Bradford reporter. (Towanda, Pa.) 1844-1884, September 04, 1856, Image 3

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    ~ , wits of the youth were not latent. At
1,1 v,.,ble place he leaped from his wagon, ran
* vkct and escaped with his life; while
j'. : ' t , W agon and goods fell into the hands
'This would be executioners.
Vll ,tiler soul-thrilling circumstance is told
./."individual, who, while riding on horse-
V.' u . -• attacked by some half dozen of the
V , wiio presented their revolvers at him and
11, ,i liiin to dismount. The fiendish de
' . 'itheii took him a quarter of a mile from
tied Lis hands and feet, placed a tri-
IT idock in his month, and fastened it
rope. To prevent him from seeing, a
..... tied over his eyes. In this position
. | ( .f t p. draw out a miserable existence,
~ !v "len. where no voice could cheer
The pain resulting from the barbarous
, tl .r were intense, and wrung him almost
i; -atiou. 1" l' lo midst of an almost dy- (
, .iric'le, a foot is loosened from the rope's
.'coil : with this foot the hat Is removed
... ■j< eves, and the sufferer is once more
„! ; ,i,WI to walk and enjoy the sense of seeing.
I ,tless looked through the hidden future j
iV jth ardent desires, but faint hopes. Sicken- j
, i., nlll if have boon from pain, unstrung 1
• : K .aa.-eies doubtluss were from fatigue, he ;
,1 ou till at length a house is gained ; aid
-d and obtained, and the victim once
a are released,
j , tncedies have not been selected on I
: : of their importance, among the many I
..-Parities practiced on the free men of Kan- J
p- !mt I'ctau-c we arc more personally ac-J
•,1 with them. Men trom your own |
, U f U( "l citizens, have emigrated to Kansas ;
mi file settlers, have had outrages prae
,m revolting to humanity, while, en-1
- i in i Imir peaceful pursuits : and they are I
at ar.v moment to be attacked from an j
~u I I'UIV and their lives destroyed,and are J
r pelled to he almost constantly under arms, I
i in visiting the house of tlod on the Sab- J
Tiie cowardly monsters steal abont in j
,f five or six, and when they find them j
nb t take their lives. Free men of the j
.. will YOU longer suffer your brothers and ,
and in-loved parents thus to be outraged V i
i: r.a you wu will not—we have fore- '
until forbearance ceases to Lea virtue, |
1 I,H! if murdered Dow, Barber, Brown, I
i .rliers is vet to be avenged.
j. v. en \mitKui.T.v. ga.
Sheshecuia Republican Club.
V :i lar_r" meeting of the citizens of She- j
: c.Mivi ned upon previous notice, at the |
Ali ins''in Horn Brook on Wednesday i
i; -t , f'.r the purnosc of organizing a I
r ■ nut ( lull. WILLIAM TUT IT .li was j
. 17 -id. Nt, Cii.uti.ns CIIAKKKK and SAM- j
IN. Vice Presidents, and Geo W.
v Si-cr -tary.
rn wot ion a CoinmitUc of three, consisting j
'<> II P. Kinney, Ulysses Horton; arid
('! ille' 1 , were appointed by the Chair j
. .it r - nations expressive of the sense ol |
/ - iiv-i mbled, who thereupon present- j
• ' ■ is V. b were iiw:ntbnnn>lv admit- 1
\\ we regard slavery as a social and j
d evil a curse to all parties in any way
. w itli it—that it i< local and section- I
, !!; i exists only by virtue of statutory pro- |
while liberty is national and eternal, j
, dlv the portion and still the birthright i
' i ii,'' and whereas, an attempt is being 1
Am force such sectional and dangerous in- '
•.. i> into the fair free territory of the j
1-:. tli'S'eforc — _ . |
'. That the citizens of Shesliequm, j
. Ur the name of Shcsheqiiin Bepubli- i
i ,li, ami upon the broad National prin- j
.f iiiiiomproiiiising resistance to the ex- |
- II Slavery.
I '!":: it " while we arc inflexibly op- 1
• i Tu interference with the institution
•i' exists under the shield of State sov
. .v. areas inflexibly opposed to its
irtiier i\tens on on this continent.
i;.. ' That, ill .Juliu C. Fremont and Wil
• I>.iyton, we have men ol ability, oner
r and it •• xritv ; and in jvhoin are reflected
.'■■ nt ni'iimiples we have just set forth.
Vic v. rlii-rcfore dive them our united, earnest
loiicu.- .-.iijiport for the Presidency and
h Pr->, n-iu'v ol the I uited States.
II . That the officers of this meeting
jicrtaa cut officers of the Club.
' T at an Executive Committee
-'. 'g i t William Snyd* r, jr., Silas P.
( i rics M. Ballis, be appointed,
iutv it shall lie to call meetings at such
ni l (•, invite such speakers as they
: - : v i "in pr-ipcr, expedient, and tranact such
•' A;-,:,.-- as the interests of the club may
. That the proceedings of this meet
s' " -L r u-tl by the officers and published ill
I'm•;!ili("i:i pupcis of this county.
,r \\. Kinnkv, Sec.
'1 a., fitioii of the above resolutions was
dI v n -.a rv utile argumentative speech
-♦! • ••• : . LMICS before the country, hv P.
I. . after which, the meeting listcn
g ; .i something short and spicy from G. H.
* K!\s mi ! (. H. P. KINNKV, Ksq'rs., clos
-''•'h heart v cheers for the cause audits
' - lar 1 hearers.
•V KXTI M-IVK Jon.—The circular address
!i" j i'le of the South bv the Border
of Missouri, calling for aid in the war
uiraiion waged against the jieaeable set
"! Katmiis territorv, says tliat the wes
■ 'Siatries of Missouri have for the last two
■■■• a li'-;ivilv taxed, both in money ami
; • in lighting* the battles of the South.*—
n it.iv-tte county aloue has ex]waded niore
•• nnndrcd tliousiind dollars in money,
• 'li more in time. This docs not include,
"'■anno, the loss of rgjiutawon sustained
•' ' ['"'ijile of tluit region the value of which
1 "-IJC tan scarcely be calculated or repaired.
• " - include the 10-s of trade sustained
lL "J'sc'j'i'nce of cutting oft all eommunica-
Mwei-n the east and west through Mis
• '• Wert 1 added to the above sum
; would iiinke siu li an aggregate as to aston
Border Ruffians. But what they havi
" a 'y e.xjiinnicd jn money, they have u<
' ' more than supplied by means of the plup
'L Kree State men in Kansas. Frotr
lU| ' iriiniHte settlers they have stolen livt
hundred Thousand dollars.
IBTE TROCBI.E AT MOBll.K.—J Vnrthrr Purlb•
u/urs. —We have already given some partial
lars of tbe excitement at Mobile, growing out
of the discovery that Messrs. Strickland &
Upson, booksellers there, had been circulating,
incendiary documents. A letter from that
city to the New York Herald, dated the 16th
instr., says :
" A son of Dr. Woodcock called tit the store
of William S trick laud and Ldwi* Upson—firm
of Strickland A- Co.—on Wednesday, and af
ter considerable searching found tjie " Life and
\\ ritings of Frederick Douglass/' for which
Mr. Upson charged the exorbitant price of
$2 50, which Mr. Woodcock promptly paid.
A Committee of Vigilance, consisting of twen
ty live of our leading men, soon met at the
Battle House, sent for Messrs. Strickland and
Upson, and after giving them a fair hearing,
required them to give honds in the sum of
$5,000 each for their appearance before the
committee the next fifty, for further examina
tion. Meantime an examination of their stock
and account books proved the statements of
Strickland and Upson to have been utterly false.
Instead of these two or three copies having
accidentally got in their store with a lot of
! second-hand books, as stated by them, their
! press letter book contained an order, in Mr.
Strickland's handwriting, for fifty copies of
1 --aid work. On Thursday the accusal appear
| ed before the committee, and were ordered to |
I ''settle up" and leave town within five davs, i
I after which time the committee would not be :
| answerable for their lives. The penalty of the
I law here, in such case provided, is " death, or
| not less than ten years' imprisonment in the j
I penitentiary."
Thursday night a party started for the resi
dence of Mr. Strickland, armed and equipped
for a " tightrope performance but bv the
prompt interposition of the more moderate por
tion of the Vigilance men the " performance
was postponed." Mr. Ursrtn'lias not bccn scen
since Thursday. Mr. Strickland was in his
store yesterday, and passed through our streets
unmolested. Though the proofs of nis guilt
were nut then knuwig two of his friends, meet
ing him, acco-ted Him in tins wise : Strick
land, if I believed .what is reported of you to
be true, I would hang yon as high sis Human.'
" Yes," said the other, "if half of it was true,
I would help to lynch you on the spot." Sen
timents like these are in every mouth, and great
dissatisfaction is felt among many at the leni
ent course of their committee. Strickland has
not been seen in the city to day, and it has !
been ascertained that he left town in a sail
boat yesterday evening, soon after the warn- i
iug he received from his friends. It is suppos
ed ho has gone North by the underground
TIIK ST.VTK TUJKKT.—The October election
comes on apace. Tiie result of that election
will have a vast influence upon the result of
the election in November. The State Ticket
which the opponents of the administration
have placed in the field, is a good one in every
respect. We arc personally acquainted ffith
two of the gentlemen, and know them to be
every way fitted to occupy the posts for which
tficy are candidates, and of the other one we
have most reliable information that he is equal
ly worthy. T.icy are all men "of high moral
character, and are the devoted friends of Free
dom. Their election by a handsome majority,
will carry such dismay into the Bin lianier camp
that they will uut be able to stain! up under it
at the November election. There should there
fore, all effort bo made to organize Thoroughly,
tioa. It has been the ea^ .dec
candidates on our State ticket frequently tell
behind the county ticket, from a luck of inter
est in the subject. At this election it is of vast
mpnrtanee that every vote should be rallied
for the State ticket, for the eyes of the whole
country are upon Pennsylvania. It is admitted
<m all hands to lie the battle-ground of the
Union. Its vote will decide tin: contest. As
Pennsylvania goes, so goes the 1 niou. It we
elect our State Tick-1 by a handsome majority,
one universal shout of joy will go up from the
friends of Freedom, and the influence w ill be
such, that Freedom and Fremont will sweep
everv Free State in November, not even except
ing California, 'lake care, then, ol tne State
Ticket. - -
If any of our readers wish to know our opin
! ion with regard to the probabilities of success
in October, wo have no objection to state it.
At tlii- present writing, our candid opinion is,
I that we -hall elect the Union State ticket in
October by a very respectable majority. We
j do not see" anything now to prevent this result,
I and we believe we shall have the pleasure of
recording a glorious victory for Freedom in the
Old Keystone State in October. — I'lt'sburg
' (iazet'e.
TIIK A -SAI I.TS ON .IACKSON. —The venomous |
i assaults upon the fair fame of JACKSON, by the •
Buchanan men, continue unabated. Thus, the j
Louisville ('"iifief, a leading Buchanan piint i
in Kentucky, says :
j "A pi iralr letter written by Jackson in 154.
just before his death, mr/i n/if vilifying Bnclian- |
j an, charging him with cowardice awl falsehood ,
is shamelessly dragged forth to degrade Bu- j
i cliamiii. The infamy of the affair rests upon \
I fiids.,ll for writing liis letter, and next upon
i those w ho have brought it to light for political
effect now for the first time. They who "heap
opprohinm mountain high upon the giau' ot
Jackson " are thev who have dishonored Inni
i and degraded themselves by publishing the uu
! fortnuate priaitr- letter of I he. insanely viiiflicitivc
; „1,l 1,/ ran', who in this very letter, proved that
to the last, no touch of justjee or inagnaniiuity
towards an opponent or rival ever cntciod lus
1 l,rea-t and that his only use for friends was to
made tools of them. If Buchanan had m l**.,
instead of faithfully giving truthful testimony,
as he did, corroborated Jackson's charges
agaihst Clay, Jackson never would have writ
ten his infamous serrct letters of 1K4. . <
lieliex-e that history convicts Jackson of sland
ering Clav, and then convicts hiniot slandering
Biiclianuu because hn would not perjure him
self by supporting the slander against ('lav.
Has the old hero no friends left among his
nianv adherents of former days? If lie has,
it is meet that they should know of this de-
U rutiueU effort to blast his reputation by shift
ing upon hiui the imfamy fairly earned by Bu
. i chauau. .
;! a letter from Fayette county, Pcnusyl
.vania, says that that county, which has lierc
, i tofore given bOO Democratic majority wu this
. year o for Fremont by a majority ot
i One borough alone will give a majority ot 400.
; After a thorough canvass, only seven leba fie
I Buchanan men can be luund in the town.
The* Shower of Lies.
Henry Ward Beechcr says in the last Indc
l ndent, very truly and eloquently :
" Tli's campaign is to be one of eminent and
a'.ol nding falseho. d. It will rain and hail lies.
They will come like gnats and locusts, like
frogs and murrain. Let no man be alarmed.
Col. Fremont from th's time till November
will walk in a storm of fire and brimstone, and
nothing will prevent his being consumed but
that which preserved Shadraeh, Meshaeh and
Abodnego. God will preserve him.
" It is a matt r of iratulatiou that we have
at length a man presented for the Presidency,
of scrupulous honor, of manly bearing, of in
corrupt morals, of a heroic spirit, yonng, en
terprising, proved in danger, of an excellent
judgment, of great sagacity in practical affairs,
remarkable for capacity to command, and for
habits of self-command, and above all, an un
worn, unhacked politician. lie is an honest
man, and he is not a supple politician.
" Against such an one there can be brought
no political charges, no broken promises, no
tergiversations, no .conduct supple, evasive, un
manly, dishonest, lie has no feuds, no party
commitments, no political enmities, lie is a
clear, fresh, able, honest, heroic man. Let us
try how it will seem again to see such a man
President of these United States.
" Therefore, let Christians prav for him ; let
all men work ; let lies breed and swarm and
buzz, and die like mosquitoes in a morass ; hut
let ev<ry true man go right straight forward,
talking, spreading pap-re, reasoning and per
suading, and then let November be the judg
ment-day of a faithless, treaty-breaking, slave
spreading party."
A True Record.
The following pungent article from the A
bany Evening journal places the political iic*-
of MIIAAKO EJIXKOKK so well before the public
eye that we give it a place. Few F.ilmnre
men, we opine, will have the hardihood to
(|iiostion this statement of facts which cut up
liy the roots all pretensions of Mr. Fillmore's
being opposed to Slavery extension :
" While V ice President lie entered into a
secret bargain with Foote and other Pro-Sla
very Senators, to defeat in the Senate such of
(Jen. Taylor's appointments as were distasteful
to the Slaveholding interest.
When he became President he rekindled the
Disunion panic, which the judicious policy of
fieri. Taylor had suppressed.
P>v industriously fanning and stimulating
this panic, he defeated the unconditional ad
mission of Califor.iiH, which otherwise would
have taken place within two weeks after fieri,
eral Taylor's death.
He forced the Fugitive Slave Bill through
Congress as a condition of the admission of
California, employing for that purpose bribes
in the shape oi offices and patronage conferred
upon pliant Members themselves, or upon their
relatives and friends.
It was during his administration that, for the
tirst time in our national history men and wo
men were hunted through Northern streets like
beasts, and Northern citizens, ordered, under
penalty of the prison, to join in the hunt like
hounds. It has been only during and since his
administration, that such scenes have occurred
under color of " the law," as shooting at
\\ ilkesbarre, the chase and riot n't Christiana,
the chaining of Boston Court House, the mur
der of a child by its mother to - ive it from
Slavery, a u'-iaiiati, the ehai ring of ves
s els and ' ' lent of Troi; ". Nt the cost
of tl:> • us of thoirsa is of dollars,
po.cti . v negroes, and enhance the
tional experience from the davs oi \v asi
to those of Taylor, 110 such event had occurred
in any Northern State before. The honor of
originating this phase of American life and
manners rests exclusively and indisputably with
Millard Fillmore.
He made ofliee under him the reward of
truckling to Slavery, and removal the penalty
of sympathy with Free Soil. lie rejected
General Taylor's Cabinet because they were
not subservient enough to the slaveholding in
terest. He turned out Post Masters, Cirstorn-
Ilouse Officers and Department Clerks, by the
dozen, for the meresexpression of opinions ad
verse to the extension of Slavery, lie gave
the control of the Army, the Navy, and the
Inferior, all to Slaveholders.
lie withdrew the nomination of Edward A.
Bradford to the Bench of the Supreme Court,
because lie held (the view taken by "Chief Jus
tice Story) that Congress had a right to pro
hibit Slavery in the Territories, and went a
thousand miles out of the Circuit to get a can
didate (Geo. A. liadger) holding the opposite
view. I
Having aided by public approval, and pri
vate connivance, the rigorous tyranny of the j
act. respecting fugitives to an extent nut eon
' teinplated even by l'ts author, he boa-ted of
1 having done so in both' Ins official Messages, j
| and urged that it be made a " finality " to all
I eternity !
He made the ton of tlie Southern States,
declaring that he had abaiidaiied liis "early
prejudices against Slav - rv,' recanting his form- j
er speeches against it, and professing devotion
! to its interests, under the hypocritical plea of
i "saving the Union " thereby. .
He has uttered no word of remonstrance,
against the breach of faith involved in the re
peal of the Missouri Compromise, or the atroc
! ties committed in Knnsnjr; while on H> > eon
I Lrarv, his Southern supporters procla.ui his up
proval of them both, and urge his elect on a
the sure way to save Kansas for Slavery.
And finally, after abandoning Ida own party
because it had become " tainted with Free
Soii," and being himself abandoned by more
than half of the new one lie had joined ; lie
travels up and down proclaiming that the
South will make a treasonable attempt to dis
solve the Union, and nvght to make it, if he is
\ defeated and his opponent elected.
j— Easton, /'„ August 27. —A span of the
Lehigh Valley Railroad bridge across the Del
' aware river, on the Jersey side, gave way last
! evening, whilst two engines were passing o\n.
| George Howe, a fin a an, was killed, and John
' Geary, engineer, was fatally wounded.
As serious as the accident is, in the destruc
tion of property, it is a most providential cir
cumstance that' it occurred when it did, a--a
few minutes- later an awful destruction of life
would have been occasioned, as the Philadel
phia train was due at tlie point by the time
tabic at the precise moment of the accident,
fifteen minutes before 7 o'clock. It was for
tunately behind time five minutes, otherwise
the train would have stopped directly under
the span that gave way. The New York train
was also nearly due, and would have passed
• over the span." A boat was passing down the
, canal and barely escaped.
ie disptiteh fr m Llartford, Ct., Aug. 21st
s sites that the " Charter Oak " fell lluit morn
ing at about one o'clock, with a tremendous
crash, and init six feet of the stump HOW re-,
in tins. This famous tree was far past its prime
when the charter was concealed in it on the
i)th of MaVgIGXO, and was probably an old
tree when discovered the New
World. It stood n)>on the old Wyllis estate
now owned bv the Hon. .1. W. Stuart.—
Crows of citizens qs visiting tlic ruins, and
each oue bear awuy a portion of the venerable
The New York papers of Saturday contain a
very long and able letter from F. I'. RI.AIK, on
the subject of Gen. JACK-SON'S opinion of Mr.
BUCHANAN*. He goes fully into the subject of
the alleged bargain, intrigue and corruption of
ADAMS and Ci AY, iir 1823, in which lie shows
conclusively by documents, that BUCHANAN was
the exclusive author of the feud.
Towanda Market Wholesale Prices.
[Corrected weekly by E. T. FOX, Dealer in I'm visions and
Groceries, No. 1, ltrick Row.]
Flour, (retail price,) bbl S 7 .70 (ft 8 00
Fork, do ...-. u 00 W) ——
Wheat, ..' V bushel, 1 37150
Bin kwheat ~ " .... .ts" (ft
< bits .... SQ %
Corn, " 50 fAt
Rye, " (ft
Potatoes, " .... O'ttrft
Renos,. ... | .->!>'(ft . . . .
I tried Apples, •' .... l oil (ft
Rotter f tt>.... 17 Or 18
Cheese, " (VJ 10
Uiuiis and Xhonldcrs, " 8 (ft 12*
I tried Peaches, " 12 (ft lb"
Itricd !terries, " 12 (ft lsy
M t.'dozen, . . 10 Or. _
Arrival and departure of IYR ils.
V 'X'A Xrr". t .( Sunduy it V P. , T
Dfdo 1 do
N - - ex ept Sunday, at I. M.
Poparts do ' i p. M.
'V \nive- illy, except Sunday, at 7 I'. M.
Departs do ' 7 A. M.
SiIHSiIHQUiN Arrives Tuesday. Thursday and Satur
day ,at s p. M. Departs, same days, at (1 A. M.
CANTON—Arrives Monday. Wednesday and Friday, at
BP. M. Departs Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,
Mi >NTHOSE- Vrrives Monday, M'nlnesdny and Friday,
at 7P. M. Departs Tuesday, Thur.-iiay and Satur
day. at 7 A. M.
I.APORTE Arrives Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at
2P. M. Departs Tucsdav, Thursday and Saturday
at 12 M.
WEI.LSRt RC Arrives Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
ut t I*. M. Departs Monday, Wednesday and Fri
day at li A. M.
EATON —Arrives Wednesday and Saturday, at <! I*. M.
Departs Tuesday and Friday, at 5 A. M.
The morning mails close at 8 o'clock of the evening pre- ;
vioiis ; the afternoon mails close at Hi A. M.
July 21, 185 C,. p. C. "PORTER. T'. M. i
(LWTION. —Notice is hereby given, that
J 1 hereby forbid aii persons from tru-tiug any one oil :
luy account, and partii ularly forbid all persons from liar
boring or trusting Joseph Prince, without a written or-I
der trom nie ; a.- 1 have made all the necessary arrange
ments for liis comfort and support, and will not be liable I
lor any debts contracted by hint.
Wafreu, Sept. 2, lsiii. NELSON I'RINCE. j
I GST—Between Tuwstuda and LeUuy.srille !
-J a ItLANKET SH AU L,small plain brow n and white j
cheeks. Anyone liuding will restore it to the owner, or
leave it at tbe Towanda Post Ofiice, for who ii they will !
be liberally rewarded.
Monroe, Sept. :i. Is.lo. CLARK CL'MMINOS. J
Casji paid for Pelts & Wool, 1
Towanda. September !{, ls",;.
ASXOCI \TION. The next regular meeting of this '
Association will be held in nurliugton, commencing on 1
Friday. S EFT KM lIER 12, at 10 o'clo.k. A. M.
The usual address before the Association will tie deliver- j
ed bv Mr. F. NICHOLS, and the Essay read t>v Miss
V' -Hys. . I 4\lF.< M'WJLLIAM. Sec'y.
J CKOAK tins left my bed and board without pun tinier.
1 therefore forbid all persons trusting her ou my account,
as I will not be responsible for debts contracted by her
after this date.
DM ,II. August 89, ISStL MR HAKi.t LOAK.
riTHE FIRM OF MONTANVES A CO. lias been di-
X solved by mutual consent. WM. A. ROCKWEI.L
liavin" withdrawn. The busine-s will hereafter be rou
ducted iiii.l. r the name of MONTANVES having asso
, iateil with the lirin J. I). MONTANVI: Jr., and F. p. Mos-
TVNVK. We trust with our present facilities for por
ch ise of (foods, that we can make it an object for CASH
< U ->TOMKKS t t Xsiiwiiwj 'ur wbicli hit.-* Ectii laid
in with great enr<- to suit the fall trade.
tea' All accounts due the old liriu. as also notes that
arc due. fire erin r/cif to 6e utiid wiQ/utul fiidlti't tio/iee.
August 25. 18.56. MqN I AN) I>.
It F M O V A Id.
UfOl'Ll) respectfully inform their friends and the pub
lic generally, that they have removed tlieir Cloth
ing am! Furnishing Store to their New Building oil the
est side ol Main Street, next door to Hall & Kussell s,
and will be happy to wait ou all who may give them a
call. "
Their stock consists of Black Cloth Coats, Plain ami
Fiincv Cassiiuercs, Tweeds and Jeans, Black aud I-aucy
Cassirnere Pants, Black Satin Vests, Silk \ elvet and (fan
cy do.. Silks of all kinds, White M.irsailles ami fancy do.,
White and fancy Linen Pants. Overalls and overallirts,
white and fanovshirts, drawers, Collars, cravats, 4oehs.
Hat- and Caps'of all kinds and rpialitiesT a g"od assort
ment of Boys Clothing, 'such as Coats, Vests and Pants
which ive are selling off at cost.
Gentlemen wi hing clothing made up to order, will d •
well to give us a call,as we have ii good assortment ol
Cloths, Cas-imrrcs and Vesting* on hand, whichwc an
ready to make tip on short notice, and V \ Bit AX I I I' to
tit in every wav. or no sale. We do ohr own ruttine. aud
ft itt'-r ourselves that in- kimw as much about ii a- no ■'
oenpl- h icing bad some \e its ex|ierii me in basines
' . .Nt; done to on 1 r :1S usiial Where G < '
t,o •;. no ehargi -de f-r r ttinr. V
dn . all we a.-k i -c c.dl Oct al- . '
" ' I.IN-' I'C'if IVAT, POWii'.l .
nIIS. (J. M. G I'. CADV wuiiltl
tnjly announce to tln-ir frfgnda and the jmhlo that
tlu-v have ju-t opened a new and extensive Dltl (■ Si'ulU-.
jat N ICHOLS, N. .Y- Their >tek is new and caret ally
I selected, and consists of
Drugs, IVlodicincs, Chemicals, Paints,
i unions which are lead, zinc, chrome green and yellow. j
india red. vcrtinHnm, Ac. Oils and tarnishes,
a variety, iiye-stutt's, including logwood,
camwood. fnstie, endliear, gran
ulated tin. indigo, Ac.
RIfI'SHES for paint, hair, hat,
clothes, shoe, teeth, fte. Window glass,
! puttv eainpliene. i>un,iug tinid, alcohol; tan
ner's nil"; very i>nre UQI'OUS for medicinall purposes;
Patent Medieines, perfumery, Entail's
Kxtraets for the handkerchief ;
I anty Article*, I'ankce Motion*,
Suiiir, Cigars, Ac. Ac.
i To Physicians our stock oilers inducements as livingof
1 tlie liesl ijualitv, carefully selected, and sold eheap.
I dive us a eail, and see if von ean nirchase as eheap
elsewhere. M. S P. CAI'l.
Nichols. June l'i. l*.i<i.
) tfty of good Hutlt v TIIJJS ami Kirk iiw. just revived
ami for mk by mny> H* 8. MhU< I K.
\J SHEI.I.EUS. for sale by H. R. MElft'Ult.
(TUUTION. —All persons arc cautioned
J against purchasing a note given hy ine ou or about
i the 23d day ol .Inly last, to a man passing by the name
nf Van Fleet or Van Yliet for fit), as said Note was ob
tained hy frapd and uo value received. T therefore si .ill
not pay "said Note unless ( ouipelhd by law.
i ilerriek, August i, ls.gj. 1. A. PARK
XlEsu'banco us.
IV consideration l the liberal patronage with which we
liave lit-en t ivurcd since we commenced business in
this place, we tender tn the citizens of Tow unfit and Mir
rouiniyig country our sim ere thanks, and hope hy selling
at prices KI'KPIt'SINGI.Y LOW, to make it profitable ti<
. all who may I'avor OH with a call.
iV e are re olvcd t ■ keep pace with the progressive spirit
of the age in which we live, by offering for sale
Goods of the Latest Syles,
at prices alarm the proprietors of old-fash
ioned Stores ; they being schooled j n the high-price prin
ei|de. or rather in the prices of ohl times u fll not lower
their demand* : but, it: a very trappy manner, warn then
customers not to meddle with the floods at the New Store,
(at the same time exhibiting much concern for their wel
fare,) for they know that none but damaged Good* can
be sold so very low.
We do not intend to sell damaged floods, lnit if any
prove to be so, or, are not what we represent tli'm to I.e.
return tiu-ni and jeceive tlie money paid for tlnni. w.
now offer our ESI'!RE SUMMER STOLE A'J
Some of our Dress Goods, onr remaining stock of Hon
nets and Bonnet Trimmings we will sell at COST.
We have a line lot of Shawls. Mantillas, Window f>ra
perv, Silks Embroideries, Needle-Worked Edging and In
serting, Ae., &e.
We use prepared to send for any article in our lino Unit
we have not on hand. Our assortment of
is complete -cannot lie surpassed by any other establish
ment in Northern Pennsylvania. Call and examine our
<hinds—seeing is believing.
Townnda, July V, IWHK
, r r. FOX
i |S iniw n-r i iviiivr a fine stock of GLROGE
'•IVISIONS which will be sold at the
vers ■ Ifa i- also anxious to buy for CASH
am y • '■*. I.ard and good W heat, at
r-tfc Will those who want to buy
or u 1 id " pleas# grvfe him a call*
* NEV (>F TL AS, wHrnnited w>
- •- 1 ' ' inn, or the motley returned.
' 11 -is. and in fact most everv
ii" ' 1 t C. ipu 'or sale cheap sit FOX'S.
s V i El> I'i'Af'HF.S, a few verv nine ones, 1
* " ' ' fltgrr It Kq.ffj |
v s DLES, Lot it Spuria atiii Talluw bv the !
'ax or pound, at EON'S. !
LEiOURof iliffufetii qu;i!'to-.s. Corn Meal,',
! Rr.ui and Chop. Also . nine very extra Family
K i.r warranted of -upcrior q jaiiU foi .-ale at FOX'S. j
MEBl> I'OiiK, Cheese, Haws, Lard.Hrymis,
. and an assortment of Wooden Ware at f*"t>X S.
A/ U | BESIIELS gootl i'ulatoea wanted
t/l '' ' imlll* ■diatcly at POX'S.
17XTR ACTS for flavoring, for sale elieaj)
J at FOX'S.
THRESH REACHES and Tomatoes, in cans,
1_ warranted perfectly tiesh at FOX'S.
ORANGES,0 RANGES, Lemons, Nuts, Figs, Rtiisins,
ltrunes, and other fruit in tiieir sea
son at " FOX'S.
Wf'RITE FIS It in barrels, half barrets SIWB
TV by the pom i r myl t FOX'S. |
If AO* IN UT- Some very fine
-•*1 c: ' !' ■Mackerel in half and onar
ler hcrul ... jis FOX S.
C 1 'PY A Itf. stoek always tin hand ,
) ■-Idatw li ! -tl. I pedlars'prices at FOX'S. |
*) ; NS SUGAR Rrowii, Refined, I'l.lW
fj di .d, Cru-hed a . i.iti d ; Slola--es. Syrup. Itio
and .Java Coffee. IE . r. tus, I linger, Sperm Candles,
like, Tobacco—iu f.u t .. general variety of Urocele -. for
sale cheap at june!) FOX'S.
fPAPIOCA, Hire, Corn-starch, Itlce flour,
JL (. arragen, Macaroiia, Yenuaciilu. Sagochei so ami
Spie of at i CX S. ell kit i -
8 RICES, of all kinds, lioth white and ground i
—Mustard, black and white, whole and ground, at
October!!. FOX X.
I D. Tl FMRI r a V\ r i? just receiving age
• neral assort .. /tOOTS A SILOES, t-aiiable for
the spring trad
Also, an excellent assortment of I.E \THEE.comprising
180 sides Sole Leather, hit sides Upper, 2uo < alt Skins,
together with a general stood of Kipps, Linings k Find
ings. Towanda. April J, 18.50.
IiMSII. —No. 1 and 2 Maekerel and Codfish,
at may 14 MKK( l
j\ v -shoes aiiii • tidings now receiving at,\K* HI MPILRKVF-._
CJOI I 1.1:-V ill ER.—Just receiving an t'X-
O c lient 1-t , f .-r SOLE I.FATHER, to which
public attention is respectfully invited.
Nov. 22 15.5.5. b. ill Mi 111.El.
B KINGSBURY A SON I-. *,' leave to call tin- atten
. lion of their friends and customer.-, a- wcil a-allotli
cis, txrtli Jew and Oentile. wishing to buv<ro,Ml-, f 111.A 1 .
to tlleir well select, d stock of fOA A if, A - '
1/ STIC DH Y OOODS. consist in if ola great varan
of i.a lies Dress Uoadt, Stlk*, Shawls. De Daiia*. Ck al
lies llttrr'e*. < httmbht'l*. Daw*. Brilliant**. etc., tic.
Also, a choice si-led ion ol Merriliiac, Chechen,, unit
other styles ol b.*t-cnloivd Prints.
\ large and complete assortment of 1 u/iff Sotiems,
Hosierii, <ll,ire*. Dress Trimming*, lilt tie (.no,ls. Den
im* Tick* Drills, l.inens, Cambrics. Hlceichetlunit lirinrn
Setting*, Cottn >'", Wick, Butt*, Tie me, C a,yet
In'a'ldiTiViifr. the above article*, there will always l.e
lbnnd a full assortment of GKOCKRIKS. l'rn.-kwv nd
Glass-wurc. B—'ts and Shoes, Huts and Caps, Nails, 1- I>U.
Bails, Toiis. Matts. Ac. .... .. ,
The under igncd feel a pleasure in inviting the public
to an examination f tlicrr Spring stock, believing that
e.i...1 <;oo 1 111 tow prices Will insure a speedy sale tor
Tiiwundo. ipnhO . la.-ifi. ..
Watches, J-e. ery and Taney Goods.
\W \ UN VP, lias just received :t Ltrtrc
. , . i mentor WATCHES, JEWI-11.-
;uyy" 'c •> \V4ii li nro oflvre*! for sui** oft tnc
'A'a: nc-r's, Main st. above Bridge.
iit ij-j • Attention of the Jit'-
• t -p.) K |>|.' (i(H)itS coiupri*iug
.. c • wli !l will be sold at tilts lowest
. ■ ~isb. O. B.BABTLKTT.
' 4 , „... A,nil 24. ls.Vi.
A uothcr Large Arrival cf
HS. MF.IK Tl> is now receiving the largest, best ay-)
. suiti il. and niost desirable stock of Goods that has
! nt 1 idai oft,n od in Towanda. Consisting of every variety
of 6.1 DDE A XD FA.XCY DIIY HOODS. Huniinire.
('fcr !rrii it nil Class iiiire, Bouts and Slurs.
J lals. Caps, St aaw (loads, Carpets. ATot
fiti<r*. W'ooda\-irnrr (!t'orrrii's. l'ahits,
If 'induic-Glass, ()i/s,Xails, In n,
Slnel, h'isfl. t.rathrr, ,V<\ Vc
wirk li will lie sold nt wholesale or retail at very low pri
ce-. Tin- public arc very re-pc rfully requested to exam
ine tin' Stock.
T Towanda. April 24. lv'd.
Lawns, Shallis, Bareges, Ac.
r|MIK linest assort Mil town of French find
: 1 \mefiyui. hmvns, I 'i. Sc'tli and Anttricrin
' t}to"liittiw.nun : . Rar.-gi- Wants and IMot* t
j 1 ' MKIh'HrS.
I" .SEEP, 1 tip,' ITS', nnd Nontsfoot,
J M , v umpV 1 Ruining T'luid for sale
I hv - I H. R. MEIhTK.
lIRm/Ki" KYAO WAKE.—A l;irgp
\ 1 ;tm i' .utit'ul iisMirtin ' f'r <ki ry ami dlnssware,
fust reeeivr*. t>y limyPi li. S. MMA IR.
N OTICE. —The Eiiinjihlet Laws of the
Session of" the I'cnnrt.'l.i lor the year 1
hav*lieen received t"i' thi- ( muiy. and are ready for
I dNtrihuXian ti those eatitli d to receive tin - :.
August 4, is.-,.5. \I.I.EN M'JKKA X. Prnth'rv.
I J 1 the store of H. *. V'!- !'< I ft.
I I chat ' MX ' S -
TP. XE< ' loß'ft XOTJCH. —Notice is hore-
Jhy i* 1 " 1 ;,tl Krsons indebted to the es
tate e1 I f'ltlASi BAllNEfi. deceased, Into of Orwill
fwp., an- reuue-U-d To make paymeut v ltliont rtelnv: and
tUose-havmalemandsrihistsafd estate will f.ies ul tlitui
July authenticated tor settlement.
t.iniis, '
f&fi. _ _ Executors.
pXK( TTOirs N"()Tl( K.—Notice is j„. n ~
JL-j hy given that letters tostwientarv upon the t tate
oTKaiilutf Ilu-foff. ife •'(!.. late ofiTofrahfl'i f ro f . have l*ci,
granted to the subscribers; Aft person* indebti (1 v.. .-add
e-tiife af 11 e tf-by reipjesfrff to Wufc* Ift; mediate payment,
and fho'-e having anf claims upoft slid estate to present
them attested for settlement.
June 21. lftjt,. Kxecutrix*
-s V i-heiehy given tfcat all persona indohted to the es
tate of >.\t('!, f. (Jl'it'K. deceased. late of Asjinfn
.Iroviu-hin, to make iaugediate pii/m'-ul. aß't.afi persons
having (v-irtahoS again t said e<srti w ill present them du
ty authenticated tor sett lements
COR* FA ACS (>t : r IKy
June 10. MM. a Imintstrator.
-ei_ is Iwirhv giStn. (intf all pw-snn, indebted to the eiv
I fate ol l.nther Itm kwofl. dSr'A, fate of Troy township,
are hereby requested to make payment without deluv: and
all person* having claims against said estate will plcaue
present them duly authenticated lor setffru*nt
June 10. fsao. Administrators.
> \ is hi i< by given that till persons indebted to the cs
t. :c<fl. J' I>l ilt IN EIIOI.P, dee'd., late of Overtitn twp,
t > make inur• liate payment, and all persons having de
mand,, against said estate, will present tin in duly autlieu
tieated for settlement.
EPWaRP ftLVI.BOLD, Administrator.
Overton. June Is, lssti.
.ADMIMIS. NOTICE. Ail pofson* in-
I\. dotted' to tl/e estate of V.-y. MYERS. ifeeeased.
late of ATHENS t wn -flip, arc-hereby notified to make
payment without b lay. arid it!f per-ons having di ninnda
ne tlnst said estate are requested to present ihem duly au
thentSeated for settlement. a.AHAII MVERis,
Jn'y Is, itjrC, Adinistratii.v.
l\ is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the es
titenf I'ard'm Ketiyon. dee'd. Tate of Windham" re
f|nested to make payment wrtitoirf delay : and all per SOUM
having claim- against said estate, must pre-ynttUenidu'y
authenticated T r , ttlernent. to the suhfirrilW®.
WH P. ICKNYON, Adminfetrators.
Windham, July trf,
A\ |. hen : y givt n, that ail jicrsons indebted to the s
fate ofSlalvimi A. Rogers, deceased, late pf Canton'twp..
re lmrehy it< 4 :. -tcl Ut make without delav;
and having claims against said estate . will
pleascjjire.-eiit thviu duly autherrtii atcd for settlement.
July 1,1 Jd. Administritor.
J. X. is hereby given, tliat all perrons indebted to the es
tate of Joseph Ingham, deceased, late of lierriik Town
siup, are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all peisons liaving elaiius against said estate will
ph-ase pr, -cut thent duly auth' iitiurted lor settlement.
July fl, UK. K. A. INOH AM. Adinin'r.
4 J>\l 1 N ISTII ATRIX NOTlCE.—Nufcioc
_t 1. is hereby given, that all persons indebted to the p*
tate of S A.trrEf, dee'd, late of l'ike tear u
twp. are hereby requested to make payment without de
lay; and all persons having claims against said estate will
please present them dnlv authenticated for settlement.
July 1. Adhiinistratrix.
I IST OF LETTERS remaining in the l'ost-
J ofli' c at Tow.mda, August 1.1, ISR.
Ames A Weaver. Ixnit Bird. '.
lllaekman J il-uti. Leonard John
I'aiae.t James. Menard! Franklin.
Royd Charles. Miller Richard.
Council <>. Mason R B.
I raw b y Ibivid M'Cil! lliram.
Crowley Join.. M'Pone!! Maurice.
Cnwdel tVm. Morrison Win.
< nil, Bridget Mitchell Mary.
Cain James. M'Guflic John.
Covert Kra-tus. Mill* Miron.
Coolbaugh Sarah M'Kue Peter.
Carroll Rol/t. M'N< al Wm.
Corwiu s. O. Sfeaney Thomas.
Carroll Miciiael Nick'als Richard.
Cain Patrick Ny-tor Michael.
Clapp ('. IV. Pulver Battle luinew.
Catlin ITollistcr. I'ost Aaron.
Crouin Patrick. PowciT Samuel.
Cravtr .bduisoii. Pratt A.
Peckc Win W. Patter-on Elizabeth f,.
Poriliv John S. Pierce S S.
Cillett Francis. Rothwell Ilobi rt.
Hugh' s I'liilaiir-r. Biggs Charles B.
Hawh v Patrick." Stevens Pinna.
Hiiteli -Mary Sawyer J 11.
Herd a Frederick. Sullivan Panni.
Ila gert v Alice 2 Smith John 11-
Hnverlv lMiiicl Jr. Sears Ezra.
1 lamiau Patrick. Siultli Itiluy.
Jones Wilt Tunier Andrew J.
Irvine Saiauel. Tutliill Phebe C.
lveneik Mary. MilcimE P.
Kendall Thomas. Woodford Eunice J.
Keenaii 1 Iciirv. White Nonnan
l.vncli Penis. Walbauui Carl.
T.aiucnt JI If. 2
Persons calling for any of these letters will mention
the are advertised. 11- C. PORTER. P. M.
A large additional stock of Common and Saddlery
Hardware. Joiner's Tools, Carriage Trimmings, Iron .Steel
and Nails, just received by IE h. MERt UIE
Pianos, Harmoniums, IWCclodeons &.C.
IF. VI "WELLS, dealer in Musical Instrn-
J ments, may for a time be found first door south of
Pr. ['BAIT'S, on Second street, Towanda, where he will
lie"happc to receive orders tor any of the above named
instruments, which he will deliver for cash or approved
credit at tiie lowest retail prices of New \ ork city. lie
would c all pal ticular attention to the Organ Ilariiiouium.
of late SO celebrated for Church use, being considered
preferable to, and less expensive, than good Organs.—
Price. Llo'i ; Mclodeons from i to to S2OO.
Every instrument fully warranted. Mclodeons tuned
and repaired on reasonable terms.
References— S. F. COI.T, Principal of Lohegiate Insti
tute, and Pr. S. Pu.vTT.
August 12, ls-ib. , p ; ;
rfAiip \f|s:yp< n \NSON resjipetfnllv inform the public
I tint the IPII Term ..f their school will open in th.
I new budding on secmd street. we*t of the Ward House,
on Moiidav September l.q I * 'O.
'.lis- u.'p. HANSON will have the geucrfll suj <■< cit- u
den.. ..I the st libel. n*-i-ted in Music 1 y Mi-s REiHH < A
P HANSON, and in Freneh bv Miss EMM t HANSON.
Thankful for the patronage already extended to them,
tlu v bog U ave to jss"re those entrusting Hioir daughters
in their ico th t every effort will Is- made to deserve
the eonfldenc" at.d fnv >r of their patrons.
11,,- ; v. ar w ill ' awtst of four qHrrlers. of eleven
weeks ea. h- 'Ttw sutiinu r vacation eoniiitciicing in Jul> .
and ending in September. A recess o! n lew day- wih ' c
taken at the holidays.
rKM MS, i'lltt <il AHTKR :
/•",, / elms T > include the t k-niMiUr.v Knglish i_ t( .
branches, and tin ~ 11. • Ilit' the I .at in language, i
.Strmd Clou To an lude tlu- mowa Ivan. l 'd l .
dit-~ of the Knglish iminchca.with Mathematics. :• a i
11 ml the study of lad in nod French. .
Th K! Class —To inelndfc Mathematics. Mental)
and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric. Botany, \c.. r *l3 no
with Latin and Freaeli >
Knelt i>npil will bring with her a desk and chair. There
vvdl be no extra chnrrre whatever. ....
Mrste Instruction mi the Piano. with use >t oistru
incut! will HE given by Miss KKUKCCA 1). H VNSON, at rid
per quarter.
Boarding for vimntr ladies cm tie obtained in private
families nt reasonable rales, l'upils from a distance ni l
receive the especial eare.ol the teat'hers.
I.KCT 'BKs on Moral and Intellectual FliUi"
snnhy. and tlie higher hr.un Ues ot English C jnipnaltinn,
nlll al i) lie delivered ouee or twice in each week.
Tin v I teg leal eto refer to the billowing nam 4 a ntlc
men:* llt.'.h V. Al os/.O ROTTKI:, Bisli >P HF the INlS'ese
o) l'uun'a. Philadelphia ; lb. v. Dr. MACLEAN, 1 RE J en •>.
tlie College of New Jersey.
lion. Hon. Vi ii.Mor. (i. F. M vsos. < . U
F. MK.VNS, I*. F. Bvusrow. II- S. MUKCI it, O- 1 • I-AHT-
Rt.rT. K. IK ijiOKicit. lowand ! •
L 1 1?. I'A IISONS, ATTOIiy hl\ A'/'
|i, . ,j.- Ti; oV. Bradford Co.. i'a. Office ovor i
M. aU. K. hong's amre. Aug-7 Wit;.
! I \|UKH FKHfc'— Also a few verv lnrtre Aim
II / smoked Tonffoes. at *" >uX '. s i._
|/ti;\l\ (Ml AI>IJKS ami llorsr U ikes lor
j\ | ,l" '"y /..tic is t. 11. *,> l Fit- Tth