Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 16, 1856, Image 3

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    fFrwm tlic ludisuia State Journal ot Oct. 3.J
A Sight for Buchananites.
We saw a scone in the Union Depot vester
,v morning, that, we think, preached a more
'mverful Fremont sermon than all the eloquence
'f the stump or the Senate has yet produced,
g, at,-il along the wall, oil a bench, was afami
! ~f thirteen, the father, mother and eleven
'i iKircn weary, dirty, destitute and wretched
vvoii'l all parallel iu this prosperour city. At
' e end was a well grown boy of sixteen, with
"ut ghirt bis skin blue with cold, exposed,
* )t where scanty garments of thin and
linen covered it. He had been sick
was" wrapped in a coarse coverlet. Near
1 i -ut a voting woman, a sister, with her hus
{die was bareheaded and hardly decent
". ..vrr.d with rags that had not touched wa
jipisircntly since they were made. A pale
,~j J,nnv baby lay in her arms. Three or four
I,us sat'next, wan looking creatures, os
i\itc as their little wool hats, except where
pie dirt gave an appearance of health to the
Tiicv were ragged and shivering with cold,
but titer did'nt speak nor cry ; so utterly uu-
I ke lite cheerfulness and vivacity of boys were
their silence and quietude, that it made one's
ixare ache to see them. One of them passed
his hand carelessly over the face of the little
l.,'ibv which lay motionless in its mother's lap,
hut there was no smile or glimmer of affection
j„ his pale face. The mother was bare-liead
,.,l unwashed, and pale, as were all the family.
She. like her daughter, nursed a little sickly
('•hiM, that lay noiseless, hut staring with its
round eves at" the crowd of pitying spectators.
,\ >ou, dressed, or rather undressed, like nil
the rest sat in the middle, shivering with a
.hill. He writhed from side to side, and
groaued sometimes, but never spoke. The fa
ther. apparently a man about forty-five years,
hud wrapt a small quilt about his shoulders,
and either under the cheering influence of so
i:r.H'li cr-filer warmth than the rest enjoyed, or
Reran ehe felt it incumbent or; him tis the
1,.ml of the family, was the only one that spoke
while we were within hearing. He had been
~"irc'if 'rt m Kansas, he said bp the JJnckamui
pi,-)], as xi many other poor settlers have been,
ami robbed of every dollar he had in the world.
His cattle had been stolen by liuford's thieves,
awl lie expelled from the Territory because he
would not take arms against the "traitor Lane,"
as the Sentinel calls him. lie moved from
Lexington, Kentucky, and his name was
j; t.-liie. They hud no property, no money,
i■> provisions, no medicines though several of
; :,eui were sick, almost no clot lies. So forlorn
ami wretched a family we never saw, aud they
rimp m> lit the infamous scoundrels whom the
ailmiiiMmtiun hired as "Kansas militia," to J
fwute ih* Kansas laws. They were out* of I
j:.• productions of democratic policy.
Tii 44 spectators couLribated liberally to help]
thein on their road to Lexington. Mr. David
ll.iys. one f the city jwlice, exerted himself
i -t efficiently on their behalf, and raised some
i. or twelve dollars. Nearly every man or ,
■ v who approached, left some contribution tor ]
• cm. We saw sturdy railroad engineers and ,
fr iueii emptying their pocket books, news- i
i s gut In ring their coppers into a convenient
iu. kind-hearted citizens unrolling i#ilis.——
•> rylioiiy -eeined touched by their silent un
ti'.ing d'-tress. Now and then we could j
!; a armen saying, "There is something for uu |
id liner' to look atOue little gentleman
'.lie Hnchaiiau stripe paraded up and down ■
: ? ihpiii, with an indignant strut, grumbling
cursing bitterly as he could hear some
rdv Fremonter say, "Come up here and see
wit your party in Kansas Lave done." It
i- quite a scene—altogether.
fer" Senator Brodliend recently stated in a
•vli at lionesdule that IT WAS THE CXOKR-
Some of the leading Huchancers of
Vi Hie county were " swearing mad," at this
' nfession, for they had been laboring all thro'
' ■* campaign to make the people believe that
>av was no such understanding. But the
nduct of the administration and of the par
in Congress, with regard to Kansas affairs,
• 'tvs plainly enough that that was the bar
'-'vn, ami it was so proclaimed at the time by
T rubs and other of the bolder disuuionists
-iistained the Nebraska bill.
M hen the doughface orators come up into
Free Soil regions from Washington or oth
">>uthern latitudes they come with the lia
f talking pro-slavery sentiments so strong
'n thew, that they arc apt to blunder out
real position of the party, before the resi
•nt doughfaces who have felt the public pulse
' recently, hare time to tip them the w ink.
< r >;ably Ilrodhcad took different ground in
'next speech, as Schnalel did after his first
'pwli in Montrose.— Montrose Republican.
lI*LTIM.RK FLECTlON. — Tint!inure, Oct. B.
American candidate for Mayor lias been
Iby i;,*o majority. At the last election
" Mayor the Americans elected their eandi
by 2741 majority.
' ;ie Amerieniiti are parading the streets with
torc|>es and banners, and by their np
- il >ns cheers are giving expression to their
• • -"'. it at the re-tilt.
' re-ult of the alcction for Councilmcn is
ia tin* First Hrmich there tire IS Ameri
'!"i Dcmoerats. There is a tie in the
! "' branch, an equal number of each par*
. ivni<r licen elected. The riotous deinon
-1 * have been quelled, and the city is now
'turbed bv the rejoicings of the vietor
,;i party.
bf' jiersons have ecrtnilv fallen victims
■ " affray a' the Lexington market. The
" r "f wounded is large, but their injuries
■ no ' t| y "I" a slight character.
D.RK FOR FRF.JKINT. — In a private let
"m New \ orfc f 0 a friend, a gentleman
ai :<|uaiiitcd with the jwlitics of that State
■b regards this State, niy own impression
r a:ll give the largest plurality for Frc
:,,|y State in the Union, not excepting
"ur friends are confident it eannot Ixe
.0,000 under any possible eontingen
'by lielieve it vrill exceed that number,
~ : af no eombination, or arrangement, or
J rnn diminish it lielow that nuiubeP."
r j!iTi. it..—As the Ehnira Brass Baud
Hon. John Van Biireu to the spcak
n, b at the Democratic meeting in this
j' Saturday, they actually played
• ;>m a hard road totrabel !"—Waver
r ' ''j' 'altim,,re Patriot announces the
\i ' 1,1 Hon. John Johnson, Chauccllor
Card from Archbishop Hughes.
[From the Courier and' Enquirer.]
We have received the following Card from
Archbishop Hughes, with a request to pub
lish :
" The Archbishop of New-York thinks it
due, both to the private fceliugs of Col. Fre
mont and his family, us well as to reasonable
self-respect, to state that he has had nothing
to do, either directly or indirectly, with a pri
vate letter which is now being circulated thro'
the newsj npers, purporting to have been writ
ten by J. A. M'Master, Editor and Propiietor
of The f'WDwii'j Journal. Several of those
papers connect the Archbishop's name directly
with that letter, and some of thein go so fur
as to designate it as tho testimony of Arch
bishop liughcs.
" Now the Archbishop is bound to say that,
whether as regards the matter esjK-cially allud
ed to in this letter, or in regard to anv other
topic involving, even by implication, his name
with nnv charges which could fix a stain ou
the private and personal character Of Col. Fre
mont, lie (the Archbishop) knows nothing of
his own knowledge, aud therefore has not made
nor authorized any one to make, uu accusation
against Mr. Fremont. This is, of course, ne
gative testimony, but a sense of justice, so far
as the Archbishop is concerned will not per
mit him to withhold it.
October 7, Is,it;.
'■ Old Buok"—The Buchanan Emblem.
The Buchaniers for the purpose of mischief
erected a pole near the residence of F. P.
Hlair, iu Maryland, and crowned it with the
skull and horns of an old Buck. Blair takes
these followers ot Mr. Buchanan down in rich
style in a letter recently addressed to his neigh
bors !
" \\ hat an emblem to be exalted above the
flag of the country and on the hickory tree
which has given ils name td one of the great
est heroes ! Of all animals the deer is the
most tiinid, and although the head of the buck
is at one season of the year armed with a mul
titude of |Kjints ;fs sharp as spears, it never
confronts an enemy that it can esca|>c with fly
ing feet. The grand antlers are the mere em
blem of warlike prowess, and evidence only of
that species of gallantry that distinguishes the
stag, and gives to a class of gentry of oi:rspe
cies, the name of bucks, young or old.
" The old buck is a sort of old bachelor, like
his fellow of the woods, addicted to no mate,
and whose insigna of horns have, time out of
mind, been held to characterize his pursuits.
Is this an ensign to lie exalted above that of
the country and chosen to exemplify the vir
tues of one who aspires to the Chief Magis
tracy ? Jf the crowning virtue be attributed
to the coronet.which distinguishes the buck's
head, and which now takes the j lace of the
liberty cap on democratic banners, it should be
remembered that ii is a virtue, that comes and
goes with the seasons. An old buck's honors
begin to'bud and grow iu the balmy spring
time—they are hi the velvet iu June, and
throughout the summer This smooth cover
ing is slipped off in (Jtaber. la Xuvembtr
their eita/ilp is blighted audio March the crown
of weather-beaten antlers drafts from the old
l-uch's brost, ami he hides, droops in solitude,
abandoned by all iiis fellows. The hunters of
the Allcghcuies and of our frontiers, will ap
ply this piece of natural history, and interpret
ils augury."
IX NK-V.'K.—Thursday, the 18th of Sqe
tembof, rays The TJmira Advertiser, will he
marked in black in the calendar of manr per
sons in Allegheny, Clmutawjne, Cattaraugus,
Krie, Nogra, Steuben, and many other wes
tern countie* fu this State, and M'Kenn, Pot
ter and Krie Counties in Pennsylvania : for on
tliut day more property was destroyed bv fires,
in the different localities named, than on anv
other day within the recollection of the oldest
" inhabitant/' For many weeks previous to
that time an excessive drouth had prevailed in
all parts of the section of country referred to,
and fires had been raging in the woods in all
quarters, On Thursday, the 18th, the wind
was very high, and the fires spread in every di
rection, running through the fields, sweeping
houses, bar us, fences, and everything combos
tibie, before it. All of our exchanges from
the Western counties of this state contain more
or less particulars of the ravages of the fires
in their several localitits, some of which we
have already notiecg, In Cattaraugus county
the fires seem to have been very destructive.
We learn the following particulars from The
(Mean Advertiser of Friday lost : Krastus li&g
-ington. on Haskill ereek, near Glean, lost three
barns, with oil his hay, grain, farming imple
ments, Ac., together with some fence. .Mr. 15. s
loss is not less than $2,;"i00, on which there
was no insurance. Other persons on Ilaskell
creek also lost considerable. Dan. IIR-kox
lost his house, bnrn, household furniture, cloth
ing, and everything excepting a shingle ma
chine, barely escaping with the five of his chil
dren. Mr. Evans lost his house and all his
furniture. The family were so completely sur
rounded and hemmed in by fire that they only
save 1 tl.eir lives by tak'ng refuge in the well.
Sliubel Parish lost his barn, wiib all his hav,
grain, Ac. Mr. Brown lost his house and saw
mill. The school-house was also destroyed,
and a house and barn further up the Haskell;
name of the owner not known. Mr. LeFever
lost his barn and crops, worth about s>oo.
Nathaniel Manlev of Mansfield lost his dwel
ling-house, cheese-house and outbuildings. He
saved his cheese—about $2,000 worth. His
loss is not less than SI,OoO. There was no in
surance on any of the property destroyed, so
far as Thr (Mean Advertiser COM Id learn. The
MrKedit ( Pa.) Citizen states that three btrf%
dings and one barn were burned on the 18th,
on Lillibridgc Creek. Several barns have al
so been burned in different parts of McKean
County, filled with hay ami grain. The house
of John Wright, in Ceres, was burned on the
10th. The fires were also very destructive in
Erie County, Pa. A house near Wutsburg,
belonging to Justice Fuller, and one near Fair
view, were burned. Five hundred cords of
wood, belonging t Geu. Reed, and innumera
ble fences near Erie were also destroyed.—
Rochester Democrat,
MASSACIILSCTTS Vtn.iTu:a.—~Si>rinp fieU Oct,
9—The Buchanan, Fillmore and Whig par
ties have coalesced to-day, upon the County
and Congressional nominations. Wm. C. Fow
ler, a Hunker Whig, was nominated for Con
lioTTS BfmiXO OX FIIKHOXT. Thf South'
side Democrat, (\ a.) says that John A. Ikitts
has bet *2,:'00 that New-York state will vote
for Fremont. If so, lie is ">U<i richer than
he oiij4ostd lie was.
At the " Troy Hons*," Thursday, Oct. 9, by Rev.- C. M
Oouvhll. Mr. CHESTER THOM AS, former Sheriff ol
Bradford Co., to Ml** LYDIA BTEXKNB of Troy.
At the same time and place, bv the same. Mr. LORENZO
TAYLOR, of Granville, to Mis* LAURA JKNNIXUS.
of Canton.
kakee City, 111., will jueach at the Baptist
Church in this place, on the 19th inst., at 10) o'clock A.
M.. and at Monroe ton at "i o'clock I'. M.
nteS"* RKLIOIOUS NOTICE.— Rev. \Vi. M. Dt
Lqxu (Uni versa list,) will preach at the Court
[lne in this Boro. on Sunday '2oth inst.. at 10) o'clock
A. M.. and at earl) candle-light in the evening.
Nero 'Adttcrtiscmcnts.
rrtHK County Superintendent will examine teachers and
X issue certificates in the respective districts of Brad
ford in the following order i
Overton, Monday '2oth Oct., nt the Haverlv School house.
Allony, Tuesday "21st " " llil.bard " "
Wilniot, Wednesday '2*2 44 " llillhoiise "
Asylum, Thursday '23 d" " Sugar Run 44
Durell, Friday 24 " " Frenclitown 44
Monroe, Saturday 25 ' 44 Monroeton 44
Franklin, Monday 27 " " Ira Vurney •'
Leßoy, Tuesday 28 44 " fa; Roy corueri 44
Cauton .Wednesday 29 " 44 Canton 44
1 Arnienia.Thttrsday Ro 44 4 * Red 44
Oranville, Friday 3! 44 44 Centra 44
W. Burlington Hat. 1 Nov. 44 Corners.
N.Towanda.Monday 3 44 I'ail Factory "
Towamla.Wednesdays 44 44 A. Cregg 44
Burlington .Thursday ti ** " Luther s Mills 44
Hmithfield, Friday 7 44 44 At tavern iu centre
Springfield. Saturdav* 4 4 44 Corners 44
Troy, Monday lO 44 44 Troy boro' 44
Columbia, Tuesday 11 44 44 Morgan Hollow 44
Wells, Wednesday 12 44 44 at the new 44
S. Creek, Thursday 13 4 4 44 Uillett 44
Uidgliery. Friday 11" 44 Ceutreville 44
Athens, Saturday 15 4 4 44 Athens boro' 44
Hhesheqiuii,Mondayl7' 4 4 4 No. 1 44
Litchfield Tuesday 18 44 44 Centre 44
Windham .AVednesd'y 19 44 Kuykenttall 44
Orwell. Thursday 'id 44 44 Orwell Hill 44
Rome, Friday 21 44 44 Village 44
Wysox Saturday 2'2 -4 44 Wysox church 44
R.Stone, Monday 24 44 44 OrilTls" tavefn
Merrick, Tuesday 25 44 44 Herri< kvillc 44
Wyaluslng, Wed. 2ii 44 44 Vaughn Hill 44
Tuscarora, Thurs. 27 44 44 Ackley 44
Pike, Friday 28 44 44 I.e Raysville, 44
Warvfeu. Saturday 29" 44 Ilowen Hollow 44
Ulster, Monday lec. 44 village 44
The School Directors will he furnished with blanks for
Teachers' Reports, blank certificates, blanks for the An
nual District Reports, School Laws, and Superintendent's
Reports on the day of examination.
Oct. 10, ISSG. E. OCYKK, County Sup't.
'TMIE subscriber is now receiving a large stock of FALL
X and WINTER HOODS, which he respectfully invites
the public to examine. JOSEPH kINOSBI'RY.
Towamla, October 0, 1856.
a. \ fer for sale this Fall a first rate assortment of Ap
ple. l'ear. Cherry, Peach, Plum and Ornamental Trees,
nf all the best varieties. We call especial attention to
our apple trees. They are 5 years old, and unsupassed by
any in tin- market. Terms reasonab.e. Orders should be
sent in soon. Catalogues sent on application.
Auknts— O. D. Bartlett. ToWanda ; Horace Heath, Ul
ster ; Oe>rge Heath, Burlington; H. Pcet, Smithfield ;
H. W. Browning, Rome ; Win. Doane, Winclhain.
of :iu order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty. will lie exposed to public sale ou the premises, on
S ATl'llll.VY November 8, 1556. at 1 o'clock, P. M., a
certain messuage piece or parcel of laml situate in Colum
bia twp.. bounded und described as follows: Beginning
at a beeeli sapling, the northeast corner; thence north
83°. west 7s perches to a stake and stones : thence north
27° east -.10 perches to a post, on the line of Allen S. Par
sons' : thence north 03° east 7> perches to a post : thence
south "27° west 230 perches to the place of beginning, eon
tabling 112 and 20 perches of land l>e the same more or
less, bate the estate of David S. Wat kins, deceased.
Terms made known on day of sale.
WM. B. WATKINS. Administrator.
October I, JB.7G.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford roun
tv, will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on
"Thursday the Gth day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P.
M.. the following property
A certain messuage, peice or parcel of land situate in
Colniubia Township, bounded and described as follow s :
On the east by lands belonging to Win. Mosher, on the
south by lauds belonging to Win. Scouton, on the west by
lands belonging fo Win. Bradford, and on the north by
lands be! uiging to Harrison Bixby. containing about 0.1
acres of land be the same more or less.
Late the estate of Lemuel Mosher. Terms made known
011 dav of sale.
Septcmlior 30. 1*56. Administratrix.
HS. MERCUR is now receiving it large
• Stock of KALI. (jOODS, to which the attention of
the public is requested.
To wand a, Sept. 1 •. 185 C.
mm w WESZ m'>
IS saiil t" !>E the inevitable result ntthe cuminnelection;
it is aJso said that this jrlnrionw t'nion is in danpet; be
that as it may, we know that a terrible storm is Ralliering
in the political heavens, which will soon burst upon us in
all its maddened fnrv. Hut we would say to the citizens
of Bradford, heed it not : it will pass harmlessly by. Soon
however, storms of a different nature will Rather in a
wintry -ky. which will cause yon to tremble like ah aspen,
unless you procure thr necessary protection. Now, it is
these kinds of storms that we propose to prepare you to
meet. We have just received an extensive and splendid
assortment of
for the KALI. TKADK, which Wo will sell at New-York
city prices. Our motto is. " (Juick sales and small profits.''
Will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the
Roods thev nee,l. Our shelves and drawers ar> crowded
with articles for their use. We rail special attention to
our new stylet nf EA Nf.'Y BII.KS, the finest the market
affords. Sli \\V l,s, hroche. Hay state and cashmere, of
all sizes and qualities. LADIES' DRBSS(K)OI>S,French,
English ami American Merinos, plaid and striped He
latinos, plain and figured AlpaeCfts i in fart everything
usually kept in Dry Hood stores. Kirst-rnte calico at (!
cents per yard, Rood muslin ut A J ceitts, A fine assort
ment of BONNETS, IAKUCM' Collins, L'ndertlceres Hand
kerchieft, l.aret Kmbroiderits, (ilores, Hosiery, <s''.
Our Clothing Department
Is replete ttith fashionable goods ; Overcoats from $1 to
120, business coots from fl to >1.5, vests all prices, pants
from #2 to s<i. A general assortment of underel 'liiitiß.
collars. Ac. CI.OTHIXLI made to order if required, and
upon the shortest notice.
p.*r Don't fonret the place, in I'atloa's new block, cor
ner Bri.lge and Main streets.
Towanda. September 3. IKSC.
DRS. G. M. A G. P. CADV would respect
fully announce to their friends and the public that
thev have just opened a new ami extensive HKi'fJ STORE
at NICHOLS, N. Y. Their stock is new and carefully
selected, and consists of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Faints,
among which are lead, zinc, chrome green and yellow,
india red. Vermillion, Ac. Oils and Varnishes,
a variety. Dye-stuffs,including logwood,
camwood, fustic, cudliear, Rritii
ntated tin, indigo, ,Vc.
HHI'SMES for paint, hair, hat,
clothes, shoe, teeth. Ac, Window glaF,
putty, camphenc, burning Hnid, nlcdud ; Inn
ner's oil; very pure LIQt'OUS fnf medfettm) purposes ;
l'ateiit Medicines, perfumery, Isi bin's
Extcacts for the handkerchief ;
rnnry Arlirles, Yankee ftotloiiN,
Snuff'. Cißars, \r, Ac.
To Physicians our stock offers inducements as being of
the ls>st quality, carefully selected, and sold cheap.
(Jive us a call, and see if you can p-ircliasc as cheap
elsewhere. 0. 51. A" (i. P. CADI.
Nichols, .'une 11,1550.
tify of pood Butter Tubs and Firkins, ju-t received
and for sale by mny2" 11. S. MER' I'R.
/"CWTlOK,—Whereas my wife Kt 17.A-
V/ BKTII. has left my i>cd ami board without cr,s' or
provocation ; i therefore forbid all persons trusiaig }c r
on tnv account. I will pay •> debts that -lie tnav Jm
tract iftit this date " M. PATTEK'-OV
Sep*. 3°. 1^56.
QHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of a writ
kJ of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court 01
Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed, I shall
eximse to public side at the Court House in the borough
of TowWiaa. on Thursday OCTOBER lfith, at 1 o'Hoei.
P. M., the following described lot piece or parcel of land
situate in Athens boro', I>o tin tied north by lands belong
ing to tbe heirs of Eustico l>avis, cast by Main street,
south by the Presbyterian Church lot, and west by lands
of Pumpeliy. containing about one : fourth of an acre more
or less ail improved, one framed house one framed barn,
one frame building formerly occupied as a Cabinet shop
with a steutii engine, Ac-., attached and fruit trees there
on. ' . .
Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A
Harris vs. Wrn. Myers.
Towanda. Oct. 23. I*5C.
Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to
the costs, will be required to be paid upon each sale When
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with this regulation, the tract of land will again lie offer
ed forKtlc. __ _ JOHN A. COPPING.
M ATIOX. -Whereas,by an act of assembly of the Com
niotiwe.ilth, entitled " an act relating to the elections of
this commonwealth," It Is enjoined upon me to give pub
lic notice of such election to he held, and idso the enumer
ation in surli notice what officers are to tie elected, I
JOHX A. COPPING, High Sheriff of the county of Brad
ford, do hereby make known and give notice to the elec
tors of said county that a general election will be held in
said county, on TUESDAY the 4th day of November,in the
several districts in said county, to wit
In Albany, at the sub-district school house near Camp
bell's mill.
In Asylum, at Jacob Fruteliey's.
hi Athens boro', at E. 8. Matiiewson's.
In Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt in Athens
In Arncnia, at John S. Becker's. ,
In Burlington boro', at the liall of Henry Vosburg.
In Burlington twp., at the house of Bagwell Luther's.
In West Burlington, at the house of Er.ra Uoddard.
In Canton, at A. K. Spalding's.
Tu Columbia, at James Morgan's.
In Purell. at the school house, called the centre school :
house, near S. Pecker's.
[ In l-'rauklin, at Wm. Peemer's.
In Granville, at the house of Benjamin F. Taylor.
In Merrick, at the school house near Daniel Puratid's.
In l.itchfield. at Cyrus Bloodgood's.
In la-Boy, at the school house in Reßoy.
In Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
111 Monroe boro', at the house of Ethel Taylor.
In Orwell, at Francis Woodruff's.
In Overton, at the house of Win. VValtmau.
In l'ike, at Dennis Johnson's.
11l Koine, at the Academy.
111 Ridgliery. at the house of Benjamin F. Buck.
In Slieshequin, at 1). Brink's.
In Smithlield. at A. J. Gerould's.
111 Springfield, at T. Wilder's.
In Standing Stone, at Simon Steven'a.
111 Sylvania boro' at the house of Curtis Merritt.
In South Creek, at the school house neiw A.Gillett's.
In Towanda boro' at the Grand Jury room, in tbe Court
House, in said boro'.
In Towanda, twp., at the school house, near 11. L.
In Towanda North, at S. A. Mill's.
In Troy boro', at the Eagle Tavern.
In Troy twp., at the House of V. M. Long, in the boro'
of Troy.
In Tuscarora. at the school house near James Black s.
In L ister, at .S. B. fUdcomb's.
111 Warren, at B. Cooper's.
In Wells, at L. Seelcy's.
In Windham, at the house of Beni. Knykeudall.
In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black.
11l Wilmot, at the house of Joliu Huffman.
In Wvsox. at the house of James M. Reed.
At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect
l>y ballot
T wciity-seven Electors for President and Vice President
ol the United States.
And in and by said act. I am further directed to give
notice that every person excepting justices of the peace
who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the go
vernment of the United States or of this State, or of any
incorporated district, and also that every member of con
gress and of the State Legislature and the select and com
mon council of any city, or commissioners of any incorpo
rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the same time, the office <>r appointment of Judge, In
spector or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
and that no inspector or other officer of any such election,
shall be then eligible to any office to lie voted for.
By the 4th section of an act passed the ICtli day of
April, I*4o, it is provided " that the 13th section of an
act passed July 2, I*3o, entitled -- An act relating to the
elections of this commonwealth,'' shall not lie so constru
ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as Judge,
i Inspector or Clerk, at any general or sjiecial election of
| this Commonwealth,
111 the 01st section of the act first above mentioned, it
is enacted that every general and special election shall la
opened between * ami lo in the forenoon, and continue
without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the
evening. When the polls shall be closed.
By the lsth section of the act passed Feb. 3d, l*l(i. it
shall be lawful fur the inspectors and judges of any gen
eral election which shall he hereafter held in the Arme
nia election district of Bradford county to close the polls
of such election at 5 o'clock, P. M.
By the 11th sections of the act of 1553, it is provided
that the polls of the election district Cf Tuscarora twp. he
closed at 5 o'clock, I*. if.
It i- further directed, that the meeting of the Judges
at the Court flouse in Towanda, to make out the genCfal
return, shall he on the 3d day after the election, which
will lie on the 7th dnv of November.
Towanda. October S. ls.'ui.
It Is M O VAL.
TXTOCLI) respectfully inform their friends and thepuh
\ V lie generally, that they have removed their Cloth
ing and Furnishing Store to'tlieir New Building on the
west side of Main Street, next door to Hall A Russell's,
ajid will be happy to wait on all who may give them a
Their stock consists of Black Cloth Conts, Plain and
Fancy Cassimerea, Tweeds and Jeans. Black and Fancy
Cassimere Pants. Black Satin Vests, Silk Velvet and fan
c v do.. Silks of all kinds, White Marsailles and fancy do..
White and fancy Ijneii Pants, Overalls aud oycishirts.
white and fancy shirts, drawers, collars, cravats, socks.
Hats and Caps of all kinds and qualities, a good assort
ment of Boys Clothing, such as Coats, Vests and Pants
which we are selling off at cost.
Ucntlemen wishing clothing made up to order, will do
well to give us a call, as we have a good assortment of
Cloths. Cassimere* and Votings on hand, which we are
ready to make up on short notice, aud WARRANTED to
lit in every way, or no sale. We do our own cutting, and
Hatter ourselves that we know as much about it as uiost
people, having had some years experience in busines
CcTTIXH done to order as usual.—Where tioods are
bought of us, no charge made for culling. As regards
cheapness, all we avk is to give us a cull before buying
Towanda, August 7, lsjfi.
BKIXGSBKUy fc SON, hwr ltnve to
• call the attention of their friends and customers, as
well as all others wishiug to buy Hoods Cheap. to their
well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-HOODS,
consisting of a great Variety of
Silks, Shawls, Dehaines, Challies, Hereges, Chambrays,
latwns. Brilliant?*, etc. Also, a choice selection of Mcri
mac, Ciioceco and other style* of fast Colored Prints.
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions.
Hosiery, Cloves, Dress Trimmings, White tioods, Ac,
Denim*. Ticks, I trills. Linens, Cambric*, Blenched and
Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Itatts, Twine, Car
pet Warp. Ac.
In addition to the above article*, there will always be
found a full assortment of HROCEIIIKS. Crockery and
(ilass Ware ; Boots ami Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails.Fish,
Pailit*, Tubs, Matts, Ac.
licturniug individually our thanks for past patronage,
we would as a firm, respectfully ask the attention of Our
old customers anil the public generally, to an inspection
of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock.
Towanda, Sept. 10, lh.jii.
CI AUTlOX.—Notice is hereby given, that
/ I hereby forbid all persons fr.-iu trusting any one on
my account, and particularly forbid all persons from har
boring or trusting Joseph Prince, Without a written or
der from me ; as 1 have made all the necessary arrange
ment* for his comfort and support, and will not be liable
for any debt* contracted by hint.
Warren, Sept. 'l, IB.ii;, ' NELSON PRINCE.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coua
tv, will Is" exposed to public sale on the premises, on
SATURDAY. 25th of October next, at 1 o'clock P.M.. the
following priqierty :—One lot piece or parcel nl '.and situ
ate in Itidgbcry twp.. bounded and described as follows :
On the north by lands of James Strowbridge, east by the
public highwav, south by lands of said Strowbridge,"west
by land* of John W. Thompson, containing about two
acre*, with a framed house and saw mill thereon erected.
ALSO—One other piece in said township, containing
48 acres or thereabouts, nnd bounded and described us
follows : North hv lands of Samuel Hall, east by land* of
Orrin Butnliam, south by lands of Elijah Brown, west liv
Howell Diimhani: atwinr 30 acres thereof improved, with
a framed house and barn thorcon erected.
I.ate the est ate of Horace Hinohinan. deceased.
Terms made known on day of sale. .
JosCi'H ItiXI'HMAN, Administrator.
Sept. 30, Is.lti,
J CaoAK ha* I,.ft my bod and board without just cause.
1 therefore forbid nil pi r.iis trusting her on my account,
a* I will net lie ic-| f-.r debts contracted tT hrr
after this date.
I'urcll. Aug i . 1'- MICH ALL CLOAK.
IV consideration ot tin* literal patronage with which >
have Lvt'u favored since vte cmmenic# tuins in
this place, wc tender to the citizens of Towanda and Mil
rounding country our sincere thanks, and hope by telling
at |.ri. es SURPRISINGLY LOW, to make it profitable to
all who may favor us with a call.
We are re olvcd to keep pace with the progressive spirit
of the age hi which we live, by ottering for sale
Woods of the Latest Syles,
at prices that actually alarm the proprietors of old-fash
ioned Stores ; they being schooled in the high-price prin
ciple, or ns!hr in the prices .-l - Id times—will not lowei
their demands ; hoi. in very happy maimer, warn theii
customers not to meddle with tile (foods at the New Store,
(at the same time exhibiting much concern tor their wel
fare.) tor they know that none but dumagrd (iuodi can
be sold so very low.
Wc do not intend to sell damaged Goods, but if am
prove to be so, or, are not what wc represent them to be
return them and receive the money paid lor them. Wi
llow otti-r our ENTIRE SUMMER STOCK A'l
Some of our Pre-.* Goods, our remaining stock of Bon
nets and Ihuiuet Trimmings we will sell at COST.
We have a line lot of Shawls, Mantillas, Window Pra
pery. Silks, tiiu broideries, Sfecdle-Worked Edging and In
setting. Ac., Ac.
We use prepared to send for any article ill our line that
we have not on hand. Our assortment of
is complete—cannot be surpassed by any other establish
niciit in Northern I'c-nmylvunin. Call and examine our
Goods—seeing is believing.
Towanda, July '.'S, l*si>.
i:. T. FOX
IvS now reoeivinir :t fine stock of OROCE-
RtICS and PKOVISIOXB which wilFLe sold at the
very lowest price. He is also anxious to buy for CASH
any quautity of Butter. Eggs, Lard and good Wheat, at
the 1 ugliest market price. Will those who want to buy
or who have produce to sell please give hiin a call ?
A NEW STOCK OF TEAS, warranted its
ak usual to give satisfaction, or the money returned.
Also, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, and in fact most every
thing in the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S.
DRIED PEACHES, n, few very nice ones,
also Pried Berries at * FOX'S
/ HANDLES, Iroth Sperm and Tallow by the
V_ ' box or pound, at FOX'S.
tpiiOl It of dilferetit qualities, Corn Mt-nl, j
Br.lll and t'liup. Also some very extra Family 1
Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S. " j
MESS PORK, Cheese, Hams, Lard.Rrooms, I
- and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S.
OAA BUSHELS good Potatoes wanted
ef * /v/iimmediately at FOX'S.
I EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap
-A at FOX'S.
THRESH PEACHES uikl Tomatoes, in cans,
. warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S.
ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Raisins,
Briiues, Gates, Citron, and other fruit 111 their sea
son at FOX'S.
VyillTE FISH, in barrels, half barrels and
T T by the pound, at niyl4 FOX'S.
\I AOKIN AA\ TROUT—Some very fine
I™L ones in half barrels, also Mackerel in half and quar
ter barrels, at jls FOX 8.
A NP\—A large stock always on hand
J and sold at wholesale at pedlars' prices at FOX'S.
'IONS SI GAllS—Brown, Refined, Pow
fj dered, Crushed and Granulated : Molasses, Svrup, Rio
and Java Coffee. Ri c. Saleratns, Ginger, Sperm Candles.
Bice, Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
sale cheap at juneU FOX'S.
TAPIOCA, Rice, Corn-Starch, Rice flour,
Carragen, Macarona. Vermacilla. Sagocheos.e and
spic of at FOX S. Hi kirdr
PICKS, of all kinds, both white and ground
O —Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at
October 9. FOX'S.
Jr. lnwirivi. ■ is just receiving age
• neral ansort . isOOTS Jk SHOES, suitable for
the spring trail
A No, an excellent assortment of I.K A THRU, comprising
lso sides Soie leather. tilt sides t'ppcr, "200 Calf Skins,
together with a general stocd of Hipp*. Innings A Kind
i*g. Towanda. April :t, ltK,
IjMSII. —No. 1 and 2 Mackerel atul Codfish,
__*i_ may 14 MEKCUIt'S.
▼ ▼ Ht M. K. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door
South of Meretir'* stord, Towanda. May 20. I^jG.
-4 V. & Shoe* and Eiudings now receiving at
Aug. 22, N. 'i. HCMPITIfEY'S.
QOLK LEATHER.— receiving an e.x
kJ cellent lot of superior SOLE I.EATHEIt, to which
public attention is respectfully invited.
Nov. 22. KM. " .1. I). HI," ME 11 KEY.
BKIXOSBPRY A' SOX beg leave to call the atlcn
• tion of their friends and customers. as well as all oth
er*, both Jew and (jentile.ishingto bnv Hoods c IIEAI',
to their well selected stock of EOBE/titX AMD !>()-
ME STIC Ilß l* HOOI/S. consisting of a great variety
of /.adif* Dress (iiMitl*, Silks, Shettrls, l)c /.nines. Cha'l
iits, Bareges, Chamhrays, Leiirns, Briltiantes, etc.. elr.
Also, a choice selection of Merrimac, Chocbeco, and
of tast-colorcd Prints.
A large and complete assortment of Yankee .Xo/itms,
Hosiery, (i lores, I/rest Trimmings, White Ootids. Den
ims, Ticks, Drills, /dnens, Cambrics. Bleached and Hrencn
Sheetings. Cotton I'arn, Hick, Baits, '/' wine, Carpet
H'arp, ($•(•.,
In addition to the above articles, there will always be
found a full assortment of C.UOCKRIES, ("rockery and
< ilass-ware, 1 toots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Nails," Fish.
Pails, Tubs, Matts. Ac.
The undersigned feci a pleasure in inviting the public
to an examination of their Spring stock, believing that
good ficods ami low prices will insure a speedy sale for
ready pay. 11. KIXUSHLRY A SOX.
Towanda, April 11, ls6f,.
Watches, Jewelry and Fancy Goods.
AM. WA UN EU hits just received n lanrc
• and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JEWKL-
ItY A FANCY (KMIIIS, which are offered for sale on tlie
lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above llridgc.
Towanda, July 8, I Soil.
HE subscriber calls attention of the ]
J- lie to his SI'UIXC STOCK OF HOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will lie sold at the lowest
possible rates for cash. O. D. BAKTLETT.
Towanda. April 24. ls.jO.
Another Large Arrival of
HS. MKIUTU is now receiving the large.t, be/
. sorted, and most desirable stock of Hoods tb t has
vet been ollercd in Towanda. Consisting of eVcrv varletv
of SABLE A.XI) EA.XCYD/iY GOODS, Eardmari.
('rockery and G/eiss tceirr, Boots n\d Shers.
J lots, Crips, stoenr Goods, Carpets, .1 lat
itats, If ooden-icare,Groceries Paints
11 i ndii ic-(1llets,t ts, (Jils, y~n its, Tro n
St,y/, lisle, Lealhrr, <s•<'. ipr.
which will be sold at wholesale or retail at verv low pri
ces. 'I lie public are very rear requested 1o exam
in* 4 1lie* Stock.
Towanda, April 24, I^"*';.
rnrrr awDS ' SLallis, Bareges, &c,
'I Hh finest tu* .orttnetil in town of French ami
* nurirriii '..twns, Fronrli, Scot ok and American
(iinirliiiins. ( Jinrofrc, Brilliants und IMnk at
April 3d, •.<,*. MKIN t'R'S.
I Lump, Tanners', nm) Xcatsfoot.
Oil.*, Alcohol-, Campliine and Burning Fluid for sale
H. S. ME Ft PR.
* and beautiful assortment of Crockery aud Hlasswnre
fust received by may 12 w. s. MERCITR. '
\TOTICE.-The Pamphlet Laws Vf fho
i_X Session of thr Pe.wia. -.r tl c \ .n ix.w;
havT been received f.,r this t'.ountv. and are ready for
distribution to tUoneeutitli d to rereive thi
August 4. 18",0. _ALLF..V M'KEA X. Prntbw
I 4 at the -t.srr . f ff. F. MERCCP.
A eic at FOX S.
| £cgal.
1 EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Notice u l.ere
-J by given that letters testamentary upon tins e-t*'
| of-C. S. Bonfoy.dec'd.. bite of SpriyglivlJ twp.. ffine teva
i granted to the *ibscril<er, All persons ludcbti a to s*>d
I eotgte are hereby requr-sU t l to mate immediate pay ructA.
and those hating anv chine. tqKm .aid (statu to picvuAt
them duly attested fert'ettlrment.
TBtrStAS S.MKAf), Lim utw.
fept. 10,f>;d.
A I>MIN!KTRA TOR'S NofirK.-' Not to
-TV. iti hereby riven, that all peraans indebted to Us(m
late of Luther Hock well, dec'd., late of Trwy towualily.
t are hereby requested to make payment without dolav: ai> J
all persons huvln|t claims again't said e-.tate wilKfpl****
preaeiit tliem dirtv authenticated for sett lenient.
June 1(1, lifj<s. Administrator*.
4 DMIN'KS. NOTICE.—AII iierwius h*
-A V debted to the estate of WM. UYHIW M coras tsj.
late of ATHENS township-, art; hereby notified to
payment witluait delay, and oil per*on>i Uavkig Oi-uiaSa
agaiust suid estate lire requested to presort thorn duty fc
tbenticaUd for settlement. SAftAH^MYKIhS.
July 18. 1*56. AtHnlstratrM.
TV is hereby given. that all persona indebted to the ca
t.ite-of Fatdon Keuyoii. det'd. late of Windham to. are iw
quested to make |wy uicnt without delay ; and all peraena
having elaims against said estate, must preseut tUeul duly
authenticated for settlement, to the subscriber*.
MiLKIXSOX P.KEXYOX, Administrators.
II indhara. July 1(J. I KM;.
ji.\ is hereby given, that all persons' indebted to the OA
tateof Malvlna A. Itogers, defeased, late uf Canton twp ,
are lierchy requested to make payment without delay;
and all persons having claims agaiUst said estate wlli
pleasejprescnt them duly uuthenth-atcd for sottlenjent. "
SIMON B. LATllltol', ;
July 1. l.s.'itl. Adininisirutor.
_iA is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of Joseph Ingham, deceased, late of Heirit-k Tows
ship, archciebj requested t > alnke payment without de
lay; and all persons hating claims against said estate wiLl
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
July 21.1K3. " K. X. INGHAM, Admfn'r.
T V is hereby uivcu, that all persons indebted to the e
t.ite ot SAMLEL STEVENS, dee d, late of Pike tow u
twp, are hen by mp.erttd to make payment without do
lu\; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them Juh authenticated for settlement.
July 1, 185 C. Administratrix.
i < >K'iS NOTlCE.—Notice is hci-
J-J by given all persona indebted to the estate of
AL\ IX LOOMIS deceased, late Of TROY towtiship.
to make immediate payment, aud all persons hitting de
mands against said estate, will present tiieui dulv authen
ticated tor settlement.
wooiiAKft iiEiinr,
Octobers, 15:,6. _-_ v Executers.
PXECI TOR'S NOTICE.—- Notice is here
-1 J by given, that all persons indebted to the estate of
ltidgJiery. are re<|nested to makepavrnfiit without d lav;
tho>e having demands against aaid estate will present them
duly authenticated for settlement.
Sept. Id. 1856. KINNEY DEWITT, Executor.
A large additional stock of Common and Suddlerv
Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron.Steel
and Nails, just received by 11. h. JIERCUH.
Pianos, Karmoniums, Melodeons &o.
IEVI WELLS, dealer in Mnsical lustru-
J no-nts, may for a time be found first door south oi
!>r. PRATT'S, on Second street, TowarpJa. whore be w ill
be happy to receive orders for ant of the above tuuis-i
instruments, which he will deliver for cash or approved
credit at the lowest retail prices of New York city. He
would call particular attention to the Organ Harmonium,
of late so celebrated for Church use, being considered
pTcfc'.'.ibte to. ami less expensive, tlrrn good Organs. -
Price. fii.iO ; MclndeoTis from it* to *2oh.
Every instrument fully warranted. Mcfodedhs tuned
and repaired on reasonable terms.
Hefi-renccs Fi Cbt.-T. Principal of Collegiate tLbtl
lute, and Dr. r.
August 12. \ s.Mi.
TflE MI>s?ES H ANSON respcetfulh inforift the publlo
that the Pall Term of their school will open in the
new building on second -trvet. west of the Ward Houe.
on Monday s-ejitcinlier l.i. Is.'.tJ.
Miss ty. J>. HANSON will Ituve tlie general pvrinteu
deuee of the erbool. assisted in Music by Miss ItKßfeX'C A
D. HANSON, aud in French bv Miss EMMA H-VNfcsO.V
'iJiaukfui for the patronage already extended to them,
they beg iea*e to assure those entrusting their daughter*
in their charge, that etery effort will be made to dvseav*
the confidence and favor of their natrons.
The school \ear will consist of lour quarters, of eleven
weeks each. Tin summer vacation commencing in July,
and end'"? In September. A recess of a few days w ill £•
taken at the holidays.
First Class —To include the elementary Prigli-h • -.
branches, and the study of the luitinlanguage, ;
Srcvntl Class To include the more advanced iitu-j
dies of the English branches.with Matbefnatics, ► t.a
aud the study of Latin aud French i
Third Class To include Mathematics, Mental/
ami Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric. Botany, Ac.. ■ JIJ txi
with laitin and French.. )
i-lacli pupil will bring with her a desk aud chair. There
will be no extra charge whatever.
Mi sic- Instruction en the Piano, with use of lustra
incut, will be given by Miss Kkrf.CCA I>. Hvdjos, at ilu
per quarter.
Boarding for younjj ladies can b obtaiaed In prKatt
families at rcftsoiinbie rates. Pupils from a distance will
receive the <-s|(K'ial care of the tfacliers.
LECTI'RES on Rhetoric. 11oral and Intellectual Philo
sophy. and the higher branches of English Couiyoaitioti.
will also be delivered once or twice in each week.
They beg leave to refer to the following named gentle
men : —Rt. Rev. Ai.oszo POTTER, Bishop of the Diocua?
of Penn'a, Philadelphia ; HeV. I>r. M ACLEXS, President of
the College of New Jersey.
F. MEANS, D. F. HAKSTOW, H. S. MKKCTK, Q. D. llaia* -
KETT. E. 0. (IOOPku H, Towanda.
1 IST OI" LETTERS remaining iti the l'oit
-1 -J office at Towanda. September SO, 1(546.
Aylmann Anton. Ingham Diantlia.
Avery A (I. James Edward.
Bullock James Eiq. Jilson Diantha.
Uurch C.corgo M. Kennedy Michael.
Barret John Lay Mrs M T-
Bumctt Mr. Jf trtiu Wra. I. s
Bcrky James L. Morlev Jenr 'iP.
Hurt fee Lewis. Afafffi tftimov!.
Rruk Anthony. Pills Tim >tbv.
Conklin John Mns.A- Marv.
< 'base ('vrcnu* F. run lSev'lhttrlck
Campbell Janie* Murphy John.
1 rowlyJohn Manning Ccorge.
earner Hannah A. M'Cnrlcv ftnnicl 51.
(lion Ann. RodgersS A.
i lark II W, Smith Jonathan M.
Decker \V , 1U States Miss Marv.
Door Ma" .eid. Strung John.
Equal' on Tboiuas K. Smith J. J IV.
J" a*' ,-tt J S.' Sturdevaut J tf.
c "Cht Adam. Sburell Calvin 2
'.saiusia Tn.ifmn Sullivan Eliza.
(•ranger Sarah E. Smith VVtn.
Henry Win E. Vandyke Wni.
llardy C F. Vargi'iion Jaines.
High K IV. tl'afsh Justin.
Haute (I'm. IVright Ann E.
Hinkle Philip Piatt E!izaleth.
Persons i alh'ng fsr any of the-e letters wilt meuttou
I hey are aTitvrtissl. " 11. C. pi (RTI'R. P. M.
IT* r.AH', TROY, Bradford Co.. Pa. Office over V.
M. A H. F. Long's store. Aug- 7, 1546.
DRTEI> Pl'IKF— Also -a few very !arg:c (lire
smoked Tongues, at FOX'S.
V SHEI.I.KIis, for sale in 11. 8. MEMC'I U.
Cash paid for Pelts & Wool,
Towanda, September J, lsai;.
I solveii bv mutual consent. IIM. A. ROCKWELL
having Ivitlulriwn. The business will 10-reuUer IK: eon
dlieued under the nirne of MONT.IN YES havinca- s .
iu'.ed 'V ih lav tlrin J. D MONTVSVE Jr.. and F. D. MOK
tanvn. IVe trust with oui jncsent facilities ftir the suir
eb.u-e that we can make it an ~r c \S|(
Ct'STOMERs to exaniino our - took which lms U-i a laid
in w itli great rare to suit the t;.tl trade.
HIT 111 aeeonnts due the old lirm, a* also notes dial
a"S' due. <MV frrrrlrd I/, 1,, yn'd without f'lrlhsr ontirr.
-liry*i.--( , I-a*., M"NIANYK\