURY A SON. Towauda, April 11,1856. Watches, Jewe'ry and Fancy Goods. AM. WARN ER has just received a • and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JEWEL RY A FANCY G( KIDS, which are offered for sale on the lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main *t. above Bridge. Towanda, July 8, 1856. NEW SPRING GOODS! lUIE subscriber calls at tout ion of the jul> . lie to Ids SPRING STOCK OK GOODS comprising the usual variety, and which will he sold at the lowe-t possible rates for cash. U. D. BAItTLETT. Towanda. April 24. 1856. . .. Another Large Arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS! nS. METK'UR is now receiving the largest, l*>st as . sorted, and most desirable stock of Goods that has yet been ottered in Towanda. Consisting of every variety of SA PLE AND FANCY DR Y GOODS, Hardware, Crockery and GLASS ware, liools and Shies. Huts, Caps, Stamp Goods, Carpets, Mat tings. 1\ R ooden-irare, Groceries, Points, M indrrw-Glass, < lds, xY lis, Iran, Steel, Fish, Tsui her, FEE. f the Pernio. Legislature for the year 16.56, )u*ve been received for this County, and are ready for distributing u> those entitled to receive tlicm. August 4, 1856. ALLEN M'KF.AN. Proth'ry. T A DIES' INDIA RUBBER GLOVES, XJ at the store of 11. S- MKRCUR. CULTIVATOR TEETH AND CORN V.' BIIIJ JJuh.-, f-r sale by 11. S. MERC UK. _ Cegal. ADMIN'RS. NOTI6K—AH UMMM i detrtod to Mm f UIL M VEhh decw*4. late of A i UEXtj -township, are .hereby notified to make Cyraent without delay. and aH pei-ann* having demand a ainst said estate are requested to present them duly an flienticated for •ettlemeut. HARAH MYERS. July 18.J856. Adlnistratrix. KPHANto' COURT SALE—By ri7tu of an order of the Orphan*' Court of Bradiord coun ty. will he exposed to |iiihlSc ule on the premises. <>n Saturday the 15th day of November uxt, at 1 o'clock, 11., the following property — A certain messuage, peice or parcel of land situate In Columbia Township, bounded and <)e*ed as follows : Ou the east by lamia belonging to Win. 'jsher, on the south hy payment without delay; those having demand* agaim-t Mid estate will present them dulv authenticated fur settlement. Sept. 10, lsoti. KINNEY DttWITT. Executor. ADM IN ISTR A TOR'S NOTICE —Notice is hereby givai. that all persons indebted to the •- tate ol Edmund Eaunders, dil'd. late of Pike tp. are ic quested to tuiike payment without delay; and all persona having claims against said estate, must'present them duly authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber*. CHANDLER BIXBY, Administrator, with the Will annexed. October 21, 1856. ADMINISTRATION NOTlCE.— Notice is hereby given, ihut ail person- indebted to the es tate ol H AitfiEX WILLIAMS, dee d, late of l'ike twp, arc hereby requested to make payment without de lay: and all person* having claim* against said estate wilt please present thein duly authenticated for settlement. BETSEY WILLIAMS. Oct. 21 185 C. Administratrix. ORPHANS' COURT SALE —By virtue . ol an order of tlic Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty, tlu- undersigned Executrix of Hi.hard Vurgason de ceased, will offer at public sale mi the premises, on BAT- I KPAY November 15, 18"6. at 2 o'clck, I*. M., a part of the farm late i/said dc - a- e-1,-iti.ate in Durell twp.. b wind ed <>n the south by land of Robert ltilll n the cast by Und of John V. Ueujamin and on the north mid west by the remaining parts of -aid farm, contain Tig 16 acres and al lowances. Terms made known on the day of sale. SARAH VARG.VSOJt, Executrix. OR I'IIANS'COURT SALE —By virtun of au order of the Orphans' Court of Brudford coun ty, will ho exposed to public- sale on the premises, on SATI'RDAY November 8, 1856. at 1 o'clock, P. M., a certain messuage piece or parcel of-land situate in Colum bia twp.. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a beech sapling, the northeast corner ; thence north 65", west "8 peri lies to a stake and stones ; theuee north 27° east 2.".0 perches to a post, on the liue of Allen S. I*ar sons '; thence north 63° east 7$ perches to a post; theuca south 27° west 230 perches to the place of begiuulng, con turning 112 and 20 perches of land lie the same more or less. Late the estate of David S- Watliins, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. WM. B. WATKINS. Administrator. October 1,156. ORPHANS' COURT SALE—By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun ty. will be ex|s>*ed to public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY. 25th of October next,at 1 o'clock P.M., the following property :—One lot piece or parcel ol land situ ate in Ridgliery twp.. bounded and de-eribed as follows : On the north by lands of James S trow bridge, east by tlm public highway, south by lands of said Struwbridge, west by lands of John W. Thompson, containing about two acre*, with a framed house and saw mill thereon erected. ALNO—One other piece in said township, containing 48 ai res or thereabouts, and bounded and described as follows : North by lands of Samuel Hall, eu-t by lands of Orrin ifmilium. south by hinds of Elijah Brown, west by Howell Burnliam ; about 30 acres thereof improved, w it-h a framed house and liarn thereon erected. Idte the estate of Horace llinchman, deceased. Terms made known on day of sale. JOriEl'U IIIXCILMAN, AihulnUtrator. Sept. 30, 1850. Cash ]iaid for Pelts & Wool, AT SOLOMON'S CLOTHING STORE, Towanda. September 3, 1850. 3NTEAV FIRM AND NEW FALL GOODS. THE FIRM OF MONTANYKS A CO. ha* been d 1 solved by mutual consent. WM. A. ROCKWELL having withdrawn. The business will hereafter be con ducted under the name of .MOXTANYES—having aaao ciated with the firm J. 1). MONTA-nvk Jr.. and E. D. Mux- TANVK. We trust with our pre-T-nt facilities for tho pur chase of Goods, that we can make it an object for CASH ( USTOMKHS to examine our stock, which lias been laid in with great care to suit the fall trade. *5" A U accounts due the old firm, as also notes that are due. are expected to bt paid without further notice. August 25, 1856. Mo.YfAXYKS. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post ottice at Towauda, September 3d. 1*56. Aylmann Anton. Ingham Diautha. Avery A O. Jamc* Edward. Bullock James Esq. Jil-oti Diautha. Bnrch George M. Kennedy Michael. Bnrn-t John Lay Mrs M T- Burnett Mr. Martin Wm. L. Berky Jiunea L. Morley Jennie. Bortrce Lewis. Madid Samuel. Bruk Anthony. Mill* Timothy. ConkUu John Murry Mary. Chase Cvrcnus F. M'Grun ltev Patrick, t'antphell Jamea Murphy John. Crowly Joha Manning George. Canier Hannah A. M'Carley Daniel M. (Win Ann. Rodger* S A. Clark U W. Smith Jonathan M. Decker \Ym. States Miss Mury. Drier Samuel. Strong John. Fipianson glioma* E. Smith J. J W. Fassett J S. Sturdevaat J C. Freehl Adam. Stowen Calvin S (L-lusia Truman Sullivan Eliza. Granger Sarah E. Smith Win. Henry Wm E. Vandyke Wm. Hardy C F. Vnrgtison James. High IS W. Walsh Justin. Hume Wm, Wright Ann K. Huikle Philip Piatt Elizabeth. Persons calling for any of the-e letu-rs will mention they are advertised. H. L'. l'lUtTliK, 1". M. fnk f d o ou 9V Ha -MA MM EsG ■ K IS said to be the inevitable result of the coming election; it is also -cihl that this glorious Union is in danger : In that as it may. we know that a ten tide st-irm is gathering in the political heaven*, which will soon burst upon u* in ail its maddened fury. Bet we would say to tlu- citizen* of Bradford, lioed it not -. it will jia-s harmlessly by. Soon however, storms of a different nature w ill gather in a wintry sky. whiih will tait-e yon to tremble like an aspen, unless yon procure tl neei-ss u-y protection. Now. it in these kind* of storms that we printo-e to prepare you to meet. Wo have just receive Jan extensive and splendid assortment of ])/!Y GOODS AX J) CLOTIIIXG for tlie FALL TRADE, which-we will sell at New York city price*. Our m dtois. " Quick sale* and small profits." THE LABIES Will find in our assortment mi endless variety of alt the goods they need. Our shelve* and drawer* ara crowded witlt articles for their use. We. all special attention to our ne\c< st'ite* o/FANCY SIf.KS, the finest the ninrket affords. SH AWLS, broehe. Bay-tate and cashmere, of all size* umi qualities. I. A DIES' DRESS GOODS, French, English and American Merinos, plaid and striped IV 1 .nines, plain find figured AlpaecW . in fact everything UHUiilly kept In Dry Good spires. First-rate calico at § cents per yard, good muslin at .">4 cents. A fine assort iuMt of BONXETK, IMita' Collar*. Undertimes Hand kerchiefs, Ijwes Embrtnderies, (stores. Hosiery, s~c. Our Clothing' Department Is replete with fashionable good* ; Overcoat* ftorn U to f!(} mi-iness coats from M to #ls. vests all prices, pant* from ?" to #6. A general assortment of underclothing, collars"Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the shortest notice. _ Don't lorgi t the place, in Palton a new Mock,cor ner Bridge and Main street--. GUTTLNRURO.HOSENBAUMA CO. Tow.inda, Scptembei 3, 1856. BOOTS \'SHOES -Tito lar*w*. M and choape-k a*s.>rtnieut till* ride of the Fininre City nmy l-efoai. l at jci'J HiACV A MOUHf."%