Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 09, 1856, Image 3

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    Terrible Riot at Baltimore.
IMTIJK'BE, Oct. 5. —The political excite
pervading our city has become intense,
111 1 toslav four riots have occurred m different
B,l 'V' (l f the city, all proceeding from this
.. The most serious difficulty originated
f'Treuorts that the Democrats have import
"Jrtv of New York rou f? hs . to (, ° the
fiihtii'g ai tl,e H ls ' at thc c,ectiou for Ma y° r >
" Wtdiicsduy next.
The head-quarters of thc Empire Club, and
, „entlv a tavern on Marsh Market Space,
'iv attacked by a mob. In both instances
, U , Vsailaiits were driven off by the use of fire
Only one man was shot, and a number
11 ."others were severely beaten. There were a
" number of discharges of firearms, and
Jnmensc crowds were congregated in the vi
-The declaration of American Indepen
dence Repudiated by the Buchaniers.
Since the Republican platform was laid at
Philadelphia, made up largely, as it is, from
the declaration of Indejieiidence, the Buchau
r. ! ia ve made a dead set at that instrument,
tcrmii.ett, apparently, to have it erased from
■no hearts,' if not from the history, of the
Vint-rican jieople.
Rufiis Clioate, is his letter to the Buchanan
•; in Maine, thc other day, sjiokc of the
] i, -duration of Independence as a string of
■ irlittoriiiir generalities." Old John Pettit, of
p'jiana, lias said, "the self-evident truths in
the 1 lecbiration were nothing but selfwcident
• ("and now we find John C. Breckinridge,
tii,. candidate of the Buchaniers for Vice-Pres
it. i'xpre>siug himself with equal or even
'--.•iit'er freedom in regard to its dangerous herc-
At a speech delivered in Butler county,
ti -i. a week or two since, lie thus repudiated
• glorious truths of the Declaration of Inde
pendence, to sustain which the republicans of
- pledged their lives, their fortunes, aud
r sacred honor :
"We are told that the Declaration of In
(hicuilciice is embodied iu the Constitution of
p I'nitcd States ! The Declaration is on
i.trrlii'ii. Put it in the Constitution, and
uiut would follow 1 It would follow that the
Constitution must protect every man iu his
r<rht to "life, liberty and the pursuit of hap
•>**# * * * .
! w" . . ;
V i would find it interfering with the insti
mtimis of the state, aud it would lead our
mitrv rapidly to destruction. But why do I
v'cculate upon what it would do ? Long be
r.'this our Union would be obliterated for
.-r It would become as intolerable and hate
- its past has been beneficent and glori-
Tie less Mr. Breckinridge and his confcder- \
- think of that instrument, thc more the j
:!• of the North are disposed to prize it. j
Tik ( i.ovkn Foot. —Gov. Geary, of Kansas,
- to hold out in his Inaugural sonic hopes
0-e for unhappy Kansas ; but he dashes 1
ground, iu one sentence, all thc hopes i
! in- general tenor of his address would
.to authorize. In spite of all his fair
■is l.c is there simply to do thc work of
•Mreapers who surround him. He says he i
ut— a eoutiiiuaiice of thc strife and dis-1
:r in the Territory, caused by the illegal
i.i i;!iju>tiiiabie interference of other States,
-es justice to all, without party consider
llS. and rsjifrts obedience to thc laics of the
/ legislature, until they are repealed, j
-is just the turning point of the whole case, i
T: sc - laws of the Territorial Legislature,"— !
uis. invalid and unconstitutional—are
-use of the whole difficulty. So long as
v are iu force, it is utterly impossible to.
their repeal. They disfranchise, by their
• itlis, every man who wishes aud would
' m repeal them. If rejiealed at all, it
-tliehvtlie Ijegislaturc. Then tiie Ijegis
■ tre is to be chosen in accordance with the
i* '.-Kins of these very laws and one of
requirements is that no man shall rote, or
'""fille to office, icho trill not tale an oath to
■ '•is them. What a mockery is it, tlierc
* . fur Governor Geary to tell the jieople of
so that these laws must be obeyed until f
' raleil!
Gearv may secure momentary peace >
0 territory by keeping out the Missouri
J ins until after the Presidential election ( j
'c v attempt to enforce the infamous tcrri-j
iaw> must end in the triumph of Border j
fniism They were made for the express i
■"senf forcing Slavery upon Kau-as, end 1
■J so effectually disfranchise the free state j
■itsto render their repeal, under their own j
Nation, im|vsiblc. The true purpose of!
j 1 Gi-ary, evidently, is to keep things quiet I
'if w weeks, in order to preVetit injury to j
■snan frtni the continnal outrages in the
" ; ° r y. and then renew the fight under cir- j
1-tanees disadvantageous to the Free State !
the train of cars which conVeVetL
*tor Hon jr las to ftaleim, a vote, as usual
? *days, was taken. The canvassers did
•mow Douglas, and when they came to
-■ wnilc jjoiiitr throutrh the car.<j the follow-•
■' onversation tock place I
'■"vasscr—Who do you vote for, sir-—]iu
- 1"'1' 1 r, r 1" reniont ?
•'•njlas angrily looking up from the pern
'he Chicago Times) —Vote ftJf the
• re-ult of the canvass was as follows :
heinont, lit
'""'liana tl, 15
fillmnre, 17
The Devil, 1
, remember t le words of Robert Wick
" of the Kentucky deletrates to the
,a ti Convention which ncrminnted Bu
when he returned to fiis own State.—
1 - to the probable extension of Slavery,
, 'i"fnand for slave labor that would j
"'aid that if there Were not niggers'
; he was "in favor of making slaves of;
( r • I'M and Dutch." So says Cassias
w ' 10 heard the remark, and no one
llr, d to dispute the accuracy of his
..V ,' K —The spirit and the
! the lhichaniers may Jje inferred from
e e P'thcts they hurl at Fremont.—
. '""" ed list comprises the storehouse of
. "T ,a 'gn arguments:
Thief, Cheat
. ''"'"e, Dog Heater, Millionaire
ur Dastard, Paii|er,
Sot, Frenchman
iFillibuster, Canadian,
Adventurer Slaveholder
Coward, Animal,
Dully, Bankrupt.
The Kansas Thunder of the Bnclianiers.
The Chicago Press alludes to the fact thut
the Buehnnuu journals are not* profuse in their
abuse of the friends of FREMONT, because t hey
are not satisfied with the present condition of
things in Kansas. The indictment airninst
! them is that they rejected the Toombs-Doug
las bill, and are now anxious to keep up the
troubles in Kansas for political effect. Let
these lie quieted and they lose all their thun
der. We marvel at the shallowness of these
charges. Why, gentlemen, we should have
l thunder enough to annihilate your party for the
I next ten years if the whole Kansas questiou
were settled in favor of freedom to-morrow.—
; Its crimes are such as can never be forgiven.
Think you the American people can ever for
get that for two years it has striven by the
whole power of the government to drive free
men out of Kansas to make room for slaves ?
That it has trampled upon the constitution and
the laws of the land ? That, armed with the
federal power, it has joined bauds of drunken
and infuriated bandits to plunder and murder
the peaceable citizens of one of the territories
of the United States, and burn down their
dwellings ? That it has leagued itself with the
slave power for general and permanent war
upon free institutions ? That, in short, it is
the slave of slaveholders, and must do their
biddiug whatever that may be ? No, gentle
men. These things will IK: remembered so
long as the present generation endures, and
then they will be written down against you in
history, to be read with wonder and abhorrence
by the latest posterity.
The Buchaniers Impeaching the Testi
mony of their Candidate.
We published, the other day, James Bu
chanan's testimony, taken under a commission,
in 1852, disproving, most conclusively, the ca
bunnies of the Washington Union about Fre
mont. The I 'nion replies by impeaching our
witness. It says :
" It is evident that Mr. R ichanan, in 1852. labored un
der the same mi-apprehension as to the conquest of Cali
fornia which prevailed throughout the country.''
This is a poor compliment to the man who
was Secretrry of State during the entire pe
riod referred to ; the man from whom Col. Fre
mont received his instructions, and who must
have known more than any one else, the extent
and value of Fremont's services, if he did his
duty, if he is not the best witness to be call
ed to that point, lie is certainly not lit to be
President. Will the I nion please inform us
what new light has been evolved upon the sub
ject since Mr. Buchanan left the State Depart
ment ?— Evening Post.
The Buchanan and Fillmore Plot.
The Albany Journal savs that the latest ru
mored process by which the Fillmore vote of
New York is to be rendered available to Bu
chanan, is this :
The Fillmore electoral ticket is to receive
such Buchanan strength as can be transferred
to it, without any formal announcement of the
" bargain," and
If successful, the electors so chosen are to
vote for Buchanan, if their votes will elect
As a compensation, the transferable stock of
the Buchanan democracy are to " go in " for
BROOKS, and the transferrables of the Fillmore
faction are to vote for a yet undecided portion
of the Buchanan state ticket.
As the Buchanan men know that Fillmore
stands no earthly chance of an election him
self, they will risk but little in giving his elec
toral ticket a lift, while the Fillmore men
themselves, conscious of the hopelessness of
their cause in the Union, w ill be content to
come out of the canvass with Brooks as Gov
The plot is a very pretty one, but, like many
another plot, it will only result in confusion and
defeat to the plotters.
Mr. BROOKS, when on the 4tli of March
he commences his foray upon Washington, to
seize the archives and treasury, will meet with
an insurmountable difficulty. He can find the
archives With little trouble, but the treasury is
at New York, Philadelphia and Boston,where
the public revenues are collected, and lie can
not get to those place without going "through
the cueiuy s country."— Providence Journal.
P&T THOMAS HART CI.AY, the oldest son of
HENRY CI.AY, has written a political letter.—■
Among other things, he says :
My father thought Buchanan weak and cor
rupt 5 Wanting, as General Jackson has it, in
moral firmness. I have no reason to vary my
opinion from his. Mixed up, as he is, in the
old " bargain and corruption" plot, his card to
the Telegraph newspaper in July, 1827, in
which he says (I attempt not to give words,
but the substance,) " Mr. Adams has been
elected to the Presidency by Mr. Clay's agency;
Mr. Clay has been appointed Secretary of
State by Mr. Adams ; the people will draw
their own inferences."
We hope the " old Clay wliigs" to whom
the Buchananitcs are extending the Maccdo
dian cfy, " come over and help us," will " read
and J louder" this.
THE TWO PARTIES. —We were not a little
amused on Wednesday at the reply of an Ohio
drover to a city politician; who inquired which
of the three parties was the strongest in the
Buckeye State;
" Three parties !" said he in astonishment,
" three parties ! Why, wc don't know but
two in Ohio."
" Don't you indeed ?"
And he ojiencd his mouth ready to gulp down
the fib that one was the much loved Dark Ban
tern party, and the other his dear friends the
Border Ruffians.
" Really ! And what parties are the two ?"
"The people's party and the Postmasters ;
those are the only parties in Ohio, you may
depend on that." —AT. Y. Tribune.
FOR FREMONT —Hon. David Barclay, who
represents the 24th Congressional District in
Pennsylvania, composed of Warren, cnango,
Clearfield, Jefferson, McKcan and Elk coun
ties, generaly known as the " Wild Cat" Dis
trict, and who was elected by the Democrats,
has renounced Buchanan and the Cincinnati
Platform, and come out for Fremont and Free
dom. Mr. Barclay has taken the stump and
will do good battle for the cause iu this State.
Disixiox.—A writer in the New Orleans
Bet scorns the assertion of Senator Slidell, of
Louisiana, that the Union cannot and ought
not be preserved if Fremont should be elected
President, and says that Mr. Slidell should ne
ver propagate such ideas iu Louisiana, as the
Union coat too much to be given up for slight
Arrival aud Departure of Mails.
W A VKRLY—Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 124 P. M.
Ifeparts do 1 " do
TUSK'N'K—-Arrives daily, except Sunday, at l'i M.
Departs do 1 p. M.
TROY—-Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 7 P. M.
Departs do ' 7 A. M.
SIIESHEQIJIX —Arrives Tuesday. Thursday and Satur
day, at sP. M. Departs, same days, at 6A. M.
CANTON—Arrives Monday, and Friday, at
sP. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
at ti A. M. 1 '
MONTROSK—Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday,
at 7P. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursd'ay and Satur
day, at 7 A. M.
LAPORTE—Arrives jfondav, Wednesday and Friday, at
2 P. M. DejMrts Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 12 M.
WELLSBURG—Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
at 4P. M. Departs Monday, Wednesday aud Fri
day at ti A. M.
EATON—Arrives Wednesday and Saturday, at C P. M.
Departs Tuesday and Friday, at 5 A, M.
The morning mails close at 8 o'clock of the evening pre
vious ; the afternoon mails close at 114 A. M.
July 21. 1850. H. C. PORTER, P. M.
Towanda Market Wholesale Prioea.
[Corrected weekly by E.T. FOX. Dealer iu Provlsionsaud
Groceries, No. 1, Brick Row.]
Flour, (retail price.) bbl i S 00 8 50
Pork, do " 24 00 %
Wheat, bushel 1 37}f: 1 50
Buckwheat, " .... 3s (ifr
Oats " 30 <2
Corn • 50 % .
Rye' " .... - © 02}
Potatoes, •• .... 31 ($
Beans, " 1 50 (>£
Dried Apples " 1 00 G&
Butter 1! tt> 17 20
Cheese " .... 8 % 10
Hams and Shoulders, " .... 8 124
Dried Peaches, " .... 12 (5£ 10
Dried Berries " .... 12 (Vfi
Eggs dozen 10 @
-ul Aii'iiT'Ji
On Wednesday evening, October 1. lHs6,at I>. D. Myer's,
in Burlington boro'. by J. F. Long. Esq., ADOLPHUS
S. THOMAS, of Canton, to Miss ELIZABETH ING
HAM, of la-Roy.
rrv||F subscriber is now receiving a large stock of F ALL
X and WINTER GOODS, which lie respectfully invites
tiie public to examine. JOSEPH KINGSBURY.
Towanda, Octoiier G, 1556.
fer for sale this Fall a tirst rate assortment of Ap
ple. Pear, Cherry, Peach, Plum aud Ornamental Trees,
of all the best varieties. We call especial attention to
our apple trees. They are 5 years old, and urisupassed by
any in the market. Terms reasonab.e. Orders should be
sent in soon. Catalogues sent on application.
AIIKSTS—O. D. Burtlett, Towanda ; Horace Heath, Ul
ster : George Heath, Burlington; H. Peet, SmithlieUl;
11. W. Browning, Rome ; Wm. Doane, Windham.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty. will be exposed to public sale on the premises, on
SATURDAY November 8, 1856, at 1 o'clock. I'. M.. a
certain messuage piece or parcel of land situate in Colum
bia twp., bounded and described its follows: Beginning
at a beech sapling, the northeast corner; thence north
G3°, west 7s perches to a -take and -tones ; thence north
27° east 2:10 perches to a post, on thc Hue of Alien S. Par
sons' ; thence north 03° east "S perches to a post; thence
south 27° west 230 pen-lies to the place of beginning, con
tabling 112 and 2d perches of land be the same more or
less. Lite the estate of David S. Watkius, deceased.
Terms made known on day of sale.
WM. B. WATKINS, Administrator.
October 1,1856.
of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty. will be exposed to public, sale on the premises, on
Thursday the Gth day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., the following property—
A certain messuage, peiee or parcel of land situate in
Columbia Township, bounded and described as follows :
On the east by lands belonging to Wm. Mosher, on the
south by lands belonging to Wm. Scouton, ou the west by
lands belonging to Wm. Bradford, and ou tiie north by
lands belonging to Harrison Hixhy, containing about G5
acres of land Is- the same more or less.
I-ate the estate of Lemuel Mosher. Terms made known
on day of sale.
September 30. 1850. Administratrix.
THE undersigned respectfully announces to his friends
and the public generally, that he has formed a Co
partnership with Mr. CHARLES FEXDT, of the City of
New-York, under tiie firm and style of
15 Hearer street, New-York,
in the Importing and Jobbing of Foreign aud American
All orders will be promptly filled and satisfaction guar
antied. D. V ANDEUCOO K.
New-York, 15 Heaver st. Sept. 1,1858.
HS. MEItOUIt is now receiving a large
• SUn k of KALI, GOODS, to which the attention of
the public i- requested.
Towanda. Sept. 1 <i. Kit!.
ms Jtc ■."W>
IS said to tie the inevitable result of the comiug election;
it is also said that this glorious Union is in danger ; be
that a. it may, we know that a terrible storm is gathering
in the political heavens, which will soon burst upon us in
all its maddened fury. But we would say to the citizens
of Bradford, heed it not ; it will pass harmlessly by. Soon
however, storms of a different nature will gather in a
wintry sky. which will cause yon to tremble like an aspen,
unless you procure the necessary protection. Now, it is
these kinds of storms that we propose to prepare yon to
meet. We have just received an extensive and splendid
assortment of
for the FALL TRADE, which we will sell at New-York
city prices. Our motto i, " Quick sales and small pro tits."
Will find in our assortment an endless variety of nil the
goods flier need. Our shelves and drawers ara crowded
with articles for their use': We rail special attention to
our neic styles of KAN't'Y 5 , the finest the market
affords. SIIAWI.S, hroclic. Bay state and eashmero. of
all sizes and qualities. LADIES' PRESS GOODS, Trench,
English and American Merinos, plaid and striped De
Laines, plain and figured Alpaceas i in fact everything
usually kept in Dry Good sjores. first-rate calico at i'.
cents per yar<'. good ntusMti at .i) cents. ,y fine assort
ment of BONNETS, Collins, L'mhrslcrrrs llmul
kerrhie/s, I.tirrs Embroideries. Gloves, Hosiery, ff t:.
Our Clothing Department
Is replete with fashionable goods ; Overcoats ffmJt $t to
S2O, business coats from $2 to sls, vests all prices, pants
from $2 to st>. A general assortment of underclothing,
collars, Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and
upon the shortest notice.
or Don't torget the place, in I'atton's new block, cor
ner Bridge aud Main streets.
Towanda, September 3, lKafi.
DRS. G. M. & G. P. CADV would respect
fully announce to their friends and the public that
they have just ojiened a new and extensive l)ROG STORK
at NICHOLS. N. Y. Their stock is new and carefully
selected, and consists of
Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints,
amoni; which arc lead,, chronic preen and yellow,
india red, vermillion, Ac. Oils and Varnishes,
a variety. Dye-stuffs, including lopwood,
camwood. fustic, cudlieur gran
ulated tin, indigo, Ac.
BRUSHES fur paint, hair, hat.
clothes, shoe, teeth, Ac, Window plnss,
putfy, cairipheue, burning tluid, alcohol; tan
ner's oil ; very pure LIQUORS for medicinal purposes ;
l'atent Medicines, perfumery, l.ubiu's
Extracts for the handkerchief ;
Taney Article** liinkee Yofioim,
Siiuff. Cigars, Ac. Ac.
To Physicians our stock offers Inducements as bring of
the best rpialit v. carefully selected, an 1 sold cheap.
Oive us a cull, and see' if you can p irehase as cheap
elsewhere. O. M. A G. P. CAIIV.
Nichols, June 13,185 ft.
♦ itv of pood Butler Tub- and i irkili:-. jo-t ■ c i ,\ed
and for sale by may 20 H. s>. MLitCUIt.
OtftiftlFF'S SALE.—I?y virtue of 8 writ
Lj ol vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of
Common Pleas of Bradford County, to racdirected, I shall
expose to public sale at the Court House in the borough
ot Towanda. on Thursday OCTOBER 10th. at 1 o'clock,
P. M., the following diwribcd lot piece or |si reel of land
situate in Athens boro', bounded north by lands beloog to the heirs of Kustice Davis, east by Main street,
south by the Presbyterian Church lot, and west by lands
of Puiupelly, containing alniut one-fourth of an acre more
or less all improved, one framed house one framed barn,
one frame building formerly occupied as a Cabinet shop
with a steam engine. Ac;, attached and fruit trees there
Seized and taken Ift execution at the suit of Welles ,t
Harris vs. Wm. Myers.
Towanda, Oct. '23, 1H56.
aar Sotfce Is hereby given, that nn amount equal to
the cysts, w ill be required to lie paid upon each sale when
struck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply
with 'his regulation, the tract of land will again be otfer
ed for sale. JOHN A. CODDING.
M ATION.- Whereas,by an act of assembly of the Coin
monwealth, entitled "an act relating to the elections of
this commonwealth," it is enjoined upon mo to give pub
lic notice of such election to lie held, and also the enumer
ation in such notice what officers are to be elected, 1
JOHN A. CODDIXti. High Sheriff of the county of Brad
ford. du hereby make known and give notice to the elec
tors of said county that a general election will be held iu
said county,on TUESDAY the 4th day of November,iu the
several districts in said county, to wit:—
Iu Albany, at the sub-district school house near Camp
bell's mill.
In Asylum, at Jacob Frutchay'a.
In Athens ixiro", at E. S. Matliewson's.
In Athens twp., at4he house of J. B. Hunt in Athens
In Arnenia, at John S. Becker's.
In Burlington boro', at the Hall of Henry Voslmrg.
In Burlington twp., at the house of Roswell Luther's.
In West Burlington, at the bouse of Ezra tioddard.
In Canton, at A. K. Spalding's.
lii Columbia, at James Morgan's.
Iu Durell. at the school house, called the centre school
house, near S. Decker's.
In franklin, at Win. Deetner's.
In (Irativille, at the house of Benjamin F*. Taylor.
In Derrick, at the school house near Daniel Duraud's.
In Litchfield, at Cyrus Bloodgood's.
In la-Roy. at the school house in Be Roy.
Tn Monroe, at J. P. Smith's.
In Monroe boro', at the house of Ethel Taylor.
In Orwell, at Francis Woodruff's.
In Overton, at the house of Win. Waltuian.
In Pike, at Dennis Johnson's.
In Rome, at the Academy.
In Ridgbery. at the house of Benjamin K. Buck.
In Sheshequin, at D. Brink's.
in Smitlitield. at A. J. Gerould's.
Iu Springfield, at T. Wilder'*.
In Standing Stone, at Simon Steven's.
In Sylvauia boro' at the bouse of Curtis Merritt.
In South Creek, at the school house near A. Gillett's.
In Towanda boro' at the Grand Jury room, iu the Court
House, in said boro'.
In Towauda, twp., at the school house, near H. L.
In Towanda North, at S. A. Mill's.
In Troy boro', at the Eagle Tavern.
In froy twp., at the House of V. M. Long, in the boro'
of Troy.
In luscarora, at the school house near James Black's.
In Ulster, at S. B. iiolcomb's.
In Warren, at It. Cooper's.
In Wells, at L. Set-ley's.
In Windham, at the house of Benj. Ktiykcndall.
In Wyalusing, at the house of J. H. Black.
In Wiimot, at the house of John Huffman.
In Wyso.x. at the house of James M. Reed.
At which time and place the electors aforesaid will elect
by ballot
Twenty-seven Electors for President and Vice President
of the United States.
And iu and by said act, I am farther directed to give
notice " that every person excepting justices of the peace
who shall hold any office of profit and trust under the go
vernment of the Lnited States or of this State, or of any
incorporated district, and also that every member of con
gress uiul of the State Legislature and the select and com
mon council of any city, or commissioners of any incorpo
rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising
at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, In
speetor or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth,
anil that no inspector or other officer of any such election,
shall Is- then eligible to any office to be voted for.
By the 4th section of an act passed tlie K>th day of
April, I*4o, it is provided " that the 13th section of ail
act passed July 2. 1830, entitled " An act relating to the
elections of this commonwealth," shall not be so coustni
ed as to prevent any militia officer from serving as Judge,
Inspector or Clerk, at any general or special election of
this Commonwealth.
In the lilst section of the act first above mentioned, it
is enacted that every general and special election shall lie
opened between 8 and 10 in the forenoon, and continue
without interruption or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the
evening, when the polls shall be closed.
By the lstli section of the act passed Feb. 3d, I*4o, it
shall tie lawful for the inspectors and judges of any gen
eral election which shall lie hereafter held in the Arme
nia election district of Bradford county to close the polls
of such election at 5 o'clock, P. M.
By the 11th sections of the ai tof 1*33, it is provided
that the polls of the election district of Tusearora
closed at .7 o'clock. P. M.
It is further directed, that the meeting of (he' .fudges
at the Court House in Towanda. to make out the general
return, shall be on the 3d day after the election, which
will be on the 7th day of November.
Towanda. Octolier 8, 1*36.
It E M O V .A T_,.
WOULD respectfully inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have removed their Cloth
ing and Furnishing Btore to their New Building on the
west side of Main Street, next door to Hull ft Russell's,
aud will be happy to wait on all who may give thein a
Their stock consists of Black Cloth Coats, Plain and
Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds and .leans, Black aud Fancy
Cassimere Pants, Black Satin Vests, Silk Velvet and fan
cy do., Silks of all kinds, White Marsaillee and fancy do..
White and fancy Linen Pants, Overalls and oversnirta,
white and fancy shirts, drawers, collars, cravats, sin ks.
Hats and Caps of all kinds aud qualities, a good assort
ment of Boys Clothing, such as Coats, Vests and Pants
which we are belling off at cost.
Gentlemen wishing clothing made up to order, will do
well to give us a call, as we have a good assortment of
Cloths, C'assimeres and Vesting* on hand, which we are
ready to make up ou short notice, and WARRANTED to
fit in every way, or no sale. We do our own cutting, and
flatter ourselves that we know as much about it as most
people, having had some years experience in busines
CUTTING done to order as usual Where Goods are
bought of us, no charge made for cutting. As regards
cheapness, alt we ask is to give us a call before buying
Towanfla, August 7, lS.ifi.
BKIX(JSBEIIV & SON, lx>g leave to
• call the attention of their friends and customers, as
well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cheap, to their
well selected stock of Foreign and Domestic DRY-GOODS,
consisting of a great variety of
Silks, Shaw Is, Dcl.aincs, ('bailies, Bcregcs, Chanibrays,
Lawns, Brilliantcs, etc. Also, a choice selection of Mcri
mac, Clioreeo and other styles of fast colored Prints.
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions,
Hosiery, Gloves, Drtvs Trimmings. White Goods, Ac.
Denims, Ticks. Drills, Linens. Cambrics, Bleached and
Brown Sheeting, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Batts, Twine, Car
pet Warp. Ac.
In addition to the above articles, there will always be
found a full assortment of GROCERIES. Crockery and
Glass Wart*: Boots and Shoes, llats and Caps, Nails, Fish,
Paints, Tubs. Matts. Ac.
Returning indit idually our thanks for past patronage,
we would as a tirui, respectfully ask the attention of our
old customers ami the public generally, to an inspection
of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock.
Towanda, Sept. 10, I s a>.
AUTlOX.—Notice is hereby given, that
) I hereby forbid all person* front trusting any one on
my account, and particularly forbid all persons from har-
Isuing or trusting Joseph Prince, without a written or
der from lite ; as 1 have made all the necessary arrange
ments for his comfort and support, and Will not be liable
for any debts contracted by him.
Warren, Sept. 2. NELSON PRINCE.
/SSPHANS' CdUltT SALE. —By virtue
\ ' of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bradford coun
ty, will exposed to public "ale on the premises, on
SATURDAY. 2/itli of Octolief* 1 o'clock P.M..the
following property :—flue lot piece or parcel ol land situ
ate in Rirlgliery twp.. bounded and deserilied as follows :
(In the north by lands of James Strnwbridge, cast by the
public highway, south by lands of said Strnwbridge, west
by lands of John Vf. Thompson, containing alsiut two
acres, with a framed house and saw mill thereon erected.
ALSO—One other piece in said township, containing
4S acres or thereabouts, ami bounded and described as
follows : North by lands of Samuel Hall, east by lands of
Orrin Bnrnham. south by lands of Elijah Brown, wot bv
Howcll Burtiliam•, about 30 acres thereof improved, with
a framed house and barn thereon erected.
Ijitc the est te of Horace Hinchni in, deceased.
Term- made known on day "I" sal* .
JOSEPH 11 INCIiiIAN, Administrator.
Sept. 30,1856.
AUTlOX.—Where®* my wife ELI/A
Vy l BETH, has left my bed and board without cause n
provocati'ti: 1 therefore forbid all persons trusting her
on mv iiccoi.nt, i. • ! ill pay no debt that slie *ay con
tract'after tin-date. " W.U. PAT 1 Ei.SuN.
Sept. hi, I*oo.
IN consideration of the liberal patronage with fehioh we
have licen favored shire we uimmeueed business in
this place, we tender to the citizens of Towanda and sur
rounding country our sincere thanks, and hope by selling
at prices SURPRISINGLY LOW, to make it protltabie to
all who inay favor lis with a call.
We are re olVed to keep pace with the progressive spirit
of the age in which we live, by ottering for sale
Goods of the Latest Sylos,
at prices that actually ahirm the proprietors of old-fash
ioned Stores ; they lining srhnoted in tin high price prin
ciple, or rather in the prices of < M times- will not lower
their demands ; but, in a very bappv manner, warn their
customers not to meddle with the Goods at the New Store,
(at the same time exhibiting tniicfi concern lor their wel
fare.) for thev know that none but damaged Hoods cuu
lie sold so very low.
We do not intend to sell damaged Goods, but if any
prove to lie so, or, are not what we represent tberfr to be,
return them and receive the money paid lor them. Wt
Some of our Dress Goods, oui remuitiiug stock of Bon
nets and Bonnet Trimmings we will sell at ('(IST.
We have a tine lot of Shawls, Mantillas. Window Dra
pery, Silks, Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edgingaud in
serting, Ac., Ac.
We ase prepared to send for any article in our line thut
we have not on hand. Our assortment of
is complete —cannot be surpassed by any other establish
ment iu Northern Pennsylvania. Gall aud examine our
Goods—seeing is believing.
Towanda, July 28, 1850.
35. T. FOX"
IS now receiving' a fine stock of GROCE
RIES and PROVISIONS which will be sold at the
very lowest price. He is also anxious to buy for CASH
any quantity of Butter. Eggs, Lard and good Wheat, at
the highest market price. Will those who want to buy
or who have produce to sell please give him a call?
A NEW STOCK.OF TEAS, warranted as
LI usual to give satisfaction, or the money returned.
Also, Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and in fact most every,
tbing in the Grocery Mae, for sale cheap at FoX'S.
DRIED PEACHES, a few very nice ones,
also Dried Berries at FOX'S
(lANDLES, both Sperm aod Tallow by the
) box or pound, at FOX'S.
IpLOUR of different qnulitic.B, Corn Meal,
Br.iti and Chop. Also some very extra Family
Flour warranted of superior quality for sale at FOX'S.
MESS PORK, Cheese, Hams, Lard, Brooms,
and an assortment of Wooden Ware at FOX'S.
W I BUSHELS guild Potatoes wanted
* j' at FOX'S.
XTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap
J at FOX'S.
IjIRESH PEACHES and Tomatoes, in cans,
. warranted perfectly fresh at Fu.VS.
ORANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Eigs, Raisins,
Rruiies, Dates, Citron, and other fruit in their sea
aou ut F< >X'H.
W HITE FISII, in barrels, half barrels and
Tv fay the pound, at niyl4 FOX'S.
MACKINAW TROUT—Some very fine
ones iii half I also Mackerel in half and quar
ter bttrrels, at jlB FOX S.
CWNDY —A large stock always on hand
J aud sold at wholesale at pedlars' prices at FOX'S.
TONS SUGARS —Brown, Refined, Pow
*} dered. Crushed and Granulated ; Molasses. Syrup, Rio
and Java Coffee, Rice, Saleratus, Ginger. Sperm Caudles,
Rice. Tobacco—in fact a general variety of Groceries, for
sale cheap at juiie'J I'iiX'S.
HP APJOCA, Rice, Corn-starch, Rice-flour,
J- Carragen, Macarona, Vermacilla. Sagoclieese and
Spie of at FOX S. iii hii tie
SPICES, of ull kinds, both white and ground
- -Mustard, black und white, whole and ground, at
October i*. FOX'S.
JD. HUMPH* k " is just receiving age
• norul assort riOOTS A SHOES, suitable for
the spring trad
"Also, an excellent assortment of LEATHER, comprising
iso sides Sole Leather, !i;i sides Upper, 200 Calf Skins,
together with a general stocd of Kijips, Linings A Find
ings. Towanda. April 3,1856.
EIISH.—No. 1 and 2 Mackerel and Codfish,
J_ at may 14 MERCUIUS.
T T at M. E. SOLOMON'S Clothing Store, one door
South of Mercur's atord, Towanda. May 20, I*so.
A Snot-s aiid Findings now receiving at
Ang. 22, 1856. HUMPHREY'S.
SOLE LEATHER. —Just receiving an ex
cellent lot of superior SOLE LEATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully invited.
Nov. 22, 1855. " J.D.HUMPHREY.
new'Fl RM.
B KINGSBURY A SON beg leave to call the atten
• tlon of their friends and customers, as wellosali oth
ers. both Jew and Gentile, wishing to huvGoods CHEAP,
to their well selected stock of FORE/HN AND DO
MESTIC DRV HOODS, consisting of a great variety
of Ladies Dress Hoods, Silks, Shawls. De lalines. Chat
lies, Hat-eges. Chamhrays, Latrns, lirilliantes, etc., etc.
Also, a choice selection of Merritnac, Chochcco, aud
other styles of last-colored Prints.
A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notions.
Hosiery, Hlores. Dress Trimmings, White Hoods. Den
ims, Ticks, Drills, Linens, Cambrics, Bleached and Brown
Sheetings, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Halts, 'l\cine, Carpet
Warp, g-c., 4"c.
In addition to the above articles, there will always lie
found a full assortment of GROCERIES, Crockery and
Glass-ware, Boots and Shoes, Hats aud Caps, Nails, Fish,
Pails, Tubs. Matts. Ac.
The undersigned feel a pleasure in inviting the public
to an examination of their Spring stoek, lielioving that
good Goods and low prices will insure a speedy sale for
ready pay. 11. KINGSBURY A SON.
Towanda, April 11. I*so.
Watches, Jewe.ry and Fancy Goods.
AM. WARNER has just received n large
• and splendid assortment of WATCHES, JEWEL
RY A FANCY GOODS, which are offi-red for sale "ti the
lowest terms. Call at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge.
Towanda, July 8, 1856.
rpilE subscriljor calls at tent ion of the pnb
~L lie to his SPRING STOCK OF GOODS comprising
the usual variety, and which will be sold at the lowest
possible rates for cash. O. I). BAIITLETT.
Towanda, April 24. 1856. j
Another Large Arrival of
HS. MERCUR is now receiving the largest, best as
• sorted, and most desirable stoek of Goods that lias
yet been offered in Towanda. Consisting of every variety
('rockery and Glass tea re, Iloots aud Shoes,
llals, Caps, Striate Goods, Carpets, l\lut
lint's, Woodcn-ieare,Groceries, Paints,
H indow-Gtass, Oils, jXa its,lron,
Steel, Fish, Hal her, J-c. Ac.
which will la- sold at wholesale or retail at verv low pri
ces. The public are very rcsjiectfuliy requested to exam
ine the Stock.
Towanda. April 24, I*3o.
Lawns, Shallis, Bareges, dec.
Til E finest assortment in town of French and
American iaiwns, French. Scotch and American
Ginghams, Challia, Bareges, Brilliant* and Prints at
April 38, I *56. MERCUR'S.
TINSEED, Lamp, Tanners', and Ncntsfoot,
L Oils, Alcohol, Camphine and Burning Fluid for sale
by H. S. MERCUR.
" ' and lnwutiful assortment of Crockery and Gia ware,
fust received tie niayl2 H. S. MERCUR.
VTOTICE. —The Fferaphtot Lavs of the
it Session of tlie Penna. legislature for the year 1. 36,
have b >cn received for this County, and are ready for
distribution to those entitled to receive them.
Aug ist 4, 1*36. ALLEN M'KEAN. Pmth'ry.
-I J at the -tore of 11. s. MEUCtTR.
j >URE CIDER VINEGAR—A goodrrti-
A de at FOX'S.
EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is I.. ir<
J J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate
ufC. S. Inhfoy.dw d.-, late of Springfield twp., have hrt-ii
granted to,the subscriber. AH persona indebted to said
estate are hereby requested to rtv.ite immediate payment,
and those having airy claims upon said estate t 0 present
tliein duly attested for settlement.
TIHWf AS SMEA. Executor.
Sept. 10. 1*56.
T\. is hereby given, that all persons iudebted to the es
tate of Luther Rockwell, dee d., late of Troy ton lishfp,
ate hereby requested to make payment without delay: and
all persons having elaitns against said e.-tute will picasu
present {hem duly authentieated for settlement.
Jiitu 10, Ibsd. Adniinistratois.
s. V debted to the estate of WM. MY'ERH. deceased,
late of ATHENS township, are hereby dtrtltled to make
payment without delay, and ail persons taring demands
against said estate are requested to present fhem duly uu
tbenticated lor settlement. SAK.Vf! A1 VERS.
July IS. lSatt. Atfiiiistratiix.
A D\l I NLSTK ATO k¥m>TToE.—NoUco
X\- is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the m
tateol Pardon Kenyon. d<H- d. late of Windham tp. are r
que-ted to make payment without delay ; and all per aulas
hating chums against -aid e-taie, must present theiu duly
authenticated for •cttleiueut, to the subscribers,
i WILKINSON" P. KLXYON, Administrator*,
i Windhatn. July lb, l£.st>.
1\ Is hereby given, that all persona indebted to the e*
tate of Mulvinu A. Rogers, deceased, lute of C.autou twp.,
aip hereby requested to make payment without dolay:
and alf persons having claims against said estate will
please'present them duly authenticated FOR aelUiment.
July I. is'.c. Administrator.
\ 1)111NI ST It ATO It'S NOTICE— Notiia
l\ is hereby given, that all indebted to the es
tate of Joseph ingham, deceased. late of Mefrii k Tow n
ship, are hereby requested to make payment Without do
lay; and all persons having claims against -aid estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
July 21. Ihoti. E. A. IXGHAM, Admiu'r.
J. \ is herein given, that all persons indebted to the es
tate of BAMI Kl, STEVENS, dec'd, late of Pike towu
twp, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims agaiust said estate will
please present them duly authenticated for settlement.
_July 1, 1858. Administratrix.
I EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notica is here
-A by given that all persons indebted to the e{atc T
ALVIX I.OOMIS deceased, late of TRUY towmshlu.
to make immediate payment, and all persons hating d!o
--niands again-t said estate, will present theiu duly autheu
ticated for settlement.
October 8, l*.st>. Executors.
- A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery
Hardware, Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings. Irjfi.Stt-ed
and Nails, just received by ft. h. MERCt'B.
Pianos, Harmoniums, JlKelodeons &<?.
JEVI WELLS, dealer in Musical Instru
J meuts. may for a tifne lie found lir-t door south of
Dr. PRATT'S, on Second street. Towanda, wherfc be Will
lie happy to receive orders for any of the above named
instruments, which he will deliver for cash or approved
credit at the lowest retail prices of New York city. 11#
would call particular attention to the Orgail Haftnouium.
of late so celebrated for Church use, being considered
preferable to. and less expensive, than good Organs.- -
Price. $:!50 : Melodeons from r I j to 1200.
Every instrument fully warranted. Melodeous tuned
and repaired on reasonable terms.
Refeienecs—S. F. COLT, Principal of Collegiate Insti
tute, and Dr. S. PRATT.
August I' 2, I*5G.
r JiIIE MISSES HAXSOX respectfully inform the puhllo
A that the Fall Term of their school w ill open in the
new buildiug on second street. wo--.t of tho Ward House,
on Monday September 15. ls.'ib.
Miss 0. D. HANSON will have the general superinten
dence of the school, assisted in Music lit AJiss REBECCA
D. HANSON, and in French by MHs EMMA HANSON.
Thankful for the patronage already extended to theiu,
they beg leave to assure those entrusting their daughters
in their charge, that eVery effort will be made to deccrv*
the confidence and favor of their patrons.
The school y(*ar will cofiskst of four quarters, of ek-vou
weeks each. The summer vacation commencing in July,
and ending in September. A recess of a fbi* days will La
taken at the holidays;
FIRST CLASS —To include t he-elementary English 1 u
branches, and the study of the Latin language,!
SENMIL CLASS —TO include the more advauecd stu-)
dies of Hit English branches.with Mathematics. £y 0O
and the study oT Latin and French •
THIRD CLASS —To include Mathematics, Mental J
and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Uot-any. Ac;, > 118 00
with 1-atin and French,. j
Each pnpil will bring with her a desk and chair. Tkexw
will lie no extra charge whatever.
Mrsic—lnstruction on the Piano, with us 6 6f iustra
inent, will he given by Miss RKIIKCCA D. H titsbx, at 110
per quarter.
Hoarding for young ladies can be obtained in private
families at reasonable rates. Pupils frotn a distance w ill
receive the especial care of the teachcfs,
LECTCREB on Rhetoric, Moral and Intellectual Philo
sophy, and the higher branches ot English Composition,
will also t>e delivered once or twice in e.-tth week.
They beg leave to refer to the following named gen Wo
men Rt. Rev. Ai.ONZO POTTKR, Bishop of the Diocese
of l'eiip'a, Philadelphia ; Rev. Dr. M AIhKAN, President of
the College of New Jersey.
KETT, E. O. (nxiDuit u, Towanda.
l IS T.AH', TROY, Bradford Co.. Pit. OfflceoverV.
M. A H; F. Long's store. Aug- 7, 1*66.
DRIED REEF—AIso a fefr very luryo lii>
smoked Tongues, at FOX'S.
pi A I N CRADLES ami Itorse Rakes for
V-T wule by * June Is, lsati. _ H. S.MERCUR.
\J_ SHEI.I.ERS. for sale by H. S. MERIT It.
(1 ACTION.—AII persons are cautioned
J inrainsi pufcimAtng u note given by me on oruboat
the 2:id day of July last, to a inan passing by the name
of Van Fleet or Van Vliet for fill, as said Note war ob
tained by fraud and 110 value received. 1 thereforu ahull
no! pay said Note unless compelled by law.
Merrick. August A. 1850. 1. A.PARK
I O.ST—Between Tovfanda aud Lellftysvillo
A a BLANKET Sll AWL. small plain brown and white
checks. Anyone finding will restore it to the owner, or
leave it at the Towanda Post Office, for which they will
he liberally rewarded.
Monroe. Sept. ii. Tub CLARK CI'.MMINOS.
Cash paid for Pelts & Wool,
Towanda. September 3, IsSG.
pAUTION. —Whereas my wife JOKANXA.
CKOAK has left my bed and board without just cause.
I therefore forbid all persons trusting her on iu> account,
as I will tiot lie responsible for debts contracted by her
liter i!d-> date.
Dirndl, August 20, ISSG. MICHAEL CROAK.
If UK FIRM OF MONT AN YES A. CO. has tarn dis
solved bv mutual consent. W.M. A. ROCKWELL
having withdrawn. The business will hereafter hi' nn
dni-ted under the name of MONTANA'ES—having asso
ciated with the firm J. l>. Mostasyk Jr.. and F. D. MOM
TANYE. We trust with mi! present facilities for the pur
chase of Goods, that we can make it an object for C ASH
< UsTOMKHS to examine our stoi k. which lias la-en laid
in with great care to suit the fall trade.
All accounts due the old firm, as aJsn uotcs that
August 25. IK.', p. .MONTAN\KS
LUSTRAY. Came to the enclosure of tho
I J —.ii -riticr in Rid.'bi ry townshiii, sometime in the
month or Mav. a red Yearling HKIFhR. some white
i i., n in ' horn-, nu her nelly and on each hip or stifle,
and on the end "f Hie tail. The owner is requested to
iii-ove nroiiertv. pav charges, and take her away.
Sept. in. M&flL ' H. F. IH'UT. a
1 EXECUTOR'S NOTlCE.—Notice is here
's! bv given, that all persons oted to the est;:'*. ,if
111H N' H AIHtY CI f RISTOPH KR F VEH HA HT dVd .late of
Ridgbery. are requested t i payment without delay;
tl-.K-e having d".u.- mis - t lid estate will pit-sent theia
d;;!v mitiientic.itcil for trictri-nt.
Scpti lh, l-jfl. KINN'i.Y DEVITJ'T, Lic-ut-.-r.