[From the New York Herald.] The Late Elections and the Presidential Question, in a Sectional View. •Hie lute Elections in North Carolina, Ken . Arkansas, Missouri and lowa, in our ui',,ll, tuiclusively establish these three points ' pi'i-st That there is " not the ghost of a , for Mr. Fillmore." even in the South. 'Second " iat t ' ,e 0011 test ' s a actional con- Mr. Ruclianan being the Southern, and c t ,l Fremont the Northern candidate. Third— That the present Buchanan party is ,l,e most ultra and exclusively sectional party ~f ativ party claiming to he national, and lias rve'r existed"in the United States. Our first point requires very little argument m make it good. The late results in North I'-iio'liim and Kentucky—two of the three or f.mr Southern States claimed for Mr Fillmore p. II their own story. The revolution against q.,. I'iHiiiorcites. in Kentucky, is particularly .;,',-.iilicant. It was tluirSouthern stronghold; •mil having lost it. what other Southern State i n; he <-x pec ted to stop at the uncertain and unreliable half-wav house of Fillmore, when .In- whole North is rallying for Fremont, and J j,,. whole South is moving for Buchanan ? Th,. first report from Arkansas, to the t-fleet that that State had gone for the Fillmorepar tv was hut a momentary delusion. Arkansas ..diiiT'-s to her Democratic antecedents as in j|,. N ;ilvas Virginia. In a word, the late re mit-iii the South, in our judgment, close up ;ic accounts of the Know Nothing partv, l r . iu . Mr. Fillmore without u " the giiost of a .hanee" for a solitary electoral vote, and re , e this 1 'residential .struggle to an inevitable , j,ui by the people of Fremont or Buchan an. Our .second proposition, which is as self evi dent as the li'X, i. denied by the Nigger-tlriv l„.r Democracy, in reference to their candid ate: but we shall hold tlieui to it. They would haw us hdiive that Fremont is the only sec t.uiial candidate in the field. Mr. Fillmore Ims told us so; Mr. Buchanan has told us the ~iine thing : and they have both recommended a revolutionary nullification of the will of the Maeriean people, should Fremont he elected. W'r siv that upon the Kansas question, the see niiiial is.-ue between l reinont and Buchanan has dear as white and black. Fremont goes r making Kansas a free State ; Buchanan is j.:,,|ged to Governor Wise and the Soutliern Niriu-rs of the Cincinnati Convention, to ■ ,ke it a Slave State. Upon this well deliu- Mason and Dixon's line and the Ohio , l ave lieett made by the South the divid er harrier between the two great parties of i",jlaign, notwithstanding the Southern ; ir*v itre as free to act, and arc as active on Vi.rth side of the line, as within the limits •Fir 'ivn peculiar jurisdiction, tl-ir tliinl proposition, declaring the ]>resent 1' 1 uiiati party the most ultra sectional of any i v elaiaiing to lie national tiuit has ever St. d in tlie I "uited States, wc shall endeavor i .-.ke as dear a- either of the other two. 'flu-re h nothing in thejiistory of Fremont, iiiug in the platform he occupies, nothing - letter < if acceptance, to justify these s m,:l!r:i apprehensions and these democratic ■ a-atiniis against him that he is an abolition - that lii- election will he the triumph of it ani principles: and that, in anticipation ' '• an; driven to the wall by his admiui.stra : '!i. the South, in the event of his election, - 51 ami will recede from the Union, and set a Southern confederacy. Kansas or no K uti le .-ire or war. On the contrary, tlie only lip'ct slavery ivhicli renders Fremont tin i * 'ile and an object of i-ar to our Soiith . -. ■ ssh,:, democracy, is Kansas. Ujmn the :' :, e Save law, slavery in the District of i •iiiuhia, and the constitutional and lawful .nl slavery wherever it exists in the Un- i - position is quite as good, and even > nservative than that of Mr. Bin liatian. more conservative, l>-cause Mr. Bn • -HI i- the champion of certain fillilnistcring | -■-is. which, if followed up, may prove more a to th" South, before the end of a . a '.ii'irstration. tiiau all the Northern i'l'.i agitations of the last forty years. j ipn Kansas, however, our modern nigger- ' -ii-niii, racy, front Mr. Buchanan at Wheat- i rid Mr. Toottths in the United States i * ■' '" ato all the little organs and stump | of the party throughout the country. • - '< "inthat " Fremont is a sectional i otr,' and that "his c-lcction will and end of the Union." How 11- in - position in favor of Kansas ; ill'-- State in any degree more sectional j 1 en-n ~f Mix Buchanan in behalf i '• ■■'i a;>-;on of Kansas as a slave State ? ; v " are told that in Jii-; election fifteen j ~ 'l" the I iiion will he ignored. How j I'"- ansa, r is, '■ ], M )k at tlie .South—not i ' electoral tisfcet in any South- j *''• 'Acepting Kentucky." But wc ask ; i'-'i-v lint ? A iid we are answered, " he-1 • !■ ."'i.n.'; abolition party dare not at- ! du-y would he lynched, tarred and yr hung up 011 the first tree, or druin- Ihe State ; and they know it." * u,i;i i : ail this to be true, we cannot see ■ '-O'Vi - Fremont to Ik* more a sectional hian I'm uauan. On the other hand, 1 a -hows ilie boot to be upon theotli ■ 'lit! the juvseut Buchanan party is -crioasly the most ultra and de " 'ttal party that has every existed - 'n Mr. (•<.!,!, (i f Georgia, and Mr. Sen >i " Jmiid.iua. for exaHqJe— both I '■■■rrs. w. heiicie, ami lutlli in favor of Biiclmnau and the admission of -a ..vc State, ami Ih>
  • No"," ' ' '' V t>rc present lie would not lv ' - the audacious intruder from ■■ i; hi.- fellow citizens. And as I ' h'h, so with Mr. Benjamin. Is! ■ ' ' 'he real sectional party this j I h'i. i "''dional democracy of the H- ... '• ''l'oti Kansas aflairs, throughout i Pa , ." '- 'he mouth and the press of j " r 'he peril of Lyneh law? and in its organization, bo.- been, i.-, and will continue ' "h> we par'y priu'-iple- of tlie South. Concede that this is due to the meat law of self-preservation, the fact of this sec tionalisui must he admitted. We may trace it through all our Presidential elections, as the fundamental doctrine of Southern politicians evett in tlibse elections where the ,North had no suspicion that the South were acting as the South against the North. It has only been since Martin \ en Bnren was run as " the Northern man with Southern principles" that the "li V-d .fact" of this sectional spirit of the South hay uecoine potent to all the world.— Ironi that o much. Wc will vote for that man whose policy is to admit Kansas as a free State and instantly the South is a unit and her party leaders threaten disunion as the pen alty of Fremont's election. Which, then, if there he hut one sectional party on the course —which is it, the Buchanan or the Fremont party ? GEN*. HOISTON'S SPEECH.- —The AYashing ton correspondent of The Kerning /'es7 says : " Old Sain embraced the occasion yesterday to define his position before the Senate and the country, lie denounced the abrogation of the Missouri Compromise line, as well as tlic Administration's policy toward the Free-Stale settlers in Kansas. The whole difficulty be tween the Free and Slave States, now, he said was traceable to the agency of the Executive in passing the Nebraska-Kansas act. Houston declares that lie is a member of the American party, hut in a speech of nearly two hours lie ditl not, a single time, mention its Presidential candidate. Indeed, he once, in his remarks, administered a severe, though possibly unin tended, rebuke to Fillmore's recent disunion sentiment delivered at Albany. "Tliev tell me," said Houston, "if Fremont is elected, forty thousand bayonets will bristle about the Capitol—that the South, in fact, will secede. Mr. President, 1 scorn the suggest ion ! There will he neither bristling bayonets or secession. If Col. Fremont shall he elected by a majori ty of the people, though I am not his suppor ter. I shall respect the majesty of the people : ami to Colonel Fremont, as the Chief Magis trate of their choice, I shall pay my respectful homage." " Here the old hero, putting his hand to his breast, made one i f his most elaborate vows. " This just and noble reply to Southern al truism told visibly upon Senators from his sec tion. It, however, accords with the recent declarations of Edward Bates of Missouri, Senator Bell of Tennessee, and all rightmind ed men at the South, who do not believe in the cry about dropping fifteen stars from the na tional banner. THIBCTF To FRKMOVT FROM Si:N XTOR W \I.KKR. —ln the debate on the Compromise measures of Im>o, Hon. i.suae l\ Walker, of Wisconsin untile tht* following allusion to t'olonel Fre mont's already well known views of slavery : " What u'uuhl tiic senator (Mr. Downs) have ? Wotih! he have the elastic, hounding activity of the .Wmli to await the slow ami sluggish movements of the slave-labor, machin ery of the South, in settling the territories ? Does he expect this ? If so —mark my words lie will exjiect in vain, until the hist elod has fallen upon the last eotliu of the last slave whose servile foot imprints the southern soil. It will not wait. )! J.'.tli d.i;- of September. A eordiul invita tion is extended to all of every name and denomination, j U.K. WIiITNEY, Standing Clerk. i Nan stburrtisenuuts. / 1 KNHI!AL ELECTION rROCLAMA ' J TI>X. Whereas, hy an at tof a*sc:iibly of tlicCom montrealth. entitled " an'act relating to the* mic tions of this commonwealth," it is enjoin ,| upon me to give pub lic notiee ~i such election to !e held, nmt also the cuuiuer | ation in such notice what officer* are to be elected, I . I DIX(!. 11 igh Sheriff id the county <>f it rail ford, do hereby make known and give notice to the elec tors of said county that a general election will be held in said comity, on TCRSDAV the l Hit day of October,in the several distriets in said county, to wit : In Albany, at the sub-district school house near Camp bell'* mill. 11l Asylum, at Jacob Frntetiey's. In Athens born', at K. S. Mathews, >n's. In Athens tw|i., at the school house near Wni. Scott's. In Amenta, at John S. Keeker's. la Knrlinpton boro , at tile school house at Burlington four corners. In Kurlingtoii twp.. at the ho i-e of Koswel! I.ntber's. In West Burlington, at the house of K/.ra (loddard. In < niton, at A. H. Spalding's, hi Columbia, at James Morgan's. In Durcll. at the sell,M. horoagh ■>f Montrose, on the ith day after the < lection, which will he the 21st. JOHN t t oDDlMMShenfl 3, Tewjuda, September 1". 1-j l ' Tovvanda Market Wholesale Prices. j [form-ted weekly by I- !'.!'(i\". Dealer in ProvitfOnsiiid Groceries, Nil. i. Brick How.] Flour, (retail juice.) f> Mil. .17 V) *o Buckwheat " .... 38 Cg • Oats, " 111) (ffi Corn " .... Ui- - Bye " .... (it, t2A I Potatoes, " .... (i 'HOC ....* Bean-, " I btf (<& ; Dried Apples •' .... 1 (Ml fie .... j Butter \> lb .. 17 <•(. 18 ! Cheese " .... r> (<(, 10 1 Mains and Shouldera, " .... 8 I'ik I Dried l'eaches. " .... 12 (a. lb" Dried Berries " .... 12 18| HKgs, dozen 10 <iough ot Tnwauda, to take into consideration the propriety of holding a Musical Conven tion some time during the coining winter. 0 C. 12. t.'OBL'UX, President. A\ M. C. BH;.IKT, Secretary. i 1 it K fD o m OR ■" /m "w ■ s ■m.w^ IS said t i he the inevitable re-ult of the coining election; lit i- also said that tli: s elm ions L'uion is in danger ; lie | that as it may. we know that a terrible storm is gathering j in the political heavens, which will soon bur-t upon us in all its maddened fury. But we would my to the citizens |of Bradford. heed it not; it will pass harmlessly hv. Soon j however, storms of a dilt'erent nature will gather in a j wintry sky. which w ill cause you to tremble likean aspen, unless you"procure the neeessary proteelion. .Vow, it is | these kinds o| storms that we propose to prepare you to • meet. We have just received an extensive ami splendid assortment of DllY (;<>()!>S A.XI) CLOTIIIX(t I'm-the FALL TRADE, which we will sell at New-York city prices. Our motto is. tjtiick sales and small prolits." THE LADIES \\ ill find in our assortment an endless variety of all the .Hoods they need. llnr shelves and drawers art crowded With articles fur liieir use. We call special attention to our new styles o/FANCY SII.KS, the finest the market affords. SHA WLS, brot lie, Bav state and cashmere, of i all sizes and qualities. |. API US* PRESS COOPS, French, j English and American Merinos, plaid and striped Do Lafuc-. plain and figured Alpaceas: in fact everything usually kept in Pry Omul spues. Fir-t-rate ceiico- at t> cents per yard, goml muslin at ii cents. A line assort n.eiil ill ill I.YA 1.1 S, /. atlies' Collar s, Unders/ccces Hand- \ i l.irrhitj ~ Luces EaiUroiderii s. Gloves, Hosiery, ,y c. Our Clothing Department Is replete with fashionable goods ; Overcoats from >1 to i'lii. business coats front ill to sl i. vests all prices, pants from ?2 to jil. A general assortment of underclothing. \ collars. Ae. CLOTHING made to older if required, and upon the shortest notice. tun' Don't forget the phu-e, in Pat ton's new block, cor ner Bridge and Main streets. CI TTKMU'EG, KOSEXB.U'M .V CO. Towaitda, September 3. lsiiil. X. —('ante to the enclosure of the J subscriber in l.'ulgbery township, sometime in the mouth of May. a red yearling lIKiI'KIL -nine white be t ween her horns, on her belly and on each hip or .-title, and on the end of the tail. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and take In r awuv. Sept. 111, ljSafi. ' H. F. JBTRT. LWKITTOI'v'S NOTlCE—Notice is hcrc- I J by given, that all persons imlebted to the estate ol JOHN MA BUY i TIUIS.'utEHKUKVKRH ARTd'ed,kite ol liiilghery. ale requested to make payment w itliout delay: those having demand- auuin-t -aid estate will present tliem duly authenticated for settlement. Sept. in. IKINNEY PuWITT. RxMatur. / UT'TION Notice is hereby given, that I hereby toibid all persons from trusting any one on tny account, and particularly forbid all persons from bar Iniring or tiu-ting .losepli Prinee. vvithiuit a written or der from me ; as 1 have made ali the iie.-e-.-arv arrange meats for his eomfiui and support, and will not be liable lor anv debt- contracted by him. Warren.Sept. 2, 1x56. ' NELSON PRINCE. I O.ST—Between Tnwamla and Leßavsvilh J a BLANKET Sll A WL,small plain brown and while check-. Anyone limling will re-tore it to the owner, oi leave it. at tiie Towanda l'ost Office, for which they will be liberally rewarded. Monroe.'Sept. :i, l*-,r,. CI.A UK (T.MMIXGS. Cash paid for IVltx & Wool. A T SOLOMON S CLOTHING STOKE, Tovvanda. September J. 1 >IIA V>FOKI> COt'NTV TEACH EES' I J ASSOi 'I ATlt\. The iu\t retfuUi meeting • ihis V"S lioiuic the A s-voc iutii it will IKMIPUVCI' i. Montanvk Jr.. and K. Mnv tanvk. We trust with our present facilities fur the pur* • h'-e i,i" ili.it we can mak •• it an object for i \SH i IT >Ti >.M"KRS to < xaniine our stock. which has heeii laid in with great < are to suit the tail trade. All accounts due tiit- old firm, as also notes that are due. are e.rjn eted to In paid ivithemt further notice. August 25, 1356. MONTANYKS. Il l-: M C) VA L. COLLINS & POWELL, Uroi'l,l) respectfully intVirm their I'rieuiL aiul the pub lie generally. that t.licv have removed their Clotll istg and Furnishing Store to their New Building on the ue-t side of Main Street, next door to li.ill A llusseH's. and w ill la- happy to wait on all who may give them a rill. Their stork consist i f Itlark Cloth Coats, i'tain and '"am y Ca--uiieies. ['weeds and .leans. Itl.u k and Fancy i' ts-dtnerc Pants. Itlark Satin Ve. including logwood, tain wood, fustic, ciuihear, gran ulated fin. indigo. Ac. UIICSHKS for paint, hair, hat, clothes, shoe, teet.lt, Ac. Window glass, putty. caniphene. burning llttid. alcohol; t in net's oil: very pun- 1.1<,H OBA tor medicinal pill posts: Patent Medicines. perfumery. Rubin's Extracts for the handkerchief ; I amy Articles, Yankee Notions, Snuff t 'ig.tr-, ,Vc. An. To Physicians our -dock oQ'ers inducements asbcingof the he t Ipialit v, care;ully selected, an I sold cheap. tlive lisa call, and see if yon can narchase as cheap eLewliore. ' l for sale by tnav'JU H. S. MKUt I'll. Books and Stationery. r pH|] hi rarest asstirtmcnt of l()()KS and I STATIONERY ever "tiered in this market rempris in r a very rumpl. te dock of Sehoo| t 'lassjeal and Mi -eel l ineoiis Itonk -. and a very lull assortment of Ptatinnerv, in topi nio ' and fm .ill ijnUMiall v < hi .ip at Ayri! 2' te n'. . IV BAKTLETT'S. fUiGccllnitcono. TO Tks PrBLIC. IN ron-idvration or the (ibef.il putronave with which wi have beeji favored siiue we eopitnem -d tauine.-s in lhii place, we tender to the cilDstts of Towanda and sur rounding i-••uiiU-y our sincere thanks, and hope hv -tlliug at prices SI'KPPISINCLY LoW. to make it p roll table to nil w bo tusy favor us with a call. Vv •• are re ojved to keep pace with the progressive spirit of the age iu which we live, by ottering fot sale O-oods of the Latest Syles, at prices that • tuwlly alarm the proprietor- of old-fash ioned Stortss; tliey tiidrig schooled in the high-price priu ciple. or ratio r in the prices ot old times-—will not lowei their demands ; hut. in a very happy manner, warn their customers not to meddle vvdth the Goods sit the New Store, (at the sume time exhibiting much concern tor their wel fare.) for they know that none but damaged Goods .-ai be sold so very low. We do not intend to sell damaged (".noil-, but if anv prove to be so, or, are not what we represent them to be. return tin in and receive tbc money paid tor them. VV, now oiler our KXI'HIE Sl' :\i ,W IIH STOCK AT S I //./. I.OW/•'./{ /'H/CES /'HA Y EVER. Some ol our Press Coods, our remaining stock of lion nets ami It.>i!k-. Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edging and In setting. Ac., &I-. We a.-e prepared to send for any article in our line that we have not on hand. Our assortment of REAI>Y-MAI>K CLOTHING, i- complete - annot be surpassed by any other establish ment in Northern Pennsylvania. Call and examine our Goods —seeing is believing. GIT I'E.N BERG, ROSENUA CM A CO. Tovvanda. July ls.">. K. r l\ FOX IS now rmtivinir n fine sftiek of GROCE RIES and PROVISIONS which will he sold at the i very lowe-t price. He i-also anxious in buy fur CASH any quantity of Rotter. Eggs. Lard and good Wheat, at the highest market price. Will those who w ant to buy or who have produce to -ell ple.t.-c give him a call ? A NEW STOCK OK TEAS, tvnrranU'il ns ■w *■ u-"al to give suit-faction, or the money returned. AIo. Sugar, Coffee, Molasses, and in fact most every thing in the Grocery line, for sale cheap at FOX'S." DRIED REACHES, a few very tiico ones, also Dried Berries at POX'S (HANDLES, ltot.li Sjtertn and Tallow ly the J box or pound, at FOX'S. fliflVrent qualities, Corn Meal, Bran and Chop. Also some very extra Family I 'hmr warranted of superior quality fur sale at FOX'S. ' MESS PORK, Cheese, Hants, Lard, Brooms, . aad an mtsoftmeitt of AVooden Ware at FOX'S. *v( M ) '*' good Potatoes wanted iminediati ly at FOX'S. for flavoring, for salo tlioai> at FOX'S. I^R ESII PEACHES and Ttnnatoes,in caas, warranted perfectly fresh at FOX'S. ORANGES. I,onions, Nuts, Figs, Raisins, Unities, Pates. Citron, and other fruit iu their sea son at FOX'S. \\ 111 l'E I I Sll, in Iwrrtds, half barrels and i by the pound, at myli FOX'S. MACKINAW TROI T Some very fine - ones iii half barrels, also Mackerel in half and quar tcr hvrrels, at jtx FOX'S. (L\ NP] A large stock always on hand J and sold at wholesale at pedlars' prices ; ,t FOX'S. •> TONS SI O ARS I'rotrn, liefinod , Pow ' ' deieil, Cru-ln-1 ami Gr.iniil.ilcd ; Mulas-es. Syrup. Rio iml Java < 'offce. Rice. Suleratus. Ginger, Sperm (.'andle.-. Rice. Tobaeeu in fact a general variety of Groceries, lot -ale cheap at junell FOX'S. r P A i'l OC A. Rice, Coru-stnrch, Rice-flour. I Canageri. Ma.-arena, \ crmacilla. Sagucheeee and Spie of at Ft l\ S. all kil i'r of fill kinds, both white and ground K A Mii.-tard. black and white, whole and ground, at FOX'S. BOOTS 6c SHOES ()- MEST/C DliV GOODS. coii-i-ting ot a great varb-ty of /.a lies lire .v.- GooiH, Silks. SUturlx, lie /.Hue-, t hn! tics. J/areges, ( hainhrays, I tivn*. Rriltidnte*. He., etc. Also, a choice selection of Men iicac, Chocheco, and other -tvfe- of fa-t colored Frints. A bt'ge and complete assortment of Yankee Xotions, Hosier)/, fi/orc*, 1): ens Trimmings, H'hite Hoods, Den mi*. Ticks. Drill*. I.ineiis. Cnmlnir*. liienehed and Brown Sheetings, Cotton Yarn, It irk, Halts, Twine, Carjut 1 1 arp. A c.. A*c. In addition to the above articles, tliere will always be found a full assortment, of i.l.'t U KlllFS, Crockery and '• llass-ware. Hoots and Shoes, Hats and I aps, Kails, Fish, Pails. Titles. Matt*. A c. The undersigned feel a liber-ove in in J j ,, 'Tc ,f]ie public to an examination of their Spring stock, honeying that good Hoods and low prices w ill insure a speedy sale for ready pay. 11. KIXCSBFRY A SUN". Tovvaifdn, April 11. IRafl. Watches, Jeweirv and Taney Goods. 4 .M. \V.VI?N' IvfF litis just received a large A \ • and splendid assortment of \V Vfcitl'S. .IKWF.i. If A" A FANCY UOOnS. which are oll'ercd for sale on the lowest terins. t'.iil at Warner's, Main si. above Bridge. Towanda. duly s, ls.",i;. NEW SPRING G ODS! IPII E suLserilter pulls ;it tention of tlie pul- I lie to his spillNH STUCK OF COOPS comprising the usual variety, and which Will be old at the lowest possible rates for cash. O. !>. BAKTLKTT. Towanda, April '-'I, Is,"ill. . Another Large Arrival of NEW SPRING GOODS! HS. M'-yttT't! h now receiving the large-d, lcit a* . sorted. >nxl must desirable stork of ttends that has y i iicoii uttered iii Townnda. OiiisMiiif; nfcverv variety of S.trt.f: I XJ) r.I.XCV Din' HOOOS. Hanhrarr. Crurlvrtf oDtl (Unas icttre, Hoots ami S/u-rs. / hits, Hops, St a air (!r>i>tfs, ( 'arj'ts, Mat tin"" I I <;i>ilcn-icurr, (!nurrirs l faints I! oit/ow-(ilass, ()ils l i\ai/s. Inn, Strc/ , l-ish, Isathrr, i\v. d-e. wliii h v. ill lie -.olil at >vhnlesale or retail at very low pri ees. Tlic piiMic arc Very respectfully reonotcii to exam ine the Sim k. Tnwanda, April 21, IK.V?. Lawns, Shailis, Bareges, &.c. r PH K finest npsnrtiiipnt iit town of French ami I \mori.-an f/nvtin. En-neb. 5.•.,(,•!, and Auieiicitu tiiiiyleim-i. rhalli*. Bareges, Brilliant ami Prints at April :t, MHRtTR'S. II\SFKI>, f/Htitp, Tanners', and Neatsfool, 1 Oils. Vlcoliol, fainjihine ami liunuiipr fluid for sal* '•>' 11. s. MKlh T|>. / M;o('KKI;v & CLASS WAKIv A large \ ' and beautiful assortment of (.'rockery ami < fn-t rei oivtil ly mayl2 li s. VERfi'H. ' VnTK'K. The Pnmfililot Law* of the 1 1 Session of the Onna. U'gMaturo |o, (lie year t-. o, 'one lici n reei'ive.l tor this l',unity, and .ire 'ready for distribution lo those entitled to reei in them. Anim-I I. tBML \I !.l-t\ M'KK \\\" Prnth'rv. I AIHKS' INNRA GLOVES, I J .11 the store "1 11. S. MKU< t r R. |> I;I: F * 1 1I; I; VJNKGAU A GOODMTI- A rlt! .It # i-..~ Nwtiee is lierr ■ Ia tijrn tm.t l. in-r- upon tl.. !,.. ,1,.,.-,|.. )al . , )xrTU> ' tl , ' to make immediate payment, and all persons haying d. inai.ij- atinl said estate, will present tin m duly u th>„ ticated lor us ttl*iiif'iit.. . Witt .fllTl lllNKlttil.li, Admm'stnitor. < Iverton. June IH. Is.ai. j 1 DM IN US. NtHH'K. -All |i'i'sntis in !" * tlt-I.fl dto tlie ♦■stati* of V. Vr. MVlilK ili-i oa . .|, I latent ATHKX'S township, are hereby nvtjli&l to myku I payment without defay. and all person* having ilrinaiitl j against said estate arc fT)nested to pre-cnt tficm dulv au | llii'iitii ated for settlement. SAHAH M VKIiS. j July 111. Is.a*.. Ailinistnitr'.V- --\ IMlM>Tl;A'K)k,s notick. Nuti7e | il is hereby given, that all person* iin.U htf.il to the i' a tatc.il Pardon Kenymi, (Ufil. late of V\ indhaiu tp. arc rc i ipi.-tcd to make payment without deliu : and all persons I havino claims ajßiinst said . state, must' pre-, at them duly autla-iitii ati il for settlemetit, to tile xuWrihcrs, mdliam. July I. 1 HAtl. \ DM I \ISTK A TDK'S NOTK 'K— Xotitc i V is h.-rrhy ftircii . that all persons indebted to the ee tat. of Malvina A. lU.opi-s. ileeease.l, late of CauUui tw p. are her. hy reipie-tc.'t fo paynpnt without delnv ; ami n.l persons havniff claims s H j,i eh tate will plfa.-Jpresent them duly auth. uti, :Ke 1 for s-'ffT. ■Vn nt ' " SIMOX U. I.ATIIIKIP, . f'• _Ailuiini,-tr.itr. \ DMIMsTi: A.Toir< NOTICI:.- \.. • i- hereby given, thai all persons indebted to the es tate.,l Joseph lugtiatn, deceived, late of Merrick Town j-inp, ;i!<* iii'rcliv t: mapuvimMit withffft tl iy; and all per.-oiis having claims apauist said estate will please present I belli duly authentii at. d for M ttleineut. _July 21. Js,-..;. K. INKHA.U. Adniin r. I DAI INISTKATUIX NOTICE.-—Notice -i * i-> hereby given, tiiiil ail persons indebted to the es tate |>l SAMI EE STEVENS, dee'd. late of pike t<>wu tw |>. it re hereby reipic-tt d to make payment de lay; ami all per.-mis having claims against saiil estate will phase present them rIII]v authenticated fur settlement , , . KMEKKXSCA STEVENS, July 1,18.54. Adiniuist nttriv. r Is'l OK I ,KTT KI*IS remaining in the IV? I J office at TowanUa, August 1.*., HAti. Ames .V Weaver. I.ent Bird. Blackmail .ladson. l.eonard .John Barrett .lames. Menardi Franklin. Ih.yd Charles. Miller Rj, hard. Cotinell John O. >fasou l' B. Craw ley Dai i'l MCiJI Itiian; Crowley .Mm. M'Doin ll Maurice. ' aivdel Um. Morrison \\ m cam Bridget Mil-hell Mary. Cam .lames. M'CtifTic John. Covert Krnstus. Mills Mirnn. c.K.ll.aujrh Sarah M'Kae Deter. Carroll Kob't. M NcalU m. Corwin S. o. Meaner Thomas. Carroll Miehael Xi. kaf- Richard. < aln I 'at nek Nc-tor Mielu-el. ! . I! !V. P V." o-'. Culver Bat tlmlvmcw. I ut lin Uolhster. Post \armi. < "ronin I'atriek. Pow.JI Samuel. I raver .I"hn-oii. I,'rati A. Deck,. Wm W. Patterson Elizabe'tfc I Dorihv John S. Pierce S S. Day C ill art 11. Paul [| >j Klshrec Piatt. (Jniylev Klh n Fox Itossmi. Rnrhti'L". Eii.an John. James Cahle Ferdinand. Bav.lolm. tiilleft Francis. Ro'thwell U.dart Hughes phihtiier. Rigg Charles B. Haw ley Patrick"! Stevens Dinna. Hats ii Mary Saw ver .1 H. llerd;i Frederick. Sullivan Daniel Hagerty Alice 2 Smith John H. Haveily Daniel Jr. Sears Ezra. Han nan Patrick. Smith Hi I. i. ■ h " w " W "i. Turner Andrew J. Irvine S:.i ine|. Tnthill Pin t c C. keilttk Mary. \C;], ( ._ X j.- [• Kendall Thmpa*. M nt,.|;,„,l Eunice .J Keeiian Henry. U'hitc Norma,■ l.yuvii Denis. WjlUmm Carl. ) lament II 11. 1 r refills calling for any ot these letters, will niru'mn the aiv advrtise,]. 11. C. POSTKI!. P.M. n.\ ROW A UK, I HON, NAILS, etc. \ large additional stock of Common and sa,ldler Hardware, Joiner's Tools. Carriage Trimmings, an.l Nails, jnst received by H. li.'MKRCTR Pianos, Karmcninms, XVZelodeons dec. IK VI WELLS, dealer iu .Musical Itisiru- J meats, may for a tiim U; found first door south of Dr. I'll VJT S. on Seeo.nl street. Towmidn, where he wd( • be happy to receive orders tor .my of the above namci instruments, which he will deliver for ca.-h or approve: credit at the Imvtst retail price- of \evy \orjtcify. li i would call particular attention to,tin ,Org\iu Harmonium, of latt* -o celebrated for .Chprel; me, being fonxid. red |.rel'eral.h-b>. and eA,peii-ive. than ..good Oi yam. Price, S.i.iO ; Melpuyons from ?1. to S2OO. Every ih.strumeni fully warranted. .Meiodeoii? timed' and r-paired on reasonable terms. Belejuices S- F. COI.T, Pnnerpal of ColKgia'p hvftr tute, and Dr. S. PUATT. Any.i.-t 12, lead. toWANDA mm&m mwMtmz. r pilE MISSES If \N"Sil\ r -..pei tliillv 'nrfoffn the public ' L that Mie Full Termv.f tlieif nchonj will open in tl.o new bnih'ii.y on s'inoinl st sect, vce.-t of the Ward House, on Monday September 15. Is.a,. Mis.sO. i>. HANSON wiii liave the jjdiierfil wimerinfen denee of the -clmol. a--i-fed ill Music bv M'ius KERFJ C \ D. IIANSO.V. and in French l.v Mis- EMM A H ANSON. Thankful for tiie pyiivnpge already' extended to them, ihey licji leave,to. aseurf 'hose eji'rii-tiny their daoyhteis | j.i llieir ei|urye. thai er; v '!hi rt will !• made to timetvo , I lie eeiifVihnue and favor ■1 their patrons. I lie sch'iel y ear w ill eon-i-t of four rters, of i levetv we. ks each. The -iinjiuer vacation commeiiciny in ,1. Iv, and ending in SrpfsM*)'. V recess of a few day aw ill let it ken at the hoii'ti's. tcto's. rn: qtarTkT ; fir.it CI us To iut hide He elei,icnta ry la.ylish i ' tirauehes. ate! the stmly of tint iailiu lacguHce, ( AVc,i inf (7,/t.v To iiivludcthe in.!"• advanced -lit / tl.es ofthe li .yli-li I.ran. In -.with Mathematics. ja 00 aiul the study of l.aUu ami French , ~. 1 'l'ltinl Chip To ill.dude MatI?•;* M-S, *|crrtal• • and A' .-j' Htih.-ipiiy, Uii -e .. lummy, Ac.. -isl2 00 with l-atin and ,F; meh, Each pupil w i.'l briny with hyr a desk and chair. Thrro will lie no evttj^i-hn ye whatever. . t MCsic s IK-'•iictioii ou B,be Piano, with nse of in tru ■ mviit. w ifl lie given In' M ;-s Bcuccc v |). HANSON, at fltl r |,cr .fttarter. ! iloattlmy fur yott'iy itulics can lie obtained in ni i-. ate .ami lies at reasonable rates. Pit pip from adistjbk'e v.ill receive the e-peeial care ol the tc.uliers. I.ECTI PES oil IMietoric. M„r;.l and lliteflectllal PhiV soplty. and the higher bfan lir_s.of English Compo-itioii, v w ili.il-o be ee".t c of t .vice in each week, u Tin vh y' , or 1.-rt'ifltr lollowiny nanietl pentle .nicii If. ricv. \ i tivzn Ptvy-rt it. Hi-hop of the liioce-o l ot p, m'li. Phihitl. Ijvhia ; v. Dr. M VCLCVV. President of the ('o|lege ol New Jersey. Hon. Dwm W ii. MOT, t*. F. M.tsov. C. 1.. Wttto, JOHN F. Mivvns, D. F. HVKSTOW. 11. S. Mt-itcci!, <>• D. ISvht- KKTr. K. ''. • hiopHti ti. Towamla. L 1 11. I'AUSONS, i rmusnY AT I 1% E.fir. TROY. Bradford Co.". I' f. .Dfticf over V. M. h 11. F. I.oiiy's store. Any 7. nIUKT) KKKK -Also :i few very Inrtre ft no stuck .1 Tonyucs. at FOX'S. Iv AIX Cl: \r>FiKS and Horse Hakes for I V . 1 1■ I.y June I FRoik 11. s.Mlißcl'R. i trr.TiVATOn AND KOHN l ' SHKI I.ERS. for- tic bv II <. vft-'ff " /t.VI TI()N.—.\!I persons ant eattltonetl V' ay.. ; n-t purclta-iny a note yiven i.v me oil oralmut the 2ill 'lay of July la-t I*. a man j.a my I.v the ltatn t of V'ttn Fleet or v.o VUrt for ?l". a- wwl Vote ,\.v~ oi. tained by fr.tnd and no value tt vtd. I tiu ruof - thai! net p u aid Note Hide-'' "inpcikd I V lac 11. > rt- k. Align, t... ' m. " ] \l" t Kb.-