Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, October 02, 1856, Image 2

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ftlormuo, COe'eßtr 2, 1838.
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>*' '
" * POH rrtEsiPEVT,
. *W\F.. IJ. DA YTON.
Union State Ticket.
Republican County Tirket.
" Preserve both Liberty and the Union."
Fremont & Dayton Meeting,
ATHEIV3, Friday, October 3, 1856.
Commencing at I o'clock, P. M
Will certainly be present, and it is expo ted that
And other Speaker? will address the meeting.
"SifcßXS? J. J. SF.KHKXiCH. will* address a
meeting of the citizens of Sullivan county at DUSHORE,
on SATURDAY, OCT. 4, commencing at 1 o'clock.
Wc will fiend the Exporter for three months,
at twenty-five cents, commencing any time dur-
Vig the campaign, in clubs, or otherwise.
Wo hare printed a large supply of votes
for the Republican candidates,which onr friends
in the different election districts can procure
by calling at this office.
But a few days now intervene before the Oc
tober election ? Are the voters of this Coun
ty aware of the great importance of success
on the second Tuesday of October? It is an
admitted fact, that if the Union State Ticket,
is elected, it secures the defeat of Buchauan.
We urge upon our friends thus early to make
preperations for a FULL VOTE. Every vote
added to the majority in the State will be
worth two in November. In the strong Re
publican towns of the County, there is great
danger that the voters will not be all out. Let
arrangements be made to poll every vote.—•
Your opponents will not lose an available vote.
We must be equally active and vigilant and a
certain triumph awaits us. not only in the Coun
ty, but the State and the L'nion.
M iss M EF.TING AT TROY. —Tho meeting held
at Troy, on the 23d ult., was the largest gath
ering ever known in this County, exceeding in
numbers the meeting at this place on the 22d.
The Freemen of Western Bradford turned out
en masse to testify their interest in the cause
of Freedom. The number present was estima
ted at 12,000. C'ol. IKAD WILSON* presided,
and speeches were made by Hon. G. A. GROW*,
Hon. LEVI G. NOBLE, of Wisconsin, JAS. C.
SMITH, of Canandaigua, and A. S. DIVEN, of
Ehnira. In the evening, a meeting was held
in the Presbyterian church.
Taken together, the two meetings at Tow
auda and Troy, are unprecedented in numbers
and enthusiasm, by any County mass meeting
held during the present canvass. From 15,000
♦o 20,000 people in a single conuly turning out
to meetings, is au evidence of the intense inter
est felt iu the success of correct principles.
Before the speaking commenced at Troy,
the staging erected for the speakers gave way,
falling upon and injuring several persons. One
man named CARL wa so severely injured that
he has since died.
The Euchanicrs, in this region, r.rc constant
ly laboring to relieve the party from the odinm
<if slavery-propagandism, aud trom nil respon
sibility for the nets of the present national Ad
ministration. They will tell you that the par
ti is not responsible for, and does not uphold
the infamous conduct of PIERCE, aud that if
he had been re-nominated they would not have
supported him. This is all deceit—all sham.
The democratic parly if thoroughly identified
with the policy and measures of PIERCE'S ad
ministration. The Southern democracy land
the present National Administration as one of
the best the country ever had—while North
every Democratic State Convention, with a
single exception, has passed resolutions approv
ing of PIERCE'S measures.
The State Convention of Pennsylvania was
held at Harrisburg, on the 4th of h ,s i-
The delegates from this County were Jpi-'
The former was one of the committee amioint
ed to report resolutions, and the fallowing
amongst others were nnanimqiisly reported, and
unanimously adopted :T
Resolved, That in the repeal of the art known as the
Missouri Compromise act and the passage of the act or
ganizing the Territories of Kansas and Nebraska, free
from unconstitutional restrictions, the last Congress PER
meeting'the demands ol sectional excitement by unshaken
adherence to .the fundamental law.
/ffso/r#(4fHbat we endorse the Administration of Pre
sident Pierce v *XA TIOXA 1.. FAITHFUL and EE
FIL'IEMT-*ft\\\y equal to all the emergencies which the
country has lfui rt> encounter, and that he has worthily
maintained licT interests aud honor at home and abroad.
We hfive before us a pamphlet entitled the
official proceedings of the Cincinnati Conven
tion printed at the Enquirer office, Cincinnati,
and on the 60th page we find the following
paragraphs :
" B. F. Hullet, from tho Committee on Re
solutions, reported the following :
RESOLVED, That the Administration of FRAXKLIX
I'l FREE has been trite to the great interests of the coun
try. In the face of the most determined opposition it has
maintained the Laws, enforced economy, fostered progress,
and infused integrity and vigor into every department of
the government at home. It has signally improved our
treaty relutions, extended the field of commercial enterprise,
and vindicated the rights of American citizens abroad
It has asserted with eminent impartiality the just claims of
every section, and has at all times been faith Jul to the Con
stitution. H'e therefore proclaim gii~ OUII UX'JUALI
Whieh resolution, tho pamphlet says, was
" adopted with long and rapturous applause,
te&T tfou. DAVID WILMOT spoke at Lewis
burg on'tfle 17th ult., since which time he has
addressed meetings at Milton, Bloomsburg,
Easton, Danville and other places. The Tri
bune of the 27th has a despatch from Allen
town, dated the 20th which says :—"The Hon.
ANSON BURLIXGAME spoke to-day to the peo
ple of Lehigh County at this place. He was
met at the ears by two companies of military
and an immense concourse of people, who es
corted him to the Court-House lawn, where he
addressed for an hour and a half 4,000 of the
yeomanry of the eouuty.
The meeting was unparalleled both in num
bers and intensity of enthusiasm. His speech
was interrupted by frequent bursts of applause,
and closed amid the wildest demonstrations of
enthusiastic feeling. This meeting has pro
duced a most powerful and decisive effect on
the result of the election in Lehigh countv.
The meeting was afterwards addressed for
an hour and a half by the Hon. DAVID WIL
MOT, with great power of argument and most
convincing reference to the history of the ag
gressive movements of the Slave Power. The
tour of these gentlemen is marked by the most
gratifying evidence of success. They have hit
the very flood tide of the widely changing
popular feeling, and are carrying everything in
a triumphant march before them."
Wc are surprised to meet, now and then, an
individual who professes to feel no interest of
any kind in the approaching Presidential elec
tion ; a stoic in politics, who cares nothing for
any man, or any principle involved in the great
struggle that is now agitating the people of
this country, as they never were agitated be
fore ; u man who considers his own vote of no
consequence, and who flatters himself that the
country will take care of itself, in any event.
That man is deluded. It is his DUTY to inte
rest himself in the great principles that are
now at stake, in this struggle between Free
dom and Slavery. It will be his DUTY to vote
at the approaching election ; when, if he con
sult the honor of his race and of his countrv,
he will vote for the REPUBRICAN* candidate,aud
will induce others to do likewise.
It is folly for anyl>ody to believe that ONE
VOTE is of no consequence. It was by ONE
VOTE only, that MARCUS MORTON, after failing
many years, finally succeeded in obtaining the
election as Governor of the State of Massa
chusetts. It was by ONE VOTE only, that Tex
as was annexed to the Uuited States, and the
Mexican War was provoked—whieh sacrificed
fifty thousand lives, and saddled the country
with a debt of ouc hundred million dollars.
OaT* Gen. G. P. LOWRY, of Kansas, was as
saulted at Easton, ou the 25th ult., by a Mr.
LEF. Several blows were exchanged before
the parties were separated. Gen. Lowry had
just recovered from an illness, and had barely
got about. The attack, which all parties con
demn, was occasioned by a political discussion.
tkiT Hon. LEWIS C. LEVIN, formerly rcprQ
seutative to Congress from the Ist district in
this State, has been placed in the Insane Asy
AGU Hon. N. P. BANKS addressed a large
meeting of the merchants of New-York, from
the steps of the Exchange on Thursday fast,
upon the Commercial aspect of the Political.
OUR hopes of Governor GEARY sre short-
We see that in spite of ail his fair pro
mises, he is there simply to do the work of the
Pro-slavery crusaders. In his inaugural ad
dress at Lecorupton, he " deprecates a continu
ance of the strife and disorder in the Territory,
caused by the illegal and unjustifiable interfe
rence of other States, promises justice to all,
without party considerations, and expects obtdi
edfc to the laics of the Territorial legislature,
until tliey are repealed." This is just the turn
ing- point of the whole case. Those " laws of
the Territorial Legislature,"—infamous, invalid
and unconstitutional —are the cause of the
whole difficulty. So long as they arc in force,
it is utterly impossible to effect their repeal.—
They disfranchise, by t&eir test oaths, every
ryanwvho wishes and would vote to repeal them.
If repealed at all, it must be by Legisla
te. That the Legislature is to Jje chosevi irf
acfCJrdar.ce with the provisions of these very
laws ; and one of their requirements is that no
man shall vote, or be eligible to office, trho will
not take an oath to sustain them. What a mocke
ry is it, therefore, for Governor GEARY to tell
the people of Kansas that these laws must be
obeyed " until repealed !"
So long as these laws are enforced Kansas
must remain in the grasp of the Border Ruffians.
They were made for the express purpose of
subjecting the Territory to the Slave power.—
They do it effectually,—recognizing Slavery as
already established, and forbidding all freedom
of speech and of the press—making it felony
to oppose the admission of Slavery—prescrib
ing test oaths of the character already men
tioned—placing all the executive offices of the
Territory in the hands of the Pro-Slavery cru
saders—and binding the. settlers hand and foot
to the car of Slavery. And Governor GEARY,
following in the footsteps of SHANNON and
WOODSON, proclaims his purpose to enforce
these laws, lie lias already commanded " all
bodic3 of armed men to disband or quit the
Territory," thus depriving the Free-State men
of their means of self-defence and rendering it
doubly easy for the Missourians to take pos
session of the polls at the October
What is to be the result ot this new crusade
against Freedom in Kansas remains to be
We find in a speech lately made by F. JOY
MORRIS, of Philadelphia, the following remarks
concerning the candidates on the Union State
Ticket. Mr. M. was a member of the last Le
gislature with Messrs. PHELPS and LAPORTF,
and competent to speak from personal knowl
edge of all the candidates
Mr. LAPORTE, a member of the Legislature from Brad
ford county, was nominated for Survevr General, from
the Republican rank*. His father had'lilled the same of
fice with great distinction, under Governor SHCNK, and
he himself is a practical Surveyor. He is a gentleman of
sound practical ability, and 1 never remember, said Mr?
M., to have associated in any public body with a gentle*
man for whom I formed a h'gher esteem. A more honor
able, pure, upright, frank hearted and open-handed rnsyi
than BARTHOLOMEW LA POHTE does not live within the
limits of Pennsylvania. He is a high-toned, liberal, trtie
man, worthy ol the suffrages of all who can appreciate the
sterling qualities of human nature. * * ,
My particular friend. DARWIN PHELPS, said Mr. M..tlie
candidate for Auditor General, is an accomplished law
yer. with the bead of a statesman, and tiie incorruptible'
temper and nature <tf Cat", the Censor. His conscientious
ly scrupulous conduct gaveliim great influence in the.Le
gislature, andthqugh members might differ with him in
judgment on particular measures, none dared to question
hi-honesty of purpose,_or She sincerity ol liis convictions.
The era ot reform will, indeed, be inaugurated when such
a man is placed at the head of the Auditor's bureau. Mr.
P. was selected from the American ranks.
Mr. COCHRAN, the candidate for Canal Commissioner,
was.well known, front his long experience in tiie Legi>!a
ture, where he had won himself a State reputation. Thor
oughly cognizant of the system of Public Improvements,
no man was better fitted to probe the abuses of their Ad
ministration, or to correct the extravagant and wasteful
expenditures of which they- had been the fruitful source.
Mr. C. was nominated as an Old Line If hip. A stronger
ticket, in all respects, never had been placed before Uo-peo
ple of Pennsylvania. Its election wvuld not only be a po
litical triumph, but a moral one.
" The Srranton Jlepubhcanf is tlic title of
a new paper, just established in the flourishing
town of Scranton by our old friend THEO. SMITH.
The mechanical execution is unsurpassed by
any of our exchanges, and it displays in the
editorial department both tact and ability.—
We wish friend SMITH abundant success both
politically and pecuniarily.
&a!5"~ Hon. JOHN WOOD, Mayor of Quiney,
has been nominated as the Republican candi
date for Lieut. Governor of Illinois, in place
of Mr. HOFFMAN, who was ineligible.
A Loud Shriek Against Freedom.
The South Side Democrat, publislfM in Pe
tersburg, Ya., is one of the consistent papers
of the South that goes against freedom in all
its shapes, except the freedom to deal in hu
man live stock. There is no other freedom
that it will tolerate. It says, in a recent num
ber :
" We have got to hating everyhyig- with
the prefix free, from free negroes dovfn'ifnd up
through the whole catalogue— frees farms, free
labor, free, society, free will, ffee thinking, free
children, and free schools—all
same brood of damnable isms. yut. the worst
of all these abominations is the modern system
of free schools. The New-England system of
free schools has been the cause and prolific
source of the infidelities and treason?! that have
turned her cities into Sodoms and Gamorrahs,
and her land into the common nestling-places
of howling Bedlamites. IVe abominate the sys
tem, because the SCHOOLS ARE FREE."
Philadelphia, Thursday, Sept. 25, 185fi.—The
suit brought by Passmofc Williamson against
Judgp Kane came up for argument yesterday,
at Mtjdiij, before -fudge Haiucs. Mr. Sliep
the defendant's counsel discussed the
question^of protection given by the judicial
•character of jurisdiction of the Court in allow
ingaa'habeas corpus and commitment for con-
The counsel on the other side asked
tiiqe ty prepare their reply. Mr. G. M. Whar
tog, the defendant's seuior counsel, contended
that the time for argument had been fixed bv
plaintiff's counsel, and that nothing had been
adduced but what should have been anticipat
ed. The ease, however, was finally postponed
till the 18th of December.
According to a report in the South CHI-O- ,
Una Timet, of e reception given to Bully Brook*, at Co- j
lumbia, 3. made speech, in which, after iterating
and reiterating that hii cowardly and brutal attack on
Mr. Sumner wa* dictated by a high sen-e of duty, lie re
marked that " he rather wished the army would have
" been withdrawn from Kaunas and leave the people ol
" the South free to go there and cut the throats of Lane
" and his abolition companions. The ntterer of this has j
been put iu nomination for Governor of South Carolina,
and inay possibly be elected.
—The understanding among opponents of
Buchananisra in Pennsylvania is becoming perfect and i
strong, in almost if not quite every county. The Slav- j
ocracy is wrathful at the prospect, and fabricates every ,
possible device to break up the concert between Whigs, j
Amerienn* and Itep iblicans on the Union State Ticket— j
but iu vain. Well-informed men believe its majority will
exceed that of Gov. Pollock!
•—There is an entire union of all opponents
of Buchanan in the old Bay State. The Americans have
nflniimted Dayton for Vi o President, and formed anclcc-
Kfir:# tlckgt in conjunction with the Republican.*, while
the lntty resolved not to nominate a State ticket, thus
the Held open to Gov. Gardner. They contem
plate re-flecting Charles Sumner to the IT. S. Senate by a
unanimous cof•
Mr FILLMORE said he knew no North, no
South, no Mast, no West, The late elections Indicate that
neither Last, West, North or South, knqw Mr. Fillmore. 1
So it is know-nothing all around.
The Ellsworth American relates, as an in
cident of the recent election in Maine, that Capt. Joab
Black, of Sedgwick, 78 years old. gave up his carriage to
others who could not walk, and traveled on foot five miles
to deposit a Republican vote. That's the true Republican •
—Solomon G. Haven, Mr. Fillmore's right
hand man, aud one of the most approved doughfaces in j
the North, declines a renomination to Congress from the .
Buffalo District. He has been engaged in stumping Erie ■
County since his return from Washington, and has proba- '
bly seen the handwriting on several walls, and wisely
(for himself) decides not to permit the constituents whom
he has misrepresented to pronounce their verdict on his j
—At u revival at MeGec's Meoting-Houso, '
Sampson County. N. C., last week, a lady joined in a pray- ,
er offered up. When the congregation arose, she wasdis
covercd remaining on her knees, with her hands clenched
to the back of her seat, and, on examination, was found 1
to be entirely dead.
—A fire broke out near Spencer Springs on
Thursday the tsth instant, from some stumps that were
being burned by David Watkins, and trom the stumps,
spread into the woods, destroying a barn belonging to
Isaac Osborne, also all the fence rail- on the farm of 100
acres, and doing other damage. It with the greatest dif
ficulty that other valuable property was saved. Alvah
Jay lost a large quantity of saw-logs and fences. The
loss of timber land was alo considerable.
—On the sth ult., some lumber cars were
being annexed to the train on the Cayuga and Susque
hanna Railroad, at Candor. One of the brakesmen, Sam
uel Williams, of Ithaca, was in the act of coupling two
cars, when a piece of lumber wit which they were load
ed extended some length farther than usual, this struck
him on the side of the head, and to avoid it he suddenly
stoopej down, and hi* head was caught between the tim
ber.- that support the coupling Iron, crushing his forehead
to pieces and producing instant death. Mr. W. was high
ly esteemed by all that knew him- He has been in the
employ of this Railroad Company for the past seventeen
years. We do not know what family, if any, he has left
to mourn his untimely end.
The Philadelphia Times, which is labor
ing very earnestly for Fremont, says that Phiiadeiphia
now is good for to,ooo vote* for Fremont, and promises
20,000 by November. It says : "We say then to all, trust
f - to Philadelphia ; she will do her whole dntv. the
" Wqt. as ape promises to do, =end tis 20,000 to Altoona;
tlfe N"rth send in her 10.000 majority, and all is safe.
'•-Our fr'u-ndi abroad will b" surprised at the result here:
'• for thg Republicans are working in this city as men ne
" ver worked before, and they will continue to work till
" November with as much energy as ever.'
The Xorfolli (V;i.) Argus, in the employ
of Governor Wise and the nigger-driving Democracy of
Virginia, speaking of the Fremont electoral ticket in that
State, says: "So Andrew S. H dden of Harrison is the
'• Elc-tor fur the Norfolk Dl-trict. Suppose Andy pays
"us a visit; we will present him with the handsomest
" coat made from the inside of the pine and the outside
"of the goo* that lie ever laid eyes on. So coine along,
" Andy."
—The Washington Union affords an instance
of the most astounding self-delusion, in its remarks on
the recent news lrom Maine, it concedes the election of
HAMLIN. hut it '• believes tiie ' sober second thought ot
that people will bring them to take vengeance on the 4th
of November for the deception which lias been practiced
upon them.'' if the Union really believes that we do not
wonder that it should ledifcvt in BUCHANAN'S election.
One hundred and twelve democrats who
Voted for FnANKt.iv FIERCE at Norwich, ft., invited Gov.
CLUVKI.ANH to address them on Thursday night last, lie
did so. and was accompanied by Mr. I'snKitwoent ol \ a.,
the gentleman lately driven from that -t ite lor daring to
attend the republican convention at Philadelphia.
—A case of family shante from gambling
came out in Chicago last week. A five hundred dollar
diamond breastpin was found by the police >n the hands
of some low gambler*, and, upon investigation, it was
discovered that it had been gambled away by the brother
of ayonng lady who owned it.
—One of the prettiest items of the recent
procession at Sandusky, Ohio, was over 100
girls in an immense carriage, drawn by 40 horses. The
girls were all in white dres-es, with blue sashes, and they
carried a banner with the inscription, " Of the Tribe of
lion. Theodore Frelingliuysen, President
of Rutgers College, who was the Whig candidate for Vice
President in 1 s 44, was requested by the Fillmore tnun to
head their State Electoral Ticket. He declines the ho
nor, and avows his preference for Fremont.
ken the stiunSor Fremont, a nf has spoken at several
places in the coj> -e of this week. He intends, we hear,
to make a camprigu into Pennsylvania.
—The judgment of the People
upon a President recreant to Liberty has been vividly
foreshadowed at Concord, New-Hampshire, the home o 1
Franklin Pierce ; where the citizens of all parties gather
ed to thg number of one thousand, moved by a rumor that
he is about to visit them.and almost unanimously resolv
ed honor higi ffth a public reception.
—The X. C- //ere/chinks Governor Wise
talks Tike when he says FREMONT'S election will in
evitably result in disunion. Bah, stuff! Governor, it
won't do. Messrs. Toombs, Fillmore and Buchanan have
tried it : but it was no go. You are sold, Governor. It's
an old joke. But don't be alarmed about your niggers
FREMONT only proposes to keep them ont of Kansas, for they may catch cold in those high latitudes. Really
and honestly, is it not too cold there for niggers. Gover
nor ? What's the use, then, of slaughtering the white
settlers to make room there for niggers ? That's the
The. ll'arren (Pa.) Mail says that at the
Fremont meetings up there they sit three feet deep and
stick out of the windows all round !
—lt is stated that the Republicans, at their
head quarters in Washington, have circulated, thus far,,0s) of docuroeuts, including 200,000 copies of Sum
ner's speech. Ibe Democratic committee arc sending
off about 20,000 pe day. The America s are also Un=v
in the same way. Who says MC arc uot a reading people i ,
A Southern Bobadil.
OU the lOtlitnst. Hon. LAWRKNCK M. KCITT,
of South Carolina, delivered a sjieecli at Lynch
burg, Va., at the invitation of the people of
that town, on the present political struggle, in
which he indulged in a strain of adulation of
his own State aud of vituperation of the North,
which the united efforts of a Parollcs and u
Thcrsites could hardly have equaled. Mr.
KKITT is a lover of the Union, after a fashion,
and will submit to the Constitution upon con
ditions, wnich he named, as follows :
" 1 am as much a lover of the Constitution ,
as any man, but when you ask 111 c to love the j
Union, when my constituents ure not equal to!
the men who catch codfish—when you ask me j
lo love the Union in which the gallant sons of'
Virginia, the descendants of AN ASHINGTON, j
.1 KFFKKSON, MADISON, MONKOE, and other dis- J
tinguished men of the old school—when the j
gallant sons of Virginia are not the equals of |
the poor, crazy constituencies of CIDDINGS and
others of tlrtit stamp, Cod help me, 1 am against j
the Union. 1 want 110 grappling at the same ;
cards with these fellows w hose hands are greas- J
ed with black grease. 1 have been as much a
friend • f the Union as any man. lam now ;
but 1 never will admit that they are our supe
riors. I love the Union to a reasonable ex
tent ; I trust none of you love it any more ;
but, when I am asked to put my constituents
under the foul domination of such a set of
black serpents as (JIR-F.EI.K.V, SCMNER, SEWARD,
WILSON, CHASE, and C HIDINGS, all I have to
sire js, if my constituents .submit, let them."
Of course we do not quarrel with Mr. KEITT
on a "matter of personal taste, and if the men
why Catch niggers are more savory in his nos
trils than those who catch codfish it is 110 bu
siness of ours. But, when the Honorable gen
tleman goes 011 to utter foul slanders upon the
men of the Free States, it is another matter.
.Mr. KEITT said :
" Massachusetts and South Carolina have
been sometimes arrayed against each other.—
I will run the parallel between the 11, C >l. BIT
I. ER, the brother of lion. Mr. BOTHER, the
Senator from South Carolina who was so base
ly slandered by a foul-mouthed Abolitionist,
xvas the leader of the Palmetto regiment in
the Mexican war. Cenerul (JCITMAX told me,
I when an order came to him for a regiment to
| engage in the battle of Chepvllepec, Col. Bi r
; HER, who was sick, went to him and said, " I
j demand a right to be in that battle." -
r-1 MAN replied, " Vou cannot go, Sir—you arc
j sick." '' 1 nm sufficiently well to go," said
: lit N.FCK. Qi I I'M AN remarked, " 1 shall see.
; and thereupon a physician was sent tor. lie
declared him unfit for active service, and (Jen.
QFITMAS insisted that he should not go. " J
I ask it then as a favor," said BLTI. EH, " and I
demand it. as a right." " Co, then," saidQi iT
MAN. He led this Palmetto regiment 011 to
the fight. In that battle-field two Free-State
regiments ran, while exposed to the fire of the
Mexican lines stood this regime at from my own
I State, swept by grape, and ouustcr ; that regi
ment stood, while each man was writhing in
\ the blood of his companions. Exposed in tins
fire, that regiment stood, firing not a gun, lev
eling not a bayonet While men were falling
by scores they stood there. [Loud chcers.j
1 Free-State regiments had broken up and re
| treated. Most of the regular army was out
up, and there was nothing but disaster in the
, perspective."
Col. BrTLER fell in the battle of Cliernbus
co, long before tlie battle of Chepuitepee was
j fought, and, as a matter of course, he could
1 not have been in the latter fight. BuT, Mr.
KF.ITT meant the former battle, we presume,
; though all his points are as wide of
■ the truth a.- in that particular. The only Vol
, nnteer Regiment in the engagement besides
i that of South Carolina was the New-York
I Regiment, which certainly did not run. The
I statement that " two Free State regiments ran"
in that battle is a pure fiction, as is the absurd
1 boast that the South Carolina Regiment was
i " swept by grape and canister while each man
! was writhing in the blood of his companions."
! There was not a single charge of either grape
, or canister fired by the enemy at that point of
' attack, for a very good reason—they had no
1 artilh •ry. The battle was one of the bloodiest
I fought during the war : all the regiments en
! gaged in it acted bravely, and it was the suc-
J cess fill charge of General WORTH that gained
; the victory. So far from the South Carolina
1 regiment standing to be shot down without fir
j ing a gun or leveling a bayonet, they retreat
-led with the New-Vol k Regiment behind the
hacienda of Los Portaie, to escape from the
fire of the enemy, which they could not return.
| Southern demagogues may safely venture to
I utter such perversions of history before their
| own people, tor the purpose of exciting hostile
i feelings against the North, for there is 110 one
' there to correct their falsehoods. Mr. KEITT
; sets out with an assertion that he will draw a
j parallel between Massachusetts and South
i Carolina, but he has not a syllable about Mas
' sachusetts, and only vaguely tells of the de
j fection of two Free-State regiments. Gcue
! ral PIERCE was the favorite candidate of South
; Carolina for the Presidency, and out of res
! pect to him Mr. KKITT ought to have said as
j little as possible about the battle of Chepulte
; pec.— Xcir- York Times.
Washington correspondent of the New-York
Courier and Enquirer, says :
" It is no longer doubtful that the Iluchan
an and Fillmore factions arc intriguing for a
coalition in New York. I have no doubt that
it will be formed if the parties negotiating can
agree upon the terms. It is understood that
the managers of the various conferences that
have been held 011 the part of Mr. Buchanan,
insist upon the electoral vote of the State, and
the delegation in Congress, while they offer to
; the K. N. managers all the State offices and
the Legislature, thus securing to Mr. Fillmore's
partizans the patronage of the Canals and oth
er public works, and control of the State Trea
sury for the ensuing two years, and the Unit
ed States Senntorship for the term following
that of Gov. Fish.
Such an arrangement would of course nmont
i to a total surrender of all claims on the Presi
; dency, because if Buchanan carries New York,
' his election is certain. This, however, would
: be no great sacrifice, because no Fillmore man,
( admitted behind the scenes, expects his candi
date to receive a single electoral vote—not
| one. Every sensible person knows that the
j Fillmore flag is kept flying in the South, sole
; ly to deceive his honest supporters in the North,
! and by keeping Fillmore nominally in the can
| vass, to prevent a concentration of the oppo
i sition to the candidate of the Black Democra
cy and Slavery. This precious scheme of De
mocratic and K. N. fit-ion in New-York, will
tend to open the eyes of the American Clubs
in both New-York and Pennsylvania, and to
make them vote ure for Frciuont lv immense
Mr. Buchanan on Squatter Sovereignty
The Huntsville Advocate, an Alabama nri ♦
supporting Mr. Buchanan, publishes thefV
lowing letter, of which the editor sav.s "it'
from " a personal friend, a gentleman' "f
highest respectability,'"and assures his rtn • "
of its accuracy : er *
PHIEADKHRHU, Wednesday, Aim is,-,
" My Dear Sir :-I spent two hours' wi'tl,
Buchanan yestcruay, at Wheatland
grounds arc beautifully and tastefully arraiJi
but his house is plain and unpretendinir '
extreme—everything* I, M the air of nnostem
tious Democrucy. But the man himself i„ j
very in.pcrsation of unaffected RepUblie ttn i
I was nevermore agreeably
my life. He gave us a cordial and frank ,
caption, and talked with us with the
of an old acquaintance. I reallv f. Jt
had known him all my life. H,. xaid tli''- '',
involved in this election was the Union .f
States lis equals. That the South ha,! <„Z'
Udto the aggressions of the AMit l<nisU rcu,
apa In-nee that might well challenge the u,l mir
tion of the world and, considering the fire-Tat
ing propciKitics, was difficult to understand
" Jle ridiruled the doctrine „f Squatter \, ,
reignty, and soul that the South had now ft
the. first time in the history of the country Z
tamed from the government the concession of th t
true principle, viz : that the people of a "t.-rr
tory had the riirht., when the-., r „me to 'fom j
Slate Constitution, to say whether th-v
or would not have slavery. That bv th.s |',-t
islatioti Congress liad admitted that tlio i
er was with the people, and not in Cm-res."
i and the only sensible rule was, that this "out
j be exercised by the people, only when th'u Z n .
- to form a State (Internment pn patory to a;
mission into the Union. I give vou aim<K t
very words, lie said if he should be flee'. "
j lie felt satisfied that the slavery question w'oiti
! be filially settled, provided he r~,„/ f { carry a
i to,a of yew England Stat", or the Si t.-
jof Xcir York. In otlmr words, if he w
j elected by a national vote, what hc'would do
in the premises would have u national suir>rt
and the strength of freeeoilism, which is cT
tional, would be dispersed.
The truth is, Mr. fine/union is as sound
this quest ion as was Mr. Calhoun, and the
\ Xorthern Democracy arc better Southern inn, ( -
day than many Device rats even at the South
Whatever they may have done heretofore, no
j tin y meet the question boldly and defend tit
the institution of slavery with a fearlessness (hit
we might elo well to intimate. Tliev d > not even
apologise for it 0:1 the ground that it N
nized by the Constitution ; but tliev sav it :
: right. That Cod himself established i"g a ,, 1
that it has the Bible for its foundation.* If
we do not sustain these men in defence of 0 -
institutions, we deserve eternal infamv. T
j contest is obviously between Buchanan a 1 ;
! Fremont. Fillmore is not in the race. N
man here pretends to say that lie is.
"On the whole, therefore, I consider
election beyouud peradventure—and i
regret is, that there can be found in the w;
South a single man who will no' vote for him
If they could sec him, and hear him talk. 1
; firmly believe he would get every Souther
j " I have scribbled this off so hnrriedlv. I
fear you will not lie able to read it Your
truly. ''W, B FICCKES Iw;.
Huntsville, Ala. 1
It i 3 the Euty of the People.
To remember that the Bu.-hanun j>irty Yi
Fremont sectional and them-elv. s natio il
while the followers of " Old Br, !i " are c!
ing every one of the fifteen sia\ hoidii:,- >ta* ••
for tier nominee ; and their press •', fr:a :
| llichmeiul Enquirer down, advocate the ex'
sion of human slavery into all the territo.v
--: as a national and blessed institution :
Tiiat the Buchanan party rrpeal-d the Mi
| souri Compromise, that the slaveholder nig."
J appropriate the soil which belonged to fro' h
: bet:
j That the Cincinnati Convention ami .lam N
j Buchanan approve of President I'.oroc - • ::r
--| towards Kansas, and have promised the -on! 1
to continue Pierce's policy am-th-.T frmry.;.'--
if there are doughfaces enough to vet;; him "
to office ;
| That robbefy, bloodshed at. I civil war, sr
| the fruits of Pn.ic i.'s administrates; am; "
| these crimes must !>e added a threatened c-'
! (|iiest of slaveholdiiig Cuba, in wlc-h I''
AX and his adherents stand pledged upon',
j record ;
That the fepcal of the Missouri ccmproir.,-?
: permits slavery in what was le-fnre free t-"
: tory. Those who nominate air. BIYIUM'-
and who now support him, aijirove of the a
of repeal, and pledge the democrat r pat'} •
, acquiesce in and sustain it. Mr. if mx.
| promises to stand by the Cincinnati plat.or .
I and that platform sanctions tiro .ntro<lnct:on
1 slavery into Kansas, and all other territory
The triumph of Bi ( MANAS is the triumph v
' slavery in tlie territories. ~ , f
Remember, also that the Philadelphia I' ■-
I form condemns the repeal of tlie Missouri e
j promise, and adopts JF.FEER-nt P O 'M7
! shut out slavery from the terri'iori" 5 .
j who nominated Col. -vr. art I
! eluding slavery from our territories !y I
Congress. JonS : jC. FiiKMnxqwiil ivrtiiF )b ■
i hold and carry out the Philadelphia P"'■ ' 1
iof principles. The triumph of f kfm A ,I
j victory for FREEDOM a:.d FREE LA hoe ■
Tiif MONSTER Rkitbll' AN ' 7|: "' F " ',,, n 8
PiTTsnrno, PA. —The Pittsburg papers' fl
us filled with accounts of the great Kfj 1 ® _ ■
demonstration there <>n Wednesday t i-• ■
j nit. The display was n remarkable
' every respect ; and though it was a,lt j l
that a large number of persons lyoiild 1 ;
cut.—such a tremendous gathering H
the most sanguine expectations. L li H
sign of tIM progress of Republicanism w H
sylvania, FUKMONTwiII have an
majority in November. The dcnionsi -v
Wednesday xvas never equaled for , ■
enthusiasm. People began to arrio 0
day, and on Wednesday every av,l " > '
to the city was crammed with ,
Tle western train brought in fbrO
cars, and the other railroads w 1 r . C 1.
crowded. All business was su ' ! l ,( '! u , 0 [ v .j n^)<B
streets were densely packed, and tit •
of every house were filled with s l Ka " r ' [o
the procession itself, which, aeerr "
oeratie count, was from seven to
every trade, profession and art I>o ii;t"^B
It took thn-e hours to pass any P X 'J
It contained over seventeen hum o
and about three hundred vela'ch
her of jiersons who marched in ' ,p '
iis set down at 10.000, amine" 1 } ' .
! late to join in. The spectator-
I'ittHirr that dav auiouulcd fl|
lured thiusana, 3