Letter from GOVERNOR REEDER, refining his Position. Xkw-York City, September If, 1856. 7: the editors of the Evening Post. (Jevti.emkn* : The letter of your correspon , t ][ -Hid your editorial comments upon it Jjf tin* 1 inst., seem in eommon courtesy to '(Pmaud a reply. Your correspondent does not , j- r in saying that I desire the success of the \\, mihlicau party and the election of their ean (iidite. and that I am ready to contribute any I ,'iioruhle < ITort to bring it about. This is not j p.,.' result of any preference as to men, but in 7 c of it. With Colonel Fremont lam un ,.'.!,„ainfed. I have never seen him, nor had j i-'nv conunnnioation with him, direct or indirect, ' verbal or written. On the other hand, my of friendship and admiration for Mr. j;::, Ikiikiii, as a man, arc of no ordinary char ,vt, r. and are strengthened bv years of friend ly intimacy and reciprocal acts of kindness, uninterrupted to this time by a single raisun (i(.r.-tau<liug or unpleasant feeling ; and I would ht :itiv time defend him promptly and indignnnt lr against personal at tucks upon his reputation. I'lv li. ve him to lie a man of distinguished ul ;I:tv. of high integrity and valuable expe r'i ii V He is surrounded, too, in Pentisylvan- II bv many political friends, whom personally I love and esteem, and to whom I am united I,- ties of long-cherished political and social '■ltitiiaev. awl the loss of whose friendship I -I mild regard as a great calamity. For more ti.uu a quarter of a century 1 have steadily la- I,ored with the Democratic party, and never (]. .;i!ited that 1 should do so during niv life.— i r vears 1 have exerted myself to bring about Mr. Buchanan's nomiuatiou. In IMS and lvd I was one of those who carried for him the (I legates of our district, and was his zea- j ami ardent supporter. On each occasion I in the National Convention as oneof his j delegates. T' :i .-se ties are exceedingly strong and hard II <ever, e-pecialiy with one who is naturally r.f a conservative east, and slow to change old of thought an i action ; ami I have rc i;-t,''l for month- the convictions that were , me to my present declaration. I have . <1 L "mtiv sought reasons and arguments to save j > -If the pain of breaking ti]i old associations ! ating my elf fcrom my old friends, but I a in vain. .My love of country and hatred of i . y.i- would not allow my feelings and j eitlter to delude my judgment or : v..l inv conscience, and 1 am compelled to for- j fit i:.\ m'II-!*(•>| act by committing what I be- ' litre to be palpably wrong, or else enroll my-1 - in >•: j --ition t<> the D. uiocratie party. | 1 ii<> rea-ona de hope of justice and sym- j • e.' v r the people of Kansas in the success ! !' •. u-r.iey. In its ranks, and with the ' r to e .ntrol its j.<-tion, are found the Dor- j II thair of Missouri and their accomplices • S ith, who have trampled upon the • htutioii ami all the cs-eutial principles of ,• (invt riuaent. robbed Kansas of its civil m i right of suffrage, laid waste its, • rritory with lire and sword, and repudiated 'it'ii civilization i'-elf. In it.-. p-!atform 1 li nd the enunciation of. : which would put the rope about the tr-'-ks ef iui n for exercising the constitutional ' g.t of ji-titioniag Cougv.-s for a State Go- , ■ .cut. or a redr.-s of grievances far worse •in ti.o-o which led to the war of the Rcvo "t • mid a (!--< laration stigmatizing as *• ariu -1nin••• to law " the moderate and justi- 1 - i.-lctViise of men shamefully and itifa-' •!y i pjii' l --ed l.y ratlin;! violence and otlt ": . beyond nil human endurance. I hud the \\h*l<• party of the tuition ftssc-m --. at National Couventiou, with but one in- , •;■! dissent, expressing its " unqualified " : . ration "of an Administration which ha* ■ t-'-if as the tool and accomplice of all the I l ■ indicted upon Kansas, and by its ve and imbcedity brought the country to . n-iiiic war. • rt all its Representatives in Congress, three individual exceptions, laboring in --t /.cai, by speech and vote, to cover Hp i lirjuities of this Administration and the | 1 r-.'-r Uitili.uis of Missouri, and to suppress ; • i." rr.v-' .gatiou of outrages which shock j -' t i.ty and republicanism, and defy the - ' 1 "m'itetiou and tlie laws. i- • sane represent itires, after the j '.'■ c 1 licifc<l in spite of their efforts, still ! • >.g t" r- h. ve the people from a code of j :inp.e-(d ep- i them bv a foreign armv, i ; ii relu-;ng to imit thcin into the In '.v ! '>r reasons wiiich, in the cases of nine ] dhad been declared untenable 'd no rv count. i. . ' : fl fin-in d:-rcgrifiling ;i Free ConstitutioH ! I in :i I' tra*.' i!fitiotKtl :iml time Siiiic- i 1 f!ia::ner. c.ml wliit li no uian can doubt r ! ' * !'' will of the people,) and ; ' c u law to produce hmilisl itute, which i i ' ■'•) would have perpetuated in j "•' (.i Aernnicnt, the usurpation wiiich j " : : •'<• already seized upon the Uovcrn - ■ : • ,e Territory. ' "in refusing to make appropriations . v - tttil'-ss that army is to be used to "f laws violalire on their face, • 1 "Gtitufion, enacted by a Legislature ' ,!l " tiie laws of the United States, 1 Bv foreign force upon conquered < A m 'i< an citizens. i. ia a word, steadily aiding by nil 1 '"-re-'-ioiiul action to make a Slavel 'fa m latitudes, and that, too,) . w dl of its inhabitants. ' , .t ~no Member, who more than any ' !lt against the euslavcment of his j : -s. is refused a rcnotuiiiatiou j , I' m. ' rr.tio party of liis district. ' '!i canvass now going on that the "f their party pros* is in the same lien the first startling intelligence in Kansas reached the States, • 'l"noin;eed the foul wrong in terms .• ■ znaiion. it was hut a spasmodic ; and iti deference to the South , j r " v aili!i'_' sentiment of the party,they j , Y ' i" i off, one after the other, until 1 I have been able to ascertain. j Metnoera'ic paper which dares • '' iy and defend the Free-State j • iiouiiee their invaders. In place nieiit and sympathy for their out- | 'itizcns from the North, there is j ' ;i!l .i<'(T.s and ridicule for their op 1 • sti'lering condition—misrepresent' r motives and conduct, and a j.re- j . ; '"inliiy of the statements and up '• t!;, y send their brethren of the ' !r speakers exhibiting the same ; "■ 'ltem ignoring the question en ut tlieui treating it with perver r, o'iitatiouK and false issues ; and j "jK'iily the -idcof the oppressors; ' ''| "tu advocating the cause of dWj ri'.ig her admission under the ! Tree-State Constitution adopted by her ] eo- I ple- In the public demonstrations and processions of the party, 1 find banners and devices con taing brutal insults, in response to the appeals of that people for protection against unparal leled wrongs, calculated, as no doubt they must be intended, to prepare the masses for a con tinued refusal of justice and protection, and a relentless persistence in outrage and oppres sion. I find all the Democrats South, and a por tioned the Democracy of the North, boldly re pudiating the Kansas-Nebraska bill, by insist ing that Slavery lias a right to go "into the Territories, in spite of Congress or the people ; and that the inhabitants of the Territory have no right to pass Territorial laws to forbid it or exclude it. Democratic Representatives from Pennsylvania even, in the Senate and the .-louse, hold and proclaim these opinions ; while other Representatives from Pennsylva nia, witli Democratic leaders from other States, declare themselves publicly to be non-commit tal upon this keresy ; the inevitable tendency of which, it is easy to show, will be toprevent almost entirely the formation of anymore Free States. Having originated a movement myself, to aid our people by sending thorn men and mo ney, and having prosecuted it with the strict est avoidance of party character and a studied nufrality as to the political canvass, and hav ing earnestly asked the co-operation of men of all parties, I have failed to enlist in it, to niv knowledge, a single Democrat. In the Con ventions ol ( leveland and Pull'alo, called with out distinction of party, in furtherance of this enterprise, there was no Democrat present but myself. Hiis cannot have been from anv want ol generosity or of means, but only in deference to the prevailing tone and sentiment of the 1 party which is enlisted upon the other side of j the question. And not only have thev ab stained I rem i aiding the movement, but in their presses and by their private influence they have endeavored to cripple and retard it by .sneer ing at it. warning the community against it as treasonable, and declaring that the luonev wouid be misapplied, thus endeavoring to pre vent contributions even from the friends of measure. I might go on with this catalogue and enu merate other indications, if necessarv, showing that the prevailing tone of the party is hostile to Kansas ; but I consider it only mcessarv to add that what I have said relates but to the North. The South, where the great mass of the party is to be found, makes no pretension, as a whole, to the advocacy of anything but pure Border Rullianism. \\ hat, then, have the Free-State men of Kansas to expect from a Democratic Adminis tration, even if presided over by Mr. Buchan an ? If lie could he left to act upon his own impulses, uiiaflected by external influeuees,aitd from all pledges and obligations, express and implied, the case would be vcrvdifferent. But, unfortunately, this is not so. His election would rightfully be considered a decision against us, whatever may be his own private feelings. His offices at Washington, in Kansas and else where, would necessarily, to a large extent, be filled witli our enemies. I lis information would come through a distorted medium ; and lastly he could not aid ns without having first made up his mind to be abandoned and warred upon by his own party. The, South would charge! him with violating his pledges, and turn upon him with the bitterest hostility, and at least a portion of the Northern Democracy would follow their example. He would thus be left without a party to support his Administration, mile-* he should east himself into the arms of the Republicans. We cannot, it seems to me, either ask or expect him to tlo this upon a (jiH-stion where party lines are so plainly drawn before !ri election. I.ike all other men in the sanm riblarion, he must obey tin* party senti ment oj, which lie is elected. That there are j Democrats in Pennsylvania who are full of in dignation against the conduct of the .South in regard to Kansas I am well aware, and that they would use their influence to redress her wrongs f am well satisfied ; but they are too .few in proportion to the whole party of the Fuion to sustain his Administration in a war with hi- party. They have as yet been unable to make their opinions appear and lie felt in the party, and, of course, cannot do so hereaf ter. 1 honor their good intentions, but 1 can not belieVe in their power. 1 repeat that I have been forced to these conclusions after no slight struggle witli my feeling* and inclinations- Should Mr. Buchan an be elected, and his administration be differ ent from what tny judgment compels me to be- • lieve, f shall give it my cordial approbation, and my feeble though willing support. As I believe now, I hinst regard the Democratic party as fully committed to Southern Section alism, tow ard which, for some time past, it has been rapidly tending; and 1 c|iiit it, well assnr-) ed that niv duty to my country demands this! sacrifice of personal feeling. • Very truly yours, A. H. UKEDHU. j from Kansas. 1 j \w'ukvi'e. K. T., Mondaj, Sept. 1 r. Twenty-eight hundred men, mostly Misson- 1 rian<, reached Franklin yesterday, destined to attack Lawrence. Owing to Our reliance upon (Jov. Geary somewhat for protection, our force is mostly in the country. About live hundred remain, preparing to light in our fortifications. Our advance guards came into collision last night, and three of the enemy's men are report- j ed killed—none of ours injured. dust then orders came from the Governor, forbidding the approach of the Pro-Slavery forces. They then fell back and camped at Franklin. Four hundred troops arrived here last night for protection. This morning the Governor in person dis-' banded jhe Ruffians under Gen. Heed, Member elect to the next Missouri Legislature. There arc no longer Territorial militia, Many of them swear they will have blood in spite of the Governor. Our citizens have enrolled as his militia, A collision is feared. Col. Harvey's regiment fought at Hartford yesterday, and won, killing three, wounding many. Five of llarvcy's men w< re wounded. His whole force were taken prisoners by the dragoons while returning. Sr. Lot IS, Saturday, Sept. 20, 185 G. Tiie steamer Polar Star, from Kansas on the 15th iist. f reports that Captain Robinson, with a company of fifty-two Pro-Slavery men, at tacked a Free-State force at Grasshopper Fulls on the 13th, killing two of their men and cap turing their provisions, ammunition and horses. The next day, Col. Harvey, with two hundred Free Soih rs, attacked Robinson's force, who | had fortified themselves in a log house at Hick ory Point. After lighting two hours, and los ing twelve men and having several wounded,, Col. Harvey pfSpfrsf'd fff* armistice of thirty days, which was accepted. Capt. Robinson lost three men killed, and hail many wounded. Leavenworth was deserted. Gov, Geary was at Lecompton. S&- The National Kansas Committee at | Albany have adopted a resolution that, havdug I authentic Information that preparation Is mak ing in Missouri for an armed invasion of Kan ! sas, Thaddens Hyatt, W. P. Army, and Pro fessor Duuclcs, !>e a committee to call on the • President to s licit the interposition of Gov -1 ernmcnt to prevent the civil war and slaughter impending ; and that tlrey procure, if possible 1 the cooperation of members of Congress iu the | application. Kfey"Tn 17 70, there were three parties—the Freedom party : the Loyalists, who deplored | agitation ; the Tories, who favored oppression. In 1856, there are three parties—the Free dom party ; the Tiinid Democrats, who de ! plore agitation ; the Buclianier Tories, who j favor oppression upon the colony of Kansas. All the Mormon papers of the country are ont for .lames Buchanan. Several are published in New York State. Of course.— Polygamy and slavery go hand in hand. Arrival and Departure of Mails. WAVKIILY—Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 12J Y. M. Departs " do 1 do TCXK'X'K—Arrives dailv, except Sunday, at *2 M. Departs ' do IF. M. i TROY—Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 7 P. \t. Departs do 7 A. M. SIIKHTtKoriX —Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at *P. M. Departs, same days, at 6 A. M. CAXTOX—Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at sP. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at G A. M. MOXTliOSK—Arrives Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at 7P. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day, at 7 A. M. LAPORTF -Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 2 P. 11. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 12 M. WEl.l.SßUKi'.—Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 4 P. M. Departs Monday, Wednesday and Fri day at $ A. M. K.VTOX—Arrives Wednesday and Saturday, at f, P. M. Departs Tuesday and Friday, at a A. M. The morning mail- close at s oYlork of the evening pre -1 vious ; the afternoon mails close at 111 A. M. July 21, lsdii. H. C. FORTER. P. M. RKMCIOt'S NOTICE. -The North Branch i Jdy Association of Cnlversallsts will hold its annual session at Shcsheipiin. the fourth Wednesday and Thurs day, 24th and 2'itii days of September. A cordial invita tion is extended to all of every name and denomination. 11. E. WHITNEY, Standiuj; Clerk. Nero •Aboertiscmatl9. SHERIFF'S SALE.—Bv virtue of a writ kA of vend, exponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bradford County, to me directed, 1 shall expose to public sale at the Court House in the borough ol Towanda, on Thursday OCTOBER Pith, at 1 o'clotk, P. M.. the following descriticd lot piece or parcel of land .-.ituatc in Athens horn", hounded north liv lands Bel oil cp ing to the heirs oi Ivi-th-r Davis, east by Main street, south by the Presbyterian Church lot, ami west by lands of Puiiipi-lly. containing about one fourth of an acre more or hss alt improved, out- frame building formerly occupied a- a Cabin, t -hop with a steam engine. Ac., attached and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of Welles A Harris vs. Wm. At vers. JOHN A. CODDING, Sheriff. Towanda, Oct. 23, l*/i6. Notice is hereby given, that an amount equal to tiie costs, will l.e required to 1 r paid upon each sale when .-truck down to the bidder, and upon failing to comply with this regulation, the tract of land will again be offer ed for dale. JOHN A. C OPPING. BRANDIES, GINS, WHISKIES, JAMACIA RUM, &£ ciAJIE undersigned respectfully nnnonnrt . to iiiw friends _1 and the publi-generally, that lie ha formed a c'o iiartnt rsliip with Mr. CHARLES FKNDT. of the City of - New-York, under the lirui and style of TEr-TST & VANDEP.COOK, 15 Benver street, A'di c-Yntk, in the Importing ami Jobbing of Foreign and American Liquors. [ All orders will I*.- promptly tilled and satisfaction gnar ; untied. p. YANDEUC'OOK. New-York, l. r > Ih-aver st. Sept. 1. 18.70, BKINGSBKRY k SON, beg leave to • call tbe attention of their friends and customers. n well as all others wishing to buy Goods Cln-up, to their I well selected -to. k of Foreign and Domestic PKY-GOOPH, ; consisting of a great variety of Z.ABZHS DRESS GOCDS, Silks, Shawls, Del.aines, ('bullies, Bereges, Ohanihravs, Lawns, Brilliaiite-. etc. Also, a choice selection of Meri mac, Choceco and other styles of fast colored Prints, i A large and complete assortment of Yankee Notion*, Hosiery. Gloves. Dress Trimmings, White Good*, fee. Denims, Ticks, Prills, Linen*. Cambrics, Bleached and | Brown Slu-etiug, Cotton Yarn, Wick, Butts, Twine, Car j l>ct Warp. Ac. ! In addition to the above articles, there will always he | found a full assortment of GROCERIES. Crockery and Glass Ware : Boots and Shoes, Hatsand Caps,Nails.Fish, , Paints, Tubs, Matt*. Ac. Returning individually our thanks for past patronage, j we would as a firm, res|ie<-tfully a-k the attention of our > old customers and the public generally, to an inspection of our extensive New Fall and Winter Stock. ■ Towanda. Sept. 10, ls.7G. FALL GOODS. HS. MERC LB is now receiving a large • Stock of F ALL GOODS, to which the attention of l the public is requested. Towanda. Sept. IG. IT.O. pXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notjcq is tert- J J by given that letters testamentary upon the estate of ('. S. Ilonfoy, dccM., late of Springlield twp., have been granted to the subscribe". All persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate payment, and those having any claims upon said estate to present them duly attested for settlement. 1 IIO.MAS SMEAI), Executor; Sept. 10. ls.7C. "V^OTICIk —Tiie Bradford County Musical It Association will meet on Wednesday the Ist of Oc tober proximo, at 7 o'clock. !'. M.. at the office of Win. ('. B-'g'rt, Esq., in the BornTvb of Towanda. to take int > onsidcratiori the projir'.t-t; >• - ddi-ig a Musical Con tion sojne time during lie-c iter. oUuTSN, President. W'j. d. Ron cut, Sccr ui; i: i> o M n KT_s( Bz-J E &. IS said to be the inevitable result of the coming election; it is also said that this glorious I'ition is in danger ; be that as it may. we know that a terrible storm is gathering in the political heavens, which will soon burst upon us in all its maddened fury. But we Would say to the citizens of Bradford, hoed it not ; it- will pass harmlessly by. Soon however, stonns of a different nature Will gather in a wintry skv, which w ill cause you to tremble likeati aspen, miles- you procure the necessary protection. Now. it is these kinds of storms that we propose to prepare yon to meet. We have just received ail extensive and splendid assortment of DRY COt JDS AND CLOT 111XG for the KALI. TB VDE. which we will sell at New-York city prices, Our motto is. " Quick sales and small profits."' TZZE LADIES Will find in our assortment an endless variety of all the goods tliev nCM. Our shelves ami drawers ara crowded with articles for their li-e. We call special attention to our new of EA.XGY SII.KB, the finest the market affords. Sll \ M LS. hr* he. Bav state and cashmere, of ail sizes and qualities. LADIES' DBESSGOODS, French. English and American Merinos, plaid and striped De Laines, plain and figured Alpaeea*: in tnet everything usually kept in Dry Good spires. First-rate calico at G cents pet yard, good muslin at ol cents. \ fine assort ment of BONNETS, VotTart. UndertlceVf-* Hand kerchiefs, Lares K'.abroitleries, Gloves, Hosiery, <s-r. Our Clothing- Department Is repVte with fashionable goods ; Overcoats from $4 to S2O, business coats from $3 to sls, vest* all prices, pant* from $2 to #G. A g'-iieral assortment of uuderclotluiig, collars, Ac. CLOTHING made to order if required, and upon the -ho'test notice. Btf Don't forget the placo, in Pat ton's new block, cor- ! iter Bridge and Main slrcet*. Ct'TTE.YurilG, ROSENJIAL'M A CO. j Towanda, September 3, 1868. I Towanda Market Wholesale Prices. [Corrected weekly by E. 'IVFO3P, Petri-. r in Provision- and tlroceries, No. 1. Brick How.] Flour, (retail price.) ftVbk.: $750 @ 800 Pork. do " . 24 to fi| Wheat. .i l . fcWtfel;.::. 1 J7J© I Stt Buckwheat " 38 © Oats, " . 30 © Ryf " .... © 62J- I Potatoes " .... 624© ■ Beans, " .... 1 50 © Pried Apple*, ,-. " .... 100© I Butter 17© 18 Oheese " 0 © 10 Ham* and Shoulders, " .... 8 © 124 Pried Pearlies, " .... 12 © 10 Pried Btrriea,.... 12© I*J jfgg* FR I FAERATI ELECTION PROCLAMA j V T TiO.V.—Whereas, by an act of asnenibly of the Com monwealth, entitled " an act relating t J the elections of j this commonwealth.'' it is enjoined upon tne to ghe pub j lie notice of birch election to lie held, aiad aLso the rnnnier ; ntinn in sneh n->*tee what officers are to be elected, 1 JOUN A. GODDING, filch Sheriff of the county of Rmd lord, da hereby make known and give notice to the elec tors of said county that a general election will be held in said county, on TI7ESD.V Y the 14th day of October,iu the several districts in said county, to wit : In Albany, at the sub-district school houso near Camp bell's mill. In Asylum, at Jacob Frutchev'*. In Athens boro", at E. S. M.tthrwson's. In Athens twp., at the house of J. B. Hunt la Athens Borough. In Arnenia. at John 1?. Becker's. 1/1 Burlington boro* at the Hall of ITenry Vosburg,. tn Burlington twp.. at the house of Roftwell Luther's. In West Burlington, at the house of Eua (ioddard. In Canton, at A. E. Spalding's. In Colombia, at James Morgan's. In Duiell. at the school house, called the centre school | houe.,near 8. Pi ker's. !n Franklin, at Win. Pecnier's. In Granville, at the tyuti-e of Benjamin F. Taylor. In Ilerrick, at the school house Bear Daniel Durand's. I In Litchfield, at Cyrus BJooijood's. In la* Roy, tii the si-vinel Rouse in Reßoy. In Monroe, at J. F. Spiith's. In Monroe boro', at the house of Ethel Taylor. In Orwell, at Francis Woodruff's. In Overton, nt the house of Win. Wultinan. In Pike, at Dennis Johns-m's. In Home, at the Academy. In Uidghery, at the house of Benjamin F. Buck. In Slihc.pihi. ut i). Bidnk's. In SrmthffeM. at A. J. (lerouhl's. In Fpi'ingfield, at T. Wildci V. In .Standing Stone, at Simon Steven's. In Kyivauia boro' at the house of Curtis Merritt. In Souili Creek, nt the school house near A. Gillctt'a. In Towauda boro' at the Giand Jury rooiu.iu the Court House, in said boro*. In Towauda, twp., at the school house, near U. L. Scott's. In Towaiula North, at S. A. Mill's. In Troy boro", at the Eagle Tavern. In Troy twp., at the House of V. M. Long, In the boro' of Troy. In '1 uscarora, ul the school house near James Black's. In Ulster, at S. U. Holcomb's. In Warren, at IL Cooper's. In Wells, at L. Seeley's. Iu Windham, at the house of Bc-nj. Kuykendull. Iu Wvaiusing, at the house of J. 11. Black. In Wilmot, at the house of John Huffman. In Wysox, at the house of James M. Heed. At which time aud place the electors aforesaid will elect i by ballot | One person for Canal Commissioner of the O'otnmon . wealth. One person for Surveyor General of the Commonwealth, i One person for Auditor General of the Commonwealth. One person to represent the 14tli Congressional District I e inpused of tiie counties of Bradford Suaquchuuim and I Ti " il - .... One person for Senator, to represent this district, com i jjo'sed of the counties of Bradford, Susquehanna aud Wyo | liiing. Two persons to represent the county of Bradford in the House of Hepreseutatives of the Commonwealth of Penn ' sy ivania. Two persons for Associate Judges of the of ; Bradford. One person for Prosecuting Attorney of the County ol . Bradford. | One person for Commissioner of said county. One person for Auditor of said county. One person for County Surveyor. And in and by said act. I am further directed to give ' ii-.ti c " that every pi r-uu excepting justices of the peine i who shall b'ld any office of profit and, trust under the go ! verumeiit of the United .States or of this State, or of any ! incorporated district, and also that every member of con i j grc.-s a'ul of the State Legislature and tiie. select and com j mon council of any city, or commissioners of any uuxupo ' rated district, is by law incapable of holding or exorcising | at the same time, the office or appointment of Judge, In spcctor or Clerk of any election of this Commonwealth. ! and that no inspector or other officer of anvmo-h election, j shall In- then eligible to any office to be voted for. By the tth section of an act passed the lfitli day of i April, 1-441, it is provided " that the 13th section of an j act passed July 2. 1-30. entitled " Ail act relating to the ' ! elections of this common wealth," shall not be so cntrii ; ed as to prevent an v militia officer front serving as Judge, j Inspector or' ierk. at any general or special election of j this Commonwealth. j In the 81 st section of the act first above mentioned, it I is enacted that every general and special election shall be opened between - and If in the fort-no-'- and continue without intern; jit ion or adjournment until 7 o'clock in the evening, when the poll* shall he closed. By the 1-th section of the act passed Feb. 3d. 1846, it I shall be lawful Ibr the inspector! and judges of any gen • oral election which shall he hereafter held in the Arnie | ilia election district of Bradford county to close the polls of such election at 5 o'clock. P. M. By the lltli sections of the act of 1853. it is provided that the polls of the election district of Tusctirora twp. Ire dosed ut 5 o'clock, p. M. It is fuflhcr directed, that the meeting of the Judges at the Court Mouse in Townnda. to make out the general return, shall be on the 3d day alter the election, Whk h will be on the 17th day of October. It is also directed the meeting of the return judges for , the 11th Cougrcs.siofial district to male- out the returns for member of Congress. shall be at the Court House, in the borough of Towauda. on the 7tli day after the election, which will be on the 21st of Hctol.f r. The Return Judges for the 171h Senatorial District, composed of the couuties of bradhud, Susquehanna and Wyoming, will weft nt'thb f'ontt ilonstf 7tl the borough of Montrose, on the 7th d ly after the eltctirfn. which will lie the 21st. JOHN A. CO DDI NO. Sheriff. T-wunda, September 10. |Ss<">. in-: M O VAT.. COLLINS & POWELL, TTfOELP respectfully inform their frieuds and the pub- VV lie generally, that they have remoVpd their Cloth ing and Furnishing Sb.rc to their New Building ou the west side of Main Street, next door to Hall A Ilus-ell's, and w ill he huppy to wait ou all who may give them a call. Their stuck consist* of Black Cloth Coats. Plain and Fancy I'a.sslnieres, Tweeds and Jeaas. Black aud Fancy ('assitliere Pants. Black Satin Vests. Silk Velvet and fan cy do.. Silks of all kinds White Marsaillea and fancy do . White and fara v Linen runts, Overalls and otershirts, white and fancy sbirts, drawers, collars, cravats, socks, lints and Caps of all kinds and qualities, a good assort ment of Roys Clothing, siu-h as Coats, Vests and i'ants which we are selling off at cost; Gentlemen wishing clothing mailt up to order, will do i well to give us a c,ill, us we have a good assortment of i < loths. Ca.ssinicrcs and Vsitings on hand, which we are n-ady to make up on short notice, and \V \ UK ANTED to fit in every way, of no sale. We do our own cutting, and ft at tor ourselves that w<- know as much about n as most ! people, having had sonic years experience in bnsines Ci ' fTING done to order as usual.—Where Goods sre i bought of us, uo charge made for cutting. As regards j cheapness, all we ask is to give us a call before buying i elsewhere. J. M. ( OLLINd. PfcRCIVAL IN)WELL. I Towauda, August t, ls. r ,i;. NEW DRUG STORE AT NICHOLS. DRS. 11. M. & (ML CAT)Y would ro^icct f'ully announce to their friend* and the jmbiie that ] they have just opened a new and extensive DRUG STORE at NICHOLS, N. V. Their stock is new and carefully selected, r.nd consists of Drug's, XVXedicines, Chemicals, Faints, among which are lead, /.in'-, chrome grcu and yefußv, i iiidia red, vcnniHion, Ac. Oils and Vnniishes, a variety. Dye—tuffs. Including logwood, camwood. fn(ic. emlbenr, gran ulated tin. indigo. Ac. BRUSHES for jmirit, hair, hat, clothes, slme, teeth, ,Vc. Window glass, juitty, rainplienF, burning fluid, alcohol; tan ner's oil; very jinre LIQUORS for medicinal ptiriwcs! i Patent Medicines, perfumery, Liiliin's Extracts for the handkerchief ; Taney Arlltiex, lankee Motions, Sinifl. ( igar*. Ac. Ac. To Physicians our -tick o;tfirs inducements as Imiugof j tlir best quality, carefully sehs led, a.i i sold cheap. (live us a call, and see if you can -i irchasg as cheap i elsewhere. /.G. M. A (1. P. UADV. J N'iclV'k.Jnne 13, 1556. (CAUTION. — Notice is hereby given, that J I herehy forbid all per*rm-> frmn trusting any om- on my account, and jMirtkularly forbid all persons from har boring or trusting Joseph Prince, without a written or der from me ; ns I have iinnl • *ll tin- ne'*e*-u*y Hvr.'Ugv- I inuufs for his eomfort and Mtjiport. and ill nrq be liable j lor anv debts csmtractcl by hiul. Warren, Sept. 2, HAS. NELSON PRINCE. < ftlwriiimrons. TCt TffS TV&LIC. IN consideration,o! the lilierul jiutronage with which w haWI two fit voted ■ race we comnieti f -ed business in this tdace, we tender to the citizens of Towauda and sur ronnding cbuntrv drrr im>re thanks, and iVpc by selling at prices SUIIPiUsINGLY LOW, to make it profitable to all who may fa for us w Ith a call. Wu are resolved to k'vap pnee with the progressive Foirit of the age in which we live, by offering for sje Ooods of the Latest Syles, at prlcvn that actually alarm the proprietors of o!d-'*>!- toned tltores ; tliey living schooled in the high-price prin ciple, or father in the prices of old times—will not lower their demands ; but. in a very hajipy manner, wsrn Their ! customer* not to meddle with theioiods at the New Store, ! (at the same time exhibiting much concern lor their wcl j fare,) for thev know that none but damaged Good:-, can be mdd no feiy low. { We do net intend to sell damaged Geoda, lmt if ny- I prove to tie so. or. are not what we represent them to i e, return thou and receive tiie money paid for them. We now offer nr EST IRK SUMMER STUCK AT ST 11.1. I.niVF.R PRIC ES TH IS EVER. Some of our lh-ess (benls, onr leakinlnr sfu'k of Bon ' nets and Bonnet Trimmings we wilt sell at COST. We have a line lot of Wmwis. Mantillas. Window Pre | pery. Silks, Einiiroideries, Needle-Worked Edging and In serting. Ae.. Ac. We a-se pre|>ared to M-tid for any article in our line that ■ we have not on hand. Our assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, is complete— cannot be surpassed by any other establish iqent in Northern I'ennsylvaiila. Uall and exaiuiinj our Goods—seeing is bclicviug. , GUTI'ENBEUG, ROSENBAUM A UO. Towanda, July 41, MB, I _ _______ IS now m-eivinsr ti fine ) 'vjlk of GROCE RIES and I'lWyjSltWi'S wif li u ill lit! st ld at tl.c very lowest price. lie Isal-o auxv' to buy for ( ASH any quantity of Butter, Eggs, L rd and good Wheat, at the highest m.irkd price. Will those wlm want to buy or v-ho havu jirod ioe to sell plea.-e give hiui a call.' A NEW STOCK OF TEAS, warrni.Ud as jSX. usual t'i give antisfaction, or the money returned. Also, S igar. Coffee, Molasses, and in fact nm-t every thing iu the Grocery Hue. for sale cheap at FOX'S. DRIED PEACHES, A few ROVMM MM, also Pried Berries at " FOX'S (HANDLES, both Sperin UIMI Tallow by tiie J Imx or );iiid, at FOX'S. , differeiit qualities, Corn Meal, Br.in mid Chop, Also some very extra Family, l- l uir warrarfed of superior quality for sab- Ft Ft'.X'S. ; MESS PORK, cheese, Hams, Lard.Rroonis, . and art ni*ort:i,ci,t of Wooi'.. ii Ware at FOX'S. OAA IHSHELS £o<xl Potatoes wanted *l" *' "dmaii 1 lately r* FOX'S. I EXTRACTS for flavoring, for sale cheap li at FOX S. :'EAt'!IES a;. 1 Tuin U-ns, in cans, warranted f rfectly fre*h at l-'OX'S. ORANGES, Lentous, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Itrunes, Dates, Citron, and other fruit in their sca j son at FttX'B. WHITE I- IS 11, iu barrels, half barrels and | XI by the pound, at inyli FOX'S. MACKINAW TROUT—Some vcrv fine ones in b.xi' barrels, also Mackerel in half and quar ter burrels, at jlB FOX S. CLVNDY —A larwe stock always on hand ) ami soi 1 at wi.-jlcaal" at pedlars' price's at FOX'S. TONS SUG A IIS Rrown, Refined, Pow * ) dered, ('nis-icd and Gniunlated ; Moia-.-cs. Syrup, Itie and Java C'( 'li f, Rive, Sab-ratus,Linger, Sp' TTU U.indle-,. Rice. Pohac o— it: ioi t a genera! variety of Groceries, for sale cheap ar junej FflX'S. fPAPKK'A, R:r;e, Corn-starcli, Rice flour. -T '.'arrageu, Mucaroia. Vermacilla. Sasrocheesc aid Sjiic of ut FOX'S, il.k'idi of 1 11 kinds, both white and ground F-J —MunuirJ, •. • k ar,-i white, whole aud ground, at October 'J. _ FOX'S. BOOTS A. £X3ES tU J'ZAIHSE. D. li t Ml'' 1 - :,f reeeivinjv ti pe ') • ii-n' ass-ir' .~ • £ a'tulih- r-T the spring trsd Alsi an ,\c I'l.-nt; -■ .' .. .7 ;.'-R,c :.:.ihlng |osld - S-.le I c: ' . 21'.l- C..l:' Sk!;,-',. together with neutral - c : 'Up; . ' ie;pp A Find ings- r -••••. -• .:., ir ~,r,. I7ISH.— No. 1 jit; $ fcer I and Codf.si;. - at 1-../1 KEKCSU'S. V T OOL -aCASH PAID FOR WOOL. I 1 r M. E. - N'S ( i tiiiujr St ire r- door S 1 i.'h of M-u ■.! - t-.d ' •M.i.dc.. M-.v 2t>, l*.".(i. 4 GEN f r - AT; ASSORTMENT of Boots •*. V A Sle.e a i Finch:.*- now recvitiug ut _Ais. 22, 1. -7 IIL.MI H-lEV'S. LFikTIIKR.— Just receiving ex iO celleut lot of ttuperior SOLE LKATHEK, to which [ public attention i- respectfully invited. I Noi. 2'J. ls.i.'i. J. P. HUMPHREY. NEW SPRING GOODS, AND T\ T EWJTRM. BKINGStirpV A SON brg leave tn rail the attell • tion of-„!i-;r fi lend.- and customers, a- welt asall oth ers, both Jew ant (fontiir, wL-hlng to buVGood.s ('IIEAI', to their well eleitol stork of FOR F.Hi X AXD 1)V --MUS TIC any '!<)Ol)S, -onsi-ting of a wreat vnrit-ty of t.atlit t ])r r.i ■; (,'s Oils. Sil'.n. Shut as. Ut l.aincs, Chal litf, Uatfgci, ( U. i: \iiraijs, JU/nrns, JlrilluttUts, ttr.. tic. Also, a chcii e t'lection .of Merritnac, Chocle- o, and other style* of 1 i: t piiorea rj'Uta- A large and c-jr.ic.ietb Ssitdrtltibnt of I~n '-'r Xvticms. Hosiery. Mores, J'rtss 7' rnain.-g.', 1* e lit tats. I tit inn. Ticks, It Hit. l.intn*. CiMhiied, B < ' .. and Broten Slffetinffs, Go.'bn luni, I t'i A'a.'P. 'Shrine, C.-rtiel if arp. Ar., <S r In addition to thr ..'.-■r'-i-c ai tich'* UnMo -.vill aiwuys be found a full a-sorti -t GHG ERII.S, Groekery at.d (laics-ware. Hoots a o.' : t,, li. ■H.d U. J. Tail*, Fish, I'aiis, Tubs. Mntts. c The undersigned u- . a |i!ca.-ure in hull;. trie p'siVle to an examiimtion o their Spring -! -k. is-li< viug that 1 Gomis anu low jiricas w ill insiut s- cdy *,.! for ready pay. B. KINC - I OBV AJ?' LX. Towanda. \/iril 11. ISSB, Watdhes, Jcwe'ry and Fancy Cf-ocas. \AI. WAKN ER has just received Inrcc • and splendid assortment of WATUHES, JFWK;.- RY A FANto GOODS, which are otlbri-d fe'r sale on t;,e I.- . *t terms. Gall at Warner's, Main st. above Bridge. 'J uvanda, July s, 1H56. NEW SPRING G ODS! rpm: subscriber calls attention of tiie pub 1. lie t*i his SPRING STOCK OF GGfIPS comprising the wir.tl variety and which will be sqfd nt the ! west possible rates for cash. 0.1). BARTLETT. Tov.-nndn. April 21. }Bf,G. Another hargs Arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS! nS. MERCUR is now receiving the largest, best as • sorted, ami most desiral 'e nt-ik of (io-"ls that hits | yet heeu offered iu Towauda. ' ■ -ig-if < very varietv of SA I'l.E A .V /) EAXC V let. V til ili/IS, Hardtoare, ('rocker t) and Glass warr, /• 'j and S/it rs Ilals, Caps, Slaaic GtA.il:, i '.:rpils, Mrl linys. II oodcu-tcare,fi/■(•rrrirs, 11 ir.timc-Glass, (his. A i's, Troi x Steel, I'is'n, Lather, Ac. A*e, who h will lie so 1,1 :it wholesale or re;. p verv lew rrl ees. The puldl- are very resjiectfullj r'/iiientin) to exam ine the Stock. T-ijv.-uida. April 21, 1856. T Fawns, Shallis, Aareges, 4cc. ITE finest assortment in town of French find American Lawn*. Frctieh 54eotc]i and Anrtrican Ginglntms. Ghalli*, Bareges, Ibilliants and Print* at April 30, lt>sti. MERCER'S. 1 INS EE I.), lifiinp, Tn liners', ppd Nentsfoot, ■J Oils. Al-udiol, C'amphme and Puruing Ftiild far -ale |jy H. s. MERCUR. /AROOK KHY' ti OLASS-W ARE —A lnr-gc j " and beqntiful assortment of Crockery and Gila.*-ware, fii-t received bv may 12 It. S. MFRt'I'U, i \ T oTlt'E, -Tiie Pamphlet Laws of iL< i-l Session of the Penna. Me/islaturr for the vcar ISafi have been received for this County, and are loady for distribution to ti.osi- uulitlid ta receive tbell'. _ August 4, 15.;.:, ALLEN MKKAN, Prolb'ry. f A DIES' INDIA RUITREITGLOYES, 1 J at the • t >ru of H. ft MKBC'UR. IK'RE GfPKR \ INIiGAR A rco l*i;ti cle nt v FOX'S. pmj £cgal. ADMINISTRATO!:'- V,,TI(I'K. -Notice is hereby jriven, tli al! prw,iis Indebted to tbcvs- Uteof Lntlor Rivk.w'eM, 4* *l.. i*u> <>r Tr-.v tou i -Kip. at? hereby raqhcJtedfo makepayment withoutdii n: , d *1) pen*u Laving claim- u. dust -aid e-tate will plea, e present Uitih duly authn-tii itcd tor.wdUcmiut. RLYTLJLVM 1.. UERV 'VFR.L AMY KOiKtYE'.l., Jum 10, ISSU. A'iipln^tratoij, ADM I MteTRAT' >l\'S NOTlCE^Notfce i# hereby given that nil J>/TTIS indebted to tie u tale ®f LUBVVR; RINKBOLD,iksc'd.. lafeof Oveiton tvrp. to make imnkdjktt payment, and all having !••- !iiaD<ia against said estate, vviii priwent them dulv an than ticattl for settlement. EDWARD RIXBBOI.D, Administrator. OwrtojA June PS, I>/>S. 4 DMI N'RS. NOTICE.—AII persons in -AJL debted t<> the estatw of MM. MYERM, defense it, late f ATHENS b-wii-hip. are hereby tn.tittid to make pavmeirt without delay, and all {Ktraotis having demand # a e.iibsi said t-tale urr rerjt,c-cd to present them dvlr an thcidu-atcd t.-r Mcltkineut. SABAH MYEiN. July Is. la.'>o. Adinistrxtrvi. \ Wif AWK'S XOtlcE—Noiice 1 V is hereby given, that all persons Indebted to the <•>• tatvol T'arrlon Krnvoii, dee d. late of Windham tp. are ie qin-tirf to Rillke pavmett trillion i dekiv; and all p nu... having •hihi i Mg..iit-t said estate, tn ; ->t pet—cut thctudhv authenticated fi.r .ettleinent, to the *uW riters. WILKINSON I'.KE.NYQN. XdmiiAdrat'ira. Windham. July lt>, Isiiti. 4 DMiN SWICP:. "NLI;. i J*\ is hereby aiieu, thai all persons uideht. <1 o> tie e , late <>f A. lhs'fi~. dc> (a-ed, lute of < naiou tup . ::re lierel v reqtu .ted te( make J-tymeitl without dt!.'-., j and all persons having elairns against tali) rvtate ski i please'prt.seut them-duly AUlh- uti. a ted for stttii meat. ; simon tt/i .\TMKor, Jnly 1. i t Ailu-liii.-tr.i'"r. | \ DM IN ATOE'S NOTICK.—Not ico -X. is ljercbv given, that all persons Indebted f<> tlm te late of Joseph Ingham, deceased, late of Herri'k Tun ship, are Tieret.y requested to leuVc payment n-;'v nt <*•-• lay; and .yk ;x>rson.i huvhig claims against said r tate will ' please present tlidn dulv itufbdutienb ■! for u dttlou ••nt. I -•' Ltl - Y 21 • t ** 6 - J A. INt.HAM, Adinm'r. \ DM INI.ST R A Tin X N(n l<;i-;._Not :.o J.X. is herebv Jtivis,, that all iierttins indebted to tl-o ea tetc of SAM I'Mi STKVKXS. dee d, lute „f pike tow.. ttvp, are hereby rerjuested to ineke pnvment without de lay; and xJ! persons havitnr elnlms n;ru'n-t said e- tste will , please pn >ent them d'.lv iritlieirthMted for setHeiiinftt . ' KM KJiFN'ZA STEYKNS, July 1, T' Ah. .1 dtrrtu Istratrl.r. HA RDWARH, IRON, NAILS, aZ-' A larvp- adii : tinual stork of < oramon and Saddiery Hardware, Joiner'- T tola, Carriage Triuitninj'H, Iron Steil and Nails, ju-t received by 11. h. MKIICCR- Pianos, Harmcnicms, BGelodcona Ao. IK VI WELLS, tleultr in Musical lustru ■J ineiits, iua> for at hue be found ttrst door 4' th ■' \ I>r. Plt.v'f 1 S, on Second street, Towamia, where he ;•! be happy to receive orders for nny of the abote uarnul I iu.-trume.nts, which he wiil deliver for cash or approved j credit xt the lowe.it retail prices of New York city. (: | would call particular attention to the Orpan Harmonium, of late i celebrated tor Church use, being considered | oreferable tJ, and less expensive, than good Organ# j Price, *''• >0 : Melodeons from sl6 to iiino. Every instrument fully warranted. Vclodeona turw.l and repaired on rt-xsonaule terms. iiefereiHcs—S. K. OOI.T, I'rincipJ of CUlegiati Insti tute, and Or. S. I'uaTT. August 12, ls.ts. TO W A N D A I mmm mmi. j viiHE MiSSK.-j II ANHO.N respectfully infornj the pulJiu i J. that tiie i air lerm ol their si hooi will opctj In tlia i in w bniMmy on second street, west of tho H xrd 1IUQ | on Monday Se; ternber 16, lH.'fi. j Miss t). ii. H AN.*ON wiil have tho general sut erititen •ieii' e of ihe school, as-isted in Music 1 Miss KKBECi'A D. HAN.-siiN, and in Piencb by Mis# P.MMA HANSON. 1 hank till for the patr<na ,e already extended lo them, tbt-y beg leave to assure those entrusting their daughters j in their i imrge, that every ith rt will be msde to deeorve the eonfiden' e and favor of thoir natrons. Ihe Sv. 1 0l year will conrist o: ibur ip.xrters, of eleven we ks ea. ii. The summer iaoi-1 *i :•• men oh 'g In Julv, ami ending in Septeiuhtr. Art -• ft ftw dnv# wiU b taken at the holidays. TKRVCj. WSS <ifAr.THS : first CI I't—To in lade ti.? < i mtntary iong'Vh # M . r.ti-heA, and th,. study of the Latin language, i ■Y ' nd < •'•-x-.ts T • iuclot'i -lie aiurcadvskeed sta-} d J oft!.c Kagli,Lbix...lfts.withMatbei;i9itico,s CO ami th- st ub of 1., th. ..mi FitiiUt I'itr ■' | ;,is; -To incl .de Matncuiatics, Mee'tal f a..d M 'rrl I'I.J a 'p!y, Loci ric, ILtaoy, Ac., > sl2 W) with Latin and Freu-h || Lai Ii pup il will bring with her a desk uud chair. Tbw w.ii fjt* t:'. t xt.,l charirf! Aal.^ic— *srj tJ? with uj-O of 'L4ir** meat, -.Mil be given by Mis* RnpKiru L>. IIAKSOX, at $lO per quarter. Houidiiig for young lailics can bh obtul.acd In priva'a : fxiuiUcs it rvasonn'oie rates l'ui ils from u dirt-ru o will ' receive the i-o*ciuj care of the teacher#. I.Mt 1 i'UK-. on Khetortc, M nd and liAellcctual Phiio- pliy. ui.,l tht- higlier branches ot English C ■mposiUjU. will al-i) ! e delivered once or tide in c...h week. They IJCL; lean t > rct-r t the following named gcaliw men : —lit lbo . Al.cvro PoTTF.tt. Ijishuj. of tho 1 Uoceeo of Penu'x, Phiiudtlpii.u : L'r. MAC LKA.v, President <>t the College ol New Jtr.■<•,*. Hon. I'AVio W:i MOT, <r. P. .iiisrv (" L. WAIVD, JOBM F. MKANS, 1). p. ILAUSFR tr, ii. t. Mtucru, 0. I). MART- KtiTT, E. (*. Ooodkicu. Towecda. I, 1 B. A'l TORNK VAT J L.I H'. TRUY, Hradfot.i Co., Pa. OfTTce-over V. M. Ail. F. Lime's sMre. Aug- lUtl. DRIED KEEK—AIsu a few v*ry lnrw? fine smoked 'fmicues, at " 'i?X'S< f HA 1N CRADLES and llors# Rake.s for VA wile by June 11. 15.5. H. h..MKLCfe'R. (HUI/riVATOR TEETH AND CORN V > SHEU.FRS. for sale by It t 4 . MEUCVR. (^AUTJON. —All persons tire cautioued - ' against imrchttslßg a cote Rireaby m'oa crahoui the bid day of Ji iy last, to a inau pas-sing by the auir-o if Van Fleet or Van A'liet fur $lO, as said Note was ob tained by fraud and uo value received. I thcrufure ohe',l not pav -aid Note uuItMS compelled by law. Merrick. August 5, 15.66- 1. A. YARK IOiST Botween Townnda end Lcßitbsville J a BI.AVEE'i' SnAWX.aiiMll plaiu brown ami whiu* checks. iu.e tiuu ug will rteturu it ta lb- owner, - t leave it nt fT," Towioola Post O/Dne, for which they trill be liberally rewarded. Mi iiiii_,Vi pt.'J, _ CLARK CL'iURXC.jk Cash paid for Peks & Wool, AT ,-UUfMON'S CLOTIIINU STOUK, Towamla, September 3, lkSd. BRADFORD COUNTY "TEAC IIKU.V ASStJC'IATIUN.—Th- next ruculnr tueeting of thU ! Asso uition wiM to held in lt .rl'ugli n, c.u.JUeucUig oii | Friday, BEITEMQER l'i, at 10 M, I The U ual i:d<ire-s bur-re Ihe Assisdatma whe d#l'ivr- I ed by Mr. (h F, NICHOLS, and the K-s.-nv rcsd t.y Mis# ; AY, L. LONU. JAMKj. M'tViLLl.vM, Sec y. (I ACTION.—AVbert'us JMV wife •!onanna . Cc.oAit cas 'til my l>ed suit l-.firi withuut hist cau.*e_ 1 thcreibrii forbid all person# trnming >x-r on t account, a- I viil:.r l (.t *,o responsible for debts '.'uutrn tvil by he: after tiiUd Ut. i-'ure'.L August T.i, Ik.W. MfOiIAKI. CROAK. XEW Fum AND NEW FALL GOODS. rnUKKiRM f>F MUNTANYES A TO. Ki been di 1 --lived bv nuitunl euu.-eut. WM. A. iIOCKtVELI. h ivinc withdrawn. The hiixinMs will here ifter be enn durtcil uudi r the name or Mi >N CAN YlH—hnving #M.. ciatesl writu the linn J. 1 MUNTANYF Jr.. and F. I>. Mon TANVP. \Y(I trust WITH our present facilities FUR the pur chase of deeds, thxt we ci'u make it an object f>r CASH CUSTOMERS t • exainini wir stuck, whi- it has beau !iil in wit'" great care t > suit the full trade. &j~ AH accounts du* the oM tii m, as aku> note# that uro due, art trprrUA to hi pnuf t eUlwut further noiire. Aug at 111, 15:,6. MONTA.VVES. STRAY.—Oft toe to the etkloftire nf ihu J sub- rilior in ltidgl rrr t •tvn-hij>. aoroctimw In '•© month of Ma -', a r-d vcirlbig IIEIFER, s--me white I* tween lor h irn, --n her belly and on each 1IM OR stiilc, slid on lite end f the roil. Tbe owner is reqitvwted u> prove i-r -prrTv. pv charge#, and Uike Ik r xivxv. Sept. r. HVh _ 11. F. rSCH'f. j?XL'CI'TOI{'S NOTICE. —Notice is here* 1J bv giteu. tlist ill ner-ons iinb-bteil to thn estate of JOHN' HARKA CHii STOi'IIER EYKRII AKT d'rd.late f ' lli-Ig'-Ty. sre reque-teil to make p tymeut witliont delay; those Inringilcma?uls.aguii> t-aid otate wifl preuetit thtmi duly authenticated for -etths.rent. 4;pt. Hl> l6'>. KINNEY DfFITT, F.xceutor. I_si t Itr. Tv (IRS A I 'ERIN S.—A f|tiw< - l:ty of -swid itcWcr i . s and Firkin- ia-> ;e ii ,<t and for-ill by ui; T H. S. iil.lif-k'U.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers