■ -f£? ~ps --r-prJ o. (jooi)iticn, r.rrroii. ■ "■lll r ro\v.\\r )ii; ffhnrsfton fßornmn. (Prober 23. ISoti. _ " ' --r- r -, r . Ti {\t- Or Ihdiar per annum, inceiriubty hi adrunrr. Four weeks precious to the trpn uhuu of iptit.il. notice ien'l he g• rert t*f a printed wrtyjn r, rtnd if not re newed, (he tnifH-i wit/ in all Ctt: tb'r rv-V - 'dth erer-i firi'dp for aoh.p Ifouks, f> r:Jts. Ifaratditf!*. Hut.' ticket*. 4-c. Mu tv .V neat b't '■*' l. Nt car nil enclosed in ern . ■■■•f i tpe.ond p -ytcrly directed, tee loilt ht . esjnmxtbli f.-r ill .-Ij'r ti: lira 'J. nm rr.c-unr.Nr, JO! IX i\ KUKMON'T. FOR > K*K IT.KStifVT. W3i[. I>- HAVTOX. ELECTORAL TICKETS. Wo have printed a large supply of Electo r.il tickets, which our friends from the different townships are rcipie.-t.cJ to supply themselves with. UNION ELECTORAL TICKET. The members of the Republican State Ucin rniitco. of the North Amcrieun State Uoiuiuit tcc, ami a portion of the Fillmore Committee, met at Pliilatlclph'a 011 Friday night, llrh in stant, at the ren-.u of the Republican State limit too. on Wal.nit street, and agreed to nominate a Union Electoral Ticket, upon the E l-,- proposed by the Union State Committee, in tiicir call t'.r a Union Mate Convention, to lie held ill liarrisburg on tlie i2lst instant, to wit, twent\-.iix names in eoiunoti, the twentv scvi-ntii name to be different 011 the tickets vo ted for by the Fillmore and Fremont men re speetiveiy, the vote of the electors, if chosen, to be east pro rata, according to the vote given for the twenty-seventh name respectively. It was also agreed that the Electoral ticket to be voted for l y the Fremont men should be head ed by the nauie of John C. Fremont, and that to be voted for by the Filitnore men, by the name of Millard Fillmore. The following is the Electoral Ticket chosen, the Fillmore ticket being the same except in the leading name : KUVTOJH AT I.AIUiE. Jons IV r*rc'MCNr. tins. J a Hi.- Irwin. of Centre C>. IH-l iviCT KI.KL 11 lies. 1. J Eitwaril-. PailaJt'ipliU. 2 G't£c S. f> k<-rt. •• 3. tiss;* SeiiteiistnkiT. •* 4. tVillouu Jcwt-ii, " 5. A. fi. It.iwfanit, •' >•. Caleb N. I a;.! t. Ra.~k. 7. M ilium IViiii'.ton. Che-tt-r. V William M. It-iint. iltikc n. Miehiicl 11. Shirk, Lancaster, in. Simoa Cauuron, lUujihui. 11. Joan M'C mink X : •J.aial crl.niJ. 12. Smith IV Ttm: Montour. 1.1. ltn.-i tl I . bunt, Wr y nr. 11. IV, dorw k E.:iiii Tinga. 15. \i m I y oming. Jihfjili I>. -siwp-.ni. Perry. 17. Hecekiah Ea>t. u.vnan. The Electoral Ticket given aautc, a< uuaniuious ly rntilied. lveptt hi icons ! it new remains for you tr put forth every effort to r-vde p.i the State. F>y sup|K>rtiug the above ticket, y >u accomplish all the objects you can desire. Vour votes will be given dircrtlv for J' tt.v C. FREVOXT, by which we shall bo able to ascertain our itrougth throughout the State, and at the same time we shall l>e aiding in the overthrow of Korder- Uafftanism. Votir -tiffrages will aid in tlic ad vancement of your principles ai d your candi dates. But little time now remains for action. Let that time he well etnpioyed. If crerv op ponent to slaTery-prisp/tgattdistn sif. his ballot on the 4th of November next, our vic tory is certain. ORGANIZE 1 ORGANIZE ? There are yet Tkips in this County where the Republican party is dedcienl in or gaaizatioo. We urge upon our friends in such localities to immediately set at work to make arrangements for polling the entire Republican vote. Victory i- within rmr reach, but to se cure it. we must labor earnest!v until the j>olls cloe. THE FIIAMORII ik.t r*:sß Tt is now proven beyond doubt, that a ]vi rion of the p~ ' .Jed s ipjxtrtcrs of the Union State Ticket were lv>.*g.i by F.h> v. These same men arc now the for at.on of a Union Electoral Ticket. They pretend to be f-r Fi tvt, but are really lor llcchasan. The Aati-Buchauan -n rieans have repudiated and denoitatx-ii thes- men for their duplicity an! trea-'herr. and ?hcy ary powerless to do harm 1 I THE RESULT IN TENWfTLVANIA. The election of the 14th instant has resulted ' Hit the fuffesa of tht Buchanan itata Ticket, ! |by a W ill nf|i>ritm Hf'ow raucit thatmajori .ty wl lv is not \owerless to do harm. THE RESULT IN BRADFORD. It is with no ordiuary feelings of pride and gratification that we refer t> the vote of this County, as shown by the official table, which ' will be found in another column. Of eight thousand votes cast the candidates of the Re publican party receive six thousand, or a ma-i jority of four thousand. We doubt if any ' county in the State has done as well for either 1 party, unless it be our neighbor, Tioga. The friends of Freedom have can-o to be | j proud of this glorious re-alt. It ha? been ! achieved in the face of the most indefatiirnble J . and desperate efforts on the part of the slave-' I ry-propagandists. Able and elocpiout gentle-: men from abroad have visited the school houses i ot the County, aided by speakers at horn- 1 , to I | persuade our voters to cast their suffrages to ' j aid in the election of ,T \Mr= Brai.vxAv Go- 1 I vernmcut officials have distributed the funds ! i raised truiu salaries, to effect the same object. I and no means, fair e>r unfair, bare been left un tried to advance the pro-lnverv i-ause. On the contrary, we have had i.o aid, cx-1 cept such as wars derived from the manifestjus : tice ot our cause. Titc work has lieeu done priuetpallv in the election districts, by men re-! siding therein. It las been ace..run!;shed hv <. * i active exertions, by appeals to the judgment' and consciences of men. Tne question of Free dom or .Slavery iu the Territories has been! presented to the people, and they have ea*ition have not dared opcr.ly to declare and -upport the priu . cijdes of t'.ieir party, but Lave urged that the j election ot Mr. Bichanan would promote the objects which cor voters so much desire. We have no question thnt many wclt-meaning and 1 honest n>cu have hevn dec7* One of the many falsehoods i-oncoetM aud < ir. dated ab.wtt the Peoples* Candidate. ; is the eft reiterated charge that he assaulted Set r Foovr and afterwards challenged him. Tims falsehood i, entirely refuted by a letter trorn Mr. which we publish on ixir out side. whim A lishes thewhoie storv frc .a be-1 giiiing to e d. Repubiicans 1 this is a fa ; r' sample of the base calumnies utter-d bv the Bachaniers. They are tua tut fact aud as was this story, out of whole cloth. **" We do not give khe vote of the State ' at the late election, because it is not complete. ' We shall wait for the official, which is coming' in slowly. ONCE WORE TTNTO THE BREACH F 1 Shall Bradford increase her majority for | If'r F.MQNT oyer that given for the State Ticket i We believe this is the determination of, every lieput&caj. The result of the late'election shnws that if proper exertions arfrumde, l\m sylvania iseertuin to go against litci fsvxam. — The issue is now clearly defined —the contest narrowed down, and to be decided upon the 1 qnesfion whether "Freedom or Slavery shall be J predominant in the Republic. Republicans ! you must relax no efforts, but 1 rather put forth your most vigorous exertions. ) It its not enough that Bradford has done well, : she must do better. There is no election dis trict where our vote cannot be increased—and we hear of several towns which did not poll near the fall vote. The time is short, in which to make prephrations, ami it should be improv ed. You now know how your voters stand— who are true, who against you, who doubtful, and who dilatory, or likely to be absent frinii the polls. The great work to beneeompfidted is to prornre the attendance of every voter. ; For this purpose School district committees should be appoiuted with teams to bring to the polls every man likely to stay awav. See that , this is done, and we shall increase our majori ty fully five hundred, on the 4lh of November. PIERCE ON THE EMIGRANT AID SOCIETY. We publish in another column, a letter ad dressed by Thomas Sherwood to Gov. Keoder, giving an account of a conversation at the White House botwen the writer of that let ter ami Franklin Fierce, of whieli Kansas was the subject. This conversation was held in the preseuee of the Hon. Asa Packer, and took place in February, 1 >oo. a mouth, therefore, before the election in Kansas was held. Al ready, at that time, the partisans of Slavery, led on by Stringfcllow and Atchison, were be j ginning to complaiu latterly of Gov. Reeder j because he would not allow himself and his official authority to be made mere tools in their 1 hands, and it was these complaints that form-1 ed the subject of conversation between Frank- 1 lin Pierce and Mr. Sherwood, who bad then recently returned from Kansas. We ask our readers to compare this report ed conversation with Fresideut PD.UCK, with what has already taken place in regard to Kau sas. The incursions of the border ruffians, has made it necessary to misrepresent the ob jects of the Emigrant Aid Societies. At tl. dictation of ATIK.TN, the President removed REEHKR, upon false charges. There is no depth of duplicity lower than that reached BV PIKIU K in these Kansas matters, urged on n he has been by the Sonth. For all this wickedness the Buchanan party are justly responsible.— They have formally endorsed his admiuistra ' tion, and their leaders and presses are busy in , cireulatii ' the infamous excuses and fabrica tions of FIERCE AND ATCHISON. MEETIN- \T LERAYSYII.I.E.—O:i -of the best , meetings of the present camas-, was held at I Leßaysville ou the loth iutt. Tne atteudunee I was very large, estimate*! at between three ! and five thousand. The Eastern townships ? 4 ; , turned out in their strength, with six and four I horse teams, and a goodly display of banners. I j lite procession which marched through the vif- 1 (luge, headed by the Leßaysville Bind, was ' 1 very large and imposing. I The meeting was organized, by the election j ( of the following officers : l 1 Prttulrnf— K. W. J. |VH^. I I'tc* Pifsvlrittr Ztiij iiecman, Chart?* Kerlcr. Hin.l- I jah B 01-A . h.. .1 ,i-i i- I. ••, William II f v.fH. .1. B. *i. BO*-wit. Rtcizer Et!t. la.c s v;i> r, ! j Pennon J in n. Hoard Craadfll'.. . Sccrrtiu ies —P. H. Bu 'k. J. 11. >lar.4t, K. >. Goodrich. | lfon. HANNIBAL HAMTJN, of Maine, WAS t . then introduced to the meeting, and addressed I the crowd in a speech of great power, eloquence j and humor, which was received with many ce that to j be respectable thev must vote for SHERWOOD, i Lamentable state of degradation ! Awful dc- ! 5 fieicncy of respectability ! ." r f fci'*' have every con hdencc that weshaii 1 i have a majority of tiie legislature on joint j ballot. The Senate is certainly Republican bv f three majority, an 1 the House very close. We ! S:i.t.k . ... i.y ao.c to give the i*&t of iue:u- • , hers elected next week. £S£F~ The majority f.>R Hon. G. A GROW in this Congressional District is 79*4 The majority for E REEnMm for Senator. 1 is .>l4 .. Majorities sufficiently large for all . ( practical purposes. has goue Republican by a mujori ty of from Co to 40,(>0<). j ( EXAMTNATTOI* 0T TEACTLETTS. Tlie county Superintendent's advertisement ' npkingc nppoiutim nfcs for thr* rxnnupition s ls Burhti^tou.. SR-J h1,...". ~„i; l' : 'i t'niltou . 414 Making majority in Ihe districts where PRRN-'AKET. repeated his tirade of billingsgate aud falsehood. Tills shows a healthy state of public morals aud |K>liti-s. We have set Brad ford at FTOUTT majority for FKF.IMOVT. provided | tlie BITHANAN State Central Committee can spare us S .TIN ABEI.. FI-ORIDA I —The Tnlunc has received com plete returns from Florida, which slmw the election of M. S. Ferry, the Democratic ean dhlatc, as Governor, by 4'.id majority, over T>avid S. Walker, America U ; and also GLU. S. Hawkins, Democrat, to Congress, by bUU majority, over das. M. Barker, American. 'Hie Legislature is also Democratic, which secures a I". S. Senator of that stripe tos:.v eced the Hon. Stedhgu R. Mailory, whose term expires in lbu4. As compared with the Gubernatorial vote of 1 s. 1, the Democratic I<>*s this year is about ftOO. TNMAVA.—TIie election of the Hon. A. I' | Willard, the Democratic candidate for Gover • lior, is conceded. The Bupublieans have a majority in the | State Senate, and the lVmcmt in the House. The Democrats elect five Congressmen and ■ the Republicans three, certain. Tnree districts arc .-i,ii doubtful- UEtoil Convention at Harnsburg. IIAR: .-I I;RI;, (> 't. 21.—The I :n'on State Cuuv n.on, caded for the |>nrposj of forming au auLi-j>uehaaan Ei> v ttn ai ticket, nn tat 2 o'clock, ill the hail Oi the li<)use i Ivepresen tative-.-. Tae attendance is large, most of the coun'ucs bciiig reprcseuted by double delega tions. On motion. Win. M. Haird, of Berks, was appi.itcd temporary Ibvnieni, and M's-rs. lliii, of Biair, and Lawrence, of Dauphin, ap pointed S- ere; are A Co nmittcc was apiioiuted tocxainine re ilentiaLs, nud ixported a li.-.l of delegates to .lie ('ouvcution. A GouunUtce of one delecoto from ea--h Senatorial District was then appointcil to re port permanent officers f-r the ("onvctilion. During the absence of the Conuuilt e, ou motion, the t'.ddr- e f the Hon Chark, Gd>- lions, exposing the cour-j of John lb Saudtr son, Ghainnan uf the American stale C -rn ( nwttee. in relation to a I'uion thgtora; tic-kct, j was read for the Information ot the Gouvcn l tion. Thovs i,orL- of '.!H> addre-s referring to i Mr. Satidetspii scommui.icatioi!.- from ('■!. For i iiev, and his request for tlie " side door " im- r i view, were received with much feeling, and at j the conclusion of tiie reading of the adJro-.- there was great applans. I V'-pntcbes w-re received and read from i Alfciitown. ptedg-ing the d*Dgates; from Lehigh I to n fe.-ioi. electoral ticket, and nfco from Fliil- I adelphia, announcing tiie intention of tlie A;;.ir ; i -a> party to denounce and repudiate Mr. Sanderson. These ibsjmtHies were read am: 1 i great excitement and Hmfi-y. j The G-ommittee n:i P. rmahent Officers rc , ported tic Hon. Todd, of fnmbcr . land, (a Fillmore man.! for President, with a : full 'bt of Vh ami S-i-retaries. The nominations weretuuvnimousdv endorsed j - the G.inTt-ntion. and Mr. Todd, on taking > chair, made a brief and eloquent -m.eecir, \ committee of <>ne from each Cr.ygres-ion i' istrict was then appoint, d. to name an • tom! tick t. Aft "r soma time the eommit , " retwnl and reported to the Cirrvent'on j ticket ngreetl nj-oti by the Union Commit , l on Friday last, which w.vs niumnuosly •ifif?l by the Convention A resolution was then adopted, pledging the IT w vent ion to the support of the ticket, on I *he basis heretofore published, of the division j of the vote of the electoral college, hi propor- I lion to the number of popular votes received I by Fillmore and Fremont re-peetivelv. !A eon mittee was then appointed, of which the President of the Gonr-nbon was made | chairman, to prejiare a brief address to the people of tlie State, with authority to - : gn the 1 names of the member- of the Convention. ' A des-ffiich wa revived, anonuring 'ho pnb -1 liration of tie l card O. W R avi. "Wm. Mill i ward, and others, eoneurring in the formation jof a Union t'cket. ami. the reading of which was received with cheeis. I On motion, the Oonvention then adjourned, 1 | after nine cheers for the ticket. ITlie closing s -enes were very exciting. II Oct. 21.—Tiicrc was a Union j M:iv Mcctiug hcki thi.-eveuing. in the Gourt : house, to endorse the Union Eiect'tfM Ticket j fonnvl t v lay The Couri-liouso was crowd- j ( ed. Win. Mitclh ll was jchoscn to preside, uud ( j n eouunitt •> > : three was aj"pointed to vva.lo.i j j Governor Pollo-.k, an I re.;tic.-l him to address ( j the meeting. After a i.bor: time tlie Goner-1 j nor a|jieare:i r aud delivered a brief and stir- ( jricg -jr •:c!i, urging .d; hi- frieu Is to uuite in | j hearty support of the ticket formed. j . Hon. Lemuel Todd folk.wed iu aa eloquent, ( appeal. He owned a irrcfcrwaee for Mr. Fill- i | more, and implored his American friends to . j unite upon the ticket, aud defeat ten ceatJim- j , my and the -iuvery-todiug Dcutocrats. , Hon. Charles B. Fcurose proceeded iu a j more eiai-vatc ciftirt of t. same Under icy. j The meeting adjourned at a iau hoar, amid j great good feciing 1 The Hon. DAVP BARCLAY, the Ileprc-' mutative of the XXI Yih Congre?ional IHs ! trict in this state, who wa elected by the D> 1 1 mo'rats, has renounced Bnchaoau and tiie Cin-! 1 einnati platform, and come out for Fremont ! sod Frc< doin. Mr. Barclay has taken ti:e ! stamp for Fremont. I The imucr-igi.cd h: beard that reports arc being circulated !■• (lit effect that 111- hat illtrirtlil' ( ii Jiolitiijs ill- I 1. bW f> ilj(s in tfpt vill igc. deems it due to BTn-' If ini ■ dgiti -a if tlMfcariting tin; elective ir.inchl.-e eoa.-*ieii- j 11-uf aWßirriiijletive of all mtrtrnary < <.B-id< raU'n-. ri'iijw ! ■ cg*:ds alnty to which no hoiiorahltfXati/M can J t;fkc exception. J. 1-H)HKRTI. i&SfR* to the X. V. Imnw.] Arrest of Free-State Men in Kansas. I.AWKKVCE, K. T., Oct. It, via ST. Iria Oct. Is. A man came here lust iiiglit with the news that Iwo Imnjlml. nipl fortv emigrants had b<*ri anMled iicir th" N< ' dnska line, by Col. Cook, at the head of fun hundred dragoons. Thev"are on fbetr wayTo T-econipton. It is siippoaed they were arre-tcd lxt-atisc found in a body. 1 That a v rit is i'sjied for the arrest of Sheriff Juries is false. (Civ. IJeary boards with Sheriff Jones. The Special < Aiirt for the trial of the Free- State prisoners convened to-day. Not n Pi o-{s| ivi ry man ha yet been arr' st ed in the Territory by onler ot Gov. Henry. Pom:n. CHICAGO Oct. 20.—-Y\*e have some addition al jiv-rtk-ulars in rc!at.iou to the recent seizure of tlie 2~>o Kaunas emigrant* uireiu y rcjeartcd. Tiieir conductor procured pcrmis-iou from Gov. Geary to enter flic territory with the ordina ry arms of .emigrants, on tlie ftssuiaptiou that their ifitciision.s iwre peh'xful, hut ou arriving at Plymouth, Kan-as, the)' wero stopped ami made pri.-oners by Marshal Preston, with u {-•Oi-.e of TOO troops. The emigrants baggage was icarelied and found to contain a quantity of arm.- and aiuumnitiuu. Kvcrylhhig wa t!u ivupoti si;iz. 1 and the whole party placed under guard with orders to shoot any wlto in tj'aL uttel ip.t to escape. CHICAGO. Monthly, O t. 20. 1 Soft. Advice? front Xcbrusku City give further particulars of the recent arrest of emigrant-. The party numbered two hundred and fifty, iu ehiding women and children. Mr. ITidrldge, thr Condnctor. pro ttrr-d permission of (iov. Geary toenb r the T-rriforv with the ordinary arms of erm-vvanf-, rt being assured that the intentions of the party were peaceful. On ar riving at Plymouth, Kansas* on the 10th in-t., they bertl 1) pity Marshal I*reK; "N"I; NCR. lowa. Aug. Ifl, I lion. A 11. KKKKB— I >;: AK SIK : Your? ot the l£ti. is received. In reply, I state that in tue month o. February. 1 had a conver sation Witii J*. * - i-utt Puree in the presence of flic Hon .V-u of n.ii.i.r conduct t*• .♦ 4*; tnc i'ro- Siiivi i v pi.r'y, .ii. l . -J. J< H! il.in - iu in n s.— A.i 1 '.va>re - villi) Iro; i tin- IciTitory, r 10-tr i,-. wer -• a.-k< : of me which I answered usiiiditiiy fta far ;•> 1 had ifor.n*.'io;l. in l ' I're>. 4cut i t iat eonver-ntnui, s|v;k ing of you. said tlmt you had avtcd 1 ik• ■ a ju>t hoaurr.ole ami ~.ginuilaieo man, and vou niU-'-t anci .-.man. oe -t:saiiiCa for l.pgis •tiors. ] t' *. i huu tou huu ..Me... to iuc tii t the ehvtion woin.l bo ii Id a? sooii as y. a •-old get ready for ir. and that would be pro 1 . . • n Uieraowth of March. He replied ; " 1 not that too Sn. I remember the .I'uvcv.- itioii well l-ecawse it made an impres sion eti me. ] hail been wilh yon several moutC> in the Temtonr, and had often conTt r scd with you couccrning tiic prospects auiides tiny of Kansas, and not n word had voa ever ?a.d to IOC To show that you were n favor o r one party or the other—ulwavs stating that the quo? on must be decided by the actnai settlor? ot tire territory. And when i learned that tl.o I®resident wished the election had o-en l iter, in order to give time to the ♦ migrants froiu the Hast to reach tiiere; it made nn ni ]>rjs?i hi I could uot easily forget. I determin ed at the thue to roco'ltvt it weil and state t to TO ;, which 1 did, as 1 give it n w. Wnen we were a HI; to .care, the President said : I think it is best not to say anything aboot th& conversation we have had : it is rsa, best to g.vo the eaenv.es of Gov. ite - ucr c utse to think that the charges tuude against him are of any iuijK;nance wbatevir. J ulge Packer must ceriaiuiy re. uiit !.t and acfi>e lea iers of the itn r.v w pari v. Kvirr one. it will be observed, ru ae tive opponent of tin? aduiaist ..tion? of J = iv and VAN BVBS. C u.vn Oisniw. A t tom A v-Oen' > ra? of the I Silted Stoics, of Mis-a-hus. rc H vry A Wh Governor of Ylrginin. Ih R-H Onn. . r,f Mrt^-iehoetts. Senator PK.V.'T, of Maryland. Senator I*Rrr. of Ma-vf-re? Senator I!' viw;v, of Liiiisi-jtn. Senator To'-un. of Gcwgin. Senator .7•>vvs. of Tenncstsr-e. A H. S~ KN->. M C . jf Georgm. C. J Jr'VSl\s, of (Jcorg'fi. J L. C-iv WAS. M C.. of X* i; th Carolrua. if M. P.\r-oiv .sit, of North Carolina, !a;e Mi li-tcr to Spaio. 1► • vwr.gs v.-*!l n? .: ] \ over this- 11-t auJ see wh- 'Vcr the p..rty to which th. -e u;cu be long is the party to which they belong. KT7/S ITLMS. —Mr. John Wilson, of Mi ler county \t, fii... #';f 'tii.'uxt, in tin. -th v ;,; ;, f ; i*', f|v .4- own . xj.u- r , H a rocky WutT. and the coffin was j,laced j„ a u " t cavation about ten feet .1.e., by , hirty " J ' , UWMAUtrIUMty WuMuMaa having hpe„ ¥ „ v ' ' r ' ' and Imposing. Mr. W. had ta-en an old hum. .' „ , " ; liter. y :' - ' 1 f"" —The Governor of Maine has „ r , loir „.. N'ovemtier 20th a day of thank.sgiving-U K .i I 1„ State that has selected that day of the month —The Philadelphia Tuan publishes a let ter from tvn. pastor of the c, Presbyterian churph tn that city. gi T j a . , V 1 ,'''f ' 1 , interview Held with Col. FC.KMONT,' in whi.' v . answered the questions, " TVere you baptized iu T t||id v.,a ever imrt ,ke of \y ' cranient of that church V with • X., " a ...i,, ' " >••' a. | episcopalian : ' with " Ve." ' 1 j —Tim Unflalo liejmlU. says the Court ha j rendered a decisi- nin the ca-e of the I; a , ]y " ! York City lh>ad. ordering the road to 1..- -„ij in , her next, under foreclosure by the H , u d mort- a Ce i'*",! ' holders. 15 " j - Philemon T. IlcrWt, the present rne m l KT . of Congress from CaHfornia. has !„ waited ,s H itT, , ni,Tn '' er "f citizens of San Fran-iseo. and requeued i t again to make Caiilumia his residence. —General Wool has published a letter n reply to tlie ch; rge Bn„!e l.y CotPTUor Johns.m of I s j f., ni l. that he has failed to comply with h;, pr .nd-. • j furni-h arms and m inwisition, to sid is puttingdo-. .I', j Vigilance Committee or San Francieeo. Thai;,, ; tati— that ! e ha- no recollection of having f . promise. a:.d that if he had bscould not huve ,-o h , i w itii it. without vi dating the laws of the Unit-] —A dcpatch from Columbia, S. C .G-tober l.". .--ays: Tlie etccti -n fori ieni;-r-< TCTC represi-iitatives, came off mi Monday atrt Too i.. v j i ret rn.- sho.v the res iecti-Mi to*ongre-; - Icgi-la!: re is democratic. Uicltard lti-lincU. a rrjeuJier of tlir. shak r fr itcrtiily at X-w !.( .n"r>.t-:s - , 0-5),.; .. .. i iir tii? rfj*rt that rrrrr p.irt iii the —At the ?ocalled •'election" in Kansa . ;IO:H- Vit the pro -lav. rv jMity v.-ted. and a few \ •.. ly were !• 'bed, a- the Fret State men woe firHiaKy terred I*\ t.o- ,rd - i-i,. icsi t. tie-!" - Arm; . In tlii- -tale of things, .1. IV. WhitiWU had i II .mini ai- v p.- a- a !>•'•■vr.tc t, New H imp.-birc and crciout L.;vc niiit >.l with Maryland, Ml— ri. Com..lkut M 0 . .tiie .'"t!i of X. vio.U r MXhMkiywag. —*i lie St. Louis 'Mn Pilot sr.j*that'- era! gentlemen of lao i-rffte, K. .. hare £: . e.; h, far rvfn-iitg to work on t":e cng'r-- :.! theLilr I-• —A bottle thrown ov. 'bonri from i!,. A.iir •U.'.ack. .-a the Ki:;'.;nf x.-n • :!a;vt. i-. S 1 containing '. tter Tr •: i ly o;. t '.l f in • • "oid. was jeek- •! up i i th>* river .-scu, > . i-i ,\. ■ Is-'iij. end the icier f irwic icd 1 . it- al l: -s. —lt is stated tliat the Fi'cwh n '•jncinnarj. M* n. .i-r- -• ? 1 irc-.w v, _r. Hdig iu. biugcr '.aate' rvi-wniic k • a a.kit. —The Hooskt Tonne? OvmpanT rrc-; • gt low ft .-t into the mo.mt.rv .v , and t>. (tare MWVII uiiie- of the r>! r'-R." d • ; -aiae time. —A voting carpenter, nam: 1 CW.c\ h ::i e" few ci.'g- -i . f r># -. i i *r>e ••• m f . 1 ,1, , ;i- a New Aticw, Tad. A curbuis pl.t uo:i)c iio.i has rvcert'v .1 ■..i1l Cm .. . !* •• ; .- • *• It; •J isi .., .. 1 a.: rtU'i.cic-c I . ft" ' .sou i., r ndere i\ lil.-Me ; .r the jr.r, -e-apwuku - —On MoMuuy i ,r, a l'mlii. -agsl iv hid Irt'l iL rriet'iirg, 1 'a.. f r Marietta. * - tal r ' ii , t• ;c wir-ai. .a. • ' buiaL A marria.-e wr..o<-iie f- 0 list <'• •sir.mss !,:;) If., v Am. - ' . 1' . a . ' Scr.- Trvrryo ilnn the oth v! F '..'u-h.. • 1 *; The per -ia cf the decc.'.-ed. —At llicluiaOMfl, far.v on A IIICNIit , irir. .ag, 1 sac wj- e 4>h s..w. < a I * a .i'h u> Uc. 1 s--.ue r- w il.j :■ ' T'K.rt v f.i' ..f e... * t \Y.i i>u,X '.. .-.-si Y'l-e--.' in •riiiug. U w : "A. limv ".tr- ; o-s-t --. Ted wttTl -now at ClLirl uie-viUe, X.l. —Two vossi'.'s rcviitly arrive:if;on: lag •tt Xfiv Yuh k. uria-'uur *1 p.v—agcrs. <>• < ■>*■'' '' ! 'H-ga--! •ti.iiwj. i —A fatal ,/i.s hr- > /V T : ih-.Sv imi at 1 ie ,V ; s ev'c- * ' r\ ( -Ve wcrr hifimioi by a jeni lea J 'en ":•! 1 " I o,tai>i;stui at tad hdittri e !,•-.• - i the diw.vre, iiicn is sr> jewoat eimi-o t>lh< ! .-pirgidi.' g ancng the fsr.u ! s v of tnewtg i ri"- —The Sultan •' 1 v.-;iv nv-Wte.l r>n ttlri ace,*, t. , f.n-are :M Hhe-tv t--> r.-'.fcs. Chri-ti. :t; I ru-? thefi, uatiyof dentli. -B —A hoot a year ago, a -law >.■' fn.rrvAToVTe Tn the bar I '■ r. " ' 3H I < airaill. Tlie V -biTe TrlVmr ••' •" S ! hi- •riimer. kept a 'orar , '. r * i i c.i:4ani°> (Tiler ia IATCT f Mr. s-tr-r 1 A titan, nnmcvl CTiun h*. >' I.it w- "k, w i'h a .'xt Tf ■- " SB y-si*-s o|,i. nv-d 'ri® m-Wher. :igvd WK 112. are : >tb Jirittg. tt —J&s6 tlsujies,. a ven n'-i n* ' ■ 8 t t*.V .-ince. Hp kj. km jl .;>! • *— * 3H section f t*ie rua*ry f r ot< r \ r —TLc fl PluU have a.•<*;- * wu- rati"' * in t hi. vlnkait ■. ry, anu n fkror <■;' i-'retuott; a'ni t:x •■• | irg u Sntnn!.iy. i> i-lP • • ' ll '• *®" —A tcJecrraphie despatch f'"fo "• tlit St* Vttk 7 r". -♦ *s* W iMaWtiMMMVi '! ' 9| 4'.tJJUi it w.i* ■ >*tr* c-t in l-"* . J *, . .^B| il e ~*i ike n*u:tsitf nnre r )B ut-d. —A citizen of T. fW t* ) M .lif 'ti ly ivth'.' ■■• f• .v ■ —<• w alw.id 'k b<>:h hi- 'in; uin. —Ol. Jethn-t (X. F m -t-*wr \rrt<\ V Retry S • w :z *; WM —A; IV: - M l*>* . one w •. * xit<*i #, ">•* !ii. ;.;nta- a.- ■<--* • fIS a a .It .a iton . j." l- 8