i'nsine* (Curtis. R P F. MADIIX, M. P., PFiYSir iAX I • AXD SURGE OX—X>ttxr at hU 10 ' nee in Wyiox, Pa -J Iy *'■• i ■•>•-- I HI F\R. JOHN MINTO.SE, 'srtiGi-iox PF.XTfST. '! AS RETURNED. OFFICE uext <H.OI j,i >l,ar-l oirr Mi xsntterV (1 ti linff Store. l Main street, Towanda. FdWry ttj IW. JAM FS M A 'FA F.T.A N R. -1 TTOHXr A > . V i.Ali • ?'•*'AN?>\. V*- ' MIR OLW *. IN THI- Unk r> U! .!, •'•••ran :IV NW R-1 I Y John C. A ov L-Q. , K*"IFE will attend ti pr-jcunng Coi:: ty I . d Wnmists : AMI Pensions. March 22. I j Tf. .T. VIMU R P. MNTTROW. I M API PL A- MORP.OW. A TTC-ItXE YX { S,xd cory.\o r 'S a i LAW,— off o j ®RR MPRRR'I ST<> O.T W : da, Pa. TOW-ANTE. Apri 1 ?. L-. n-43-tf i DRF"TJ _ MA?ON. PHYXTCTA X A XD S [■/f-r/.'c.V. offer* M* i.r mal c: vW- f> the p. .r'a V-fard! ***'! vi.'ffiitv. o*"i o V V- ; - "f blciTf • m Pine sire. t. where he < au always to found when n t pro!esijnaßy cngr>.'-ed. •!onx C. ADAMS TP A. OVFRTON. A PA MS fi OVERTON, A TTOPXEYX JL. AT I. AIT. Office in tho ROOM I'crmer'v • EOUPIRJ HV GE'RSRE RANKER-nr. OYER Burton Klng-hery':' store. Eownrwin. ArV '< 'A. C TTRVEYINO —JAMES A. PAINE,SR.F- I* TFRNR for BRADFORD FNR.ty. i" prepared to aMcn.L to . theuibove BI:-I; €W ir ..11 ITS branches. ]JI- office > R.t ' T'-wanda- AT! LE'torv sddre.EL TN him at this place will MEET WITH PROMPT attenliou. ANRIL 4. ! 654. RI N. WATKINS, A TTOEXE Y A-! a 7" COUX'SnLLOF A7 T.A U", will .ttend prompt- | Iy to all biirh e#f l v hi.' c°rr. 011-.M'tinnK " i': ! rr V sneel.il tltcntian. ( ' ire air dor- n-uh e.f the Ward Honae. Towaodi, May IT. r,.v . "^■RKBOIaTJTIO^f Proposlaj Ampr.tlinonta to the Constitution of the Coniiaonwealth. Pno'vtii f: thr T'RW te end l: iv.te of Rrprr*r*titi"es eft': t CowwvJ-'t' <f Pt-iil" h- il Goner .7 Afr-n- ■ FC'v net, Th-.t the foil VWINJC A <- idrr.ent? flic pr •;!■■ CL IN ' the (VINFT'TIITINN of the Err>innn wealth, in seeovdance with tho provisions of the tenth aiflrk- th< re-if. I'LHST AMKNOIITNT. There shall HE cn additinr.jl artit ;E ' - C iid ennstitutien to BE DESIGNATED IT art;-K eleven. A T F .ihws : .\' T ''.ir \I. OF PUBLIC PUBIS. ST'TLOV 1. The "ate may enrtrr t RIET te. tn rnpp'v casual dcfi< ITS <>R tJilnre.- ?U rcrtnue.'. or to :-;RT i < C SET net otherwise Pr • i • f 'i.o;s-v>iint i of such dd ti dire-'t nrrl ntir. er-f. wlieth. r .:te-l by virtue of one or or re acts of fh" set. ml assent! iy. or : si different pcri.'.de I F time, -h :1: uv. r rxrc.E '. -. vet". ' dred and &fty Vhoueapd.doTlare. ami fh men y arisinat fromfeo creation ofssch debts, shall HE applied . the ptirpo.-e for which it w:. i o'-.tsi •!. • tv r-p T . the d<•' > so "ontrrte't, and t N:. her tvhnfe.ver. PeCTtoK 2. Ir. addition to the a'O< vo nited R r.-ar the PFR-FC mav contract debt? F repel inva -I n. FNPPIESS in snrrcctinri. demrd the. •' in war, ■' r to N (IT;n the pre- ; SECT outstanding lodebtedr.e OF THE etc. to : BUT the ir. >- I ney ari A inp frov.l THE cont: „ n:; of -.:ch dcht ". shall T.E I applied to the purpose FOR RH it was raifed, or to re- I par ue.H debts, and to r- ■H.-;- purpose whatever. SECTION 3. Except the DE.:- ah ve spe. F.rd, in sec tions one AND two of this art: do. NO debt whatever S-hall : BE creat.ni TY. or on 1 e.half of the STATE. SECTION* 4. To provide for the payment of the prf-ent debt, and any additional dctt contracted a- a Ton slid, the lerirlature shall, at its UR t session, after the adoption of this amendment, ereate A sinhini; fund, which sl'.nll be •nfficient to pay the ac N'L.IUC int. re-t on such debt, and ar.nniiiy to retfoce the P ineipal thereof by .I sum net le-S than two hundred and fifty thou- end dollars : whi hsit.H fctir fund SB.Ui consi-t of the tiet annual INCOME of the public works, from time to time owned by the state, or the proceeds of the aale of the =r,.NE, , r any part there of. and of the INCOME . r pmc< ed- of -. 'T- of toi KS OWNED I.y the STATE, together W ilh other hinds, or resources,that may be DESIGNATED by law. The sal -H.kipy fund MAYBE fuereased, from time to time, by AVIIJRIINS TO It a:.y i t of the IMP', or othar rev -ore-, of the -TRITE, n t rt .JT.ircd FOR the ordinary snd current EXPENSES of povernment.acd UNLESS in caR of war, invoion OR insurrt: tion, no part F the said sinking fund shall be US. .1 or applied otherw L-e THAN in extiußiiisbment of the public dept. until the amount of such debt IS reduced iciow the UU of five mil lions of dollar?. FUOTTCN" . The of the commonwealth shall net ID any manner, or EVE™ be pledged, or loaned to, any in dividual, COMPANY, CORPORATION, ■ r associaiira ; n-rshuii tlie commonwealth herea''tir become I joint owner, rr Stockholde. in any comitany, association/or eorn UA.i n. SECTION 6. The coramonwea' , th shall not assume the defct, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough ,OR township ; "or of any corporation, or assoclition ; unless sach debt shall have Iscen contracted to enable the state to repel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend Itae'f in time of war, or to assist the state in the discharge of any portion of its present indebtedness. SECTION 7. The legislature shall not AUTHORIZE any connty. city, borough, township, OR incorporated rii trie f, by virtue of a vote of it citizens, or otherwise. to become S STOCKHOLDER in any company,association,or corporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its ciedit to, atiy corpora tion, association, Institution, OR party. SECOND AMENDMENT. There shall be au additional article to said constitution, TO be designated AS article Xli. as follows : ARTICI.E til. OF XLW corX TIES. FO eour.tv shall he divided hy a line cutting off one tenth O? its population, (either to form a U. -v county or otherwi. E.) without the express assent of H ICH county, by a vote of the. electors thereof ; nor shall any NEW coun ty B? established, conbiiniug kv- than four hundred square miles. TETSP AMENDMENT. From section two of the Gr-t arti. LE OF he. constitution, ttriko out the words. " cf the city of Phil.tdelphia, and of mr\ county wpeltrclj from section five, .-ante article, strike out the words, " of P'uladctyhui and ,f the •tvercf counties;" from CE-TIEN seven, SAME aiti.-le, strike out THE words, •' neither the. city of Philadelphia nor any," nd insert in lieu thereof THE words, ■' and no ;*' and strike >ut SECTION four, same article, and in lieu there- T Jarcr? the following : " FECTTON 4. TN the ve.gr or. C thousand eight hundred ON I sixty four, and in every seventh year thereafter, rep reseatat'ves to the numtc.r ORE hundred, -hall be ap p"-tiocc.l and distributed e piolly, throughout tlr. -T it. . PT districts, in proportion to THE n?.;::lier of taxable in habitants in the several parts thereof; ex-opt tlir.t any coontv eontaining at 100 t three thousand ilvo liundrril taxables . may be- allowed A separate representation ; but BO MORE than three count "'os -Liali be joined, and no coun ty shall be divided, in the formation of a Jl.trict. Any city containing A sufficient number OF taxables to entitle TT TO at least two representatives, shall have a separate irpre C-ntation assigned it, and shell be divided into con venient districts e;" contiguous territory, of I RIAL tuxible population AS near a- msv bo, each of which districts shall RTEOT one representative.' 1 At the end of E;, -IM 'even -same article, in.ert there WORDS, " th' city of Phu.n, phia 't.i.d he liti-idf,! into sin git scna'o-uil district' .of Co >-a- (err.,. ■■■/ as nearly tqu a! -.n pop-- rjian ,u yos - h't ; hut no icard jhall R+d-ridfii in the f -rr. d-.-n 'O. " THE legislature. At IB I'R: '••• a.'tvr R' C UD ■ L. ti of thic amendment. • .•-te : W U>* of riiiladelphia Into ruaat.'ritl and rep;.- PUTATIVE DB-'r-v in t .e rr.ONI-.sr ABOVE providal ; such D ;-ICT to r<- N tin 1.,~ hanged un til the apportionment in THE yea. one TH rusar.D eighth at- DIED and alzty-four. KOCHTH AEENDJICNT. To he section xxvi, Article I. The legislature SIULI ha- • power t . ulte". revoke, Oß annul, any charter of INCORPORATION hert offer CE- Erred by, or uttdor. any special, OR general law, whesever ir. their opinion it jnav be injurious : > the citi n-T- of the commonwe.itth ; in ;ch M.-I.ter, however, I'iut no in justice shall be doce to the corporators. IN SEN ATE. April 21,1""6. Rtsahed. That this RESOLUTION pass. On the B . : -n-.E'D ment. VOAS 24. nays 5. OU the SECOND arnendtnent, yeas 13, oays S. On the third ar.iendmcnt, yes 23, nays "L.— On tho fourth amendment, yeas 23, nays 4. Extract from the Journal. THOMAS A. MA LITRE. Cirri;. IN Hoe -T: OR RTRRRESR.NTATIVES,! Jpri' 21. lSsfi. ( Rrtolrnl. That this rrsf.l itinu pass, i );i the firstamer.il- Cß.t, yeas 72, NAYS 2T. N- the M cot id aroaedruent, yeas ti, nays 25. OU the thir 1 arr.CML lietit, yets 64, nays 2"> ; and on fourth amendrje-jt. VCAS 6.1, R.avs i ExtrAct fr an the Journal". M. JACK, Clerk. SACRXTARY'A OpricE, L A. O. CURTIV, Tile-l Apru 21, 1-56. t Sec'y. of the Commonwealth. BCCBETARI'S OFEICE, \ Itarrisburg. June 27, 15..6. \ Penoay/ra.iia es ; I do certify that the above and foregoing IN a true and correct correct copy of the original " lie.-- l.ition rehttivc to so amendment of the Constitution" AS the same re mains on file in this office. ; •••* : In testimony whereof I have hereunto ect my : 1.. P. ;lund and CA ised to be afiixtd THE scale, the Sec- retary'S Office, the day and VEUR above written. A". L. CfTITIN. Scfcetvry of the Commonunalth. IN SR.NJ.TF, Apt il 21. L C S6. TW Virion PR.POKING ansru. intents to IUO CuaMitution of the Commonwealth, BTLUG under com-iduiution, On the question. WILL the .SENATE AGREE to the first amendment ? The y- V s aud nays WERE taken .'ably TO the provision o OI UIE Constitution, nnd were AS toilows, vis.: A AAA— Messrs. Ilrowne. B.EK rlew . Cressweli, Evans, I-vrgitson, B teuailieu, Huge, Ingram. Jamison. Knox, UTUHAEH. LewU. MTliutotk L'rice. Sellers, Shuuuu. - Walton. V.eLL, Wuoag. Vv 1,- K.M WEN PIAU, Sptik* -24, flliscclltiiuouo. y,'its—Mcesr . Crabb. Oregg, Jordan, Mtllinger ami Pr-itt—s. S ■ !'.. q: -tion was detcrained in the affirmative. t in tin e-ti'.n. VP; the Per, ate agree to the -ecoud amendment ? Th. v. ■■ -. -1 b' y-"ci • t k.-1 agree :h!y to titer provis inns * 'h. 1 -it-tit;.tion and were a< fell ovs. tiz : V 1 i- - Me- r ■ Lrownt . liu>kikw, Cre-N-wcll. Evans, H ~ L- ,■ •'? .hi-oisnn. Knox. L.'tban Ti, Lewis, M'Clfn : k. cetltrF. SI ir.uui. Souther, btraab. Walton, Wei ii, 'A I erry and Wilkius— in. N \ is- M'"s;-". Ci.iob. Ferguson, Gregg, Fratt. Frice ! and [baft. Xy. XaeX—!">. So the qac.-tk a was Ue'crmiucd in the affirmative. On the que.-'/on. Will .he Sen ate agree to the third amendment ? Tin ..- r%r.d nays war.- 1 tkcit agreeably to the Coasti- TI • PMI, and were a* follow.-, viz ; Yr.,ts— Mcserr. Browne. Buckrdew, Crabb. Cwtfswell, Evans, I-'arsUfpn, ITeni.iktn. Iloge. Ingram, Jamison, J. 1,-. '■f-. x. I.e. . tn'h. Lewis. M Clintovk. Me'luigcr, it. Belle",. Shnninn. S .r.th-r. Ft ran b. Taggart, „ . iVeLP, V, .. rry. Wilkins and Piatt, Speaker— 2S. NATF— Ur. Gregg— l. , was determined in the affirmative. On the qv . r, Will ">tc ncrre to the fourth amendment ? Ti c ■ ay . v -ken agreeably to the Const:- t 'th ii, s;.J r -" ',:••*%>. viz : Ye . • • '• -• f. k.dcw. Crcsstvell. Evans, t'rr*:" ••• : r.: mi on. J'rdan, Kux. Lau '.. i.e.wi . ?•; ; tto-k. Vrire. P. llerß.Shunian.S luther, St;'.;;b. M alt .. Wc-lsb, Whcrrv, \\ iikineand Piatt, Spa - k< r —23. k T vy;—Me- r . Cr.tbh, Gregg. J'eliinger and Pratt—t. So the (inn-tinn wa 1- termh-ed in the affirmative. J .• rr.al of the Home of iiepreseutatives. April 21. l'k'.fi. The yca no,! n tys w re t -ken agreealdy to the provis ion® of tiit C- artitl.tion. and on the diet proposed amend u-ert. were a- folh-wy. viz ; Yrs M> "" Anri u-son. B.ckus, Baldwin, Ball. Beck. (Lycoming.) Berk, (York.) Bombard. Bovd. Lk'Vtr. Bu clrtaau. Brown, Brnah. t'alkwell. Campbell. Tarty, Cmig, Crawford. Imwddl, Ed Peer, Fan j M. Foster, Get/, knine-, Hair.el. Harper, Heinfl, Hibba, Kill. IPliegas.Hi;;- ' le. H."l ••■:r>b. H> t -e ker. Imi-rie. Ingham. Tnnis. Ii -. in, J Pius. , T hr-sr., l.roorte. 1 ■ Lor.caker. Ia vetl. M'Cal- j ir.m;t, M'C.irthy. M'C rn.>. Muffle. Menear. Miller. gomery, Moorliead, Xanoeimt. her. Orr. Pearson. !*:•l. | Piirreli, Rrie.- ey. Reed. II iihnld. Riddle. Roberts, Shenk. Smith. (Ail. gu't ny.) Smitl-. (Cambria.) Smith, (V.'yo ir.tttx* StrniTso. Thompson, Vail, Whallon. WrjgSt, (D'H: pliin,) Wright, (Luzerne,) Zimmerman and Wright, Spea ker—id. NAY®—)•!" "s. Angnstlro. Barry. Cl ver. Cohrnrn. Po k. Fry. Fult 'n, Gaylerd. Gibboury, Ilarblton. llan cock. Housekeeper, Hnneker. I eiseuring, Magce, Manltfy, XI M'-inntr. Patierson. Ra'.i hurv. Smith, (PliUaUcl- ' piiia.) Walter. Y.'iairedc and Yeareley—l i. S > the q c ti l l was dete; ,f. :cd in th* normative. Or, the que :; a. The .r. ays -■re i r.d were as i Hows, % 'V: AS- Ve.-r" Anderson ?.• hx-. Bildwin, BaTl.tteck, (Lycoming,) Beck, (York.) I'rv.hard. Bov.i. Brown, Brn■ h Btsecnnan, n dwell < ■ .r . be 1 C irtr Craig Fau-- "!d. 1-Y-ffi r . • aiacl. Hr.rp:;-. if. inHibhs, Li.l, lE'h , cs'ker, Lnbrie, In> femn.lndi*, Irwin ••• hr* "••' i IA forte, Jolto. akor,Levctt. M'C-.' • ••• M'C nab. Sl.trgle. i)e ". t. 1' -ariiead, X ... ivmitehi r. irr.F. r- . • Ft-- y • ut Reinhold. Riddle. Rotierts. -i.r'r.s, ) Strcnse, Vail, Whnl 'oa. W.:: n. ... n ont. Wright, Spen- JifY- —4).. X AYS- -Messrs. Augu-tine II- -rv. Clever, Edinger.Fry, Fuiton. Gay lord, tii . -rry.a.f :t. il.i.n-rek. Hur.eker, Iztlsenring, Mngee, Manley, Morris! Momma, Patterson, i In Ins. Sali-hary. Smith, (t ur.t.-tia.) Tli'ur.p. en, Walter, Wiutrr.de. Wright, (Dan. ain.) ... d Yearslcy—2A. So the question was determined in the allinuutivc. On the que-tion, Vi d! the House agree to the thud amendment? The yeas and nays were taken, had were as follows, viz : Ye \s—Messrs. Anderson, Backus. Baldwin, Ball. BE -it. (Lyvomi.ig.) lleik. (Ymk.) Bern hard. Boyd, Boyer. Bu eha:uin. Br-.wi. Caldwell. Canipliell, Party. Criisr. Craw ford, Edingcr. F;; .sold. Foster. Fry, Get/.. Haines. Uamel. Ilarper, Hcins. liibbs, Hill, Hillcgas, Hippie. Unlconib, II v:-ekeeper. Imbric, Ingham, Innis. Irwin, Johivs, John r.on, Lap'-rte. l.ebo, E m: ; ';, r. Lovett, M't'alinont. Mc- C ir. 11, Mnag'.e, M. near. Miller, Montgomery. Xuncemach er. Orr. Pear-' n, Phelps. Purccll, Uani-ev. Reed. Riddle, Shenk. Smith. •; Allegheny.) Smith, (Cambria.) Smith. (Wyoatiag.) Thompson. Whallon, Wright, (Dauphin.) W: Tit. (f.-:zeme.) and Zirnmrrman—OS. KATS —Xeam. Barry, Clover, Coboarn, Dock,Dow4all, Fuit .a, G.iyl ••rd.Gihhonej. Ilumiiton. iia;-. ock. Iluia ker. Leisenriag. tl'C.ii thy. M.tgee. Mm ley >f l rhead. Mori is. Patterson, Reinho'd. Walter, Wintrode, Yi trdey and Wright, Speaker —2s. So the question v. u< deteruilnetl in the affirmative. nil the que t; n. V.'i. 1 the House nvyee te the fourth amendment? The y ias and r ..y- wrv taken, and were as follows, viz ; YEAS— Messrs. Andei a. B.ickns. Ball, Beck, (Lycom ing.) Beck, (York.; iv. hard. P. iy,l. Buyer. Brown. Bu chanan, Brush, C ildweil. Cam til eu, Carty. Craig, Craw ford. Puwdall, Edi*i:rer, Fr - Id. Foster. Fry, (Set;;, Uam el. Harper, Hcins, Hi'nbs, Hill, iii'degas, Hippie liolcoinb, Housekeeper, llunset ker, Imbrie, litnis, Irwin, ; I.aporte, i.ebo. Lontraker, I. vett. M'Calinont. M'C.irthy, I M'Comb, Maugle.Menear, Miller. Montgomery. Moorhead, N'uunemtn'hcr. Oi r. Pearson. Piielps. P:;r< fil, ii.tm-ey. Reed,Reinhold. Riddle,Roberts,Skenk,Smith, (Cambria) Smith, (Wyoming,) Thompson. Vail, Walter, Whallon. , Wright, (Luzerne,) Year-icy, Zimmerman and Wright, I Speaker-— 6;). X \ us—Me<rs. Barry. CI over, Cobonrn. Fulton, CB.ho uey Haines, Hanco-k. Iluiieker. Inehaiu, Lei sen ring.. Mi | gee. Munley, Morris, Patterson, Salisbury and Wintrode : So tho question was determined in the affirmative. SKCRUNARY'S OFFTCR, ) Ilarrisburg, June 27, 1856. j Pennsyh-ania,..; I do certify that the above and foregoing is a true and i correct copy of the " Yeas" and •'Xays" taken on the I Resolution propo-iiig amendments to the Constitution e.f , the Comm- nwealth, as the tine appears on the Journals | of the two Houses of the Genera! Assembly of this Cora wealth fir the scs-h il of In'i'j. [L. *? ] Wane "s my hand and the seal of said office, thi- tw. ty iveuth day of June, one thou.-.ind eight ltun dred and City- .ix. A. G. CCRTIX, Secretary oj'the Commonicealih. THE BUSCUEHAKNA COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, TCir.''rr i, I:AAT;h ORD CO., PA. IXOTI.T rct3 : RF.V. SAMUEL F. Ut •• i . ini ipnl,Profe-sor of Xatn ral. Mental ami Mx. i Science-; REV. J AMF.S '••[ V! A. M., Professor of Ancient Languages a d Utiles Lettres; CH.VHLKS R COBi'RX. A. XL, Professor of Mathema tics and M ter oi' Xonnal School; E. ALBERT LITiWIG, A. M., Pr.uc-s.-r e,f Xlodcru Lan gnagos. Instru' t'ir on the Piano and in Drawing ; MISS MARY XI. FOSTER. Preceptress; XIISS EM I LIE A. BUTLER, I , . . , MISS ELLEN C. COLT. j Assistant*, MISS HELEN M. CXRTER. Assi. tsnt in Music; Mr. CAXFELD DAYTON, St. card. Of Th - Fall Ten commences on WEDNESDAY, August 20, IN.-,,;. :l rd will continue fourteen week*. The Winter Term commences November 2>>, ami contin ues 14 weeks, be .ides 10 days recess at Christmas. EXPENSES Pint rr.ua ; Payallc invarialdy in a-ivan -e—Fuel and coritingcacics a!l included : Tuitien in the Fifth class, (primary) p > term, ft . . " Fourth 6 .. " Third 7 " Second 8 .. " Fir-t. in .. Pupils u'drg scholarships are charged il per term for f .cl and ccntinucrt.: ; v- r iavtrnineut oa which to take lesson-, *0 . or I'o;-1 ? 32.00 Xo scholar, rut rests or gnardiaits reside within two mile i o lite ...siinytc shall ... thi. it' it r i ti ID therein •;••• >n * iv - ar.nansnt Lar .c u '.ed r loaned iy suth pnpii.r her pan at . . .raiaa. French, German, Si bcr Ittiian each .. 5 When taken with oat aitim ... .cues.. 7 .. Drawing j .. Oraaroeotai reedlew-.tk . i-i Cißuroidcrv. :tch 3 .. Tuition on Piavo for t .. meat. . 12 .. vn r■ r ( . 1. 't l ,-,.... 10 Oil painting in hv. V . •• fi .. do ki; . 10 . Room rent lor '. 1 75 The You g Lad.c >\ . - .. ; n. titute, under thr care of the M.t: n,„t e-r w ,k, . 1 7*. Fuel and light, ! ' The male pup Is .an find boa; 1 i t (iriv.itc lam dies, at per week .frmii $2 00 to 2 50 Washing, per dozen, 3.3 Pnpils lmardiug in the ll.ill. (w'lo will he cxclusivtlv Femaleu) willfnrni.-h the.r own hed, bedding, towel-, Sic. and the table silver at their option. Xo pnpil taken for less than half a term. The hoarding bills for the term rau.it he paid in advance; or one hah thereof at their entrance, and the remaining half at the middle of the term. Pupils entering the Institute are pledged to tho vancc of the Regulations, and none will be admitted on other terms. Especial exercises are arranged without extra charge for th-v-c qualifying themselves as teachers for common schools. S. F. COLT, Sec. O. L. WARD. President. ! J'dy J. 1 -.v>. A. WtCKHAU, Treasurer. ISooL Sintling'. undorsijrjied lias the agency of one of . the best Binderies in X. X'. Citv, and is re.iuv to re ceive Books Pamphlets. Magazines.'.kc., to Ins bound in any sty!, desired, in the neate-t and most substantial manner and at very low rates—shall he forwarding a lot v ery soon- -o send in your voluntas. 0 b. BARTLKTT. April 2 4.1956. TEST received a new supply of Pore White Lend. Xl. 1 snow white Zinc, Copal. Dcirtar. and Harness Vaiuirb-acd Japan, by U.S. MEKCCB. iUiecdla cotxs. SIOGA TOIVSm AGRICULTURAL WORKS!! R. J\r. WEIaLES CO. ATHENS, BRADI'ORI) CO., J'A. Manufacturer, Wholeaah ar.d retail dealers In EMERY'S AND WHEtIER'3 RAil. ROAD HORSE rOWERF, THREFTII RS AND .SFfT.nATORF. CGAiaiJvsiD tbxsiikns a* ii'/.v.vaa'iffls, Portable Siw Mllls. Clover Hollers ar.d Feed t utters, Emery's Cider Mill'. Apple I'nrers. Clow's and Ki hr v's and other Grain Cradle*. Fcythes, and other Harve-ting Tools. Ketcliuni':; and ther M.nvincrnnd Reaping Maebinr®. ] Seymour's (train Drills. Broad east Feed Sowers. Ac. Magic Corn and Cob sßlls. Cultivators, Leather ami Rubber Beltings. Manufacturer of Peters' Celebrated S\Z*T*r TfTZTX^, Which 1 am prepared to ~e!l .at eilier WHOLESALE UP. RET ML. on very fnvor.il le term-'. The c tr.B.'e w 'irint-il second to nope In the United States, for ditrahility, efficiency antl fimplicity, ami will do in the be-t manner a: d rapidly, all kinds of cltafiitig asul ilconic.g all kind of G.m in. Cr.i-is Seed. Ac. -7i- Warranted to chaff tit for market-, from 10 to GO bushels ef Wheat per hour. Refriaerators, Provision Ssfaa, etc. Extras furnished for repairing Fniery's and V.'hrtier's machines. Descriptive Catalogues. Price Li t* and Circulars of nil machines sold by u-i, sent grtui raid j "'-Mao pn paid, to all applicant ••. Send u- v inr name end aT. lrc . Athens, Pa. June 2'. 1 "ifi. Ih M. WELLES k CO. THE EIIECTRO CHEMICAL BATH, ERECT & TG-x-EICELFCTRT MAGNETIC MACHINE. T \MES HARRIS, Fa .."TIMC <.n. of Tcwonrla, rcpect fully in! the ; B' ti:at he!)! lately i.r cured fr m New ■■■'; the celebrated Lit tr i-Ciieniical Ibith. which lias prove:: to l.e one o' the mast, irnpertant and w •••:der 1 -I'vcrics of the age. froon its ability to extract ri' a :.ds from the hi .nan sy.Tein. Borne ei lit years ago. a physician of Cincinnati disco vered the y-rncVsa of xtim ling !itir.erals from the bodv, by g:ilvnni-irs; moie re oi.Uv. M. X'crges. ot New York, an electro-gilder, having .- lb tv-i from the intr- durtion of poisonous inini i il-into hi.--ysti in in the pro t crtlon of his ait. conceived the idea of removing them by the same pr icesre*. he sr. reeded in dning so. and quickly recovered. He then applied the same meat.s to others rimilurlj af fected, with like result*. His success exceeded his most sanguine expectations, format only did these Baths remove miuerul poisons, but e ircd many disease*, some of which were the ro-i it of miner: !*, and some won* not. More recent experiments have fully confirmed the sin gular power of this Bath to draw from the system all mi neral- that may be lodged therein, to the great detriment of health. Ycryniten persons are at!): ted by d'ren "* which are beyond the comprehension of the niost skilful physicians, and which are tire effect of poisonous mine rals accumulating in the system for years, taken in the shape of cal miel. lead, .V,c. A:c. The folli..wi:ig are some of the diseases cured by the-e baths: Rheumitism, Paraly-i*. Palsy. Painter's t'holic, Chronic Ulcers. Glandular S.veilings, S rol'ula, Cancer. Neuralia in all its forms. Salt R'ueam and Humors of all kinds. He has a';- o S. B. Smith's newlv invented DIRE! T A NP Ti )-.YX D FRO ELECTRO M AG NET 10 \i ACH iX h which i* a great improvement ou the M ivuctic m t b no- hereto fore in u*e. With the aid of the Bath and Machine, we have at command all the available medical efticicncy of Electricity. Themedieal power of the Mucbine is very great, in introducing medicines ir.to the -y.-ten: tlir.mih tla pores of tlie skin—applying It directly i > the pa. ts af j fected. w!iich gives an increase of medicinal power ov. r ti, it of taking it into the stom'.ch.readcriiig it pattici.lar i ]y efii acious in all 1 iv! di-ea-cs. lam now prepared to aptdy these R.itlis.anl also the M idlines, at my ho- e in tin s c.th part of the leave:vh o:' Townnda. or i will visit, patients at a iii.-t n e. wiio a-v v.r.able 1 y rea -on of <ii case to ir.e to tnis piaic. at mo derate pri cs. I lam a'-o eolc agent for Bradford conrty, for the ab ve Machine a. J Uaj. ItAUKIs. T • wanda, December 22, 18. L ! QUCR STORE. ;0 FIaLTOX would rorppojfully inform tlto puldi-" that lie K now rerdy at hi • old • 1 or.d. ntiuvr Hall & Ruwcll's, south Si-ts Of the publi s square, t furn ish those wantiug PURE LKJUDL'S. with f rve.y thing in that line. He has lately m..de lar.-o a.lUiti at . i iiis-tock, pu-chasing of the l est imyrter.-, ;.:■■! in the original pa''kage. lie In* on hand, and for -ale hi any quantity from a quart upwards : Jtraodn- —Slgnette* Cogafac,old Hcnncwv, ahd r '..,r!. Gin. —F,vai). American, and Fchci'ti n B-hnapns. liniist.ry.— Scotch, Old Rye, M m my . hi la, ana lU-'ti fied. lilvr. —C'.'.rr'.r.t, Pert, and Br na *"■!,erry. Fresh Camphene an 1 li.ir.'r - Fluid kept coii-tr; tly on ha.iuh Also .'3 per cent. Alcohi 1. CuiAiis of tin- i est brands. .Tugs f ill ' e® ; q'..:rt "flaks. ried a large euant tv or'ent; fy iinrrel®. Binghamton Ale ny the gallon i.r barrel. THo c I'gvuring me with their patronage may lie certain that all articles will be what they arc repre ent"d. N. B. The perv u who borrowed my " Wantage Rod" is requested to return it. Toward.*., January 1. U-'.fi. THE PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE ! 13] GREAT BARGAINS! [55 r". 23. Solomon, Proprietor. THTB extensive Ready-made Clothing Establishment, situated in Men ur's block, Main street, has just been tilled with a large assortment ot BIT,TNG < I.oTUiNG. The proprit tor assures the pnlrfic that !:e lias the 1 e-t and cheape-t assortment ever offered in Townnda : and to prove this fart lie respectfully asks the public to caii and examine for themselves. Persons wishing good I argains end an elegant suit, or any portion thereof, well made of snb-tsn::.;! inntetiul— Coat, Vest, Pantaloons, Cravat, Collars, and in fact every thing in the line, will do well to call. He is c-nfident he can satisty all in price and quality. ttii' Don't forgot the place re door south of Mercnr's store. Main-st. Tow.aula, March !>Y, 15.,r,. BAKERY & 'RESTAH;ANT. One. Door Xorfh of the IT Urd fTonse. THE subscriber would respectfully inform hi® friends and the public, generally that he Iru opened ft BA KERY' AND EATING SAI/lOX. one door north of the Ward House, where lie intend to k"rp con-fantlv on hand a full a—o-tment of everything in the ! *o. such as Bread. Biscuit. Ru>k, Crackers, Junibles. ab kic-il* ot ( :ke. Having secured flic services of :n i;xpetiem rd 1.-iki r, ami u-ing nonh but the be-t brands ..f So-ac. he ''e.-I, c mii.let.f of giving s.itisf.K iloa to all wise may fax or Win with their patronage. Wedding and other par". - "t.i' " -•! •■-':! •<t vcr re qnirrd. on short not: o r."d-t ti- : ; .- :• rates. A nice as '-tu! ~r of Candies, irtijls, Jc.,kept FRESH OYSTERS received ti •••• times per week by expres-. and :- -id whole ...le . 'l. 4i-"l!'t (' !, e srrvcfi tip. f 'ls. ts Don't forget Hi phi e, one door north of the Ward II use. February 12, R7J. 11. A. BURBANK. LIGHT NIN G RODS. rlli' suh* ribcr having had two years'experience in the Lightning Rod trade, in and about Philadelphia, li.i now commenced-the business in Bradford and adjoining Conn tic. He will do hi -Loss near home, ar-d u-e uotli ing but liiv ue.- t article of RodPiud Platina points, ail v.ir ranted such, and rrnted in the nr'-st perfect and substan tial manner, and us strictly upon scientific principles as any line "t t< legra h. Per -ins wi.-Liug llu ir fit lilies and property protecUd from this destroying agent can do so by applying to the -idi-ciiber at Lci'iaysviiic. LeKay- ville. May 13. l-.a',. " p. GREGORY'. (^OCERT L"S—t';tll and ?oe G>nr lirowa, xd® Cru-lied, Coffee and Pulverized Sugars : Fine You ag Hyson Black Teas—-warranted a sui erior article, or 'he money refunded—for sale cheap by B. KIXGFHERY. CHOICE SOUTFIEKX IIOMMOXY ev: V SAM I', put up in 10 lb. Backs, for rale by May S, Ifflj. K. T. FOX. DRIED APrLES—a few first rato ones, forfsulc at j! 10 PONS'. Spring and Summer Goods. Tracy <&. It^ocro, HAVE JUST RECEIVED from X. York a large and well selected assortment of NEW SPRrXG d- SUMMER GOODS, which have been selected with unusual < are. -en has ed at the lowest po-sible rates. Feelingonlid'ent that we can sell Goods tor Ready Pay, as tow a - any e-tabli-hment in the country, we atk the public to give us a call, t:d examine our stock and prices. May lfi, 18.70. / lODFISn. Mackerel, and ILrrk r, a pood V atticUst ' FOX'S. XHcrcljanfcije, & T c. fi it-j M ( U.OCK A WATCH REPAIRER. —The utiriorsic' eil is MTiftantiy receiving front Ne \v York bv Express. now additibYis to Lis St'""k of Watchc®, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver ware, rr.d Fancy Goods. comprising in part—field and Kilvr Lcvtr, LT.pinc and Plain Watches, Willi a full and complete assortment ofFitio Gdd Jewelry, sii. ii as Cold r!i:ii !-. Lockets, Bracelets, Gold Pen-, Keys, Breast-Piiis. Piar-Rmpi. Finger-Pings, etc. etc. Also. a largo varirtv of Fdver ware.- -.eh asTahlb and Tea Spoon.' l , Cream spore j , Ik iter knivSalt -poors. Spectacles, to pe ther with an extensive assortment of Plated Ware—All of which w ill he sold very low for CASH. CLOCKS.—A large assortment Clocks just received, of nil descriptions, ranging in pii.es frc>tn 76 cents to Fifty Dollar®. ffr>_ Watches repaired on short notice, and wakbaxtit to run well. Also, ail kinds Clocks repaired. \V. A. C. would lie* leave to say. that be is prepared to execute the mo t difficult Jobs. such as can he done at no other Fhop shirt u£ New-York city. W. A. ( If VMRRTtLFN. Towanda. February 1. MUfc 1 OOKING GLASS PLATES CUT AND I J fitted fc.r iir.v size, to i.e had at the ewelrv Store of Feb. 1. 1-5. ' VV. A. Cll A.M llFilhdN. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JEWELRY! A. as. Warner's Xcic iV Splendid Jcwelrv Store, one door north of Pott, nx I>ra? Store, HAS jr. t beer. opened with the large-1 am! Ifl ni 'st'choi'i st. k of FASHIONABLE w . '"a •' KWKI.ihV f ver ".'i'crcd to n di~ ai n mating -i? public. Indeed. he can Mtfely .-ay that with iYv*. the opening of hi.-new store has been in .-'trbi.i-'J*- ' riuj'l ited a new era in the Jcw< lry line, iiissinnch a 1 in* with ti c ehoieoard eleg-int a -rtnient he trlvi s the men relta'de asanranee of an aim >-t incredi hlc rcdm tii • i t prices • Hit rich mid tasteful articles hav ing keen .ill bought with ready cash. A. V.. W.. when he reflects how, for the past years.with a fir les- alt; dive slot k. l,e has enjoyed -o largea share of publi • jiatrmi itre. tJ:tt< rs himselt that the iinmen.-e in crea'e f I C > d !■•• now offers, which have i ecn bough? -o much >n ire adrantageni'lv. will ennlile hint to increa-v tin generou confidence which ha- hitherto i.ecn vouch 'fed to him. He therefore solicit-a continuance of the favor .f hie- old cu.-tonn rs. and invites the public general- K to rone and see the fi-hion*. ' a* TiiKlt Vt'CT! REPAIRING DEPARTMENT will fn.tir.ne to he % di-ttntrul.-hed by the skill and do-patch - hicii Im' hen toforc enabled it to enjoy ifi,- enviable rep utation of t.i in* 'ho mo.-t reliable in town. Tow lad . Si-'t."',her 21 D.7.V. TOWANDA CABINET WAREHOUSE (TIFSTEII WELLS wmld t* s--_N '• ' f • '.fußv Inform his f: ■■ id-- and the **p'tldic that he is m w rrceiving at hi old siand one Qoopnorth of Lapocte. Mason & Co.® bunking house, a large, and extensive assortment of Snfas, >[r.l:opt:iT t'liaird. of various pattoru?, Rosewood and il.i'iag.my Fide and ( • litre Tables, Dining, Tea and Pi ad : lie Tables. Fh uds of every kind. < ace i'hig ami U'oodse..t ( 'units, high I k ; . i hiidi'iti'n R'.-'kers, IJcij-Tcads, Bureaus, Lou ores, fiilt and l!o-e --w .oil Diet re Frames, Jron Hit St md.-. C rner and side do. of walnut and mahogany : Ciadlew, Cribs, Y/ardrohe*. Cupboard T. 'okina: uhi -o-. Ac. t: !>•< ' JFFiN'S, of every ,-ize and rjnality, and will at tend on all ice . i when reaiiircd. To public invited I > examine my assortment before parch ising eh ew here, a • I will sell i heaperlban any other estaililishtnent in Northern Pennsylvania. Tcwanda. August R. Lv... TII 11 O Tj-D C-T.A.IIK STILL IN OPERATION! - -"s. THF e-T-n.-f ji sj. w'oald announce -'I -' 1 TNt i the ]!':!!:' that he has now on t ~~ e TZ!s'7r' " and will make to or r -11 of CARJNFT FFRXTTFRK. j;'-1" j-'_**sui-li as ftofas.Fdv as.l ag s,('rn jjSv"/ trc, Card. Dinitig ami Breakfart Ta ;. . ! !''• Mahogany \\ alv, Maple and r T.Cherry* Bcreaus, Stands of v-.ri us *- 0 U J kinda. Choirs and Bedsteads of every de ciption. which are. and will he made of tec best ma teria! and workmanlike manner, nrrd winch thev will 'ell f■' ■'■■■ .1 to .iper than can he bought in any other Wnre ro m in the country. RM.VDY-M ADli COFFIN'S, on hand n n the mo-t-en norah!" terms. Ay oil UKABSF will tie furnished on Funeral occasions. JAMKF MACK INBOX. Til® Mil®, if Mill II > 1. 15"A. BOOTS AND SIIOKS. giU.n W. Wilcoz, HA? l-.catt.l li:< e ' 1 Main.! Street, on do r North of the • Y.l ■ei-e ' and will c -utinue the n.a act.oe if 800 IFt i'l.B.S. a hereto'. re. F ■ ha* i 1 ' "eeelve i • i— "er.- y ••. v.- e o-rorfmcnt of i"v i...i.a • Children "... d Mi-. ;s'Sh Ci.whji ii arc oper ed • 1 pri . The attt I- :i ;.f the Ladies is ] .rtien !.i 1 • - fed to Ma as . rti.oe: t. uom; ri-i.ig the following 0■ ,v stvte. : dlnamelleu Jenny Linil gaiter boots; do. sh >cs : :■! Uk la toiy and silk matter : walking shoes, htts i. . , &c. Mi-ses' gaiters and ii. es. >f every descrip.ion. I A 1 ■ i f lcty of Chilit: as' fancy gaiters, Lihils A hhoca ef all kind Fur tin Oentlcraen. a?ino-t every style of emit, rs and sir ,i. fhi.s -t k lie - T personally selected with care. ' and he believes he call offer superior articles at reaeonahlc I j i ices. i T' ? strictest attention paid to M txtTACTrnrxo, , a- ! he h.oj •••• toy doing w< i k well to merit a continuance | of the li 1 crii! p .C-o:i;..e h.- loi- hitiiei o re eived. j Tow.ir.d.i. Feb. 1 lsfiA. Chenp B°nt, and Leather Store. ! T> TTCMriIREY is just ttj '' • •• ivi':;' next door to II.F. Mercer's etore hi Townnda, a large and well selected stock ui" BtiOTs. FiitlKF A FINDIXCS, fro o New York, w'ti -h tv'fh a constant supidv of HOME MAN"!': M"i i 'i'iii) WORK. SOl.k' A UPPER LEATHKit. FKI-iNCIi AND AMERICAN CALF SKIN's. MOROCCO. A c. he i desirous tn--d! at small prollts. Feeling grateful for past favors, he hope:< to merit a enntinname of public pa tronage. Fir Tross/rc f Vor': nil /fcpa'ring done on short no tice. CASH paid tor Hides and Skins. Towitada, Jmne 11. is.v,. iNpt Boo! .ind Shoe Manufactory. L'RANK HOP F.MAN yvonld rcs - pcctful!v I i:if ;-a the r-ith/eus of T- wand i, that he has com menced e jmr.'rstfOj-; business in the room over .1. Culp A Co's. s!inp. :,er the corner of Bridge street He ready at a'i to do all work in his line in the be-t manner— ard will make I'jne Fcwcd and Pegged Boots. Shoes tmrt (Talters, in the latest approved style, an we'! as t. ,ir-e Worh. Rt;r aibing done in a superior man- He w~ PI respectfully -'.licit the patronage ef the riti z.n: ' this place, assuring them that he will endeavor to merit their I - rs t-y using he best stock, by careful work mn ;-hiji, and by punctuality. T iwnr.da, i<. 15.*,.",. n. wgrmirs r. m. erwAno. n. n. root. [> MWTKCHTS & Co., DEALT:US IX : a :i t'.HT tjr SHELF HARbWAIti:, No's. 1 A A, U a'.tr -t. Lintira, N. Y. • liavc re ontly made large additions to our extensive -tic k. am', he v n.w on hand a complete n-sorim-nt .f ev ••iy lc-- : ipt'iui ef Hardware, whieh we otter at the lowest i:i h ri. es; cun-i-ting of Mechanic's Tools. Building Ma terial-. Iron and -teil. Nails and spiko, Ropes and t'ord ige. Paints. Oils and *.lass. Mill saws of every size and shape, eiti.cr Malay (je.ug or Circular. Machine If' hing, of ell widths, both of India Rubber A leather. Class at whole ale. We are prepared to supply Merchant '.tb Ch.-s, N .Rs. scythes. Forks, Ac., ntMmi ufm-turers prices. Tin, sheet iron, and Copper work on hand or made to order. COftTR ACTOR'S TOOLS—Wheel harrows, A me.-' Sho vels, Blasting Poivdi r. .v. A''entsfur Ri hi Wilder'® Patent Salamander A'afes. Fairnank .- Platform Si* .Tcs, and Welch & Criflith's Circu lar saws. Ln>e sizes np to GO in. h. alwavs on hand and sold at I ctnry Prices. Particular attention paid to orders bv mail. Ikmiia. April 7, WW. n-tt-12m MARBLE ESTABLISHMENT. TYALDWIN k POT.LEY'S having purchased the marble II factory of this village, under the superintendence of Henry Ifanfi rd, are happy to aim umee that the Marble business in vei l v will now be conducted by them. They arc constantly receiving Italian and Rutland lidarblo, for Monuments, Head Stones, Tomb Talles, Stand Tops, Pah.l Ft'.ve uM;Hers, Ac. Having secured the service- of C.!!. POWERS, who is well known to he the most perfect VCi-t ifi tbc state, they offers unparalleled inducements t . perrons w'-'hing to secure any of the above articles, in che ipnes . -tv'e and artitical beauty. W-i vi rly. N. Y.. utirr IJ, IHBS.' Soolis and Stationery. TII Ty largest RksartTtiont of ROOKS find ST \TtOXERY ever offered in this market—compris ing a v rv complete stock of School Classical and Mlscel htac HIS Bo- ks, and a very full assort meat of Ftationerv, j 1 t opening and baf -ale unusuallv ( heap at April 21, 1- jti. "u. 1). BARTI.F.TI"S. DJi JRE. SOUTH END OF THE WARD HOUSE Treating the Public ire. CTMiR "obeorllicr thankfi 1 for thf liberal pntroTrirrc of ttm pi-' yvir. to cor-trMtly oofr f hand a full I. sortim-nt of the very beet articles mmaLv kept in our line, vk : ".in;; b [>•.■< .>• - •>, t-t <*-. .•• v' ' isfactory to all who iu.y patronize Uiia. The purchases av :••• -le cMio ly with ia di ' . ' i:,.'. : (• , eivtomer* \v"H roet 've tlv '-cm-fit of a ~ornl ait.ele at a low price. Ail arti-h-a shall answer oar reioraatmiat and are varrar.trd its rcjirtsenttd. * ' Ailvire grafniloosly eircn al the Office, rhnrgin* enly for the Slcilitinex. The stork eon-i*ts of a complete ami -e!<- t assortment of DRUGS, RIEDICINES, AND GROCERIES, Pure Wine k Liquors, lor Medicinal use, Loudm Porler k Sc.Heli Ale. ALL 7TIE MOS POPULAR PATENT MEDICIXRS! The most approved Trusses and A"o2ominal S*prorter<?, Sfnrsing Bottles, Iffip. pie Shells, Ereast Pumps:, Teeth Kings, Syringes, Catheters, dtc. American, Engli.sk $ Chinese Razors and Knives. FRESH CAMPHENE i BURNING FLUID-NEW h BEAUTIFUL PATTERN'S CF LAMPS! Superior TCEiiCCO 6l &£iUTT I-—Choice brands of Burc Savanna, Principe and Urd'a I Pain!*, Oils, Varnishes, Wlmlow C!:v;*, itruSlies, l s cs fuitiery, Slutting Soap, runty Articles. &,c. &,c. ' 11 air I>rc=>, TTrtir Restorer, Fnncy Sonp. Shaving Cream, Tooth IVvdor. Extract* for the Handkerchief. Italian Whisks, l'ort niminr.is, I'urscs, liar, L'olontro, Rose and Lavender Waters, Tobacco and Snufi" I>oxe., Indeliible Ink, Ac FAMILY GROCERIES: Black and Green Teas; Rio and Java Coffee; Molasses, Syrup*, Sugars, Snices, .Vo Salmon, Mackerel, Sardines, &e. REMEMBEII THE STORE—SOUTH END OF THE WARD ROUSE! Totvanda, February 1, 1855. 11. ('. FoUTER, M I\ jT NJUW AJJRANG EME N T ! P U PATTGiV $• PA Y ATE, fA|-irrofQ 7 pa < .TtrsT e> i 'Exivi. g-,i |ON THE CCRNEit OF SRID3E AND MAIN STREETS, TTo. 4, Pattens' 2ico!:, Scwauda j?a. rjailK =nb~' ril-er-- wmhi rc-y ' i"f tt 'V.- ; r "'-v-vd; and :'.o. p„|,j; • tl 4 r. :h.y h,:\ ; :.irtr.'-r-: i JL the r.uir !)n*ir.e*s. and are liow re- Civine at No. 4. in PSttdn's Ke* llri ill or k, fr th ritics of jthia and New V< ik a and v..rule- led .-t. ! oi A > rican, } rcr.rh and Knirk-h micals, met, Iran ijiiiiis, PA IMS, OILS, WiM.'.W GLASS, DYE STI'FFS, S j£V.T?-A?/y .£ Z? * '•, <o ' r ri vL/LG'' " JL.'' *S ' DRESSING COMBS, PERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, PGR! fAON'NAES. Rc. Sur-SZCAI. "jln k-il 3 v Giir cf Ukic Licst iLbdominal Supporters, &c., nil* ays cn hand. Loudon Porler and Scotch Ale, and Pure Liquors, for Medicinal pnrpws. ALL TK~ MOST POPULAR PATENT MEDICINES. Droshfs for the fiat, iiair, Trrti:. N.tiis Boots. Painting', Varnjsl:i ; ;g, It if. The rovers of CfOOT) Cfff llt S avd TO J' .1 C GO, trill find a v vine!-, oi chiict ItM* no, Yura ar.d Priiieipe Civ rs, and the finest brands of Tcb- ca:d S'r ff. faaii 'iene—Partirular \ttc;iti.)n paid to the .Uinufactnre of BlßNi'.r, Hi lib Aiul a fine assortment if I.A T.i I'S, of au sizes and descriptions, liird Can . Cvfs. N Is arni See.l All of w hicli i* offered fcr tale at .creiitly roil nop J r'tr*. Or k Nunc: larre rv>-tlv yrr ' a*nl fr"r. J Importer and Manu' r turcr at the !■ v--t rate •• aivl with I ,tdi. en d !s* us t>> -eN ,ic r< d• ■ i ••;••••.: '• m>: >• ; tisfactory to all. \l> li.vite the attitln of tfw pulili toaacp :.;! ex.miN.i-it: >ntif k .- aad pav. Oar Motto is—- TUB CASH SYSTKM—QI'ICM SAI.F 3 - SM.M.L FIMriXS." i Our Goods are seicoted with the ntmost rare and vvarrarted ti Vp v.-Nat t';ev ..-• ■ • ••y r h " : t'.ic roiitrnrv. we arc to t only wi'ii.er Nut reip.e. t •>:•• c..t"W.-ra f rot irn •hpn. " • t'ip n •••• SIP. PAYNE will give his special attehtidn to the piepMHtipnti Fltrid' ull'i.H>N*. wh a f•• esmp"** ! aeenrately on the shortest nct'u%. >Fi ii Tuwamia, Jur.e 2d, !$56. : ; \ i'VIV Gr*ocEa.i£s, &c : 11 est side of the Public Square, cjrpnsitc the Churt /louse. I> AI LEY NF, V INS :ire just rrr<: vinpr a I * large addition to their >Mi kof Provc-i ns. Groceries. Yankee Notions. Toy*. l'r it. ('onfertior.arv. Ac., which will t'p oiM wholesale of retail for ca*h. or in e change for most Kinds of country produce, at prices that cannot fail to suit purchasers. Consumers or country dealers would do well to call and examine our stock and prices. GROCERIES. Rlack and Green Tea, Rio aid .lava C >fTee. Chocolate, Cocoa, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup. Ginger, 1 eppcr, Spice. Clove*, nutmeg*. M ice cinnmon, Gnnir.d Mustard. IVr.per Sai.ee. Soda, Salcratns. ('ream Tartar. Speria and Tallow Candler, IJar Soap, Vinegar, Starch, Ac. PROVISION'S. Flour. Ruck wheat flour. Rye Flour, Corn Meal, Feed, Fork, Hams Ash mlders. Mackerel, Codfish, Shad. Lake Trout, l'ii -faded and Smoked Herring, Cheese, Rico, Bean*, Onions Potatoes Ratter, l.ard. Crackers, Ac. Ac. FRL'IT. Prunes. Citron. Figs, Eng. Currants, Raisins. lem ons and Oranges, Green and Dried Apples, and Almonds, pecan nuts. Fray.il nuts, (.rcnoide uud Madeira Walnuts. Filtierts, l'ea nuts. Chestnuts.nickory nuts.Ao. tiicy.MAV, FnuNeii and Amekica.v Toys, F\ncV Goons. Ac.— Hoys' Sleighs, Tin Wagons, China, Pewter A' Wood Tea Setts, Dolls, Trumpet-. Toy Guns. Aceordians. Har monicas. Glass. Paper and Wood Inlaid Wo; k Boxes and Toilet Cases, Toy Bureaus, Se 'retarics, Ac, Pearl, lvt ry. Papier Maclie and heather Port Monaics Wallets, Purges. Ivory, Horn and Wood pocket and Toilet Combs, Tobac co and Snuff Boxes, ( igar (ase*. Tooth, Hair and Clotli Brushes, Fam y Mirrors, Perfumery, Hair Oil, Ac. Foot.s C ee. Letter. Commercial Note and Bath P -t Paper. Envelopes. Wafers, Sealing Wax. Ink. Inkstand*. Wafer Cups, Sand Boxes, Penh Iders, Pens, Wafer scale*. A c. Ac. Tatilk exnTVur.v P w.t, Salina and Ruck Suit, and Cayuga Ground Plaster. BAILEY A NKVINS. Towanda, November 26, 1856. . GOODRICH & CO., OAVIIfiO. X. Y. 4 RE now in receipt of and opening the choicest ami most de.-iruhle stock of Staple and Fancy Dry C.ontls, to which they have ever had the [den ..ire of calling the attention of the community. Our toek is very large, and select'd with great care and i knowledged good taste.and is pnrtimlarlv adapted to the Wants of tills and the ur r-mnding sections. Gurst ck of Dress tloods, Trimmings, Ribbons, Embroider ies, Parasols, Cloths, Cassi'meres, Costings, Pomes/ics, Shirtings, Linens, Prints, Hosiery and Mauris, Sr.. S ) r. and niimberle*s other articles m.ike-> our assortment better than any other in this vicinity, all of which will be s Id as cheap, and many articles cheaper, than at any otherrs tablishinent, to nil of which we invite the inspection of purchasers, as being in every respect worthy ot their at tention. Those who may favor us with a call may he assured that no article will he recommended more highly than its me rits will admit of. Gwego. May H. 1556. G. B. GOODRICH A CO. T>O()TS it SITOTS.—Tito largest, best ami JL> cheapest assortment this side of the Empire City may buftmati at jet# TRACT A MGOKE's. NORSE R ARPISII, nicely grated and put . nil in Bottle* for table use. Aiso l'icklos. Pepper sauce. Worcester-hire Mti.ce. Fren h prepared Mustard, common Mm t .id iu t .lie and b\ the lb. at Fu> s. AT AT OF TRADFOIin < OFNTV. M J i aetna' tneasttrtmeml a i"-> " A •- ' I I ty, m.i.it underpin- dtrtc.ium "t J- It ■ VLi A'A A/.- or fttSrHO: oGoi VTY. 'lb-.- rvv- trenowffi —■ All the I' d lie Roads, Raiir -ad*. S-at'r *. i'ost Ots-v Chur-hes, Schol Houses, Store-, - . p*. M->. j and Public Houses, Ac., are to be b wu >a tlI \ addition to tin? usual topography f Ih-rr-.t'n-.-y > am! Mountains. The names of the property :i'_.ar!*. ! orally, including flmsf in the Conntv who run* ■ • ! advance to the Map, are also to he insertedinthfirre-] i tive places. MAPS OF THE PRINTIP.VT. VH.I. DHL-. "a • - scale. will he inserted in the mrrir. A:-' vc** iic hnildings and pr : vate reside;: "*. , .. No more Maps will he published tr.an #t j and at ojily one price. T M The Map w ill contain some P' or T- - "i" ' • j | engraved and delivered t > -:i- :•'* r- ■: • ■ and mounted. WILLIAM .I- BAK.'vLd. •* ■" North He. tor. X. V., Mav i*. 1-.... ; GEORGE H. WOOP'S Diisncrrcan k Glass Piclurr (lain'! [N PATTGN'S new BLth iv. Corner : ID-; *l<., T Vd.. i> ti.v |- t ! & '' r . < % Pit 'TERES, (usually called Am'-rmy o! superior t > all other k : ad* of pii t rre*. dm S turn, they can 1 c seen iu any p -it a. .. . • _ | in nt'.'eh less time than P.tcnerrc type*, ami <■•[■" ■- in elouily as clear weather. f : i H* Miniatures ;>nt into Lack.!-. i' rr ' l • .; i i usual. Rooms open at all hour-. Picture*}"• Toi fa, Ja '" ■ RAILTiOAI) HOf'SE. TCVVANDA, PA. r/£OSES T. CaiS.S.ISR. PrOP " etc , r pilK l*roprieter having recently leaded ... .r'T,, ] .L familiarly known a- the GLD ML VV* ' ■ ate in the lower portion of fhi* villa .*<V' ', , . p ) pleasure in informing the. public tluit Urn u • • ,-. T . i thoroughly fitted up. [minted. P'i[ ercd. j' _- in ge*f • ed w itii good furniture, with other U I tho convenieuce and accouiuicilatieu ( 't j vtllers. , ~, r that I And further, theg-roprietcr begs Ic iM . I the experience be h.;* h d in tlie hit*-;" ' i , seP that he is capable of catering to the dplr - r ..- ' will favor him with their patronage. ; , tion to please the mo.-t fa- tidiorss at no j n .y. The most accommodating a**i?tuni-* . dance. Please call and try us. ' Towanda, May W"8. —p" SEED -A q .1. the store of J. D HUMPHREY^ IS NOV, RE. HIVING an ex ell. it .; , v I boy's, ladies', children sard rni"; 0 " ~,[ tiiwlmf "■ ' i?S. *ALo. Shoe Pegs. Thread, Lining* •'" whi l, he invite pf.Mic -r-f 1 tfi-All pers n* haviii r unsett.cd a. r <. • the subs, riher. are invited t> iiia'<'' i'-b 'j[. !r .:.k"h venieni may call on I'rislnC. E-'t- ' f ! Orwell, previous to the I '.th "f ! j ! t" ' ; time deliuqnouts may expect spwi. ■ ' i Towanda. J- Pow.tnda, i ry !), IWS. , lLro EXCUSE FOR RAO -i j X II,V -1 procure el Do- "• \ Seuth store in the t\' ir 1 p.HVPK''., . THE iXFAI.LiBI.K : V! Ejnallvadujted to I o ■ H<' ' - and other Griddle Cakt Gingc' ' , ,- " < akes. Butter for 1' iiip'.iiig*. I "> '• i Price 'g.i .eel-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers